New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1880-11-14 [p...

UKKAM OF THE MAGAZINE. i_Oi:n anSBRtjOKE OM iki'LAXR Pren ih' NwUststmBi Otuturu. In Kn.l.-ui-i. inn! es ei wt beieeteeexi <'i>t In Ireland, people Btake tbe bargain befare thai I" mn baal* in-s. Ravtag daae so, they take tbe ehaaee <>f Siniit or lnss, and, if tbe ipe«n_ttioa Baiaearry, they anet seek to men-l matters hg making s|x-'tin- or even ht ihOOtiBI those ssh,) have gol the beal of the bargain. So donut we bate in England ind Scotland remedies fol ill-trtatllielll. Om n ncly ls. il Ste Bte lll-U-e In uti" min, tn stell tm cuni,' nut* elna wbo will treat ns better, iii.- nnfaii dealer finds this, md meuttl bis ss ays: ur. if ho du.-s md. tie iota a ("ii i minc, and is slunuie.l a (.ardingly. Bo! 1 never board before that the dealings t-etween two trader, in ilithn-nt linea of busi less were in th, n a tn ie ut partnership. Havina. I hope, shown 11>:it thc attempt ol the Devon I'mati-ivminn ta bare the toconiprnsa- tuui [or improvement on legal or equitable princi* vles. a-: I. re ss ordi are mulei Minni iu England nt- i.-rly fails it rema*ua attempt lu my tnrn to explain as well :.s I ran tb. true position of the Ireh tenanl and landlord ssiih regard to ta h other. Tuen* is. in tin s' .cu..' (rand or deceit in Hi matter -rn either side. Holli land!.-ru uni tenant aro perfectly cognizant ni tin it true porition, and I'uta hate chosen it tu: tta.u appealed to tl.em tu In- :,,.i teaaoua Notwithstanding ali tba! the jd v ic fitee - ea may say, the Irish tenant iou ".ss ]>.¦:¦..-i tlv well tba) he lc- tm claim In eqnitv or oil., l vv e tn pasae-it inf I he a l-in lie may build, tbe beg be tua] drain, or the iton - lu- may roll :. .. :-,i i from putting lorward auj aueh i-l lim, lc ca- fully nvoidi Hi -a [(*.( t. i'll il win.h is i- all i-i--ima I a y nnpermoet in the mimi of both nol mentioned hy rifler, 'i'ii- lulldlord has no llt-lai cueiit to Bay anvthins at all. Hit knows that it is always labia p,,w, i tenant a uv lelief or compensation ihai lu- pie - ie naturally enongh prefers, i rather to .rant a ti tor than ierel ,. to fulfill or to ¦ itu bis tenant, well knowing that -t -, "., and a.i lc e to paj ii, -i nu,,, on Ihe t lier baud, I- ia - iiualb r.-a--uis to sib nt nu Hie sub I..' t mint ol ss Iv un w :.;, apeak ii illy nt- 1" ss ithoiit capt! il, .uni hy ii" ii t I agriculture, ii- bit- no ipili: ir. lor tin trade he bas ( li in nat t.-ntit n ul deteriuiti a t" he ou i nw in¬ ti ' to pro 1',-iir would .. land Ibat i ne tenant t ,sv 'ur ml .a t :. I a.") ell 111 * il kind of mutual Mini bonah in ali of 1 timi parties i nea--: tell mt -ait- rs nu bl OB a* ti. ,, fur li lei lill) has to i-uii land lor, 1 t ul health or i'll in.-t, I'liu.-HS in ... ut ll i" th' or s. lc. i' t la' or, Mr. 1 I have ... v. IS ll- rilli !. fur lin Se" ll ri .- a ra mo , eel while . --. ta¬ tra.!! ;- hat i:, mall ll tt ti li t is too pt enter into n the tv .',.., i.- part i Inn witb bia la llor they lm.ii j.-,i . -.- i-i.i *,-. Ia lc 1 .it as far ti¬ the eon tra the lan rute and the :. iain sub- rnita tn r,.e nani t if at the merci u1 ii lui ord, not beran! lr* has uot il ua!ural -I sire lo be assured ia In.-hui ¦tutu petis -'''1 i .' his improvements, i ul bet ausc, i< he seka ; »*curity from bis !..¦ bi im- oents, li-- na- im m mity ol bis own 1 Ul letti' :i lol Ins t' Ut. i'll- sa unlit V ls banisbeil from sneh a proceeding, I :¦*-..¦ ls i-.i rea! bargain wbt*n one side cannot to refree ¦¦: -,-,-- lil tn i:nc)-e. \"i i: it ls I i-f lillies ! lt le. we are told, tua! vth-u the would-be tenant tare no! ask ecanse, na 1 t Innk I have shown, he ,-,,,, in a |.,.-il ",ii tn u,s," au.. -¦-, u- il v tic his rent, ibonld !¦.¦ .inn tn bim by ari -., pod facto law p-ii lt a prue. ms n, nc the very height of in ti-':,-¦ and folly. The bosineasof the law is to give edt et t-, law ta! esntracts where there ta a eon- ru mm ,- ol wi s, uot to force upon people under the linne ni contracts svliat one side never asked tm! te other never woald have -ranted. We really nins! t whether stn mean to consider the lii-h peasant as a responsible ticing or nol It he be io, we must leave him to man - Bftaira for biiiis If lil..' anv other rational nnd rc ;... lilili* 11 ui-.' ti- full age; if n -f. we ought to ¦ point t guardian lor bim aud take from bim the iwwer tl .i'll, al I) UOt l-e ai, iv.. taKe til-- advui tag -s nf lioth -i! u;-.'-am. 1,-,. POLK. (Al.lT'trN. !',!'( 11AXAX. I in I're-iib ut Polk was ... ly lift] years nf tige when he sec inaugurated, .-il was no novice in public life Saving served foi n-uiie n consecutive years in i - m.-i sa in i for two rears as tJoveruoi -! tin nt i -ru ss ¦.-. Ile waa a i>are man, nf unpre- t.-i, Inc t;i;.:u. ,aa> lind lilli'.ie stature, vv|t|i ;l r.itli.-r hietil h -ad, a full, sugular brow, m uetrat j dark gray . -. ea, ami a firm m..nth. His nair, wbii h b wore long nnd brushed back bellin lu- ears, waa tom hod with a Iver when he entered the VTIt t- llutis-', aud a a\ ss h- n in left it. (Ie wae a worthy na i svi-n qual ii I mein rot the fraternity ol free- iiiii-n.c amii i.'-lcs.r in Ihe -r-clot the il otho -fats, al btii-ib out "t defereuoe to the t- ap ii na- .-I his wu -. a.- attended worship svitli her Bf til- I.'- '. '.r. .-pel, '- I'le-l', te! ail ( lt ll X h. ( lalIII, eold and intrepid in !>i- mora] ebaracUtr, he was inn.iran! ol iii.a-'tv ul moral uprightness in fhn eondnr! o puiilii aftairs, -ambitious ot power, aad ku enetful in the pursuil >.f u. li. u,-,, x, r-, met bo il ;iiul rem ,ri\;ih)v industrious, al.ta.,- Baili un time to let u patiently to the stories ol tim.,- -,\ ic eac,-t-i Inn a- pel tioncrsol patronage m. pin e. bur bis arduous la ors impaired bli beal!- au shortened bis lt!--. Belore Ins t nn of nib ¦.. hi l,a fe pired. tils fri«*nda aero paim-d to wine-. ina - lurlene.! and en bailed atop, an the air nf langnoi inti exhaustion which -ni npon lum. polk staa a strict Presbyterian, and she shaine,i what she regal e bs - the vauities ol the world" whenever il ss.c possible roi bet t. mi. Hbo 'lid tel I-.--.-- -1 li -ni;- ni grace ol Mi ma. or the a aral hearted hospitalits <>i Mrs. Tyler, bnt stn I* d oret the White House with great tli'.'ti'iv. -a was of nu".nun height and sit-, with tcv black bair, dark eves and complexion, and I'-r.uu! tel graceful d purtmeut. At the inaugura¬ tion of her hus'iaud, abe wore a black silk diawa,'h Inn-.' bia--- rel tai eloak with a deep cape, trimmed tviin a in.-., and lases ls, itnti a purple velvet bonnet, trimill*- sill, -ulin fi'!"..ii. She st oiil.l lint in-mut dan, im al Ihe vY ite House but she did all In ber |xitt i (,, tend r t - A,liinin-tiati,,i, ol .Mr. Polk P'jiii'at. <.., morning a J.i<iv found ncr reudin_. ''I ll.lS'e In.liv UOok* nlf-elite t,. roe hv the, writer-.' ml-tie. - an-: 1 try tn r- a I them all: at nr-s-ut tin- i- nut pist-mi ile; i>-ir this evening Ihe 1 author ol t his Utok iliues witb the Presbh --t. sud 1 .ti ila mit lie ao onkind as in apo at wholly igno- rrmt :iini unmindful of his kim At one of h- r evening roeepiUius1 a gentleman reoisrketl: . M ul un. .sam hive :iv--rv genteel assemidage to- ni'.'lit." u r-ir." repliid kira. Polk, with v riectgood humor int rery signibcantly, *. j never have teen it ntbern bini »'. Ca Munn had evpeett-ii to remain in the Cal in* t .,- *e r- lae ot --ta *. and he did not hesi- lute t" ta.s thal be was aaeriflc-ad t-, ippeaae the tv, uh "f Mi. '- au linn c Accordingly Jamea Bm b Mian 1-- mae Mr. Polk ..--.. n-tari --1 i.,*-, an Mr, l.'ii'lt-.iiii -un i turned ta tae Capitol asa Senator li ni Som ii (.m.linn, to engine, i the extension of lias.rv. '!..- tiad--, iiiui Mate sovereignly. Hil spocnitiee nilli- ati-tl that hewa. over threescore weare of ago. bu-,iv,-,, .rows overeh-wlowed d,---|> blue eyes, vs lu-b glee-ned like stats; his furroa-ed ' ff)r--!c.,d and ira.fii cheeks showed t'reat niental a-tivitv u.i.l .-ire. and Ino thia bps had the m. lau- liidy i.Nik seen in tbe prMrtiaits "t Dante, His [ons*, coane ball baal beeatae gray, and be wore it l)riisli.-«l bau k in BsaaOM Irmn his high forehead. fin.- aaaralag, aa be Baaeitsiag lar bm portrait ia th.- -.tulle nf Mr. saul ta tbe writer of tin »_. remini-rent es -| have elwari etHtVatii-vd to di se ttith a sbruplicitr timi vtiniid mu attrasl noti'c. iin-l 1 hate aaeoefMPo, with thc exeeption i d', mv hair. Wh-ai 1 wore it abor! the letter wriiiMi used aluavs to hav- something fo asp a ont it, ami paw that il is hun' 1 ti ai tl at it at ira-1*. aqua] .Iteiifnui." 8peakin| «>f ant igripba, lie remarked t fi at his original hand vt nf mi' was round and .lear, but tiiaf when be ssas ;it tho I.lie.Hi- ,d lats wi.i hil li WM ill laking IlnteS el i. wi il 1 vt;e th-ii as erratic ind cold aa m ( M-ae.i neats in the days of nulliflcation, Mi. li.u hanan vt:u, tm n ui ile iu.uc nf li.-, ant Ins sMlstitit fiame, lair eotnpleXlOB, buln '-'lue eyes, courtly mumers, and scrnnu loasly neal .-linn- araatptad an English v ii Mrs. Maury to uav t ti-ttl be resiim a British nobleman ol Un* i-ast gt-nera- t,,e -v-ufitiie grave arm dtgnigad lieariug of non .ti nun t li.r'..! us mi ism atti. ,ut, ul liteii om e. Alibough a haebalor, he kepi boase on K-st.. box I lu iii.- abode <>f Jahn Qaincy A.tams irhare bia aceoawliahod ateeo prcaidod at inn boa, ji tal.le board. Ile faithfulli cirrus... out tin* fae- eigB polie] "I I'maulm! Polk, but never let pass au oiipm taints fur a lvaucini. ttis tiai.ns to Ibe suites* gian, with MreshiBg humiltty. In a bfretofme BBpabttsbed letter, written to a frit ntl, he alluded tu a nr<uiu<tiou that bo woald be the usxt 1'resi- dent, and went on to say : " I or any other man may disappear twa tbe political in ni without produc Ing a ripple noon tbe anrtaea ol the deep end ati mr correa! sshuh is s Beeping th.- conntrr to ita des¬ tiny, Nothini! lins pr rented rae Iron rantoving tn \ - i-l f fruin the list ol nunn* candidates for Ihe Presidency, except the injury thia might do to the lienitifiiitie eau-i- m 1',-iuisv ls ania. ( m tbiaaabjeel I bib. resulted, amt whenever it may be prop ¦> I shall Blake known my r. aolntton. Nothing on earth emiltl Induce me again to sm i pt a Caliiael sppoint liu-tit." Vet never dbl a wily politician mun tndns- trionslf pint ami plan to seeare a Bomioatioa than .Mr. lim hanan dla, la hts BtUl-bnal tor tbe Proei deney. TKoi >K TTNDALL <'N THE BABBATB. i nm A, Mnrtmith Century, It stn- nitiiuiii'il by Martin Lather that Jeana bloke tba Sabbath dell berate!y, and even ostenta* f,,ui ly for I pn**oose, ll,- walked tbe Heida; he plucked, Ile.t aad ate the .urn: h.* treated the sn -im. umi In- -;-uii maybe .1 Mcete.l in tho illeged .moot nun np ai th n storotl cripple Ol the lihor ol carrying his bed on tho Sabbath day. He crowned bis proles! Basins! a si rile formalism ny the enunciation ol ¦ principle which ippliea toni to¬ day as mich as 1 the ss mia m tlc lune of Cl n-t. - ihe >,i ¦:.ta ssas ma le for man, and m-t man tor tbe Sabbath.*" rhougb ne- jews, to theil detriment, kept them* selves a- a nanci niiel'c- tull ly isolated. Hie minds s ida n- were tn qm stly colored by ("reek thought nml en.lure. 'I h" learned tndcelebrat Philo, who svis fontamporary with Jueuphna, bm iluis influenced. Philo expanded the use-nt the seventh da] by including inn-pi-.r obeervauce similes which might bo called secti'ir. "Moro- ,,. i." ii -av ¦. th seventh d - io au example from which nm may learn tbe proi rii yo stu ir¬ ing philoeophv. Aa on that dat >t is said God be* ne st.irk- that He li ul made, io you also may yourself conletnplate the sv..iks ni nature.'' Per¬ mission i-i do (ins is ixactly what lin m ml tiny ? v hu a iv lui h. li J ... would train llmm t iiissiou, but our sira-.n¦.. wilt not, \\ bern ahull w.- ii i siich vm ks ol uatuie win, h ri, lu coin- ii lav contt'iuplal i'-u -- his t un* n\ nen aa In thu british Museum I Within we ha te, < u were, pochs itiseuto a -,.,-', ir- enei ' illn-tratc '. Bnl bom I stun :i nu lude n short- (I portion ol tho pu ¦I le v. lu. have on to di vol lo I lu m. a ing ni m. their VV e a- ' I int Vt :fl '"¦( sv ii ! lim, or .in in .. cd bold -I ta P in), thal - thu a iel power and d scvu If Ute i that that min' their 'i c ir 1 to thu timi tat ion lo -, o id p.a :.. ol the re-t of ('od. Others all t . lu the tri ii .fi ll HU. IO i,av. b av. au :. In Dent, rouomv this i and a J ,i pt. Gol, il S -lu '-'I. bl) oul ' . by a ;i I. .¦:> ie Mut r,-;-eat ing t be Ten ('on>l. I _. .mg or ._'!!) I. I r i : words tbe unto .'I, rom ii r ie mount, out oi mtdsl ol tle tire,ol ii lot I, ind the thick 'in'!. '.. a, with a I.l \ oi. e: an no moro." U il in I'xodna Hod ut rmi] udde more, imt - mi. thing ."il I di rout, I hi lu Im i u a di iii I, t ,. ..- u li .a.nun, iii.ii.*. - nol n-i t li-' ia a. ;- oihei ..neem larok, hut ,.\, rei B Hie I ! | ,-i ii. tjo i. lr. un .,i in the dat s ol ni y< in li bo- in nu 'j ed i-s .a hi un*-**: ta ide lit; lb di ,;, .,. ni in his ce ebi ul- Ap il igy lor the Iii to i'n,ii Paine, " Von v--." says ttl ¦.".-' Me, ,1- v. ¦- ut have nu i-.-n np view." I bat there wet in the 1 itali* r - qu i ng to i-e kept out ul aighl was i.a, al tbat time, a now revelation. 1 lake little pleasure In lg 'ii'-et ' i.i i--r- and ul. book, rendered venerable t" me liv intrinsic wisdom ami imp ii- ami- asso iationa. But when tbat book in wrest et] toonr detriment, w lieu its inc. arc invoked to '- f.i thc iui; omitum of a yoke irksome iic-ati-e nnnal iral. -.¦ are drive in telf-deb nee to i.- critical. In ¦-¦ ll-<ien n- <-, therefore, we plead these two discoidaul aecoantoof Ike origin ol the sala,aili, one ol which makea ita purely Jewish institution, while tbe other, un lest regarded asa mere myth ami pure, ia in violeul antagonism to ia, facts ol geology, Wnh regard to the allcgi d " profs" thal Sunday was iiiii'i.tlm .-.I am n sui,-, u nie for Saturday, and thal it- u .'rv am ¦¦ i- as inn ;in_ inca Christians as tteir gabbath sta- 'ipon ih-' .Jews, leuu ne. i, tl,nt tb--*-, wbieh I seen are of tbe ti; md vagues! rharacter u li,''says Milton, u on thc pica "l s divin 'iminand, thi \ impose up tn its the ,-i--,-i vm csu particular dsy, how do thc] pre¬ sume, without the .luthotit*-; of n divine < t_ snirstiiutc anoihei day in its pia,,* '' Ontsble ths bonnd* ui iheoloai noone would think a tie' tuiu proofs'' tan the evidence adduced change; sud yet on tins pivot, it baa been lt, turu - ile- eternal fate ol hu.h.,:: Were such a doctrine nol actual it would be lu* le. It bas been trnb said that the man who ¦i,.<-pi- it siuks, in doing o, to thc lowell depth of Atheism, li is p rfectly reasonable foi a religious community to set apail one :a.v in seven for r> st and devotion. Most ol tboar alie ob|ect t" tbe n ,-i-rviiii, ¦¦ ul the Sabbath trcognite not only the wi -nun bu! Ibe necesaity >»f some -rn h in- stitiition, rn-"- nu the ground ol a rliyine edict, l-ut of common sena Thej eontend, however, thal it onght t" be as lar ai poi blc a ila] "t cb '-i nil reno¬ vation both ol ntiv and spirit, ind nol a dat ol penal gloom, Tb-ie ia nothing thal I ahonld withhtami more Mi nuonsli than the conversion ol the ttrst (lay ol the wee*, into a eoniioon working day. Quih ns strenuously, however, sbonld I op pose its nein_ employed aa a day foi tbeexercia ol .saeeninlal rigor. THE -TRANSITIONAL AMERICAN woman. ',',« /.¦ n. un i in hr Atlantis, Mci naturally -are 1 as lor the home when tbe wife dora nol lira! render service nnto it; for being married, it has bocome ber dot*, rolentarily us* siimeit, bul said ..m. ii In the Mate ami sealeil sti'li marriage rowa Nol lo , agu, a man nnd woman, swinging each other's lingera, were wending their way to the nit: r. whi aa dispute arose ns to vv i,., i> one should purchase the cooking-stove, "you,"' quoth tlie man, "tot yon will do tbe i*ookiiig.'' .' Nu! sn." s.ud tlc vee m. *' I alu imf going to do all tbo c oking." I ii- dispute waxetl hot, and sepa¬ ration ensw d. Not eily nm pica in the borne -ecteasing, but aili-, i,mi for it ia nl.oonlbe waue, aa theneeii of indivitluabt] aitbiu it becomei more .'.-liiut-. Women do not care tor their home aa thej did; it ls no longer tbo tocoa of nil lb ir endeavors; nor ia tbe mot uer the involuntary nucleus ni the adult children. l-auybtcra rbnst have art stud,us out- s,,le ni their home: authoreseea mnat have a study near bys sad aspirants to culture mnsl attend els aes or readings iu aoine armi-publie place, la-- fessioual women have found that, bowevel _ ur th home is, they ean exist witbonl it. Many-.till remain al nome, bal ask, in theil midnight mua iii;.., st hy it sbonld ne righi foi a niau to accept that position which the woman, on account of ber I home, mas! refilse. 'The query itsell could nut' have a**iaen bill a century since. . . . Tae d ty of religions diaries ind confessions is par-t. i-tit, ,-i moral and iutcJlevtual lelt-conscions nc*a remains, fostered by onr systeii of ednoution and public exajmnation, which is much tobe de- pim.a. Very few are fee from it. for u i- an in* -a- product, and only by r-ducation can lie aI;. red min the e Incatct! un'-ontciouaiifsi of middle |.¦ mm-,.-, vuv ,~a,,' S.*1.VS Sn milell hl-allt.V Of lea am! shual'i'i- p-.iscl Bl SUch BU lillirie, pilli eenuin inflrctiona of tolee and gradna "t manner to frieutla iin-l the pt-pulaea; nnd the c..nest - mat- miine woman*' aaawera, Of executive force, in- wght, and iseasible views, (btrlpnbllc Beboola-enr Bnuiinanee or colleges, tralfl the pupils lo neel sa .udieiioe! Ko wender tbat the minagera af tbe Chl.d ten's Pinafore .onad bo timidity in ita in- f nit ii*- perform, is. 1 hey ware of Hie public scboola With this -nrawthol modern internal Interview* hil luis bobm a I'-ss (,t era, e. m utnowt aad hurd neel cl manner was a Puritan ebirarsteristir. attei atiuie siifUmiuir inti, grnae ol post aro, alaw ncaa of galt, l'"t nnrv iine-nuarter of the feminine world walga .otth an high beela, balsneing its ab(»nidera ilk. Bealra; atmtbergtiaitetitepesQaarol*'an ino,ul poles, aad lo! the world kaaweth thereofi ami ope hair ruth bs ii making 2.40 time: grace ia wanting in all. Uo from the atroela to tbe drawiaB-romiiet bow few move, look, ur apeak gracefulTy! The slow digaitj md tbe cir.!, ss ease ire alike man¬ nered, I'-sefs one knows tbat avery one els,- ii looking !*>cli-c(mscousness, insuiii.v, and also caine-nies-s are Itaulabiag graceful badinage, east postures, lingering tunes, a brilliaut waaiaa he- cuims satirical, tsith relspsea into baatoi, tie bniuoi rollapeea into aztraraganl statementa, i'uiii.iitv oi deeitdon in i woatan ipeaberar pre* sidi r recalls Ihe lari that it is a woman vv hu is his- inre oin-; ber daeis-oa oft.-n sgpeartag like a hravj burrowed ai lui--. The (harm pf licing, of simply baiag ones self, apart from having a " iinHs.nn " or U v.ews ** is lost 111 the mleiiKlty with tvhuh ssonien aro sci/ing ujioii Uie new fields of usefulness thrown opsii to tliein. rivery one must lie or want a definite sometbtng. Two lustaacea msy servo as ill-sU-aUous. Ibe wile of a literary mun, boreel! B writer, catie to this eoantry, and was dined aad lunched. "What dora she waal '." asked the rarnest women. " Noth¬ ing f waa the un inn aui r. plv nt lier sm-nts fri e Oil. Again. ¦ scalptor went ba. k to Rome and told how In' baa .ailed to see i certain hms- h ¦. in be hi.' il ber, st ben, nu lum tb ii il c«it. -lie laked, welcoming lum :" Is there anything lean do for roaP " Aa it," lu- si ut, .. a man could aol iee a i*<- -i --n vt.-u an ss it tu,iit lier ss ishim: tn au! him. Can't the; Inst be tinmuelvi.-. ind let us uki- then, and aol eternally have objects, s icsss f" The tallie ni existence kt be. om III g the outward Mt, a; utli it ht atampipg Itae.foti the face, i. and gait ol woman Do aomethlag, be of worth In yotusell form opinions, is tbs Imperative mund in sv In- li th" tunca add es* rn rn winn ii like nessca ss iii be lecoenired il a futnre day br thi* dignity ot " sst una!,'- miasma M bink-a gallery "t photographed ¦* luaes." . Of ooaree there is mm h .attainment of knowledge among women thal is purely nullan!hropi- bnl also thew i- a s Blt n lunn a I .-1 eu tun- thal purely bc!tish, .-a, ii s... iel es as the one 101 tie Encourage* ic nt nf melie-nt linne, aud mau] others, snd iIm the stowing nnmberol women arlen!iste, dis¬ prove the Ural statement but add to lbette um^n v ie must itmlv in order to teach lota livelihood, tea,- still remains a large .lass pith whom culture is merell a shiblwletn, the lanced creature ot their This olase have a ptovokina knacl si using all tneii k how ledne; tin' pi, li t .rs-n, others forbidding lem ry it te ita dat "i acquirement. The] sv il.inui. s em morel irned I ian tin-.v are, ht ks ui tonie tiavi Iii .. li. , nougb t* ii av l oms at try tber fortune cJsnwb re, from the desire nt-I a'.-ililv for B Pl .10, an Cl a dcjii n rn ia ng and thiukiii:. a rei lain! v ,-i ni. w I.tb. s disagree, thal s atiiuidi i., vinni j. I bc "i'i ,ii , tint don .ei- lu- ion, nen! : bul menu 11- .. of **utboi ilutiveu a il Ill I), iii. WO . 'i and -ay "Ii- n'l .s u ii m lin rai .ma,i i hi- ('notation li - I ii. friend ol lerate nli I . i'i "' laid a ri ly, " i lb, 1 au on i'lier vi a- 1 li KRAR. RIM] LP. Inanimate objects, again, ail have tl i odors, i p I- a , : U ."li is hil ii bas ut-' . - and - .. le bi i ita I known in 1 l-iial ... !.. fr« rk ami | , m titll'le of vt. ila, c not I . intiain easy t IN me n-i-i.ii'i,.. ll .' e IS | |, ;i ,,| , [ore dippiu inlo a lin lo be connect- ss 'tu -a h lit- them ia iain euiotio ia! <>r uoslhctit valu v ci nt. l|o\s TO NATIONALIZE I HE LAND. ri ie Sa any nu',. ii .ciina ihi ti .cu i-.i.-ii ni laiul uno a cc on than thal desired hy the pre vim own r. In* in i . ci st ah bis personal vs Isle-. In- ',-.-:- . ,, Heil ,'.v his poi mi has a rmiii to elana ump ii tt* isi-d iuiui ni injiiMit- i- ut ihe ming to snell i- rson. I he State, .i.i, Droner!] claim andexinise nil. powei for il cm lallt pilblii ar,--- .- bul in ni ri -i may nol lie int. rferod a it h, noihing une to prevent -rn , (rom di - in due iou rsc, si least aa far as the graudchildreu .. c ncr: and, il we io oue »U*p inn', r ind saj thal the lass shall not lie altered sn ia tn ali- even his itfes.-grandchildren, we cer¬ tainly e.t'li'l th- pi'ie i|de a- tar as nut mu* can cend', claim nu the grrnud timi bis "senti¬ mental interests*' oughl to ls ill possihilil .ii."ii on this point, rc will however, go .s .-f one step further, ami Ha Ihe limit nf tba du,-i succession to landed propert] Bl ths nandi In,-: -a tu grand hild al ans exietlug owner. |i !-. therefore, '¦!¦..;¦¦'- <l thai a law aunt be en- in a all 1.imi,-'! propert >. in li- land -hall ,. ,m descend f. r foul generations cv mid the ex- i owner ind til ii p.-- Uilhe Btate, It has In en alu ad;, slevin 'lils will nor, infringe any unlit iiieal ict ol privilege that oucht to ut rn ittod i" landowners, oi even ant sentimental in* lei eal thal they realli -,. neither, as will be shown f111111. i nu. will n. iu iii! pm .ability, appro diminish the marki t valne ol their prop nv ttnring th.- lifetime of any exit-ting owner m heit at-.a v.. In all those casea In which land Joei not paaa fi. fathei to toa or daughter, bnl coHatcrallj to brothers, uncles, eonsios, or other netsous, bs mm i! as in all a si ¦« iu which it iaaoldorgivi u twa,. each sepal ate transfer isto becouutod i equivalent to -ii succession in the -lire-t lineof de- em, the reneral itatement ot tlc nea laa being, that land will in- allowed to paaa to toni successive owners ..her titan the ictual ever il the time ol the of tbs Ai t. sud will, on the dei eimc ol the last " s uer. becun-- ih property of the Mate. My proposal sviil Iteet lie understood, and Ita advantages explained, hy taking ii illustrative ca .wing exactly bott u would work. Let ns sntipcvse, then, thal owing to a rapid mi essiou of i gentleman has come in unox- s u- Ihe fourth successor n> an estate, and therefore having onlj ¦ life interest in the land. 1'i-e estate ousists, peTbaps, of a house iud exton* -ive pleasure grounds, of a home fiirm. and of, -isa i en en surrounding turu,-. Tuis gentleman lia* a ol sons na daughters, mu he wishes his irlea! son tn nm niue to live on Ibe edam, which, m-still su| jins,- bas been long --niue t a nub his finn ly. At the death of tins laal treebolder the iain! nf the estate becomes public propert.! bul anything on tin- laud ur st in, li mc been idood In its vain bs the pre, edin;.' t-.tir owners, ninnies the propertv ol t;,-- heirs, and every tntnre hol-lei if the laud s-.iii have mi in tenant right t" everything titer may aciiuire, 1j*~ hu _ the land itself, and a so to every aiblition or Improvement nt vv liatever kind the. theinselvcs make tn it, rvjou after the passing ol tin-Ins. we bave here idvocateii, a general valuation ol all Ihe land ol Ireland will bave been made, even a'parate field, iilol. or holding being eatiiuateil :,..iug lo u- nhcrenl co .'ii live vallie as <:*-j-i n .. nt ou soil, Pllbsni), BSptCt, -.linnie, elevation ai 'ive the sea, .icinity to toa us or marketa means n oiumuuica* lion, and ali other facts and conditions, uot given n h bv alu preceding owner, but de|ieudem it her ui inn nial quail til s ami sum ute nxs or m. the gi n- .rul aeveiopmenl ol the touutrj lc- munal inlne nu;, ealiiii.-iti-.i still bi- the State -around- ni ur "quit-rent"; md, ns maj ne necideil mi min time to time, either the whole or tome lined .nilen -a t na ground leul st ni be payable hv .very holdei --i tami which has ceased in bepri* ian- pi!,pure Tins " ground-ri-hl' ss ill, nf. du rae, ne v.-i.v mc ii Io Ber ih.iu tue lowest rent ever paul -yu tenant to ¦ landlord on the old system; hot tu tin- v, ill probably nevi! have tobe paid in Fal), inept in the earlie! Magi ol the transition a,un public to private ownership; and whatever unpiiitmii ol ii is decided un bj the Government n ne payable ss ni be nmform ..v-i ibu whole (unite, and will only !..¦ raised m lowered for .tato purposes, or as a suhstiiute for uppresaive or ¦iju'lii iou-1 ta tal. ui. - t hnf it ttill b-- unj-v- il,li¬ lia! any favoritism should lie shown to particular ndividualsoi particiilai localities. So Iiuich belli!.' premised. We will rellim tn nut llualiatlve case ol the cetate whose la a pru te aoer has just died. In due colina- the heirs will lome into posseasion ol bo mu h ot the Innd as the .¦ct personally occupied, bi il.ground¬ nut * determine*! uv tue general valuation, which .xiii be "pen t" In pe ri ¦" in even parish, and trkoee amount will thin have la-en long koowa ti lie ber. ll lu- decide IO i nunnie I.Ce ii tlc louse ;ni'i .> upi thc borne lunn lie mai -.-- to, st uh he aime certalu tv and seciirity ai il be were still bo freeholder and tbe M groau "wen- merci] in enlarged land tan; ami h.- will also be able to roaster Ibe occupation to hie sunni- snoeeaaor, or .(> sc! iiis .' tooan! rijnu " lo any one bo m to ootaiu he tull value nf an, Improveinepts be may Brake it the Batata. He map, n he likes, pull down boases ir fences, eat down trees plant or remodel in any Bay he pleases; fur in doing tins he is nu ly lui- proving or inioring his own Balabla oi tnutater- ! it)!<- prapertj. One thing however be renal not' lo, ami thai is to sublet oi ntoitaaga tbe leader I tenant-right, u being a principle of stat,- policy carried into etteef Ly th. Act ali-.dt referred to) hal im nne mast bold land except from the Gov- .innunt direct, and mu-i not, sxt-epl nader certain . I. Itu-d eonmtmiis. simp il it tn any claiBU ss heh pouid deetroj ol iatetfere suth the aeeotity f..r be ¦.mund-rei-i payable to the UorernmeBt. lins s th* very ess-nee ni tin- prnpos-d m. i.-in nt lawl- I anuri*; .since, il it were not idopted, tbe -am ,,- ¦iiu.ulaiuni <>f bimi in the pesMrsston ot iPdividaala I [bat now prevails might again occur; tenants wooli again be rab** I t" probil lion atlnulatiou j uni that p. ri. ei freedom and unfettered owner-I ibip essential to tie full development, beth of the J lapacitieaol the aeil and et thoa, good mara! ami) .ti--cl .al- its vs heh sm ii ownership ia calculated i" i -m,lu,,, tvi.tild in- pg tin destroyed. Mi upi -si in/. lin vt et, r, lu a I the leu ol lens did not u i-li to ii npj the estate, bul a an tesl to realise -t linda theil property, they ronld **.ii tbs i-it.iii right, incl adi ng everything thal ssas ipop ihe iuiui, eifi.-i by private contract m rabin aa. Linn, lllld the purchaser vsniibt irt nice I,eenie tlie holdipr nf the hind Hinter Ihe State, A- paget**- ih>< ethel tares wbieb bad been rented <>ih bf the ia-i earner, each tenant ip aetaal roeapallon at the time ot his dealh wonld bare Un* right to esntinae ni.tlitlni l.«--l in bis holding, them, forth pitying the tixetl ground-tent lo U*v* miiib*nt, ami purcbasiug thc toiiaul-rigUl from tbs heirs ol lbs last owner ol ths land. If a private agreement .ihl nol tte straaged between the parlies. tm 111u, tn exorbitant demand! hy th'- listers iii the tciiaiil-n.'ht. lim tenant sh..nhl be cm pu wi re-l tn claim Hint the aumiiiit payable ahonhl be .1, t.¦rmiii. d bv an official vain. r. rho Should take as il basil Ol lill valuation the ll I tier* once between the "gronnd-ront" ind the ivcrag net rent actually paid lor the procediag five yt irs, calculated Bl u ___-derat~ number of years par chase, dependent en tb- state pf repair ol tbs premises md general condit on ot the farm. Should ile tenant not be able t<- paj Hus amount, author ted po I c issociationi of the natnre ol our i'uil'iiii. sn-na e. talah! a-ivaiee a certain propor¬ tion of it 'ti ra ui ty of the tenant-light, repoyment t,, he mad-- bs equal Instolnttents loi a limited rs led. i'lii-. nf eonroe, relersonlr to theos eases in which the tenant (hies liol alieady poss, ss the tenant-right. Rut when all the buildings and Improvements on the farm nave been made by the tenant, >-r have li iimir bia hy pnrchaas or In any other logal or equitable way, then he will lev,- nothing to poi to the last owner ol the land, hut will st once liecome a bolder ne'er ihe Slate, at a sm-, greatly reduced r. nt, stub ul...,lui,- certain.] <-f tenure loi him ell ami in- liens, and svith pcf >el it to tue lon of whaii'si r Improren enta be may make UpOfl tbe land._ MISS lu EU FLETCH1 VS SEW NOVA L. "in;-, iiivi) ov MEI r--\." an AM,i;icc\ iii ra* i ssh.; AN I.--!-- HI |1SM» "A Kl I'- MI'il.'. Mt. INO, .tu i.tun, HOPI P-l " "Vii." "All claret would lie port il lt could,'* and American novels would lie li] Mr. ii un James it thej ha the im k. " lie He. M Medusa " ia m. ion to in- i' ic 'lia situatl ii a, bi " inn al " ombiiiationa nt laen ih, Aim md ii:.,.an-, ure onstriicled on i lie mu .1 lines H MorieS i iv heh ii va-i sftel I he same pal [em lui pal t. I, ol till " ... 0 a "...ll "I i t he nut; ¦¦' :a i>": iii ii- rei pei t eu n oi a in i,nen, u hackers]. ' I he Heel ul i, tc in a eiicr Ley in vcr.! like <.; them, rt ,!i Lc et. r. ari all, Iii. people o rs ntimei I. i of ti hit ii " he id i i, ,-,,!,.p.I, t, is sen i ,, in the in 'incl of Miss 1 He ' ll ul'.-, ii - '.i i' il - B, nuti.e or " silpl, 1 ,1 V I I, Il ml llll-i-ell'lnl! li rh!, ¦¦.. v lsii h . u,-i Ional main-f-pi mgs arc t -. .¦tu .rst Will i. mal n-i- nml i ii iii-' tnt ' I .i vb:-!, ile, luis v. - ii, ten llr lu ol' i-pisn ii i- tl tl] St illi less kill. Vii irisisof tb . ,-r-i- of (lest il . h. we think, ii um n ¦¦ lor :tii il Italian rival, vv. vs are ,,! a ainu n of sounds in the silent ¦. t (tonie r .* It ladle she- p I i" jj nt to bi ina ibe city r ii--..i iv a mlle th il 11! -I e. ii n,, .. i, dari le, as il ns lost In I-., -I.. J- ll.I v ,U il nv -I Iii ll) -I |- .. celle il .;. , BUtl rated willi lour; lau ea io whi ttvte lu run f' ar minute i the rot u, ¦-.¦ I with tbe pr. .n .. In ,. liien ul Hie a .ll -Illili,! -, Dig I. il.ell-. Icu ,r>er, m.- c :h ii ,. uta creator S, .'idell Hu v Ditto, vt ' 'linn,' ic ii;. :... I,-, di .,vt..v ;.t ic- Bil ...I iv sa un, lt -. il, im il on. The story i- so ali ihl timi it arcelv -''.ans worth sv hid- in analyze it. To ho nure, here is not mu. li ;' .. si ni,-. " iii the lives uf thc majoritv "t mcu aud "t,,i.those brief yeaisol lot .making, ol eh- itaing, ni losing, a tuen, to nota lists nt least, seem to make up ihe mm of human life. That thinas i-iw , jo wiong, thal mistakes, irrevo. ut iii, m., ie, that lite blunders is almost etnpf-j except ol iegret, thal the fountains of though! and sction can be kepi iweel .ii,,- 11 e-ii uv loving memory ol some one bopel lost, this, ss we lake it, is tho moral of - Tho lb-ad ol Medu i." rhe heroine, Barbara Floyd, is au .\m luau .-ni af lu, ar purity nnd nobility of char¬ acter, s\ in. naries the wrong man. ililt cou* scions!, iii love witb a countryman of lu-r own named Hardinge, she leta herself be arawa into a marriage with an Italian Count ('es.-, Lalli, nnd. In ¦ in a year's time or less she is disenchanted. ll-; a-bim!'- MiiiiaMei is teiv bappil* indicated in tins image. .ie., ns' In tbe lia- an Tyrul sith her father, tin ba -,i -it nu- itreaicr nari ol b sumo er day di iv 111 u ni -I :.- ii i t ;..n -e v. Ill, ll SI times va- .In- ei ii. ic, ic.m. Bhe rt in, ni, red ll leila, uni In,il* o.t.,.".. ii,"Hilt.tu, . .a :. t r tv., v |( s,euell,i bet (B I shs was sSi-mi lt sit over s sta. And was it allege! er Ce«( o'a f ult thal abe sd Ut ," r under¬ lie.ri s Soutbero nature I lim beever pre! ii led to beotaerwise lean he wssl Sue I Dournt ol the Italian -'r-.iti; .ii.'!.,- ie .,,,.,,-in*. soraiBg 0 n ;. 'u te-.- a ,-. r -,-.-.- ii ,-¦. i, it io Dei n a ire and ii-I ',.! li, a .,,:.¦ i... i bi toe extremity ol ionia A- long as the anthor la busy witb these two p r- snii-, iuiii willi a b vt pf ber sutrOrduiatc n ur appears to Us to show rial very considerable power. Barbara Floyd i- the daughter ni an American gentleman, s boee wife bad iresertcd him -.tinI,- Barbara aaa a child, Bbo has aeon vcr] little .s nrld winn she meets Conni Lalli al u m llorac. I.aili and bia friend Borgia, it nol trie piiiui', -,n luuiig Italians, an certainly "cr. like young Italians as seen bj English or American ob* se|Vi *S. 1 alli's Ul b I. Or "He Ot Iii- tie!,-, Ia, |*> (,, nek'-n cut hui: display; >>f all his mos! glittering qualities. !!,. c handsome, brave, heart leas, cruel, a i.ti ni he worst di scription, who p'aj * at mog¬ il ninnie neall ninney malters while bets really ineaii end lu,rd. He is a thiugof sentiment, like ali the ;.--i'-''ic in the itorv, aud gives hiniseif ap luxuriousl.t to the sena ol being in love, though bis -hilt every fortnight. With all th s, he is ind. h] appe .a,,.' rn Barbara for pity and .* sm n du;.," he sn mystifies the uoor girl that she hence-.gsr-gftd tn and marries him. Iii. ii I. iib. like r-u Laiiucelot, in the romance, " falls to his obi love again,*' hain.-, about a mame cousin, prot nkea tin- ii a.-v "t ber hu timmi, and is. in a way, tho Min woma li's death, rho mi-eiy of the lifo ss bi. !t Bal bar lead with this man. on an estate in in- -,in,n v. ia nilly mitigated i-.v ihe memory of a nu Mi. I!.,-, inge, who lc*- married a liena ol he ec. Mi ''Mas.- Danton, Itel husband is i|iute aware thal sh. lovel Hantinge-.indeed the has ,n li I,alli ;.- urn li hut then Karun;;.'-- i- -iinl, nm ul th.- v.uv. The reader ma] u-k. Whal has the -henl ol Medusa ' to do vs iib all thief As tar aa we understand Ihe Bother's meaning, her lieroine looked un the (Jorgan's bead al the momeni when she dianovered the hopelessness <>f Ina oro for- tline.-, .-uni saw herself, at twenty-two, cut "il from love nnil life, a Muli lb ss -a, iiiuaii with an mi Hil,rent nml unsympathetic busbaud. In tins dolorous rape, Balbara ii preserved hom bim-* actually turned, as ui iii" nhl myth Into none, by her"i.', nf hei i'm nd's husband. Mr. Ilsrdiuge. She takes an int- real in tl. u< ition nf the local lt ii ia n p. ii-r, lui ans I lani nee who bas |ict taken bis degree il fj.toidi sta- Interested in popular education. \\,- cm f -,s thai we cnn hi give poor tlarbari more sympathy n' she lind uot toasole-d hers, li by un im sguiaty adair of tbi heart with tbe ibsenl au. nn- un bu an il ol lur mi nd. Tba au. li a -- n tm tnt -li- ultl ¦ "in niue iu bel breast is one Ihiug; thal a good vu.min ihould make a mental ucl ol tue r-i-ntnu. i-l. ami n unlive thal nullen eil all lu-r life, is mother adair, ludeeil it is surprising ilia! I.aili, i.-in- whal he waa, did not mi hei ihr-.u. Old vi.null-1ua. the Roman servant ol Bal .ara, leila a stol, it thc liegiuniugol tbe novel ittoui ¦ goman bopheeper a ho had settled bis mtsrimonial difficulties v. itii a Itiiiie. Ami perhaps sse rou ld forgive Barbara more readily if thole bad been any reason ah] she should fall m love witb Hardinge. He Was a ifnntl heal ted. handsome youug b-lloss, with ii tree (low ol lb- usual Ox lord talk, a heh de¬ rives it- humor limn the contrail between the gravity aim magnitude ol the topics and Uu light uidifl.-ieu-a- of tic spsaker. Ile seems very well ii.iitcii mt lea*! aa far as we have BUtsle out his char* ;tei«T' with Octave Darnoo, a tu-it., American girl. whoas practical kaowled.eof lite le a foil to liar bar s - vt a ni i-f se li-.lue-,, ami gaile. Harban bus anotbei laver, Ur. l/sxetet, bat, u- hs bus aita neil to tlc meal age ol thirtr-Dve, ind is, besides, i wnt.r nu ric puss, lie is inter in the running, Mill ste ire given a glimpae ot a taomeut when be might nave cnine ni stun cit,,a, but Loxetur waa tm, sit!. ¦. lin [lead of IJednsa" i. mr better than the common ruck nf novels, To ile ulmosl of tin wi net's pms rs she has striven to produce « woik ol ari abe has sv rulci bet I; i ire-ived bel lt -tiing banu if rs well end, thou b we do nat Ilk.,- mr ie ral. it i- obvious!] one that to tbe aiitb'U- seems adequate, W< bave air,-,'Jv com- fil .im<il nt tie inna.-i ami length of the mt. no¬ ami di- r 11«. i,-ii. of ll-emu; impressions. Some tiiii'- the iinpn MU)ns make th. rendel torget all a .-ni the characters and event-. One bas to look bael, to tut out whal vt a going no. .< e rail] nor much is ining aa. iii'-re is a p.ts-.i.e iii the third voiiinie imi tu " iinprcMtinii-." Ile re in un percep¬ tible Bind, bnl tb.-re ts a heavy isrOBl nf orange bbmaan. Tbe eouvaothaU riagathe aaarter. To tin* en j nt bar dapa Barbara wlD never forget tba airs »niue people -ire playing ia tbe Matt. I >ne ot tb.- t mliiia muk-:*, ;, bbiiul, i jn tba second bar. ib-n - somebody wss speaking in whispers in the test room Ami wag ec. anotbei acmad la ih,- i.-e.- sn ends a ebaptei i aad imsv. at last says flu- leader lo Wbub 'A. sun., thing nally is _n I Ing to happen. It ii near tbe ebiae ot tbe third rol- lim.*: wc hav. ant had n g.1 ne iden! J*< I some thin.' .univ wili occnr. Perhaps Conni I.alb has bi ii uiol ni a due!, and they wa bringing her hus* hand home demi. Perhaps d's Lalli himself 'hat bas arrived in a fury of joaloniy. to aci-e Boi nra ami eui. r awi! to u dungeoa lu his aneeitral . is!le. riothing of the km I, A cousin "l Bar liusiiunl baa hit lur tullis.*, nml is v-rv ill, aud.pie smut Barbara t" go and sit uti wita In r. let is all. ..ih-lle.ui of Medusa''ls th ns. at best,a rather favorable and not too origini *fpe< lu " ol the iiel ne iinlv. mualug, rather morbid modern novel, w a had expo led Bom thing wwei arc lew after ¦ given p.ut.-rn. Thea, expectation! ur-- tiis-.p- pointed. The book is full of tal nt, »ul wi imp.M thai tbe talent ol theaulhorof ** Mirage ssoiil-l hive ntccM Into aomothing more like genius, i-rtaintlv into BMnething stomped with the ictr.i nf originality. Thi re ire apme inning .> dnta in the -cry v. h.Mi univ jua< be worth noticing pi rapable ol easy improvement. Tbe Kiencb wordt, . roi "i the pi Inti i are not alwayi si" li properly,and theaccentaereo lbs! pla :. li is itnne< i mai to priul fragi Italian lu i-ra- ki i*. ns vt ben a nea -naper tra usiats - ri fun cn tli-pat- ti, ind 0.eineillv fl" ia th -ii Idiom ol vt hit li our lani , nn equivalent. Ls Iv, vvc -leuid like to know « hat ls Me lt tn foi .. bang it all, don'i ul up n H'oida i-i.i into th ..nh ol ti roung Itali ii uoble- mm. I'erli .ps "ih.- Head ol Mei usa'' ss: have lie* n sv rii ten in vain il I prevents u tish ni American _ui- from marrying Italia a mint likeOsi.- Lalli. " An laen ti m th it ¦« Itnliai ate dolli quickly pi- i devi in li de," .-iv - i in proverb. Au glish girl [tall mate must e ipi ct, at the vt i-'" it, tu li'.e n ,"!-,-¦, sll u bei isl mi' can a eely he mi e bat mo D K«n ntl ti *n_ ONT BUY 1 L18H CAI nut . v Si, . r i ,-¦ ,ai ii n *. :!' :,"!:.: I 'I ii! , I c -i a i. .: ij aro ano Roo 13. ! ) I 'Ul Il i_esi . id.CT BOARD, t? r "ai* Iii ll ll I.i -\ ;- V ill le if! '->r.--i. 111 .n i:\sr -j M>-sr.-.\ 1 1-. -_. 1 .... ,)\ EAST 7:t.!-ST.. Bel -mr I ,1.1" V. .l'l FIFI ll- .'. OR. 101 ![.. i'.-M. - n . a* _. ii, -.1,111, .>"*** '.-I ..'(.: il-- r..Two nic-ly iu ./I pal lora tai lei J*I EAST 3SI ll- T..X i .;. I el ga ly ">.' labc -Dpsrnneata |'il** .\\,» i>*> 1. s" J:;!' I ,.'11 Boor '0 with li, -r.l inp rn b ii I .!>- LKXIXU M>.N-.\V::.. r i. .'.'i ll - 1 .- I .!. 9 t iv (urn ibnd ,,,, ran ¦. .> V. 5TH-AVE., in-ar 28tb-8r..Apai -aa' 1*1 1, r _*>llllt> I" Il ll ill |_ UH) |. a; nicely turui ba i: scp irior - Ipi iel '.il I 2D-AVE.*-Rooina in Iii it . .lt)-_" ii.n, oi ii.ti, ral ii ird. I l i tua r. Weat. 4_u_. i DVERTISEMEN TH FOR THE NEW- i'\ v mg rniaii n k .vu.i. I- a \ ,;; i. l-l' c \ ,11 it KS) -,, I.-.Hs au ... ....", a bini ¦-.. 'I I' .a, -., Bl bO II I".. ii. I,Uti I ....'.' tj :n |. Ha . Bul .10 na IO . t r.;i\ A '¦.'. .MILY will thou! - ii ¦! tn -ii onl if ¦.¦ h., -i li ni-.,, -nt: ali eon .. ii ,,t Ca- 'i 11* Wi Vbi i li , da an .I d reline l -t cue I ami v. Itt . lu til.-a t il u tcrmi t,iiii^- ITivsie, a"- tS *¦! ine ry.tuu -V It I Ul> "i ' With tue ..'.>' Ol lt t ¦:; * ira :.iirl , i ,¦- . K.vt'iM.i N nm Uptown ul i .. -. Urt-yivrsr. 'I'm [.ET..A large, sq i-tie wcond-8 o , ti ur I sud .' 'a. i .1 ti) I.- ..r -. mi ir. {un _l, -. ii* alttl ¦ ta.n sli-s iliwr*.of K i-lii'i itunnel u- .ii lib- ric ,.i ia .a ' in No, 6 *> I »\ EST 271H-8T., aecond h..a-. vc-t i* *weX Bl vu i ai |/.t. .. -.-, ¦,; t. na i-i j.***. WEST :>"> I'll-si'.- i: ., .. ii.,,,*.- *_»t t I i"I. Ml ,' I,',ni l I,-.,. I 133 J bosnl snd p ¦., ,.ia .un uv e ii**; GREENWICH-AVE, .. i-W- t 12 h-v. . I .Yat iii "-1 en,vc i" i v |, I \t W EST :bilil-r-l.. i.r.r Biondv 1*9-9 ai i- jr ul me in Im -itaauoit. ruaiit-.. j*.- a.. V LARGE ntiiub'T ol -. Swcdisb, i,.a in :, an, Iii* esl el n.,,a pu, es. ni .- b i.l,j t-t 1 lltltsl .ti ll 1 -if, pilAMBERMAIl) nnd V, Al Bv V li iii ¦-. Hi sr gt .- - iu* ft*"- na. rene iveri nea ei i.-. - n ,. wall like ase.-. .. ¦. ; ;n lbj ,.|- Inqnlu lui ii c., u....,,*. ut.j PO iK, <ii \\| (ERMAlDand WAITRESS. V Bv two gurls srla laa lo live ton- ihri ,, ., ""- si a , ... ill, -i. Illl.ll.l ;n, 1.1'.:, 1.1. U) aa. 41 Will it I Ins a pro. -i i,em pr- te ml. t. i ct, fen ,,, ,l,,!--t nil,- ,|:i:i| up. ( ;i;Ni RAL HOUSEWORK, fcc.- Bj ;i v, un. sa tiri lately 1 ad !.¦ .lo r.enti ,1 ... t. i..,. rsrenf ci: _ .-¦,¦, .... . { GOVERNESS, fcc-Bv nn px nie .. d ami I "*.a trnaian timi in lady, tt :.,,.,. crstwiitl* Ku ¦ I;-!.. 1 ic., li au tnia- c. vi ea Un ii.,.. 11,1 \tti ,.,-. fft !||ly; Iii |a, :.| I'' a Irria, f. - ..' ll MA s .i.i- s ;.m^, ,. a,. line I 'tites ' ! I ,., ..a I lol ;-i:it I'l.i;. R- n l»u- aa \s rkb-r ¦ ¦ i,,. , ind s willow r a v ulo*.cr ¦ kui i ... .- e an t>rc .. ,;,, plain wins ant la , ;!,_ . ,,., ,. n ., n ¦. .,-l'llv ,.m uv I,... ul , A *u-.- A lt., l'l uti-e. .:. Bro ti -.. ttUllSEJ '. .' J .Bi expert s ...... lsd) ul.' I e: ,. I* \. .. oi -HJac.ii to ll, tl - i ., -. a -K," Ati- t ei ,. ell,. I- IlTn i.\,M..K .. (..uv. i, \i .sTurkss. 1 . lit S-4 -il. li ¦.:..!.- il in- en ,,i ii in .-i , , '""'. l'l Ul r-.Ul et. a len, Hil !.,, I.el a'I l.,l . il ll; k' Isfclod anti nbligioa s-si ia.U-i t.. aire ot mil. ,u ,_; ill 'J. ll:.i :iv ,. im-,i '*-,', ,. I AUNDRESS..A nra*-...him iniurf.l Gian- IJ dress «n I....-.; -.. m ..i a. ..-s m.,i in -i ¦, 4 ,.,., I* ,.e, BU.S4 If.l'll," tej'- . ,ll I lill.. *l,_.!|i|- ,, .,., .,,, J rMMMislde terni.: cil,...,i,i cu. dawe in *lroy sit ls ,'-_n or ilili!| ll t^V K .- H. I- "'. C V, .1 |C_, >( I *. I'MMiKSS.- B.V :i U|, ..un, i-ninti! ,¦.¦''.'. IS. .- .. - to do si .. i- otms .f i.i -.-. rs ito can \\..«i .,, ii t tn i , i,,i , v *' '*"-* '-"¦ 1 AliNDl_l - (' "im . scans, uj j (Tui SB.* Mi'. Ml Ba*! 4-.-. -: iui |<4 *-"." "-. Vii:-'... \ - ii it r-t. i ,,,,, ,,,? ,,.. .*_«, ,,,,vli.'.»" " fi,,.,,..,., ,.,,-, . |,:l>y " "'¦* .i alM . ir-1-0(1 le,ttl- lOtJ.N.N V1;",\*wV"'' ;<> '*"'"': [>.i *'-! '.."cv. ,. I .' I \ ¦r,,..,;;;.. IVAN IKI), ' uion -icu..' sviicrc tit,.,.. .. V.'",1'. I ¦-: s. Kl cn B_a Ininti,a t ,,(,,»., nm, ... ...n ie -.1.,,-, »*»-**, H'tl. tjflu lU.i.ucu 4 Mil.i.l.'.s pyRKlSH, l-.i.r.tTi'ir i0d i:.. -:- nutt batta i.i Lattagisaste., wsta tsatts t. -i BSSIMH! ..,',.*-i, dialling .0,U,,.y ,u«l,«i.. ri,, ^ I illili**.. ..itnatione fDitntci. ff]a\t% A BRIGHT, intelligent, "cil-,.,1,, '. ---._ lirra***! , ..^..'.¦aw-C .«',, \; . '¦"'¦! i: '"¦ a-al 18SJ8TANT BARTEXDEU or f;i.., i,\ ,' _ »s a -oroBStsni, -uart. ., ,'' El I A iKMI'l. Al rrllBble, -,,,.. - 1 ..- lu lu.V -aimc. ., ,,,** -SIS ¦¦'» l'"i-¦. mia -i nip, ., M ' '" ti-»-.-t-v iW.H T Pi , -, -.'"*»:«, v , .-" a ATIENDANT !',. ,, -,,,, ¦-, ci,, -_¦ _J J\ inmi,or!ii-.i-1,,-p- m.n. Br B ronna n V,,.¦,-!,, ._ ¦ 7.' '- w ¦- li-a ail gatts ll ccesCN.V 1"A':' PAirrKNiiKii.-iiv ., .,-.,.... j ... 1 " ufa ,-. w ,,-..'. V ,., Ita h ni- na; - lt Uernai -> I>| ORKEEPEII OH ci.I !,'K.- <. , a 3 mn., 3>..:. ; "i | I 't-Sn .(c. I.I ,. || "*-*4«^ I-.OORKEEPER er <0l I > i.-H. ,. r if ll K re I. .1 Sill mi* i lei: nd ( o< iv..ii I I I'l'l'l s pLE ". & -B .1 v V ii floe"i **sa y. ' le ... pLEKK or I'i' I li li¬ ra . -no.. i a . , .»( i ,. s il. *. j LT 4 '. ,. M a : i LEEK r n I,..- ai JROOM ,..... v'. j III. mf r - a ha i, HALL HOY.-I(. i ic V. .. H.. AKiMiN ii::: ..¦ csefi r. v- In »t-l ; . ra let m. y u soars ml __a null -st. ) A Nil Mi'. & ".' t. .i i. :-. i IIGHT PORI i'.A -1 ra un inafl a : f ¦i I i imin ; .--!. ai j I 4 An iii ii. aili ,i it u ^. Baa i [GUT i*Ol. 1 'i; rn i! iii Ibis .-i " j .a - A ... r. II el, ll ir |RTi i; Vu cm rei * :ir« oil e jJOR'l lt. \ von ii ' mau. 23, s. n lc . S Ul .t ll ¦/,,! * \. U.4.VI-., Nu. ll Vi- PORTER..Bj I 'a " II- Ul I asllflll e-m 'I .4 g i a,j - hiv * -. . .. M C ol t. _ Il IH I KU..H* a s i'i_* in in, .- ne ii di; .. a -t .. -i ...'.-¦- _ I) H. I I f? -I inn v na'.' tn in l.» vi ( I rn rk, ti a a ll HCC "* 18' ...,." ix-';'. ER, fcc. \ i- i lu. iud* u'. V mr Can. are - ' i '. .... i I,, se...... g.a al isl. '- it* IJORTER, &c\.B*. lira un " .' 1 .ma hsr.1 worl ' **_ I-m ii n «1 ..: j i. *' -,, . csil or-Idr-'is 1 l ¦i Ile!' I KR, a -a ilion w ia !':* dtisin ,,: s i,- i' tv a.'-*"i' -" mu - -ittm * f r -.-¦ .;, cu ¦-.... i-nom : -.-, n- a, > : . IJOH : EH rn W Mt HM* N. I ,,".'.-,i mil i,.n.e Aitc-i. I, Ol ¦-_fc_ ... tm** . - I lld I-- -. t-i rt 11.1*- u ___, I KIR TE : oi \* All lls'.AN anlli- I ir nt stmei '.-'¦.? ll-,,el. ll..:e!i ll. -it, t-.IV .. '' MI SN. > Iv __ iii.", i :; i ii wa i chm w 1 a filia ni. I ) ara n| ."if ni 11. i-i n renee I."_« ***** Jim.: I ER ... WAT! ,I.M N !. I I: it a_ii cou rt la ... ; ii. ., a i.:., i. .. n Hu,a*- vv i -t rri-W LUNG SALESMAN.-Ail itV^l I" -,-. , '-I Ul ,a .,.!.., bon 1 _-.. st! '. **''" t-'/tt. i S -il.tlll.e, t- u. > J I'KAVELLLVG SALESMAN'.-In »l«.| »«J N.'I.VI >)¦ 4,1 riff lt '-' *'" wi.-, in- hat!.. t. t . i, .: .. r .-:. h .. t"*"-* '. . -: ....war., \ j I 'MEI L MAN.-By * ies|wv*t_i!>le .;< tar^j I mi! w(V Sri .- - nartill UM'l '' * '' _ g. ob Iring ..n.i csa .¦.. t ..' '>¦ -,- .f ' *". ; ii-. .Xs -., .'-!;. IT8EFUL M VN. n. i. sub .. . ... 'J"? " " ' ¦¦ -rt- ,-s .:...., Ai.- I-4V-.4. *j 1 *-|M l'l, \. ' Vd Iii. n,...I V-'l * \ . tl sn-au .walli n ... ri ,.i ca .s rt.. I. -ii....: i .i-i*" i. -..' Ill W A rEli- -" " ! JS Tl d-.l .-I- .' * 'a- " * ft' -rei.' m ,-:i .-I -.i r .- . r Ul \| RH Rr v ulm _! ...'~..r* «' J 111 4 I"1"- ....:. ll A N. WAitEi: I.- u .nt i .tu 1 > .,..., .a*.i t. t \V Ali KR "' ..* '"I -.Kl u J; I:. t * « ,i n,'ii na. ti -.If } -a.. . . io,.aw ti l-l -- i'-l-l*-4.'.;l«">"'.' J,, .rn, us: .uu-ti ,ni«l.Uitu tt.tro'. rtiBBI '¦»¦ "r AiUirt-m V-Ja'iThMA.N By ii Frorcst..^. nu* >> a.,-! .B a. i.itsm wal, Inna.! -..r"-J\%tt«" wt.ill.t ''...I .? I'.' AiU'lTI'".""'-':! " *.» "* ut* _! -) w4.m i.Mk..t, .No ... tmsut-m.

Transcript of New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1880-11-14 [p...


Pren ih' NwUststmBi Otuturu.In Kn.l.-ui-i. inn! es ei wt beieeteeexi <'i>t In Ireland,

people Btake tbe bargain befare thai I" mn baal*in-s. Ravtag daae so, they take tbe ehaaee <>f

Siniit or lnss, and, if tbe ipe«n_ttioa Baiaearry, theyanet seek to men-l matters hg making s|x-'tin-

or even ht ihOOtiBI those ssh,) have gol the beal ofthe bargain. So donut we bate in England indScotland remedies fol ill-trtatllielll. Om n nclyls. il Ste Bte lll-U-e In uti" min, tn stell tm cuni,'

nut* elna wbo will treat ns better, iii.- nnfaiidealer finds this, md meuttl bis ss ays: ur. if hodu.-s md. tie iota a ("ii i minc, and is slunuie.l a

(.ardingly. Bo! 1 never board before that thedealings t-etween two trader, in ilithn-nt linea ofbusi less were in th, n a tn ie ut partnership.Havina. I hope, shown 11>:it thc attempt ol the

Devon I'mati-ivminn ta bare the toconiprnsa-tuui [or improvement on legal or equitable princi*vles. a-: I. re ss ordi are mulei Minni iu England nt-i.-rly fails it rema*ua attempt lu my tnrnto explain as well :.s I ran tb. true position of theIreh tenanl and landlord ssiih regard to ta hother. Tuen* is. in tin s' .cu..' (rand or deceit inHi matter -rn either side. Holli land!.-ru uni tenant

aro perfectly cognizant ni tin it true porition, andI'uta hate chosen it tu: tta.u appealed to tl.em tu

In- :,,.i teaaoua Notwithstanding ali tba! thejd v ic fitee - ea may say, the Irish tenant iou ".ss

]>.¦:¦..-i tlv well tba) he lc- tm claim In eqnitv oroil., l vv e tn pasae-it inf I he a l-in lie may build,tbe beg be tua] drain, or the iton - lu- may roll:. .. :-,i i from putting lorward auj auehi-l lim, lc ca- fully nvoidi Hi -a [(*.( t. i'll ilwin.h is i- all i-i--ima I a y nnpermoet in the mimi

of both nol mentioned hyrifler, 'i'ii- lulldlord has no llt-lai cueiit to Bayanvthins at all. Hit knows that it is always labiap,,w, i tenant a uv lelief or compensationihai lu- pie - ie naturally enongh prefers,

i rather to .rant atitor than ierel ,. to fulfillor to ¦ itu bis tenant, well knowing that

-t -, "., and a.i lc e to pajii, -i nu,,, on Ihe t lier baud, I- ia - iiualb

r.-a--uis to sib nt nu Hie sub I..'t mint ol ss Ivun w :.;, apeak ii illy nt-1" ss ithoiit capt! il, .uni hy ii" ii

t I agriculture, ii- bit- no

ipili: ir. lor tin trade hebas (liinnat t.-ntit n ul deteriuiti a t" he ou

i nw in¬

ti ' to pro1',-iir

would.. land Ibat i netenant t

,sv 'ur

ml .a t

:.I a.") ell 111

* ilkind of mutual

Mini bonah inaliof 1 timi parties i

nea--: tell mt -ait- rs nu blOB a* ti. ,,

fur lilei lill)has to i-uii land lor, 1 t

ul health or i'llin.-t, I'liu.-HS in ...

ut lli" th'

or s. lc.

i' t la' or,Mr. 1 I have


v. IS ll- rilli !.

fur lin Se" ll ri.- a

ra mo , eel while. --. ta¬

tra.!! ;- hat i:, mall ll tt ti li t is too ptenter into

n the tv .',.., i.- parti Inn witb bia la llor

they lm.ii j.-,i.-.- i-i.i *,-. Ia lc 1 .it as far ti¬

the eontrathe lan rute and the :. iain sub-rnita tn r,.e nani t if at

the merci u1 ii lui ord, not beran! lr* has uotil ua!ural -I sire lo be assured ia In.-hui¦tutupetis -'''1 i .' his improvements, i ul bet ausc, i<he seka ; »*curity from bis !..¦ bi im-

oents, li-- na- im m mity ol bis own 1Ul letti' :i lol Ins t' Ut. i'll- sa unlit V

ls banisbeil from sneh a proceeding, I :¦*-..¦ ls i-.i

rea! bargain wbt*n one side cannot to refree¦¦: -,-,-- lil tn i:nc)-e.

\"i i: it ls I i-f lillies !lt le. we are told, tua! vth-u the would-be tenanttare no! ask ecanse, na 1 t Innk I have shown, he,-,,,, in a |.,.-il ",ii tn u,s," au.. -¦-, u- il v tic his rent,ibonld !¦.¦ .inn tn bim by ari -., pod facto lawp-ii lt a prue. ms n, nc the very height ofin ti-':,-¦ and folly. The bosineasof the law is togive edt et t-, law ta! esntracts where there ta a eon-rumm ,- ol wi s, uot to force upon people underthe linne ni contracts svliat one side never askedtm! te other never woald have -ranted. Wereally nins! t whether stn mean to consider thelii-h peasant as a responsible ticing or nol Ithe be io, we must leave him to man - Bftairafor biiiis If lil..' anv other rational nnd rc ;...lilili* 11 ui-.' ti- full age; if n -f. we ought to ¦ pointt guardian lor bim aud take from bim the iwwertl .i'll, al I) UOt l-e ai,iv.. taKe til-- advui tag -s nf lioth -i! u;-.'-am. 1,-,.

POLK. (Al.lT'trN. !',!'( 11AXAX.I in

I're-iib ut Polk was ... ly lift] years nf tige whenhe sec inaugurated, .-il was no novice in publiclife Saving served foi n-uiie n consecutive yearsin i - m.-i sa in i for two rears as tJoveruoi -! tin

nt i -ru ss ¦.-. Ile waa a i>are man, nf unpre-t.-i, Inc t;i;.:u. ,aa> lind lilli'.ie stature, vv|t|i ;l

r.itli.-r hietil h -ad, a full, sugular brow, m uetrat j

dark gray . -. ea, ami a firm m..nth. His nair, wbii hb wore long nnd brushed back bellin lu- ears,waatom hod with a Iver when he entered the VTIt t-

llutis-', aud a a\ ss h- n in left it. (Ie wae a worthyna i svi-n qual ii I mein rot the fraternity ol free-iiiii-n.c amii i.'-lcs.r in Ihe -r-clot the il otho-fats, al btii-ib out "t defereuoe to the t-

ap ii na- .-I his wu -. a.- attended worship svitli herBf til- I.'- '. '.r. .-pel, '- I'le-l', te! ail ( lt ll X h. ( lalIII,eold and intrepid in !>i- mora] ebaracUtr, he wasinn.iran! ol iii.a-'tv ul moral uprightness in fhneondnr! o puiilii aftairs, -ambitious ot power, aadku enetful in the pursuil >.f u. li. u,-,, x, r-,

metbo il ;iiul rem ,ri\;ih)v industrious, al.ta.,-Bailiun time to let u patiently to the stories oltim.,- -,\ ic eac,-t-i Inn a- pel tioncrsol patronagem. pin e. bur bis arduous la ors impaired blibeal!- au shortened bis lt!--. Belore Ins t nn ofnib ¦.. hi l,a fe pired. tils fri«*nda aero paim-d towine-. ina - lurlene.! and enbailed atop, an theair nf langnoi inti exhaustion which -ni npon lum.

polk staa a strict Presbyterian, and sheshaine,i what she regal e bs - the vauities ol theworld" whenever il ss.c possible roi bet t. mi.Hbo 'lid tel I-.--.-- -1 li -ni;- ni grace ol Mima. or the a aral hearted hospitalits <>i Mrs. Tyler,bnt stn I* d oret the White House with greattli'.'ti'iv. -a was of nu".nun height and sit-, withtcv black bair, dark eves and complexion, andI'-r.uu! tel graceful d purtmeut. At the inaugura¬tion of her hus'iaud, abe wore a black silk diawa,'hInn-.' bia--- reltai eloak with a deep cape, trimmedtviin a in.-., and lases ls, itnti a purple velvet bonnet,trimill*- sill, -ulin fi'!"..ii. She st oiil.l lint in-mutdan, im al Ihe vY ite House but she did all In ber|xitt i (,, tend r t - A,liinin-tiati,,i, ol .Mr. PolkP'jiii'at. <.., morning a J.i<iv found ncr reudin_.''I ll.lS'e In.liv UOok* nlf-elite t,. roe hv the,writer-.' ml-tie. - an-: 1 try tn r- a I them all: atnr-s-ut tin- i- nut pist-mi ile; i>-ir this eveningIhe

1 author ol t his Utok iliues witb the Presbh --t. sud 1.ti ila mit lie ao onkind as in apo at wholly igno-rrmt :iini unmindful of his kim At one of h- revening roeepiUius1 a gentleman reoisrketl:. M ul un. .sam hive :iv--rv genteel assemidage to-ni'.'lit." u r-ir." repliid kira. Polk, with v riectgoodhumor int rery signibcantly, *. j never have teenit ntbern

bini »'. Ca Munn had evpeett-ii to remain in theCal in* t .,- *e r- lae ot --ta *. and he did not hesi-lute t" ta.s thal be was aaeriflc-ad t-, ippeaae thetv, uh "f Mi. '- au linn c Accordingly Jamea Bm bMian 1-- mae Mr. Polk ..--.. n-tari --1 i.,*-, an Mr,l.'ii'lt-.iiii -un i turned ta tae Capitol asa Senatorlini Som ii (.m.linn, to engine, i the extension oflias.rv. '!..- tiad--, iiiui Mate sovereignly. Hilspocnitiee nilli- ati-tl that hewa. over threescoreweare of ago. bu-,iv,-,, .rows overeh-wlowed d,---|>blue eyes, vs lu-b glee-ned like stats; his furroa-ed '

ff)r--!c.,d and ira.fii cheeks showed t'reat nientala-tivitv u.i.l .-ire. and Ino thia bps had the m. lau-liidy i.Nik seen in tbe prMrtiaits "t Dante, His[ons*, coane ball baal beeatae gray, and be wore itl)riisli.-«l bau k in BsaaOM Irmn his high forehead.fin.- aaaralag, aa be Baaeitsiag lar bm portrait iath.- -.tulle nf Mr. saul ta tbe writer oftin »_. remini-rent es -| have elwari etHtVatii-vd todi se ttith a sbruplicitr timi vtiniid mu attraslnoti'c. iin-l 1 hate aaeoefMPo, with thc exeeption id', mv hair. Wh-ai 1 wore it abor! the letterwriiiMi used aluavs to hav- something fo aspa ont it, ami paw that il is hun' 1 ti ai tl at it atira-1*. aqua] .Iteiifnui." 8peakin| «>f ant igripba,lie remarked t fi at his original hand vt nf mi' wasround and .lear, but tiiaf when be ssas ;it thoI.lie.Hi- ,d lats wi.i hil li WM ill laking IlnteSel i. wi il 1 vt;e th-ii as erratic ind cold aam ( M-ae.i neats in the days of nulliflcation,Mi. li.u hanan vt:u, tm n ui ile iu.uc nf

li.-, ant Ins sMlstitit fiame, lair eotnpleXlOB,buln '-'lue eyes, courtly mumers, and scrnnuloasly neal .-linn- araatptad an Englishv ii Mrs. Maury to uav t ti-ttl be resiim

a British nobleman ol Un* i-ast gt-nera-t,,e -v-ufitiie grave arm dtgnigad lieariug of non

.ti nun t li.r'..! us mi ism atti. ,ut, ulliteii om e. Alibough a haebalor, he kepi boaseon K-st.. box I lu iii.- abode <>f Jahn Qaincy A.tamsirhare bia aceoawliahod ateeo prcaidod at inn boa,ji tal.le board. Ile faithfulli cirrus... out tin* fae-eigB polie] "I I'maulm! Polk, but never let pass auoiipm taints fur a lvaucini. ttis tiai.ns to Ibe suites*

gian, with MreshiBg humiltty. In a bfretofmeBBpabttsbed letter, written to a frit ntl, he alludedtu a nr<uiu<tiou that bo woald be the usxt 1'resi-

dent, and went on to say : " I or any other man maydisappear twa tbe political in ni without producIng a ripple noon tbe anrtaea ol the deep end ati mrcorrea! sshuh is s Beeping th.- conntrr to ita des¬tiny, Nothini! lins pr rented rae Iron rantovingtn \ - i-l f fruin the list ol nunn* candidates for IhePresidency, except the injury thia might do to thelienitifiiitie eau-i- m 1',-iuisv ls ania. ( m tbiaaabjeelI bib. resulted, amt whenever it may be prop ¦> I

shall Blake known my r. aolntton. Nothing on earthemiltl Induce me again to sm i pt a Caliiael sppointliu-tit." Vet never dbl a wily politician mun tndns-trionslf pint ami plan to seeare a Bomioatioa than.Mr. lim hanan dla, la hts BtUl-bnal tor tbe Proeideney.TKoi >K TTNDALL <'N THE BABBATB.

i nm A, Mnrtmith Century,It stn- nitiiuiii'il by Martin Lather that Jeana

bloke tba Sabbath dellberate!y, and even ostenta*f,,ui ly for I pn**oose, ll,- walked tbe Heida; heplucked, Ile.t aad ate the .urn: h.* treated thesn -im. umi In- -;-uii maybe .1 Mcete.l in tho illeged.moot nun np ai th n storotl cripple Ol the lihor olcarrying his bed on tho Sabbath day. He crownedbis proles! Basins! a si rile formalism ny theenunciation ol ¦ principle which ippliea toni to¬day as mich as 1 the ss mia m tlc lune of Cl n-t.- ihe >,i ¦:.ta ssas ma le for man, and m-t man tortbe Sabbath.*"

rhougb ne- jews, to theil detriment, kept them*selves a- a nanci niiel'c- tullly isolated. Hie minds

s ida n- were tn qm stly colored by ("reekthought nml en.lure. 'I h" learned tndcelebratPhilo, who svis fontamporary with Jueuphna, bmiluis influenced. Philo expanded the use-nt theseventh da] by including inn-pi-.r obeervaucesimiles which might bo called secti'ir. "Moro-,,. i." ii -av ¦. th seventh d - io au examplefrom which nm may learn tbe proi rii yo stu ir¬ing philoeophv. Aa on that dat >t is said God be*

ne st.irk- that He li ul made, io you also mayyourself conletnplate the sv..iks ni nature.'' Per¬mission i-i do (ins is ixactly what lin m ml

tiny ? v hu a iv lui h. li J ...

would train llmm t iiissiou, but our sira-.n¦..

wilt not, \\ bern ahull w.- ii i siichvm ks ol uatuie win, h ri, lu coin-ii lav contt'iuplal i'-u -- his t un*

n\ nen aa In thu british Museum I Withinwe ha te, < u were, pochs itiseuto

a -,.,-', ir- enei ' illn-tratc '. Bnlbom I stun :i nu lude n short-

(I portion ol tho pu

¦I le v. lu. have on to divol lo I lu m. a ing ni m. theirVV e a- '

I int Vt :fl '"¦( sv ii ! lim,

or .in in .. cd bold -I ta P in), thal - thua iel power and d scvu

If Utei that that

min'their 'i

c ir 1 to thu timi tat ion lo-, o

id p.a :..

ol the re-t of ('od. Others allt


luthe tri ii

.fi ll HU. IO

i,av.b av. au

:. In Dent, rouomv this iand a J,i pt. Gol, il S -lu '-'I. bl)

oul ' . by a

;i I. .¦:> ie Mutr,-;-eat ing t be Ten ('on>l. I

_. .mg or ._'!!) I.I r i : words tbe

unto .'I, rom ii r ie mount,out oi mtdsl ol tle tire,ol ii lot I, ind thethick 'in'!. '.. a, with a I.l \ oi. e: anno moro." U il in I'xodna Hod ut rmi] udde more,imt - mi. thing ."il I di rout, I hi lu Im i u a

di iii I, t ,. ..- u li .a.nun, iii.ii.*. - nol n-i

t li-' ia a. ;- oihei ..neem larok, hut,.\, rei B Hie I ! | ,-i ii.

tjo i. lr. un .,i in the dat s ol ni y< in li bo-in nu 'j ed i-s .a hi un*-**: ta ide

lit; lb di ,;, .,. ni in his ce ebi ul- Ap il igy lorthe Iii to i'n,ii Paine, " Von

v--." says ttl ¦.".-' Me, ,1-v.¦- ut have nu i-.-n np

view." I bat there wet in the 1 itali* r -

qu i ng to i-e kept out ul aighl was i.a, al tbattime, a now revelation. 1 lake little pleasure In

lg 'ii'-et ' i.i i--r- and ul. book,rendered venerable t" me liv intrinsic wisdom amiimp ii- ami- asso iationa. But when tbat bookin wrest et] toonr detriment, w lieu its inc. arc

invoked to '- f.i thc iui; omitum of a yoke irksomeiic-ati-e nnnal iral. -.¦ are drive in telf-deb nee toi.- critical. In ¦-¦ ll-<ien n- <-, therefore, we pleadthese two discoidaul aecoantoof Ike origin ol thesala,aili, one ol which makea ita purely Jewishinstitution, while tbe other, un lest regarded asamere myth ami pure, ia in violeul antagonism toia, facts ol geology,Wnh regard to the allcgi d " profs" thal Sunday

was iiiii'i.tlm .-.I am n sui,-, u nie for Saturday, andthal it- u .'rv am ¦¦ i- as inn ;in_ inca Christians astteir gabbath sta- 'ipon ih-' .Jews, leuu ne. i,

tl,nt tb--*-, wbieh I seen are of tbe ti;

md vagues! rharacter u li,''says Milton, u on thcpica "l s divin 'iminand, thi \ impose up tn its the,-i--,-i vm csu particular dsy, how do thc] pre¬sume, without the .luthotit*-; of n divine <

t_ snirstiiutc anoihei day in its pia,,* '' Ontsbleths bonnd* ui iheoloai noone would think a

tie' tuiu proofs'' tan the evidence adducedchange; sud yet on tins pivot, it baa been

lt, turu - ile- eternal fate ol hu.h.,::Were such a doctrine nol actual it would be lu*

le. It bas been trnb said that the man who¦i,.<-pi- it siuks, in doing o, to thc lowell depth ofAtheism, li is p rfectly reasonable foi a religiouscommunity to set apail one :a.v in seven for r> stand devotion. Most ol tboar alie ob|ect t" tbe

n ,-i-rviiii, ¦¦ ul the Sabbath trcognite notonly the wi -nun bu! Ibe necesaity >»f some -rn h in-stitiition, rn-"- nu the ground ol a rliyine edict, l-utof common sena Thej eontend, however, thal itonght t" be as lar ai poi blc a ila] "t cb '-i nil reno¬vation both ol ntiv and spirit, ind nol a dat olpenal gloom, Tb-ie ia nothing thal I ahonldwithhtami more Mi nuonsli than the conversion olthe ttrst (lay ol the wee*, into a eoniioon workingday. Quih ns strenuously, however, sbonld I oppose its nein_ employed aa a day foi tbeexercia ol.saeeninlal rigor.

THE -TRANSITIONAL AMERICAN woman.',',« /.¦ n. un i in hr Atlantis,

Mci naturally -are 1 as lor the home when tbewife dora nol lira! render service nnto it; for beingmarried, it has bocome ber dot*, rolentarily us*

siimeit, bul said ..m. ii In the Mate ami sealeil sti'limarriage rowa Nol lo , agu, a man nnd woman,swinging each other's lingera, were wending theirway to the nit: r. whi a a dispute arose ns to vv i,., i>one should purchase the cooking-stove, "you,"'quoth tlie man, "tot yon will do tbe i*ookiiig.''.' Nu! sn." s.ud tlc vee m. *' I alu imf going to doall tbo c oking." I ii- dispute waxetl hot, and sepa¬ration ensw d.Not eily nm pica in the borne -ecteasing, but

aili-, i,mi for it ia nl.oonlbe waue, aa theneeii ofindivitluabt] aitbiu it becomei more .'.-liiut-.Women do not care tor their home aa thej did; it

ls no longer tbo tocoa of nil lb ir endeavors; nor iatbe motuer the involuntary nucleus ni the adultchildren. l-auybtcra rbnst have art stud,us out-s,,le ni their home: authoreseea mnat have a studynear bys sad aspirants to culture mnsl attendels aes or readings iu aoine armi-publie place, la--fessioual women have found that, bowevel _ ur

th home is, they ean exist witbonl it. Many-.tillremain al nome, bal ask, in theil midnight muaiii;.., st hy it sbonld ne righi foi a niau to acceptthat position which the woman, on account of ber Ihome, mas! refilse. 'The query itsell could nut'have a**iaen bill a century since. . . .

Tae d ty of religions diaries ind confessions ispar-t. i-tit, ,-i moral and iutcJlevtual lelt-conscionsnc*a remains, fostered by onr systeii of ednoutionand public exajmnation, which is much tobe de-pim.a. Very few are fee from it. for u i- an in*

-a- product, and only by r-ducation can lieaI;. red min the e Incatct! un'-ontciouaiifsi of middle

|.¦ mm-,.-, vuv ,~a,,' S.*1.VS Sn milell hl-allt.V Oflea am! shual'i'i- p-.iscl Bl SUch BU lillirie, pillieenuin inflrctiona of tolee and gradna "t manner tofrieutla iin-l the pt-pulaea; nnd the c..nest - mat-miine woman*' aaawera, Of executive force, in-

wght, and iseasible views, (btrlpnbllc Beboola-enrBnuiinanee or colleges, tralfl the pupils lo neel sa.udieiioe! Ko wender tbat the minagera af tbeChl.dten's Pinafore .onad bo timidity in ita in-f nit ii*- perform, is. 1 hey ware of Hie publicscboolaWith this -nrawthol modern internal Interview*

hil luis bobm a I'-ss (,t era, e. m utnowt aad hurdneel cl manner was a Puritan ebirarsteristir. atteiatiuie siifUmiuir inti, grnae ol postaro, alawncaa ofgalt, l'"t nnrv iine-nuarter of the feminine worldwalga .otth an high beela, balsneing its ab(»niderailk. Bealra; atmtbergtiaitetitepesQaarol*'an ino,ulpoles, aad lo! the world kaaweth thereof i ami opehair ruth bs ii making 2.40 time: grace ia wantingin all. Uo from the atroela to tbe drawiaB-romiietbow few move, look, ur apeak gracefulTy! Theslow digaitj md tbe cir.!, ss ease ire alike man¬nered, I'-sefs one knows tbat avery one els,- iilooking !*>cli-c(mscousness, insuiii.v, and alsocaine-nies-s are Itaulabiag graceful badinage, eastpostures, lingering tunes, a brilliaut waaiaa he-cuims satirical, tsith relspsea into baatoi, tiebniuoi rollapeea into aztraraganl statementa,i'uiii.iitv oi deeitdon in i woatan ipeaberar pre*sidi r recalls Ihe lari that it is a woman vv hu is his-inre oin-; ber daeis-oa oft.-n sgpeartag like a hravjburrowed ai lui--. The (harm pf licing, of simplybaiag ones self, apart from having a " iinHs.nn " orU v.ews

** is lost 111 the mleiiKlty with tvhuh ssonienaro sci/ing ujioii Uie new fields of usefulness thrownopsii to tliein.

rivery one must lie or want a definite sometbtng.Two lustaacea msy servo as ill-sU-aUous. Ibe

wile of a literary mun, boreel! B writer, catie to

this eoantry, and was dined aad lunched. "Whatdora she waal '." asked the rarnest women. " Noth¬ingf waa the un inn aui r. plv nt lier sm-nts frie Oil.Again. ¦ scalptor went ba. k to Rome and told howIn' baa .ailed to see i certain hms- h ¦. in .¦ be hi.' ilber, st ben, nu lum tb ii il c«it. -lie laked, welcominglum :" Is there anything lean do for roaP " Aait," lu- si ut, .. a man could aol iee a i*<- -i --n vt.-u anss it tu,iit lier ss ishim: tn au! him. Can't the; Inst betinmuelvi.-. ind let us uki- then, and aol eternallyhave objects, s icsss f"

The tallie ni existence kt be. om III g the outwardMt, a; utli it ht atampipg Itae.foti the face, i.and gait ol woman Do aomethlag, be of worth Inyotusell form opinions, is tbs Imperative mund in

sv In- li th" tunca add es* rn rn winn ii likenessca ss iii be lecoenired il a futnre day br thi*dignity ot " sst una!,'- miasma M bink-a gallery "t

photographed ¦* luaes.". Of ooaree there is mm h .attainment of knowledgeamong women thal is purely nullan!hropi- bnlalso thew i- a s Blt n lunn a I .-1 eu tun- thal purelybc!tish, .-a, ii s... iel es as the one 101 tie Encourage*ic nt nf melie-nt linne, aud mau] others, sndiIm the stowing nnmberol women arlen!iste, dis¬prove the Ural statement but add to lbette um^n

v ie must itmlv in order to teach lota livelihood,tea,- still remains a large .lass pith whom cultureis merell a shiblwletn, the lanced creature ottheir This olase have a ptovokina knacl siusing all tneii khow ledne; tin' pi, li t .rs-n, othersforbidding lem ry it te ita dat "i acquirement.The] sv il.inui. s em morel irned I ian tin-.v are,

ht ks ui tonie tiavi Iii ..

li. , nougb t* ii av l oms at trytber fortune cJsnwb re, from the desire nt-Ia'.-ililv for B Pl .10, an Cl a dcjii n rn ia

ng and thiukiii:. a rei lain! v ,-i ni.w I.tb. s disagree, thal s atiiuidi i.,vinni j. I bc "i'i ,ii , tint don.ei- lu- ion, nen! : bulmenu 11- .. of **utboi ilutiveu

a il Ill I), iii. WO . 'i

and -ay "Ii- n'l .s u ii mlin rai .ma,i i hi- ('notation li - I

ii. friend ol leratenli

I . i'i "' laid a ri ly, " i lb, 1au on i'lier vi a-

1 li KRAR. RIM] LP.

Inanimate objects, again, ail have tl i

odors, ip

I- a ,

: U ."li

is hil ii

bas ut-' . - and

- .. le bi i ita I

known in 1 l-iial

... !.. fr«

rk ami | , m

titll'le ofvt. ila, c not

I . intiain easy t


me n-i-i.ii'i,..ll .' e IS | |, ;i ,,| ,

[ore dippiu inlo a lin

lo be connect- ss 'tu -a h lit- themia iain euiotio ia! <>r uoslhctit valu

v ci nt.


Sa any nu',.ii .ciina ihi ti .cu i-.i.-ii ni laiul uno acc on than thal desired hy the previm own r.In* in i . ci st ah bis personalvs Isle-. In- ',-.-:- . ,, Heil ,'.v his

poi mi has a rmiii to elana ump ii tt*isi-d iuiui ni injiiMit- i- ut ihe

ming to snell i- rson. I he State,.i.i, Droner!] claim andexinise nil. powei foril cm lallt pilblii ar,--- .- bul in ni ri -i

may nol lie int. rferod a it h, noihingune to prevent -rn , (rom di -

in due ioursc, si least aa far as the graudchildreu.. c ncr: and, il we io oue »U*p

inn', r ind saj thal the lass shall not lie altered sn

ia tn ali- even his itfes.-grandchildren, we cer¬tainly e.t'li'l th- pi'ie i|de a- tar as nut mu* cancend', claim nu the grrnud timi bis "senti¬

mental interests*' oughl to lsill possihilil .ii."ii on this point, rc willhowever, go .s .-f one step further, ami Ha Ihe limitnf tba du,-i succession to landed propert] Bl thsnandi In,-: -a tu grand hild al ans exietlug owner.|i !-. therefore, '¦!¦..;¦¦'- <l thai a law aunt be en-

in a all 1.imi,-'! propert >. in li- land -hall,. ,m descend f. r foul generations cv mid the ex-

i owner ind til ii p.-- Uilhe Btate, It hasIn en alu ad;, slevin 'lils will nor, infringe anyunlit iiieal ict ol privilege that oucht to ut

rn ittod i" landowners, oi even ant sentimental in*leieal thal they realli -,. >¦ neither, as will beshown f111111. i nu. will n. iu iii! pm .ability, appro

diminish the marki t valne ol their prop nv

ttnring th.- lifetime of any exit-ting owner m heitat-.a v..

In all those casea In which land Joei not paaafi. fathei to toa or daughter, bnl coHatcrallj tobrothers, uncles, eonsios, or other netsous, bs mm i!as in all a si ¦« iu which it iaaoldorgivi u twa,. eachsepal ate transfer isto becouutod i equivalent to-ii succession in the -lire-t lineof de- em, thereneral itatement ot tlc nea laa being, that landwill in- allowed to paaa to toni successive owners..her titan the ictual ever il the time ol the

of tbs Ai t. sud will, on the dei eimc ol thelast " s uer. becun-- ih property of the Mate.My proposal sviil Iteet lie understood, and Ita advantages explained, hy taking iiillustrative ca .wing exactly bott u wouldwork. Let ns sntipcvse, then, thal owing to a rapidmi essiou of .¦ i gentleman has come in unox-

s u- Ihe fourth successor n> an estate, andtherefore having onlj ¦ life interest in the land.1'i-e estate ousists, peTbaps, of a house iud exton*-ive pleasure grounds, of a home fiirm. and of, -isai en en surrounding turu,-. Tuis gentleman lia* a

ol sons na daughters, mu he wishes hisirlea! son tn nm niue to live on Ibe edam, which,m-still su| jins,- bas been long --niue t a nub hisfinn ly. At the death of tins laal treebolder the

iain! nf the estate becomes public propert.!bul anything on tin- laud ur st in, li mc been idoodIn its vain bs the pre, edin;.' t-.tir owners, ninniesthe propertv ol t;,-- heirs, and every tntnre hol-leiif the laud s-.iii have mi in tenant rightt" everything titer may aciiuire, 1j*~ hu _ the landitself, and a so to every aiblition or Improvementnt vv liatever kind the. theinselvcs make tn it,rvjou after the passing ol tin-Ins. we bave here

idvocateii, a general valuation ol all Ihe land olIreland will bave been made, even a'parate field,iilol. or holding being eatiiuateil :,..iug lo u-

nhcrenl co .'ii live vallie as <:*-j-i n .. nt ou soil,Pllbsni), BSptCt, -.linnie, elevation ai 'ive the sea,

.icinity to toa us or marketa means n oiumuuica*lion, and ali other facts and conditions, uot givenn h bv alu preceding owner, but de|ieudem it herui inn nial quail til s ami sum ute nxs or m. the gi n-

.rul aeveiopmenl ol the touutrj lc- munalinlne nu;, ealiiii.-iti-.i still bi- the State -around-ni ur "quit-rent"; md, ns maj ne necideil mi

min time to time, either the whole or tome lined.nilen -a t na ground leul st ni be payable hv.very holdei --i tami which has ceased in bepri*ian- pi!,pure Tins " ground-ri-hl' ss ill, nf. durae,ne v.-i.v mc ii IoBer ih.iu tue lowest rent ever paul-yu tenant to ¦ landlord on the old system; hottu tin- v, ill probably nevi! have tobe paid in

Fal), inept in the earlie! Magi ol the transitiona,un public to private ownership; and whateverunpiiitmii ol ii is decided un bj the Governmentn ne payable ss ni be nmform ..v-i ibu whole(unite, and will only !..¦ raised m lowered for.tato purposes, or as a suhstiiute for uppresaive or¦iju'lii iou-1 ta tal. ui. - t hnf it ttill b-- unj-v- il,li¬lia! any favoritism should lie shown to particularndividualsoi particiilai localities.So Iiuich belli!.' premised. We will rellim tn nut

llualiatlve case ol the cetate whose la a pru teaoer has just died. In due colina- the heirs willlome into posseasion ol bo mu h ot the Innd as the.¦ct personally occupied, bi il.ground¬nut * determine*! uv tue general valuation, which.xiii be "pen t" In pe ri ¦" in even parish, andtrkoee amount will thin have la-en long koowa tilie ber. ll lu- decide IO i nunnie I.Ce ii tlclouse ;ni'i .> upi thc borne lunn lie mai -.-- to, st uhhe aime certalutv and seciirity ai il be were stillbo freeholder and tbe M groau "wen- merci]in enlarged land tan; ami h.- will also be able toroaster Ibe occupation to hie sunni- snoeeaaor, or

.(> sc! iiis .' tooan! rijnu" lo any one bo m to ootaiu

he tull value nf an, Improveinepts be may Brakeit the Batata. He map, n he likes, pull down boasesir fences, eat down trees plant or remodel in anyBay he pleases; fur in doing tins he is nuly lui-

proving or inioring his own Balabla oi tnutater- !it)!<- prapertj. One thing however be renal not'lo, ami thai is to sublet oi ntoitaaga tbe leader Itenant-right, u being a principle of stat,- policycarried into etteef Ly th. Act ali-.dt referred to)hal im nne mast bold land except from the Gov-.innunt direct, and mu-i not, sxt-epl nader certain .I. Itu-d eonmtmiis. simp il it tn any claiBU ss hehpouid deetroj ol iatetfere suth the aeeotity f..rbe ¦.mund-rei-i payable to the UorernmeBt. linss th* very ess-nee ni tin- prnpos-d m. i.-in nt lawl- I

anuri*; .since, il it were not idopted, tbe -am ,,-

¦iiu.ulaiuni <>f bimi in the pesMrsston ot iPdividaala I[bat now prevails might again occur; tenantswooli again be rab** I t" probil lion atlnulatiou juni that p. ri. ei freedom and unfettered owner-Iibip essential to tie full development, beth of the Jlapacitieaol the aeil and et thoa, good mara! ami).ti--cl .al- its vs heh sm ii ownership ia calculated i" i-m,lu,,, tvi.tild in- pg tin destroyed.Mi upi -si in/. lin vt et, r, lua I the leu ol lens did not

u i-li to ii npj the estate, bul aan tesl to realise -t

linda theil property, they ronld **.ii tbsi-it.iii right, inclading everything thal ssas ipopihe iuiui, eifi.-i by private contract m rabin aa.

Linn, lllld the purchaser vsniibt irt nice I,eenie tlieholdipr nf the hind Hinter Ihe State,A- paget**- ih>< ethel tares wbieb bad been

rented <>ih bf the ia-i earner, each tenant ip aetaalroeapallon at the time ot his dealh wonld bareUn* right to esntinae ni.tlitlni l.«--l in bis holding,them, forth pitying the tixetl ground-tent lo U*v*miiib*nt, ami purcbasiug thc toiiaul-rigUl from tbs

heirs ol lbs last owner ol ths land. If a privateagreement .ihl nol tte straaged between theparlies. ,¦ tm 111u, tn exorbitant demand! hy th'-listers iii the tciiaiil-n.'ht. lim tenant sh..nhl be

cm puwi re-l tn claim Hint the aumiiiit payableahonhl be .1, t.¦rmiii. d bv an official vain. r. rhoShould take as il basil Ol lill valuation the ll I tier*once between the "gronnd-ront" ind the ivcragnet rent actually paid lor the procediag five yt irs,calculated Bl u ___-derat~ number of years parchase, dependent en tb- state pf repair ol tbspremises md general condit on ot the farm.Should ile tenant not be able t<- paj Hus amount,

author ted po I c issociationi of the natnre ol our

i'uil'iiii. sn-na e. talah! a-ivaiee a certain propor¬tion of it 'ti ra ui ty of the tenant-light, repoymentt,, he mad-- bs equal Instolnttents loi a limited rs led.i'lii-. nf eonroe, relersonlr to theos eases in whichthe tenant (hies liol alieady poss, ss the tenant-right.Rut when all the buildings and Improvements on

the farm nave been made by the tenant, >-r haveli iimir bia hy pnrchaas or In any other logal or

equitable way, then he will lev,- nothing to poi tothe last owner ol the land, hut will st once liecomea bolder ne'er ihe Slate, at a sm-, greatly reducedr. nt, stub ul...,lui,- certain.] <-f tenure loi him ellami in- liens, and svith pcf >el it to tue

lon of whaii'si r Improren enta be may makeUpOfl tbe land._MISS lu EU FLETCH1 VS SEW NOVA L.

"in;-, iiivi) ov MEI r--\."an AM,i;icc\ iii ra* i ssh.; AN I.--!-- HI

|1SM» "A Kl I'- MI'il.'. Mt. INO, .tu i.tun,

HOPI P-l " "Vii."

"All claret would lie port il lt could,'* andAmerican novels would lie li] Mr. ii un James itthej ha the im k. " lie He. M Medusa " ia m.

ion to in- i' ic 'lia situatl ii a, bi " innal " ombiiiationa nt laen ih, Aim

md ii:.,.an-, ure onstriicled on i lie mu.1 lines H MorieS i iv hehii va-i sftel I he same pal [em

lui pal t. I, ol till "... 0 a "...ll "I i

t he nut; ¦¦' :a i>": iii ii- rei pei t eu n oi a ini,nen, u hackers]. ' I he Heel ul

i, tc in a eiicr Ley in vcr.!

like <.; them, rt ,!i Lc et. r. ari all, Iii.

people o rs ntimei I. i of ti hit ii " heid i i, ,-,,!,.p.I, t, is sen i ,, in

the in 'incl of Miss 1 He ' llul'.-, ii - '.i i' il - B,nuti.e or " silpl,1 ,1 V I I, Ilml llll-i-ell'lnl!

li rh!, ¦¦.. v ls ii h

. u,-i Ional main-f-pi mgs arc t -.

.¦tu .rst Will i. mal n-i-nml i ii iii-' tnt ' I


vb:-!, ile,luis v. - ii, ten

llr luol' i-pisnii i- tl

tl] St illi less kill. Viiirisisof tb


,-r-i- of(lest il . h. we think, ii um n ¦¦ lor

:tii ilItalian rival, vv. vs are,,! a ainu n of sounds in the silent¦. t (tonie r

.* It ladle she- p I

i" jj nt to bi ina ibe cityr ii--..i iv a mlle th

il 11! -I e. ii n,, .. i, darile, as il ns lost In


-I.. J- ll.I v ,U il nv -I Iii

ll) -I |- .. celle il .;. , BUtlrated willi lour; lau ea io whi ttvte

lu run f' ar minute i the rot u, ¦-.¦ I with tbe

pr. .n .. In ,. liien

ul Hie a .ll -Illili,! -, Dig I. il.ell-. Icu ,r>er, m.- c

:h ii ,. uta creator S, .'idellHu v Ditto, vt

' 'linn,' ic ii;.:... I,-, di .,vt..v ;.t ic- Bil ...I iv sa un, lt

-. il, im il on.

The story i- so ali ihl timi it arcelv -''.ans worthsv hid- in analyze it. To ho nure, here is not mu. li

;' .. si ni,-."

iii the lives uf thc majoritv "t mcuaud "t,,i.those brief yeaisol lot .making, oleh- itaing, ni losing, a tuen, to nota lists nt least,seem to make up ihe mm of human life. Thatthinas i-iw , jo wiong, thal mistakes, irrevo.

ut iii, m., ie, that liteblunders is almost etnpf-j except ol iegret, thal thefountains of though! and sction can be kepi iweel.ii,,- 11 e-ii uv loving memory ol some one bopellost, this, ss we lake it, is tho moral of - Tho lb-adol Medu i." rhe heroine, Barbara Floyd, is au

.\m luau .-ni af lu, ar purity nnd nobility of char¬acter, s\ in. naries the wrong man. ililt cou*scions!, iii love witb a countryman of lu-r ownnamed Hardinge, she leta herself be arawa into amarriage with an Italian Count ('es.-, Lalli, nnd.In ¦ in a year's time or less she is disenchanted.ll-; a-bim!'- MiiiiaMei is teiv bappil* indicatedin tins image.

.ie., ns' In tbe lia- an Tyrul sith her father,tin ba -,i -it nu- itreaicr nari ol b sumo er day di iv

111 u ni -I :.- ii i t ;..n -e v. Ill, ll SItimes va- .In- ei ii. ic, ic.m. Bhe rt in, ni, red llleila, uni In,il* o.t.,.".. ii,"Hilt.tu, . .a :. t r tv., v |(s,euell,i bet (B I shs was sSi-mi lt sit over s sta. Andwas it allege! er Ce«( o'a f ult thal abe sd Ut ," r under¬lie.ri s Soutbero nature I lim beever pre! ii led tobeotaerwise lean he wssl Sue I Dournt ol the Italian-'r-.iti; .ii.'!.,- ie .,,,.,,-in*. soraiBg 0

n ;. 'u te-.- a ,-.

r -,-.-.- ii ,-¦. i, it io Dei n a ire andii-I ',.! li, a .,,:.¦ i... i bi toe extremity ol ionia

A- long as the anthor la busy witb these two p r-

snii-, iuiii willi a b vt pf ber sutrOrduiatc n ur

appears to Us to show rial very considerablepower. Barbara Floyd i- the daughter ni anAmerican gentleman, s boee wife bad iresertcd him-.tinI,- Barbara aaa a child, Bbo has aeon vcr] little

.s nrld winn she meets Conni Lalli al um llorac. I.aili and bia friend Borgia, it nol triepiiiui', -,n luuiig Italians, an certainly "cr. likeyoung Italians as seen bj English or American ob*se|Vi *S. 1 alli's Ul b I. Or "He Ot Iii- tie!,-, Ia, |*> (,,nek'-n cut hui: display; >>f all his mos! glitteringqualities. !!,. c handsome, brave, heart leas, cruel,a i.ti ni he worst di scription, who p'aj * at mog¬il ninnie neall ninney malters while bets reallyineaii end lu,rd. He is a thiugof sentiment, likeali the ;.--i'-''ic in the itorv, aud gives hiniseif apluxuriousl.t to the sena ol being in love, though -hilt every fortnight. With all th s, he is

ind. h] appe .a,,.' rn Barbara for pity and.* sm n du;.," he sn mystifies the uoor girl that shehence-.gsr-gftd tn and marries him. Iii. ii I. r-u Laiiucelot, in the romance, " falls to his obilove again,*' hain.-, about a mame cousin, prot nkeatin- ii a.-v "t ber hu timmi, and is. in a way, tho

Min woma li's death, rho mi-eiy of the lifoss bi. !t Bal bar lead with this man. on an estate inin- -,in,n v. ia nilly mitigated i-.v ihe memory of a nu Mi. I!.,-, inge, who lc*- married a liena olhe ec. Mi ''Mas.- Danton, Itel husband isi|iute aware thal sh. lovel Hantinge-.indeed thehas ,n li I,alli ;.- urn li hut then Karun;;.'-- i- -iinl,nm ul th.- v.uv. The reader ma] u-k. Whal has the-henl ol Medusa ' to do vs iib all thief As tar aawe understand Ihe Bother's meaning, her lieroinelooked un the (Jorgan's bead al the momeni whenshe dianovered the hopelessness <>f Ina oro for-tline.-, .-uni saw herself, at twenty-two, cut "il fromlove nnil life, a Muli lb ss -a, iiiuaii with an mi Hil,rentnml unsympathetic busbaud. In tins dolorousrape, Balbara ii preserved hom bim-* actuallyturned, as ui iii" nhl myth Into none, by"i.', nf hei i'm nd's husband. Mr. Ilsrdiuge.She takes an int- real in tl. u< ition nf the locallt ii ia n p. ii-r, lui ans I lani nee who bas |ict takenbis degree il fj.toidi sta- Interested in populareducation.

\\,- cm f -,s thai we cnn hi give poor tlarbari moresympathy n' she lind uot toasole-d hers, li by un imsguiaty adair of tbi heart with tbe ibsenl au. nn-

un bu an il ol lur mi nd. Tba au. li a -- ntm tnt -li- ultl ¦ "in niue iu bel breast is one Ihiug;thal a good vu.min ihould make a mental ucl ol tuer-i-ntnu. i-l. ami n unlive thal nullen eil all lu-rlife, is mother adair, ludeeil it is surprising ilia!I.aili, i.-in- whal he waa, did not mi hei ihr-.u.Old vi.null-1ua. the Roman servant ol Bal .ara,leila a stol, it thc liegiuniugol tbe novel ittoui ¦goman bopheeper aho had settled bis mtsrimonialdifficulties v. itii a Itiiiie. Ami perhaps sse rouldforgive Barbara more readily if thole bad been anyreason ah] she should fall m love witb Hardinge.He Was a ifnntl heal ted. handsome youug b-lloss,with ii tree (low ol lb- usual Oxlord talk, a heh de¬rives it- humor limn the contrail between thegravity aim magnitude ol the topics and Uu lightuidifl.-ieu-a- of tic spsaker. Ile seems very wellii.iitcii mt lea*! aa far as we have BUtsle out his char*;tei«T' with Octave Darnoo, a tu-it., American girl.whoas practical kaowled.eof lite le a foil to liarbar s - vt a ni i-f se li-.lue-,, ami gaile. Harban busanotbei laver, Ur. l/sxetet, bat, u- hs bus aita neilto tlc meal age ol thirtr-Dve, ind is, besides, iwnt.r nu ric puss, lie is inter in the running,Mill ste ire given a glimpae ot a taomeut when bemight nave cnine ni stun cit,,a, but Loxetur waatm, sit!.

¦. lin [lead of IJednsa" i. mr better than thecommon ruck nf novels, To ile ulmosl of tinwi net's pms rs she has striven to produce « woikol ari abe has sv rulci bet I; i ire-ivedbel lt -tiing banu if rs well end, thou b we do natIlk.,- mr ie ral. it i- obvious!] one that to tbeaiitb'U- seems adequate, W< bave air,-,'Jv com-

fil .im<il nt tie inna.-i ami length of the mt. no¬ami di- r 11«. i,-ii. of ll-emu; impressions. Sometiiii'- the iinpn MU)ns make th. rendel torget alla .-ni the characters and event-. One bas to lookbael, to tut out whal vt a going no. .< e rail] normuch is ining aa. iii'-re is a p.ts-.i.e iii the thirdvoiiinie imi tu " iinprcMtinii-." Ile re in un percep¬tible Bind, bnl tb.-re ts a heavy isrOBl nf orangebbmaan. Tbe eouvaothaU riagathe aaarter. Totin* en j nt bar dapa Barbara wlD never forget tbaairs »niue people -ire playing ia tbe Matt. I >ne ottb.- t mliiia muk-:*, ;, bbiiul, i jn tba second bar.ib-n - somebody wss speaking in whispers in the

test room Ami wag ec. anotbei acmad laih,- i.-e.- sn ends a ebaptei i aad imsv. at last

says flu- leader lo Wbub 'A. sun., thing nally is _n

I Ing to happen. It ii near tbe ebiae ot tbe third rol-

lim.*: wc hav. ant had n g.1 ne iden! J*< I some

thin.' .univ wili occnr. Perhaps Conni I.alb has

bi ii uiol ni a due!, and they wa bringing her hus*

hand home demi. Perhaps d's Lalli himself 'hatbas arrived in a fury of joaloniy. to aci-e Boi nra

ami eui. r awi! to u dungeoa lu his aneeitral. is!le. riothing of the km I, A cousin "l Bar

liusiiunl baa hit lur tullis.*, nml is v-rv ill,

aud.pie smut Barbara t" go and sit uti wita In r.

let is all...ih-lle.ui of Medusa''ls thns. at best,a rather

favorable and not too origini *fpe< lu " ol the iielne iinlv. mualug, rather morbid modern novel, w a

had expo led Bom thing wwei arc lew after ¦

given p.ut.-rn. Thea, expectation! ur-- tiis-.p-

pointed. The book is full of tal nt, »ul wi

imp.M thai tbe talent ol theaulhorof ** Miragessoiil-l hive ntccM Into aomothing more likegenius, i-rtaintlv into BMnething stomped with theictr.i nf originality. Thi re ire apme inning .> dntain the -cry v. h.Mi univ jua< be worth noticing pi

rapable ol easy improvement. Tbe Kiencb wordt,. roi "i the pi Inti i are not alwayisi" li properly,and theaccentaereo lbs!pla :. li is itnne< i mai to priul fragiItalian lu i-ra- ki i*. ns vt ben a nea -naper trausiats -

ri fun cn tli-pat- ti, ind 0.eineillv fl" ia th-ii Idiom ol vt hit li our lani ,

nn equivalent. Ls Iv, vvc -leuid like to know « hatls Me lt tn foi .. bang it all, don'i ul up n

H'oida i-i.i into th ..nh ol ti roung Itali ii uoble-mm. I'erli .ps "ih.- Head ol Mei usa'' ss:

have lie* n sv rii ten in vain il I prevents u

tish ni American _ui- from marrying Italiaamint likeOsi.- Lalli. " An laen ti m th it ¦«

Itnliai ate dolli quickly pi- i devi in li de,".-iv - i in proverb. Au glish girl

[tall mate must e ipi ct, at the vt i-'" it, tuli'.e n ,"!-,-¦, sll

u bei isl mi' can a eely he mi e bat mo

DK«n ntl ti *n_

ONT BUY 1 L18H CAInut . v

Si, . r i

,-¦ ,ai ii n *.

:!' :,"!:.:I

'I ii! ,

I c -i

a i.


ij aro ano Roo 13.

! )

I 'Ul

Il .¦


id.CT BOARD,t ? r "ai* Iii ll

ll I.i -\ ;- V ill le

if! '->r.--i.111

.n i:\sr -j M>-sr.-.\ 1 1-.-_. 1


,)\ EAST 7:t.!-ST.. Bel-mr I

,1.1" V.

.l'l FIFI ll- .'. OR. 101 ![.. i'.-M. - n

. a*_. ii, -.1,111,

.>"*** '.-I ..'(.: il-- r..Two nic-ly iu

./I pal lora tai lei

J*I EAST 3SI ll- T..X i .;. I el ga ly">.' labc -Dpsrnneata

|'il** .\\,» i>*> 1. s" J:;!' I ,.'11Boor '0

with li, -r.l inp rn b ii

I .!>- LKXIXU M>.N-.\V::.. r i. .'.'i ll - 1 .-I .!. 9 t iv (urn ibnd ,,,,

ran ¦.

.> V. 5TH-AVE., in-ar 28tb-8r..Apai-aa' 1*1 1, r _*>llllt> I" Il ll ill |_ UH) |.

a; nicely turui ba i: scp irior -

Ipi iel

'.il I 2D-AVE.*-Rooina in Iii it .

.lt)-_" ii.n, oi ii.ti, ral ii ird. Il i tua r.


i'\ v mg rniaii n k .vu.i. I- a \ ,;; i.l-l' c \ ,11 it KS) -,, I.-.Hs

au... ....",'¦ a bini

¦-.. 'I I' .a, -., Bl bO II I".. ii.

I,Uti I ....'.' tj:n |. Ha . Bul .10 na IO .

t r.;i\ A '¦.'. .MILY will thou!- ii ¦! tn -ii onl if ¦.¦ h., -i

li ni-.,, -nt: ali eon .. ii ,,tCa- 'i 11* Wi

Vbi i li , da an .I d reline l -t cue Iami v.Itt . lu til.-a t

il u tcrmit,iiii^- ITivsie, a"- tS *¦! ine ry.tuu

i» -V It I Ul> "i ' With tue ..'.>' Ol lt t ¦:; *

ira :.iirl , i ,¦-

. K.vt'iM.i N nm Uptown uli .. -. Urt-yivrsr.

'I'm [.ET..A large, sq i-tie wcond-8 o , ti urI sud .' 'a. i .1 ti) I.- ..r -. mi ir. {un _l, -.

ii* alttl ¦ ta.n sli-siliwr*.of K i-lii'i itunnel u- .ii lib- ric ,.i

ia .a ' in No, 6

*> I »\ EST 271H-8T., aecond h..a-. vc-t i**weX Bl vu i ai |/.t.

.. -.-, ¦,; t. na i-i

j.***. WEST :>"> I'll-si'.- i: ., .. ii.,,,*.-*_»t t I i"I. Ml ,' I,',ni l I,-.,.

I133 Jbosnl snd p ¦., ,.ia .unuv e

ii**; GREENWICH-AVE, .. i-W- t 12 h-v.. I .Yat iii "-1 en,vc i" i v |,

I \t W EST :bilil-r-l.. i.r.r Biondv1*9-9 ai i- jrul me in Im

-itaauoit. ruaiit-.. j*.- a..

V LARGE ntiiub'T ol -. Swcdisb,i,.a in :, an,

Iii* esl el n.,,a pu, es. ni .- b i.l,j t-t1 lltltsl .ti ll

1 -if,

pilAMBERMAIl) nnd V, Al BvV li iii ¦-. Hi sr gt .- -

iu* ft*"- na. rene iveri nea ei i.-. - n ,.

wall like ase.-. .. ¦. ; ;n lbj ,.|-

Inqnlu lui ii c., u....,,*. ut.j

PO iK, <ii \\| (ERMAlDand WAITRESS.V Bv two gurls srla laa lo live ton- ihri ,, .,

""- si a , ...ill, -i. Illl.ll.l ;n, 1.1'.:, 1.1. U) aa. 41 Will it I

Ins a pro. -i i,em pr- te ml. t. i ct, fen ,,,

,l,,!--t nil,- ,|:i:i| up.

( ;i;Ni RAL HOUSEWORK, fcc.- Bj ;i v, tiri lately 1 ad !.¦ .lo r.enti ,1 ... t. i..,.rsrenf ci: _ .-¦,¦, .... .

{ GOVERNESS, fcc-Bv nn px nie .. d amiI "*.a trnaian timi in lady, tt :.,,.,. crstwiitl* Ku ¦

I;-!.. 1 ic., li au tnia- ea Un ii.,.. 11,1 \tti ,.,-. fft !||ly; Iii |a, :.|I'' a -¦ Irria, f. - ..' llMA s .i.i- s ;.m^, ,. a,.line I 'tites ' ! I ,., ..a

I lol ;-i:it I'l.i;. R- n l»u- aa \s rkb-r¦ ¦ i,,. , ind s willow r av ulo*.cr ¦ kui i ... .- e an t>rc .. ,;,,plain wins ant la , ;!,_ . ,,., ,.

n ., n ¦..,-l'llv

,.m uv I,... ul , A *u-.- A lt., l'luti-e. .:. Bro ti -..

ttUllSEJ '. .' J .Bi experts ......

lsd) ul.' I e: ,. I* \. ..

oi -HJac.ii to ll, tl - i ., -. a -K," Ati-t ei ,. ell,. I-

IlTn i.\,M..K .. (..uv. i, \i .sTurkss.1 . lit S-4 -il. li ¦.:..!.- il in- en ,,i ii in .-i , ,

'""'. l'l Ul r-.Ul et. a len, Hil !.,, I.el a'I l.,l . il ll; k'Isfclod anti nbligioa s-si ia.U-i t.. aire ot mil. ,u ,_;ill 'J. ll:.i :iv ,. im-,i '*-,', ,.

I AUNDRESS..A nra*-...him iniurf.l Gian-IJ dress «n I....-.; -.. m ..i a. ..-s m.,i in -i ¦, 4 ,.,.,

I* ,.e, BU.S4 If.l'll," tej'- . ,ll I lill.. *l,_.!|i|- ,, .,., .,,, JrMMMislde terni.: cil,...,i,i cu. dawe in *lroy sit ls ,'-_nor ilili!| ll t^V K .- H. I- "'. C V, .1 |C_, >(

I *. I'MMiKSS.- B.V :i U|, ..un, i-ninti!,¦.¦''.'.IS. .- .. - to do si

.. i- otms .f i.i -.-. rs ito can\\..«i .,, ii t tn i , i,,i , v

*' '*"-* '-"¦

1 AliNDl_l - (' "im . scans, uj j (TuiSB.* Mi'. Ml Ba*! 4-.-. -: iui |<4 *-"." "-.

Vii:-'... \ - .¦ ii it r-t. i ,,,,, ,,,? ,,...*_«, ,,,,vli.'.»" " fi,,.,,..,., ,.,,-, .

|,:l>y " "'¦* .i alM .

ir-1-0(1le,ttl- lOtJ.N.N

V1;",\*wV"'' ;<> '*"'"': [>.i *'-! '.."cv.

,. I .' I

\¦r,,..,;;;..IVAN IKI), ' uion -icu..' sviicrc tit,.,..


V.'",1'. I ¦-: s. Kl cn B_aIninti,a t ,,(,,»., nm, ... ...n ie -.1.,,-,

»*»-**, H'tl.

tjflu lU.i.ucu4 Mil.i.l.'.s pyRKlSH, l-.i.r.tTi'ir i0d i:..

-:- nutt batta i.i Lattagisaste., wsta tsatts t. -iBSSIMH! ..,',.*-i, dialling .0,U,,.y ,u«l,«i.. ri,, ^I illili**..

..itnatione fDitntci. ff]a\t%A BRIGHT, intelligent, "cil-,.,1,, '. ---._

lirra***!, ..^..'.¦aw-C.«',, \; .

'¦"'¦! i: '"¦ a-al

18SJ8TANT BARTEXDEU or f;i..,i,\ ,' _» _ »s a -oroBStsni, -uart. ., ,'' El I

A iKMI'l. Al rrllBble, -,,,.. -

1 ..- lu lu.V -aimc. ., ,,,** -SIS¦¦'» l'"i-¦. mia -i nip, .,M '

-¦ '" ti-»-.-t-viW.H T Pi ,

-,-.'"*»:«, v ,


ATIENDANT !',. ,, -,,,, ¦-, ci,, -_¦ _JJ\ inmi,or!ii-.i-1,,-p- m.n. Br B ronna nV,,.¦,-!,, ._

¦ 7.' '- w ¦-

li-a ail gatts ll

ccesCN.V 1"A':'

PAirrKNiiKii.-iiv ., .,-.,.... j ...1 " ufa ,-. w ,,-..'.

-¦ V ,.,Ita h ni- na; - lt Uernai


I>| ORKEEPEII OH ci.I !,'K.- <.,a 3 mn., 3>..:. ; "i |I 't-Sn

.(c. I.I ,. || "*-*4«^

I-.OORKEEPER er <0lI > i.-H. ,.

rif ll K re I. .1 Sill

mi* i lei: nd ( o< iv..iiI I


pLE ". & -B .1 vV

ii floe"i**say. ' le ...

pLEKK or I'i' I

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-no..i a

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H.. AKiMiN ii::: ..¦ csefi r. v-In »t-l ;

. ralet m. y u soars ml __a

null -st.

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IIGHT PORI i'.A -1 ra un inafla :



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jJOR'l lt. \ von ii ' mau. 23, s. nlc . S

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PORTER..Bj I 'a " II-

Ul I asllflll e-m 'I .4

g i a,j - hiv * -.

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i '. .... i

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IJORTER, &c\.B*. lira un " .'1 .ma hsr.1 worl ' **_I-m ii n «1 ..: j i. *'

-,, . csil or-Idr-'is 1 l


Ile!' I KR, a -a ilion w ia !':*

dtisin,,: s i,-

i'tv a.'-*"i' -" mu - -ittm * f r -.-¦

.;, cu ¦-.... i-nom: -.-, n- a, > .¦ : .

IJOH : EH rn W Mt HM* N.I ,,".'.-,i mil i,.n.e Aitc-i. I, Ol ¦-_fc_

... tm**. - I lld I-- -. t-i rt 11.1*- u___,

IKIR TE : oi \* All lls'.AN anlli-I ir nt stmei '.-'¦.?ll-,,el. ll..:e!i ll. -it, t-.IV .. ''

MI SN. > Iv __

iii.", i :; i ii wa ichm w1 a filia ni. I ) ara n| ."if

ni 11. i-i n renee I."_« *****

Jim.: I ER ... WAT! ,I.M N !.I I: it a_ii cou rt la ...

; ii. ., a i.:., i. .. n Hu,a*-vv i -t

rri-W LUNG SALESMAN.-Ail itV^lI" -,-. , '-IUl

,a .,.!.., bon 1 _-.. st! '. **''"

t-'/tt. i S -il.tlll.e, t- u. > J

I'KAVELLLVG SALESMAN'.-In »l«.| »«JN.'I.VI >)¦ 4,1 riff lt '-' *'"

wi.-, in- hat!.. t. t . i, .: .. r .-:. h .. t"*"-*

'. . -: ....war., \ j

I 'MEI L MAN.-By * ies|wv*t_i!>le .;< tar^jI mi! w(V Sri .- - nartill UM'l '' * ''_ g.

ob Iring ..n.i csa .¦.. t ..' '>¦ -,- .f ' *".

-¦ ; ii-. .Xs -., .'-!;.

IT8EFUL M VN. n. i. sub ... ... 'J"?

" " '¦¦ -rt-

,-s .:...., Ai.- I-4V-.4.

*j1 *-|M l'l, \. ' Vd Iii. n,...I V-'l *

\.tl sn-au

.walli n ... ri .¦ ,.i ca .s rt.. I. -ii....: i .i-i*"i. -..' Ill

W A rEli- - " " ! JSTl d-.l .-I- .' * 'a- " * ft' -rei.'


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WAitEi: I.- u .nt i .tu1 > .,..., .a*.i

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V-Ja'iThMA.N By ii Frorcst..^. nu*>> a.,-! .B a. i.itsm wal, Inna.! -..r"-J\%tt«"wt.ill.t ''...I .? I'.' AiU'lTI'".""'-':! " *.» "*

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