NSRF March 2013 Newsletter

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  • 7/29/2019 NSRF March 2013 Newsletter



    North Suburban Republican ForumMarch, 2013

    www.NorthSuburbanRepublicanForum.com www.NorthSuburbanRepublicanForum.org

    We'll meet on Saturday, March 9th from 9:00-10:30 am at a new location, the Valley Bank & Trust in

    Brighton. It's located at 4900 East Bromley Lane in Brighton (I-76 & Bromley) right behind Wendys.

    See the map on the next page to see exactly where its situated.

    Our featured speaker is Geraldine (Jerry) Rasmussen of the Colorado Oil& Gas Association. Shell explain what Fracking is, how it works tobenefit our energy needs, and answer your questions.

    Admission is only $3 per person and you can pay your 2013 dues of $20. The doors open at 8:30am so come join us and

    bring a friend or two for a good time with like-minded people. A continental breakfast with donuts, pastries, deviled eggs

    fruit, coffee, orange juice, and water is included with your $3 admission.

    NSRF upcoming calendar in 2012:

    April 13Well hear whats happening on the Education front from various Board of Education members

    May 11Our local Colorado State Legislators will update us as the current session ends

    June 8 -- Adams County Commissioner Erik Hansen explains how the new districts for commissioner will work

    July 13Immigration Issues

    August 10RTD and FasTraks update for the North Metro LineSeptember 14Local candidates running for Board of Education and City Council

    October 12City Council members updating us on their local issues

    November 9Possible candidates for Governor or U.S. Senate

    If you have a smart phone, use a bar code app for the QR code on the left, it will take you to our

    web site,www.NorthSuburbanRepublicanForum.com

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    This newsletter has a conservative Republican viewpoint. It may or may not reflect the views of the NSRF Board of Directors. It is

    intended for the thoughtful consideration of our members to inform and educate, and as potential discussion starters.

    Table of Contents:

    If you havent checked out our web site, these are the latest articles that have been posted

    March calendar

    What is Fracking?

    How to get involved in local politics

    How to get involved with the Republican Party

    Adams County voter information

    Elected officials

    NSRF Board of Directors

    NSRF $20 yearly membership application

    If you havent checked out our web site (www.NorthSuburbanRepublicanForum.org), these are

    the latest articles that have been posted: Liberty Tracker Newsletter Issue No. 13-007

    Colorado Democrats gun liability plan is wishful thinking

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    Gun Control for DummiesIts Common Sense

    In separating gun-control bills, Democrats reveal strategy

    Colorado Secretary of States Uniform Voting System Advisory Committee

    Cadman Response to Morse Gun Bill

    Has Liberalism won in America?

    Colorados Legislative Scorecard Feb 25 Mar 1

    Who is Responsible For The Sequester?

    Just the Fracks, Maam Suck It Up Buttercup: Lynn Bartels Blasts Whining Democrats Double Standard on Controversial Rape


    Colorado: Secret energy lab spawns million dollar government employee

    Graham Contracting Limited bids on RTDs North Metro Rail line

    Adams County correcting errors in billing

    Liberty Tracker Newsletter Issue 13-006

    ObamaCare and the 29ers

    Another gun-products maker promises to follow Magpul out of Colorado

    GOP = Greater Opportunity Party

    Obama Blame Games

    Federal Spending Without & With Sequester Cuts Rape comment by Rep. Joe Salazar reaps viral reaction

    Columbine Survivor Pens Bold Open Letter to Obama Rejecting Gun Control: Whose Side Are YouOn?

    Liberty Tracker Newsletter Issue 13-005.1

    Tensions boiling over in Adams 12 School District

    Colorado Legislator Phone Numbers

    Report: Colorados public worker pension fund not fiscally sound

    Colorado lawmakers move forward on new gun-control measures

    Running for office

    A Quote from Samuel Adams Liberty Tracker Issue: 13-005

    Election Day registration is not for Colorado

    fracking[frak-ing]nounhydraulic fracturing.Origin:

    shortening and alteration

    Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Dictionary, Random House, Inc. 2013.

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    Fracking, or hydraulic fracturing, is the process of extracting natural grass fromshale rock layers deep within the earth. Fracking makes it possible to produce natural gas extraction in shale plays

    that were once unreachable with conventional technologies. Recent advancements in drilling technology have led to

    new man-made hydraulic fractures in shale plays that were once not available for exploration. In fact, three

    dimensional imaging helps scientists determine the precise locations for drilling.

    Horizontal drilling (along with traditional vertical drilling) allows for the injection of highly pressurized fracking fluids

    into the shale area. This creates new channels within the rock from which natural gas is extracted at higher than

    traditional rates. This drilling process can take up to a month, while the drilling teams delve more than a mile into the

    Earths surface. After which, the well is cased with cement to ensure groundwater protection, and the shale is

    hydraulically fractured with water and other fracking fluids

    What chemicals are used in fracking?Its often the most hotly debated question in the quest for natural gas. Much of the argument against natural gas drilling

    known as fracking is that the chemicals used during the process could have detrimental effects on the surrounding

    environment. The chemicals that gas companies use - which can include water, sand, salt, citric acid, benzene or lead,

    according to a federal report can be hazardous if not properly isolated and stored. However, state and federal

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    lawmakers are working to establish a system of rules to regulate the drilling, and most gas and oil companies have said

    maintaining the environment and preventing leaks are paramount concerns for them as well.

    What is in fracking fluid?When conducted properly, fracking is a safe and strategic operation that is rapidly expanding the worlds access to

    natural gas, said Methanol Institute Executive Director Gregory Dolan on the topic of fracking fluids. Methanol is abiodegradable chemical and an essential component in the fracking process that for all practical purposes poses no


    What chemicals are used in fracking?Many people worried about what chemicals are used in fracking cite the potential danger of a hypothetical scenario

    wherein fluids leaking into the groundwater as the primary reason for their concern. However, there are many

    misconceptions about what is fracking water and how it is collected and disposed of after it has been pumped into

    the shale to release natural gas trapped inside.

    What is fracking water?Once the fracturing process is over, the water rises back to the surface, forced upward by the geologic formations

    pressure, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Then, the fluids are stored in pits or tanks to be

    treated if the water is to be discharged into surface water or is injected deep underground. Both options are

    regulated by EPA departments, and many states are working to revise or create their own laws overseeing gas

    drilling operations in their areas.

    A 2004 study from the EPA investigating the environmental impact of disposing what chemicals are used in fracking

    into coalbed methane production wells found no confirmed cases of drinking water wells quality being compromised

    as a result.

    Where fluids are injected, EPA believes that groundwater production, combined with mitigating effects of dilution

    and dispersion, adsorption, and biodegradation, minimize the possibility that chemicals included in fracturing fluids

    would adversely affect [underground sources of drinking water], the study noted.

    What is hydraulic fracking?As The Associated Press reported in August, one Halliburton executive drank a new recipe for hydraulic fracking

    fluid at a conference by the Colorado Oil and Gas Association. The intent was to quash fears about what is hydraulic

    fracking and the chemicals that are used Halliburtons development uses food industry materials by showing

    how safe they can be.

    The thing I took away is the industry is stepping up to plate and taking these concerns seriously, Ken Carlson, a

    Colorado State University environmental engineering professor, told the AP. Halliburton is showing they can get the

    same economic benefits or close to that by putting a little effort into reformulating the fluids.

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    Types of Shales:

    Bakken Shale is a formation of oil

    deposits that spread across Montana, North

    Dakota and parts of Saskatchewan. It is

    estimated that billion s of barrels of oil could

    be extracted from the shale, and that natural

    gas is contained within the formation as well

    Barnett Shale is primarily a source natura

    gas although it also contains oil located

    in North Texas, which houses more than

    17,000 wells. Seeking Alpha says the shale

    is responsible for recreating the natural gas

    business for North America, and even for

    Europe and Asia.

    Eagle Ford Shale is the deposit of natural

    gas and oil that spans the south of Texas

    and the states coastline. Unlike other formations, operators equally focus on extracting condensate, crude oil and

    natural gas liquids, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

    Haynesville Shaleis East Texas, Southwestern Arkansas and Northern Louisianas deposit of natural gas,

    located more than 10,000 feet below the earths surface, according to the Louisiana Department of Natural

    Resources. The DNR said the formation was once considered too costly to explore, but the development of

    hydraulic fracking has opened the region to drilling.

    Marcellus Shale lies under the Appalachian Basin, and spreads across New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, West

    Virginia, Maryland, Tennessee, Virginia and Kentucky. It contains approximately 410 trillion cubic feet of shale gas,

    according to the EIA.

    What is oil fracking?Oil fracking is the development of an oil field through a process similar to that of fracking for natural gas. The sole

    difference here, however, stands in the type of fuel being developed. Wells can produce oil only, natural gas only, or

    both oil and natural gas.

    What is fracking water?Fracking water makes up around 90% of the fracturing fluid used on a daily basis at drilling sites around the United

    States. All fluids, including fracking water, is recovered and recycled in a closed process. Often this water is

    reprocessed, however when the fracking water is removed from the system it is disposed of according to federal,

    state, and local laws.

    What is fracking for natural gas?Fracking for natural gas, as opposed to oil fracking, taps into vast resources around the United States. These

    resources, or shale plays, are ancient oceans that have formed into very hard shale deposits. Fracking for natural

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    gas, through recently engineered, and quite advanced technical capabilities, has allowed for the domestic energy

    industry to estimate shale play holdings in the order of 750 trillion cubic feet of technically recoverable shale gas.


    How to Get Involved in Local Politics

    Sometimes it's hard to imagine one person making a difference in this world. A lot of challenges face oursociety. Some are huge, some are more manageable, but all require the action of at least one person

    Start making the world a better place by being that person on the local level. Get involved in locapolitics and see the world change before your eyes.

    o 1 Participate in town meetings. Mingle with local, state and federal politicians.Learn about the issuesfacing your community. Meet others who support the same causes you do. Voice your opinion and see

    what offices in politics appeal to you.

    o 2 Show your support of the political system by voting in every election. More importantly, bring others tothe polls with you. Talk about the issues with people and inspire them to let their opinions be heardthrough theirvotes .

    o 3 Help out at a local political office. It doesn't matter if you are a Republican, Democrat or a member ofthe Green Party, all political parties need volunteers. Work one on one with them and learn the politicalprocess. Network with others involved in local politics. Get in on the ground floor and learn the ropes.Look into volunteering for organizations who promote causes like the environment, health care, campaignfinance orimmigration reform .

    o 4 Start your own political organization. Whether it's a local off-shoot of a nationwide campaign or it'sspecific to a cause no one has addressed politically, get it going. Involve your friends and family. Have

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    rallies, fundraisers, seminars or even a bowling night. The idea is to spread your passion for the cause andget others to join you.

    o 5 Start a petition on the Internet. Instead of knocking on doors or stopping people at the mall, get peopleinvolved with an online petition. Involve yourself in online political blogs. Post your opinions and getothers to join in with you.

    o 6Put yourself out there and run for local office. Civic offices come up for re-election all the time. Find aposition you know you could excel in and start your campaign. Call your local political party and ask ifthere are offices up for election. Take to the streets and let people know you are the person for the job.

    Read more:How to Get Involved in Local Politics | eHow.comhttp://www.ehow.com/how_2053523_get-involved-local-politics.html#ixzz2HEtY2OYz

    How to Get Involved in the Republican Party

    There are a variety of reasons to get involved in the efforts of the Republican Party. You might believe ingun rights, be pro-life, or wish for fewer taxes. Of course, you may simply think that the Democratic

    Partys choices for candidates at the presidential, senatorial, or congressional level are not the bestchoices. There are any number of reasons and issues to get involved with the Republican Party, so when

    you are ready to join, follow these steps..

    o 1 Have a validvoter registration card and if you dont have one, get one. If you feel strongly about thisparty and their beliefs, register as a Republican. However you dont have to register as a Republican if youdon't want to. You can register as an NPA, (no party affiliation) as an Independent or even a Democrat.

    o 2 Do as much research as possible on the Republican Party. Make sure that the issues the partyrepresents are issues that you believe in and that the candidates representing the party are people youhold in high regard.

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    o 3 You may wish to support a particular candidate for local government, or state government or you maywant to support Republican candidates for theU.S. Senate , or Congress and perhaps even the RepublicanPartys presidential candidate. Once you have figured out at what level you wish to participate, contact theappropriate party office and ask how you can get more involved.

    o 4 When you contact the appropriate party office, make sure you have a plan for how you want to beinvolved in the Republican Party. Your involvement could be as simple as making a donation, or you could

    volunteer your time by handing out literature or manning a phone at a call center. Most people involved in

    the Republican Party are volunteers. You may wish to become some sort of aid or spokesperson for aparticular candidate as well, but these positions are usually staffed by people close to the candidate. Thesepositions usually require some sort ofeducation in politics, law or the media.

    o 5 Joining a Republican state party might be just the ticket for you. You can volunteer to answer phones,pass out literature, or something as simple as making a donation. This is all that is required to join yourstate's Republican party. Also, your Republican state party will deal with issues in your state that may becloser to your areas of interest.

    o 6Join the Republican National Committee. You can go right to their website and enter in yourinformation (see Resources). Tell them a little bit about yourself and what you would like to do for their

    organization. You may want to become a volunteer or even take a job with the Republican NationalCommittee.

    Read more:How to Get Involved in the Republican Party | eHow.comhttp://www.ehow.com/how_4501412_get-involved-republican-party.html#ixzz2HF9YIzvN

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    NSRF Board of Directors & Term expires Email Address TelephoneJohn Lefebvre-2012 President [email protected] 303-451-5558

    Dana West-2014 Vice President [email protected] 303-280-0243

    Jan Hurtt-2012 Treasurer [email protected] 303-451-0934

    Phil Mocon-2012 Secretary [email protected] 303-452-4709

    Brian Vande Krol-2013 Membership [email protected] 303-466-4615

    Gary Mikes-2013 Membership [email protected] 303-252-1645

    Leonard Coppes-2013 Membership [email protected] 303-287-9145

    Wanda Barnes-2014 Membership [email protected] 303-373-1521

    Kevin Allen-2014 Membership [email protected] 303-319-3011Join the North Suburban Republican Forum on the Internet and Facebook:


    Yearly membership dues are $20, while a couple is $30. Make checks payable to North SuburbanRepublican Forum (NSRF). It only costs $3 per person to attend the monthly meeting. Acontinental breakfast and beverage (coffee, tea, orange juice or water) is included. Amembership application is located on the last page. Fill it out and bring it along with you.

    To subscribe or unsubscribe from our monthly newsletter, send an email with your name and

    subscription instructions in the body to:[email protected]

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:fljcoppes@mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.northsuburbanrepublicanforum.org/http://www.northsuburbanrepublicanforum.org/http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=95611986640&_fb_noscript=1http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=95611986640&_fb_noscript=1mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=95611986640&_fb_noscript=1http://www.northsuburbanrepublicanforum.org/mailto:[email protected]:fljcoppes@mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    The North Suburban Republican ForumNSRF Membership Application

    We meet on the second Saturday of each month to discuss politics from 9:00-10:30am at the Legacy RidgeClubhouse at 10515 Stuart Street in Westminster. Doors open at 8:30am. Join us and get involved!

    A continental breakfast is provided with coffee, tea, orange juice and bottled water.Http://www.NorthSuburbanRepublicanForum.com

    Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________Address: _________________________________________________________________________________City: ____________________________________________________________Zip: _____________________Best phone number to reach you: H/W/C______________-________________-________________________Email: __________________________________________________________@_______________________How did you hear about the NSRF? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Signature: ________________________________________________________________________________

    ______ New member______ Current member renewal

    ______ Individual Membership $20 per calendar year______ Family Membership $30 per calendar year for couples______ Deluxe $56 individual/$66 family per year includes 12 monthly fees + yearly dues

    Paid via __________ cash__________ check #__________

    Todays date: _____________________________________________________________________________Received by NSRF board member: ____________________________________________________________

    If you have a smart phone, use a bar code app to scan this QR code. It will take you to our web site.
