Order of the Dark Lord Manual · Order of the Dark Lord Manual - Second Edition Tom Forrister Page...

Order of the Dark Lord Manual Second Edition (Beta) ((An Organization for Role-Playing and Lifestyling))

Transcript of Order of the Dark Lord Manual · Order of the Dark Lord Manual - Second Edition Tom Forrister Page...

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Order of the Dark Lord


Second Edition


((An Organization for Role-Playing and Lifestyling))

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This organization is: For those who identify as Death Eaters and/or those who identify as “other” but still want a piece of the action. Bring your cosplay or roleplay experience to a whole new level in this combination of LARPing and lifestyling.

*Disclaimer: Consent is the keyword. Participation is entirely consensual; I will not make you do anything you absolutely refuse to take part in. This is primarily for fun, and also to bring a deeper meaning for those who feel a calling to be a part of this Order. You are welcome to stay through the duration of informational training sessions, and can decide afterwards if you would like to join.

About Me

“The Dark Lord” archetype has long been a part of who I am, fused with my core identity. None, however, has matched my personality and aesthetic more than Lord Voldemort. The role fit me like a glove the moment I first slipped it on at the tender age of eighteen, through Roleplay, Cosplay, and acting, now going beyond that into an active lifestyle. I consider myself the next Dark Lord, if not Voldemort, his successor.

Because the archetype resonates so strongly in my nature, the need for an alternative “family” or regime of Death Eaters became apparent---from my own perspective and, as I quickly discovered, from the perspective of friends who identify as Death Eaters. For these reasons, I am attempting to fill the void and offer a hierarchical structure based on the Death Eaters, or, as their background suggests, The Knights of Walpurgis. This evolving social experiment has become known as The Order of the Dark Lord.

About My Chosen Companion

You will find that I am frequently accompanied by my chosen companion, Bella. Much as “The Dark Lord” archetype is part of who I am, my companion identifies with the “Dark Lady” and “Death Eater” archetypes represented in the character Bellatrix Lestrange.

Please be aware, that while my chosen companion is a member of the highest rank in the Order of the Dark Lord, she is also a member of my Household, my personal assistant, and my consensual slave. As such, I tend to require rather a bit more of her than I do of most Order of the Dark Lord members. I mention this only because she is particularly zealous in her devotion to me, and while I certainly appreciate this aspect of her nature, I recognize that this is not for everyone.

If, however, this type of devotion appeals to you, and you have an interest in serving me in a similar capacity or as a member of my Household, I encourage you to contact me to discuss the possibility.

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What is the Order of the Dark Lord?

The ODL is a society of cosplayers, roleplayers, and lifestylers who are drawn to the “darker”

elements of the Harry Potter series and affiliated media/subcultures/fandoms. Based on

Knightly and Masonic orders, the ODL strives to incorporate the values, unity, and sense of

elitism that holds us apart from the dross and mundanities of “muggle” life. We put into

practice matters of ritual, ceremony, etiquette, protocol, and hierarchy in order to add

meaning to our lives and enhance the overall experience.


Cosplay: Short for “costume play.” Includes making/putting together a costume, dressing up as a character, posing for pictures, etc. It does not necessarily imply acting as the character the cosplayer is representing.

Roleplay: A game, exercise, or scene, often loosely planned but improvisational in nature. Roleplay can include character sketches, writing, and storytelling. Live Action Roleplay (LARP) is a type of Roleplay that involves face- to-face interactions; physically acting as the character with others who are also acting as a character. The character can be a canon character, or an original character of your own devising.

Lifestyle: “Lifestyling” in this context means living in a manner that integrates aspects of the Wizarding World into everyday life. Wizarding lifestylers are people who choose to live in accordance with the style, dress, music, themes, food, décor, mindset, etc. of the Wizarding community; essentially, people who choose to live as Harry Potter-inspired witches and wizards (or other magical beings). Many lifestylers feel an affinity for a certain character from the series, or a certain type of role, and model their lives after said role accordingly.

Purpose of the Order of the Dark Lord

To live a Magical Lifestyle in the service of the Dark Lord is to be purposeful in all things, and to move away from a “muggle” or mundane way of life. We encourage forming an artistic and creative way of life. Attitude, meaning, structure, loyalty, and personal power are important for this Order.

“Dark” is not the equivalent of “evil.” The ODL is here to help express and explore the darker aspects of the HP world in a safe, understanding environment. The Order is a support system for those of us who wish to band together and show the “light” side that we exist and are here to represent. (That being said, this is not a therapy group. If you have serious dark thoughts that interfere with your ability to function, please seek help outside this group.)

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Values of the Order of the Dark Lord

Honor – Having a sense of integrity and pride, standing firm in one’s convictions.

Authenticity – Being genuine and trustworthy.

Accountability/Responsibility – Holding oneself to a reasonable standard and following through one’s actions, being reliable.

Respect – Treating yourself and each other with courtesy and dignity.

Devotion – Having a sense of loyalty and service towards the ODL, its members, company leaders, and the Dark Lord.

Discipline – Behaving in accordance with the ODL’s rules, practice, and proper conduct.


Strive to retain a Pure-blood attitude. Your good breeding should reflect in your actions,

especially in public, and separate you from the common Mudblood or Blood Traitor. Death Eaters, remember that you are part of a Knightly Order. Conduct yourself appropriately. We are an elitist group for a reason.

Actions speak louder than words. Respect is earned. Live by example. As we get to know each other, we strike an unspoken deal—you “follow” me because I earn your respect as a leader, and vice versa, I accept you because you earn my respect. It’s about Trust.

Fighting within the ranks will not be tolerated. If you have a problem, sort it out amongst yourselves. If you cannot, bring the issue to the next highest ranking member within your assigned circle, and so on.

Role Play

Role playing is a large part of what we do online and at cons, so here are a few additional guidelines:

In Character (IC) vs. Out of Character (OOC)

During an RP “scene” or event (such as a conference), try to remain In Character at all times. If you have to break character, say, “Out of Character” or “Hold” to let other players know that you need to pause for a moment. You may also say, “Hold” to indicate that something is wrong, whether it is a safety issue, confusion, the scene taking an uncomfortable turn, etc. To resume, you can simply say, “Carry On!” or “In Character” to return to the scene or your character.

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Remember that your character and your real self may have very different/opposing values and viewpoints. Keep in mind that other characters may be the same way. Try to get along Out of Character and respect each other’s preferences when it comes to gender pronouns, names, and boundaries.

If you are a Lifestyler, your RP character and Real Life self may blend or intersect in many ways. This is perfectly acceptable.

Spontaneous Improv

Sometimes, if you’re feeling in the moment, you may wish to act In Character and lead

another RPer to do the same. The Protocol section in this manual is a great reference for

interacting in this manner with the Dark Lord and other Death Eaters, because standard

protocols allow you to act within an agreed upon set of rules and behaviors. If the person

with whom you are interacting seems as if they are enjoying themselves, each of you is

respecting boundaries, and cooperating to continue the interaction, then you may keep going.

Anything that involves strong language, touching someone else’s body, touching someone

else’s property, etc. must be negotiated.


Any time you wish to take part in a more elaborate scene or type of play, you should negotiate ahead of time. Negotiation can be as simple as asking, “Is it ok if I touch your arm?” to sitting down and planning out a full-scale written contract. It’s up to you. The key

concept, again, is consent. All parties must agree to the plans put forth in the negotiation

process for any Role-playing to proceed.

When it comes to Role Play, respect others’ boundaries and let others have a chance to react to your actions. Keep in mind that they may not react the way you expect.

If you would like to negotiate a scene or interaction with the Dark Lord, you may do so by contacting Lady Bella or the Dark Lord.

Also, you know yourself best. If you have any suggestions for me or for the ODL in general, or if you have interests, skills, talents, and abilities you think I can utilize, please let me know.

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Forms of address

When speaking with or about the Dark Lord, you will refer to him as “my Lord,” “Master,” “Sir”

or “the Dark Lord” as appropriate.

When speaking with or about the Dark Lord’s chosen companion, you will refer to her as “my Lady”, “Mistress,” “Madame” or “Lady Bellatrix” as appropriate. “Madame Lestrange” and “Lady Bella” are also acceptable.

When speaking to an Order of the Dark Lord member of higher rank than yourself, you will refer to him or her as “Sir” or “Ma’am” as appropriate.


There are many times when you will be called upon to either bow or kneel before the Dark Lord. Kneeling is the form of obeisance the Dark Lord generally prefers. However, bowing is generally deemed acceptable as circumstance dictates. It is the Dark Lord’s preference that you make eye contact with him whenever possible, even when bowing or kneeling.

If you are kneeling at the Dark Lord’s feet, kissing the hem of his garment while he stands or sits before you is an appropriate and acceptable sign of

devotion. You should not attempt to do this if doing so would somehow damage his robes or impede his movement.

If you wish to show further reverence to the Dark Lord by kissing his feet, ask him if you may do so. One should never presume to touch the Dark Lord without his explicit permission.


“Sanctum” is defined as the immediate area around the Dark Lord. This area is divided into an “Inner Sanctum” and “Outer Sanctum.”

The Dark Lord’s Inner Sanctum is an area of approximately five feet in radius surrounding the Dark Lord, and reserved for his exclusive use. No one may enter this area without the Dark Lord’s invitation.

The Dark Lord’s Outer Sanctum is the area of approximately between five feet and ten feet in radius surrounding the Dark Lord.

Order of the Dark Lord members may enter this area to present themselves to the Dark Lord (see Presenting Yourself to the Dark Lord).

This space is also designated by the Dark Lord as being reserved for those attending him. Therefore, Order of the Dark Lord members who are attending the Dark Lord should strive to remain within this area unless otherwise directed and should actively prevent non-members from entering his Outer Sanctum (see Attending the Dark Lord).

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In general, when you are within the Dark Lord’s Sanctum—you should only sit if the Dark Lord is sitting, or if he directs you to sit. If you are sitting and the Dark Lord stands, you should stand unless he indicates that you may remain seated.

Entering the Dark Lord’s Sanctum

When approaching the Dark Lord and coming within his Outer Sanctum (i.e. coming within ten feet of the Dark Lord), one should bow or kneel and wait to be noticed and acknowledged before rising (the Dark Lord will either tell you to rise or will gesture for you to rise—do not presume that you have been acknowledged simply because he has noticed you).

If you are presenting yourself to the Dark Lord you may approach to just outside his Inner Sanctum before bowing or kneeling (see Presenting Yourself to the Dark Lord).

If you are not presenting yourself, you should bow or kneel immediately upon coming within the outer edge of his Outer Sanctum.

If you are not within the Dark Lord’s Sanctum, but he approaches you— bringing you within his Sanctum, you should bow or kneel as soon as you enter his Sanctum (i.e. he comes within ten feet of you).

If the Dark Lord passes by without acknowledging you (whether you approached him or he approached you), you may rise when you are no longer when you are no longer within his Sanctum.

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Presenting Yourself to the Dark Lord

Presenting yourself to the Dark Lord is a way of signaling that his attention is required. To do this:

Position yourself within the Dark Lord’s field of view.

While looking directly at the Dark Lord, enter his Outer Sanctum and approach to just outside his Inner Sanctum.

Bow or kneel while touching two fingers to your badge. If your badge is not visible, or if you are, for whatever reason, not wearing your badge, place your hand over your heart, instead. You should not lower your eyes, as the Dark Lord prefers you to look into his eyes so that he may read you more readily.

When your presence is acknowledged, state your reason for seeking an audience. For example, “My Lord, I need to speak with you on a matter of some urgency,” or “Master, you wanted to see me.”

Bowing is acceptable when presenting yourself to the Dark Lord, but kneeling is strongly preferred whenever possible.

Speaking with the Dark Lord / Asking Questions / Making Requests

When speaking with the Dark Lord, you should always strive to be respectful, even reverential. Use the appropriate forms of address, never raise your voice to him, and refrain using strong language or profanity in his presence.

If you wish to speak with the Dark Lord or ask him a question and you are not already engaged in a conversation with him, you should present yourself to him and wait for him to acknowledge you before doing so (see Presenting Yourself to the Dark Lord). Alternately, you may contact him with your questions by sending an owl to him through his personal assistant, Lady Bella.

Lady Bella is currently serving as the Dark Lord’s personal assistant and is available to answer most questions you may have concerning the protocol and hierarchy of the Order of the Dark Lord.

If you wish to obtain a private audience with the Dark Lord, you may request one by contacting Lady Bella, either in person or by owl.

Any other requests or written inquiries you have for the Dark Lord, may also be sent to him through Lady Bella.

Leaving the Dark Lord’s Sanctum

You may not leave the Dark Lord’s presence (or Sanctum) until you have been dismissed (though you may ask him to dismiss you, see Speaking with the Dark Lord / Asking Questions of the Dark Lord).

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Once you have been dismissed, you should not turn your back on the Dark Lord as you leave his Sanctum. Instead you should back out of his Sanctum before turning around.

Caveat – if there are stairs behind you, DO NOT attempt to back down the stairs. Turn around, go down the stairs normally, then turn back to face the Dark Lord and bow before departing.

Attending the Dark Lord

Attending the Dark Lord is being in close proximity to him. Your purpose is to fetch, carry, take notes, maintain the Sanctum of the Dark Lord, etcetera.

If your direct involvement is not immediately necessary, you should position yourself within the Dark Lord’s Outer Sanctum (remain between five and ten feet away from him) so that he may maintain a sense of privacy with whomever he may be interacting.

You should remain standing and not move about more than necessary.

If you are unsure what to do with your hands, cross them behind your back.

You should not converse with others except briefly to inform them that you are attending the Dark Lord and not at liberty to speak freely with them.

If someone who wishes to speak with the Dark Lord approaches, you should intervene—interposing your body if necessary, and ask them the name and nature of their business.

If you are the only Order of the Dark Lord member attending the Dark Lord (or his other attendants are engaged), you should remain with the visitor and wait until the Dark Lord is free (or at least not speaking) before announcing the visitor. You should speak loudly enough for the Dark Lord to hear you clearly, thus:

My Lord, [visitor’s name] wishes to speak with you about [the nature of the visitor’s business]. May they approach?

If the Dark Lord gives his consent for them to approach, you should step aside and allow the visitor to pass. Otherwise, you should continue to prevent them from entering his Sanctum.

If you are not the only Order of the Dark Lord member attending the Dark Lord, and another of his attendants is available, you should direct one of them to remain with the visitor while you present yourself to the Dark Lord to deliver the announcement of the visitor (see Presenting Yourself to the Dark Lord).

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Accompanying the Dark Lord

Accompanying the Dark Lord is less formal and more intimate than attending him.

While you are still required to obey his orders and observe proper decorum, more relaxed

interactions are permitted. You are free to initiate conversation, ask questions, and enjoy

the activities you are participating in.

Waiting for the Dark Lord

Waiting will typically be in a designated place or area. You may either stand or sit in a

relaxed manner. You may move about the area, but should remain close to the place

designated. You may read or converse with others. If you need to use a restroom, make a

call, or eat something, this is a good time to do so.


When attending or accompanying the Dark Lord, you should be prepared to open any and all building/room doors for him. Typically this is done by the most junior member of the Order of the Dark Lord who is attending or accompanying him. Once all doors through which he will pass have been opened, the Dark Lord will proceed first. Others who are attending or accompanying him should follow in order of rank.

When possible, double doors should be held open by the two most junior members attending or accompanying the Dark Lord.

If there is more than one set of doors to be passed through, the next most junior ranking member or members should open the subsequent door or doors so that the Dark Lord may pass through unhindered.

If there are multiple sets of doors and you are the only Order member in attendance, you are expected to open each set of doors for the Dark Lord as he comes to them.

Elevators – any Order of the Dark Lord member who is attending or accompanying the Dark Lord should press the appropriate elevator call button for him. When the elevator arrives, the most senior individual attending or accompanying him should enter the elevator first and hold open the elevator doors so that the Dark Lord may board the elevator. As many of the others attending or accompanying the Dark Lord as will reasonably fit in the elevator, may also board—taking care not to jostle the Dark Lord as they move into any space that is behind him. On disembarking, the Dark Lord will exit first, all others attending or accompanying him should follow.

Vehicle doors (coaches, horseless carriages, automobiles, etcetera) – the most junior member of the Order of the Dark Lord should be prepared to open vehicle doors for the Dark Lord, taking care to close the door securely once the Dark Lord is safely onboard. The same courtesy should be extended to the Dark Lord’s chosen companion when possible.

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All Order of the Dark Lord members should wear their badges when attending, accompanying, waiting for, or otherwise expecting to interact with the Dark Lord unless directed otherwise by him. Your badge should be worn over your heart—or as close to this position as your attire will allow without appearing unseemly. You should strive to make certain your badge is visible even when wearing an outer cloak or coat. If this is not possible, you should be ready to make your badge visible when asked to do so by the Dark Lord or any member of this Order (whether they are lower in rank or not).

Death Eaters (Knights of Walpurgis, including Inner Circle members) should wear black when attending, accompanying or waiting for the Dark Lord unless some other form of attire has been indicated by him. Appropriate attire is expected, notwithstanding. For example, if you are attending the Dark Lord at a formal ball—you should be wearing all black formal attire. Jeans and a t-shirt (even black ones) are not sufficient at a formal event.

Death Eaters (Knights of Walpurgis, including Inner Circle members) who are attending the Dark Lord should have a mask upon their person and be prepared to wear their mask while in attendance of the Dark Lord as he instructs. While there are many elaborate Death Eater masks available to choose from, if you have not been given a specific mask to wear by the

Dark Lord—any black or silver mask that at a minimum covers your eyes and the bridge of

your nose should suffice. Below are a few examples of acceptable masks:

Dining with the Dark Lord

The rules for being within the Dark Lord’s Sanctum apply when dining with the Dark Lord—and extend to cover the entire table at which the Dark Lord is seated.

Remember, as whenever you are within the Dark Lord’s Sanctum, you should only sit if the Dark Lord is sitting, or he directs you to sit. If you are sitting and the Dark Lord stands, you

should stand unless he indicates that you may remain seated.

When determining where to sit, higher ranking members of the Order of the Dark Lord should position themselves closer to the Dark Lord than lower ranking members of his Order, unless otherwise directed by the Dark Lord.

Do not begin to eat until the Dark Lord takes a bite of his food. Do not continue eating after he has finished.

As a rule of thumb, remember that the Dark Lord should always be served first, before you or anyone else is served. This applies to everything from pouring glasses of wine to serving birthday cake (even if it is someone else’s birthday).

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If dining “buffet style”, you may be directed to fetch items for the Dark Lord’s meal. You may get these while also getting your own meal—but you should always serve the Dark Lord first upon your return. (Don’t forget to bow and wait as you enter the Dark Lord’s Sanctum on returning to serve him!)

Be attentive to the Dark Lord’s needs and ready to serve him, even as you dine with him. If the Dark Lord raises his glass and it is empty, he expects it to be filled. Whomever is closest to him should do so expediently and respectfully.

Structure and Hierarchy

Why become a Death Eater?

You are drawn to the darker side of life.

The group provides a sense of belonging. You have protection from outside forces. Solidarity.

We are strong as a group and can achieve great things together.

The hierarchy provides a sense of purpose and structure.

By providing Structure, we are aware of the boundaries and rules associated with Death Eater behavior. Therefore, we have more freedom to play in knowing the rules. (So instead of fumbling around, not knowing what you should be doing, nervous, guessing, etc., you know what to do and what is permitted.)



Shadow Corps

Shadow Corps members belong to the Order of the Dark Lord, but are not full Knights of Walpurgis (a.k.a. Death Eaters). One of the biggest perks of this circle is it requires less commitment. Wearing black is optional. This group is for those who wish to be supporters or followers of the Dark Lord, but who identify more strongly as another role in the HP world. (Think Ministry officials, students, etc.)

This circle is called the “Shadow Corps” because of its members’ ability to be “stealth,” meaning you can move in and out of different worlds without drawing as much attention to yourself as a full-on Death Eater. Depending on your availability, you will be able to enjoy the LARP, RPG, and Lifestyle aspects of the ODL. (Note: ALL MINORS UNDER 18 ARE AUTOMATICALLY SHADOW CORPS. NO EXCEPTIONS.)

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Knights of Walpurgis

Members of this circle are part of the fraternity and knighthood of the Knights of Walpurgis, and may enjoy the perks of full membership in the brotherhood of Death Eaters. If you wish to participate but are somewhat limited in your ability to serve—in terms of time, distance, inability to be “on call”—you can still serve at cons, online, etc. This group is ideal for those who like the LARP, RPG, and Lifestyle interactions as Death Eaters.

Inner Circle

Inner Circle members are Knights of Walpurgis who are primarily Lifestylers. This group is exclusive in that it is comprised of people who have proven themselves to me, gone above and beyond the call of duty, and whom I have

grown to know and trust.

Rank/Chain of Command:

As of July 7, 2012, the Dark Lord has indicated that Rank will take precedence over Circle. Example: A Lieutenant in the Shadow Corps circle is of higher rank than a Devotee in the Knights of Walpurgis circle, however a Lieutenant of the Shadow Corps is of lower rank than a Lieutenant in the Knights of Walpurgis circle.

Candidate In-training, pre-acceptance.

Initiate In-training, provisional member.

Devotee Full member of the Order of the Dark Lord.

Lieutenant Leader within the assigned circle.

Circle leaders/lieutenants will be assigned a certain number of people for whom they are responsible. Each group forms a company with a vassal leader at its head. Not all lieutenants will be company leader lieutenants, but all company leaders will be lieutenants.


As a candidate for initiation, you will be given a temporary badge that indicates your status. Upon your initiation into the Order of the Dark Lord, you will be presented with a badge that indicates the following:

Your membership in the Order of the Dark Lord

The circle to which you belong (Shadow Corps, Knights of Walpurgis, or Inner Circle).

Your rank within your circle (Initiate, Devotee, or Lieutenant).

The following reference guide is provided to help you identify your place within the Order of the Dark Lord.

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Order of the Dark Lord Badge Reference

(Note: Ribbons are given in order of lowest rank to highest rank.)

Candidate for Initiation. This individual has applied for, but is not yet a member of the Order of the Dark Lord.

Member of the Order of the Dark Lord. No ribbons indicates an Honorary member. A badge with ribbons indicates this individual has been initiated into the Order of the Dark Lord. The number and color of the ribbons attached to this badge indicate the circle and rank of the individual.

Ribbon indicating this individual is a Shadow Corps Initiate.

Ribbon indicating this individual is a Knights of Walpurgis Initiate.

Ribbon indicating this individual is an Inner Circle Initiate.

Ribbon indicating this individual is a Shadow Corps Devotee.

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Ribbon indicating this individual is a Knights of Walpurgis Devotee.

Ribbon indicating this individual is an Inner Circle Devotee.

Ribbon indicating this individual is a Shadow Corps Lieutenant.

Reath Eater) Lieutenant.

Ribbon indicating this individual is a Knights of Walpurgis Lieutenant.

Ribbon indicating this individual is an Inner Circle Lieutenant.

The Dark Lord

(optionally worn, every member of the Order of the Dark Lord should recognize their Dark Lord whether he is wearing this badge or not).