Planning my magazine

Planning My Magazine.

Transcript of Planning my magazine

Page 1: Planning my magazine

Planning My Magazine.

Page 2: Planning my magazine

Initial Ideas For Title And Font


PopGossTeen FizzBig Pop!

Pop PartyTeen Pop

These are the Titles I have thought up for my music

magazine and the audience research I have done has

allowed me to decide on a final title.

I have chosen this fonts because I think they are bold but not too fancy or over the

top. They are easy to read and stand out which will fit the cover of my magazine.

Berlin Sans Demi

Page 3: Planning my magazine

FeedbackThis is the feedback I have received from a variety of people. The majority of the people I asked

were teenage girls as they are who the magazine will be targeted at.

Title Tally

Alive! I



Teen Fizz III

Big Pop! II

Teen Pop II

Pop Party IIII

Font Tally








IIIIIIBerlin Sans Demi

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Chosen Ideas For Title And Font

• The title I have chosen for my magazine is: -PopGoss.

• The font that I have chosen is: -Berlin Sans FB Demi

• The colour of the font will be: - Berlin Sans FB Demi

• The title will look like this:


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Reasons for Final Choice


The colour of the title is very bright and will

stand out on the cover. The majority of people I asked agreed that pink is the best

colour for a magazine for young girls.

The font is not too fancy and is very easy to read. It is written in bold which makes

it very obvious to see. It needs to be in a big

font as it must be clear when its on the

front cover.

The name is not too long and is quite catchy. I have chose this one as

it is memorable and suggests that the

features in the magazine will be up-to-date and full of gossip.

The idea I have chosen was influenced by the answers I

have been given by a selection of audiences. They all agreed that the colour is right for the target audience and the name suggests that the magazine is full of celebrity/artists news

and gossip

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•Typically, teenage girls love to gossip about celebrities and pop stars which is why I have used the word ‘Goss’ (short for ‘Gossip’

•Also, the magazine will be full of gossip and will have snippets of what pop stars are up to and where they have been, what make-up they're wearing, who they are going out with, when there next tour will be etc.

• ‘Pop’ automatically tells the audience that the magazine is related to music and pop singers. It could also suggest that the magazine is popular and well known between the target audience.

•The words ‘Popular Gossip’ put together could suggest to the audience that the gossip that they are reading is very up-to-date and interesting, which is why it will become so popular.

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Rejected Ideas

• There were some names that I decided not to use such ‘BUZZ’.

• I didn’t use this as it might not suggest the correct things to the audience.

• For example, there is nothing in the name that relates to pop or a younger audience. I feel the name would suit a magazine about gadgets or the latest technology rather than a teenage pop magazine.

• Also, I cannot imagine the name being written in a pink font on the cover of a pop magazine. I think it sounds like a more masculine name.

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Rejected Ideas

• Another name I didn’t use was ‘Pop Party’.• I feel that the name sounds slightly too young

for the audience I have selected and sounds as thought the magazine would contain information on music that could be played at a young Childs birthday party..

• I also found a CD with this title which could cause confusion between the audience.

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Colour Choices For Inside The Magazine

• The colours used in one issue of a magazine will be the colours that I use in all the issues that are published. They need to be girly and bright so the pages do not look bland and boring. Young teenagers will be looking for something eye-catching and attractive so the colours are very important. These are the colours I have picked out:

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Font Choices

• The font in the magazine mustn't be too fancy as it needs to be clear and easy to read. If it isn’t easy to read, people will not be interested in reading it at all. Also, it needs to be clear if younger audiences are going to be the ones buying the magazine. Fancy fonts can make a page look too crowded and may overpower other features on the page. My chosen fonts for inside the magazine and on the cover are:

• Ariel• Berlin Sans FB• Franklin Gothic Demi• Microsoft Sans Serif• Verdana

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More Font Choices• The fonts I use for the headlines and titles will need to be

slightly bigger and emphasised more. This is why I have selected these fonts:

•These fonts are bigger and bolder than the ones on the previous slide but are still easy to read and clear. If the titles are going to stand out on the page they need to be bright and interesting to look at which is why I can edit the colours to those or similar to those on the 2nd slide.

Berlin Sans FB Demi

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Stylistic Features• Each page will have a small tab in the top corner to categorise the section you

are reading. This is something I have seen used in other magazines and during my focus group I found out that this is useful for some people when flicking through the magazine. This is something that will feature in each of the magazines so it is something that the readers can identify as something that is part of the issue.

• The masthead/logo of the magazine will always be on the top left hand corner of the cover and will always be of the same colour in every issue. In the magazines I have looked at, it is clear that the masthead changes colour every few issues but I feel that it is more significant if the masthead stays the same. It can then easily be recognised on the shelf as the consumer will know exactly what they are looking for.

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Stylistic Features Cont.

• Each and every page will be numbered in the bottom corners. This will help the reader to find something in the magazine that they have seen in the contents page. If the magazine is not easy to look through, people will be put of buying it. This is something that is done in the majority of magazines. On the left page the number will be on the left corner and on the opposite page it will be on the right. It will always be written in the same font and colour so it doesn’t look too miss-matched and looks slightly and gives the numbers a bit of uniformity.

• The magazine will have certain pages that will be the same every issue. For example, a question and answer page, a horoscope page, upcoming events (concerts, tours etc.), a page on new releases and a page featuring a new talent e.g. somebody of the x factor.