PHILIPPICS CAMPAIGN. Monuments and Headstones, · Nozzle and Washers, all complete, gaura'ntced to...

/ §pyob.;ii. NO. 12." CSANFORD. N J., SATURDAY. MAY 20. 1S99 THKlvli CUNTS. Best equipped Marble, Granite and Bluestone yard in the State. Monuments and Headstones, sint-tery IFbrk of every description. Best material and workmanship PHILIPPICS CAMPAIGN. Native Recognition of the Amer- , ican Soldier's Superiority. * Prices to suit everyone. Get my designs and prices before ordering your temorials. New sidewalks laid, from 9c. per ft. up. Blue stone for all purposes. j. E. Whipplc, 8pi-goi E. Grand St., Elizabeth, N. J. Telephone L. BRADLEY. Agt. teaos CLARK. PRCSIOCNT. L. F. VICK PBeS'T. E. A. FAULRS. CASHIC R THE CITIZEN'S BANK, I 211 BROAD ST., I ELIZABETH, -TSL J; Does a General Banking Business and Sella Letters of Credit Available in All •-.••••••••-• -• Parts of the. World.. . Boxes in Safe Deposit Vaults for L $100,000 SURPLUS and PROFITS S19.000 froto Davidson. pS&W, a Atwmtar. aTm. 4 CU»k. 7 O. U. Horning. I OtertsB.I'lamb, 11. T. Pott*. Joh« MeCand G.U. Uaedft Amu» (lark. F. 0. Jl»r«h. Oitw.t.VmisUri. Vim. MCCUIIMI, John N. Harsher, boals F- Hereb, Alex. Kcrr. Mlrhncl llrrnM. l.;K Bwtbpwr, II. Unwardlshami A. b. C lill ' Discount day, Thursday. Accounts Solicited. Oronford. light nnd un up-to-date is furnished by Bleotrlo Company fjivo electricity for beat (mil power. : Come and see . ' over and jdNi'1^^&yo"riion'«^:? 1 '^*t i; '^''^''V'''^"^)"^"'"^ Telephone: Station und Offices i Long Distance, 84 B. 77Murray Street, Elizabeth S54. "' , Elizabeth, > Koaoiio. - We will sell 50 ft.» Advance Hose, Reel with Nozzle and Washers, all complete, gaura'ntced to stand High pressure for This is HOi quality advertised by department stores. Wa also carry* full line of Hose, all (izea, and Mechanical Rubber Goods, Water Bags, Mackintoshes, etc. EXCELSIOR RUBBER MANUFACTURING COMPANY, 29 Vesoy street. NEWVOHKCITY, rma lotmiiKkof Jlmrm Boanmmd U i r«r;««» U>—?Jr» BOOM, North a nw. Kry* with rj«atip> U«uch. Wn. KliicfaUw, depot a*t. MrW: m-MUWand North ffOnmff« u d fipriosfiMil Arr*. E. Clement, J. Imunuin, WO. snd CUn>maot -areaiK«. EKAUJ PlamV Mw»Ur. C. 11. K«i* with . Uont. A. Cttixs Iluunl llv>l«. Phiirpitlm at., l —Iior<ilmnaW«lnut A»«. c.iTitice.w.T.rmn. / D. A. EniKtt. juwiih AU«, Mm. M. J. CBjl.VJUllH I-OST O»*•!<.• f. «>|i 1 •• Jfj«»- l.rtUrt lf,T'» Jfl'h. Vl JHait. BOUND WEST, BOUHD EAHtf Ciow. lMr4.« S.0J " . 8.11'a. m. J.SU s.ti p.m. 0.0) 7 45 •••*• Aimiva From iwlnta «ut-i.M, 7.59. a. mr. Ml. 4 17 p. tn. 1'rom points «rml—8.17 a. p . ,, 8.11. / ' " " ' " Tho Cronfofd Library—Opera Hou«<i Iloom4. Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoons from 3 to S ovjock. One year's subscription (3.00; ' 10c. - ' „ and inspect thij books. vnunvit Mothodi*t~Located on Walnut avenue. Preaching service each Sunday at 10.30 a. m. and 7.45 p. m. Sunday school 12 ui. . Epworth League service each Sunday ;;5op. ; m. v ' •'*-•.•.•.':«&•*:.-.•-<' ; ./^ V V*V ; . Prayer meeting, Fridays, 7.45 p in. Epworth Lcuguo moots each Wednes- day 8.00 p. in. Junior Leaguo moots each Friday 3 JO p. m. . Ladies aid society meets lint Thursday each month. Missionary society meets second Thursday each month. Presbyterian—Located on Union avenue. Public worship each Sunday at It. a. m.,ond 8 p. in.' Sunday School at 0.30 a. in. Y. P. 8. C. E., Chapel, Sunday 7 p. in. Junior Endeavor, chapel, Monday at j 3 p. ra. . Gospel service, chapel, Friday 8 p. in. Special Bible class for young women. Church Study, 10.30 a. n , Wednesday, at The Great Spring Housecleaning—Lace-curtains and many other things which were constantly in tise during the winter need cleaning. We ..would like to. call the attention of-the house at this occasion to our establishment. New improvements to facilitate the work , were added recently to pur present ones, which enable U9 ta make the inoat satisfsictox)"JVV ork. -; L flmepiean Steam Laundiry. .16 and 17 West cJersey Street, Elizabeth- Onion Water Company Incorporated 1870. A»R_Cp 10J0 a. m., 8 p. in. Y. P. S. C. E., Thursday 8 p. m. Christian Scicnco—Services heldat rooms occupied by tho Iloyal Arcanum, in tbe Opera House Blook. - ' Berrices every Bandar afternoon at 3.80 o'clock. , ; Sunday-school after the services. Episcopal—Located North avtnuV east of river. * Sunday Bervioes at 11 a. m, and 730 p.m. % "' Sunday school D.30 a. tn. - Friday, Prayers 5 p.m. Vestry meets first Thursday in each month at 8 p.m. Parish circle, first Wednesday in each month.' St. Agnes' Guild, first Tuesday in each month. . ' HOSTIUHES^BE COHTIHUED ituJvrn h»v,i » t In tnotiuli aijd which now \wVU thvin in it* i>>leutl<» K^»»|>. Then Unut wamiiiit wiili-urn that it* •trvntilh wn« t«»te<i by' AmiUuiUTo tin- uiediatoly aftfr lb« fitiUiri-of lii.ultack un Manila ami bt« «li«a«U<m» •lrKat at Caltwcan «bi»wiHl him lii* 'iim'nirtiy to tight the Amrrit-anannrrrMfally. Tlii>r« vrberv. The mm trnw vrnul to ^u Inun^. Kot tint- wouM have ^"iip «htls Itino wa» ti|{iitiii)! ti> If, iloin". Tli>*» came hrn>'U»l)|tht mill . Imv* »tnid will (only bryontl what..they ii<iiii<l<-r tlieir term ' uf t-tili^ttii'tit.. i«u>iv> Ilier tbuUKht thi* ttovfrnuit-lit IUMHUII thrt;t N"W Iti'al thu Imnl HtfhtiUK »Vfr ami vv orlrlr ut tt« K*I>|> T h n t l t u l)r«lti Is All Wha *at Vtskt^l Utttilirj <hr l«>rl»- •• In M«ollK »>b. UVUn Idrftaf tit U0arnr>, _ ; •- • Tbe^vrw York I\atV corrt»pond>'nt. rritlp'tt frpui Mailao, P. I., tindfr ditte ,vt April 0 alxmt thi> l'liilip; inra cam- paign. u y s : The l>ackt<uao of the Phil- ippine rebellion linn bnn tirakin. iind yet there can Ite no hopp'of nisiinj»lt*ttf r»-ntalilii'hmcnt vt peace, with it* ran- k«]u«nt fall tlllitiK of (he miil ami nn- Intorrnptrd internal iMUiuii-rce nml travel, fur an iuilrtltiite tlm« to coinc. poralbly niauy mouths: \Vl»'|i ih^l'tll- pines vierj) rnthid «nt» of thrir fitful- dable iiitrrocliuu'iiti dt-fciidinit Malnlnin •and ft:T i» ' wk wi'XO krpt un tb"('.ti">vo, I B iijil mau'ler of tho army. Thin 1%'rd not I ** enmiKh vt th« \ww a 11« U< wholly tru.\ tut it supeira" that Jl«i» to take tli«lr |ilai- I Mntii^i n iiv ltm I ITO rnlnurn (hat AKuinaldit had « Im ..tit I'.iuiwatit'a to! n*w army auijijY alil^t>i di> nil tin- mil c.\uti»iill about pratf. and | iUr.v work tbp..vgliinl«:w^;r.ibf ^l«"i; that Muutcnrtird hud \v*u iiitnltt coin- \ Uhwar want to IK> uuutoinl mila« »v.,ii' ' " . . - - • uf !(,„ ,5<1W nfmy tBU i eMU |, 'en. un nruilit revulnttooiM. thongb but a Iwlltny «t the IJIIK hotel i tffiiro the war, bad tbi' K»tiipiinaun | bt'liind him, «ml wn> ttrolitf t'ii<niKli to j dictate tin' policy nf tl»> |in»ld'iit, who I hud rithi-r t'l Ktion with tin 1 wnr IT In- j culm' a ri'fUKii' liittn>lf. with th« iinnvl- bllity if Katnjiuiniii viiini•ami' «'''kinx I ut wheri'Vi'r Im inliiht #o. Mi<nti» i lui« ti'iu" liillril, miil tlil- Umil' nf lint'liw* tluit Juu»it. IHI ci'ii»ii|i'n-d in aliiuuttiiK tin- li-UKtU of tiiiu* tln.< |'tii j in* Atati' of nffnlrx will coiiliiini>. i i-rmttd ii fur«'n liv naild not | y him ne th tnnil -linivMiJinH ad- . Ainvrii'tiii". until ••vi-'n tbe foutrnt, A|;llillilli|ii, ill >>>il<r ti> hnld 11>P- { |irr»tii;i* mill Iw in « iKwitinii tnri'n|> i any (H'rwiiiul julvnntju!" '" I IK* wttle- litent nf_ t b e •linifiilly. win i-otiiiwlled t.v iMUi«.-amilhfrpiOflitVtintl«ii.«if •etrrua.l.L. ' W l f W H V b 1 l k U i In T»|u'lia ilnr« I* «u nUl rulillrr -ick • until drath: Ha i i o half drail nnd linlf nlivr. tnkitiK no iutrriat in hi» ^tir- uiHti«liiut. lliit evfry 4<v,.|iibi4. wlivn thi' ilnlv |m|ier rtiiiii'", Im li.u»r» atid"" wants' In kuuw what tin' iri>ww 4 j» fn.iu tin' TwriHlftli Kun^iv Vh' IIDK IM (lUuilii'i rilntlvr* In tlmt ri'uimriit It i< dimply IbtM'I'l li""'" 1 '" 111 miil'tlm old w«r »i»lril rifuaibK t|> l»iw l*fi.r» th* tvdiM'r, ib'Hlh, -K'tiUKaa iMty Jotit* ual. ., -• . - ' . ilp,! Mnlol.m. tin-onpttnl i;f l k il brfuro th<' TIIUCO i f th< heavily ilctf tbt> mi I'uilt'il ri'pulilir. wih tukrii. with Ui". inj.'itiul 1.' fiwrlill pij-liiim mi in imrsnil, tbi'y, n-inKniri'il. thi'iittfr hojii' I.Kytii^Aiif li^fninn tbwo I'"'" in blue and brown ami knki. wbiitii Imlb'tit conld not Btiipur a tnrrld Mill nverniim 1 . By tlit> pntntiy.'.'. prinidint, .«« wi'll thi' tiiiint iKiiornnt ]>rivutu in tin 1 rntik", t!ii«kDii\\t'.!«<• li.n Imjn acfinlri'd in thf deadly hall «>f Ntlln. Tiny bavv lii-en runti-d, <lriv< n from their «triiti!;liiilils jinil i"Til llviim inln the wllileriiiv* l>y an ititniynrtmd with inftrlur.weapon*, but (wrwioinK Bin»rlnr ruu'ritRo und military tkill. That tlii> mtitinntiuVr in ch(i>f known -it in'limply Vliown by bin order not to Unlit n ImttK'. l>tit tu UIHI lnK'ln HK'W'riHi warfare, und thut Kited. n:|ilit>r» and .tlif bvttcr from the wiiundvil- nnd "iirlKoiat-m thut' full ink) our bund* and tho iiiiiny di>- r* jvlui nri'dully rftnrnliiK t.i their lioinvi to ti'i'iumi tin' urtn'of iienc. All IK'MI ligrci' tliut they buvo liml HIUIIKII if wnr, (bat it Ini* been a continued ntory >>f ulauRliti-r urn! difcut, that nnc- K'V** AKaiiiftt tltu AtnrricuriM it* ble and thut tbo grvut niujorlly <if the tl-.*! : .; ! .-4ifci»:'.!i-.lli.^«,ra.,«l*Aj.^_,l,^.4» »l.,.« lift larcd. , It is Iwlitvf il thut I'Vin tlm miijority of tholtfarcrs would ntupllKhtiiiK if they dared. Him in thu chief dlfllcnlty and the lino that it RolnK tobo a continued mjnrceofBnnoyancoutiddlMialet. Tlnre ban been ai'tlu motion a forcn that inn- not U- cuntrulM until it weurs. Ituclf oat. Even thorn who uurnoil nnd tedIt cannot now check it. Auicn of terror eiists within tho lin<». The minority Uterrcrlzint? tbe majority !»'• cansv thu mitiorlty in orcanitcd into im oath bound society and In fnunttcal nnd cruel, while the innjurity in jieaco lov- ing and timid. TheKatapunana threat- en death to ullwlio will riot fl^htand do not hesitate to ciecnte their threats. There bm fur yvara vxlitod a secrut' brotherhood Lnown as the Katauunaua, a political urmnliatlon re«ortiDj( tn the metljodii tintil I_T thu Kuklni Klun tif unnavory iuemory In cinf TjwnTofiiiliy" land niinx tho •atno mystic nyinlMil. K. K. Kil'l Not -pollti«*Taione, hot financial Kuirt and othtrrlooi<ldt'rations, proinpt<x) tbe tnembara of thla order tu deeils of innrder. rublx-ry and nrwiD. lenders of the revolution combined with this foclety and for tbo (lino be- ng, at leset, succeeded In makiUK it their chief agent and support. Uuririg ibe montlm »hen the AiiKTicarm were lying idle In Mmlln, awatdng tbn uc- tloii of tho jK-acn cominlwiun, tbe wii- ate and tho administration, tbls society i was busy recruiting its strength from i amiiDK tbe yonni( and recklemand irre- Piliplno* anlll it liecauiu lacs bow to In will and fear its venge- ance. Throughout th« city every ablo/ 1 l d d d lyjdicil man was liiitod and made to Itive in bis adbTctiie to Ibe rovolntion. , . I Even tbe servants of white families, to First Baptist Cliurch, locatwi on High : wboin .they weru sttocbed bernnsn of street—Preaching service each Lord's j'kindicd generuns treatBieiit; Wer«'re«- Day, at UA.iL and 8 P.M. Bumlay- i.tered 'ho r«olntl<,nary «,l<H«ra and school,3 P.M. Tuesday evening, prayer' _.-_..• meeting. Thursday evening, Christiani Endeavor Society mooting, 8 P.M. Tim ' first Monday of each month, trustees' meeting, 8 P.M. The third Monday ot\ each month, deacons and pastor's meet-; others whoworkwl in cutupany kitchebs ing. 8 P.5I. On "U»e fourth Monday of j or aboat tbe hospital". wer« ellber Ka- each month, general Churcli meeting. 8 tapanans tliemtelvea ur au feared them P.M. On the first Lord's day of each j that, wbeo tbe time to make prutFet. Tli* Filipinos ) who drove officers' catrlsg'^, were their j personal srrvanta, did tbelr washing <" ' in tbelr kitchen*, an well as I the KutHpuimim svlm oriMtiltrd tin 1 tip- town, rUiuK in Mniilhi ««'i l'"«'b. -.', und put trti'. i the tlrt'* tbilt titirnt'il MI iimny hounrs and tiullvt' IIIIIH lit tlm Sntitn I'mi. Toiidoiind Hun .SiU'liolait tlUlriirtei. und it win they wliu ml tbn lurch to Mais IMIII, Miilutn.n ivtid i'v<'fy..-'vUtnt{e end town they linvty vviiiiluti'il bi-fori' tlu> buttbi line iif tlm Aimrti :ini. rinciicti tlii'tii. Alter th.' I.IHII' ..r Malabou I talked with Imlr il du/i'ii w.minlrd Kill- piliu4, and I'Viry oiiiK«jf (tit'iu . Huld ho vltli.r bud to llt;bt ut In' would Im kill t'd. A nbnrt illntntK'tl frmn Mitlubou ": tU'ud uit'U vviri* fniiiid,.i'liih- with hip bi'iid liinriv HIVI rtd frmn IIIH Indy, und isiitlw «niil tln'yliiii|.liri-ii -klllinl by tlic Kiitiip*tiniiii4-for rrfiuin^ ti YvfNrdny I wm with « pufly iu Ilii' illrcitlon nf Himtw Maria, iitdwtj lutiifilid liyulxut fiiHl liiiurci'iit 1 iniiued by tho Annrlnin ctiiniirlMtliiimra Wi'iiiijiriiiii Inil wllliln luilf II mill'nf tlm tiiwh-fliiil within SOU yanlii (if an liiKiirKint iiiit|Hnt. All tbo lmtlvi-H lliil aii wn ndvnni'i'd; exiii'iit ntio old nmu, WIKI rt'iiiuliitil in bla lioiiHit. I uuvit him two i f tin' |in«'liilliatliilm, |irlnt<Hl in TnKul'iK and Hpiuilah, liml nxk>-<! him to PI^I* ^liut 1ti«'X Wffii tiikrn. to*. Hitiitu lft'rbt?' i |'rti"'pr'iftiii«it. i liii'"f*"a;'H th~tf-Kat" nprniutiit woulil cut bin tliront. ntid tlmt tln-y klllml I'Virylioilr wliu did any tiling to brit*i|{ nlKillt tu'llci'. Ni'Vrrtlnli-H thi! innnriC'tit nrniy is dlnintt'KrutluK. NiiiH'onilintautu are roiniiiK tliriiUKb tbnllllin nnd rittiirnliig to IliL'Ir IKIIIII'II <ir to whrro tlm riild nxbi'H ilnlli'iilo tin' locatli n of Ihi'lr foitnrr biitiit-H, nnd IMUIIM of tliini frioly ndiillt thnt tbey buvn Ixen iHilillirn, but unaitmt tlii'lrwill, wblib bitt<-r tuny riot liuve bei'ti trim In thn bcuHiiiink. Two lnys nun it Will ilnni-t'l litid Ketitleiiian< ly younit imutirn iiiuiii in. He talked ){ood Kiinllnb liml WUHn full repremiutii- tlviiof tlm lilgliiir i IUM KilipliiiM. Hit adiiiitlid, wlthoiil liPKltotlon, that tin hinlIMM'II un oflliiT In the Kiliplnnarmy, but mild Im » m ruiivim.'I of tbn fully uf llnlitlUK tin- AiiH-ricai'iN, and that the FHIpiiiiM wfjiiM bo U'tter'off with tilt iu ttuihuri ty,.oy j-» tjj.<:!!i:.. J l " !V.!d_ tlmt It tliv FillpilK) miWli-ri nlily kliuw tbo Until they would ilewrt und«"; liuuii'. lint Hint' "th«y'were tvl'l outta'' Uruua UiKubuut thecruHty of the Ainer- lean, und foi ii IOIIK lliii«'Wcr« ninduto ImlleVB thnt tbpy Wfre.wbijijiltig us and Unit innny tiiounutid»-'of our wii'Ii had litrn kllliil In buttle or iwrlshed from to rtliii nun, Tliey knew now NONDECAYING APPLE, ; .••it . llloimrl v>rm,) nivi>i»i • r>». wtkalilr »«rl»ly »l lr»ll, I,i jiujriy'i-,. wjin.|lvi'i« jii'»r_Midiip^ M«., iius un biV triiii> k uii apifc' li>* fruit of which bun lit'Cnm,*. n Ulily to tlioiii inti'riHti'il In fruit nml fruit K' (| wiUk|.,.> Mr. llurmn bad mi f\ hibitiou In ViiHdullit roriitly IUI oppl.' Wht^h hi! pH'ki'd .fnnn (lin trr«"ilurliii< tlm fall of 1HUT and which Mill rwlalm n ri'luurkul'l" dvKfeii uf -'prrnrrvatlou, without iirtitlclnl uif-uUK.- .-Tlm s|i|d» t<V Sfm'rlhi'il a<t tliiilldr 'lit a itmtt III »U»-- » mid i.ilur ami y<-t wltli dUtinxultbluit iliarat'tiriiitlrK whlih olinw it. to be if uli I'hllri'ly nnW vuttity. " Thu trio «'UIIIO, tiunatiit'd, from tftt IlllnoU iinrniry. Mr. llntueit tlilnka bis dliurnvory will nut him it firtmn;. lt« bu« cun»ill.ti.J proiiiini'iit .fruit m«ii at ' • I.uuL-iHlia, Mo., and nil |irnfvsan| i«ni.' '".'" ram "Hi (o tho uppln'K varli'iv. Tli» ' lii'it ihiM'tlni; nt tin) MUHOIKI - Krnlt . • (Irnwum' HKaoclutlon will I* naked to ln<|iiiri< Into tlm pKt'iiliurltK'X nf the ay- . . . . : . . ; . . \ : ' : . . . , » . - : ? : . . ; . In im» Meal ul airll*. -' lluw lu*il a*t tu t>»UI»-, "llirililiiai liny tiiluk In ih» rra». • ' : *fu u w In itm IIIAIH ur lh« uiurulua . . ' - W.« i-milutut Malululiy. . • . Hut aiut Q,-ri-i' \\*p Ida tlutilins. Ilii. IIM.I. t,,ii|ihl lilratli In l.t'.iti. Atid 1tM«, rui-il KiiMiinl th anauttfli. i'ur iritrr, Mjnio tit *•*!»' livmi **lu^l ^t-ir matt* tu tf On» iliot tu KIIII tlietr pa Ulilla •liruim. I wattei U ll M Anil muefcet tnlU ittrui It varttlWini Wilii «ullni. «li«»lljr taiat. Puunht t/Dttlra twain hy kv>aluL ' Aid fam« waa rethuiliNl awlftLy \\j thu witr«4 uf tra-ta ui«a «ia!n IMI MnlM an f rum .«ai:rw U«r« UI»I» L>Mll lloalli li.U uull"«> iirtn. ..-• And ulliAff*, uilit ihi IWhilnii, Allunwl tli*lr tlM,u«ln«l.. IUII . Ai:ruM ll>» «ull ufhl«li<r) Tii llm «Uya of ailt/utit. ^ Thv I'favr, th* eiciL, l|]» prtlilflut, I'll* n.'kli ««, il«li«l I I J ttm»l. And KriMina atritl i-lifsri* aauy viuturj In lli« o«nilv.l ,,f lil.-o.!. Tlm ll.ilagi l i think In't p y that they WITH benU-n, but otlll thungbt. l ~ T ^ d l b i d t h t UmiuaTXrmiitenc^iiAtbKitt. and that vrmiiilil nut Muml th« ilimatn. ••! asked III in why bo did uut ti'll them tb« truth, uml Ii" simply •'nlil. "Kutaptiiinin." his shouldem, drew bis lioiid bl» tlirout and ruilkd. | atrmTe^Bn'to^MaTeliifbtlr^ a«w In tlntMit'a uf tb« woFnlna" " fa cspmrt'il Malamlay. -1'hllail.lMlU North Am'tlcma. S» M«B'« l l u h »t. I.UBla. Tliu yutiliK w»iuetiiin (ha liniKbbot- Uixxl nt lilckituii hlrril and UlAm<i<w uvuiuie, In Ht. I<nul«, hav« i<ivun|ia<l tbe Muznrt HIKI IJICICI ll« tlnb. The ob- ject is to practically douwuy with mat" escort*. Tho iiiuniiwrx ari> |ilciluri| n< t Htntes ((rniipwl (Im I'lilllpplim electric battery sud raliriot l<t go, and AHUIII- «rii«pi'il tlmpull* of tbn revolu- tionary ••Iectrli: miicliiiiii and cannot ilrup them. Thu litailem of thla revolu- tion, except tho fnnslicD that now ton- trut 111" Oliginal b;ailctit, weut iulo this iiiovi'inctit for i«-uotml Kalu. Tliny wanted tu tott'i the Unitod Hlstts into tbn lil>;<'tlu|{». lit) tlm w»y ever «M ^ and loiiuly, midi-r penalty of cipuUloa. Tliu priKeeJiiiKH arn alwj Ut IMJ <urcr.*-t. ! Tbo I!til'.- nffulrn urn arraniiHl in ord<-r thut trjiT Klflt "iay Im -• I"' 1 * pt-udenl In their uncial inoveiiteot» at liljtbt u<wull IIH lutliw day.--New York 4l AualraillaiB l-ailall Sraaaitlaai. Tin.'lt'-v. Mr. IJuvimn had HUSKS ward eiu<;rt«ncw of bai<b lifu tlm other Hnnilny. DiirlUKdiVino atirvicu at Hun iiyim-diy Victurlu, » voli« in suieiuu 'tone"iS'sTed" "fiifth; "tk> u»r - iflov*; : Mr. i; there's a nnuku at yonr »-l- The Union Water Company supplies the inhabi-j Organized JSOU | ra onth,Tha"Lord's"Supperwill be served. '" f8;45P-M. and Roselle with watenior domestic useT""™ "The Purest and Sweetest that Nature can la*foae, 1^5UM water supplied by theComr^ny waaanalyz^l b7 A!U*n lltvtoia, Eaq., a leadlns hrdrsslie expert of Bovt<m.sxulpro&oaxioe<l ty tim lo Wwatcrcf great organic parity," and la a 'latter to oaa-clth«Co3ip«2i7'* patrons to &dds"Vt>nan3 to t»> c*-in«nto!afc?d apon batin* ao cood a o anxlttywhat^frt 8» to-iu whol*^')mcnr«». : . ^^^ o;e.thr:r.eTo»tb *ad proap^rity, , The Company Refers to aiJils Patfons7 A rtpTwimt*UT» of tiie Company will be r-lcaMHl to call on jiirliHi-wLo do not *t present tue its msiss, «ad explain rat**, tenss, vm.i*a<l of wrrjee. e\c. Onion Water Company, At 68 Broad Street, Elizabeth. came far action, ^ tne | r p,,^, t <) a »tealing what (bey ruoH. InclodiDg all ! the clothing in tbe bands uf the laun- !drym*n. Many of them wero foond dead iD the trench^ on tbe «J»y of tbe i ' Undertaker anil FOLDING CHAIBS TO BENT. It was dread of the secret and i TeOResmce of thla aoc-iet; that Agoinalild to collect bit taxes in every bou«e in Manila. TbqAmertcani col- lected tlm regnlar tai<nt only.where tnrir military antbority extended.bnt upaliflc, they Id be apnrel Icil itovcrininDt; with thsmselves in control. Tli<jy oversliot tbo mark when they unlo#ji tboforce tbey now ar« man, i onabiv to control and are between tba devil and tba deep sea. However, I think (b<r« will b« no more fixbling, that th« Insurgent aruy will gradaally diflnte^'ste, that tbe Kata- steadjly losfl' strength and Ou« of ing stick, and, after auuie ctjnfaaiuu niuutig tbo«« present, iuccwdnl in dn [ntcblnk the reptile.—Melbaa'rnaj Aus- tralasian. - ' A Pimvrral Sawakvr. The Uirmingbam (Ala.) Daily News •peaks thus of Hooker T. Waahingtoo> recent adilrusn before aoexclosivewbita warfare for a tlfife," and that a peac« will Ui eitablisbed by tbe time tbo rainy «eason seta in which a garrison of 2U,0UM uicu can maintain. Tim prait leal erjdlbg 'if tho wuir brinK* Xgn'itia'ldu^neck'd b'ii «v«nfrosi' the 1 »P f h « 'l«<*llon .,f ^th.^ retnrn^ of the j body uprvaot f;f tb» military govtrnoi iblniifilt_JLbate_te«n.lh».i{tX«S.K;'« e»- P »olunleerii, m Plmntean deur to.tba beart'oftha fJ ' » hl » "oldiera. It ia the Btaun ia,i hot wvrt tmtinc- Titmiu cud bet air krtiihg. Katim*t«a (nralataHl (ut 8 d tl 8ew*t and mtXtn cjnzectlnxt*. Op*ni n<»a» Clock, rraafurd, N. J. '.ing enp I foatid oh tbe door of i ied tniliittll^'ii liilt. 'In; Posiif, after its capture. I fonnd oc<; of the Katapnnan p&mpbkt«, Un at it is printed in Tag- a\oK I have n.jt yet learned itscontents. Tblj M tbo fcrce tli«» revolutionary ng» and. jlKhtinx <|oallties of veteran*. 1 have talied'wilh" niany regular of3l- r<-n. UAh lloti, and staff, and they all agre« in giving th* credit' to the volou- for tli-; w^nderfal tncc.nuR* every- and held it wcIL IIIi wit was at time* gnperbly brilliant He rccujivx-d nuira applan*n than any speaker' wbo bas been in lilrmlrxlinrn |u years. Tbe fores of tmtb wa» In blin, and that ta tbe secret of bis power." Creditor (iktenuiBeu'ly)—I shall cull I f your hotiBe every week pay" : tbl» account, »lr. . -...-.. :•__,.. : .._. •.-. DebUir (j'n- 4be .blandest of..tones)^; Then, «ir, there seruu every probability of otir icqnaintancesbip rlptiiirju into fries J'.hlp.—Tlt-IiiU.

Transcript of PHILIPPICS CAMPAIGN. Monuments and Headstones, · Nozzle and Washers, all complete, gaura'ntced to...

Page 1: PHILIPPICS CAMPAIGN. Monuments and Headstones, · Nozzle and Washers, all complete, gaura'ntced to stand High pressure for rholiaaaevoted a. shell of this-tJI*, Ken successful, and

sttai TESTC&J-

WAS OBED./ • • •

Bart** UsISt4 STIM)

!—Effort tpam SMMtk« laireaitar Caat-

a-o espeilnjeato wlttli«hellwblcbw«teoT-•nmenttook place'«totioK ground lo'tn*rsl OKell, <61tf of

§pyob.;ii. NO. 12." CSANFORD. N J., SATURDAY. MAY 20. 1S99 THKlvli CUNTS.

of crdBWWrerof oU««nP7tber »ftetoooo. ^illlnot bekoawn:fcr»gon containing t]j»>loded «wje:80fMt

II will tak? j o » »fell op»g»In. TWg-od gun cotton ftnina


Best equipped Marble, Granite and Bluestone yard in the State.

Monuments and Headstones,sint-tery IFbrk of every description. Best material and workmanship

PHILIPPICS CAMPAIGN.Native Recognition of the Amer-, ican Soldier's Superiority.

* Prices to suit everyone. Get my designs and prices before ordering yourtemorials. New sidewalks laid, from 9c. per ft. up. Blue stone for all purposes.

j . E. Whipplc, 8pi-goi E. Grand St., Elizabeth, N. J. Telephone L. BRADLEY. Agt.

the conclu-ent indicate, sword-itbmano, the entlte

sad Mr-




Uw wbolo ch«f go ofis ID tba abell willme condition'wbenop. .., .'otthevimthaipot-

of artillery <lff»«Jop-tStates. TT)»> banting...

d l t i l J t M—~«


Does a General Banking Business and Sella Letters of Credit Available in All•-.••••••••-• - • Parts of the. World.. .

ry officer* have -beenbe possible safety ofl shells. It has beenUna that the

Boxes in Safe Deposit Vaults forL $100,000 SURPLUS and PROFITS S19.000

froto Davidson.pS&W, a Atwmtar.

aTm. 4 CU»k.7 O. U. Horning.I OtertsB.I'lamb,

11. T. Pott*.Joh« MeCandG.U. UaedftAmu» (lark.

• F. 0. Jl»r«h.

Oitw.t.VmisUri.Vim. MCCUIIMI,John N. Harsher,boals F- Hereb,Alex. Kcrr.

Mlrhncl llrrnM.l.;K Bwtbpwr,II. UnwardlshamiA. b. C l i l l '

Discount day, Thursday. Accounts Solicited.

fe awl pai-,matter of abelUcf

type, which ire^pnr-ind pofferfnlfromthenge of gtjn.

jreuitttnre taplosion.which cab be awdIn a. modern rifle' Is

litla after, Inventorr h o l a a a t d


light nnd un up-to-date is furnished by

Bleotrlo Companyfjivo electricity for beat (mil power. : Come and see

• . ' over and jdNi'1^^&yo"riion'« :?1' *ti;' '' ''V''' " )"^"'"^Telephone: Station und Offices i

Long Distance, 8 4 B . 77 Murray Street,Elizabeth S54. " ' , Elizabeth, >

Koaoiio. - •

We will sell 50 ft.» Advance Hose, Reel withNozzle and Washers, all complete, gaura'ntced to standHigh pressure for

rholiaaaevoteda. shell of this-tJI*,Ken successful, and(o him 'an opportn-alno of Lls shell tho

This is HOi quality advertised by department stores.Wa also carry* full line of Hose, all (izea, and Mechanical

Rubber Goods, Water Bags, Mackintoshes, etc.


lathmann ibelL Mr.that his projectile

iide of the pup, .'ttuktwematnrety oa leav-rill only explode onlief recommendationat it could «tAnd UM»BlefflpoiirtertoTBaBlefflpoiirtertoTBija"Iboat ttaegnn cotton;oet ottcctdd. At therdraace ofBclste two> gtins'wereat «ldVgtinswereraet «ildV

for <Ue in tbo a -f UM d

n gnn waa dragged|:h at tbo proviiig

aiUly besvy<hargopUcedln i i Tlwn

n bl lcotton, was pnt U

13 then -dragged'to •ibJch had been dngsvered to the bottom,

After an electtioched to tbs fosa tbotbohoje. Tbe bore

3d up with sand andthe strain of tho ei-

;nn w«s burled,-and*- for ibe test '(The,

rmalotmiiKkof Jlmrm Boanmmd U i r«r;««»

U>—?Jr» BOOM, North a n w . Kry* withrj«atip> U«uch. Wn. KliicfaUw, depot a*t.

MrW:m-MUWand North

ffOnmff« u d fipriosfiMil Arr*.E. Clement, J. Imunuin, WO.

snd CUn>maot -areaiK«.E K A U J


Mw»Ur. C. 11.

K«i* with. Uont.

A. CttixsIluunl llv>l«. Phiirpitlm at., l—Iior<ilmnaW«lnut A»«.c.iTitice.w.T.rmn. /D. A. EniKtt. juwiih AU«, Mm. M. J.

CBjl.VJUllH I-OST O »*•!<.• f .

«>|i 1 •• Jfj«»- l.rtUrt lf,T'» Jfl'h.V l JHait.


Ciow. lMr4.«S.0J " . 8.11'a. m.J.SU s.ti p.m.0.0)

7 45


AimivaFrom iwlnta «ut-i.M, 7.59. a. mr. Ml. 4 17 p. tn.

1'rom points «rml—8.17 a. p . ,, 8.11.

/ ' " • " ' " •

Tho Cronfofd Library—Opera Hou«<iIloom4. Open Tuesday, Thursday andSaturday afternoons from 3 to S ovjock.One year's subscription (3.00;

' 10c. - ' „

and inspect thij books.

vnunvitMothodi*t~Located on Walnut avenue.

Preaching service each Sunday at10.30 a. m. and 7.45 p. m.

Sunday school 12 ui.. Epworth League service each Sunday;;5op. ;m.v ' •'*-•.•.•.':«&•*:.-.•-<' ; . / ^ V V * V ; .

Prayer meeting, Fridays, 7.45 p in.Epworth Lcuguo moots each Wednes-

day 8.00 p. in.Junior Leaguo moots each Friday 3 JO

p. m. .Ladies aid society meets lint Thursday

each month.Missionary society meets second

Thursday each month.

Presbyterian—Located on Union avenue.Public worship each Sunday at It. a.

m.,ond 8 p. in.'Sunday School at 0.30 a. in.Y. P. 8. C. E., Chapel, Sunday 7 p. in.Junior Endeavor, chapel, Monday at

j 3 p. ra. .Gospel service, chapel, Friday 8 p. in.Special Bible class for young women.

Church Study, 10.30 a. n , Wednesday,at

ig debris, the wire,along the ground,battery .'and at ex-

lolonel Phipps tonch-:re was a doll boomjt-eand rose in thoinea and fragments5 inch Rodman guna. and the.' farce ofsdoat a hols in filemd 25 lee t ludtei-

waited an hour end iis excavation 3a in-to .e^gta or»h»;iiBl«w,ted.'lip JinuloJbe* c» r-fQD cotton, TJhichllstbell •ndprored-Ve-the shell had stood

Uy. AltBongb tfc»pieces. benuci. foundand tbs HDeiplo4«dTbo worfattsn ware

The Great Spring Housecleaning—Lace-curtains andmany other things which were constantly in tiseduring the winter need cleaning. We ..would like the attention of-the house at this occasion to ourestablishment. New improvements to facilitate thework , were added recently to pur present ones, whichenable U9 ta make the inoat satisfsictox)"JVV ork. -; L

flmepiean Steam Laundiry.. 1 6 and 17 West cJersey Street, Elizabeth-

Onion Water CompanyIncorporated 1870.

A » R _ C p10J0 a. m., 8 p. in.

Y. P. S. C. E., Thursday 8 p. m.

Christian Scicnco—Services held atrooms occupied by tho Iloyal Arcanum,in tbe Opera House Blook. - '

Berrices every Bandar afternoon at3.80 o'clock. , ;

Sunday-school after the services.

Episcopal—Located North avtnuV eastof river. *Sunday Bervioes at 11 a. m, and 730

p.m. % "'Sunday school D.30 a. tn. -Friday, Prayers 5 p.m.Vestry meets first Thursday in each

month at 8 p.m.Parish circle, first Wednesday in each

month.'St. Agnes' Guild, first Tuesday in each

month. . '


ituJvrn h»v,i » t In tnotiuli aijd whichnow \wVU thvin in it* i>>leutl<» K »»|>.Then U nut wamiiiit wiili-urn that it*•trvntilh wn« t«»te<i by' AmiUuiUTo tin-uiediatoly aftfr lb« fitiUiri-of lii.ultackun Manila ami bt« «li«a«U<m» •lrKat atCaltwcan «bi»wiHl him lii* 'iim'nirtiy totight the Amrrit-anannrrrMfally. Tlii>r«

vrberv. The mm trnw vrnul to ^u Inun^.Kot tint- wouM have ^"iip «htls Itinowa» ti|{iitiii)! ti> If, iloin". Tli>*»came hrn>'U»l)|tht mill . Imv* »tnid will(only bryontl what..they ii<iiii<l<-r tlieirterm ' uf t-tili^ttii'tit.. • i«u>iv> IliertbuUKht thi* ttovfrnuit-lit IUMHUII thrt;tN"W Iti'al thu Imnl HtfhtiUK l» »Vfr ami


orlrlr ut tt« K*I>|>T h n t l t u l)r«lti Is All Wha*at Vtskt^l Ut t t i l i r j <hr l«>rl»-• • • In M«ollK u« »>b. U V U nIdrftaf tit U0arnr>, _ ; •- •Tbe^vrw York I\atV corrt»pond>'nt.

rritlp'tt frpui Mailao, P. I., tindfr ditte,vt April 0 alxmt thi> l'liilip; inra cam-paign. uys: The l>ackt<uao of the Phil-ippine rebellion linn bnn tirakin. iindyet there can Ite no hopp'of nisiinj»lt*ttfr»-ntalilii'hmcnt vt peace, with it* ran-k«]u«nt fall tlllitiK of (he miil ami nn-Intorrnptrd internal iMUiuii-rce nmltravel, fur an iuilrtltiite tlm« to coinc.poralbly niauy mouths: \Vl»'|i ih^l'tll-pines vierj) rnthid «nt» of thrir fitful-dable iiitrrocliuu'iiti dt-fciidinit Malnlnin•and ft:T i» ' w k wi'XO krpt un tb"('.ti">vo,

I B i i j i l

mau'ler of tho army. Thin 1%'rd not I ** enmiKh vt th« \ww a11« U< wholly tru.\ tut it supeira" that Jl«i» to take tli«lr |ilai-I M n t i i ^ i n i i v l t m I

ITO rnlnurn (hat AKuinaldit had« Im . .tit I'.iuiwatit'a to ! n*w army auijijY alil^t>i di> nil tin- milc.\uti»iill about pratf. and | iUr.v work tbp..vgliinl«:w^;r.ibf ^l«"i;

that Muutcnrtird hud \v*u iiitnltt coin- \ Uhwar want to IK> uuutoinl mila« »v.,ii'' " . . - - • uf !(,„ ,5<1W nfmy t B U i e M U | ,

'en.un nruilit revulnttooiM.

thongb but a Iwlltny «t the IJIIK hotel itffiiro the war, bad tbi' K»tiipiinaun |bt'liind him, «ml wn> ttrolitf t'ii<niKli to jdictate tin' policy nf tl»> |in»ld'iit, who Ihud rithi-r t'l Ktion with tin1 wnr IT In- jculm' a ri'fUKii' liittn>lf. with th« iinnvl-bllity if Katnjiuiniii viiini•ami' «'''kinx I

ut wheri'Vi'r Im inliiht #o. Mi<nti»i lui« ti'iu" liillril, miil tlil- U mil' nflint'liw* tluit Juu»it. IHI ci'ii»ii|i'n-d in

aliiuuttiiK tin- li-UKtU of tiiiu* tln.< |'tii jin* Atati' of nffnlrx will coiiliiini>. i

i-rmttd ii fur«'n liv naild not |


tnnil -linivMiJinH ad-. Ainvrii'tiii". until ••vi-'n tbe

foutrnt, A|;llillilli|ii, ill >>>il<r ti> hnld 11>P- {|irr»tii;i* mill Iw in « iKwitinii tn ri'n|> iany (H'rwiiiul julvnntju!" ' " I IK* wt t l e -litent nf_ tbe • l inif i i l ly. w i n i-otiiiwlledt.v iMUi«.-amilhfrpiOflitVtintl«ii.«if •etrrua.l.L.' W l f W H V b 1 l k U i

In T»|u'lia ilnr« I* «u nUl rulillrr -ick •until drath: Ha i i o half drail nnd linlfnlivr. tnkitiK no iutrriat in hi» ^tir-uiHti«liiut. • lliit evfry 4<v,.|iibi4. wlivnthi' i lnlv |m|ier rtiiiii'", Im li.u»r» atid""wants' In kuuw what tin' iri>ww4j» fn.iutin' TwriHlftli Kun^iv Vh' IIDK IM(lUui l i i ' i rilntlvr* In tlmt ri'uimriitIt i< dimply IbtM'I'l li""'"1'"111 miil'tlmold w«r »i»lril rifuaibK t|> l»iw l*fi.r»th* tvdiM'r, ib'Hlh, -K'tiUKaa iMty Jotit*ual. ., -• . - ' .

I "••!••

• : : i • . '

ilp,! Mnlol.m. tin-onpttnl i;fl k i l

brfuro th<' •TIIUCO if th<heavily ilctftbt> mi I'uilt'il ri'pulilir. wih tukrii. withUi". inj.'itiul 1.' fiw rlill pij-liiim mi inimrsnil, tbi'y, n-inKniri'il. thi'iittfr hojii'I.Kytii^Aiif li^fninn tbwo I'"'" in blueand brown ami knki. wbiitii Imlb'titconld not Btiipur a tnrrld Mill nverniim1.

By tlit> pntntiy.'.'. prinidint, .«« wi'll n»thi' tiiiint iKiiornnt ]>rivutu in tin1 rntik",t!ii«kDii\\t'.!«<• li.n Imjn acfinlri'd in thfdeadly hall «>f Ntlln. Tiny bavv lii-enrunti-d, <lriv< n from their «triiti!;liiililsjinil i"Til llviim inln the wllileriiiv* l>yan ititniynrtmd with inftrlur.weapon*,but (wrwioinK Bin»rlnr ruu'ritRo undmilitary tkill. That tlii> mtitinntiuVr inch(i>f known -it in 'limply Vliown by binorder not to Unlit n ImttK'. l>tit tuUIHI lnK'ln H K'W'riHi warfare, und thut

Kited. n:|ilit>r» and .tlif bvttcr

from the wiiundvil- nnd "iirlKoiat-m thut'full ink) our bund* and • tho iiiiiny di>-

r* jvlui nri'dully rftnrnliiK t.i theirlioinvi to ti'i'iumi tin' urtn'of iienc. All

IK'MI ligrci' tliut they buvo liml HIUIIKIIif wnr, (bat it Ini* been a continued

ntory >>f ulauRliti-r urn! difcut, that nnc-K'V** AKaiiiftt tltu AtnrricuriM it* and thut tbo grvut niujorlly <if thetl-.*!:.;!.-4ifci»:'.!i-.lli.^«,ra.,«l*Aj.^_,l,^.4» »l.,.«liftlarcd. ,

It is Iwlitvf il thut I'Vin tlm miijorityof tholtfarcrs would ntupllKhtiiiK if theydared. Him in thu chief dlfllcnlty andthe lino that it RolnK to bo a continuedmjnrceofBnnoyancoutiddlMialet. Tlnreban been ai'tlu motion a forcn that inn-not U- cuntrulM until it weurs. Ituclfoat. Even thorn who uurnoil nnd ted Itcannot now check it. A uicn of terroreiists within tho lin<». Theminority U terrcrlzint? tbe majority !»'•cansv thu mitiorlty in orcanitcd into imoath bound society and In fnunttcal nndcruel, while the innjurity in jieaco lov-ing and timid. TheKatapunana threat-en death to ullwlio will riot fl^htand donot hesitate to ciecnte their threats.

There bm fur yvara vxlitod a secrut'brotherhood Lnown as the Katauunaua,a political urmnliatlon re«ortiDj( tn themetljodii tintil I_T thu Kuklni Klun tifunnavory iuemory In cinf TjwnTofiiiliy"land niinx tho •atno mystic nyinlMil.

K. K. Kil'l Not -pollti«*Taione, hotfinancial Kuirt and othtrrlooi<ldt'rations,proinpt<x) tbe tnembara of thla order tudeeils of innrder. rublx-ry and nrwiD.

lenders of the revolution combinedwith this foclety and for tbo (lino be-ng, at leset, succeeded In makiUK it

their chief agent and support. Uuririgibe montlm »hen the AiiKTicarm werelying idle In Mmlln, awatdng tbn uc-tloii of tho jK-acn cominlwiun, tbe wii-ate and tho administration, tbls society

i was busy recruiting its strength fromi amiiDK tbe yonni( and recklemand irre-

Piliplno* anlll it liecauiu

lacs bow to In will and fear its venge-ance. Throughout th« city every ablo/1

l d d dlyjdicil man was liiitod and made toItive in bis adbTctiie to Ibe rovolntion.

, . I Even tbe servants of white families, toFirst Baptist Cliurch, locatwi on High : wboin .they weru sttocbed bernnsn of

street—Preaching service each Lord's j'kindicd generuns treatBieiit; Wer«'re«-Day, at U A . i L and 8 P.M. Bumlay- • i.tered 'ho r«olntl<,nary «,l<H«ra andschool,3 P.M. Tuesday evening, prayer' _ . - _ . . •meeting. Thursday evening, Christian iEndeavor Society mooting, 8 P.M. Tim 'first Monday of each month, trustees'meeting, 8 P.M. The third Monday ot\each month, deacons and pastor's meet-; others whoworkwl in cutupany kitchebsing. 8 P.5I. On "U»e fourth Monday of j or aboat tbe hospital". wer« ellber Ka-each month, general Churcli meeting. 8 tapanans tliemtelvea ur au feared themP.M. On the first Lord's day of each j that, wbeo tbe time

to make prutFet. Tli* Filipinos )who drove officers' catrlsg'^, were their jpersonal srrvanta, did tbelr washing <" '

in tbelr kitchen*, an well as I

the KutHpuimim svlm oriMtiltrd tin1 tip- town,rUiuK in Mniilhi ««'i l'"«'b. -.', und put trti'. ithe tlrt'* tbilt titirnt'il MI iimny hounrsand tiullvt' IIIIIH lit tlm Sntitn I 'mi.Toiidoiind Hun .SiU'liolait tlUlriirtei. undit win they wliu ml tbn lurch to MaisIMIII, Miilutn.n ivtid i'v<'fy..-'vUtnt{e endtown they linvty vviiiiluti'il bi-fori' tlu>buttbi line iif tlm Aimrti :ini. rinciictitlii'tii. Alter th.' I.IHII' ..r Malabou Italked with Imlr il du/i'ii w.minlrd Kill-piliu4, and I'Viry oiiiK«jf (tit'iu . Huld hovltli.r bud to llt;bt ut In' would Im killt'd. A nbnrt illntntK'tl frmn Mitlubou ":tU'ud uit'U vviri* fniiiid,.i'liih- with hipbi'iid liinriv HIVI rtd frmn IIIH Indy, undi s i i t l w «niil tln'yliiii|.liri-ii -klllinl by tlicKiitiip*tiniiii4-for rrfiuin^ ti

YvfNrdny I wm with «pufly iu Ilii' illrcitlon nf Himtw Maria,iitdwtj lutiifilid l iyulxut fiiHl liiiurci'iit


iniiued by tho Annrlnin ctiiniirlMtliiimraWi'iiiijiriiiii Inil wllliln luilf II mill'nftlm tiiwh-fliiil within SOU yanlii (if anliiKiirKint iiiit|Hnt. All tbo lmtlvi-H lliilaii wn ndvnni'i'd; exiii'iit ntio old nmu,WIKI rt'iiiuliitil in bla lioiiHit. I uuvit himtwo i f tin' |in«'liilliatliilm, |irlnt<Hl inTnKul'iK and Hpiuilah, liml nxk>-<! him toPI I* ^liut 1ti«'X Wffii tiikrn. to*. Hitiitu

lft'rbt?'i|'rti"'pr'iftiii«it.iliii'"f*"a;'H th~tf-Kat"nprniutiit woulil cut bin tliront. ntid tlmttln-y klllml I'Virylioilr wliu did any tilingto brit*i|{ nlKillt tu'llci'.

Ni'Vrrtlnli-H thi! innnriC'tit nrniy isdlnintt'KrutluK. NiiiH'onilintautu areroiniiiK tliriiUKb tbnllllin nnd rittiirnliigto IliL'Ir IKIIIII'II <ir to whrro tlm riildnxbi'H ilnlli'iilo tin' locatli n of Ihi'lrfoitnrr biitiit-H, nnd IMUIIM of tliini friolyndiillt thnt tbey buvn Ixen iHilillirn, butunaitmt tlii'lrwill, wblib bitt<-r tuny riotliuve bei'ti trim In thn bcuHiiiink. Twolnys nun it Will ilnni-t'l litid Ketitleiiian<ly younit imutirn iiiuiii in. He talked){ood Kiinllnb liml WUH n full repremiutii-tlviiof tlm lilgliiir i IUM KilipliiiM. Hitadiiiitlid, wlthoiil liPKltotlon, that tinhinlIMM'II un oflliiT In the Kiliplnnarmy,but mild Im » m ruiivim.'I of tbn fullyuf llnlitlUK tin- AiiH-ricai'iN, and that theFHIpiiiiM wfjiiM bo U'tter'off with tilt

iu ttuihuri ty ,.oy j-» tjj.<:!!i:.. J l" !V.!d_tlmt It tliv FillpilK) miWli-ri nlily kliuwtbo Until they would ilewrt und «" ;

liuuii'. lint Hint' "th«y'were tvl'l outta''Uruua UiKubuut thecruHty of the Ainer-lean, und foi ii IOIIK lliii«'Wcr« nindutoImlleVB thnt tbpy Wfre.wbijijiltig us andUnit innny tiiounutid»-'of our wii'Ii hadlitrn kllliil In buttle or iwrlshed from

to rtliii nun, Tliey knew now


llloimrl v>rm,) nivi>i»i • r>».wtkalilr »«rl»ly »l lr»ll,

I,i jiujriy'i-,. wjin.|lvi'i« jii'»r_Midiip^M«., iius un biV triiii>k uii a p i f c 'li>* fruit of which bun lit'Cnm,*. n

• Ulily to tlioiii inti'riHti'il In fruit nmlfruit K'(|wiUk|.,.> Mr. llurmn bad mi f\hibitiou In ViiHdullit rori i t ly IUI oppl.'Wht^h hi! pH'ki'd .fnnn (lin trr«"ilurliii<tlm fall of 1HUT and which Mill rwlalmn ri'luurkul'l" dvKfeii uf -'prrnrrvatlou,without iirtitlclnl uif-uUK.- .-Tlm s|i|d» t<VSfm'rlhi'il a<t tliiilldr 'lit a i t m t t III »U»-- »mid i.ilur ami y<-t wltli dUtinxultbluit •iliarat'tiriiitlrK whl ih olinw it. to be i fuli I'hllri'ly nnW vuttity. • "

Thu trio «'UIIIO, tiunatiit'd, from tfttIlllnoU iinrniry. Mr. llntueit tlilnka bisdliurnvory will nut him it firtmn;. lt«bu« cun»ill.ti.J proiiiini'iit .fruit m«ii at ' •I.uuL-iHlia, Mo., and nil |irnfvsan| i«ni.' '".'"ram " H i (o tho uppln'K varli'iv. Tli» 'lii'it ihiM'tlni; nt tin) MUHOIKI - Krnlt . •(Irnwum' HKaoclutlon will I* naked toln<|iiiri< Into tlm pKt'iiliurltK'X nf the ay-

. . • . . • : . . ; . . \ • : • ' • : . • • . . , » . - : ? : . • . • ; . • •

In im» Meal ul a i r l l * . -'lluw lu*il a*t tu t>»UI»-,

"llirililiiai l i n y tiiluk In ih» rra». • ' :*fu u w In itm IIIAIH ur lh« uiurulua . . ' -

W.« i-milutut Malululiy. . • .

Hut aiut Q,-ri-i' \\*p Ida tlutilins.Ilii. IIM.I. t,,ii|ihl lilratli In l.t'.iti.

Atid 1tM«, rui-il KiiMiinl th anauttfli.

• ' . - . . : . • ! . . . . . * " . . • • . . " .

i'ur iritrr, Mjnio tit *•*!»'livmi **lu^l ^t-ir matt* tu tf

On» iliot tu KIIII tlietr pa

Ulilla •liruim. I watteiU ll M

Anil muefcet tnlU ittrui It varttlWiniWilii «ullni. «li«»lljr taiat.

Puunht t/Dttlra twain hy kv>aluL' A i d fam« waa rethuiliNl awlftLy

\\j thu witr«4 uf tra-ta ui«a «ia!n


IMI MnlM anf rum .«ai:rw

U«r« UI»I»

L>Mll lloalli li.U uull"«> iirtn. ..-•

And ulliAff*, uilit ihi IWhilnii,Allunwl tli*lr tlM,u«ln«l.. IUII .

Ai:ruM ll>» «ull ufhl«li<r)Tii llm «Uya of ai lt /utit . ^

Thv I'favr, th* eiciL, l|]» prtlilflut,I'll* n.'kli ««, il«li«l I I J ttm»l.

And KriMina atritl i-lifsri* aauy viuturjIn lli« o«nilv.l ,,f lil.-o.!.

Tlm ll.ilagi l i think In't

p ythat they WITH benU-n, but otlll thungbt.l ~ T ^ d l b i d t h tUmiuaTXrmiitenc^iiAtbKitt. and that

vrmiiilil nut Muml th« ilimatn. ••! askedIII in why bo did uut ti'll them tb« truth,uml Ii" simply •'nlil. "Kutaptiiinin."

his shouldem, drew bis lioiidbl» tlirout and ruilkd. |


a«w In tlntMit'a uf tb« woFnlna" "fa cspmrt'il Malamlay.

-1'hllail.lMlU North Am'tlcma.

S» M«B'« l l u h V« »t. I.UBla.Tliu yutiliK w»iuetiiin (ha liniKbbot-

Uixxl nt lilckituii hlrril and UlAm<i<wuvuiuie, In Ht. I<nul«, hav« i<ivun|ia<ltbe Muznrt HIKI IJICICI ll« tlnb. The ob-ject is to practically douwuy with mat"escort*. Tho iiiuniiwrx ari> |ilciluri| n< t

Htntes ((rniipwl (Im I'lilllpplim electricbattery sud raliriot l<t go, and AHUIII-

«rii«pi'il tlm pull* of tbn revolu-tionary ••Iectrli: miicliiiiii and cannotilrup them. Thu litailem of thla revolu-tion, except tho fnnslicD that now ton-trut 111" Oliginal b;ailctit, weut iulo thisiiiovi'inctit for i«-uotml Kalu. Tlinywanted tu tott'i the Unitod Hlstts into

tbn lil>;<'tlu|{». lit) tlm w»y ever « M ^and loiiuly, midi-r penalty of cipuUloa.Tliu priKeeJiiiKH arn alwj Ut IMJ <urcr.*-t.

! Tbo I!til'.- nffulrn urn arraniiHl in ord<-rthut trjiT Klflt "iay Im -• I"'1*pt-udenl In their uncial inoveiiteot» atliljtbt u< wull IIH lu tliw day.--New York

4 l AualraillaiB l-ailall Sraaaitlaai.

Tin.'lt'-v. Mr. IJuvimn had H U S K Sward eiu<;rt«ncw of bai<b lifu tlm otherHnnilny. DiirlUKdiVino atirvicu at Huniiyim-diy Victurlu, » voli« in suieiuu'tone"iS'sTed" "fiifth; "tk> u»r-iflov*;:Mr. •

i; there's a nnuku at yonr »-l-

The Union Water Company supplies the inhabi-j

Organized JSOU | raonth,Tha"Lord's"Supper will be served.'" f8;45P-M.

and Roselle with watenior domestic useT""™"The Purest and Sweetest that Nature can

la*foae, 1^5UM water supplied by theComr^ny waaanalyz^l b7 A!U*n lltvtoia, Eaq., a leadlnshrdrsslie expert of Bovt<m.sxulpro&oaxioe<l ty tim lo Wwatcrcf great organic parity," and la a'latter to oaa-clth«Co3ip«2i7'* patrons to &dds"Vt>nan3 to t»> c*-in«nto!afc?d apon batin* ao cood a

o anxlttywhat^frt 8» to-iu whol* ')mcnr«». : .

^ ^ ^ o;e.thr:r.eTo»tb *ad proap^rity,

, The Company Refers to aiJils Patfons7A rtpTwimt*UT» of tiie Company will be r-lcaMHl to call on jiirliHi-wLo do not *t present tue

its msiss, «ad explain rat**, tenss, vm.i*a<l of wrrjee. e\c.

Onion Water Company,At 68 Broad Street, Elizabeth.

came far action,^ t n e | r p,,^, t<) a

»tealing what (bey ruoH. InclodiDg all! the clothing in tbe bands uf the laun-!drym*n. Many of them wero foonddead iD the trench^ on tbe «J»y of tbe

i '


It was dread of the secret and iTeOResmce of thla aoc-iet; thatAgoinalild to collect bit taxes in everybou«e in Manila. Tbq Amertcani col-lected tlm regnlar tai<nt only.wheretnrir military antbority extended.bnt

upaliflc, theyId be a pnrel

Icil itovcrininDt; with thsmselves incontrol. Tli<jy oversliot tbo mark whenthey unlo#ji tbo force tbey now ar«

man, i onabiv to control and are between tbadevil and tba deep sea. However, Ithink (b<r« will b« no more tM.-rio.nufixbling, that th« Insurgent aruy willgradaally diflnte^'ste, that tbe Kata-

steadjly losfl' strength and

Ou« ofing stick, and, after auuie ctjnfaaiuuniuutig tbo«« present, iuccwdnl in dn[ntcblnk the reptile.—Melbaa'rnaj Aus-tralasian. -

' A Pimvrral Sawakvr.The Uirmingbam (Ala.) Daily News

•peaks thus of Hooker T. Waahingtoo>recent adilrusn before aoexclosivewbita

warfare for a tlfife,"and that a peac« will Ui eitablisbed bytbe time tbo rainy «eason seta in whicha garrison of 2U,0UM uicu can maintain.

Tim prait leal erjdlbg 'if tho wuir brinK*Xgn'itia'ldu^neck'd b'ii «v«nfrosi' the 1 »P fh« 'l«<*llon .,f ^th. retnrn^ of the

j body uprvaot f;f tb» military govtrnoiiblniifilt_JLbate_te«n.lh».i{tX«S.K;'« e»-

P»olunleerii, m

• Plmntean

deur to.tba beart'ofthafJ' »hl» "oldiera. It ia the

Btaun ia,i hot wvrt tmtinc- Titmiu cud betair krtiihg. Katim*t«a (nralataHl (ut

8 d tl8ew*t and mtXtn cjnzectlnxt*.Op*ni n<»a» Clock, rraafurd, N. J.

'.ing enp I foatid oh tbe door of iied tniliittll^'ii liilt. 'In; Posiif, after itscapture. I fonnd oc<; of the Katapnnanp&mpbkt«, Un at it is printed in Tag-a\oK I have n.jt yet learned itscontents.Tblj M tbo fcrce tli«» revolutionary

ng» and. jlKhtinx <|oallties of veteran*.1 have talied'wilh" niany regular of3l-r<-n. UAh lloti, and staff, and they allagre« in giving th* credit' to the volou-

for tli-; w^nderfal tncc.nuR* every-

and held it wcIL IIIi wit was at time*gnperbly brilliant He rccujivx-d nuiraapplan*n than any speaker' wbo basbeen in lilrmlrxlinrn |u years. Tbefores of tmtb wa» In blin, and that tatbe secret of bis power."

Creditor (iktenuiBeu'ly)—I shall cullI f your hotiBe every week pay":tbl» account, »lr. . -...-.. :•__,.. :.._.•.-. DebUir (j'n- 4be .blandest of..tones)^;Then, «ir, there seruu every probabilityof otir icqnaintancesbip rlptiiirju intofries J'.hlp.—Tlt-IiiU.


Page 2: PHILIPPICS CAMPAIGN. Monuments and Headstones, · Nozzle and Washers, all complete, gaura'ntced to stand High pressure for rholiaaaevoted a. shell of this-tJI*, Ken successful, and

•- T •'--'V- r r c-.i-^T

£ '

£I;c CranfortJ .{Etiigfit.• : I"tilalit^fIT^<1 i*v»'fy Sl i t unl i i* l iy

!k' I'niiforJ Ciliwn (lumprilfd).

Union ATrnue, Oranford, HT. J.


T u i . l l i v

• .;iK,'ilu | « i i n

. -in III.- Ili

" t i N ' . ' i l 1 1 i i v r f n i ' 1 T l i i i r « , i | j i y

I- t<i I I I , ' M ' M I i . f I I I I , I I ' I m

' l l , , l l ~ l - I l l l l l t i l l ' o l d III

'' I

I I I I - I " i - . ' . i n i n ^ ' ' t n l i i ' " i i | i | i | - i > x l i i i / i f i - l , v

. > , | H ' I l l l I f o f l l l l ' l l O M ' O l v l l l - l l I ,V t i l l ' " t o l l II

nml in c4i-r "7 'iii-i'fl tlii- IIHMIII'II i m

ioiii|M'lli'il In - i n i l Imrk fin I lie l i i i lani i

thimliv.111^IIIIII'II vnl i lnl i l* ' thin\ T u n *

ut T l i i i i - i l n y ' - Ilii- Ih i i i ' \u i* lint "tif

llrii'llt 111'.-'1 MlM'll (ill M'll* «tll'ti'l|l'll

1,111 if tlll'M' Illlll l>l'l-M'-l|l,llirll, M>-Ullll'll

tillH' Illlll I"''Ml I..-I Illllt I.Ill l i lt l l '

M'IA-III tIa 1 Imvi' hi'i'ii n-inli i n l .

!•• H I T i l r | i i i i l i i n n t -l inii l i l In- (,'hi'ii

i-l\v riiril l ly fur |iriiiii|il nml "-flli'li'lll

i lk,' inii l • Inn- « i ' IIIIVI- Ihf' wi'iiii'il

iniiili' (ii 'l>i'i"|i il i i-mly fur l n - t i m l


T u t * • « ' • l i n n - i / i j j i - o f I I M ' < ' . , y l i .

u l v e n i ' r a n f u f d m i "-xli'it I m l it r m - l i « u v

I.HII i n M I I H T K - i p i i l " isivt-- u « I ' I / M K T

W r v i f i * l i m n f j < i i i i c r l y , n i n n y n f u i i r

• t n i l i i K n o w h i » i n t r ! ' • . | i i r n l » " - « H t h f y r n y

' ^I t i tu l i l I I I IVI 1 n l i t ' i i s l S i i i i ' t i n l i i i i i t h e

m . i r i i h i ; , ' w l i i r l i r | , , i ~ n , , | —t<»j• u n t i l

r - n r l i l i i f t ' i l n t x - y C i l y 1 . 1 I n t i n ' n i i i l t ' - i n f

-I j i tTi in f i i i ' i i l l i i 'n <'rn11T<.t<I | i u i i y i n | | n *

- I ' J I I . l i n v l n i ; l it ' i ' i i f i l l n i l I ' l ' i l n l - i ' - ' f o r

\ . I I I - 1 - • T I H - . I I H ' I K I i - I T i - i t h i ' i v i i y t<iM<-

.•Ml.- l i r i l r i M' l 'Vlrr I". llV | i r l l l l l i l l . t i l l '

I ! I! o f l l r i l l l i « l v i l l K MHili ' ( M i t l - l i l l ' l l l -

t i o i i ii> > n i i ' " t . ' r n i ' i i i l l y MIUIIIMI | H ' | | | | I I I I

I l i n n !•> t w i h l y r ( i i i i i i i i l l i i " - " f I I I \ U I * I I I | I

il Mr

C t N T t N N I « t AVtNUC.

On Mmiiliiv niiilil .Mi'(.»r« Alfi

Inliri* mill Cnmniuaii 'IjViiii', tin1 HINMMUI

('iiinuiittiH' nf thn 'JYittiiulii|i (^uiiiiiittiHt

-lipjHiinlt'il in IIM'IU ifttu tlii' Criiti«iiuiii)

II.VI'IIIIO iiiiittt'r. lii'ld ii ifti'lihii liKiirinn lit

ll,i''l'(i\vn«iii|i riKiiiii^ < A iiiniilicr iif |in>

IWI ly.uwuiii'rt t'<f..tli«.'Wiltd. 'linl ciul H«r*

- i»irt*4iif 'o»:«l'*f*ilrft iH>w<-l*nvimhl|»-. t

m<l I'. <,». -OHVIT. .

Air. N. 11. I'urlc (jun> M lull liinlnry of

the tniuliti'ii rruullinu fimii llut_ iir

iniiiit nf lln> nmilwiiy with• ai.ilowallt

liml Hliiulit Irct-H in tli iTrii

in Hut fiirniiitinn (if tint

»l<i|i|iii4,'i« nf tliit i i i lvci l

(Taiifurd Mtt»l«* Club.

Tlio Iliiant'ial re|«ort of the CVonfnrdMunic: <;luli»l)mt» l iml U»i> t o U l r«'*Ipt»f rr>m tlicir ii«H'i»rt nf May 3 wrr« 9101X10•HJK-OKCJ. . . , . . ; , . . . 18.75

lluliia'.'f ' • S3.25lllii> half of this i« to fin to the \V«I-

Tfc» Old Vimrltlmtt lira.e ifi &tit}eth\ii-%''ulisi&*t (

ID tfrf-ltaltbtrtav**, 16 htisiuni* and thei l i l l * ; of\tb» oftlipary

h-r htut mtt tm'

will Kit alli


HIGH GLASS VAUDEVILLEiipn.lny Morning Club f<ir the twne'lt of "

tlict I'ublic Jjibrarr, aud tha hblattcG ri<-

•tritt arnninl iu (be hark I n t w i t h «<]• . !'B i;r +i of f n z i j <liirk» a t Iwr IM-*1*.

ji-raU'Jnnu nmi ii'InrkiD^ utttl »r.VHiB2ininwl Ii)- tlio c lub u« u uwit mn tm next ] j j I r f fmttbi-m1 w i th crlf i m [ . j r tam*.HHuuiii. tf Uu,'i:lub sliiiulil li'it cont inue i to utdrr tu r-aliafy tki*> u io th t t iy jn-it will.l»uiv**ii to lunnv worthy cause of | rt iuct *he i* l iot only wi i l iBx , t n t frAB-tlm town. . . I tl'', t o i l ' i i f lii;r<flf nil >4 t h e m i l i t a r y

Tim».fli..f,r» i M ' r a to tlmiik l h « friondu j ple«»u»«-» " ' ,',''* •Hl"f *•«•«»*« c a r e fur a

Bnil tnmnljHri'ar thn c lub for tlipir <x.rd-1 "K"A ' " T T . J * " e , C I ' J , t t a t e I l t

. . - • to . l a y «t lii-iii«!»rnl a t t e n d t o her ma-1 H!i|i|«jr . • lernnl i lo t i i* . arjil l i s t uu n,iu<,rn a b o n t

h'jw biT trutittt4 are-oiljnMtil <*rwbtth-A (uniera Clul/,

T'i tlip "eninora tiitiiila" of Cranford :-

It in |itirf«n«xl to organize a camera clul

in Oiinfi iri l for tho inutuul Ixnet l t . pru-

llt ond |)InuAuro of nil d e v o U r a of tho

rt lii-r cniuUlien lit liiyiuirnrj

urt f'liulojiroiiliii'. 'lheori((iniilur»((f II:

vn onliinixl highly int«re«tliiK

{•lain) whiili ciin only b» ri!»liirc-<l b;

Hi ourrntion. To all Indies nm

i intereatwl in phnUjgr«|>liy ia

«-«I<'IM1IMI a i/ortliiil Invitation to com

ininiciili'nt one« with fi lhcr Mr. J, P.

M, .Toiuipli or Mr. F/dward J. Mfrrlum. I

Hiilllrii nl ri'i.|KMiw» err received, a meet

wijl IK-fulled fur ilifM'iuiiion ami or

Tim I

Tlollrt NoU>.

u 611 Houth nvonuo Ijotwrcn

'runfonl by'tlin

nnd Klii-ulK'tli trolley jirople linx boen

r" w/iiittwhot

•• Itiiti-" \ty tin-,

ill Ilin Wiiiiiim

'" ':• I."""' '

i i

ni'.nili'f IIm trccM from uliul \viw|ini|H'rl»

11• << ruiiilwuy,mill pliiciliudf lln>ui(lit\vnlliN

'\\ Jmrtt IIM*)' iiruiH'rl.v 1n0ont;i<il. It WIIH

liiHii|iiiiluii |lii)( inimt of thu Hiititr furui

iii^ Hut " lake" in fiii'H (hit nutilwny lit the

ht«<i>|>t>(lciilvxrt t'fitiiofriiiiMirtllciitl Oriiiim

mi llioTluiniiin |in>|utrty rnrryinx ' " tlitit

luiiiit wnlor ivliich linturiilly would

Iliul itHiiullitt in tint ii|i|Hwilii liirtH'liiin.

' M r . j J . W . Ki'lm ililTi>rt>il riiiiii' Wr. 1'urli

im to tin* wiilrro lit Ilio water, I'liilluiiiif

;tiut tint iiiii-t nf it wiitifrnin tlu> iuiturvl

Hiiifiup iliaiiiiiK'i' It . \vn« fln>\vii Unit

II |{ri^iliit|f of lint u^crii.iit fur aUiut ftmr

liuiulnilfi'itV, willi n t'lii of nlxiut I'ifc'ht

fct*t at tin1 itmijx'Ht jiiut wolilil rcliuvi^

tintrotuhvity of lint witter. All tho ritHi'

ilrntx of tint ili«lrict nlio wrrn lit lint

Ill'lirillU <tX|ir«'H»('ll tlu'IIIHI>IV('H IIH willillK

thllt ll|l> trit|tHlltlllnilll*t\Vllll( 111 Ill<> Illitllllp

bit tPHMivml,' 'i'hiwp)irini' i |>a|ciuiw n l

of tint p«ul Mliiiiiiiltr«tM huvo l«t|t|i tint

> '

. z .jiuUniulilu,.tliu.v-liuyiiiiLviJvtl.thu. r«-»l-

i . ' ilt-ntH nlouu tint im-iiiii' itvitn IIH they

iliviile tint tonilwny, Ktilmt winliinc to to-

tain llu'iu, tint ullitTB riH-tijini/iiii; tint

fni't tluil tliit pi'iiiiuiii'iit ini|mivitiii(tnt of

llttt Hvcnnit WIIM inipoRHiliU* :uritil tint

IrnitH ««tnt ivinnvttil. Tint for unit inn of

linully lim»ulit Ixitli Kiilmt l<tm>tlicr. •

Mr. Molntiro HIIIXHIIHIMI Hint lit' would

r,.nmlt willi Sir. Vrci'liiiitl n» to net mil

amount of wriulinu iiitfituwiry - nnil nw

»iiiii;pnli>tl in tlir> DOIIIO limit ut;i><

Ilioutilit |Uirtii«n IOIIIII IH< fonml to iht

Hunt ut lln> Hiiiilintf fi>r tint lillinu mil

tTIIII olitniiutil. Annul); tl»wi< |m>Hcut

mid WiUinil part ill tin" iliBciiwiion woro:

Meimra. N. H. l'ulk, U. \V. Ki-iln, (J. J.

WYnke, I'hil. Jiihn Jr.. .11. IKijIo and

A-MrrilWittmm.•• • - - - "

llitiMlt lilrriliin,

Si'uuit liimt Biiu'it l|io MitllimlwlH do

, i-itlitd Unit I!»• liiUtrculH of tint ClfHn-h ill

tV.iufonl would I* mhliln'i'tl by ii-rvjtit;

liiroritaiiiziitioii unit iw tint first *t<-|. 11

cull niia |«>Hk'tl for 11 nii'CliiiK' of tin"

iiipmlHtrn of tint iHintirt'ttiilion to oloct

IIIMI<H>». Thu .iiuvtinK wu» held on Moll-

•lav nijiht in tlu» Itxtun' riHini of tlic

4'liurcli. rtvultiii({ in tlu» I'ltH'tion of

Mi'iwrn. J. I\. (irillln, William Iliithon

mid U. V. Hum for tlirtv youni; Manure.

""•'IJ'/'Ii-Ibiblnson; JrO.-iittmmcrnmi W;t;


lianiilton,J«iMt|ili Allen uml 1). T. l»iiT-

»«ui for un? Viiir. 'l'ln» TrUBteM met

Thunnlny niK'l't «fthi> |MrwiiiiiK* nud

•truaniznl with J. K. lirillln, |ii*»itl«tnl;

K. Ii. l.ubiiiHoii Jr.. Kivn>tary j uml It. R

Hum, Ireuaurpr. A tvaulution wan

ndoptwl thitt rTontaftor .llii» Clmrt'li U>

i.'roM him Ixwn iiimlc. About thrm> him

nlfci't of Illllon i»vr t lo l«i dimo ubnvf

tint broolf. . ' . . ' " '

All tlui'criwH lion for the Hoiitli liven

iit lime l«n'ii iliBtriljiiU'il HIOIIK I

ri«lit of wny nml thii work of liiyinii Ilin

Irai'kH will Ixitfln im HI H HI u« I lie rnllu nrcl*tC(tivwl. ? *-. .

Tlic. WViilllulil and • Klizubetli |wo|ili<

liml iiin>tlit>r COIIUTI'IICO with tbo Itomillo

mllioritifi. lilnt nlulit, but flfiol ot-tiun

IIH |«.ut|».ncil mid woek. It ia liUely

uwitvitr. Hint thojr will wruro tiio fr

liiw, Hiijiilf the |iroj><innl Hopiinil nVttl

Kiutc, iitnpiUt of aurioua (ilijedliium hy

ru|Mtrly utvnitra who objiH-t tolfaircuttintf

iT.of their proiHtrly uml thu di'iitriii-lidii

if Bllll.hl IrH'B. .

_ liftJWizubsU tjiJiMit, ltait«»y t.\ whu

Ithin"riiuqutlj aciiiitttiif tboJ right'•• to turn.

I heir roinl into u Irollcy aud attend

to the cit) limta, ptpevt to huvo Hie new

IMIIII In o|*ruticn, by Avguat, tbo only

iHM'Mtioii,, IMIIU'U 011 ilelivory of road

nialcriiil in tiuui. 'i'biu compunj h u tbo

frAnvliIwi thfiitiuli Itoecllo to thu Crun-

ford llnu nud will inioli forward tho work

Two film of riiii Joints for tlic Houth

iivi'liiic triilli')- iirrlvi'il today uml inv

•'liiK dlttrllliitril illiillK tin' Illn-.

l'l.Klit I'liin loadi'il with milHurrlvi'il

lliln inurnlncj ni i-li'M'ii o'l'lwk.

'I'lir lii"lof tin1 Bcrlctt of IXive.Ucr-

uiiins (xivi'li ut tlli'V)|H'ru llcniHii'Tiir.i-

iliiv iiflcniodii liiHt, utiilor thu aiixplriis

r Mm. A. II. IViiiniili mid MlsuHuutlcr-

•toll lfil liy I'rof. Illl'lllllili, Win till!

I'crmful in I'Vi'iy ri'u|Hu't of ilin

Ili'lil. Aliioh^ tliiiMo tJikllifr

iniil wi>n« Mix. Hurry lIcKi'inuii.Mhi.

Altim It. DiMinmii, Jjlrs. Vliilni', Mrs.

ullun. MIH. Thuruton, MI».C'UIIII,MK.'

I'.W. Utti-ll. Mrs; Duiriij, Mm.Uurin>r.

Mrs. Mutwlok, Mrs. <i. W." I.lttcll, Mrs.

Mm'Ciniii'll, Mr». l>cn'rliig, Mrs Hcli'-

Mi-*, ••(!. VooiTiK Mis, i'. V. l\ix, Mrs

Howard. SUtf. II.Huliilcraun, Mw.Hi iU

l j IU'.MIMMOH Mllli'r. >VrgUH('it'i,

K. IJilt'll, I'm*. M.MIU'II, F. l'liiin-

iiici-, Vrt'itlniid, (I. KIWIXC, Nix, V.

tt, tl. <.'rnm\ y. ('ruin', Itla'lVlli'r,

Ihmiiii'-I1, Voorhln, Hjiiidoixon,

l-'.dlia Tollci. S. Miller, llthol \\\x»\,

iIH-IIII r»w«>ll, Mlllk' KtHlgci-s, Jc«sl(.

lt«utt|'>.iiiii, Mitdlo llnvwti, Ml>». Win."

llolTiiuin, Mrs. tl. W. HodcnliorK, ond

nASCOALL NOTC8.In a iififtly lilnved unino tho Athlotio

Chili ilcftmlod tho South Oranifn Field

Olnb at South OranK* hut Hutun'ay

nf Icriuioii by a a(<orc of!) to 8. '(ho con-

ilitionof tho woathrr wan atoriny uud

llm'^ruuiiils wttrtt Bli|i|iory owinu to a

ulitlhl roin Mote thagntua, but Uespito

l i f u r l IK'UI teunn [ilnyod well. Tim

Atlilotic Club biuicht.'tl tlitiir hits'In the

.MH nml litli inniima mid tuad<t 7 ruim in

Ilirac iniiiiii;* Tim South Ornu|{u Irani





f aurulnmint lallnly b>



fc«k at- SOe


WtlD a'•I faiuily

ttid ii fr.ijiiciitJj mm oil.-ri and trjin^ tin iuak» bIruclivf.

Dot yonr "o]i clock" I* a j*if«-|f y i w tit thu f1tfVitti*<1.U]othrr. H e r tvhtj lr

tx.'iiiK* !»• Mii*4irl*t'iil I n tin* O I I P t h u a ^ h t *if i i t _ ^ • '••

>Mtr)ti«h»-r ramlijr. ntnl tita If rninired j \_ \ y . Moypn the caterer furnish**!o linti'h out n liruuil <if iluiki-nr tor-jn^talar dmnerfor 2(k:. Dining lioomkrva HIII' iwiiilt tii, fo»r task with tho j Uuiou Ave., South Side,,

How on aala at tha drug •tores.

the f)eK» herself.—Paumolawu^tHiilrit1

Wants.Ainerlcuim, *v

y tialiun un earth, mightwell Inko a lrt«m from t.he Hnaiiarn intfK»ril to the r<-i|<«-ct they pay a letterif iiitrmluctioii. Th« En«][ih «eu<J wunltrbvn yuaraa l« rictlvit], ami jua |iaj•ach othiT /riMty furiunl ralb aod th> uire linkfd to 'Vo'clofk tm nr aoiue otherSillily i.'idlltlk fnuctitin uf nliiillar im-

h«n<l m«Uiam «

WANTED-Hiiuatl.m wantr.1 la a prlfiUi• - • ' - cw«iahwli i m u , rofwtmcw i n n il

. AJdr»aa U.I:. cure i.f JJri. IUjrort. JararjCit/. .N. J.

WASTED podtiouaafal isan, can taJw can, uj hurara.

and i

for et iquette but tliuy ure inure »i»>nta-nconi. mid yim nrc nilml ti> <line otIIIK'C, Aftir t lmt i t in yiinr own fault ifyim nm iint'imki'il BK»HK •. •

lint iu HiiHxia It in diffi'reiit. I thiDkth,' nun luiixt liuve ut.cuiuikiDie<l my

17;; .,„ „

J FURH.%U:-At ,I Praror llicjrl«. l«» limit'

bsrnln IHncli DUmonJtl, Hirtfonl l i re Price

AI^oziiDcb Diamoarl Franif wbf 'l - Trica |12<••<'•' ia t m cUu* cuuditii.n; \ddn-itjt, l.'iilun

KoniiTu n i K U , .W, It ()air->, Oranin.h tO20<)nart«millc doily f«r umlo.'

j !>«•« rwa U>Tcnixo- SiiuiUr cgmii I U W , luulluvw rombIlroa-n l^uhnru*. Grnnii-Mbick' Ixwt

11«>,T» <« <aith.~ Al«. flrmuvttt iluclla. All ll.OUi |wr wUiim. .K. ILYiLMTtftE.

jni'M ifiiUtr hiiuif, out! ttiu woiiivn towliuin I jiri'Miiitcd littirn early in the

in \vrri> iictiiully wait ing fur ni<<whin I riturmil frotu prr-wnting thehwt onri. In Slincuw tlify came and .__wulh'd hours fur my return—I wan I N«»'i» the time to udvertisoinortlliiil that tluU'Wi'tc mil fuur of. J and Suniuit-r guotla.

|u rt'sputiil "tu till tlic Ix-autin of i — — ^ — — — - — — — — i — — _if friemliiliip.' fur bu»f itality In Ilm-inclniHn t'Vtii tlutC^ Lilian Drll-in


I11 It liulilthl.-V'lii cut iu cuniliatiy ornloiiv? In ccuiouny. for innpy rcamm*.Thu wjlitury fut«r It nlnruy* t«tu]btcd.

l i date all penoiw nw w»r»wi tt^aintttr*-»i*a»u(u: on tint i.n>jwiy lauwl by turn &nc

Jutunq *» \h» UartbwKiW torui. I )QmuI«r» wil1» t*ru»wcut«-i to Uw full «&t«nt uf tii« law.' ^ V

llu'iii tuo iinlckty and rither to cat'tiH> UMHII or tou little. Eatib|{ i« oo i julio purl tif fe«diu|( and wlthuat dige*-liou li nut only uicleis but injarlona-

Tjliuai) who rat in company bate toiltvutf a cerluin' auioaot of time totalkluK and ntlending tu each other'swantu TIJIK uinliia tbe p<-rlod bt twwolio lnunlhfulu loligrr atid ({Ue» mure

C H A U T t l l ,


T U Kx-alion ut tb« prlnclpkl iillico of aaJd(unipanf in tbia titats ia at No. 112 Uroad ti\Cit/ *•* UixAbetb, County ot tJaiuq.

Tbm bam« of f tie af oat tiuntin DJid In charmUivrvof, upun wliitin prueeaa, OKuinat (hia corratiua nuu bt nv>a>l. la Foatar M. Voorbwa.

itfttiulfaH uf OtreHtrfc .Si'..'

". oaThla abuT.iaif* i>f~MiiCVimpauy, a cortkirntiuti Jr Now

. . i aOUi .lay of Mnrrb, 1WW, do hertb/raaol*,, an>l drclan* that It ia HiiflMibin that tuo.cafital itTork tit «aiil company tM nilucnl fromua« hiliMtttii lbou«aml. tktlUra (tl'-'U.WU.)lb<uuua ilollar> (llu.uuu i.uul for tliat [IUIhat tba jKtr talur* ut Urn abama nf rupilal ntui'k^f miitcuitipaiijr IM rrdui^froni olio liuudrtil


BK»ln, - ruDtcrmtion ot. mealhues unuully trikun u tlu-frful t.urD.

and Ihu loni* uf tuitb luiml ii«d Itxly i*raini'il, tbe heart anil ncrrou* nvntruinil ImttiT. tlu'tliilT uf ilix^t!v>>julcf»in ntluiiilutHl. nml a laritrr nmuunt, utuctnul i)unrlnhiut!iit In ubtiiiiitni from a•innllvr'quantity .

In a Vrurd, the ma'Q Mlnnut* in com-:«uy eat; mow Ilk* • niau and ! « , , T t i e I l M , t t W ( ) r E l t i n j n , l a h . r c . ,like nil nniluill thnu he wbufcwltnlouu: ! curuuimtion of He* Jrracy doth brruby certifyao bi» food'.li»e» him inore gM,\ inevery | { ^ { ^ " , S ^ , ' ^ . l ^ 1 , , ^ ^ ' " . ™ '£»

Way. i lbiuauuldullan (tlO.UW.) by raduclnil theimr< <aluao( Ilm aliurra of lla capital «<«:k from one' l^ tha^lawk.1 . 4 . _ l l 4 B ^ > faBlfB 1! i ^ .« . , . | J a n « _ ^ . ! . * • _ _ . f j m k

LliiabnU. <m the 1111. day uf April. IMW.ntS.3U

Aalaiala Llka Tobarru."1 hnvti l»'<.'n an invttcrutu xxaer

' bup ( f l t a capital fct«*k fru(»l«l.> cdcli lu tou dollar.

of \anil hniloi Iwendaly

\ Stobuct'(> In Mime form, fcr tbe pait 4(1 i toratiimtolic mlii

•MNanil .da,ln«lbut liu.e.httv, bad j ^ S l ' J L T ^ ^ ^JSS^olSSHUhto do With all Burin of wild beast*. • b»iiu« jotin* i«twera. at k rnenUui dujy called

» b l c h . 1 I m v e f o u n d . a r « n e a r l y a l l n w r e ' j & % ? T i M & & 5 £ a !T lew partial to the oiuull or ta»te of i Wh. -wed." oUvrvedauolduLd e ^ r i - !

i'uci.!d..iiuliiiul. truintr,. .to a . rciiurter..;For iuDUnce.-tho commonJlnown Uar ,M> fond of thv fames of tpbacco that

awl it* rur|x>nitit

«•'f yon bliiw •tmike thrinich tbe-bars'-vf-A(a tone u "HI, With cviilent delight,•nuh forward undrnb i u liack anil hindtiainnt tho iron lian over which tl-'

imokc imHsc*. Tbl" i« JDTariable.'Nut lulu; »Hl> 1 blew thronjih a hul-

luw stick n ninciiuf unufl into Ilia nu*ojf n nlirniun IIRD. Thu Lrutu shortly

STATK tif_N£W_JEIWKXB. W. Ac«Ti»Vbovn=tan;!

IWltrON, BH. 1. that (!ai lliiit

day<»t Apnl. I^V. bttfuntini*. tint snuite'ritker, aNulary. ISiUic and I'onimiaaloncr of Dr«id» forl£ S c t f N J ] t

lultntly and. tbcu lay ilowu toalrepTery ivutcutitll.v B«aiu. All tJoaU, detr.llaunii nud IH> uu will tliow and cat to-l>accu niid nnulT. vrlth KT^at vagcrocs».Mouki'ya and tin bahuuns also breathewith Krfut antljfuctiuo thv i-moke.'igatii.''—WuobiuKtou iitur.

ry ISiUic and Ionimiaaloncr of Dr«id» forScat*uf New Jrrwy, pprM>na]tv appcan-it

n w W. Au"Un. Bn-rvtarr (if that ttent 4 (Moih IV thtt rorpunlitm mvji-

nxKlblcb<lvut(>ittha rorwinR « r -, tatut. U'lnir hy m« duly i v o m , un his oath

that bo ia anrti ntrrrtarx. anil that the Kald tuaaitlerrtiticatu la t b t

l n S ' n j W -Wm; that William T. Wn>t is this prmklent ofaaU n^|<uration and aljrunl aaixl cvrtlficat*. andaJEiedaajdandtlwnto, ofld daiitend aaidct-r-uti ia!"lj authority ot the Hoard ot Dlnsrforaand with I V v a m i of at kiut t»o-lhlrdi in In-tannt ot tmh rlaaa of atockbolifor* of aoid cbr-poratiici harinjc roting powvm usiindfurliia«Tjnntary act aud U«pd aa Jtb« Tolunt.ary act anddml of »ai J corporation. In tli# pri'Vli5*t> of d»-poD^nt. %bo. tborv&jHtll aul<acnbwt bia DIIIUVtlwrato iw witur«s.

And be furttvr aaj• that tbo touent beroto at U>afittwivthlrdala iut«*mt

Established 1865. .

Ferguson and Van .Name,Insurance and Real Estate.

in all itBbranches. ./VPatronB of thiB oiBce have the advantages of

New York connections.Off ice O p e r a H o u s e BIOOIK. C r a n l o r d .

Greater New Vork Office 34 Pine Street.Telephone Cou 898S Cortlondt.

Free deliveries in Cranfotd Mondays and Fridays.Special Bargains; Pure Wines and Brandies.

CaUorlna Clam, per falloB.Port Port srUM, car fiUon,CaUonsa IU*aUB«, per tallaa.Oonbla Extra Quality Port Wlaa,!* eal.Imported Port Wlaa, par callaa.Sweat Catswba Wlna. par srlloa.BalleatinaaxzzAle,p>rdoa.CaUfarinaZlsfaiulel,ptr(iUas. .PunBherTj win*, pertmlloo. . .Rhine Wlna, per eaUnn.ftoobleErtraQnalitjBbernr Wine, per o l ,luporua BberrrWiai, per «aL ; :

llrina Porter.'per do«.Munogram rye whiikry. per i a l 3J0, qtKentucky 17a wbltker, pergaL SJft qt






Peamylimla rye wbkiej, par csbiikajr. par Q

Smith'ePIiUadtlphla ale or porter, par do», 1.15Doff GordonBberr* win* ll>«aar-old anart LOOSaodeman Bro'a. Port win«, par dtttrt, 1M

Para alcohol, per quart, n°1. D m r A Soa'a old HlfMaad Bcotcb

whlnk»j. pw bottle. i-11

Uahw'ioldBcotcbwhUkejr. iM

Aw<utnn« Rittera. fr« bottle, . ' * •Sir l lobBumeU'e Old Tom ( in . per.bottle. 65-norkfaSSUrOUl lUhWhi lkty . perbot . CSo

do*.Pure Bherrr Wine, per qt.bLJuUen claret bottle &o


133 Broad Street, Corner East Grand.BHsatoeth, K. J.


O'oodCoffeo. porlblGo.Pail Coffeo. . jwrlb 20c.Beat Coffee, per lb 32o.Condaatodmilk,can.Tc.


The local Council, J

met last Thursday nl j

Miss Helen Bourne

Sadie Helcker In Broc

The last two Issues

cte" have been cleane

the first.

The Firemen's B*

.will hold a regulat

Thursday night

The First Baptist C

"a strawberry aud Ice

Hay 21th and 25th.

Martin Kugler U di

grading around hi;

Cummlngs avenue.

Epworth League (

beth district met in 1

| 5 i on Thursday eveninf

- Miss Carrie Nix fc

Btreet is the guest of

J. Garner for a few ii

Court Cranford, I.

regular meeting nei

There is one new nu

ated. '

If you are looking

rentti ifleo house co

read "Ufe ndvertls-

gywas In town over

• again today on a bu

' Connecticut.

The Board oTOov

letlp Club meet tonl

plications for- me

acted upon.

Tho family oIPc

street, sail today by

Lloyds steamer to ]

U now in Germany

jMbs Effa G. Hi

week .from''-Morris

Bho bos been cng

during tho post yei

A. M. Shuplro

another cQiislgnnu

, hats, caps and

tmhLobalcr, c»n"20cHoused Mackerel 16cBoston Baked BoMMlto.

. 11* -I VAiTVH PillabnrT FlourV I V III Mj dUve Oil qt. bot

- * ** * v w ^ l v OUteOU pt. botOil 1-2 pt. bot. lOo

DhnbajnCocnanat ll> 30o• Dunham cocoonnt 1-2 15a

Dunham cocoann'1-1 OSo

CONCENTRATED SOUPS, oieorted, par can lOo.


* • >


A Full Line of EverythingFor The Garden.

* Tuberose Bulbs, each

Gladioli <• ••

Caladlum ' • large

p iif bf at U«tt*(t i i lrvl t ln iutortwti4(«chcltt*«uritt<iclttoldrr« of Mitil rurptirationfeailu tuUlut lowerseither inr^T«an ur by their

awritibtf.K. W. Anain.!

\ Ulalant Urotbar.Uwtoll Wcilliull had a wtvant jhaila^<oUlwi«<we^rir^inn'r>a^oVof^hidrNorah. a rusy chevknl'flirl, who

roci-lvcd fmituut calls from a JOUDKumu. ut-whom ahe ultun apuke a» '•uiehruthcr." Thp cim^terwitiiia " of hirmUtrtat may b» saea^cd when cno dayNorali uutiuunicd that she was soon to

luarrr tho dtalwurt Tim. _____"What do you mean, KoiabV' 0t»- ' •o*po»"».Ua<m«.«t ata^tiliin-inairrlV^-ailednn.1,^1 *h« 1M.1V f.**linif tK*» « -^ M , - i 'wt^porpoae , Voted in favor of rrtlacinic tbe

. - , . . . . , „ . . „ . , . , „ , . . , . , , • . , * ' • ; • l c * " n S I M I a P^' icaplUJatockoimidnmitwnyfroraotw hnadred

heir l a r ^ t iiuinbcr of runs In the. ! , t l v k ^ W n pU1f

etl n{?°".ber

havo alwaya «_>okrn of Tiro as your'" lirotbiriff in.- "

^ Nourj F«M*«\ »u,t<« of New.' .w«>ei.A«i<4r«-«t.i*«ri»i to, W^ th« nbi-rrihVrit, be ins at Uost twu-ttiinUinittteewt ofcarb rlaM, ox stockho.d»r« ot theu«ir*iMorli»tin«ni»h*TiVMur«nj. h«in« »©t->^pov<n^tutuuftta!m(>«ti i«ntulrl i l l d

* [ rapltai•Yon U»-«"W

. ' dollar*

itll uml tho piny of tin- intU'Mi-ra

by iiiuinw.H was aa folltuvi:

R. H. RCrnntord A. O. 0 1 0 0 1 3 0 01 ~i>. 1C iS U; R 0. 10 1 0 0 0 0 2 4 - d . 8. 3.l!attorfi»=Taborfliid Trail for Cranford

Stiuckout by Tabor 8 by Charvl 2—Ilaseitn linll. Tnbtir 4 Chartl !!—UmpiresM*w>ra. Kituimuioua and Huiuphroy.

Tho AtliUtio Club ort« schmluloil to

play im tho ltixiwvelt Manor ground,

thin afternoon with tho Knickorlxirker

Athlcttiv Clubll.v.1 «> -I -til

"Yi«, uia'atu," said tlip MashicgXorali. "I ulwujD thoucht uf hint an.uw'iini. whik-a ho Was waking op hUuiuiL fiut he's becu ati iwwlJ as Urvminil me, uia'am. that he's only DieUruthor-iu lavr'a htutbor. atthrr all'*'

id ««m(«ny frora one haodreddoltara <IIU)LUIVIT to ton thousand

. . . -1—1< the par rmlneof ita cmpital atock from one

. . . . . . - . each to tea dollar* (tlO)eexb. do now, par«nant to th« atatula hereby giveour wnttro aaeral to eeid chanvew' - WitnM* our banda thia 11th day ot April IV09.

HU4«ae\V. Atutin \USahanM>. JaepprC. Hunt(aiabanv; lilwnrd lleadte (l!0 ituuva). t>. D.Van Saun ( ! « ahiTM), Uenj. F. CupeBter <•<>•ham*', Jo*. K. Zelrnor (M •harm>, Jamie W.

i » • i o m l . Km. T. Wwt (JO aharea).

i[K-Artia« in T n i

A woinun wi'iit iuto tme vf tbe (lovrntown Lowoll grocer j storvs the ulhcrday aufl.j after ordering a nnoiber utttlug*. said, "I new] jomo »usar.. bat Iaui nut nuing to buy It ontil the {tricecornea duvrn."

duu't believe that it trill cAue


of tho guniiM thU acatnn at Cranford j

• jiire.vcK. -I.with theotooption of acamnat Bayonnc;

Subect for 'May 'JI, ."Aticli-tit mid j on September !>th.

MiKlrni XeiToninn'cy; v«r Mesiiierisin

aud Hypnotism"',


dots a much." Mtid the clerk.

TOILET.House formerly occupiedby Mr. Van Order, at corner

What do you tut'an 1"Tbe prict- that wa* ia

All are cordially

i a call.I;

ringjReJdr.aud_Ceiitra_lj avenues. All improve-ments and perfect condit-

Sbohad read the stuck report* that j i o n . R e n t $ 3 5 p e r IllOIlth.

! Apply toi H. S.SANDERSON,, next door.

The New Sweet Pea"George Dewey."

T h e Largestand. Most Reliable Stockof Garden Seed in the County


The ElizahethtownGas Light Company.

Supplies gas to the people of Cran-

never used gaa for cooking purposestry it and you will be pleased. TheCompany will furnish and set allutensils necessary to use gas for fuel.A gas range is economical and con-

Tho regular busl

Ep-worth Lcaguo v

neaday evenlug, Jl

of the Methodist (

The work of cl

street and connec

greasing Blowly. .:


Township Engii

another survey of

yesterday, this ti

Centennial avenm

The members ol

O. F. are invited t

of Court Provideii

• day night. Take

Edward O. 3!

Joined tho ranks

having secured a

with a banking 11

Township Comi

has made a good

to have the oyeac

Lincoln and Unlc

An unusually

__.wheclmen.._ UK—

punctures, caus

have been strew


' Ferdmand,Dit

killed in a runav

is slowly ; rttfov

some time bef


G. W. Thomn

street through h

coin to South

Btreet will bo

avenue . . • • •

124 Broad•at"-';---



Tuesday and 1

and other iroi

burning of the <

last-week. '

A grand relig


ginning Sundc

by Prophet Jor

and will, bo i


During Jum

September the

open morninf

o'clock, instcm

In the afternot

J. A. Potter 1

tho past wee

• better success

.than when he;

' EUzabeth-mafl

The matter^

County Hotel

been laid over

beth. It will

. protest was en

the cock fight

A young <


rant/f arrest

sev/ral litUs <

serving the vt


—_ —. — . — , ~ i

Page 3: PHILIPPICS CAMPAIGN. Monuments and Headstones, · Nozzle and Washers, all complete, gaura'ntced to stand High pressure for rholiaaaevoted a. shell of this-tJI*, Ken successful, and


rnJJame,eal Estate.28. :' - ••-'?*•

i advantages ofions.>ols, Grax&forcl.4 Fine Street

days and Fridays.I and Brandies.

>rr*wUat«T, mcaUaOi MJi rr« «Uita7. ptt qovt, . • 5Ooadalphlaal* or porter. DwdM* 1JJBbmr "in», 10-»«BT-oU uoart LOO

ro's-Portwimhimqurt, UM.per quart, WoBoa'i old BUUaad Scotch

j , per bottle, UtScotch whUkejr. I-1*lilten. B« bottla, 79s»tt'» Old To* fin. fcr.batUc. 65.rOldirUhWhUktx.jierbot. CSel o w pS-'qt"'" •'--- •'• "'••'.•. .-'•;•'i'»i':Win*, pwqt. WoiwtbolUeSo . da*. 179.

IMUbT* Flour We.Pillnbnry Flour 70o.Olive Oil qt. b o t 25o.Olive Oil pt. bo t 15c.

Do3o .5 o —8o. • .



ibcroae Bulbs, each

adlola. • ' "

iladlum '• large

©liable Stockle County.ZRTUJZ&RSSHRUBS.


. of Cran--youlfiav*; purposeswed. Theid set allas for fuel,

and con-


Town Kotee>

The local Council, Jr, 6 . V. A.met last Thursday night.

Miss Helen Bourne U visiting MissSadie Heleker in Brooklyn.

' The last two Issues of the' "Chroni-cle" have been cleaner than any sincethe first • .;••'•

The Firemen's Belief Associationwill hold a regular meeting nextThursday night

The First Baptist Church will have°a strawberry and ice craun festival ouMay 21th and 25th.

Martin Kugler U doing considerablegrading around his new bouse onCummlogs avenue.

Epworth League Cabinet of Eliza-beth district met In F. B. Ham's officeon Thursday evening.-Miss Carrie Nix formerly of Hollystreet is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. KJ. Garner for a few days. ;,

Court Cranford, I. O. F. hold theirregulnr meeting next Thursday night,There is one new member to be Initi-ated. ' -

If you arc looking for a chance torentti rflee house conveniently locatedread ."tile advertisement of H. 8,

'• B a n d e r s p n . • •'- "•:• ••:--•:•-• ••--- >•-.•—.-

was in town over night but left us.- again today on a business trip through' Connecticut.

Tho Board oTGoveruors ot the Ath-letic-Club meet tonight. Several np-plications for- membership will beacted upon.

Tho family' of Peter Cluua of- Grovestreet, sail today by the North GermanLloyds steamer to join Mr. Clous whois now In Germany.j Miss Effa G. Ham returned this

"Weok from' Morristown, Tenn. wheroBho hoa been engaged in teachingduring tho past year.

A. M. Shapiro has just receivedanother consignment of boys' shoes;.hats, caps and clothing which he

Tho regular business meeting ot thoEpworth Lcaguo will bo held on Wednesday eveniug. May 24, in the ohupelOf the Methodist Church.

The work of cleaning tho Willowstreet nnd connecting sowers is pro-

• - greasing slowly. It is hoped that the

Township Engineer "Vrceland madeanother survey of Centennial avenueyesterday, this timo for the specialCentennial avenuo committee.

The members of Court Cranford I.O. F. are invited to attend the meetingot Court Provident of Westneld, Mon

' day night. Take tho 7.01 train.

Edward G. Maroney has nuninJoined tho rnuka of the commuters,having secured an excellent positionwith a banking ilnh in New York.

Township Comtnitteemun Severancehas made a good movo in taking stepsto have the eyesore ut tho coiner o.fLincoln and Union avenues cleared up.

An unusually large number of-whedmea_uie...£aro,p!ainlng _<>t_ tiro

punctures, cuused by -tacks .which_havo been strewn along the county

rond . . i '"'"": . "'.'•:/-y\'- :" :' Ferdinand Ditzel; who was1 nearly

killed in a runaway accident last weekis slowly ; rtcoverlng, but it. will besome time before ho is nhlo to beabout

G.W. Thomas la-grading a,n«.'W_street through hia property from Lin-coln to South avenues. Tho _ newstreet will bo known as Cummingsavenue . . • •' Tho C. B. B. wrecker train came upTuesday and loaded up the wheelsand otiior iron work left after theburning of the coal cars wrecked herelast week." . . ' .

A grand religious rally n'ill be heldLin_the :J?lr9t_ Buptlst Church bo-

ginriinf? Sunday, May_?_8i conductedby Prophet Jones of Johnstown, Pa.,and will bo continued during , theweek.

During June, July, August andSeptember the Public Library will beopen mornings from ten to twelveo'clock, instead of from "three to fiveIn the afternoon.

J. A. Potter has been on a trip Souththo past week. He must have hadbetter success In getting a "pass"

-than when he applied to a well-known" Elizabeth-man a few yeara.aga..._'

The matter of-license fortEo Union"County Hotel at Gorwood has againbeen laid over by the Court at Elizi-beth. It will be remembered that a

. protest was entered by petition afterthe cock fight raid some weeks ago.

A young German who has. been

GoUDustLima tlM t*

y yilock from Lincoln avenue to Elisotreet was found to bo correct in every-cspect, while tho roadway an laid out

East ot Lincoln avenue is wider thant should be. The amusing feature ofhe question lies in the fact that prop-rty owned by the person said to haveirralicTtlie poinTls "now-found"to-

ave less "Vhan'tho'proper width" efidewalk. —A novel plan for disposing of toj» wu

ligplayed bj a rendox who went amoogthe throng of (pectatora at the fireseiiiog gay colored pin wheels.

six men aha disappeared. Tnisywere ,liistribtitcd in email sections oter at jlearttep acre*, and there wasn't esongh 'left of either engine or crew to make aexpectable souvenir. While this Jiain-;<grstion was in'ptogras the man whobad been lying flat on bis etcxaacb wasexperiencing the rnrpTisecf bis lift Behad—beard a-Jiidssxa- clan.sf _.tbnDd«r.g ^ J T O ; . . plght,

on getting wind of the issue of a war-rant/f arrest for attempted assaultonseveral little girls, escaping the ofllccrserving tho warrant. The details areBuca that we do not care to printthem.

than the usual number at-tended tis« meeting ofCranford Coun-cil, E. A., Tuesday night. Mr. i . M.Lywrwas admitted to the Council anone olfeer application presented, whichwill be acted upon at the next meeting.

The house on Miln street lately oocupied by Mr. Heleker is now the homeof Mr. Joseph See aod family *removed hero from Jersey City. Mr.and Mrs. See are the first and secondreaders of the local Christian Selene*Church.

Wlaslow A. Shaw has sold his sloopyacht "Herbert It," to Brooklyn part-ies, and the boat has been taken fromSewarcn to Gravesend Bay. Manypleasant. days have been spent byCranfordltes on this boat with thugenial owner.

The Wednesday Morning Club andiv large uum.berot friends were splen-didly entertained ut the homo of Mrs.Bejjnett, Riverside Drive, on Wednes-

afternoon. About one hundredladies were present including a num.ber from out of town. Mrs. Fowler,

Congressnan Fowler, gave avery interesting talk on." WasUlrigto.aEtiquette".

Miss Anna Wallace i}Ied ut h«r homeicre Tuesday lust. Miss Wallaco, washe daughter ot Rev. W. H. Wallace

former I'ostor of tlio Baptist Churchand now of Ashury 1'ark. The funor-ol services held yesterday were conducted by Rev. > W. A. Harris andlargely attended by the colored peopleof the .town/ .

A special committee of TownshipCommitteeinon consisting of Messrs.Seyeruiieo und Mclntire accompaniedby Assessor C'riifto liud Engineer Vree-Innd visited New prango oii' Wednes-lny mornlug to iJeltnb tho boundarylino und ascertain how many of thenow.dwellings/ure in this township,They will report nt tho next meeting

f the Township committee.

David Wlnans, son of John Winansjf Centennial avenue, wu» arrested onThuraday.evc.ninR by Ofilcer Btmlen-bcrger on complaint of Tom Loo, whokeeps a laundry on North avenue, whoaccused him of breaking a plate glasswindow with a stone. Wlnans before Justice Cox who «d-mitted him to bail, pending the action

•The Epwotth League, of tho Methoddiat Church held a largely attendedmeeting Wednesday at tho homo ofMrs. Jos. E. Warner, South avenuo,;he minting was In charge of the Lit-rary Coiniulttco, which furnished an

interesting program. Cash donationsivcre,yote.ii., thp Jgrewlv Air Camp utWestfleld,and "to help iurnisii tiie* i&W;>arsomigc.

Chtlstlne E. Munoz nnd herpupils will'give ivcltali-on Tuesday

ml Wednesday evenings nt thoProsbytcrinn .Cluipel. Among thosewho will take part Tuemlay evening'ire the Mlas(!». Harlcuo Hulsoy,Gludyn. Matliey, Anltii Weathered,Dorothy Dlbb, Marion WngitUiff,Ethel Irving, Arum Irving, NinettnI'oicella, nnd Ktta Halwy; on Wed-nesday evening, the MISSVH AdelaideSix, Ninettal'orccllii, Elsn Morrison,Mis* Munoz iiinl Miss Foster. Mr.Louis .Bmle-'ll nnd Mr. .Gug1'. Ailmls-

lon Is by invitation only.

The Vaudeville Entertainment tox> given by Union HOBO Company ut

icxt, under tlutdlrcction of Mr. Hurry.iJiihcJoiKmu >vl!l *>o >IJJ«I« up ot pro-esHlon'ol talent .only and wlirim'lucle"iomo ot tho lx'st urtibts in tiio pro-esaion. Mr. 'Sanilcrnon'o ropututionor glv'ing'a first class show artd theatisfnctlon expa-saed by those who

have attended tho two previous en-,:ertalnmentii will Insure a JulL house.Icket.icnn !*• hail of members of the

Company or nt either drug store.

Tho Sttcond Series of tlio Cianfordlutual Building and Ix>unAsso«iatiorivai paid off at the meeting held Mou-,;iy fvening last. Thi-t fierie* maturedi*i 10 years* und 5 months, the share-

ders n>c«Iving 8200.30 each, except-ng those having' borrowed on theirliures who received releases ftr theirpans. Tha promptnosa with whichhe series waa paid roflecti). miicb.iredit on/the management of thisrosperous organization to which can

xi attributed much of the buildingn the town during the past ten orwelvo yean. .

The advent of the trolley has causedstir on South avenuo." A propertywner finds his sidewalk is three feetoo narrow, the law requiring that>ne-flfthofthewldthofa street shallje given to sidewalks and the trolleylompany would naturally rcfuso tomaeadanrizgrnorethanthelegaJ road-


wena cnUad out br aa aUcra aoandejfrom bos IS. Tbey tanod Ihat the boute

Th*£ift>cf tin* boot aeen haagint; oatia tTQsf'»SttST» shocinaiir'i.«hoptaay lw :maJ« cf wixxl oi t inccr ol_copper. Of '

North avenue had been burnicjf tor sometim» prior to tho alarm, tha familybefog avray from borne at the tun*. Lit*lost; a cat, which ram* oat on the faat ofthe porch anJ started dawn one ot thecomer p»ta then returned end <li«peared through a h«ta in the root, ine-stimably many hundred Una ware lost oiwhich no official neon) will »hoo.

The department officials Vere corupio-uous by their obsenws Mr. Harr> Cran*.assistant foreman of tha Truck company,

the only officer present, was incharge ot attain, but with his gallantforces waa unable to do much serviceother than climb a cherry tree and withthe aaUtanco of Pli. Jahn Jr. and Jno,Waterson, also perched on a limb, in acombined effort succeeding in tear-ing down a portion of the, towering massof brick whioh but a short whilo beforehad done terries ea • chimney.

Tho Hoae company arrived in due era-son and stretched a lias ot hoso from thefire toward the nearest' hjdrant andllndinff the line too short procured awagon and brought the TOO feet fromthe dry room. After connecting thinall there in ia tho township) a 'lino of1,000 was found to be several liunvlredfeet short so tbey withdrew from thetho tceuo ot action, attached the hoso totho hydrant and proceeded to refreshthe grata and trees along the countyroad with a stream. NoxilemanNeippas-

il by D. A. Everett did good serviceirig tli'o' *»pr«jTri|if- apparotii*,-tft'O-

iron. Signi f

«ro " iu two ur

tu ry arc mmt CI'UHUUOIT S T Uhot *ian iM'blM Wdjlonall?

iMiua blight VMkim :i«. fur in-tfanoN a tailUsnt .red. Thotwt »ii!:ii<may U'Kmsbt in tho mtaUUhuinii ofth«i)calvr iu rtuMoiu oisni. wlirrt* thrrvare a1*o tal«jfi;tt»il ibi« u'Uftl Achrt furthi'il,o!i-r i» C^hins tacklf, tb>* f . itKtMed jiaillocks fvirth« hariwaro deaWrand a variety >f »thii Kl' m «t un I'm-Ui'inatir cliarartrr, ami thry uiay'al«>

Jcalfi1* iu 1,-ulhtr sml.

PflCfi LlStGuTfs itt'll

finJiu-,-1 wliV

uf »huei"»rk Squ.

\ MlalXli Vtutl. .-The Anstriau ailtuirulty II;.H ttH-»ntly

; iutnatcf isciviw tin1 Vc-ssvl Navarro, Iwhich «»nv*y«J tlie Emptror Maxiwil-i an to Mt'Xin> ami afterward Un>nj;ht ',


•'; -Jo,

CHARLEY SING,Totter V.uil.iinp, Cranford. N. J.

Suajntu Taught by Suatncsa 1S»n

UNIONBusiness College

Or Elizabeth.00 P»»« Tuition

, For O N E MONTHPromotion la Individual.t'ctll tturtnir

10 n, i:t. any tlji .

IIOll.II.-r M/.JHr» I.'. l'l. . | .r|rl., .

into a prn'-4i<-n. which will bo p lin the crypt nf Iho C h a n h of tho CapuiS~aT^Viviin.i. wht-rx' thr remain* >if

Kuilwror M:i\iiuillau jt'jMtfa, —I<m-ilon Ululv. " ' • • ' .



Columbia Ice Cream,FINEST FLAVORS.

tallies accidentally receiving full benefit,'.oturtnnc to witness the dating de«U

of our tire eaters I was pleased to not* aheroio rescue from the tlrey furnaro byOfllcer in l'liorg«, Harry Crane. « h orualied'through tliodeDseanioUe ami in-.ens* heat emerging a«>onient later with

dilapidated ladder,live feet long, whichwas standing on tho side porch.

Postmaster Derby eihibiUtl his abili-y with a- grappling hook when he lore

iff the weatberbonnUon tho south aidejf-the building. Mr. Clrube also <iid imeritorious eorvice in Having a tin guttrrroin under tho euvesot the roof.

The adjoining hostelry waa probablysavixl from Oustruction by tho use ot

lawn hose and two buckets ot wat^rdistributed <{ver tiro Urcmen'

X*\w VUI.I »-•<!.Cord ami la»srU in tl-Ull »t ribb

srv tin' newest f:nt, niiiK-i lor tho mSay «f vioku. Lik<* lh« ribUm, thec•mil un- i muft.twi>miM-iy of thi> n»in.> | O r d e r s l e f t at t h e s t o n e w i l lpurple an\lv tlowir. lii.UvicWl i-aWj | ) e ( J c . l i v ( . r t . t ( t o YOttr llOUSCut this inaumT u( \vt'ariii£ viiilots buvo i . . ' . . ' ~

* jwt f.-w on the I WIUMl t lCSirfl l .<Vw\V>rk. ntiil tlidfad ! M y S o d a fdl tnla i t l i s &l\\>-

U rapidly_U^il^rpia..iiiic.^Sew ' .^'^,1 y^h t\\V l lCSt^«ri**^>.|>4tta!ttrs.l>ispatrl.::-;_ ^..v;. ; ;. l f u ^.4 ^ , ,„„„,^ ': v

.» . I'lPinte

PHILIP JAHN,House. Sign, and

Fresco Fainting,Plain and Dacbratlti* - '

Paper Hanging,\M> I>I:AI.I:II IN

Glass, Oil, Paint. Viiruistit'H

umlJlVall I'lijHM*.Cranford, -. New Jersey


Window Shades?\V. , .,11 i"J klmvili kn

Tinir i . .au« «*th.ltuliuii itivtli >>t tin

;4iiKl X<) bi'tt'or iu thecouu-.iiioun nu.l 9tnri» Li a viu.l. ly iiutlitin"

The "darktown lire brigade", camdown tbe road abqut a;dozen strongwithout apparntUK, but did good duty Hiremoving tlio chickens to n placo of satrty

A good vlow of the conilngration coulil>lmd from tho rusprved svuts wliich

woro on a wosh bem.ll in clmrnu ot l.xireBsmon II. CooU.

t i i e i t n t po?i«Diiim-"Ms'fm&mW dis"wtur was soetion boss Donalnm nmltew. who mved about all of thet-nuiiU' private property excepting

ii disi>OBsesa writ which had been left atthe house juut prior to the cntastrophe.

Among the lnst [ierw)ns to arrive nnsAssensor Craoa whose uhining counte-nance clearly shownl that bis record withwith tho Uuroau ot Vital Stafntim wouldontnin no report of human lirealcmt.Town Conimitteemsn, Firo Orutuis-iiner and Member nt Hoard of Health

jnyerance WOH present and, nu doubt,otud tho f net that the town is • shya hoso nnd also uiious a lijdfaiit

vhioli blioulil bo located about l.WO'oot up the cuuntyrToad from the onet Orchard street.

It is said the building which belongedrJTrT'Caffery-of Wwttleldi-waa insurod-JBack taps Boumled at 3.55 and I'hilipj

ahnyr,pl9C«xl_ the last ladder on theruck, which was guarded by Fnif.CIcni-<nt who rescued a innUrn which waa in

ing'er as tho ladder slid into its pnfpvrilace. The. companies arrived at the'ingino house in duo time where, after ,

roll call, experiences were in order..~ — - -••..;.. - -Oau)oitr,ii.._

N. B.—If, perchance, I have over?looked any of tho flre heroes I offer n[>pology for tbe oversight,


Packer's ISnkn 1'crtilUcr.B10 j getting wilJ with psiu, KU«» nyluit j iMli'rn-l In IS* •". «>"'• . l""""""" •••*».«=•'

boIh-litf, Tlif niiKiu is istars ure hiit tliilili|«ir*, tlieiliiMrtu *lin terror «f him. IIhe can cntcli tInui.uiily twrt uf him i,no i-uiniit'—in'»lnlTitlwill i rtarj. Win n h,< K,II-.S to Iml. thecliiUlnii •-m<TK>' uKuin trolii t ln ir hlil-inK iihic. 1 iu tlii' Mm' Tin.1 union itfoiiJ.uf...litr »Jiil;lr•*.!>£. vrIn/ muilii im aimuiu\t!4 iiiitDiix 'thi-uil Kvt.-ry liioiitli nl|<.^ur4 into niutirniuK- U-UIIIHI' inr I'tinnl-lial busbjiuil liu«* I'attii I>IID uf tliciii.The i*iuW* ludiuni Mi-cviunt fur the-iip-Iivarancruf ui-t>iii<' Rtnliiit; thill tin*tun uf tell Miui'flwtl out} <if. tint MtalH/ hiit,chilJnII. a u j Jui» uut nvt buhl uf it


i L.-.ilso keep constaully.oilluiml a l a w stock ot choiceCONl-'HCTKiNIvKY,

nut in niiy'riiviiKv.U'Bllll'll VVifl'. .Tlnin. Whin Im m>d.iddU-. 'Vlwy liVeT . . , , , „ . , , , , ,riiftiiMii-wiii'ii; t r o p i c a l M V V J I 1 , e t c . ,Hit iitiitlllil-ll--HIM I \ | | llw. InMilimi- tVrillulS! All the le



scrota thu «liy with a KTuat npout- ut !blood fiowitiij from It. i t In tliou veryloach nfruij, inui on it Hi in It nlwaynkeeps it* bead lurmil to natch the sun,its father, nml never turin Its fucuaway from him until it is far uut ufhi» r«a<'b.

Stpphtr D. .Cnrpi'.utcr o} Din Moines lo'im

frtiui Ne^/ Yurk tu ^niiwhkl i he SIIVH urn !"• dull., fur fllUU,-0U0.UUO. Thu ntraitiiru IH tu be slmllal \Iu K'-^ral ti.lnlriiclluii to till t-U-vntrdtrui^it line, efcirnt that it IK td b o a ,double deck alluir with fuui trucks un ieach deck. Through train*. Im suya.can niako the trip fruui "Now Yurk toBim F r u u a n u in 'i'i liuiirs.

Miss M. Edith Blake,

readier of Singing.tluMluQKltrU Bl llin Jli»»'« l |tnulina,k «MilHuiufi.rU tlcttool. Mi'tcl")-* ami TliuimUl*.

••^s;tv4«--«-iw!,v/Wjr;7.-«i-i»'.»,-.»)at,-.;r..:s, •„„.. -,

PAUL - JIITTNE'R,Shaving and Hair

Cutting, V on.l«n'* Unlr (i it l l i i« »n<I

1 Hhnmirootntt.IliMiin 1, O(>rra I ton MI Illtn k,

toIt IA known torvoryl>ody in Cmtifunl that the l>c»t ami ('licupent iila<'(i

Clothing, DryGoods, Shoes & Hats- i« u t -


Prices and Satisfaction Guaranteed-



'One uf tbe etrnngiat accidents inmy expericoce." said a boiler eiftrt."occurred a few years ago at • uroall j W H E E L E R ' S ,imwiiilll town over in Texas. Tbey had j • . .a. narrow gaugo roail oo which logs: _were hauled by a posy locomotive. Oo9 'day tba twoforwarj wbeels of tbe lirtl» •uucbine jnuiped the track, and tbe crew j

f seven men went oat to Jack it into jilace. As tbe engine stood it bad a east j , .toward, which threw all tbe water in ;he builer to tbe frunt cod. aod as there I r u , _ > m

nns a lively firo io tbe box i t soon got , - Ym*ba other end redbut. This trifling cir- "Tumi•nmatanco was overlooked by tbe crew,

who proceeded calmly witb the jacking.'iix of them working' at tbe sides andIDS lying Sat on his stomach under tbsear tracks.

"As the engine slowly assumed alorizontal position tbe water ran back

to—tbs~redbot poitioa. and. .bacg,._tb»_

At the Right Pribe;j As Spring in here and you will want Seasonable OOKJH1 giveuHa call,as Aye are getting in goods of the

luteut stylea at ICHH than New York priccH.JAHN BLOCK.

lh» J.HI u.>M tu w Cuitatif* P O I « * « T tl»1nn»,'Wt'ftui ft i fit UK HU> joii limy waul, . , ,

!*•»).nt i»\<*\ fi-vm'i1'ir|«-ttn.r ll(»-t »•»>»«•?int;<« ?\W ...|..>-.„! W. 4 |. &l»«n«..t \,.w .. rk.

. ' mitt i n n i*in>w t . i m i ' l . •• n l >*nir U»<*iu-.

«i» « i l l < ! i | | n m t Itnvt* ttitMii Ni iMit io l a i t i l r i -

t n v N H i . V;»tlt»» l i n v l U ' H I f e l l rtiriT-t |MIJ* rnl\»ttj» u n Imttil. '"''•- ""• . • •-•

VTM;! VUnidn ftv*;C;fan(ord";

Fain view


Spriuglield iiWillow Htrt-et,W i . plurc,

All u.ii

F. E. C. Wincklcr, owner.Willow atroot.

POULTRY SUPPLIES'H l»l'lltll In l.lcr.

- ^ ut. l l v i l l , , / . .'V;4-I,,j. HI,-, | l « , , i . i |I.IIIIIIHTI'M OIIIIIIII-III li.r V

<lilrkn.I ut, 1D<", Mii-, I V ,

P. l>. <J. I'lcii IViuilcr 1'oriiiitl 1'OWIK.

Ill l . ."V; 1II», | l ,

('arliollii Vrrnihi I'owilrr.I II,. JV; 2 II™, HV.1IU, «ir.'ilil« IIM..r limn lU.l.nMrtll,..

I.<T*M ||)|iilil I.hi; Klll.r.' , i:i,l.'>«•. I ml .r - - i" ,«»l , I-'.,

I III. t l m l l V ; ! f,.t«I.T.

•onltiy NittliiK l.lit I•£ IIMIIMCNII No.

IJ In. f.V; IHlli.UViJI In. tl.3>s VI In. ll.V.i111. » l « l ; Will. IMr.ilH III. | M » ) « ) l l i . | 4 ; 1i

I Inch MI-MII N<>. 'i» uIrr.ii,*i,su(i*ui.-»4.r^.ii-iii..»ii:.:j>.clut.l

»llii, {l.Hitulii, |3 |MIII . IVOinnln. I!) IIH.M. . • . .

li mi l In IVIfn.1 InlK, HI J-1. <•<!.!. illmi

t .AVlnitow Hi'rccn I'riuiiCH,

. M « K l He. rMli.' • .'ii Mi>ni|ii.lto (loth.» f.Wit H lu^h h> 1M liu It in width.

Don' i ^

I II,. run Vx:!• I lli.rnn> $1.It » l l l k.~l< >>»ir f'.wla In | , . , , |^r <:.,nJlli,,ii -l..r-ln« tli* liiouHlUK Hut'.

N»w York uutl Nnw Jerwiy AirciiiU tutI'rulrln Htulo liiciibuturH uuil

UW« M-11 all kliul> <>t Ibdix Cull, t . .

Don't Korirot Our Ituiincr- V.tstgl-'ooil mill Tonlr I'

_—Wo Give Trading Stomps.lj><t. ! ' * • •

•• We.r cah1c.

- >K.

•• he.

,,t. lot. Mr.

<-«ti» f'<r Ib. Ivc.

5 f.,r ftc.I tot Vx..

per out «c.

Clul< llnom cr»«ra cliv«•Vmcbm

ekleaAwurtwJ Moupj

" JftlU«Ii»ki<I BOOM

liw,• Jib. | * l l » * .

sllifnr -•<"-•.. Illc.

IJC.J mm Int lie.

l*rl»it, ll»." " , Uk:.

- (tin Vic.•• •• lOo.

Jib " Vic.. _ SJo.

•' i>.

Syrup 1Oc. per quart

Feed, OatB, Grain, Hay and Straw.

t h . pea / locortotlte. which ~ a s i ('t>naerj? Everettk. fiersos.)']"just then staodisg oTet bis back. I . • •» • '

had vanished like a dream. Be ws» j M a S O H a n d Bl i ' l lder . ;wholly o n i w t " — S e w Orleaaa Times-.( .. '•..-Democrat „ i r CRANFORO. N. J.



hive ronltry, I'ttitH tur liat<-lilii|f.ttttoil tilt irut Itrniul C«l»l»iri« Ytm.

AdUrouo, Excolstor Wtrtr'-arid~-Poultry Supply Co.

2H Vewy Btrnct. S'mtf Y»rh.


Uutr Uattrnssos nomad*.IUK«II 11 Oiwro Houw.


topeiiteraopildcrT—Room 9f Opera House.- -

Lock* knoljo, butts, o-rewa, nailn of allkinds ami general Imrdarare for

Balo at reoaonabla prineo. ,


Lehigh Coal, LumberLIME, LATH. PLASTER, ETC.


Page 4: PHILIPPICS CAMPAIGN. Monuments and Headstones, · Nozzle and Washers, all complete, gaura'ntced to stand High pressure for rholiaaaevoted a. shell of this-tJI*, Ken successful, and

FEELING OF OUR TROOPSViews of the Volunteers as to the

Philippines and-Filipinos.


I'lirr i>r II.• lir rill|,ln,, ami Thai llrKlanil Ilia l.rnnuj andf>«< of itir < oil Auli,u

la \o (.rnllluilr laVnl

POLITENESS SAVED HIS LIFE.Karaprd Iron IU. llradlaa Wr»eh

Atirr l i l t las a s latalld Hla (*>t.

It «ii«,a nituple act uf <-[>nr|r«r, aocbaa the (ivlllwd limn iliifa nut thinktwl<« ol.nit, Imt it wiv.-«l tlio life <-(Jniiin II, Jt(it;«». n parlor car paaarn-«ir in tli<- itrodinu exprewi train thatwa« wrukicl the otbrr niKlit at ExHer.Pa.

That Mr. lloxer*' |»<HtMirr« re«II«5in the<1«ith ut it» ri-cipi'iit cannot be,

id i t l f b l







: . *





I »


Thi' v|vrlnl cnrrcr|li mli lit of tlin HI.: I oitin iVwt-Ilirjurtcli. tvrilinjc fiom MR•JIH Under tliitf (jf April.'!. »II)H: TII»

.. Aini'rfi'iiTi HirK'Mi* HIIISEH tin* can* n- <rttr <iwiiHull tlip.f'TtviiiiiM nni| nil im

]«.Unlit Innliifi-H. If tlnii tbiy li/iVf iiiij. lime tl»>M life fur tin- tootni'M' Kill.

JIIIMI. 1 tmvH trriown iitir ini'ii wlii II (hf-vwere •»• tinil tin)- riiiiM rrult'ly wnlkIn liriiiu tlitiu in'nil Mreuiiem fruiuinlKiilrmljIf illniHiirri). littt u diictnr•it-vir nppninilin » tviitimlni Kill|iiniiwitbmit hl» tcviilvir ilraunniid iirfure*rtHtlliK him iiiiil.i • • itjiln thai he Uii'il nrniH. TlicI'lll|iliin in ii Maluy,Hint hi' In trindi'imii He "'ill flit- nlimr ln«ij« nn loni{ «> lie run, ami wbfti

, lit- FIT" (hut !»• l« <»i>tnrei1 lie willthrow nw«_v hla UIIII iiml throw tip bin.Imtiila UIKI iirutfit tliot In'linn uut'K «! nil.

TIIH ilfinl rilipinJM WIKI urc on Hit'iniiiii ro»<1 urn hnrlni in fii»t n« wi< mhvnnre. Tlip~Mrurlr OIUIIM frnm tlit-iil.<»lim which nre iu the Imriifii umlnutiif clitht. iiml It IMII.I IH< riiiil tliut tlic(iitltmritlia timkiT )lttl"VffiiTt ti< flriil-XUmi. -itM.rti' imUtit il it iitll- \«'fieij in thla n«|)i-rt In ]iii>t<rtthi'liinllli nf unr Iroirjn If fur tmjc^ nr r>-ii:run,. It l« M|i'jiMjuiftlijii IIIB I,-,.||I,J< ,,fnttr tnj<i|ii tmviiril HIP !'l)i|i!i!iw. Theirimttril uf tlii'iu In liiti'liw-' More tlinirone wonuderi llllplno hux llrwl uu theA'uierlciiii wlm *vn« (Ii.lnu liliil n ^n'uld«d TtiPKi'iitlmi-iitiif tli'" uvcraK" vi.luntitT in ••iiirr'HMlliviilifdf llwm llm»

-"Wo rnnir mil IIITI).'lo HKM Hpiilu.lint tn HKIII Fill|i|iiiin Now flint IIIHwar with Hvinin IK irVir ivr HIT keptt'ark lit-ni ilinaliiK through lirnali iiflirt ln i i jurii whu won't utaiiil tlmirKruaud. Our (cmrailcn linvi. licin «hutduyru Jl i i i . uuisH Ju^ttlildi «».»(iiu'4

'J'hiru l« tin KnititnJo lu th«I If wnlmliy him. wt'Vlll ui'Vrr

rlid tli|' wur, uml nhNt WH U'unt tiiiluIf to ro<l tht> war with tlin IHM of a*frw ut <mr (iiininilcii in J»ia*llil« nm] gol Th l l l in«y ,hiivc th«>ri

l-isi>i-i:f- I >ui>l with urtnlntj-. fur tbe latter wa*Ir <inn'a an" Invalli!. i'nd hii rbauer* <if escape

wrinld liuve t* en dinull wherever u*liapj.f in .1 tn l » »e-ateil. 'Ani*ta<! by anattendant, lie tnterril tbe tar nt a HUMwhin were «<» two adjacent eeata.vacfict. Thrr»' w»« one vm-niit tbalrne»t In Mr. Hosier", bowser, a.t lb»rear end if lu'e cJiti- "1 -

A» IIIH two tjrwrunieta looked atoatIlirm in [.rj|ildit», Hugen. wbu ia aI'aternun lawyer, BrijiVand'lwca'woed toDiem. The IcvulM. mi elderly Inau.tiiuiiltid.bliu warmly as tbe attendantand bliinclf rrafed ttiMii»elves ride bytide. - A* for tlio i«ilite lawyer, h« took

of an uuwcnpk-i! chair far-tin r foriruni, fAtiuK two strangers,wlw Afterwaifd.iiruveit to be UnitedHtultn Mnml(,r Ilolca IVnruw and Gen-rrul Ii Ilnril

It wan (inly a thoinent or tiro laterthat the rutatfropbii irrtUiok the train.Tim elderly invalid w«. <rn«h«t to<li-slli in thir twinkling uf an eye. Tbeitietidnjit wni iH-riunily injured, R<ij(-

er» Mrajied nlnumt without n scratch.Hii did Heojitur Pen row) mid Hegeral


Irnliii.out tlie"

eit in-rii «u Iho onUildo '.torewluiluw fur them, iiml tbey(i ffftduiu. Nutunlil

bey learn the ntipclthe <li»MHter. Hi-nntur l'enromi and Gen-eral (>rut>b tnriiml «ravely t«> one an-other and shook "hand*. Then tbeytnrniil to lloitem-aud nkkik bands witbhim In turn- Nut long afterward tbelawyer »uw rni'ii lifting front tbo taUf(leiif muni and Imu^tbu Ixidy of tbe In-valid to whom he bad given bis seat. —New York Junriml. '

A $10,000,000 PALACE.Rramior < lark nr Moalaoa in Erect

«pUa«l<l Udldr* ! • m*«v Vark,, Wllllniii A. CJark, United Htatei i»n-

atur-froiu lioiitaiia.tvin, |bu|Id a palaceon the block at I'iflh avtnuo and

y i t h itrect, in New York, thatwill far' nurjmsH the uiuat niagLlflconthui'in hithortu bnllt by willlonilrti IDthat rity. /

Ten niillldiiH U. Iho aruoiiiiMliat tb

We do not annoy people who have recently lostfricnda, by peddling inonuinentB but endeavor to getour trade by judicious advertising and by dealing withctiHtornerfl in a square business way giving an honestpiece ofwould Iprinciples. .

,-.' - ' V e r y truly,

work and material for an honest dollar we

JA. E165 Eaut Front Street, Plainfeeld, N. J.

CMCaUEO l a v M n Ba4k «a> a>-. U M ( • B» UrM l a Uct»b*r.Admiral George Dewey may bs in

Chicago Oct 9 to attend tbe exercisesin connection with tbe laying of tbecornerstone of the new puetuEce Imild-Ing. Tbe committee of axraogesisntahas received actarances to that effectcabled' by Senator A. J. Beverldge ofIndiana, who ia now at Hongkong andla acting as lu representative. Tbe sen-ator, wbp was Infracted "avert! weeksago to invite Admiral Dewey. has noti-fied ibe committed that hi believes tbeadmiral Till bo in Cbicaguior the cere-monies. • ToTfTommittea will invite theadmiral formally on bia arrival in tbeUnited States, and tbe Chicago autumnfestival promoters expect be may comea few days before Oct. 9 to take partin tbe festival

It was-* reported recently that theseInterested in tbe success of the autumnfestival were laying plans to bring-Agoissldo and his entire staff to Chica-go to take part in (be ceremonies. Thereasons for extending tbe courtesy areart forth quite fully in' the Invitation,which will be delivered by a messenger.The desire to make ths Filipino leaderacquainted with the manners and meth-ods of carrying forward a Chicago en-terprise and tbe wi«h\o hasten the- es-tablishment of. frlendiy relations be-tween the races are set forth st greatest

Kxjirriltn-ut Ii II* IIITH" mrtildas litter lniirer». Alreuily . CRI-II

linn aeveml n» cookauiiil cur-rier'. . How they would tut nndor firws» a subject fur K<'"('>«I "IwiilntloiiAIIIKWI ulthotit t'lcuption tlicv dlitheir work na culmly aa if thn l.nllrtWere not wbintllnif iilmnt tliem. Tileconduit uf our men, an re,

tills country worth tukiUK."K I D H I limn, "uiid If tlifrij wa«, liow laa man K"1»K to isrry it off wiiun ho'uu llm HrliiK lino and baa "(Ml rounds ofauiuiiinitloii iiml» day's rutluna In hishaversack V

I hav« yet tti bear of aAmerican aolriler Kroanlng or Hulling,except when liu WB»mici)ii«ci(m». Thosewho were hit arn happy; tl ieybsvuaaourenlr. A mini who doea not havebla n'uunda atteuiictl lo at oiico (nine-thuen araerta bli right as an AuieriraucitUen. One whu huil lu<en hit ill tba'throat (tbo Imlli't Iiml truVeled-bis cullar Ijone, tindrr bis skin and outuf'bin none), hurried down tberuadinaearrli of II cliictur and called (int. iput-teriug thr.uiitcti thn IJIIHNI lu bla mouth,'•Thew llr«t aid package* aro air right,Imt a man cnu'l doctor liliunflf vrbclibe Unit foil nflioloal"'

. MalciitmlUl uot Kurrviult'r t« thi« Ko«t•_«•,_ ii!™~'l|i',''V"in:ri'ndercd ju the*trai1y', imaBiou'lemi tire of the "Colt,wliitli wuii illntrilmtlnK with thi' ulctityof a lm»i' a ulreuin of l>ullct« tucU andforth iimm tlin tup of tlm trpiuhiM.Slllnkrli F» JHlWdlT Wolllll Hut eVl'll ulluWthi'lu Ilic IHHUI of ktio^vliiK whi'uce tho•trraiimiinp. "TheCult threw m lnauyImllrta u«. a coiiiiiHiiy. of Hrtillrr;, theiiuiiilwr of live* ex|«w«l iH'lhn onlythose .if the thriu lucu who are rrijairttlto work the nuii, Th><Kreat uiuriileffnt uf l«'tli »ln'll nnd niltoiiiatk'KUUnre bail Utn dtinonttrntril in ever)' «U'KBtcnnciit n^niti-<t the l'llipiiida.

At Mulrntii the lnnjur, the lii'Utmautaud Culoiir) l'unatun, witli a cuiu|ianyt>f the Twentieth Knu.iai", not alxmt alinndrnl iii»nr(;enta atrougly puited ontheothiraldeof the river. It waatheli«lit of the liridKe ncroita the Tiillahu»>W.'-.vy«r...«x«l«» was nut «oKrrut. Litnteunnt Davla had nut pump-«H! bla Colt inure than two wlnutiwwheu up Wf.tot a white flan from thework*. TbeKausaa uicnwiro not gulii||tn Irt a huiidrnl prlnoucra get awayfrom thi'in, and they knew that tb«

.Mootinaa and PenusylvauUa. nhuwerenear Ut bund, if they conld oruwi thuriver tint, miKUt ray they bud takentoo 100 [irleoneni. fur the pride ut rrgl-uirot with all vclunteera la excessive.

SSflVtral uf tliu Katiwa uieu atrippedatark naked, leaped- Into, tbtt river and•cram over. A fuw of the insurKOuU atthla time picked up enough cuarago to

.flreen them, and Llfu!rnantl>avla had—to- Bivcr-tbr

nakni Kansan> luountivl the other «IJe.and, running from Filipino to Filipino,took away tbeir KUD*. while on« FIH-piooaald in' Sjwnlnb. rrferrint; to theautomatic K<'"«. "Too uincb b-r-r-r-."But the Kauaanii did not get th« fullbundmL AH but 30 bad sneaked awayin. the liruab, while the Kansatia were


to ouUliltio all oilier AmericiD uiultl

c u m .ulllicmalrea aud the earth will b> ran-.Mi'kedfur ita trtasurw that Uio Wealthytnino owner may mallEe hlstjreaiu. '

tfiS X.owl» ®t., Hahway, N.J,

Highest Grade work.Hand work a speciality. Family work, all flat pieces

ironed, per 1b. 5c. All pieces starched and ironed,

per pair 50c: Drop Una postal and wagon will call foryour laundry. .

Aa: Ta O R A N B J«%

Bicycle Sundries and Repairs.

_.T^_r_llwjwJ!L«J1l»!.1l«K_(>Bibllf;will be the Itvinjf apartments and tba•tiler will ttiutaiu tbe (rand MloUa fer

eutertaliiUH'iit. On the former 94,000,-000 will lie rxjuuiled and ou tU» latter*(!,OU(I,(I(!U will Iw twLil out. Tbe Nil-roum will bv thu fluent ever designed byman. HUII \ho hanyuet hall will , t«

na cuonjfli tn entertain all theira. c? tin- ..wjjrld.—Spacltl toi'Ii.hin l>rioa.

••Idea «l Top Moltb.Hliuiiltanetmtly. with the aunonnce-

mnt that Ne\vKnKland«ho»»od Icath-•r fnterrata will auk for tb« removal ofbe duty un hide* cornea the iiavra from'llcntfu tbut aiiiuit of tlio big alaughtcr-in'tbe'ra aro atkiuK lSJIalSH' fotaa-|v« steer ulilea.1 Thla la higher thanny record fur thu Drat 'week In Maylemtofure.—Boston Ulolio.

' . .. Var IVvwa.


Wheels from 826 to 850.. Repairing promptly attended to.

length.- 1Bhould Aguinaldo accept tbe proffer-

ed courtesy be ia requested to aend bisacceptance by cable, so that arrange-ments for bis reception mtcWiroper entertsinment con be pushed to comple-tion. Should he corns by-way of BanFrancisco it ia raid that a committeeof prominent citiaens, who have beenloyal aupportera of Aguinaldo sinceOewey sailed la to the bay of Manila,will meet Omaha with a specisltralo and a, «Bit*f clother.—New -YorkTimes. , '


fwn ' ! • XHUB* SBceaaataLTbe experiment of breeding silver

gray foxes In Maine ia likely to prove asnecesa. Tho eo called "Dutch pre,-serves" on an island off HiBcoaatofLincoln county now.bold* 41 loxes, oldand Young, and the proprietor usa latcf-ly rtfosed, on offer of $3,000 for tba.foxes and good will of tbo bnsiness. InBower bank a few men from Dover bavefenced in 800 acres of land, stocking itwith 800 rabbits and Bve foxos, whiob

Unree'fomSfe 'fpxta gave bfrtb laiSpops, 11 of which were white. .Ono un-natural mother bad .killed her threegray pfftptfog before tba keeper arriv-ed to , prevent tbo crime. Tba-whitepups bave been kept alive a d nre nowable, to play out in tho yard, ' hey arewide awake little fellows aad bid fair toreach mnturity in good health.

Pbysiriaa EtlicTca He

Has ths Elanr of Life.


n«M »r Tostfc. Aeeax4Imat I* Dr. B.> . Oobtiti. Ia Im Lyaapbaita C l u b

M B n u i Body by 0ypo««Tml* l»-lectlou-Plaa of Trcstaaest.

The elillr of life sought by eijloreraand philosophers, from Ponce De Leon,to Brown-Sequard. has at last beenfound, if tbe eipectationi of a countryphysician from Green City. Ma. are)realized. This dorter's nama is D. F-Boberts. and eo thoroughly hi*. be i i - .pressed Chicago physicians who bare,experimented witb bis elixir tbataev-era) base undertaken extentiva experi-ments with tbe Dew panacea.

On bia farm near Green City Dr. Bob-erts baa raised a larce herd of goats,and it is from these prossie animalstbat tbe fluid of youth is to be secured.'-'Life cells" from tbe lymphaticjglandaof .goats are removed witb.great,canand preserved from all infection. Ttwpreservation of theta cells and th» .maintenance of life in them farm tbomost valuable feature of Dr. Boberts*method. .

Thtsa 'life cells are transplanted tothe human body by .hypodermic injee- ..tions. The results, according to Dr.Roberta and hii dssitlants. hirer been"Interesting In tbs extreme, and wouldseem to justify the claim tbat old agomay be postponed and the disorder* cfatnlUty^Toidcd by the nse of tb« lymph.•Inth^ioitllatlon' to be tsUtiiihed inChicago further experiments "will b»made. Dr.' Alexander C Wiener, assist-ed Dr. Roberts in some of, tnacjiperi-raenta conducted in Chicago.

I do not like to apeak of anythingof this kind.".said he. "because ititem j so sensatioaal that it la likely to •be disbelieved and may lead to severecrlticiam by the profession. 1 waa'asso-'elated witb Dr. Roberts in bia experi-ments in Chicago atid will: carry onsome more along the tame line. 'Be hastaken np the work advanced by Alexan-der Poet) of St. Petersburg and Brcwn-Seqnrnd and baa made novel and vslu-able.ndvancca.



araine oyrr officially in a l>oa* later onto receira tbe iurretider ojt the 0."

When the Penttrylvania men heardcif thiii.'ibey trere «ad. They like to teetbe Kaoeat men do well, but they don'ttract to Me them do tetter than them-

. h t i r n i a k » i l w i i i pAu In jou thi boa or tsa mill t

l'v« ir.lko.1 uigU t«i utlea tu axk1» jiu't« nDj won! from nij Bll

Ills |<a u l j I m«ln't worry,Ttiat juur i»|*r'd UU iu o u t »•»».

Bui iuw>bu« J iwtildn't i l l l , air.An IUIU' cuai>-but whjr duat jua aptakt

Aln I hrrrd uulblo 'bout my BUlli?IX'O'I kouir II ba'i to lh« light I

Vou Ihlnk nu ntvra. air, la (ood otw«t "Oud bin* ji'U, tb«i ehnra m» a mil*.

1 drMblnl 'tout mt Uif tail otftit Ut,In them PhUlmanra In lh» »Mt.

U»'» all lh«l 1« Itft-nij Uby;to tba cbuivhj«ij alwp all lha f \ .

I all if a •u>!Jrn heerd btuCatlln "Muthfr. oiothcrl" n plala

U h t

NORTH AVENUE, "-,Opp. Engine IlpUse.


Shirts -C o l l a r s ••-•••

CufTa -

Lehlgh Valley Coal.Kindling Wood.

OracaChtonkla Block. tfcnt'OtDtonnlaiavaBo*Cnufatd.



E. K. ADAMS" "" Agent for ,- \

Connan M e a n Insuranca Co.'-. Oan/onl, U. J,

A', r. Office, Soom US, i$

and other pieces inportion.


Reasonable Prices.


Livery and Boarding Stablet.

} Adjoining Opera Bouse,

.•-,...,..' A'ew Jtertey,

U c t f d F a a n i t f t jFor It tovniFti •• it ht'« to Data.

in . «!r. Frurcxit liaullrrAn tb* uocan RilUn betvraaa

An f tuhti) In hla tttlta chamber.Je»t a-n'undarla what it wuU ntao.

1 frtt if hla f mplj (illluv. "An my beat! mmni Jaal to lUn

Rnnrmtxrin liuw the war, «tr,Kuiuo an tixik larajr tlUUBill

. An aointhow that cry ol '*Mothtrt"Uai beti rlnatn Ihtre in mj o n

l l l ll.)V.lsln.latiti<tilju.luatfccTtll I hi. lalMt »ar i » n I k » n .




PJ1JI RACISTRath building, Union Avenue.

y i t * i W t f i W fAn imr Iv^i wtr* tlien*. did you tayt

As gmlBfU. air. a Klurlwu f talorj*Only un« »»• lul the whol. diyj

T.m «.« onn will »c-«r™ Iw utswd. tlr»II b» hn a mother, ha will.

%)af ain't m-y mach tn ooontUi,Bui I'm (lad thu en* wm'a't my BOX,

-UlUaa Earkir Unit l C f e l b u l t O

: JOHN ISENMANN.a «• aaa . \7aahingtoa Uarket Batcher

IS TOUT W a g O n All Kinds of Sleatsand Provisions

Ready for Business? Oily Dress©d Beef.It not wa will make it ready in abort J. (No Embalmed Beef)

fruinoar Daily free aeli»eri»s la Cranford. OrdersvoU wttijr may be J»stt Atrraiilfnco, Spring8«ld<*»v

or atand 132 \Vashington Market. K* T.Carriages

end alj tho etceteras necessary for satiafaotory and comfortable summer driv-inff. ' • •'

H. L. Fink, Westfield.

has greatly stimulated the breeding ofthese foxes. Until.a,year ago the bigh-eit price paid for a silver gray skin was•130. and none but the very-best andfinest fur commanded this price. Sincethen tbo valoo of these pelts his nearlydoubled. Fur dealers in New .York aresending nut circulars in whlci* flno sil-ver grays are quoted at |3S0 to *270. Afew days. ago .Mr. Fletcher, the custo-dian and chief proprietcr of tbe Bower-bank preserve, refused $5Q0 for a pairof silver gray pupa. Be says they areworth folly $1,000 a pair and does notcare to sell them at that price.—NewYork Sun.

CONCENTRIC RAINBOW.BrUMaat Aerial' Wienomeaoa Wlt-

aeaacd »t Uleliaftoad. ' ;

A rare sight was presented at Rich-mond the other day. For several hoursconcentric rainbows at -great brilliancysurrounded the sun. Between tbe .Inminous circles rested denie clouds. Thespectacle inspired admiration in theeyes of intelligent people, but tbe ig-noranftwere deeply affected with fear.For hours people stood In the streetsw,atc,bipg, the beautiful phenomenon.Many colored people experienced greatfesr. The Rev. John Jatper, whose'opinions on planetary movements-standhigher with thrnn than any other au-thority, was aaked by members of b bflock to interpret the signs in tha heav-ens. .' •• ". • •

Tbo old philosopher 1* niarly bUad-iHe listened attentively to tha deraip-tlaa of UM solar balo and sfttr.a fawseconds of deep meditation said:

"It is a sign Uqd has placed in thesky to warn the people of bis wrath tocome. ' Wickedsess la iocrcasiag. andtbe way most people are carrying on islimply scandalous.:... The.. Biblo eays-stranga eights shall appear ia tha sky.and I believe this i i ono of them."

Ills flock breathed easier whan thetun reached the fflcridlan-and the pbe-nomenon "dliii -'••>-—•- ^~-Lonls Rtpbbll

say one treatment might reUin its ef-fects perhaps ten years and that at theend of-that-time-the-injectian'siigbt ba~repeated with mccess."


Or. Itoaattcr Telia • F*n»y atarr at

A playfnl allusion to the ordinationof the Rev. Dr. Brlggs was maSa atthe ninth annual dinner of tha alotanlof the Union. Theological seminary,which took place tha otbtr evening atNew York, and at which Dr. Briggswas a guest .' . . ^

In tho discussion of tba cvenios on"Tbe Educated Ministry" Dr. a aBpssiter of tbe university told a s t n y-* ^ 'b6 tried *~'1—:**— -

M. F. WHEELER,n u n is •• • -

take Hopatcong IceBox I.JCntnford. _ . .

^ D i n * aJohann Stepsracki of tht.KesenUk

district, known as tbe "Valley ofBoats." in Bulgaria, declares be hassQccesded in producing a iron of anaauro bloe tint He bad been engagedtaaay years .in experimenting on hiesof different kinds of floweraandhad al-ready.ptodoccd some morions sjMCiftliesl h b d t f l i

Id Baptist way. Tbe cat. re-attempts wlthont nndue »io-

r tho. third time toro ranch oTn off- tte'-bby'a'Eanar Tfaxowias:imal to tba ground tha boy said;ell. go ahead and bo aa£piscq3i-[yoo mostl" .""•'•Ich was considered • good Joka ea

B K Briggs by tba peopla asaaablad.—New York Journal. -

With BU» Pnsaur* ataaua.:R Scbaw of 8 t Ixrais .ptoposa to

blast with high pressure jrtsanjiajtana«f the usual inflammabla eiplariteawhich are eo dan(jerooa In fiery tainia.Mr. Schaw soggezb that • tattridraoSwater, lodged In a shot bole, craU btconverted into steam at a pj«saar« cf -

i. . t oooo .sp striking as a blue rote of perfect IJJ^10* °* 'ow tension eltctridty, aadcolor and shape, and Steparackl, while I t h e c " r t r l a S 9 shoald be rasiact sach,denying the color fa a mnlt of ehemi-1 i ^ l ^ h M 1 " * "«ould borstatabb^t

l to l tb ">» pt«ssure when tbaf f B

Beat e

Cemetery IForPrices t

memorials. N

Ef.E Whipple,


E.L]*"' Doea a aikersi Bsi

BoxesCAPITAL 0100,

Dleoount i

fiietholi'oretfminatifin of certain 'deposits and of oiidication of blood.This will naturally prolong life, forthese are the two elements wbkb tendto bring about tbe state of eld age. Itmight be said, perhaps, thst tha acenmn-latian of phosphates and lima salts intbe system and the lack of oxldltatioain the blood are tbo factors of old sgei

: Therefore wbeaJt .Uocoiaei posalfclo ta • -eliminate the salts .and continna theoxidization of tha blood it will ba ponl-Ue to defer tbr period of senlUty.

"Of course tbe same bolls tree of allthe disorder* incident to sacb a state,and the treatment of inch disorders willbo possible by reaching the causa. Somephases of heart disease and «rn»™i»_many forms of chronic rhenma'tism andtheenilleas chain of nervoas disorderscan thus be rcachcA *

••Tbo first case I saw.treated by Dr.Boberts Impressed me greatly. Tbapatient was a man of over 60 years whobad for a long time been* suffering fromangina pectoris. After tbe injection ofthe lymph be recovered. Be baa lost a l l ,tbe symptoms and shows remarkablyincreased strength. Tho reason fornrinstbo goat is tbat tbo goat {a a bealthyanimftl.

"From what I have seen I believe the

For vary reasonable i' theirs



We wilNozileandWHigh preBSun

This is notWa alas ci


• The Great S]many otherduring the -ncall the attetestabltshmeiwork vere tenable us to i

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cal-treatment, declines to reveal tbesecret" of cultivation.—Special VitanaCable to Chicago Tribrma

Intelligence Office.Good, twlifchl* Mtrmttt* tonUftbatl on «bo


Caroenter and Builder,t*«>«r»cle><l «•».

Raaaidanoe, Walnn

_ p J J p _ > j plog the Sewfoundlartd fog* In thisca»er it will not • mate ioypatticn 1STdifference who is behind tbe gas*,—St'Lonis Qlobe-DemocraL

AUltcntln, km G«a«.Fanstoo's fighting Sab showed trp

well akisgdde.of Boassveh'a briders.—Louisville Peat

thbi pressure, when thai force set at lib-erty would breakdown the coal Vfhmtha cartridge bursts, the wire Ufosedand tbe electric circuit is.broken, sotbat there is no further risk of ignition

tartaasia will be i i n a S Sto breakdown tba ondexcot coal ia a,mine.—St. LoaiaGlobe-XAanoaat

It is expected that a great taaisy vtrplans will be exesansed1 t ' bpeace confertace. —I

fcjdrialie ojwt. pt .Boilattar to <na of t a Cos

i, and TCB s*ad hit i


The CoiArapnaatiistirael


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