POPE FRANCIS PRAYER & BLESSING WITH IMMIGRANTS AND … · 2019. 9. 19. · Life Experience & Faith...


Transcript of POPE FRANCIS PRAYER & BLESSING WITH IMMIGRANTS AND … · 2019. 9. 19. · Life Experience & Faith...

Page 1: POPE FRANCIS PRAYER & BLESSING WITH IMMIGRANTS AND … · 2019. 9. 19. · Life Experience & Faith Sharing Association Lincoln Hall Little Sisters of the Assumption Family Health

Friday, September 25thEast Harlem, NYC



Page 2: POPE FRANCIS PRAYER & BLESSING WITH IMMIGRANTS AND … · 2019. 9. 19. · Life Experience & Faith Sharing Association Lincoln Hall Little Sisters of the Assumption Family Health

“The treasures of New York” - newcomers to the United States seeking a better life for themselves and their families - are meeting with Pope Francis.

Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of New York, along with dedicated staff, volunteers and partner agencies, has long welcomed and provided help to integrate these new Americans into their new home.

This welcome is extended to Non-Catholic and Catholics alike and the work is proudly done in collaboration with many Non-Catholic partners.

Catholic Charities seeks to build solidarity among the diverse and broad range of New Yorkers – business, government, philanthropy, labor, religious, community, advocates – with the purpose of advancing the dignity of each person as made in the image and likeness of God by ensuring that their basic human needs are met.

The groups of immigrants and refugees gathered today are representative of the broad range of newcomers that Catholic Charities is privileged and charged to welcome.

We welcome His Holiness Pope Francis.

“I was a strangerAnd you welcomed me”

Matthew 25:35


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Entrance of His Holiness Pope Francis (Instrumental Music)

Gift Presentations to the Pope: Soccer Ball & Jersey from Unaccompanied Refugee Children Tools from Day Laborers Stories from American Dreamers & Seekers Altar Linens from Mother’s Group

Welcome and Presentation of a Cross of Solidarity by Catholic Charities This symbolizes the solidarity of the saving power of the Cross of Jesus withCatholic Charities transforming work of providing help and creating hope for the poor and vulnerable of all religions.

The Gospel of St. Matthew 25:34-38 Come, you who are blessed by my Father;

inherit, the kingdom prepared for you from the creation of the world.

For I was hungry and you gave me to eat, “Porque tuve hambre, y me disteis de comer” (Spanish)

I was thirsty and you gave me to drink, “Mwen te swaf dlo, nou ban m’ bwè.” (Creole)

I was a stranger and you welcomed me in, “我在异乡时,你们收留了我”(Chinese)

I was naked and you clothed me, (Arabic) ”يِنوُمُتْسَبلأَف ًانايرُع ُتنُك“

I was sick and you cared for me, “Ba febareh, topato won ngen ma” (Wolof)

I was in prison and you came to visit me. “J’étais en prison, et vous êtes venus à moi.” (French)

Remarks His Holiness Pope Francis

The Lord’s Prayer All

Blessing His Holiness Pope Francis

Exit of His Holiness Pope Francis (Instrumental Music)


Page 4: POPE FRANCIS PRAYER & BLESSING WITH IMMIGRANTS AND … · 2019. 9. 19. · Life Experience & Faith Sharing Association Lincoln Hall Little Sisters of the Assumption Family Health

Catholic Charities works with day laborers to protect their safety, ensure better pay and help with services in their communities. Members of these groups have built the chair, altar and pulpit for the Mass Pope Francis will celebrate at Madison Square Garden.

Day Laborers (Obreros Unidos-Yonkers, Port Chester & Staten Island)

The Catholic Charities Community Center in Kingston provides quality day care for children of workers, as well as helping with emergency food, youth recreation and access toimmigration legal services.

Agricultural Workers (Hudson Valley)

Catholic Charities works with and advocates for car washers to organize and bargain for improved wages and safe and decent working conditions.

Car Wash Workers

Immigrant Workers

Each year, Catholic Charities helps over 200 refugees seeking asylum in the United States with their legal defense and provides other services to assist their integration intocommunities throughout New York.

Refugees and Newcomers from Africa and Asia

Catholic Charities has helped Christians from Iraq, Syria and Egypt, all victims ofgovernment-sponsored persecution, find safety and a new home in New York.

Middle Eastern Christians

Refugees Escaping Religious, Political, and Social Status Persecution

Pope Francis will meet a diverse group of immigrants and refugees who represent a cross-section of the many people Catholic Charities is privileged to work with as they become new Americans in the United States.

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Immigrant Mothers Groups

Catholic Charities works with the mothers, wives and daughters of day laborers to develop employable work skills. Women from these groups sewed the linens for the Mass Pope Francis will celebrate at Madison Square Garden.

Proyecto Madres (Yonkers & Port Chester)

Catholic Charities provides English classes, health and job workshops and organizes peer support groups to a widerange of immigrants, including this community of Latino immigrant mothers and children from East Harlem.

ComUnidad Juan Diego in East Harlem

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These young men and women were brought to the United States as infants and children and raised and educated with the same dreams as native born Americans. Catholic Charities advocates and works to secure these dreams for thousands of young people in New York.


Catholic Charities works with young people throughout the South Bronx and Washington Heights to provide after school and weekend educational, leadership and civic programs to assist with completing high school and entering college. With their affiliates, environmental advocacy and initiatives are undertaken in heavily impacted sections of the Bronx.

Educational Advancement and Civic Engagement

Aspiring Immigrant Youth

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Children and Families Fleeing Violence and Poverty

Catholic Charities has provided legal assistance, social support and temporary housing for over 10,000 children who have fled from violence and abuse in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. Catholic Charities has formed a weekly soccer league near Yankee Stadium for these youth.

Unaccompanied Minors

Catholic Charities helps to reunite families who have been separated after the long and often dangerous journey into the United States.

Safe Passages Families

Catholic Charities provides legal assistance and other support to the Garifuna immigrants who have fled political corruption and chaos in Honduras and settled in the South Bronx.


Catholic Charities provides a wide range of services to diverse immigrants from throughout the Caribbean and Latin America, including English as a Second Language and Civics instruction, physical and mental health services and cultural programs.

Diverse Immigrant Families from the Caribbean & Latin America

Catholic Charities Guild for the Blind helps visually impaired immigrants by providing English language, academic, computer and employment training.

Blind and Visually Challenged Immigrants

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Grateful acknowledGment & appreciation for their contribution to the planninG, preparation, and carryinG out of his holiness pope francis’ Visit in east harlem with immiGrants and refuGees serVed by catholic charitiesis extended to the followinG:

Providing Help Creating Hope

Papal Visit NYC-2015 CommitteeStaff of the Archdiocese of New York United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

United States Secret Service

The Officials, Agencies, and Departments of New York StateThe Officials, Agencies, and Departments of New York City

The Trustees, Agencies, Staff & Volunteers of The Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of New York

The Department of Education of the Archdiocese of New YorkOur Lady Queen of Angels School and St. Ann’s School

AdLubowDKC Public Relations & DKC InciteDiversified Production ServicesSEG EventsStanton Communications

Musician Francisco Núñez

A Special Thanks to the Gift Presenters,Mr. Aurelio Castro Victoriano Mr. Mamadouh Drame Ms. Ignacia Gonzalez-Figueroa Ms. Catherine KinneyMr. Basilio Lopez Jimenez Mr. Ariel Maldonado Mejia Ms. Keidy Marin Mr. Lazaro Us Basquiax Ms. Agueda Zavaleta Cadena

And the Scripture Readers,Ms. Talia Bernal-LockspeiserMs. Rui Bin-Lin Mr. Stanley Grayson Ms. Jennifer Jones-Austin Ms. Sandra Joseph Mr. Craig Longley Mr. Mamdoh F. Mansor-Khalil Br. Paul Mendy Ms. Darlenys Núñez EstevesMr. Ishak SaadMr. Wilfried Tapsoba Mr. Robert Unanue

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Abraham HouseAstor Services for Children & FamiliesCardinal Hayes Home for ChildrenCardinal McCloskey Community ServicesCasita Maria, Inc.Catholic Charities Community ServicesThe Catholic Big Sisters Big BrothersCatholic Charities Community Services of Dutchess CountyCatholic Charities Community Services of Orange CountyCatholic Community Services of Rockland, Inc.Catholic Guardian ServicesCentro Maria ResidenceChrist House, Inc.Covenant House New YorkCreate, Inc.Dominican Sisters Family Health ServicesDon Bosco Community CenterDwelling Place of New York, Inc.Encore Community ServicesGood Counsel, Inc.Good Shepherd ServicesGrace InstituteGreater Chinatown AssociationIncarnation Children’s CenterJeanne d’Arc ResidenceKennedy Child Study CenterLadies of Charity of the Archdiocese of New YorkLamp MinistriesLavelle School for the BlindLeo House For German Catholic EmigrantsLeviticus 25:23 Alternative Fund, Inc.Life Experience & Faith Sharing AssociationLincoln HallLittle Sisters of the Assumption Family Health

Lott Assisted Living ResidenceMaria Droste Counseling ServicesMercy Center, Inc.Missionaries of Charity/Queen of Peace ResidenceMission of Immaculate VirginSt. Ignatius SchoolNazareth Housing, Inc.New Hope ManorNew York Foundling HospitalNewburgh MinistryOne to One Learning, Inc.Padre Pio ShelterPart of the Solution (POTS)Pax Christi Metro New YorkPregnancy Care CenterProvidence Rest Child Day Care CenterQueen’s Daughters Day Care CenterResource Center for Community Development (Hopeline)Robert B. Fox Memorial HouseRSHM Life CenterSacred Heart ResidenceSan Jose NurserySt. Agnes ResidenceSt. Anthony’s Shelter for RenewalSt. Benedict’s Day Nursery, Day Care CenterSt. Dominic’s HomeSt. Francis Counseling CenterSt. Francis ResidenceSt. Ignatius Loyola Day NurserySt. Joseph Immigrant HomeSt. Joseph School for the DeafSt. Mary’s ResidenceTolentine-Zeiser Community Life CenterXavier Society for the BlindYouth Ministries for Peace and Justice

the catholic charities of the archdiocese of new york is a federation of 90 affiliated aGencies located throuGhout the communities of the new york metropolitan area, that proVide help and create hope for hundreds of thousands of indiViduals and families in need, non-catholics and catholics alike. our federations of aGencies,

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Protecting & NurturingChildren & Youth

Strengthening Families &Resolving Crises

Supporting the Physically &Emotionally Challenged

Welcoming & IntegratingImmigrants & Refugees

Feeding the Hungry &Sheltering the Homeless

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“Before us is the tragedy of tens of thousands of refugees

who flee from death by war and famine, and who are making their way

towards a life of hope; the Gospels call on us to be ‘neighbors’ to the least and to the abandoned, to

give them concrete hope. It is not enough to say,

‘have courage, patience!’ Christian hope is more aggressive, with the

tenacity of one who rushes towards a certain goal.”

-Pope Francis, St. Peter’s Square, Vatican City

September 6, 2015

Page 12: POPE FRANCIS PRAYER & BLESSING WITH IMMIGRANTS AND … · 2019. 9. 19. · Life Experience & Faith Sharing Association Lincoln Hall Little Sisters of the Assumption Family Health