Oxford Twestival 2010

Oxford Twestival for Concern Worldwide


Info on Oxford Twestival 2010, more on our blog http://oxford.twestival.com/

Transcript of Oxford Twestival 2010

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Oxford TwestivalOxford Twestivalfor Concern Worldwide

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Oxford Twestival?Oxford Twestival?Yes, Twitter Festival in Oxford:

- charity event,- social media event, - networking event,

- local commitment,- global movement!

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HistoryHistoryOn 12 February 2009, the first Twestival Global was held in

202 international cities to support @charitywater, who we saw doing incredible work to help the almost 1 billion or 1

in 6 people in the world that don’t have access to clean and safe drinking water. 

Over 1,000 volunteers and 10,000 donors fundraised $250k+, which resulted in more than 55 wells in Uganda, Ethiopia and India having a direct impact for over 17,000 people. Watch the videos of the first Twestival well drilled

in the village of Mai Nabri, Ethiopia.

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HistoryHistoryThen over a weekend in September last year, 130 cities

participated in Twestival Local which invited organizers to host events and select local causes to support.  Collectively, these cities raised over $450k for 135 charities, bringing the

total fundraising effort in 2009 to over $750k.  

A remarkable achievement by volunteers working under short timescales and utilizing social media tools like Twitter to make

it happen efficiently.

Oxford Twestival raised £1560 for Oxfam!

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PresentPresentIn 2010, we turn our focus to education and 72 million

children in the world who don’t have the opportunity to go to school. @Concern Worldwide has been selected by the

Twestival global team and local organizers to be the recipient because of their comprehensive and well

respected approach to education.  

This is an issue that involves many different elements; hunger, water, teacher training, building of schools, etc.

 We hope to use the power of our global event fundraising and social media influence as a vehicle to give people

insight into this cause on a deeper level.

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PresentPresentTwestival Global 2010 was also always planning to give a portion of the fundraising proceeds to projects in Haiti.  Concern Worldwide has worked on the ground in Haiti for over 15 years and you can follow their efforts to help in

relief efforts through @aidwkr’s tweets.  

One of the requirements during the nonprofit selection process was that the recipient work in at least 3 different regions of the world.  Education is a global issue and we will continue with our original vision to support projects

internationally and communicate throughout our campaign what impact this will have on the students in Haiti.


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25th of March25th of March...marks the day when Oxford will celebrate the power of

giving once again. Starting with morning coffee at Jam Factory, through afternoon social media session in South Oxford

combined with virtual meeting with other global events, finally arriving to the evening gig, we will give you plenty of

opportunities to network, share your skills and experience, promote your ideas and businesses but most of all give!

All we need in exchange is you to have fun!

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Support us!Support us!We are looking for volunteers to help during the events, artists who want to donate their time,

businesses who want to support our cause, but most of all

good people

who want to join us in sending warm words of support and actual financial help

from Oxford to the entire globe on that one day in Spring!

All we need in exchange is you to have fun!

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Contact us!Contact us!You will find more information on our blog:


You can talk to us on @oxtwestival or send us an e-mail to [email protected]

Do not forget to check how much fun we had so far, simply

Google #oxtwestival.