Part of speech


Transcript of Part of speech

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What is Part of Speech ?. Part of Speech shows the task or the function of word in the

sentence. Each of word has a function based on it’s position in the sentence.

We have 8 groups of word in the sentence as part of speech:1. Nouns 5. Adverbs2. Pronouns 6. Prepositions3. Adjectives 7. Conjunctions4. Verbs 8. Interjections.

1. Nouns.Noun is a word that show us to the name of people, something, place, plant, animal, quality, idea etc.Noun can be divided into 5 groups :

a. Abstract and Concrete Noun. b. Common Noun c. Proper Noun d. Collective Noun e. Material Noun.

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a.1 Abstract Noun.Abstract Noun is a noun can’t be touch, but it can be felt.( freedom, happiness, health, honesty, courage,

wisdom, braveness, luxurious, sadness, kindness, politeness, etc. ) 2. Concrete Noun. Concrete Noun is a noun can be touch , it has color, shape ,

weight, and can be felt.( chair, bread, people, car, etc.)

3. Common Noun. Common Noun is a noun show the kind , class , and the place of the noun it self.

( book, invention, city, tool, stone, bread , soldier, shoes, car etc ) 4.Proper Noun. Proper Noun show the name of people, place( city , country ,

island , ocean, etc ), It always uses the capital letter in writing.

( Amir, Indonesia, Jakarta, Australia)

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4. Collective Noun. Collective Noun is a noun show the group of people or something as a

unit.( a team, a committee , a club , a regimen , a convoy , a squadron ).

5. Material Noun . Material Noun is noun come from naturally , it’s not made by a people. ( gold, silver, water, fish, iron , blood, star, moon, sun )

Notes :a. Compound Noun is a unit of word be one meaning . ( pick pocket, dance team, dining room, swimming pool, mother in law,

step mother ).b. Noun can be divided into two groups: 1. Countable Noun ( noun can be counted : a book, two sisters, three

cities, etc ) 2. Uncountable Noun ( noun can’t be counted) : coffee, milk, paper, salt

sugar, etc ). To show the sum it must be added by the article in front of the noun itself). ( a cup of coffee, a slice of bread , two bottle of water, etc )

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3. To say plural noun , we use : much or many or a little or a few. Much + Uncountable Noun. A little + Uncountable Noun Many + Countable Noun A few + Countable Noun. A lot of + Uncountable / Countable Noun , in positive sentence.4. Some , any . a. Some , means several, it’s show the plural form, ( some books, some pens, some bags etc. ) b. Some doesn’t means several , if it is followed by plural form.

some day = pada suatu hari some book = buku tertentu

some water = sekedar air some money = sekedar uang some information = sekedar information c. any , means apa saja , mana saja.

any car = mobil mana saja any day = hari apa saja

any time = waktu kapan saja any pencil = pensil apa saja.

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4.Some , is usually used in positive sentences. Any is usually used in a negative and an interrogative sentences.5. It is a table to make easy to understand .

Countable Noun

Uncountable Noun


Some AnyManyA lot ofPlenty ofA great many A great number ofA large number of

SomeAnyMuchA lot ofPlenty ofA great deal ofA large number of A large number of

( + ) , ( ? )( - ) , ( ? )( - ) , ( ? )( + ) ( + ) ( + ) ( + ) ( + )

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2. Pronoun Pronoun is a word to change the name of people. We have 8 groups of pronoun. 1. Personal pronoun 5. Reflexive Pronoun 2. Demonstrative Pronoun 6. Reciprocal Pronoun 3. Indefinite Pronoun 7. Relative Pronoun 4. Interrogative Pronoun 8. Possessive Pronoun ad 1 . Personal pronoun .

Personal pronoun is a word to change the people.Personal Pronoun as a subject.

Singular Plural1st person I We2nd person you you3rd person He , she ,it They

Personal pronoun as abject singular plural

1st person me us2nd person you you

3rd person him , her, it them

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2.2. Demonstrative Pronoun. Demonstrative Pronoun is a word show us the direction . ( this, that , these, those )2.3. Indefinite pronoun. Indefinite pronoun is a word show uncertain word change. ( another, any body, any one, any thing, some body, some one, some thing, every one , every body, every thing, each, either, each one, no one , nothing, no body, )2.4 Interrogative Pronoun. Interrogative pronoun is a word to make a question . ( Who, Whose, Whom and Which ). Who is she ?. Whose book is it ?. Whom do you speak with ?. Or With whom do you speak ?.

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2.5 Reflexive Pronoun. Reflexive pronoun , is a word that reflex the pronoun it self. I my self We our selves you your self You your selves They them selves He himself She herself it itself. * I cut hair my self

* Hasan loves himself* They speak English them selves.* He himself wrote the letter* You yourselves make a mistake.

2.6. Relative Pronoun. Relative Pronoun is a word to change the subject in the sentence that is mentioned before. ( Who , Whom , Whose, That , and Which ).

* We have two kinds of Relative Pronoun. 1. Defining Relative ( tertentu)

2. Non Defining Relative. ( tak tentu )

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1. Defining relative. a. That/ Which.

* Jakarta is an attractive city. It is a capital city.( Jakarta which is a capital city is an attractive

city )* The cinema used to stand at the corner It was destroyed by bomb( The cinema which used to stand at the

corner was destroyed by bomb.b. Who

* My brother is a doctor He lives in Jakarta.( My brother who lives in Jakarta is a doctor.* My sister is a secretary. She works in a big factory.( My sister who works in a big factory is a


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That/ Which.* The discussion was quite interesting We listened to it yesterday evening.( Thee discussion that we listened yesterday was quite interesting * Where are the stamp ?. I asked you to get them for me .( Where are the stem that /which I asked you to get for me).

Whom * I see the girl My sister gives her a present( I see the girl whom my sister gives a present )* Mr Horald went to Indonesia I saw him yesterday ( Mr Horald whom I saw yesterday went to Indonesia).

Whose*That’s the man His wife was on TV yesterday( That’s the man whose wife on the TV yesterday.)• Usman is my friend• His walled lost last week( Usman whose walled lost yesterday is my friend).


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Where* Is this the place ?. The accident happened ?.( Is this the place where the accident happened ?.* The village has a beautiful church We stop for petrol( The village where we stop for petrol has a beautiful church )

Ad 2 Non- defining Relative Who

Who is to change the person. * My father still plays golf He is over 60 years old( My father, who is over 60 years old , still plays golf* Nashr and Allbright were responding the news They have already visited Bali .( Nashrand Allbright, who have already visited bali ,were responding the news.)

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Which* Our campus is going to paint next week It is very cool.( Our campus ,which is going to paint next week ,is very cool )* Ucok’s car will be sold . It is very expensive.( Ucok’s car, which will be sold, is very expensive )

Whom * Miss Jennifer has wonderful hair Mr. Jack will marry her. ( Miss Jennifer whom ,Mr Jack will marry her ,has wonderful hair )* My sister was charming girl I was taking her last night.( My sister whom I was taking her last night, was charming girl.

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3. Adjective Adjective can divided into 8 groups :

a. Adjective of quality e. Proper Adjectiveb. Adjective of quantity f. Interrogative

adjectivec. Adjective of numeral g. Possessive

adjectived. Demonstrative Adjective h. Distributive Adjective

ad 1. Adjective of quality.( small, fat, large. Poor, rich, short, long , etc ).Adjective of quality can be divided into three groups :

positive, comparative, and superlative ).ad 2. Adjective of quantity

( much, many, little, a few, a lot of , all, some, any etc )ad 3. Adjective of numeral.

1. Definite adjective ( a. cardinal number ( one ,two , three, etc )

b. Ordinal number ( first, second, third, fourth, etc )

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2. In definite number ( some, any, all, few, many, several etc )

Ad 4. Demonstrative adjective. a. definite ( this , that , those, these ) b. Indefinite ( another, a , an , any , a certain, any certain, such, some , any other , etc )

Ad 5. Proper adjective. ( show the nation , or the language of country). England/ English Holland/ Dutch American/ America Java/ Javanes. etc

Ad 6 . Interrogative adjective. ( W H words ) : what, when , how, etc.

Ad 7. Possessive adjective ( show the owner ) my…, our…,his…., her…, your…., etc.

Ad 8. Distributive adjective ( every.., each…., neither…., either…, etc )

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Adverb of manner is a n adverb show us how some thing be done.

Pola : adjective + ly + = dengan…….nya. Contoh: 1. Mr. Jack runs quickly 2. Zulia sings sweetly 3.She is typing neatly 4. Ridwan speaks Franch fluency 5. The football team play seriously 6. The principle gives announcement to the student

clearly 7. The student study diligently

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Adverb of time is an adverb that show us the time happen . We have two part of it .

1. Definite time ( tertentu) misalnya: yesterday ,now, Saturday night ,to day, tomorrow, last

week , the day after tomorrow, the day before yesterday , everyday.

2. Indefinite time ( tak tentu) misalnya: recently, soon, already, just, now days, first, next, later, just

now, still , etc Contoh : a. She is watching a tv program in her room now ( definite time) b. She arrive here yesterday night ( definite time ) c Our government will import some furniture to a broad next

week (definite time )

d. The scientist research recently produce some important thing for our

country ( indefinite time) e. Our President will visit to Chicago soon. ( indefinite time) f. I have just finish working my task ( Indefinite time)

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b. Show the perfectness of some thing be done. Contoh : 1. Nearly every woman loves a bargain 2. They ‘re practically ready to begin the show. 3. The men were utterly exhausted 4. The student wholly ready to get the final test 5. She entirely doesn’t understand if her parents were


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Adverb of frequency show us how much some thing be done.

Misalnya : usually, sometime, always, often, never , ever, seldom, rarely.

Contoh : 1. He usually comes here at 7 o ‘clock 2. I never go to see the horror film 3. They often call me 4. My friends sometime bring me some fruits 5. He always gives me some information if he will go to


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6. Relative Adverb. Relative Adverb is show us the conjunction misalnya : therefore , accordingly , more ever , besides , how ever , nevertheles , where , why, when , although, because etc.example :1. She come here although the day is rain.2. I don’t know where my friend goes today.3. He is very busy , accordingly he can’t see me.4. The day was cloudy therefore I brought an umbrella.5 . Besides my friend is Mr . Horald.

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7. PREPOSITION. Preposition is a word show us the relationship between the noun, or pronoun in the sentence . Preposition has not the certain rule in using it. ( at, a head, a bout, after, close to, during for , above, around , among, against, according to, from, front, far from, between etc ).

8. CONJUNCTION. Conjunction is a word that is used to connect between the expression of the sentence, or another expression. We have two kinds of Conjunctions :

a. Coordinating Conjunction ( to combining two words or sentences in the same position )…( and , but , or , yet, nor, for ) Usually coordinating conjunction be joined with the correlative conjunction :

- both…. and…. - either…..or….

- neither…nor…- not only….but also…- if…..then etc.

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Coordinating conjunction divided into 4 ( four ) groups .a. Cumulative conjunction ( and , both …and, and also, as well as, not only…but also, furthermore, besides, more ever, in addition, similarly ).

b. Alternative Conjunction ( or, either ….or….,or else….., otherwise….., neither…nor etc )

c. Adversative conjunction ( but, however, still, inspite of…, although, despite, nevertheless, on the other hand, on the contrary, in contrast, conversly ).d. Illative conjunction show the cause-effect ( there for, accordingly, thus, hence , consequently, so, because of, as a result, regardless of.. )9. INTERJECTION. Interjection is a word that show us about the spontaneity expression like surprise, happy, illness, etc.( Oh !. Help !. What a pity !. Hurrah !. etc).

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