Please find enclosed the Inception Report of the Lead...

REPUBLIC OF THE GAMBIA PROJECTS COORDINATION UNT DEPARTMENT OF STATE FOR EDUCATION WILLY THORPEPLACE BUILDING BANJUL, THE GAMBIA TEL NO: (220) 228522/224934/228365 FAX NO: (220)225066 224th October, 2001 REF: DSEIPM/ED.31195/(JG/AG) TO ALL ADDRESSEES: Dear Sirs/Madams, SUBJECT: THIRD EDUCATION SECTOR PROJECT CREDIT NO. 3128-GM INCEPTION REPORT IN ASSISTANCE IN CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT COMPONENT Pleasefind enclosedthe InceptionReportof the Lead Consultant from Consortium for International Development (CID)for your perusaland retention. Thank you for your usual cooperation. Sincerely, Jawara Gaye Deputy ProjectManager,PCU/DoSE Copies: File/R-file SCANNED FILE COPY 8-ssionNo Bo x No. 9 H09 ~ . 2001 I og No. < nto. I aere,a~ '. ., -Aid Coord. / Intma w .srsILending/TopIcd/IAdm. 71 %2-; FokierI SubWokdr:

Transcript of Please find enclosed the Inception Report of the Lead...

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BANJUL, THE GAMBIATEL NO: (220) 228522/224934/228365

FAX NO: (220) 225066

224th October, 2001



Dear Sirs/Madams,



Please find enclosed the Inception Report of the Lead Consultant from Consortium forInternational Development (CID) for your perusal and retention.

Thank you for your usual cooperation.


Jawara GayeDeputy Project Manager, PCU/DoSE

Copies: File/R-file


8-ssionNo Bo x No.

9 H09 ~ . 2001 I og No.

< nto. I aere,a~ '. ., -Aid Coord. / Intmaw .srsILending/TopIcd/IAdm. 71 %2-;

Fokier I SubWokdr:

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Page 3: Please find enclosed the Inception Report of the Lead · CAPE POINT UNDP COUNTRY ... life and communication

Inception Report

Third Education Sector ProjectAssistance in Curriculum Development Coniponent

October 2001

Submitted toProject Coordinationi Unit

Departmilenit of State for EducatioiiThe Gamibia

Subniitted byThe Consortium for International Development

6367 E. Tanque Verde, Suite 200Tucson, Arizona 857115


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1.1 Purpose of the Inception Report

The broad purpose of the Inception Report is to set out the Consultant's approach tothe Project. Included in the approach is the articulation of the overall requirementsof the project related to the proposed methodology, program of work, and staffingrequirements. Generally the Inception Report is the blueprint for the life of theproject. Central to the Report are the objectives of the project together with theactivities that are planned in order to meet those objectives.

The Inception Report is prepared after the first team member has initiated work onthe project. It is after the initial phase of the project work that the Inception Reportcan be written since another purpose of the Report is that of reality check and a fieldpresence is necessary for that aspect.

It is important for the contents of the Inception Report be understood and agreed toby the Gambian Department of State for Education (DSE). Input from the DSE andthe Gambia College is vital for the development of the Inception Report, as theleadership of those organizations must validate proposed tasks in order to beactivated. In order to be accurate and to accomplish the proposed work, it will alsobe important for personnel from those institutions as well as from the educationalcommunity (stakeholders) in Gambia to cooperate to complete the necessary tasks.

1.2 Status of education in Gambia

In November 1999, the Gambia Department of State for Education completed themost recent annual review of the state of education in the country. The reviewfocused on the progress made in the first phase of the Third Education Sector Projectand addressed capacity building issues in the education component and examinedissues related to children's access to high quality primary and secondary education.

The 1999 review revealed that the gross enrollment rate had increased from 59% ip1991/92 to 72% in the 1998/99 academic years. This translated to the fact that 72children out of every 100 school age children attended school. In addition, thenumber of children progressing to the second level of education also increased from35% in 1988 to 87% in 1998, which was the beginning of the 1998-2005 RevisedEducation Policy.

A synthesis of the Third Education Sector Programme was prepared in December2000 by Mr. Baboucarr Bouye, Director of Planninlg for Education. This report statedthat the intake for the Primary Teacher Certificate (PTC) increased to 23 1 while theHigher Teacher Certificate (HTC) increased to 299 in the ten-year period from 1990to 2002. These findings were supported by the Department of State for Education'sefforts to reduce the percentage of unqualified teachers from 40% to 20% bySeptember 2002.

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* It has many instances of gender stereotyping and violence;* The syllabi are not outcomes based; and* There has been no effective monitoring and evaluation of the curriculum.

These observations caused the Curriculum Division to embark on a curriculumrevision to accomplish the following goals:

* Development of outcomes-based syllabus;* Development of problem solving skills;* Reducing the number of subjects and subject compartmentalization;* Eliminating or reducing gender bias and violence;* Using more local materials and knowledge in instructional delivery and learning

situations;- Moving more towards integrated and thematic approach to the development of

curriculum, including learning materials; and- Providing teachers with assessment tools as part of the curriculum package.

1.4 Curriculum Unit

The general administration of the curriculum unit is the responsibility of the GambiaCollege Principal's Representative (i.e., Acting Director) who will meet with thelocal and international consultants to monitor progress on the project.

The team of CID consultants will be based at the curriculum development divisionand will work closely with staff curriculum research evaluation development unit.

Consortium for International Development (CID) consultant team is composed of aTeam Leader/Lead Consultant who is based on the ground in the Gambia and threesubject specialists for the three core course subjects (Math, English, Social andEnvironmental Studies, and Science). The CID Project Director supports inmanagement and in technical areas these consultants.

The Team Leader works with the local counterparts to carry out the tasks in eachwork stream as described in the Terms of Reference of the Contract between theDepartment of State for Education and the Consortium for InternationalDevelopment.

The CID subject specialist will work with local counterparts to design, developcurriculum materials and to train teachers for the new materials.

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CHAPTER 2: Project Overview

2.1 Objective of Consultancy

The objective of the Consultancy is set out in the project document, inuorporated as

Agreement No. RFP 002/99. They are as follows:

1. Assist Curriculum Research Evaluation Development and In-ServiceTraining (CREDIT) achieve the objectives of the curriculum program;

2. Refine the focus of the core curriculum to cover iiteracy, numeracy,the arts, life and communication skills and problem solving in a moreintegrated manner;

3. Evaluate existing curriculum materials for the basic education cycle;4. Design and test new outcomes based syllabuses and instructional

materials with a thematic approach and emphasis on problem solvingand papal centered learning;

5. Develop and establish a procedure mechanism for curriculummonitoring and evaluation that can be maintained over time withappropriate curriculum research and feedback mechanism; and

6. Train curriculum officers, staff of standard and Quality AssuranceDivision (SQAD) and Gambia College teacher educators to enhanceInstructional Capacity for curriculum development.

During the inception phase of this consultancy and as part of the preparation ofthis report, the Team Leader had meetings with key department/divisions andsome stakeholders who have a particular interest in the project. Thesedepartments/divisions included:

* Project Coordinating Unit* Chairman of the Council V Gambia College

Principal of Gambia College* Vice Principal of Gambia College* Curriculum Research Evaluation and Development Unit* In-Service Teacher Training Unit* School of Education* School of Education* Principal of selected schools, Gambia* Classroom teachers, selected schools.

The aim of the meetings was for the Team Leader to discuss the projectdocument, outline the proposed approach to the project, and record concerns andpoints of view of the key participants.

With respect to program, it is important to note that the Team Leader conducted aseries of workshops to review progress on the important parts of the curriculum.

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2.2. Methodological Issues

It is important to note that this consultancy is primarily concerned withdeveloping thematic child-centered problem-solving skills curriculum withall other curriculum materials and in-service teacher training to adopt thisnew teaching methodology. It should also be stressed that the CIDConsultants are not concerned with whether particular equipments orpolicies are needed for implementation. That will always be for Secretaryof State for Education or the government of Gambia to decide.

A key element of the Consultancy will be to consult widely on theapproach and on the outputs developed at each stage of the project. Aparticular focus will be to address the goals and concerns of the differentpublic and stakeholders groups and to develop the definition of thematicchildOcentered and the values and indicators based on this process.

2.3. - Key Elements of the Project

There appears to be three phases of the Consultancy, namely:

Phase 1: Evaluation of Existing Curriculum Materials, including thefollowing:

1. Design a survey instrument for the evaluation of existingcurriculum materials.

2. Interview basic education teachers in the area of teachingmethodology course content, learning opportunities available in agiven lesson.

3. Observation of classroom practices to determine the impact ofteacher/pupil interaction.

4. Assess possible linkages between pre-service teacher trainingprogram and curriculum development.

5. Conduct interview and focus group discussion with parents,employers, teachers and students in skill centers, seniorsecondary school teachers, education officers and NGOsinterested in education.

Phase 2: Syllabus Design and Development and Development ofPupil's Books and Teacher's Guides

1. Design of a format for an outcome-based syllabus frameworkusing information obtained from phase.

2. Design an outcomes-based framework from grades 1-9.3. Undertake extensive consultation with DoSE, SMT, SQAD, PCU

and the full range of people in education and stakeholders todevelop a consensus on the implementation proposals.

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Phase 3: Develop Curriculum Review Procedure and ProposeInstitutional Arrangement for Curriculum Development

1. Evaluate the current process by which curriculum is developed andimplemented.

2. Design and develop a procedure mechanism for curriculummonitoring and evaluation that can be maintained over time withappropriate curriculum research and feedback mechanism.

3. Propose an institutional arrangement that is most likely to ensurethe sustainability of curriculum evaluation and revision.

4. Train curriculum developers, Gambia College Staff, SQAD andsubject panelist on how to use procedure mechanism forcurriculum monitoring and evaluation.

5. Produce report.

2.4. Organization of the Project

The Organizational Chart for the project is presented in this Report. In addition tothe Organizational Chart, another graphic is presented showing the stakeholdersand indicating the awareness of the Project Team to the importance of consideringthe needs and the recommendations of the stakeholders in the development ofcurriculum. Basically, the work of the project in implemented by the TeamLeader providing key leadership and in-country management for five curriculumdevelopment teams. The five teams are as follows:* Science* Mathematics* English* Social and Environmental Studies* National Languages

English and Science Curriculum Teams are composed of National CurriculumOfficer, VSO and International Consultants from the Consortium for InternationalDevelopment (CID); the Mathematics Curriculum team is composed of NationalCurriculum Officer who is now on a one year study leave in the United Kingdomand a CID International Consultant; the Environmental Studies Curriculum Teamis composed of a CID International Consultant, VSO and a Gambia CollegeSchool of Education Lecturer; and the National Curriculum Officers and the CIDTeam Leader providing leadership.

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Tasks to be addressed by the Curriculum Teams may include the following:

* Evaluation of existing curriculum materials* Design and Development of New Syllabi and Pupil's Books and Teacher's

Guides* Develop National Language materials for grades I and 2* Trial test the reviewed curriculum materials, etc.

The CID Team Leader will work with the Head of CREDU to ascertain specifictasks and to ensure that the tasks are performed in a timely manner.

2.4. t Personnel

There are four National Curriculum Officers. The National Curriculum Officersare full time employees of the Curriculum Unit. The four officers serve asresource persons during Curriculum Development workshops. They work closelywith the Head of the Curriculum Unit and the CID Team Leader for guidance anddirection. They report to the Head of the Curriculum Unit.

The Curriculum Unit has two VSOs serving as technical assistants. They aremainly assisting with the Science and English components of the core curriculumdevelopment project. In addition, they serve to enhance quality and relevance ofeducation through capacity building to improve on performance competence forsustainable development.

The VSO personnel report to the Principal, Gambia College and work under thesupervision of the Head of CREDU.

The CID Team Leader provides professional leadership, coordinates the activitiesof the consulting team; and communicates project development needs and tasks.The Team Leader provides liaison between contracting organization SQAD staffand the consulting team; advises on developing national policies ands strategiesfor improving the national education system; prepares program guidelines forvarious sub-activities; prepares action plans for the curriculum development andtextbook revisions and rewrites; provides professional leadership to the staff inthe developing teacher guides, textbooks, and student workbooks; serves as anadvisor to CREDU staff; assists and provides professional leadership tocounterpart, staff initiating implementation of the action plan; develops andproduces the project required reports (Inception, Quarterly, Training, End ofAssignment, Draft Final Report and Final Report). The Team Leader/LeadConsultant reports to the Department of State for Education through the Principal,Gambia College and to the Consortium for Intemational Development HeadOffice.

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2.4.1. RepLiblic of The Gambia*4 1* Third Education Sector Project

Curriculum Research, Evaluation and Development UnitCREDU ORGANIZATIONAL CHART




I-IE-AD CID ConisultantsOF - Executive Director

CREDU - Lead Consultant

English Curr. Science Curr Maths Curr Social and NationalTeam Team Team Envirn. Studies Languages-vSO -vsO Cnutn I ur emCr.Ta- Consultant - CID - Consultant - COD - Consultant- ClD cu. Eam Curr. Team- Local CLurr. Officer I-Local Currl. Officei -Local Curr. Officer -Sch.of Edui. Lecturer - Local Curr.

(Study Leave) -Consultans - CID Officer (CREDU)

Internal Stakeholders External Stakeholders

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Head of the Curriculum Unit reports to the Principal of Gambia College and hasmanagement responsibility of all programs of the division. He provides technicaland professional advice and support to the Permanent Secretary, Department ofState for Education, on all issues related to curriculum development through thePrincipal, Gambia College.

2.4.2. Office/Logistics/Communications

The Gambia College and PCU have assigned an office space with two desks, acomputer with a Laser Jet 2100 printer. All duplicating and secretarial assistanceare provided by the Gambia College.

Local transportation, according to the Contract Negotiations, are to be providedby the Gambians. At this point in the project, these services are not totallyconsistent.

Arrangements are in process for telephone and e-mail facilities. At the time ofthis report, the arrangement was not finalized and the facilities are not available inthe CID Lead Consultant Office. The College Computer Lab is being used toaccess these facilities (telephone and e-mail).

Chapter 3.0. Work Plan

3.1. Reporting Requirements and Timing - Table 3.1 indicates the schedule forsubmission of contractually required reports (inception report, quarterlyreports, draft final reports, and final report).

3.2. Plans and Progress Towards Objectives (Work Plan) - Table 3.2 describesthe plans and progress towards objectives (work plans). The plan includesobjectives/tasks as per contract, activities/methods, primary responsibility,time frame and deliverables.

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3.2 Plans and Progress Towards Objectives (World Plani)

Objective/Tasks Activit ies/lMvleliodis 'riniar I'ime Ftralin I)clivecrllces(as per contract) tResponsibilitty

Ph se 1 _ _ __ _ __.__ __ ____ _ _ .__ _ . . __ __ ___ ____Phase 1:1. Design survey instr-umiicnt for- Prelimlinzar-y survey conducted. Necv CR F`DU Nov-April Relor-t on SurVey

evaluation of CXiStillg Curr.-iculuml11 instruimlent designiedl and trial tested 2000-200()1imaterials.

2. Inter-view basic education Questionis askcd in SurIVCy CREDU Nov-Apr-il In For-miationi contained intcachicrs in teachiing mictilods instruiicilts. Inforimial discuissioln 2000-2001 rcpol-t on Stiirvcy.course contcnt, learninig dLuriig teaciling obscrvatioll.experiences, asscssmcnt andextent of learninig OppOltUnlltiCS.

3. Observationi of classroom to 4 schiools visited 30 tcachiers observcd CRFDLU Mal-ch 2001 Rcport oni Tcachlingdetcrminle impact tcachIer/pupil and performance irecorded( on icor-d Obscr-vatioili.inter-action. of observation shicet.

4. Assess possible link pei sCIvicC DiscussioI wNit I-leadl of In-SCIvicCC CRFDU Novciber Milnliutes of, MeCCeting.teachici- trainiing and curriculumII Traininig witil lIcaad of Schiool of 2000development. Educatioln.

5. Conduct interviews and focused Meetings withi stakeholder-s. SQAI). CRI3DU Novemnib M'IinLtles of N' discussion witlh WAAEC, Girls Educationl Unit, PCU. 2000)stakelholder-s in educationi fieldl. P'lanning.

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3.2 Planls and Progress Towards Objectives (World Plan)

Objective/lasl s Act kiR iN,tSiesle liII(Is ri ;!' a1r iv I'i :e IFra I;V I Dcliveribles

(as l)C C()l1lr:Cl)____ __ ___ _ lRtSI)OwdIBItvI {

Pliase 1:1. Dcsigii SuIrvcy instrmlcnt fol l'rclPiliminary survcy coiictictc(l. Ncw ('1R1 1)1 Nov-April Replort oil Survey

cvalLuationi OFcxisinllg Ctlurl-l'iCmlllll iInStrniu1CIlt dCsigcld aind trial tCste(l CdOO-'(1()I


2. Interview basic cdIUcatiol; QueCStlOiS aSkCd III suirVey CR 1. Mi Nov-A pri ; I IIIO t'11iatioIi coIlta;( ie InItcacercis Iilachig IIctlio(Is ;i Stru mc IItS. In formal (diselIssi(li 21( I0 -2( )()1 lcpor( 0 on suiirve.

COLII'SC colntenlt, learldiiig (dLunillg tCeIChilng oleSCvat101).

CXI)ClpiCllecs, assessllment and

CxtC Ot Ic learning opportunit ics.

3. Obscivation of' classroom to 4 schiools v;site(I 3() ICachers obscrved CRlS )JU Niha ch 2fQ I Report Oil 'le1chingi

(Ictcl-tilniic iniplract ccltcher/pupiil an1d( peC Toriliallccc rcorded ol Irccord ()serva lion.

inteIrctionI. ofobslrvat ill sIlheCt.

4. Assess possible I lnk p)[ sc-vice D)iscussion with I clcl(a of, Iiu-Svice ( 'v) CRI Novenihr Nliliits of NI, tiM ig.

teaclici- traininig and Ceil-n-icuLinW,l 'I l-ain i ug wili h lca( of ScIlool of 20(0

dcvclopmcnt. L.'(du1catioll.

5. CoIn(uict interviews and focuise(I MeCeings witl stakehIolders. SQAI), CRI11)M- NovcmihCr MI nt1(es of1 MICCe1tg.

grolip) (I;scIssi wOII itll WAEIC, Gir-Is Ls(dIuCat0II Unjlit, 1(.11, 2000)stakelholdes inI c(ldICioIl Field. I'lanniiing.

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Objectivc/Tasks Activities/Met Ti0(m5 I iiiiar1;e FIra am I)elive;libles(as per contract -Resp)ollsibility

Plhase 2: _._ _1. Dcsign a form-lat foi outcomles Research, (lisClIsSioIl CRFEDU April/May uorimal Ifor oultcomcs-

base(d syllabus fi-amework. Departmental workshop 2001 base(l tlhcniatic syllabus

2. Develop outcomiies base(d syllabus Preparatlon oF syllabus Iramicworki lor CRFDU May August SyllabLus lor glradCS 1-4frauiework for gradcs 1-9 in: grades 1-4. 2001 .nglihshMathematics Sciciece and SFES combincd to FIIrI Maticn a ticsEnglish syllabus ill Integrated Stul(lics. hItcgritcd Studies:

Scieicc Outcom)eCs IasCII,Social & Environmental Stud(lies Prepartioll of (Iraft syllabus lor (CIR Rl)J Lie lectiIug tlicimat ic

liscuLssioni. aIpploacl .SyllabLus (Icveloenll tCllt.

3. Revicev cxistling basic e(Iucation Aud(it and revicw coiI(lucfe(l oF current CIE' l)U Mlarclh/April Audit andi rcvicwv olcycle inistructional materials materials. Dr. Slawonl J uIIly 2001 cLurcnll nat1riaCIs rl-;Rades(lesigil to renclct thematic and( uectl 1-u.)integrated approach \villl problem .aInlel listssolving and pupil centeredlearning.

4. Scicct appropriate Worksliol) (5 (lays) CREI DtJ Mareh/Apr I Teaching and learningteachlinig/lcariniig experiences & July 2001 cxperie-nccs ilnclu(dc(d il

_ ___ ____.__ .__,, _.,__ __.__ _ _ __ ___ _ . _ _. ~~~~~~~~~S)' IaL.ElS.

5. Inciti(le suitable assessnient task Teachiers' quid(lcs incluec assCssmUcit CI ltI. ) J Octobcr 200(1 Teachers' gtli(Ies ic-as samipijle foir each uiiiit. iiethio(ds. (C I) Dwrittcil to fit nlew\

~~~~~~~~~~~~~________________________________________., __._...._,,,,__ ( 'onlsultanlts c,u.ricu,lum' llc maeial.s

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___________ _ _ .. . sl'iandlists

Objective/Tl asks Ac livilies/\lelf hods Primary I tilme Fraline I)eliv cral)es

(as per contract) -Resp-nsibililly_

6. Revise arter tl-ial testling and(l I ntro(duce lCnew cuirrictiltilnm 1mlate rials lo CRElWl)U P'rov siolla T cachcrs participating i'forward for printing, selecte(d trial schiools CIl) (late trial trained onl nevw

_ ___ ._. _ __ .__._ _________._ ___ __ _ ___ . .. lCthodo1oggy.

7. I raini Curriculumiil Developeilctit, I raminaiig SSSiionS at beginning of CRFIlDU August 20t)1 Subject lPalel lists .trali deGambia College, staff and( subject syllabtis review panels. RCesouL-ce to (Ievelop) oulcoCespancillists on lhow to develop oult I'crsnelllll hascd syllabus

come-based syllabtises vili . C'll)thlematic approachi, problem ('Con1sLuallts

solving anid integrate(l tcachingapproach.

8. ProdLIce RZepvorlt Collection In formation fr-omi teachers' (RI ID Pro' isiona I '[caches par-ticipatlin intraining onl new methdilo(llOgy. 'T'raveI I lead (C11)11) lb 11 trial trail icd onl ne\w'

ill rcgions to i ntro(lice nlew ('1l) Tcam mtlilodolog'y.

CUrTiCeI1lun1 niaterials and train ILcader

teachers onl mlCethlo(lology. Subl)jectconlsultants

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Objective/Tasks Ad ivitics/Mebtods _PI|im Iy Tili Fr i- c D )eI ivc rbIes(as per contiract) __ __ Reo ______ Respoiisibili ty

Phliase 3:1. Evaluate currenIFt prtcess Of Worksliolp C IIFD J Sta1.f-f Provisiolial New curr-ictilum

CeITiCulUIi dlevelopment and DoSE' dcveloplmciit is cvdiatldcdimplemcntation l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~NSlETl and adopted

Gambia CollegeSchlool of'lducat ion

2. Design CUCRicIIII EiD00il lEg Wo EksDiol) cRll)U Skiff IProvisiona l New Cutr-r-icti uand evaluation procedure D)oSI m11ollitoring andmechallisill. Gambia College ev'aliaitioii pro(luCe

_Sclool of I.lduca lionl Mnechanismi is adopjte_l.3. Propose i nsti tilt iona l Workshiol) C RDUI S) I'rov is i Vpda I I ropose(l i iist rct ional

arranigemiielnts lo enlsurlc DoSFE arralngemlienlt is rcady forIsUstainability of cUrriclumIIIII Gambia College iHlIplelelltatio.cvaluationi and ie-visioni. School of ["(lAcatlOll)

4. Tra in CurTiculum.ll Developers, WorksiolC (C ill)U StaffI I o'loovisioal 11 -Service i-Tai rins andGam)bia College Staff, SQAD and C'I) SuLject CRII)U stan trainc(d tosuibject paniellist ill use I rocedueL-s Consullant mllOnlitOI' anid eCVxaluate neCwVfol- CulriCulum11 IllOIlitOI irig a111nd matcld Is.


5. Write lew leat-ninig imiaterlials CRFD_) Stal M aterials Is a(dy for_(gradcs 1-4). Iniclu(le suitable lpro(luction.asscssment task as sample fo-reachi unllit.

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Objective/Tasks Activities/Mectliods PrI-ilary 'lime F~ramei Deliverables

(as per contract) ________________ Responisibility __ _______

6. Trial tests the revisedi cuirricuilumi Select CRFDU staff to mioniitor- I-leadi - CRZED U Obser-vationimaterials, teachers In riaI-1 schiools CID Consultant of trial

teachers byCRFD)U

7 . Revise after trial testling and Curr-iicuilumi developers mioniitor- CIREDtJ StaffEmPSt! Observat ion of trialforward for printing & r-evise materials Ci D Consultant teachers by CRILDU

____________ __ _________ ___________ ___ _______Co mip leted .

8. Train Cur-riCuilumt Development, 1'r-aininig sectioni at begininiiig CREIDU M4ay 2002 Subject Panellists tr'ained(Gambia College Staff andc Subject of syllabtis recview panels. CID Teamn Leader to deCvelop ouItcome1s

Panellists oni how to develop) ouit Cl D Sub~ject based SYMLlabS.

comie-based syllabuises withi Consultantsthiemiatic approach, problenmsolvinig andc initegr-atedi teachinga pproaclh.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

9. ProdUCe Rep)Ort Cil) Team Leader Mlay 2001 Dra ft 1inial report_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - ~C R E D UJ __ r_ _u _d