Online Marketing TIps & Tricks by Wisdom N' Treachery

Online Marketing by Tips & Tricks for


This booklet contains Online Marketing information in the following sections : 1. online Marketing 2. online Advertising 3. How-to Guides

Transcript of Online Marketing TIps & Tricks by Wisdom N' Treachery

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Online Marketing by

Tips & Tricks for

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Tips & Tricks for

1 Online Marketing

Table of Contents

1 Online Marketing

About Wisdom N’ Treachery

Email Marketing Works When

Tips for Twitter

2 Online Advertising Cost-Per-Click Advertising

Tricks For Clicks

3 How-to Guides Manage Your Online Reputation

Simplifying Your Social Media Daily Routine

Creating a Product Video in 5 Minutes

Be Found on Facebook

Best of the Web

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1 Wisdom N’ Treachery is a Social Media, Public Relations and Online Marketing

consulting firm; we build brands around Websites, Products, Services, Blogs,

and Events. We help our clients acquire customers using digital and social

media. Wisdom N’ Treachery is a consulting company that delivers real world

results for our clients, both online and offline. Wisdom N’ Treachery takes

clients through a systematic and thoughtful process in order to help identify the

resources and barriers to their success. We help our clients use contemporary

communication strategies to accomplish their objectives. Our results help build

reputations by giving our clients a voice! We provide:

Strategic Development

Implementation and Execution

About Wisdom N’ Treachery

Consulting Project Support

Event Support

Coaching Classes Seminars

Wisdom N’ Treachery is committed to helping you understand and leverage the internet to

maximize your business online.


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Tips & Tricks for

Type Traditional Media Digital Media

Print Magazines, Newspapers, Bill

Boards, Posters, Direct Mail

Websites, Email Blasting Blogs, Forums,

Facebook, Twitter, Ads

Photos Print Based Flickr, Facebook, Twitter Blogs and other

photo sharing sites

Audio Radio, Tapes Podcasts, Videos and Radio Blogs

Video TV, Video Tapes, DVD’s Youtube, Blogs, Facebook

Mobile Books, Pamphlets, Letters, PDF, Blogs, Websites, Devices, Emails

Online Marketing

Understanding Media Marketing:

The Shift in Media

How Online Marketing Works:

Shifts in technology may occur but what makes marketing work is always the same!





VT Venture

V Visibility

R Relationships

P Profits

C Credibility

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Online Marketing

Best of the Web With Millions of registered websites and hundreds of new arrivals each day, it can

be a monotonous process trying to find the sites which can benefit you. Which

sites have something to offer you? Which can help you grow your business?

DropSend can be used to send large files online without being

restricted by email attachment sizes. That’s right, no file is too

large or too small to send using DropSend. You simply upload a file online and the receiver will

get an email with a download link. This site offers an efficient and secure way to share

information. There is no charge for up to five 2 GB files per month.

Issuu is an online publisher that allows you to publish your presentations,

documents, sales kits, brochures, magazines and more online. Just send a

link to potential clients and they can flip through the contents like reading a

book. Issuu gives you a chance to showcase your portfolio via your personal account. Simply add a

link to your work in your email footers.

HARO stands for Help A Reporter Out. Haro is an online community where reporters,

bloggers and other content creators can solicit interviews from experts, business owners

or everyday citizens (signed up to respond to specific categories.) Haro offers reporters

real-time access to subject experts and the opportunity to use their own expertise.

Analysis: As you start your online marketing there are some important questions to keep in mind.

Audience: Who are your customers? Where do you find these customers? Who is your best customer?

What does your audience want?

Competition: Spend time on search engines (Google, Yahoo, Bing) to see what other businesses in your

field are doing. Simply type the category of your field and you will find a plethora of potential keywords. It is also

good to gauge how many other potential competitors are fighting for the same keywords.



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Subject Lines The subject line is the first point of access; it can make or break your campaign. Here are some

basic practices:

Never use all capital letters

Keep it under 60 characters; the shorter the better

Use special characters sparingly (never use multiple exclamations if at all)

Be careful with words like “Free” or other words occurring often in spam

Tips & Tricks for

Online Marketing

Email Marketing Works When:

Email Marketing is often overlooked today given the rise of social media. However, the fact

remains it is still one of the most effective marketing strategies available. To maximize the

effectiveness of your email marketing activities, here are some of the best practices:

Images An email with all text can be very boring, especially as a first impression. Images are great ways to en-

hance the quality of your message, but keep these tips in mind:

Try to avoid using one, large image as the entire email

Learn to wrap text around an image.

Use relevant images; consider the subconscious link of your image.

Refrain from using too many images as it will slow down the load time of your email.

Test Lastly, test different subject lines; try various text bodies; try new images. The bottom line, keep testing to

improve your conversion rates.

Email Body Text Your email should be short, sweet and straight to the point. The longer the message, the lower

your click-through rates will be.

Your title should grab attention, using only 3-5 words.

Use no more than 2 fonts in your text body.

Do not use style classes or style sheets, only in-line styling

Refrain from centering all your text or using a bright color on a dark background.

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Tips For Twitter


Twitter is emerging as one of the top social media sites, now with over 28 million users, an increasing

number of businesses are beginning to utilize the forum to reach their base. Twitter is an effective

platform to communicate relevant information, but more importantly it is one of the fastest ways to

establish relationships with clients, both existing and potential.

Be Yourself You can do this by customizing your profile background, adding a link to your web-

site and listing the email addresses of those running the account. This will help establish

the personality behind your account.

Tip: Visit the “Settings” section of your account to add

and update this information

Listen and Respond It’s important to monitor when your business name is mentioned via

@replies or Direct Messages (DM). Think of Twitter as real-time market research in which you can receive quick,

firsthand public opinion on your products and services. In addition, you are granted a voice with which to respond–

thanking or addressing concerns.

Tip: Use third party sites, such as HootSuite or TweetDeck, to quickly and easily monitor mentions of your


Refrain from constantly talking about yourself In addition to posting about your business, share sites and

articles you deem useful. Retweet interesting things you see or promote other professionals you know. This will

demonstrate a level of engagement that will be greatly appreciated .

Engage in casual conversation It can be challenging to deliver a formal message in 140 characters or less. Think

conversationally. Twitter is a great way to showcase the inner workings of your business, so think of it as a

conversation between you and your followers.

Offer Value Add value to your tweets by providing an inside look at your business. Post pictures of your office,

include product coupons, offer service discounts and more. This will help direct your audience towards your tweets

and eventually result in more business.

Tip: TweetPic, Yfrog, and TweetPhone are a few sites that can be used to post photos to your account.

Evaluate Your Relationship As a business, you understand the importance of measuring the value of your

company. With Twitter, the same rules apply. Below are some tips for measuring your Twitter experience.

Even though each and every business on Twitter has its own experience, these are strategies that can aid any

business, regardless of size, to maximize its Twitter experience. For more questions, visit

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Tips & Tricks for

Manage Your Profile

Fill out your profile completely to earn trust

Stay out of trouble by reading Facebook rules regarding business accounts

Install appropriate applications to integrate feeds from your blog and other social media accounts into your profile (note:

you should be careful before integrating your Twitter feed into your Facebook profile, as a stream of Tweets can seem over-

whelming to your contacts

Keep any personal parts of your profile private through Settings

Post a professional or business casual photo of yourself to reinforce your brand.

Facebook is more than just keeping tabs on friends, family and playing with applications — it’s also a

highly effective business tool; It is great for marketing your products, landing gigs and connecting with

your customers.

Online Marketing

Be Found on Facebook

Manage and Share Contacts With Others

Obtain a Facebook vanity URL so that people can find you easily

Add your Facebook URL to your email signature and any marketing collateral (business cards, etc.) so prospects can

learn more about you

Post business updates on your wall. Focus on business activities, like “Working with ABC Company on website design”

Share useful articles and links to presentations and valuable resources that interest customers and prospects on your

wall to establish credibility.

Combine Facebook with other social media tools like Twitter. For example, when someone asks you a question on

Twitter, you can respond in detail in a blog post and link to it from Facebook.

Research prospects before meeting or contacting them

Find experts in your field and invite them as a guest blogger on your blog or speaker at your event.

Share survey or research data to gain credibility.

Use Networks, Groups and Fan Pages

Add basic information to the group or fan page such as links to company sites, newsletter subscription information and

newsletter archives

Join network, industry and alumni groups related to your business.

Use search to find groups and fan pages related to your business by industry, location and career.

Here are some ways to use Facebook in your business:

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2 Cost-Per-Click Advertising

Cost-Per-Click (CPC) Advertising, sometimes referred to as Pay-Per-Click (PPC), has grown

dramatically in recent years as more and more consumers turn to search engines.

Businesses of all sizes use Google, Yahoo and to Bing to help drive online traffic to their

site. A CPC ad means that your ad will appear on the search result pages, but you will only

be charged when someone actually clicks on your ad. Here are some of the benefits of

CPC advertising.


Online Advertising

You can do it Yourself It takes a couple minutes to create an ad for your business. The basic

components include a headline, a two line description, and a link to your site.

Get Immediate Delivery With traditional media you set up your ad, but it may not be shown for

months. CPC advertising allows you to create an ad and have it displayed within minutes.

Find your Keywords The search engines make it easy to build keyword lists. Type in a word and they’ll

give you hundreds of suggestions. You can also see how competitive each word is.

Easily Manage your Budget You can easily assign a daily budget so that you don't break the bank.

Budget adjustments can be made on the fly and you can set bids for each keyword.

Deliver Ads When and Where you Want You select a start date and end date for your ads and

even deliver to a specific state, region, country, town or area (based on zip code or distance from you). You can

even choose to show ads on certain days or at certain times during the day.

Test Different Messages Different messages are received differently depending on consumers. Take the

time to try out different ideas and track what is most effective.

Keep Track of Performance It is easy to track how many times your ad was shown, how many times it

was clicked, the cost of each click, and where your ad is being shown.

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Tips & Tricks for

Online Marketing

Tricks For Clicks

In the midst of an economic downturn, business owners have to spend more efficiently than

ever. As mentioned in the previous article, there are benefits to utilizing Cost-Per-Click (CPC)

Advertising to get more business. The Key to this form of advertising is to make sure you are

getting the most out of your advertising spending during this down economy. Here are a few

things to think about:

Be Clear Have exact traffic targets and budgets. Know exactly what you can spend and how much traffic

you realistically need to create leads and conversions you deem necessary. Now is not the time to be vague.

Be Consistent Keep a watchful eye on your keywords, conversions, and bid amounts. If you outsource

your CPC advertising, stay in regular touch with your account manager to ensure your ad dollars are being


Be Efficient If you find that certain keywords on a specific site perform better than others, do not be

afraid to shift some ad dollars. Wasting clicks on keywords that are not converting leads will not help you.

Go with what works.

Be Adaptive Test new keywords and new ad content. You can run multiple ads against certain keywords,

so try different phrases to see what works best and then shift your campaigns to focus on the successful ads.

Be Calm Try not to overreact right now if something is not producing the results you anticipated. Try

new phrases, search for new keywords or try adding new sites to the content network your ads will appear


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Manage Your Online Reputation

Word of mouth and referrals have traditionally been the largest sources for business. People

are having conversations about your business all the time, both good and (unfortunately)

bad. But what happens when these conversations happen online? All of a sudden people are

tweeting, facebooking, blogging, commenting, reviewing, and discussing your business online

for all to see. How do you keep track of what’s being said about your business and, more im-

portantly, how do you manage it?

Monitor There are large amounts of online monitoring tools out there. Here are a recommended few:

Google Alerts: visit to set up a notification for any time your business name is mentioned in

the news, blogs, web, video, and groups online. You can set it up so that you receive an alert via email or through you

RSS reader as-it-happens daily, or weekly.

Twitter Search: on Twitter, you are able to set up searches for your business name to monitor conversations in

real time. Refer to our article (Strategies for Twitter Success) for more information.

Technorati: You can set up a Technorati Watchlist that will alert you about any online activity for keywords

you choose or specific websites you select, particularly in the blogsphere.

Manage Now that you have successfully set up online monitoring for your business, how do you manage that


Be consistent and Transparent: When you inevitably find something negative said about you online, conven-

tional wisdom would have you do everything in your power to remove it. Stifling negative feedback will only make the

person go elsewhere to say something, perhaps even more aggravatingly. The best course of action is to stay

consistent and be transparent. Have a conversation and understand why he/she had a negative experience with you.

Do everything in your power to make it right.

Promote Positive Feedback: It is important that you also applaud and promote positive feedback. If someone

comments on your blog, thank him/her. If someone Tweets, reTweet. If someone leaves a review, respond. Other po-

tential clients will appreciate your candor and sincerity, which may make the difference in a service-oriented industry.

How-To Guides

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Tips & Tricks for

Online Marketing

Simplifying Your Social Media Daily Routine

Social Media is all the rage today. Blogs and newspapers are talking about Twitter and

Facebook daily. However, like any new technology or service it can seem overwhelming to

find time to effectively manage your presence. Here are some ways to keep it socially


Look for Programs There are a few programs or websites now that can help aggregate your social media


TweetDeck will help you manage your Twitter profile while also viewing Facebook Newsfeeds. TweetDeck

also lets you update your status on each platform. makes it easy for you to update your status on over 40 social networking sites, including

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, WordPress, and more.

Digsby aggregate several services in a downloadable app. This will bring together your IM lists, provide

email notification from the popular webmail providers (i.e. Outlook, Gmail, Hotmail, etc.) as well as

integrate your newsfeeds from Facebook, Myspace, Twitter and LinkedIn. While not as feature rich as

TweetDeck, Digsby will allow for updating your status on multiple platforms.

Create Useful Messages The Social Media sphere is great for sharing content, but it also creates a lot of noise. Keeping your

messages relevant and useful is always a great way to increase the quality of your engagement.

Read the Important Stuff Learn to sift though the noise and read the important items. Figure out which content providers

are creating the most relevant content for you. Additionally, consider engaging these content providers to establish working


Optimize Your Presence If a certain social media property is not creating new leads or engaging conversation, do not be afraid

to shift your efforts. Your time is valuable, so determine which social media sites are most effective and focus your efforts


Manage Your Time Trying to read or respond to everything is not going to be an efficient use of your time. Try setting aside a

set amount of time (10 to 15 minutes) twice a day. Furthermore, reading every piece of content in its entirety is also not

recommended. Learn to skim and only spend time on the most relevant.

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Animoto for Business sounds too good to be true, but in fact t’s not. Animoto was intuitively designed to support the unique needs

of businesses. It is the fastest, easiest way to produce professional quality video for only $249 a year, or $99 for a 3 month trial.

Visit Animoto for Business today to get started. Animoto makes it easy for you to see how great their product is before you

commit. Simply see for yourself by registering at and create a free 30 second video.


Looking for a way to showcase your portfolio beyond a standard slideshow? Welcome to

Animoto for Business. Animoto is a great site for businesses as it produces a professional

film-quality music video using your photo in a matter of minutes. The process is easy.

Simply upload your images and choose a song. Animoto then does all the work for you by

analyzing every subtle variation of the song and produces a totally unique video– No two

videos will ever be the same!

Animoto for Business is complete with numerous features that allow you to showcase your business in a unique, captivating

way. Here are some of the features available.

Creating a Product Video in 5 Minutes

Videos Unlimited You can create as many DVD-quality videos as

you like. You can download them, email them, post them to your

blog, and even burn them to a disk.

Marketing Tools When you sign up for Animoto for Business, all

Animoto branding is removed from your video. You also have the option to add a customer call-to-action button at the

end of your video, which turns your video into a marketing tool for lead generation. You can create a link to your website

or link viewers to your contact form. This option will only work with the Animoto embedded code.

Sweet, Sweet Music Animoto provides you with over 300 commercially licensed songs for you to use- At no cost! Simply

preview the songs and pick which fits your style best.

It’s All About Speed Animoto recommends a speed based on the tempo of your song, but ultimately you control the

speed. You can choose between half or double speed. Half speed is perfect if you are displaying your portfolio, as it

allows more time between each image, while double speed can heighten the overall effect of the video.

There are many ways Animoto for Business can help you grow your business, but here are a few to you get you started:

Showcase your work in a complete way on your website

Post your video on Youtube to help increase your online exposure

Create a promotional DVD to hand out to prospective clients or sell for profit

Differentiate your booth at Tradeshows or conferences by playing a video

Engage users on your blog by creating a captivating video

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Thank you