Plug ins annotation 2

Kieran Dixon Plug-In Annotations- 2 For the second task I used the panning and volume tools to change the way the audio was listened to as a whole, and how it looked as a layout. What the panning tool does is creates a way for a sound to fade in or out, and feel as if it is coming from a certain direction. The volume contorl, howevere, was used to alter the sound and make it so that the noise was able to be heard, but also did not get too loud as when that happened, it tended to ‘fuzz’ and the sound got static-like. Also, with the volume, I could create little points of which then I would manipulate into making the sound get louder or quieter at certain points.

Transcript of Plug ins annotation 2

Page 1: Plug ins annotation 2

Kieran Dixon Plug-In Annotations- 2

For the second task I used the panning and volume tools to change the way the audio was listened to as a whole, and how it looked as a layout. What the panning tool does is creates a way for a sound to fade in or out, and feel as if it is coming from a certain direction. The volume contorl, howevere, was used to alter the sound and make it so that the noise was able to be heard, but also did not get too loud as when that happened, it tended to ‘fuzz’ and the sound got static-like. Also, with the volume, I could create little points of which then I would manipulate into making the sound get louder or quieter at certain points.