Novelina: Hi there. I'm Novelina. And Mind Valley's asked...

For more information about the Gabriel Code please go to: Novelina: Hi there. I'm Novelina. And Mind Valley's asked me to be your host for this online broadcast today with weight loss expert and best- selling author, John Gabriel. I'm really excited about this broadcast today and sharing it with you because you're going to learn key nuggets and things that your doctors, your personal trainers, weight loss gurus won't tell you and it's really because they don't even have the information that John will share with you. He's actually going to show you his own personal method. It's fantastic and how it was a natural process for him that's helped over hundreds of thousands of people shed the pounds that they wanted to release, to be in their ideal bodies without doing dieting, without all the exercise and actually without even having any types of surgery. And the reason why you are on this broadcast right now is because you recently took an online test that identified that you had a fat trigger. An aspect of your life that actually makes you want to be or attract fat to your body. And so just a little background on John. You know, he has over 500,000 students. He has a best-selling book called "The Gabriel Method." And he actually has been featured on countless radio shows and TV shows and is featured in a documentary called "Hungry for Change." So today, if you're struggling with weight loss or you're trying to lose a few pounds or you're doing so much when it comes to exercise, I really encourage you to stay tuned because the information that John will share with you will completely transform your life. Now before we hear from John, I just want to share a personal now. I'm really inspired by the information he's going to share with you today because literally there's a statistic out there that by 2030, 42% of all Americans will be obese. And what John is going to show is that how not only do diets not work, but how they actually make your body want to be fat. And I just think his whole presence around changing that conversation and shifting paradigms is so essential for right now. So thank you and welcome, John. John Gabriel: Thanks, Novelina. I'm really happy to be here. Novelina: Before we start exploring your method, I know you have a personal story that's pretty powerful in how you discovered it. Can you share that with us?

Transcript of Novelina: Hi there. I'm Novelina. And Mind Valley's asked...

Page 1: Novelina: Hi there. I'm Novelina. And Mind Valley's asked · I followed the diet to the letter and I'd lose weight which you

For more information about the Gabriel Code please go to:

Novelina: Hi there. I'm Novelina. And Mind Valley's asked me to be your

host for this online broadcast today with weight loss expert and best-

selling author, John Gabriel. I'm really excited about this broadcast today

and sharing it with you because you're going to learn key nuggets and

things that your doctors, your personal trainers, weight loss gurus won't

tell you and it's really because they don't even have the information that

John will share with you. He's actually going to show you his own personal

method. It's fantastic and how it was a natural process for him that's

helped over hundreds of thousands of people shed the pounds that they

wanted to release, to be in their ideal bodies without doing dieting,

without all the exercise and actually without even having any types of

surgery. And the reason why you are on this broadcast right now is because

you recently took an online test that identified that you had a fat

trigger. An aspect of your life that actually makes you want to be or

attract fat to your body.

And so just a little background on John. You know, he has

over 500,000 students. He has a best-selling book called "The

Gabriel Method." And he actually has been featured on

countless radio shows and TV shows and is featured in a

documentary called "Hungry for Change." So today, if you're

struggling with weight loss or you're trying to lose a few

pounds or you're doing so much when it comes to exercise, I

really encourage you to stay tuned because the information

that John will share with you will completely transform your


Now before we hear from John, I just want to share a personal

now. I'm really inspired by the information he's going to

share with you today because literally there's a statistic

out there that by 2030, 42% of all Americans will be obese.

And what John is going to show is that how not only do diets

not work, but how they actually make your body want to be

fat. And I just think his whole presence around changing that

conversation and shifting paradigms is so essential for right

now. So thank you and welcome, John.

John Gabriel: Thanks, Novelina. I'm really happy to be here.

Novelina: Before we start exploring your method, I know you have a

personal story that's pretty powerful in how you discovered

it. Can you share that with us?

Page 2: Novelina: Hi there. I'm Novelina. And Mind Valley's asked · I followed the diet to the letter and I'd lose weight which you

For more information about the Gabriel Code please go to:

John Gabriel: Well, you know, for me, Novelina, it all started back in

1990 when I moved to New York. I started working on Wall

Street and it was a very stressful job and it wasn't paying

much and it was tough to make ends meet and I was working

really, really hard. And it seemed like as soon as I moved to

New York, I started gaining weight. And I didn't think too

much about it because it's typical, you know, you start a job

and you're working hard and you don't have time to exercise,

you don't make good food choices, you sit in front of a

computer all day. Everybody knows this and you get a little

bit out of shape. And that's what happened to me. I got a

little bit out of shape. I gained maybe 10 pounds or 20

pounds the first year. But what happened was I just kept

gaining. So the second year, I gained another 10 or 20

pounds. By the third year, I had gone from 180 to about 220


Novelina: Wow.

John Gabriel: And I decided that it's time to do something about it. And

so I did what everybody does which is go on a diet because it

just makes sense. Calories in, calories out. Just cut your

calories and you'll lose weight. So I went on a diet and

actually I went on a lot of diets.

Novelina: Yeah, which diets actually?

John Gabriel: Well, I'll tell you. I'll tell you the whole thing. Every

diet I went on though followed the same approach. There was a

whole list of things I couldn't have. No wheat, no sugar, no

fat, no salt. I followed the diet to the letter and I'd lose

weight which you can do. In the short term, you can lose

weight on a diet. What happened to me was I came to this

place where with every diet where I'd lose a little bit of

weight and then I'm not losing weight anymore, but I'm still


Novelina: So you plateaued.

John Gabriel: Right. And I don't know if you've ever had this

experience, but many people listening I know have had this

experience where you're still dieting, you're still fighting

cravings left and right, but you're not losing any weight

anymore. And it's a little bit like painting yourself into a


Page 3: Novelina: Hi there. I'm Novelina. And Mind Valley's asked · I followed the diet to the letter and I'd lose weight which you

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Novelina: Right.

John Gabriel: You know what I mean?

Novelina: Yeah.

John Gabriel: Because when you paint yourself into a corner, there's

nowhere to go. So I'm dieting. I'm fighting cravings left and

right and I'm not losing weight.

Novelina: And you're stuck.

John Gabriel: And I'm living in New York and the smell of pizza at every

street corner is driving me crazy. So eventually I couldn't

take it anymore. I had this big binge. And whatever I lost,

if I lost five pounds, 10 pounds, whatever I lost would come

back like that in two days. Boom. You know, it would take me

three weeks of hard work and struggle and discipline and

within two days, boom, that 10 pound was back. And then two

days later, I'd be five pound heavier than when I even

started the diet. And this went on and on and on where I'd

lose five pounds, gain 10 pounds, lose five pounds, gain 10

pounds, lose five pounds, gain 10 pounds. And I did this for

11 years until I gained over 200 pounds. And when I say I

tried everything, I worked face to face with the late Dr.

Atkins. You know the Atkins Diet?

Novelina: Yes.

John Gabriel: So the Atkins Diet is a no carb diet. Everybody knows

that, you know, no carbs. Just cut carbs and you lose weight.

So I went on the Atkins Diet and I met face to face with Dr.

Atkins. Every Monday for a month, I spent $4,000 with him.

And in the end, I'm sitting in his office and he's looking at

my test scores I'm borderline Type II diabetic, metabolic

syndrome, insulin resistance, high cholesterol, high blood

pressure, everything's through the roof. And he looks up at

me and he goes, "What are you doing? You're killing

yourself." And I thought to myself is that really the best

you can do? I mean you're Dr. Atkins. You sold 200 million

copies of your book worldwide and the best you can do is yell

at me for being so fat? Like I'm going to lose weight because

you're mad at me? I don't have enough motivation? I'm

spending $4,000 with you. I'm waking up at seven in the

morning to meet in your office Monday morning before I'm

Page 4: Novelina: Hi there. I'm Novelina. And Mind Valley's asked · I followed the diet to the letter and I'd lose weight which you

For more information about the Gabriel Code please go to:

going to work and I'm going to lose weight because you're mad

at me? And I thought to myself and then it wasn't just Dr.

Atkins, you know. Every other diet, I'd go to doctors,

naturopaths, homeopaths. I went to the Pritikin Institutes.

You know, the Pritikin Institute at the time was in

California and so it was the exact opposite of the Atkins so

where Atkins is all fat and all protein and no carbs,

Pritikin is all carbs and no fat, you know. So what would

happen is one week I'd be on the Atkins Diet, right? So I'd

go to a fast food restaurant, I'd order a hamburger and if

I'm on the Atkins Diet, right, I'd eat just the burger and

not the bun, right?

Novelina: Right.

John Gabriel: And then the next week, I'd go to the same restaurant, I'd

order the same hamburger, but on the Pritikin Diet and now

I'm just having the bun and not the burger, you know. I can't

just have a burger together. I'm always doing one or the


Novelina: So massive swings.

John Gabriel: Yeah. And then my wife used to joke to me that I was on

the Atkins Diet during the day and the Pritikin Diet at night

because I'd do the no carb thing all day and, you know, who

can go a whole day without carbs, you know. So I'd switch

over to the other diet and say okay, now it's time to do the

Pritikin Diet and do the carb thing, you know. But I do this

thing and it would just be the same pattern and what would

happen was, I'd come to this place in every diet where I just

had this big binge. And every single day was like a battle

where I'm fighting cravings and it would last a week, two

weeks, and then I couldn't take it, I had this binge. And,

you know, when I would have these binges, you know, that was

like everything I always wanted, you know. You go to the

grocery store and everything you're looking for, you know,

for weeks that you wanted is there and it's like now's the

time to have it, you know. And I remember one time when I was

having one of those, you know, the bad days that I once had

three delivery people show up at my door at the same time,

you know, all waiting for me to pay.

Novelina: Yes.

John Gabriel: So here I am, I'm this big guy, I open the door and

Page 5: Novelina: Hi there. I'm Novelina. And Mind Valley's asked · I followed the diet to the letter and I'd lose weight which you

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there's three. There's a pizza guy, there's a fast food guy

and there's a Chinese guy and they're all standing there in

line waiting for me to pay so I tried to make off like

there's a party going on, you know. So I turn around and I'm

like, "All right, guys, I'll be right there," you know. But

you have these big binge and then the weight would just come

back. So this went until I was over 400 pounds. And I had to

kind of turning point when I was over 400 pounds. I remember

I was driving home from a movie and I was thinking about how

the last 11 years, I'd just gained 200 pounds and how I was

trying so hard to lose weight and how there was a time, you

know, before I moved to New York for years where I never had

to worry about weight. Where I was sort of effortlessly thin.

I could eat whatever I wanted. I was healthy, I was active,

but it wasn't an issue and now not only am I not able to lose

weight, but I'm gaining no matter what I do. And I realized

living through that, that it's not about discipline, it's not

about will power. And people think, you know, there's this

stereotype that fat people are lazy and they should just eat

less and they're weak and over indulgent. And I learned

through living through that, that that's not the case. That

something else is going on.

So I decided that I was never going to diet again. I decided that, I

figured out that for whatever reason my body wanted to be fat

and as long as it wanted to be fat there was nothing I could

do to stop it. And when I made that realization, I gave up

dieting forever because what's the point of dieting if your

body's just going to fight you. Because you can fight or you

can control what you eat in the short term for a while, but

you can't control how hungry you are. That's the domain of

your body. Your body's in charge of that. You can't control

how fast your metabolism is. That's your body. And you can't

control how well you burn fat and when your body wants to

hold onto weight, you become insatiably hungry. Your

metabolism slows down and you lose the ability to burn fat

and this is all documented, this is all scientifically proven

with the most cutting edge obesity research right now. So

what's the point of trying to fight your body when your body

can fight back 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Sooner or

later, you crack.

And so I decided I was never going to diet again and instead

I was going to try to figure out why my body wanted to be fat

in the first place and what I could do to get it to be want

to be thin. And so rather than diet, I started doing

Page 6: Novelina: Hi there. I'm Novelina. And Mind Valley's asked · I followed the diet to the letter and I'd lose weight which you

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research. And I had a very solid biochemistry background from

the University of Pennsylvania and that gave me enough of a

foundation to go on the internet and do the research and I

spent hours a day studying biochemistry and studying obesity.

Literally hours and hours. I would read hundreds of research

reports in a week and within weeks I became an expert in all

of the different areas of what causes weight gain and what

causes weight loss. And this was back in August of 2001. And

then in September of 2001, I had sort of a life changing


This was September 11th and I was scheduled to fly to San

Francisco for a business meeting. And I was living in New

Jersey and whenever I fly to San Francisco, I always fly out

of Newark Airport and the only non-stop flights from Newark

Airport at the United Airlines flights. There's one in the

morning and there's one in the evening. The evening one gets

in a 12:00 at night which is 3:00 in the morning New York

time. So I don't do that one. I only do the morning United

Airlines flight. It just so happened that this time I was out

doing this weight loss retreat. I was trying to learn about

weight loss and my business partner booked the ticket and he

booked it out of LaGuardia Airport which meant I would have

had to travel from New Jersey through LaGuardia, spend $300

on parking, take an hour and a half longer to travel and then

transfer out of Cincinnati and wait an hour and a half there

and he did all this to safe a hundred and fifty bucks. And I

was really mad at him.

As a matter of fact, it was the only time I've ever been mad

at this guy. But it turns out, he saved my life because if I

had booked the ticket, I would have been on United Airlines

Flight 93 which was the flight that crash landed in

Pennsylvania and that would have been the end of me and that

would have been the end of the story. And when that happened,

that was a huge experience for me because I sort of felt like

here I am killing myself and the universe has just given me a

second chance. And I decided I wasn't going to waste that

second chance. And I let go of a lot of things that weren't

working for me. I was living a life that for me was a lie. It

wasn't real. And in my heart of hearts I wanted to be

somewhere else. I wanted to be in the unspoiled wilderness

living a natural life rather than being in an office, but I

was afraid to do it. I was afraid to take that chance, but I

Page 7: Novelina: Hi there. I'm Novelina. And Mind Valley's asked · I followed the diet to the letter and I'd lose weight which you

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realized it was now or never. I had to start living my life

now because I just got this second chance. So I left what I

was doing. I moved to a beautiful, unspoiled place and I

spent my entire life doing research on obesity, on stress. I

knew that stress had something to do with it because it

wasn't until I was living a very stressful life that I

started gaining all this weight and I started to lose weight

and I wasn't dieting.

Novelina: Wow.

John Gabriel: And what's amazing is, it was the exact opposite of a diet

because with a diet you lose 20 pounds in 20 days, but then

you have this big plateau and then you're fighting cravings,

then boom, it comes back up. And I always say that dieting a

little like holding a volleyball under water, you know.

Because the second you let it go, poof, it flies back up

again. So I stopped dieting. I stopped having good days. I

stopped having bad days. If I wanted, for example, back then

and I don't anymore. Right now I crave really healthy food. I

mean this has been years and years down the road. It's been

almost 10 years now. So the fact that I'm still craving

chocolate and French fries and pizza and everything everybody

craves. So I was eating those things, but I was making sure

that I was nourishing my body because one of the things which

we'll discuss is one of the reason why your body wants to

hold onto weight is if you're not nourishing it properly. So

I started nourishing it property. I started dealing with

stress which also we'll discuss one of the reasons why your

body wants to hold onto weight is because the stress hormones

are triggering this primal response that's causing you to

gain weight. We'll talk about that. So I started dealing with

the real issues rather than just going through will power and

what happened was, I started to lose weight, but I lost

weight slowly. I lost about 25 or 50 pounds in the first six

months which isn't breaking any records when you're over 400

pounds. But what happened was instead of losing weight

quickly and then gaining it back, I lost it slowly but I

started to lose weight quicker. It was the exact opposite of

a diet. I lost another 100 pounds in the next six months.

Novelina: Wow.

John Gabriel: And then the last 20 pounds that I had to lose, flew off

me in a couple of weeks which what's really incredible about

that is when you lose 200 pounds, I mean you talk to anyone

Page 8: Novelina: Hi there. I'm Novelina. And Mind Valley's asked · I followed the diet to the letter and I'd lose weight which you

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that's lost 200 pounds, if they've got 20 pounds left on

them, they're not going to lose that weight no matter what

they do. That last 20 pounds flew off me in a matter of

weeks. It was unbelievable. The issues were resolved, the

problem was resolved. My body didn't want the weight anymore.

It wasn't willpower, it wasn't effort, it wasn't discipline.

I didn't become stronger all of a sudden. My body simply

didn't want to be fat anymore. And because my body didn't

want to be fat anymore, the weight flew off. And so I

developed this whole approach based on the concept that

dieting is not sustainable and dieting not only we're going

to talk about it in a second, not only does dieting not work,

dieting makes your body want to be fatter. Not only does it

not work, it makes you fat. I mean there's no one else out

there that's saying this, but someone's got to say it.

Because there's a million diets out there and every week

there's another diet and it's all on the same flawed premise

that you can somehow force yourself to lose weight.

So we go time and time again into these diets where we love

five pounds, gain it, lose and everybody knows it. Everybody

that's diet serially over time and again knows that when they

try another diet, they're just going to lose weight and gain

it back again. And I'm going to show you chemically, simply,

logically why that happens and not only why you gain the

weight back, but also why you gain more weight back. And why

if you're a chronic yoyo dieter, you're getting fatter. It's

the dieting that's making you fatter. That's what making you

fatter. So you have to understand what makes your body want

to be fat and what makes your body want to be thin. And if

you can do that, you can solve your problems forever. It's

not what you think it is. It's not about discipline. And the

modern dieting paradigm is just flawed and wrong.

So what I want to talk about in this webinar is not how to

get you on a program where you can avoid chocolate for the

rest of your life or how to eat 1500 calories and feel good

about it or how to exercise two hours a day without burning

out. That's not what I want to talk about. I want to talk

about why your body wants to be fat and how to get your body

to want to be thin.

Novelina: So what do you mean when you say your body wants to be fat and

your body wants to be thin? Can you explain that a little bit


Page 9: Novelina: Hi there. I'm Novelina. And Mind Valley's asked · I followed the diet to the letter and I'd lose weight which you

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John Gabriel: Right, so what I did was, the first thing I did was I

asked myself why do we need fat. What's the purpose of fat?

And in today's world there's no purpose of fat, but you have

to understand that our bodies have been around for thousands

and thousands and some people even say millions of years.

There's been humans in some form for hundreds of thousands if

not over millions of years, okay? And it's only very recently

that we're living in this modern world. But if you were

living 10,000 years ago you would be living outdoors, you

would not know where your next meal was coming from, there

would be no refrigerator, there'd be no grocery stores,

there's no restaurants and you didn't know where your next

meal was coming from. So if you were living in an environment

like that, fat can save your life in certain living

environments. So let's imagine that it's 10,000 years ago and

you're living outdoors and it's winter time and it's cold.

How is fat going to help you? Well, what you going to eat,

okay? There's snow out, you can't fish because the lakes are

frozen, there's no fruit, there's no vegetables, the animals

are hibernating and you're cold. And in an environment like

that, if you had extra fat, you could live off that fat and

the fat would protect you from the cold weather. It acts like

an insulator. So the important message here is fat is a form

of protection against famines and cold weather. Now if you

were in a famine thousands of years ago or you were living

outdoors and it was cold all the time, those are particular

types of stresses that cause a very unique particular type of

chemistry in your body. And that chemistry in your body acts

as a trigger to make your body want to be fat for survival

reasons, for protection.

Novelina: That makes sense.

John Gabriel: So what happens is, that particular type of chemistry that

you would get in a famine and cold weather acts as a switch

to make your body want to be fat. And when that switch gets

activated or it gets triggered, what happens is all these

things take place that change in your body that basically

turn your body into a fat storage machine. What happens is

you're hungrier more, you're hungrier all the time. Your

metabolism slows down and your body loses the ability to burn

fat. So you're eating more, you don't want to exercise and

all that weight is going into fat and you can't lose it

again. You become a fat storage machine when this fat switch

gets activated. And that's the most important message here.

Page 10: Novelina: Hi there. I'm Novelina. And Mind Valley's asked · I followed the diet to the letter and I'd lose weight which you

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You have to understand that we inherited a fat trigger or a

fat switch and when it gets activated, I don't care how

disciplined you are, I don't care how much will power you

are, your body will get transformed into a fat storage

machine. And so even though today we don't have famines and

cold weather that we have to worry about, the important

message here is that we have stress, right? I mean you know

that, right?

Novelina: Absolutely.

John Gabriel: But the thing when we talk about stress is all kinds of

different stresses that we have. We have mental stress,

emotional stresses, physical stresses. Sometimes, and this is

not for everybody, but sometimes for some people, the

stresses in our lives cause the same chemistry as a famine so

our body gets tricked into activating these fat switches and

these fat triggers.

Novelina: So if I'm hearing you correctly, it's around the idea that

these stress triggers then get our bodies into survival mode.

John Gabriel: They get us into this fat storage mode.

Novelina: Yeah.

John Gabriel: That's exactly right and so the issue is do I have a

trigger in my life that's causing my body to activate this

fat storage mechanism and become a fat storage machine and if

I do, the answer is not to fight it. The answer actually is

to accept it and to understand and to figure out what that

trigger is. And so over the years, doing the research that I

did, I found there's about nine or 10 different triggers and

all the triggers are, are things that cause the same

chemistry in your body as a famine. So if you were in a

famine and I don't want to talk too much about chemistry,

right, but if you were in a famine certain things would

happen. Certain hormones would get elevated like cortisol

would get elevated. Certain things would happen like

something called insulin resistance which we sometimes hear

about which is when people have Type II diabetes, they have

something called insulin resistance. So these things happen.

Certain things happen with inflammatory hormones get

elevated. It's a signature type of hormonal change in your

body. It's a very unique signature change that happens from

some stresses and not from all stresses and not to all

Page 11: Novelina: Hi there. I'm Novelina. And Mind Valley's asked · I followed the diet to the letter and I'd lose weight which you

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people. The most cutting edge researches probably the number

one obesity researcher in the world, Dr. Jeffrey Friedman,

who discovered the hormone leptin which is by far the most

important hormone as far as this fat triggers goes on. He

understands this chemistry and he said that obesity cannot be

ascribed to a breakdown in willpower and we have got to stop

blaming people.

Novelina: So with what you're saying is if I walk the streets and I see

people who are overweight, that it's because a fat trigger

has been activated.

John Gabriel: If you walk the street and you see someone with asthma or

measles or a broken arm, you know, something's going on,

there's something wrong with their body that needs to be

healed. It's not because they're weak or they're lazy,

something needs to be healed. Fat is a legitimate condition

caused by these fat triggers being activated. There are many

other types of fat triggers besides dieting and we can talk

about them if you want.

Novelina: Absolutely. I was going to go there next.

John Gabriel: Let's talk about it.

Novelina: Let's talk about them.

John Gabriel: Okay. So in addition to dieting, you can be eating to your

heart's content, but you can still be starving on a

nutritional level and that's because the foods we eat today

are nutritionally barren. They're devoid of the types of

live, vibrant, healthy nutrients in the right particular

combinations and in a way that a body can digest and

assimilate it. So the foods we eat, the fats are destroyed

and we need fat by the way. And this whole thing, I want to

kill this once and for all, too. This whole idea of fats and

carbs. It's not about low carbs or no carbs, it's not about

low fat or high fat, it's about good fats and good carbs.

Good fats are fats that are not man made, good carbs are

carbs that are not man made. Any time man went in and started

making food, we destroyed it. And what happens is, it becomes

a toxin in your body that causes hormonal and chemical

changes and those hormonal and chemical changes are a fat

trigger. So the solution if dieting, and I have two very,

very, counter to mainstream messages for the world. Number

one is that obesity is caused by starvation. I'm sure you've

Page 12: Novelina: Hi there. I'm Novelina. And Mind Valley's asked · I followed the diet to the letter and I'd lose weight which you

For more information about the Gabriel Code please go to:

never heard of that before.

Novelina: No, not at all.

John Gabriel: What do I mean by that? Obesity is caused by our bodies

triggering the starvation response, the famine response. So

some sort of stress in your life is flipping a switch that's

causing the starvation response. And the other message is if

obesity is caused by starvation the answer isn't to diet, but

it's actually to add. That is, add the foods your body's

starving for.

Novelina: Right.

John Gabriel: And I talked about this a long time ago and now I'm just

starting to hear some people starting to agree with this

because when you add the foods your body's starving for and

this is something I've turned into a science and it's

actually an art form also. And what I mean by that it's an

art to learn how to nourish your body in a way that's

delicious, satisfying, nutritious without being on a diet but

learning how to add. For example, just using one fat versus

the other. Something as simple as that. One fat will cause

you to lose weight, the other weight will cause you to gain

weight, will cause Type II diabetes, will cause cancer, bi-

polar disease, heart disease, chronic fatigue syndrome,

fibromyalgia and the list goes on and on. And I'm not telling

you don't eat fat. I'm saying eat the right fat and not the

wrong fat.

Novelina: And where can folks find that out?

John Gabriel: All these things we can give you not only in this webinar

but also in the course that we're talking about and all the

materials that I have.

Novelina: Okay.

John Gabriel: So I'm going to give you all these things. But just

conceptually, something as simple as that.

Novelina: Right.

John Gabriel: Learning basically the art form of nourishing your body.

So nutritional famine, what I call nutritional famine or

starving on the cellular level will cause you to gain weight.

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Another fat trigger is digestion problems because even if

you're eating the nutrients that you need if your digestion

is not working you're still not breaking them down and

they're not getting into your bloodstream and they're not

getting into your cells. So if the nutrients aren't getting

into your cells, you're starving on a cellular level. And

that type of starvation is just like a famine because your

cells aren't being nourished. So it's a fat trigger. And

almost everyone today is suffering from digestion problems

because of modern day man made foods destroy your digestion.

Medications destroy your digestion. Antibiotics, chlorinated

water and all the friendly bacteria that are in our digestion

get destroyed and then our digestive system gets overrun with

parasites. People don't realize this. But our digestion, most

of us have worms, yeast, candidas. These are all parasites

that live off of sugar and suck your energy out of your body.

And it's simply because we don't know how to take care of our

digestion. So learning how to take care of your digestion

again is an art form that will turn off that trigger and

allow you to lose weight. Another trigger is toxins and

people don't realize this. You know, we're taking so many

medications and so many vaccinations and there's so many

pesticides in our foods and in our plastic and in our air.

What's our body supposed to do with all those toxins? So do

you know what our bodies do with these toxins?

Novelina: No, what do they do?

John Gabriel: Our bodies have to store these toxins because they can't

eliminate them so our bodies store these toxins in our fat

cells because fat is like this chemical buffer that can

protect our bodies from the toxins. In one study I read said

that there is up to 800 different toxins in the average

person's fat cells. Now if you're taking in too many toxins

and your body can eliminate, your body's not going to let you

burn fat.

Novelina: So quick question. I want to go back to what you just talked

about with the parasites because that's kind of like hanging

here for me right now, right? So your method and things that

you did for yourself cleaned all that out of your system.

John Gabriel: Absolutely, absolutely.

Novelina: And so that's something that folks tuning in today can learn

from you through this broadcast.

Page 14: Novelina: Hi there. I'm Novelina. And Mind Valley's asked · I followed the diet to the letter and I'd lose weight which you

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John Gabriel: Virtually everything that I talk about I have a solution


Novelina: Awesome.

John Gabriel: And that solution has been refined and refined and refined

through hundreds of thousands of people in 60 countries in 14

different languages over the years.

Novelina: Wow.

John Gabriel: So I have a solution for everything I'm talking about but

the real message of this webinar is let's starting looking in

the right direction.

Novelina: Right.

John Gabriel: Let's deal with digestion, let's learn how to nourish our

body, let's get off of chronic yoyo dieting, let's deal with

toxins. And by doing that, systematically point by point

we're addressing all these fat triggers. There are many other

triggers that will cause your body to gain weight and the

most important ones are mental and emotional ones. So I do a

lot of work on a mental level with programming your mind and

your emotions to want to be thin and to turn off these fat

switches. And the reason why mental and emotional triggers

are so important is that we all have stress, right?

Novelina: Right.

John Gabriel: I mean do you know anyone that doesn't have stress?

Novelina: No.

John Gabriel: Do you have stress?

Novelina: Absolutely.

John Gabriel: Everybody has stress.

Novelina: Yes, mm-hmm.

John Gabriel: So the thing about stress is that every time you have

stress it causes chemistry in your body and do you remember I

said before that when you're in a famine it causes a

Page 15: Novelina: Hi there. I'm Novelina. And Mind Valley's asked · I followed the diet to the letter and I'd lose weight which you

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signature type of chemistry, a specific type of hormonal

change. Sometimes for some people, not everybody and not all

the time, but sometimes for some people the stresses in their

lives cause the exact same chemistry as a famine because

every time you have mental stress, you're causing chemistry

in your body. Every time and everybody knows that, but it's

different chemistry under different circumstances. And if

you're causing a certain signature type of chemistry which is

kind of a chronic low level stress which I had to deal with.

I had to deal with by the way, every trigger we're mentioning

I had to deal with, okay? So I'm working in New York, I'm

under chronic stress like you wouldn't believe and my body's

activating this fat program, the fat switch because the

stress is the exact same as a famine. So you can't lose

weight and keep it off if you don't deal with the stresses.

Novelina: So how many total fat triggers are there?

John Gabriel: There's nine major ones. There's lots of little satellite


Novelina: Okay.

John Gabriel: But there's nine major ones that we can talk about and so

we've talked about dieting, nutritional starvation,

digestion, toxins. There's also and then mental stress,

emotional stress beliefs and then also medications. There's

lots of little satellite ones which we can fill into but

those are the major ones. So you've got mental stress. You've

also got emotional stress. So one of the most considerations

are the emotional ones. There's something that I call

emotional obesity which is very, very different than

emotional eating. And you know what emotional eating is,

right? You know, you just are eating because you're...

Novelina: Or it's, you're trying to crave or heal something that's


John Gabriel: Yeah, you're lonely, you're bored, you're tired, you're

missing someone and so you're eating for emotional reasons.

And that's very common. Everybody has emotional eating. But

you can be fat or thin and do emotional eating. I mean anyone

can have a block of chocolate. Emotional obesity is very

different. Emotional obesity is the actual need to be fat in

order to feel safe.

Page 16: Novelina: Hi there. I'm Novelina. And Mind Valley's asked · I followed the diet to the letter and I'd lose weight which you

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Novelina: Wow.

John Gabriel: And that's different and I lived through this. And I know

from my experience now having talked to countless thousands

of people. There are approximately 80% of people that have

had a lifetime of weight issues. And this is an important

message I just want to say to the audience that if you've had

a lifetime of weight issues or more importantly, if you can

trace your weight issue to some sort of event like a divorce,

a car accident, a separation, an abusive situation, it can

cause your body to react in such a way that weight becomes a

form of protection. And I'll give you the most tangible

example I heard of emotional obesity I heard back in 2004.

After I'd lost my weight and I was on national television I

got a lot of calls from people all over the country and one

lady called me and she told me a story she'd never told

anybody else. And that was that when she was 10 years old she

had a babysitter and she was being abused. And this was

actually a female babysitter. And this abuse went on for

three years. And the whole time she was being abused she was

getting fatter and fatter and fatter. Eventually she gained

so much weight the babysitter wasn't interested in her

anymore. And the weight had actually protected her in a way

that no one else could. No one was protecting her and her

body protected her. And this lady has spent 30 years dieting.

She'll lose 30 pounds on a diet through sheer force, but you

know what happens? She walks down the street and someone

says, "Wow, you look great." And do you know what happens? A

switch goes off.

Novelina: Right back up.

John Gabriel: And she wants to put that weight on and she says to me,

"I'm sabotaging myself."

Novelina: Absolutely.

John Gabriel: I said, "You're not sabotaging yourself. It's just that

your body has made the association that that weight is a form

of protection from unfriendly advances." So what we had to do

was we had to reprogram that. And so we do a lot of work on

an emotional and a mental level using tools like

visualization to reprogram these associations. But when you

have the association that the weight is making you feel safe

and I can tell you it's for 80% of the people that I talk to,

this is the case when you have that you have got to solve

Page 17: Novelina: Hi there. I'm Novelina. And Mind Valley's asked · I followed the diet to the letter and I'd lose weight which you

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that problem. So we do a lot of work with visualization to

reprogram that so that you feel safe being thin and the key

message is if you feel safe being thin, you will lose weight.

It's not about diet or will power or discipline. You've got

to address the real issues. So emotional obesity is another

fat trigger. Another trigger is what I call limiting beliefs.

Our minds are incredibly powerful in creating chemistry in

our body. If we have the belief that we can't lose weight,

that's going to get in the way even if you address all these

other switches. So if you stop chronic dieting, if you learn

how to nourish your body, if you deal with digestion issues,

if you deal with toxins, if you deal with the medications

that are causing you to gain weight, if you deal with stress

and mental obesity. If you deal with all those things but yet

you still have a belief that you won't lose weight, that's

going to get in the way. So what I do is I look at

everything. I leave no stone unturned.

Novelina: Right.

John Gabriel: So we have some very powerful visualization techniques we

use to help change and reprogram beliefs. And our minds are

incredibly powerful this way. So in this way we use

visualization to reduce stress, to deal with emotional

issues, the emotional obesity and the belief that fat is

safety. We reprogram that so that thin is safety and you

would amazed at how much weight people lose when you can

reprogram that belief. Because some of the biggest people out

there are big because their bodies feel like that weight is

protecting them. And when you reprogram that you get people

to lose 200 pounds.

Novelina: So when you sit down with a client one on one, how do you

actually help them identify what their top one or two or

three fat triggers are?

John Gabriel: In my head I go through a system like a checklist, you

know, where I ask them questions that will give me clues

about their digestion, about whether they have emotional

issues, about their belief systems surrounding weight loss,

about how much toxins they might have, about how much dieting

they've done, about how they're nourishing their body, what

medications they're on, whether or not they have sleep apnea

which is another fat trigger which we didn't talk about,

which we can talk about in a second. So by asking a system of

questions I will know what triggers apply to them. And what I

Page 18: Novelina: Hi there. I'm Novelina. And Mind Valley's asked · I followed the diet to the letter and I'd lose weight which you

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find is that there's always one trigger that started it but

after it starts most people have at least five or six

triggers. Because what happens is let's say for example your

issue is emotions, like an emotional trauma. Well, once you

have that emotional trauma it's going to cause stress. You're

going to have stress. And that stress is going to affect your

digestion so you're going to have digestion issues. And the

fact that your fat switch has been activated is going to

cause you to eat junk food. So you're going to eat more junk

food which is going to create more starvation and blood sugar

fluctuations. And then once you gain a certain amount of

weight you have sleep apnea which I'll talk about in a second

and that makes it all worse. So it starts from one place and

then it builds into other things. So what we do is

systematically step by step we unwind the whole thing. You

know, we find the root cause, we deal with it and then we

deal with all the ancillary situations, all the ancillary

triggers that have been activated. So let's just talk about

what the fat triggers are. There's one more we didn't talk

about that's a big one and it's sleep apnea and that's

something we can talk a lot about. And what happens is when

your neck is heavy and you try to sleep, the weight of your

neck overcomes the pressure of your windpipe and so you keep

waking up. But you don't know you're waking up, you just kind

of like you're still in a sleep but you're jolted all night.

So like when you're on a plane and you're trying to sleep and

you keep going like this, you know?

Novelina: Right.

John Gabriel: So you're doing that all night and you don't even know it.

And that is a fat trigger that causes you to gain an enormous

amount of weight because you're tight all the time and when

you're tight all the time you crave junk food. You know how

when you're traveling for three days and you haven't slept?

You just need junk food. You go from coffee to donuts to ice

cream, bababababa? So you live your life that way. And it

also causes a chemical condition where it elevates certain

hormones in your body that are the exact same hormones that

get elevated in a famine and so it acts as this enormous fat

trigger. And it all comes because you've gained a certain

amount of weight. So that has to get addressed. So if you

look at some of the major triggers, what are we talking

about? Number one, chronic yoyo dieting and I can't say this

enough. Not only does dieting not work, it's a trigger that

makes your body want to be fat. And if you take nothing else

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away from this webinar, know this one thing. Take this one

thing away. Not only does dieting not work in the long term,

dieting actually makes your body want to be fat. Take that

one thing away. So that's a trigger. Nutritional starvation

is a trigger, digestion issues are a trigger, toxins are a

trigger, medications are a trigger, sleep apnea is a trigger,

stress, emotional obesity, limited beliefs. All of these nine

triggers act as little switches that activate our fat genes.

So we have to address them systematically and we have a way

of addressing them systematically. So with chronic yoyo

dieting we teach people how to instead of diet nourish your

body and by nourishing your body you're not in famine

anymore. We teach people how to improve their digestion and

by improving their digestion, they're able to nourish their

body better and kill the parasites in their bodies and so

they're not having sugar cravings and their fat switch is

getting turned off so their metabolism is speeding up.

Stress, emotional obesity, limiting beliefs, all those we do

visualization with and we have very, very powerful, very

powerful and very effective visualizations and some of them

are just seven minutes long. And I've been refining this now

for seven, 10 years now these different visualizations so

that I can do these visualizations in just seven minutes that

will totally reprogram your body so that if your body thinks

it needs to be fat in order to feel safe, it's not going to

think that it needs to be thin in order to feel safe. If you

believe that you can't lose weight, you will start to really

believe that the weight will fall off of you effortlessly. If

you're feeling chronic stress all the time, you're not going

to feel it anymore. So these visualizations are enormously

powerful and they are essential to losing weight the right

way. So in this whole system that we're putting together what

happens is we're not worried about discipline and will power,

we're not worried about forcing you to lose weight, we're not

worried about a program, we're worried about getting your

body to want to be thin systematically, step by step, turning

off the switches, turning off the fat genes, activating the

thin genes, being done with the issue forever. And you know

what's really beautiful also is that by doing all these

visualizations all the time you get stronger and stronger

mentally. Your mind gets stronger and stronger and your

ability to manifest and create things gets stronger and

stronger and eventually your mind gets so stronger and so

powerful that you create almost anything simply by doing

visualization. And people talk about that and I lived it. I

mean I've seen it in my life but I've seen where other people

Page 20: Novelina: Hi there. I'm Novelina. And Mind Valley's asked · I followed the diet to the letter and I'd lose weight which you

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have been able to do it. You know, they talk about the law of

attraction and people say, "Well, it didn't work for me."

Well, it does work. It's just that you have to get your mind

strong enough. And so when you practice visualization every

day your mind does get strong enough.

And I remember for example when I first wrote my book, I went

to a certain publisher to publish it because I saw them and I

thought they would really understand what I'm doing. So I had

this visualization one morning where the publisher called me

and they published the book and it spread all over the world

and it was helping people all over the world. And then two

days later I got a call from a literary agent who says, "I'd

like to represent your book. I'd like to sell it to XYZ

publisher," which happened to be this publisher. I said fine.

He showed it to them. They bought the book and it's now been

translated into 14 languages and it's in 60 countries. So you

develop this enormous power from practicing visualization

every day that you can use in everything else in your life.

So what happens at the end of the day not only do you lose

weight and solve the issue forever, you're able to transform

your whole life in incredibly positive ways.

Novelina: Okay, John. So I'm finally getting this and this sounds

amazing. So can we talk about some of the results you've

helped people with?

John Gabriel: Well, you know, the results that we're getting are

unbelievable. I mean we're talking about people that have

tried to lose weight by dieting 30 years and are now losing

weight and keeping it off. And we're not talking about just

10 pounds or 20 pounds or 50 pounds or even 100 pounds. I'm

meeting with people who have lost 200 pounds over the last

couple of years and have just kept it off and are done with

the whole issue. And I even remember like the very first

person that read the book was a 69 year old lady who called

me. I was on national television. The book wasn't even done

yet and she called me every six months and is the book done,

is the book done? Finally I sent her a draft of it and she

called me then six months later. She's 69 years old, she lost

113 pounds, totally reversed her Type II diabetes and she's

got a new lease on life. And when that happened that was the

first person who ever read my book and when that happened I

thought if nothing else comes of this, then here's a 69 year

old lady that just got a new lease on life.

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So since then now last month, I was in Brisbane and I met with a lady

who lost a hundred pounds and she looks like a fitness

trainer. I mean there's no extra weight on her body and it

turns out that not only did she lose the hundred pounds,

she's got 11 kids. She lost that weight while she had 11

kids. Another lady I'm about to meet next week told me she

just lost 200 pounds. I get stories every single day and

especially now with the new programs that we're putting in

place to help people step by step address it, getting them

all the support they need. And the way we systematized it,

the results are unbelievable. Actually, we're getting amazing

results from people all over the world and I'm talking about

people that have tried to lose weight by dieting and have

failed time and time again. And people that are losing not

just five and 10 pounds, but people that are losing 50, 100,

even 200 pounds all over the world. And we're getting

testimonials every day. It's actually unbelievable.

Novelina: Okay, guys. So I'm sure many of you right now at this point are

actually curious on how The Gabriel Method works in action.

So what we did is we actually went out and found a woman, a

complete stranger to John Gabriel and even The Gabriel Method

who was struggling and has been struggling with weight loss

since the age of seven. So we brought her here earlier today

for her to have a private session with John Gabriel himself

and we're going to bring her in in a little bit to share with

you her personal experience about how that went down for her.

But before we bring her in, I'd love to ask John to share

what happened through that session with Ashley and if there's

any aha moments you can share with us right now.

John Gabriel: The coaching session went great but Ashley's a perfect

example of how dieting can make you fat. Okay? Ashley's been

chronically yoyo dieting since she was seven years old where

she'd lose five pounds, gain 10 pounds, lose five pounds,

gain 10 pounds. And it's a perfect example of how dieting not

only doesn't work, but it actually gets your body to want to

gain weight. So every time she's gone on a diet, she's lost

the weight but she's put on even more. So what we have to do

is we have to undo a lifelong process here, a lifelong

pattern of her body continually being in a famine mode where

it's forcing her to gain more weight and get her off of

dieting. So we have to transition her out of dieting and get

her to the point where her body can understand that she's not

in a famine anymore and that she can let go of the weight. So

between visualization and getting the right nutrition, over

Page 22: Novelina: Hi there. I'm Novelina. And Mind Valley's asked · I followed the diet to the letter and I'd lose weight which you

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time we're going to transition her out of dieting and get her

to the point where she's losing weight in a sustainable way

and she's not on any kind of program or there's no will power

and the whole thing can be done with. So that's the goal and

that's what we're trying to do.

Novelina: That's some solid information. That's awesome. I think what

we're going to do right now is we're actually go to some

clips of the earlier coaching session you had with Ashley and

then when we come back you'll see Ashley here live.

Ashley: I have been on a weight loss struggle my whole life.

John Gabriel: Okay. You say most of your life, you're saying since when?

Ashley: I started dieting when I was seven. My mom and my older sister

were pretty weight obsessed and so I followed suit.

John Gabriel: My guess is like when you were seven, you were maybe just

a little bit heavier, right?

Ashley: I was normal. I just had a little pot belly.

John Gabriel: A little pot belly and then you had a family who was

totally obsessed with dieting.

Ashley: Yeah.

John Gabriel: Right? And so what happened since then?

Ashley: Well, when I, unfortunately when I was 17 I was, you know, I

was always a little bit on the heavier side, but not really

bad. I was like 150 pounds in high school and I had a doctor

that put me on a diet pill. And I took that and I lost about

20 pounds and then as soon as I was done being on that I

gained 40 pounds back and then that's when the creep up

started happening after that.

John Gabriel: How many people were in your immediate family growing up?

Ashley: Five all together.

John Gabriel: So you had your sister who is older or younger?

Ashley: Older.

Page 23: Novelina: Hi there. I'm Novelina. And Mind Valley's asked · I followed the diet to the letter and I'd lose weight which you

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John Gabriel: And who else?

Ashley: I have a little brother. He's four years younger. My older

sister's two years older and then both parents.

John Gabriel: Does your brother have a weight problem?

Ashley: No, he's the only one that does not.

John Gabriel: And was he put on diets and things like that, too?

Ashley: No.

John Gabriel: Okay.

Ashley: He's always been the exception.

John Gabriel: And what type of weight problem does your father have?

Ashley: Well, right now he's really in shape. He's got a whole new life

style, but he's always been really, not really, really large,

but a bigger guy and he has diabetes.

John Gabriel: Type II?

Ashley: That's adult onset, isn't it?

John Gabriel: Yeah.

Ashley: Yeah and it runs in the family. My mom is overweight, she's

probably 220 pounds or so. But they both went on Phenphen

when Phenphen came out and they, you know, they did the

cabbage soup diet. They've done it all.

John Gabriel: Yeah, yeah. So what we need to do is we need to transition

you out of the diet mentality and we need to be very

conscious of the different types of things that can activate

this fat switch. Because in a sense everybody has this fat

switch but how quickly it gets activated will be determined

to a large extent by your family and your genetics. It's

called a genetic predisposition. So in a sense you grow up in

a family with like a hairpin trigger for this fat switch. But

it's the same fat switch everybody has that can get activated

from different things. So you grew up with a hairpin trigger.

So when you're seven years old and you went on a diet, as

soon as you go on this diet then your body says, "Oh, there's

Page 24: Novelina: Hi there. I'm Novelina. And Mind Valley's asked · I followed the diet to the letter and I'd lose weight which you

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a famine out there and I'm really hyper alert and ready to

protect myself against famines because my switch is ready to

go. That's how I came into this planet." So what I would like

to do with you is get you in a situation where that fat

switch is never being activated. So when I say I'm not going

to give you a program. What I'm saying is I'm not going to

tell you what not to eat. I'm not telling you what you have

to, I'm going to tell you you've got to go run 10 miles. But

I am telling you, you have to nourish your body and you have

to nourish your mind. Those are the two things that you have

to do. And if you can do that you will solve your problems.

Eventually your body won't be in a perpetual state of famine.

Your mind won't be thinking anxiety type thoughts and nervous

thoughts. You'll have more energy, you will crave less foods,

you will crave healthier foods, your metabolism will speed

up, you will regain the ability to burn fat. But the beauty

of it is that even though it takes time, you're not dieting.

It's not unsustainable. You don't have to eat rice crackers

for the rest of your life. So if you're willing to do that

we're putting together a six week course which I want you to

take and you'll be part of it and in that six week course,

it's going to give you everything you need to make this

transition. Okay?

Ashley: Yeah, I can't wait.

John Gabriel: Great.

Ashley: Awesome. Thank you so much.

John Gabriel: My pleasure.

Novelina: So I'd like to welcome Ashley and thank you for being here.

Ashley: Thanks for having me.

Novelina: Absolutely. So earlier today you had an opportunity to actually

have a private session with John Gabriel. The first time

you've ever heard of The Gabriel Method or visited with John.

Can you tell us a little bit about how that session went for


Ashley: Yeah, it was great. We talked about my struggles with dieting

in the past and what we could do in the future and I'm really


Page 25: Novelina: Hi there. I'm Novelina. And Mind Valley's asked · I followed the diet to the letter and I'd lose weight which you

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Novelina: Can you tell us a little bit about what you were struggling

with as you were [inaudible 00:48:58].

Ashley: Yeah, I've been yoyo dieting since a very young age, since I

was seven years old. And so we talked about some of the past

history that I've had with dieting and how to fix it in the


Novelina: Has any of it ever worked for you?

Ashley: No, never. It's worked for a very short period of time and then

stopped working.

John Gabriel: Did you understand in the coaching why it doesn't work for

you? Why diets don't work?

Ashley: Yes. Because I have turned on the fat switch.

John Gabriel: Exactly.

Ashley: And because from the environment that I grew up in with my

family and starting dieting at such a young age and it has

been left on my whole life.

Novelina: What were some of the maybe one or two nuggets that you took

away from that coaching session that you can share with us?

Ashley: Number one, that the yoyo dieting, I guess what I already knew,

but that there's science behind the fact that it doesn't

work. And two, that the stress in my life is also a big cause

of my weight gain and the way that I am now.

John Gabriel: So what I'm thinking is right now if you want we could do

a visualization right now. Just like a quick maybe seven

minute visualization that helps not only your specific

situation of transitioning out of diets and dealing with

stress, but maybe touches on some or all of the triggers that

many of us have out there in this visualization that will

help solve those triggers. So if you're willing...

Ashley: Definitely.

John Gabriel: We'll just take maybe seven minutes and do this


Novelina: Awesome.

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John Gabriel: Okay? All right, cool. So what you want to do and any of

you that are watching right now you can do this visualization

if you want. So if you just sit up straight, you want to keep

your back straight and have your eyes closed and take a deep

breath in and a deep breath out and relax. And I'd like you

to imagine that there's a ball of white light circulating

around your navel and it's getting brighter and brighter and

brighter. And this ball of white light is a healing white

light and it's circulating around your navel and it starts to

move. It moves into your pelvis and it moves up your spine

and anywhere this ball of white light touches, that part of

your body is getting brighter and it's getting healthier.

It's clearing out any blockages in your spine and in your

hips and it just goes up one vertebrae at a time up your

back. And you can feel it behind your navel and it goes up

behind your chest and all the way up to your neck. And so you

can imagine your whole spine is glowing with a bright white

light. And then this white light goes into your head. And if

you touch your tongue to the roof of your mouth, you might

feel a little trickle as this white light goes into your

tongue and into your throat. And it's opening up any

blockages in your throat giving you the power to speak your

mind and your heart.

And this beautiful bright white light goes into your heart and you

can feel your heart getting brighter and brighter, letting go

of any tension, letting go of any tension or stress. Anything

negative just dissolves. And you feel the light in your heart

getting brighter and this light, this light in your heart is

getting brighter and brighter and what you're feeling is that

it's energizing your blood. And so beautiful, bright,

energized blood is going all over your body. You can feel it

on the left side of your body energizing every cell in your

body and on the right side of your body. And so every cell of

your body is now glowing with a bright white light. And you

can imagine as every cell of your body is glowing with bright

white light and so as every cell in your body is now glowing

with a bright white light, I'd like you to imagine that ball

of light is back in your navel and it's spinning around and

spiraling almost like a vortex or a whirlpool. This bright

light is spiraling around your navel and your body is

energized and relaxed. And I'd like you to imagine as you're

sitting there that any excess weight that you have on your

body is like an energy. It becomes like an energy. It's not

matter anymore. It becomes like an energy and it's getting

Page 27: Novelina: Hi there. I'm Novelina. And Mind Valley's asked · I followed the diet to the letter and I'd lose weight which you

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sucked into that bright white vortex in your navel. Any

excess weight in your body is getting suck into this vortex

or whirlpool in your navel, never to be seen again. So as

you're sitting there, all the excess weight is gone and

you're sitting there in your most perfect ideal shape with no

excess weight on your body. And in this way you're

communicating to your body. Your body understands that this

is the way you're supposed to be.

And as you're sitting there in your most perfect ideal shape, all the

excess weight is gone, I'd like you to imagine in your mind's

eye that maybe you're going for a walk on the beach and you

can feel how your body feels to be in perfect ideal shape.

You're strong and fit and lean. And the sun is glowing on

your skin. And you're walking on the beach and you can feel

the water on your ankles and you start walking faster and

faster and faster and maybe even start to run. Maybe this is

the first time you've run in years, but you're running

because it feels so good to run. It's so effortless. Your

body is so amazing, it's so fit and as you're running you can

feel your muscles moving and you're kicking up water on the

beach on the ocean and you're sprinting and it feels amazing.

You feel so alive. You can feel the wind in your hair and on

your face. And as you're running and kicking up water as you

run, maybe you stop and you head toward the ocean and you

jump over one wave, you jump over a second one, and you dive

into the water and you feel the cool water refresh your

suntanned shoulders and it feels so amazing. This is feeling

alive. And maybe you jump up afterwards and you say, "This is

me. This is my ideal body." And you can communicate to your

body and your body will understand this is how I'm meant to

be. You can make this happen. You can tell your body this is

how I'm meant to be. You can make it happen. It doesn't need

to have the fat switch on. You can even imagine like a switch

going off and you're in your perfect ideal shape. And you can

imagine now that you're in your perfect ideal shape how the

rest of the day is going to go for you. Or maybe tomorrow.

How you'll have an incredible day with your family or at work

or in business, how things will flow and maybe in two weeks,

six weeks, six months from now how everything in your life is

flowing and you're in shape and you're happy and you're

healthy and you're fit and you're vibrant and you're craving

real, live, natural, nourishing foods and you're just not

that hungry anymore because you're being energized by life.

Everything in your life is nourishing you and energizing you

and you're successful beyond your wildest dreams in every

Page 28: Novelina: Hi there. I'm Novelina. And Mind Valley's asked · I followed the diet to the letter and I'd lose weight which you

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conceivable way. Success is just effortless flowing to you

and your body understands this and you program your body to

be in its most perfect ideal shape and your life to be its

most perfect ideal life. You're using the power of your mind

in a most creative way to create your most perfect ideal body

and your most perfect ideal life. And so in your own time and

space when you're ready, you can open your eyes knowing you

have just used the power of your mind to forever permanently

transform your body and your life.

So Ashley, what I want to do is I want to give you the six

week course and I want you to go through it with me because

in this six week course what we're going to be doing is we're

going to be doing visualizations like this that totally

transform you at every level. But we're also going to be

addressing every conceivable aspect of the fat triggers that

can cause you to gain weight. So for you, you know, you had a

lifetime of dieting issues and that's been a trigger for you.

But so many other triggers are also there that we didn't even

talk about that apply to most people. So what we're going to

do in the six week course is we're going to go step by step

and spend a week just focusing on one or two triggers and

what to do about them and put together an approach for how to

nourish your body, how to deal with digestion issues, why

it's so important to deal with digestion issues, how to

detoxify your body and get your body to regain the ability to

burn fat. How to stabilize your blood sugar so you don't get

sugar cravings all the time. And if you've had a lifetime of

weight issues, emotional trauma is usually one of the

triggers. So we're going to spend a whole week dealing with

emotional traumas. And then there's financial pressures.

Almost everybody these days has financial pressures. Well

financial pressures are a trigger as we mentioned that can

get your body to want to be fat. So we'll spend a whole week

just talking about financial issues and how to create

abundance. And the beautiful thing is by the time we start

talking about the financial issues, your mind will have

gotten so powerful from four or five, six weeks of

visualizations on a daily basis. And doing visualizations is

like a muscle that gets stronger and stronger and stronger.

So that by the time we start dealing with lifestyle issues

like how to create more abundance and more wealth, your mind

will be so powerful that when you those visualizations it's

like you're summoning the universe to create what it is that

you want. And you have the ability to do this. So we're going

to be spending four or five, six weeks daily visualizations.

Page 29: Novelina: Hi there. I'm Novelina. And Mind Valley's asked · I followed the diet to the letter and I'd lose weight which you

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Just 10 minutes in the morning is enough. It's like if you

were to do bicep curls 10 minutes every day imagine how much

stronger for this arm versus this arm, imagine how much

stronger this arm would be in six weeks than this arm. It

would be three or four times the strength. And so not only

are you going to be able to transform your body, you're going

to be able to transform every aspect of your life. And so

that's what I want to do for you in this six week course and

that's what we're going to be doing. So if you're willing to

do it with me, I hundred percent, I want to invite you to do

this with me.

Ashley: I am absolutely willing.

John Gabriel: Beautiful. Good.

Novelina: So Ashley, how do you feel about taking John's six week course?

Ashley: I'm really excited and I hope that it finally puts the stop to

the dieting that I've been doing my entire life and hopefully

I can finally start living my life the way I want to.

Novelina: And that visualization process we just went through was


Ashley: Yes, it was. I don't often think about myself in that fashion.

I've tried dieting so many times and it's failed so many

times that I don't even let myself think of myself as a new

me and somebody that's successful. So it was emotional for me

to actually truly imagine that.

John Gabriel: Believe it or not, that's all you have to do. I mean

that's what I did and one of the things we're going to do in

the class is that we're going to use that image that you're

creating and we're going to use it like a magnet. So maybe

it's a couple months down the road, but it's going to be a

magnet that's going to pull you. So that every action you

take going forward whether you turn left, turn right, you eat

this food, you eat that food, you apply for this job,

whatever you do, you're doing it because that magnet is

pulling you. You're actually creating your most ideal body

and life and it's pulling you to it. So it's an incredibly

powerful technique.

Ashley: Good. I'm excited.

Page 30: Novelina: Hi there. I'm Novelina. And Mind Valley's asked · I followed the diet to the letter and I'd lose weight which you

For more information about the Gabriel Code please go to:

Novelina: Okay, guys. So here's where you come in. Now I want to take the

opportunity to personally invite you to participate in The

Gabriel Code. Because this is where it really all begins.

Right here, right now on this online broadcast, for the first

time we're opening up John's new six week course. So what

that means is that you have the opportunity to be amongst the

first people to ever experience it. How cool is that? In

addition to that, you actually get a sweet deal on the

launch. So before I actually show you and tell you how to

enroll in the opportunity and be a part of The Gabriel Code,

I'm going to provide a few more details so you really

understand what you're going to be receiving. So what you're

going to get access to is the beautiful Mind Valley Academy.

Your six week course will include a weekly class by John

where he will walk you through the process step by step.

You'll also receive a recorded session where John is

addressing the most common weight loss problem people like

you are facing.

John Gabriel: What I'm doing is I'm guiding you through the process step

by step. It's like you came into my home and I'm basically

taking you through the process one step at a time and it's

really essential. And what we've found in working with other

people in a similar fashion is that this step by step process

that we've been refining really for years actually, this step

by step process is the most effective way to address and

eliminate all the fat triggers that can cause your body to

gain weight. So that once you're done with this, basically

you're done with the issue. You walk away with this with

habits that are in place that systematically and continually

turn off these fat switches and keep your body healthy, fit

and vibrant. So you don't have to think about it anymore. So

the whole issue is done forever. That's what the purpose of

this step by step course is, is to eliminate the issue, solve

the problem forever, and move on and enjoy your life. And

that's really what I've experienced over the last eight

years. I mean because for the last eight years I haven't been

on a program, I haven't been on an approach, I haven't

worried about dieting. I've moved on. And so many people now

have also moved on. People that have lost 10 pounds, 50

pounds, 100 pounds and over 200 pounds. They've moved on with

their life. They've solved the problem forever because this

is the right way to do it and that's what these classes are

going to do. They're going to help you solve the problem


Page 31: Novelina: Hi there. I'm Novelina. And Mind Valley's asked · I followed the diet to the letter and I'd lose weight which you

For more information about the Gabriel Code please go to:

Novelina: You're also going to get 10 morning visualizations as well as

one evening visualization so that you can access those

throughout the six weeks and beyond. In addition to class

notes and learning materials that will help you structure

your week with checklists. So to get your story and to enroll

in The Gabriel Code right now, click on the link below or go

to And just so you know, this

isn't going to be available forever. This is a deal right now

during this online broadcast and we definitely want you to

take advantage of that. So once again, just let me recap. Go

to And John do you have a couple

moments right now to go over a couple more Q&A's?

John Gabriel: Yeah, sure. Of course.

Novelina: Awesome. So the mind is powerful yes, buy can it really help

you lose weight?

John Gabriel: There's no question. Our minds are incredibly powerful and

we can use our minds to totally transform our bodies. I'm a

living proof of that. When I weighed over 400 pounds I had a

very definite image of the way I wanted to look. I wanted to

be 180 pounds, I wanted to be fit. I could see myself and

every night as I was going to sleep I imagined that image.

And two and a half years later I exactly and I mean exactly

became that image and I do not think that's a coincidence.

And so many incredibly powerful people have used

visualization or incredibly successful people I should say

have used visualization to be successful in their lives. You

know, they've done studies with Olympic athletes where they

visualize doing their ideal sport and all the muscles and

neurons that would be fired if they were doing the sport are

all being fired in the same coordinated sequence and they're

getting better and better at the sport. And professional

builders. Arnold Schwarzenegger when he was a body builder

used to use visualization and you could say anything you want

about his politics or his personal life, but he was one of

the best body builders of all time. He used to use

visualization. Our minds are incredibly powerful and we're

just beginning to tap into that. And as you practice on a

daily basis you get stronger and stronger to the point where

you can create and manifest almost anything in your life

including your most ideal body.

Novelina: That's awesome. So for those people out there who may have not

really heard that, just can I lose 15 pounds, 220 pounds, it

Page 32: Novelina: Hi there. I'm Novelina. And Mind Valley's asked · I followed the diet to the letter and I'd lose weight which you

For more information about the Gabriel Code please go to:

really is the image that they have in their mind.

John Gabriel: Well, visualization is an incredibly powerful tool for

communicating with your body. So one of the problems that we

all have that we don't even know we have is that we don't

even know how to talk to our brain. So we've got this part of

our brain that's in total charge of how hungry we are. And

you can fight cravings for a while, but you can't control how

hungry you are. Your body's in charge of that and your body

can make you hungry 24 hours a day, seven days a week. So

this part of our brain is in control of how hungry we are or

how much energy we have to access. It's in control of

everything and we can't even talk to it. So what do you do

about that? Well, imagine you're in a foreign country and

nobody spoke your language, right? And you had to do

something simple like go to the bathroom. You could ask a

thousand people where's the bathroom and not one of them will

tell you. But if you make an image of a bathroom and you just

show it to anybody, in an instant they know what it is.

Anyone of them and they can tell you. Visions, symbols are

the universal language for communicating with someone that

doesn't speak your language and our own brains that are in

charge of everything don't speak our language. But when you

make a visual image of the way you would like to look and you

do it when you're in a calm, powerful state like the

visualization we just did, when do that your body

understands. It's a way of communicating with your

subconscious that's in charge of these fat programs. And when

your body understands the fat switches get turned off. And in

essence what you're saying to your body in the form of

symbols is you're getting it wrong. All these stresses that

are activating our fat switches and making us fat, that's not

the proper reaction to the stresses. We're confused. Turn the

fat programs off, turn the switches off and let your body

lose weight. That's what you're communicating in symbols. And

when your body understands that, it all happens

automatically. It's incredibly powerful and effective, but

it's so simple that people don't even think to do it.

Novelina: That's amazing. So John, does that mean that I can completely

give up diet and exercise?

John Gabriel: What you can do is you can get yourself to a place where

your body wants to be thin and when your body wants to be

thin, you don't ever have to diet again because if you look

at what the definition of dieting and my definition of

Page 33: Novelina: Hi there. I'm Novelina. And Mind Valley's asked · I followed the diet to the letter and I'd lose weight which you

For more information about the Gabriel Code please go to:

dieting is in some way restricting yourself. And I can tell

you that when your body wants to be thin you will never have

to restrict yourself again ever because your body will be

working with you to help you lose weight.

Novelina: So how much time would you recommend anyone spend doing the

visualization each day?

John Gabriel: Okay, so I've kind of made it as easy as possible. First

of all, the evening visualization. The evening visualization

is about 25 minutes but the beauty of it is to fall asleep

while you're listening to it. Everybody falls asleep when

they're listening to it. It's one of the unique talents I

have is my voice is uniquely structured to help people fall

asleep. But I have hundreds of thousands of people all over

the world, famous people that have said to me they go to

sleep every night listening to my voice. But what happens is

you fall asleep and basically you're losing weight while you

sleep. And to me it doesn't get any easier than that because

I know from being in a situation where I was over 400 pounds

and just tying my shoelaces was a monumental effort. Getting

through the day felt like being on a treadmill that was just

moving too fast. And you don't want more things to do and you

don't want to know about cutting out anything because you're

hungry all the time.

So nothing on earth is easier than playing a CD and falling asleep to

it. You can't do anything else that's easier and more

effective. This person that I was just talking about recently

that I met in Brisbane that's lost 220 pounds, he said it all

started with listening to the CD. So that you fall asleep to.

Now the morning ones I've been real short. They're seven to

10 minutes and you just listen to it first thing in the

morning. And the way you do it is you have it all set up. So

you don't wake up in the morning and you go where's the CD

player, you know, where do I sit, where do I put it in. You

don't fumble around with it. You just have it all set up so

as soon as you wake up, click. Before you're even up and it

programs your mind and body, gets rid of stress, helps you be

clear and calm and focused and gives you energy throughout

the day so you're not craving carbs, you're not upset, you're

not causing stresses that are making you fat and it all

happens automatically after that.

Novelina: How long would it take someone like myself to actually see


Page 34: Novelina: Hi there. I'm Novelina. And Mind Valley's asked · I followed the diet to the letter and I'd lose weight which you

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John Gabriel: Okay. So everyone's different as far as results. The

principles of The Gabriel Method are sound and apply to

everyone. How everybody applies those principles is different

and that's where this course comes in because originally I

wrote a book. And the book got translated into 14 languages.

It's in 80 countries, it was a number one best seller for

months and months and months and everybody loved it, everyone

loved the concept. But how well everyone did with it depended

on how much support they got and how well they understood it.

So a course like this where you're walked through the process

virtually guarantees your best chance at applying the

principles properly and if you apply the principles properly,

what will happen is maybe you won't lose weight instantly or

maybe you'll lose a lot of weight. I've had people lose

enormous amounts of weight, over a hundred pounds, in just

nine months. And I've had other people that have had to work

at it for a while addressing the issues. But what you will

walk away from in this course is you will have the tools in

place to turn off those fat programs and then over time

you'll start losing more and more weight.

Novelina: So with the tools in place, would you say that weight loss is


John Gabriel: When you apply these principles and when you put these

habits in place, you're done with the issue. If you're able

to manage stress, if you're doing visualization, if you're

nourishing your body, if you're addressing and eliminating

the specific triggers in your life, it's forever. You never

have to think about it again. But one thing that's

interesting I find is that sometimes people lose weight and

they're doing the things, they're listening to the

visualizations in the morning or the evening and then they

go, "Well, this is working, I don't have to do it anymore."

And then I talk to them a couple months later and they say,

"Well, you know, something's happening. I'm hungry again,"

dadada. So I say do you listen to visualizations, they say no

I stopped doing that. I didn't think I needed to do that

anymore. Well, that's what's working. So when you have a

system in place that's working, don't abandon it once it

starts working. In other words, keep doing it. In the morning

when I wake up, I sit and I do meditation and visualization.

That's what I do. I don't have to think about it. It's not a

choice. It's become a habit. And I find it to be the most

enjoyable part of my life or one of the most enjoyable parts

Page 35: Novelina: Hi there. I'm Novelina. And Mind Valley's asked · I followed the diet to the letter and I'd lose weight which you

For more information about the Gabriel Code please go to:

because I get so much energy and clarity and creativity from

it. It's where I create my day. So that habit has given me

benefits in so many different ways. But there's no question

that once you address the issues, it's a solve the problem

forever approach and that's exactly what this is. This is a

solve the problem forever approach. And this course is

exactly how to put those principles in place so that you have

the habits there that will solve the problem forever.

Novelina: So thanks, John. I'm sure that answered a lot of questions in

folks' mind online. And I want to thank you guys for being a

part of today's broadcast and remember that this deal won't

last forever. So make sure to enroll right now in The Gabriel

Code. Go to or click the link

below. I'd like to thank you for being a part of today and

just hope that you put into practice things that you learn

here so you can be your healthy and slim self and the person

you want to be.

John Gabriel: Thanks, Novelina. That was great. And thanks everyone for

listening. I really hope that the information we gave you

will help you transform your body and your life forever.

Thanks very much.

Hi there. This is Vishen Lakhiani the founder of Mind

Valley and I just want to give you a big organic low flat

gluten free and totally virtual thank you cookie for tuning

into John's broadcast. So I hope you've been paying attention

because the remarkable weight loss method that you've just

learned is making huge waves across the planet. John's

written a best-selling book about it, he's been features in

the documentary "Hungry for Change," and best of all he's

helped 350,000 people across the planet transform their

bodies. So The Gabriel Code program is your chance to get

into the action, connect with a powerful weight loss process

and make a meaningful impact on your body. The best part

about it is that it's enjoyable unlike diets or pills or

exercise routines. There are no side effects or potential for

burnout. So everything you're going to experience is as

natural and harmless and enjoyable as breathing itself and

you most definitely won't be doing it alone. We're expecting

2,000 students to sign up for the program. In fact, here at

Mind Valley HQ, many of our employees are going to be taking

part in it ourselves. So remember, this is not your usual

home training program. The entire experience is powered by a

brand new Mind Valley Academy online learning platform which

Page 36: Novelina: Hi there. I'm Novelina. And Mind Valley's asked · I followed the diet to the letter and I'd lose weight which you

For more information about the Gabriel Code please go to:

is going to work on an iPad, on your computer or just

portable audios that you going to take on your iPhone.

Now if you're still wondering what kind of results you'll be

able to achieve, let's draw some inspiration from people who

have achieved real results using The Gabriel Code. So Jesse

Law said, "Eleven pounds lost for the month of July. Yippee!"

And this one, "I've been trying to desperately loose two

pounds in the last month. I have been listening to Gabriel

Code the past week and I've already lost that two pounds.

It's an miracle and an amazing journey. Can't wait to start."

That's from Luda Drummond. And how about this one. "Total

weight loss to date, 33 pounds. Mile marker, one third of the

way towards my goal of losing a hundred pounds in a year and

more importantly keeping it off." That's from Lowell Farrell.

From Desi Hasberg, "Wonderfully excited. I've lost six

pounds. I notice abundant energy and I sleep better." And

this. "Wow. Just listening today I believe I can really move

forward. I thought I was the only person dealing with this

digest problem I've had since childhood. You have turned on

the light for me." That's from Raylene Hayward.

Remember, these are just a few of the successful case studies

we've gotten out of thousands who have used John Gabriel's

program. Now if you haven't booked your copy yet, go ahead,

click on the link below to check out The Gabriel Code. You're

getting it for a special deal, over two-thirds off the

initial telecourse price because these are recordings. And

the best thing is, you're getting everything, all the

recording material from the previous telecourse, all

available for you to listen anytime you want. And remember,

you do not have to make a decision now. Simply try it out for

90 days and if you feel this is not for you even if you don't

like the presentation of the material on the website, you can

return it for a full refund. And our customer support staff

which is ranked in the top 1.8% of all companies in the world

using nice reply to rank customer service agents, they're

going to be there for you to answer any question you need.

Now here's why this is so important to us. Extreme obesity

can shorten your lifespan by up to 12 years. That's huge.

That's more than a decade. And one in three Americans, so one

in there out of you watching this today are suffering from

Page 37: Novelina: Hi there. I'm Novelina. And Mind Valley's asked · I followed the diet to the letter and I'd lose weight which you

For more information about the Gabriel Code please go to:

extreme obesity. That's more than 72 million people in the US

alone. But you want to know what's really scary? In 1994,

only 23% of America was obese. Right now, it's over 35%.

That's two-thirds of the country. Overall, two in three

Americans are either overweight or obese and it's worse. You

see, being overweight or obese will not just dampen your sex

life, make it harder to be in a fulfilling relationship. Even

in some studies, lower your perceived performance at work.

But it's also going to rack hay walk on you financially in

terms of higher health care bills. Obesity now accounts for

9.1% of all medical spending, up from 6.5% in just 1998. And

on average, if you're obese, okay, so if you're that one-

third of the population that's obese, you're going to be

spending roughly $4.8 thousand dollars in medical bills a

year compared with $3.4 thousand dollars for someone who's in

the health weight range. In other words, obesity adds on 50%

to your annual medical bills. So this is going to cost you in

terms of years of your life being shaved off. In term of

increased medical bills. In terms of self-esteem, healthy

relationships, even perceived performance at work. There

needs to be a solution. I am not a big fan of the diet

industry because if dieting actually worked, we would not be

in a situation where at any given point, 60% of all Americans

are on a diet. It's because dieting is a short term solution.

That's where The Gabriel Code comes in. I love this program

because it showed me that a large chunk of how I deal with my

body mass, how all of us do, has got to do with what goes on

over here. It's not about the latest exercise machine

gimmick. It's not about the latest dieting fad. It's about

clearing up the dogma and the rubbish and the bad programming

that we've been taken on since childhood that has caused us

to create an unhealthy self-image that leads to an unhealthy

body. That's what The Gabriel Code is going to help you

overcome. The best part is, once you release these blocks,

once you understand what's causing this, you are free for

life. See? These bad programmings? They come into you as a

child because we don't know better. But now as an adult with

someone with a logical brain who can discern from a bad idea

and a good idea, once you're able to remove that bad

programming you get to stay healthy for life. It becomes a

lot easier and you'll find that once you learn to lose weight

and keep those pounds off in so many ways every element of

your life starts improving. So go ahead, click the link

below. Once again, you do not need to make a decision now.

You get to try it out for 90 days and if it's not for you,

Page 38: Novelina: Hi there. I'm Novelina. And Mind Valley's asked · I followed the diet to the letter and I'd lose weight which you

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