
Английский язык - Грамматика - Причастие - Present Participle Simple Причастие The Participle ['pRtsIpl] Причастие – это неличная форма глагола, сочетающая свойства глагола, прилагательного и наречия. В русском языке соответствует причастию и деепричастию (в английском языке нет отдельной формы, соответствующей русскому деепричастию). В английском языке есть два причастия: 1 Причастие I (Participle I или Present Participle) - причастие настоящего времени . Имеет две формы: а) Present Participle Simple. Соответствует русскому причастию настоящего времени



Transcript of Participle1

- --Present Participle SimpleThe Participle['pRtsIpl] , , . ( , ). :1I(Participle IPresent Participle) - . :)Present Participle Simple. :reading, ,resting, ;)Present Participle Perfect. :having written,having read.2II(Participle IIPast Participle) - . :opened,dressed,made. ,., :Abrokencuplay on the floor. .

, , , , :Theypassedmetalkingloudly., .

Hesatat the tablethinking. .

, :Enteringthe roomhe found all the pupils present. , , .

:He liked to rest in the eveningwalkingslowlyin the park. , .

(Active) (Passive)

Participle IPresent ParticipleSimple-IVbeingIII

asking-;()being asked-; ()

Present ParticiplePerfecthavingIIIhavingbeenIII

having asked- (), (, -)having been asked()

Participle II(Past Participle)---------III


(Passive)., : , , ?, ?. :, . , , . :, , . . , - , :burn-() /();sit-() /().

Present Participle Simple(Active) , ing , ( -ing, IV);Present Participle Simple(Passive) to be Present Participle Simple, being Past Participle( -edIII).Present Participle Perfect(Active) to have Present Participle Simple, having Past Participle( -edIII);Present Participle Perfect(Passive) to be Present Participle Perfect, having been Past Participle( -edIII).Participle II (Past Participle) (Passive). III- ed.. " -ed-ing". not , :notasking- ,notseen ,notbeing read- .Present Participle Simple Participle I( )

I ing- ing-, .ActivePassive

Participle Iaskingbeingasked

, , , -. I(ActivePassive) . .

:) , - , . - " " . :ReadingEnglish books Iwroteout new words. , .()

ReadingEnglish books Ill writeout new words. , .()

) , , , - , , Perfect Participle come -to enter -to hear-to see .

Hearinghis voice sheranto meet him. , .

) ( ) , - . :The womanwaitingin the carcalledyou the day before yesterday.,() , .

The bisectorisa straight linedividingan angle into two equal parts. () , .

(? ? ?) I . , , . ( ), ( , ).1 , . , :Adancinggirl..

He watched thefallingsnow. .

The clouds were lit up by thesettingsun. .

, , . , :(I)boilingwater


2 , I . , . , . .A boyplayingin the garden., .

I dont knowthe girlwaitingfor you. ,. = , .

They reachedthe roadleadingto the city. , .

, , :This is the sister of myfriendlivingnext door to me. , .

This is my friendssisterlivingnext door to me. , .

: , , - .Can youseethe girldancingwith your brother?, ?The boysthrowingstones into the pondlaughedloudly., , . , : , .I wantto talkto the personwhobrokethat cup.(: the personbreakingthat cup)

, ,.The boyswhowere throwingstones into the pondwenthome.(Past Continuous)

: , "" . , "", " ".

I?, ?, ?, ?, ? .. , - . :1 . , , , , .. ( , , , ..).Travellingin Africa, he saw a lot of interesting things. , .

, :Arrivingat the station (= When he arrived at the station) he called a porter. (= ), .

whenwhile , , . when , , , while, , , -. , when, while( Continuous).Whentakingthe decision I made a mistake. , .

Whilestayingin London he met a few useful people.() , .

:I to bebeing , . : ( ), .When he wasa child (:Whena child), he liked to read books about voyages.

, when/whilebeing :When/While a child ,When/While in London .Being, , :Beingtired(=As he was tired) he went home.(= ), .

2 , , , , :knowing,remembering,hoping ., beinghaving:I turned back,notknowingwhere to go. , .

Hopingto catch the train, we took a taxi. , .

Havingplenty of time we decided to walk to the station. (= ), .

, being , ( , , , Being a student,she , , ( ), , ; When/While a student,she):Beingthere, I could see all., .

Beingafraid of strangers, the children didnt go with them. , .

3 (). , , , -, .Johncame in,carryinghis suitcase., .

Smilingheheld outhis hand., .

Weepingshewalked backto the house., .

Hestoodat the window,thinkingof his future. , () .

: ing-, , - , :Readinghelps us- . , , , . , .Hesatin the armchair andreada newspaper. .

Shesatby the windowwaitingfor her guests. . (.)

, , , , , , . , , . :I met myfriendswalkingin the park.( - ) , .

I met my friends,walkingin the park.( - ) , .

Walkingin the parkI met my friends.(- ) , .

, , - , I . , , , :to arrive,to come-to enterto hearto opento seeto taketo turn .

Openingthe door, sheturned onthe light.(), .

Turningslowly shewent outof the room., .

Dressingmyself as quickly as I could Iwentfor a walk. , .

, , , I, - ( , ):Shewent out,shuttingthe door behind her., .

I, , :

I( ) (Active Voice):ContinuousPerfect Continuous. , to be( )+ I( IV- ing-). :Sheis sleeping.(Present Continuous).

Theywere traveling.(Past Continuous).

Ihave been studyingFrench for five years.(Pres.Perf.Cont.) .


I , , .1 , . Participle I , . :The housebeingbuiltin our street is very good., , . (= )

The questionbeingdiscussednow., ( ).

2 ( ). ; ; . ., . I(Passive) , :being asked,being broken,being written- , , . , .Beinginvited(=As he was invited) to the conference he left for London. , . ( )

Beingleftalone, they didnt know what to do. (: ), , .