TOPICS INT THE CHURCHES. religious THOUGHT in two CITIES.. UK. BKICIIKB ON Uti IVHiYMrVI III A TIMM V BKii'ii.ifs nut. BB. AiiMHAi.r. COXaaMUU IBB IJSTOKTAM V Ol- III UOIOM ASH MnKMlTY IN A CITY LIKU NPW-YnllK-UI'KNIMi SKHM*>N OF A aa, HlM.OKI.YN I'ASTOBAI K -n I 111 1: M>(,Ol Isl s. Mr. Becher vestciday morning consiilereil IBO enjoyment of a tmily religions life and tin hin¬ drances to it. At theClnsson Avenue i'leshyiei ian Church the Kev. David lt. Fraze! preacBcd his first sermon as the pastor; be is Dr. Duryeu'a ineeeeeor. Dr. Armitage, at ihe fifth Avenue BspCtal flinn h. Bi Btw etty, spoken! lae overwhelming Importanoa of religion aud nmrality in great cities like New-Ynik. Di. I. A. K'ttrcduc, ol Chicago, occu- pmd the pulpit if tbs btadtaoe Bsjnnrt Preebyterian ( iiMit h. ami preecbed of thc life beyond tba grove. Dr. Manning, of the < Hil South Church ni Bonton, showed thal the (ross of Christ was the true nn- s.vcr to the heart of man; Ins sermon was delivered tn' the Smith Reformed Church. Mt. 1 il! my, in Cc Church of thc Atonement, prcactied ol Christ's baptism, Dr. Mit.lynn, al Sf. Stephen's Raman Catholic (hun 1 tonk up the Imami sui Cent, and .ci'ti willy warned lits hearers against the BM of intoxicating liquors. IMNDl.ANi CS TO CHKIsTIVN ENJOYMENT. Th* Ste. Jlmry Ward Brrrhtr. ni fit mouth Church [Congre- yal. In jiitc nf BM Mm in lMyniouth ('lundi WM eempiutely Ailed pesterder mom ng a hind' inn- raae of callas and Biker BeWOTS rested fi pun the pulpit I nilli. end a vane of flowers was piace.i up< n the athel Bideef itform Mr. H.-eehi r make willi more than usual lari *, taking foi Ml lal BskTCWS x. 88 anti 39: .. Now lacjan shaii liva ey faith kel if any sam dian my soul shall have BO ideas-are la Mm. Bat WS are not ol batta BBB draw back unto perdition ; but ol ti 'a th ii mCtaVS ta the saving ol las ssaj " In the early ne--, th prc taker * nd, whether among thi beutheiror among thc Jews la Jccwaatam. Ike breem lng a disciple of Christ brought such trial* ami tempta¬ tions atm porn haems eaters was pernetasny itsWa to iircab down. Dur BsVfcms had ls midi nw the incon¬ stant.those wbo were without rtilmltv and without Ji iiniiit-nce. 'I be Apostles found it cvei v « lu re easy IO gather, bari to keep. Then ama peculiar trials In those eany days. To become s Ckrtsllau, a benthos hid anio.i nt. rally I" cai hims lt ofj from Bil kind. Tue Apostles wire oblmeil lo pul aside tbeoffheo of rife and to keenSM almost hermits. There were so msnythlriKS that carried wtih them Bm ftasfc and tbs machine! v of worship. Coutinnal raf icc ls made to these th I now. The stale of mind Into which men come who are truly di-i-lplesuf Christ is one of profound nit rest SfaBM one who opt nilites. The gnesisnf religious felling, the scope of It, the nece.sitv of lt. are transcendently more Interesting as a study than physical science. What implied ny being Ina high ratkTtam stHteof mind? lt Involves the alibiing consciousness of two elements -one of th'* continuous pn % uce ol dod.af the aroa! Ali-soul of the mil vci se. Thtt i- uidi-pcnsable. to a religious tiaie. There mint also beau abiding con¬ sciousness of an Invisible world, willi a history, that cs to aud militantly i x-tis an influence on us, toward wbieb our life ls un emigration, a mandi. This St use ul the uuse- :. ls w hat tiie \ pus le means by faith; and If ant man draws back and bas only thc conscious- Bess of what the eva can see stn! the ear hear, he ls gone out of grace and i- ter.alist. Thc pren God excites in us a tra,n of emotions not unlike those of the Hiv HM Mind. I lie lasktaBtaS of the soul ol Hod pro. duccs a gracious fervor and col''ls Uta human soul, Such a mun has sweet, elevated t motions. i xprrl euee* " they are sometimes called.fi. t rill the soul and Vibrate In lt. Out of thens BCBN such v. arni sv mpatlnes formen ss to hi nut a tine Clrl-t au Bereen Into BStrVS *vin,ath\ with other psfSOBB Il,te v.,- I ive loreto witball ll* variation*, aud love loman. Those that tiwi ll in tin* Mate Ha BSBSCtaUS of BS pleasur. » greater il.an such. A trii" f ii-i-iiau SXpsateB( : lawful plea-iins, but irradiates them in, -:. .down saan gems a Bght fjam hlgkmtaknga Cult arc nu ans guinn toa mau'* *elt a ret-eptlvitv, a sensibility, mid a perceptivity cn uti r thea he had tie- tore. Because I bare seen what Ita Benlee! srtistsdo 1 enjoy more even the ribbons on a horst's bridle and tbe bells In sleighing time. The towt M form* of ai': ure more to inc because I have sympathy with Hie higher foi in*. Pa tb" BBgaael iBligtous ex|irrienee takes nothing away from the snYetious or from domesticity, liesities. Ike enji v mt nt which one ts capsidr of deriving from a snople exercise of religious feeling ls transeeadaal v li. uter l ha ii any other, lt has quality, if not quantity ; lt bnsonsassi B IV One would suppo.-e that notiody having onie tasted sue;, au exp rn nee would ever want ttl ree. de from it. Bm antblas i rapot ima more quickly ; noi ins mu-; i e hept m«r |ealou»ly. Wna are tin way* lu ar may low mal draw beek is---n> tbe bight r rel!gi i closures I 1 ha fuct I- ai. ul .m.) uni. .i .1 tint men do Bet tass tee more esquistle barruoniti of the spiritual life. Kxcea r>- ni of the los* ot iciigi. us feeling. There is an Impression that the som c in in ar anything. Bm ihe spit n t.f man bas .ipa**, and it cannot be caw Ibelimll with J ecnditloni li you trauacend Hie rang'* ni suv ame, there v. ll he a rear Hoe. It ii man aadertakea withi it ai,, r>;',rd io prud nee or hie ea- to i.i- all tin- uni" in an le state.la a " revival state," um it is I.tke time will come winn he wi) rseaaad aaa gn either mio euaibuesi amrkid si an. inn . as man has evel arougkl ni revival lahore wt t keel oowing to what I may esl I vi Iwriods ia his mind, li he ls content ta rest and bc allow, he w .11 ci bm iioinol. Bul If be f lek* thal tke Ball sf .onie io reit la a lemputtos nf ike dei il ai I . tl UKnl"« Hfciniisl lt. the mole li- -liiu,-r. the deeper he will "'.uk. Many iiicn ii ve ,. .| by carrying. tu ii religtoaa teeUuoa and exp rieiiee too 'ar, aud bav¬ in* what may derailed a heiivenlv drunkeuneis muru relic ..to., nu, ti. Bul this is itot thc dirndl it y ender w lucb no mostly labor. [Laughter.] ls om fallHulity ned i er wa ak.a tiru few nf ns arc (.landing by oin own will and pei ii'iiiiiiv. We in- bald Bp i'v surrounding ctr* rmnsiHi re..av friends, purents, Un minister, io a is Aov sudden ciiaiik'" liv which these Buxiiiarus .ut taken swat from a man seems to tl »- ckarss trots bim all religious life, Acuangeol real llrlic or '. chang- of Occupation I -lilts tn quent IV III lc tviiu no a sin void ot sensitive reliaioni feeling. A man aloa* ba* got Into the worst comp my be eas get tut", sui h a t linik.-c iu th \ hHons of Inc as break- off thew auxdmry belita Inordtnary life is atirndtsl willi dancer. Then is Uie Hiue for watchful- i for Christian eouipaiiouship Tin". > tbe tinitiT' lin by a singular and un- iteration of the min in (be direction of m- tual labor. There ls a transmutation of emotion Into un, lo. mou ihe emotions mc thc true ille Biol Hie ,-, nlro of man hood. Faith, hu,. Biol love sollie H's lue em,alon that is tte BBealec man, and tba Intellect is tu nive u feed I'm in itlvo man ls the mau, and the Int ;. 1 " il i. ls tbi :. Mulili ni,.- oi I. u think no!iims of tee valli" of an emotion until ll is cai lum un ul' a. lins ls hs If a loan sa.ia il turu gold Into lead Bv tue time tie- bi acne tue feeling; is gone, resolve religious fervor toto pbik.«opu*. Km me tun. po»is ol iii oath i knowledge lt is well for turn to inalyzo t'l.-ir cmoi: oas, bal carrying lt loo I ar, cording t.. th Kew I ., ls running the min u u backwards. Wtadlac tke aatea the wronc way. Many and manya ii .it km tasl hts religious feeling by reading Ino mncb navel rciu.-i.iu. Mani ..nd many a man ii is toltawi d his liilcilectiial iie.liiei: ni* hui oBi.'liel futilely. This age bi peculiar Iv sn bWt I. h temptations, lt ts not an ase of philosophy only, bm of researeb. Everywhere religion and sclenoeare striving togettt r, ..mi ;.ouri ig tement on tbe growing side ol the human soul. Hill lt a liiai' Ciianirr* Ills oplliiuli ah .ll! li a.i, and says tu,ii h.- Boee not know thal Carial was more tban ¦¦¦. iin.rti genius, be paaseeluiba stat ol uttcert-ilntr mid ilotiot. The Apostlt says: "Ile t'r.n doub-.etb is Uauine I"' .¦Hiiniid" means eondemmd everywhere III (he New Tex iil.ient. bur to change lt Would eft 'lid tue convi< au,-of many; and so "Camm I" h.- to stand. [Latughtei Ii iiimus thal doubling is ns nail us Unbe- iliving. U anni takes Mvvsy Um m ai nat only coes ont lev. sid ctitauuj. A (iii wrai ped lu rc- mataai I Bk | W is a soul tn blossom. lrn ii uhb lah uway from acttve r. Ilgiou - feoltng from B more iiuw"i:uy cause.from .u- pr<-d m- manse in tbe soul of teeonga utterly lucomdsl ul with liight r oms. The higher ex;(Unices are aloudsd by tho predomiuaucsi ol .-,.i rxperlcn'.-e* and liat^lons. If a man gi vet; wof lu ins ai>ie*titc .nol overeats, his religious cxpericucc* are aaartoas. You can't violate the tuiui.ii.it iiiul law that Te predominates tho soul is snbtudiuate. Tue singing sale of the mail of men can't be lu bondage to the taner appetite* aad passions, and Bing. Pride, tbe love of praise, uuxcr, revenge. Jealousy, envvlngs, the rival rles et men.how they simkooat ol the finn nneiit ahoye -tarn of love, and . vcrv element ol idesseduess t lli'ii people ii.av ls insensibly leil to this -;a,e by very lcm cent things. Woem persons are prosperoUB. they are sausfled. No f uristaln |>ersoii cnn ever n satisfied. Blessed arc Hu-*, thal knuger. Hunger i:-a s longing alms aeasetkteg higher and ber tn. Anything thal -a li¬ lle* a luau hinders hu) being urawu up to (j el The noble for Mtig'iictituttou In ti.iugs brlgbi aud glorious will ahlde mrev.T.. jLeythlna tnut checks the b>tig!ti<j of meu ui rise higher sod higher takes away Chi!*tiaii Bgssrlwm. Ikea, many lo»e this experience by indulgence li nleasure*.and that, too, lu piea-uie* not disallowed. Lite ls fm! of social enjoyment, aud lt ought to lu but aeen are uni tti.int d to t< inper.itic t,..io.o. iieeuuse a thing ia allowable tu racism,-, ;t Un.-., not follow mat ti light lu nny degree. No pleasure which satlsfl f «Ml so thst it tii«-s imt long tor tl.-aVell, Ito p|.'a-ure which mak'>s prayer stipertluims, ls in ni rtcial. While K<lety is rum. audmlugfing with men is uften a mean* of sraes, these ibtogs nay!, carried ito such an extent as toliitertere with tbe hlgiier ri itglous Hf,-. I won't nlKOnderslood on tin* point. I nelii-ve io parties aud 'U.-i't object todai.ee. and balls so far us the house¬ hold is concerned. I would not bring up young men aud women te lie cowardly. But mr pleasure- regulate it. aud stop .t the point where you find y our- breakinguowu. Kwp watch ot vouisi v. u mern desi mys strong religtanaft ding lu mun lu busiuess savs that BS 1* BM lui*v to pray I <. li in u. ill. If amati ki vs tua! because of f.e ca:e aiiii -sion ot ins Uusiueaa be ba* ail tho more nea io .n-of ula ami. toutpwil can Ive avoided. W*e steps of ilecfJLsa and si-lntu.il exhaustion of tJitr-C work inwardly and outwardly. Tke deeper ano te tat.-r fe. lings die ont. The habit of prayer ».! I. ii;., go.*. aud then tbe windows are shut ano. tue dan, au! the man stands ur best afar off suymg '. Lord. 1/ord ;" snd tbe answer, also from afar, ts, " Y. ciitinot enter In ; I know ve uni." A-itl *o men empty UiciiiselvcKof al. that dd pest, sweetest, most Juli aud iui"( honorable. Christian metbren, how many of von live to-day with out curliest. s"u!-»r.irchingpra.ver I How mimv of roe sse ike Wmd of Oed as seksrm or sn snndet i Bsa msnv ol von are known io bs Ci.tisllan* hy your uncoil- .< o us Influence I How mane have felt that the churl li feeds von, aim no! tksl von teed tbe church I What are von doing for yniineiu -1 What are you doing for oilier,. I ls there one soul for w hom you are laboring I Aro you sacrificing any lim for others I Are von proving tor them I.laboriinc with them I How Beany of you me lehertag in prayer for tke revival el God's work beret Tear church life hal erased, sad your Ckrlattae life long ago. Tour1 lump la not only without oil.lt bas ml any wick, I- it bel tniie foi soiiiei'Oit} and a geed niaiiv POmCBOdlCI to stop I Gae aud another should bogie lc gncatloe, " Where am It" How much of hiv li'e g ne I On abai plane nu I Blending l Bera I gone down, or sm I going up I Am I liiigrovvnig oi growing Bp I" Is lt UOl time for yon to gird np your loins 1 Ia ll not time for tl os.- who are active to see linn they ure more active I lt ls not lang the! as have ta stay. Bydayaanre running swifter tkas Iks river, swifter Brun Hie cloud Morui-nlovvn. iwlftar than the SBgto'l flight, swifter than ,111 amtWI Bad yours are nmg toe, There ls bo tuns to bc (oat Bein sra tura* lng gray; wrinkles seeompsnylae. If you have scy¬ thing to do, ta tbe nano'ot tin- Oed el rear lathers I charge you lo look to yourselves. Begin again to-day. with laval and lear.-¦e.uc'.iiiii, n i.igici .-inti nobler life; and you will not have taken mani atom before yost will brine ons sod rmothcr, tod ike house will mn .i tc bold th'*, wko shall any i "Uv your gravers and yow isinisw.- bam found the Saviour sud bees -avid hy His p:a ions blood." A NKW PA8T0B LN HIS PULPIT. The r.er. T>a<id g frazer in th' Ciaiton Avenue fre^r/'erian ciiu.r. Thc Kev. David II. Frazer, recently culled tn tke Classes Ava nu- i'r- ak) 11nan ( hurch. Brooklyn, irs 'lotta Kv Di Joscpa T. Duryea, preached rn that church yes! ci dav -.not ii lng the lead mg desk and the organ wt ri decorated with Bearers, and Immediately abovs the preacher's in ad, in inge tatters ta flowers, was ike woni H Welcome.'* Tkere wes n v ry laigweoegngstlos present The aisle* wera occupied by amp-toois iiud aunty persons wen obliged ie stand. Ml Frazer spoke wnlioiK notes, in g rOlSS Wktcl S M heard in every part of tke eluireli without being un- i'. issnlly loud. Bs smpkestssd his words witt eon sub lalile action. He spoke from the text. I. Cormthi- nns, I.-J.. " ll, cause the foolishness of Clad ls Blear ll, in men ; snd the weakness of God is si longer II; an nicii." lt t* a rhnrncteristlc or Christianity, he snid, ns distin¬ guished from all other ayeteBMWl religion, that li t! metals or conimaiid. but i* foeeeedss a long Uss ol 11 ul hs. It sedlSSmi man on th'anther: ty of Bed vv it mint explanailoii or apology. It seeks to I ISf ut him by raising hun ii(t lo (.od All other sys! -ms. found-tl on tiif atoaam el ama, se ¦ itter what eeaV ot sweat amy i.e -tiibllshcd, alternately fall. Paul found lu tte Bf Cm ml h that Hs human wisdom serpsSSBd only lt* w ldc -spread heat'it-iiHui. Ile lt lulked the Ititel- h bMBI crime alni the unchastity of the forintbliiii". and hil apueal rn'sed a SSCtempiUSBI meer innoiig the cultnretl. They ezprasssd womier ar bis rashtie«s and uncultured presumption. Tliey said that BBSS hut a feldman could have Hie BITOCOBt rflmiiti-ry to rrescnt to them the OCSBOl of Christ.a ¦gretam which bad as Its focal centre a ciu- cllletl mnlcfactor. now could lie save other*, they asked, lt He could not save himself. The svsiem, they contended, was footlsb, ns worthy ol eonslderaUon and acceptance. Ham's reply was tksl, granting all tbej saul to he tri'", lt was tts foolishness ot the Invisible Qed, willili i* wiser than men; lt is the weakness of (lod whit h ls BtroBgl r than leen. We propose to eonsKtar where thc toollaksesa nf Qed ls wiser tana meii, and whei" ihe wa akne*s of God is stronger thaa men. rue wis tom of man teaches bim that he snot what bs ought rn be,end tkal bs mast -irk m:c solution to IBS moral, social prob- lem if tbe future. The ul can univ !.. hap] in tts dleskarca of lt* dato. If perfect happiness the best condition el assn, tue highest wis¬ dom lt that wbieb »ete bim right wlih Oed.kls fellows end hts future. The wtadom of tbe atheist Ib that ot tks fool aka aud in m* heart there ta no God, He want- no God, and therefore be Hind* his, j there tan oe. He biota om the gather, leaving tba ninii a helpless orphan. The pantheists falito see God In ti.e mtier temple, winn you eave anea all of nature, they -av. von have aces all fore (sol I he polj i he. sis .,.i i H. Wmbiaaa have bo lew bal *eif. a'ul tlii.t Wisdom falls in ODtalOing li ne ha pian ess. Hu¬ man v. ist! un Bills utterly to met t the do mauds ot men. aad in that failure God's foolishness triumphs, since man need* pardon toi stn, the simple assertion tkal Ike blood ol Jessi Christ eleenaea men troai all sin is woriii more ta the tool i baa ali sparkling gems m.d earthly winton, Tnt - pro deni -oived wbon it remembered thai bolinem w tks only pura kapptnesa. as regard! tbe pi tbe future, tbe ( osea lbs bright light of s city of etarual fruition sad laughter. Cell itfoolisbi y.iii win, but by inaiiifes! results it stands forth demonstrative of the looUskncaa of God, which ls wiser man thc wUtlotu ol lot u. Ike aeakncM of God is sir. inger tkas mm, eontinned ttepreaeker. Knowledgeh)noi alway* power. Wisdom ami saergy sro Bot aiwsys oompaataas, naman reme¬ dies, instead of making mitti that which he i- nut, ann lo give h in something be ha. i...t. They leave usa In* van ihi.v in a worse state thee ttey found bini. Bal When 1 lie- belli of IBO BBCrPd I'lilmil ll louoht tl, tile soul goes forth praising Ged. The Gospel of Jen* ' !,iisi can pervade every station. aaBsfy even b The Gospel uvo.d* tm trial and ll sarina¦ from un contle*. Despise lt. r»n>, t n, if you piesse; bm remem< l-i a ti,ul ll only lc s c ina- ol I li tl luinpiiaul. mid In Ita tonkas proved tkal if it la weak. It ta tee week- noel ol (tod wblck i* stronger mun mea. li, c .ino lance v rn von call aiiii ind'* providence we begin to-day a relation welch, I trust, ever ib- Divine blessing. I bring ta you the Christ ciai citied, tim simple message of tke Gospel of .i -o- (hiisi. md,God helping m .tbst message iball always Issue frouv this sacred d. sk. God forbid tba! 1 should make tins a place ol any God-given sbiliry, flo forbid tba! I sbonld make ikls di of entertainment. God forbid that I should turn tbs moral for Hu ..lin-, .loot oi any person. We preach! alu! Uno tint iii ll. I --.:: on of the lt nfl ii, i In l-l shall' va r be th ann or tula pulpit, ike gn il and Ki"n- oi, -. 11,11 ii v.Huh our l'l.-i.y !. ri.nii-in signifies, Cunsl fl d iball v er be proclaimed irani t Eta di -k. How calmly .'ntl confidently caa wa commit nil to IP- a igtbatwlth li ide ls'ci tin re tu.'hi io be bo 'iio'ig'ii ol failure, li von mal I make u tm ure In an', tine. non. i! will lie a lal.in,- In our i.my to G .1. (Millie banda with me thal our supplli itmn maj be to (i.ii's tiiroi e. Tbe pledge stands thal li we Jasl pul mus' Ivm ta tte way ol ina Lord and allow Him ta lead ..i.i meit our reward. Bea swfnl ail bs lbs i ip a ii ui of thal maa who, relying on bU inrecom lied Into thc hands sf Jeana CbnsL raith lu (,,: l-l and ia,al in (he filth of ihe \. ai l.ful God li i btohaai wisdom. Onlj bain v in me Lord, and by a Milgi" faith lief.me Incorporated with ii m who la tke lim of men, and verily yon shall have m.ii, fi.- highest sdvateemeni In God's wisaesn. RFX10IOH ARI) MORALITY IN NKYY-YOl.K. 77u- Lev Thomai Armitaue. fi !>.. af Ute fifth Acenw Hudtit ihurth. Dr. Armitage, of tba Fifth Avanne Baptist emu ch will ne ans."..! from tte city thu wael ia bc la to deliver a canns af leetarea ejktadlseu UnlveiBty on pica. long, beginning lo-aaorrew. Bia tactm i will bs: ..The i.iigni o: ptcu< nmg," -'.li-'i-. tie preach '. model." M Tee Apostolic ooptoi ef Christ," "TnVBoly polio la preaching," "Ike preaching for our iiines," "Prepsrattos for lae pulpit," * Tke pestsrsl work," .. p. i .n::ai experience ta prasektng.N Tin- iir»t tour eov.-i tte do.lilli.' of pr, iiciing, aad the last four IBS e ol pr -at liing. 'Inc ti linn l>a ol tts Gospel In BSW TorkClty was the sui.Jeoi upon which Dr. Aimil.igr tlvvi-l: ,n li s morning asrmenyesterday. Bs tunk tat kia "*¦ tetavlll.,8, " And than was grest Joy m thai slty," ead spoke ta par! SS. I illowa : Ia b * vale.in tory address ta Bis people si tts Ualerd (. irgs WssUastas uses these words: -of all the dlspeslrkres umi hakim whick Iced to pal :ichI proa pertly, raUgtae sad aasrality are ladtspeaaskta sap. pons, lu vain would thal inn chum tks trihuleof pafriottata who sin.md labor to subvert tteas aram pillan of binii.'iii hepplaeai i these Brm proofs cf tte duties of mt n and elilarua Tue store poll rejuslijr witt tte ptoni mun. might ta respect and eberiak them. A volume -.voubl not trn-a a their eousecUon With I'llvit"'Hil I'Ublle f'llclM. I-'I lt SUBUtJ Bl wi.t-re le tte sreurlij fer pr porty, fur repetalton, rer life, if las sen..* of religions sbUgatlos den ri lbs setts wktak arc IbbIiobbcbisoI levesMs ittoa ta .rta ol .- nee. Bkatevrr ms Ito ike laflaeaee of re* Hoed eiiui.iiii.ii ea mledeol peculiar itruetore, and experience noni farktd ea to expect teat nstlawal morality can prevail In exelimoa Of religions princi¬ ple." A iruor scniimeut never fell from the pen of mortal, ami lt ls backed by all that is mighty in a th roughly intelligent and conservative mind, with Ike tullcst oiil'ortuii'.ti." for practical ob.crv.ttion lind BSpSttSBCe. Hi* mt, rance wa* inn of a father lor a eblld to akora he had tl"Vot<il tits naiiie, bis boBor,h!s fortasc, bli sword and his lite. If bi* position kc tree that all po* lineal prosperity is dependent uimu religion and moral¬ ity, how mneb more forcibly ls nie tiutii emphasized In a Kepilhlic liku ours; and what Mcuialv tan WO have without tain. Tkelr necessity is aa pec lal ly seen In sn Immense peiiulatlon gravitating io nus oantreesa great ielf*governed etty. Bera svsrytblng bi done on tke kroadest Democratic basis, wltboni any of those historic Uss aad aneeatral honda ta loyalty wktak farms part ot old sommanittaa. Tke Ignorant sud the wise, the keir and thc Villon-, tiie inti: an aid the philanthropist, have au renal rosea la i..<¦ government. Bot univ municipal ulbe. is. bul tbs ters of justice, art ebOSCD fruin the mass of tbe p hikI hy tue asem of tte people. Hence we stand in n il of every marni mid religious check ami restraint, lesl vice mid Indulgence ikould rise ilka a tide gad pour forth devastation Uko, a volcano. Bode tke a, did um primarily preach toe Gospel r.., thc pori.i ot establishing civil liberty, they wera upholders of civil liberty in the highest sen»,\ and tor tins Bera deprived of pusoiial freedom without lurr ami thrown Into prison They 'ougt't great cities a* points from wbieb to spi'iui tte Gospel aa their work. It began iu Jeiusalem, thc moir .pol:- of Hie ni motin isi le religion ; lt spread lo Antioch, the metropolitan I Syria, lt was iu that etty that the diastoles wrranrat filled Cknatiaas. Iee very Berna origins uni at Jerusalem, aud it bcsiuuc fn; u .. i,g tune the ceutn* Irum wnieh tbe Gospel spread tosh tbe Gi utile nations. Sardts, Philadelphia, I>a.!d:cea. these and many tnurr c..to»,; i.anetiar dthe Apostolic alls ck iiutti tbe peo¬ ple iald their lue, their * ower aud their devotion st the cro.-a of tbe young Maaareue earpent' r. Inls was not st.'ldcntal, but of plan, deliberate design, determinou wll'. and ceo: .norillee. Tire Apostle* determined Sa take thi stionjfhold. fir-t. i<> |,ut tn ir bandsepon thc beating healh* of humanity, ami ult the extmwittes would feel the far-reaching tnrob. N) Kigpel and ratnrer erees ami eresrtoo, i.n demnustraic tia Iii-.ives tC kS the Oflrattog cf "He power, one fonatsto, one spring, tkst Ooar prepsgsttoa maj prov.- Itaell I" 1" :, Dod sad Bel I man. And we propose to atlhcre to thi* Cid and natur ii order of thing* ta tts BM ku B diffusion of the Goans I. The p.wer nf modern cities ls Jun a* great, for good or ..vii, s* the! of thc cities of antiquity. k'iy. " possible, they ure gtsetai kp sn '»« ¦". creased faclliilea for haman huaicoaroe, eaelal progress, ,11,d finial growth. Every influence for nioymr bumsalty is combined, tor example, m thlscltv of New- York, a* thev were combined ta the ami'nt <i tva. aud mncb more abundantly. Uks mern lt sends Ita warm life-blood tkroagfcevery srtory oftbeHtuie body sun ¦nfhises Its vltsBty tc every part o' ergsntaed society ni,,,ut lu Empire No mimi can messers its slementi of Inflnence by wealth, talent, literary attainment, commercial distlnctlou and teltgloui «l. Ainslie, Klcutlfle. ]ddl..ntliroplc and religions organiSBttana make lt* combined powers reit in every limb ol tbe RepobUe, and it fraud, anarchy. revolution trample under foot the sublime saleem <>r self-governme.iit here, American liberties Income cu¬ ll mgered nil tbrongfa mir land. If. according to George Washington,morant] and religion are tue two pillars upon wi.ah mir lib ral liistlnillon* stead,IelIBS make tin in stronger than ever rn ibis metmpotla of tue Western Ooerinent Ba must stem tts degrsding domination and grjBdme tyranny of human pu»- sloa mid vietauaneaa berc; fur when it in conns so harsh ami inf! xihle in tbi1 whole moral nature aa to grind las Inman splnl Into sly ci si m iv iii OOO dolor! mea! Of Us Lng. lt will soon crush all the oilier int.. si mle siih|ection. Where a man all control over bis passions nod will and Intellect, boar ls be going to retain lils pj MM long III his .-tn ia;, legal iml political relations 1 If aeJi-gorernmentfells ta hu high,rand personal control, bow bug will lt continue in bi. relative Bell-government 1 Borallty ami religion are tko heals of ell nvii liberty,sadprrgm.nentlj so limier tbe aeltornvernment <>t such a deroot retie Bepuo- ,ic ii- Washington dbi so nun h rn establish. Wc ma) sa truly cali tbls the Queen City of tte Bestai Antioch waa railed tbe Qoe.-n City of the Rust. Ita wealth, its political elevation, ita access to tks creal fens ol thc alone, it- in:tile rn all il.epics mid luxuries of bnman life with ci ry Baa under tao beavens; Its BCholaatlc opportunities and if religlena prominence, sadew ll wiin an overshadowing power Bat la lt without Its exposures and dangers I A man must abut his ryes to saj Ibis. Bo ancient 'itv aver badaucba beterogenei ii popnlotlon. Ben meet here fmm evcrj sons; nearly a hundred langusg isnddia- leets are spoken rn our itreeta; Inznri and vicious bs hm rendel many pf nnr people rBeminate: and every prtnetota, praetiee sad spparstoa for amine- !i;i\i- tree M-ope tor operaiiua, and nra freely pited. We need to bc vigilant suave nil people,lest tn (iu. time tbe ronsplrnclei ol ilu overthrow ocr moral- nd r- iigioiis sancmiics niid uar civil and politiesl liberties aub them. Bea af Mew-York. Christians; pan,is ..; Nea fork, Iel every consideration Hut ls worthy ol God and maa and oi lib, itv aetuate von io ¦pn oi the i.po-tt.iic leith ni sai ry ; iel thc starr] lag sod tbe thorny cross itoud togethei Intblielty. Yon aero kora here, von make von:' wealth in rc. von will have rour children here tor weal ur woe; than do ail linn iii au ta Ul Ne,,-.oik, fl dh i olitical fret dom ami religiose _ UIUOSTALITT AND THE LIFE BCTORD. T:.i Uti. fir. E. A. kt'tnd ie. tit the godtaM Square i hureh (/Yr#,'<j/Vri,Iii I The Ber. Dr. Kittredge, rnMtor nf tba Third ii" .-. i.-ii.tii < bares, in chicago, lilied yesterday ihe pulpit oftae Kantara sgearaPrsskytortaeCkerek, Mallison av .. and Tweiilv-foui fi st te winch lim K.-v Charles II I'.iikhurst, of LseOX, Mis-.:. copied u call BsfOn beginning h's sermon iu tho morning Hr. KlttiadgS Nad tts lorin.d letter from Mr. Psrkfcurat accepting the atti sf (he Chnrcli. and promising to give tn his wi.i li lu lt hil be-1 eu, ig,. s and lo the ju i.plc his heall's i.ni. «t and tayal egketlea. Mr. r akhurst wUl kegta in* psetcrets SO .'-unlay, february -".». Tho ISSI ot Hr. Rutledge's Hermon wa* Hi cond Timo¬ thy, 1., in: " Hut now laiaeds smnlfesi hp tts sppser* tag cf ear Bevtoni Jecw Chalet* who seth skeltshed tb iib ami hath brought nie ami Immortality te ngfcl taranah tte gasps!." Tke tin inc was Iks tarararmuty sf the foul and tts natur- of tts BOOVOBly lue. Thc ii, ., hm "aid in pan There are before me, I .oppose, few who arc imt firm believers in the hamer- leBIg of the s ml and In tts re .Illy of tue hcivi-nlv lib awaiting all wno belie v. in christ. I say few, for li. dental! ot ntl leis ate tun as passing sienna bi tts sen- . lune of f.l-h. And yet it may be weil to ti.m.nm the so1,il bloc ;< of ev il- prove tkal "ur filth is mole than s mere dream ttasns ^gvesky oar love sad bop.-, i illiberal . "f the argameoti gdlng to pro?e Immortality. Then'an- three principe* :, and all arc SSW rn ig| la tte Set U las Bnmterrnpted rantlnesnra of tke seel, Itsuntn- tcirnptsd.kctauenesa and Itannnreket.MdlectloB- Tka three iiigiiuonts are rssgsntlTsly.raetspkyalcsl. payebotagtaal sad mei ti. inc Ital tu mi-* maj noel srgasM al ii from tte nature of Hie soul being tlitleicnt fioiti that of the ho,Iv. lt ls int t t tit'.ii, ll the auestion ti raised haw do we affirm thi-. i say *<. know it br us manifest properties. Mem¬ ory snd thought me un i,i.c a uv plop nv of matter end it un-.. os are un..W" tin- inuetanoe must bc tl isl net. Death ls tte dlasoleitonol eonm etina between boilv ami soul. lin. aaeoad or payeboto argument I* that IBS -ul l* Iso great In lt* design to realise rn thu. lite all that u is for eadleea progresalon a:.d anlimlted development, in thi* life it ..m. learn* tim slnksbai of knowledge, while it bu* a han gor¬ ing for vaster truth, fan a, -qui which can almost God raaf I t' r naught I Ar.- - Immense p..wei- lo be circumscribed by the pelly buslueao ot hie t Hen lil t:,:, wot .I :t can onlj ng tte dusty wsyside of lift work ls not proportionate ta ns power. Il engine wile im! io Ho- t.i.K Of th ii Wing a baby ca rfu ge. Wi would aay lt waa emde for a kesvtcr load, bo Killi ; I, len to Its po 'th en. loo. we Dod In men lingerings tor Immortallti i ba universal bi Itel -pi ln| from among corni il id, n>ti in an¬ cient times, men I me Aristotle ni seneca who qu ami d'.nut and .l-l- for evtdei.before bellevlog. i,.ug'i mbuteloqueni proofs ot an un nil¬ ing life. bc lilied lg toe moral argniuenl. that Of Socrates all Plato, lt la based on the wisdom, Ju a and goodness o'God. HI lom ls di .; la vt ti ia tbe creal.f all Hiing-, from Un simplest flower to lbs planet irv fib*. If ihe s.uil ii, de a lt ot the body eau God b Inst, wi-e .ml rood I Da tks pii::s sod * of ibis Ute brina forth no rm" beyond I 'in n w- e ta 11] a iii tke Pi 11 milt, bare bet n tbe days of ray pilgrtmag " lei. are nnjost inrqual- lins--unjust of there I. Injure life.which os be wt right ls the other world. Whj do wa «. wleki tl |-.-..spt-r and tbe labteous fail I some men amid and ot nen lu ansi Inc i win- < ,i triumphant nod tra h trodden un r fool of men if i" v. tba lulusi is to be igkled, and nu gr.ii! gue; nm of :h" io.a' of*the furnace the shilling silver ii: ii -i tonie ai but, ac lire i* an Inexplicable riddle. The ques¬ tion raked 2.000 yen- ago -t: I..!, asked.' kn tiuic in. morai dutina that I am booed tc perform ii um sou is nut immortal t" li iv- combine all lucas arguments mid form one ti le* soopie glaaa to gsa into the hereafter, we Snd nu cr talutr. bnt astr-jng probability tor tbs belief la I bc doctrine of linumrtafitj. lim n ls not nut ol \:.<- -h idowi of dOObt Altin.ash Ile ri I- DO In. liUl Uta arguments, ll.aa eonvmelng tv.ii.¦ innst coin- from ll dir. ct tn, h- a. fol lim hus reasoned and believed thal tai continent bayoud tbs ocean, bal be ronvmccd others mil v when ki b il seen u and oari ed the proof bom A theist! ur v: : i p., , throw over th* Scriptures, without which lyi, ls no p, ntlvi ¦. -. i. ,m In regard i" it. 'l Im inf ron! snment* a.e strong, bul i Ih-v ar. i, . eompli le witbottl ii,. Bible. Our belief does not reston t beac arguments, bUl We lia vi fl ll essa, e |,,,|,i !!,.- Spirit 1;,|,,|. |||,. »,,,.,' tnrea -ir tksl the sonl iball not perish,bal shsl Sourish In Ike Immortal llfi. Thai tbe bodj la only dust WI kl OW bl sou imo Bl Bu tke 6 '¦'¦ ly then nemenl oftbo soul,and de nh on v --ts ii it.-.- and Ila Ufa emtlnues unhampered. You ai, nottbeb dy yon do not die, bm oali leave v. .1 'i si liing, i io- u ,i ,1,,, ,,f mc rirb man and ¦.¦¦vs lld ..tn di Ufa a ufa mein, iv of mid Im those left behind. Hm soul la an entity distinct from ihe body. In iii- berea lei illsoi lera will be math a.g will '". pan ihed and rljbl rewarded w.tiiall di¬ vine impose et forth and made clear. In the word *c Uara not o v iel* io r. iaun mm bul also tine. di leripUousol ia eton ol immortality Kins fa, I and J .col. n, Ui,.,- exp. '1. ncc .how boa souls irapti ,, t.,i to ike baavrnli kim dom. When a son! try tanti Isyi bold on Luria! it heroin wiin Htm. it- ut.- is i.e imttlngon of L'hrat, md tbi n isl.., in rlnuiug of the In lug tlc divine Ufo, ned thc putHngonol inn.tal ur. li tala be Ibi leachlug ..! tte Bil ,- o.i ii; ||i wm li wi an " v., are iii tbe.I ..f peace ami lellowsblp v. ii ii lilui. JesusCtrlsi balli abolished dealb, lind nilli., d .t ol Us I ,;iai di,H'M.ion. Immonnlli i n,..,],.,t >|« af. ter .baili. Then fat ,, r,.M :it,,i peace during a Ol "ll'lclis, lull es.. If liol,. M jj t .;,,,- belvrecu death aud um -tune ini-t, tl,cn i'..ai was foolish iu denn nc to dio sud lie witbi brist tor death wool thal wkleli would nail with tte tlinii tadgmeni. There ls overwhelming prout timi after death Ipa soul fat al once li imortal « uh Gu i. and Joni . iii" great cl.I ol v. itnesses a ho un watching .*''<* walting lom*, 'lhere our boliuesa i- eternal, tbei io do righi ami no desire !<. dc wroog. Our p boc ls eternal: do tann i llsqulei us nor temptation lo M-»uii Ourjoi i- ci. Hal. israel wu oyful al crossing lue i: sc, ian the b,i,,-r weten ol starch wen .n a abort tim to eoaie. There aaa tay al theidrthol Christ. I rn wben i- thal loy Boa t reece f |oj rn roany households at tl frail- val, but boa so..a is fl tall iwi l by tbeeraneon tuedooi Ike gong mu of -un ;, In many a borne I lu and u.i ii v eel,.i | darkness, rnereweaball bc tat is aed. No corea shall cull ui from our ncaveu.y oecupatloaa, nd no wen kt. md" ns-ul us. We will know each idhi ali tin- saored relation! o; life ituill i. pt pelual lo om .v home, lb re lhere an. few bornes all '.".nu 'nnr. little mu.ac v.;,i n batfa noi n minor chord. There wa shall meet bat i, var can aud bold fellowship with ( bruit, it we sn in (hot, for univ a few mora year* shall wogi rth like a weaver's shuttlu in thi* world, anu i n nu, i.-Lng happiu si wi iii.ii.w. Ale our nu rei ul life v' In Hie :.te bey..ii I, and "ii iii a wi leoine of friend .1 . V. Maj we |i.,-, I, ,| ,,,, I),,. ,,,.,. (Ul. pictures of hop,-, nu: on Ike soit.t UMllmony ai ina Word of Gi .'.. LE880N8 OF LENT. fir. Mci.lynn and father .lecture, at SJ ^tephtn't. St. St.jlii n's li.,man Cit!,.,lip C'ii ui.li, i:i .-igaii.-t., was clotted lu purpleye.ter* day for the ssasoa of L. ut. Ike Her, li,. preached tbe nerti:on. Bkrsaal Ike flmpsl for Uk sunday of Lent, watch burralea hov; Christ wa* li the Spirit Into tbe desert to be tempted by th. Tbe preachst san! that mau was templed io os lo know how to fght the enemy- Christ had shown how to reils' thc te.tu 'litmus of BM devil. Temptation was sn en- i.e no ni to sin, but lt was no sin lu itself. A soul wai fin mis'uken, and chose the bad Instead of the good. The devil always persevered In hal temptation, aud if be did not succeed in ouc wajv he 10001 etlrd lu another. Tia- beginning or thc season of Lent was a time for prayer to barn how to resist temptation. Man should not allow his had appetites to control him. At the conclusion of the mass Dr. McOlynn, the pas¬ tor, while reading the usnal announcements, took occa¬ sion tn remind tbe congregation of tbe duties they ttSaid pi r.'urin during Lent. in this holy season of fasting and prayer, said he, I exhort you to attend all rhe exercise* of the church, to vl*lt IBS bb -ed sicriiment frequently, to pray often during the day, bett pilvately ami in public while present al the devotion, af the dniren. I also entreat you to practice self-denial by refusing to satisfy ymir appetites, by abstaining more especially from that social eui BS, fie drinking of intoxicating liquors. Ir ls an evil winch ls at (he root of in arly all Ibo temporal aud spiritual misery. 'Thousands aud tens of thousands of pei ls In this very city are slaves to this form of social evil, a large piopornoii of whom, I regret to nay. ure members of the Catholic Church. The Scripture " By their frails fS shall know thean." These very peo¬ ple who lu long to the church ure the lucius of keeping assay Bomana from si ming tata tts fold by tketf exece* siV" iliinkilig. They make tho ehiueh a bioci.eiv, and smirch lu r tab* name and drag her Into tl KOpUtC n tts il many sincere persona Tiers ism.: hair enough ¦pokes in ont ehnrchci sgstosl tins growing evil i w ii lounprossil sponyour mimi* keesnss tn tue pas! week I ri reived a I, ttrr from a msmb >r of tbs con¬ gi, cation a ho ha< bad Bl BM exp'Tlence 'n dealing with lin-evil. This person asked me to repeat to-day even more urongl] the points i iaisi d last Sunday. Toe evil effects of strong dnnh sra aesa everywhere shoot na Why baye we bo maui orphan saylomat We oogbtnoi to have them, Why BSVO wc so.miiliv orphans I Why are their putouts (b mi i tn a great mu ny Instances Ikey have in busineae to be deni. They ought io be alive and weil in-day.' Bnl they have committed inieideby thia method, sod lt ls not a very alow one ritter, frc- gre! personally tnsl tome p ,v iii lani advise tte usc of Intoxicating llqnuri In prescribing fort heir patient*. I rem rober one time that a pbysleisn advised mc.and I did not si ck ins itdviee either.to toke an ounce or so sf BblskCJ cv,uv now and limn, lb -nd I wa¬ il young Biou and had to perform netive do ins, thai mt i.niin wm constantly employed and ic ii a inf.- nf nus stimulant wonbl be ol ihe greatest In ia li: :o un I iii In r lin,iii:lir ul tuc time that lu- waa prescribing something because be was very fond of it li i.,-, ii. i. aaaonlj a abort lian sitora ard tbsf 1 ssw ih" ame ph il iii reeling through tbeatrceta of thu elly auder a broiling ana un a bot Bummer's dar. Ba pinna inly tke victim of kia own medicine. Itwg univ iceeiiiiv iiiat I r> .ol fl vvok itv n prominent b physician, who not only snowed tte usoh bul :.e al -Hint" in a un ,ou-iii sot '.ms kind io medicine. There are some pennie for whom li li a grave sm to continue drinking. Porthemti ls the direct reeasicn ol sin, and tu. y will be bel i responsible for it. f. ntfaei ease*, while lt la not the n.un. dial.'easton,!! tts iiniir. ci cause ot sin. There li probably no better time io stop arina Intoxicating liquor* than during tin* ¦eason ol mortification. Stop it during Lent al ieasi.it ir all time. Ii will be an sci oi self-denial. We iboold conquer Ib:i le bu ol and rina to every apps- lin. I nos, \, ii alli nike this bittier lo lu a it, ,t iid you Will then ion beet 111" lie 1. l-l ee 1'itllM'UuS. TEACHIN08 OF CHRISTS HAITISM. The*] ec. Ckmrlm C. HfMmm at Ms Ckareka/ Sta^faaaasal ipa ). Thc subject ehoaen i"i Um sermon on tl;.- Mist Sui,dav iii Leal St the church Of t.... Atonement was tko baptism of Christ The text wm Mstthsw UL ll!! "And ,Ies'l«. When ll" WM bSptlSCd, Vent up ;i gktwayoal si iii" watsi ead ha* tks beavcM were i, ,1 io ii unio Bim, amt Rs rae tbsSptrttol Oeddi scet.d- ing like a dOTS, ali I '.guting upmi Hun." These words, lld tts B ;<'¦*' Tiffany, were written of ska baptism ot Cbriai John tte 11.i>ii**t weeli have forbidden Him, md knowing Bin t ike tts M mink iii recogatsad Bim oaly m avtdeatly a holy ami devon) mitti. He *.ts .ne uitome u todlaeern Ikea israeterof Um.ho cami ta him for baptism: sad so detected the Pim ¦. But when he nw Christ approach with hely mn n he could md understand Why He should th -ito baptism at in- heads, w's knew Betting of Chrlst'a peraesel sppeeraaee. W sra ta d that ms attractiveness wm not dna to eoraeltnesa or feature. Patatera have often le portray sa ui.-gy Ckrtolt bal ikey have failed, pertlj throask sttgmpUag to give afars that WM ii ¦! uni ii v tOO perfect We do know. however. tti.it there must teething aunkmgakoei Him. at HnM Bl, tl.at produced B di p impii - .. !i I.a e who beheld Bim. And as ll- cain.- d John with tbe tarred Ibongki of Ulioonscrra* iii- h. iud, He g.iv lim that John in- ii e or whom be might re¬ ceive baptism, latin than one to whom he might Uti- Ilillil-lt-I ll. Th. given by John wss taegbet a of li to thc upbuilding of tba Kn g- d un of '"d "ii earth J and bl* Hist dcm uni of Ihoae v bo t ame wa- to repent. I a fi ibu vi iv worh tit upbuilding the Kingdom, ami 11.- bad no io. --I of i>-pt ntanee, Be did bare need or a consecration to tbe work. Bo oannol ascribe to if errol a tksl aa Beeac d bv tte hottest *i.nn; but Ile did bare bo man aw i- a lo lp to Hun to rt«c above atl rod pn wi t ta us tte bb a Christ It waa roi el ulan tim ii" al.ld tnt lils tue ordinance that placed Bim tn rontael wiin ki mu I's. And -o ut the v-ic beginning Be placed Him* if with pinners by *nbmltttaa .'. ind taking lue sam" vow. Ii waa al i'it! nine ti, it fo Spirit of uodcame witt new aower into If. -ou Tbe significance of the baptism of man wm I hat Be wm to recein nlv;.-of I Dal ol lul-t Hilt Ile Was lob' roan the -.af rn took a public ti rcratiou lo ll - work. And tbi. ary ordinate" for all ahu ..ii veu ml Bl word* and v,ik.. Ile mada ll bil Nicodemus, in l.u Inter vii willi .1 ¦¦ bm .d thal le- tn ghi beeomi film, bntbe ex. ised from doing sn publicly, ll" thought that with bli posit iou he might become a nar- ;: k church .nan: g the Pbarisi ni in i. -un- ol Influence. Hui hj Ins stine on his bap- u»iii Ch rtsi destroyed all his influence. Knowing bow .if ii ('brill waived lo rn and rs i, monies, are won d lie pr p -.it d n. in, Him ..ii-. :n n..w bul I lol npresi ibu ld og lki Kli gd ino ol li. i.i i, wu- n.it a iii uti :¦¦ he oet lc light ot. We must liuii ii in this tm- necessity of con- ' wi il ai accepting Bim. Aa e|t ii ii g w bat lie flits is not merely a compact between man and bis maker, li la sutnettliia ibu) muat o with in- w Hole iii,. private ind public, and ii. tl ne net it, lu i. il bie a m.ni ian-! be ld .. iii- -1 with tho Stale In ordi r to obtain nshlp he mi registered before ba can vols rho outward confection of Christ i* like nu 11 ii 11 orin of an officer; like tbe Inau¬ gural mu of a Tie-i den i; hue nu v "for oula il I Identi¬ fication of ;;n individual with a nus. Baptism la a ton,mui,,i to ;- ami work. Wa n .si remember, tor our encouragement, what fol¬ low! d the baptism of Christ, lt waa when B< bad dane .j the humus vviii cona! do, thal the bi the Soli il fell u; on Him to li.ip I ii 'ii to ciiiiiiiiiie to ga fiiih itini wm th" world for Hi- l'ailii r. And you are called mn only to tl -i "i,iinui, mu also i" ih, s, .helton. Yen will rn t d to eu v. h at > ii eon ml ii rforro bul it you w ol ll ) ours, lind willi li¬ lli in you may l.o loin, lu tho BireaglB of Hud tu cou geer. _____^___^__^__ CANAL TOLLS 0.\ FOBEIG V SALT. Tba Canal Board mel al Albany on Wednee¬ da] toconaidei the adoption ol tbs loll-sbeel tor thc snamnj worth, representing tba Boot Own \ wela lon, spoke lu fiver af reducing tte rate on ford :.¦ an equality witt thal ob (hs domestic product. irg edon tke otherside tkal tte Bgraense sall mteresta would ba destroyed if tte redaction wm made, ami aftei a long dbveuaatoe tke inalter was inljouriieil until tts BCSl no, ung ollie Board, Smsa 11 i'm thal Ike toll ob the duct ti so blah that lbs revenue from lt baa dwindled toto InaigBllcance and thai tte sxeesslve rata bm been roalnmiu d bu til lol the I nedi of the ornum..gu -all molo..nil,, which lilli ' ": lim 'i, i.ri ...a i il non .ii.h', ii ninon.,!- toB414ona boat load of 240 toua from Troy io Buffalo, a ....-¦:¦ u :,,r doiuesl e sap ,ii ;,id i,.. .. ; and Ile- I" In addition io i.it ih- foreign pm,mci. ot 83 fl int- ii b.ii rel of '.'--ii ono i* A big crack bas been di .covered in the dome of the ( apll l| hi All SI V. V Y. I bl" dollie- ol sulla ol the it r stators have infrared lu that a nf ror .-onie tune. -|i;. .stun (oinnicici.il Ballet in. Sitnntiono ll)anitra--iccmdic9. A.Gun! Protestant servnnts. Bureau cx- . i maid wail g I-. Le. "I m, Wi't'.lsll, English, Amelie il. and do l,"p fur "Uv u nun lr-, an neill lo-.nir-ie weges. At Lia PROTKM TAN r lin i: Kl UK KV, - llth av... Kinan hu Shove pOrX)RElJ Hr.ll' Fl KNISH!:i). i Vj wailers, li-iuoif: in this, girll fur 'I' lei.'ii. caibe. ci .,,'.c, al tl.,- l.'lul'.l.n Ml-sin Wi-' on. -t._ ' '00K..Bj ii first-rlsae cook, lu tn! " Muse or r ena ,l si -.- w.t.hoi -. Call lol llin e thiys ai I 'V (HX)K. . By nu excellent Scotch rook; J ki,oa« how to baba bread, Macull snd draserts; U vt-rv loan about her kitchen, .ni v.. ii recommended from 1.,, i.i-. i li ea ls r,usil:'i u nil ¦'.¦'lt ell, III nil' l-l 'nil '.'U'J th itt .-. ('OOK.. I',. il Iii -I-cl '.ss Fri'llt'll cook, ii',Ir tn,et nu , in ikea all hi r eau furnish nu aab'.eclty references. Call rn 803 Bth-are., ni r ;i.,iii'«i. _ / -il A.MIM'.li'.MAID-A C iinin girl, ines \) i -.in im ml ai ii-null'aailiv. lu c.ire of I»-v. J. 1' in..:,, li: V. '.'I /^HAMHKUMAID. iV.',-A Swede girl willi \ averil ti '. ii !. r- u truro obi tamil* «i u ,y M o, lei O lilli na,I,.¦.,-,,, tt v. i,, i, sud I run lug ll nesl i ad aants a aiasdi pl that sba ..ii to no ass ni, Of ninan-). ... if Itb bad._ /MIAMHERMAID nini \N Al M.Kss.-H*. .. \_/ I'l . " Ul Will H "i'll IISIlll.-l|; asinboriiiul'l ur w titre*). ala,ai hu.lreii. .10'i Ulfa are., befvitti SS and '/ft! sta. 1 GRAND AND timm, N. Y. STATION OK TH K NEW .METROPOLITAN ELEVATED lt.lt. DIRF.CTLY OrTOHITg DRESS SILK DEPARTMENT. WE IIAVK IIRKSS SILKS ut Vga, 85c. YARD EXAMINE OVS. SILK at 95 CENTS. WM Sft;i:i.v IIAVK Till: BBS* BLACK .-silks IN Tills BARKBT Kuli rill-: MOM BY. K-spia IAI.l.V lill! tl, $1 IS, gi .la, $1 l's. «1 ,a3, fl 03. BLACB matin BB f.Y'iNs. si .-,o. sifl.a. $180. CP. WAl'.KANTIill Kl WKAIt OR HOBBY Ki.H'MlED. KI.Kii.vNi ASBOBTMBNT BBOCkHBB BOV KLTIES. FUR TRIMMINGS, SSS., 75c. $1 00, ll Jj. 1II..\( Ii AN!) COLOBSO DA MAS8KE8, 95c. $1 00. »1 25, *1 fid. LAUGH .v.st-OI'.TMKNT OF COLORS AND j I QQ SHADKS IN DAM.V^HKEl, J2 INCH. lek Ol OS* 200 pcs COLOR IC D SILKS -(JUK.tT B.\U<.AI\«>. COME EARLY. ODDS AND ENDS VOtntKOES hiring tim** \vei:k. E. RIDLEY & SONS, 309, til and Ml} GRAND-ST., I ,. IS, ta). SI ''"I, Sg SS, VS li Tu ALLF..V.-I. Qitmitions CDantc6~ircmaie3 A DVKKTIslvMKMS FOR THE N'KW* il VOHK Till ur NI. WILL BB KECE1VBD AT 11IK ll' rOWNOFriCES, .. n. l.'.n«.IIrtia<lwav.eoi. Thirtv-lirit- !.!.. i' U0h West Twi-utv I in fil st.. miner Kislitli.ars.; So, M Beal ronrlsaaih-sL. eotnet Untoa-square, 700 Hurd itv.r. I'm tv Hereat li Jl.. nt lit' llAKI.'\M HKFICB, N" 'i.-JHi 1 bird-ave.,c*r.iisa-hnndrsdand-TwaBty-foafttwat, iiiuii'-in Savtaga iiinic liuiitiuutt. up io i p. m., iii raanlai ufEct rate*._ pIIAMBERMAID oi PARLORMAID.-.Bj n \ ' v-i.unK pei-mi nhs hal asrked tarra inn la pliei- tn 'ia |,i au .ewin : -uni I:,-lp :i lutlv In InT toilet ls verj l'i -no .iii h i. "j.-,.t mann' rt. Call iii 0uJ0tbiro.be- Ivv.-n .'..-.iii ami 36th -ts_ HolTSEKEEPFli..By an intelligent, active I. ii id (roman, ajreSOyeara, «itu <sxi»-rt<-nce: city isonable, Apply si 1081 I lOUSfcWORKER..By i Best, tidy] intelli- I I .in' rannaslrl; will baSkssrsllr aaatal la i huntly ia saycspscatv; caadoan ti cooking, and li aiton.! araaaei aaa II il. r- Will k'.Vu lu -I ll! 'lulls; nares m. n.-r.iti- Can be seen al .: ire, nen '.'a ft., l.tftoar. ul'>K\V<>KK..Itv a Beat, tidy, Norwc risa I'lul- s'iin! rill: vvll! be L-. n na n .fill ID a ly in Bar rapacity: eau da Bsod eeeklsg sad - lead' vt -n rand fro lions; nagi . Resit raUt Calla) '£92 'ab av., in-iir ls.b st. Il HOUSEWORK..A PrnteatantAmariean ml atones * siituiiioii iur rural benaewink anuna ami ur a flood I."in un f, niii to wildes. Apply io Mr*. \v Al I!. - A "I Ntl. 1 i \Y. .t ia! b Ht. _ IADY'S MAID..A first-class German maid, J speaklns grancb id Ensllab, wUssa s ptaee: i -*r. in ut ind ni atui I- .1 vari food ireveller Im'-i reference* call at Wi othsve.. btw, eu ;r., i u std _ I Al NI>l;!'.>>.-A tii-t-.!:i^s liuinili-c.-i-v ivi>liim i a few f iii,lins' weaningi underatanda ladlee1 uni rm- tlemen'M clotiu n: t-claaa no children. 85!) West ajta-at. VI [WE..As nurse lo grown children br an i.v etltn .in il I'ti-ai '.v.iuii tn lijjtbtat te-tim. n al-. .'. V Bot .'. I nb ins Cpl wu Offlfe, 1 S3H Broadway._ "rVJURSE..By n yonng French girl who ..s omo Eneiisb i isa pi"! aaarer.; csa aaltnpan m.!.* i ni children ty oi luntrv; brat references, cali or ad- drsaa ja QU1.>'U FRBNCU BURBAU, Gu;! ut Ii ave. uar _ RELIABLE SERVANTS to be found nt thc LA UH 8' I'K'i 1- ll'- R IM'iN. 228 Weal SEAMSTRESS..Aa first-class seamstress, bj ,t in Mb Ki-i't! naman w III an.'st willi nurarog, tine care if wann, lx\ .ir maid' berm I! uie.ul iii any light cspadtr lian li-ii refereoce. Address J. M., llox ill, Tribune L'pluvvn Ottos, l.'J.'U Broadway._ iVASHINO tc.A young woman wtsbci il able iii ins. Family worked fut rani" -. ¦. at ". j I-.. ..oil, st.. Room*._ WAITRESS..A yonng woman nrbo is a "" taplin! waitress uti.) ..a SSTTS wines, alni Ink- rare nf sj.vi i bTOBIs articles; ls tidy In uiue.tr Si a a tiid an furnlsli (!.. l^.flt left rentes, (.a.i al OOJ bili ..v e. JAI tJfl.N'M HU lt KAU. \\'ASll.'li;i)\, fcc.A respectable (iirmaTi II w it an leonid uk.-1" ar eui vt 'Kiting. Iranian, t r any iuiiisewi k bv tue dav, er take vvasliiiig in the liaise. Mm. iiAi,i:it. .;;:> i;».-i .-.nb -i. Situi'.tiona CDiimeo.fTlales. ADVERTISEMENTS Ft Ht THE NEW- TORR ITU BUNK WILL 111: BECglVBO ATTIIK .\ uH'ii ¦;¦.-.. No I.-A3B Bread way, cor. Thirty-Sss*. ii.. or :;!»> Weal l.t.- iii st., roruei ,, a -. Nu. S'i Kssl ! ¦,. corner I'liton-aquan*, rue "a st. .,| til" ll Al.id-, d tlKKIti:. Ne -i.i^X rb ive., M. Hi" a un Ire t aial-twenty-fi irtli-it ,:» Hank Balldtag,, up to S v. m., al regular da . "e« . V TINSMITH wants a -sitii.itum. Address .i -ti.ikst. iin-.-iipi.ini, L I._ pOACHMAN and GROOM..Bra respectable \ ..-I a .-i- yanna- 'aim. lean :etl. no IIDlUr i.«-rfi elli uiul, r n .itv ur cou'Jtry v- mi"-' md t'biu-ini!-. flrst-tlau '. .-ti. -. Csll or adtli "ss F. II. I... Nu 5 in-ava_ POACHMAN AND ijrSEFUL..Bv a reepect- \j nil! .iii.'ii'inii'i. bo ia a ir eui drrrar aiui a tbnruuitba .u ii .!.. ii li in cattle, lead foresee and ,i,, ippij .n i'ARI'E.n i'i.i.'s. :i,- on, ,i-.,-. n...,i im pOACHMAN. Byng.i English coachman: \ tbnronab krsiarleiii.f burs.» .ind esfrlages: ("Ul tv r. rereueca. Adduas HENRY ll.i.n HBR, S'.o W's-;Cili at. _ l,\\i:\r I:. H.n.v. Poultry, fee.By an 1 |,era ma t American man and wife; Hue 4T years; willi ene it.niel.! r; lu.'ii CSU tl" iili kinda '.' la,ii n.', stink ralams; outl a-uv »nrk ls full) rompetent tn ii .: ,,a v. ii. .n ami p.,nit i.. r h -i"' rei nmieutlstiuii.t. Apply ot a..ilu--.s ,.i \]-:-, fi 1 i. ,"-. ,b ..va neal Dib sr_ JMARDEXER. . By a first-class gardener \% ,ii. ,n.tu ii'itii I.m. - il i, nellly Hu li'ri'er nt branrliii of Ihe bnalaena lo lake charra ol B ceutleisaB'i ., :i. Aduruaa I.. B, P 0 ii ¦lilli Nj V. ('ROl)M. Bj -ni F.i!}.'li-li Protestant, am S i-i |iiivut<- fan,1.1 lober, honest and oblia-ius:; nve en i-i ii ¦. s Irein ln«t t-'iii'l v er. Addre -LAIN Hr.\. I.-¦'.' uro i pOACHMAN and GROOM wishes a place; V' umiei la-el- in. On-1-,.- .s m every paiile il ir i- -afe aud sn experienced driver wi.1111sr aad oblirina: first- !i lats. .Vilillt-ss ul i-.lil. t llACIl VI A N. 1 J-l WrMl _ l.Wli'MW: or OAKDENER..By s Protestnnt 1 married waa, africtly temperate! i- » Rtiodfloriat.-fruU anil vt ir; uaanaalarne exporiooce tn iarmma Hst i,i irfi i me Atl'lr. ss W. F, IT Jutmsou St., lin.im p il. CJJARDENER..By a competent married niau I v. bunn mi sunda tne esra ol uta nunnsos, bot-h niipe*-i (rnltBandgen ral niauaxcmcntof sava rouut ry place; very best rd refnrenci Irampi -nt ¦na i.ur eu. [ii", is. Adureas r v linc h DOWNS, Oreen a ,, il. alli f «.M.IM.M'.R lind rAII.MI'IJ.-Mi.iiKd.nr- \ " " aral vosrap ci lui expel.v in cr ini.<. s.uiii araa> I'lie-. ulilviiil -a fr tit sud vtaj. i.tiil,., nd. ral tm i Improve. il ii ¦ place., aiaa fsrmtaa; aad every thins "iii" len wiih 'uis.nes.s of both No, lolly r.-ti l«r character and abu' > Address C. H., Trlbans Dpfaara Office. 1,238 Hraad way._ / v\:;|ii;\i.k ami USEFUL MAN.-By an V.S Kn pi itant marri "d nus: ace, At gaara i aBb only oner lld Im fully t.iieteiitln all branchei i-f sar'en ,.,l Heel litlW. v. .f.t:,nl"s iilii a flied fe-,.. -Bin. iii wlllinc ind ubllBinKl In-I Iti'iiiiiii'ei.ililliins Apply Bl I'AKl'ilN -I / rARDENER and FLORIST or GENERAL \M in:::. ;av By a yonmt man; tberonanlr underataada ,,, BO "" I d let iilll'ilt'Ili. a. J- i'A \ 1~. 11 ai -. .. -I_ /TaROENER, FLORIST, PARMER.-By a \ I I'roteitBit, reapeclable sinifli* man 38 yean af aga i bs ii.,, ¦-. finns, ii.ia i- ni-,i uni cont), j.r..pe-, il aol raquin don u '. f t llj ,, tereares. Ul iress li > I'.DEN Kit. I rlbuneoifici. U-l III, MAN. .Uv a ronilg iiiiin, to do : .tu-, kail of l.iMvvoik. Addresa 1^., i, . Upi n Of) wai'._ WAITER..A r'ri'iiclii.i'iii wishes ;. situution liter in a private faniUi capable of lidiuc tua I'.nttr-M ill}' ellln i Hy ol counliy. Can BlJACQL'lN'M, lldi! nih ive., li tween 3.i!h a VV'AI l'i-1*'.''v :i '-,>l<'!''ii man as waitering TV private family ar ot sin u eonntry: furmi r employers rccniuni uti him ss i-lBei-iit lodua rtons, neat, honeal md (.ber. Cad oraddn m- i.i'ii a k.vki ns ,,v in si. nar bun e._ |A7 AITER, fee.By a young Swediali m.in lt ss waiter in private bardlyi andi ears nf silveri si IcUy bouan, snbet a.i silent >. n> i,,,-i . .. ii. j., is ii 1..J, Trtaaea para OS* .. -1 i'-r.a.lway. li ci jj Ulir.iici). \Yr.\>. rKI)..!'>¦ ii m.iniitai tining concern. * r u ja i"i: man lu i-dn! lu lot pins I BSSa must bi' n iruud panmun.a iUTuvaaaUsfaeton lolonui'ri*. Audit.v Ashiht- aVN I, d.allon M, .mw VorkCltv. IXntnacmcntg. ABBEY'S PARK THEATRE. ara. HKNBY K. ABBEY .Lissc. ind Mt'lier. MONDAI EVENING. FEBRUARY IC. at -, REVIVAL. For seven nights ind two matinee* only <>t Mr (.ilhert'i ENGAGED, _ with the L-reat orin.esl cast. HolMsy Milln.-. . Washing'on's R.rthilar. Feb ZS. st 8. Tueslay, Feb.-Jt, A TOOL AN III** HUNKY. Hesta can be secured ny Bell Te plums._ gOOTrTB THEATRE. HUMPTY DlWtT POPULAR ENTERTAINMENT OF TUE DAV. -._. ARnKV'H- nUMPTY DIM.P1Y AND st'AM-H I rUDENTS. ABBEY 4 HICKEY....Proprietors A perfect Pauorami of Ls'ishable Events. Every Evening it H-Weduesoay sn-l saturuar Matinees it 1 Doors open at 1 ami il 7 p. m. PrUes-'Sc., 5(>c.. 76c.. SI snd Si SO, DEVEFITof IRELAND s-O-rFFBEKS FKIDAYat 2 P at gROOKLYN PHILHARMONIC. '~~ FOURTH REHEARSAL TeXTIRE PROGRAMME) ._.,.., MONDAY, rabmarv io. ^t I j. m. FOURTH CONCERT TC RH DAY, February 17, at 8 d m. w. .s- .... AtACADKMYOKMl'MIc. ".¦. Mlle. DE HI.I in ' A flfftmr i!\I!iAN7A PIIILllARMONH'OHCUKiVrBA A "*¦ THK'iiuiiti' thoma*, ceaaaciar. ORCHESTRAL PART. ' Artoifinand Fuji", f Min . Mnrart sympboay. No. i m a flat. Opus go. Beet seven Overture.'-Pentheiites," Oj | OoMmark liiUtiiluetitiii and nnale. "Tr,*tau ami Louie".Wagner Admtaeien in liehesraal 7.V iid.uaston to Concert, si. Beearved asst* to ie .>r.i,vn»«l ..nlv at Cbuitller*, 17^ Mon- taine at limn l p, m. February IK tor Rehearsal snd unUl oj/ ui. 1'bruirv 17 tm Concert ('BICKERING HALL-Organ anal Ham vv Matlneei nimrnclae Wi:n\l:s|iAV, March Kl at 4 p. ni nunn Oeorge W Mitnn Maru. M ,, Mint M.irssn. VOt ..hst hrs) n. ii e Mis* GERTRUDE KHAN K 1.1 N. ALYS iNew) THEA'* RE, B'uVyai :wtl7st ¦Ibeomy Theatre u-.nler Ibe rn migoment ol Mr. AL (i IS PIN DALT. tte rXBTgOnONef UOBIC.PPE TACT.E and COMEDY FOUil'III WfcEK OF THE 1) M U M | II n P M 1 M M II D P SI M M M II M MM M II EV! UY RIOHT lt «. BATU SBAY MATINEE .t 2. « VSeats nur bs secured for the royal middy iflia mouth la advamc. OM WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. Iel.ri.arv IS. and na each rVBDNRBDAY AI'TFRNOOM ONLY, will br revived W S. GILBERTS beal drsatUi mm- cdv as arranged for the siagi-h-.- Au.iimu Daly aud eutitled CHASITY. WASHINOTOWS glRTHDAY, Matinee ROYAL MIDDY. irHTM AVENUE I HEATRE. Lest Ni"r"li7s. X JOHN T. FORD .fasaie aad Maasasa DOYLY .'A li K> LONDON OPERA cou RA NY LA*-1 THRRtt WEEKS OF THE I.A-T AND lilli- ATE-I' .-f('('.>-s tir lill AL-THO K AM) COMPOSER OF PINAFORE. TH!'. PIRATES OK PENZANCE. BY W. B Olf.HERT AND ARTHUR -n.t.IVAN. >*ests ready foi any night of tito lesson MONDAY, UarehS, BROOKLYN ACADEMY. II AVERLVS THEATRE, L-fch-st A (itn-ave. J. H. UAVI.Ill.Y.f'ronriel.ir sn! Msnitag 1 A-l WEEK OF THE ENGAGEMENT OF .Mi JOHN A. BTEVKNH, Stad ut ti,e ti:txtii lum ol ij|, iliaiaa UNKNOWN. MATINEES WEDNESDAY aad SATURDAY at 2 p. t«. MONDAY. F BRU A HY 23, Fit .va-it 'if' al this Thea re, at tba SPECIAL H'M DAY Ma ll SEE. il 'J p. iii i.f tit' bi .pi mt romp my of Aitlats ?Bown a* -Al.sm BYS TROUBADOUR-. ROSTER & MAL'S CONCERT IIALU iii ,ire Knit. Rlsl's Graud Orchestra sad tho trord'a >;rea ev. carns! virtuoso, .1. LEVY. _ADM!--ION .-'-, CK-NTU. MAI)I><>\ .-QUARK THEATRE. ¦Jilli se. sdjetatog Ftitn Arenas natal UNABATED SUI THE DO IT. IE mali the HEALTHFUL *»Y**TEMT Ol VENTILATION.THB ELEYA ED ORCHESTRA -ACCi. --Ii.LE HEATH and EX I I*. A e. Ae. EYi. BY E VI-. NI Mi ,'tsl.i; KATU (IDA Y MATINEE St % ll \/t.l. Kl KKK. Brtlie STANDARD -Tock COMPANY. Prices as asnal; asata steered i cartalBrli - IO. M~ g; MUN EY VV7)bi;LETT'S MMHNIMJRE- CITALS OP -If AKESI'EAEE- PLAYi*. BBB* CHANT OF VENICE. HENRY V.. MACRK1 if, KINO JOHN, Mltll ADO AHi'l T NOTHINO, und HAMLET, ti illiKEKl \i. lt A 1.1. -i\ miiiiMivr M-iniays, i**a- ini'i. lng MoNDA. .Marett I,al ii ¦ Couts raci nilli reserved eeat. fg|g -fhubcllh's, -No 'i I J. B. VALE, M.in.i'.r. ll'ioni No. '.T,( ouper luslitute, t'srrlsires mar be ort', rel st I2:l3 p.m. _ NEW-YORK AQUARIUM, la li toad way aim .t.ili st. RORERT STICKNEY - IMPERIAL PARISIAN CIRCUS. NEA BII.L. MA I I NEE EVE BY DAY. EVENIBOBIB. _Admission, '.ni-: chi lian, hall mae._ NEW-YORK BKA1 IN»* KINK. Me i-tni'tve., '.-lb an .V.u'i its. OBAND TEN MU E RACK MONDAY EVENING. GRAND FANi V DRESS CARNIVAL WEDNESDAI EVENING Always Skattag. Music Atleraeonand Evening. _ Open 8 a. m. to IQ-.sO p. m. SYMPHONY SOCIETY. Steinway Hslt k7 Dr. L. dam bosch . Coniaaar. VA OBNERAL BEgUEST. REPETITION OF I. KEE BI! I! I! It. li BBB gsa b n a h g a UBBB EEEE II I, B B L B lt L p. a i. it ii i il ooo ii o o lo o ll o o ll O O ll o 7. O 7. R LLI.L II OOO Z/.ZZ IA DAMN ITTON " LA DAM NA Ht'.N -' II. FFI F F F rg» y F F MU A A TI "IT t 1 T - T T ; -, T T .. WEDNESDAY EVEN1 Ki. I lc. il IRL'H OF lt"! YUH BM, MISS 8IIERWIN Mi MRDAN !ri«o. Mr.hl HM! lil/ Mephistopheles, v.i :.. i.vi: ,ii..,,il.-rV Iii'.et. now li be lia I Bl lftBim~SJ Hail nial S3 IijIjB Opera M.'.!«-. Brisia*' ir SU.I .'.I'.'l »'. Cub FidiHi-iti Miii-sfti-ls. | 0 lil' FAMILY I'. soBT. I lum,en*,- -nt i.s. ul j Bi.Uk l-ll Nu, ..t the rn..v usn: sandy id ie -. ".ired. ..! i-i..-'- - v iv I'.D \ Y r ¦. _ 8TAN DARD THEATUE, B'way and 33J-st. l.As;' NIGH I- of " HtiKi.t'i;-. SetardAV, Febru.itv 21. lill E's -1 UPRISE PARTY ia _HIAWaI ii v r"riIE FI8K UXIVEKSITY SINGERS will M. trive theil Url concert B Blink en One Ibelr return fmm Europe, in I'LYMOUTH CHURCH, nest MONDAY 1 \ I ni si. ttl 1 Ui i .! th ".I sierras i Ucfcela SO cania (oo charge foi tr-... .- ilievnssvha b.,.. ii i ll AN i.i.ri: -. I/-J Mi.iit.it;,ii -I., tua KtVAYNr;-*, '.u lu imi -t il AN i'i.i li bas liikels lui the t.st.ilcof .nut KU AV\: Hie u. -f. THIRTEENTH ANN Tai. EXHIBITION X or un: AMEKHAN VtMEit Cl' OK SOCIETY, Noa uai b ai the NATIONAL At ADE'IY Of DEMON, corner j.ii >t. sa Itaave, From 0 a in. un! ti p m.. au,I iruin 7 to lt) p. m. Admittauc. Wi.i eins. Satnritav, PeornarrSS, r'VliV. lt KY. NEWLAND MAVNAKD'S i'TuT- 1 iratedmarinae Icctm ion "THE CATHEDRALS OF KOPI ,' CHU Kl HINU ll ILL, lour sued tlavs, ,oiiiiit.'ticiiig Feb vi at-.iii.) p. m. Course tickets (re- lerrad), -J , [TNTOJj SQUARE THEATRE K I 1 ll I WEEK AND COM 1INVBO BUOCBSS OP _ 'lill: FALSE fbi;.ND. _ VALE'S POPOLAR LENTEN MATINEES. V MR. t.l ti.lt.,. VAM EN !!"! - ¦¦l ICKENH AND slHAKEHPRAlsEAN B iilMVu-.- i In. si rinit Hall. n> e - ,,,-..-,.- i t Fen, l'.i. al a .lilt, eluek (tense iiekets .r.setvetl. gi .'it'. rALLAI K'S. 0 es7t30j necias al s. Iiuiirieioi aii-i Mr LE-iTER WALLACE. Mi. DION KoFcliAt i r will appeal la iii tSrania Iris,' play eui Vi 1 Ki SH .UOHRAI N. EVEiTV EVENING and SAIfJEOAT MATTNgR, Hulls. HUON alASQUERAOt MAI.!., Jt\ FEBRUARY 111. 1-smi. At MADfHON SQUABE OABDB1Y. Tickets, attoiiiiint Gen li emin ami Lear, #5 00. a Leis, itiira :d ii". sat a--- .t- c '.'*.T.!7 Broa.iwav. Hanti Broa'..7t)a Broadway atia S*it .".iii ave; Wilhelm BGraefa, I.I il Broauw m >pargeu- I, rgS ll ttl lil ave: ll. Colell's -0-il.allum- m nar lUii:) Hair's, i!I ( Etsi .Mia Ese! '.'.,1 si. ainu Inna nu min rs, and al Arion lull, 1!) und .J! si. Mars' p..na NO TICKETS StU.D AT THE DOOR. Bsfraaluneat and I anch ii-vmi nee:, all nuht. SI ll'l.it Tlt'KEl- »1 Wardrobe nt-aanuuui nu 11 the personal aiuarvBaon el Ur. R.W.FISCHER, freattaa lass aral Masta, Ctuurca ano Ulceiirtjs. lil (il'KMAN LEITI.'IIKS UN MODERN 1^' UERMAN El l.li.v ll i.i. iui'!t'r auspiees i.l the i lian I. Kerman Si. it-tv bj Dr. O. C. hElBEBT, late iinirae- im .a t.e.iu ib iths (jin-i ii nt saeaas Fr.aiyi, st I p. m.. in (ir.,te Ila.I. Ess: lilhst, begi'JBli'g'ii'lh inst. II k -. v ii ni .. ut houkatuu-s«s.d al tho ijliiee, oracs il . 187 East EBb-i. I ress Ulaking. Vi ME. KEDHON, 205 Wist 2Gth-st.-Firsf> ill tliss Klein b itiussiniker. worn out to families tarma »..' per il.f, ur ai taaas ai reasonr.ble pnre walkin^ t»-tuuisa for rsl, S i ami Sd, toilet oosiuiao. fur *o, ST, *\ IJ sud liv.

Transcript of ODDS AND ENDS -...

Page 1: ODDS AND ENDS - chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1880-02-16/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · eempiutely Ailed pesterder momng a hind' inn-raae ... tut", sui h





aa, HlM.OKI.YN I'ASTOBAI K -n I 111 1: M>(,Ol Isl s.

Mr. Becher vestciday morning consiilereil IBO

enjoyment of a tmily religions life and tin hin¬

drances to it. At theClnsson Avenue i'leshyiei ian

Church the Kev. David lt. Fraze! preacBcd his first

sermon as the pastor; be is Dr. Duryeu'a ineeeeeor.

Dr. Armitage, at ihe fifth Avenue BspCtal flinn h.

BiBtw etty, spoken! lae overwhelming Importanoaof religion aud nmrality in great cities like

New-Ynik. Di. I. A. K'ttrcduc, ol Chicago, occu-

pmd the pulpit if tbs btadtaoe Bsjnnrt Preebyterian( iiMit h. ami preecbed of thc life beyond tba grove.Dr. Manning, of the < Hil South Church ni Bonton,showed thal the (ross of Christ was the true nn-

s.vcr to the heart of man; Ins sermon

was delivered tn' the Smith ReformedChurch. Mt. 1 il! my, in Cc Church of thc

Atonement, prcactied ol Christ's baptism, Dr.

Mit.lynn, al Sf. Stephen's Raman Catholic (hun 1

tonk up the Imami sui Cent, and .ci'ti willy warned

lits hearers against the BM of intoxicating liquors.

IMNDl.ANi CS TO CHKIsTIVN ENJOYMENT.Th* Ste. Jlmry Ward Brrrhtr. ni fit mouth Church [Congre-

yal.In jiitc nf BM Mm in lMyniouth ('lundi WM

eempiutely Ailed pesterder mom ng a hind' inn- raae

of callas and Biker BeWOTS rested fi pun the pulpit I nilli.

end a vane of flowers was piace.i up< n the athel Bideefitform Mr. H.-eehi r make willi more than usual

lari *, taking foi Ml lal BskTCWS x. 88 anti 39:.. Now lacjan shaii liva ey faith kel if any sam dian

my soul shall have BO ideas-are la Mm. Bat WSare not ol batta BBB draw back unto perdition ; but ol

ti 'a th ii mCtaVS ta the saving ol las ssaj "

In the early ne--, th prc taker * nd, whether among

thi beutheiror among thc Jews la Jccwaatam. Ike breem

lng a disciple of Christ brought such trial* ami tempta¬tions atm porn haems eaters was pernetasny itsWato iircab down. Dur BsVfcms had ls midi nw the incon¬

stant.those wbo were without rtilmltv and without

Ji iiniiit-nce. 'I be Apostles found it cvei v « lu re easy IO

gather, bari to keep. Then ama peculiar trials In

those eany days. To become s Ckrtsllau, a benthoshid anio.i nt. rally I" cai hims lt ofj from Bil

kind. Tue Apostles wire oblmeil lo pul aside tbeoffheoof rife and to keenSM almost hermits. There were so

msnythlriKS that carried wtih them Bm ftasfc and tbsmachine! v of worship. Coutinnal raf icc ls made to

these th I now.The stale of mind Into which men come who are truly

di-i-lplesuf Christ is one of profound nit rest SfaBMone who opt nilites. The gnesisnf religious felling,the scope of It, the nece.sitv of lt. are transcendentlymore Interesting as a study than physical science.

What t« implied ny being Ina high ratkTtam stHteof

mind? lt Involves the alibiing consciousness of two

elements -one of th'* continuous pn % uce ol dod.af thearoa! Ali-soul of the mil vci se. Thtt i- uidi-pcnsable. to

a religious tiaie. There mint also beau abiding con¬

sciousness of an Invisible world, willi a history, that

cs to u» aud militantly i x-tis an influence on us,

toward wbieb our life ls un emigration, a mandi. ThisSt use ul the uuse- :. ls w hat tiie \ pus le means by faith;and If ant man draws back and bas only thc conscious-Bess of what the eva can see stn! the ear hear, he ls goneout of grace and i- ter.alist. Thc prenGod excites in us a tra,n of emotions not unlike thoseof the Hiv HM Mind. I lie lasktaBtaS of the soul ol Hod pro.

duccs a gracious fervor and col''ls Uta human soul,Such a mun has sweet, elevated t motions. '¦ i xprrleuee* " they are sometimes called.fi. t rill the soul andVibrate In lt. Out of thens BCBN such v. arni sv mpatlnesformen ss to hi nut a tine Clrl-t au Bereen Into BStrVS*vin,ath\ with other psfSOBB Il,te v.,- I ive loreto

witball ll* variation*, aud love loman. Thosethat tiwi ll in tin* Mate Ha BSBSCtaUS of BS pleasur. »

greater il.an such. A trii" fii-i-iiau SXpsateB(: '¦ lawful plea-iins, but irradiates them

in, -:. .down saan gems a Bght fjam hlgkmtakngaCult arc nu ans guinn toa mau'* *elt a ret-eptlvitv, a

sensibility, mid a perceptivity cn uti r thea he had tie-tore. Because I bare seen what Ita Benlee! srtistsdo1 enjoy more even the ribbons on a horst's bridle andtbe bells In sleighing time. The towt M form* of ai': ure

more to inc because I have sympathy with Hie higherfoi in*. Pa tb" BBgaael iBligtous ex|irrienee takes nothingaway from the snYetious or from domesticity, liesities.Ike enji v mt nt which one ts capsidr of deriving from a

snople exercise of religious feeling ls transeeadaal v

li. uter l ha ii any other, lt has quality, if not quantity ;lt bnsonsassi B IVOne would suppo.-e that notiody having onie tasted

sue;, au exp rn nee would ever want ttl ree. de from it.Bm antblas i rapot ima more quickly ; noi ins mu-; i e

hept m«r |ealou»ly. Wna are tin way* lu armay low mal draw beek is---n> tbe bight r rel!gi iclosures I 1 ha fuct I- ai. ul .m.) uni. .i .1 tint men doBet tass tee more esquistle barruoniti of the spirituallife. Kxcea r>- ni of thelos* ot iciigi. us feeling. There is an Impression thatthe som c in in ar anything. Bm ihe spit n t.f man bas

.ipa**, and it cannot be caw Ibelimllwith J ecnditloni li you trauacend Hierang'* ni suv ame, there v. ll he a rearHoe. It ii man

aadertakea withi it ai,, r>;',rd io prud nee or hie ea-to i.i- all tin- uni" in an

le state.la a " revival state," um it is

I.tke time will come winn he wi)rseaaad aaa gn either mio euaibuesi amrkidsi an. inn . as man has evel arougkl ni revivallahore wtt keel oowing to what I may esl I vi

Iwriods ia his mind, li he ls content ta rest and bcallow, he w .11 ci bm iioinol. Bul If be f lek* thal tke

Ball sf .onie io reit la a lemputtos nf ike dei il ai I. tl UKnl"« Hfciniisl lt. the mole li- -liiu,-r. the deeperhe will "'.uk. Many iiicn ii ve ,. .| by carrying.tu ii religtoaa teeUuoa and exp rieiiee too 'ar, aud bav¬in* what may derailed a heiivenlv drunkeuneismuru relic ..to., nu, ti. Bul this is ito t thcdirndl it y ender w lucb no mostly labor. [Laughter.]

ls om fallHulity ned i er wa ak.a tiru few nfns arc (.landing by oin own will and peiii'iiiiiiv. We in- bald Bp i'v surrounding ctr*rmnsiHi re..av friends, purents, Un minister,

io a is Aov sudden ciiaiik'" liv which theseBuxiiiarus .ut taken swat from a man seems to tl »-

ckarss trots bim all religious life, Acuangeol realllrlic or '. chang- of Occupation I -lilts tn quent IV III

lc tviiu no a sin void ot sensitive reliaioni feeling.A man aloa* ba* got Into the worst comp my be eas gettut", sui h a t linik.-c iu th \ hHons of Incas break- off thew auxdmry belita Inordtnary life is

atirndtsl willi dancer. Then is Uie Hiue for watchful-i for Christian eouipaiiouship

Tin". > tbe tinitiT' lin by a singular and un-iteration of the min in (be direction of m-

tual labor. There ls a transmutation of emotionInto un, lo. mou ihe emotions mc thc trueille Biol Hie ,-, nlro of man hood. Faith, hu,.Biol love sollie H's lue em,alon that is tteBBealec man, and tba Intellect is tu nive u feedI'm in itlvo man ls the mau, and the Int ;.1 " il i. ls tbi :. Mulili ni,.- oi I. u thinkno!iims of tee valli" of an emotion until ll is cailum un ul' a. lins ls hs If a loan sa.ia il turu gold Intolead Bv tue time tie- bi acne tue feeling; is gone,resolve religious fervor toto pbik.«opu*. Km me tun.

po»is ol iii oath i knowledge lt is well for turn to inalyzot'l.-ir cmoi: oas, bal carrying lt loo I ar, cording t.. thKew I ., ls running the min u u backwards.Wtadlac tke aatea the wronc way. Many and manyaii .it km tasl hts religious feeling by reading Ino mncbnavel rciu.-i.iu. Mani ..nd many a man ii is toltawi d hisliilcilectiial iie.liiei: ni* hui oBi.'liel futilely. This agebi peculiarIv snbWt I. h temptations, lt ts not an

ase of philosophy only, bm of researeb. Everywherereligion and sclenoeare striving togettt r, ..mi ;.ouri ig

tement on tbe growing side ol the human soul.Hill lt a liiai' Ciianirr* Ills oplliiuli ah .ll! li a.i, and saystu,ii h.- Boee not know thal Carial was more tban ¦¦¦.

iin.rti genius, be paaseeluiba stat ol uttcert-ilntr midilotiot. The Apostlt says: "Ile t'r.n doub-.etb is

Uauine I"' .¦Hiiniid" means eondemmd everywhereIII (he New Tex iil.ient. bur to change lt Would eft 'lid tueconvi< au,-of many; and so "Camm I" h.- to stand.[Latughtei Ii iiimus thal doubling is ns nail us Unbe-iliving. Uanni takes Mvvsy Um m ai nat onlycoes ont lev. sid ctitauuj. A (iii wrai ped lu rc-mataai I Bk | W m» is a soul tn blossom.

lrn ii uhb lah uway from acttve r. Ilgiou - feoltng fromB more iiuw"i:uy cause.from .u- pr<-d m-manse in tbe soul of teeonga utterly lucomdsl ulwith liight r oms. The higher ex;(Unices arealoudsd by tho predomiuaucsi ol .-,.i

rxperlcn'.-e* and liat^lons. If a man gi vet; wof lu insai>ie*titc .nol overeats, his religious cxpericucc* areaaartoas. You can't violate the tuiui.ii.it iiiul law that

Te predominates tho soul is snbtudiuate. Tuesinging sale of the mail of men can't be lu bondage to thetaner appetite* aad passions, and Bing. Pride, tbe loveof praise, uuxcr, revenge. Jealousy, envvlngs, the rivalrles et men.how they simkooat ol the finn nneiit ahoye

-tarn of love, and . vcrv element ol idesseduess tlli'ii people ii.av ls insensibly leil to this -;a,e by very

lcm cent things. Woem persons are prosperoUB. theyare sausfled. No furistaln |>ersoii cnn ever n satisfied.Blessed arc Hu-*, thal knuger. Hunger i:-a s longingalms aeasetkteg higher and ber tn. Anything thal -a li¬lle* a luau hinders hu) being urawu up to (j el The noble

for Mtig'iictituttou In ti.iugs brlgbi aud gloriouswill ahlde mrev.T.. jLeythlna tnut checks the b>tig!ti<j ofmeu ui rise higher sod higher takes away Chi!*tiaiiBgssrlwm.Ikea, many lo»e this experience by indulgence li

nleasure*.and that, too, lu piea-uie* not disallowed.Lite ls fm! of social enjoyment, aud lt ought to lu butaeen are uni tti.int d to t< inper.itic t,..io.o. iieeuuse a

thing ia allowable tu racism,-, ;t Un.-., not follow mat ti1» light lu nny degree. No pleasure which satlsflf «Ml so thst it tii«-s imt long tor tl.-aVell, Ito p|.'a-urewhich mak'>s prayer stipertluims, ls in ni rtcial. WhileK<lety is rum. audmlugfing with men is uften a mean*of sraes, these ibtogs nay!, carried ito such an extentas toliitertere with tbe hlgiier ri itglous Hf,-. I won'tl» nlKOnderslood on tin* point. I nelii-ve io partiesaud 'U.-i't object todai.ee. and balls so far us the house¬hold is concerned. I would not bring up young men audwomen te lie cowardly. But mr pleasure-regulate it. aud stop .t the point where you find y our-

breakinguowu. Kwp watch ot vouisi v.u mern desimys strong religtanaft ding

lu mun lu busiuess savs that BS 1* BM lui*v to prayI <. li in u. ill. If amati ki vs tua! because of f.e ca:e aiiii

-sion ot ins Uusiueaa be ba* ail tho more nea io.n-of ula ami. toutpwil can Ive avoided.

W*e steps of ilecfJLsa and si-lntu.il exhaustion oftJitr-C work inwardly and outwardly. Tke deeper anote tat.-r fe. lings die ont. The habit of prayer».! I. ii;., go.*. aud then tbe windows are shut ano.tue dan, au! the man stands ur best afar off suymg

'. Lord. 1/ord ;" snd tbe answer, also from afar, ts, " Y.ciitinot enter In ; I know ve uni." A-itl *o men emptyUiciiiselvcKof al. that i« dd pest, sweetest, most Juli audiui"( honorable.Christian metbren, how many of von live to-day with

out curliest. s"u!-»r.irchingpra.ver I How mimv of roesse ike Wmd of Oed as seksrm or sn snndet i Bsamsnv ol von are known io bs Ci.tisllan* hy your uncoil-.< o us Influence I How mane have felt that the churl li

feeds von, aim no! tksl von teed tbe church I What are

von doing for yniineiu -1 What are you doing foroilier,. I ls there one soul for w hom you are laboring IAro you sacrificing any lim for others I Arevon proving tor them I.laboriinc with them IHow Beany of you me lehertag in prayerfor tke revival el God's work beret Tear church lifehal erased, sad your Ckrlattae life long ago. Tour1lump la not only without oil.lt bas ml any wick, I- itbel tniie foi soiiiei'Oit} and a geed niaiiv POmCBOdlCIto stop I Gae aud another should bogie lc gncatloe," Where am It" How much of hiv li'e |« g ne I Onabai plane nu I Blending l Bera I gone down, or sm Igoing up I Am I liiigrovvnig oi growing Bp I" Is lt UOltime for yon to gird np your loins 1 Ia ll not time fortl os.- who are active to see linn they ure more active I

lt ls not lang the! as have ta stay. Bydayaanrerunning swifter tkas Iks river, swifter BrunHie cloud Morui-nlovvn. iwlftar than the SBgto'lflight, swifter than ,111 amtWI Bad yours are

nmg toe, There ls bo tuns to bc (oat Bein sra tura*lng gray; wrinkles seeompsnylae. If you have scy¬thing to do, ta tbe nano'ot tin- Oed el rear lathers Icharge you lo look to yourselves. Begin again to-day.with laval and lear.-¦e.uc'.iiiii, n i.igici .-inti noblerlife; and you will not have taken mani atom beforeyost will brine ons sod rmothcr, tod ike house will mn.i tc bold th'*, wko shall any i "Uv your graversand yow isinisw.- bam found the Saviour sud bees-avid hy His p:a ions blood."

A NKW PA8T0B LN HIS PULPIT.The r.er. T>a<id g frazer in th' Ciaiton Avenue fre^r/'erian

ciiu.r.Thc Kev. David II. Frazer, recently culled tn

tke Classes Ava nu- i'r- ak) 11nan ( hurch. Brooklyn, irs

'lotta Kv Di Joscpa T. Duryea, preached rn

that church yes! ci dav -.not ii lng the leadmg desk and the

organ wt ri decorated with Bearers, and Immediatelyabovs the preacher's in ad, in inge tatters ta flowers,was ike woni H Welcome.'* Tkere wes n v rylaigweoegngstlos present The aisle* wera occupied byamp-toois iiud aunty persons wen obliged ie stand.Ml Frazer spoke wnlioiK notes, in g rOlSS Wktcl S M

heard in every part of tke eluireli without being un-

i'. issnlly loud. Bs smpkestssd his words witt eon

sub lalile action. He spoke from the text. I. Cormthi-nns, I.-J.. " ll, cause the foolishness of Clad ls Blearll, in men ; snd the weakness of God is si longer II; an

nicii."lt t* a rhnrncteristlc or Christianity, he snid, ns distin¬

guished from all other ayeteBMWl religion, that li t!

metals or conimaiid. but i* foeeeedss a long Uss ol11 ul hs. It sedlSSmi man on th'anther: ty of Bed vv it mint

explanailoii or apology. It seeks to I ISf ut him byraising hun ii(t lo (.od All other sys! -ms. found-tl on

tiif atoaam el ama, se ¦ itter what eeaV ot sweat amyi.e -tiibllshcd, alternately fall. Paul found lu tteBf Cm ml h that Hs human wisdom serpsSSBd onlylt* w ldc -spread heat'it-iiHui. Ile lt lulked the Ititel-

h bMBI crime alni the unchastity of the forintbliiii".and hil apueal rn'sed a SSCtempiUSBI meer innoiig the

cultnretl. They ezprasssd womier ar bis rashtie«s anduncultured presumption. Tliey said that BBSS hut a

feldman could have Hie BITOCOBt rflmiiti-ryto rrescnt to them the OCSBOl of Christ.a

¦gretam which bad as Its focal centre a ciu-

cllletl mnlcfactor. now could lie save other*, theyasked, lt He could not save himself. The svsiem, theycontended, was footlsb, nsworthy ol eonslderaUon andacceptance. Ham's reply was tksl, granting all tbejsaul to he tri'", lt was tts foolishness ot the InvisibleQed, willili i* wiser than men; lt is the weaknessof (lod whit h ls BtroBgl r than leen.We propose to eonsKtar where thc toollaksesa nf Qed

ls wiser tana meii, and whei" ihe wa akne*s of God isstronger thaa men. rue wis tom of man teaches bimthat he snot what bs ought rn be,end tkal bs mast-irk m:c solution to IBS moral, social prob-lem if tbe future. The *¦ ul can univ !..

hap] in tts dleskarca of lt* dato. If perfecthappiness i« the best condition el assn, tue highest wis¬dom lt that wbieb »ete bim right wlih Oed.kls fellowsend hts future. The wtadom of tbe atheist Ib that ottks fool aka aud in m* heart there ta no God, Hewant- no God, and therefore be Hind* his, jthere tan oe. He biota om the gather, leaving tbaninii a helpless orphan. The pantheists falito see GodIn ti.e mtier temple, winn you eave anea allof nature, they -av. von have aces all fore (solI he polj i he. sis .,.i i H. Wmbiaaa have bo lew bal *eif.a'ul tlii.t Wisdom falls in ODtalOing li ne ha pian ess. Hu¬man v. ist! un Bills utterly to met t the domauds ot men. aad in that failure God'sfoolishness triumphs, since man need* pardon toi stn,the simple assertion tkal Ike blood ol Jessi Christeleenaea men troai all sin is woriii more ta the tool i baaali sparkling gems m.d earthly winton, Tnt -

pro deni i« -oived wbon it i« remembered thai bolinemw tks only pura kapptnesa. as regard! tbe pitbe future, tbe ( osea lbs bright light of s cityof etarual fruition sad laughter. Cell itfoolisbiy.iii win, but by inaiiifes! results it stands forthdemonstrative of the looUskncaa of God, which lswiser man thc wUtlotu ol lot u.

Ike aeakncM of God is sir. inger tkas mm, eontinnedttepreaeker. Knowledgeh)noi alway* power. Wisdomami saergy sro Bot aiwsys oompaataas, naman reme¬dies, instead of making mitti that which he i- nut, ann lo

give h in something be ha. i...t. They leave usa In*van ihi.v in a worse state thee ttey found bini. BalWhen 1 lie- belli of IBO BBCrPd I'lilmil ll louoht tl, tilesoul goes forth praising Ged. The Gospel of Jen*' !,iisi can pervade every station. aaBsfy even bThe Gospel uvo.d* tm trial and ll sarina¦ from un

contle*. Despise lt. r»n>, t n, if you piesse; bm remem<l-i a ti,ul ll only lc s c ina- ol I li tl luinpiiaul. mid In Ita

tonkas proved tkal if it la weak. It ta tee week-noel ol (tod wblck i* stronger mun mea.

li, c .ino lance v rn von call aiiii ind'* providencewe begin to-day a relation welch, I trust,ever ib- Divine blessing. I bring ta you the Christciai citied, tim simple message of tke Gospel of .i -o-

(hiisi. md,God helping m .tbst message iball alwaysIssue frouv this sacred d. sk. God forbid tba! 1 shouldmake tins a place ol any God-given sbiliry, flo forbidtba! I sbonld make ikls di of entertainment.God forbid that I should turn tbs moralfor Hu ..lin-, .loot oi any person. We preach!alu! Uno tint iii ll. I --.:: on of the lt nfl ii, i In l-l

shall' va r be th ann or tula pulpit, ike gn il and Ki"n-oi, -. 11,11 ii v.Huh our l'l.-i.y !. ri.nii-in signifies, Cunsl

fl d iball v er be proclaimed irani t Eta di -k. Howcalmly .'ntl confidently caa wa commit nil to

IP- a igtbatwlth li ide ls'ci tin re tu.'hiio be bo 'iio'ig'ii ol failure, li von mal I make u tm ureIn an', tine. non. i! will lie a lal.in,- In our i.my to G .1.(Millie banda with me thal our supplli itmn maj be to(i.ii's tiiroi e. Tbe pledge stands thal li we Jasl pulmus' Ivm ta tte way ol ina Lord and allow Him ta lead

..i.i meit our reward. Bea swfnl ail bs lbsi ip a ii ui of thal maa who, relying on bU

inrecom lied Into thc hands sf Jeana CbnsL raithlu (,,: l-l and ia,al in (he filth of ihe \. ai l.fulGod li i <¦ btohaai wisdom. Onlj bain v in me Lord,and by a Milgi" faith lief.me Incorporated with ii mwho la tke lim of men, and verily yon shall have m.ii,fi.- highest sdvateemeni In God's wisaesn.

RFX10IOH ARI) MORALITY IN NKYY-YOl.K.77u- Lev Thomai Armitaue. fi !>.. af Ute fifth Acenw Hudtit


Dr. Armitage, of tba Fifth Avanne Baptistemu ch will ne ans."..! from tte city thu wael ia bc la todeliver a canns af leetarea ejktadlseu UnlveiBty on

pica. long, beginning lo-aaorrew. Bia tactm i will bs:..The i.iigni o: ptcu< nmg," -'.li-'i-. tie preach '.

model." M Tee Apostolic ooptoi ef Christ," "TnVBolypolio la preaching," "Ike preaching for our iiines,""Prepsrattos for lae pulpit," * Tke pestsrsl work,".. p. i .n::ai experience ta prasektng.N Tin- iir»t tour

eov.-i tte do.lilli.' of pr, iiciing, aad the last four IBSe ol pr -at liing.

'Inc ti linn l>a ol tts Gospel In BSW TorkClty was thesui.Jeoi upon which Dr. Aimil.igr tlvvi-l: ,n li s morning

asrmenyesterday. Bs tunk tat kia "*¦ tetavlll.,8," And than was grestJoym thai slty," ead spoke tapar! SS. I illowa :

Ia b * vale.in tory address ta Bis people si tts Ualerd(. irgs WssUastas uses these words: -of all

the dlspeslrkres umi hakim whick Iced to pal :ichI proapertly, raUgtae sad aasrality are ladtspeaaskta sap.pons, lu vain would thal inn chum tks trihuleof

pafriottata who sin.md labor to subvert tteas arampillan of binii.'iii hepplaeai i these Brm proofs cf tteduties of mt n and elilarua Tue store pollrejuslijr witt tte ptoni mun. might ta respect and eberiakthem. A volume -.voubl not trn-a a their eousecUonWith I'llvit"'Hil I'Ublle f'llclM. I-'I lt SUBUtJ Bl

wi.t-re le tte sreurlij fer pr porty, fur repetalton, rerlife, if las sen..* of religions sbUgatlos den ri lbs settswktak arc IbbIiobbcbisoI levesMs ittoa ta .rta ol .-

nee. Bkatevrr ms Ito ike laflaeaee of re*Hoed eiiui.iiii.ii ea mledeol peculiar itruetore,and experience noni farktd ea to expect teat nstlawalmorality can prevail In exelimoa Of religions princi¬ple."A iruor scniimeut never fell from the pen of mortal,

ami lt ls backed by all that is mighty in a th roughlyintelligent and conservative mind, with Ike tullcstoiil'ortuii'.ti." for practical ob.crv.ttion lind BSpSttSBCe.Hi* mt, rance wa* inn of a father lor a eblld to akorahe had tl"Vot<il tits naiiie, bis boBor,h!s fortasc, blisword and his lite. If bi* position kc tree that all po*lineal prosperity is dependent uimu religion and moral¬ity, how mneb more forcibly ls nie tiutii emphasizedIn a Kepilhlic liku ours; and what Mcuialv tan

WO have without tain. Tkelr necessity is aapec lallyseen In sn Immense peiiulatlon gravitating io nusoantreesa great ielf*governed etty. Bera svsrytblngbi done on tke kroadest Democratic basis, wltboni anyof those historic Uss aad aneeatral honda ta loyaltywktak farms part ot old sommanittaa. Tke Ignorantsud the wise, the keir and thc Villon-, tiie inti:an aidthe philanthropist, have au renal rosea la i..<¦government. Bot univ municipal ulbe. is. bul tbsters of justice, art ebOSCD fruin the mass of tbe phikI hy tue asem of tte people. Hence we stand in n ilof every marni mid religious check ami restraint, leslvice mid Indulgence ikould rise ilka a tide gad pourforth devastation Uko, a volcano. Bode tke a,did um primarily preach toe Gospel r.., thc pori.i otestablishing civil liberty, they wera upholders of civilliberty in the highest sen»,\ and tor tins Bera deprivedof pusoiial freedom without lurr ami thrown Intoprison They 'ougt't great cities a* points fromwbieb to spi'iui tte Gospel aa their work. Itbegan iu Jeiusalem, thc moir .pol:- of Hie ni motin isi lereligion ; lt spread lo Antioch, the metropolitan I

Syria, lt was iu that etty that the diastoles wrranratfilled Cknatiaas. Iee very Berna originsuni at Jerusalem, aud it bcsiuuc fn; u .. i,g tune theceutn* Irum wnieh tbe Gospel spread tosh tbe Gi utilenations. Sardts, Philadelphia, I>a.!d:cea. these and manytnurr c..to»,; i.anetiardthe Apostolic alls ck iiutti tbe peo¬ple iald their lue, their * ower aud their devotion st thecro.-a of tbe young Maaareue earpent' r. Inls was notst.'ldcntal, but of plan, deliberate design, determinou

wll'. and ceo: .norillee. Tire Apostle* determined Sa

take thi stionjfhold. fir-t. i<> |,ut tn ir bandsepon thc

beating healh* of humanity, ami ult the extmwitteswould feel the far-reaching tnrob. N) Kigpel and

ratnrer erees ami eresrtoo, i.n demnustraictia Iii-.ives tC kS the Oflrattog cf "He power,one fonatsto, one spring, tkst Ooar prepsgsttoa majprov.- Itaell I" 1" :, Dod sad Bel I man.And we propose to atlhcre to thi* Cid and natur ii

order of thing* ta tts BM ku B diffusion of the Goans I.

The p.wer nf modern cities ls Jun a* great, for good or

..vii, s* the! of thc cities of antiquity. k'iy. "

possible, they ure gtsetai kp sn '»« ¦".

creased faclliilea for haman huaicoaroe, eaelal progress,,11,d finial growth. Every influence for nioymrbumsalty is combined, tor example, m thlscltv of New-

York, a* thev were combined ta the ami'nt <i tva. aud

mncb more abundantly. Uks mern lt sends Ita warm

life-blood tkroagfcevery srtory oftbeHtuie body sun

¦nfhises Its vltsBty tc every part o' ergsntaed societyni,,,ut lu Empire No mimi can messers its slementiof Inflnence by wealth, talent, literary attainment,commercial distlnctlou and teltgloui «l.

Ainslie, Klcutlfle. ]ddl..ntliroplc and religionsorganiSBttana make lt* combined powers reit

in every limb ol tbe RepobUe, and it fraud, anarchy.revolution trample under foot the sublime saleem <>r

self-governme.iit here, American liberties Income cu¬

ll mgered nil tbrongfa mir land. If. according to GeorgeWashington,morant] and religion are tue two pillarsupon wi.ah mir lib ral liistlnillon* stead,IelIBS make

tin in stronger than ever rn ibis metmpotla of tue

Western Ooerinent Ba must stem tts degrsdingdomination and grjBdme tyranny of human pu»-sloa mid vietauaneaa berc; fur when it in conns

so harsh ami inf! xihle in tbi1 whole moralnature aa to grind las Inman splnl Into sly cisi m iv iii OOO dolor! mea! Of Us Lng. lt will soon crush

all the oilier int.. si mle siih|ection. Where a manall control over bis passions nod will and Intellect, boarls be going to retain lils pj MM long III his .-tn ia;, legal

iml political relations 1 If aeJi-gorernmentfells ta hu

high,rand personal control, bow bug will lt continuein bi. relative Bell-government 1 Borallty ami religionare tko heals of ell nvii liberty,sadprrgm.nentlj so

limier tbe aeltornvernment <>t such a deroot retie Bepuo-,ic ii- Washington dbi so nun h rn establish. Wc ma) sa

truly cali tbls the Queen City of tte Bestai Antiochwaa railed tbe Qoe.-n City of the Rust. Ita wealth, its

political elevation, ita access to tks creal fens ol thc

alone, it- in:tile rn all il.epics mid luxuries of bnmanlife with ci ry Baa under tao beavens; Its BCholaatlcopportunities and if religlena prominence, sadew llwiin an overshadowing powerBat la lt without Its exposures and dangers I A man

must abut his ryes to saj Ibis. Bo ancient 'itv averbadaucba beterogenei ii popnlotlon. Ben meet herefmm evcrj sons; nearly a hundred langusg isnddia-leets are spoken rn our itreeta; Inznri and viciousbshm rendel many pf nnr people rBeminate: andevery prtnetota, praetiee sad spparstoa for amine-

!i;i\i- tree M-ope tor operaiiua, and nra freelypited. We need to bc vigilant suave nil people,lest tn(iu. time tbe ronsplrnclei ol ilu overthrow ocr moral-

nd r- iigioiis sancmiics niid uar civil and politieslliberties aub them. Bea af Mew-York. Christians;pan,is ..; Nea fork, Iel every consideration Hut lsworthy ol God and maa and oi lib, itv aetuate von io

¦pn oi the i.po-tt.iic leith ni sai <¦ ry ; iel thc starr] lagsod tbe thorny cross itoud togethei Intblielty. Yon

aero kora here, von make von:' wealth in rc. von willhave rour children here tor weal ur woe; than do aillinn iii au ta Ul Ne,,-.oik, fl dh i olitical fret dom amireligiose _

UIUOSTALITT AND THE LIFE BCTORD.T:.i Uti. fir. E. A. kt'tnd ie. tit the godtaM Square i hureh

(/Yr#,'<j/Vri,Iii I

The Ber. Dr. Kittredge, rnMtor nf tba Thirdii" .-. i.-ii.tii < bares, in chicago, lilied yesterday ihe

pulpit oftae Kantara sgearaPrsskytortaeCkerek,Mallison av .. and Tweiilv-foui fi st te winch lim

K.-v Charles II I'.iikhurst, of LseOX, Mis-.:.

copied u call BsfOn beginning h's sermon iu

tho morning Hr. KlttiadgS Nad tts lorin.d

letter from Mr. Psrkfcurat accepting the atti sf(he Chnrcli. and promising to give tn his wi.i li lu lt hilbe-1 eu, ig,. s and lo the ju i.plc his heall's i.ni. «t and

tayal egketlea. Mr. r akhurst wUl kegta in* psetcretsSO .'-unlay, february -".».

Tho ISSI ot Hr. Rutledge's Hermon wa* Hi cond Timo¬thy, 1., in: " Hut now laiaeds smnlfesi hp tts sppser*tag cf ear Bevtoni Jecw Chalet* who seth skeltshedtb iib ami hath brought nie ami Immortality te ngfcltaranah tte gasps!." Tke tin inc was Iks tarararmuty sfthe foul and tts natur- of tts BOOVOBly lue. Thc

ii, ., hm "aid in pan There are before me, I

.oppose, few who arc imt firm believers in the hamer-leBIg of the s ml and In tts re .Illy of tue hcivi-nlv lib

awaiting all wno belie v. in christ. I say few, for li.

dental! ot ntl leis ate tun as passing sienna bi tts sen-. lune of f.l-h. And yet it may be weil to ti.m.nm theso1,il bloc ;< of ev il- prove tkal "ur filth is

mole than s mere dream ttasns ^gvesky oar love sadbop.-, i illiberal . "f the argameotigdlng to pro?e Immortality. Then'an- three principe*

:, and all arc SSW rn ig| la tte Set U lasBnmterrnpted rantlnesnra of tke seel, Itsuntn-

tcirnptsd.kctauenesa and Itannnreket.MdlectloB-Tka three iiigiiuonts are rssgsntlTsly.raetspkyalcsl.payebotagtaal sad mei ti.inc Ital tu mi-* maj noel srgasM al ii from tte nature

of Hie soul being tlitleicnt fioiti that of the ho,Iv. lt lsint t t tit'.ii, ll the auestion ti raised haw do we affirmthi-. i say *<. know it br us manifest properties. Mem¬ory snd thought me un i,i.c a uv plopnv of matter endit un-.. os are un..W" tin- inuetanoe must bctl isl net. Death ls tte dlasoleitonol eonm etina betweenboilv ami soul. lin. aaeoad or payebotoargument I* that IBS -ul l* Iso great Inlt* design to realise rn thu. lite all that u is

for eadleea progresalona:.d anlimlted development, in thi* life it ..m.

learn* tim slnksbai of knowledge, while it bu* a hangor¬ing for vaster truth, fan a, -qui which can almost

God raaf I t' r naught I Ar.- -

Immense p..wei- lo be circumscribed by the pellybuslueao ot hie t Hen lil t:,:, wot .I :t can onlj

ng tte dusty wsyside of liftwork ls not proportionate ta ns power. Ilengine wile im! io Ho- t.i.K Of th ii Wing a baby ca rfu ge.Wi would aay lt waa emde for a kesvtcr load, boKilli ; I, len to Its po'th en. loo.we Dod Inmen lingerings tor Immortallti i bauniversal bi Itel -pi ln| fromamongcorni il id, n>ti in an¬cient times, men Ime Aristotle ni seneca who quami d'.nut and .l-l- for evtdei.before bellevlog.

i,.ug'imbuteloqueni proofs ot an un nil¬ing life.

bc lilied lg toe moral argniuenl. that Of Socrates all

Plato, lt la based on the wisdom, Ju a and goodnesso'God. HI lom ls di .; la vt ti ia tbe creal.f allHiing-, from Un simplest flower to lbs planet irv fib*.If ihe s.uil ii, de a lt ot the body eau God bInst, wi-e .ml rood I Da tks pii::s sod *

of ibis Ute brina forth no rm" beyond I 'in nw- e ta 11] a iii tke Pi 11milt, bare bet ntbe days of ray pilgrtmag " lei. are nnjost inrqual-lins--unjust of there I. Injure life.which osbe wt right ls the other world. Whj do wa «.

wleki tl |-.-..spt-r and tbe labteous fail I some men amidand otnen lu ansi Inc i win- < ,i

triumphant nod tra h trodden un r fool of men ifi" v. tba lulusi is to be igkled, and nugr.ii! gue; nm of :h" io.a' of*the furnacethe shilling silver ii: ii -i tonie ai but, aclire i* an Inexplicable riddle. The ques¬tion raked 2.000 yen- ago -t: I..!, asked.' kntiuic in. morai dutina that I am booed tc perform iium sou is nut immortal t"

li iv- combine all lucas arguments mid form one ti le*soopie glaaa to gsa into the hereafter, we Snd nu cr

talutr. bnt astr-jng probability tor tbs belief la Ibcdoctrine of linumrtafitj. lim n ls not nut ol \:.<- -h idowiof dOObt Altin.ash Ile ri I- DO In. liUlUta arguments, ll.aa eonvmelng tv.ii.¦innst coin- from ll dir. ct tn, h- a. fol limhus reasoned and believed thal taicontinent bayoud tbs ocean, bal be ronvmccd othersmil v when ki b il seen u and oari ed the proof bomAtheist! ur v: : i p., ,

throw over th* Scriptures, without which lyi, ls nop, ntlvi ¦. -. i. ,m In regard i" it. 'l Im inf ron!snment* a.e strong, bul i Ih-v ar. i, . eompli le witbottlii,. Bible. Our belief does not reston tbeac arguments,bUl We lia vi fl ll essa, e |,,,|,i !!,.- Spirit 1;,|,,|. |||,. »,,,.,'tnrea -ir tksl the sonl iball not perish,bal shslSourish In Ike Immortal llfi. Thai tbe bodj la only dustWI kl OW bl sou imo BlBu tke 6 '¦'¦ ly then nemenl oftbo soul,and de nhon v --ts ii it.-.- and Ila Ufa emtlnues unhampered.You ai, nottbeb dy yon do not die, bm oali leavev. .1 'i si liing, i io- u ,i ,1,,, ,,f mc rirb man and

¦.¦¦vs lld ..tn di Ufa a ufa mein, iv of mid Imthose left behind. Hm soul la an entity distinct fromihe body. In iii- berea lei illsoi lera will be matha.g will '". pan ihed and rljbl rewarded w.tiiall di¬vine impose et forth and made clear. In the word

*c Uara not o v iel* io r. iaun mm bul alsotine. di leripUousol ia eton ol immortality Kins fa,

I and J .col. n, Ui,.,- exp. '1. ncc .howboa souls irapti ,, t.,i to ike baavrnli kim dom.When a son! try tanti Isyi bold on Luria! it heroinwiin Htm. it- ut.- is i.e imttlngon of L'hrat, md tbi nisl.., in rlnuiug of the In lug tlc divine Ufo, ned thcputHngonol inn.talur. li tala be Ibi leachlug ..!

tte Bil ,- o.i ii; ||i wm li wian " v., are iii tbe.I ..f peace amilellowsblp v. ii ii lilui. JesusCtrlsi balli abolished dealb,lind nilli., d .t ol Us I ,;iai di,H'M.ion.

Immonnlli i n,..,],.,t >|« af.ter .baili. Then fat ,, r,.M :it,,i peace during a

Ol "ll'lclis, lull es.. If liol,. M jj t .;,,,-belvrecu death aud um -tune ini-t, tl,cn i'..aiwas foolish iu dennnc to dio sud lie witbi brist tordeath wool thal wkleli would nailwith tte tlinii tadgmeni. There ls overwhelming prouttimi after death Ipa soul fat al once li imortal « uh Gu i.and Joni . iii" great cl.I ol v. itnesses a ho un watching.*''<* walting lom*, 'lhere our boliuesa i- eternal, tbei

io do righiami no desire !<. dc wroog. Our p boc ls eternal: dotann i llsqulei us nor temptation lo M-»uii Ourjoii- ci. Hal. israel wu oyful al crossing luei: sc, ian the b,i,,-r weten ol starchwen .n a abort tim to eoaie. There aaatay al theidrthol Christ. I rn wben i- thal loy Boa treece f |oj rn roany households at tl frail-val, but boa so..a is fl tall iwi l by tbeeraneon tuedooi

Ike gong mu of -un ;, In many a borne I luand u.i ii v eel,.i |

darkness, rnereweaball bc tat isaed. No corea shallcull ui from our ncaveu.y oecupatloaa, nd no wenkt.

md" ns-ul us. We will know each idhiali tin- saored relation! o; life ituill i. pt pelual lo om

.v home, lb re lhere an. few bornes all'.".nu 'nnr. little mu.ac v.;,i n batfa noi nminor chord. There wa shall meet bat i, var can audbold fellowship with ( bruit, it we snin (hot, for univ a few mora year* shall wogi

rth like a weaver's shuttlu in thi* world, anu i nnu, i.-Lng happiu si wi iii.ii.w. Ale our nu rei ul life

v' In Hie:.te bey..ii I, and "ii iii a wi leoine of friend .1 .

V. Maj we |i.,-, I, ,| ,,,, I),,. ,,,.,. (Ul.pictures of hop,-, nu: on Ike soit.t UMllmony ai ina Wordof Gi .'..

LE880N8 OF LENT.fir. Mci.lynn and father .lecture, at SJ ^tephtn't.

St. St.jlii n's li.,man Cit!,.,lip C'ii ui.li, i:i.-igaii.-t., was clotted lu purpleye.ter*

day for the ssasoa of L. ut. Ike Her, li,.preached tbe nerti:on. Bkrsaal Ike flmpsl for Uksunday of Lent, watch burralea hov; Christ wa* lithe Spirit Into tbe desert to be tempted by th.Tbe preachst san! that mau was templed io os lo know

how to fght the enemy- Christ had shown how to reils'thc te.tu 'litmus of BM devil. Temptation was sn en-

i.e no ni to sin, but lt was no sin lu itself. A soul waifin mis'uken, and chose the bad Instead of the good.The devil always persevered In hal temptation, aud ifbe did not succeed in ouc wajv he 10001 etlrd lu another.Tia- beginning or thc season of Lent was a time forprayer to barn how to resist temptation. Man shouldnot allow his had appetites to control him.At the conclusion of the mass Dr. McOlynn, the pas¬

tor, while reading the usnal announcements, took occa¬

sion tn remind tbe congregation of tbe duties theyttSaid pi r.'urin during Lent.in this holy season of fasting and prayer, said he, I

exhort you to attend all rhe exercise* of the church, to

vl*lt IBS bb -ed sicriiment frequently, to pray oftenduring the day, bett pilvately ami in public whilepresent al the devotion, af the dniren. I also entreatyou to practice self-denial by refusing to satisfy ymirappetites, by abstaining more especially from that socialeui BS, fie drinking of intoxicating liquors. Ir ls an evilwinch ls at (he root of in arly all Ibo temporal audspiritual misery. 'Thousands aud tens of thousands of

pei ls In this very city are slaves to this form of socialevil, a large piopornoii of whom, I regret to nay. ure

members of the Catholic Church. The Scripture" By their frails fS shall know thean." These very peo¬ple who lu long to the church ure the lucius of keepingassay Bomana from si ming tata tts fold by tketf exece*siV" iliinkilig. They make tho ehiueh a bioci.eiv, andsmirch lu r tab* name and drag her Into tl KOpUtC n tts

il many sincere persona Tiers ism.: hair enough¦pokes in ont ehnrchci sgstosl tins growing evil

i w ii lounprossil sponyour mimi* keesnss tn tuepas! week I ri reived a I, ttrr from a msmb >r of tbs con¬

gi, cation a ho ha< bad Bl BM exp'Tlence 'n dealing withlin-evil. This person asked me to repeat to-day evenmore urongl] the points i iaisi d last Sunday. Toe evileffects of strong dnnh sra aesa everywhere shoot naWhy baye we bo maui orphan saylomat We oogbtnoito have them, Why BSVO wc so.miiliv orphans I Whyare their putouts (b mi i tn a great mu ny Instances Ikeyhave in busineae to be deni. They ought io be aliveand weil in-day.' Bnl they have committed inieidebythia method, sod lt ls not a very alow one ritter, frc-gre! personally tnsl tome p ,v iii lani advise tte usc ofIntoxicating llqnuri In prescribing fort heir patient*. Irem rober one time that a pbysleisn advised mc.and Idid not si ck ins itdviee either.to toke an ounce or so sfBblskCJ cv,uv now and limn, lb -nd I wa¬il young Biou and had to perform netive doins, thai mt i.niin wm constantly employed andic ii a inf.- nf nus stimulant wonbl be ol ihe greatestIn ia li: :o un I iii In r lin,iii:lir ul tuc time that lu- waaprescribing something because be was very fond of itli i.,-, ii. i. aaaonlj a abort lian sitora ard tbsf 1 sswih" ame ph il iii reeling through tbeatrceta of thuelly auder a broiling ana un a bot Bummer's dar. Ba

pinna inly tke victim of kia own medicine. Itwguniv iceeiiiiv iiiat I r> .ol fl vvok itv n prominent

b physician, who not only snowed tte usohbul :.e al -Hint" in a un ,ou-iii sot '.ms kind io medicine.There are some pennie for whom li li a grave sm tocontinue drinking. Porthemti ls the direct reeasicnol sin, and tu. y will be bel i responsible for it. f. ntfaeiease*, while lt la not the n.un. dial.'easton,!! t« ttsiiniir. ci cause ot sin. There li probably no better timeio stop arina Intoxicating liquor* than during tin*¦eason ol mortification. Stop it during Lent al ieasi.it

ir all time. Ii will be an sci oi self-denial. Weiboold conquer Ib:i le bu ol and rina to every apps-lin. I nos, \, ii alli nike this bittier lo lu a it, ,t iid youWill then ion beet 111" lie 1. l-l ee 1'itllM'UuS.

TEACHIN08 OF CHRISTS HAITISM.The*] ec. Ckmrlm C. HfMmm at Ms Ckareka/ Sta^faaaasal

ipa ).Thc subject ehoaen i"i Um sermon on tl;.-

Mist Sui,dav iii Leal St the church Of t.... Atonementwas tko baptism of Christ The text wm Mstthsw ULll!! "And ,Ies'l«. When ll" WM bSptlSCd, Vent up;i gktwayoal si iii" watsi ead ha* tks beavcM were

i, ,1 io ii unio Bim, amt Rs rae tbsSptrttol Oeddi scet.d-ing like a dOTS, ali I '.guting upmi Hun."These words, lld tts B ;<'¦*' Tiffany, were written

of ska baptism ot Cbriai John tte 11.i>ii**t weeli haveforbidden Him, md knowing Bin t ike tts M mink iii

recogatsad Bim oaly m avtdeatly a holy ami devon)mitti. He *.ts .ne uitome u todlaeern Ikea israeterofUm.ho cami ta him for baptism: sad so detectedthe Pim ¦. But when he nw Christ approach withhely mn n he could md understand Why He shouldth -ito baptism at in- heads, w's knew Bettingof Chrlst'a peraesel sppeeraaee. W sra ta d

that ms attractiveness wm not dnato eoraeltnesa or feature. Patatera have often

le portray sa ui.-gy Ckrtolt bal ikeyhave failed, pertlj throask sttgmpUag to give afarsthat WM ii ¦! uni ii v tOO perfect We do know. however.tti.it there must teething aunkmgakoeiHim. at HnM Bl, tl.at produced B di p

impii - .. !i I.a e who beheld Bim. And as ll- cain.-

d John with tbe tarred Ibongki of Ulioonscrra*iii- h. iud, He g.iv lim that John in-

ii e or whom be might re¬ceive baptism, latin than one to whom he might Uti-Ilillil-lt-I ll.Th. given by John wss taegbet a

of li to thc upbuilding of tba Kn g-d un of '"d "ii earth J and bl* Hist dcm uni ofIhoae v bo t ame wa- to repent. I a fiibu vi iv worh tit upbuilding the Kingdom, ami

11.- bad no io. --I of i>-pt ntanee, Be did bare needor a consecration to tbe work. Bo oannol ascribe to

if errol a tksl aaBeeacd bv tte hottest *i.nn; but Ile did bare boman

aw i- a lo lp to Hun tort«c above atl rod pn wi t ta us tte bb a

Christ It waa roi el ulan tim ii" al.ldtnt lils tue ordinance that placed Bim tn rontael

wiin ki mu I's. And -o ut the v-ic beginning Beplaced Him* if with pinners by *nbmltttaa .'.

ind taking lue sam" vow. Ii waa ali'it! nine ti, it fo Spirit of uodcame witt new aowerinto If. -ou Tbe significance of the baptism of manwm Ihat Be wm to recein nlv;.-of I Dal ol lul-tHilt Ile Was lob'

roan the -.af rn took a public ti rcratiou lo ll -

work. And tbi. ary ordinate" for allahu ..ii veu ml

Bl word* and v,ik.. Ile mada ll bilNicodemus, in l.u Intervii willi .1 ¦¦

bm .d thal le- tn ghi beeomifilm, bntbe ex. ised from doing sn publicly, ll"

thought that with bli posit iou he might become a nar-;: k church .nan: g the Pbarisi

ni in i. -un- ol Influence. Hui hj Ins stine on his bap-u»iii Ch rtsi destroyed all his influence. Knowing bow.if ii ('brill waived lo rn and rs i, monies, are won d liepr p -.it d n. in, Him ..ii-. :n n..w bul

I lol npresi ibu ld og lki Kli gd ino olli. i.i i, wu- n.it a iii uti :¦¦ he oet lc light ot.We must liuii ii in this tm- necessity of con-

' wi il ai accepting Bim. Aae|t ii ii g w bat lie flits is not merely a compact betweenman and bis maker, li la sutnettliia ibu) muat owith in- w Hole iii,. private ind public, and ii. tl ne net it,lu i. il bie a m.ni ian-! be ld .. iii- -1 with tho Stale Inordi r to obtain nshlp he miregistered before ba can vols rho outward confectionof Christ i* like nu 11 ii 11 orin of an officer; like tbe Inau¬guralmu of a Tie-i den i; hue nu v "for oula il I Identi¬fication of ;;n individual with a nus. Baptism la aton,mui,,i to ;- ami work.Wa n .si remember, tor our encouragement, what fol¬

low! d the baptism of Christ, lt waa when B< bad dane.j the humus vviii cona! do, thal the bi

the Soli il fell u; on Him to li.ip I ii 'ii

to ciiiiiiiiiie to ga fiiih itini wm th" world for Hi-l'ailii r. And you are called mn only to tl-i "i,iinui, mu also i" ih, s, .helton. Yen will rn t

d to eu v. h at > ii eon ml ii rforro bul it you w olll ) ours, lind willi li¬

lli in you may l.o loin, lu tho BireaglB of Hud tu cou

geer. _____^___^__^__


Tba Canal Board mel al Albany on Wednee¬da] toconaidei the adoption ol tbs loll-sbeel tor thc

snamnj worth, representing tbaBoot Own \ wela lon, spoke lu fiver af reducingtte rate on ford :.¦ an equality witt thal ob (hsdomestic product. irg edon tke otherside tkaltte Bgraense sall mteresta would ba destroyed if tteredaction wm made, ami aftei a long dbveuaatoe tkeinalter was inljouriieil until tts BCSl no, ung ollie

Board,Smsa 11 i'm thal Ike toll ob the

duct ti so blah that lbs revenue from lt baa dwindledtoto InaigBllcance and thai tte sxeesslve rata bmbeen roalnmiu d bu til lol the I nedi of the ornum..gu-all molo..nil,, which lilli ' ": lim

'i, i.ri ...a i il non .ii.h', iininon.,!- toB414ona boat load of 240 toua from Troyio Buffalo, a ....-¦:¦ u :,,rdoiuesl e sap ,ii ;,id i,.. .. ; and Ile- I" Inaddition io i.it ih- foreign pm,mci. ot83 fl int- ii b.ii rel of '.'--ii ono i*

A big crack bas been di .covered in the domeof the ( apll l| hi All SI V. V Y. I bl" dollie- ol sulla ol

the it rstators have infrared lu that a nf ror .-onie tune.-|i;. .stun (oinnicici.il Ballet in.

Sitnntiono ll)anitra--iccmdic9.

A.Gun! Protestant servnnts. Bureau cx-. i maid wail

g I-. Le. "I m, Wi't'.lsll,English, Amelie il. and do l,"p fur "Uv u nun

lr-, an neill lo-.nir-ie weges. At Lia PROTKM TAN rlin i: Kl UK KV, - llth av... Kinan hu Shove '¦

pOrX)RElJ Hr.ll' Fl KNISH!:i). iVj wailers, li-iuoif: in this, girll fur

'I' lei.'ii. caibe. ci .,,'.c, al tl.,- l.'lul'.l.n Ml-sinWi-' on. -t._' '00K..Bj ii first-rlsae cook, lu tn!" Muse or r ena ,l

si -.- w.t.hoi -. Call lol llin e thiys ai I 'V

(HX)K. . By nu excellent Scotch rook;J ki,oa« how to baba bread, Macull snd draserts; U

vt-rv loan about her kitchen, .ni v.. ii recommended from1.,, i.i-. i li ea ls r,usil:'i u nil

¦'.¦'lt ell, III nil' l-l 'nil '.'U'J th itt .-.

('OOK.. I',. il Iii -I-cl '.ss Fri'llt'll cook, ii',Ir tn,etnu , in ikea all hi

r eau furnish nu

aab'.eclty references. Call rn 803 Bth-are., ni r


/ -il A.MIM'.li'.MAID-A C iinin girl, ines\) i -.in im ml ai ii-null'aailiv. lu c.ire ofI»-v. J. 1' in..:,, li: V. '.'I

/^HAMHKUMAID. iV.',-A Swede girl willi\ averil ti '. ii !. :¦ r- u truro obi tamil* «i u ,y

M o, lei O lilli na,I,.¦.,-,,, tt

v. i,, i, sud Irunlug ll nesl i ad aants a aiasdi pl that sba..ii to no ass ni, Of ninan-).

... if Itbbad._/MIAMHERMAID nini \N Al M.Kss.-H*. ..

\_/ I'l . " Ul Will H "i'll IISIlll.-l|;asinboriiiul'l ur w titre*).

ala,ai hu.lreii. .10'i Ulfa are., befvittiSS and '/ft! sta.







95 CENTS.WM Sft;i:i.v IIAVK Till: BBS* BLACK .-silks IN

Tills BARKBT Kuli rill-: MOMBY.K-spia IAI.l.V lill! tl, $1 IS, gi .la, $1 l's. «1 ,a3, fl 03.BLACB matin BB f.Y'iNs. si .-,o. sifl.a. $180. CP.


FUR TRIMMINGS, SSS., 75c. $1 00, ll Jj.

1II..\( Ii AN!) COLOBSO DA MAS8KE8, 95c. $1 00. »1 25,*1 fid.



ODDS AND ENDSVOtntKOES hiring tim** \vei:k.

E. RIDLEY & SONS,309, til and Ml} GRAND-ST.,

I ,. IS, ta). SI ''"I, Sg SS, VS li Tu ALLF..V.-I.

Qitmitions CDantc6~ircmaie3

A DVKKTIslvMKMS FOR THE N'KW*il VOHK Till ur NI. WILL BB KECE1VBD AT 11IKll' rOWNOFriCES, .. n. l.'.n«.IIrtia<lwav.eoi. Thirtv-lirit-!.!.. i' U0h West Twi-utv I in fil st.. miner Kislitli.ars.;So, M Beal ronrlsaaih-sL. eotnet Untoa-square, 700Hurd itv.r. I'm tv Hereat li Jl.. nt lit' llAKI.'\M HKFICB,N" 'i.-JHi 1 bird-ave.,c*r.iisa-hnndrsdand-TwaBty-foafttwat,iiiuii'-in Savtaga iiinic liuiitiuutt. up io i p. m., iii raanlaiufEct rate*._pIIAMBERMAID oi PARLORMAID.-.Bj n\ ' v-i.unK pei-mi nhs hal asrked tarra inn lapliei- tn 'ia |,i au .ewin : -uni I:,-lp :i lutlv In InT toilet lsverj l'i-no .iii h i. "j. -,.t mann' rt. Call iii 0uJ0tbiro.be-Ivv.-n .'..-.iii ami 36th -ts_HolTSEKEEPFli..By an intelligent, active

I. ii id (roman, ajreSOyeara, «itu <sxi»-rt<-nce: cityisonable, Apply si 1081

I lOUSfcWORKER..By i Best, tidy] intelli-I I .in' rannaslrl; will baSkssrsllr aaatal la i huntly iasaycspscatv; caadoan ti cooking, and li aiton.! araaaei aaaII il. r- Will k'.Vu lu -I ll! 'lulls; naresm. n.-r.iti- Can be seen al .: ire, nen '.'a ft., l.tftoar.

ul'>K\V<>KK..Itv a Beat, tidy, Norwcrisa I'lul- s'iin! rill: vvll! be L-. n na n .fill ID a

ly in Bar rapacity: eau da Bsod eeeklsg sad - lead'vt -n rand fro lions; nagi .

Resit raUt Calla) '£92 'ab av., in-iir ls.b st.


HOUSEWORK..A PrnteatantAmariean mlatones * siituiiioii iur rural benaewink anuna amiur a flood I."in un f, niii to wildes. Apply io Mr*.

\v Al I!. - A "I Ntl. 1 i \Y. .t ia! b Ht._

IADY'S MAID..A first-class German maid,J speaklns grancb id Ensllab, wUssa s ptaee: i

-*r. in ut ind ni atui I- .1 vari food irevellerIm'-i reference* call at Wi othsve.. btw, eu ;r., iu std_

I Al NI>l;!'.>>.-A tii-t-.!:i^s liuinili-c.-i-v ivi>liimi a few f iii,lins' weaningi underatanda ladlee1 uni rm-

tlemen'M clotiu n: t-claaa no children. 85!) West ajta-at.

VI [WE..As nurse lo grown children br ani.v etltn .in il I'ti-ai '.v.iuii tn lijjtbtat te-tim. n al-. .'.

V Bot .'. I nb ins Cpl wu Offlfe, 1 S3H Broadway._"rVJURSE..By n yonng French girl who..s omo Eneiisb i isa pi"! aaarer.; csa aaltnpan m.!.* ini children ty oi luntrv; brat references, cali or ad-drsaa ja QU1.>'U FRBNCU BURBAU, Gu;! ut Ii ave. uar


RELIABLE SERVANTS to be found nt thcLAUH 8' I'K'i 1- ll'- R IM'iN. 228 Weal

SEAMSTRESS..Aa first-class seamstress, bj,t in Mb Ki-i't! naman w III an.'st willi nurarog, tine care

if wann, lx\ .ir maid' berm I! uie.ul iii any light cspadtr lianli-ii refereoce. Address J. M., llox ill, Tribune L'pluvvnOttos, l.'J.'U Broadway._iVASHINO tc.A young woman wtsbci

*» il able iii ins. Family worked futrani" -. ¦. at ". j I-.. ..oil, st.. Room*._WAITRESS..A yonng woman nrbo is a"" taplin! waitress uti.) ..a SSTTS wines, alni Ink-

rare nf sj.vii bTOBIs articles; ls tidy In uiue.trSi a a tiid an furnlsli (!.. l^.flt left rentes, (.a.i al OOJ bili ..v e.

JAI tJfl.N'M HU ltKAU.

\\'ASll.'li;i)\, fcc.A respectable (iirmaTiII w it an leonid uk.-1" ar eui vt 'Kiting. Iranian, t r any

iuiiisewi k bv tue dav, er take vvasliiiig in the liaise. Mm.iiAi,i:it. .;;:> i;».-i .-.nb -i.

Situi'.tiona CDiimeo.fTlales.


.\ uH'ii ¦;¦.-.. No I.-A3B Breadway, cor. Thirty-Sss*.ii.. or :;!»> Weal l.t.- iii st., roruei ,, a -.

Nu. S'i Kssl ! ¦,. corner I'liton-aquan*, rue"a st. .,| til" ll Al.id-, d tlKKIti:.

Ne -i.i^X rb ive., M. Hi" a un Ire t aial-twenty-fi irtli-it,:» Hank Balldtag,, up to S v. m., al regular

da . "e«.

V TINSMITH wants a -sitii.itum. Address.i -ti.ikst. iin-.-iipi.ini, L I._

pOACHMAN and GROOM..Bra respectable\ ..-I a .-i- yanna- 'aim. lean :etl. no IIDlUr i.«-rfi elli uiul, r


.itv ur cou'Jtry v- mi"-' md t'biu-ini!-. flrst-tlau'. .-ti. -. Csll or adtli "ss F. II. I... Nu 5in-ava_

POACHMAN AND ijrSEFUL..Bv a reepect-\j nil! .iii.'ii'inii'i. bo iaa ir eui drrrar aiui a

tbnruuitba .u ii .!.. ii li in cattle, lead foresee and,i,, ippij .n i'ARI'E.n i'i.i.'s. :i,- on, ,i-.,-. n...,i im

pOACHMAN. Byng.i English coachman:\ tbnronab krsiarleiii.f burs.» .ind esfrlages: ("Ul

tv r. rereueca. Adduas HENRYll.i.n HBR, S'.o W's-;Cili at.


l,\\i:\r I:. H.n.v. Poultry, fee.By an1 |,era ma t American man and wife; Hue 4T years;willi ene it.niel.! r; lu.'ii CSU tl" iili kinda '.' la,ii n.',stink ralams; outl a-uv »nrk ls full) rompetent tn ii

.: ,,a v. ii. .n ami

p.,nit i.. r h -i"' rei nmieutlstiuii.t. Apply ot a..ilu--.s,.i \]-:-, fi 1 i. ,"-. ,b ..va neal Dib sr_JMARDEXER. . By a first-class gardener\% ,ii. ,n.tu ii'itii I.m. - il i, nellly Hu li'ri'er ntbranrliii of Ihe bnalaena lo lake charra ol B ceutleisaB'i

., :i. Aduruaa I.. B, P 0 ii¦lilli Nj V.

('ROl)M. Bj -ni F.i!}.'li-li Protestant, amS i-i |iiivut<- fan,1.1 lober, honest and oblia-ius:; nve

en i-i ii ¦. s Irein ln«t t-'iii'l v er. Addre -LAINHr.\. I.-¦'.' uro i

pOACHMAN and GROOM wishes a place;V' umiei la-el- in. On-1-,.- .s m every paiile il ir i-

-afe aud sn experienced driver wi.1111sr aad oblirina: first-!i lats. .Vilillt-ss ul i-.lil. t llACIl VI A N. 1 J-l WrMl_

l.Wli'MW: or OAKDENER..By s Protestnnt1 married waa, africtly temperate! i- » Rtiodfloriat.-fruUanil vt ir; uaanaalarne exporiooce tn iarmmaHst i,i irfi i me Atl'lr. ss W. F, IT Jutmsou St., lin.im p il.

CJJARDENER..By a competent married niauI v. bunn mi sunda tne esra ol uta nunnsos, bot-h

niipe*-i (rnltBandgen ral niauaxcmcntof savarouut ry place; very best rd refnrenci Irampi -nt

¦na i.ur eu. [ii", is. Adureas r v linc h DOWNS, Oreena ,, il. alli

f «.M.IM.M'.R lind rAII.MI'IJ.-Mi.iiKd.nr- \" " aral vosrap cilui expel.v in cr ini.<. s.uiii araa>I'lie-. ulilviiil -a fr tit sud vtaj. i.tiil,., nd. ral tm i Improve.

il ii ¦ place., aiaa fsrmtaa; aad everythins "iii" len wiih 'uis.nes.s of both No, lolly r.-til«r character and abu' > Address C. H., Trlbans DpfaaraOffice. 1,238 Hraadway._/ v\:;|ii;\i.k ami USEFUL MAN.-By anV.S Kn pi itant marri "d nus: ace, At gaara i aBbonly oner lld Im fully t.iieteiitln all branchei i-f sar'en

,.,l Heel litlW.v. .f.t:,nl"s iilii a flied fe-,.. -Bin. iii wlllinc ind

ubllBinKl In-I Iti'iiiiiii'ei.ililliins Apply Bl I'AKl'ilN-I

/ rARDENER and FLORIST or GENERAL\M in:::. ;av By a yonmt man; tberonanlr underataada

,,, BO "" I d let iilll'ilt'Ili. a. J-i'A \ 1~. 11 ai -. .. '¦ -I_/TaROENER, FLORIST, PARMER.-By a\ I I'roteitBit, reapeclable sinifli* man 38 yean af aga i bs

ii.,, ¦-. finns, ii.ia i- ni-,i uni cont), j.r..pe-,il aol raquin don u '. f t llj

,, tereares. Ul iress li > I'.DEN Kit. I rlbuneoifici.

U-l III, MAN..Uv a ronilg iiiiin, to do: .tu-, kail of l.iMvvoik. Addresa

1^., i, . Upi n Of) wai'._WAITER..A r'ri'iiclii.i'iii wishes ;. situution

liter in a private faniUi i» capable of lidiuc tuaI'.nttr-M ill}' ellln i Hy ol counliy. CanBlJACQL'lN'M, lldi! nih ive., li tween 3.i!h a

VV'AI l'i-1*'.''v :i '-,>l<'!''ii man as waiteringTV private family ar ot sin u eonntry:furmi r employers rccniuni uti him ss i-lBei-iit lodua rtons,neat, honeal md (.ber. Cad oraddn m- i.i'ii a k.vki ns

,,v in si. nar bun e._|A7AITER, fee.By a young Swediali m.inlt ss waiter in private bardlyi andiears nf silveri si IcUy bouan, snbet a.i silent >. n>

i,,,-i . .. ii. j., is ii 1..J, Trtaaeapara OS* .. -1 i'-r.a.lway.

li ci jj Ulir.iici).

\Yr.\>. rKI)..!'>¦ ii m.iniitai tining concern.*

r u ja i"i: man lu i-dn! lu lot pins I BSSa must bi' n iruudpanmun.a iUTuvaaaUsfaeton lolonui'ri*. Audit.v Ashiht-aVN I, d.allon M, .mw VorkCltv.


ara. HKNBY K. ABBEY .Lissc. ind Mt'lier.MONDAI EVENING. FEBRUARY IC. at -,

REVIVAL.For seven nights ind two matinee* only <>t Mr (.ilhert'i

ENGAGED,_with the L-reat orin.esl cast.

HolMsy Milln.-. . Washing'on's R.rthilar. Feb ZS. st 8.Tueslay, Feb.-Jt, A TOOL AN III** HUNKY.

Hesta can be secured ny Bell Te plums._gOOTrTB THEATRE. HUMPTY DlWtT



A perfect Pauorami of Ls'ishable Events.Every Evening it H-Weduesoay sn-l saturuar Matinees it 1

Doors open at 1 ami il 7 p. m.PrUes-'Sc., 5(>c.. 76c.. SI snd Si SO,



FOURTH REHEARSAL TeXTIRE PROGRAMME)._.,.., MONDAY, rabmarv io. ^t I j. m.FOURTH CONCERT TCRHDAY, February 17, at 8 d m.

w. .s- ....AtACADKMYOKMl'MIc.


Mlle. DE HI.I in ' A flfftmr i!\I!iAN7APIIILllARMONH'OHCUKiVrBA

A "*¦THK'iiuiiti' thoma*, ceaaaciar.

ORCHESTRAL PART.' Artoifinand Fuji", f Min . Mnrartsympboay. No. i m a flat. Opus go. BeetsevenOverture.'-Pentheiites," Oj | OoMmarkliiUtiiluetitiii and nnale. "Tr,*tau ami Louie".WagnerAdmtaeien in liehesraal 7.V iid.uaston to Concert, si.

Beearved asst* to ie .>r.i,vn»«l ..nlv at Cbuitller*, 17^ Mon-taine at limn l p, m. February IK tor Rehearsal snd unUloj/ ui. 1'bruirv 17 tm Concert

('BICKERING HALL-Organ anal Hamvv Matlneei nimrnclae Wi:n\l:s|iAV, March Kl at 4p. ni nunn Oeorge W Mitnn Maru. M ,, Mint M.irssn.VOt ..hst hrs) n. ii e Mis* GERTRUDE KHAN K 1.1 N.

ALYS iNew) THEA'* RE, B'uVyai :wtl7st¦Ibeomy Theatre u-.nler Ibe rn migoment ol






VSeats nur bs secured for the royal middy ifliamouth la advamc.

OM WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON.Iel.ri.arv IS. and na each rVBDNRBDAY AI'TFRNOOMONLY, will br revived W S. GILBERTS beal drsatUi mm-cdv as arranged for the siagi-h-.- Au.iimu Daly aud eutitled



I.A-T AND lilli- ATE-I' .-f('('.>-s tir lillAL-THO K AM) COMPOSER OF PINAFORE.


>*ests ready foi any night of tito lessonMONDAY, UarehS, BROOKLYN ACADEMY.

II AVERLVS THEATRE, L-fch-st A (itn-ave.J. H. UAVI.Ill.Y.f'ronriel.ir sn! Msnitag


Stad ut ti,e ti:txtii lum ol ij|, iliaiaaUNKNOWN.


Fit .va-it 'if' al thisThea re, at tbaSPECIAL H'M DAYMa ll SEE. il 'J p. iii i.f tit' bi .pi mt romp my of Aitlats

?Bown a* -Al.sm BYS TROUBADOUR-.


Knit. Rlsl's Graud Orchestra sad tho trord'a >;rea ev. carns!virtuoso,

.1. LEVY._ADM!--ION .-'-, CK-NTU.

MAI)I><>\ .-QUARK THEATRE.¦Jilli se. sdjetatog Ftitn Arenas natal


-ACCi. --Ii.LE HEATH and EX I I*. A e. Ae.

EYi. BY E VI-. NI Mi ,'tsl.i; KATU (IDAY MATINEE St %ll \/t.l. Kl KKK.

Brtlie STANDARD -Tock COMPANY.Prices as asnal; asata steered i cartalBrli - IO.


CHANT OF VENICE. HENRY V.. MACRK1 if, KINOJOHN, Mltll ADO AHi'l T NOTHINO, und HAMLET,ti illiKEKl \i. lt A 1.1. -i\ miiiiMivr M-iniays, i**a-ini'i. lng MoNDA. .Marett I,al ii ¦

Couts raci nilli reserved eeat. fg|g-fhubcllh's, -No 'i I

J. B. VALE, M.in.i'.r.ll'ioni No. '.T,( ouper luslitute,

t'srrlsires mar be ort', rel st I2:l3 p.m._


_Admission, '.ni-: chi lian, hall mae._

NEW-YORK BKA1 IN»* KINK.Me i-tni'tve., '.-lb an .V.u'i its.


EVENINGAlways Skattag. Music Atleraeonand Evening.

_Open 8 a. m. to IQ-.sO p. m.

SYMPHONY SOCIETY. Steinway Hsltk7 Dr. L. dam bosch . Coniaaar.


I.KEE BI! I! I!It.

li BBB gsab n ah g aUBBB EEEE II

I,B B LB lt L

p. a i.it ii i

il oooii o olo o

ll o oll O Oll o

7.O 7.



LA DAM NA Ht'.N -'




TI "ITt 1

T- T

T; -, T

T ..


MISS 8IIERWIN Mi MRDAN !ri«o.Mr.hl HM! lil/ Mephistopheles, v.i :.. i.vi: ,ii..,,il.-rV

Iii'.et. now li be lia I Bl lftBim~SJ Hail nial S3 IijIjB


Brisia*' irSU.I .'.I'.'l »'.

Cub FidiHi-iti Miii-sfti-ls. |0 lil' FAMILY I'. soBT. I

lum,en*,- -nt i.s. ul jBi.Uk l-ll Nu, ..t

the rn..v usn: sandy id ie-. ".ired. ..! i-i..-'- - v iv I'.D \ Y r ¦.


8TANDARD THEATUE, B'way and 33J-st.l.As;' NIGH I- of

" HtiKi.t'i;-.SetardAV, Febru.itv 21. lill E's -1 UPRISE PARTY ia

_HIAWaI ii v

r"riIE FI8K UXIVEKSITY SINGERS willM. trive theil Url concert B Blink en One Ibelr returnfmm Europe, in I'LYMOUTH CHURCH, nest MONDAY1 \ I ni si. ttl 1 Ui i .! th i» ".I sierras iUcfcela SO cania (oo charge foi tr-... .- ilievnssvhab.,.. ii i ll AN i.i.ri: -. I/-J Mi.iit.it;,ii -I., tua KtVAYNr;-*,'.u lu imi -t il AN i'i.i li bas liikels lui the t.st.ilcof

.nut KU AV\: Hie u. -f.


AMEKHAN VtMEit Cl' OK SOCIETY,Noa uai b ai the

NATIONAL At ADE'IY Of DEMON,corner j.ii >t. sa Itaave,

From 0 a in. un! ti p m.. au,I iruin 7 to lt) p. m.Admittauc.Wi.i eins. Satnritav, PeornarrSS,

r'VliV. lt KY. NEWLAND MAVNAKD'S i'TuT-1 iratedmarinae Icctm ion "THE CATHEDRALS OF

KOPI ,' CHU Kl HINU ll ILL, lour suedtlavs, ,oiiiiit.'ticiiig Feb vi at-.iii.) p. m. Course tickets (re-lerrad), -J ,



_'lill: FALSE fbi;.ND.



¦¦l ICKENH AND slHAKEHPRAlsEAN B iilMVu-.-i In. si rinit Hall. n> e - ,,,-..-,.- i t Fen,l'.i. al a .lilt, eluek (tense iiekets .r.setvetl. gi .'it'.

rALLAI K'S. 0 es7t30j necias al s.Iiuiirieioi aii-i Mr LE-iTER WALLACE.

Mi. DION KoFcliAt i rwill appeal la iii tSrania Iris,' play eui





Tickets, attoiiiiint Gen liemin ami Lear, #5 00.a Leis, itiira :d ii".

sat a--- .t- c '.'*.T.!7 Broa.iwav. Hanti Broa'..7t)a Broadway atiaS*it .".iii ave; Wilhelm BGraefa, I.I il Broauw m >pargeu-I, rgS ll ttl lil ave: ll. Colell's -0-il.allum-m nar lUii:) Hair's, i!I ( Etsi .MiaEse! '.'.,1 si. ainu Inna nu min rs, and al Arion lull, 1!) und.J! si. Mars' p..na


Bsfraaluneat and I anch ii-vmi nee:, all nuht.SI ll'l.it Tlt'KEl- »1

Wardrobe nt-aanuuui nu 11 the personal aiuarvBaon el Ur.R.W.FISCHER, freattaa lass aral Masta,

Ctuurca ano Ulceiirtjs.

lil (il'KMAN LEITI.'IIKS UN MODERN1^' UERMAN El l.li.v ll i.i. iui'!t'r auspiees i.l the

i lian I. Kerman Si. it-tv bj Dr. O. C. hElBEBT, late iinirae-im .a t.e.iu ib iths (jin-i ii nt saeaas Fr.aiyi, stI p. m.. in (ir.,te Ila.I. Ess: lilhst, begi'JBli'g'ii'lh inst.II k -. v ii ni .. ut houkatuu-s«s.d al tho ijliiee, oracsil . 187 East EBb-i.

I ress Ulaking.Vi ME. KEDHON, 205 Wist 2Gth-st.-Firsf>ill tliss Klein b itiussiniker. worn out to families tarma»..' per il.f, ur ai taaas ai reasonr.ble pnre walkin^ t»-tuuisafor rsl, S i ami Sd, toilet oosiuiao. fur *o, ST, *\ IJ sud liv.