NeuroBayes® - a modern Moderne statistische Methoden als ...feindt/GridKA.pdf · pendulum,...

Ziele f(t|x) Beispiele Prinzip Funktion Konkurrenz Forschung Spiel Idee NeuroBayes A B Hintergrund Anwendung Beispiel Projekt l Projekt ll Historie Ablauf Start Idee Summary A Michael Feindt NeuroBayes® GridKA School 8. Sept. 2008 NeuroBayes NeuroBayes® - a modern analysis technique from High Energy Physics and its way as prognosis tool into business Prof. Dr. Michael Feindt Vorstand KCETA Universität Karlsruhe, KIT Wissenschaftlicher Beirat Phi-T Physics Information Technologies GmbH

Transcript of NeuroBayes® - a modern Moderne statistische Methoden als ...feindt/GridKA.pdf · pendulum,...

Ziele f(t|x) Beispiele Prinzip Funktion Konkurrenz Forschung Spiel Idee NeuroBayes A B Hintergrund Anwendung Beispiel Projekt l Projekt ll Historie Ablauf Start Idee Summary A

Michael Feindt NeuroBayes® GridKA School 8. Sept. 2008


Moderne statistische Methoden als Basis für individualisierte Risikovorhersage

Prof. Dr. Michael Feindt Institut für Experimentelle Kernphysik Universität Karlsruhe

Wissenschaftlicher Beirat der

Phi-T Physics Information Technologies GmbH

NeuroBayes® - a modern analysis technique from High Energy Physics and its way as prognosis tool into business

Prof. Dr. Michael Feindt

Vorstand KCETA Universität Karlsruhe, KIT

Wissenschaftlicher Beirat Phi-T Physics Information Technologies GmbH

Ziele f(t|x) Beispiele Prinzip Funktion Konkurrenz Forschung Spiel Idee NeuroBayes A B Hintergrund Anwendung Beispiel Projekt l Projekt ll Historie Ablauf Start Idee Summary A

Michael Feindt NeuroBayes® GridKA School 8. Sept. 2008


Prof. Dr. Michael Feindt

Vorstand CETA Universität Karlsruhe

Wissenschaftlicher Beirat Phi-T Physics Information Technologies GmbH

NeuroBayes® - a modern analysis technique from High Energy Physics and its way as prognosis tool into business

Ziele f(t|x) Beispiele Prinzip Funktion Konkurrenz Forschung Spiel Idee NeuroBayes A B Hintergrund Anwendung Beispiel Projekt l Projekt ll Historie Ablauf Start Idee Summary A

Michael Feindt NeuroBayes® GridKA School 8. Sept. 2008



The result of simple classical physics processes is exactly predictable (one cause leads to one definite unique result, determinism)


pendulum, planets, billard, electromagnetism…

Ziele f(t|x) Beispiele Prinzip Funktion Konkurrenz Forschung Spiel Idee NeuroBayes A B Hintergrund Anwendung Beispiel Projekt l Projekt ll Historie Ablauf Start Idee Summary A

Michael Feindt NeuroBayes® GridKA School 8. Sept. 2008



Purely random processes are not predictable at all (even if the initial conditions are completely known!)


Lottery (Too many tiny influences and branchings, deterministic chaos)

radioactive decay (quantum mechanics)

electronic noise

Ziele f(t|x) Beispiele Prinzip Funktion Konkurrenz Forschung Spiel Idee NeuroBayes A B Hintergrund Anwendung Beispiel Projekt l Projekt ll Historie Ablauf Start Idee Summary A

Michael Feindt NeuroBayes® GridKA School 8. Sept. 2008



Many systems in nature and life: Mixture of predictable and unpredictable (quasi-) random or chaotic components.

 Probability statements, statistics.

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Michael Feindt NeuroBayes® GridKA School 8. Sept. 2008


Extraction of a predictable component from empirical data (or Monte Carlo simulations)

Statistically relevant predictions for future events

Individualisisation of probability statements:

conditional probabilities: f(t|x), dependent on individual event with properties x instead of general (a priori) probability f(t)

mean event

individual event

Our core technology:

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Michael Feindt NeuroBayes® GridKA School 8. Sept. 2008


Particle physics experiments Many identical experiments for many years: Collisions of e.g. electrons and positrons (at LEP)

Ziele f(t|x) Beispiele Prinzip Funktion Konkurrenz Forschung Spiel Idee NeuroBayes A B Hintergrund Anwendung Beispiel Projekt l Projekt ll Historie Ablauf Start Idee Summary A

Michael Feindt NeuroBayes® GridKA School 8. Sept. 2008



L ex



at L


Quantum Mechanics: In every collision something else happens!

Experiments: Observe mean values, distributions, correlations, determine parameters (mean lifetime, spin, parity etc) from that.

Ziele f(t|x) Beispiele Prinzip Funktion Konkurrenz Forschung Spiel Idee NeuroBayes A B Hintergrund Anwendung Beispiel Projekt l Projekt ll Historie Ablauf Start Idee Summary A

Michael Feindt NeuroBayes® GridKA School 8. Sept. 2008


Neural networks

Neural networks: Self learning procedures, copied from nature

Parietal Cortex Frontal Lobe

Motor Cortex

Temporal Lobe

Brain Stem

Occipital Lobe


Ziele f(t|x) Beispiele Prinzip Funktion Konkurrenz Forschung Spiel Idee NeuroBayes A B Hintergrund Anwendung Beispiel Projekt l Projekt ll Historie Ablauf Start Idee Summary A

Michael Feindt NeuroBayes® GridKA School 8. Sept. 2008


Neural networks

The information (the knowledge, the expertise) is coded in the connections between the neurons

Each neuron performs fuzzy decisions

A neural network can learn from examples

Ziele f(t|x) Beispiele Prinzip Funktion Konkurrenz Forschung Spiel Idee NeuroBayes A B Hintergrund Anwendung Beispiel Projekt l Projekt ll Historie Ablauf Start Idee Summary A

Michael Feindt NeuroBayes® GridKA School 8. Sept. 2008


Neural Network

basic functions

Ziele f(t|x) Beispiele Prinzip Funktion Konkurrenz Forschung Spiel Idee NeuroBayes A B Hintergrund Anwendung Beispiel Projekt l Projekt ll Historie Ablauf Start Idee Summary A

Michael Feindt NeuroBayes® GridKA School 8. Sept. 2008


Neural network transfer functions

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Michael Feindt NeuroBayes® GridKA School 8. Sept. 2008


Neural network training

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Michael Feindt NeuroBayes® GridKA School 8. Sept. 2008


Neural network training Difficulty: find global minimum of highly non-linear function in high (~ >100) dimensional space. Imagine task to find deepest valley in the Alps (just 2 dimensions)

Easy to find the next local minimum...

but globally... ...impossible!

Ziele f(t|x) Beispiele Prinzip Funktion Konkurrenz Forschung Spiel Idee NeuroBayes A B Hintergrund Anwendung Beispiel Projekt l Projekt ll Historie Ablauf Start Idee Summary A

Michael Feindt NeuroBayes® GridKA School 8. Sept. 2008


Naïve neural networks and criticizm We‘ve tried that but it didn‘t give good results - Stuck in local minimum - Learning not robust We‘ve tried that but it was worse than our 100 person-years analytical high tech algorithm - Selected too naive input variables - Use your fancy algorithm as INPUT ! We‘ve tried that but the predictions were wrong - Overtraining: the net learned statistical fluctuations Yeah but how can you estimate systematic errors? - How can you with cuts when variables are correlated? - Tests on data, data/MC agreement possible and done.

Ziele f(t|x) Beispiele Prinzip Funktion Konkurrenz Forschung Spiel Idee NeuroBayes A B Hintergrund Anwendung Beispiel Projekt l Projekt ll Historie Ablauf Start Idee Summary A

Michael Feindt NeuroBayes® GridKA School 8. Sept. 2008


Address all these topics and build a professional robust and flexible neural network package for physics, insurance, bank and industry applications: NeuroBayes®

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Michael Feindt NeuroBayes® GridKA School 8. Sept. 2008


NeuroBayes® principle

NeuroBayes® Teacher: Learning of complex relationships from existing data bases (e.g. Monte Carlo)

NeuroBayes® Expert: Prognosis for unknown data










Ziele f(t|x) Beispiele Prinzip Funktion Konkurrenz Forschung Spiel Idee NeuroBayes A B Hintergrund Anwendung Beispiel Projekt l Projekt ll Historie Ablauf Start Idee Summary A

Michael Feindt NeuroBayes® GridKA School 8. Sept. 2008


Probability that hypothesis is correct (classification) or probability density for variable t

How it works: training and application Historic or simulated data

Data set a = ... b = ... c = ... .... t = …!

Actual (new real) data

Data set a = ... b = ... c = ... .... t = ?

Expert system

Ziele f(t|x) Beispiele Prinzip Funktion Konkurrenz Forschung Spiel Idee NeuroBayes A B Hintergrund Anwendung Beispiel Projekt l Projekt ll Historie Ablauf Start Idee Summary A

Michael Feindt NeuroBayes® GridKA School 8. Sept. 2008


Classification: Binary targets: Each single outcome will be “yes“ or “no“ NeuroBayes output is the Bayesian posterior probability that answer is “yes“ (given that inclusive rates are the same in training and test sample, otherwise simple transformation necessary).

Examples: > This elementary particle is a K meson. > This event is a Higgs candidate. > Germany will become soccer world champion in 2010. > Customer Meier will have liquidity problems next year. > This equity price will rise.

NeuroBayes® task 1: Classifications

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Michael Feindt NeuroBayes® GridKA School 8. Sept. 2008


NeuroBayes® task 2: Conditional probability densities

Probability density for real valued targets: For each possible (real) value a probability (density) is given. From that all statistical quantities like mean value, median, mode, standard deviation, percentiles etc can be deduced.

Examples: > Energy of an elementary particle (e.g a semileptonically decaying B meson with missing neutrino) > Q value of a decay > Lifetime of a decay > Price change of an equity or option > Company turnaround or earnings

Ziele f(t|x) Beispiele Prinzip Funktion Konkurrenz Forschung Spiel Idee NeuroBayes A B Hintergrund Anwendung Beispiel Projekt l Projekt ll Historie Ablauf Start Idee Summary A

Michael Feindt NeuroBayes® GridKA School 8. Sept. 2008


Prediction of the complete probability distribution – event by event unfolding -

Mode Expectation value

Standard deviation volatility

Deviations from normal distribution, e.g. crash probability

Ziele f(t|x) Beispiele Prinzip Funktion Konkurrenz Forschung Spiel Idee NeuroBayes A B Hintergrund Anwendung Beispiel Projekt l Projekt ll Historie Ablauf Start Idee Summary A

Michael Feindt NeuroBayes® GridKA School 8. Sept. 2008


Conditional probability densities in particle physics

What is the probability density of the true B momentum in this semileptonic B candidate event taken with the CDF II detector

with these n tracks with those momenta and rapidities in the hemisphere, which are forming this secondary vertex with this decay length and probability, this invariant mass and transverse momentum, this lepton information, this missing transverse momentum, this difference in Phi and Theta between momentum sum and vertex topology, etc pp

Ziele f(t|x) Beispiele Prinzip Funktion Konkurrenz Forschung Spiel Idee NeuroBayes A B Hintergrund Anwendung Beispiel Projekt l Projekt ll Historie Ablauf Start Idee Summary A

Michael Feindt NeuroBayes® GridKA School 8. Sept. 2008


After having looked outside the ivory tower, realized:

These methods are not only applicable in physics

<phi-t>: Foundation of private company out of University of Karlsruhe, initially sponsored by exist-seed- programme of the federal ministery for Education and Research BMBF

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Michael Feindt NeuroBayes® GridKA School 8. Sept. 2008


2000-2002 NeuroBayes®-specialisation for economy at the University of Karlsruhe

Oct. 2002: GmbH founded, first industrial projects

June 2003: Removal into new office 199 sqm IT-Portal Karlsruhe

May 2008: Expansion to 700 sqm office Foundation of sub-company Phi-T products&services

Exclusive rights for NeuroBayes® Staff all physicists (almost all from HEP) Continuous further development of NeuroBayes®


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Michael Feindt NeuroBayes® GridKA School 8. Sept. 2008


(among others): BGV and VKB car insurances AXA and Central health insurances Lupus Alpha Asset Management dm drogerie markt (drugstore chain) Otto Versand (mail order business) Libri (book wholesale) Thyssen Krupp (steel industry)


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Michael Feindt NeuroBayes® GridKA School 8. Sept. 2008


Press (Die Welt, 21. April 2006)

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Michael Feindt NeuroBayes® GridKA School 8. Sept. 2008


Main message: NeuroBayes is a very powerful algorithm •  robust – (unless fooled) does not overtrain, always finds good solution - and fast •  can automatically select significant variables •  output interpretable as Bayesian a posteriori probability •  can train with weights and background subtraction •  has potential to improve many analyses significantly •  in density mode it can be used to improve resolutions (e.g. lifetime in semileptonic B decays) NeuroBayes is easy to use •  Examples and documentation available •  Good default values for all options fast start! •  Direct interface to TMVA available •  Introduction into root planned

Ziele f(t|x) Beispiele Prinzip Funktion Konkurrenz Forschung Spiel Idee NeuroBayes A B Hintergrund Anwendung Beispiel Projekt l Projekt ll Historie Ablauf Start Idee Summary A

Michael Feindt NeuroBayes® GridKA School 8. Sept. 2008


<phi-t> NeuroBayes®

> is based on neural 2nd generation algorithms, Bayesian regularisation, optimised preprocessing with transformations and decorrelation of input variables and linear correlation to output. > learns extremely fast due to 2nd order methods and 0-iteration mode > is extremly robust against outliers > is immune against learning by heart statistical noise > tells you if there is nothing relevant to be learned > delivers sensible prognoses already with small statistics > has advanced boost and cross validation features > is steadily further developed

Ziele f(t|x) Beispiele Prinzip Funktion Konkurrenz Forschung Spiel Idee NeuroBayes A B Hintergrund Anwendung Beispiel Projekt l Projekt ll Historie Ablauf Start Idee Summary A

Michael Feindt NeuroBayes® GridKA School 8. Sept. 2008


Ziele f(t|x) Beispiele Prinzip Funktion Konkurrenz Forschung Spiel Idee NeuroBayes A B Hintergrund Anwendung Beispiel Projekt l Projekt ll Historie Ablauf Start Idee Summary A

Michael Feindt NeuroBayes® GridKA School 8. Sept. 2008


Ziele f(t|x) Beispiele Prinzip Funktion Konkurrenz Forschung Spiel Idee NeuroBayes A B Hintergrund Anwendung Beispiel Projekt l Projekt ll Historie Ablauf Start Idee Summary A

Michael Feindt NeuroBayes® GridKA School 8. Sept. 2008


Ziele f(t|x) Beispiele Prinzip Funktion Konkurrenz Forschung Spiel Idee NeuroBayes A B Hintergrund Anwendung Beispiel Projekt l Projekt ll Historie Ablauf Start Idee Summary A

Michael Feindt NeuroBayes® GridKA School 8. Sept. 2008


Ramler-plot (extended correlation matrix)

Ziele f(t|x) Beispiele Prinzip Funktion Konkurrenz Forschung Spiel Idee NeuroBayes A B Hintergrund Anwendung Beispiel Projekt l Projekt ll Historie Ablauf Start Idee Summary A

Michael Feindt NeuroBayes® GridKA School 8. Sept. 2008


Ramler-II-plot (visualize correlation to target)

Ziele f(t|x) Beispiele Prinzip Funktion Konkurrenz Forschung Spiel Idee NeuroBayes A B Hintergrund Anwendung Beispiel Projekt l Projekt ll Historie Ablauf Start Idee Summary A

Michael Feindt NeuroBayes® GridKA School 8. Sept. 2008


Visualisation of single input-variables

Ziele f(t|x) Beispiele Prinzip Funktion Konkurrenz Forschung Spiel Idee NeuroBayes A B Hintergrund Anwendung Beispiel Projekt l Projekt ll Historie Ablauf Start Idee Summary A

Michael Feindt NeuroBayes® GridKA School 8. Sept. 2008


Visualisation of correlation matrix

Variable 1: Training target

Ziele f(t|x) Beispiele Prinzip Funktion Konkurrenz Forschung Spiel Idee NeuroBayes A B Hintergrund Anwendung Beispiel Projekt l Projekt ll Historie Ablauf Start Idee Summary A

Michael Feindt NeuroBayes® GridKA School 8. Sept. 2008


Visualisation of network performance

Purity vs. efficiency

Signal-effiziency vs. total efficiency (Lift chart)

Ziele f(t|x) Beispiele Prinzip Funktion Konkurrenz Forschung Spiel Idee NeuroBayes A B Hintergrund Anwendung Beispiel Projekt l Projekt ll Historie Ablauf Start Idee Summary A

Michael Feindt NeuroBayes® GridKA School 8. Sept. 2008


Visualisation of NeuroBayes network topology

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Michael Feindt NeuroBayes® GridKA School 8. Sept. 2008


Some applications in high energy physics

DELPHI: (mainly predecessors of NeuroBayes in BSAURUS) Kaon, proton, electron id Optimisation of resolutions inclusive B- E, φ, θ, Q-value B**, Bs** enrichment B fragmentation function Limit on Bs-mixing B0-mixing B- F/B-asymmetry B-> wrong sign charm

Ziele f(t|x) Beispiele Prinzip Funktion Konkurrenz Forschung Spiel Idee NeuroBayes A B Hintergrund Anwendung Beispiel Projekt l Projekt ll Historie Ablauf Start Idee Summary A

Michael Feindt NeuroBayes® GridKA School 8. Sept. 2008


Some applications in high energy physics

CDF II: Electron ID, muon ID, kaon/proton ID Optimisation of resonance reconstruction in many channels (X, Y, D, Ds , Ds**, B, Bs, B**,Bs**) Spin parity analysis of X(3182) Inclusion of NB output in likelihood fits B-tagging for high pt physics (top, Higgs, etc.) Single top quark production search Higgs search B-Flavour Tagging for mixing analyses (new combined tagging) B0, Bs-lifetime, ΔΓ, mixing, CP violation

Ziele f(t|x) Beispiele Prinzip Funktion Konkurrenz Forschung Spiel Idee NeuroBayes A B Hintergrund Anwendung Beispiel Projekt l Projekt ll Historie Ablauf Start Idee Summary A

Michael Feindt NeuroBayes® GridKA School 8. Sept. 2008


Some applications in high energy physics

Very recently: CMS: B-tagging

Belle: Continuum suppression B full reconstruction B flavour tagging

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Michael Feindt NeuroBayes® GridKA School 8. Sept. 2008


More than 40 diploma and Ph.D. theses…

from experiments DELPHI, CDF II, AMS and CMS used NeuroBayes® or predecessors very successfully.

Many of these can be found at Wissenschaft NeuroBayes

Talks about NeuroBayes® and applications: Forschung

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Michael Feindt NeuroBayes® GridKA School 8. Sept. 2008


NeuroBayes soft electron identification for CDF II (Ulrich Kerzel, Michael Milnik, M.F.)

Thesis U. Kerzel: on basis of Soft Electron Collection (much more efficient than cut selection or JetNet with same inputs) - after clever preprocessing by hand and careful learning parameter choice this could also be as good as NeuroBayes®

Just a few examples…

Ziele f(t|x) Beispiele Prinzip Funktion Konkurrenz Forschung Spiel Idee NeuroBayes A B Hintergrund Anwendung Beispiel Projekt l Projekt ll Historie Ablauf Start Idee Summary A

Michael Feindt NeuroBayes® GridKA School 8. Sept. 2008


Just a few examples…

NeuroBayes® selection

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Michael Feindt NeuroBayes® GridKA School 8. Sept. 2008


Just a few examples… First observation of B_s1 and most precise of B_s2*

Selection using NeuroBayes®

Ziele f(t|x) Beispiele Prinzip Funktion Konkurrenz Forschung Spiel Idee NeuroBayes A B Hintergrund Anwendung Beispiel Projekt l Projekt ll Historie Ablauf Start Idee Summary A

Michael Feindt NeuroBayes® GridKA School 8. Sept. 2008


Nice new methods… Training with weighted events (e.g for JPC-determination)

Data-only training with sideband subtraction (i.e. negative weights)

Construction of weights for MC phase space events such that they are distributed like real data

Brand new: Interpretation of NeuroBayes output as Bayesian a posteriori probability allows to avoid cuts on output variable but instead -- inclusion into likelihood-fits (B-mixing, CP-violation) -- usage with sPlot to produce “background free“ plots

Ziele f(t|x) Beispiele Prinzip Funktion Konkurrenz Forschung Spiel Idee NeuroBayes A B Hintergrund Anwendung Beispiel Projekt l Projekt ll Historie Ablauf Start Idee Summary A

Michael Feindt NeuroBayes® GridKA School 8. Sept. 2008


Example for data-only training (on1.resonance) (scan through cuts on network output)

Ziele f(t|x) Beispiele Prinzip Funktion Konkurrenz Forschung Spiel Idee NeuroBayes A B Hintergrund Anwendung Beispiel Projekt l Projekt ll Historie Ablauf Start Idee Summary A

Michael Feindt NeuroBayes® GridKA School 8. Sept. 2008


NeuroBayes Bs to J/ψ Φ selection without MC (Michal Kreps)

soft preselection, input to first NeuroBayes training

soft cut on net 1, input to second NeuroBayes training

cut on net 2

all data

Ziele f(t|x) Beispiele Prinzip Funktion Konkurrenz Forschung Spiel Idee NeuroBayes A B Hintergrund Anwendung Beispiel Projekt l Projekt ll Historie Ablauf Start Idee Summary A

Michael Feindt NeuroBayes® GridKA School 8. Sept. 2008


NeuroBayes Bs to J/ψ Φ selection without MC (Michal Kreps)

Significance S/B

# Signal #Background

N_signal = 757.4+-28.7, mass 5366.6 +- 0.4 MeV lifetime 432.3 +- 17.6 mu

no lifetime bias by input variables or NeuroBayes



Ziele f(t|x) Beispiele Prinzip Funktion Konkurrenz Forschung Spiel Idee NeuroBayes A B Hintergrund Anwendung Beispiel Projekt l Projekt ll Historie Ablauf Start Idee Summary A

Michael Feindt NeuroBayes® GridKA School 8. Sept. 2008


Successful in competition with other data-mining- methods

World‘s largest students competion: Data-Mining-Cup

2005: Fraud detection in internet trading 2006: price prediction in ebay auctions 2007: coupon redemption prediction 2008: lottery customer behaviour prediction

Ziele f(t|x) Beispiele Prinzip Funktion Konkurrenz Forschung Spiel Idee NeuroBayes A B Hintergrund Anwendung Beispiel Projekt l Projekt ll Historie Ablauf Start Idee Summary A

Michael Feindt NeuroBayes® GridKA School 8. Sept. 2008


Phi-T: Applications of NeuroBayes® in Economy

> Medicine and Pharma research e.g. effects and undesirable effects of drugs early tumor recognition > Banks e.g. credit-scoring (Basel II), finance time series prediction, valuation of derivates, risk minimised trading strategies, client valuation > Insurances e.g. risk and cost prediction for individual clients, probability of contract cancellation, fraud recognition, justice in tariffs > Trading chain stores: turnover prognosis for individual articles/stores Necessary prerequisite: Historic or simulated data must be available!

Ziele f(t|x) Beispiele Prinzip Funktion Konkurrenz Forschung Spiel Idee NeuroBayes A B Hintergrund Anwendung Beispiel Projekt l Projekt ll Historie Ablauf Start Idee Summary A

Michael Feindt NeuroBayes® GridKA School 8. Sept. 2008


Individual risk prognoses for car insurances:

Accident probability Cost probability distribution Large damage prognosis Contract cancellation prob.

very successful at

Ziele f(t|x) Beispiele Prinzip Funktion Konkurrenz Forschung Spiel Idee NeuroBayes A B Hintergrund Anwendung Beispiel Projekt l Projekt ll Historie Ablauf Start Idee Summary A

Michael Feindt NeuroBayes® GridKA School 8. Sept. 2008


Ziele f(t|x) Beispiele Prinzip Funktion Konkurrenz Forschung Spiel Idee NeuroBayes A B Hintergrund Anwendung Beispiel Projekt l Projekt ll Historie Ablauf Start Idee Summary A

Michael Feindt NeuroBayes® GridKA School 8. Sept. 2008


Turnover prognosis for mail order business

Ziele f(t|x) Beispiele Prinzip Funktion Konkurrenz Forschung Spiel Idee NeuroBayes A B Hintergrund Anwendung Beispiel Projekt l Projekt ll Historie Ablauf Start Idee Summary A

Michael Feindt NeuroBayes® GridKA School 8. Sept. 2008



Physicists modernise sales management …

Ziele f(t|x) Beispiele Prinzip Funktion Konkurrenz Forschung Spiel Idee NeuroBayes A B Hintergrund Anwendung Beispiel Projekt l Projekt ll Historie Ablauf Start Idee Summary A

Michael Feindt NeuroBayes® GridKA School 8. Sept. 2008


Prognosis of individual health costs

Kunde N. 00000

Mann, 44

Tarif XYZ123 seit ca. 17 Jahre

Pilot project for a large private health insurance

Prognosis of costs in following year for each person insured with confidence intervals

4 years of training, test on following year


Probability density for each customer/tarif combination

Very good test results!

Has potential for a real and objective cost reduction in health management

Ziele f(t|x) Beispiele Prinzip Funktion Konkurrenz Forschung Spiel Idee NeuroBayes A B Hintergrund Anwendung Beispiel Projekt l Projekt ll Historie Ablauf Start Idee Summary A

Michael Feindt NeuroBayes® GridKA School 8. Sept. 2008



VDI-Nachrichten, 9.3.2007

Prognosis of financial markets NeuroBayes® based risk averse market neutral fonds for institutional investors

Lupus Alpha NeuroBayes® Short Term Trading Fonds (up to now 20 Mio €, aim: 250 Mio € end of 2008)


Börsenzeitung, 6.2.2008

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Michael Feindt NeuroBayes® GridKA School 8. Sept. 2008


Prognosis of sports events from historical data

Results: Probabilities for home - tie - guest

Ziele f(t|x) Beispiele Prinzip Funktion Konkurrenz Forschung Spiel Idee NeuroBayes A B Hintergrund Anwendung Beispiel Projekt l Projekt ll Historie Ablauf Start Idee Summary A

Michael Feindt NeuroBayes® GridKA School 8. Sept. 2008


The <phi-t> mouse game: or: even your ``free will´´ is predictable


Ziele f(t|x) Beispiele Prinzip Funktion Konkurrenz Forschung Spiel Idee NeuroBayes A B Hintergrund Anwendung Beispiel Projekt l Projekt ll Historie Ablauf Start Idee Summary A

Michael Feindt NeuroBayes® GridKA School 8. Sept. 2008


NeuroBayes® for Grid optimisation?

If you have a prediction task and you have monitor data or Monte Carlo simulation data…

Probably NeuroBayes® can help you!

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Michael Feindt NeuroBayes® GridKA School 8. Sept. 2008


Bindings and Licenses NeuroBayes® is commercial software. Special rates for public research. Essentially free for high energy physics research. License files needed. Separately for expert and teacher. Please contact Phi-T.

NeuroBayes core code written in Fortran. Libraries for many platforms (Linux, Windows, …) available. Bindings exist for C++, Fortran, java, lisp, etc.

Code generator for easy usage exists for Fortran and C++. New: Interface to root-TMVA available (classification only) Integration into root planned

Ziele f(t|x) Beispiele Prinzip Funktion Konkurrenz Forschung Spiel Idee NeuroBayes A B Hintergrund Anwendung Beispiel Projekt l Projekt ll Historie Ablauf Start Idee Summary A

Michael Feindt NeuroBayes® GridKA School 8. Sept. 2008


Documentation Basics: M. Feindt, A Neural Bayesian Estimator for Conditional Probability Densities, E-preprint-archive physics 0402093

M. Feindt, U. Kerzel, The NeuroBayes Neural Network Package, NIM A 559(2006) 190

Web Sites: (Company web site, German & English) (English site on physics results with NeuroBayes & all diploma and PhD theses using NeuroBayes) (some NeuroBayes talks can be found here under -> Forschung)