Parish Magazine -

1 Parish Magazine September 2014 As usual, my thanks to all who have helped in the compilation of this month’s magazine. Please could those whose organisations are listed in the Parish Directory check to make sure that we have their correct details. . Christine Leonard Church Matters Page 2 Church Services (All Saints’) / Harvest Lunch 3 New Rector / Headley Wives 4 Church Services (Lindford / St Francis) 5 Mobile Library dates 5 News from St Francis Community Church 6 Parish Register / Food Banks 7 Parish Lunch / Arford Bells 8 Arford WI / Crafting B’s 9 Headley Horticultural Society 10 Walking for Health / Can You Remember? 11 The Headley Society / Historic Headley series of talks 12, 13 Gardeners Question Corner 14, 15 Website addresses 15 Memorial Concert, Grayswood 16 Headley Holme School 17, 18 Headley Fete 19 Headley Theatre Club 20 Grayshott Flower Club 21 Headley Village Hall regular activities 21 Alton Abbey 22 Vernon Hill, artist & sculptor of Headley Down 23 Did You Know This about Headley? 24 Cookery Corner 25 Dash to Raise Cash / Guildford Cathedral appeal 26 Headley Voluntary Care 27 Noah’s Page (for younger ones) 28 Parish Directory Back Thank you to all those who have contributed to this issue October issue deadline: 12 th September 2014. Please submit articles to [email protected]

Transcript of Parish Magazine -


Parish Magazine September 2014

As usual, my thanks to all who have helped in the compilation of this

month’s magazine. Please could those whose organisations are listed in

the Parish Directory check to make sure that we have their correct details.

. Christine Leonard

Church Matters Page 2 Church Services (All Saints’) / Harvest Lunch 3 New Rector / Headley Wives 4 Church Services (Lindford / St Francis) 5 Mobile Library dates 5 News from St Francis Community Church 6 Parish Register / Food Banks 7 Parish Lunch / Arford Bells 8 Arford WI / Crafting B’s 9 Headley Horticultural Society 10 Walking for Health / Can You Remember? 11 The Headley Society / Historic Headley series of talks 12, 13 Gardeners Question Corner 14, 15 Website addresses 15 Memorial Concert, Grayswood 16 Headley Holme School 17, 18 Headley Fete 19 Headley Theatre Club 20 Grayshott Flower Club 21 Headley Village Hall regular activities 21 Alton Abbey 22 Vernon Hill, artist & sculptor of Headley Down 23 Did You Know This about Headley? 24 Cookery Corner 25 Dash to Raise Cash / Guildford Cathedral appeal 26 Headley Voluntary Care 27 Noah’s Page (for younger ones) 28 Parish Directory Back

Thank you to all those who have contributed to this issue

October issue deadline: 12th

September 2014.

Please submit articles to [email protected]


Dear Friends, September 2014

Great words of comfort . . .

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,

I will fear no evil, for you are with me,

your rod and your staff they comfort me. (Psalm 23 v4)

Hard Times

If there is one thing that we can all be fairly sure of encountering, it is

‘hard times’. Who would not choose to a have a smooth and comfortable

journey through life? Being realistic we can be certain that, at some point

or other, we will face difficulties that may seem insurmountable (illness,

pain, bereavement, redundancy, marital or financial problems, or family

strains and so on).

The Presence of Love

The Good News is that in the face of all these challenges of life God makes

a promise. The promise: to always be there – to always be with us in every

situation we face. The Bible is full of promises that God will encourage us

in times of difficulty, comfort us in times of sorrow, strengthen us in times

of weakness, help us in time of need. This is what people in the Bible

discovered time and again.

In the Old Testament we can read about King David – who went through

some dreadful experiences; but he found God’s promised presence and

discovered that, ‘Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of

death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me’.

In the New Testament the Apostle Paul faced all sorts of hardships on his

journey to fulfil his call; but he also found God’s promised presence,

discovering for himself that ‘my grace is sufficient for you, for my power is

made perfect in weakness’ (2 Corinthians 12 v9).

Today, whatever situations we may be facing – the promised presence of

the Lord can be found.

David Arnott LLM, All Saints Parish Church, Headley




4 Thursday 9.30am Morning Service/Holy Communion 7 SUNDAY - TWELFTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 8.00am Holy Communion 1662 10.00am Holy Communion

(Sunday School meets in the Church Centre)

11 Thursday 9.30am Morning Service/Holy Communion


8.00am Holy Communion 1662

10.00am Family Service 18 Thursday 9.30am Morning Service/Holy Communion


8.00am Holy Communion 1662 10.00am Holy Communion (Sunday School meets in the Church Centre) 25 Thursday 9.30am Morning Service/Holy Communion

26 Friday 4.00pm Holy Matrimony – Lee Fanelli & Lyndsey Allen


8.00am Holy Communion 1662 10.00am Holy Communion 12.00pm Holy Baptism OCTOBER 2 Thursday 9.30am Morning Service/Holy Communion 5 SUNDAY - SIXTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 8.00am Holy Communion 1662 10.00am Holy Communion. The Ven Stuart Beake,

Archdeacon of Surrey, will be presiding at this service.

Harvest Lunch The Harvest Lunch will be held on Sunday 12

th October at 12.30pm.

Please put this date in your diary, details to follow.


New Rector After such a long vacancy it is with great pleasure that we are writing this

article. On 27th

August we were able to announce in Church that a new

incumbent had been appointed.

He is The Rev Dr Andrew Barton and at present he is Rector of St Kessocks

in Auchterarder, Perthshire. This church belongs to The Scottish Episcopal

Church. His wife Lesley is a full time primary school teacher and hopes to

continue teaching locally. They have four sons, all grown and left home.

His family come from the Reading area and he was ordained in Winchester

in 1991. Headley will be his third incumbency having served in the

Winchester diocese before his move to Scotland. During his period in

Auchterarder he had a four month overseas exchange with the Vicar of All

Saints Anglican Church in Adelaide, Australia.

This will be Andrew’s first single church parish; a state that he is looking

forward to.

Andrew will be inducted and installed on Thursday 20th

November with

Bishop Ian and Archdeacon Stuart Beake conducting the service.

Andrew and Lesley hope to move into the Rectory on the week beginning



He will receive a very warm welcome at All Saints and I’m sure the wider

community will be equally welcoming.

The Church Wardens

Headley Wives

Luckily the weather was beautiful for our summer outing to the Chichester

Canal and a trip on the canal. It was very tranquil and a good break from

the hustle and bustle of daily life. Thanks to Ann Knighton for arranging it

and for ordering the weather.

The next meeting is on 3rd

September, when we are to have a speaker

from the National Trust. Visitors are welcome to the meeting and there is

a charge of £2 which includes tea or coffee and biscuits.

Headley Wives are to have a produce stall at Headley Fete on September


, so please can we have cakes, jams, chutneys, fruit, vegetables etc? It

can be brought to the Church Office on Friday 12th

September, taken to

Anna Moverley or brought to the village green on Saturday from 10am.




7 SUNDAY 11.00am All Age Worship - Cdr Mark Barton

6.30pm Service - Local arrangement

14 SUNDAY 11.00am Sunday Club

6.30pm Communion Service - Rev. David Muskett

21 SUNDAY 11.00am Sunday Club

6.30pm Service - Mr. Edward Tullett

28 SUNDAY 11.00am Sunday Club

6.30pm Service - Rev. David Muskett

Play 'n' Praise Every Monday 1.45 - 2.45pm

Pop in for a cuppa Every Tuesday from 10am - 12pm

Wednesday Get Togethers 10th and 24th at 2.15pm

Prayer & Bible Study Every Thursday at 8pm



7 SUNDAY 10.15am The BIG Breakfast “Church but not as you know it”

– Rev Marion Warren & Ruth Page

14 SUNDAY 10.15am Holy Communion – Rev Marion Warren

21 SUNDAY 10.15am Morning Worship– Martin Firman

28 SUNDAY 10.15am Holy Communion – John Russell & Martin Firman

Morning Prayers - Every Wednesday 9.00 – 9.30am

Mobile Library

The Library Service visits the parish every 4th Thursday.

The next visits will be on 25th September

with the following stops

Eddey’s Lane (Whittles) 9.40–10.10am

All Saints’ Church Centre 10.20 – 10.50am

Lindford Royal Exchange 11.00–11.30am

Lindford Lansdowne 11.35–11.50am


St Francis Community Church News

News from St Francis Community Church

Sometimes the summer months can be quiet due to people being away on

holiday. However, we had two key

community-serving activities on the first

weekend in August.

Kraftikids outing to Southsea.

On the Saturday, we had the annual

Kraftikids outing to Southsea, with

financial assistance from East Hampshire

District Council. This trip to the seaside

was not limited to KraftiKids children and

their families, but also offered to other families living on Headley Down

who have no transport of their own. We were pleased that several elderly

people living on their own were able to

join us too. In all 94 people booked to

come on the trip.

We were told that some of the children

who went along last year had never been

to the sea-side before, and it was

therefore quite a special experience for


Garden Service

The next day, we held our annual Open-Air

Garden Service, followed by a BBQ and

Picnic Lunch. During the service, there was

a performance by ASH Puppets (see right).

A particularly touching moment was when

a widowed lady who had been on the

Kraftikids outing, shared with us that she

considered the trip to Southsea to be her

holiday, as she lacked the resources to go elsewhere during year.





June Ross Heeson & Stephanie Burrows


June Gary Alden & Lisa Hollier


July Joe Troszok & Clare McCarthy


July Dominic Barr & Laura Johnson



June Jacob Edward Dando

James Lewis Dando


July Darcey Evaline Lamport

Lochlan Stewart Sanderson



June Marion Smith 74 Bordon


July George Albert Knight 78 Lindford



July Anne Winkworth 67 Headley

Please support the

and The St Francis Community

Church Food Bank.

Items for delivery to the Food

Banks should be left in church

by the first Sunday in the month

Thank you for your continued



Parish Lunch

This is a monthly occasion, usually on the third Sunday, when we have a carvery at Blackmoor Golf Club.

This is a pleasant way to meet and get to know fellow parishioners. Everyone is very welcome.

If you would like to come along please contact

Jill Howard-Duff on (01428) 714073 before the preceding Friday

Arford Bells

This small handbell group have been playing in and around Headley for

over twenty years.

Over the years we have performed in residential homes, churches, village

halls, Abbeys, Cathedrals, at tea parties, weddings, Christmas celebrations

and as part of several concerts.

We play American bells and practise every week at 7.00pm at The

Wheatley Pavilion on the sports field. Rehearsals have just started for our

annual concert in Guildford Cathedral where we play with over 200


If you would like to try your hand at this very ancient art of music making

come along on practise night and listen or have a go – no musical

expertise is needed.

For further information call Christine Leonard 01428 712010.

Future dates:

21 Sept

23 November

14 December



Arford WI

At the June meeting of Arford WI, Rudyard Kipling (alias Jonathan Jones),

related to members the story of his life. He was born in Bombay in 1865,

spent some of his boyhood in Southsea, married in 1891 and had 2

daughters and one son. He was heartbroken when his first daughter died,

and later his son was killed in the first world war. He died in 1936.

Jonathan quoted several of Kipling’s well known poems, which delighted

his audience.

The WI garden party was held on a perfect July evening, in a member's

garden. After a walk around her immaculate, delightful garden, everyone

was able to sit and enjoy the company of their friends, eat their picnics

and partake of the delicious puddings, which had been provided by the


"From St Kilda to Svalbard – a Wildlife Odyssey" is the title of the talk to be

given at the next meeting on 25th September. New members are always

welcome, so do come along and give Arford WI a visit.

Mrs Jennifer Mitchell, President, is always happy to give information

regarding Arford WI, on 01420 476406.

Crafting B’s

Crafting B’s take place in Headley Village Hall on the 3rd Thursday of each

month from 2–4pm.

Future Programme:

18th Sept – Ceramic Painting – Louise

16th Oct – Guild of Knotters – Ian Scofield

20th Nov – Christmas Craft – Adrienne

18th Dec – Marzipan Petit Fours – Sylvia

For more details contact Yvonne Kilburn (01420) 477243.


Headley Horticultural Society


Roses, Sweet Peas and Delphiniums provided a burst of colour and

perfume at Headley Horticultural Society’s Summer show, held at the

Village Hall on 28 June. Despite the number of exhibitors being down

from last year, over 200 exhibits were staged ready for the judging to

commence at 11.30am.

Although the number of photographs submitted was much reduced, as

was the amount of cookery items, the flower, fruit and vegetables classes

were well supported and the judge spent nearly two hours deciding which

should be given the honour of a first place.

Anne Goldman triumphed with her roses ,winning first prize in six classes

and the Rose Society Bronze Medal. She was also awarded the Elsie

Watkins Cup for her lovely container of mixed roses.

Amongst the prizewinning fruit and vegetables grown by Martin Potter, his

beautiful dish of redcurrants, which looked as though they had been

freshly polished, won the award of best in show and first place was also

given to his gooseberries, raspberries, blackcurrants and potatoes.

Mandy Noke, entering the show for the first time managed to scoop first

prize in two classes with her peas and a children’s healthy lunchbox.

Irene Millard’s lovely orchid came in first in the flowering pot plant class

and she was also exhibiting for the first time.

It is hoped that they will both be encouraged to try again at the Autumn

show on 6 September. All newcomers are welcome and advice on staging

and judging freely given – please give it a go!


The evenings are beginning to draw in and next month Headley

Horticultural Society will resume their evening meetings. On the 18th

September Mark Saunders will give us some advice on “Vegetable

Growing”; we all know that next year will be better so hopefully we will

grow bigger and better veg after this talk! As usual the meeting will begin

at 8.00pm at Headley Village Hall.

Before that we will be visiting RHS Wisley to see the gardens and the

Annual Flower Show on the 3rd

September, and on 6th

September the


Autumn Show will bring the show season to a close. Please do support the

show if you can; there are plenty of classes to enter (see your schedule) or

just come along to admire the exhibits and enjoy a cup of tea and

homemade cake in the marquee.

Headley Walking for Health

Every Wednesday morning at 10.30am Headley walking for health gather

at the village hall for a walk lasting just over an hour and usually finishing

with a coffee in the centre of the village. These walks are free to attend. It

is a great way to improve your health and well-being whilst meeting new


The walks are led by walk leaders trained in supporting walkers of all

abilities and are able to offer encouragement and information on how to

improve fitness.

The walk leaders are all volunteers and on average are required to support

a walk about once every five weeks. If you are interested in supporting

this popular and worthwhile project by training as a walk leader we would

be delighted to hear from you. For more information please take a look at or telephone Sue Kerr on 01420 478680.

For those who enjoy a slightly longer walk, Jo Smith organises a monthly

Walk for Health of around 7 miles on the first Sunday of the month,

starting at 11am at Headley Village Hall. No pre-booking needed, but if

you want to know more about it, contact Jo on 01428 712892.

A schedule of these monthly walks is on the village website at

Can You Remember? Can you remember the Army huts on the Rectory Field behind the Holly

Bush during and after the Second World War? David Hardy lived in No.11

and would be interested to see any pictures or other mementoes which

you may have. He lives in Lindford and can be contacted on 07801



The Headley Society

Summer Visit to The Old Rectory, Headley The sun shone and the sausages sizzled. Paul Heath did

a sterling job providing hot dogs for Headley Society

members at their garden party meeting, held early in

July in the Old Rectory Gardens, by kind permission of

Robin and Phyllida Smeeton.

Following a walk around the beautiful garden, Robin outlined a few

interesting facts about the Old Rectory, after which members sat enjoying

their hot dogs and chatting with their friends.

Betty White, President, thanked Robin and Phyllida for their hospitality

and presented them both with appropriate tokens of gratitude.

Hindhead After the Tunnel – Matt Cusack

The speaker at The Headley Society’s meeting in August was Matt Cusack,

National Trust Head Ranger, Surrey Hills.

Matt had begun his work for the National Trust at Hindhead just a year

before the project to build the Hindhead Tunnel began, and so had seen it

before, during and after the development.

He began his illustrated talk by giving us a short history of the agricultural

use of the fertile land within the Punch Bowl and the people who once

lived there, including farmers and broomsquires. We also heard the story

of the unfortunate sailor who was murdered on Hindhead in 1786 and the

subsequent execution of the murderers there on a gibbet.

Moving on, he explained the role of the National Trust in conservation of

the landscape, by means of both human and animal activity. He is based

in Witley and his ‘patch’ also covers Frensham Common as well as other

areas around Hindhead.

Finally he gave us the story of the tunnel under Hindhead. Work on this

began in 2007 and was completed in 2011, after which the course of the

A3 road over the common was removed. This is now allowing the Trust to

connect the two sides of the common, and Matt showed us maps of

where various endangered species were happier to live. In addition the

Common has now become a great attraction for walkers and cyclists

following the Trust’s waymarked routes.


The next meeting of The Headley Society will be held at Headley Church

Centre on 4th September when Malcolm Buchanan will talk about Thomas

Adlam VC and interesting facts of memorable winners.

Membership of the Headley Society costs just £6 a year; details are

available from Ann Viney on 01420 474266. Visit www.headley- to learn more.



Oct 2nd – Civil War in Hampshire – Alan Turton

Nov 6th – Rare Earth Metals, Vital for Modern Life – Dr Ralph Kay

Dec 4th – Members Only – 7.30pm – Christmas Party


Jan 8th – The Introduction of Hops in the UK – Bill Weeks

Feb 5th – The First 500 Years of Loseley Park – Mrs Jennifer Nicholas

Mar 5th – AGM, followed by The Story of John Betjeman – Paul Robinson

Historic Headley

Friday 24th October at Headley Village Hall. Doors open 7.30pm The second in a series of talks on the history of Headley and its

surroundings organised by John Owen Smith

There will be two tales with a local connection

A Rector reports – an illustrated talk by John Owen Smith on Wallis Hay

Laverty, Rector of Headley 1872-1928: the man, his family, his works and

his notebooks.

“Short Man, Bought My Carrots” – an illustrated talk by Jane Lewis about

her study on ‘Life and Labour in an Agricultural Village’ using our Headley

as an example. Jane works at the Surrey History Centre in Woking.

Refreshments available between talks– Entry £5 on the door – no need

to book – Exhibits from the Headley Archives will also be on display


Gardening Question Corner

Following such wet weather, what can I do about poor drainage in

my garden?

The type of soil in your garden will affect drainage. If there are particles of

clay the water will percolate more slowly than through larger particles

such as sandy soils. Clay soil is also less able to withstand compaction,

especially when wet. With clay soil you will need to dig in lots of well

rotted organic matter, as deeply as possible. This will hold the clay

particles open and improve drainage. The best time to do this is in the

autumn. Of course the ground may be simply wet due to spring lines or

high water tables. If your soil is naturally wet then your best option is to

grow moisture-loving plants that will enjoy these conditions. Try astilbies,

candelabra primulas, gunnera, hostas etc.

How can I stop my bamboo invading the rest of my garden?

Bamboo spreads via underground rhizomes which send up shoots well

beyond the parent plant. If you use chemicals on these shoots you could

kill the parent plant. So instead, you have to use a physical barrier. The

bamboo rhizomes are usually in the top 12 inches of the soil, so dig a

trench along your border or round the plant, then line the base and side

with roof tiles or with bamboo root membrane, then fill back the soil.

I have a cat and have read that there are toxic plants that I should


The internet is full of scary lists of plants that could harm your cat. The list

of symptoms include vomiting, loss of appetite and mouth swelling. Of

course, if your cat becomes ill you should consult a vet immediately.

However, cats will naturally tend to avoid eating plants that are toxic.

Exceptions include lilies – if cats inadvertently get the pollen from a lily on

their fur and ingest it while grooming, it could cause kidney damage. It

might not be effective to banish all toxic plants from your garden because

your cat will also roam into your neighbours’ gardens.





I've been gathering seed, but how long do they stay viable?

Seeds are capable of staying viable for several years, and there are even

records of some germinating after thousands of years. However, success

will depend on the storage conditions. Seeds are really sleeping plants,

and they gradually lose moisture and nutrients over time. So the longer a

seed is stored the less likely it is to germinate. It is best to keep your seeds

in chilled and dry conditions. If you have old packets of seeds left over

from last year, try a few first to see if they germinate rather than use them

as your main crop.

Parish Church


Website can be found at

Other Useful Website Addresses – Headley Village website – Hampshire County Council – East Hampshire District Council



Richard Steele-Perkins Memorial



September 2014 8 pm

All Saints Church, Grayswood

GU27 2DB

Crispian Steele-Perkins Trumpet[s]

with Leslie Pearson [Piano]

Music by Handel, Bernstein, Hayden, Mancini,

Bacharach and Glen Miller and demonstration of

trumpet techniques.

Tickets: £15 for concert only (including glass of wine),

or £25 Concert and pre-concert set meal at the

Wheatsheaf Inn, Grayswood GU27 2DE – 6.30 pm


Judy Culhane 01428 644125

<[email protected]>

Shirley Richmond 01428 653285

<[email protected]>


The Holme Church of England

Primary School A Good Shepherd Trust Academy

There’s no place like Holme! A year after becoming an academy the Holme Church of England Primary

School has plenty to celebrate.

Since becoming an academy sponsored by the Diocese of Guildford’s

multi-academy trust, The Good Shepherd Trust (GST), achievement and

behaviour have dramatically improved at the school, and the celebratory

atmosphere has been evident in the final weeks of term with a highly

successful school summer fair and arrival of a new minibus complete with

designs created by pupils.

The Holme was placed in special measures by Ofsted in June 2012 and

during the academic year 2012–2013 had a series of interim headteachers,

which provided little stability or continuity for the children and staff. But a

summer term report compiled by an Ofsted lead inspector contracted by

the GST, and written to the same specification as a formal Ofsted report,

confirmed that achievement, teaching, behaviour and leadership are all

‘good’, stating: ‘The school has made thoroughly effective progress in its

overall work since September’.

GST’s Chief Executive Dr Peter Simpson, said: “This report has externally

validated our evidence that the school is now providing a high quality

education and we are confident that when the school has its first formal

Ofsted inspection as an academy, probably next term, it will perform well.

Key Stage 2 results just released show that the children’s attainment is

now very good indeed, with all pupils demonstrating excellent progress’.

“The first important step taken by the Diocese was to appoint a highly

experienced headteacher, Mrs Denise Williams, with a proven record of

having raised standards in other schools, and the report affirms this.

“Mrs Williams will be moving in September to another GST academy and

we are thrilled to say that The Holme will be welcoming a talented and

highly skilled headteacher, Ms Ruth Worswick, to take the school forward

and build on the considerable progress already made.”


Chair of governors Michael Hall said: “Having known the school pre and

post academy, I can honestly say it has been completely transformed in all

respects. I want to pay tribute to the pupils, staff and Mrs Williams for all

they have done in bringing about significant improvement and to fellow

governors, as well as the support of parents, particularly FROTH, Friends of

The Holme, whose hard work and generosity has enabled the purchase of

a minibus.

“The minibus will be available for hire by members of the community,

including the local church All Saints’, Headley, which is already using the

bus to transport parishioners to services.

“This working together for the benefit of the school culminated in the

recent successful summer fair, which raised £1,319.

“It is remarkable to look back at how much has been achieved and we look

to the year ahead with confidence and anticipation.”

St Mary's Church BENTWORTH, Charity No: 249276


To be held on Saturday 6th September 2014

In the Jubilee Hall, Church Street, Bentworth GU34 5RE

From 1pm – 4pm

Items for sale can be delivered to the Hall

from 10am on the day

and will be very welcome.


Headley Fete



Lots of events in the arena, including:

Decorated Bicycle Competition

Falconry Display

Hula Hoop Display

Ukulele Players

Dog Show

Hampshire Song

Ash Puppets

Egg Throwing

There will also be many & various stalls for you to investigate, including a

Fresh Produce Tent … and much more

Refreshments Fish and Chips, B.B.Q., Beer Tent and W.I. refreshments in the Village Hall



As usual we are looking for volunteers to help us on the day, to set up and

to clear up – even an hour would help. If you could help, please contact

Rosemary or Dil (details below).

For further information, contact Rosemary Schofield: 01428 712561

or Dil Williamson-Smith: 01428 712892

Headley Village Fete is sponsored by East Hampshire District Council and

Headley Parish Council


Headley Theatre Club

It was good to receive so much positive feed-back

for our production Reflections on WW1 which we

performed in July. Below we remind you of the

cast in full voice at the end of the show.

Rehersals for our next production, a stage version

of the much-loved TV series The Darling Buds of

May, are well under way and tickets are on sale from our usual outlets:

Tina’s Hair in High Street Headley, Whittles Post Office and Stores in

Headley Down & Magical Rooms in Grayshott; on line at www.headley- or from the Box Office 01428 717358

There are four performances, on 10th, 11th & 17th, 18th October. Tickets

at £15 include a three-course supper. Bring your own tipple.

The cast of Reflections lead the audience during the Finale in July

Looking further ahead, the read-through and auditions for this year’s

pantomime Ali Baba will be held on Monday 13th & Thursday 16th

October. Don’t be shy – come along and see what we have on offer.

As always, we welcome new members and if you are interested in joining

please do come and meet us all. We are at the Village Hall most Monday

and Thursday evenings; just give Dil a call (712892) and she will let you

know about the current rehearsal schedule – we’d love to see you.


Grayshott Flower Club

Further Programme for 2014

October 1st

– ‘Autumn Delights’ – a demonstration by Valerie Clark

November 5th

– ‘Dutch Treat’ – a demonstration by Nel de Jong

December 3rd

– ‘Christmas Calendar’ – a demonstration by Alison and

Nigel Gillott

We meet on the first Wednesday of the month

in Grayshott Village Hall, 7.30pm for 7.45pm start

Regular Activities in Headley Village Hall

Pilates Mon: 10–11 & 11–noon

Dance & Ballet Mon: 3.30 – 7.00pm

Swing Time Mon: 7.30pm onwards (last Mon of month)

Headley Theatre Club other Mondays: 8.00 – 10.00pm

Ballroom Dancing Tue: 9.30am – 2pm

Line dancing Tue: 7.45 – 9.15pm

Pilates Wed: 9.15–10.15am

Dog Obedience Wed: 11.30 – 4.15pm

Ringcraft for Dogs Wed: 7.30 – 9.30pm

Line dancing Thu: 10.15am – 12.45

Crafting B’s 3rd Thurs: 2.00–4.00pm

Horticultural Society 3rd Thurs: Sep–Mar except Dec: 7.30pm

Headley Theatre Club Thu: 6.30 – 10.00pm

Gentle Aerobics Fri: 1.30 – 2.30pm

Boppin Sat: 9.00am – 1pm

For bookings & information, contact Rosemary on 01428 712561


Alton Abbey

Friends of Alton Abbey September 27th Saturday Iconography A Retreat Day led by Dom

Anselm OSB – “The Beauty of Holiness and The Holiness of Beauty”

£25 Mass 9am, meet in Reception 10.15am, finish 4pm

Iconographer, Dom Anselm, leads a study and meditation day devoted to

the visual arts’ interaction with faith and worship. There will be 2

illustrated talks and the opportunity for meditation & discussion.

Please bring a packed lunch; tea and coffee will be available in the Visitor’s


£15 7pm A talk as above, followed by Wine and nibbles in the Cloister

Garden by the Friends of Alton Abbey. This is a stand alone evening, or

can be added to the Retreat Day above for a total of £35.

October 3rd - 5th Enemies of Alice A weekend retreat led by Dom

Anselm OSB

A Retreat in company with Lewis Carroll's dreamchild as she confronts

folly, irrationality and cruelty.

£85 Bring “Alice in Wonderland” and “Through the Looking Glass” if you


October 17th Friday 7pm 12th Annual Abbey Lecture to be given by

Dom Timothy Bavin OSB “The Place of Music in Worship”

“Love in search of a Word” or “The Brandy of the Damned”?

Tickets £25 for Lecture, followed by Supper, with wine, in the Refectory

To buy tickets: please send a cheque and SAE to “Tickets for date of

event”, Alton Abbey, Abbey Road, Beech, Alton, Hampshire, GU34 4AP,

giving a phone number &/or email address. Cheques should be made

payable to “Alton Abbey”.

For further information please contact the Guestmaster: Br John OSB

Email: <[email protected]>


Vernon Hill, artist & sculptor of Headley Down

David A Lewis of Texas wrote to me recently: “I am co-writing a book on

the English artist Vernon Hill (1886-1971), and I hope you can help me

learn more about his years at Headley Down.”

Hill became well known as a

visionary printmaker and draughts-

man, and by the late twenties was

recognized also for his sculptures.

During the 1920s and into the

1930s he was represented by

Leicester Galleries in London, one

of the most daring of all the avant-

garde galleries in Great Britain.

After the stock market crash ruined

the print market, Hill turned

increasingly to sculpture, chiefly

filling commissions for architect

Edward Maufe (designer of

Guildford Cathedral).

It was known that in 1924, Hill was living at Ruffits in Grayshott, but by

May 1925 he and his wife Beatrice had moved to Little Fontmell in Headley

Down. We were able to pinpoint this location thanks to Mr Laverty, who

wrote on p.1986 of his notebooks: “HILL – Pleasant little woman at Little

Fontmell, nearly opposite Miss Brown’s, Headley Down, the house in

Fairview Road most to east. I called 6.5.1925.” From other information in

Laverty we think that Little Fontmell would be where No.26 Fairview Road

is now.

Other sources tell us that they seem to have been generally well-liked, had

a good sense of humour, and were industrious. Vernon Hill was a deeply

spiritual man, but his personal beliefs were probably rather


The Hills may have remained in Headley Down as late as 1930 or even the

first part of 1931: They moved to London sometime in 1931.

If anyone has further information on the Hills and their time in Headley,

please could they let me know and I will pass it on to David Lewis.

Jo Smith (01428) 712892 <[email protected]>

“Shepherding” by Vernon Hill

one of 16 of his sculptures on the

bronze doors of Guildford Cathedral


Did You Know This about Headley? From the Headley Archives

• Headley has been spelt in a variety of ways in the past: Hallege (11th

century); Hertelegh (13th), Hedle and Hetlegh (14th), Hedley (15th),

Hethle and Hethelie (16th), Hedleigh (17th) and Heathley (18th).

• Headley Village Hall was gifted to the community by Mr McAndrew of

Headley Park. It was built in 1925, primarily so that the Headley WI

should have a pleasant place in which to meet. The site had originally

been a gravel pit and, after a few years, buttresses had to be built

along the side walls to prevent subsidence.

• Spelling counted for very little in the names of people and places prior

to the 1800s. For example, Pickett and Piggott were the same family –

it just depended on how you said it and who was transcribing.

• In his 'A Souvenir of Headley' in 1896, Charles Beck wrote: 'There are

eight inns'. He does not name them, but the following were in

Headley parish at the time: The Crown (Arford), Holly Bush (High

Street), The Wheatsheaf (Arford); The White Horse (or Frensham Pond

Hotel); The New Inn (Sleaford); The Royal Exchange (Lindford); The

Robin Hood (Standford); The Royal Oak (Hollywater). Of these, the

Wheatsheaf and the New Inn are now closed and the Robin Hood has

become a restaurant (Whiteleys).

• Bilford (Billeford, Billyford): Name of an area which appears in the

Winchester Pipe Rolls from 1211 onwards, the 1774 Rent-roll of

Headley and other lists – located at the junction of The Hanger and

Frensham Lane, but the name is not used today.

• Bilford Farm: Mentioned in the 1822 Valuation at the junction of The

Hanger and Frensham Lane – the farmhouse seems to have

disappeared now.


Cookery Corner

Thai Coconut Pumpkin Soup

Serves: 4


• 1 tablespoon vegetable oil

• 25g butter

• 1 clove garlic, chopped

• 4 shallots, chopped

• 2 small fresh red chillies, chopped

• 1 tablespoon chopped lemongrass

• 500ml chicken stock

• 350ml coconut milk

• 475g peeled and diced pumpkin or squash

• 1 bunch fresh basil leaves


Prep: 10min Cook: 15min Ready in: 25min

In a medium saucepan, heat oil and butter over low heat. Cook garlic,

shallots, chillies and lemon grass until fragrant (be careful not to burn the

garlic). Stir in chicken stock, coconut milk and pumpkin; bring to the boil.

Cook until pumpkin softens.

In a blender, blend the soup in batches to a smooth or slightly chunky

consistency, whatever you prefer. Serve garnished with basil leaves.


Dash To Raise Cash

Don’t forget Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice’s new fundraising event, Dash of

Colour, which will be taking place at 11am on Saturday 6th

September at

Frimley Lodge Park, Frimley Green.

Dash of Colour is a colourful fun run with a difference! Participants –

wearing white clothing – can run, walk or jog the 5k route, and at every

kilometre mark will be showered with beautiful, multi-coloured powder

paint. They will finish the course covered in bright, vivid colours –

celebrating the work of the Hospice and the colour it brings to the lives of

so many of its patients and their families.

Dash of Colour is a truly unique way for people to raise money for this

local hospice, which cares for over 140 patients, carers and relatives every

day, across West Surrey and North-East Hampshire, both in their homes

and at the Hospice. Its services have always been offered free-of-charge,

but as the Hospice receives less than 15% of its funding from the NHS

/Government, it needs to raise over £15,000 each day to be able to

continue to provide this outstanding level of care and support.

Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice would like to thank Cane Adam Paint & Tools –

their Gold Primary Sponsor – for supporting Dash of Colour, and The Bin

Cleaning Company and Allianz, who are also kindly sponsoring this event.

Over 350 people have already registered to take part – so why not join

them? To register for Dash of Colour, please visit or call

01252 729446.

Help Save Guildford Cathedral

“Guildford Cathedral is at risk of closure. We need to raise £1.3m by the

end of the summer in order to submit an application to the Heritage

Lottery Fund. We’re within sight but can’t stop now” – The Very Revd

Dianna Gwilliams, Dean of Guildford.

See for details of the appeal.


Headley Voluntary Care

We had a most enjoyable evening on Thursday July 10th – the weather

was perfect and enabled us to enjoy the Brooms' lovely garden and

historic home.

The committee and partners exceeded themselves with delightful canapés

and drinks, and Paul Heath’s hot dogs were perfect as usual.

Thank you again to the Brooms for hosting the Garden Party. The next

entertainment will be the Helpers’ Party at the Church Centre on the 9th

October at 8 pm.


Hi everyone,

Happy Holidays! The house Mrs. Noah and I stayed in on holiday this year was only a stone’s throw from the beach and was very easy to find. All the windows were broken! Just joking. ☺

The word HOLIDAY comes from HOLYDAY because, in the past, people did not have time off as we do now. Instead, they didn’t have to work on Special Holy days like Easter, Christmas and saints’ days. Each holy-day started with a special service in church.

These holidays were spread throughout the year. Most were only a single day to celebrate a particular saint, but the Christmas holy-days were twelve

days long. Altogether the holy-days added up to eight weeks which is longer than most working adults get for their holidays now. (They probably worked Saturdays).

Your mum, dad or teacher may have told you all that – but here is something they may not know: In the Middle English period, people sometimes observed holy days by eating large flatfish called ‘butte’. The fish became know as ‘halibut’ – ‘hali’ for holy and ‘but’ for ‘flatfish’.


Why don’t fish like basketball? They are afraid of the net.

Which fish can perform operations? A sturgeon.

Why do fish always know how much they weigh?

Because they have their own scales.

Did you hear about the crab that went to the seafood disco?

He pulled a muscle.

What fish goes up the river at 100mph? A motor pike! Mrs. Noah and I have decided to sell the hoover – it is just collecting dust.




The Rector All Saints Rectory, High Street Headley, GU35 8PP

Communications specifically for the attention of The Rector should be directed to the Church Office (see below, Parish Administrator) Olwen Parton 01428 717207 [email protected] Parish Administrator Office open Monday, Wednesday & Friday 9.30-12.00

01420 478020 Edwin Catt*

[email protected] Churchwardens Christine Leonard* 01428 712010

Deputy Maurice Walthall* 01420 472148 Churchwardens Martyn Finch* 01428 712568

01420 478182 Licenced Lay Minister (Reader)

David Arnott [email protected]

Reader Emeritus David Turrill* 01428 712232 01428 713309

ASH Puppets Frances Morgan* [email protected]

Christian Aid Edwin Catt* 01420 478020 Christian Stewardship Anna Moverley* 01428 712402 Church Centre Booking (see below, Halls) Electoral Roll Officer Carole Wilson 01428 712372 Flower Rota (Temp) Christine Leonard* 01428 712010 Gift Aid Keith Henderson 01428 713044 Hon. Treasurer Simon Parton* 01428 714371

Advertising David Dowdeswell 01428 715307 Distribution Carole Wilson 01428 712372

Christine Leonard 01428 712010 Editorial Team David Arnott 01420 478182

Parish Magazine

Contributions to: [email protected] PCC Secretary Alison Kemp* 01428 713665 Social Committee Gill Dawson* 01420 475774 Sunday Club Karina Farnlucher 01428 712570 Verger Shirley Kilkenny* 01428 712084

01420 478182 Website David Arnott

[email protected] * Denotes PCC member



Lindford Methodist Church (Chase Road)

Minister Rev. David Muskett 01428 642921

Headley Down St. Francis Community Church

Chaplain Rev. David Muskett 01428 642921

Warden Pauline Firman 01428 714095

Grayshott St Joseph’s Roman Catholic

Parish Priest Father Eddie Richer 01420 472415

Services: Mass at 9.30 am Vigil Mass 5.30 pm Saturdays Holy

days of Obligation Mass 9.30 am

Bordon Roman Catholic Church of the Sacred Heart

Parish Priest Father Eddie Richer 01420 472415

Services: Mass 11.15 am, Holy Days of Obligation 7.30 pm


Little Badgers (Pre-school) Elaine Fyfield 01428 712767

Grayshott Little Sunflowers (Pre-school) Bridget Mitchell 01428 606236

Hollywater (Special) School Office 01420 474396

Lindford Parent & Toddler Group Laura Morgan 01730 269663

Little Treasures - Stay and Play Kye Anderson 07814 508852

The Holme (C of E) Primary School Wendy Carter 01428 714409

PK Pre-school Grayshott (Parent & toddler


Carol Houghton 01428 602970

Pollyanna (Pre-school - Headley & Lindford) Mrs L Cooper 01420 476114

Woodlands (Pre-school) Gillian Snelgar 01428 717231


Bowls Sylvia Burrows 01428 712522

Cricket David Cook 07771 820795

Headley Youth Football Club Wayne Grover 01428 717599

Table Tennis Jim Grevatt 01428 712530

Stuart Chant 01420 472198 Tennis

[email protected]

Whitehill Archers Mike Daborn 01428 714478



Arford Bells (Handbells) Christine Leonard 01428 712010

Arford W.I Sue Barrett 01420 473957

Community Transport for East Hampshire Lynn Peters 01420 475759

Co-Workers of Mother Theresa Toni Pull 01428 713367

Friends of Arford Common Dave Skinner 01428 712845

Friends of Ludshott Common Susan Salter 01428 751409

Fullers Vale Wildlife Pond Association Barbara North 01428 713409

Headley Lodge of Freemasons Barry Read 01428 713828 07788 921212

Headley Society John Owen Smith 01428 712892

Headley Twinning Association James Hadfield 01428 717427

Helpline 01428 717389 Chairman John Evans 01420 473462

Headley Anna Moverley 01428 712402 Headley Voluntary Care

Lindford Barbara Symonds 01420 476665

Headley Wives Group Rosemary McLean 01428 714416

Horticultural Society Christine Leonard 01428 712010

Lindford Ladies Yvonne Parker Smith. 01420 489974

Ludshott Photographic Club Kathleen Bird 01428 713814

Mothers Union Kathy Catt 01420 478020

Royal British Legion Terry Eamey 01428 713622

Headley Theatre Club Dilys Williamson 01428 712892

University of the 3rd Age (U3A) Louise Garwood 01420 479718


Chair Deborah Chamberlain 01428 712771 Clerk Katie Knowles 01428 713132 Headley Parish

Assistant Clerk Tanya Hampshire 01428 713132

Chair Ian Skelton-Smith 01420 477010 Lindford Parish

Clerk Annette Gould 01420 475788 [email protected]

Anthony Williams 01428 712809 Yvonne Parker Smith 01420 489974

District Councillors

Richard Millard 01428 717906

County Councillors

Headley & Grayshott Whitehill, Bordon & Lindford

Ferris Cowper Adam Carew

01428 609858 [email protected] 01420 769098 [email protected]

02072 197057 Member of Parliament Damian Hinds

[email protected]


Regular Weekly Events at the Church Centre

Headley Tots/Parents & Baby/Toddler Group


Contact: Chrissy McHarg: 01420 488839

Art Classes

Tuesday 9.30-12.00noon and 1.00-3:30pm

Figure Painting

Wednesday 7.15-9.45pm

Contact: Christopher Cole 01428 717402

Thursday Coffee – Voluntary Care (Coffee, chat and raffle)

Thursday 10:15 to 12:00 noon

Notes and Reminders

“Life, you know, is rather like opening a can of sardines. We are all

of us looking for the key” – Alan Bennett


Headley Church Centre Keith Henderson 01428 713044

Headley Village Hall Rosemary Schofield 01428 712561

Lindford Village Hall Derek Barr 01420 479486

Standford Hall Sue Sargeant 01428 751326

Scout Centre, Beech Hill Road Fraser Skirrow 01428 712100

St Francis Hall Guy Mundy 01428 717417

Wheatley Sports Pavilion Clare Grover 01428 712638

Woodlands Hall, Heatherlands Andy Rooke 01428 717231