Personal Development 1 - Rena… ·  ·...


Transcript of Personal Development 1 - Rena… ·  ·...

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Personal Development 1 –TRAINER’S GUIDE

TRAINER’S NOTES: The Personal Development Series is a three-part series that has been developed to help you maximize your leadership abilities. These seminars will provide you with the tools and techniques to help you develop Consultants and Leaders while increasing your personal influence and effectiveness.

The Personal Development 1 Seminar has been designed to help you strengthen your self-belief, define your purpose and build a solid foundation upon which you will develop the skills and abilities to influence and lead others. Materials needed for the Seminar:

One copy per attendee of: RW271 Participant’s Guide

Additional pens and pencils

Paper or a board to take notes

Chocolates or other symbolic prizes

Paper to be rolled into cone shapes and several small and slightly larger soft rubber balls

How to train this seminar This Trainer’s Guide includes the Participant’s Guide pages, and some additional information you may share with the class. The (arrows) connect information in the Trainer’s Guide to information in the Participant’s Guide for your convenience. During the seminar, you will sometimes have to read some text, and sometimes attendees will have to read text in their Participant’s Guide. Ask volunteers to read every time you see this icon:

Text outlined with a border is information for the trainer; it must not be read to the class. Simply follow the instructions in each case.

There are a number of exercises to emphasize key points. Some are marked optional to give you flexibility. Depending on the class size and length of discussions, you may decide there will not be enough time to do the optional exercises. Some exercises must be completed by the participants. In such cases, the information to be written down may appear over the image of the corresponding page of the Participant’s Guide.

Legal Note: You may find important legal notices in this document. Please make sure that the participants understand them clearly. Take the necessary time to explain the notices in detail.

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Personal Development 1 –TRAINER’S GUIDE

The Personal Trainer Ask an attendee to be the “Personal Trainer” of the day. That will give some dynamics to your training. This person will have to read all of the Personal Trainer's tips.

If you have any questions, doubts, or suggestions about this or any other seminars, please send an email to the Personal Trainer at [email protected] Tips from a Trainer to Another These tips may be useful for your training session:

Presenting this seminar in a consistent manner is one of the best tools (if not the best tool) for attaining sustainable growth in an organization. You may sometimes be tempted to skip training the seminar as you may only have one attendee, but don’t give in to that temptation. Train the seminar every week whether you are teaching one or 10 new consultants.

We recommend having a class of 8 to 10, but no more than 20 per session. This will depend on the number of new consultants and the trainer’s ability. A large class size makes this training less effective.

Your role is to train and to be a guide, not a boss or lecturer. Please try to connect quickly with your new consultants.

We recommend you practice the seminar several times before giving it for the first time.

Adults learn better in a pleasant environment that allows them to participate and includes exercises and sharing of experiences and points of view of all attendees.

Finally, enjoy your training sessions. Every time you have a Personal Development seminar, you are fostering sustained growth in your organization and mastering one of the most valuable activities in the business world — the ability to develop others.

A good leader inspires others with confidence in him; a great leader inspires them with

confidence in themselves. The Personal Development seminar will help accomplish that!

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Personal Development 1 –TRAINER’S GUIDE


Trainer’s Notes ........................................................................................................................ 2 Vision ....................................................................................................................................... 6 Introductory Exercise ............................................................................................................... 7

1. THE STARTING POINT: WHY SELF-DEVELOPMENT? ........................................................ 8 Tomorrow’s Reality Starts Today ..................................................................................................... 8

The Importance of Personal Development ...................................................................................... 8

2. MY DEVELOPMENT STEP BY STEP ................................................................................ 10 Step 1: Understand Perception vs Reality ...................................................................................... 10

Step 2: Identify Your Purpose ......................................................................................................... 15

Step 3: Determine Your Values ...................................................................................................... 17

Step 4: Set a Goal to Be the Best You Can Be ................................................................................. 18

Step 5: Learn the Meaning of Leadership ...................................................................................... 18

Step 6: Identify the Traits You Need to Learn ................................................................................ 19

10 Common Traits of Great Leaders .......................................................................................... 20

Step 7: Learn the Leadership Secret ............................................................................................... 23

Step 8: Develop a “I’m in Control” Mindset ................................................................................... 24

Summary ......................................................................................................................................... 25

3. TIME TO ACT ................................................................................................................ 25 Embrace Change ............................................................................................................................. 25

The Comfort Zone ........................................................................................................................... 26

Change, Comfort Zones and Performance ..................................................................................... 27

Strengthen Your Belief ................................................................................................................... 28

The Negative Data Base.................................................................................................................. 30

Restoring Belief .............................................................................................................................. 31

Affirmations .................................................................................................................................... 31

Self-Talk .......................................................................................................................................... 33

Summary ......................................................................................................................................... 34

4. THE FINAL TIP .............................................................................................................. 34 Visualization ................................................................................................................................... 34

Summary ......................................................................................................................................... 36

APPENDIX 1: The Two Caterpillars ........................................................................................ 39

APPENDIX 2: The Comfort Zone ............................................................................................. 40

APPENDIX 3: Self-Talk Script .................................................................................................. 41

APPENDIX A: ......................................................................................................................... 42

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Hand out the guides. Ask the participants what are their expectations for this seminar. Write their answers on the board or flip chart. If they mention an expectation that cannot be met, let them know when you can discuss it.

The good news is that we will be covering almost everything you have mentioned. If there are no more questions, let’s get started.

Welcome to the Personal Development Series - Part 1. Today, we will be working on some useful concepts that will help you make the most of the Rena Ware Opportunity.

Before we start, please turn off your cell phones (or silence your cell phones). We will have some breaks for you to make phone calls or check your voicemail. The bathrooms are (….). The emergency exists are (….). Here is a guide for you to take notes and have reference material at the end of the training session.

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Briefly talk about how we live our

vision in Rena Ware.

Ask of there are any questions. Select an attendee to be the Personal Trainer for the day. This person will read any notes from the Personal Trainer. Go to the Introductory Exercise.

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Introductory Exercise: The Good-looking, Nice, Smart, and Successful People Objective: Break the ice and divide the class into groups for the first activity Instructions: Write the following adjectives on the board: “good-looking – nice – smart – successful”. Now ask the class to introduce themselves telling their name and the corresponding adjective following the order of the words on the board. For example, the first person would say, “I am Susana and I am good-looking,” the next would say, “I am Gustavo and I am nice,” and so on, until everybody introduces himself or herself. Then divide the class into four groups (“good-looking – nice – smart – successful”) and ask them to read page 3 in their group and discuss the importance of self-development. Advise them not to look other pages of this guide at this time. Give them 5 minutes to discuss and then ask one participant per group to talk about the main conclusions of the group. Thank the class and ask them to go back to their original seats to continue with the seminar. Trainer’s Note: This exercise is ideal for four groups of five people each. For a larger class, write more adjectives. This exercise is not good for groups with over 30 people as it may take too much time.

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Ask the class if they have any questions. Remind them they can ask a question at any time. If the question is not really about the seminar, write it on the board and go back to it at the end of the training session. Promote active participation throughout the training session.

Ask the class why they think self-development is important. Have one person from each discussion group report. Write answers on the board.

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Ask the class to complete the

exercise. Then read all the

phrases with the answer.

All phrases are


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Others will say they see an image, or an image on a piece of paper, or a desk on which there is a piece of paper with an image in it. All answers are good and can be used to prove that perception varies from person to person.

Ask the class what they see.

Some will say the image is moving.

However, their eyes are creating that illusion. To

prove that, look at the middle of the

circle that is “moving” and it will

stop. When you don’t look at the middle, it might

move again.

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Which caterpillar was right? So how do we change our perceptions and belief systems so that we can see the possibilities for ourselves and those we are leading? And how can we, as leaders, help those we lead change their belief systems? The answer is by creating a new perception of reality: That means a new belief.

Have attendees turn to Appendix 1. Ask for a volunteer to read the story of “The Two Caterpillars.”

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Asking for feedback from others seems simple but hearing “the truth” as others see it is not always easy. You have to want to grow and learn. Imagine that you have just done a training session on recruiting. You worked very hard on this training and you feel that you did a good job presenting it. From your perspective, your team members should now have learned everything they need to be successful recruiters. But then you ask them for feedback and find that they didn’t

After a volunteer reads one of the three points in the image, explain what it means. Then have a volunteer read the next point.

1. Accept life is not as you want it to be (you want a better life).

You don’t have to pretend that everything is all right because

that can build up a series of beliefs that can affect how you see

your environment.

2. Ask yourself the following questions: How do I like my life?

What is working out in my life? What is not working out?

Ask yourself the following questions about your business:

How do you feel about your business? How do the people in

your team feel about the business? What is working out?

What is not working out?

3. Ask someone you trust how they see your life and business.

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understand some of the keys points at all. Perhaps some of the team members even tell you that your training skills were not conducive to holding their attention. In other words, you thought you presented the material in way that was interesting and informative but they thought it was boring. Of course this hurt your feelings. How could it not? However, the more important question is; how will you react to this information? You have two choices. You could say to yourself, “That was a good training I did. They should have paid attention.” Or, you could listen to what was said and try to align your perception with reality. With the first approach, you assign blame and gain nothing. With the later approach, you embark on the path of personal development. The approach you take in any given situation depends in large on how that situation relates to the fulfillment of your Purpose. Here we are not talking about the momentary reason or intention for doing something. We are talking about your overriding Purpose in life. You may be thinking, “What does hearing the truth about how well I did a training with my team have to do with my greater Purpose in life.” The answer is… Everything! Everything we do, every decision we make, every priority we set has to tie into our overall Purpose or else it has no meaning and without that meaning, we will not be able to fully commit ourselves. We have no reason to adjust our perception with reality if it doesn’t make any difference to us. Let’s read from page 9 to talk about Step 2 in our personal development plan – Identify Your Purpose.

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Have the class do the Mental Picture exercise to identify their purpose. You will find directions on the next page of this Trainer’s Guide.

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Class exercise: Mental Picture

Objective: To help participants to identify their purpose.

Instructions: Ask participants to close their eyes, take a deep breath and imagine the following scenario (speak with calm and even tone of voice):

Pretend you are 95 years old. Imagine that you are sitting in a rocking chair on the porch. You feel the warmth of the sun as it shines down on you. A gentle breeze softly strokes your face. You are rocking and thinking back on your life. What are the things you are proudest of

accomplishing? pause

What do you want to be most remembered and respected for? pause

What do you hope people are saying about you and what you did with your life? pause

What is the one thing you wish you could still accomplish with your life if time and money were

not obstacles? pause Now, on page 9 of your guides, write down these reflections. The things you are proudest of accomplishing or want to be remembered for or the one thing you wish you could still do with your life will lead you to your purpose.

Give participants enough time to finish this exercise. (10 minutes)

Once you have done this, you will see how developing yourself goes hand in hand with fulfilling that purpose. Even more importantly, you will realize how recruiting others and helping them to develop themselves and teaching them to also develop others will help everyone involved in the fulfillment of their combined purpose. In many ways it is like the cycle of life. When you have completed this entire process, you will wake up excited and energized every day because you have connected your daily activities with your purpose. No longer will you struggle to do things that are subconsciously “meaningless” to you. Your personal development path will take you on an exciting journey to the realization of those things that are most important in your mind (and heart).

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There are no right or wrong answers here.

As it says at the top of

your Participant Guide, these values

are guidelines for you to use as you fulfill

your purpose. Keep them where you can see them every day.

Class discussion: Read the class this short story-

Lina needed just one more recruit to earn the trip and time was running out, with only a week left to meet the requirements. She went to see a friend of hers and told this friend that if she joined, she would be guaranteed to earn $1000 in the first two months. Lina knew it was wrong to guarantee any income when recruiting but she figured it was OK to do it this time since she intended to work with her friend and help her earn the money. She thought there was a good chance that her friend would earn the $1000 if she helped her, so she felt that, in a way, the money was “guaranteed”.

Ask the class: Lina had selected Integrity as one of her guiding values. Did she adhere to this value given her intention to help her friend earn the $1000?

Now instruct the class to do the Values


The answer is NO

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“Why is just being good not the goal of personal development?”

Ask the class what they think is the correct answer.

Ask the class:

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Ask for volunteers to talk about who they chose as a great leader and what were the traits they most admire about this leader.

Ask the class if they think this is


Ask the class what they think

leadership means. There

will be many good answers but be sure to end on

this answer

This will lead you right into Step 6.

Ask the class the

question and give them a couple of minutes to think of great leaders.

Then ask about

the traits of these leaders.

Ask for

Being the kind of person people follow because they want to, not because they have to.

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Ask the class to read Traits 1 and 2 and fill in the blanks. For #2 they can just transfer a summary of their purpose from pg 9 of their Participant Guide. Give them 5 minutes. Break class into 10 groups (The group can have one to three people in it. If there are less than 10 attendees, do this as a whole class)

Assign the group (or person) one of the 10 traits. Give them 10 minutes to think about / discuss why this trait is so important that most great leaders share it. Reconvene the class and ask the person or group to read the trait and report to the class.

As Traits 3-10 are discussed, ask the question(s) for each trait. For #3. Encourage class discussion of what they believe causes this voice we sometimes hear and then give them the answer regarding why some people seem so confident in their abilities: Because they have strengthened their belief systems and built a positive data base in their minds.

Tell the class that they will learn how to strengthen belief and build a positive mental data base later today.

Because they have strengthened their belief systems and built a positive data base in their minds

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Continue through each trait until all 10 are discussed. #4. What does the class think? Leaders cannot possibly know everything but people do expect their leaders to be knowledgeable and to know how to find the answers. #5. Ask the class: Are YOU committed? #6. Have the class fill in the blanks from their own personal experience.

Attending Rena Ware University!

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#8. Ask the class if they would have faith in someone who easily gives up or is constantly heading in new directions. #9 and #10. Use these questions as class discussions. Ask the class

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Ask the class if they believe that everything in life is about choice. Let the discussion continue for 3 or 4 minutes.

Then ask what choice they have all just made that IS in their control. Answer: Personal Development

Then go on with the analogy of the ice cream falling off the cone and our choice about how we will react to this unexpected event.

Talk about the ice cream falling off the cone representing unexpected events. Optional: Use a sheet of paper rolled into a cone shape and soft rubber balls for the ice cream to illustrate this point.

Before the class turns the page in their guides, ask them what they consider the choices to be if the ice cream falls off the cone.

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If you are using the “paper cone” and the soft balls to illustrate

the ice cream analogy, replace the

smaller ball with a bigger, brighter one.

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Summarize what was covered in this section and ask if there are any questions.

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The word “change” usually brings out some emotions in people. Think of a word that describes how you feel when you hear the word “change” and write it in your Guide. It all comes down to what we are comfortable with…our “comfort zone”.

Ask the class to share the words they wrote and then ask why they think we are often afraid of change.

Instruct the class to turn to Appendix 2: The Comfort Zone. Ask for a volunteer to read it aloud. (Not the footnote)

Point out the four key learning points from this definition: 1. Highly successful persons may routinely step out of their comfort zones, to

accomplish what they wish. 2. Comfort zone boundaries create an UNFOUNDED sense of security (meaning that

although we may think a comfort zone is safe, it may actually not be). 3. People tend to stay in a comfort zone once they have created it. 4. To step out of the comfort zone, people must experiment with new and different

behaviors and experience new and different responses.

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You may remember the story of the Ugly Duckling. The story tells of a homely little bird born in a barnyard who suffers abuse from his neighbors until, much to his delight (and to the surprise of others)…

Stick our necks out

Step out of our comfort zone

Ask the class to answer these questions. Hint: The pictures should lead them to the right answers.

Class discussion: What do we mean when we say “Change is the Great Equalizer”? Answer: It is only through change that we can catch up and even surpass those who are ahead of us.

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… he matures and changes into a beautiful swan, the most beautiful bird of all.

Now point out the footnote on Appendix 2 which says, in summary, that stepping out of our comfort zone (if not too far out) creates a stress response that leads to a higher level of performance- sometimes called the Optimal Performance Zone where we have heightened focus and concentration. That means by taking small steps out of our comfort zone, we can go from good to better and from better to best.

Ask the attendees to rate the strength of their belief in their abilities by placing an X on the scale with 1 being the lowest level of belief and 10 the highest. Ask for a show of hands: Do you ever hear a little voice saying “You can” or “You can’t” do something?

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What creates the filter in our minds that tells us we can or can’t do something? Do any of these statements sound familiar?

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This information comes in through our hearing and is stored as part of

the data base that forms the foundation of our

belief system.


Optional Exercise: The objective of this exercise is to create a situation that results in negative self-talk. Ask for two volunteers. Tell them they will to do a little experiment in “simple” communications. (Stress “simple”) Sitting back to back so they cannot see each other:

One will look at a drawing and give the other instructions on how to draw it. (Trainer Guide Appendix A)

The other person draws the lines according to the verbal directions given.

The drawing is made of simple lines and shapes but is confusing to describe and to envision from a verbal description. This causes both people to feel a bit foolish, usually resulting in negative self-talk. Both volunteers are instructed to “listen” to the things they say to themselves, about themselves and write down their self-talk on a blank sheet of paper while doing the exercise and as they see the actual drawings. At the end, ask them to share their self-talk.

Have them share their self-talk with the class.

Have you ever really listened to the things

you say to yourself?

We often talk to ourselves in harsh

ways, saying things we would never say

to other people, including calling

ourselves names.

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We are often feeding ourselves negative data which continues to build upon a negative data base. How do we counteract this?

Instruct the class to identify up four things they want to improve and write them down. For example, they may want to become a better recruiter.

Now have the attendees write one to three affirmations to address each of the areas they want to work on. If they said they wanted to become a better recruiter, for example, they might write:

I am a GREAT recruiter!

I am the top recruiter in the company!

I am the best recruiter of all.

Class exercise: Have the class pair off and share with each other the things they want to improve and the affirmations they have written to address these areas.

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Repeat your affirmations several times a day and right before you go to sleep.

Say your affirmations with passion

State your affirmations while looking in a mirror

Write your affirmations on note or card and put them where you will see them several times a day.

Try writing them many times

Sing or chant your affirmations

Just writing down the affirmations helps overcome negative information but writing them and reading them just once is not enough to be effective. Let’s talk about some ways to make positive affirmations even more powerful.

Some of the most important messages you have received have been from people looking you straight in the eye. Looking at yourself in the mirror magnifies the importance of the message. Behaviorists have found that the mind accepts affirmation messages even better when they are sung!

Give ways and added information about #3 and #6.

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Have attendees turn to Appendix 3. Ask for two volunteers to take turns reading the self-talk script aloud.

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Are there any questions on the material we have covered? Let’s move on to the Final Tip

Let’s say you want to be Top Sponsor in your country. Visualize this happening. Close your eyes. You hear your name being called as the Top Sponsor. You walk out on stage. You feel the heat of the stage lights. You hear the applause. The beautiful award is given to you and you hear the special words of the presenter as he speaks just to you. From the side of your eye, you see the cameras flashing. Every time visualize this achievement as if it is happening right now, and with each visualization, add in more detail. How are you dressed? Do you have on any jewelry such as

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Visualize as if the achievement is happening right now

Add more detail every time you visualize

rings or watches? Who do you see handing you the award? What does the award look like? This process solidifies the attainment of the goal in the mind and once the mind believes it is so, then action will come about as a consequence.

Visualization can be used individually or as a group for a group achievement. Once you become comfortable with this process yourself, try involving your team in the visualization of a group goal. Start the visualization by setting the stage. Describe what the group has accomplished, where you are and how the accomplishment is being recognized. Paint the picture and then ask for your team members to tell more details of what they see and also have them visualize out loud what their contribution was to the overall team goal.

Visualize achieving what you want frequently

Talk about the keys to making

visualization work.

Have attendees write down

something they really want to


Instruct the class to close their eyes

and visualize the goal as if they

were achieving it right now. Then

they should write down what they


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When you have completed your script put it where you can see it. Read it aloud to yourself at least twice every day. More times is even better. Record it and listen while walking, driving, doing house or yard work or even sleeping. The subconscious will hear it, accept it as reality and make it be true! You ARE a Leader of Leaders!

Summarize the section on visualization. Ask if there are any questions.

Congratulate the class and give the final assignment. This last exercise will take 15 to 20 minutes. If time permits, have the attendees do this exercise before they leave. If time is tight, review how to complete the exercise and then assign it as homework.

Whether the attendees do the exercise before they leave class or as a homework assignment, be sure they understand that the key to using self-talk scripts is to read them several times aloud every day. By reading it aloud, they will both see and hear the information. It can also be recorded as an audio to listen to while doing other activities.

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APPENDIX 1: The Two Caterpillars

Two caterpillars happened to meet as they were walking along the forest floor. One caterpillar was whistling and singing as he walked along. But the other caterpillar was sobbing and lamenting his fate. “Good morning,” said the happy caterpillar, “Where are you headed?” The sad caterpillar wailed, “I am heading to the great cocoon. “ “Wonderful, it just so happens I am heading to the great cocoon myself so let’s walk together,” said the happy caterpillar. As they walked along the sad caterpillar continued to cry. “Why are you crying?” asked the happy caterpillar. The sad caterpillar replied, “Why am I crying? You should know. You’re going to the great cocoon, too. How can you be so happy when the great cocoon means the end of the world? Don’t you realize it’s all over? My friend went there and I never saw him again. That’s where our life as a caterpillar ends!” And with that he began to sob harder than ever. “All over?” asked happy caterpillar. “On no, your perception of this is all wrong! My friend went there and I watched as he emerged. Life’s not all over, it’s just the beginning. He became a beautiful butterfly and so will I!” So it was that what one perceived to be the end of the world, the other perceived to be the beginning.

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APPENDIX 2: The Comfort Zone Resistance to change has to do with comfort zones. Consider the following definition of comfort zones taken from Wikipedia:

1 The comfort zone is a behavioral state within which a person operates in an anxiety-neutral condition, using a limited set of behaviors to deliver a steady level of performance, usually without a sense of risk. A person's personality can be described by his or her comfort zones. Highly successful persons may routinely step outside their comfort zones, to accomplish what they wish. A comfort zone is a type of mental conditioning that causes a person to create and operate mental boundaries. Such boundaries create an unfounded sense of security. Like inertia, a person who has established a comfort zone in a particular axis of his or her life, will tend to stay within that zone without stepping outside of it. To step outside a person's comfort zone, they must experiment with new and different behaviors, and then experience the new and different responses that then occur within their environment.

In other words, we tend to create this state of mental or physical boundaries in which we feel safe. To change, we must be willing to step outside of this comfort zone we have created. __________________ ¹Taken from Wikipedia: To step out of the comfort zone raises the anxiety level engendering a stress response, the result of which is

an enhanced level of concentration and focus. White (2009) refers to this as the Optimal Performance Zone - a zone in which the

performance of a person can be enhanced and in which their skills can be optimized. However, White (2009) also observes that if the

work of Robert Yerkes (1907) is considered in which he reported 'Anxiety improves performance until a certain optimum level of

arousal has been reached. Beyond that point, performance deteriorates as higher levels of anxiety are attained', if a person steps

beyond the optimum performance zone they enter a "danger zone" in which performance will decline rapidly as higher levels of

anxiety or discomfort occur.

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APPENDIX 3: Self-Talk Script

Believing in ME!

I can do anything I believe I can do! I’ve got it and every day I get more of it. I have talent, skills and ability. I set goals and I reach them. I know what I want out of life. I go after it and I get it. People like me, and I feel good about myself. I have a sense of pride in who I am and I believe in myself. Nothing seems to stop me; I have a lot of determination. I turn problems into advantages. I find possibilities in things that other people never give a chance. I have a lot of energy—I am very alive! I enjoy life and I can tell it and so can others. I keep myself up, looking ahead, and liking it. I know that I can accomplish anything I choose, and I refuse to let anything negative hold me back or stand in my way. I am not afraid of anything or anyone. I have strength, power, conviction, and confidence! I like challenges and I meet them head on, face to face—today especially! I am on top of the world and I’m going for it. I have a clear picture in my mind of what I want. I can see it in front of me. I know what I want and I know how to get it. I know it is all up to me and I know I can do it. Roadblocks don’t bother me. They just mean that I am alive and running, and I am not going to stand still for anything. I trust myself. I’ve got what it takes -- plenty of it –and I know how to use it, today, more than ever. Today I am unstoppable! Limitations? I don’t even recognize them as limitations. There is no challenge that I can’t conquer; there is no wall I can’t climb over. There is no problem I can’t defeat or turn around and make it work for me. I am an exceptional human being. My goals and my incredible belief in myself turn my goals into reality. I have the power to live my dreams. Partial script taken from: “What To Say When You Talk To Yourself” by Shad Helmstetter, Ph.D.

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Personal Development 1 –TRAINER’S GUIDE

APPENDIX A: (from Page 30)

I’m So Confused, I’m Talking to Myself!