Our Lady of Humility Parish

10655 W. Wadsworth Road, Beach Park, IL 60099 (847) 872-8778 www.Ourladyoumility.org June 17, 2018 • Eleventh Sunday In Ordinary Time Our Lady of Humility Parish Parish Mission Statement Mass Schedule As a branch of the one vine, as the family Weekday Masses: 8:00AM – Monday, Tuesday, of our Lord Jesus, it is our mission to Wednesday, Thursday, and follow the way of the Lord, by extending Saturday welcome, embracing in healing love, and Friday Mass: 8:45AM (During School Year) sharing the good news of the Gospel. 8:00AM (During the Summer) Sunday Masses: 5:00PM Saturday 7:00AM, 9:00AM, 11:00AM Sunday HAPPY FATHER’S DAY! Father’s Day Prayer God our Father, You govern and protect Your people, and shepherd them with a Father’s love. You place a Father in a family as a sign of Your love, care, and constant protecon. May Fathers everywhere be faithful to the example shown in the Scriptures: steadfast in love, forgiving transgressions, sustaining the family, caring for those in need. Give Your wisdom to Fathers that they may encourage and guide their children. Keep them healthy so they may support a family. Guide every Father with the Spirit of Your Love that they may grow in holiness, and draw their family ever closer to You. Amen –Author Unknown

Transcript of Our Lady of Humility Parish

Page 1: Our Lady of Humility Parish

10655 W. Wadsworth Road, Beach Park, IL 60099 • (847) 872-8778 • www.Ourladyo!umility.org

June 17, 2018 • Eleventh Sunday In Ordinary Time

Our Lady of Humility Parish

Parish Mission Statement Mass Schedule As a branch of the one vine, as the family Weekday Masses: 8:00AM – Monday, Tuesday,

of our Lord Jesus, it is our mission to Wednesday, Thursday, and

follow the way of the Lord, by extending Saturday

welcome, embracing in healing love, and Friday Mass: 8:45AM (During School Year)

sharing the good news of the Gospel. 8:00AM (During the Summer)

Sunday Masses: 5:00PM Saturday 7:00AM, 9:00AM, 11:00AM Sunday


Father’s Day Prayer God our Father,

You govern and protect Your people,

and shepherd them with a Father’s love.

You place a Father in a family

as a sign of Your love, care,

and constant protec!on.

May Fathers everywhere be faithful

to the example shown in the Scriptures:

steadfast in love, forgiving

transgressions, sustaining the family,

caring for those in need.

Give Your wisdom to Fathers

that they may encourage and

guide their children.

Keep them healthy

so they may support a family.

Guide every Father

with the Spirit of Your Love

that they may grow in holiness,

and draw their family ever closer to You.

Amen –Author Unknown

Page 2: Our Lady of Humility Parish

Monday, June 18th


Tuesday, June 19th


Wednesday, June 20th


Thursday, June 21st


Friday, June 22nd


Saturday, June 23rd

8:00AM For The Unborn

5:00PM +Sylvia Trygar

The Na!vity Of Saint John

The Bap!st Sunday, June 24th

7:00AM +Joseph and +Nancy


Special Inten"on For:

Fr. Charles

+Joe and +Anna Nykaza

9:00AM For The People Of

Our Lady Of Humility

11:00AM +Herbert and +Michael


+Z. Wisniewski and

+Jan Dul

+John Sikich

+Doris Phillips

2 Welcome to Our Lady of Humility Catholic Church

Readings For The Week Of June 17, 2018 Sunday: Ez 17:22-24/Ps 92:2-3, 13-14, 15-16 [cf. 2a]/2 Cor 5:6-10/

Mk 4:26-34

Monday: 1 Kgs 21:1-16/Ps 5:2-3ab, 4b-6a, 6b-7 [2b]/Mt 5:38-42

Tuesday: 1 Kgs 21:17-29/Ps 51:3-4, 5-6ab, 11 and 16 [3a]/Mt 5:43-48

Wednesday: 2 Kgs 2:1, 6-14/Ps 31:20, 21, 24 [25]/Mt 6:1-6, 16-18

Thursday: Sir 48:1-14/Ps 97:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7 [12a]/Mt 6:7-15

Friday: 2 Kgs 11:1-4, 9-18, 20/Ps 132:11, 12, 13-14, 17-18 [13]/

Mt 6:19-23

Saturday: 2 Chr 24:17-25/Ps 89:4-5, 29-30, 31-32, 33-34 [29a]/

Mt 6:24-34

Next Sunday: Vigil: Jer 1:4-10/Ps 71:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 15, 17 [6b]/1 Pt 1:8-12/

Lk 1:5-17

Day: Is 49:1-6/Ps 139:1-3, 13-14, 14-15 [14a]/

Acts 13:22-26/Lk 1:57-66, 80

©Liturgical Publica"ons Inc

Liturgical Roles: Saturday, June 23rd, & Sunday, June 24th Saturday Confessions: 3:30-4:30PM Fr. P. Stemn


5:00PM Fr. P. Stemn Deacon Mike

7:00AM Fr. P. Stemn Deacon Greg

9:00AM Fr. P. Stemn Deacon Marcelino

11:00AM Fr. M. Owen Deacon Greg

Eucharist Ministers:

5:00PM C) M. Adamek D) L. Geist

F. McGrath, R. Thomas, R. Bukan"s, C. Spli#

7:00AM C) E. Palu-ay

V. Perron, S. Murakami, I. Pelle"er

9:00AM C) L. Nurczyk D) G. Askew

C. LaFaye#e, P. LaFaye#e, P. Miller, M. Bruno, A. Range

11:00AM C) T. Hallberg D) D. Ianson

A. Ennesser, B. Ennesser, J. Ogunniyan, M. Florczyk, J. Heiney


5:00PM (1) P. Geslani (2) D. Grampovnik

7:00AM (1) P. Jones

9:00AM (1) B. Dermody (2) M. Marek

11:00AM (1) P. Duncan (2) J. Jones

Altar Servers:

5:00PM A. Brockway, E. Brockway

7:00AM J. Marabella, M. McComb

9:00AM C. Dermody, K. Dermody, M. Ostrolencki

11:00AM E. Reyes, A. Rodrigo, Y. Rodriguez

LWC Prayer Leaders: No LWC For The Summer

M.W. Med. Center: J. Bockrath

Please Support Our Adver!ser

For The Weekend

Mass Time Change On Friday Mornings Please note the Time Change for Mass on

Friday Mornings now that School is out for the

Summer. Mass on Fridays is now at 8AM rather

than at 8:45AM. The Mass on Fridays will return

to 8:45AM when School starts up again a$er

Summer Break.

Page 3: Our Lady of Humility Parish

June 17, 2018 • Eleventh Sunday In Ordinary Time 3

A Note From The Pastor… This Sunday we celebrate Father’s Day. It’s a day when we

honor our Fathers and their influence and contribu"ons in

society. A blessing will be given for Fathers at all of the Masses

this weekend.

This week, beginning Monday, June 18th, all priests of the

Archdiocese of Chicago will gather together for a Convoca"on.

Cardinal Cupich has asked parishes to cancel Masses for this

week; so we will not have Daily Mass this week, Monday –

Friday here at OLH. However, please note that St. Patrick’s in

Wadsworth will have Mass this week, Monday through

Friday, at 7:30AM in the historic church.

At this week’s Convoca"on, the priests of the Archdiocese

of Chicago will take "me for prayer and reflec"on together.

The en"re Convoca"on is designed to help us prepare

spiritually for the tasks and challenges that face all of us, as we

go through the process of Renew My Church. Please pray for us; we will be praying for all of


I am absolutely delighted to announce the appointment of Miss Margaret Dolan as Principal

of Our Lady of Humility School! Miss Dolan comes to us from St. Gilbert Catholic School in

Grayslake. In addi"on to teaching middle school mathema"cs and science, she also served as

Assistant Principal. Miss Dolan also taught at St. Athanasius School in Evanston, Thomas

Jefferson Middle School in Waukegan, and St. Priscilla Catholic School in Chicago. She comes to

us with excellent recommenda"ons from St. Gilbert Pastor Fr. John Chrzan, St. Gilbert School

Principal Mr. Brian Tekampe, and others. Miss Dolan has a passion for Catholic Educa"on and

the Faith. Please refer to our OLH School Website for a welcome le#er to learn more about

her. Welcome Miss Margaret Dolan to OLH School!

I would like to thank our outstanding Principal Search Commi#ee. They were so wise and

knowledgeable, and worked so well together. Special thanks to the Chair Kelly McComb,

Teachers Ka"e Knudson and Seth Philip, and current and former OLH School Parents Eric

Chris"anson and John Davis.

Finally, I must thank Dawn Klasinski who stepped in to be our Interim Principal since

January. I cannot stress enough what a great job she did to ensure a smooth transi"on —

thank you Dawn Klasinski!

Let us pray for one another and peace in the world. Happy Father’s Day to all Fathers!

God Bless,

Fr. Paul

Page 4: Our Lady of Humility Parish

4 Welcome to Our Lady of Humility Catholic Church

Donut Sunday This Sunday, June 17th, Father’s Day, is Donut Sunday

hosted by our Knights of Columbus. Bring your Father for a

donut in honor of Father’s Day, and for a great start to his day!

Join your fellow parishioners for some delicious treats, and the

even be#er treat of community and fellowship.

If June is your birthday month, please come and enjoy a complimentary

drink and donut of your choice with your friends and The Knights. (Pick up a

complimentary birthday card from the Grand Knights Table at the beginning

of the donut line.) Free Coffee Refills! We hope to see you there!


Paver Bricks The Knights of Columbus are

preparing to submit Paver Brick

Engraving Requests to the

Engraver. If you would like to have

a Paver Brick engraved, for family,

friend(s), yourself, or any occasion,

or purchase a Memorial Tree

(includes a 12” x 12” Paver Brick

engraved), for Sta"ons of the Cross,

or Mary’s Garden, please do so

now. Forms are available in the

folder on the table in the Church

Ves"bule between the Church and

Parish Center. The Deadline is

Donut Sunday, this Sunday,

June 17th. For any ques"ons or

comments, please contact Richard

at: (847) 249-4813 (if he is not

available, please

leave a message).

A Special Prayer

For Fathers God, bless all of the

Fathers in the world.

Guide them to be

good role models,

and loving to all of their children.

Help them to be a

Father like You are.

Give them grace and pa!ence

to handle situa!ons

in a loving way.


Happy Father’s Day! We wish all Fathers,

Stepfathers, Grandfathers, and

Godfathers a very Happy Father’s

Day from Fr. Paul, Fr. Mike,

Fr. Charles, all of the Deacons, and

all of our Parish Staff! May God

bless all of you!

Spotlight On One Of Uganda’s Seminarians

Anthony Kirumira Age: 35 on June 13, 2018

Home Parish: Ggaba Parish

Foster Parish: Nakasongola Parish

Diocese: Kasana-Luweero Diocese

Family Background:

I am the last born son of the late Henry Kasule

and the late Theresa Nabatanzi Kasule.

I am the last born of 12 (twelve) children, six boys and six girls. Three of

my siblings passed on, leaving the number at nine; five boys and four girls.

I currently live with our eldest sister, who doubles as my guardian.

School A#ending:

St. Mbaaga’s Major Seminary

Ggaba, Uganda

I just finished Theology One, and will con"nue my studies in Theology

Two in August 2018.

Voca"on Story:

Deep within me lies a burning desire to serve others. I could serve others

in any other walk of life, but I believe God is calling me to serve Him as a

Priest. I desire to become in"mate with Jesus, to offer the sacrifice of Mass

for the people of God every day for the rest of my life, and to be an

instrument of God’s mercy in the confessional.

Your A"en!on Please: There Will Not Be An

8AM Morning Mass This Week

Monday, June 18th–Friday, June 22nd There will Not be an 8AM Morning Mass this Monday,

June 18th, through this Friday, June 22nd. Both Fr. Paul and Fr. Mike will be

away at a Priest Convoca"on. There will be a 7:30AM Morning Mass at

St. Patrick’s Church in Wadsworth.

Page 5: Our Lady of Humility Parish

Week At A Glance

Our Lady Of Humility’s Food Pantry Is in need of Dried Pinto Beans, Boxed Scalloped/

Au Gra!n Potatoes, Beef/Chicken Broth, and

Canned Soups.

Non-perishable food can be dropped off at the

Rectory Monday–Thursday, from 9AM–3:30PM, or

brought to the northwest ves"bule of the Church on

Saturdays or Sundays before Mass.

Thank you for the con!nued generosity!

Sunday, June 17th – Happy Father’s Day!

7:45AM-12:30PM–Donut Sunday (PC, Kit)

Monday, June 18th

9-11:30AM–The Legion Of Mary Mee"ng (HCC)

11:30AM-12:30PM–Interna"onal Rosary (C)

7-8:30PM–Boy Scouts (H)

Tuesday, June 19th

6PM–Summer Sta"ons Of The Cross (Outdoor


7-10PM–Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) Mee"ng (HCR)

Wednesday, June 20th

7-9PM–Helping Hands Of Our Lady Mee"ng (HCR)

7-8:30PM–The Legion Of Mary Mee"ng (HCC)

Thursday, June 21st

1-6PM–Eucharis"c Adora"on (C)

7-9PM–Knights Of Columbus General Mee"ng (HCR)

Friday, June 22nd

6:30-9PM–Prayer Group (HCC)

Saturday, June 23rd

3:30-4:30PM–Reconcilia"on (C)

4:30-11PM–Bingo (H)

Sunday, June 24th

June 17, 2018 • Eleventh Sunday In Ordinary Time 5

Knights Of Columbus 2018 Raffle Winner

06/11/2018 – Joe Cannon – Pick 3 #703

Congratula"ons to this week’s $100.00 Winner!

Note: If you see your name printed in the bulle!n as a Raffle Ticket Winner, and have not

received your check, please contact Richard at (847) 249-4813.

Soup Kitchen Do something helpful this Summer. Thursday,

June 28th, is Our Lady of Humility’s commitment to

provide volunteers to help with the Soup Kitchen at

Holy Family Services (the old St. Bartholomew Parish)

located at: 914 8th Street, Waukegan.

It is always the fourth Thursday of every month. Food prepara"on

begins at 3PM, dinner is served at 5:30PM, followed by clean-up. We are

usually done by 7PM. Any "me that you can give is greatly appreciated.

We are in desperate need of more assistance from our Parishioners on a

regular basis. We usually have lots of volunteers for the holidays, but

your help is needed every month! If you have any ques"ons, please call

Pat at (847) 662-4095.

Wedding Banns

I. Jose Montano-Ocha & Jasmin Madrigal

Page 6: Our Lady of Humility Parish

6 Welcome to Our Lady of Humility Catholic Church

Summer Sta!ons Of The

Cross Tuesday Evenings At

6PM (Through Tuesday,

August 28th) The Legion of Mary has

Summer Sta"ons of The Cross on

the Outdoor Walkway created by

the Knights of Columbus every

Tuesday during the summer

months at 6PM. All are

Welcome!! Come join us for an

Evening of Prayer, and a chance to

enrich your spiritual journey. In

case of rain, we will move our

prayer into the Church.

Knights Of Columbus – 2018-2019 Raffle Tickets Dear Parishioners,

THIS SUNDAY, Father’s Day, and Donut Sunday, is also the

weekend the Knights of Columbus will Kick Off their 2018–2019

Raffle Tickets.

Thank you for your past support with your dona"on of $10.00 per Raffle

Ticket. Whether you have been a winner of the weekly drawing of $100.00,

or just a donor to our charitable work, you are s"ll a winner. With your

wonderful support, we have achieved a record of 100% dona"ons for all

1,000 Raffle Tickets.

Your dona"ons have enabled our Council to accomplish many deeds for

the Parish, the Local Community, and many chari"es such as: Special

Olympics, the Newman Fund, NorthPointe Resource Center, Zion, Illinois,


For the Parish and School, our Council sponsored a Basketball Free Throw

Compe""on, Sta"ons of the Cross Walkway to complete the circle with the

Rosary Walk, and our latest endeavor, the Pathway to the Statue of the

Blessed Virgin, and Mary’s Garden in front of the Church.

Once again this year, we ask for your support by dona"ng $10.00 for one

or more of the 2018–2019 Raffle Tickets. Each Raffle Ticket has the

poten"al of being a Weekly Winner of $100.00 (as determined by the

Monday Evening Lo#o Pick 3 Drawing). Each Raffle Ticket has the possibility

of winning mul"ple "mes throughout the year. Only 1,000 Tickets are

available, and 52 Plus Chances to Win the Weekly Prize of $100.00. There

will be one addi"onal Special Drawing in August 2019 for a Grand Prize of


Your dona"on of $10.00 to get a "cket or two for your

Father on Father’s Day has the possibility of growing by 10

fold. Won’t you purchase a !cket for your Father?




Couples!!! The Sacrament of Marriage is

God’s gi$ that strengthens the

bond between a husband and

wife as they journey through life’s

ups and downs. “For this reason a

man shall leave [his] father and

[his] mother, and be joined to his

wife, and the two shall become

one flesh.” (–Ephesians 5:31).

This verse tells us that marriage is

a sacred commitment of love

between a man and a woman,

their love brings them closer to

God. You have an opportunity to

renew your marriage vows, and to

express your love for your spouse

in front of God during all of our

Masses next weekend, June 23rd/

24th. Renew your marriage vows,

and receive God’s blessing.

Please Vote For

Our Lady Of Humility’s

Parish Bulle!n! LPI, our Bulle"n Company, is

sponsoring a “Best Bulle"n Contest”. I have entered the

Contest. If you enjoy our Parish Bulle"n each week,

would you please go online and vote for Our Lady Of

Humility’s Parish Bulle"n. The Parish could win up to

$500, if Our Lady Of Humility’s Bulle"n wins. You can go

to: “4lpi.com/best-bulle"n-contest”, or to “4lpi.com”

and search for “Best Bulle"n Contest”, and instruc"ons are there on how to

place your vote. All of the winners will be chosen by the public. Anyone and

everyone can vote for their favorite bulle"n in each category, and for the

one bulle"n you think is the best overall. Votes will be taken from this

Monday, June 18th, through Friday, June 29th. Please vote for Our Lady of

Humility’s Bulle"n!

Thank you so much! –Margaret Richter, Parish Bulle"n Editor


Vote For

Our Lady Of

Humility For

Best Parish


Page 7: Our Lady of Humility Parish

June 17, 2018 • Eleventh Sunday In Ordinary Time 7

Ask A Priest

Q: Why do (some) Non-Catholics claim that Catholics are not Chris"ans?


Argument #7: The Catholic Church teaches that Mary is ‘co-redeemer and savior,’ and that she was the

Immaculate Concep"on. They promote the worship of Mary. This blasphemy makes Mary part of the

Trinity. Jesus Himself tells us that He is the Way and the Truth and the Life, and that nobody comes to

the Father, except through Him (cf John 14:6).


A: Throughout my research on this topic, I was shocked to see the feelings our evangelical friends express about the

mother of Jesus. There is o$en"mes a profound disrespect and loathing. Even when Mary is spoken of fondly, she is not

seen as fundamentally different from us in any way; she was merely a sinner, like us, who needed to accept Jesus as her

Lord and Savior.

Let me set the record straight; Catholics do not believe that Mary is a member of the Trinity! Mary is a creature; she is

not the Creator! Catholics do not believe that Mary is our Savior, this is a ministry reserved for Jesus (whose name

literally means, “God saves”).

But we do believe in the Immaculate Concep"on of the Blessed Mother. This dogma is very straigh@orward, “From the

first moment of her concep!on, by a singular grace and privilege of almighty God, and by the virtue and merits of Jesus

Christ, Savior of the human race, [Mary was] preserved immune from all stain of original sin.” (Pius IX, Ineffabilis Deus).

Original sin is the term used to describe the brokenness of our fallen human nature. In God’s plan for crea"on, human

beings were created perfect; our intellects were naturally enlightened so that we could know God, and our wills were

strong enough that we could avoid sin through our own efforts. Because of the fall, our will and intellect are now

clouded and darkened; it is only through Christ Jesus that we can know God, and only through our surrender to Him that

we are kept safe from the poison of sin (this is what the Sacraments, and the Church, and the Scriptures, and the

Magisterium are for! These ar"cles are all "ed together!).

Now here’s the situa"on. God wants His creatures to be restored to a right rela"onship with Himself, but He will not

violate our free will to accomplish this. For our rela"onship to be restored, we must freely cooperate with God; we must

say yes. A total and complete yes is impossible, however, un"l we are rescued from original sin. Yet we cannot be freed

from original sin un"l we say yes to God…it is a catch-22 of epic propor"ons.

And this is why Mary was granted the par"cular grace of being immaculately conceived; so she could freely and

unequivocally say yes to God; ‘Behold the handmaid of the Lord, let it be done unto me according to Your word.’

(Luke 1:38). This grace does not make her super-human, but rather makes her authen!cally human, the humanity

which God intended for all of us, and which He offers through Jesus. Her Immaculate Concep"on is pragma!c; it was

bestowed upon her for a par"cular func"on, so that through her, we might receive the Savior of the world.

Which leads us to the other complaint in the argument; that Catholics claim Mary to be the ‘co-redeemer.’ While never

defined dogma"cally, Catholics do say that Mary is Co-Redemptrix, but this is perhaps not quite as scandalous a "tle as

the Protestants think.

Imagine that your son was to discover the cure for cancer. Would it be right for you to claim to be a ‘co-discoverer’ of

the cure?! Think about it; without your contribu"on, he never would have existed in the first place! When he was an

infant, you were taking care of him around the clock. You paid for his educa"on, and supported him throughout college

and medical school. You pushed him to study, and to take school seriously throughout his forma"ve years. And now

that he has discovered the cure, you are visi"ng hospitals and clinics, educa"ng people on this incredible gi$ your son

has given the world!

This is what Catholics mean when we say that Mary is the Co-Redemptrix. Redemp"on does not come through her, it

comes only through Christ, but she par"cipated in this redemp"on in a unique way. She is the one who brought Christ

into the world, and she is the one who, even now, intercedes in the world to bring more and more of her beloved

children into the arms of Christ. She is a human, just like us, but a human fully in love with God. She is the perfect role

model for us; she is our advocate, our guide, our mother. Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you!


Fr. Mike

Page 8: Our Lady of Humility Parish

8 Welcome to Our Lady of Humility Catholic Church

Page 9: Our Lady of Humility Parish

June 17, 2018 • Eleventh Sunday In Ordinary Time 9

2018 Na!onal Shrine Of

St. Therese Trip Hosted By

The Legion Of Mary Please join us on Wednesday,

July 11th, on a Pilgrimage to the

Na"onal Shrine of St. Therese in

Darien. This is a Half Day Tour that

starts at 10AM, and goes un"l 2PM.

The bus will pick-up at Our Lady of

Humility at 7:30AM. We will be taking

a motor coach bus.

The Registra!on Fee is $65.00 Per

Person, and covers the Bus, Bus

Driver Gratuity, Snacks, Tour, and

Lunch. The Registra!on Fee reserves

you a seat on the bus, is due with

your Registra!on Form, and is


Please contact Alejandro at:

(847) 505-8998, or by E-mail at:

[email protected], for a

Registra"on Form, or if you have any


A Taste Of Heaven Awaits Us

In Eucharis!c Adora!on! Indeed, Earth is joined to Heaven each "me we are united

with the Saints and Angels in extolling God, Who, in worship

we see, if not with the sight of eyes, then with the eyes of


We are called to abide in the Eucharis"c Presence of our Lord, like the Saints

and Angels do in Heaven, as they behold the Glory of God, and sing His Praise!

The Saints and Angels wait upon the Lord, and do His Will in all things. Their

presence magnifies the Lord. They also intercede for us before the Lord.

When we look upon the Sacred Host, we look at Jesus, the Son of God. Do

we see Him in all His glory and majesty? Do our lips proclaim His praise? Do

our souls magnify the Lord – making Him clearer, more in focus, and larger to

others around us? Do we place the needs of others before Him? Are we open

to the Will of God, and strive for perfec!on in our spiritual lives so that we, too,

may one day join the company of Saints in Heaven?

It is at this moment when we are most in"mately in communion with God

that we experience a taste of Heaven, a foreshadowing of what it will be like,

when, by God’s grace, we enter into everlas"ng life. “Indeed, this is the will of

My Father, that everyone who looks upon the Son and believes in Him, shall

have eternal life. Him I will raise up on the last day.” (–Jn 6:40).

Do something special this Summer, please consider coming to Eucharis"c

Adora"on on Thursdays at 1PM, where you will have an opportunity to spend

"me with the Lord Jesus, in the Blessed Sacrament each week where we can

ASK HIM anything. Come, bring your whole family, spend some "me with the

Lord, and receive His blessings! He is wai"ng for you!

Important Note:

Parish Bulle!n

Deadline For The

Upcoming Holiday Please note with the

upcoming July 4th – Independence

Day Holiday, the bulle"n will need to

be submi#ed early. The following

cutoff date is for bulle"n ar"cles for

the July 8th bulle"n:

· For the July 8th Bulle"n, ar"cles

are due by this Friday, June 22nd,

by 4:30PM. Ar"cles can be

dropped off at the Rectory, or

E-mailed to:


If I do not receive the ar"cles by the

deadline for the early submission

bulle"n, the ar"cles will not appear

un"l the following week’s bulle"n

because the deadline is very strict

with holiday bulle"ns. Thank You!

Page 10: Our Lady of Humility Parish

Sacrament of Reconcilia!on: Saturdays: 3:30 to 4:30PM

Sacrament of Marriage: An appointment, at least 6 months in

advance (Diocesan Policy), is made with the

Pastor prior to se\ng a date. Catholic

persons will have to obtain new Cer"ficates

of Bap"sm.

Sacrament of Bap!sm: Baptisms are scheduled the 1st Sunday of

every month. Attendance is required at a

Preparation Session. Please call the Parish

Secretary for arrangements.

Sacrament of the Sick: Please no"fy the Rectory if a member of

your family is in the hospital or sick at

home, and wishes to receive the Anoin"ng

of the Sick. Phone the Rectory for home

communion calls.

Welcome New Parishioners: We would like you to become a parishioner.

Registra"on packets are available at each

Church door.

The Rosary: Prayed Daily at 7:30AM Mondays–

Thursdays, and Saturdays before Mass. On

Fridays prayed at 8AM before Mass. Prayed

on Sundays a$er the 7AM Mass.

Handicap Accessibility: There is an access ramp on the west, and a

li$ on the east side of Church. Handicap

parking is available.

Quinceaneras: Call the Rectory 9 months prior to se\ng a

date. It is required that you are Registered

Par"cipa"ng Parishioners for at least one

year prior to reques"ng a date for the

Quinceanera celebra"on.

Eucharis!c Adora!on: Thursdays 1-6PM.

Our Lady of Humility Parish 10655 W. Wadsworth Road, Beach Park, IL 60099

Rectory: (847) 872-8778; Rectory Fax: (847) 872-8780

School: (847) 746-3722; School Fax: (847) 731-2870

Religious Educa!on: (847) 746-3744

Parish Office E-mail: olhoffice@ourladyo+umility.org

Website: www.Ourladyo+umility.org

Please E-mail all Bulle!n Ar!cles, Flyers, or Announcements to:


Deadline for all Bulle!n submissions is 4PM on Wednesdays 11 days before you

want the Ar!cle to appear. (For example: Wednesday, January 12th, for

Sunday, January 23rd)

Sunday Masses: 5PM Saturday, 7AM, 9AM, and 11AM Sunday

Weekday Masses: 8AM Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday

Friday: 8:45AM (During School Year) 8AM during Summer

All Are Welcome!

Our Lady of Humility Staff Contact Informa!on Pastor: Rev. Paul Stemn – FrPaul@ourladyo!umility.org

Associate Pastor: Rev. Michael Owen – mowen@ourladyo!umility.org

Deacons: Jim Askew, Marcelino Hernandez, Greg Krame, Mike Mercure

Principal: Dawn Klasinski – [email protected]

Coordinator of Religious Educa!on: Francisca Montoya –


Director of Liturgy and Music: Rita Byrd – rbyrd@ourladyo!umility.org

Business Manager: Laura Jones – ljones@ourladyo!umility.org

Pastoral Ministry, Bookkeeper: Laurie Mercure –


Parish Secretary: Sandra Buegeler – sbuegeler@ourladyo!umility.org

RCIA: Kelly and Gerard Metoyer – olhoffice@ourladyo!umility.org

Religious Educa!on Secretary/Bulle!n Editor: Margaret Richter –

mrichter@ourladyo!umility.org and bulle"nar"cles@ourladyo!umility.org

Teen Ministry: Deacon Marcelino Hernandez

Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) Parish Finance Council (FC) Principal Advisor Council (PAC) Rev. Paul Stemn, Pastor Rev. Paul Stemn, Pastor Kelly McComb, President

Terri Rusek, Chair Phil Tobin, Chair Dawn Klasinski, Principal/Execu!ve Officer

Linda Bugos-Noble Shelley Benne# Rev. Paul Stemn, Pastor/Execu!ve Officer

Bill Dermody, Jr. Michael Bruno Laurie Chris"anson, Secretary

Brenda Dickson Randy Bukan"s Marco Figueroa

Leslie Hazinski Steve Johnson Chris"na Galgan

Howard Jones Richard McFarlin William Lindo

Rachelle Manieri Noreen Paulsen, Secretary Myra Gaytan-Morales

Pat McGowan, Secretary LeRoy Shea John Radosevich

Larry Savage Thomas Spli#

Winnie Webber, Vice Chair

Any Ques"ons or Ideas for PPC, FC, or the PAC?

ppc@ourladyo$umility.org fc@ourladyo$umility.org [email protected]

10 Welcome to Our Lady of Humility Catholic Church

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