Parish news - Lincolnshire County ·...

OUR NEW LAYOUT for this months Foss Focus your views Were still interested in what you think about the new style? Do you like it? E-Mail us on info@saxilbyparishcounci with your comments and suggestions as to how we can further improve it! Let us know what additional information you would like to see in our newsletters? Parish news MONTHLY NEWS OF PARISH COUNCIL OCTOBER 2014 Chairman’s Blog I would like to start this month by welcoming Mark Clark in starting his new position of Parish Clerk. Mark brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to the role. Peter Odam the acting clerk has completed a handover and is taking a well-deserved holiday! We are going to invite the developers to a meet- ing with their plans so they can hopefully answer any questions that have been raised so far. We are also going to be working with the “Saxilby residents association” as Liz Hillman the acting chairman and her husband have voiced that they would like to be involved with the Parish Neighbourhood Plan. The Clerk is preparing as Action Plan for moving this forward as we have not had the manpower as we have been without a clerk for most of 2014. It would be ideal to have a working group for this so we will be looking for any other volunteers that would like to assist. I attended the opening night of Delhi Dining located in the old Bridge Inn. I have to say the food was delicious and it was good to see a restaurant open in the village and doing extremely well with trade. Mamma Luisa’s have also opened their indoor dining area so we are getting some healthy competition now. We have had two cycle racks donated to the village by Lee Riley which we greatly appreciate. We are going to install one at the recreation field and one at Mill Lane football pitches. As you will have seen on the television Lincolnshire County Council is promoting cycling now with Burton Waters getting the next allocation of hire bikes. Maybe this is something we may need to look into, so please let me know if you have any thoughts on this. We have again had reports of anti-social behav- iour that I have been called out for, as per last week’s message please report all issues to 101 as we want this kind of thing nipping in the bud. High Street/Bridge Street is open again after the works have been nearly completed. This was scheduled for 2 weeks closure but I noticed it was open before the official date. So it has been good to see contractors completing in good time. We are going to be having our annual Christ- mas tree lighting ceremony and fireworks, the date and times will be advertised as this has been getting a higher attendance year by year and it is always nice to see so many people supporting this. For any new members of the parish we have a church service at St Botolph’s Church followed by a torch procession to the Christmas tree located opposite the post office where we sing carols before the lights are switched on. Then its up the the recreation field where we have a fireworks display done to music. There is normally mulled wine and mince pies on sale to keep you warm on the night. The children’s activities have now been finalised for half term and Councillor Riley is building a good relationship with the school so we can work together to ensure all parents are aware of these activities as we now have a better range including sport and drama. Sue Speirs Chair Saxilby with Ingleby Parish Council this issue P.1 Chairman’s Blog P.2 News P.3 Pavilion Bar & Kitchen P.4 Village Developments

Transcript of Parish news - Lincolnshire County ·...

Page 1: Parish news - Lincolnshire County · with your comments and are also going to be working with the “Saxilby suggestions

OUR NEW LAYOUT for this months Foss Focus

your views

Were still interested in

what you think about the

new style?

Do you like it?

E-Mail us on

info@saxilbyparishcounci with your

comments and

suggestions as to how

we can further improve it!

Let us know what

additional information

you would like to see in

our newsletters?

Parish news MONTHLY




O C T O B E R 2 0 1 4

Chairman’s Blog

I would like to start this month by welcoming Mark Clark in starting his new position of Parish Clerk. Mark brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to the role. Peter Odam the acting clerk has completed a handover and is taking a well-deserved holiday! We are going to invite the developers to a meet-ing with their plans so they can hopefully answer any questions that have been raised so far. We are also going to be working with the “Saxilby residents association” as Liz Hillman the acting chairman and her husband have voiced that they would like to be involved with the Parish Neighbourhood Plan. The Clerk is preparing as Action Plan for moving this forward as we have not had the manpower as we have been without a clerk for most of 2014. It would be ideal to have a working group for this so we will be looking for any other volunteers that would like to assist. I attended the opening night of Delhi Dining

located in the old Bridge Inn. I have to say the

food was delicious and it was good to see a

restaurant open in the village and doing

extremely well with trade. Mamma Luisa’s have

also opened their indoor dining area so we are

getting some healthy competition now.

We have had two cycle racks donated to the

village by Lee Riley which we greatly appreciate.

We are going to install one at the recreation field

and one at Mill Lane football pitches. As you will

have seen on the television Lincolnshire County

Council is promoting cycling now with Burton

Waters getting the next allocation of hire bikes.

Maybe this is something we may need to look

into, so please let me know if you have any

thoughts on this.

We have again had reports of anti-social behav-iour that I have been called out for, as per last week’s message please report all issues to 101 as we want this kind of thing nipping in the bud. High Street/Bridge Street is open again after the works have been nearly completed. This was scheduled for 2 weeks closure but I noticed it was open before the official date. So it has been good to see contractors completing in good time. We are going to be having our annual Christ-mas tree lighting ceremony and fireworks, the date and times will be advertised as this has been getting a higher attendance year by year and it is always nice to see so many people supporting this. For any new members of the parish we have a church service at St Botolph’s Church followed by a torch procession to the Christmas tree located opposite the post office where we sing carols before the lights are switched on. Then its up the the recreation field where we have a fireworks display done to music. There is normally mulled wine and mince pies on sale to keep you warm on the night. The children’s activities have now been finalised

for half term and Councillor Riley is building a

good relationship with the school so we can

work together to ensure all parents are aware of

these activities as we now have a better range

including sport and drama.

Sue Speirs


Saxilby with Ingleby Parish Council

this issue

P.1 Chairman’s Blog

P.2 News

P.3 Pavilion Bar & Kitchen

P.4 Village Developments

Page 2: Parish news - Lincolnshire County · with your comments and are also going to be working with the “Saxilby suggestions

STOP PRESS HALF-TERM HOLIDAY CLUBS Arrangements for the Half-Term Holidays in October

Our Holiday Clubs will again be

running in October Half-Term with

the following activities planned:


24th, 29th, 30th & 31st October


27th & 28th October



29th October

Watch out for flyers in Saxilby

School bags, or contact us on

01522703912 for more details.



We are pleased to announce that

Mark Clark has now been

appointed as our new Parish Clerk

and he is already working on a full-

time basis at our Council Offices.

His role will be to undertake the

work regarding Parish aspects, the

Café & Bar are to remain with our

current manager, John McDonald.

If you have any Parish issues that

Mark can help you with please

contact him on 01522 703912


[email protected]

Mark will be picking up the reins on

our Neighbourhood Plan and Grant

Bids for the Skate Park & MUGA

and hopefully we shall be able to

move all these aspects forward.


outl ine of recent news

We also publish news

daily on our Website and

on the Saxilby Parish

Council Facebook page



I’m delighted to have joined the

small team of staff who serve

Saxilby Parish.

First impressions have been

very positive - particularly the

warm welcome from

Councillors, staff and public .

I am also very impressed by the

amount of hard work which has

gone into keeping the Council

moving forward over the past

few months.

I am looking forward to meeting

more residents in the weeks

ahead, and to helping Parish

Council achieve its plans for the


Mark Clark


We are still inviting residents to

come forward and support us in

the development of a Parish

Neighbourhood Plan. You don’t

need to be a planning expert -

we need opinion and feedback

on all aspects of developing the

Plan. If you would like to get

involved, please contact us on

01522 703912.


We are now advertising Village

Events on our Facebook site.

If you want your Poster on our

Noticeboards and issued to

those following our Facebook

page, please drop a copy in at

our Café Bar and we will sort

the rest!


Our Village Football Teams

have now restarted their

Matches for the 2014/15

season. Details of their

fixtures can be found on our

website - please come along

and give them some support.


We have been considering the

various issues with trees

around the Village and I have a

list of those where we need to

do some remedial work in the

Autumn. Some of this work will

be kept in-house but some of

the more major work will be

contracted out for safety

reasons. If you have raised

any issues of concern, please

bear with us whilst we

programme the work.



The Saxilby Parish Service of

Remembrance will take place

at St Andrews Community

Centre on Saturday 8th No-

vember. If planning to attend,

please arrive by 10.30 am.

Refreshments will be served in

the Community Centre, after

the service.



This will take place this year

on 29th November and will

again follow the format of

previous years.

If you have any ideas or

suggestions for improvement

please let us know

Page 3: Parish news - Lincolnshire County · with your comments and are also going to be working with the “Saxilby suggestions

COUNCIL MEETINGS for the months of October & November Full Council

1st October & 5th November

Community Committee

8th October & 12th November

Leisure Committee

15th October & 19th November

St Andrews Committee

22nd October & 26th November

All of these Meetings have a

Public Question Time at the start

of the Meeting where you can

raise questions or make short

statements to the Committee.

LIBRARY opening hours

The Library is currently open 7

days per week between the hours

of 09:00 and 19:00.

The Friends of Saxilby Library

provide assistance to visitors at

the following times:

Monday 10:00 to 13:00

Tuesday 13:00 to 15:00

Wednesday 10:00 to 13:00

Friday 10:00 to 13:00

Saturday 10:00 to 12:00

We are currently working on

arrangements for the Xmas

tree lighting event scheduled

for the 29th November. We

are also planning to hold a

Halloween party. Keep an eye

out on the village notice

boards, Face book


and Twitt(@Pav_Bar_Saxilby)

for up to date information

about all our events.

We are members of the

Perfect Pint Website

(, and

on there you can find regular

updates of what we have on

sale and in the cellar ready to

be conditioned.

Contact Us

You can contact us: -

phone: - 01522 703912 or 01522 702110

(Bar & Café)

e-mail: -


by post: -

Council Office

St Andrews Centre

Saxilby, Lincoln LN1 2LP


Facebook: Saxilby Parish Council


Chairman Sue Speirs

Vice-Chairman Peter Odam

Responsible Finance Officer (RFO)

John White

Community Chair John Smithson

Leisure Chair Peter Walton

St Andrews' Chair Peter Odam


Clerk Mark Clark

Grounds Manager Paul Derry

Bar Manager John McDonald

On the cafe side of things

were are in the process of

developing a more refined

menu to complement our

existing range. Nothing has

been finalized yet with regard

to menu items, but we are

looking at moving over to a

more cafe culture type of

menu for weekdays, Panini’s,

ciabatta and light snacks,

while retaining some of our

current core items for the

weekend trade.

This development is ongoing

whilst we look at suppliers to

try and bring you quality food

at a sensible price.

John McDonald

Centre Manager

Both Chris Cooke and I

recently passed the British

Innkeeping Institute Award

in Cask and Cellar

Management at Level 2,

and you can be now rest

assured that all our real

ales, craft ales and ciders

will be served in perfect


In addition I am now an

Associate of the British

Innkeeping Institute. This

is a charitable organisation

which promotes best

practice and responsible

retailing for public house

and licensed premises.

Page 4: Parish news - Lincolnshire County · with your comments and are also going to be working with the “Saxilby suggestions

LINDUM HOMES church lane update The applicant Lindum Homes have now sub-

mitted an Appeal against the refusal by

WLDC and this is now being dealt with by

The Planning Inspectorate in Bristol.

The closing date for submissions to this Ap-

peal was 26th September and we should hear

the result by late October.

Separately we have now received details of a

separate application by Truelove Homes for 8

Houses on Sykes Lane and also the Parish

have been informed of another large Devel-

opment which t is proposed to apply for Out-

line Planning to the north of the Village. The

Parish Council have been asked for their ob-

servations and we will publish these in due



Our website and Facebook

pages now set out details of

the 2014/15 spending rele-

vant to each Committee of

the Council. If you have any

queries on how we spend

your money, please let us

know on 01522 703912.

2014/15 PRECEPT Where we spend your money

We are currently starting to look at next years

Budget and how we spend your money! Cur-

rently we precept £155K from Parishioners as an

add-on top their Council Tax bills and by Decem-

ber we have to have dealt with next years Budg-


We have recently run a Poll on the website and

it was equally split as to whether we should re-

duce or increase the Charge by reducing or in-

creasing what we provide. We are keen to know

what you want!

Tell us what you want us to spend your money

on; what are we doing right and wrong?

Do you want us to maintain or improve the cur-

rent level of Grounds work in the Village?

Do you want more Events?

Do you want more Xmas Decorations?

Would you pay a further amount to get the Skate

Park and MUGA?

These are all the sort of things that we have to

consider and want your Feedback on.

Ring or email us with your thoughts or com-
