New Horizon College English Unit 10: Section A The Bermuda Triangle Phenomenon...

New Horizon College English Unit 10: Section A The Bermuda Triangle Phenomenon 泰泰泰泰泰泰泰泰泰泰泰

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New Horizon College English

Unit 10: Section A

The Bermuda Triangle Phenomenon

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Do you know something about the following pictures? Share your understanding with your


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Wonders on EarthWonders on Earth

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The mystery of Easter Island

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The mystery of wheat circles

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The mystery of Black Holes

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The Bermuda Triangle

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Let’s get to know more about the mystery of The Bermuda Triangle

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Strange Happenings


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Possible Reasons

• weather .• a time warp in the Bermuda Triangle.• beings from another world.

Now fly your imagination and Now fly your imagination and give a possible reason for it!give a possible reason for it!


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One Possible Reason

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We’ll learn more about the We’ll learn more about the Bermuda Triangle, and have a right Bermuda Triangle, and have a right attitude towards this phenomenon.attitude towards this phenomenon.

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Text Understanding


Words &


Main idea&

Text structure


Language points

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•aircraft•naval• installation•commander• trace•stain•southwest•graveyard•streak•patch•visible•spacecraft

•missing•cargo• steamer• telescope•deck• timber• install• fog•gulf• submerge•magnetic•navigation

•orbit• investigate• investigation•outer•hunt•specimen•airline•airliner•vanish•crew•crewless•aboard

Expressions:• take off• search for•without trace• tell of•go so far as to• turn up •attribute sth.


• go on•on the

contrary • to date•on display •expand on/

upon • from time

to time

•Puerto Rico •The Grave- yard of the Atlantic•Christopher Columbus •Ellen Austin•U.S. Navy•Richard Winer

•error•mechanical•atmosphere•atmospheric•bureau• solar•generator• suck•psychic•cruise

Phrases and

•set off •make contact


Proper Names•Florida•The Atlantic

Ocean•The Bermuda

Triangle •Bermuda

•The Devil’s Triangle•Charles Berlitz•Atlantis

Words and Expressions

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More and more mysterious disappearances of ships and planes around Bermuda have given rise to people’s diverse and even fantastic explanations of the Bermuda Triangle phenomenon.

Main idea of the text ?

Structure of the text

partpartⅢⅢpartpartⅢⅢpartpartⅡⅡpartpartⅡⅡPart Part ⅠⅠPart Part ⅠⅠ

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Part I (Para. 1-3)

A serious disease named as AIDS was diagnosed in the U.S.A. in the late 1970s; and since then it has been a big threat to the American society.

Text structure

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Part II (para.4-8)

The organization has generalized some practical methods which are useful to other similar groups.

Text structure

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Part III (Para.9)

In contrast to the government’s

inactivity, some local organizations

have made efforts to fight against

AIDS creatively.

Text structure

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The Bermuda Triangle Phenomenon

(para.1) At 2 PM on December 5, 1945, five Navy aircraft took off in perfect flying weather from a naval air installation in southeastern Florida, on a routine training mission over the Atlantic Ocean. Less than two hours later, the flight commander radioed that he was “completely lost”. Then there was silence. A rescue plane was sent to search for the missing aircraft, and it, too, disappeared without trace. Despite one of history’s most extensive search efforts, involving more than 300 planes and dozens of ships, the Navy found nothing, not even an oil stain floating on the water.


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(para.2 ) This is just one of the many frightening stories told of “the Bermuda Triangle”, a mysterious area of the Atlantic Ocean roughly stretching southwest from Bermuda to the Florida coast and down to Puerto Rico. Among sailors, it is known as “the Graveyard of the Atlantic” because of the strange weather found there. During the past 30 years, the triangle has claimed the lives of some 1,000 sailors and pilots. When he entered this stretch of the Atlantic, Christopher Columbus noted curious glowing streaks of “white water”. These mysterious patches of light are still visible today and so bright that they have been seen from U.S. spacecraft in orbit around the earth.


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(para.3 ) The triangle has aroused considerable public interest through three best-selling books, a television show and a special exhibition. None of these investigations has produced convincing answers to the mystery of the triangle, but there is no shortage of interesting theories. Some scientists and popular authors go so far as to suggest that the triangle is a place where beings from outer space hunt human specimens for their “zoos”.

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(para.4 ) Whatever the truth may be, planes and ships regularly disappear in the triangle. On July 3, 1947, a U.S. Army airplane disappeared 100 miles off Bermuda without broadcasting any word of difficulty. An immediate search over 100,000 square miles of sea failed to turn up a single piece of the missing plane. On January 30, 1948, a British airliner vanished over the triangle with 31 passengers and crew aboard. A year later, the missing airliner’s sister plane disappeared. Seventy-two search planes, plus dozens of ships, failed to turn up any sign of the missing aircraft.


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(para.5) One of the largest ships claimed by the mysterious triangle was a 500-foot coal ship that disappeared on March 4, 1918. Investigations revealed no evidence of bad weather, no messages for help, no wreckage and no sign of the 309 men aboard. Stranger yet are the numerous “ghost” ships that have been found floating crewless within the triangle. On one weird occasion in 1881, the cargo steamer Ellen Austin discovered a small sailing ship, sails waving uselessly in the wind.  A look through the captain’s telescope showed no one on deck.  The boat had a full cargo of timber, but there was no sign of human life.

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(para.5) The captain of the Ellen Austin installed a new crew to sail it but two days later, during a rough storm, the two ships temporarily lost sight of each other. When the captain again boarded the boat, he found his crew had disappeared. After a second crew was assigned, the ship was again lost in a fog bank. This time, no trace of the boat—or the crew—was ever found.

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(para.6) Officially, the U.S. Navy does not recognize the triangle as a danger zone and is convinced that “the majority of disappearances in the triangle can be attributed to the unique features of the area’s environment.” These include the swift Gulf Stream current, the unexplored submerged valleys of the Atlantic and the often violent weather within the mystery zone. Then too, the triangle is one of only two places on earth where a compass needle points to true north rather than magnetic north, causing problems in navigation.


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(para.6)“There are mysterious and strange things going on out there,” admits Richard Winer, author of The Devil’s Triangle, a book that has sold 500,000 copies since its publication three months ago. “But I believe that all the answers lie in human error, mechanical problems, strange atmospheric events, or unusual magnetic phenomenon.”


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(para.7) On the contrary, officials of another government bureau report, “no reasonable explanation to date has been made for the vanishings.” Because of these uncertainties, private investigators have sought more fantastic explanations. One author argues that beings from outer space have established a highly advanced civilization in the unexplored depths of the Atlantic inside the triangle.

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(para.7) There, he believes, most of the missing vessels — and their crews — may still be on display for study by these higher intelligences. “It sounds weird,” the author admits, “until you realize that it’s the only explanation that covers all the facts.”

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(para.8) These and other theories are all examined inCharles Berlitz’s current volume The Bermuda Triangle. A man with an interest in Atlantis, the legendary lost island, Berlitz expands upon the theory that a giant solar crystal, which once was the power generator for Atlantis, lies on the ocean floor. From time to time, according to histheory, passing ships and planes set off the crystal, which confuses their instruments and sucks them into the ocean.

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(para.9) To test such theories, an institute is planning to take 300 psychics and scientists on the cruise into the triangle. The researchers hope to make contact with whatever “higher intelligence” may lie under the sea.

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Question AnsweringQuestion Answering

1. Why did the five Navy aircrafts take 1. Why did the five Navy aircrafts take off? What was the weather like that off? What was the weather like that day?day?

b. It was a perfect flying weather.

a. Because they were on a routine training mission over

the Atlantic Ocean.

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2. How do sailors describe the Bermuda 2. How do sailors describe the Bermuda

Triangle? Triangle?

Question AnsweringQuestion Answering

The graveyard of the Atlantic.

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Question AnsweringQuestion Answering3. What did the captain of Ellen Austin do 3. What did the captain of Ellen Austin do

when he discovered a small sailing ship when he discovered a small sailing ship floating crewless? What happened to the floating crewless? What happened to the small sailing ship then?small sailing ship then?

a. He installed a new crew to sail it.

b. It disappeared together with the new crew in the end.

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4. Why does the U.S. Navy not 4. Why does the U.S. Navy not recognize the triangle as a recognize the triangle as a dangerous zone?dangerous zone?

It is believed that “the majority of disappearances in the triangle can be attributed to the unique features of the area’s environment”.

Question AnsweringQuestion Answering

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5. What does Richard Winer say about the 5. What does Richard Winer say about the mysterious disappearances of the planes mysterious disappearances of the planes and ships?and ships?

a. men’s mistakes;a. men’s mistakes;

b. mechanical problems;b. mechanical problems;

c. strange weather;c. strange weather;

d. unusual magnetic phenomenon.d. unusual magnetic phenomenon.

The disappearances are due toThe disappearances are due to

Question AnsweringQuestion Answering

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1. (飞机、火箭、宇宙飞船等)起飞

to take / lift / blast off (L. 1)


随着神舟 5 号的升空,中华民族实现了千年梦想。

With the blastoff of Shenzhou 5 into space, the Chinese nation realized what had been dreamed of for over 1,000 years.


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1. (飞机、火箭、宇宙飞船等)起飞

to take / lift / blast off (L. 1)

随着神舟 5 号的升空,中华民族实现了千年梦想。

With the blastoff of Shenzhou 5 into space, the Chinese nation realized what had been dreamed of for over 1,000 years.

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她开始讲述她在洪水期间的可怕经历。 KeyKey She began to tell of her terrible experience during the flood.

2. 讲述“百慕大三角区”to tell of “the Bermuda Triangle” (L. 8)

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发展与环境的问题已引起了公众的广泛关注。 。 KeyKeyThe problem of development versus environment has aroused wide public concern.

3. 引起了公众极大的兴趣to arouse considerable public interest

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他们竟然中断了对这个重要问题进行的富有成效的讨论。 KeyKeyThey went so far as to break off a fruitful discussion on this crucial question.

4. 说或做到 ······ 程度to go so far as to do

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用批评的眼光审视过去会发现许多迹象可以表明我们对客观世界的无知。 KeyKeyA critical look at our past reveals much evidence of our ignoranceabout the objective world.

5. 发现没有恶劣天气的迹象to reveal no evidence of bad weather

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她被一些人认为是处理婚外恋问题的专家。 。 KeyKeyShe is recognized by some people as an expert at how to deal with extramarital love.

6. 认为 ······ 是 ······

to recognize…as….

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这个小小的乡村教堂里正在举行婚礼。 KeyKeyThere’s a wedding ceremony going on at this small country church.

7. 发生to go on

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我们这儿没有严酷的天气。相反,一年四季和煦温暖,阳光灿烂。 KeyKeyWe don’t have severe weather here. On the contrary, it is warm and sunny all the year round.

8. 正相反on the contrary

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店里陈列着一种新型汽车以供大家欣赏。 KeyKeyA new kind of car was on display for appreciation in the shop.

9. 陈列着以供研究to be on display for study

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国际关系处理不慎可能引发战争 . KeyKeyThe careless handling of international relations may set off a war.

10. 启动那块水晶to set off the crystal

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V. Exercises

Vocabulary《读写教程Ⅲ》 : Ex. Ex. Ⅲ, p. 281, p. 281《读写教程Ⅲ》 : Ex. Ex. Ⅲ, p. 281, p. 281

《读写教程Ⅲ》 : Ex. , p. 282ⅣEx. , p. 282Ⅳ《读写教程Ⅲ》 : Ex. , p. 282ⅣEx. , p. 282Ⅳ

Structure《读写教程Ⅲ》 : Ex. , p. 284ⅧEx. , p. 284Ⅷ《读写教程Ⅲ》 : Ex. , p. 284ⅧEx. , p. 284Ⅷ《读写教程Ⅲ》 : Ex. , p. 285ⅨEx. , p. 285Ⅸ《读写教程Ⅲ》 : Ex. , p. 285ⅨEx. , p. 285Ⅸ

Collocation 《读写教程Ⅲ》 : Ex. , p. 282ⅤEx. , p. 282Ⅴ《读写教程Ⅲ》 : Ex. , p. 282ⅤEx. , p. 282Ⅴ

Word Building《读写教程Ⅲ》 : Ex. , p. 283ⅥEx. , p. 283Ⅵ《读写教程Ⅲ》 : Ex. , p. 283ⅥEx. , p. 283Ⅵ《读写教程Ⅲ》 : Ex. , p. 283ⅦEx. , p. 283Ⅶ《读写教程Ⅲ》 : Ex. , p. 283ⅦEx. , p. 283Ⅶ

Translation《读写教程Ⅲ》 : Ex. , p. 286ⅩEx. , p. 286Ⅹ《读写教程Ⅲ》 : Ex. , p. 286ⅩEx. , p. 286Ⅹ《读写教程Ⅲ》 : Ex. , p. 286ⅪEx. , p. 286Ⅺ《读写教程Ⅲ》 : Ex. , p. 286ⅪEx. , p. 286Ⅺ

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1. _______ 1. _______ for the equipment is to be completed by for the equipment is to be completed by 2005, and a standard system suitable for the 2005, and a standard system suitable for the national network will be introduced in 2006.national network will be introduced in 2006. Installation Installation

《读写教程 Ⅲ》 : Ex. Ex. Ⅲ, p. 281, p. 281《读写教程 Ⅲ》 : Ex. Ex. Ⅲ, p. 281, p. 281

V. V. Exercises—Vocabulary Exercises—Vocabulary



mechanical trace investigatevisible

hunt vanish stain installation

submerge cruise atmosphere suck

I. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.


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2. There was no _______ of the bombers, and 2. There was no _______ of the bombers, and no one has so far claimed one has so far claimed responsibility.trace trace

V. V. Exercises—Vocabulary Exercises—Vocabulary

上一页 下一页


3. She must have looked down at the dog and 3. She must have looked down at the dog and seen the blood ________ on his trousers.seen the blood ________ on his trousers.stain stain

mechanical trace investigatevisible

hunt vanish stain installation

submerge cruise atmosphere suck

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4. For the nation as a whole, the ______ effect was a huge rise in unemployment and a vast drop in the gross domestic product, with factories and companies closing down all over the country.


V. V. Exercises—Vocabulary Exercises—Vocabulary

上一页 下一页


mechanical trace investigatevisible

hunt vanish stain installation

submerge cruise atmosphere suck

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5. 5. A(n) _____ is under way into a gas explosion A(n) _____ is under way into a gas explosion at a block of flats in east London, in which a at a block of flats in east London, in which a man died.


V. V. Exercises—Vocabulary Exercises—Vocabulary

上一页 下一页


mechanical trace investigatevisible

hunt vanish stain installation

submerge cruise atmosphere suck

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6. It was said that immediately after World War II the ________ for German spies was not carried out with greater enthusiasm than the campaign to get German scientists.


V. V. Exercises—Vocabulary Exercises—Vocabulary

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mechanical trace investigatevisible

hunt vanish stain installation

submerge cruise atmosphere suck

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7. 7. One of these days these animals will just One of these days these animals will just ________ from the face of the earth and ________ from the face of the earth and never be seen again.never be seen again.


V. V. Exercises—Vocabulary Exercises—Vocabulary

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mechanical trace investigatevisible

hunt vanish stain installation

submerge cruise atmosphere suck

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8. 8. Their lungs are not particularly large, despite tTheir lungs are not particularly large, despite the fact that a dolphinhe fact that a dolphin ((海豚海豚)) can hold its brcan hold its breath for five minutes or more, and some specieeath for five minutes or more, and some species of whales can _______ for up to an hour and s of whales can _______ for up to an hour and survive on a single breath.survive on a single breath.


V. V. Exercises—Vocabulary Exercises—Vocabulary

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mechanical trace investigatevisible

hunt vanish stain installation

submerge cruise atmosphere suck

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《读写教程 Ⅲ》 : Ex. , p. 282ⅣEx. , p. 282Ⅳ《读写教程 Ⅲ》 : Ex. , p. 282ⅣEx. , p. 282Ⅳ

V. V. Exercises—Vocabulary Exercises—Vocabulary




1. We eventually took _____ at 11 o’clock and arrived in Venice at 1:30.

2. He has been ______ a mission to help end that country’s political crisis.

IV. Fill in each of the blanks in the following sentences with a suitable preposition or adverb.


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V. V. Exercises—Vocabulary Exercises—Vocabulary

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3. What a working day that stretches _____ seven in the morning _____ nine at night!

4. Investigations have never turned _______ any evidence that the crew were caught by beings from outer space for their zoos.

5. After saying good-bye, she waved to us _____ the deck as the ocean liner moved off.


up fromto

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V. V. Exercises—Vocabulary Exercises—Vocabulary

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6. The Royal Air Force recognized him _____ an outstandingly able pilot.

7. Nowadays fewer people accept the idea that women tend to attribute their success______ external causes such as luck.

8. Most of the artists whose works were _____ display were his pupils or colleagues.




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V. V. Exercises—Collocation Exercises—Collocation

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《读写教程 Ⅲ》 : Ex. , p. 282ⅤEx. , p. 282Ⅴ《读写教程 Ⅲ》 : Ex. , p. 282ⅤEx. , p. 282Ⅴ

e.g. Despite one of history’s most extensive search efforts, involving more than 300 planes and dozens of ships, the Navy found nothing, not even an oil stain floating on the water.

V. Look at the following sentence taken from your reading text. Just think about what other words can be modified by “extensive” and fill in the sentences with the right words.

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V. V. Exercises—Collocation Exercises—Collocation

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2. Standing at the top of the mountain, we could command an extensive vi___ of the sea to the south.


1. Despite the present state of the market, an extensive pro_____ of training and management development continued throughout 2000.


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4. The crops failed again this year as 27 per cent of the farmlands are subject to very extensive ero____ .

V. V. Exercises—Collocation Exercises—Collocation

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5. The accident resulted in some 200 injuries and extensive dam___ including the burning of a train station.



3. A brain scan showed extensive ble_____ around the brain, and the specialists concluded that the patient had been suffering from internal bleeding since his accident on the previous day.


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7. His extensive kno______ of the publishing industry will further strengthen the substantial market activities of the company.


6. They started to act upon a more extensive sys____ and as a result exerted greater influence upon the public mind.tem

8. Certainly we have extensive con_____ with almost all the drama teachers in schools in the surrounding area.


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V. V. Exercises—Word Building Exercises—Word Building

《读写教程 Ⅲ》 : Ex. , p. 283ⅥEx. , p. 283Ⅵ《读写教程 Ⅲ》 : Ex. , p. 283ⅥEx. , p. 283Ⅵ




VI. The prefix sub- means “under”, “below”, or “less important or powerful than”. Study the following English words and their Chinese translation. Then complete the sentences below by filling in each blank with one of these words. Remember to change the form where necessary.

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VV. . Exercises—Word Building Exercises—Word Building BackBack

submerge 淹于水中 submarine ( 生长或使用于)海底的 subcontinent 次大陆 subdivide 再分 subhuman 低于人类的 subordinate 从属的;次要的 subway 地下道;地铁 subheading 副标题

submerge 淹于水中 submarine ( 生长或使用于)海底的 subcontinent 次大陆 subdivide 再分 subhuman 低于人类的 subordinate 从属的;次要的 subway 地下道;地铁 subheading 副标题


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1. In the old days women were regarded as _______ to free men.


2.The three main sections take their headings from the story and are divided by _______.


submerge subcontinent


submarine subdivide

subordinate subway subheading

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3. The river bursts its banks, ______ the entire village.


4. The verbs are _______ into transitive and intransitive categories.


submerge subcontinent


submarine subdivide

subordinate subway subheading

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5. A ________ is part of a larger continent, made up of a number of countries that form a large mass of land.

subcontinent 6. In the book he advanced the theory that

_______ plants should also be protected.


submerge subcontinent


submarine subdivide

subordinate subway subheading


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7. If you describe someone’s behavior or situation as _______ you mean that it is disgusting and not worthy of a civilized person. subhuman

8. The police asked the citizens not to ride the ______ late at night.


submerge subcontinent


submarine subdivide

subordinate subway subheading


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V. V. Exercises—Word Building Exercises—Word Building

《读写教程 Ⅲ》 : Ex. VII, p. 283Ex. VII, p. 283《读写教程 Ⅲ》 : Ex. VII, p. 283Ex. VII, p. 283




VII. The prefix tele- means “over a distance” or “by television”. Match the words in Column A with the proper definitions in Column B.

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1. telescope2. telecommunications ( 通信 )

3. telegram4. telemeter5. telecast6. teleworker7. telephone8. telex ( 电传电报 )


a.a. telegraphic m telegraphic method of passinethod of passing printed mesg printed messages from one sages from one place to anotheplace to another by teleprinterr by teleprinter

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1. telescope2. telecommunications ( 通信 )

3. telegram4. telemeter5. telecast6. teleworker7. telephone8. telex ( 电传电报 )


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b. b. a message a message sent by sent by telegraphtelegraph

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1. telescope2. telecommunications ( 通信 )

3. telegram4. telemeter5. telecast6. teleworker7. telephone8. telex ( 电传电报 ) 下一页上一页

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c. c. an an instrument that instrument that measures measures quantities, esp. quantities, esp. distances, and distances, and sends the results sends the results by radio to a by radio to a homehome stationstation

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1. telescope2. telecommunications ( 通信 )

3. telegram4. telemeter5. telecast6. teleworkers7. telephone8. telex ( 电传电报 ) 下一页上一页

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BBd.d. people who wopeople who work from home usinrk from home using equipment such g equipment such as telephones, fax as telephones, fax machines, and momachines, and modems (dems ( 调制调解调制调解器器 ) to contact thei) to contact their colleagues and cr colleagues and customersustomers

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1. telescope2. telecommunications ( 通信 )

3. telegram4. telemeter5. telecast6. teleworker7. telephone8. telex ( 电传电报 ) 下一页上一页

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BBe. e. a tubelike scia tubelike scientific instrumeentific instrument used for seeinnt used for seeing distant objects g distant objects by making them by making them appear nearer aappear nearer and largernd larger

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1. telescope2. telecommunications ( 通信 )

3. telegram4. telemeter5. telecast6. teleworker7. telephone8. telex ( 电传电报 ) 下一页上一页

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f. f. the device the device that receives that receives or sends or sends sound, esp. sound, esp. speech, over speech, over long distances long distances by electrical by electrical meansmeans

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1. telescope2. telecommunications ( 通信 )

3. telegram4. telemeter5. telecast6. teleworker7. telephone8. telex ( 电传电报 )


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g. g. to to broadcast on broadcast on televisiontelevision

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1. telescope2. telecommunications ( 通信 )

3. telegram4. telemeter5. telecast6. teleworker7. telephone8. telex ( 电传电报 )


BackBackV. V. Exercises—Word Building Exercises—Word Building

BBh. h. the various the various methods of methods of receiving or receiving or sending messages sending messages by telephone or by telephone or telegraph, either telegraph, either by radio signals by radio signals or by wiresor by wires

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V. V. Exercises—Structure Exercises—Structure

《读写教程 Ⅲ》 : Ex. Ex. VIIIVIII, p. 284, p. 284《读写教程 Ⅲ》 : Ex. Ex. VIIIVIII, p. 284, p. 284

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VIII. The phrase “rather than” is used in a parallel structure to say what someone does not do or does not intend to do in contrast to what they actually do. Depending on the contexts, the phrase behaves sometimes like a preposition and introduces a noun phrase, and at other times like a conjunction followed by a non-finite verb phrase or a clause usually in an elliptical ( 省略的 ) form.

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The following rules may help us use it properly.

1. The word or phrase introduced by rather than is generally in the same form as the one parallel to it in the main clause;

2. When the main clause has an infinitive, rather than can be followed by an infinitive with “to” (which is more formal) or without “to”, while a V-ing form is also possible;

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3. When the main clause has a verb in the past tense, rather than can be followed either by a verb in the past tense if the two verbs are parallel or by an infinitive if something yet to happen is implied.


He was pitied rather than disliked by his friends. He likes starting early rather than staying late.

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Why don’t you wear the black shoes rather than the brown ones?He lay rather than sat in his armchair.I’d like to stay at home this evening rather than (to) go/going out.Rather than cause trouble, he left.

Now combine the following pairs of sentences after the models.

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Model 1. In school most children need help In school most children need help and encouragement. and encouragement.

They don’t need punishment. They don’t need punishment.

In school most children need help and encouragement rather than punishment.

Model 2. She makes jokes when she’s She makes jokes when she’s disappointed. disappointed.

She doesn’t lose her temper. She doesn’t lose her temper.She makes jokes when she’s disappointed, rather than losing her temper.

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1. Having too many people on the team slows 1. Having too many people on the team slows our work down.our work down.It doesn’t speed it up. It doesn’t speed it up.

Having too many people on the team slows our work down rather than speeding it up. 2. Mrs. Kester made students think for themselv2. Mrs. Kester made students think for themselves. es. She didn’t tell them what to think. She didn’t tell them what to think. Mrs. Kester made students think for themselves rather than telling them what to think.

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3. He preferred to sit quietly in class. 3. He preferred to sit quietly in class. He didn’t want to risk giving an answer that He didn’t want to risk giving an answer that might be wrong.might be wrong. He preferred to sit quietly in class rather than risking giving an answer that might be wrong.

4. He wanted to make his living as a teacher. 4. He wanted to make his living as a teacher. He didn’t want to make his living as a He didn’t want to make his living as a businessman. businessman. He wanted to make his living as a teacher rather than as a businessman.

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5. In most modern societies women are treated as professional equals. They aren’t treated as servants. In most modern societies women are treated as professional equals rather than (as) servants.

6. “Body language” refers to communication through the way you move. It doesn’t refer to speech.

“Body language” refers to communication through the way you move rather than speech.

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7. Andrew is convinced that love is the key to happiness.He doesn’t think money is the key to happiness.

Andrew is convinced that love rather than money is the key to happiness.

8. Many people nowadays communicate by e-mail. They’ve stopped using phones and faxes.

Many people nowadays communicate by e-mail rather than (by) phones and faxes.

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《读写教程 Ⅲ》 : Ex. Ex. ⅨⅨ, p. 285, p. 285《读写教程 Ⅲ》 : Ex. Ex. ⅨⅨ, p. 285, p. 285

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Examples:Examples: 1. It doesn’t matter where you go; I’ll go 1. It doesn’t matter where you go; I’ll go

with you. with you. = Wherever you go, I’ll go with you.= Wherever you go, I’ll go with you.

IX. “Whatever”, “whoever”, “whichever”, “wherever” and “however” are used as conjunctions and mean something like “it doesn’t matter, or it doesn’t make any difference who, what, etc.” or “no matter what, who, etc.”.

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2. It doesn’t make any difference what you say to her; she still keeps smiling.= Whatever you say to her, she still keeps smiling.

3. No matter when you come, you’ll be welcome.= Whenever you come, you’ll be welcome.

4. It doesn’t matter how much he eats; he never gets fat.= However much he eats, he never gets fat.

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Now rewrite the following sentences, using whatever, whoever, whichever, wherever or however.

1. — There’s someone at the door.— No matter who it is, I don’t want to see them.

— There’s someone at the door.— Whoever it is, I don’t want to see them.

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3. It doesn’t make any difference where you go; you can always find Coca-Cola.

Wherever you go, you can always find Coca-Cola.

2. Come and see me no matter when you’re in Shanghai.Come and see me whenever you’re in Shanghai.

4. It doesn’t matter how rich people are; they always want more.However rich people are, they always want more.

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6. It doesn’t matter which day you come, we’ll be pleased to see you.

Whichever day you come, we’ll be pleased to see you.

5. No matter whom you’ll marry, make sure he can cook.

Whoever you’ll marry, make sure he can cook.

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8. No matter how you travel, it’ll take you at least two days.

However you travel, it’ll take you at least two days.

7. They found the people friendly no matter where they went.

They found the people friendly wherever they went.


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1. 51. 5 月月 2626 日早上,天气很好,一架海军飞机日早上,天气很好,一架海军飞机从从军事基地起飞军事基地起飞,,去执行搜索去执行搜索敌军航空母舰敌军航空母舰 (ai(ai

rcraft carrier) rcraft carrier) 的任务的任务。。

On the fine morning of May 26 a Navy aircraft took off from a military base on a mission to search for the enemy aircraft carrier.

《读写教程 Ⅲ》 : Ex. Ex. ⅩⅩ, p. 286, p. 286《读写教程 Ⅲ》 : Ex. Ex. ⅩⅩ, p. 286, p. 286

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take off from a take off from a military base military base

on a mission to search for

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X. Translate the following into English.

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2.2. 这次这次有史以来最广泛的搜索努力有史以来最广泛的搜索努力动用了动用了 150150架飞机和几十只船,可是却架飞机和几十只船,可是却没有发现任何失没有发现任何失踪飞机的痕迹踪飞机的痕迹。。

The most extensive search effort in history, which involved 150 planes and dozens of ships, failed to turn up any sign of the missing aircraft.

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the the most extensive search effort in history

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fail tofail to turn up turn up any sign of the missing aircraft

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3.3. 我不会我不会像作者在书中那样像作者在书中那样,,甚至说甚至说它是惟它是惟一能一能涵盖一切事实涵盖一切事实的解释。的解释。

I wouldn’t go so far as to say, as the

author does in the book, that it’s the only

explanation that covers all the facts.


as as the author does in the book

go so far go so far as to sayas to say

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cover all cover all the factsthe facts

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4.4. 无论你做什么无论你做什么,在你知道公司正在,在你知道公司正在经受困经受困难难时别时别指望增加工资指望增加工资。。

Whatever you do, don’t look for a pay

increase when you know the company is going

through some difficulty.

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whatever you do

look for a pay increase

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go through some difficulty

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5.5. 我将在本书中我将在本书中进一步阐述进一步阐述的理论是,文字的理论是,文字不能不能代表事物代表事物,因而不能,因而不能反映现实反映现实。。

The theory that I’m going to expand on in this book is that words do not stand for things and therefore cannot reflect the reality.


expand expand onon

stand for stand for thingsthings

reflect the reality

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6.6. 百慕大三角百慕大三角被被士兵们士兵们看作看作““大西洋的墓大西洋的墓地地”,但美国海军并不”,但美国海军并不认为它是一个危认为它是一个危险区域险区域。。

The Bermuda Triangle, known to soldiers as “the Graveyard of the Atlantic”, is not recognized by the U.S. Navy as a danger zone.


be known to…as…be known to…as…

the Graveyard of the Atlantic

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recognize it as recognize it as a danger zonea danger zone


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7.7. 至今至今,,所有出版的书所有出版的书都未能都未能令人信服地令人信服地解答解答百慕大三角之谜。百慕大三角之谜。

To date none of the books which have been

published has offered convincing answers to

the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle.


to dateto dateoffer convincing offer convincing answers toanswers to

the books the books which have which have been publishedbeen published

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8.8. 认为认为外星人外星人在三角区内人类尚未探索的大西在三角区内人类尚未探索的大西洋海底洋海底建立了高度发达的文明建立了高度发达的文明的说法,在科的说法,在科学家中学家中引发了一场争论引发了一场争论。。

The argument that beings from outer space have established a highly advanced civilization in the unexplored depths of the Atlantic inside the triangle sets off a dispute among scientists.上一页

being from outer space

establish a highly advanced civilization

V. V. Exercises—Translation Exercises—Translation BackBack


set off a dispute

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Assignment Assignment

Points to cover:

Necessary inquiry about the pilot’s health conditions, the weather conditions, the mission and … .

What might be the possibility and the feelings of being there.

How to manage to get out of it.

Use the expressions and information from the text .

Suppose you are a reporter from CBS interviewing a pilot escaping from the Bermuda Triangle.

Exchange of greetings.