Political Party Unit

tical Parties in Amer
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Transcript of Political Party Unit

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Political Parties in America

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Major Parti es in America

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• Definition:–Strong support of a political party and

their policies.


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• Parties act as ‘watchdogs’ over the conduct of the people’s business.

• When is this particularly true?– When a party is out of

power (does not control the executive branch)


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• Definition:–Opposed to the party in power but loyal

to the people and the nation.

Loyal Opposition

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• Argument over the ratification of the new Constitution.

1. Federalists2. Anti-Federalists– Democratic-Republicans

Origin of Two-Party System

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PA Congressional Districts

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PA District 13

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PA Election Results in 2008

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• Definition:–The largest number of

votes for an office.– NOTE: a plurality need

not be a majority (which is more than half of all votes cast)


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• Definition:–When both major political parties work

together on an issue.


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• The one-party system is really a NO PARTY system.• Usually found in dictatorships today.

One-Party System

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• Formed around Alexander Hamilton.

• Appealed to financial, manufacturing and commercial interests.

• Wanted a strong national government and executive.

• What was their view of the Constitution? – Liberal (loose) interpretation


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• Key leader Thomas Jefferson.• Appealed to shopkeepers,

laborers, farmers and planters.

• Wanted a limited national government where Congress would have more power.

• What was their view of the Constitution?– Strict interpretation


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• Jefferson’s election in 1800 marked the beginning of Democrat domination until the Civil War.

• The Whig Party were able to win 2 presidencies because they ran war heroes:– William Harrison 9th and Zachary Taylor 12th

Era of Democrats 1800-1860

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• Starting with Lincoln, the GOP dominated the national scene for 75 years.

• Who did the Republicans get support from?– Business/financial interests and newly freed slaves

Era of Republicans 1860-1932

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Republicans Democrats





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• The Great Depression returned the Democrats to national prominence until 1968.

• What was their new electoral base?– Southerners, unions, big-city political machines, minorities

Return of Democrats 1932-1968

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• What issues did the Democrats struggle with in 1968?– Civil Rights, Vietnam War, social issues

• Define Divided Government– One party controls Executive Branch (Presidency), other

party controls the Legislative Branch (Congress)

The Start of a New Era 1968 -

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• Minor parties are numerous in America.

• Often short lived, but can play an important role in the American political process

• There are (4) distinct types of minor parties in America….

The Minor Parties in America

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Particular set of beliefs = view of social, economic, and

political matters

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Greenback Party

Populist Party

Real or imagined enemies = bankers or

monetary system

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