Peace Researcher Vol2 Issue18 May 1999

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Transcript of Peace Researcher Vol2 Issue18 May 1999

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol2 Issue18 May 1999


    The SIS Cockup Patup Bills a 2

    The Prime Minister, Jenny Shipley, and Labour leaer Helen Clark of te Intelligencean Security Committee: " it ain't legal, change the law.

    u: The SIS Cockup Patchup Bill ABC's submission on the Security Intelligence Service Amendmen Ac Secret Euopean Plan to tap all mobile phones - Is NZ invoved? Is your computer being used to spy on you 8 Inteigence agencies and the toothless rivacy Act The Navy SkiHercules Squadon is gone ew book lifts veil on Nurrungar - US spied on

    Australian AntiBases Movement Update from Britain ABC submission to the nteigence and Securt Commitee CIA Brefs - Unlaundered! hppnes oxic legac from US baes The dr old of the SAS Bts and ieces Remember the Unted States normaton Agen

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  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol2 Issue18 May 1999


    tagetng US emasses n sot ountes one owhh elans what hs agents wee ong n Azz'shouse ung a 1996 atty oosng an APC aeMnstes Coneene o lutonum was oun n hslauny uoa an este eng Pakstan he sentey a lase Muslm

    he ast maoty o sumssons oose a o ato the Bll. O the latte some wante the owe to

    ssue nteeton waants tansee om the PM toa uge (oth Lange an Palme stenuousy ooseany nolement y juges hs whole saga haseome a ey nteestng onsttutonal attleetween the eute an the juay) Manysumssons onte out the ange o allowng theSS to oetly ente an seze thngs (the atualwong o the Bll) hs ges them the owe toe ogansatons y legally stealng the kes oomute ss o othe ouments suh asmemesh sts, nanal eos et hee s noolgaton to etun them, oue them n out, o nany way aknowlege that the SIS ae t he thees

    Don Mle the SIS Deto enoe ths ea ystatng, n hs sumsson, that omute ss aeeatl the sot o "thngs the S IS woul e tagetngMao ogansatons wee onene aout eng thetagets o State syng hats not mee hyothessethe - a Deeme 1998 swee o the Mao LegalSees Wellngton oe eeale that hone allswee eng nteete (mea oeage o ths wasslene y theat o legal santons une theInseto Geneal o I ntellgene an Seuty At)

    Som sumssons went way eyon allng oamenng o sang ths Bll hey alle o the

    sa ng o the Integene an Seuty Commtteean the aoton o the SIS tsel (see ABC'ssm son eow)

    Sum sons wee hea n Welngton oe two ayshee a a otest outse Palament (Azz was oneo the eakes) an, n Chsthuh moe than 100eo mahe to the seet SIS oe (whh waswel g ae y ole), whee thee was a allyout , n the mle o the steet, an a otestanne was hung om the to o the ulng Iesene the ABCs sumsson y megahone, tothe a One th o the total sumssons ha ome

    om Chsthuh, ut the Intellgene an SeutyCommttee euse numeous equests to ome toChsthuh So Chsthuh oganse ts ownheangs n ont o loal wothes nung theChanelo o the Unesty o Canteuy, theCatho Bsho the uman ghts Commssone(Southen) the natonal oesent o theConeene o Chuhes, a ga ahu eesentatea Canteuy egonal Counllo an wellknownwte an lawye, K Gan Seeal loal OtonMPs aso attene hese ey usy eoe wee alleae at less than a weeks note to ge useea hous o the te to hea Chsthuh

    sumssons (the Cty Counl was hay to make thehsto Ponal Chames aaale o theheang) hs emnent esons gou oue a

    eot allng o an nquy nto the SIS, eoePalament alows any nease n ts owes

    Govrnnt os A No. 2 On Us

    he SIS Amenment Bll was uly ushe nto law, nMah aous Mhael Cullen sa t was alwaysPalament's unestanng that SIS oes ha the

    ght o enty Its ha to unestan how anyntellgene ageny anywhee n the wol ouoeate wthout some l mte om o enty gh Its nthe natue o the wok they o (Chs/church Pess26 Mah 1999, But sustantal out was ast onthat etosete assumton y Da Small, theman who ha aught the SIS agents at Azz's house,ak n 1996 Da wote to the Cown Law Oeaskng o the ealest ate legal onon that annteeton waant emowee agents to eak ntoate homes Bak ame the answe - Seteme18 1996 - e ate the Chouy eak n, an neay20 yeas ate the 1977 SIS Amenmen t At te

    thoughout as the legal justaton o SIS eak-ns

    he Goenmeht oously ha msgngs aout thewhole thng , too I n Mah 1999 t ntoue the SI SAenment Bll (o2) one agan wth Laou's ullsuot Sumssons wee set own o May wth o2 to ome nto eet n myea t hanges a n umeo thngs - o nstane, the PM an no longe solelyauthose nteeton waants aganst ewZealanes n the omest onte hese waantshae to e oauthose y the newly eateCommssone o Seuty Waants who must e aete gh Cout juge ust what the ounty nees

    moe waant oes he Inseto Geneal s o wasa gh Cout juge hs eomane lls us wth noonene that yet anothe one wll make anyeene) But n a huge loohole the P M an soelyauthose waants aganst ew Zealanes wthoegn onnetons, whose attes enange ewZealans ntenatonal o eonom welleng henew Bll tghtens u the enton o thng usethoughout the ognal Bll an ams to ng nsaeguas to waant oeues Azz Chouyauately ese t as weasel wos an wnowessng Shley assue otestes aganst APCthat they woul hae nothng to ea om the SIS o

    whh, Azz ele "Why woul anyone eet me toelee them (histhrh Press 17 Mah 1999)

    Chsthuh eole oue a woneu ltteooklet entte "he Whoa Book o SIS ay aeshe Gosel Aong to enny an elen It wasea alou y Da Small (goo ate, as he'seenty eoe a athe) at a Mah otest outsethe Chsthuh oe o the SIS he emo alsoeatue the eley to the S IS o a lage ag o housekeys, to sae them the toule o eakng n heook o ay tales onlue aout the new Bl l that

    he SIS wll stll e gen th owe to eak ntoeoles homes hs owe wll stll e akate to legtmse the

    SISs hstoy o llegal attes een eoe 1977

    1 8 My 1999

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    he adeuate omlats oedues emautouched

    he defto of secut to clude the outsteatoal o eoomc well-eg emas.

    As log as the SIS alleges foeg fluece thePme Mste aloe ca stll sg teceowaats

    Iddual ew Zealades ca stll e lacedude SS suellae at the dsceto of theeto of the SIS.

    eces ad eumet othe tha lstegdeces ca stll e lated eoles housesess elease 23399

    Ad hks ae statg to aea the wall of ofcalsece aoud the Choud eak- Hele Clakeade of the Oosto told Noh and Souh (Al999) that the SS oke to Azzs house ot to so hm ut foeg stos. he ol foege he hadstag wth hm at the t me was Aleado VllamaCaldeo a Meca seake at the 99 adgWth Ou Les cofeee Oe olem wth Claksso the waat used to authose the eak- was

    dated Seteme 995 Azz ddt meet Alejadoutl oeme ad t wast utl eeme 995that GA Watchdog ted hm to Z he NewZealand Herd a a fot age headle Seecsl Clak has SIS fumg [8 eua 999.Wee sue thee ae let moe ju eelatos toome ths mos t fascatg of stoes

    Th APE Capdown

    O couse the SIS eak- at Azzs house adeethg that has haeed sce has othaeed a acuum It has all take lae the

    geeal otet of fee tadefoegestmetgloalsato eg the ealgdeologcal othodo ad the sefc cotet of ewZealads gugho memesh of APEC he eak took lace dug GA Wathdogs acttes

    oosg a APEC ade Mstes Cofeee theSIS Amedmet Bll ad othe ew laws such as theAms Amedmet Act whch allows foegodguads to g the gus to the cout) aeeg ushed though as at of the secutlamdow aomag ew Zealads hosg ofall APEC meetgs 999 lmag theSeteme Leades Summt Auklad he medas oug out the oagada - o the o had thehghl duous clam aout how maellous these

    APEC meetgs wll e fo ew Zealad (ludg ataellg oad show of eletes whose o t s tosell APEC) ad o the othe how the ggestseut oeato ew Zealads hsto s eededto otect all these VIPs fom teosts adotestes

    o eamle thoughout Mach the RZAoducted helcote ght flg eeses e theCateu Plas he RZA has a euemet toode daght coute-teost caalt fogoemet hs s eessa fo a cotgecesthat ma ase dug APEC (Pess, 99 ulc

    ote) he sef ot of ths eecse was toate ladg Seal A Sece SAS) toos atght I eua udge ous eeh the eto ofthe B I sted Z to meet th PM the Commssoeof Polce ad the eto of the S IS to dscuss APECsecut I Aucklad a RZA ouos helcotehas ee sstematcall checkg t hgh ses suhas the Sk owe fo the usefuless to wouldeses All ole leae has ee cacelled outases ostoed ul acess to eta aeasestcted ulc oads w ll e losed fo motocadesstudet holdas eaaged to get them out of towcos wll e ag gus a a decotamato

    ut wll e o stad case of a checal weaoattack Ad so o ad so foth

    So faste ou seatelts eeod ts gog to e aum old de Ad oud ette wea ou gumoots.Ve had fo wadg though all the ull sht

    18 My 1999

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    burgars We strongy suspect that ths power w beused to try and hamstrng groups campagn ng aganstths years PEC meetngs throughout Z to suppressdssent and prvent the Government from bengembarrassed whe the eyes of the word are upon

    In stead of trng to retrospectvey cover up SISbunders and egates wth ths B we urge you totae the bu by the horns and abosh the SIS nd

    whe youre at ote you r commttee out of a job tooThe Integence and Securty Commttee s a joe asfar as any oversght of the SS goes e the Brtshcommttee you are modeed on you are entreydependent on the agency you are supposed to beoverseeng for the nformaton you need to oversee There no ndependent means of audtng SISoperatons s for the Inspector-Genera that offce seuay neffectve The present occupant rued on zzChoudrys offca compant, that nothng un awfu hadtaen pace wh st never confrmng or denyng that theSIS was nvoved n the brea-n much for theproper channes If zz hadn't taen cv acton at hs

    own epense, the Court of ppea woud not have hadthe opportunty to rue that n fact everythng about thsSIS brean was unawfu and whats more that the ctwhch governed the SIS for 30 years gave them norght to coverty enter anyones property Where wasthe oersght of the 199 SIS ct It had never beenput to the test and as soon as t was t was deemed tobe fatay fawed and ega

    / ! ':; ,

    6 )t

    Thats not to say that there isnt such a thng aseffectve oversgh We need oo no further thanustraa n the 1 97s The then ttorney Genera theate one Murphy feared that the ustraan SecurtyIntegence OrgansaonSIO the equvaent of the SIS was not gvng hmaccurate nformaton about the ehood of Croatanfascst terrorsts resdent n ustraa trng toassassnate the ugosav PM durng a forthcomng

    State vs So Murphy dd somethng unheard of hed a March 973 poce rad of SIOs to nspectther fes for hmsef. We oo forward th eagerantcpaton to ths happenng n Stout Street (heoce Weingon Ed)

    If t s fet that some of the functons of the SIS need tobe retaned then gve them to the Poce Thewarrants powers of entry and whoe operatona scopeare subect to reguar perusa by the courts There ssome accountabty nvoved wth the Poce asopposed to none wth the SIS but, no were notadvocatng the settng up of a Speca Branch wthn the

    Poce. Overseas experence shows that they are asbad as the spy agences On the whoe howeverstuatons such as ths w eep croppng up (andneedng maeshft egsaton to repar them as ong asthe SIS ests So the BCs recommendatons aresmpe

    Sp t bo t SS

    Db t S

    8 6 My 999

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol2 Issue18 May 1999



    Is New Zealand Involve?

    A fintin ut to fom Dmb 1998["Euop di poi tnouvin lwby NiJ/ MKy) i om v inttinqution bout wt Nw Zlnd i involvdin t inttionl mnt dtild blow Ed

    United States Canada New Zealand, and wayageeent allws authities t cnduct telecsuellance acss intenatinal bdes accding ta Eupl dcuent leaked t ebes f theEupean Palaent [Euopol i the Eupean policeagenc Ed]

    The Eupean nn is quietly getting eady tappe legis lat n that will allw t he plce teaesdp bth c Intenet cnesatins and Iidiusatellite telephe calls withut btaining cutauthisatin [Iidium atellite phone got exteniveee publicity o ponog ete Hillay illatedand ilempeed 18/ tek ' the South ole Edj.

    lines f tw ust as they tap analgue phnelines nw. Inically in Septebe 998 the EupeanPaliaent called f accuntability f Echeln the USatinal Secuity Agencys spying netwk that iseptedly able t intecept ecd and tanslate anyelectnic cuncatin - telephne data cellulafa eail tele [Echelon i the ytem it expoedin Nicky Hage' landmak 16 book, "Secet owegnoed by politician and media in ew Zealand it

    ha ceated a enaton thughout Eupe Edj

    "Unde Eupean law epesentaties f each

    ebe natin can pass legally bindi ng eslutinsuthe the eslutins dnt eque the appal feithe the Eupean Paliaent the indiidualpaliaents f EU ebes Many EupeanPaliaent ebes ae utaged that the Cuncil fMinistes has been acting in secet They aeespecially cncened abut the nclusn f nnEUnans n the ageeent. Patca Mcenna aepesentatie f Btains Geen Paty s equestingwhat she descibed as an pen debate n the cucialand faeaching easues with enus ptentialipact in the eal f piacy. Anthe eb e f theEupean Paliaent belees that the scalled

    update eslutins will hae staggeing iplicatnsf pesnal piacy This legislatin s nt ust atechnical update said Jhannes Vggenhube anAustian epesentatie f the Eupean Paliaent

    "The legislatn is pat f a ch wide eanduf undestanding eween th EU the Unted StatesCanada New Zed and way a nnebeEupean natin hat ageeent allws authities t

    cnduct telec sueillane acss intenatinalbdes accdi t a Eupl dcuent leaked tebes f th Eupea Paliaent "Secuityeasues ae f necessa in the cases ftes ga sed cie said Glyn d li "It places the nus n the telecunicatinscae t pide a watetght back d t

    plicea ebe f the upean alaent f theBtis Labu Pa and a diect f the EUsCii Libeties and ntenal fas CitteeBu t what we nee i s se tcntl. It sees ' e t any secutyseices ae a law nt theseles

    That will pesuab be a tpic f dscussn when the

    Eupean Cuncil A Minises eets behind clsedds t update a 195 weta ageeent knwn asthe Legal Intectin f TelecunicatnsReslutin If apped it wuld peit ealteete niting eail as well as f calls placedn satellite teleph ne n etwks such as thseantained by Iidu and Glbalsta Unli ke st laws Eupe the ageeent will allw law enfceent tlisten in withut a cut de

    Th S a US ept aid Mac Rtenbeg diect fthe Electnic Piay Infatin Cente "Its aEupean esin f e Cuncatins Assistance

    f Law Enfceent ct That act passed in 199,was tended t all law enfces t tap the dgital

    "The Eupean Cuncil f Geneal Secuitypepaed the aendent with techncalassstance f the BI accding t theEupl dcuent leaked. The fu a

    satell ite telephne peats - I idiu GlbalstaOdysseyand ICO - will be equied by the law tpide access t Eupean law enfceent thughgund statins in ance Italy England andGeany It is unclea hw the eandu fundestanding will affet US ctzens "I find t ey hadt belee that a fegn natn any feign natin -culd eaesdp n US citizens said Jhn Pike asecuity analyst wth the edeatin f AecanScientists "Its ne thing f the BI t ty and tackteists acss intenatinal bdes but its entielyanthe t let Eupeans tap US citizens telephnes

    The BI wuld neithe cnfi n deny any

    elatinship between the United States and the thenatins inled in the eandu f

    18 My 1999

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol2 Issue18 May 1999


    ndendin Hoee oene id hpoiion e ledy in ple nde he 1 994Commnion Aine fo nfoemenA Whe he ne open l i ein old o Umeme e men of omin h heeiion ll eio nd onied' ime hee ino e definion of hi phe ' impy onenny pnihe offene id Tony Bnyn dieoof Seh open ii lieie op

    Th oy he fi ime ABC h een menionof e Zelnd nolemen A iml le n hebseer 6 Deeme 1 998 See pln o p llmoie phone y Dnn Cmpell nmed he nonopen one inoled heUS Cnd nd Ali. ABC ked heGoenmen o i he fi epone none nd hen in Mh 1 999 lee fom heMine of Foen Affi nd Tde denyin ny eZelnd inolemen oppoed o Shipley' neiheonfm no deny ne o ABC inqy

    o hehe inelliene enie eek o npeonl ompe ino py on do heiAln onep. See tie elsewhere in thisisse d.). B edle of hehe o no eZelnd i inoled hi pln epeen eylmn exenion of Se inenionlphoneppin poe nd een moe ionilly iein mmed hoh y he ey poli ody heonied he dne poed y he oe Sepyin nmked n e ook. f i hppenin nope hen i ill e hppenin hee in he nefe f no ledy

    Stte wth is n exelent pen plitionvlle om Box 1516 London N16 W UKPh 0044 01818021882; fx 0044 01811727 [email protected]



    YOU?Shipley Will Neither Confm No Deny


    on h i no joke ed he folloin oy fomhe Astln 1 Jny 999 "See pln fo

    pe o PC "Peon ompe odeome pole py on nde ee popol po he Fedel Goenmen y fome depy di eoof he A in Sey nelliene OniionASO he eqien of he SS. The AlinFedel Polie ASO nd he ionl Cime Ahoiyold e empoeed o le ofe o n PC inooe lienin deie odin o he 996 epoy oneme py hief Geld Wh

    "The epo o eommend hne o heComonelh Cie A o llo polie ndGoenmen ineo o hk ino ompe

    yem fo eidene While M Wlh lled fopli diion of hi popol he epo ihdn y he AoneyGenel Depmen

    B opy of he 96pe domen oined leek y nene piy mpine leonionie Ali (FA . A pokemn fo AoneyGenel Dyl Wlim onfimed l nih h MWh eomendion ee nde diion he epo one elemen of poliy einondeed e od no y hehe heonoeil eommendion old e edon hoh eiion

    "M Wlh n h ideped e of PCedd mln i i onen fo l enfoemen.

    Cimin ee ledy in ompe enypon pomme h ende d o i nno eineeped o peen polie fom mnoinphonell nd emil ideped enypion omle en iie d old mke ime hde opoe in o M Wlh n. The piniple of nonelf-iniminion my ell epeen he polie end ofhe poile ne of epone' he epo y

    "M Wh pln old le he y fo polie oeedop on ompe oneion he oe.A e ompe my e oneed ino ienindeie' h old eek o pod nd ohe

    pie ommniion iho he PC oneknolede. A pokemn Ge Tylo idhoe mih e p Ton oe ofe hod eo ll PC iiy inld in pod ndemil efoe enypion f yo he e oomeone PC nd yo hne hei ofe yo ndo nyhin yo n id M Tylo i onneedo neok h he nene he PC oldnm d o nohe ie . .

    Thi popol o n home ompe ino pyion dioeed pely y hne A onieiy den h nehed ee Fedel

    Goenmen pln o le Ali op py eniehie ompe hke o ek ino he PC of

    18 8 My 1999

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    pec. ome Hchn den Nc moemed on he pan n he Sae ay n Hoa.The 1 9-yeaod nfomaon yem andmanaemen den a eeachn ananmen on Aaan cypooy econhen he fond he ece oenmen epo

    Uncenoed cope of he Wah epo ee

    nadeeny en o ney and ae aeaond Aaa efoe Canea anned caon fo eaon of naona ecy defenceand nenaona ea on Aae of he acondo he Wah epo M moe mmedaey aeedpacy campan op econc oneAaa o h dcoery hch poed henaded epo on nene e and paed anaona meda enaon fond n he ayao a monh o had een n hee ncehe pn n n ao Ocoe 97' he ad fomSydney yeeday hoced y h fnd Hdcoey come a a majo emaamen fo he

    Fedea Aoneyenea offce hch nocam n o fnd f any ohe op ece epo haeaccdenay een eeaed o ae HaMey 1 5/1 /99 Sden expoe pyn pan.

    ABC aned o fnd o f any ch popoa eedn Ne eaand and oe accodny o ennyShpey he Mne n Chae of he Secyneence Sece and of he oenmenCommncaon Secy Bea ahoh yoon' fnd ha e n any nea pofoo Shpeyeped: am no pepaed o ay hehe o no heNZSS o he CSB ha oh coe acce o

    peona compe n Ne eaand on he ondha o do ohee od pejdce he ecy ofNe Zeaand ee o ABC 4 ach 1 999] Dayo on concon

    Meanhe he SS man e ha doennadeeny ef. Ho By enn aff donae he e h hem no aea heeene maea ep a e hh ech oyconan a ch p aon hem o mmc peech So fyo come home and fnd no ohe n ha yohoe ha een oen no excep fo a ce oyyo don ememe yn cod e he SS

    cnnn ne he ne SS Amendmen Bconany efe o he h o coey enepeme o na hn - cod e e hoeey hn

    nllign gni d l ivy

    Bb Lnad

    The Pacy Ac doe no and nee poec hepacy of yo commncaon fom he pyn eaof he CSB The oenmen ComncaonSecy Bea ( CSB ha no enan eaonof on ne he SS mpy ex yoenmen edc (nce 1 977 and can py on yoeeconc commncaon o hea conen.Nehe he Pacy Ac no he PacyCommone can hae any ea mpac on pynand oaon of yo pacy of commn caon

    Pacy Commone Bce Sane phed hee of he Pacy Ac 1 99 a a ehy ome

    ened "Neceay and Deae Noeme998. The f epo n o 45 pae and ABCoh ecae of coeae of he oe ofne ence aence n pacy e . ABC hadmade a mon o Sane pmay on heeempon of neence aence fom ceanPacy Pncpe. We ee dapponed and a eped ha o concen ao exempon fome of he nfomaon Pacy Pncpe 4 PP-4ee no dea h n he epo n any ay.Peona nfomaon ha no e coeced y anaency y lawl means . . . ay PP-4 .

    We had a chance o dc h h M Sane npeon a a efn on 20 anay 1 999 nChchch We pepaed he foon fe

    eon o adde o M Sane n ha mee n heend noe efe o eean econ n he eedocmen

    . Thee no nfcan dcon of PP-4 n heepo Doe h mean ha he PacyCommone no concened ha ne enceoanaon may e ea mean o ahepeona nfomaon on Ne eaande?

    Ho can pacy oaon y he CSB ecompaned ao o dea h a a pyn compeey ece and eyond effece

    oeh fo a ea o compe n eaon: ahe hee ome and compexy of heneceped comm ncaon and heDeco of he CSB ha exce cono ofacce o nfomaon he d y h aency

    The CSB and he Pme ne hae efedo defne domec a appe o pyn ono nenaona commncaon Doe heCommone accep he CSB aeon hahe "ace hae e o no mpac on hepacy of Ne eaande n e of hefa

    1 8 9 My 1999

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    4 an anyne n venmen heenl he fl f py daa f Ne ealandfm he CB he aeny peae a anneal membe f he KA mmny f fvenan he yem f daa anfe aeeenvely nelned and amaed?

    an he npeeneal f nelleneene mplane h h e la f Ne ealand

    hen nellene anan ae pefallyeemped fm pa f me la nldn hePvay A

    A ne pn n he dn M lane made nepble nen nen eadn PP-4.e eed mh be pble nldenellene anan n ha Pnple and henleave he npeeneal veee leal ef he nfman . M lane dd n mae haen n ny fmal nex and eay eehy. ld mean ha he CB ld have eleal mean lle nfman (and aelle

    pyn ely lleal nde bh nanal andnenanal la and he nfman and e ldhave be avalable n deal he en 7 fhe Pvay A effevely pelde any h blanedle he apply n PP 4 he CBld eqe maj hane n he A and ldeffevely ablh he CB

    he dn a ple b fle he nln neapable ha he Pvay Cmmne anneffevely nflene he all-pefl venmenCmmnan ey Bea (CB heey n ellene eve ( he venmen

    ha made e f ha N de ane eepvded any f he abve qen heeqen amn he he hea f he pblemh he CB nea al eey defe nl andveh

    We have ead all f he bmn n nelleneanan made nde he Pvay A eve ( avalable a a bnd vlme fm he Cmmnehee ee 4 bmn nldn ne fm he and CB and he npeeeal npn ha bh aeny de ee aanbnn he pyn ave nde he nl f PP

    4.Ny ae expeed he pnn ha he hea fhe pblem f enn eanable pvay en7 f he A h he ame dn a n heOffal nfman A and al he ame dn hae nfman ben vded n nelleneave he nellene and ey Cmmee fMP Ny en n ay "he effe f hdn n he Pvay A ha vally alnman elevan pvay ha h fmnellene aene an be hheld h he elha he Pvay Pnple 6 and 7 appea be

    endeed ele .

    he Pvay Cmmne nded he vlme fnellene Oanan mn h heflln qe

    he eene f a fee ey ha a balane beeen he ey ha deable peey a a hle and he afead ha aeneeay ene ndvdal lbeye Bennan Astrv Th Qu (1 984 58 AJ

    97 1 18

    ABC eneed n he eve f he Pvay A hndeable pmm ha h a a mehanm byhh me f he evl an eee f he CBand he mh be addeed and eed. Weee dead n O nen ee baelyaddeed palaly h epe he CBhh nde ave be elevan pvaye O venmen fa fm n hebalane efeed by e Benn an We havevally n pen fm pyn by he CB andha an n lely hane nde ehe a

    Nanal abled venmen

    Eo: Pivac Ac 1 Review p 70: have no suggesionsfo amendmen of pincipe 4 which was consideed bmossubmssions o have woked we P Rnoesha a numbe of submssons o he Commssionerecommended ha IPP-4 shoud app o negenceogansaons. We dsagee song wh heCommssones dsmissive eamen of hs issue2 Revew p 224 6132 " hee shoud be edess foacons of nelgence ogansaions whch beach ndvduaghs whou juscaon incudng he gh o pvac Revew p 228 61322 The GCSB s a foegn

    neigence ogansaion and, b defn'ion ou acivieshave e o no mpac on he pvac of New Zeaandes(fom submsson bhe GCSB)4 Revew, pp 10310421817 The ecommendaonsaso sugges ha measues shoud be aken o avod daabeng subjec o auomac ansbode communicaonwhou he knowedge of he indvduas concened Revew p 229 61327: "Two pa'cua funcions [of henspecoGenea of neigence and SecuAc of1996] ae o ensue ha he acviies of he agencescompwih he aw and he compans eang o hem aeindependeninvesgaed6 Sect 27 Secui defence nenaona eaons ec() An agency maefuse o dscose annfomaon

    equesed pusuan o pnipe 6 if he discosue ofhe nfomaon woud be ke

    a To pejudce he secu o defence of NewZeaand o he nenaona eaons of heGovenmen of New eaand; o

    b) To pejudce he enusng of nfomaon o heGovenmen of New eaand on a bass ofcondencey (i) The Govenmen of anohe couno an

    agencyof such a government; or Aninenaona ogansaon

    18 10 My 1999

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    The Nav Ski-Hercules Squadronis Gone

    Bb Lnard

    There n he fl h daa hee we reeve frmhe nr f ren Affar and rade nC017 av kerle XD04 rerned frmrd landn a 1804 n 17 erar 1999 aChrhrh arr he er wa deled CO nnenal aln wh er klane XD0 06 and 07 whn fr da and wan e raed n he evada deer 1 8Fe 1 999 he were he la fr erle f

    av qadrn X6 hree her av erlehad een rered wh n he la - ear wa heend f 44 ear f erve he Anarrram

    kerle wll nne arr ar heAnar he wll e rl Ar re laneled memer f he ew Yrk Ar analard ee 15 her lane aw e ervefrmerl n he Ar ln earl warnn radarae he D ne n lae lke reenland hehaein f he YA 09h arlf wn ean waak n Ja nar 1 988 ee fr ere] he

    have rerned n var nmer ever ne andnw have he whle hw hemelve hereaear e even YA kerle ed nreen ear relan an eqal nmer fav lane

    One f he rered av erle wa reed frmhe e n he lae 80 n a l eere n erm fh lve and mne [1 7 fr ere] he lanerahed n a reme lan n 1971 and wa leflked n he e fr nearl 0 ear efre henfahmale l f he mlar mnd led rever and lenh rehalan n an Ar ew

    Zealand hanar n Chrhrh w ' headed frhe rahea n evada avn een n he deefreee fr man ear ne wld hnk wldl e n re d ndn B he relenlerere f he e ral k ll n herre f he red lane

    n f a h dlma and even mla hawn rean eween he and Z have aearedn reen mnh mlaed erha n ar allhe nala ver he av dearre Or nlearfree l ha ln ed hn wh r ld all

    he f

    even led he avdane ne 1 987 f elnharr ereaker whh have ed arnead

    h elfmed an ha alwa eemed reard ne he h erae nder he Dearmen f ranran and have never eenndered e nlearaale eranl n Z. B he nder hem ar f he av and

    h he edl fall nder he n ehe r nfrmnr den nlear wean l

    Of re ha nfam l ha never edhe av and Ar re frm n Chrhrh

    arr. he arlfer and ala and erleand var her mlar arraf nvlved nOeran Dee reee and n hemlanellene flh and frm Arala arenever qened eher vernmen

    B he are all aale f arn nlear weana ar arraf and nne arr he neher

    nfrm nr den l h da h nef he larer d n f dlma l daed he arre reale f relan "heeran manaer fr a vlan nrar harvde r ev fr he Anarrramme Bran ne ad wa lal fr heereaker e eln a an neae all he her ave were aed nChrhrh 1 6 e 1 999 ABC wldrefer he revere l whh wld ee all hand arraf anned frm Z err

    18 1 My 1999

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol2 Issue18 May 1999


    NEW BOOK IFS VEI ON NURRUNGARUS Spied on Australian Ati- Bases


    Nuuna is an Austalian plae name that is amiliato the Anti-Bases Campain althouh not as wellknown as ine Gap Fo deades the US Ai Foehanne ihts, opeatn unde the ove o povidinAntati loisti suppot o Opeation eep Feezehave used Haewood to sevie both Nuuna andine Gap hat ontinues today, meanin thatChsthuh Apot s stl bein used as a key ink inthe han o US inteliene athein bases inAustaia

    Nuuna nea Woomea enta South Austaa, sone o thee ound stations whih poess a

    ontinuous steam o data om US spy sateites hei ob is to detet missile launhes anywhee in the wodand so Nuuna has a key ole in Ameian nuleawaihtin apabi lity eey Rihelson is a name alsoamilia o New ealand peae ativists He is aeseahe with Washinton's National SeuityAhves o-autho with Austalias es Bal o "heies hat Bind, and o-oewod wite aon withome M avid Lane o Niky Hae's seminalbook "Seet owe Rihelson has witten a newbook - Ameia's Spae Sentinels: S eenseSuppot oam Sateites and National Seuity

    hi s book is based on deades o one-lassiied USdouments seued unde the Feedom o nomationA ts elease was a majo news event in Austaia the national pape, The Austaa ae it ont paeead status plus an entie inside pae 18/2/. hemost inteestin ae the evelations supise supisethat the US spied on ou ood iends in the AustaianAntiBases Campain CoalitionFoe Oie o Speial nvestiations undetook aseet 8 investiation o the AABCC and otheoups. he epo was lassiied "CONFENALNOFORN Not Releasabe to Foein Nationas heesuts o the epot emain lassiied and its not

    known i it involved ovet opeations Howeveoesso es Ba o Canbeas Statei andeene Studies Cente, has no doubt that theinvestiation woud have invoved extensiveoopeation with the Austaian Seuity nteieneOanisation ASO enis ohety AABCCoodinato said that the book onims the suspiionso anti-bases ativists that they had been spied on"Wheneve we said anythin about bein investiatedwe wee aused o bein paanoid his onimswhat we have ways elieved - that ou phones weetapped and ou demonstations monitoed Australia18/2/ "Ane as ativists suspiions onimed'}

    he AABCC oanised a whoe seies o militantpotests at a th ee mao US bases in Austaia Noth

    West Cape Nuuna and ine Gap, plus played aleadin eional ole in eiona anti-bases stules nthe hiippines and New ealand. houhout the ate1 80s and eay 0s hundeds wee aested at demosat the Aussie bases.

    he most militant demo o them all was at Nu unain Septembe 1 8 Hu ndeds o potestes enteedthe base "stomed thouh the enes aodin tothe Austaa); ou made it as a as the mainomplex ove 500 wee aested he then Laboovenment had to all in 50 toops the st time thatsodies wee used aainst ivilians in Austaian

    histoy and the then eene Ministe, Kim Beazeyodeed a eview o seuiy at Nuuna to eassuethe US t was ths demo that obvously set the alambels inin in the hihest ies o US intelieneand militay. es Ball whilst sayin that he knewnothin o the seet investiation said that he was notsupised "Nuuna is the most impotant eement othe whole US statei eay wanin system t is theony system in the wod that povides immediatewanin o an attak on Ameia itse so i thee is atheat to it i peope ae tin to beak in - it oudeasily o all the way up to the US oint Chies o Staand maybe even to the esident Austraa 18/2/;

    "Conidential US spied on ou peae ativists ovedeset base

    ,Nurrugar s Ctral To US NularWar Fgtg

    hat was not the ony evelation about Nuuna inRihelsons book When onstution was ist mootedin 1 the USAF was onened about poitiahazads o buildin a lae seetive instalation in aoein ounty Austalia 18/2/ "Wa ole justiies

    histoys questions n t he eay 1 70s US doumentseod that the Nixon Administation thouht that theAustaian Libeal ovenment was bein too seetiveabout Nuunas ole bein pimaily onened with"its poitial onsequenes as the ulin patyononted etain poitia ea ities in tyin to oneathe puposes o a mysteious instaation within itsboudaies Austaa 18/2/ "oo seetive oNixon n 174 esident Nixon odeed the CA toondut a seet eview o the USAustalian seuityaliane in iht o the eeetion that yea o theWhitam Labo ovenment the ole o Ameianinteliene in the 1 75 onstitutional oup that

    ovethew that ovenment has been weldoumented n the 80s, the Hawke Labo

    ' My 1999

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol2 Issue18 May 1999


    overnment had to sk the US or help n nswernAustraan questons out Nurrunars role n theproposed Star Wars projet (whh s st on, underCnton, ae t under another name .

    And the ook remnds us that Nurrunr s nvoved nrea non-nuear wrs ur n the Gu War twas dretly nvolved n ln to detet the lunh o

    an Iraq Sud msse that ht a udn n SaudAra, k n 8 US soders and woundn more than The reevant satellte reayed dat to Nurrunarthat the Sud had een launhed ut or unexplanedreasons that data was not montored y operators tNurrunar and t went undeteted "A seret US ArFore nvestaton nto the ndent onuded thatThe overal result was that due to ( worstomnton o events, ths launh was not reported(as a na mssle wan report y the omposte(eense S upport Proram system n spte o the tthat suent data exsted or the deteton andreportn (Arln 1 8// "Nurrunar played

    ateu role n esert Storm traedy. ou n etyour ottom doar that Nu rrunr s heavy nvoved n"neutrlsn uosav ntarrat deenes durnthe NAO er a ltzkre

    The ook reutes the Austrlan overnments msthat Nurrunar and the SP does not pay prt n US


    nuler war htn plans heson says "SPould only e onsdered to hve no war htnuntons t was ssumed that the system wasneutrlsed n (ussan rst strke Any system thatprovded launh deteton normaton durn theourse o the war would e used n ondutn thatwar (Arln 18// Condental US sped onour pee tvsts over desert ase es Ba sad

    "In dd ton to en wrnn alty ts een rtato Ameran wr htn pates Its ae to sayths msse has now een red rom ts slo redretyours over to these ones and re-prortse the whoeAmeran war pn hts alwys trouled me, pusthe at that ts a nuear tret (Aln 18//;"ASIO ws n on t, says top anayst. And on thesujet o en a nulear taret as reently as 1 1 US Ar Fore Spae Command Inllgn ThAmn dsussed dret attaks on Nurrunry a whole array o ussan nuear msses ndomers.

    Nurrunar s years od and due to ose n rendered redundant y developments n satelteommunatons helson's ook reveas just what aentrl role that t has plyed and ontnues to play, nthe Ameran war mahne Our very own US ase atHarewood pys a key part n servn Nurrunar soths nvoves New end as we.

    18 My 1999

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  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol2 Issue18 May 1999


    BC miin nllignn i Cmmi

    Bb Lnar

    The egthy item beow is our submissio isupport of the "Aboish the GCSB petitio(GCSB = Govermet ommuicatios SecurityBurea u). You may fi it a har s og but pity thepoor Iteigece a Security Committeemembers who, we hope, wi have to make somepretece of actuay stuyig it before rejectigboth the submissio a our request to appearbefore the m i perso. Th e text may ookfami iar to avi reaers of as itis base o our artic e i issue Numbe r December 996) etite "Is the GCSB a awessage cy?. We have moifie (mae moreforma?) much of the text a upate itcosiera by We thik it makes a goo casethat the G CS B is iee a buch of outaws ait wi be har for the ISC to ismiss it out ofha. It was submitte i mi-February at theivitatio of the Comm ittee We have yet to hearback from them

    S u bsson on th Ptiton to

    Abosh th GCSBby Rbert L. Leoar tiBases Campaig

    Th Pn

    "eo s h e ollo as

    Tha he CSB s a ovenmen spy aenyousde he demoa onol o he people andal amen o AoeaoaNew ealand

    Tha he GCSB ess pmaly o seve henellene neess o he Uned Saes andBan

    + Tha Wahopa an neep you emal a andphone ommunaons and s eemp om keypovsons o he vay A and he Cmes A;

    Tha he spy saons a Wahopa andTanmoana do no seve e neess oAoeaoaNew ealand and ae a wase omll ons o a dollas heeoe

    he snaoes o hs peon eques he House oRepesenaves o aolsh he GCSB and lose swo snals nellene ases a Wahopa andTanmoana mmedaely

    "It was not until I had read [Nicky Hager'sj

    book that had an idea that that we hadbeen committed to an inteationalintegrated electronic net work. t is anotrage that and other ministers weretold so little, and ts rases the qeston ofto whom those conceed sawthemselves ltimately answerable

    avd Lane, om hs Foewod o Seeowe y Nky Hae


    We wee nved o pepae hs sumsson y henellene and Seuy Commee n esponse oa peon pesened o he Clek o he House nNoveme o 98 y Roe L. Leonad o he AnBases Campan Ove 1 500 New ealandessned he peon s man hus s o ask heGovenmen o aols he GovenmenCom munaons Seuy Bueau. We hank hememes o he SC o hs oppouny o summoe dealed aumens n suppo o he peon

    We would hope ha hs sumsson wll lead o anoppouny o one o moe memes o he A BC oappea n peson eoe he Commee

    Memes o he ABC have ead Nky Haes 996ook, See owe n s eney. We enouaememes o e Commee o do lkewse heyhave no aleady done so The ook speaks o seland hee s lle o nohn n he way o ehnaldeal ha ou oup an add. We eleve ha anynomed dsusson o e GCSB should nludehoouh amlay wh h e ook and s mpessveane o meulously eseahed nomaon.

    To ou knowlede hee s no ohe ompaaleeseah doumen avalale o he pul nesene Th e ook has een alamed y sevealoveseas snals nellene auhoes as unqueand h hly edle A Commee haed whovesh o he GCSB should ead evey sap onomaon on nenaonal snals nellene has avalale O eadn o he Commeesenaln leslaon leads us o onlude ha smemes ae seveely onsaned n he aly ooan d ely om he GCSB nomaon aou heaeny and s day o day aves

    Peace Researche 8 ge My

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    an be onrolled by parlamenarans n e neres oew ealanders

    e eleron lns amon e ve naons nder eKS nellene areemen prelde anyeeve onrols on e low o normaon romGCSB ompers o overseas sser aenes, mosmporanly e ned Saes aonal Sery

    eny a ross and oally non rollableolaon o e rs o prvay o ew ealanderss n e ase o I e rvay Commssonerals o mae any menon o s seros nel lenesse m s repor on e revew o e Qeearly s beyond e powers o e Commssonero deal w and so was le wo ommen

    ow an a n aeny w s sweep powers andneren mmny rom overs be oleraed n ademora soey? e only sol on s o abolse GCSB

    he Crmes Act (1964)

    ordn o one ew ealand barrser wospealses n normaon and prvay law "eCrmes oans an oene o nerepnprvommnaor s by mean s o a lsenn deveowr hs hbon s on vsoppn on orlommnos only ere s no oene onerepn da, or asme ransmssons, ware more and more ommonly ben sen arosselepone ne empass added We sold addeleron mc emal o s pdaed s ebaser oe on o say a, e a a snerepons are no epressly probed nder 6 means a e lawlness o r oerwse o snerepons 15 overned bydeal by e rvay 99 e old Crmes reerred o n eqoes smp wasn p--dae enooy

    Wen e e o epand andprade Waopa saon wanoer sae e ds and e apay onerep and proess oralommna

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  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol2 Issue18 May 1999


    aw (n povons of he Pivacy Ac and he CmesAc) e ew eaand Paiamen is seiousy eodinge bedock auhoiy of ou ega sysem


    The Govenmen Communicaions Secuiy

    Bueau voaes he igs of ew Zeaandes opivae and secue communicaons wic aepupoed o be assued unde e Bill of Rgsand e Pivacy Ac

    SYng acies of e GCSB ae eemped fomkey povsions of he Pivacy Ac and he CimesAc bu because of he impeneabe sececysuounding e agency hese eaegaaciviies canno be effecivey oveseen andconoed by Paamen.

    By e inheen naue of he spyng aciviies ofhe GCSB a Wahopai and Tangimoana oseacves ae ncapabe of efecive ovesigh andus consue an uneasonabe and unjusifiaben usio n ino e ives and affais of ewZeaandes and of ou neghbous n e Pacificegion

    The spy saions un by he GCSB ae unde anunaccepabe degee of cono and infuence byfoeign neigence agencies and ae ineicabyinked o ose agencies Teefoe he GCSBdoes no pmaiy seve e ineess of ewZeaandes.

    We espectuy eques e Ineigence and SecuyCommee o consde h peiion ou agumenssuppoing i and he subsania evidence whchundepins i in he book Sece Powe and oecommend ha Paiamen undetake o aboish heGCSB and cose he spy saons a Waihopa and

    CA Briefs - Unlaundered!

    Cmmg Gecde:Clinton has admittd that U suort for th viciousmilitary forcs that formrly controlld Guatmala waswrog ad must ot b ratd" A itd Nationssposord commssion has accusd th CntralAmrican armd forcs of gnocid - mor tha

    , ol dd - ad statd tat th CIAsuord drctly or dctly som of th llgaloratios of th Guatmalan stat' nkk March 999]

    Ceh:Th rcntly rtid sook rsonsibl fo dcidngwhat matral about th CIA may b ublishd hascaimd that th organisation is ow much mor oJohn Hollistr dly was havily criticisd by officrsnd th CIA for allowing fa too much sy-andtllmatial to b rlasd, but critics of th agcy hava diffrnt viw. Frak a formr CIA analystwho was rsosibl yas ago for dmostratig thatCIA stimats of communist suo i Vitnam wrubish says h tis to byass th rviw (rad

    Tangmoana We woud wecome e oppouny oappea befoe he Commiee o answe anyquesons membes migh have egading ousubmission

    Robert L. Leonard, on behalf of the signatores tothe petition and the n ti-Bases Camaign , 16

    Februa 1999


    Membes of e ABC woud be mos ne esed oknow us hw the SIS eempon fom Pincpe 4appes in e cse of Coud vs AoeyGee2 ecods of Z convesaions dsposed of ePess anuay 998 p. .3 See Hages ee Powe and Pee eseNo. 3 Feb 1 983 s sees fo deais of heUUSA ageemen4 Edwads Jon 1 995 Cuen pvacy ssues neecommunicaons Unp ubshed pape fo a

    confeence.5 Lee o e edo and epy n e Pess 1 9 Ju y196 GCSB epy o ee o e edo i n e Pess 9Augus 19967 Pvacy Ac 1 993 eview iem 6. 1 3.22 p. 2288 Lee fom ay Pake o he auho Febuay1997 ee fom Pime Minise o Waen Tomson 9 ovembe 19989 e Pess Ocobe 1 996 p 6. 0 aw-making seen as no democaic NewZend ed 29 Ocoe 1 996

    cnsoshi) rocss bcaus t s comltlycorut says th rviw rocss just gosafr th citics of th CA and h has bn contuallyharrassd by th Agncy through th cours [Bangkokn Novmbr 99]

    Kg he Kurd:Whi th NATO forcs sactimoniousy bomb biaito th dust mmb stat Tuky cotius its owgnocidal ols agast th Kuds livg nighbourg Iraq and cotiguous aas Last ya thKurdish lad Abdullah Ocala was kidnad fromKya to b ut o trial in Tuky Kyan sourcs saythat th CIA along rhas with Isals ossad wrivolvd in th snatch Th CIAs snc i EasrAfica has b boostd sic car bomb attaks on mbassis in 99 Ocalan had bn smuggldito Kya by th Grks anothr NATO mmb witha ong hstory of cofotato wth Turky Knyaitlgnc soucs said th Amricas told thKnyan Govrmt about Ocalas rsnc andthn rssud thm to rturn hm to th Turks Thkidnang folowd with th sourcs clamig CIA

    involvnt. st 9 tmb 99]

    Peace Researcher 1 8 - ag 19 May 1999

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol2 Issue18 May 1999


    PHIIPPINESToxc Legay From US Bases

    Murray Hoon

    99 ws bd yer or the Pentons hilppinesesk - the ombintion o Mt Pintubo's eruption ndthe populr eruption o ntionlist ner ulmintin i nthe hstori Sente vote to not renew the bses tretyut n end to the Amerin militrys ouption obi By Nvl Bse Clrk Air ore Bse nd st o sml ler U S mi litry bses. Gonet ther smell liners. he Philippines ontinues topple with the toxi ley o hostin hue Amerinses or ner ly entury

    he interntionlly renowned r Roslie Bertellesident o the Cnd-bsed nterntionl n stitute oonern or Pu bli Helth hs overseen the irst study

    o the helth o residents round the ormer Clrk ABo overnme nt eny hs ever bothered ondutinsuh survey Strtin in 1 747 mothers werendomly smple d rom 1 ommunities in nd roundlr hose with the worst helth problems kidneyinry nervous nd emle helth problems hildrenC bnormlly low heiht nd weiht - me rommmunities most hevily ontminted by toxiollutnts du mped on or round the ormer bse (othertos bein the disuption used by the Pintubouption nd p in ol d poverty. Bertell reommendedution un til e res ould be lened up Lk oen wter is th biest problem seriously etin

    000 househo s in t lest ive villes.

    ertells survey, publily relesed under the eis othe People's k ore or Bses Clenup hd nmedite resul Only dys ter its November 18lese rtionin o potble wter ws nnouned ortn o the worst eted villes Bertell wrned thtoil in the wter ommon preution throuhout thehilippines would kill bteri but double the toxiity ollutnts. She u red residents to distill thei wter

    he US denies ny responsibility or toxintmintion the Philippines overnments onern

    i not or eted residents but on how the pollutionht et onversion o the ormer bse into newonomi zones. Roslie Bertell vowed to join the ihte e with you in your eorts to hve lenvronment. We wil interede or you n the USonress hlppne Daly Inqe 27 ovember 8 She dded "he ts re ler People hveious helth problems Let us stop rntin time tote US to evde responsibility to len up t the ost ohmn lives OI 8 Deember 18)

    he derse onsequenes o the US bse mniesttemseles in ll sorts o wys. n 1 45 the US Nvy

    osed the Moron te t the southern en o Subiy oin Btn residents to hve t mke

    iruitous three hour journey to the ty o Olonpo. t

    remined losed or the net yers th t Subi ws US bse nd then or six more yers under theSubi By Metropolitn Authority n November 18President strd eremonilly ut the te open with boltutter (he miht ome in hndy t Wihopi sometime He sid: "or lon time we were like strnersin Subi. We ould not enter it reely nd i there wereil ipinos who were ble to beneit rom it there were ret mny others who lost their dinity s humnbeins OI 21 1/8) t ws reonilition lso orstrd - in the pst the set o n nti-bses movie hews strin in hd been stoned by pro-bsessupporters o Rihrd Gordon the then Myor o

    Olonpo Antibses politiins hd not beenwelome in Olonpo As strd told the rowd: " mhppy t bein met with expressions o support notwith protests or barrides When I rn or sentor ndthen or Vie Pesident ws unble to hold rllyhere bd)

    Nor hve the loom nd doom preditions o the probses lobby ome to pss hey hd orest mss joblosses with the bses losure Not so the BsesConversion nd Development Authority reported into the Government o 22 billion pesos (divide by 20or $N rom the onversion privtistion nd sle o

    ormer US nd Philppine militry bses he sinlebiest erner ws the privtistion nd developmento ort Boniio ormerly the lrest (il ipino mil itrybse i Metro Mnil he ormer Clrk h s brouht inP8 billion i n totl nvestments sine 1 4 theormer Subi P 1 008 billion sine 1 Both zoneshve employed over 1 0000 workers sine the strt otheir respetive opertions siniintly hiher iurethn when the US militry rn them s bses Cmpohn Hy ormer US mil itry R&R resort in theooler limes o Buio is bein developed into mily-oriented vtion resort.

    Vstng Forcs Agrmnt

    But o ourse the Phil ippines is not rid o the USmilitry yet not by lon shot here is still the veryontroversil issue o the Visitin ores Areement(VA whih ws sined by ormer President Rmosnd ully endorsed by the strd overnment(inludin hih powered multi-medi mpinurin lipno s to ept it t requires rtition bythe Sente where two thirds vote is needed to pssit ssentilly the VA opens up l l o the Ph ili ppine s tothe US militry - the next best thin to tul bses -

    with spel rihts t 22 ports nd other ilties tbestows the equivlent o diplomti immunity on US

    Pac Rachr 18 Pag May 1999

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol2 Issue18 May 1999


    lry persnnel in he Philippines, exeping he local la. PR 17 deailed he assive presen agans i in 1998, opposiin hich has uncecked in 1 999 F r exaple, i n Marh, 8n acivss r he Mveen or ainalcracy duped rash in ron he US assyd a rally and roe o Wa VFA n he radh ae nh a rally uside he assy y 5

    ers o Yuh or aionals urned in a rioh red pan as hron ono he assy seal,starling i guards and leadng o cps aacking hesers. eny peple ere hu r

    ! he exeely inluenial CahlicBishps Cnerence has jined hepposiion o he VFA and has alscalled on he Philippines o;agae he 1 953 Muual Deense

    reay ih he US, hich reainsI I in oce indeiniely. he BihpsI t descried he VFA a s a decepive,I il I' analus and uneualI 1 agreeen eeen svereign nains s prvisins gran special

    . . J privileges he visiing rcewi elieving ur counry ih nly veralaces ha are no cnained n he VFApsis POI 3/99) Fr is par hernen harps n au he Chinese hrea h h disued Spraly slands as jusiicaion ortreg enig he iliary alliance ih he US BuhaVg o rid o he ases less han en years agaf a anic sruggle, he Filipino peple are ngOg le Uncl e Sa ack in again ihu a igh

    THE DITY WOL OF T SSMurray Hrtn

    For y ars Pe Reseeand, eore i, Freg

    l Wtdg has kep a clse eye on hec Air Service SAS) , a paricularly shy secr h iliary. Beeen us e have run sry aerry n he diry deeds his secreive killer elie,hch s a he disposal ur curren and orer per asers, naely he US and he U

    F insance in 1981, Wtdg rke he sry ha ers o he ZSAS had een ang 3die r he US, Ausralia and he Philippinesklld i he crash a U S il iay aircra inside heni US ase a Suic Bay, in he Philippinesg

    folwc h is paricuar sry r several years, as pa It e> osure Zs l iary links ih h he USmiay n he Phili ppines, and ih he lae Ferdinand

    Marcos urderus and klepcraic dicaorhip.

    ranspred ha he SAS regularly ok par i n SpecialWaare xercie ih specal rces ro he USAusrala, he Phili ppines insde he US ases in hePhilippines

    Well ha's al l hi sory n Marcos as ovehronand died in exile e Zealand as expelled rAZUS and all exercie ih he US i liary ceaedand he US iliary isel as kcked ou o hePhilippines and he ases cnvered sehinguseul S hy ing i up no

    he inal VZ Assgmet prgrae r 1998

    ["Secre Solders; 2 veer 1 998 as au heZSAS. as a very ineresing piece rk uchre so han he 1 997 pece P puery i did onhe Briish SAS ndeed he 1 998 Assgmet

    Pece Reseche 8 Pge 21 999

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol2 Issue18 May 1999


    continued fron prevous page

    was so nterestng that the r tsh government wentto the extraordnary lengths o tryngunsuccessully to get an njuncton n a ewZealand court to stop t be ng screened hs was

    because t detaled, va a ormer w member o thertsh SS what that latter body actually does andrevealed the ongong colonal relatonshp betweenthe Z and rtsh mltares he ew Zealanderhad served wth the rtsh SS n wars romorthern Ireland to Ira , wth other exotc spots lkeelze tossed n he rtsh government also tredto get an njuncton n Z, to stop the ewZealander publshng a book.

    igmt also eatured some ute ncredbleZSS home vdeo ootage o an exercse starrngte then PM Davd ange, as the hostage

    rescued by masked SS troops rng lve bulletsnsde what was called the kllng house Lange. loved t so m uch he tred out the

    weapons, and asked t could be restaged or thebenet o s kd s permssn dened!

    igmt also eatured that 181 atal planecrash n th Phlppnes hat wasn't concdentalWe had been approached and asked or help nresearchng the ZSS ch we gladly dd Weprovded ssigmt wth a wealth o materal romback ssues o Wthdg and PR he programmespoke to the wdow o one o the two ewZealnders klled back n 1 81 when Wthdgbroke the story n the manstream meda, onewdow had r ung the journalst or help n ndng outhow her husband ded because the rmy wouldnttell her. Sh e s st ll searchng or the truth hsdeath certcate descrbes hs occupaton assherman

    t the t e there were persstent rumours that thelow lyng S plane specally adapted or covertnltrato and exltraton, had been shot downpresumably by the Communst ew Peoples rmy,whch s stll ghtng the Phlppnes mltary todayWe went to the length o actually securng underthe S reedom o Inormaton ct the ocal Sr orce r

    eport on the crash hey were happy torelease the most ntmate personal detals eg antemsed lst o what was ound on the bodes o thedead solders and armen but nothng about thecae o the crash ssigmt tracked down thesole survvor who s stll n the S mltary but hesad he couldn't speak about t untl he becomes acvlan agan .

    Mysterous deaths o ZSS men n hrd Worldcountres have happened much more recently toon 1 5 one was klled n Zmba bwe he rmystated h is cause o death to have been trampled byan elephan s amly ound no sgns o ths onhs body but dd nd several bullet holes n hsches sigm uncovered that he had bee n ona covert exercse wh the rtsh SS and localspecal orces. ccdental death by rendly re ssuspected

    he SS s stll n busness 1 wll see themglamoursed once agan or the r behnd the scenesrole n provdng IP protecton durng the PCLeaders Summ hey are stll supplyng men tother counterpart unts n rtan and ustrala heyare even beng used as gunea pgs n an

    nternatona tral o perorance enhnc ng drugsMost recently, they eatured as hostng the lllacks at a boot camp Should our World Cupsuad take the eld ths year blndolded dressedn matchng overalls and carryng a power pole,we'll know who to blame It was shortly ater thatcamp that one ll lack waged hs own one manwar by smashng hs way barehanded nto aQueenstown prvate resdence whlst somewhatthe worse or wear not to menton nearly bleed ngto death n the process o wonder the SS arekeen to keep secret everythng about themselves

    hey call t mysue Others would smply call tbrutalty and a dangerous anachronsm

    S Sodi i vib o i o $10(di o o o wk. Mk

    q o ABC, Box 2258, C

    18 22 My 1999

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol2 Issue18 May 1999


    [ Bts and Pieces ISpy Saetes

    hina ill ut i military atellte into orbt n the

    year 2000. o ill roide naigation ytem tothe Peole beration rmy and four ill roducehigh defintion icture h ina deeloing techncaleertie ill gie it much greater ntelligence onmlitary moement and roduction in the ianregion. aian h ereed grae concern atBeing ncreaing military rellance caability.n rl thi year Jaan annonced lan to deeloit on y atellte Four atellte ill be roducedfor launch in 2002 okyo ay the moe i nreone to miile threat from North Korea (atyar the North Korean fired a mile that oerfleJaanee terrtory Jaa Natonal Sace

    eeloment gency ha th technical caacity tobild t on atellite b ome ar includngoibly analyi rogrammng yem are likely tocome from the S ahngton ha a number ofecret y bae in the north of onhu. he eactrelatonhi of the S and Jaanee y agencie difficult to acertain but n recent year okyo hamaiely booted it ntelligence budget and theignal folloing the Korean mile incrion arethat it intend to deel a mh bigger ndeendentintelligence caability

    System Faile - Agan

    he mot adnced S mile defence ytmunder deeloment fled on Monday n it ithconecutie attemt to ntercet an incoming mi leaccording to Pentagon okeeole BangoPo 3 March 999J he tet of the heater igh

    lttude rea efene ytem a carriedout in Ne Meico and i another in a long line ofPentagon eaon deeloment failure. t eemthat th time the eaon deeloer ll not needto falify tet reult - a they hae done eeraltime in the at - in order to get roduction fundngn March the S Senate oted oehelmingl y for anational o licy that ut nto lace a defence ytemuoed to rotect the S againt a limited miileattack. hi olicy bacally negate the key ntiBallitic Mile reaty forbdding uch deloymengan ahington refue to abide by a maorinternational agreement een a deirable by amajority of oher contrie

    Fear of Cyberterrorsm

    n ecember 99 the ahington-baed entrefor Strategic and nternatonal Stude releaed areort tating that thirty comuter eerttrategically located globaly could brng the nitedState to it knee he reort y cybererroritcould hut don eerything from electric oer gridand air traffic control ytem to eential miltarytechnology and maintream economic ytemBye not bullet are the rea ammo according tothe entre Bango Pos ecember 999e Pentagon ha alo begun an neigation intocontinual effort by comuter hacer in ia to

    acce enitie S defence comuter ytem tay th atttack a mar concern but o farclaim no breache of ytem hae bee made [noffcal line that omehat obure a roblemith hacker - dJ

    About Peace Researcher

    Pc Rch is publihed three time a year by the Anti-Base Campaign,C h ritchurc h The edior are Bob Leonard and Mu rray Hoton an d PR i laid out byWarren homon (cuently overea) and Mel ani e hom on. Our jou rna l covers arange of peace iue with emphai on foreign military bae and intelligencetopic Conributed article wi ll be conidered for pu bl ication baed on u bect m attean d pace requ remens We are paticularly intereted i n report of org nal rearcon peace topic in Aearoa and the wider region of Autrala ia an d the Pacific uraddre i:

    Peace ResearcherP O Box 2258

    ChritchurchAotearoa/ New Zealand

    eace Researcher 18 - Pge May 1999

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol2 Issue18 May 1999


    mb Unid S Infmn Agny?

    f you depend on Peace Researche to keep younformed about the USIA and ts sster agncy theUS Informaton Servce a servce few would askfor) w confess to a serous lapse We haven't

    mentoed these obnoous Amercan propagadalls snce our Augst ssue n 992 hat was heyear the USIS offce n Chrstchurch closed wthuch moanng and gnashng of teeth y The Prssn a sckeng edtoral

    The U SI S d sappeaed from our backyard ater begfeatured n ten majo artces n PR between 986and 99 he old NZ Monhly Revw dd a fewartcles as well. So what remnded us of te USSater al l the se years? We receved a book rvew vathe Inernet of Sllng Amrca's Cultur to theWorld by Nancy Sow Seven Store Pres Nw

    York 998 80 pp ) The revew was wtten y RoseA Dyson a oronto-based wrter an researchrWere sure she won't mnd f we ge yo a fwchoce qu otes from her revew (We on't et haveour own copy of the book)

    The ook ofers a cogent analyss of U foregnand domestc polcy snce the begnnng of the 20thcentuy She Snow] beg ns by ntroducng us tothe work of ts foregn branch [ ha's he USISbah ha se up camp for years in several NZtes. . ] Con ed as p ubl c d plomacy' ts realfuncton s worldwde dssemnaton of propaganda

    desned for the purposes of nfluencng the actonsof human bengs n ways that are compatble wthAmercan corporate nterests.

    Sounds famlar doesnt t. The US A/US IS areeffectvely a corporate arm of the US government domnated by corporate nterests mer ged wthgovernment nterests snce before Word War . The

    USIA was heavly nvolved n educatng "t he NAFTAgeneraton n the US Meco and Canada durngthe perod of deal-makng an d h ard-sel of the NorthAmercan Free Trade Agreement n the early 90s

    nternatonal outreach s acheved throughbroadcastng such as Voce of Amera Worldnetthe USIA Advsory Board for Cuba BroadcastngRado Free Asa cultural exchange pograms andthe US's most popular eports Hollywood movesand the myth that the US. economy s a model forhow other market economes both developed andless developed, can s uccessfully adapt to th global

    marketplace. No other country on Earth bought ntothat myth wth such bl nd frvour as lttle NZ Snce 984 we have led the world n sel lng our economcsoul to nternatonal bdders, and not necessarly thehghest bdders

    It has been a massve gveaway helped n no smallmeasure by the USIS propaganda machnes n ourmdst. By 1 992 the selloff of our assts had ganedalmost unstoppable momentum No wonder theUSS felt t could close a few offces n NZ an d savesome bucks They had sown the seeds and th e freemarket grass was growng ncely Best leave it to the

    GATT the WTO and APEC to fnsh us of as aprosperous and ndependent economy wth a lvableenvronment

    a I I I . " !il

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