Overview of 3D Surface Digitization Technologies in Europe

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  • 8/13/2019 Overview of 3D Surface Digitization Technologies in Europe


    Overview of 3D surface digitization technologies in Europe

    Nicola D'Apuzzo*

    Homometrica Consulting - Dr. Nicola D'Apuzzo, Culmannstrasse 59, 8006 uric!, "#itzerlan$


    %!is paper presents an o&er&ie# o t!e $i erent (D sur ace $igitization tec!nologies commerciall) a&aila le in t!e+uropean mar et.%!e solutions or (D sur ace measurement o ere$ ) ma or +uropean companies can e $i&i$e$ into $i erent groups$epen$ing on &arious c!aracteristics, suc! as, tec!nolog) e.g. laser scanning, #!ite lig!t pro ection/, s)stem construction

    e.g. i , on C112ro ot2arm/ or measurement t)pe e.g. sur ace scanning, pro ile scanning/. Crossing et#een t!ecategories is possi le, !o#e&er, t!e ma orit) o commercial pro$ucts can e $i&i$e$ into t!e ollo#ing groups3 a/ laser

    pro ilers mounte$ on C11, / porta le co$e$ lig!t pro ection s)stems, c/ $es top solutions #it! laser pro iler or co$e$lig!t pro ection s)stem an$ multi-a es plat orm, $/ laser point measurement s)stems #!ere ot! sensor an$ o ect mo&e,

    e/ !an$ operate$ laser pro ilers, !an$ !el$ laser pro iler or point measurement s)stems, / $e$icate$ s)stems.%!is paper presents t!e $i erent (D sur ace $igitization tec!nologies an$ $escri es t!em #it! t!eir a$&antages an$

    $isa$&antages. 4arious e amples o t!eir use are s!o#n or $i erent application iel$s. A special interest is gi&en toapplications regar$ing t!e (D sur ace measurement o t!e !uman o$).

    Ke words! (D sur ace scanning, laser scanning, laser pro iler, #!ite lig!t pro ection, !an$ !el$ scanner, !uman o$)

    "# $%TROD&CT$O%

    %!e consi$erations presente$ in t!is paper are ma$e upon anal)sis an$ sur&e)ing o t!e (D $igitization mar et in +urope."imilar remar s can e ma$e or t!e nort! American, sout! American an$ Asian mar ets. Ho#e&er, slig!tl) $i erentmar ets coul$ respect t!e $i erent $istri ution o companies $e&eloping an$ pro$ucing measurement s)stems. n act,

    ecause o !istorical reasons, t!e pro$uction an$ $e&elopment o (D $igitization solutions ase$ on #!ite lig!t pro ection isconcentrate$ in +urope, especiall) in erman), #!ereas solutions ase$ on laser scanning are mainl) pro$uce$ an$

    $e&elope$ in nort! America.%ec!nologies use$ commerciall) or t!e measurement o t!e sur ace o o ects #it! micro to macro sizes i.e. rom somecm up to se&eral meters/ can e $i&i$e$ un$amentall) into t#o groups3 s)stems ase$ on laser scanning an$ s)stems ase$on #!ite lig!t pro ection. %!e use$ e7uipment is $i erent, !o#e&er t!e) are ase$ on t!e same principle3 triangulation.

    aser scanning s)stems emplo)s lasers to pro ect a spot, a line, multiple lines, or patterns onto a sur ace, #!ereas a lig!tsensor, usuall) a camera, ac7uires t!e scene. %!e t!ree elements laser, lig!t sensor an$ o ect sur ace orm a triangle. !ent!e geometrical $isposition o t!e laser an$ t!e lig!t sensor are no#n, t!e $istance o t!e o ect sur ace to t!e laser scanning $e&ice can e easil) $etermine$ ) triangulation. %o measure sur ace areas t!e laser spot, line, multiple lines or

    pattern !a&e to mo&e o&er t!e area i.e. scan t!e sur ace/. :or t!is process, $i erent met!o$s can e use$, e.g. mirrorss)stems, electro-mec!anical s)stems, !an$ operate$ s)stems.(D measurement s)stems ase$ on #!ite lig!t emplo) pro ectors instea$ o laser lig!t sources, to pro ect lig!t patterns ontot!e sur ace. %!e measurement principle remains t!e same3 triangulation. A triangle is orme$ ) pro ector, camera an$o ect. n t!is case, to co&er entire sur ace parts, sur ace areas are illuminate$ ) t!e emplo)e$ pro ector. "pecial co$es areuse$ to $etermine t!e origin o t!e lig!t source, e.g. inar) co$es, color co$es.%!e t#o $i erent tec!nologies result in &arious sur ace scanning $e&ices #it! $i erent c!aracteristics. "ome e amples arelaser pro ilers mounte$ on C11, porta le co$e$ lig!t pro ection sur ace $igitizer, porta le laser scanners, !an$ !el$sur ace $igitizers. An e tensi&e $escription o t!e $i erent solutions a&aila le in t!e mar et #ill e gi&en in t!e ne tsection, ollo#e$ ) e amples o applications in &arious iel$s.

    * in o;!omometrica.c!< p!one =>?-@9-(9(9-@86< a =>?->>-(6 (- 9@< ###.!omometrica.c!

    n3 006, Corner B.D., i ., %oc!eri 1. +$s./, %!ree-Dimensional mage Capture an$ Applications 4 ,roc. o " +- " % +lectronic maging, " + 4ol. 6056, "an Eose CA/, F"A.

  • 8/13/2019 Overview of 3D Surface Digitization Technologies in Europe


    '# ACT&A( STATE O) TEC*%O(O+,

    %!e remar s presente$ in t!is section are ase$ upon t!e sur&e) o t!e +uropean mar et o solutions or t!e non-contact (Dmeasurement o t!e sur ace o o ects #it! micro to macro sizes, i.e. o ects !a&ing $imensions rom some cm to se&eralmeters.

    '#" Su-division of the .ar/et%!e solutions or (D sur ace measurement o ere$ ) t!e ma or companies can e $i&i$e$ into $i erent group $epen$ing on!o# t!e) are categorize$. %!e ollo#ing ta le gi&es an o&er&ie# o t!e $i erent groups3

    0easure.ent t pe Technolog S ste.

    sur ace measurement laser scanning i s)stem

    measurement o pro iles co$e$ lig!t pro ection s)stem mo&es C11, ro ot/

    point measurement inter erometr) !an$ !el$ 2 !an$ operate$

    time-o - lig!t o ect mo&es rotating plat orm/

    ot! s)stem an$ o ect mo&e

    Crossing et#een all t!e categorizations is possi le, e.g. a co$e$ lig!t pro ection sur ace measurement s)stem mounte$ on aro ot or a !an$ !el$ laser scanning sur ace pro iler. Ho#e&er, t!e ma orit) o t!e pro$ucts present in t!e +uropean mar etcan e $i&i$e$ into t!e ollo#ing groups3

    a/ laser pro ilers mounte$ on C11,/ porta le co$e$ lig!t pro ection s)stems,

    c/ $es top solutions #it! laser pro iler or co$e$ lig!t pro ection s)stem an$ multi-a es plat orm,$/ laser point measurement s)stems #!ere ot! sensor an$ o ect mo&e,e/ !an$ operate$ laser pro ilers, !an$ !el$ laser pro iler or point measurement s)stems,

    / $e$icate$ s)stems e.g. ull !uman o$) scanner/.%!e ollo#ing sections #ill present t!e $i erent groups an$ gi&e e amples o pro$ucts $e&elope$ ) +uropean companies.

    '#' (aser profilers .ounted on C00aser pro ilers are e tensi&el) use$ or in$ustrial measurements. %!e) are usuall) compose$ o a camera an$ a laser lig!t

    source inclu$e$ in a compact an$ sta le case. A laser line is pro ecte$ onto t!e o ect sur ace an$ its pro ile is $igitize$&er) accuratel) at a &er) !ig! rate. aser pro ilers !a&e to e mo&e$ o&er an o ect to $igitize its sur ace. n t!e in$ustrialmeasurement iel$, t!e) are usuall) mounte$ on C11 coor$inate measurement mac!ine/, allo#ing a &er) accurate an$automatic $igitization o comple s!apes in relati&el) s!ort time. 1oreo&er, t!e measure$ (D point clou$ $oes not nee$

    urt!er processing, as or e ample $ata merging or alignment. %!e a$&antages o laser pro ilers are t!e &er) compact size?0-(0 cm/, t!e e tremel) !ig! precision range o Gm/ an$ t!e !ig! rate $ata ac7uisition.

    4ariations o t!e t)pical sensor setup one camera an$ one laser lig!t source/ are present in t!e mar et to ul ill an) specialre7uirement, as or e ample laser pro ilers #it! $i erent asis, multiple laser lines, multiple cameras or multiple sensors.:igure ? s!o#s t!ree pro$ucts rom +uropean companies.

    :igure ?3 + amples o laser pro ilers rom +uropean companies. :rom le t to rig!t3 Kreon KLS171 :rance/< Metris LC15 Belgium/mounte$ on a C11-mac!ine< 3D Alliance PHT1 erman)/ mounte$ on a ro ot.

  • 8/13/2019 Overview of 3D Surface Digitization Technologies in Europe


    '#3 1orta-le coded light pro2ection s ste.s%!is represent a secon$ group o sur ace measurement s)stems e tensi&el) use$ in +urope. De&elope$ an$ pro$uce$ rom+uropean companies, e ist onl) co$e$ lig!t porta le measurement s)stems. Ho#e&er, nort! American an$ Asiancompanies o er porta le laser scanning solutions #!ic! !a&e similar c!aracteristics.

    orta le co$e$ lig!t pro ection s)stems are usuall) compose$ o a single or multiple cameras an$ a $igital #!ite lig!t pro ector. %!ese s)stems are relati&el) compact in size an$ can e t!ere ore place$ an$ mo&e$ easil). 1oreo&er, t!e) can

    e easil) a$ uste$ to $i erent iel$-o -&ie#s ) c!anging lenses an$2or $isplacing t!e pro ector an$ cameras.%!e pro ector ser&es to pro ect co$e$ lig!t patterns onto t!e o ect sur ace an$ t!e cameras ser&e to ac7uire t!e scene. nt!is #a), t!e illuminate$ area is $igitize$ &er) accuratel) in a single ac7uisition. %!e main a$&antage o t!ese s)stems is, in

    act, t!e ast an$ precise $igitization o relati&el) large sur ace areas. n t!e ot!er !an$, t!e $igitization o comple o ectsusuall) re7uires t!e ac7uisition rom multiple $irections. %!is implies a$$itional post processing o t!e ac7uire$ $ata, as or e ample, merging an$ aligning t!e (D $ata rom t!e multiple ac7uisitions. %!e non-automatism o t!e $igitization processis t!e main $isa$&antages o porta le co$e$ lig!t pro ection s)stems.1ore con&enient are t!e s)stems allo#ing t!e s)nc!ronization o multiple units or an ac7uisition rom multiple $irectionsin s!orter time. Iotating an$2or mo&ing plat orms can also e use$ to automate t!e ac7uisition process.An a$$itional important eature o t!ese s)stems is t!e simultaneous ac7uisition o !ig! 7ualit) te ture images #!ic! is nott!e case or laser pro ilers/. %!ese can ser&e or t!e generation o ull) te ture$ (D computer mo$el o t!e measure$ o ect.4ariations o t!e t)pical sensor setup one or multiple cameras an$ one pro ector/ are present in t!e mar et to ul ill an)special re7uirement, as or e ample s)stems #it! &aria le asis, multiple pro ectors, mirrors s)stems or a$$itionalintegrate$ illumination. :igure s!o#s t!ree s)stems $e&elope$ ) +uropean companies.

    :igure 3 + amples o porta le co$e$ lig!t pro ection s)stems rom +uropean companies. :rom le t to rig!t3 Steinbichler COMET IV erman)/, #it! &aria le asis an$ a$$itional le$ illumination< OM ATOS!III erman)/, #it! t#o cameras< Pol"#on Technol#"

    $TSc%l&tor erman)/, #it! rotating plat orm.

    '# Des/top solutions with laser profiler or coded light pro2ection s ste. and .ulti4a5es platfor.%!is group o s)stems represents $es top solutions $esigne$ to measure small o ect ull) automaticall). %!e o ect to emeasure$ is i e$ on a support an$ t!e measurement process o t!e entire o ect is complete$ ) mo&ing an$ rotating t!eo ect an$2or t!e sensor. Di erent sensor tec!nologies can e emplo)e$, ut t!e mostl) use$ are co$e$ lig!t pro ection an$laser pro iling. B) t!e irst, sur ace areas are ac7uire$ ) single scans an$ t!e co&erage o t!e entire sur ace o t!e o ect isac!ie&e$ ) $isplacing an$ rotating t!e o ect. B) laser pro iling, a laser line is $isplace$ o&er t!e o ect an$ pro iles areac7uire$< in t!is case ot! t!e sensor an$ t!e o ect !a&e to mo&e to scan it entirel).%!e main a$&antage o t!ese s)stems is t!e ull automatic ac7uisition process.4arious s)stem setups e ists, #it! mo&ing plat orm rom -a es - an$ )-$isplacement/ up to @-a es -,)-,z-$isplacement, roll, pitc!, )a#, rotation/. :igure ( s!o#s t#o e amples o s)stems $e&elope$ ) +uropean companies.

    :igure (3 + amples o $es top (D measurement s)stems rom +uropean companies. :rom le t to rig!t3 3Sha&e S!'(( Denmar /,using laser pro iling an$ (-a es plat orm< IV)!*ena HS+i# Vol%,e erman)/, using co$e$ lig!t pro ection #it! mirrors s)stem an$5-a es plat orm.

  • 8/13/2019 Overview of 3D Surface Digitization Technologies in Europe


    '#6 (aser point .easure.ent s ste.s where -oth sensor and o-2ect .ove%!ese s)stems can e consi$ere$ as using t!e simplest met!o$ to ac7uire sur aces in (D. %!e) asicall) measure singlelaser spots ) triangulation. %!e co&erage o sur ace parts is ac!ie&e$ ) $isplacing an$ rotating ot! t!e sensor an$ t!eo ect. %!e measurement process procee$s automaticall). %!e main $isa$&antage o suc! s)stems is t!e long ac7uisitiontime. %!e main a$&antage is t!e re$uce$ cost in comparison #it! ot!er automatic measurement s)stems.%!e &ariet) o s)stem setups is &er) large, ecause o t!e re7uire$ $isplacement an$2or rotating mec!anisms o ot! o ect

    an$ sensor. :igure > s!o#s t#o e amples o s)stems $e&elope$ ) +uropean companies.

    :igure >3 + amples o laser point measurement s)stems #!ere ot! sensor an$ o ect mo&e. :rom le t to rig!t3 Scantech st-((Denmar /, #it! -linear-a es sensor mo&ement an$ ?-linear- an$ ?-rotation-a is o t!e o ect< Calli+%s CT.(( erman)/ scanner

    an$ measurement principle ?-linear-a is an$ -rotation-a es o t!e sensor an$ ?-rotation-a is o t!e o ect/.

    '#7 *and operated laser profiler8 hand held laser profiler or point .easure.ent s ste.sn t!e case o !an$ operate$ or !an$ !el$ laser pro ilers, t!e mo&ement tas is per orme$ ) !an$ instea$ o ) motorize$

    s)stems, i.e. t!e o ect or t!e sensor are $isplace$ ) !an$ to process t!e $igitization o t!e sur ace. %!ese s)stems e ists in$i erent orms, t#o are t!e most common3 laser pro iler mounte$ on a mec!anical arm, !an$ !el$ laser pro iler or laser

    point measurement.%!e main a$&antages o t!ese s)stems are t!e manual control o t!e scanning process an$ t!e real-time &ie# o t!e ac7uire$(D $ata. %!e user can in t!is #a) $igitize comple o ects in s!orter time as t!e ull automatic s)stems.

    n t!e case o laser pro iler mounte$ on mec!anical arms, t!e scanning process is controlle$ manuall) ) mo&ing t!e laser pro iler o&er t!e o ect. %!e articulate$ arm $eli&ers in real time t!e position an$ orientation o t!e sensor &er) accuratel),resulting in an imme$iate $igitization o t!e sur ace scanne$ ) t!e laser pro iler.Han$ !el$ laser pro ilers or laser point measurement s)stems allo# a complete ree$om o mo&ement. Di erent met!o$sare a&aila le to $etermine in real-time t!e position an$ orientation o t!e sensor3 laser trac ing, p!otogrammetr), electro-magnetic trac ing. aser trac e$ s)stems emplo)s t!e &er) e pensi&e/ laser trac ing tec!nolog) to $etermine &er)

    precisel) t!e position an$ orientation o t!e !an$-!el$ scanner mar e$ #it! special targets. B) electro-magneticall) trac e$s)stems, t!e !an$-!el$ scanner are e7uippe$ #it! +1 sensors #!ose position is $etermine$ in real time ) +1-trac ing$e&ices. %!e accurac) o suc! s)stems is lo#er. !otogrammetric s)stems uses p!otogrammetric tec!nolog), i.e. imagein ormation, to esta lis! t!e position an$ orientation o t!e sensors relati&el) to t!e o ect.:igure 5 s!o#s t!ree e amples o s)stems pro$uce$ ) +uropean companies.

    :igure 53 + amples o !an$ operate$ or !an$ !el$ measurement s)stems rom +uropean companies. :rom le t to rig!t3 Kreon KLS51:rance/ laser pro iler mounte$ on mec!anical arm< !an$ operate$ scanner 3D Alliance He/,an erman)/, i laser pro iler #it! 5-

    a es !an$ operate$ plat orm< laser trac er Leica LT0D 2(( an$ !an$ !el$ laser point scanner T!scan "#itzerlan$/.

  • 8/13/2019 Overview of 3D Surface Digitization Technologies in Europe


    '#9 Dedicated s ste.sA large group o (D sur ace measurement s)stems is compose$ o all t!e solutions customize$ or speci ic applications, i.e.t!e s)stems are $e$icate$ or t!e ac7uisition o speci ic o ects an$ are $esigne$ accor$ing to t!e speci ic tas . Bot! laser scanning an$ co$e$ lig!t met!o$s can e use$, multiple sensors are usuall) emplo)e$ an$2or speci ic mo&ements o t!esensors are $esigne$.:igure 6 s!o#s t!ree $i erent e amples o s)stems $e$icate$ to special measurement tas s.

    :igure 63 + amples o $e$icate$ s)stems rom +uropean companies. :rom le t to rig!t3 ull o$) scanner ic4 an+ ilson

    Tri or,3D)o+" Scanner FJ/, #it! our co$e$ lig!t pro ection s)stems eac! #it! one pro ector an$ t#o cameras< scanner or ootlasts Scann"3D )ase tal)/, #it! laser point measurement s)stem #it! t#o cameras an$ ?-a is linear mo&ement an$ ?-a is rotation plat orm< $ental cast scanner 6SI +i#iSCA +ental erman)/, #it! co$e$ lig!t measurement s)stem compose$ o one camera an$one pro ector an$ (-a es plat orm.

    3# E:A01(E O) A11($CAT$O%S

    %!is section presents e amples o applications o (D sur ace $igitization or t!e our ma or groups o users o t!istec!nolog)3 in$ustrial measurements, cultural !eritage, consumer in$ustr) an$ me$ical sciences.

    3#" $ndustrial .easure.ents "

    A t)pical application o (D sur ace $igitization in t!e iel$ o in$ustrial measurement is t!e $imensional inspection o pro$uce$ parts. %!is process is &er) important ot! in t!e $esign as #ell as in t!e pro$uction p!ase o a pro$uct. %!einspection s)stems not onl) must e precise an$ accurate, ut t!e) also must e &ersatile enoug! to allo# rapi$measurement o parts or tools in $i erent parts o t!e process #it! as muc! in ormation as possi le.

    n t!e last $eca$es, $imensional inspection processes !a&e use$ coor$inate measurement mac!ines C11/. reatmeasurement accurac) can e o taine$ #it! t!ese mac!ines. Nonet!eless, t!is tec!nolog) also !as its incon&eniences, or e ample3 t!e piece to e measure$ must e asten to t!e measuring ta le< as C11s re7uire contact #it! t!e part t!e) arenot relia le on so t materials or $e orma le pieces< t!e measuring process is slo# an$ not massi&e, or #!ic! reason t!ere isnot all o t!e in ormation on t!e areas #it! ree sur aces< C11s are not transporta le an$ re7uires special set-up or t!einstallations.

    n t!e last )ears, more an$ more companies use (D optical sur ace measuring s)stems t!at allo# to sol&e t!ese pro lems.As e ample, is s!o#n in :igure @ t!e $imensional inspection o tur ine la$es ? ) using t!e optical measuring s)stemTri&le o t!e "panis! compan) Nu ($.%!e s)stem applie$ in t!is e ample, uses t!e co$e$ #!ite lig!t pro ection tec!nolog). %o measure t!e complete sur ace o tur ine la$es, multiple ac7uisitions are re7uire$. %!ese are t!en merge$ ) stan$ar$ alignment proce$ures. %!e accurac)

    o t!e measurement ac!ie&e$ ) t!is tec!nolog) is a out ?0Gm.

    :igure @3 ptical (D $igitizer %b3D Tri&le "pain/ le t/< measure$ tur ine la$e center/< pro ile anal)sis rig!t/.

  • 8/13/2019 Overview of 3D Surface Digitization Technologies in Europe


  • 8/13/2019 Overview of 3D Surface Digitization Technologies in Europe


    3# 0edical sciences1e$ical sciences are also intereste$ in t!e (D scanning tec!nologies ecause o t!eir !ig! accurac), ast ac7uisition an$non-contact c!aracteristics. A goo$ e ample o t!e a$&antages o optical (D measurement tec!nologies in t!e me$ical iel$can e oun$ in $entistr).%!e (D measurement o $ental casts rings in t!e ort!o$ontics man) a$&antages an$ ne# opportunities. "e&eral (Dscanners speciall) $esigne$ or t!is applications e ists in t!e mar et. %!e) allo# a precise, ull automatic an$ ast (D

    scanning o ull $ental casts, $ies2stumps, inla) preparations, ri$ge preparations, ites2antagonists, #a -ups, an$ super-structures.%!e ac7uire$ $ata can e use ul or man) reasons, as or e ample3 (D $ata ases o $ental casts accessi le in a local areanet#or re$uce storage costs an$ gi&e eas) an$ instantaneous access to a patient's teet! pro ile< (D so t#are solutions allo#a simpli ie$ $esign o caps, cro#ns, inla)s an$ ri$ges rom t!e scanne$ $ata< patient's $entitions can e anal)ze$ in $etail,

    or e ample to assess t!e e icienc) o an ort!o$ontics treatment.:igure ?0 s!o#s t!e e ample o a (D $ental scanner 3Sha&e D!'(( Denmar /, some sample $ata o (D scans, as #ell asan e ample o $igital $esign o $ental restorations >.

    :igure ?03 3Sha&e D!'(( Dental (D "canner Denmar / le t/< sample measure$ $ata center/< 3Sha&e DentalDesi#ner so t#aree amples rig!t/.

    # 3D *&0A% BOD, S&R)ACE 0EAS&RE0E%T 5

    n t!e ne t t#o sections, special #eig!t is gi&en to t!e utilization o (D $igitization tec!nologies or t!e (D measurement o t!e !uman o$). "ince, t!e mar et in t!is special iel$ is not )et su icientl) e ploite$, t!e $iscussion #ill not e limite$ to+urope onl). n act, e&en t!oug!, prece$ence #as gi&en to +uropean pro$ucts or application, some &alua le pro$ucts an$

    some interesting applications rom nort! America an$ Asia are presente$.%!e ne t sections #ill gi&e a s!ort $escription o t!e $i erent tec!nologies use$ commerciall) or t!e measurement o t!e!uman o$)3 a/ laser scanning, / pro ection o lig!t patterns, c/ com ination mo$eling an$ image processing.

    #" (aser scanningaser scanning tec!nolog) consists o using laser lig!t sources to pro ect on t!e !uman o$) one or more t!in stripes.

    "imultaneousl), lig!t sensors ac7uire t!e scene an$ ) appl)ing simple geometrical rules, t!e sur ace o t!e !uman o$) ismeasure$. %o assure t!e ino ensi&eness o t!e lig!t eam, onl) e)e-sa e lasers are use$. "pecial optical s)stems an$mirrors are use$ or t!e generation o stripes rom a single laser lig!t eam.A laser scanner unit is compose$ o t!e laser, t!e optical s)stem an$ t!e lig!t sensor. %!is unit is mo&e$ across t!e !uman

    o$) to $igitize t!e sur ace. %!e t)pe o mo&ement an$ t!e num er o emplo)e$ units can &ar) $epen$ing on t!e !uman o$) parts to e measure$. :or e ample, t!e ull o$) scanner o Hamamatsu !otonics Eapan/ consists o our scanner units t!at mo&e &erticall) s)nc!ronousl) along our pillars :igure ?? le t/. A secon$ e ample is t!e !ea$ scanner o C) er#are F"A/. n t!is case, a uni7ue scanner unit mo&es in circle aroun$ t!e !ea$ o a person :igure ?? center/. As laste ample is s!o#n t!e oot scanner o 4itronic ermna)/3 t!e scanner is compose$ o t!ree units, #!ic! mo&es!orizontall), t#o laterall) an$ one rom t!e ottom :igure ?? rig!t/.%!e !ig! costs or pro$uction o !ar$#are components or t!e laser scanning tec!nolog) !a&e to e consi$ere$ as$isa$&antage. A$$itionall) to t!e laser, t!e lig!t sensor an$ t!e optical s)stem, also precise electric motors !a&e to e use$

    or t!e $isplacement o t!e scanner units. 1oreo&er, t!e complete scanner s)stem !as to e cali rate$ so t!at t!egeometrical $isposition o all t!e elements can e $etermine$ e actl). A secon$ $isa$&antage o t!is met!o$ is t!e timere7uire$ or t!e $igitization o large sur aces. %!ere is no pro lem or t!e measurement o e tremities as eet an$ !an$s,since t!ese o$) parts can e ept immo ile or some secon$s. But, in t!e case o t!e measurements o !ea$ or ull o$), itis practical impossi le to sta) immo ile or se&eral secon$s. Fncontrolle$ mo&ements as reat!ing or muscle contractioncan generate errors, especiall) in t!e case o ace measurement #it! its small scale an$ t!e re7uire$ !ig! resolution.

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  • 8/13/2019 Overview of 3D Surface Digitization Technologies in Europe


    :igure ?(3 e t3 D :ull o$) scanner Conto%r o Human-"olutions erman)/, scanning e7uipment an$ sil!ouettes images use$ or t!e measurement. Iig!t3 ace mo$eler ace#en o "ingular n&ersions F"A/, use$ images or t!e generation o t!e &irtual !ea$ an$generate$ (D ace mo$el #it! te ture.

    %!e secon$ e ample s!o#s t!e possi ilit) to generate e tremel) realistic ace mo$els ) using onl) t#o images o t!e person rom t!e ront an$ rom t!e si$e/. %!e (D computer mo$el is generate$ manuall) #it! t!e !elp o user- rien$l)so t#are tools. n t!is case, a real measurement o t!e !uman ace is not per orme$. Ho#e&er, t!e pro$uce$ (D computer mo$els are e tremel) p!otorealistic an$ completel) a$e7uate or applications as, or e ample, animation an$ computer

    games. %!e ig a$&antage o t!is com ine$ tec!ni7ue image processing an$ mo$eling/ is its e tremel) lo#er pricecompare$ to real (D measurement.

    # Re;uired and useful software:or t!e completion o t!e o&er&ie# on t!e actual state o t!e tec!nolog) or t!e $igitization o t!e !uman o$), t!e re7uire$an$ !elp ul so t#are !as also to e $escri e$.%!e ra# $ata resulting ) t!e scanning process can usuall) not e use$ in its original orm. 1ostl) scanners are t!ere ore

    pro&i$e$ #it! stan$ar$ so t#are or t!e &isualization, or t!e treatment, or t!e e porting an$ e&entuall) or t!e e$iting o t!e $ata. :igure ?>, on t!e le t, s!o#s or e ample t!e result ac!ie&e$ ) Tri or, ull o$) scanner o ic s an$ ilson

    FJ/ an$ at t!e center t!e result o a !ea$ scanning s)stem o n"pec Cana$a/. t can e clearl) notice$ t!at ra# $ata o t!e ull o$) scanner !as to e processe$. n t!e case o t!e !ea$ scanner, t!e result s!o#n as a colore$ (D mo$el o a

    emale !ea$ !as alrea$) een processe$.

    :igure ?>3 e t3 result o Tri or, ull o$) scanner o ic s an$ ilson FJ/. Center3 !ea$ mo$el #it! an$ #it!out te ture/resulte$ ) using n"pec Cana$a/ !ea$ scanner s)stem. Iig!t3 t#o $i erent le&els o $etail o a (D ace mo$el resulte$ ) ace#eno "ingular n&ersions F"A/.

    Data compression pla)s an important role ) t!e $igitization o t!e !uman o$). (D scanning processes generate &er) largeamount o $ata, e.g. t!e emale !ea$ mo$el in :igure ?> correspon$s to a out @ 1 )tes o $ata. %!ere ore, or an e icientan$ unpro lematic storage, treatment an$ &isualization o t!e $ata, a$e7uate compression processes are re7uire$. %!ese can

    e $e ine$ speci icall) to t!e $i erent parts o t!e !uman o$) ) consi$ering t!e t)pical topolog) o t!eir sur ace. eta e t!e !uman ace as e ample3 e&er) !uman ace is roun$ s!ape$, !as a nose, a mout!, t#o e)es, etc. %!is asicin ormation is use$ to reac! strong compression actors #it!out loosing t!e important eatures o t!e !uman ace. :igure ?>on t!e rig!t s!o#s an e ample o a (D ace mo$el at t#o $i erent compression actors3 t!e $etails o t!e e)es, nose, an$mout! must e conser&e$, #!ereas t!e $ata resolution in areas #it! e#er $etails can e re$uce$.

  • 8/13/2019 Overview of 3D Surface Digitization Technologies in Europe


    6# A11($CAT$O%S A%D E:1(O$TAT$O% O) *&0A% BOD, D$+$T$

  • 8/13/2019 Overview of 3D Surface Digitization Technologies in Europe


    :igure ?@3 ( D iVie: srael/ ac7uisition s)stem le t/< &irtual (D rame an$ lenses center/< (D e)e#ear &irtual- tr)-on rig!t/.

    n t!e case o &irtual-tr)-on o e)e#ear, t!e ene its are mani ol$s or ot! customers an$ optical stores 6. :rom t!e point o &ie# o t!e client, t!e ene its are3 t!e uni7ue !ig! tec! u)ing e perience, t!e 7uic an$ eas) #a) to select rames, t!etime sa&e$ on rame pre-selection, t!e possi ilit) to s!are t!e rame selection #it! amil) an$ rien$s, t!e a ilit) to see!imsel #it! ne# rames #it!out lenses, t!e ast &irtual tr)-on o ne# collections, an$ t!e pri&ate selection ) nternet#it!out o ligation or em arrassment. :rom t!e point o &ie# o t!e optical store, t!e possi le ene its are3 t!e augmente$attracti&eness o t!e store $ue to a uni7ue purc!asing e perience, t!e re$uce$ num er o re ecte$ rames $ue to accuratemeasurement, t!e sa&ing on stoc ) !ol$ing less rame in&entor), t!e e ten$e$ a&aila ilit) o large collection o rames$ue to t!e &irtual in&entor), an$ t!e optician time sa&e$ ) o taining pre-selection o rames ) t!e client.

    6#3 Size surve ing >

    Iecentl), !uman o$) size sur&e)s !a&e ecome a complete necessit). All institution an$ companies #or ing onergonomics are e pecting in ormation or practical imme$iate e ploitation. t !a$ een realize$ t!at ant!ropometric $atacoul$ impro&e t!e 7ualit) o pro$uct $esign an$ usa ilit), #or station an$ #or place planning, an$ e&en la orer sa et) incertain en&ironment. +sta lis!ing a national ant!ropometr) $ata ase or t!e nation's citizen is no# un$ou t ull) anecessit).

    National sur&e)s !a&e een initiate$ in t!e past in FJ "izeFJ, ??'000 su ects scanne$, ?(0 o$) measurement or eac!su ect/, in F"A "izeF"A/, ut recentl) also in "#e$en an$ in :rance. %!e stan$ar$ posture use$ in all sur&e)s eaturest!e legs an$ arms slig!tl) apart o t!e !uman o$), el o#s an$ !an$ oints slig!tl) ent. %!is to allo# an automatic$etermination o t!e important ant!ropometric measures o t!e !uman o$) " @ 50/. %!e most recent size sur&e)s

    "#e$en an$ :rance/ !a&e a$$e$ a$$itional sitting an$ stan$ing postures. Ne# sur&e)s lunc!e$ in C!ina also a$$e$ t!e (Dmeasurement o !an$s an$ eet.%!e automatic recognition o anatomic lan$mar s as $e ine$ ) " @ 50 #or s #ell or t!e stan$ar$ posture, !o#e&er some pro lems still remain or &er) at people. n t!e ot!er !an$, researc! group are #or ing or t!e $e&elopment o algorit!m or t!e automatic lan$mar recognition also or t!e sitting posture.

    :igure ?83 (D $ata re7uire$ ) size sur&e)ing @3 stan$ar$ legs, arms apart/, stan$ing an$ sitting postures, oot an$ !an$.

  • 8/13/2019 Overview of 3D Surface Digitization Technologies in Europe


    6# 0edicine%!e me$ical iel$ represent an esta lis!e$ group o users o !uman o$) (D $igitization tec!ni7ues. 4arious applicationse ist alrea$) in ort!o$ontics, prost!etics, ort!ope$ics, plastic surger), reconstructi&e me$icine, orensic me$icine,$entistr), I an$ cosmetics.As commercial e ample or t!e me$ical iel$, :igure ?9 s!o#s t!e (D measurement s)stem or spine an$ posture anal)sis 8

    $e&elope$ ) a erman compan). %!e s)stem is ase$ on structure$ lig!t pro ection. %!e &er) s!ort scanning time o a out

    >0 msec allo#s t!e $)namic (D measurement >D/ o t!e spine. %!e gaine$ in ormation is o great use or anal)sis an$$iagnosis.

    :igure ?93 Human ac measurement s)stem or,etric 3D;

  • 8/13/2019 Overview of 3D Surface Digitization Technologies in Europe


    6#7 Ani.ation%!e last e ample o application o (D !uman o$) measurements come rom t!e tec!nological inno&ation e position 005in Aic!i, Eapan. A #orl$- irst in entertainment #as s!o#n at t!e 1itsui-%os!i a a&illon3 ran+ O+"sse" , a uni7uecomputer animate$ ilm ?0. "pectators 7ueuing outsi$e #!at appeare$ to e an or$inar) cinema, #ere in&ite$ to place t!eir

    aces into a !ole in t!e #all or a e# secon$s. Hig!-resolution $igital cameras per orme$ a 7uic scan rom se&eral angles,a ter t!at e&er)one coul$ ta e t!eir seats. %!e animate$ ilm #as eginning as normal, ut t!e cast #as ma$e up o #al ing,

    tal ing $igital replicas o people in t!e au$ience. +ac! spectator #ere getting a role t!ere #ere sol$iers, $octors, scientistsan$ politicians in&ol&e$ in t!e stor)/ as a %os!i a supercomputer #as processing t!e one-time-onl) ilm.%!e s)stem name$ %t%recast #as initiall) $e&elope$ ) ase$a Fni&ersit) ro essor "!igeo 1oris!ima, an$ complete$

    ) 1istui-%os!i a engineers. %!e entire process can e $escri e$ as ollo#s3 a/ a simple ace scanner capture images romt!e person rom $i erent $irections< / a (D computer mo$el o t!e person's ace is automaticall) generate$ rom t!escanning $ata< c/ out o t!e (D ace mo$el a parametrize$ ace mas is automaticall) e tracte$, t!e parametrization allo#sto in$e ace eatures as e)es, e)e ro#s, nose, mout!, etc.< $/ t!e ace mas can t!en e $irectl) inserte$ an$ animate$ int!e computer animate$ mo&ie.

    :igure ?3 %t%recast s)stem Eapan/. e t3 "pectator original ace, ace scanner, (D ace mo$el an$ parametrize$ ace mas . Iig!t3 person's ace inserte$ an$ animate$ in real-time in t!e mo&ie.

    7# CO%C(&S$O%

    n t!is paper #as presente$ an o&er&ie# o t!e $i erent (D sur ace $igitization tec!nologies commerciall) a&aila le in t!e+uropean mar et. 4arious e amples o t!eir use #ere s!o#n or $i erent application iel$s. "pecial interest #as gi&en toapplications regar$ing t!e (D sur ace measurement o t!e !uman o$).


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    (. I. Heintz, H. :a!rner, . Bono, I. 4an Cauter, Ins&ection o? &lastic tool ho%sin#s at the s&ee+ o? li#ht>!ttp322###.metris.com2en2!tml2successtories2Atlas Copco Article +N .p$ accesse$ ? 2?92 005/.

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    5. N. D'Apuzzo, Di#iti@ation o? the h%,an bo+" in the &resent!+a" econo," , in3 Beral$in, E.-A., +l-Ha im, ".:., ruen,A., alton, E.". +$s./, 4i$eometrics 4 , roc. o " +- " % +lectronic maging, " + 4ol. 5665, "an Eose CA/, F"A,

    00>, pp. 5 - 59.

    6. 4isioni , Visioni/ 3D iVie:> The :orl+ s ?irst co,,ercial 3D 9irt%al!tr"!on s"ste, ?or e"e:ear> Human Bo$) 1easurement Ne#sletter, 4ol.?, Nr. , "eptem er 005, !ttp322###.!omometrica.c!2en2in$e ne#s.!tml

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    @. E.-1. "ur&ille, A+9ances in 3D acB%isition , roc. o (D mo$elling 005, "eptem er @- 8, 005, aris, :rance.

    8. Diers, O&tical stato!+"a,ical s&ine anal"sis an+ &ost%re ,eas%re,ent s"ste, ?or,etric 3D;