pennsylvania - · is...

P P e en nn ns sy yl lv v a an ni ia a I Save A Tree Electronic Books Harrisburg " Virtue, Liberty and Independence" C 2003 I Save A Tree Inc. Carol Haberkern The United States of America ISBN# 0-9714299-1-X

Transcript of pennsylvania - · is...

Page 1: pennsylvania - · is located between Canada and the United States. natural resources,something found in


I Save A TreeElectronic Books


" Virtue, Liberty and Independence"

C 2003 I Save A Tree Inc.

Carol Haberkern

The United States of America

ISBN# 0-9714299-1-X

Page 2: pennsylvania - · is located between Canada and the United States. natural resources,something found in

Table of Contents











Location 5

History before statehood 7

History since statehood 9

State government 11

State flag 13

Current facts 15

Industry today 17

State landmarks 19

Weather and land 21

Animals in Pennsylvania 23












State bird 25

State tree 27

State flower 29

Famous people from Pennsylvania 31

Things to do in Pennsylvania 33

Popular sports in Pennsylvania 35

Fast facts 37

Glossary 39

Web sites / books for information 41

Index 43

Credits 45

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Pennsylvania is a northeasternand a mid-Atlantic state. Six statesborder Pennsylvania. New York borders it to the north. New Jerseyis on the eastern border. Delaware, Maryland and West Virginia are on the southern border. To the west are the states of West Virginia and Ohio.

The capital is Harrisburg, which islocated in the central southern partof the state.

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HistoryBefore Statehood




George Washington

William Penn

When the Dutch and Swedesarrived in the 1600s, several Indiantribes lived in Pennsylvania. In 1681,

the King ofEngland gavePennsylvania toWilliam Penn.The word"Pennsylvania"means Penn'sWoods.

William Pennfounded the cityof Philadelphia.The colonistsdidn't like thetaxes England imposed on them. Theyrevolted and The Revolutionary War(1775-1783) began. George Washingtonwas made head of the army. The colonieswon the war.

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HistorySince Statehood



_______________________Steel plant

In 1787, Pennsylvania became the 2ndstate in the Union. From 1790 to 1800,Philadelphia was the capital for the newnation. Pennsylvania fought with othernorthern statesagainst slaveryin the Civil War(1861-1865).They won andslavery wasabolished.

Coal and steelwere majorindustries inthe state atone time.However, when the demand droppedin the 1950s, many people lost theirjobs. Today many tourists visit the stateand many people work in vacation areas.

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The state government ofPennsylvania is divided into threebranches. Governor Ed Rendell ishead of the executive branch. This

branch is incharge of carryingout the laws. Thelegislative branchis the GeneralAssembly. It makesthe laws.


Governor Ed Rendell


_______________________ 12

City Hall

The GeneralAssembly hastwo parts, theSenate and theHouse ofRepresentatives.The third branch is the judicial branch.This branch interprets the laws.

Pennsylvania has 67 counties. Eachcounty has a local government.

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These stand for Pennsylvania's naturalresources. The ship stands for trading. The flag's bluebackgroundmatches theblue in theflag of theUnited States.

Pennsylvania adopted its state flag in 1907. The state coat of arms is in the center of the flag. On it are a plow, three bundles of wheat and a ship.

State Flag




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The populationof Pennsylvaniais 12,281,054. Itis ranked the 6thlargest state for

the number of people living in it.Pennsylvania covers 44,820 squaremiles. It ranks 32nd in total area.

Current Facts




Oil Creek

Pennsylvania forest

Pennsylvania isknown as the"Keystone State."The word"keystone" comes from architectureand refers to the central stone thatholds all the other stones in place.The nickname refers to the central rolethe state played in the history of the U.S.

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Cow and calf



Steel mill

Chocolate ice cream and potatochips are packaged in Pennsylvania.Mushrooms, corn, hay, apple s and

peaches are someof the productsgrown on farms.Milk is the state's.largest farmproduct. Many people work in the serviceindustry. This

includes people working in stores,banks and insurance companies.

Pennsylvania is the third largestproducer ofsteel in theU.S. Coal andlimestone aremined in thestate.

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Independence Hall



Liberty Bell

Many famouslandmarks canbe found inPhiladelphia.IndependenceHall and theLiberty Bell arelocated inPhiladelphia, the "City of BrotherlyLove." The Declaration of Independencewas signed in Independence Hall.

The famous Liberty Bell cracked thefirst time it was rung. It is on displayfor all to see.

A naturallandmark is thescenic DelawareWater Gap, whichis locatedbetween Penn-sylvania and NewJersey.

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Weather & Land




Winter woods

Summer woods

Pennsylvaniahas a variedclimate. Thewarmesttemperatures are

in the Ohio and Monongahela Rivervalleys. The mountain areas havecolder winters and cooler summers.Average temperatures range from 27°in the winter to a high of 71° Fahrenheitin the summer.

The average yearly precipitation is41 inches.

Mountains, valleys and lowlandsare inPennsylvania.The northwestcorner of thestate isbordered byLake Erie.

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Over 150 typesof fish can befound in thelakes and rivers.Yellow perch,bass, trout and pickerel are a fewof them. The ruffed grouse (the statebird), killdeer, pheasant and cardinalare birds that live in Pennsylvania.

AnimalsIn Pennsylvania


Baby deer




The white-tailed deer was namedthe state animal in 1959. Pennsylvania'sforests are also home to the black bears,

porcupines and redfoxes. Reptiles likesnakes and turtleslive in the woodsand fields.

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The ruffed grouse(Bonasa umbellus)was named thestate bird in 1939.

This chubby bird has feathered legs. Aruffed grouse can spread its tail outlike a fan. These birds like to spend the

State Bird






summers in clearings, and the wintersin the forest. Their red-brownfeathers andgray brownpatches makeit hard for themto be seen inthe wild.

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State Tree






In 1931, thehemlock (Tsugacanadensis) wasnamed the statetree of Pennsylvania.

This tree can grow quite large. It hasbrown or purplish bark. The bark isrich in tannin.

Tannin is usedin the tanningindustry.The needles are short and darkgreen. Hemlock trees have very smallcones. These trees can live to be 1,000years old.

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State Flower


Mountain laurel

Mountain laurel



The mountainlaurel (Kalmialatfolia) blossomwas named thestate flower of

Pennsylvania in 1933. It was pickedbecause it's a native plant. It grows wildall over the state.

Mountain laurel blooms in the spring.The flowers can be white or pink. It isevergreen, which means it keeps itsgreen leaveseven in winter.The leaves arepoisonous tocattle.

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Famous People


Betsy Ross's House



Ben Franklin

Many famous women came fromthis state. Betsy Ross made the firstAmerican flag in Philadelphia. In 1962,Rachel Carson wrote Silent Spring, abook that warned about the dangers

of pesticides.Margaret Mead,the famous anth-ropologist, andGrace Kelly, thePrincess ofMonaco, werePennsylvanians.

Benjamin Franklinexperimentedwith electricity andhelped free theU.S. from England.Other importantPennsylvanians include PresidentJames Buchanan, actor Bill Cosby,painter Andrew Wyeth and sculptorAlexander Calder.

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Things to Do

In Pennsylvania





The Franklin Institute

include the Philadelphia Museum of Art,Rodin Museum and the PennsylvaniaFarm Museum. Animal lovers enjoyvisiting thePhiladelphiaZoo. Manystate and national parksare located in Pennsylvania.

Each Ground-hog day(February 2),groundhogPunxsutawneyPhil comes out

of his hole and predicts winter's end.Pennsylvania has many fine museums.

The Franklin Institute is popular withyoung people. Other museums

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SportsIn Pennsylvania






Pennsylvania hosts many professionalsports teams including the Eagles,PiratesPhillies, 76ers and Steelers. Water sports

like rowing,sailing andswimming arepopular. Each

spring,college teamscompete inregattas or boatraces on the Schuylkill River. Othersports also enjoyed include bicycleand car racing. Each year the NationalTennis Competition is held In

Winter sports includesnow skiing, ice fishing andbobsledding.


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Fast Facts


Governor: Ed RendellCapital: HarrisburgSize: 44,820 square miles, 32nd in theU.S.Population: 12,281,054 people, 6th inthe U.S.Major cities: Philadelphia, Pittsburgh,Allentown, ScrantonNickname: "The Keystone State"State bird: ruffed grouseState animal: white-tailed deerState tree: eastern hemlockState flower: mountain laurelState song: "Pennsylvania"State motto: "Virtue, liberty, andindependence"


State Park

Luna Moth

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anthropologist, a person who studiesthe ways and beliefs of different people.architecture, the way a building isconstructed.cattle, cows and steers that are raisedfor food.chubby, a little fat.coat of arms, a drawing shaped like ashield that stands for a family, city ororganization.

Lake Erie, one of the Great Lakes thatis located between Canada and theUnited States.natural resources, something found innature like coal, water or forests, thatpeople use.poisonous, something that can kill ormake sick if it is eaten.service, work that helps other people.steel, a hard metal made from iron.

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Links & BooksFor more information

42Visit our website @

TITLE: Valley ForgeAUTHOR: Jason CooperPUBLISHER: Rourke Book CompanyCOPYRIGHT: 1999

TITLE: Historic PhiladelphiaAUTHOR: Jason CooperPUBLISHER: Rourke Book CompanyCOPYRIGHT: 2001

TITLE: Pennsylvania Facts and SymbolsAUTHOR: Emily McAuliffePUBLISHER: Capstone PressCOPYRIGHT: 1999



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Index _______________________


Carson, Rachel, 31

"City of Brotherly Love," 19

Civil War, 9

coal, 10, 18

deer, white-tail, 23

Delaware Water Gap, 20

Franklin, Benjamin, 32

grouse, ruffled, 24, 25

hemlock, 27, 28

Independence Hall, 19

laurel, mountain, 29, 30

Liberty Bell,19, 20

mid-Atlantic, 5

Punxsutawney, 33

Penn, William, 7

Philadelphia, 8, 9, 19, 31

Revolutionary War, 8

Rendell, Ed, 11

Washington, George, 8

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CreditsWritten by

Carol A. Haberkern

Edited by

Linda Coyner

Produced by

Robert Rance


Doug Meyers


Dan Mader

Photo credits

Pennsylvania Bureau of State Parks

Pennsylvania Department of Natural


www.arttoday.com_______________________46I Save A Tree Inc. reserves the right to remove or exchange any

photo/illustration at any time without notice.