Politics, Prophecy & the Supernatural - lamarzullilamarzulli.net/march-2017.pdf · Just Say No...

$2.00 www.lamarzulli.net March, 2017 Reader Feedback Some of the responses we have received from readers like you Anthony Patch Necromancy Joseph Riverwind Scouting for Giants in Israel Richard Shaw Just Say No Fritz Zimmerman Babylonian Origins of Easter Politics, Prophecy & the Supernatural Matthew Brunet Bible, History, Culture and Apologetics Caspar McCloud Sinking Ships On The Water Are Not Free or Easy The Watchman Chronicles

Transcript of Politics, Prophecy & the Supernatural - lamarzullilamarzulli.net/march-2017.pdf · Just Say No...

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Reader FeedbackSome of the responses we have received from readers like you

Anthony PatchNecromancy

Joseph RiverwindScouting for Giants in Israel

Richard ShawJust Say No

Fritz ZimmermanBabylonian Origins of Easter

Politics, Prophecy & the Supernatural

Matthew BrunetBible, History, Culture and Apologetics

Caspar McCloudSinking Ships On The Water Are Not Free or Easy

The Watchman Chronicles

2 www.lamarzulli.net March, 2017

Bible, History, Culture and Apologetics

Matthew Brunet

One of the comments I hear quite often is, “the Bible isn’t history, it’s moral stories of religious events that teach us about God. It’s

not important whether they are historical or not because what’s really important is what they teach us”. The common biblical objections vary somewhat from that statement but they all imply the same idea, the Bible isn’t a historical document and should never be viewed in that light. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Bible is not only an incredible historical document which modern archeology continues to validate but it records the history of mankind from start to finish and continues to be relevant to every generation. What makes it difficult for many to accept is that woven within the historical narrative are supernatural events which reveal the Divine Creator and claims that the very words you are reading were inspired by God Himself. When you read the Biblical text those words were breathed into the authors so that they wrote exactly what God intended while using the distinct personality of each individual author.

2 Timothy 3:16-17

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:  17 That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.

2 Peter 1:21. 

For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.

Recently, a documentary was shown called   „IS GENESIS HISTORY“ (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tudQkA06tTM) which provided a basic understanding that the Book of Genesis is a historical narrative

that God wished to be recorded for all mankind to read and understand. Scientist from different disciplines came together to voice their view that the Genesis record was much more inline with the physical evidence we see around us than our secular world cares to believe. The evidence is the same for all, but how that evidence is interpreted leads to far different conclusions. Most within our culture look at the historical narrative of Adam and Eve, the Garden of Eden, the fall of mankind, Noah and the flood as merely stories that teach moral principles but surely not real historical events. 

Recently at work a fellow worker stopped me in the midst of 20 or 30 people and asked in a rather loud voice, “Hey Matt, you don’t really believe in a literal Adam and Eve and Noah and the flood story do you?”... (obviously that question was bouncing around in his brain seeing we hadn’t crossed paths in over 3 years.) Everyone’s ears were fixed on me at that point and I answered, “Sure I do. Those are all historical people and the events that took place really did happen. And if you care to know how I know that, I’ll be happy to explain it.” So....”You really do believe that stuff in Bible??? I think you’re the only person I know who still holds that position.” Later that day we sat down and had a 4 hour conversation concerning the history of the Bible and the identity of Jesus. Today, that conversation still continues.

History is defined as “the branch of knowledge dealing with past events. ... a continuous, systematic narrative of past events as relating to a particular people, country, period, person”. Needless to say that the Bible certainly falls within that definition so the real question is whether it is factual and reliable in its account of history. At this point I will briefly divide it up between the New Testament and Old Testament. Most historians accept the New Testament as a historical document because of its recent time period and the available documents (some 24,000) and non biblical documents that support it. Few if any contest the historical Jesus who was born in Bethlehem some two thousand years ago. The historical events of His birth, life, ministry, trial and death by crucification are rarely disputed. His claim of being the Messiah, performing miracles, the forgiving of sin, foretelling future events and His resurrection and appearances over 40 days are clearly disputed by those who wish to deny His truth claims. Make no mistake about it, Jesus claimed to be God many times and it was those claims that eventually cost Him His life. He didn’t leave the reader an option of

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saying Jesus was a prophet, a good man, a moral teacher. His claim to divinity was clearly understood by some Jews during His time of ministry. John 10:22-33

Mentioned throughout the NT are the names of cities, kings, rulers, movements, historical buildings, governments, written documents and all sorts of things historians rely upon to help determine the facts and historicity of documented events. Needless to say, the NT has been weighed in the balance and nothing has been shown that proves the NT to be anything other than a valid historical document which clearly records the narrative of history during that time. 

As we look back at the OT we quickly see that the same information continues to pour forth through the OT writings. Cities, rulers, wars, movements, laws, documents and other testable historical markers that can be studied and researched to see if the historical narrative is accurate. Unique to the Bible, old and new, is that it is the work of 40 authors over 1500 years that is internally coherent with no apparent contradictions. No other document in the history of the world can make such a claim and be tested time and time again and still to be found true. Those who authored the text were eye witnesses to many of the accounts and not the product of oral tradition and distant memories. Hostile writings have helped to verify its claims and with every archeological dig we see in the Holy Land more evidence is unearth as to the claims made in the OT. The greatest friend to the OT is archeology where evidence of the Hittites, Canaanites, King David, Baal worship, walls of Jericho, Temple Mount and numerous other discoveries continue to back the historical narrative of the OT. Let’s look at one discovery.

The Hittites were a powerful force from 1750 B.C. until 1200 B.C. but up until the 19th century nothing was known about them other then what was recorded in the biblical text. They were mentioned in Genesis 15:20 yet scholars questioned their historical existence. Then, in 1876, British scholar A. H. Sayce found some clay inscriptions, in Turkey, that were possibly attributed to the Hittite nation. Ten years later, five temples were found and many more tablets confirming the rights and ceremonies of the Hittite priest of that nation thus confirming the Hittite nation. Archeology helped to confirm what Genesis 15:20 wrote about. What you see once you take the time to investigate is that archeology confirms what the Bible purports. As scholar Dr. Fred Wright states,

“Now the Bible pictures fits in perfectly with what we know of the Hittite

Bible, History, Culture and Apologetics (continued)

nation from the monuments. As a empire that never conquered the land of Canaan itself, although the Hittite local tribes did settle there at an early date. Nothing discovered by the excavators has discredited the biblical account. Scripture accuracy has once more been proven by the archeologist.”

Let me interject one other unique quality of the Biblical text that no other religion claims. No other religion makes any prophetic claims that have come true. The Bible if full of prophetic statements that can be tested and shown to be true.  For a short list follow the link. https://carm.org/why-believe-christianity-over-all-other-religions  A unique test of a prophet was that if a prophet said “thus saith the Lord” and foretold of a future event and the event failed to be true the prophet would be stoned for he was a false prophet. (Deuteronomy 18) So it is with the Biblical text. Because the Bible claims to be the infallible Word of God, one false prophecy would invalidate that claim. It’s an all or nothing proposition. God cannot err or lie.

Why is it important for the Bible to be seen as historical? Because God did not call us to believe in myths and stories like fairy tales. Would you put your trust and hope in fairy tales? I sure hope not. 2 Peter 1:16 states «For we did not follow cleverly devised stories when we told you about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in power, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty.” Even back then, when the historical events were still fresh in the minds of everyone, the historical narrative was under attack. It hasn’t changed in 2000 years. You see, our faith is founded fact. It’s not a mindless leap where we disengage our brains so that we can believe the unbelievable. It’s real history. So next time when someone ask you do you believe in the story of Noah and the flood? Say, “you mean the historical narrative of the global flood? Of course I do”... because the greatest man who walked the earth  said in Matthew 24:37....”As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.” He speaking of a real person and a real event. Take His word on that...God knows what He’s talking about.

4 www.lamarzulli.net March, 2017

Sinking Ships On The WaterAre Not Free Or Easy

Caspar McCloud

Ships don’t sink because of the water around them, ships sink because the water that gets into them, don’t let what’s happening around

you get inside you and sink you down my friend. Best not to focus on the wind and the waves but on the living Word.

I tell you the truth those on the left who follow ungodly desires have plans to eventually destroy America with their Luciferian agendas, if the Lord doesn’t use someone like President Trump and his team to hinder and stop them first. From the look of things at the moment the Trump team have got many difficult obstacles still to overcome. If those on the left are able to go through with their New World Order plans they will at some point likely arrest president Trump on some false charges in future along with their fake news based on psyops, witchcraft and manipulations and have him placed in their prison system to silence him or worse. This means of course that another American Civil war will surly follow. Just because Trump won the election doesn’t mean you can roll over and go back to sleep oh sainted ones, this is a spiritual battle first. Mathew 26:40,”And he cometh unto the disciples, and findeth them asleep, and saith unto Peter, What, could ye not watch with me one hour?” The president needs the sincere heart felt prayers of the faithful every day, as does Israel. For the prayers of the righteous can change things and move the hand of God.

These verses come to mind. James 5:16,” Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”

Matthew 12:25,” And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand:”

Proverbs 21:1,” The king’s heart [is] in the hand of the LORD, [as] the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will.”

Psalms 22:28,” For the kingdom [is] the LORD’S: and he [is] the governor among the nations.”

We read in Genesis 11:6,” And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. 7 Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.”

I have spent a long time studying and sharing insights on how thoughts are created,(epigenetics) and how we need to take each one captive to the obedience of Christ to live in divine blessings. Today we once again have an international common language that all people can communicate with each other from every nation for the internet may indeed be the new version of the tower of Babel. Will history repeat itself like the chorus of a well known song? Or are we headed in near future to the grand finale of the greatest cosmic symphonic work ever created?

“The Truth is out there …. only if you are able to see it through the lens of the Holy Scriptures.

Is there a great deception already in place along with shadow governments, wars, rumours of war, pestilences and increasing number of earthquakes, along with lying signs and wonders? Are we being visited by Exterrestrial beings flying inside UFO’s from outer space or are they inner-dimensional and able to change forms? Why won’t the modern church teach about these things unfolding on the world stage from the Word of God instead of tickling the peoples ears with a feel good message of grace on steroids? If we are truly living in unprecedented times and coming to the time of the end, what if anything can we actually do about it? Are all those brilliant scientist at CERN simply working for a weapons development program with a hidden Luciferian agenda that thinks it will somehow defeat Christ at Armageddon? I write about definitive answers to such questions in my newest book Unmasking the Future.

This world doesn’t have the hope the way true believers have hope in Christ, so this world can’t rejoice as true believers can. Everywhere you look people are suffering with all manner of troubles and losing their

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peace in frustrations and operating with the spirit of fear (that God did not give you). Instead of turning to the only one who can fix the mess, they often turn to themselves and go even deeper into troubles. But the true believer can see solutions to all problems, stay in supernatural peace in all circumstances, operate in supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit and know our prayers are being answered.

We read in   Romans 12:12,”Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer;” Think about it…

Instead of focusing on your problems or the problems in this fallen world it be so much better to focus on Christ who holds the solutions. The Lord says in Hebrews 13:15,” By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.” In other words you don’t have to feel in the mood to worship when you truly know who you do actually love and worship.

If the Lord did such things as save and persevere out of a fiery furnace ( Daniel 3) the life of three young men who knew to worship the Lord our God only, what will he do for you today who decide not to bow down to any idols or spirit of fear? After all Hebrews 13:8 tells us Christ is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. In other words the Lord Jesus/Yeshua is still in the miracle business and wants to heal and restore you.

In the meantime, “Say can I have some of your purple berries?”

The Lord Jesus/Yeshua said in John 10:27,” My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:” Fight back overcomers, trust Papa God for every detail and stay in faith! Jesus said in Luke 21:15, “For I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which all your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay nor resist.’ I say hallelujah! Because “All”, things are possible with God! I pray the Lord’s supernatural peace, healing, provision and protection cover you always with oceans of agape love in the almighty name of Jesus/Yeshua!


Check out my newest song “America” that I wrote and recorded for Trey Smith’s film on Trump Prophesies. Downloads available from Caspar McCloud Music.com. Hard copies from SnT Radio.com/Store

Along with my newest music album Communion 2017 and “Faithfulness the Anthology 2008-2016

Also here is the link to my newest book “Unmasking the Future”


New Release

Sinking Ships On The Water Are Not Free Or Easy (continued)

6 www.lamarzulli.net March, 2017

Necromancy through magic is communication with the dead, either by summoning their spirit or raising them from the dead. The alchemic

“scientists” of today have particular emphasis upon the disciplines of particle physics employing accelerators and quantum computers, and their coalescing of DNA synthesis, is the subject of this article.

It is this synthesis of DNA for which 7 Cyclotrons and 1 Bevatron particle accelerators were first developed under Dr. Ernest Lawrence, and his physician brother Dr. John Lawrence at U.C. Berkeley. Their research lead to initial sequencing of a human genome of Dr. Craig Venter, employing Berkeley’s Synchrotron. The Large Hadron Collider at CERN is such a machine.

Having laid the foundation in previous articles for quantum computing, specifically the work of D-Wave Systems; I’ve cited their advanced state including those models not yet made public. This is where Enochian “magick” begins (the empirical mathematical language employed in modern-day necromancy). The discussion of a pre-Adamic language between humans and angels, encroaches upon a liminal arena dividing objective science and subjective “magick”. Or, is the question of such a division perhaps germane to the subject of necromancy and its attendant occulture?

Underway today is the syncretism by practitioners of superficially divergent schools, theologies and myths seeking henosis with their Demiurge of Shekhinah. A Hermetic priscatheologia underwrites cultural, political, theological and scientific communities worldwide, as derived from The Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trimegistus. Even the so-called “forbidden arts” of aeormancy, chiromancy, hydromancy, geomancy, spatulamany, and necromancy continue within the cloisters of CERN and D-Wave Systems employing their Hermetic wisdoms of alchemy, astrology and theurgy.

Ontological philosophies merge with engineering, employing the Hermetic Qabalah/Kabbalah and its attendant 10 Sephirot emanations, corresponding in their exactitude to specific multi-model quantum computers produced by D-Wave Systems. Spawned by such pre-

scientific occult organizations as the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn in the late 19th and 20th centuries, and their attendant First, Second and Third Orders of structure derived from Ciphered Manuscripts of so-called Secret Chiefs. As noteworthy, Aleister Crowley’s breakaway Ordo Templi Orientis and A.’.A.’., the Church of Satan and the Temple of Set groups factor into this scenario.

At the dawn of this 21st century, a modern critical transition point was reached between “magick” (Crowley’s spelling) and science. More accurately, a tipping point. For it is here, a new form of Geomantic instrument from that of Muhammad ibn Khutlukh al Mawsuli’s, (1241, Egypt/Syria), began revising our reality.

No longer employing the black mirrors observing spirit realms, D-Wave System’s black cubicle enclosures employ ancient Qabalistic practices of mathematical two-way communications with fallen angels. As combinatorial optimization, it has been illuminated in the revised reality of particle physics and its attendant accelerators/colliders; and henosis they seek in resurrecting their ancient deities and gods/goddesses.

Such complexities of communications are presage by notable figures as Nobel prize-winning American mathematician John Nash introducing the “Nash equilibrium” admitting he was in communication with aliens assisting his higher math. Srinavasa Ramanujan, crediting his revelations of complex mathematics to the goddess Mahalakshmi, receiving visions of scrolls of mathematical equations. Carl Sagan’s novel Contact acknowledged higher intelligences communicating with humans through advanced mathematics.

Theurgic and syncretism of Enochian mathematics within an occulted system of priestly necromancy of present-day quantum Hermetic science entangling their Demiurge in Shekhinah; D-Wave System’s ontological adiabatic computers displace the geomantic devices of ancient Egypt and Syria.

Synthesis of ancient DNA today are the practices of necromancers coalescing the entirety of human practices and records. The three-story, multi-tonned detectors, arrayed at four cardinal points of CERN’s Large Hadron Collider are in reality; magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and three-dimensional bioprinter triple function machines.

For in the end, these necromancers advance the philosophy/theology of merging science and nonduality, for the resurrecting of ancient DNA, coalescing anti-Christ’s spirit; Osiris/Nimrod.

Anthony PatchNecromancy

7 www.lamarzulli.net March, 2017

Scouting for Giants in Israel

The Nephilim is a subject matter from the fringes to the masses, from Hollywood to researchers at home, to those seeking the truth that

has been veiled behind centuries of lies and those who are continuing to expose the schemes of the kingdom of darkness. What does midrash about Nephilim look like in the Holy Land? Is this matter discussed where these biblical accounts originate from? Dr. Laralyn RiverWind and I were surprised at what we discovered and uncovered from the ancient land where giant tribes roamed according to oral and biblical writings.

In The Bible these tribes of fierce giants were the first obstacle that the Hebrews had to overcome before entering into the Promised Land. Stopping along the way to Masada we gazed upon the land of Jordan, the Dead Sea and Mount Nebo where Moses eyes scanned the horizon of what would soon be the homeland of the Judean people.

Located nearby is Gilgal of The Rephaim, an ancient ruin of Nephilim architecture comprised of concentric rings built by the Rephaim whose location would have fallen under the jurisdiction of King Og of Bashan who was killed by Moses and his warriors in the battle of Edrei.

In local Arabic tradition Og of Bashan is called “Uj Ibn Anaq” and there are ancient paintings of his exploits such as fishing while knee deep in the ocean and then frying the whales he caught. Now THAT’S a fish fry!

According to Numbers 13:33 Anak was the forefather of the Anakim which The Bible describes as the giant descendants of the Nephilim and The Bible gives us further clues stating this race of giants were Rephaites and what they may have looked like since the word “Anaq” means long necks. Deuteronomy 2:10-11 also tells us who the Rephaim were.

I wanted to find out if there was any connection between the Nephilim the ones found in the First Nations oral tradition. Historical records say

that the Philistines (Goliath’s tribe) were expert sea-farers. Is it possible that when the Hebrews came into the land they pushed some of these giant tribes out to sea that eventually came to what we knows as the Americas? While in the Old City of Jerusalem we walked into an antiquities dealer’s museum who shared with us that his family had been in this business for 80 years. After browsing several of the fascinating historical objects and listening to his vast historical knowledge I asked him about the giants and what his thoughts were on this controversial subject.

Without hesitation he said that he did believe that giant races once inhabited the land until the time the Hebrews came and eventually they were wiped out and others fled to sea. He shared some oral history about what the land used to look like and the stature of these ancient giants who towered over normal sized men.

The most fascinating part of the conversation was when he excitedly pulled out a book about the ancient history of the Holy Land and flipped to a page showing archaeological excavations of ancient giant tels that showed the layers of civilizations built upon one another over thousands of years.

I immediately wanted to burst at what I was seeing and then he confirmed what I was looking at in shock. Without hesitation he pointed at the page and said in a matter of fact tone of voice; “The giants were mound builders.”

Joseph Riverwind

8 www.lamarzulli.net March, 2017

Richard Shaw

Just Say NoResistance to the Truth

BLACK. Music Starts.

Netflix has a new series they’ve posted called Abstract, The Art of Design. I relate to some of the people in this series. Being asked to be creative on-cue, and the pressure that creates. To do something remarkable over and over again. Like Christoph Niemann, one illustrator for the cover of The New Yorker said, “how can I know I’ll be able to win the lottery again?” referring to a great idea he had a few years ago, and now has to top it. Every job is tough. It never gets any easier. Failure is not an option.

Tinker Hatfield famously designed shoes for Nike. He had the idea to expose on the side of the shoe, the little air bag suspension that was at the heart of the way they cushioned your step. It was a brilliant idea, and they sold like crazy. But design is not just an artistic thing. It’s how you do your job. It’s using the skill that God has given you, whatever that may be. Practical solutions, sometimes that include a design sense. Inspiration doesn’t always come at the times you want it to. It’s 2:20am at the moment.

Donald Trump — for years he built a mega company but then got into television and did a show The Apprentice where he was the negotiator on new companies. Managing groups of people, he did 186 successful shows. Later, The New Celebrity Apprentice replaced the old show. Starring action figure and former California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, it tanked in spectacular fashion. Has Arnold lost his touch, or should he simply stay in movies?

If you ever watched the show when Trump was on, his tactics were brilliant, measured responses to teams of people, and yet bold enough to fire someone who couldn’t produce. Trump is a true business executive. He knows what he’s doing, and his tactics are not always understood

by the uninitiated. Now, all his sense of design and negotiation are under fire by the Left. It’s their mission to just say no to anything he proposes. To distort and prevent any forward momentum. There will be no cooperation. Good ideas mean nothing. The people they serve are wholly unimportant. It’s about power and control. Their control. No respect will be shown, and subterfuge along with leaks and CIA corruption are all in play. The damage of the past 16 years of Bush and Obama are now shockingly evident. We’re watching an attempted coup take place to try and overthrow our elected president, driven by well funded teams that Soros commands, and some say that Obama is managing all this from his new pad in DC. While I wouldn’t put it past him, I also wouldn’t credit Obama for having enough managerial sense to pull it off alone. He would need powerful allies. As always, follow the money.

The rest of us ordinary peons wonder what the big deal is. We all are just trying to make a living and it’s not getting any easier. So far, there’s not a thing that Trump’s done that didn’t need to be done. His decisions use simple common sense, or things we’d hoped our elected representatives would do. Protect our borders. Keep Islamic terrorists and Mexican drug lords out of our country. Renegotiate our foreign trade laws. Remove punitive tax burdens and regulations that are strangling our businesses. Get people back to work and off the government dole. Stop the false idea that church and state are always in opposition to each other when the founders of our country never intended for it to go this far. No longer force average citizens to pay for someone else’s abortion. Put Iran on notice for test-firing ballistic missiles in defiance of the UN resolution. Repair our damaged relationship with Israel. Not require schools to be forced to build separate rest rooms for transvestites. And on and on… All these things needed to be done and Trump is doing them. But the Left will fight each of these sensible issues tooth and nail. Read any of the comments on political articles and you can observe that the majority of Americans are seething over it. Some are calling for public hangings. I’m amazed at what people are saying, and it’s no longer an isolated thing. They’re in support of Trump, and the Left is rapidly losing ground. Yet there are those die-hards that have been brainwashed.

The issues are common sense things that needed to be corrected after eight years of Obamanation. Instead of cooperation and breathing a sigh of relief, we have orchestrated violent protests where people are getting paid to do it. Guys in ski masks that are bussed in to various cities, throwing live fireworks at buildings on the Berkeley campus all because a gay conservative speaker was scheduled to speak. Of all

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places, Berkeley should have been the perfect venue for a guy like Milo, but the place erupted in what now seems obvious as pre-paid violence to disrupt and destabilize our free speech laws. Personally, while I don’t agree with all of Milo’s gay agenda, I think he got railroaded unfairly. Nothing he said involved pedophilia with children. He himself was sexually molested by a priest as a child. For now, he’s been silenced. And, it gets worse. Everyday it’s something new and stupid. People are getting frustrated with it.

Maxine Waters, democratic Rep from California, demonstrated epic rudeness calling Trump’s cabinet of business experts “a bunch of scumbags,” spouting ridiculous conspiracy theories on Russia, while Nancy Pelosi seemed to be suffering a senior moment, forgetting what State governor Kasich is from, and called Martin Luther King, Martin Luther Sing. These are obvious and worrisome mental issues. Some think she is suffering from early stage dementia or Alzheimers, or that she’s on some form of powerful prescription drug. “By the way, do you know who the poorest people in America are? Infants and children. Infants and children,” she said. Wow. Others say Pelosi looks as if she’s in a daze when she talks. I’ve noticed that too. Have you?

And they criticize Trump. CNN continues to go down the ratings tubes as they ramble on in an endless tirade against Trump or anything his people do. And MSNBC, ABC and CBS all do it too in different ways. Propaganda is also there via heart-throb commercials on immigration and poor little kids wanting in to the country, while the actual Trump mandate only restricted a little over a hundred people from terrorist countries — the same countries that Obama restricted just a few years ago. Trump does it and the whole mainstream media reacts. Obama did it, and no one mentioned it. Truthfully, hardly anyone noticed. Meanwhile, a man drives a car into pedestrians outside a bakery in Heidelberg, Germany, killing one person and injuring at least two others. Cops have to shoot him.

So, what has Trump done to warrant all the abuse as well as MSM continuous badgering? It’s that Trump is an outsider, not a politician. He can’t be bought off because he doesn’t need the money. It’s easy for him to see the issues and want to correct them. In his last statement he said “I’ve inherited a mess.”

There is also massive corruption in the government. One of my sources was telling me of a pedophilia ring in the government that numbered

Just Say No (continued)

into the hundreds. Beyond Pizzagate. Trump’s team are being plagued by leaks of the President’s phone, and illogical and persistent allegations of Russian involvement in the election — as if Putin could affect the actual number of electoral votes, or that Trump, who has repeatedly said he has no property in Russia or knows anyone there, might have been in coercion with Putin to win the election. It’s an obvious hoax, but that’s all the Left has. Even outsiders, people that I know that I speak with from other countries, feel the Democrats have gone crazy. This perception is not good for our country. There is an agenda. It’s no longer hidden. Their reactions now appear desperate, if not verging on group insanity.

On top of this is what the Leftist government in California has failed to do, keep this State from literally falling apart. Gov. Brown is now dealing, or perhaps he’s really too inept or too late to do much to affect the Oroville dam issue. At full capacity, the Oroville Dam can hold 900’ of water. At the time of this writing, it’s currently at 845’ and gradually rising. Water is constantly being let out to relieve the pressure. More rain is predicted, and later this Spring, officials have stated they worry about snow melt. If it goes, almost 200,000 people would be swept away in a few minutes — without time to evacuate. It would be a disaster in proportion to the 1906 San Francisco earthquake where over 227,000 people were left homeless. And yet, this is only one dam of hundreds that are swollen and in need of repair. How things can change in just a few months, from epic drought, to epic flooding. And yet, some Dems in California are talking about seceding from the Union. It may restart a Republican move to repair the damage this state has endured and the bad reputation it has received. Hollywood is totally another story.

Instead of tax dollars being used to keep our state from falling apart, the government pays for health care for illegals, as well as the constant issues of violent crime and drugs. But the Left can’t see any difference between legal immigration — becoming a US citizen — and uncontrolled illegal immigration. They treat the two as the same and make it sound as if conservative common-sense values are cruel and lack compassion. That all should be let in, no matter what it does to our culture or the economy, as residents and businesses continue to shoulder the highest tax burden in the nation as well as some of the highest gas prices also due to taxes. Business are moving out in droves because of it. Nestle just moved hundreds of jobs to Virginia, but L.A. Biz noted that the reason wasn’t just taxes, but stratospheric energy costs on top of everything

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else. Meanwhile, Obama is buying a house in Palm Springs. Maybe he can take in a few Syrian Islamic refugees and set a good example.

While all this is going on, there is a sense that the country is on the verge of a civil war or an attempt on Trump’s life. The absence of reality and common sense of actual facts can’t be ignored forever. The two metropolises of New York and L.A. stubbornly hold fast to their bizarre liberal mindsets and aging leadership, even when it is rapidly becoming clear that their plans have all but miserably failed, their leadership conceited and arrogant, and that they offer no real solutions and haven’t in decades. Much of this, in my opinion, is because of a lack of respect for Godly principles, which are obviously and notoriously absent from their rhetoric and actions. While Trump is not perfect, he is exposing all of this while the media controlled by powerful forces are not in congruence with the American people. It is our biggest threat to personal freedom and truth, and the result could erode the security and prosperity of our nation to a point where even President Trump can’t fix it, and where ordinary citizens eventually have to take a stand for rationality and liberty once again.

— Richard Shaw www.endtodarkness.com www.pinlight.com

Just Say No (continued)

There is a code in the TORAH, the first five books of the Old Testament. The Code is real and mathematically provable. Incredibly, the Code seems to have information about what is happening today. Names, places and events are all en-coded. The TORAH is not a crystal ball but new clues seem to indicate that it was meant for our generation to discover its secrets.

Order Today!

11 www.lamarzulli.net March, 2017

into heaven and was now to be called “Baal,” the sun god. His presence would felt when a votive candle or flame was lit in his name. Thus begins the Mystery Religion of Semiramis with icons that would continue in part by the later Christians even today. As the story of Semiramis continues, I will show how it is manifested in today’s Easter Holiday.

As Semiramis assumed a goddess status, she claimed that she descended from the moon in the form of an egg that splashed into the Euphrates River.

This egg was to be known as Easter’s (Ishtar’s) egg and was to be celebrated on the first full moon after the Spring Equinox. Christians celebrated Easter on the first Sunday following the first full moon after the Equinox.

Ishtar feared being dethroned and so she claimed that she was immaculately impregnated by the sun-rays of Baal. She gave birth to a son, called Tammuz. Tammuz was very fond of rabbits and so they became a sacred animal

Bad luck befell Tammuz as he was killed by a wild pig. Semiramis proclaimed that a forty day period of mourning would be observed every year on the anniversary of his death; during this time, no meat was to be eaten. Of course, this is now known as Lent.

This is part two of last month’s article that

introduced the Babylonian queen, Semiramis. She endeavored to be assimilated into all forthcoming religions and thus live on in the hearts of men. It is the origins of the Biblical quote: Judges 2:3 “They shall be as thorns in your sides, and their gods shall be a snare unto you.” With this in mind, let’s take a look at the upcoming Christian festival of Easter and discover the ancient symbolism and true meaning of all of the seemingly harmless rituals performed by the “flock.”

Semiramis is known by many names and has been adopted by many cultures, just as she wished. In Egypt

she was known as Isis, In Israel, she was Ashtoreth the sister city to Edrei and home of the infamous giant Rephaim King, Og. In Babylon, she was also called Ishtar, pronounced “Easter.”

To recap last month’s article, Semiramis was married to the great-grandson of Noah, Cush. After his death, she marries her son, Nimrod. Semiramis told the people that after Nimrod’s death, he had ascended

Fritz Zimmerman

Babylonian Origins of Easter

Origins of Easter Bunny

Semiramis Egg

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Ishtar proclaimed that because Tammuz was killed by a pig, that after the forty days of mourning, that one should be slaughtered and consumed in reference to Tammuz.

The first day of the week would now be called Sun-day in honor of Tammuz. The first Sun-day, following the first full moon of the Equinox, would now be known as Ishtar (Easter) day. The day was to be celebrated with symbols of rabbits and eggs.

Ishtar asked her followers to make the sign of the “T” on their hearts as they worshiped and prayed to Baal and Tammuz.

Now you know the strange icons of Easter and its origins. Semiramis smiles every Easter as Christians unknowingly worship her, Baal and their son, Tammuz. But there is one more symbol that I want to show to let you know that Semiramis is alive and well in the U.S.A. with one of our greatest monuments.

The Statue of Liberty was made by the artist Auguste Berholdi who belonged to the Masonic Lodge in Paris. The pedestal was built be another Freemason, Richard Hunt. When completed in 1886, American clergy were horrified that this giant pagan goddess was placed in New York harbor. The Masons kept a low profile on this project that was completed just two years after another of their pagan monuments was dedicated to George Washington, just two years earlier. The Washington monument was constructed to be 555 feet or 6660 inches. This was in line with the Babylonian numerology codex of Gematria that dictated that 666 was symbolic of the sun god Baal. 1080 was the number for Semiramis. The importance of 555.5 is that it if multiplied by pi it totals 1746 that is the sum total of 666 + 1080. 1746 or 555 were meant to represent the Sacred Marriage of the Sun and Moon or Nimrod and Semiramis.

Happy Easter!

Babylonian Origins of Easter (continued)

After the 40 days of not eating meat, Semiramis dictated that the follower of her Mystery Religion eat Ham in honor of the death of her son Tammuz on Easter Sun-day.

This is a papal medal that was made in 1824 showing Ishtar. Ashteroth is

Hebrew means “tower woman.”

Semiramis with her solar headdress representing the Sun and the flame held above her head in remembrance of Nimrod or Baal.

13 www.lamarzulli.net March, 2017

It’s always an honor to be able to contribute to Prophecy Watcher’s monthly magazine.

I was recently at PW and Bob Ulrich asked me to write an article which, of course I was delighted to do.

I have a new series coming out, it’s called The Watchman Chronicles. Volume 1, is called In Their Own Words: UFOs are Real!

The film explores the reality that between 5% (as a low) to 35% (as a high) of people sitting in the pews of churches all across America, have seen lights in the sky, UFOs and other anomalies that they can’t account for.

Folks something is going on and we, in the church, need to begin to talk about it without fear of ridicule and being called a nut-case or conspiracy theorist.

Everyone, who comes on the record, in my new film, is a spirit-filled-born-again-Christian and, in many cases, these folks have never been bold enough to come on the record publicly.

People from all walks of life appear, in the film, as well as a variety of pastors and well-known authors like Paul McGuire, Carl Teichtrib, Pastor Billy Crone and or course the Elder Statesman of The Biblical-Prophetic-Narrative, Gary Stearman.

The Watchman Chronicles is a new series and is my first stand-alone film.

This is a departure from the Watchers series that Richard Shaw and I created. We made 11 films, in the Watchers series and while these films are, what I would call cutting edge, I felt the need to branch out on my own, in a new direction, with the new Watchman Chronicles series.

L.A. MarzulliThe Watchman Chronicles

Here’s the back-story of how we created Watchers!

The Watchers Series came about from my appearances on the History Channel’s Ancient Aliens series.

Much of what I had stated in the interviews with The History Channel was left on the cutting room floor and even though I appeared in season 1, and season 2, and was asked to come back on for season 3, I felt as though I wasn’t getting a fair shake.

I thought that creating my own film was the way to go, but it would take another incident to push me over the edge. Here’s what happened.

I remember leaving a studio in Hollywood where the Producers were thinking about a reality TV show called The Gray Area. I was there because I had been contacted by the producers and asked to audition.

I found myself in a room full of very diverse people. There were psychics, stage-magicians, actresses, two actors/hosts from what had become defunct TV shows, and me. I was not only the oldest person in the room—including the producers!—but the only person who had actually written a book!

I saw the way the game is played, first hand. I realized why some call Hollywood, Tinsel Town. It really is smoke and mirrors! In other words, many of the shows we see on TV are crafted, managed and produced to promulgate a particular paradigm. Most often every world-view or paradigm is accepted, with the exception of the Christian/Biblical one.

When I left the studio I called Richard Shaw and stated, why don’t we make our own film about UFOs.

This was the nexus of how Watchers came about.

The Watchman Chronicles: In Their Own Words

I travel all over the United States and Canada, speaking at conferences. I use this opportunity to film the folks who have encountered UFOs, and come on the camera and tell about it, In Their Own Words!

These people have seen something and their testimonies are true. We have folks who report seeing everything from strange lights in the sky, diamond shaped craft, the classic disc-shaped craft, to dancing orbs

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that change color, as they dart about the night sky. What are we to make of these sightings? Should we ignore them?

NO! In my opinion, these enigmatic lights are yet another sign that we are in the last days. Remember what Paul admonishes us, as he states:

“Satan comes with all signs and lying wonders.”

I think his words are timely and poignant for the times in which we live.

There’s a retired pilot who has flown for more than 40 years, who comes on the record. His UFO encounter took place decades ago but his recollection of the event he witnessed is fresh in his mind, as if it happened yesterday.

The pilots name is Dennis and he is also a trained witness. He gives very specific, detailed information about his encounter.

The UFO moved at speeds in excess of 30,000 miles per hour when it approached Dennis’ commercial airliner. The UFO flew next to his plane for about seven minutes, before it finally left the scene, at the same incredible speed as when it approached the plane.

There is also new information about the so-called UFO crash in Roswell, New Mexico, that happened in 1947.

Two witnesses, who come on the record for The Watchman Chronicles, In Their Own Words, recall the testimony of Colonel Hill, who passed away about a month after he confided in them that the crash that happened at Roswell, was not a weather balloon.

One astonishing detail of my interview with these folks happened when they told me Colonel Hill had actually tried to communicate with one of the so-called alien beings at Roswell. They also stated that the “alien,” who was under five feet in height, had a large head, large almond-shaped eyes and had a one-piece gray jump-suit on.

I think the most revealing aspect of the interview was when they stated on camera the entity had six fingers.

Perhaps the center piece of the film is my interviews with Al Matthews. Al had experiences with the UFO phenomenon that were ongoing. He

The Watchman Chronicles (continued)

Stay up-to-date with the latest discoveries and L.A.’s analysis of the news!

Follow L.A. on YouTube!

L.A.’s official Politics, Prophecy, &the Supernatural Report Website

15 www.lamarzulli.net March, 2017

was “taken” many times and some of these episodes are recreated for the film.

Al was driving in his car on the way home from work when both Al and his car were taken into a ship. Four hours later he was lowered back onto the road in a brilliant bean of light. His body was vibrating and he was terrified. He discovered he had four hours of missing time and was hundreds of miles from where he should have been.

For this new film I hired the services of Wesley Sangiori who is a Graphic Motion Artist. Wesley brings to life the stories and testimonies throughout the movie and he did an amazing recreation of Al’s story and the other accounts that are in the film.

Throughout The Watchman Chronicles the use of CGI—Computer Generated Images—enhance the testimonies that people bring to the table.

In Their Own Words—UFOs Are Real! is the first film inThe Watchman Chronicles series and there will be more to follow. I love the idea of getting people to come on the record and giving them a platform to share their stories, that might otherwise, never see the light of day.

I’m on the Trail!

ORDER NOWhttp://www.thewatchmanchronicles.com

16 www.lamarzulli.net March, 2017

Dear Mr. Marzulli, I am currently in a Bible study with women who are fellow Christians.  They are performing deliverances from demon spirits as above—on me—and it is working.  A book I would recommend is “Pigs in the Parlor, (The Practical Guide To Deliverance)”.  It tells how Satan uses his demon forces to attack God’s people/unbelievers to keep them suppressed/oppressed and ineffective in life.   If you haven’t read the book, I highly recommend you do so.  I ordered “Pigs in the Parlor” through  Amazon.com.  I strongly recommend it for others who suffer from spirits of oppression, as I noted on your blog today.   Blessings to you, your wife, your family, and your friends. S. and B.

•Good morning Mr. Marzulli,

Thank you for all your tireless work.  I enjoy your various presentations on YouTube.

Please continue to keep your speaking engagement info posted - if you are ever in the GA/AL area I would like to attend in person with my family.

God bless and protect you,

David W.

FEEDBACKSome of the responses we’ve received from readers like you...

You know I was jarred into thinking about something I saw on one of your recent vids...   

One of my two military daughters is in school in Arizona at Ft Huachuca--she is an intelligence officer.

Anyway...as I was driving ..I think across I 10 about hour or so from my destination on a deserted road...I mean nothing...about...mmmm.. 130 a.m...I saw 2 things that really got my attention  A. a train--which I will share with you when i see you next month  B. lights very similar to this pic here.  I couldnt use my phone as it was dead ...but they were gold-amber in color....one popped up....glowed very brightly ...then two more appeared ...one to the left...one to the right....they moved slightly up and down...came back together as one and then ..POOF..disappeared.

Just thought I d share that with you....

Love in Christ...Always, B.

•Thank you for the anointing God has placed on your life. I have seen many lights in my back yard. It is a Alien image on left mirror of my car. I have been followed. Now I know what I have to do!! That is..get on the battlefield of prayer and fight!!!


•Watched you with Gary Stearman.   Watched every show you ever had with Gary.

LA.  Do you believe that Trump’s victory will force the the Shadow Government, NWO, (whoever they are) to disclose UFO’s ?

I do.  Trump’s victory along with Brexit, and other people waking up to their loss of identity and freedom will force the Globes toflip the belief system of billions of people to regain

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control.  Personally I never saw a Trump victory, but as usual God is sovereign and He has his plan.   I read your book “The Cosmic chess match”.   Now I believe that the evil one has a counter move and it is going to be a big one.  Disclosure !

Hope to catch up with you in ABQ again.  

God’s blessingCharlton N., Cedar Crest NM

•I thought todays Bun was a great reply.  If we don’t know the truth about the history of Nephilim then we would not understand the importance of our salvation.  It was about destroying the coming of the King.  2,000 years ago and also now.  Satan can not stop what was accomplished at the cross.

However, he is trying to destroy as many of Gods creation as possible.  Taking the mark of the beast (DNA structure) will damn that person to hell.  Since he knows he can not stop the salvation story, he is trying to stop the creation from redemption.

Plus, he wants to smear into Gods face that Gods creation is worshipping Satan and not God.  Great piece.  I want to be imformed.


•I just watched you on YouTube speaking at a conference where you called Hillary Clinton a “witch” with a “b”. How can a Christian stand in front a group of people and call someone a Bitch! One of the main tenants of the Bible is that we love one another, whether we like them or not. The Lord asks us, how can we say we love Him and hate our neighbor who we see everyday. We’re suppose to love our enemies and PRAY for them. Maybe if you would’ve prayed for Hillary (and other you don’t agree with), the

Lord would not have allowed you to be foiled by a “fake fairy”.  Jo 

My Response - Jesus called the Pharisees white washed tombs and vipers. I stand by what I said.  L. A. 

•I enjoyed reading your Sunday Bun today. Unfortunely when I try to share anything from you, Skywatch TV, Prophecy Watchers & Russ Dizdar etc. to my H.S. filled friends of many years they tells me 2 Timothy 4:3 KJV3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; They don’t want to hear any of it so I stopped trying. Keep up the good work, Lord bless you. Catherine

•I don’t pray to Mary Or follow the pope. But there is way more scholastic study and guidance amongst Catholic Churches than these Protestant churches who teach only the cross. And occasionally Paul. Thank God for people like you and Sid Roths show. Kevyn

•Howdy from Texas, Hope all is well!

i am writing to ask you if in your knowing of the your white horse, did our Lord make known to you whether He will be waiting in the air with all of our white horses when the rapture takes place?  I am curious if you had this too as I had a picture of that in my mind this weekend.

Thank you brother for all that you do and all of your sacrifices that you and your family make as Watchmen.  We love you all and thank you so much for all you do. 

Your sister in Christ, Susie