OMM Exam Review

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  • 8/8/2019 OMM Exam Review


    Of Mice and Men


  • 8/8/2019 OMM Exam Review


    The authorof Of Mice and Men is

    A. Joe Steinbach

    B. Jack Steinbach

    C. Joe Steinbech

    D. John Steinbeck

  • 8/8/2019 OMM Exam Review


    What does George confiscate from

    Lenny?A. A magazine

    B. A mouse

    C. A can of beans

    D. A letter

  • 8/8/2019 OMM Exam Review


    The settingof the novel is

    A. A ranch in San Diego in 1925-1935

    B. A ranch in Salinas in 1925-1935

    C. A factory in Salinas in 1930-1940

    D. A ranch in Salinas in 1900-1910

  • 8/8/2019 OMM Exam Review


    After George shot Lennie:

    A. He went to buy the farm withCandy

    B. He went to apologize to Lennies family

    C. He went to jail

    D. He and Slim went togohave a drink

  • 8/8/2019 OMM Exam Review


    The following characters have the

    common dreamof the farm EXCEPT

    A. Slim

    B. Candy

    C. Lennie

    D. George

  • 8/8/2019 OMM Exam Review


    One of the lies George tells the boss is:

    A. They got run out of Weed

    B. Lennie is his cousin

    C. George is married

    D. Lennie likes rabbits

  • 8/8/2019 OMM Exam Review


    Who is jealous in the novel?

    A. Curleys wife

    B. George

    C. Slim

    D. Curley

  • 8/8/2019 OMM Exam Review


    The most important conflict in the

    novel is:

    A. Between Lennie and George

    B. Between Curley and Lennie

    C. Between George, Lennie, and nature

    D. Both A & B

  • 8/8/2019 OMM Exam Review


    The story of the rabbits represents

    A. Dreamofowning land

    B. Inevitable disappointment and failure

    C. Longing for freedom

    D. Deep friendship

  • 8/8/2019 OMM Exam Review


    All of the following are lonely in the

    story except

    A. Candy (at the end of the book)

    B. George (at the beginningof the book)

    C. Curleys wife

    D. Crooks

  • 8/8/2019 OMM Exam Review


    Lennie experienced external conflict

    when he

    A. Took care of the puppies

    B. Decided torun to the river

    C. Killed Curleys wife

    D. Was working in the field

  • 8/8/2019 OMM Exam Review


    Whohas handicaps?

    A. Lennie

    B. Curleys wife

    C. Candy

    A. Both A & C

  • 8/8/2019 OMM Exam Review


    Lennie and George consider

    themselves to be different from all the

    others for all EXCEPT the following:

    A. They have eachother

    B. They have money in the bank to buy theirownplace

    C. They have a future

    D. They do not loose all theirmoney in a barroom

  • 8/8/2019 OMM Exam Review


    George experienced an internal

    conflict when he:

    A. Told the boss Lennie was strong

    B. Asked Slim if Lennie could have a puppy

    C. Had to decide whetheror not to kill his friend

    D. Told Lennie to leave Curleys wife alone

  • 8/8/2019 OMM Exam Review


    Many of the characters are lonely


    A. They have nohome

    B. They have no family

    C. They have moved fromone place to another

    D. All of the above

  • 8/8/2019 OMM Exam Review


    The following characters are

    underdogs EXCEPT

    A. The boss

    B. Lennie

    C. Candy

    D. Crooks

  • 8/8/2019 OMM Exam Review


    The opening chapterof the novel

    establishes that Lennie and George are

    A. Planningon buying a place of theirown

    B. Movingon to a new job because they are tiredof theirold one

    C. Seeking a permanent job so that they can settledown

    D. Running away from trouble in Weed

  • 8/8/2019 OMM Exam Review


    The author is trying to tell us ______

    about friendship

    A. Good friends need eachother

    B. Its not worth the trouble tohave friends

    C. With a good friend, you can accomplishanything

    D. Both A & C

  • 8/8/2019 OMM Exam Review


    What is the author trying to tell us

    about handicaps?

    A. Live with yourhandicaps and dont try toovercome them

    B. We can overcome ourhandicaps withhelp

    C. Everyone has handicaps

    D. All of the above

  • 8/8/2019 OMM Exam Review


    What is the author trying to tell us

    about underdogs?

    A. Even the underdogs can come out on top if theywork together

    B. The underdog can never win

    C. The forces against the underdog are too strong

    D. The underdogs will win eventually