Not of this World -- June 2011



The June issue of Not of this World, an e-zine for MK girls by MK girls

Transcript of Not of this World -- June 2011

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Table of Contents On TCKsYou Know You’re an MK When...5 Visiting the USA...16, 17Sweet Sixteen Reflections...7

On GodBible Verses on Language...13Heart of Worship: A Change of Attitude...6

On YouSummer Challenge...14, 15

On OthersWhat’s God Up To?...8, 9

On CultureLuminara: Night of Lights...12

On Everything These are a few of our favorite things....10, 11Calendar...3Max Lucado Quote.... 4



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June 2011

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“Just the knowledge that a good book is awaiting one at the end of a long day makes that day happier.” -Kathleen Norris

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God invites you to vacation in His splendor.

He invites you to feel the touch of His hand.

He invites you to feast at His table.

He wants to spend time with you.

-Max Lucado

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You Know You’re an MK When...

...You think football is played with a round, spotted ball

...You have tons of aunts and uncles who arenʼt related to you

...You go back to the US, it takes you a week to get used to everyone around you speaking English

...You feel at home in airports

...9 hour trips donʼt feel that long anymore

...The question, “Where are you from?” elicits a five-minute answer

Provided by Catherine C. and her classmates at North Star

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Heart of Worship by Michaela F.

A Change of AttitudeAs I stood in the short brick enclosure that they called a “shower” with a bucket of water at my feet, I paused. I realized that I could actually see everything going on around me and I also realized that everyone else could see me, which was awkward. I looked around and saw a game of soccer of one hundred kids against the four guys on my mission team. I also saw a woman bathing her baby and cooking in the courtyard that surrounded the very “ghetto” shower stall. I could hear animals complaining quite loudly, the squeals of excited kids, and the occasional roar of a very old motorbike. I ended up having to squat in the shower because the wall didn't go high enough and as I washed off I couldn't help but laugh at the experience. I had been in Burkina Faso for only a few days on a school missions trip and already I had done so many crazy things!

While on that trip, I learned and grew a lot in my relationship with Christ. I learned a lot about having a Christ-like servant’s heart from the people on my team because they were the best examples of servants that I had ever seen, especially in my age group. They constantly served and encouraged me throughout the entire trip , always looking out for my best interest. I have never felt so cared for and accepted, which was definitely an unexpected surprise since we are teenagers and tend to be very cliquey and judging. My team also taught me how to be able to laugh in the most frustrating and chaotic times which was a huge blessing because we had a lot of those times (the power constantly went out, we had multiple flight delays, and we had to cancel our plans due to unrest in the city). An important lesson I learned was to not let disappointment ruin my day and get me discouraged, but to accept the fact that I tried my best and move on. When you are in a new culture, you have to adopt a new attitude and perspective on things. I think this is not just something that applies to me, but everyone, especially third culture kids as we constantly have to learn to adapt.

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Sweet Sixteen Reflectionsby Amanda C.

In the movies, Sweet Sixteen parties are

glamorized as entire-school posh events - parties where all of the teen's friends come. Today's been a sweet sixteen with no such party. I had an awesome party, to be sure - several of my close girl friends slept over. But somehow it doesn't quite measure up to the idea of having all my friends ... together.

It's the blessed curse of being a TCK ... all my

close friends are scattered, quite literally, all over the world. On the one hand, it's almost depressing to have only a handful of close friends in the same city as I'm in after sixteen years. On the other hand, it's pretty darn awesome to have friends in so many random countries. But even that awesomeness doesn't relieve the common TCK Wishing-Everyone-I-Love-Lived-In-The-Same-City syndrome. Boy, do I wish all my friends could be here with me today!

But then, the super super cool thing is ... that's

what Heaven's gonna be! Today, I miss my scattered friends, living in a world where physical boundaries are very real. But one day, we're going to be all together where physical boundaries won't matter and we're all singing in unison the praises of our Creator.

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What’s God up to? read how God is working in MKs’ lives around the


My name is Allison, and I'm 11 in the 6th grade. I'm an MK living in San Jose, Costa Rica. My family has been in the process of adopting a 3 year old little girl for the past 2 years. She is from a special needs orphanage in Juarez, Mexico, currently the most dangerous city in the world. Before moving to San Jose, my family lived right across the border from Mexico in El Paso, Texas and we visited her often. When we moved here in March it meant that we wouldn't know how long it would be until we would be able to see her. However, recently we received news from Mexico saying that it was necessary for us to go to Juarez because of our adoption. This was fantastic news! Not only would we be able to see Paulina (our little sister), but also see our friends and attend a wedding of one of my dad's co-workers as a whole family. We are still waiting for Paulina's files to be approved in order for the adoption to be finalized, and need as many prayers as possible, but God is certainly at work.

-Allison T., Costa Rica

Allison and Paulina

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God has been working in my life a LOT lately!! He has been changing my heart so that I walk deliberately in the Spirit and therefore can pour forth the fruit of the Spirit. Also He has been humbling me a lot, bringing me to my knees when I realize how desperate I am to know Him more. I want His plan for my life to be revealed and I know that the only way that can happen is by getting to know Him intimately- giving Him my whole heart and seeking His heart. Ever since I found out that our family will be spending the next year in the States, I have realized that God has always been guiding things so that I will learn to depend on Him alone. I have the tendency to look to other people to satisfy my needs and wants but I need to learn that only when I put my hope in Him will I not be disappointed. I know that He will be there for me every step of the way and I truly hope I learn to be satisfied with Him alone.

-Michaela F., Germany

Read more about how God is working in Allisonʼs life on and send in your own story

of how God is working in your life at [email protected]

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These are a few of our




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Favorite things...An inspiring story of courage and faith, Soul Surfer is a great movie for summer nights. -iTunes pre-order $14.99

Jesus Calling is a devotional written from the perspective of God to you, His daughter. It contains brief, encouraging devotionals for every day of the year. $8.99

Check out H&Ms summer line for cute dresses that are ideal for the warm weather. $14.95

Itʼs small, it smells good, and it works! Bath and Body Workʼs pocket bacterial gels are a must-have for any summer bag. $1.50

“I Will Praise You” is a beautiful heartfelt collection of original praise songs by Rebecca St. James, alongside two wonderful covers of well known modern worship hymns. This album is most likely to make you shout with raised hands ‘I Will Praise You!’” -iTunes $9.99

The perfect way to record your favorite memories, each page of this travel journal is full of space to write, inspiring quotes, Bible verses, and a pocket to store souvenirs. $12.99

Not of this World was not paid to review any of the above products. These are just fun, summer products that we found our readers enjoying. Reviews by Courtney R. and Rebecca M.



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Bible Verses on Language“Let no corrupting talk c o m e o u t o f y o u r mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.” -Ephesians 4:29

“With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God’s likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be. Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring? My brothers and sisters, can a fig tree bear olives, or a grapevine bear figs? Neither can a salt spring produce fresh water.” -James 3:9-12

“When words are many, transgression is not lacking, but whoever restrains his l ips is prudent.” -Proverbs 10:19

“Better is a poor person who walks in his integrity than one who is crooked in speech and is a fool.” -Proverbs 19:1

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Make this summer one you will not forget by taking Not of this World’s Summer 2011 Challenge! On the following page, there is a list of challenges for you to complete throughout the summer. They are designed to challenge you spiritually, physically, economically, relationally, and how you use your time. There is no prize for whoever finishes first or who does the best job. These are simply ways for you to grow yourself this summer. Some of the challenges might seem really easy and some of them might be difficult for you to complete. I hope that whether you complete all the challenges or just one that you will grow and make the most out of this summer!

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Visit for tips and more info on completing these challenges and click here for a print-out version of these challenges.

•Share your faith with five people

•Babysit for free

•Give up TV for one week

•Tithe 10 % of your money

•Read Paperdoll by Natalie Lloyd

•Send three care packages

•Do 25 sit-ups everyday for a week

•Read the entire New Testament

•Do not spend any money for an entire week

•Take a day to spend time with someone younger than you

•Avoid sugar five days of the week for a month

•Give up the Internet for one week

•Donate money to Samaritans Purse

•Write ten letters to God

•Save 20 % of all the money you

earn/receive this summer

•Go for a walk/run/bike ride three times a week for a month

•Send ten postcards to various friends

•Treat your siblings (or parents) to a special afternoon

•Ask five friends for specific prayer requests

•Ask five friends to pray for you

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Tips for Visiting the United States

by Courtney R.

A lot of you are probably back in your parent’s home country, the United States, for the summer or on furlough. Going back can be a roller coaster of emotions and it’s hard to process them all. Here are a few things to keep in mind when visiting....

#1 You are beautiful!

Something I struggle with, when going back to the States, is comparing myself to others. I don’t have all the same cute clothes my friends have; I don’t wear as much makeup as they do; I don’t have a big-enough purse. The list goes on. It’s so easy to feel out of place, and well not beautiful, when you don’t have the same American things that they have. But you have to remember Who made you and who’s approval you’re looking for. You are made in the image of the King of Kings, so how on earth can you not be beautiful?

“The king is enthralled by your beauty; honor Him, for He is your lord.” –Psalm 45:11

#2 You aren’t weird!

Another hard part of going back to the States is feeling so out of touch, and weird. You’ve been away for a long time and you have no idea what some of the phrases you’re hearing mean or what the most popular movies are. Sometimes people even stare at you as though you’re an alien from Mars because you don’t

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even look like an American anymore. But you know what? It’s ok to be different. Different doesn’t mean weird and being set apart from everyone else isn’t something to fear, but something to cherish.

“But the LORD said to Samuel, "Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart." -1 Samuel 16:7

#3 Be money-wise!

Ok, so this last one doesn’t have much to do with self esteem or anything emotional. But I do think it’s important to be wise with your money while back in the States. It’s so easy to get overwhelmed, and overjoyed, at seeing Target or Old Navy or Bath and Body Works or Half-Price Books. It’s way too easy to spend $100 and then realize you can’t stuff everything in your suitcase and have it be under the weight limit. It’s perfectly fine to buy special things, but be wise with what you’re buying and make sure you really need it, really want it, and that it really doesn’t weigh much!

“Honor the LORD with your wealth, with the first fruits of all your crops…” –Proverbs 3:9

#4 Place your identity in Christ!

It’s easy to try and please others in a new environment. I often find myself feeling lost and, well, not like myself when I’m in the States. The key to avoiding this is to firmly place your identity in Christ. Don’t change who God created you to be for others. Be who He created you to be and let your actions be based on His Word.

“Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ. He anointed us, set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come.” -2 Corinthians 1:21-22

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E-mail your comments and suggestions to

[email protected]

“Hear, my son, your father’s instruction, and forsake not your mother’s teaching, for they are a graceful garland for your head and pendants for your neck.” -Proverbs 1:8-9

June 19th is Father’s Day; don’t forget to show your dad how much you love him!

See you in


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Romans 12:2Not of this Worldfor MK girls by MK girls

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