NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives,...


Transcript of NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives,...

Page 1: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,


Page 2: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA,

Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics.

b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine, Methylphenidate.

c) DELIRIANTS – Dhatura, Cannabis, Cocaine, Atropa belladona, Hyocyamus.

Page 3: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

2) SPINAL : e.g. Strychnos nux vomica, Gelsemium.

3) PERIPHERAL : e.g. Conium , Curare.

Page 4: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,


Page 5: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,


Page 6: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

INEBRIANTS• Inebriant –produces Intoxication

• Light headedness, confusion, disorientation, drowsiness.

• Prolonged sleep recovery Hangover (headache, irritability, lethargy, nausea & abdominal discomfort).

Page 7: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

ETHYL ALCOHOL• C2H5OH• Transparent , colourless, volatile liquid with spirituous

odor and burning taste.• Absolute Alcohol = 99.95%• Rectified Spirit = 90%• Industrial Methylated Spirit = 95%+Wood Neptha = 5% (Methyl alcohol)• Fermentation of sugar by yeast -- till (15% vol)• Beverages = Alc + Water + Congeners (0.5%)

add flavour

Page 8: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

• “Proof spirit” – at 10.5˚C weighs exactly 12/13 part of an equal measure of D.W.

• “Underproof” and “Overproof”

• % of Alc content x 2 = Proof

• One unit = 8 gms

Page 9: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

Percentage by Volume

• Vodka : 60- 65%• Rum, Liquors : 50-60%• Whisky , Gin, Brandy : 40-45%• Port, Sherry : 20%• Wine , Champagne : 10 – 15%• Beers : 5- 8%

Page 10: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

• Consumption = 1-2 drinks per day• Safe Limits of Alcohol =210g in men per

& week

140g in women

• Arrack : Liquor distilled from - palm, rice, sugar or jaggery etc. (40-50%) and may be mixed with Chloral hydrate and KBr for greater kick.

Page 11: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

ABSORPTION• Requires no digestion

• Immediately by Simple diffusion

• 20% from Stomach , 80% from Small intestine.• 60% absorbed in 30-60 min, 90% in 60-90 min.

• Detected in blood within 2-3min.

• blood within 45-90min. (mainly1hr).

Page 12: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

Factors Increasing Absorption• Carbonated drinks• Warm• Conc. = 10-20%• Absence of congeners• Without food• Gastrectomy• Drugs (which increase gastric emptying ) eg. Cimetidine, ranitidine, etc.

Page 13: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

Factors Decreasing Absorption• Cold

• Conc. ‹ 10% (Dilution e.g. Beer)- takes double time

› 40% - Pyloric Spasm - Reduced gastric motility - Irritation of mucosa & mucus


Page 14: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

• Food (Fat and Protein) - Fatty meal - delays by many hours

. - Mixed meal -reduces max conc. by ½

• Diseases : Achlorhydria , Chronic gastritis

• Drugs: (which reduce gastric emptying) eg. Aspirin, Atropine, etc.

Page 15: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

Distribution • More : Alveolar air (diffusion) : Water content• Less : RBC : Fat (Adipose tissue, Obese, Females) : Venous (10% less than Arterial)• Equilibrium : - Capillary = Arterial =Brain (1-3min) - Venous ( 1 hr)

Page 16: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

• Females have 25% higher blood alcohol conc. for the same amount consumed d/t :-

- small volume of distribution - small aqueous compartment - more variable absorption from gut - lower activity of gastric ADH enzyme - faster hepatic clearance - higher conc. of acetaldehyde - poor solubility in body fat

Page 17: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

EXCRETION• All routes.• 10% is excreted.• 5% - Breath• 5% - Urine• Traces- Sweat , saliva, milk, tear and feaces.• Skin glands Odour

Page 18: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

METABOLISM• 90% is Metabolised - 90% of which is oxidised in Liver. - 10% is metabolised by Cytochrome P4502E1 .

Alcohol Acetaldehyde

dehydrogenase (ADH) dehydrogenase

Alcohol Acetaldehyde Acetic acid (or

NAD Acetyl CoA) By- Fructose Kreb’s

- Enzymes (Chronic alcoholic) cycle By – Liver damage CO2 + H2O

Acetate can form – glycogen , protein ,fats and cholesterol. A Diabetic who is Ketogenic will produce fat .

Page 19: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

• Disappears from blood at 10-15 ml/hr (15mg/100ml/hr)

• Elimination varies: 12-27mg/100ml/hr (Av=18mg)

• Fast - With large dose - Chronic alcoholics (30-40mg/100ml/hr)• Slow - Liver damage

• 10% of metabolized is deposited in tissues as lipids (cholesterol and neutral fat)

Page 20: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

ACTIONS• Endogenous (Metabolism or bacterial activity in GIT)• Stimulant and selective depressant (Primarily RAS• Effects - Frontal lobes (mood changes) - Occipital lobes (visual disturbances) - Cerebellum (loss of coordination)• Like hypoxia on neural cells ( reduces activity)• Depresses cells of Conduct , Judgement & Self – criticism with release of inhibitory tone

(unrestrained behavior).

• ↓Brain function ↓Vitals

Page 21: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

• Generalized vasodilatation (Skin) Hemorrhage

• Hypnotic. • Diaphoretic Sensation of warmth Heat

loss.• Tachycardia Bradycardia (at lower conc.) (at higher conc. ›300mg%)

• Toxic to every organ, d/t acetaldehyde or change in redox potential.

• Blocks metabolism and increases levels of some drugs.

• Moderate consumption → HDL & LDL

Page 22: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

• ↑ Appetite (↑salivary & gastric juice)• Carminative (Brandy)• Diuresis (d/t ↓ADH)• Spirituous liquor Heamorrhagic gastritis• Mixing of drinks ↑Gastric emptying• Fasting blood Alcohol= 0.001mg%• IN VINO VERITAS

Page 23: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

Causes of Death

• CNS Depression (respiratory centre)

• Aspiration of vomit

• Chronic effects of Alcohol.

Page 24: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,


Page 25: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

• ↓Visual acuity at conc. 20mg% in abstainers 20-33mg% in moderate drinkers 40-70mg% in heavy drinkers.• Judgment & motor control : affected at 25-50mg%.• Altered time & space perception.• Pupils = Dilated.• 40-100mg% = “ALCOHOL GAZE NYSTAGMUS”.• 50-100mg% = loss of inhibitions & laughter.• 100-150mg% = slurred speech, unsteadiness &


Page 26: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

• Mental concentration is poor & judgment is impaired.

• ↓ Attention & Recall memory.

• ↓ Sensitivity to pain (at 80mg%).

• ↑ Reaction time (at 50mg%).

• ↑ Sexual desire & impaired performance (prolonged intercourse without ejaculation).

Page 27: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

2)STAGE OF INCOORDINATION (150-250MG%)• Sense perception & skilled movements are

affected.• Alteration in conduct.• Carefree, cheerful, ill-tempered, irritable, excitable,

quarrelsome , sleepy, etc.• In coordination in fine & skilled movements ( altered speech and fine finger movements)• Nausea and Vomiting.• Alcoholic smell (in breath).• Face = flushed , Pulse = rapid, Temp = Subnormal.• ↓ Sense of touch, taste, smell & hearing.

Page 28: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

3) STAGE OF COMA• Motor & sensory cells affected deeply• Speech = thick and slurring• Coordination is affected – giddy, stagger &

falls.• Pulse = rapid,• Temp =Subnormal• Pupils = contracted, Dilate on pinching or

slapping, with slow return (Mc Ewan Sign).

Page 29: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

Micturition Syncope :• At night• Loses consciousness d/t upright postureMunich Beer Heart :• Cardiac dilation and hypertrophyHang over :• Recovers from deep sleep in 8 – 10 hrs• Wakes with acute depression nausea, abd. discomfort, irritability, lethargy and


Page 30: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

• Death - at 400mg% - below 400mg% in chr. debilitating disease severe arteriosclerotic heart disease pulmonary emphysema chronic lung disease with hypoxia.• Low blood alc. levels seen in – - Prolong coma causing hypoxic brain damage - Prolong survival after heavy drinking.

Page 31: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

• Fatal Dose : 150 – 250 ml of Absolute alc. consumed in 1 hr

• Fatal period : 12-24 hrs

• Tolerance : is acquired, lost by out of practice d/t- tissue sensitivity or rate of absorption restricted by liver damage

Page 32: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

Treatment1) Evacuation of stomach & bowel with Gastric Lavage.2) Keep warm 3) 1 ltr. N.S. with 10% Glucose, 100 mg Thiamine and

15 units of insulin4) Nerve stimulants (Caffeine and Strychnine)5) Oxygen6) Dialysis – Hemo or Peritoneal

Page 33: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

Post mortem appearance

• Alcoholic odour in cavities• Stomach - Acute inflammation with coating of

mucus• Brain, Liver & Lungs = congested with smell of

alc.• Blood= fluid and dark• Brain & Meninges = Oedematous & congested• Cloudy swelling in parenchymatous organs

Page 34: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

Chronic poisoning• Addicts are the people who cannot stop drinking for

long or develops withdrawal symptoms if they stop drinking.

• It results in impaired social or occupational functioning.

• They suffer from nausea, vomiting, anorexia , diarrhoea , jaundice, tremors of the tongue and hands, loss of memory, impairment of judgment, coma, death.

Page 35: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

Post mortem appearance • Sign of malnutrition present.• The GI mucosa is reddish brown and congested.• Liver is congested and enlarged with weight

approximately 2kg . The surface is pale and greasy .• Later cirrhosis develops and liver becomes smaller

and contracted with weight 800-1200gm.• Kidneys show granular degeneration• Heart shows fatty degeneration and patchy fibrosis.

Page 36: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

Treatment 1. Disulfiram 250mg OD . • It inhibits aldehyde dehydrogenase. • It causes accumulation of aldehyde in blood and

tissues .• Aldehyde causes unpleasant symptoms such as

flushing , palpitation , anxiety ,sweating , nausea , vomiting ,abdominal cramps ,due to which patient dislikes alcohol.

• Disulfiram like reaction is caused by metronidazole.

Page 37: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

• 2. Citrated calcium carbamide -50 mg OD

• 3. Chlorpromazine -25-50 mg 6 hourly

• 4. Clonidine : 60-180 mg/hr iv

• 5. Chlormethiazole

Page 38: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

Drunkenness• The state of an individual whose mind is affected by

the consumption of alcohol.

• Drunkenness is a consequence of drinking intoxicating liquors to such an extent as to alter the normal condition of an individual and significantly reduce his capacity for rational action and conduct. It can be asserted as a defence in civil and criminal actions in which the state of mind of the defendant is an essential element to be established in order to obtain legal relief.

Page 39: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

Medical examination of Drunkenness

A. Exclusion of injuries and pathological state1.Severe head injury2.Metabolic disorder3.Neurological condition4.Drugs like insulin, barbiturate, morphine5.Pre-existing psychological disorder like hypomania6.High fever7.Exposure to CO

Page 40: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

Medical examination of Drunkenness

B. HistoryC. General behaviour-1.general manner2.state of dress3.speech4.self controlD. Memory and mental alertnessE. Hand writingF. Pulse - usually rapid, full and bounding

Page 41: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

G. Temperature-raisedH. Skin-dryI. MouthJ. Eyes-1.General appearance-lid swollen and red2.Visual activity-reduced3.Intrinsic muscle-pupil (equal or unequal dilate

or contracted, reaction to light (may be unequal, brisk slow and absent)

4.Extrinsic muscle- test for convergence, strabismus, and nystagmus.

Page 42: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

K. Ears - examine for any impairmentL. Gait-examine for manner of walking, reaction time

to a direction to turn, manner of turning,M. Stance-whether the examinee can understand

with his eye closed and heel together (Romberg's sign)

N. Muscle incordination-finger nose testO. Reflexes-test for knee and ankle reflexP. Pulmonary, cardiac and alimentary system-

general examinations for presence or absence of any disease.

Page 43: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

Laboratory Investigation-A. Urine

• Conc. of alcohol is 25% higher than in blood collected in same time.

• First sample should be taken as soon as possible while second sample should be taken 25 to 30 minutes later.

• Multiplication of alcohol concentration in the second urine specimen by 0.75 gives an approximate value of blood alcohol level, during the time that this specimen was being secreted.

Page 44: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

B. Collection of blood• Spirit must not be used for cleaning the skin, and

syringe must be free from any traces of alcohol.• Skin should be cleaned with a solution of 1:1000

mercuric chloride or washed with soap and water.• Blood sample should be preserved by addition of 100

mg. of sodium fluoride and 30 mg. potassium oxalate for 10ml.followed by shaking. this prevent loss of alcohol by glycolysis and bacterial action.

• Collection of post-mortem sample-the best place to obtain blood is from femoral or iliac veins or axillary veins.

• In embalmed bodies alcohol can be estimated either in muscle or vitreous.

Page 45: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

Widmark’s formula

a = prc

• a=weight of alcohol in the body• p=body wt in kg• r=constant (0.68 for men and 0.55 for women)• c= concentration of alcohol in blood (in mg. per kg.) For urine analysis the formula is – a = 3/4 prq• q is alcohol concentration ( mg. per kg.) in urine

Page 46: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

Methods of determining blood alcohol

• Kozelka and Hine – Macro-method• Cavett test – Micro test

Other techniques :• Direct injection gas chromatography• Enzyme- spectrophotometric assay• Oxidation techniques

Page 47: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,


• Breath analyser machines operate on the principle that alcohol absorbs radiation in the infrared region.

• Concentration of alcohol in deep lung air dependent on concentration in arterial blood.2100-2300ml of alveolar air contains same amount of alcohol as one ml. of blood (Henry’s law)

Page 48: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

• 60 – 100 ml of breath• Drunkotester, drunkometer, intoximeter, alcometer, alcotest, or breathalyser.• Residual alcohol disappears from mouth in 20

minutes.• Test should be repeated after 20 minutes.

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Mouth should be thoroughly washed with water and about 5 ml of saliva collected in a test tube containing 10 mg. of sodium fluoride.

Page 50: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

E. Vitreous

At equilibrium for every unit of alcohol in blood there are 1.2 unit of alcohol in vitreous, as it has high water content

Page 51: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

Medical terminology

• Below 10 mg : Sober• 10 to 70 mg % : Drinking• 80 to 150 mg %:Under the influence• 150 to 300 mg %:Drunk or intoxicated• 300 to 400 mg%: Stupor• 400mg% and above :Coma and death

Page 52: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

Hazards of alcohol

• Alcohol is associated with domestic violence, child abuse and suicide.

• Personal risk are:1.He may die of exposure2.On inhalation may cause pneumonia3.Inhale his vomit or dentures4.May fall and sustain a head injury5.May fall into water and drowned

Page 53: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

Alcohol palimpsests (alcoholic blackout)

• it is a condition seen among alcoholics, and rarely in non addictive drinker, after drinking a moderate amount of alcohols. this behaviour resembles the blackouts in anoxaemia. this may results in loss of memory of a period of drinking spell, or in some cases, the inability to recall what happened over a period of days.

Page 54: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

Alcohol and traffic accident• Safe driving is interfere due to: 1.increase in reaction time 2.creates false confidence• Impairs concentration, dulls judgement and degrades

muscle coordination• It decreases visual and auditory acuity Below 50mg%-in majority driving not affected At 60 mg%-risk of accident double in compare to sober

driver 80-100mg%-risk of accident increase 12 fold Over 150mg%-risk become 20 times]

Page 55: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

• Statutory limit in India is 30 mg% (S.185, MOTOR VEHICLE ACT,1988).the punishment for offences fine up to 2000rs or 6 month imprisonment or both, and for subsequent offence fine up to 3000 or imprisonment up to 2 years or both.

Page 56: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

Alcohol withdrawal• Symptoms appear 12 to 48 hrs after reduction in alcohols intake.

most common symptoms is tremor and shakes. the essential feature is coarse tremors in hand tongue and eyelid in association with at least one of the following-

a)nausea and vomiting b)malaise and weakness c)hypertension ,tachycardia and sweating d)anxiety, depressed mood and irritability e)transient hallucination and illusion f)headache and insomnia.• Withdrawal seizures are typically single and generalised and usually

develop 6 to 48 hrs after last drink. About 1/3 rd of these patient will develop delirium tremens unless preventive measures are taken.

Page 57: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

Pathology- Delirium Tremens

• Results from long continued action of poison on the brain. it occurs in chronic alcoholics due to1)temporary excess2)sudden withdrawal of alcohol

3)Shock after receiving an injury such as fracture of a bone 4)Acute infection, such as pneumonia, influenza, erysipelas,etc. • Typically begin 72 to 96 hour the last drink.

Page 58: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

Main symptoms• are coarse muscular tremors,insomnia,restlessness,loss

ofmemory,psychomotoragitation,confusion,disorientation,fear,tendency to commit suicide. other symptoms are diarrhoea, dilated pupil,tachypnoea and hypertension.

• Death occurs in 5 to 15% cases due to cerebral oedema, cardiac failure and shock.

• Treatment-20 mg of chlordiazepoxide, or 100 mg of diazepam are given 4 times a day.anticraving agent like acamprostate,naltrexone and fluoxetine.

Page 59: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

Alcoholic polyneuritis and korsakoff’s syndrome

• Symptoms are weakness and pain in the extremities, wrist and foot drop, loss of deep reflex, tenderness of muscle.

Page 60: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

• Alcoholic Paranoia-there are fixed delusion but not hallucinations.

• Acute alcoholic hallucinosis -persistent hallucination develop with in 48 hrs after cessation of alcohols

• Alcoholic epilepsy -seizures occurs after a day or more after termination of drinking session.

Page 61: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

Wernicke’s encephalopathy

• Results from a hypothalamus, cerebellum & midbrain lesion due to heavy drinking.

• Vit-B1 deficiency occurs

Page 62: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

• Cardiac dysrhythmias- tachyarrhythmia's are common because of high adrenergic activity.

• Marchiafava’s syndrome -degeneration of corpus callosum may occur.

• Mallory-Weiss syndrome -ruptured oesophagus with mediastinitis

Page 63: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

• Malnutrition• Gastric and Peptic Ulcer• Cirrhosis• Myocarditis• Pancreatitis• Mental illness• Disturbance in tryptophan metabolism

Page 64: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

• Holiday Heart Syndrome• Wet Berri-berri- Inc. H.R. ,Raised JVP,

Vasodilation, peripheral edema & PND.• Boer Haeve Syndrome – Spontneous transmural

rupture of esophagus (typically in forceful emesis).• Zieve Syndrome : -Occurs after withdrawl of alcohol from prolong

alcohol abuse. -Hemolytic anemia, spur cells and acanthocytes,

hyperlypoproteinemia jaundice.

Page 65: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

Alcohol and Criminal behaviour:

• S.510,IPC: Misconduct in public by a drunken person is

punishable with imprisonment up to 24 hrs.

Page 66: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

Alcohol and Sudden death

• Sudden death may occur due to cardiac dysarrhythmias and cardiopulmonary arrest.

Page 67: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

Alcohol after death

1. If death occur due to trauma- A post-mortem alcohol estimation in Subdural blood clot will give true picture.

2.No appreciable loss by evaporation or any other means

3. With advance putrefaction, the entire content of the vascular system including alcohol is destroyed. Analysis of brain gives best results.

Page 68: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

4.Ethanol and other alcohol can be produced during putrefaction by fermentation of carbohydrate and proteins of the body (usually 20 to 30 mg/100ml).this may occur due to enzyme, bacteria, yeast, fungi

• The commonest organism is E. coli.

Page 69: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

5.The longer the interval after death and higher the temperature, the more is produced.

6.Alcohol conc. in excess of 0.2% would indicate alcohol consumption prior to death.

Page 70: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

Methyl alcohol• Also known as wood alcohol• It is present in antifreeze , paint removers ,

dyes, adhesives and varnish .• Absorption : absorbed from stomach, intestine ,

lungs and skin.• Rate of oxidation is 1/5th of that of ethanol.• Accumulates in blood with repeated small doses

and remains in blood for 3 -4 days.• 80mg/100ml of blood is dangerous level.

Page 71: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

• Methanol → Formaldehyde → Formic acid Liver (x 33 ) ( x 6 ) Metabolic Acidosis Retinal Toxicity

• Formate may inhibit cytrochrome oxidase, inc lactate. It is distributed according to water content, and conc in

vitreous body & optic nerve.

Page 72: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

• Signs and symptoms : Same as ethyl alcohol but inebriation is not

prominent. • Symptoms are N/V , severe cramps in

abdomen, headache , dizziness , neck stiffness ,

• The effect on CNS is more intense and prolonged – Delirium and Coma (for 2-3 days)

• Toxic effect on liver and kidney (acute tubular necrosis).

Page 73: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

• Metabolic acidosis (d/t lactic & other acids )• Anionic acidosis• Pupils are dilated and fixed• Visual disturbances like photophobia , blurred or

misty vision (snowfield vision), central and peripheral scotoma , decreased light perception , concentric diminution of visual field for color and form.

• Sudden failure of vision or complete blindness is due to optic neuritis and atrophy.

Page 74: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

• Fatal dose : 60-200ml• Fatal period : 24-36 hrs

• Elimination :3-5% through lungs 12% through kidneys

• Cause of death : Acidosis

Page 75: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

Treatment • 1. G.Lavage. with 5% bicarbonate soln.• 2. Activated charcoal• 3. Antidote – Ethanol , 10% 100 ml as iv infusion ,

level of 100-150 mg% is maintained at all times.• 4. Alternatively 60ml Ethyl alcohol in 200 ml fruit

juice is given per orally.• 5.Haemodialysis is treatment of choice in severe


Page 76: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

• 6. Methyl pyrazole (4MP or fomepizole) : It is competitive inhibitor of alcohol dehydrogenase.

15mg/kg f/b 10mg/kg after 12 hours for 4 doses

• 7. Folinic or folic acid : 50-75mg every 4 hourly

• 8. Sodabicarb to treat the metabolic acidosis

• 9. Place the patient in left lateral position and head down to avoid aspiration of vomitus

Page 77: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

• PM appearances : Cyanosis is marked • Absence of PM clotting of blood• Pyridine may give the skin a purple colour• The mucous membrane of stomach and

duodenum is congested and inflamed• Small or large intestine or both are contracted

and resemble thick pipe with narrow lumen• Lungs brain bladder are congested.• Liver shows fatty changes • Kidneys show tubular degeneration

• MLI: poisoning is mostly accidental

Page 78: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

Questions 1.Widmark’s formula are used for estimation of• Cyanides• Alcohol• D.D.T• Teeth

Page 79: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

2.Optic atrophy can be caused by.....poisoning• Phosphrous• Ethyl alcohol• Methyl alcohol• Lead

Page 80: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

3.Fetal dose of methanol• 15ml• 30-60 ml• 60-250ml• 500ml

Page 81: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

4.Morbid jealousy is diagnostic of• Cocaine• Cannabis• Alcoholism• Barbiturate

Page 82: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

5.Macewan sign is seen in• Alcohol• Organophosphorus• Dhatura• Barbiturate

Page 83: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

6.Best method of treatment of methyl alcohol• Calcium gluconate• Ethyl alcohol• Amphetamine• 1% ammonia

Page 84: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

7.In chronic alcoholism which of the following is seen

• Delirium tremens• Wernike’s syndrome• Korsakoff psychosis• All of the above

Page 85: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

8.The fatal dose of absolute alcohol• 30 ml• 60 ml• 90 ml• 150 ml

Page 86: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

9.Which of the following is not useful in methyl alcohol poisoning

• Gastric lavage• Dialysis• Ethyl alcohol• High dose of Vit. B12

Page 87: NEUROTICS. 1) CEREBRAL : a) CNS DEPRESSANTS - e.g., Alcohol, GA, Opioid analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics. b) CNS STIMULANTS – e.g., CAD, Caffeine, Amphetamine,

10. Wernicke’s encephalopathy is due to-

• Vitamin B1 deficiency• Vitamin B2 deficiency• Vitamin B6 deficiency• Vitamin B12 deficiency