Nov. 4, 2005

IN THIS ISSUE NEWS........................ 1-2 FEATURE...................3-11 SPORTS ....................12-13 ENTERTAINMENT..........2-3 CALENDAR....................15 PHOTO FEATURE Dias de los Muertos, the Latin American celebration of the Day of the Dead, at Hollywood Forever. Pages 8-9 E L V AQUERO Volume 88 Number 4 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2005 Glendale College Page 7 Photo by Elizabeth Linares C harging through a five-game winning streak, and with only two more games remaining in the regular sea- son, the Vaquero football team, which has an over- all record of 6-2 and is 4-1 in the Western State Conference South, have a good shot at the WSC South championship and a bowl playoff. The Vaqueros, who haven’t made a bowl appearance since 2001 when they beat Fullerton College, are cur- rently tied for first place with Citrus College, which has taken the crown for the past two years. That might not happen again for the Owls this year, because the Vaqueros, who beat them 40-34 on Oct. 22, have been unstoppable this season and are showing no signs of slowing down. See JOURNALISM, Page 4 “I feel blessed to have a team like this this year,” said head coach John Cicuto, who is in his 17th year as head coach and 31st year of coaching at GCC. “This is the top group that has come through for the program in 20 years.” Cicuto credits his team for not only doing an impressive, hard- working job on the field, but also off the field academically. “They accept the philosophy the school comes first…their attitude is great and that has really been successful to the team,” said Cicuto. The team has been led by sophomore quarterback Steve Martinez, who just last week guided his team to a triple over- time win over West Los Angeles College with a score of 56-54. Other contributing players have been sophomore wide receiver Darion Donelly, who leads the team with ten touch- downs; sophomore defensive lineman Jason Bonwell, who broke the all-time team sack record of 17; freshman run- ning back Jamal Rashad who filled in for injured run- ning back Samuel Ledford and has rushed for 1031 yards; and freshman defensive back Matt Patterson, who had 10 tackles in the game against West L.A. College last Saturday. The Vaqueros next game is Saturday against Santa Monica College at 5 p.m. This will be Glendale’s last home game of the regular season. On Nov.12 the Vaqueros will play their last game of the regu- lar season against East Los Angeles College. El Vaquero Nets Record Number of Wins at Community Colleges Convention By JANE POJAWA EL VAQUERO EDITOR IN CHIEF T he El Vaquero staff was recognized on Saturday for this year’s achievements, as well as some spontaneous accomplishments. The Journalism Association of Community Colleges (JACC) hosts confer- ences for member schools in Northern and Southern California in the autumn, and a state-wide convention in the spring. Approximately 70 member colleges par- ticipate, with staffs as few as Glendale’s, or as many as 20. The weekend gatherings feature guest speakers, workshops and sem- inars as well as mail-in, bring-in and on-the-spot competitions. El Vaquero generally does well in these competitions, but this year the newspaper staff outdid itself with 20 awards, which we believe to be an all-time high for this campus. As Editor in Chief, I would like to congrat- ulate my team on a job well done, and thank the staff that preceded us for setting the bar so high. To credit these winners, here is a list of competition, ranking, and name: Mail-in Awards: CRITICAL REVIEW 4 Daniel Antolin HM Geghard Arakelian SPEECH & DEBATE These students have something to say. EVENTS Classified Council’s Halloween festivities enlighten and entertain. Photo by Oliver Tan Page 10 SPECIAL ELECTION Don’t forget to vote on Nov. 8. Proposition 76 affects school funding. PHOTO PAGE Child Development Center tricks and treats Vaquero Football Team Aiming for Western State Conference Title By VIOLETA ARRAZOLA EL VAQUERO SPORTS EDITOR Violeta Arrazola can be reached at [email protected] Photo by Jane Pojawa Jamal Rashad scores a touchdown against West Los Angeles College. Quarterback Steve Martinez celebrates. DEPTH NEWS STORY/SERIES HM Jessica Lopez NEWS STORY 3 Jeremy Casabella HM Jeremy Casabella SPORTS GAME STORY HM Ramtin Jamshidi ONLINE PHOTO 1 Cynthia Perry 4 Cynthia Perry Page 6


El Vaquero is the student newspaper of Glendale Community College in Glendale, CA. It was established in 1927. Jane Pojawa was editor-in-chief for the school year 2005-2006, a period of transition for the newspaper. At the time, Michael Moreau was faculty advisor, Liane Enkelis was photojournalism advisor, and Charles Eastman was the graphics advisor. This issue features the Journalism Association of Community Colleges, football, "Caterpillar Soup," "Romeo and Juliet," Day of the Dead at Hollywood Forever Cemetery, and the GCC speech team.

Transcript of Nov. 4, 2005

Page 1: Nov. 4, 2005


NEWS........................1-2FEATURE...................3-11SPORTS ....................12-13ENTERTAINMENT..........2-3CALENDAR....................15


Dias de los Muertos,the Latin American

celebration of the Dayof the Dead, at

Hollywood Forever.Pages 8-9

EL Volume 88 Number 4


G l e n d a l e C o l l e g e

Page 7

Photo by Elizabeth Linares

Charging through a five-gamewinning streak, and with

only two moregames remainingin the regular sea-son, the Vaquerofootball team,which has an over-all record of 6-2and is 4-1 in theWestern StateConference South,have a good shot atthe WSC Southchampionship anda bowl playoff.

The Vaqueros,who haven’t madea bowl appearancesince 2001 whenthey beat FullertonCollege, are cur-rently tied for firstplace with CitrusCollege, which hastaken the crownfor the past twoyears. That might not happenagain for the Owls this year,because the Vaqueros, who beatthem 40-34 on Oct. 22, havebeen unstoppable this season andare showing no signs of slowingdown.


“I feel blessed to have a teamlike this this year,” said headcoach John Cicuto, who is in his17th year as head coach and 31styear of coaching at GCC. “This

is the top group that has come through for the program in 20 years.”

Cicuto credits his team for notonly doing an impressive, hard-working job on the field, but alsooff the field academically. “They

accept the philosophy the schoolcomes first…their attitude isgreat and that has really beensuccessful to the team,” saidCicuto.

The team has been led bysophomore quarterback SteveMartinez, who just last weekguided his team to a triple over-time win over West Los AngelesCollege with a score of 56-54.

Other contributing players

have been sophomore widereceiver Darion Donelly, wholeads the team with ten touch-downs; sophomore defensivelineman Jason Bonwell, who

broke the all-timeteam sack record of17; freshman run-ning back JamalRashad who filledin for injured run-ning back SamuelLedford and hasrushed for 1031yards; and freshmandefensive back MattPatterson, who had10 tackles in thegame against WestL.A. College lastSaturday.

The Vaquerosnext game isSaturday againstSanta MonicaCollege at 5 p.m.This will beGlendale’s lasthome game of theregular season.

On Nov.12 the Vaqueros willplay their last game of the regu-lar season against East LosAngeles College.

El Vaquero Nets Record Number of Wins at Community Colleges ConventionBy JANE POJAWAEL VAQUERO EDITOR IN CHIEF

The El Vaquero staff was recognized onSaturday for this year’s achievements, as

well as some spontaneous accomplishments. The Journalism Association of

Community Colleges (JACC) hosts confer-ences for member schools in Northern andSouthern California in the autumn, and astate-wide convention in the spring.

Approximately 70 member colleges par-ticipate, with staffs as few as Glendale’s, oras many as 20. The weekend gatheringsfeature guest speakers, workshops and sem-inars as well as mail-in, bring-in and

on-the-spot competitions. El Vaquero generally does well in these

competitions, but this year the newspaperstaff outdid itself with 20 awards, which webelieve to be an all-time high for this campus.

As Editor in Chief, I would like to congrat-ulate my team on a job well done, and thankthe staff that preceded us for setting the bar sohigh. To credit these winners, here is a list ofcompetition, ranking, and name:

Mail-in Awards:


4 Daniel AntolinHM Geghard Arakelian

SPEECH & DEBATEThese students have

something to say.


Classified Council’sHalloween festivities

enlighten and entertain.

Photo by Oliver Tan

Page 10

SPECIAL ELECTIONDon’t forget to vote onNov. 8. Proposition 76affects school funding.

PHOTO PAGEChild Development

Center tricks and treats

Vaquero Football Team Aiming for Western State Conference TitleBy VIOLETA ARRAZOLAEL VAQUERO SPORTS EDITOR

Violeta Arrazola can be reached [email protected]

Photo by Jane PojawaJamal Rashad scores a touchdown against West Los Angeles College. Quarterback Steve Martinez celebrates.



3 Jeremy CasabellaHM Jeremy Casabella


HM Ramtin Jamshidi


1 Cynthia Perry 4 Cynthia Perry

Page 6

Page 2: Nov. 4, 2005

www.elvaq.comFriday, November 4, 20052

Student Senator Appreciates Ramadan Story

Dear Editor:

As you know from theDivision Meeting, I initiated JoeWang’s Cultural Diversitylecture on October 20, 2005, andread the article on it withparticular interest in today’s ElVaquero.

I had called a weekpreviously on the spur of themoment in somewhat of a panic,when the speaker, unexpectedlyattending the film Tug of Warshown by Tom Hogue, requestedan interview with a reporter.

Kasia Faughn was available,came promptly to my office,interviewed him then, and cameback to my office yesterday,before the lecture, for a furtherinterview, then walked with thespeaker to the lecture,interviewing him again, then


EL VAQUEROGlendale College Newspaper

Editor in ChiefJANE POJAWA





Photography AdviserLIANE ENKELIS

Send Letters to the Editor

Letters may be reproduced in full orin part and represent only the point ofview of the writer, not the opinion ofEl Vaquero or Glendale College andits district. Letters must be signed andtyped including the full name andaddress of the writer. El Vaquero is aFirst Amendment publication.

EL VAQUERO1500 N. Verdugo Road

Glendale, CA 91208(818) 240-1000 ext. 5349

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Journalism Associationof Community Colleges


El Vaquero accepts story ideas in news, features, profiles, sports andentertainment from the public. To submit an idea or an article e-mail theeditor at [email protected] or call (818) 240 - 1000, ext. 5349.

took copious notes during thelecture, and obviously wrotethem up quickly for today’spaper.

She did a wonderful job,devoting a whole page, with aphoto, to the event, and the issue.She furthermore was graciousand pleasant and gave the man apositive impression of thecollege. I wish to commend her -to have you know what a finereporter you have under yourwing. She is a wonderful asset toEl Vaquero and GCC in general.Congratulations!

Teresa Cortey

First copy freeAdditional copies $.25

Visit us online

Photo by Jane Pojawa

Tearing at her limp skinnylegs arranged in a

wheelchair, Lyena Strelkoffscreamed and cried indefiance over her fate.

Her performance elicitedmuffled cries and tears fromthe students and facultymembers gathered in theaudience, many of whom weredisabled and in wheelchairsthemselves.

Strelkoff lost all sensationin and control of her lowerbody in 2002 when she fell offa tree branch while hiking at apark in Malibu Mountains. In“Caterpillar Soup,” brought toGCC by the Ruskin GroupTheatre on Oct. 26 as part ofthe Disabilities AwarenessMonth, she focused mainly onher life after the fall.

As she described herjourney through pain andtherapy, she also gave theaudience an account of theemotional process she wentthrough before she realizedthat she had to give up someof the privacy for the sake ofher health and convenience ofeveryday life.

In a matter-of-fact voice,Strelkoff spoke about theaftermath of her accident andhow her and her boyfriend,Dean, have had to deal aboutcatheters, urinating onschedule, infections andcountless accidents related toher uncontrollable bodilyfunctions.

The title of the play refersto a long, messy and painfulprocess a caterpillar has to gothrough before it becomes abeautiful butterfly.

Strelkoff saw this processas a symbol of her transfor-mation from a frail, brokendown victim of a tragicaccident, which rendered her aparaplegic, into the strong,resilient woman that she is

‘Caterpillar Soup’ Is Sweet, Not Bitter

today. This actress, writer and

former dancer was given astanding ovation at the end of herperformance as many wiped theirtear-streaked faces.

The love and support sheexperienced in her life after theaccident, turned the story of aspinal column break and asubsequent paralysis, into a taleof hope and success.

Strelkoff graduated from UCIrvine where she studied actingand dance. Later she attendedJerzy Grotowski’s Work Centerin Italy where she studied dancewith other international interns.Grotowski was a Polish theatretheoretician, educator andcreator of acting methods. TheWork Center he opened in

Pontedera, Italy in 1985 is ahighly prestigious school.

Before the fall thatrendered her paraplegic,Strelkoff was a member ofPresences en Regard, amultilingual theatre group inParis, France.

Today Strelkoff continuesto perform and uses herpersonal experiences andtalent to educate thecommunity about spinal cordinjuries and theirconsequences. To learn moreabout Strelkoff or to contacther, visit her Web site .


Kasia Faughn can be reachedat [email protected]

Dear Pauline,

Thank you for writing thearticle about Ramadan in the newissue of El Vaquero. I’mpersonally very happy to see that

French Professor Respondsto Cultural Diversity Article the school newspaper takes into

account the vast diversity of thestudent body at this college.

Once again, I would like tothank you and wish you the bestin your future endeavors.


Narek Begijanyan, Senator ofCampus Relations Committee

From chrysalis to wings, Lyena Strelkoff flies despite her disability.

Page 3: Nov. 4, 2005 Friday, November 4, 2005 3


Pauline Guiuan can be reachedat [email protected]


“ORomeo, Romeo, where-fore art thou, Romeo?

Deny thy father and refuse thyname, or if thou wilt not, be butsworn my love, and I’ll no longerbe a Capulet.”

These immortal words, spo-ken by one of the two classiccharacters who epitomize theconcept of tragic love in every-one’s minds, ring through theauditorium. Standing at the bal-cony on the left side of the stageis Juliet, her face bathed in a softspotlight. On the right side of thestage, in front of the blue houseof Montague set, stands Romeo,gazing sweetly at his beloved.

This is one of the more popu-lar scenes in the theatre play“Romeo and Juliet,” whichopened at the GCC MainstageTheatre on Oct. 27. This versionof the Shakespearean tragedy,presented by the Theatre Artsdepartment, is directed byMelissa Randel, a Dance andTheatre Arts instructor, and fea-tures a cast of 32 students.

The familiar love story, set inthe city of Verona, revolvesaround two star-crossed lovers,Romeo and Juliet, whose fami-lies are caught in a feud. The twomeet, fall in love, get married insecret, and die all in a matter ofdays. Powerful swordfights, live-ly characters, romantic ren-dezvous and moving dance cho-reography enhance the dramaticchain of events.

Nick Campbell, who portraysthe Prince of Verona in the play,says that the cast has been“rehearsing since the beginningof the semester.”

“We practice Monday toFriday, every night,” Campbellsays.

When asked why the depart-ment decided to produce a ver-sion of the classic play, Randelsaid she wanted to do a play thatwas “age appropriate.”

“The characters are all reallyyoung. Even the adult [roles] areyoung,” Randel says. “There area lot of good roles for young peo-ple.”

The universal themes of loveand rivalry were also good rea-

sons for staging the play.According to Randel, the playappeals to the public becausemost people can relate to thesethemes.

Members of the cast agree.They say that the audience canlook forward to “killer swordfights, tender love scenes, a littlebit of domestic violence, andsuicide” from this version ofRomeo and Juliet.

The play was given a differ-ent twist in two unique ways.First of all, the narration is doneby a minor character in the story:Peter, a servant in the house ofCapulet, who appears in manyscenes, often as a silent observer.Played by Travis Reiner, the roleof Peter is given a touch ofgoofiness and adds comic flavorto the story.

Randel believes that doingthis allows the audience to view“Romeo and Juliet” though a dif-ferent perspective while still fol-lowing the traditional version ofthe play. “Servants are allowedto be in the [master’s] rooms,”she says. “They listen in on con-versations, so they often knowwhat’s going on.” Randel com-pares this version of Romeo andJuliet to the movie “GosfordPark,” which is also told throughthe servants’ eyes.

Secondly, the story is framedby the “ghosts” of the two

donated by Dave Baker.The costumes were designed

by Royce Herron, and the stageset was designed by GuidoGirardi. Many of the cast mem-bers assisted in the constructionof the set. A high marble balconywhere the famous dialoguebetween the lovers takes placedominates the left side of thestage, and archways and pillarscapture the rustic romance ofVerona. Two entire rows of seatswere taken out from the front tomake room for the huge set. Theactors also make use of the entireauditorium, entering from theauditorium doors and walkingdown the aisles in some parts ofthe play.

Randel says that the experi-ence of working on the play was“very enriching.”

“I completely enjoy collabo-

rating with my colleagues,” shesays. “I really enjoyed watchingstudents find things in the textand make it their own. Thatmakes the play more interest-ing.”

But the beauty of Romeo andJuliet, Randel says, lies in thethrilling but tragic romance.

“When you’re young, it’s eas-ier to love like that,” saysRandel. “Romeo and Juliet areimmortalized as the quintessen-tial lovers…theirs is a very pure,selfless love.”

Romeo and Juliet is showingat the GCC Mainstage Theaterthrough Nov. 13. For showtimesand tickets, please contact theTheatre Arts Department at 818-240-1000 extension 5618.

lovers, embodied by the goldstatues which Lord Capulet andLord Montague promise to erectin honor of the couple at the endof the play. One or both of thesestatues appear silently in thesidelines in all of Romeo andJuliet’s scenes, observing thechain of events as it unfolds.

The play opens with the twostatues frozen in an embrace on apedestal. They suddenly come tolife and perform a passionate“pas de deux” (duet dance) cho-reographed by Randel herself.

Another significant dancenumber in the story takes place ata masque ball at the Capulet res-idence. The choreography forthis colorful piece, whichinvolves around a dozen partygo-ers in full ball attire twirlingskirts and changing partners, wasdone by Kelsi Snoke.

Aside from the dance num-bers, the play is notable for itsswordfights. “The sword-fight-ing is very dynamic,” saysRandel. “There’s fightingthroughout the show.”

According to Randel, theactors enjoy the fight scenestremendously. Choreographed byEd Douglas and NicholasBonora, both professional fight choreographers, there arethree fight scenes in the play. The actors use authentic swords and daggers designed and

Photo by Oliver Tan“Romeo and Juliet” features drama, dance numbers and sword fights.

Dance, Duels Make ‘Romeo and Juliet’ Lively

Page 4: Nov. 4, 2005


www.elvaq.comFriday, November 4, 20054


Journalism Wins Are Big for El VaqueroPHOTO ILLUSTRATION

3 Elizabeth LinaresHM Benjamin Grenard


2 Cynthia Perry


3 Maria Kornalian


HM Maria Kornalian


UR El Vaquero

Bring-in / On-The-Spot:


HM Violeta Arrazola


1 Marie Pauline Guiuan


HM Kasia Faughn


4 Oliver Tan


HM Jane Pojawa


HM Jane Pojawa

Continued from Page 1

Jane Pojawa can be reached at [email protected]

El Vaquero PhotoEl Vaquero’s award-winning staff: clockwise from bottom center, Oliver Tan, Elizabeth Linares, Alison Geller, KasiaFaughn, Jane Pojawa, Olga Ramaz and Violeta Arrazola. Not pictured: Pauline Guiuan.

Special Olympian Carries the WeightAtall, brown-haired man

built like a brick wall liesslowly down on a gym benchand flexes his biceps. Behindhis glasses, he carefully contem-plates the barbell suspendedabove his head. He grasps themetal bar, and with a mightygrunt of effort, he lifts the bar-bell above his chest. A satisfiedgrin spreads across his innocentface as he realizes he has justlifted 400 pounds of metal.

This is Michael Bierman, a29-year-old powerlifter with ashy smile and an easygoing gait.What makes him so special isnot just his ability to lift 400-pound weights. Bierman is oneof 10,000 athletes who compet-ed at the Southern CaliforniaSpecial Olympics at Cal StateFullerton last Saturday. He isintellectually disabled.

Casual in gray track pantsand an Orange CountyChoppers’ shirt, the 6-foot-3.235-pound powerlifter fromThousand Oaks walks into theTitan Student Union Theatre to

join his teammates from VenturaCounty.

“He’s been training for thissince last year,” says Bierman’scoach, Brian Koster. “He’sdoing really good.”

Bierman confidently saysthat he has been competing for10 to 12 years now, and canbench press up to 438 pounds.

“It makes me happy andproud, I believe,” he says with agrin. “I think I just got involvedin the different sports that I do,like bowling, tennis [and] ski-ing.” But Bierman’s true pas-sion is powerlifting, which hestarted training for in 1995.

“I practice every Sunday,”Bierman says proudly. “My per-sonal best is 438 [pounds]. Butmy limit is 500 [pounds]. I don’twant to hurt my back.”

Bierman is extremely proudof all the athletic competitionshe’s won. “It feels pretty goodhaving all those medals,” hegushes. “I take them out of mycloset and count them to seehow many I have.”

The athlete has already com-peted in basketball and volley-ball, but mentions that the one

sport he would never do wasswimming.

When asked about how hisdiet helps prepare him for com-petitions and whether hebelieves in healthy eating,Bierman looks a little confused.

“At my last powerliftingcompetition, I was trying to losea lot of weight,” Bierman repliesfinally. “Then when I get home Ieat all the junk food I want.” Healso explains that he eats a lot ofsteaks to stay healthy, but notfish because he doesn’t like fish.

He also says that the one per-son who really inspires him toimprove his sport is his girl-friend, Alison Wilks, who is alsoa weightlifter. He has his armaround her as he waits fro histurn to compete in the theatre.

“I do my bench press then Igo see my girlfriend,” he sayshappily, blushing a little underhis glasses. “She’s my queen[powerlifter] and I’m her king[powerlifter].”

Wilks is one of the power-lifters on the Ventura Countyteam who competed in thisyear’s Olympics. When askedfor more details about his girl-

friend, Bierman blushes deeply,covers his face and backs away.

Bierman goes on to say thathis role model is Gov. ArnoldSchwarzenegger.

“My favorite Arnold movie is‘Terminator,’” he adds with agrin.

Tim Redmond, Chairman ofthe Special Olympics’ AdvisoryCouncil, explains that this isbecause of the Governor’s sup-port for the organization.

“He’s a long-time volunteer,”Redmond says. “And his wifeMaria’s mother is the heart andsoul of the Olympics.” No won-der Bierman is so hung up onSchwarzenegger.

When asked for his otherinterests, Bierman talks abouthis love for motorcycles.

“I love American Chopper,”he says. He goes on to mentionall the American Chopper shirtshe has, including the one he waswearing. “I even have MikeySpike,” he adds.

For Bierman, powerliftingbring passion into life becausethrough this sport, he can “justenjoy” himself.

Redmond agrees and

explains that this is the very rea-son why the Special Olympics isheld every year.

“These people [with mentaldisabilities] can do things theycould never achieve otherwise,”Redmond says. “It has nothingto do with competition…Theyovercome obstacles.”

As for Bierman, he is confi-dent that he will do well in thiscompetition and hopes thatother people with the same dis-abilities would overcome theirhandicap as well.

“Powerlifters should workhard at home,” he says with agleam in his eyes. “They shouldget really strong and really, real-ly healthy.”

It seems like nothing on theworld can stop MichaelBierman from overcoming anyobstacle – be it in the competi-tion or in life.

Pauline Guiuan can be reachedat [email protected]

This article was written for theon-the-spot feature story contestat J.A.C.C. It won first place.

Page 5: Nov. 4, 2005

Never give yellow flowers toan Iranian. Don’t leave

your chopsticks sticking up inthe middle of your rice bowlwhen dining with a Japanesefriend. And if you ever visitAlbania, shake your head if youmean “yes” and nod if you mean“no.”

These are just a few of theproper social practices dis-cussed at a lecture titled“Multicultural Manners” onOct. 27 at Kreider Hall. The sec-ond in the Social ScienceLecture Series, the lecture wasgiven by Norine Dresser, a bookauthor and former ESL profes-sor at GCC. The lecture is titledafter Dresser’s newly publishedbook.

Moderator Mike Ebertsintroduced Dresser by saying,“She has carved an importantniche for herself that is veryappropriate in a very diversemulticultural area like SouthernCalifornia.”

Dresser explained the impor-tance of knowing and observingthe proper manners in the pres-ence of people from differentethnic and racial backgrounds.The idea is to not “offend peo-ple” and to not create disharmo-ny,” Dresser said.

“The whole point of multi-cultural manners is to show that Friday, November 4, 2005 5


we’ve learned to establish anenvironment of respect foranother,” said Dresser.

The lecturer gave manyexamples of situations in whicha person was offended by anoth-er person’s ignorance of thesemanners. She shared a storyabout an Australian business-man who was doing business in

Japan and had offended hisJapanese clients by acceptingtheir business cards with onehand and then sticking the cardsin his back pocket.

Dresser then asked the audi-ence what the Australian shouldhave done to avoid the socialfaux pas. She then summed uptheir answers: “Look at the card

and put it in the right place; bowto the person; and accept thecard with both hands.” Doingthis, Dresser says, establishesrespect.

Dresser believes thatAmericans in particular need topay more attention to multicul-tural manners, especially whenspeaking.

“Americans speak in such adirect way,” she said. “The restof the world doesn’t.” She addedthat this results in confusion andmisunderstanding, and advisedthe audience to avoid “yes-noquestions” and always givedetails when talking to foreign-ers.

She told a story of a woman

who worked at the cafeteria inanother college and was con-founded with Bosnian studentswho would order hamburgersand only eat the pickles and theburger patty.

“They thought that the breadwas pork, because of the word‘ham’ in hamburger,” Dresserexplained. This is becauseBosnian Muslims do not eatpork.

Dresser also reminded theaudience to be aware of otherpeople’s religious practices. Forinstance, she said, people whopractice Hindu find it disre-spectful when the left hand isused to pass food, and it is alsoinsensitive to invite Muslims todinner during Ramadan whilethey are fasting.

She explained that a gesturecould mean one thing in oneculture and have a differentmeaning in another culture.Giving yellow flowers to anIranian means “I hate you,”according to Dresser, but to anArmenian it could mean, “Imiss you.”

Other gestures that couldconvey cheerful or positivemessages in American culturecould be offensive in other cul-tures, according to Dresser.Examples of these are the peacesign (holding up two fingers ina “V” shape), the thumbs-upgesture and the “A-Ok” sign(holding up the last three fin-gers while the thumb and fore-

‘Multicultural Manners’ Politely Corrects finger form an “O”). All ofthese gestures have obscene andinsulting meanings tantamountto cursing in other cultures.

However, there are alsosome people from other cul-tures who do not observe theirown traditional social rules andetiquette.

“Just because someonebelongs to a particular groupdoesn’t mean they follow rulesexactly,” Dresser said. “Thereare always variations.”

The lecture culminated in aquestion-and-answer portion,during which several membersof the audience were able toshare their own experiences thatwere related to multiculturaletiquette.

Harout Farajian, a GCC stu-dent, said that he thoroughlyenjoyed the lecture. “It wasvery interesting,” he said. “Ilearned a lot.”

Dresser’s newly publishedbook, “Multicultural Manners,”is already in its second editionand is only one of the author’sseveral published books on cul-tural differences. A book sign-ing session was held outside thehall after the lecture.

“Every culture has its goals,”Dresser said. “We just have lit-tle tiny differences in the waywe carry these goals.”

Photo by Elizabeth LinaresAuthor Norine Dresser explains international etiquette during a fun andinformative lecture. Her new book tells how to be respectful of all cultures.


Pauline Guiuan can be reachedat [email protected]

Deer have been showing upin all the wild places; mostly inthe upper parking lot, alsoknown affectionately as “HeartAttack Hill.”

This young buck, with a dis-tinctive left prong, was sightedon Oct. 22, and again on Oct. 26.

Deer are notoriously shy andthis one seems to be rather waryas well, but it bears repeatingthat wild animals need to staywild for their own protection.Do not attempt to feed or petcampus deer.

Jane Pojawa can be reached [email protected]

Campus Life More Wild than Usual

Photo by Jane Pojawa

This deer was spotted in the upper parking lot on Oct. 22.


Page 6: Nov. 4, 2005


www.elvaq.comFriday, November 4, 20056


Jane Pojawa can be reached [email protected]

The Glendale Child DevelopmentCenter got into the Halloween spirit

with characteristic enthusiasm. TheDragons (4- to 5-year-olds) and theCrickets (3- to 4-year-olds), along withtheir teachers, a few parents and studentworkers, headed down to the campus onHalloween and went trick-or-treating

Little Cricket princesses Jacqueline,background,as Snow White and Gracie as Cinderella seektheir treats.

Gigi beams proudly as Wonderwoman.

The 3- and 4-year-old Crickets show off their colorful Halloween costumes. Front row, from left: Jean Luc, Adam,Emma, Gigi, Lucas, Victoria, and Max. Back row: Cricket teacher Sylvia Turrentine, Jeremy, Cricket teacherTatiana Zargarian, Chelsea, Jacqueline, Maya, and Brianna. In the back are two moms and a student worker.

Jordan, is a shy superhero, but he enjoys trick-or-treating with hiscricket classmates.

among the college faculty and staffoffices. Armed with colorful bags andbaskets for the anticipated heaps ofcandy, the children dressed up aspopular cartoon characters andsuperheros ranging from Cinderella and Princess Jasmine to Batman and Buzz Lightyear.

Little Goblins AreTreat for Campus

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Anthropology ProfessorIlluminates Day of theDead and HalloweenBy OLGA RAMAZEL VAQUERO ARTS AND ANTERTAINMENT ADITOR

foods of the deceased, memen-tos, pictures of the dead, lit can-dles and bunches of marigoldsused in order to attract the dead.It is said that the strong smell ofthe marigolds, the scent of thefood and the brightly lit candlesguide the spirits back to theirhomes and beside their lovedones, which is the main purposefor setting up these altars.

In contrast to Day of theDead, Halloween calls foranother approach which differsgreatly from the other culturalcelebration.

For Halloween, people of allages dress up in costumes andwear masks in order to deceivethe spirits. The idea of saying“trick-or-treat,” as Fonarowexplained, is threatening andforces people to give treats tothose looking to cause mischief.

Preceding the lectureFonarow took the time to openup the floor for a question andanswer segment, during whicha member of the council asked aquestion relating to Halloweeniconography. This spurred someinterest from both Fonarow andthe council to make it a possibletopic for next year’s lecture,lectures which Fonarow enjoysvery much.

“For me, it’s [lecturing] is away to stay up-to-date onwhat’s going on,” she said.

“They’re topics that peoplelike, but when they get to knowthem more, it just opens themup to something different.”

In addition to Fonarow’s lec-ture, she was asked by thecouncil to judge a pumpkincarving contest.

All three of the pumpkins ondisplay for judging illustrated atypical Halloween scene.Fonarow decided on a winnerbased on creativity and whichpumpkin stuck most to theHalloween theme.

The winning pumpkindepicted the typical, spookyhollow tree complete with real-live leaves placed delicately onthe stem of the pumpkin.

The magic began when the

The aroma of bright yellowzempasuchil (marigolds)

dance among the smell of homecooking, scents which collec-tively work together to wake thespirits of loved ones who havepassed away. Dia de los Muertos(Day of the Dead) is a time tocelebrate the dead, a day for theliving to come to grips with theunavoidable reality that is death,and a day to summon spiritsfrom their eternal sleep.

Speaking on the subject ofDay of the Dead was ClubAnthro adviser andAnthropology professor WendyFonarow, who for a third year ina row presented a lecture beforethe GCC Classified Council ona theme relating to Halloween.

“It has become a sort of tra-dition,” said Classified Councilmember Catherine Crawford.“She has such an extensiveknowledge of the subject that Ianticipate she will be able toprovide us with lectures foryears to come.”

The theme for this year’s lec-ture is a result of last year’sspeech when the topic ofdiverse attitudes towards thedead came about in a discus-sion. With this particular lec-ture, Fonarow wanted todemonstrate the differencesbetween Halloween and Day of the Dead festivities.

Fonarow illustratedHalloween as being more of animpersonal holiday as opposedto Day of the Dead which ismore family oriented andgeared to unite the living with the dead.

Celebration for Dia de losMuertos stems from the ancientindigenous peoples of Mexicowho believed that the souls ofthe dead returned each year tovisit with their living relatives toeat, drink and be merry, just likethey did when they were living.

Extravagant altars are madeto honor the dead. These altarsoften consist of the favorite

Photo by Oliver TanWendy Fonarow judged a pumpkin carving contest sponsored by theClassified Council and gave a lecture on the difference between Day of theDead and Halloween.

lights in AD 217 were dimmedand the candles in the center ofthe pumpkins illuminated theroom generating several “oohsand ah’s.”

Winners of the pumpkincarving contest were said tohave having learned new thingsabout Day of the Dead.

“Wendy Fonarow is totallyengaging as a lecturer,” saidCrawford. “Her knowledgeabout Halloween is so extensivethat she literally can answer anyquestion that is thrown at her.”

Olga Ramaz can be reached [email protected]

Page 8: Nov. 4, 2005

With candles in hand, Club Anthro members Chris Jennings, Sarett Naldsian, Professor Fonarow, Danielle Forlizziand Marina Gost prepare to observe the spirited festivities.

www.elvaq.comFriday, November 4, 20058 9


Club Anthro Consorts With Dearly Departed atHistoric Cemetery

Revelers apply haunting skeleton faces and create elaborate grave alters, like the one at the right, with personalitems, fruit and flowers, and symbols. A grandmother’s mirror on a grave alter, left, frames a reflective moment.


Anthropology students from Club Anthro observed the spirited festivities on Saturday at thehistoric Hollywood Forever Cemetery. The Day of the Dead observances, brought to Los

Angeles from Mexico and Latin America, are becoming increasingly popular with the non-Latino population as a way to expand the celebration of Halloween.

See related story on page 7For additional photo coverage, see

Dia de Los Muertos Haunts Hollywood Forever

Photo courtesy Club Anthro

Page 9: Nov. 4, 2005
Page 10: Nov. 4, 2005

www.elvaq.comFriday, November 4, 200510


Revived Speech Team Grabs Victories

After not competing in tour-naments for the past 30

years, Glendale’s CompetitiveSpeech Team brought fivemedals home from PasadenaCity College on Oct. 29 and 30,the fourth tournament they’vebeen to this semester.

Robert “Hot Stuff” Cannonand Dave Hale received a secondplace medal for their open duointerpretation of the short story“The Secret Life of WalterMitty” by James Thurber.

Cannon, 26, a double major inCinema and Photography, tooktwo other medals as well. Hecame in second for his presenta-tion in the after-dinner speakingevent. His topic was about howAmerican society views pornog-raphy. He came in fourth for theprogram oral interpretationspeech; the theme was technolo-gy.

When asked how he felt abouthis wins, Cannon replied “A-OK,” adding that he felt elated.

Hale not only earned the sec-ond place medal for the duointerpretation, but also receivedfifth place for his prose interpre-tation of “Birth” by AmySedaris.

Ira Heffler, a speech teacherand one of the team coaches, wasgratfied when the other coachescame up to them and congratu-lated them for their wins.

According to Jean Perry,Division Chair of LanguageArts, GCC has had a competitivespeaking team as far back as the1950s and 1960s and have beencompeting in service clubs eversince. However, they hadn’tgone to tournaments since themid 1970s because there were nocoaches on staff.

The Competitive SpeechTeam is a group of students ofvarious majors. Several speechteachers on campus coach theteam and help them practice andperfect their speeches.

In a mutually supportativeatmosphere, the team membersalso coach one another.

When Zena Long was practic-ing her “speech to entertain” for

the Cal State Long BeachTournament, held Oct. 15, shewas coached by Perry andHeffler as well as fellow teammembers Luis Dela Rosa andCannon.

Long likes this system of get-ting feedback from the team.

“I’m new,” said Long. “AndI need a lot of help. The morepeople who give me construc-tive criti-cism, thebetter.”

S h ecame awayfrom thatc o m p e t i -tion, whichwas herfirst, withfirst placein then o v i c ed i v i s i o nfor herspeech on sex changes. Shereceived a trophy, a skull thatlights up.

Long is a second-semesterbusiness major and a studentworker in the in the Language

Arts Division.Perry was Long’s Speech 101

professor and after Long hadgiven a speech to entertain forthe class, Perry, who liked thespeech, told her about the com-petition. At first she wasn’t real-ly interested, but Heffler talkedher into it.

“I’m glad I did [join],” saidLong. “I really am enjoying the

competition.” A n o t h e r

student whoat first did notreally want tojoin was TimPeterson, 20,also a busi-ness major.

P e t e r s o nhad takensome classeswith Hefflerin the past.At first he

said he was doing it as a favor toHeffler, more than for himself,because he really liked histeacher.

And although he was verywary going into the competition,

he had to wear a suitand tie, not exactlysomething he was look-ing forward to.

However, after theparliamentary debate,that he and debate part-ner Alex Kang did Oct.21 at Azusa PacificUniversity, he felt a bitdifferently towards theteam.

“It was the most funI’ve ever had and Iwould recommend it toanyone,” said Peterson.

Peterson and Kangwon two out of the sixrounds in the debate.Since it was the firsttime GCC had a debateteam compete in yearsthey did great accordingto Perry.

“Everyone is on alearning curve rightnow, both the studentsand the coaches,” saidHeffler.

Both Peterson andKang said they wereexcited about the debateand want to go again.

Kang, one of the fewwho joined by his ownvolition, said he joined

because he wanted to get betterat interviews. And in debatingyou need to quickly think of areply, similar to being in aninterview.

Kyle Aaron, 22, a GraphicDesign major and a member ofthe team who did impromptuspeaking at Long Beach, heardabout the team during hisSpeech 103 class, which bothPerry and Heffler teach together.

“Whether people like it ornot, they need to come out oftheir bubble,” said Aaron. “It’sgood life experience. I like itmore than I thought I would.”

“I would recommend it [toother students],” said Long.“It’s fun, for one. And it keepsyou focused. It’s a lot of work,I’ve found out…to competeagainst these people becausethey’ve been doing it for years.You don’t go there to lose.”

Students need not fear beingin front of a large group of peo-ple though. Usually it’s just thejudges, the other competitorsand a few spectators.

Long however prefers theaudience with more people; atleast with the speech to enter-tain. At the finals, where thecrowd is usually the biggest,there were about 30 spectators.

“You feed off the crowd’sresponses, the laughter,” saidLong. “If there are a few peoplethere and they’re not laughingyou feel like your not doingwell.”

The Competitive SpeechTeam has done rather well,besides the wins this weekend.

In the warm-up competitionheld at El Camino College, Sept.23 and 24, Alex Mandelbergreceived an ExcellenceCertificate (second place) for hisspeech to entertain, novice divi-sion.

Long received first place forher speech to entertain at LongBeach.

And also at Long BeachCannon and Hale made it to thefinals for their open duo inter-pretation for the same piece thatthey won with this weekend.

They were the only teamfrom a two year college to makeit to the finals.

There are no prerequisites forthe Competitive Speech Teamand it looks great on collegeapplications. Students don’t


See SPEECH, Page 11

“It was themost fun I’ve ever

had”— Tim Peterson

Page 11: Nov. 4, 2005

Dela Rosa will be doing prosinterpretation of “The PsychoEx-Game” by Merrill Makorand Andy Prieboy and Cannonwill be doing five differentspeeches.

Going into this tournamentHeffler has high hopes.

“Each time we go to compe-tition we do significantly betterthen we did at the one before,”said Heffler.

For more information onjoining the team, or to attend acompetition, go to the LanguageArts Division Office in theAdministration Building, RoomAD 217 A, or call (818) 240-1000 ext. 5504 for Jean Perryand ext. 3113 for Ira Heffler.

Alison Geller can be reachedat [email protected] Friday, November 4, 2005 11


Photo by Oliver Tan

Sam Ledford: “When they askme to perform, I perform.”

“You don’t want none,”said Sam Ledford, a 19-

year-old business major whoshooed away passers-by as theycuriously approached the audi-tioning table for an upcomingMTV show, “Yo Momma.”

“I really don’t think anybodycan beat me in trash-talking,”said Ledford. “I’m a showman. Ithink I got what it takes to be onthe show.”

Auditions for this new TVshow, which is being pro-duced by Wilmer

Valderramaof “That

‘ 7 0 s

Show,” were held Oct. 26 atPlaza Vaquero.

“It was a success, a huge suc-cess,” said casting associateRachel Stevens. “I enjoyed meet-ing all the students. I think wehad some great interviews ofpeople with great personalities.”

One of the first students toparticipate in the casting wasEdwin Alvarado,who did notthink twice about jumping on theopportunity to be on MTV.

Alvarado demonstrated histrash-talking skills by challeng-ing casting associate John Ungerto a battle of words, a task thatdid not come as easy as hethought it would.

“I am pretty good at baggingon people, but right here, I wascoming into this relaxed,” saidAlvarado. “I have to be in a stateof mind. I can’t be relaxing andjust be like ‘your momma’s sofat.’”

The casting producer forthe show, Katie McIntosh,said that the concept of the

show spawned from the mindof Valderrama, who believes thata show like this could be the nextbig thing and even went as far ascomparing it to a sport, but in thearea of trash-talking.

The auditioning processincluded several forms, aPolaroid snapshot, a quick inter-view and an impromptu show-case of the hopeful’s best jokes.

Among those who were audi-tioning for the show was AmandaAinsworth, who was initially hes-itant to audition, but in the endwas persuaded to fillout the prop-er paperwork and participate inthe casting.

“I felt bad about just puttingsomeone down that I didn’tknow,” said Ainsworth. “But they[casting associates] explained thatit was a controlled environmentand it was just out of fun.”

The show will be based in LosAngeles and is scheduled to air inFebruary, Monday throughFriday. The winners that emergethroughout the week will have afinal showdown on Friday tocrown the ultimate champion oftrash-talking.

Each day’s winner gets $1,000and if this victor takes home thecrown at the end of the week, theywalk away with another $1,000.



Olga Ramaz can be reached [email protected]

“It’s a really cool thing to beable to go on MTV, be funnyand get paid,” said McIntosh.“There’s nothing to lose.”

The casting was held from10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and even afterthe casting crew was set to call ita day, students continued toapproach the table, drawn by theiconic MTV logo.

“I definitely think we’ve got-ten a lot of quality people fromGCC and probably everybodythat we’ve met here has potentialfor being on the show,” saidStevens.

Casting for “Yo Momma” willcontinue all throughout thegreater L.A. area and Unger doesnot rule out another visit to thecampus.

“I would say Glendale ranks inthe top for how receptive theywere,” said Unger. “Hopefully we’ll come back.”

Competitive SpeechContinued from page 10

Photo by Jane Pojawa

Edwin Alvarado: “Go ahead,talk **** about my momma.”

Students Vie for Minute of MTV Fame

have to have taken any speechclasses to join the team.

The one thing that makesboth Heffler and Perry kind ofdisheartened, is that once theyget the students trained in theart of speech, it’s almost timefor them to transfer to a fouryear college. And who knows,maybe they will have to com-pete against each other.

The team does not have aspecific meeting time or place,though some of them can usual-ly be found in Room AD 205 onTuesdays and Thursdays atnoon.

Their next competition isthis weekend at CSUN andthere will be over seven stu-dents going. Aaron will bedoing impromptu speaking,

Page 12: Nov. 4, 2005

www.elvaq.comFriday, November 4, 200512


Lineman Sees Anything As Possible Tell him it can’t be done and

he’ll tell you it can be done.Tell him it’s impossible and he’lltell you anything is possible.Discourage his hopes, dreamsand aspirations and you’ll findhe won’t budge.

This is the strength of mind ofJason Bonwell, 24, startingdefensive lineman for theVaquero football team. His driveand love for the game of footballhas help to thrust his team intoits best start in years with anoverall record of 6-2.

Part of his hard-work ethichas come from what he learnedwhen by serving four years withthe U.S. Marines.

After graduating from highschool in 1999, Bonwell, who infact played basketball at JohnMuir High School in Pasadena,made an agreement with hismother that if he didn’t get a fullscholarship to play basketball, hewould join the military. Afterreceiving only partial scholar-ships to some of the schools thatwere recruiting him, Bonwelldecided it would be best for himto go into the service. Two weeksafter graduation, Bonwell wasoff to boot camp at CampPendleton in Oceanside.

Bonwell continued playingbasketball for the Marine basket-ball team and also went to schoolon base to learn to become anelectrician.

In July 2002, Bonwell and hisplatoon, the 1st CombatEngineering Battalion, were senton a training mission toOkinawa, Japan. But in March2003, their training was abruptlyended when the war in Iraqbegan.

Bonwell was then sent toBaghdad, Iraq in April 2003,where he fortunately only stayedfor two months. During his stayin Iraq, Bonwell lost friends dur-ing combat that he had trainedwith in boot camp, but knew hehad to stay strong.

“It was hard to adapt to, butlife has to go on,” said Bonwell.“If one man goes down, it does-n’t stop the whole operation.That is what I signed up for andthey said this could happen.”

After two months in Iraq,Bonwell had completed his fouryears of service in the military.

But when he started his civilianlife over, he realized it was hard-er than he thought.

“I was so used to that[Marine] lifestyle…getting threemeals a day, not having to worryabout what to wear or about rent,that I considered going back tothe Marines,” said Bonwell.

That didn’t happen thoughbecause Bonwell’s father con-vinced his son that he had otheroptions. “My dad talked me outof it,” said Bonwell. “He told meto use my athletic ability and tomake something of it.”

The advice surely paid off.This season, Bonwell has beennamed defensive player of theweek twice in the Western StateConference and has broken theteam’s single season quarterbacksack record of 17, a record thathad been unbroken since 1985.And for his hard work and deter-mination, he has helped guide

his team to a tie for first place inthe Western State Conference.

“He’s just a great leader anda hard worker,” said head foot-ball coach, John Cicuto. “Hebrings a positive attitude to thegames and practice and is alwayswilling to help the freshmen.”

Since Bonwell joined thefootball team last year, whichwas his first year playing on anorganized football team, Cicutosaid the player has made someextensive improvements and hasworked really hard off-season tobetter himself and the team. “Histransition from his freshman yearto his sophomore season hasbeen incredible,” said Cicuto.

Bonwell can also add father tohis resume; he has a 2-year-oldson. Cicuto also gives credit toBonwell for taking care of schoolas well as family. “He has a lot ofresponsibilities and has managedto take care of school,” Cicuto

said. “He’s a great father.” Bonwell, who will graduate

this spring with his associate’sdegree in Social Science, wantsto get a full ride to a division oneschool, UCLA in particular. “IfUCLA doesn’t happen, thatwon’t stop my career,” saidBonwell, who plans to attendwhichever school offers him thebest scholarship.

Currently, Arizona State, the

University of Washington, andthe University of Minnesotahave all looked at Bonwell.

His ultimate dream would beto make it to the NFL so hismother won’t have to work any-more and so he could build achurch for his father, who is apastor. “My mom has been hold-ing four jobs for as long as Icould remember and she’s 51now,” said Bonwell, who is thesecond youngest in a family of10. “I’m tired of seeing herwork.”

Bonwell also plans to defy allthe people who have told him hecan’t make it because of his age.As inspiration, Bonwell usesMike Anderson, tailback for theDenver Broncos, as an example.Anderson, who was also in theMarines and didn’t end his serv-ice until he was 25, went on to acommunity college and playedfootball, got a scholarship toUtah State and then got draftedto the NFL at the age of 29.Anderson then went on to winrookie of the year.

“Every time I think that, Ithink ‘if he could do it, than socan I,’” said Bonwell.

For Bonwell, where there’s awill there’s a way. The sky is thelimit.


Violeta Arrazola can be reached [email protected] Bonwell hopes that his hard work on the gridiron will propel him to his goal of making it to the NFL.

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Photo by Jane Pojawa

Page 13: Nov. 4, 2005 Friday, November 4, 2005 13

Bi-Weekly Vaquero SportsUpdates Scores Highlights

CROSS COUNTRYThe Vaquero men and

women dominated theWestern State ConferenceChampionships last Tuesdayat Allan Hancock College bywinning both titles for the firsttime in tandem since 2001.The men won their first titlesince 2003 and 15th in the last19 years and the women wonfor the first time since 2001and for the eighth time since2001.

The men’s team scored 43points and easily distancedVentura which finished sec-ond with 73 points andOxnard which had 93 pointsto finish third. Luis Castenadawas the top Glendale finisherover the four-mile course in21:18.9 to finish second over-all as three Glendale runnersfinished second throughfourth. Ivan Perez was third in

21:19.7, Joseph Lopez was fourthin 21:29.9, Preston Richardsonwas 10th in 21:42.9 and AlbertoRamos was 24th in 22:29.4.

The women scored 57 pointsto win ahead of second-placeBakersfield with 76 points andthird-place Cuesta had 102 andwas led by Liliana Hernandezwho placed fifth over the threemile course in 19:58. VanessaMurillo was eighth in 20:11.7,Maribel Cespedes was 10th in20:24.1, Ana Rodriguez was 14thin 20:42 and Maria Castenadawas 20th in 21:10.05. Glendalecompetes in the SouthernCalifornia ChampionshipsNovember 4 in San Diego.

FOOTBALLIt took four quarters of regula-

tion play and three overtimes butGlendale finally overcame a slowstart with a frantic finish to defeatWest Los Angeles College 56-5 4Saturday. The victory improves


the Vaqueros overall record to 6-2 and they are 4-1 in the WSCSouth and are tied with Citrus forfirst place. Glendale was rankedNo. 10 in Southern California inthe COA Poll and 20th in thestate by J.C. Grid wire last week.Offensively, the team was led byquarterback Steve Martinez andreceiver Darion Donnelly whoboth earned WSC Player of theWeek honors. Martinez ran forthree touchdowns and passed forfour touchdowns and was 14 of21 for 261 yards. Donnellycaught nine balls for 151 yardsand three scores including thegame tying touchdown in thethird overtime as well as the 2-point conversion pass fromMartinez that clinched the win.Running back Jamal Rashadshook off an injury to run for 176yards in 33 carries to spearheadthe ground game.

Glendale hosts Santa MonicaSaturday at 5.p.m in its final

home game of the regular seasonat Sartoris Field. The sophomoreswill be honored before the gamefor their contributions to GlendaleCollege Football.

WOMEN’S SOCCERGlendale split a pair of games

last week and is now 11-6-1 over-all and 5-3-1 in WSC. They fell toSanta Monica 3-1 last Tuesdayand then beat Canyons 2-1 Friday.In the win over Canyons, JanetDe Lao scored both goals for theVaqueros.

The Vaqueros play at PierceTuesday and host BakersfieldFriday at Sartoris Field at 7:00p.m.

MEN’S SOCCERThe Vaqueros swept a pair of

games last week to improve to 4-9-4 overall and 2-3-3 in WSC.They beat Santa Barbara 1-0 lastTuesday and beat Oxnard 2-1 lastFriday.

Glendale was to have hosted

Citrus tomorrow night but theOwls will forfeit that game.They will host Mission Fridayat 5 p.m. at Sartoris Field.


The Vaqueros dropped a pair ofmatches last week to fall to 0-14 overall and 0-7 in WSC.They Vaqueros lost toBakersfield in three games lastTuesday and fell to Citrus 30-17, 30-17, 30-14 Friday. In theloss to Citrus, ChristineHyman led Glendale with 10kills and Amber Barton added10 assists. Karla Martinez hadnine digs and Dani Regan hadtwo service aces.

The Vaqueros play at SantaMonica Tuesday and hostCanyons Friday at 7:00 p.m.

Alex Leon, Sports Information Director can be reached at ext 5764

Page 14: Nov. 4, 2005

www.elvaq.comFriday, November 4, 200514


Magician Boasts ‘A Natural Talent for Deception’

Astocky man in a long blackcoat and a green silk vest

stands alone at the edge of thestage. He holds up a long pieceof rope for the audience, whichwaits with bated breath. Hesprinkles imaginary “pixie dust”on the rope and speaks themagic words, “Sim Salabam!”And voila, the rope is magicallycut into three separate pieces inthe twinkling of an eye.

This is Whit Haydn, a profes-sional magician who was thestar of a magic show on themain stage of the AuditoriumTuesday. Haydn was invited by the Associated Students ofGCC (ASGCC) to perform histricks on campus as a post-Halloween treat.

Haydn began the show withthe traditional trick of pulling ared scarf from an egg. Under thepretense of divulging the secretsof his magic to the audience and“explaining how things aredone,” Haydn said that the trickwas to “get all of [the scarf]inside your hand…and leave ahole in the eggshell the size ofyour thumb.”

Having stuffed the scarfinside the hole in the egg,Haydn then peels off the redspot which is supposedly the“hole” where through which thescarf can still be seen – the“hole” had transformed into around red sticker, which Haydnthen stuck on his forehead. Hethen shows the audience a com-pletely intact egg, and cracks iton a glass to prove that the scarfis not inside it.

“It’s what we magicians call

‘the element of surprise,’”Haydn said.

The next trick was the ropetrick. “This secret comes froman ancient knot,” Haydn said ashe held up a long white rope.“It’s called the ‘Mongolian PopKnot.”

For this trick, Haydn twistedthe long piece of rope, pulled ittight and sprinkled some imagi-nary pixie dust on it. When hereleased the rope from onehand, it had become three sepa-rate pieces of the same length.After pronouncing the magicwords again, the three pieceshad magically changed intothree different lengths.

The magician’s tricks wereenhanced by his lively, animat-ed demeanor and jokes. Whenasked by a member of the audi-ence where he gets his “pixiedust,” Haydn assumed an

expression of mock severity.“I grind my own,” Haydn

replied. “I need to send my chil-dren out of the house becausepixies make a hell of a noise inthe blender.”

Haydn also kept the audienceinvolved by asking for volun-

teers to assist him with his tricks.For his “Chinese linking rings”trick, Haydn had a female stu-dent hold the large steel hoops ashe mysteriously interlocks themby just running one hoop throughanother.

For his card tricks, heapproached members of theaudience and asked them to picka card that would magicallyappear on top of the deck, in themagician’s pocket or underneaththe volunteer’s shoe.

Another trick was performedusing a transistor radio-like con-traption that Haydn said he hadinvented. Haydn asked a mem-ber of the audience for a dollarbill and stuck it on the tip of thecontraption’s antenna, and after afew seconds the tip of the anten-na had erupted into flames thatconsumed the bill.

Haydn then picked up alemon, sliced it down the middle,and lo and behold, there was thedollar bill - with the same serialnumber as the one that had been“burned.”

“You guys are a wonderfulaudience,” Haydn said. “I onlywish I had a better act.” All ofthe magician’s tricks and jokes

were met with much laughterand applause.

When asked how long he hasbeen performing magic, Haydnreplies, “Since I was 10 yearsold.”

“I found out then that I had anatural talent for fraud and

deception,” he said. “That was46 years ago.”

Members of the audience saidthat they loved the show andwould like to see more magicshows on campus. “It was funnyand very entertaining,” one stu-dent said.


Pauline Guiuan can be reachedat [email protected]

Photo by Elizabeth LinaresNune Aleksanyan is surprised by Magician Whit Haydn’s linking rings trick.

Are you in a bandAre you a solo artist?

Are you looking for your

“big break?”

We are currently seeking talent to fea-ture in El Vaquero.

Send your inquiries orquestions to the Artsand Entertainment


[email protected]

El Vaquero wants you!

Page 15: Nov. 4, 2005

Go to• Mental Health counseling isavailable Monday throughThursday from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.and Fridays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.The Health Center is located onthe first floor of the San Rafaelbuilding and hours of operationare Monday through Thursdayfrom 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. andFridays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.For more information, call (818)240-1000, ext. 5909.


Evening Transfer Fair—• University representatives willbe on campus on Nov. 15 from 5to 7 p.m. The fair will be held atSan Rafael Plaza. For more infor-mation about the fair and the listof colleges and universities visitthe Transfer Center at


The Competitive Speech Team—GCC’s speech and debate teamwill be competing this weekend atCal State Northridge.Parlimentary Debate is today andSaturday. Events will be heldthrough Sunday. For more infor-mation go to the Language Artsoffice AD 217 A, or call (818)551-1000, ext. 5504.

To submit a listing e-mail [email protected].


“Shaky Peanuts” — The GCCart gallery presents sculptures byDonald Morgan and MasonCooley, running through Nov.12. Gallery hours are 10 a.m. to7 p.m. Monday throughThursday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.Fridays, and by appointmentSaturdays. For more informa-tion, call Roger Dickes, thenewly appointed gallery director,at (818) 240-1000, ext. 5663 orgo to


“Romeo and Juliet” — TheGCC Theater Arts Departmentpresents William Shakespeare’stragic love story in theAuditorium’s Mainstage Theater.Performamces are today,Saturday, and Thursday throughNov. 12 at 8 p.m. Matinees are at2 p.m on Sunday and on Nov.13. Admission is $10, $6 for students and seniors, and$4 per person for groups of 10

or more. For information and reservations, call (818)240-1000, ext. 5618.“Phanatics” — The GlendaleCollege Dance Departmentpresents its annual fall recital,called “Phanatics,” Saturday at8 p.m. in the Sierra Nevadadance theater. Admission is freeand on a first-come, first-servedbasis. For more information call(818) 240-1000, ext. 5556.“Last Leaves of Autumn” —The Glendale College Jazz Bandwill be in concert Nov. 20 at 4

C A L E N D A R Friday, November 4, 2005 15




Artists’ Market — The Artists’Market is from noon to dusk on thethird Friday of very month at 101 N.Brand Blvd. Local artists displaytheir photography, jewelry, paintingsand more. For more information, call(818) 548-2780.

“The Romantic Spirit of FrankLloyd Wright” — An Exhibition ofphotography by Carol Bishop of

the architect’s work at theHuntington Library in SanMarino runs through Sunday.Today 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.Saturday and Sunday 10:30 4:30 p.m. $6 $15. For moreinformation, call (626) 405-2100.


“The Master Builder” — TheNoise Within Theatre located at

234 S. Brand Blvd., Glendale,presents Henrik Ibsen’s drama.The play opens tonight at 8 p.m.and runs through Dec. 11.Admission is $45 on openingnight, $36 on Friday andSaturday evenings, and $32 onWednesday, Thursday andSunday evenings, and weekendmatinees. For reservations, call(818) 240-0910, ext. 1.Nari Dance Group — The Alex

Theatre presents Armenian folk-loric dance Saturday at 5 p.m.Tickets range from $10 to $25.

“Candide”— The Alex Theatrepresents “Candide,” a play basedon Voltaire’s satirical novel.Performances are on Friday at 8p.m., and Saturday at 2 p.m. and7.30 p.m. General admissiontickets are $20.For information, call (818) 243 -

ALEX from noon to 6 p.m.Wicked Tinkers — Celtic mus-cians Wicked Tinkers and theCeltic rock band Tempest willperform Saturday at 8 p.m. at thehistoric a Scottish Rite Center,150 N. Madison Ave., Pasadena.Admission for adults is $20 inadvance and $25 at the door. Forticket reservations, call (818)548 - 4566 or visit online

• The team plays Santa Monica atGCC Saturday at 5 p.m.• The GCC team meets East East L.A. on Nov. 12 at 7 p.m.

Women’s Basketball —• The GCC women’s team facesHancock at Hancockon on Nov.12 at 5.30 p.m.• Women’s Basketball Vaqueroshoot-out at GCC on Nov. 17, 18,19 and 20.

Men’s Basketball — • The GCC team meets Chaffeyat GCC on Wednesday at 7 p.m.• Men’s Basketball Vaquero Tip-Off Tournament at GCC on Nov.11 and 12.• The GCC men face L.A. Pierceat GCC on Nov. 16 at 7 p.m.

Cross Country —• Men’s and Women’s CrossCountry Southern CaliforniaChampionships at UCSD today.


Science Lecture Series —Glendale College’s ScienceLecture series are presented onTuesdays from noon to 1 p.m. inSanta Barbara Room 234. Theseries: • JPL senior systems engineerTrina L. Ray presents “TheCassini Mission” on Nov. 22.

Lectures are free. For informa-tion, call coordinator Sid Kolpasat (818) 240-1000, ext. 5378.

Humanities / Social ScienceLecture Series — GlendaleCommunity College’s

p.m. in the AuditoriumMainstage Theater. Instrumentalarrangements of jazz and populartunes will be performed.Raymond Burkhart directs.Tickets are $7 for general admis-sion, and $5 for students and sen-iors. For more information, call(818) 240-1000, ext. 5621, orvisit


Women’s Soccer — • The team meets Bakersfield atGCC today at 3 p.m.• The team plays Citrus at GCCat 3 p.m. on Tuesday.• The GCC team meets LAValley at LA Valley on Nov. 11at 3 p.m.

Men’s Soccer — • The team faces LA Mission atGCC today at 5 p.m.• The GCC team meets Hancockat Hancock on Tuesday at 7 p.m.• The GCC men play Moorparkat Moorpark on Nov. 11 at 1 p.m.• The GCC men meet College ofthe Canyons at GCC on Nov. 14at 7 p.m.

Women’s Volleyball — • the GCC team meets College ofthe Canyons at College of theCanyons tonight at 7 p.m.• The team faces L.A. Pierce atL.A. Pierce on Tuesday at 7 p.m.•The team plays Bakersfield atGCC on Nov. 11 at 7 p.m.• The GCC team meets Citrus atCitrus on Nov. 15 at 7 p.m.• The team plays Santa Monica atGCC on Nov. 18 at 7 p.m.

Football —

Humanities / Social Science lec-tures are presented from noon to1 p.m. on Thursdays in KreiderHall. The series features: • A panel of experts will talkabout what to expect if a highmagnitude earthquake hitsSouthern California. “The BigOne and How To Survive It” willcover the question of what we cando to survive The Big One and itsaftermath. Nov. 17.

For more information, call coor-dinator Mike Eberts at (818) 240-1000, ext. 5352.

• Jim Dines of the L.A. CountyMuseum of Natural History willgive a lecture in conjunctionwith the current exhibition ondisplay in the CimmarustiScience Center Exhibit Hall,“Bones: The Hidden Structuresof Life.” The lecture will be heldat the Camino Real building inRoom 234 on Nov. 20 at 10 a.m.


Health Center —• Come into the Health Centerfor first aid, RN evaluation,over-the-counter medicationhealth literature, hearing testsand vision screenings. TB testingis also available on select dates. • The Health Center is offeringfree and anonymous HIV testingTuesday and Wednesday from 5p.m. to 8 p.m. and Nov 30 from9 a.m. to 12 p.m.• Flu Shots are no longer avail-able. The American LungAssociation has a Web site tolocate local flu clinics.

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Oliver Tan can be reached [email protected]

Aclassic love story by William Shakespeareabout two star-crossed lovers caught

between their fueding families. Romeo, of theHouse of Montague, and Juliet, a Capulet,capture each others eyee and fall in love onlyfor it to end in tragedy.

“Romeo and Juliet”is performed Thursday -Saturday at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m.through Nov. 13. For more information orreservations call 818 240 1000 x5618. Generaladmission is $10, seniors and students are $6and the group rate for six or more people is $4.

See related article on page 3


Top: Tybalt, played by Ben Marquis, shows off his sword- fightingskills. Right: star-crossed lovers Romeo, Nicholas Helack, andJuliet, Zarah Mahler, share a romantic kiss. Bottom: TheMasquerade Ball where the two lovers meet for the first time.Above: Lady Capulet, played by Jenny Halterman, Juliet andNurse, played by Valerie Walker, share secrets about men.