OARDC Staff Council Annual Staff Meeting 2011. OARDC Staff Council Annual Staff Meeting - 2011...

OARDC Staff Council Annual Staff Meeting 2011

Transcript of OARDC Staff Council Annual Staff Meeting 2011. OARDC Staff Council Annual Staff Meeting - 2011...

OARDC Staff Council Annual Staff Meeting


OARDC Staff CouncilAnnual Staff Meeting - 2011

Mission Statement“The mission of OARDC Staff Council is to enhance the working environment of the OARDC community by facilitating communication between staff and administration and by promoting opportunities for staff advancement and recognition.”

OARDC Staff CouncilAnnual Staff Meeting - 2011

Purpose of this MeetingThe goals of the Annual Meeting are to act on any official business, review the past year’s activities, hear areas of concern or interest, learn about other departmental activities through speakers, and provide another opportunity to visit with fellow employees.

OARDC Staff CouncilAnnual Staff Meeting - 2011

2010-2011 Staff Council Members

Matt DeVore: Chair

Gwen Covert: Chair-Elect

Megan Strother: Treasurer

Laurel Leedy: Secretary

Betty Aylsworth

Joe Cochran

Jody Lanham

Janet McCormick

Sarah McNulty

Debbie Shaffer

Paul Starkey

Wei Zhang / Scott Prajzner

OARDC Staff CouncilAnnual Staff Meeting - 2011

Ex Officio MembersEileen Kieffaber (HR)

ATISarah Elvey

USDAKristen Willie

ColumbusCandace Pollock

OARDC Staff CouncilAnnual Staff Meeting - 2011

Review of minutes from 2010 Annual Meeting

•Any questions, comments, corrections?

OARDC Staff CouncilAnnual Staff Meeting - 2011

Treasurer’s Report – Megan Strother

OARDC Staff CouncilAnnual Staff Meeting - 2011

Treasurer’s Report – Megan Strother

Beginning Balance (October 1, 2010) $2,133.83

IncomeCandy Bar Sales $1,073.55Front Desk Sales $3,104.25Entomology donation for Funfest prizes $75.00

Total Income: $4,252.80

OARDC Staff CouncilAnnual Staff Meeting - 2011

Treasurer’s Report – Megan Strother

ExpensesStaff Council Annual Luncheon ($ 198.37)Annual Meeting ($ 33.48)Funfest 2010 ($ 71.09)Funfest 2011 ($ 317.96) Expert T’s: clothing order ($2,917.76)Chili Cook Off ($ 37.67)Staff Forum ($ 82.50)OARDC Staff Council 5K ($ 16.80)Candy Bars-Harry London ($ 600.00)

Total Expenses ($4,275.63)

Ending Balance (September 30, 2011) $2,111.00

OARDC Staff CouncilAnnual Staff Meeting - 2011

University Staff Advisory Committee (USAC)

•Update by Bill Koshar

OARDC Staff CouncilAnnual Staff Meeting - 2011

CFAES Staff Advisory Council

•Update by Francis Whited

OARDC Staff CouncilAnnual Staff Meeting - 2011

Chair’s Report – Matt DeVore

Improved Communications:•Sponsored the annual Staff Forum with Dr. Moser, Dr. Slack and Dr. Nameth.•Maintained and updated the Staff Council website•Staff Council Chair attended monthly Administrative Cabinet meetings.  

OARDC Staff CouncilAnnual Staff Meeting - 2011

Chair’s Report – Matt DeVore

Improved Communications:•Staff Council Chair met with Associate Director Dr. Benfield on a monthly basis.  •Regular Staff Council meetings throughout the year - discussed staff issues and planned events. •Collaborated with ATI Staff Council on campus-related issues and meetings

• Regular meetings, Staff Forum, FunFest, Day With the Department

OARDC Staff CouncilAnnual Staff Meeting - 2011

Chair’s Report – Matt DeVore

Improved Communications:•Sponsored “Day with the Department” activity to promote interaction between administration and staff.

• Dr. Steve Slack with the Grounds Crew. 

OARDC Staff CouncilAnnual Staff Meeting - 2011

Chair’s Report – Matt DeVore

Staff Support and Organized Events•Formed new Fair Committee

• Coordinated Wayne County Fair exhibit and volunteers for OARDC

OARDC Staff CouncilAnnual Staff Meeting - 2011

Chair’s Report – Matt DeVore

Staff Support and Organized Events•Candy bar sales to generate revenue for Staff Council sponsored events

OARDC Staff CouncilAnnual Staff Meeting - 2011

Chair’s Report – Matt DeVore

Staff Support and Organized Events•Coordinated OARDC logo merchandise sales and special orders. 

OARDC Staff CouncilAnnual Staff Meeting - 2011

Chair’s Report – Matt DeVore

Staff Support and Organized Events•Winter Picnic activity including Chili Cook-off and fun interactive games. Donated prizes. 

OARDC Staff CouncilAnnual Staff Meeting - 2011

Chair’s Report – Matt DeVore

Staff Support and Organized Events•OARDC Summer FunFest event which included lunch, bingo, jar guessing contest, JELL-O eating contest, corn hole, Tug of War contest, soccer and prizes donated by Staff Council and departments.

OARDC Staff CouncilAnnual Staff Meeting - 2011

Chair’s Report – Matt DeVore

Staff Support and Organized Events•Coordinated the OARDC One Mile Run/Walk at the Wellness Fair. Donated prizes to winners. 

OARDC Staff CouncilAnnual Staff Meeting - 2011

Chair’s Report – Matt DeVore

Staff Support and Organized Events•Support recycling efforts on the Wooster campus. (Provide recycle bins, contact for off-cycle recycle dumpster pickups)•2010 OARDC Staff Annual Meeting

OARDC Staff CouncilAnnual Staff Meeting - 2011

Chair’s Report – Matt DeVore

Continuing Projects Concerning Work Related Issues•Explore collaborative efforts with ATI Staff Council on issues concerning staff at both campuses•Coordinate lending of a privacy screen and refrigerator for nursing mothers to use at work. 

• Relayed staff concerns to OARDC Administration and Human Resources about having a private space on campus for nursing mothers. Special room and second refrigerator are available in Fisher. 

OARDC Staff CouncilAnnual Staff Meeting - 2011

Chair’s Report – Matt DeVore

Room in Fisher for Nursing Mothers

OARDC Staff CouncilAnnual Staff Meeting - 2011

Chair’s Report – Matt DeVore


OARDC Staff CouncilAnnual Staff Meeting - 2011

Dr. Joseph Kovach

Associate Professor, Entomology


OARDC Staff CouncilAnnual Staff Meeting - 2011

Outgoing Council Members

•Matt DeVore

•Betty Aylsworth

•Joe Cochran

•Sarah McNulty*

OARDC Staff CouncilAnnual Staff Meeting - 2011

New Council Members

•April Martin

•Sarah McNulty

•Cassi Kerr

•Heidi Swartz

OARDC Staff CouncilAnnual Staff Meeting - 2011

Introduction of 2010-2011 Officers

•Gwen Covert: Chair

•Janet McCormick: Chair-Elect

•Megan Strother: Treasurer

•Debbie Shaffer: Secretary

OARDC Staff CouncilAnnual Staff Meeting - 2011


•Thanks for coming!