Nov 11,2012 Bulletin

The Roman Catholic Community of ST. BRIGID PARISH, (St. Francis Xavier Church, Friendsville, Pa. and St. Augustine Church, Silver Lake, Pa.) (St. Brigid’s Cross) P.O. Box 75 17 Cottage Street • Friendsville, Pa. 18818 Phone (570) 553-2288 E-mail: [email protected] Father Casimir (Cas) Stanis, Pastor Kenneth S. Brennan, Deacon PARISH MISSION STATEMENT We the faithful of the Roman Catholic Community of St. Brigid Parish, (St. Francis Xavier and St. Augustine Churches), in union with our Holy Father, the Pope, and the Diocese of Scranton, are called through baptism to share in the mission which Jesus Christ has entrusted to the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. We in this Faith Community, under the leadership of our Bishop and our Pastor, cooperate to proclaim the Gospel in accordance with the teaching of the Church, to celebrate the sacraments, especially the Eucharist, for the salvation of all, and to witness by grace to the Kingdom of God so as to promote a culture of life, justice and peace. We especially endeavor to foster spiritual growth and evangelization in our present and future generations by drawing parish members back to active participation.”


Nov 11,2012 Bulletin

Transcript of Nov 11,2012 Bulletin

Page 1: Nov 11,2012 Bulletin

MINISTRY SCHEDULE St. Francis—Nov. 17th—4:30PM: Lector—Mike Dovin; Ministers—Susanne Wolf & Sean Kelly; Server—Loretta Guiton; Rosary—Betty Ellen Hardy St. Francis—Nov. 18th—8:00AM: Lector—Bill Dovin; Ministers—Dave Curley & Larry Purtell; Servers—Curtis & Madeline Spila; Rosary—Deb Purtell St. Augustine—Nov. 18th—10:30AM: Lector—Julie Perlick; Ministers—Sal & Michelle Gatto; Servers—Katherine & Matthew Gatto & Shelby Funk; Rosary—Ann Zalepa

DECEASED Please pray for the deceased, especially Alexis Stanley and Robert Burns who were known to many in our community. May they rest in peace. Amen. SANCTUARY LIGHTS, ADORATION VIGIL CANDLES & DEVOTIONAL CANDLE DONATIONS

A Devotional Candle at St. Francis burns for a Special Intention requested by Joe Purr. A Devotional Candle at St. Francis burns for a Special Intention.


St. Francis cleaners for the month of November—Kay Keenan. St. Augustine cleaners Nov. 11 to 17 - Sue Parvin; Nov. 18 to 24 - Jane LaBonte Wilson.

Volunteers are needed to clean St. Augustine Church. If you can help, call the rectory (553-2288). FLOWERS FOR ST. AUGUSTINE

To provide flowers for St. Augustine sign up on the sheet in back of the Church.

PRAYER LIST Lord, hear our prayers for the sick of our Parish and Community listed below and for those who are not listed and in need of our prayers. Katelyn Andre, Michael Haefner, Bill Jones, Jr., David Zevan, Rita Powers, Debbie Jones, John Spila, Julia Zangara, Kyle Stoddard, Mary Lou Gregg, Sophie Padula, Madigan Gow, John Flynn, Christine Rothwell, Donald & Theresa Baum, Donnie Butler, Nancy Jellick, Tommy Williams, Stephen & Mary Ann Ambrose, Mary Coyle, Toni Colardino, Linda Hollenback, Mary Bakay, Mary Riley, Jennifer Lynn, Tom Wenman, Tyler Fletcher, Evelyn Palulis, Anna Mae Coleman, Jerry Lynch, Pat Dube, Joshua Welch, Richard Hutchinson, John Carr, Roma Laboda, Jean Ryan, Joshua Kaminski, Aleisya Abrams, Chuck Sidener, Maureen Rothwell, Kathy Holt, John Daly, Steve & Catherine Hundiak, Christopher Polk, Mary K. Long, Mary Lou Fahs, Butch Rosencranz, Agnes Neville, Frank Hutchinson, Patricia Flynn, Ruth King, Adaline Williams, George & Irene Kotch, Dorothy Angel, Ida Ellis, Molly Penderf, Brooke Arnold, Franny Coleman, G. D., Hallie Brooks, Rosemary Boyle, Sarah Murnigahan, Robert Peifer, Chuck McNeil, Evelyn Rounds, Will Bennett, Carol Jones, Janice Russell, Bill Wilcox, M. M., Carl Miller, Ken Teel, Gene Fox, Walter O’Rourke, Candy Coney, Nathan Dallmann, William Chaney, Joe LaFrance, Dakota Lutz, Bill Cadden, Mary Anna Marbaker, Mary Cadden, Sue Rathbone, Dick Layton, Marilyn Quick, Sandy Szabo, Nancy Lynch, D. K., Peg Reed, and Sue Anderson. May they regain full health. Please pray for the needs in our Parish Intention Books. Our Lady of Good Health, pray for us. Amen.

ARMED FORCES LIST Please pray for those in our Armed Forces, especially those from our Parish and Community, Cortney Allen, Joe Jones, Christopher Reichlen, Patrick Allen, Jeffrey Evans, Shane Kalpokas, Joshua Arey, Ryan Gorm-ley, Mike Griffith, Daniel Hogan, Matthew Kramer, Roger Raub, Dustin Ryder, Ricky Trowbridge, Bobby Brostoski, Ryan Neville, Anthony Flynn, Adam Nelson, A. Jay Tewksbury, Jennifer Buttacavoli, Jason Ray-

mond, Andrew Muscarelle, Adam Barziloski, Reed Shave, John Matousek, David Teetsel, Lisa Phillips, Carrie Krouse, Ryan Newberry, Wayne M. Bennett, Lukas Crisman, Duane Thomas, Joseph Elliott, Michael & Sean Plitt, Paul Lewandowski, Mark W. Gregg, Bradley J. Bryant, Patrick McGuigan, Taylor Cain, and all who serve with them. May they all be protected and safe from harm and return home soon to their families and friends. Amen.


If you would like to help respond to prayer requests (for anyone in need - not just parish members), please contact Rosalynd Perlick-Spenser (663-2212), Susie Reichlen (553-2618), or Mary Keenan (553-2431). If you have actual prayer requests, please call anyone on the list and many prayers will be offered for your particular intention.

The Roman Catholic Community of ST. BRIGID PARISH,

(St. Francis Xavier Church, Friendsville, Pa.

and St. Augustine Church,

Silver Lake, Pa.)

(St. Brigid’s Cross)

P.O. Box 75 • 17 Cottage Street • Friendsville, Pa. 18818 • Phone (570) 553-2288

E-mail: [email protected] Father Casimir (Cas) Stanis, Pastor

Kenneth S. Brennan, Deacon

PARISH MISSION STATEMENT “We the faithful of the Roman Catholic Community of St. Brigid Parish, (St. Francis Xavier and St. Augustine Churches), in union with our Holy Father, the Pope, and the Diocese of Scranton, are called through baptism to share in the mission which Jesus Christ has entrusted to the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. We in this Faith Community, under the leadership of our Bishop and our Pastor, cooperate to proclaim the Gospel in accordance with the teaching of the Church, to celebrate the sacraments, especially the Eucharist, for the salvation of all, and to witness by grace to the Kingdom of God so as to promote a culture of life, justice and peace. We especially endeavor to foster spiritual growth and evangelization in our present and future generations by drawing parish members back to active participation.”

Page 2: Nov 11,2012 Bulletin


Anniv. DON PURTELL by Tom & Sally Purtell Sun. Nov. 11 8:00AM St. Francis Church - 32ND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME

BILL CONBOY by Debbie & Larry Purtell 10:30AM St. Augustine Church - INTENTIONS OF OUR PARISHIONERS

Tue. Nov. 13 8:30AM St. Augustine Church - ALL SOULS INTENTIONS Wed. Nov. 14 NO MASS Thur. Nov. 15 NO MASS Fri. Nov. 16 12:00NN St. Francis Church - GERALDINE GOW, EDDIE GRIFFIN, WINIFRED

AND GERALD GRIFFIN by the Family Sat. Nov. 17 4:30PM St. Francis Church - VIGIL: 33RD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME

BARBARA N. BURNS by Frank & Helen Burns Sun. Nov. 18 8:00AM St. Francis Church - 33RD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME

3rd Anniv. ANDREW CONDON by Bub & Dawn Davis 10:30AM St. Augustine Church - INTENTIONS OF OUR PARISHIONERS

Mon. Nov. 12 12:00NN St. Francis Church - Month’s Mind Mass—CHRIS COLEMAN by his Family


Saturday - 4:30PM Mass - St. Francis Church - Confessions - 4:00 to 4:20PM Sunday - 8:00AM Mass - St. Francis Church - Confessions before & immediately following Mass Sunday - 10:30AM Mass - St. Augustine Church - Confessions - immediately following Mass

Or any convenient time upon request. WEEKLY STEWARDSHIP REPORT

Thank you for your kindness & generosity in our Parish collections. St. Francis (4:30PM) $ 736.00; St. Francis (8:00AM) $ 1,119.00; St. Augustine (10:30AM) $ 1,523.00.


“It’s important for our own integrity and the integrity of our country that we stand up today against these and other attacks on our religious freedom. History affords many examples, both before and since America’s founding, where restraints on religious liberty presaged the denial of other human rights. By standing up for religious liberty now, we can begin to renew the soul of America and strengthen our nation’s commitment to all the rights and freedoms we enjoy as children of God. In so doing, we may also discover in our own lives what it means to be fully human.” ~ Most Reverend Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap., Archbishop of Philadelphia “Life Matters: Religious Liberty and the American Soul,” Respect Life Program 2012


GOD richly blesses you & your family when you take time out of your busy schedule for HIM. Could you spend (1) hour with ME? Please call Andrea Chen (1-607-669-4875), for available hours.

SPECIAL COLLECTION FOR VICTIMS OF HURRICANE SANDY ~ THIS WEEKEND Each of us is aware of the devastation and loss being encountered by people impacted by Hurricane Sandy. Many of our brothers and sisters from counties within the Scranton Diocese remain without power, while countless others of our neighbors in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, West Virginia and beyond need our prayers and support as they begin to recover, rebuild their lives and restore hope. In order to support those in need, Bishop Bambera has authorized a special collection in all parishes of the Diocese of Scranton. If individuals are either not able or not prepared to give a donation this weekend, monetary donations can be made out to St. Brigid Parish and placed in the collection basket next weekend. Various Diocesan offices have been and will continue to work with our local parishes and Catholic Charities USA, which provide critical disaster services to those in need. Please pray for those who have lost so much as our willingness and ability to provide prayerful and tangible assistance in the form of prayers and charitable donations will support those affected as they face the long road to recovery.


St. Brigid Parish Annual Turkey Party will be held THIS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15th at 7:00PM in St. Francis Hall, Friendsville. All our Parishioners are asked to turn out in support of this important fund raiser. Posters are available in the vestibules of the Churches, please take some and place them in businesses that you frequent.

BAKE SALE St. Brigid Altar & Rosary Society will sponsor a BAKE SALE at the Turkey Party, THIS Thursday, November 15th, in St. Francis Xavier Hall. All bakers are asked to bake their favorite “goodies” for the occasion. Please price your items. Thank you for your help and cooperation!

HAM & TURKEY PARTY The Rush Volunteer Fire Co. will host their Ham & Turkey Party THIS Saturday, November 10th, at 7:00PM at the Rush Social Hall, Lawton, Pa. Benefits the Rush Volunteer Fire Company.

COMMUNITY THANKSGIVING SERVICE On Tuesday, November 20th, beginning at 6:30PM, (please note time change), we will hold our 16th Annual Community Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service with Silver Lake Presbyterian Church. The service will be held at St. Augustine Church this year. Silver Lake Presbyterian Church will provide the guest homilist this year. All St. Brigid Parishioners are welcome to attend. Please come and thank God for all He has done for us in the past year and pray for our Country. Please also join us for light refreshments at Neumann Hall following the service..


If you know anyone who needs a THANKSGIVING FOOD BASKET, please call Rosalynd Perlick (663-2212), as soon as possible. Donations of turkeys or money to purchase turkeys would be appreciated. We have (25) families on our basket list. We have (12) area families ranging in size from 1 person to 5 people, on our list to receive FOOD CARDS. If you know of anyone that needs help, please let us know by

November 16th. Donations are needed by November 19th. To date we have $ 230.00 ($19.16 per family) in donations. All donations for FOOD CARDS or TURKEYS for the FOOD BASKETS should be put in an envelope in the collection and marked “Attention Kay”. All donations are greatly appreciated.

COLLECTION FOR THE CARE & EDUCATION OF PRIESTS The collection total for Care & Education of Priests was $ 472.26. Thank you for your generosity.

Page 3: Nov 11,2012 Bulletin

Thank you to those who have already made the commitment to “Serve One Another”. Bishop Joseph C. Bambera extends his sincere gratitude to everyone who has already made a pledge to the 2012 Diocesan Annual Appeal. Every gift truly matters. If you have not yet made your gift, and need a packet, pledge packets will be distributed at Masses today. St. Brigid Parish Appeal Goal this year is $ 23,750.00 a decrease of $ 1,250.00 from last year. Appeal donations total $ 8,525.00 to date.

CONFESSIONS FOR CCD STUDENTS (Note: Confessions for students will be held at the regularly scheduled Confession times in each Church; Saturday - 4:00 to 4:20PM - St. Francis; Sunday - 7:30 to 7:50AM—St. Francis; and following Mass on Sunday at St. Augustine.) Confessions for CCD Students have already begun. Following are the Confessions still scheduled: November 10/11—Confessions for grade 7; November 17/18—Confessions for grades 8 thru 12. Parents and teachers are asked to help prepare students for Confession and remind them when it is their turn for Confession.

CHOIR PRACTICE Our Choir practices every Tuesday evening beginning at 6:30PM, in St. Francis Church. Anyone is welcome to join. Practice for Christmas will begin soon!

PERSON NEEDS A RIDE TO CHURCH We have been contacted by an individual who needs a ride to St. Augustine Church for Sunday Mass each week. This woman lives in the Choconut Creek Apartments. If you would be willing to give her a ride to and from Mass, please give the Parish Office a call at (570-553-2288).

5TH ANNUAL CAR RAFFLE Again this year the Catholic Schools of Broome County are having a Car Raffle Fund Raiser. There are three chances to win—1st prize—2013 Jeep Wrangler; 2nd prize—$ 1,000.00; and 3rd prize—$ 500.00. Tickets are $ 5.00 each or 5 for $ 20.00. The drawing will be held December 29th, 2012 at 3:00PM at Seton Catholic Central High School. Purchaser must be 18 years or older. Fliers containing the ticket application forms can be found in the back of the Church. Please help support our St. Brigid Parish students who are enrolled in the Catholic Schools of Broome County.


Catholic youth (7th to 12th grade) are welcome and encouraged to participate in the 2012-2013 basketball program. If interested, please send an email to [email protected] with the name, grade, age, and the parent’s contact email or phone number and we will get back to you with more information. Questions are welcome.

SPECIAL COLLECTIONS FOR THE CHRISTMAS SEASON Our Parish is participating in a number of special collections for the upcoming Christmas Season. We ask for your help in reaching our goals for these collections.

The first is collecting 250 boxes of Hot Chocolate Mix for the Susquehanna County Christmas Bureau. This group provides the ingredients for Christmas Dinner for low income families in Susquehanna County. Boxes will be in the back of the Churches for these donations. The deadline for donations is Monday, December 10th. (Hot Chocolate Mix is available at the Dollar stores at better prices than the grocery stores.)

The second is to collect men’s and women’s disposable razors to go to the St. Francis of Assisi Kitchen in Scranton. These are added to shoe boxes full of other toiletry articles given to guests at the Kitchen. About 200 men’s and 50 women’s razors are needed. Boxes will be in the back of the Churches for donations. Deadline is December 2nd.

The third is collecting for “Christmas Stocking” a project to help us remember our troops at Christmas. We will send a stocking to our Parishioners and other Service persons serving in the Armed Forces. This is a great idea to show our support for our troops, especially while they are away from home at Christmas. These items need to be sent by no later than December 1st to assure Christmas delivery, so donations are needed by Sunday, November 25th. Boxes will be in the back of the Churches for your donations. WE DO NOT NEED THE STOCKINGS ONLY THE STOCKING STUFFERS. If you have a friend or family member in the Armed Forces and would like them to receive a Christmas Stocking, please either put their names & addresses on a note in the collection basket or call the rectory with the information.

Suggested items are: food: chocolate kisses, M & M’s, small candy bars, packaged snacks, nuts, crackers, beef jerky, slim jims, gum, hot chocolate; games: travel size games, cards, puzzle books, yo-yo’s, nerf balls, pencils/pens, paper, envelopes; travel toiletries: hand sanitizers, tooth brush, tooth paste, deodorant, trial size shampoo, etc.; clothing: white crew socks L & XL, black watch caps, warm black gloves, (no logo’s); other: mini mag lights, batteries (AA & AAA), sports magazines, women’s magazines, phone cards (AT & T 120 minute minimum), disposable cameras, any other small items you think they might enjoy! You may also want to enclose a note of Christmas greeting.

DIOCESAN COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN On November 15th The National Council of Catholic Women will observe a “Day of Fast and Prayer to End World Hunger.” Since 2007, NCCW members have joined together in fasting and prayer one week before Thanksgiving, asking God to give his children the grace to end hunger in our world. The Scranton Diocesan Council of Catholic Women are requesting all faithful of the diocese to participate in this request by attending a daily Mass and spend one hour in Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament for this intention. A fast may be donated to your local food pantry or soup kitchen. “I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me. (Matthew 25:35)

FREE FOOD DISTRIBUTION VIA THE WEINBERG FOOD BANK This free food distribution is for RESIDENTS OF SUSQUEHANNA COUNT ONLY. Distribution will be held THIS Tuesday, November 13th, from 11AM to 1PM and 5PM to 7PM, at the Little Meadows United Methodist Church. Any resident of Susquehanna County who needs food is welcome to come.

BARNES & NOBLE BOOK FAIR Book Fair to be held Saturday, November 17th from 9AM to 11PM at Barnes & Noble. You must mention Mom’s House with any store or coffee shop purchases and proceeds will go to Mom’ House. If making On line orders: 11/17-22/12 Use Mom’s House ID #10838977

BENEFIT OF ST. JOSEPH’S CENTER, SCRANTON “‘Tis the Season to give Sweet Charity” is a CD of 13 songs, costing $ 15.00 each. All proceeds benefit St. Joseph’s Center in Scranton. Purchasing this CD is like giving two gifts in one! Fr. Jim Paisley will be signing this CD at The Guild, 400 Wyoming Avenue, Scranton, on Saturday, November 17th, from 11AM to 2PM. (The Guild’s phone: 570-342-8246 or you can shop online at )

Page 4: Nov 11,2012 Bulletin

Thank you to those who have already made the commitment to “Serve One Another”. Bishop Joseph C. Bambera extends his sincere gratitude to everyone who has already made a pledge to the 2012 Diocesan Annual Appeal. Every gift truly matters. If you have not yet made your gift, and need a packet, pledge packets will be distributed at Masses today. St. Brigid Parish Appeal Goal this year is $ 23,750.00 a decrease of $ 1,250.00 from last year. Appeal donations total $ 8,525.00 to date.

CONFESSIONS FOR CCD STUDENTS (Note: Confessions for students will be held at the regularly scheduled Confession times in each Church; Saturday - 4:00 to 4:20PM - St. Francis; Sunday - 7:30 to 7:50AM—St. Francis; and following Mass on Sunday at St. Augustine.) Confessions for CCD Students have already begun. Following are the Confessions still scheduled: November 10/11—Confessions for grade 7; November 17/18—Confessions for grades 8 thru 12. Parents and teachers are asked to help prepare students for Confession and remind them when it is their turn for Confession.

CHOIR PRACTICE Our Choir practices every Tuesday evening beginning at 6:30PM, in St. Francis Church. Anyone is welcome to join. Practice for Christmas will begin soon!

PERSON NEEDS A RIDE TO CHURCH We have been contacted by an individual who needs a ride to St. Augustine Church for Sunday Mass each week. This woman lives in the Choconut Creek Apartments. If you would be willing to give her a ride to and from Mass, please give the Parish Office a call at (570-553-2288).

5TH ANNUAL CAR RAFFLE Again this year the Catholic Schools of Broome County are having a Car Raffle Fund Raiser. There are three chances to win—1st prize—2013 Jeep Wrangler; 2nd prize—$ 1,000.00; and 3rd prize—$ 500.00. Tickets are $ 5.00 each or 5 for $ 20.00. The drawing will be held December 29th, 2012 at 3:00PM at Seton Catholic Central High School. Purchaser must be 18 years or older. Fliers containing the ticket application forms can be found in the back of the Church. Please help support our St. Brigid Parish students who are enrolled in the Catholic Schools of Broome County.


Catholic youth (7th to 12th grade) are welcome and encouraged to participate in the 2012-2013 basketball program. If interested, please send an email to [email protected] with the name, grade, age, and the parent’s contact email or phone number and we will get back to you with more information. Questions are welcome.

SPECIAL COLLECTIONS FOR THE CHRISTMAS SEASON Our Parish is participating in a number of special collections for the upcoming Christmas Season. We ask for your help in reaching our goals for these collections.

The first is collecting 250 boxes of Hot Chocolate Mix for the Susquehanna County Christmas Bureau. This group provides the ingredients for Christmas Dinner for low income families in Susquehanna County. Boxes will be in the back of the Churches for these donations. The deadline for donations is Monday, December 10th. (Hot Chocolate Mix is available at the Dollar stores at better prices than the grocery stores.)

The second is to collect men’s and women’s disposable razors to go to the St. Francis of Assisi Kitchen in Scranton. These are added to shoe boxes full of other toiletry articles given to guests at the Kitchen. About 200 men’s and 50 women’s razors are needed. Boxes will be in the back of the Churches for donations. Deadline is December 2nd.

The third is collecting for “Christmas Stocking” a project to help us remember our troops at Christmas. We will send a stocking to our Parishioners and other Service persons serving in the Armed Forces. This is a great idea to show our support for our troops, especially while they are away from home at Christmas. These items need to be sent by no later than December 1st to assure Christmas delivery, so donations are needed by Sunday, November 25th. Boxes will be in the back of the Churches for your donations. WE DO NOT NEED THE STOCKINGS ONLY THE STOCKING STUFFERS. If you have a friend or family member in the Armed Forces and would like them to receive a Christmas Stocking, please either put their names & addresses on a note in the collection basket or call the rectory with the information.

Suggested items are: food: chocolate kisses, M & M’s, small candy bars, packaged snacks, nuts, crackers, beef jerky, slim jims, gum, hot chocolate; games: travel size games, cards, puzzle books, yo-yo’s, nerf balls, pencils/pens, paper, envelopes; travel toiletries: hand sanitizers, tooth brush, tooth paste, deodorant, trial size shampoo, etc.; clothing: white crew socks L & XL, black watch caps, warm black gloves, (no logo’s); other: mini mag lights, batteries (AA & AAA), sports magazines, women’s magazines, phone cards (AT & T 120 minute minimum), disposable cameras, any other small items you think they might enjoy! You may also want to enclose a note of Christmas greeting.

DIOCESAN COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN On November 15th The National Council of Catholic Women will observe a “Day of Fast and Prayer to End World Hunger.” Since 2007, NCCW members have joined together in fasting and prayer one week before Thanksgiving, asking God to give his children the grace to end hunger in our world. The Scranton Diocesan Council of Catholic Women are requesting all faithful of the diocese to participate in this request by attending a daily Mass and spend one hour in Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament for this intention. A fast may be donated to your local food pantry or soup kitchen. “I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me. (Matthew 25:35)

FREE FOOD DISTRIBUTION VIA THE WEINBERG FOOD BANK This free food distribution is for RESIDENTS OF SUSQUEHANNA COUNT ONLY. Distribution will be held THIS Tuesday, November 13th, from 11AM to 1PM and 5PM to 7PM, at the Little Meadows United Methodist Church. Any resident of Susquehanna County who needs food is welcome to come.

BARNES & NOBLE BOOK FAIR Book Fair to be held Saturday, November 17th from 9AM to 11PM at Barnes & Noble. You must mention Mom’s House with any store or coffee shop purchases and proceeds will go to Mom’ House. If making On line orders: 11/17-22/12 Use Mom’s House ID #10838977

BENEFIT OF ST. JOSEPH’S CENTER, SCRANTON “‘Tis the Season to give Sweet Charity” is a CD of 13 songs, costing $ 15.00 each. All proceeds benefit St. Joseph’s Center in Scranton. Purchasing this CD is like giving two gifts in one! Fr. Jim Paisley will be signing this CD at The Guild, 400 Wyoming Avenue, Scranton, on Saturday, November 17th, from 11AM to 2PM. (The Guild’s phone: 570-342-8246 or you can shop online at )

Page 5: Nov 11,2012 Bulletin


Anniv. DON PURTELL by Tom & Sally Purtell Sun. Nov. 11 8:00AM St. Francis Church - 32ND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME

BILL CONBOY by Debbie & Larry Purtell 10:30AM St. Augustine Church - INTENTIONS OF OUR PARISHIONERS

Tue. Nov. 13 8:30AM St. Augustine Church - ALL SOULS INTENTIONS Wed. Nov. 14 NO MASS Thur. Nov. 15 NO MASS Fri. Nov. 16 12:00NN St. Francis Church - GERALDINE GOW, EDDIE GRIFFIN, WINIFRED

AND GERALD GRIFFIN by the Family Sat. Nov. 17 4:30PM St. Francis Church - VIGIL: 33RD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME

BARBARA N. BURNS by Frank & Helen Burns Sun. Nov. 18 8:00AM St. Francis Church - 33RD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME

3rd Anniv. ANDREW CONDON by Bub & Dawn Davis 10:30AM St. Augustine Church - INTENTIONS OF OUR PARISHIONERS

Mon. Nov. 12 12:00NN St. Francis Church - Month’s Mind Mass—CHRIS COLEMAN by his Family


Saturday - 4:30PM Mass - St. Francis Church - Confessions - 4:00 to 4:20PM Sunday - 8:00AM Mass - St. Francis Church - Confessions before & immediately following Mass Sunday - 10:30AM Mass - St. Augustine Church - Confessions - immediately following Mass

Or any convenient time upon request. WEEKLY STEWARDSHIP REPORT

Thank you for your kindness & generosity in our Parish collections. St. Francis (4:30PM) $ 736.00; St. Francis (8:00AM) $ 1,119.00; St. Augustine (10:30AM) $ 1,523.00.


“It’s important for our own integrity and the integrity of our country that we stand up today against these and other attacks on our religious freedom. History affords many examples, both before and since America’s founding, where restraints on religious liberty presaged the denial of other human rights. By standing up for religious liberty now, we can begin to renew the soul of America and strengthen our nation’s commitment to all the rights and freedoms we enjoy as children of God. In so doing, we may also discover in our own lives what it means to be fully human.” ~ Most Reverend Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap., Archbishop of Philadelphia “Life Matters: Religious Liberty and the American Soul,” Respect Life Program 2012


GOD richly blesses you & your family when you take time out of your busy schedule for HIM. Could you spend (1) hour with ME? Please call Andrea Chen (1-607-669-4875), for available hours.

SPECIAL COLLECTION FOR VICTIMS OF HURRICANE SANDY ~ THIS WEEKEND Each of us is aware of the devastation and loss being encountered by people impacted by Hurricane Sandy. Many of our brothers and sisters from counties within the Scranton Diocese remain without power, while countless others of our neighbors in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, West Virginia and beyond need our prayers and support as they begin to recover, rebuild their lives and restore hope. In order to support those in need, Bishop Bambera has authorized a special collection in all parishes of the Diocese of Scranton. If individuals are either not able or not prepared to give a donation this weekend, monetary donations can be made out to St. Brigid Parish and placed in the collection basket next weekend. Various Diocesan offices have been and will continue to work with our local parishes and Catholic Charities USA, which provide critical disaster services to those in need. Please pray for those who have lost so much as our willingness and ability to provide prayerful and tangible assistance in the form of prayers and charitable donations will support those affected as they face the long road to recovery.


St. Brigid Parish Annual Turkey Party will be held THIS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15th at 7:00PM in St. Francis Hall, Friendsville. All our Parishioners are asked to turn out in support of this important fund raiser. Posters are available in the vestibules of the Churches, please take some and place them in businesses that you frequent.

BAKE SALE St. Brigid Altar & Rosary Society will sponsor a BAKE SALE at the Turkey Party, THIS Thursday, November 15th, in St. Francis Xavier Hall. All bakers are asked to bake their favorite “goodies” for the occasion. Please price your items. Thank you for your help and cooperation!

HAM & TURKEY PARTY The Rush Volunteer Fire Co. will host their Ham & Turkey Party THIS Saturday, November 10th, at 7:00PM at the Rush Social Hall, Lawton, Pa. Benefits the Rush Volunteer Fire Company.

COMMUNITY THANKSGIVING SERVICE On Tuesday, November 20th, beginning at 6:30PM, (please note time change), we will hold our 16th Annual Community Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service with Silver Lake Presbyterian Church. The service will be held at St. Augustine Church this year. Silver Lake Presbyterian Church will provide the guest homilist this year. All St. Brigid Parishioners are welcome to attend. Please come and thank God for all He has done for us in the past year and pray for our Country. Please also join us for light refreshments at Neumann Hall following the service..


If you know anyone who needs a THANKSGIVING FOOD BASKET, please call Rosalynd Perlick (663-2212), as soon as possible. Donations of turkeys or money to purchase turkeys would be appreciated. We have (25) families on our basket list. We have (12) area families ranging in size from 1 person to 5 people, on our list to receive FOOD CARDS. If you know of anyone that needs help, please let us know by

November 16th. Donations are needed by November 19th. To date we have $ 230.00 ($19.16 per family) in donations. All donations for FOOD CARDS or TURKEYS for the FOOD BASKETS should be put in an envelope in the collection and marked “Attention Kay”. All donations are greatly appreciated.

COLLECTION FOR THE CARE & EDUCATION OF PRIESTS The collection total for Care & Education of Priests was $ 472.26. Thank you for your generosity.

Page 6: Nov 11,2012 Bulletin

MINISTRY SCHEDULE St. Francis—Nov. 17th—4:30PM: Lector—Mike Dovin; Ministers—Susanne Wolf & Sean Kelly; Server—Loretta Guiton; Rosary—Betty Ellen Hardy St. Francis—Nov. 18th—8:00AM: Lector—Bill Dovin; Ministers—Dave Curley & Larry Purtell; Servers—Curtis & Madeline Spila; Rosary—Deb Purtell St. Augustine—Nov. 18th—10:30AM: Lector—Julie Perlick; Ministers—Sal & Michelle Gatto; Servers—Katherine & Matthew Gatto & Shelby Funk; Rosary—Ann Zalepa

DECEASED Please pray for the deceased, especially Alexis Stanley and Robert Burns who were known to many in our community. May they rest in peace. Amen. SANCTUARY LIGHTS, ADORATION VIGIL CANDLES & DEVOTIONAL CANDLE DONATIONS

A Devotional Candle at St. Francis burns for a Special Intention requested by Joe Purr. A Devotional Candle at St. Francis burns for a Special Intention.


St. Francis cleaners for the month of November—Kay Keenan. St. Augustine cleaners Nov. 11 to 17 - Sue Parvin; Nov. 18 to 24 - Jane LaBonte Wilson.

Volunteers are needed to clean St. Augustine Church. If you can help, call the rectory (553-2288). FLOWERS FOR ST. AUGUSTINE

To provide flowers for St. Augustine sign up on the sheet in back of the Church.

PRAYER LIST Lord, hear our prayers for the sick of our Parish and Community listed below and for those who are not listed and in need of our prayers. Katelyn Andre, Michael Haefner, Bill Jones, Jr., David Zevan, Rita Powers, Debbie Jones, John Spila, Julia Zangara, Kyle Stoddard, Mary Lou Gregg, Sophie Padula, Madigan Gow, John Flynn, Christine Rothwell, Donald & Theresa Baum, Donnie Butler, Nancy Jellick, Tommy Williams, Stephen & Mary Ann Ambrose, Mary Coyle, Toni Colardino, Linda Hollenback, Mary Bakay, Mary Riley, Jennifer Lynn, Tom Wenman, Tyler Fletcher, Evelyn Palulis, Anna Mae Coleman, Jerry Lynch, Pat Dube, Joshua Welch, Richard Hutchinson, John Carr, Roma Laboda, Jean Ryan, Joshua Kaminski, Aleisya Abrams, Chuck Sidener, Maureen Rothwell, Kathy Holt, John Daly, Steve & Catherine Hundiak, Christopher Polk, Mary K. Long, Mary Lou Fahs, Butch Rosencranz, Agnes Neville, Frank Hutchinson, Patricia Flynn, Ruth King, Adaline Williams, George & Irene Kotch, Dorothy Angel, Ida Ellis, Molly Penderf, Brooke Arnold, Franny Coleman, G. D., Hallie Brooks, Rosemary Boyle, Sarah Murnigahan, Robert Peifer, Chuck McNeil, Evelyn Rounds, Will Bennett, Carol Jones, Janice Russell, Bill Wilcox, M. M., Carl Miller, Ken Teel, Gene Fox, Walter O’Rourke, Candy Coney, Nathan Dallmann, William Chaney, Joe LaFrance, Dakota Lutz, Bill Cadden, Mary Anna Marbaker, Mary Cadden, Sue Rathbone, Dick Layton, Marilyn Quick, Sandy Szabo, Nancy Lynch, D. K., Peg Reed, and Sue Anderson. May they regain full health. Please pray for the needs in our Parish Intention Books. Our Lady of Good Health, pray for us. Amen.

ARMED FORCES LIST Please pray for those in our Armed Forces, especially those from our Parish and Community, Cortney Allen, Joe Jones, Christopher Reichlen, Patrick Allen, Jeffrey Evans, Shane Kalpokas, Joshua Arey, Ryan Gorm-ley, Mike Griffith, Daniel Hogan, Matthew Kramer, Roger Raub, Dustin Ryder, Ricky Trowbridge, Bobby Brostoski, Ryan Neville, Anthony Flynn, Adam Nelson, A. Jay Tewksbury, Jennifer Buttacavoli, Jason Ray-

mond, Andrew Muscarelle, Adam Barziloski, Reed Shave, John Matousek, David Teetsel, Lisa Phillips, Carrie Krouse, Ryan Newberry, Wayne M. Bennett, Lukas Crisman, Duane Thomas, Joseph Elliott, Michael & Sean Plitt, Paul Lewandowski, Mark W. Gregg, Bradley J. Bryant, Patrick McGuigan, Taylor Cain, and all who serve with them. May they all be protected and safe from harm and return home soon to their families and friends. Amen.


If you would like to help respond to prayer requests (for anyone in need - not just parish members), please contact Rosalynd Perlick-Spenser (663-2212), Susie Reichlen (553-2618), or Mary Keenan (553-2431). If you have actual prayer requests, please call anyone on the list and many prayers will be offered for your particular intention.

The Roman Catholic Community of ST. BRIGID PARISH,

(St. Francis Xavier Church, Friendsville, Pa.

and St. Augustine Church,

Silver Lake, Pa.)

(St. Brigid’s Cross)

P.O. Box 75 • 17 Cottage Street • Friendsville, Pa. 18818 • Phone (570) 553-2288

E-mail: [email protected] Father Casimir (Cas) Stanis, Pastor

Kenneth S. Brennan, Deacon

PARISH MISSION STATEMENT “We the faithful of the Roman Catholic Community of St. Brigid Parish, (St. Francis Xavier and St. Augustine Churches), in union with our Holy Father, the Pope, and the Diocese of Scranton, are called through baptism to share in the mission which Jesus Christ has entrusted to the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. We in this Faith Community, under the leadership of our Bishop and our Pastor, cooperate to proclaim the Gospel in accordance with the teaching of the Church, to celebrate the sacraments, especially the Eucharist, for the salvation of all, and to witness by grace to the Kingdom of God so as to promote a culture of life, justice and peace. We especially endeavor to foster spiritual growth and evangelization in our present and future generations by drawing parish members back to active participation.”