Transcript of NATIONAL CONFERENCE -...

Page 1: NATIONAL CONFERENCE - is organizing a National Conference on Advances in Computational Intelligence

Proceedings of ACICE, 23 – 24 October, 2013



UGC Sponsored






ACICE – 2013

23rd & 24th October, 2013

Organised by



(Women’s University)

TIRUPATI – 517502


Page 2: NATIONAL CONFERENCE - is organizing a National Conference on Advances in Computational Intelligence

Proceedings of ACICE, 23 – 24 October, 2013



Chief Patron - Prof. S. Rathna Kumari


Patrons - Prof. P. Vijaya Lakshmi


Prof. D. Bharathi

Dean, School of Sciences

Convener - Dr. M. Usha Rani

Head & Associate Professor

Organizing Committee

Prof. K. Sandhya Rani M.Sc., PGDCA, M.Tech., Ph.D.

Prof. T. Sudha M.Sc., PGDCA, M.S., M.Phil., Ph.D.

Prof. S. Jyothi M.Sc., M.S., Ph.D.

Dr. M. Usha Rani M.C.A., Ph.D.

Dr. K. Usha Rani M.Sc., B.Ed., M.C.A., Ph.D.

Technical Committee

M. Sirish Kumar M.C.A., M.Tech.

S. Munilakshmi M.C.A.

T. D. Gopi M.C.A.

M. Kalpana Devi M.C.A., M.Phil.

K. Hima Bindu M.C.A.

T. Kavya B.C.A.

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Proceedings of ACICE, 23 – 24 October, 2013




Advances in Computational Intelligence and Computer Engineering (ACICE-2013) is the

right venue to mix the science along with the industrial needs. Artificial intelligence is the study

of how to make computers do things at which people are doing better. Sub-branch of AI is

Computational Intelligence(CI). Computational Intelligence techniques and their applications we

will observe in neural networks, support vector machines, fuzzy logic and evolutionary

computation, and covers a wide range of applications from pattern recognition and system

modelling, to intelligent control problems and biomedical applications.

A small spark is enough to ignite a burning desire, which is the most important fuel

needed to achieve one’s goals. Thus, this conference instigated a strong signal in shaping the

future research and development activities in both academia and industry, in fields ranging from

engineering, science and humanities. This conference will provide an excellent national forum

and it will be a great opportunity to the teachers, researchers, scientists, engineers and scholar

students to exchange and share their experiences through face to face, new ideas, research results

and views in all aspects of the Information, Telecommunication, Computing Techniques and to

find global partners for future collaboration.

This national conference consists of 9 Technical sessions out of which 1 is student

session. All are included with plenary speeches. About 175 papers were received from all over

the nation. Out of these 175 papers, 120 were selected for presentation and only 65 were

accepted for inclusion in the international journal of engineering sciences research, after a

rigorous peer review by organizing committee. 30 students at the level B.Tech., MCA are

presenting 16 papers. 20 Papers are presenting by M.Tech. students from various branches of

engineering like CSE, ECE and EEE. In the rest of the papers, 20 are especially from ECE/EEE

branch. The delegates are presenting the papers from 18 specializations like Bioinformatics,

Steganography, NLP, GIS, Soft Computing, Data Mining, Pattern recognition, Computer

Networks etc. We congratulate all authors of those manuscripts that have been accepted, and

requesting authors of manuscripts that could not be included in the proceedings/journal to bear

with our difficulty in not being to accept them.

We would like to thank all the authors for their interest in ACICE-2013. We are grateful

to Vice-Chancellor S. Rathna Kumari for her constant encouragement and support. Our sincere

thanks to Prof. C. S. Pratap Sundar sir for accepting our invitation to deliver keynote address in

this occasion. We also thank Registrar Prof. P. Vijayalakshmi, Dean of Sciences - Prof. D.

Bharathi, Prof. K. Sandhya Rani, Prof. T. Sudha, Prof. S. Jyothi and Dr. K. Usha Rani for their

support in organizing the conference. We sincerely acknowledge the financial assistance from

UGC. We thank all the teaching and non-teaching staff members, research scholars and students

of the Department of Computer Science who have helped us in organizing this conference.


Dr. M. Usha Rani

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Proceedings of ACICE, 23 – 24 October, 2013




Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam (University for Women) is the only institution of

higher learning in Andhra Pradesh devoted exclusively to women’s education. The University

was started in year 1983 with the avowed objective of giving professional education to women in

AP and making them self reliant. Further the University was established with conviction that

emancipation and empowerment of women can be achieved only through education. The mission

of the university as depicted in its emblem is Emancipation of Women through Acquisition of

Knowledge. To this end the University offers courses which serve the dual purpose of academic

excellence with applied orientation.

The goals of the University are

To be a change agent in transforming the status of women from a minority to majority by

its role and power sharing.

To expand the horizons of knowledge by education, research and consultancy.

To propagate knowledge through conferences and publications.

To improve the quality of life of people and organizations in the society through

extension work and consultancy.

To strengthen and promote organizations that serve the interest of women through

networking and collaborations.

The campus of SPMVV is spread over in lush green area of 138.43 acres. The campus

has serene atmosphere and provides the right ambience for student learning. The University is

situated at a distance of 3 km from the railway and bus stations of Tirupati.

The University campus encompasses the Humanities, Science and Engineering Schools

Headed by a Dean, Hostels for students, Staff Quarters, Computer Centre, Sericulture Farm,

Indoor Stadium, Library Buildings and Health Centre. In tune with the objectives, the University

is offering many courses that are job-oriented, professional and applied in nature. However,

keeping in view the need to have some basic courses that could be complementary to the applied

courses, the University is now launching new courses of basic nature.

The courses are so designed as to bring about application potential among students. The

instruction covers classroom teaching, laboratory and fieldwork. The learning environment

involves both live and simulated experiences. This University is distinct from the other

traditional Universities, in that it lays great emphasis on the value of extension as the third

dimension on par with the other two dimensions viz., teaching and research. Community service

is integrated into the curriculum by giving 20% weight-age in the final grading for the degrees

(for instances, legal aid, nutrition education to the community, development of women and

children in rural areas, etc.). All the professional courses are monitored by national level bodies

such as National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE), All India Council for Technical

Education (AICTE), Bar Council of India and Pharmacy Council of India etc.

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Proceedings of ACICE, 23 – 24 October, 2013




The field of Computer Science has excellent employment potential in the present

explosion of technological development. The Department of Computer Science was established

in the year 1983 and offering 3 years Master of Computer Applications course since 1987. At

present department offers MCA programme following Choice Based Credit System in semester

pattern and research programmes: M.Phil. and Ph.D. The department has highly qualified and

eminent senior faculty members. The department of Computer Science is with 90 high

configured computers having anti-virus in e-class room and computer lab with internet facility

and latest equipment & software.

Training at postgraduate level in Computer Science offers immense scope for

opportunities in software development and information technology. Employment opportunities

through campus interviews are provided to the students. The department is providing text books,

MCA, M.Phil., Ph.D. dissertations through departmental library. Online journal accessing

facility is provided by university library. Active research is being done in the department through

M.Phil. and Ph.D. programmes. Number of scholars enrolled at present in the department is 26.

Number of Ph.D.s awarded during last 5 years is 20. Currently 2 major research projects of

worth more than 40 lakhs are carrying by department. The department has conducted five

National conferences, one International conference and the faculty have attended many

workshops and presented more than 250 papers at National and International conferences and

published number of articles in reputed journals. The department actively involved in research in

the areas like Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining, Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, Genetic

Algorithms, Computer Networks, Network Security, Parallel Processing, Image Processing,

Pattern Recognition, Bio-Computing, Bio Informatics and GIS.

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Proceedings of ACICE, 23 – 24 October, 2013



Prof. S. Rathna Kumari


Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam

(Women’s University)

Tirupati – 517502(A.P.), INDIA.


It gives me immense pleasure to know that the Department of Computer Science is organizing a

National Conference on Advances in Computational Intelligence and Computer Engineering

(ACICE2013) on October 23rd & 24th, 2013 in Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam, Tirupati.

I am sure that, this conference will be an exceptional rendezvous advancing phenomenal

breakthrough for the whole gamut of the educational fraternity, elite researchers, inquisitive

scientists, learned scholars, technocrats, and zealous students to exchange novel concepts in all

aspects of the advanced enabling solutions like Artificial Intelligence, Bio-informatics,

Cryptography, Neural Networks, Pervasive Computing, etc.

I strongly believe that the conference will be a beacon light to profusely enlighten the

heart and soul of the warriors of education throughout the nation who are participating in this


I acknowledge the Department of Computer Science for coordinating this National

Conference and being a pioneer in materializing the abstract perspectives into concrete realities.

Prof. S. Ratna Kumari

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Proceedings of ACICE, 23 – 24 October, 2013



Prof. P. Vijaya Lakshmi, M.A., MCJ, Ph.D.


Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam

(Women’s University)

Tirupati – 517502 (A.P.), INDIA.


I am glad to know that the Department of Computer Science, Sri Padmavati Mahila

Visvavidyalayam is organizing a National Conference on Advances in Computational

Intelligence and Computer Engineering (ACICE-2013) on October 23rd & 24th, 2013 in Sri

Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam, Tirupati.

In the contemporary scenario, computers have taken a quantum leap and have taken its

strides into the lives of the common man irrespective of their specialization and simultaneously

exploring in to the new vistas of wisdom and knowledge.

I hope that this national conference would fight the prevailing challenges in this arena

and figure out unique solutions for the inherent problems. The various themes of the conference

will be instrumental in providing a strong foundation for novice and a better understanding for

adept to intertwine the ideas into various interdisciplinary streams.

I congratulate the staff, research scholars and students of the department for organizing

this conference and transforming this university into a global educational hub.

Prof. P. Vijaya Lakshmi

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Proceedings of ACICE, 23 – 24 October, 2013



Prof. D. Bharathi M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D., PG Advanced

Diploma in Sericulture (China)

Dean, School of Sciences

Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam

(Women’s University)

Tirupati – 517502(A.P.),INDIA.


I deem it as a privilege to contemplate and present my thoughts on the upcoming National

Conference being conducted by the Department of Computer Science on Advances in

Computational intelligence and Computer Engineering.

The growth and development of the Information Technology is a welcome sign for the

youth of this generation. Apart from learning the concepts, the members of the IT family are in a

constant threat to meet the demands of the 21st century. So consistent up gradation and updating

of the current technology is the order of the day. Though the IT fraternity is bestowed with fat

salary by the dint of their hard work, it is essential that an eagle’s eye view of the latest

discoveries and absorption of the same into their organization is mandatory for the professional

growth as well as to get set for the monetary benefit.

I am of the strong opinion that the conference of this stature will provide tremendous

opportunity for the academicians and industry personnel to interact, share and learn the nuances

of the cutting-edge technology. I whole heartedly wish the conference a huge success.

Prof. D. Bharathi

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Proceedings of ACICE, 23 – 24 October, 2013




I deem it as a privilege to contemplate and present my thoughts on the upcoming National

Conference being conducted by the Department of Computer Science on Advances in

Computational intelligence and Computer Engineering.

The mushroom growth of the IT industry and its explosion has revolutionized the way we

live and work. This noticeable development is of special significance which directly relates to

the very foundations of our society and essentially embraces all the diversification of its

activities. The concurrent themes like Network Security, Image Processing, Natural Language

Processing, Mobile Computing, Wireless Communications etc. is important in many scientific

and engineering disciplines, is increasingly becoming an integral component in consumer-driven


I would like to acknowledge the invaluable efforts and contributions of the department in

trying to make this conference a grand success.

(Prof. C. Easwar Reddy)

Prof. C. Easwar Reddy


School of Engineering and Technology

SPMVV(Women’s University)

Tirupati – 517502, (A.P.), INDIA.

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Proceedings of ACICE, 23 – 24 October, 2013



UGC Sponsored National Conference on Advances in Computational

Intelligence and Computer Engineering, ACICE-2013 (23 – 24, October, 2013)

Date 23.10.2013, Wednesday

Time Event Venue

8:30 AM – 10 AM


1 PM – 2 PM Registration Saaveri Guest House, SPMVV

10 AM – 11:30 AM Inauguration Saaveri Seminar Hall, SPMVV

11:30 AM – 11:45 AM Tea Break

11:45 AM – 1:30 PM Session – 1


Plenary Speech


Paper presentations

Saaveri Seminar Hall

1:30 PM – 2 PM Lunch

2 PM – 5 PM

Session – 2


Plenary Speech

Coffee Break


Paper Presentations

Saaveri Conference Hall

Session – 3


e-Class Room, Dept. of

Computer Science

Session – 4

(A23CS) CC, Dept. of Computer Science

Session – 9

(A23ST) Saaveri Seminar Hall

Date 24.10.2013, Thursday

9 AM – 10 AM


1 PM – 2 PM Registration

Dept. of Computer Science,


10 AM – 1 PM

Session – 5

(M24EC) Plenary Speech

Coffee Break


Paper Presentations

e-Class Room, Dept. of

Computer Science

Session – 6

(M24CS) CC, Dept. of Computer Science

1 PM – 2 PM Lunch

2 PM – 5 PM

Session – 7

(A24CS1) Plenary Speech

Coffee Break


Paper Presentations

e-Class Room, Dept. of

Computer Science

Session – 8

(A24CS2) CC, Dept. of Computer Science

Programme Schedule

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Proceedings of ACICE, 23 – 24 October, 2013





Venue: Saaveri Seminar Hall

SPMVV, Tirupati.

Date&Time: 23.10.13, 11:45 AM – 1:30 PM

ARM04 ETL Testing in Data Warehousing

K. Vishnu Vandana and V. Sujatha

ARM12 A Novel Ferry-Initiated Message Ferrying Approach for Data Delivery in

Disconnected Mobile Ad Hoc Networks through Native Ferries

K. Muralidhar and Dr. N. Geethanjali

ARM33 Video Coding by Using Quantum Particle Swarm Optimization Technique

and DWT

Shaik Jumlesha and Dr. Ch. Satyanarayana

ARM48 Detection of Emergent Pedestrian Crossings for Driving Assistance Systems

M. S. Niranjani and H. D. Praveena

ARM54 A Machine Learning Interactive Open Source Tool

M. Rajendra Prasad and R. Lakshman Naik

ARM55 A Comparative Study on Grid Computing Vs. Cloud Computing

Dr. B. Manjula and M. Rajendra Prasad

ARM62 A Survey on Edge Detection for Image Segmentation using Soft Computing

E. Murali and Dr. S. Jyothi

ARM87 Video Enhancement by the Bio-Vision System

Sudarshan E., Dr. CH Satyanarayana and Dr. C. Shoba Bindu

ARM89 Data Mining Techniques For Time Series Data

T. Soni Madhulatha

ARM106 Comparison of Telugu Speech Recognition Accuracy among the Male and Female


N. Usha Rani


Venue: Saaveri Conference Hall

SPMVV, Tirupati.

Date&Time: 23.10.13, 2 PM – 5 PM


Development of Natural language Interface to Relational Database

Shaik Thahazeb Hussain and Dr. M. Sreenivasulu

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Proceedings of ACICE, 23 – 24 October, 2013




A Microcontroller Based Protection and Control of A Low Voltage Motors by Using

Zigbee Technology

Rajasekhar Thota, N. Sreerami Reddy and Roop Teja Neeluru M


Load Balancing for Information retrieved for Question Answering

S. Ramaiah, A. Bhaskhar and P. Venkateswara Rao


BIST Controller Design to Monitor Fault Detection Activity with Hold Logic and a

Signature Generation Element

R. Kalyan, Vittalam D Kumar Reddy, K. Manjunath and A. Sai Suneel


Methodology for Discovering Domain Specific Knowledge from Text

Niharika Jakka and B. Rupa Devi


Pattern Discovery for Effective Text Mining using Data Mining Techniques

V. Sudha and K. Sreenivasa Rao


Reliable Adaptive Modulation aided by LRP for SFH Channels

R. Kalyan, Vittalam D Kumar Reddy, S. Rakesh and A. Sai Suneel

ARM69 A Study on Document Clustering

B. Maheshwari, Dr. Ahmed Abdul Moiz Qyser and Dr. Subhash Chandra

ARM78 Curvelet Transform And Euclidean Distance For Medical Image Retrieval System

V. Anusha and V. Usha Reddy

ARM86 Multi View Point - Based Similarity Measure in Clustering

Annavazula Mrinalini and Dr. A. Rama Mohan Reddy


Energy Efficient Protocol for Cooperative Networks

G. Narendra, N. Koteswara Rao and B. Sunil Kumar


Role of Fuzzy Logic in Data Mining

M. Rekha and M. Swapna

ARM103 Data Mining : Exploring Big Data

M. Jayasree


Consistent Surveillance of Location Based Spatial Queries in Wireless

Broadcast ambiance Using Peer-To-Peer Sharing

T. Sirisha Madhuri and Dr. A. Ram Mohan Reddy

ARM110 A Flexible Fault Tolerance for Distributed Data Mining Services on the Grid

T. Hemalatha and Dr. Ch. D. V. Subbarao


Venue: e-CR, Dept. of Computer Science

SPMVV, Tirupati.

Date&Time: 23.10.13, 2 PM – 5 PM

ARM08 High Speed ATM Security System using LPC2148 Microcontroller, AT77CI04B

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Proceedings of ACICE, 23 – 24 October, 2013



Finger Print Recognition and GSM

A. Chiranjeevi


Implementation of UART with Status Register using VHDL

S. Rohini and Prof. K. P. Veerendra

ARM21 Palliation of Factors that Severely affect the Processing of Atmospheric

Radar Signals through Segment Method

M. S. Sasidhar, Dr. T. V. C. Sarma and V. Somesh

ARM22 Interfacing of Software Drivers on ARM9 Processor by Porting with Linux

using HMI

V. Somesh and M. S. Sasidhar


License Plate Extraction and Recognition of Characters of a Vehicle Using Sliding

Window Technique

S. Sudhanidhi and G. Sreenivasulu

ARM50 Performance of Watershed Dissection Method for Fetal Incongruities in

Prenatal Stage From Sonogram Images

S. Karimulla, G. Suresh and SK. Gayaz


DC Power Supply System by using Inductive Filtering Method for Industrial


C. MD. Shareef and Shaik. Hameed


Fingerprint Matching Using Hough Transform and Latent Prints

C. Alekhya Yadav and G. Sreenivasulu

ARM80 Performance Analysis of Fuzzy Logic Controller Configurations

P. Archana and N. Prema Kumar

ARM81 Dynamically Adjusting Network Topology for MANETS by using DBET

V. Naresh yadav, T. Damodar yadav and G. Jyoshna


Implementation of Adder by using FPGA with Low Power Consumption and Area

N. Sindhura, U. Bhagya Lakshmi, V. Keerthy Rai and M. Padmaja

ARM97 Automatic Wavelet-based Nonlinear Image Enhancement Technique for Aerial


Y. Mahesh, B. Suresh Babu and A. Siva Nageswarrao

ARM99 Quantum Dot Cellular Automata - The Endowment for Modern computing

H. Umamahesvari, D. Ajitha and Dr. V. Sumalatha

ARM101 Improving the Performance of Wireless Ad Hoc networks using SINR based model

M. Amarnadh and M. Janardhan Raju

ARM112 Color Image Retrieval Using Mixed Binary Patterns

Dr. P. V. N. Reddy, Dr. K. Satya Prasad and P. Krishna Murthy

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Proceedings of ACICE, 23 – 24 October, 2013




Venue: CC, Dept. of Computer Science

SPMVV, Tirupati.

Date&Time: 23.10.13, 2 PM – 5 PM

ARM06 A Study on Security Attacks through Prevention Techniques

D. J. Samatha Naidu and A. Prasad

ARM16 Authentication for Online Transactions Using Tokens via Mobile Phones

P. M. D. Ali Khan, T. K. Lakshmi and P. J. Sarachandrika

ARM26 Dynamic Data Storage Publishing and Forwarding in Cloud Using Fusion Security


Srinivasulu Asadi, Dr. Ch. D. V.Subba Rao and A. Bhudevi

ARM27 Clustering on Different Datasets Using Pre-Clustering Techniques

Srinivasulu Asadi, Dr. Ch. D. V. Subba Rao and B. Reddy Sai

ARM32 SOA and Cloud Computing Approaches to Distributed Applications Using WCF

Y. Kiran Kumar, J. Murali and K. Tasleema Sulthana


Efficient Utilization of Spectrum Bandwidth Using Cognitive Radio to Improve

Throughput in Wireless Adhoc Networks

S. Srinivasulu and P. Pavan Kumar

ARM58 RDF/XML Issues in Semantic Web

Manasa Kommineni, R. MD. Shafi and G. Jagadeesh Kumar

ARM65 Peer-to-Peer Locality Exploring in Multiple Torrent Environment

Basi Reddy A., P. Namratha and T. K. Lakshmi

ARM67 Resource Allocation Using Entropy Based FIFO Method In Mobile Cloud


Praveena Akki and Y. Mohana Roopa

ARM68 The Effectiveness of Monitoring the Intrusion Detection in Manets

K. Lavanya and A. Nageswara Rao

ARM76 Multiple Channel Assignment Method for Traffic Awareness in Wireless Networks

M. Abilash Kumar Reddy and Dr. N. Sudhakar Reddy

ARM93 Enhancing and Scalability in Big Data and Cloud Computing: Future Opportunities

And Security

N. Phani Kumar, B. Ramakantha Reddy and P. A. Ramesh

ARM94 An MEGMP in Multicasting over Mobile Ad Hoc Networks to Improve QoS

G. B. Hima Bindu and Sai Bharath Kadati

ARM98 Pattern Recognition System in Probability and Statistics

G. Balaji and K. Radha

ARM111 A Novel Diagnostic Computer Aided Medical Tool for Breast Cancer based on

Neuro Fuzzy Logic

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Proceedings of ACICE, 23 – 24 October, 2013



Bh. Nagarajasri and Dr. M. Padmavathamma


Venue: e-CR, Dept. of Computer Science

SPMVV, Tirupati.

Date&Time: 24.10.13, 10 AM – 1 PM

ARM01 Emergency Communication Planning for Smoke and Fire Detection through

Wireless Network

Sai Suneel A., S. B. Sridevi and K. Nalini

ARM03 Fuzzy Inference System and its applications to Data Mining

M. Kalpana Devi and Dr. M. Usha Rani

ARM05 Password Recognition System Using LIS3LV02DQ MEMS Sensor and PIC16F877A


C. Vamsi Varshika and A. Sai Suneel

ARM07 Minimisation of High Density Impulse Noise by Using Non linear Filter

S. B. Sridevi and K. Nalini and A. Sai Suneel

ARM09 Providing Data Security in Cloud Computing Using Public Key Cryptography

N. Padmaja and Priyanka Koduru

ARM11 A Web Based Quality Function Information Management

A. R. Vamsi Krishna Naik and K. Hari Krishna

ARM13 E-Shape Patch Antenna for Millimeter Wave Communication

K. Nalini, A. Sai Suneel and S. B. Sridevi

ARM17 Robust UART IP Softcore with a DMA Controller

M. A. Eunice

ARM19 Novel way to study the Data Clustering using Topological Space Graph

Dr. L. Sreenivasulu Reddy

ARM23 Design of Lowpass FIR Filter using Adjustable Window Methods for Speech Signal

Processing Applications

V. Raja Rajeswari and Dr. B. Anuradha

ARM24 Feature Based Nonrigid Image Registration Using Uniform Spherical Region


P. Subba lakshmi

ARM25 Data Processing for Radar Wind Profiler Using Wavelet Based Methods

M. Krupa Swaroopa Rani and G. Kiran Kumar

ARM30 High Performance Computing Environment in Image Processing for Agriculture


N. Ramesh and A. Lasmika

ARM31 Real Time Paddy Crop Field Monitoring using Zigbee Network

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Proceedings of ACICE, 23 – 24 October, 2013



M. A. Eunice

ARM59 Fault Tolerance in Cloud Computing

S. Sudha Lakshmi


Venue: CC, Dept. of Computer Science

SPMVV, Tirupati.

Date&Time: 24.10.13, 10 AM – 1 PM

ARM44 An Overview on Automatic Facial Expression Recognition

J. Suneetha and Dr. K. Sandhya Rani

ARM52 An Analysis for the adaptation of Sobel and Canny Edge Detectors for Prawn Image

V. Sucharita, Dr. S. Jyothi and Dr. D. M. Mamatha

ARM57 Optimization Techniques for Web Content Mining- A Survey

M. Lavanya and Dr. M. Usha Rani

ARM66 A Survey on Improvements of Prefixspan Sequential Pattern Mining Algorithm

K. Suneetha and Dr. M. Usha Rani

ARM72 Mining Frequent Item Sets Using Map Reduce Paradigm

R. C. Saritha and M. Sirish Kumar

ARM73 Improving Security issues in Wireless Mesh Network

C. Roja Reddy and P. Jahnavi

ARM74 Design of an Intelligent SMS Based Remote Electricity Metering &Billing System

V. Gayatri, C. Roja Reddy and M. Soumya Harika

ARM75 Content Processing and Distribution by Cooperative Intermediaries on an Efficient

and Secure Approach

Supriya A., D. Harshavardhan Raju and D. J. Anusha

ARM77 DDoS Attacks in case of Encrypted Stepping Stone Connections

P. Jahnavi and C. Roja Reddy

ARM82 An Efficient Filtering Approaches For Recognizing and Suppression of Duplicate

Web Documents

K. Suneetha, K. Munidhanalakshmi and C. Bhuvana

ARM83 Insight of Top Cloud-Specific Culpabilities, Risks, Threats

C. Bhuvana, K. Munidhanalakshmi and M. MohanLakshmi

ARM84 A Survey on Effectiveness of Data Mining Techniques on Cancer Data Sets

G. Sujatha and Dr. K. Usha Rani

ARM95 Ingenious Modelling Tools of Soft Computing

K. Vijaya Sri and Dr. K. Usha Rani

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Proceedings of ACICE, 23 – 24 October, 2013



ARM107 Comprehensive Analysis of Clustering Techniques on Breast Cancer Dataset using

weka tool

M. V. Anjana Devi and Dr. K. Usha Rani

ARM108 A Cryptographic Image Encryption Technique

T. Anuradha and Dr. K. Usha Rani


Venue: e-CR, Dept. of Computer Science

SPMVV, Tirupati.

Date&Time: 24.10.13, 2 PM – 5 PM

ARM10 A Survey on Threshold Based Segmentation Technique in Image Processing

K. Bhargavi and Dr. S. Jyothi

ARM14 Software Reliability Improvement using Empirical Bayesian Method

D. Vivekananda Reddy and Dr. A. Ram Mohan Reddy

ARM20 A Review on New Technology: Quantum Cryptography

Priyanka Koduru and N. Padmaja

ARM28 Next Generation Pattern Mining Techniques

V. Sireesha

ARM29 Classification of Deforestation Factors Based on Predictive Class Association rules

K. Saritha, Dr. S. Jyothi and Dr. K. R. Manjula

ARM34 Spatial Clustering Techniques for GIS

A. Swarupa Rani and Dr. S. Jyothi

ARM35 Security Issues in E-Commerce Web Applications

K. Samkeerthy and Dr. G. Sreedhar

ARM36 Joint Histogram between Multi-resolution LBPs for Content based Image


P. Vijaya Bhaskar Reddy and Dr. A. Ram Mohan Reddy

ARM38 A Survey on Routing Protocols for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

N. Papanna and G. Radhika

ARM39 QTS: Query based Text Summarization

D. J. Anusha, D. J. Prathyusha and A. Supriya

ARM41 Heterogeneous Wireless Networks: Performance Analysis and Optimization

of Handover Algorithms

D. J. Prathyusha, D. J. Anusha and D. Harshavardhan Raju

ARM42 Tracing the Original Source by Using Watermark Model

D. J. Anusha, D. J. Prathyusha and A. Supriya

ARM45 Machine Learning and Data Mining

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Proceedings of ACICE, 23 – 24 October, 2013



G. Prasanna, Dr. K. Ramesh Reddy and Dr. R. J. Rama Sree


POS Tagger for Sanskrit

R. Muni Prashanthi, A. Vinaya Simha and Dr. R. J. Rama Sree

ARM51 Advanced Techniques for Hyperspectral Image Processing

G. Nagalakshmi and Dr. S. Jyothi


Venue: CC, Dept. of Computer Science

SPMVV, Tirupati.

Date&Time: 24.10.13, 2 PM – 5 PM

ARM02 A Comparative Study on Different Object Oriented Metrics

D. J. Samatha Naidu and Dr. P. Chitti Babu


A Dynamic Solution for Association Rules Mining

P. Amaranatha Reddy and D. Harsha Vardhan Raju

ARM56 Iris Biometrics

Kezia R badhiti and Dr. T. Sudha

ARM60 Imputation Procedures for handling Incomplete Data

R. Rajani and Dr. T. Sudha

ARM79 A Novel Effective Bandwidth Approach to CAC in ATM networks

K. Sailaja and Dr. M. Usha Rani

ARM85 Threshold Cryptography in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks [Manet]

S. Sajida

ARM91 Qualitative Measures For Website Design

Dr. G. Sreedhar

ARM96 Comparison of TnT, Max.Ent, CRF Taggers for Urdu Language

M. Humera Khanam, Dr. K. V. Madhumurthy and Md. A. Khudhus

ARM100 Status Quo of Text Document Clustering: A Review

S. Suneetha, Dr. M. Usha Rani and S. Munilakshmi

ARM102 Footprint: Detecting Sybil Attacks in Urban Vehicular Networks

Thota Kesavarao and C. Viswanath

ARM105 A Novel Bayesian Approach against Phishing Attacks based on Textual and Visual


D. Harshavardhan Raju, P. Govardhan and D. Vishnuvardhan Raju

ARM109 Business Process Enhancement Using Data Mining in Banking Sector

B. Muneendra Nayak, Dr. Naveen Kumar and Dr. R. Mahammad Shafi

ARM113 Robust DWT-SVD domain Digital Image Watermarking

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Dr. T. Sudha and K. Sunitha

ARM114 A Comparative Study on Size Invariant Visual Cryptography Schemes

M. Nirupama Bhat and Dr. K. Usha Rani

ARM115 Modifying the Distribution Update Rule for Adaboost to update based on the

Ensemble Decision

G. T. Prasanna Kumari, K. Sekar and R. Poornima

ARM116 Recent Advances in Computer Technology integrating Computational Intelligence

S. Heera, P. Srivyshnavi and M. Soumya Harika

ARM117 Multimodal Biometrics System Using Iris - Fingerprint: An Overview

V. Sireesha and Dr. K. Sandhya Rani

ARM118 Efficient Distributed Packet–Buffers for Routers in High Speed Networks

D. Kiran Kumar Reddy and T. Sujeet

ARM119 Privacy Preserving Association Rule Mining for Horizontally Partitioned Database

Model with Trusted Party Using Arithmetic Progression Based Secure Sum Concept

Dr. N. V. Muthu Lakshmi and Dr. K. Sandhya Rani

ARM120 Mobile Agent-Based Cloud Computing System In Internet

Dr. T. Sudha and Ms. K. Geetha


Venue: Saaveri Seminar Hall

SPMVV, Tirupati.

Date&Time: 23.10.13, 2 PM – 5 PM

ST01 NIRBHAYA - Fearless : New Mobile App for Women's Safety

K. Thulasi

ST02 Artificial Intelligence

G. Maheswari

ST03 Reducing Network Packet Routing Failures In Wireless Networks

M. Hannah Grace Kamala and R. Sravanti

ST04 Stegonography Method based on Hiding Secrete Data in MPEG/Video Layer

A. Pothuluru and L. Chandra Sekhar Reddy

ST05 An Efficient Self-Organized Authentication and Key Management Scheme

for Distributed Multihop Relay based IEEE 802.16 Networks

A. Vijay Kumar and R. Sivaji

ST06 Airborne Internet

K. Nandini and O. Naga Prathyusha

ST07 Wave Secure – Mobile Security Applications Through Android Software

D. V. Siva Kumar and N. Sudharshan

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ST08 Biologically Inspired Intelligent Robots Using Artificial Muscles

D. Surendra and D. P. Venkateswarlu

ST09 MAGLEV - Magnetic Levitation

D. Manaswini and Y. Sowjanya

ST10 A Novel method for securing a data in cloud storage system

M. Ramakrishnan

ST11 A Survey on 4G Technology on Mobile Communication

N. Madhu and K. Venkata Reddy

ST12 A Survey on 3G vs WiFi

Harikrishna and E. Thulasi Kumar

ST13 Window Azure And Cloud Computing

K. Sreenath and K. Bhupal Reddy

ST14 Dynamic HCA Protocol for a Multi-Interface Wireless Mesh Network

S. Parthiba Rajan, N. P. Dharani and N. Keerthi

ST15 Surface Computing

R. Hemalatha and G. Priyamvada

ST16 Google Glass

B. Vijaya Lakshmi and N. Supriya

ST17 Humanoids Robotics

M. Sowjanya and V. Latha

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ARM-01 Emergency Communication Planning for Smoke and

Fire Detection through Wireless Network

A. Sai Suneel1, S. B. Sridevi2 and K. Nalini3

1,2,3M.Tech., Assistant Professor, Dept. of ECE, SE&T, SPMVV, Tirupati. [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: This paper describes how to detect the smoke, fire and transmit

information by using wireless network. The importance of Gas and fire

detection is one of the chief safety concerns for residential (single-family)

housing. A smoke detector or smoke alarm is a device that detects smoke and

issues a alarm to alert nearby people that there is a potential fire. They can

detect fire in their early stages and give you those precious minutes to enable

you and your family to leave your house in safety. Whenever smoke or fire

(potential fire) occurs, the detector sets off the appropriate alarm and then

sends a specified message to our mobile through GSM are describes and

implemented in this work.

Keywords: GSM Modem, IR Sensors, LPC2148, AT89S52 Microcontroller,

Buzzer, LCD, Smoke detector, Fire detection system, Microcontroller.

ARM-02 A Comparative Study on Different Object Oriented Metrics

D. J. Samatha Naidu1 and Dr. P. Chitti Babu2

1,2Dept. of MCA, Annamacharya PG College of Computer Studies, Rajampet, Kadapa. [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: At present a huge research is going on software metric quality

issues. Object-oriented modeling and design is a way of thinking about

problems using models organized around real-world concepts. Various object

oriented metrics with other metrics like traditional metrics, orthogonal metrics

and CK metrics were discussed in this paper. Orthogonal object oriented

metrics describe what it meant for two or more object-oriented metrics to be

orthogonal. The main focus of this study is to produce a minimal set of

Orthogonal Object-Oriented metrics capable of analyzing code quality with the

same degree of accuracy as afforded by a metrics set of a significantly larger

cardinality. This comparative study on different object oriented metrics shows a

direct positive correlation between the degree of object-oriented constructs and

the level of quality for each software application.

Keywords: Object oriented metrics, Traditional metrics, Orthogonal metrics.

ARM-03 Fuzzy Inference System and its Applications to

Data Mining

M. Kalpana Devi1 and Dr. M. Usha Rani2

1Research Scholar, 2Associate Professor & Head, Dept. of Computer Science, SPMVV, Tirupati. [email protected], [email protected]

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Abstract: Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) is a computer model that performs the

reasoning based on fuzzy set theory and fuzzy rules of the “IF-Then” form. A

fuzzy approach is widely exploited among the intelligent systems, since it is

very simple and similar to the human way of thinking. It is one of the most

well-known applications of fuzzy logic used in different applications such as:

decision analysis, expert system and prediction. Fuzzy inference can be defined

as a method of mapping from a given input to an output through utilizing the

fuzzy set theory. Fuzzy set theory is used to model the kind of uncertainty

associated with imprecision, and lack of information. In this paper we present

a short review on how fuzzy logic can be applied to discover knowledge from a

given database.

Keywords: Fuzzy Inference System, Intelligent Systems, Decision Analysis, Expert System.

ARM-04 ETL Testing in Data Warehousing

K. Vishnu Vandana1 and V. Sujatha2

1Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSE, Brindavan Institute of Technology and Science, Kurnool. 2Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSE, Kottam College of Engineering, Chinnatekur, Kurnool.

[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: It has been observed that Independent Verification and Validation

is gaining huge market potential and many companies are now seeing this as

prospective business gain. Customers have been offered different range of

products in terms of service offerings, distributed in many areas based on

technology, process and solutions. ETL or data warehouse is one of the

offerings which are developing rapidly and successfully. During the

development of the data warehouse (DW), too much data is transformed,

integrated, structured, cleansed, and grouped in a single structure. These

various types of changes could lead to data corruption or data manipulation.

Therefore, DW testing is a very critical stage in the DW development process.

A number of attempts were made to describe how the testing process

should take place in the DW environment. In this paper, I will concentrate on

ETL testing techniques, the four different engagements existed in ETL

Afterwards, I will highlight the weakness points that exist in the available DW

testing approaches.

Keywords: Data Warehouse, ETL Testing, Data Migration.

ARM-05 Password Recognition System using LIS3LV02DQ MEMS

Sensor and PIC16F877A Microcontroller

C. Vamsi Varshika1 and A. Sai Suneel2

1,2 M.Tech., Assistant Professor, Dept. of ECE, SE&T, SPMVV, Tirupati. [email protected], [email protected]

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Abstract: In this work relates to security mechanisms for compact electronic

devices and prevents unauthorized access to portable electronic devices such

as laptop computers, Cellular telephones, and the like which can be activated

and deactivated simply by moving the device correctly according to a

preselected “password”. A preselected password is easy to remember when

compared to traditional passwords and Personal Identification Numbers (PINs).

They may sometimes be forgotten and are not always confidential. The chip set

includes a LIS3LV02DQ MEMS sensor which could be integrated within a

device such as a laptop computer, a PIC16F877A microcontroller and EEPROM

memory where in the database of memory includes a set of coordinate values

corresponding to authorized movement of the computer. Also includes 20*4

LCD display, Playback voice IC, a four button keypad.

Keywords: MEMS Sensor-LIS3LV02DQ, PIC Microcontroller-PIC16F877A, EEPROM-24LC256, 20*4 Liquid Crystal Display, IO Expander-PCF8574, Voice IC (Play Back Circuit)-APR9600, Inter Integrated Circuit Bus.

ARM-06 A Study on Security Attacks through Prevention


D. J. Samatha Naidu1 and A. Prasad2

1Dept. of MCA, Annamacharya PG College of Computer Studies, Rajampet, Kadapa. 2Dept. of Computer Science,Vikrama Simhapuri University, Nellore.

[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: This paper addressed the problem of Dos and jamming attacks in

wireless networks. We considered an internal adversary model in which the

jammer is part of the network under attack, thus being aware of the protocol

specifications and shared network secrets. We addressing that how the jammer

can classify transmitted packets in real time by decoding the first few symbols

of an ongoing transmission. The proposed prevention schemes that transform a

selective jammer to a random one by preventing real-time packet transmission

classification. This schemes combine cryptographic primitives such as

commitment schemes, cryptographic puzzles, and all-or-nothing

transformations (AONTs) with physical layer characteristics.

Keywords: Security attacks, AONTs, Prevention schemes.

ARM-07 Minimisation of High Density Impulse Noise by using

Non linear Filter

S. B. Sridevi1 and K. Nalini2 and A. Sai Suneel3

1,2,3M.Tech., Faculty, Dept. of ECE, SE&T, SPMVV, Tirupati. [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: This paper describes the non linear filter algorithm is used for the

restoration of gray scale, and colour images which are highly corrupted by

impulse noise is proposed. The proposed algorithm replaces the noisy pixel by

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trimming 0’s and 255’s and taking median value for the corrupted pixels from

the images. When all the pixel values are 0’s and 255’s then the noise pixel is

replaced by mean value of all the elements present in the selected window. This

proposed algorithm shows better results than the Standard Median Filter (MF),

Adaptive median Filter(AMF), Decision Based Algorithm (DBA), Progressive

Switched Median Filter (PSMF) and Modified Decision Based Algorithm

(MDBA). In this, the proposed algorithm is tested for different grayscale and

colour images and it gives better Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Image

Enhancement Factor (IEF) MSE values for digital images.

Keywords: Unsymmetrical Trimmed Median, Trimmed Mean, Restoration, Peak Signal to Noise Ratio, Image Enhancement Factor.

ARM-08 High Speed ATM Security System using LPC2148

Microcontroller, AT77CI04B Finger Print Recognition and GSM

A. Chiranjeevi

M.Tech. Scholar, Dept. of ECE, SVU College of Engineering, SV University, Tirupati.

[email protected]

Abstract: This paper describes the main objective of this system is to develop

an embedded system, which is used for ATM security applications. In these

systems, Bankers will collect the customer finger prints and mobile number

while opening the accounts then customer only access ATM machine. The

working of these ATM machine is when customer place finger on the print

module when it access automatically generates every time different 4-digit code

as a message to the mobile of the authorized customer through GSM modem

connected to the microcontroller . The code received by the customer should be

entered by pressing the keys on the touch screen. After entering it checks

whether it is a valid one or not and allows the customer further access. The

proposed wireless technology system is more safe, reliable and easy to use for

all users and has many real time advantages.

Keywords: LCD, Keyboard, AT77CI04B, Alarm, S3C2440, SRAM, FLASH, ARM9.

ARM-09 Providing Data Security in Cloud Computing using

Public Key Cryptography

N. Padmaja1 and Priyanka Koduru2

Faculty, 1Dept. of IT, 2Dept. of CSE, SE&T, SPMVV, Tirupati. [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: Cloud Computing is a new technology in computer oriented services.

No secret that cloud computing is becoming more and more popular

and is ever increasing. The field of “cloud computing” increases serious,

security concerns in the large companies as they share valuable resources in a

cost effective way. Due to this increasing demand for more clouds there is a

security threat, these security threats can be a danger to cloud computing and

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they have to be avoided. Since Cloud Computing stores the data and

disseminated resources in the open environment, security has become the

major issue which is hampering the deployment of Cloud environments. Even

though Cloud Computing is promising and efficient, there are many challenges

in data security for the Cloud user. To access a cloud based web application

that will try to eliminate the concerns regarding data privacy, segregation. W e

proposed a method by implementing RSA algorithm.

Keywords: Cloud Computing, Data Security, Security Threats, RSA Algorithm.

ARM-10 A Survey on Threshold Based Segmentation Technique

in Image Processing

K. Bhargavi1 and Dr. S. Jyothi2

1Associate Professor & Head, Dept. of IT & M.TECH, MRCEW, Hyderabad. 2Professor & Director, Dept. of Computer Science, SPMVV, Tirupati.

[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: The present paper describes the study of the threshold techniques in

image segmentation. Image segmentation is one of the fundamental approaches

of the digital image processing. Image segmentation is used widely in many

applications. Several general purpose algorithms and techniques have been

developed for image segmentation. Segmentation applications are involving

detection, recognition and measurement of features. The purpose of image

segmentation is to partition an image into meaningful regions with respect to a

particular application. Segmentation techniques can be classified as either

contextual or non-contextual. Thresholding is a Non-Contextual Approach.

This method is based on a threshold value to turn a gray-scale image into a

binary image. In Histogram Dependent Technique, a histogram is computed

from all of the pixels in the image and this paper enumerates and reviews a

comparative performance of threshold technique as Histogram Dependent

Technique (HDT) based on Global Threshold, Local Threshold and Adaptive

Threshold one another.

Keywords: Digital image processing, Image segmentation, Non-Contextual

Approach, threshold technique, Histogram Dependent Technique (HDT), adaptive threshold technique.

ARM-11 A Web Based Quality Function Information Management

B. R. Vamsi Krishna Naik1 and K. Hari Krishna2

1,2 M.Tech., Faculty, Dept. of CSE, SE&T, SPMVV, Tirupati. [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: This work describes, a Quality Function Deployment is a web-based

application designed to help a workgroup keep track of issues and tasks via a

shared central resource. The application itself can be installed virtually on any

web server, whether internal within the organization, or external, hosted by a

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web hosting company. The data is stored centrally on the server, which make it

especially suitable for distributed teams who can use just the web browser to

access it. No local software needs to be installed on the client and all web

browsers are supported. The application itself can be installed virtually on any

web server, whether internal within the organization, or external, hosted by a

web hosting company. The data is stored centrally on the server, which make it

especially suitable for distributed teams who can use just the web browser to

access it.

Keywords: web-based application, web server, Data Models-ER Diagrams, Quality Function Deployment.

ARM-12 A Novel Ferry-Initiated Message Ferrying Approach

for Data Delivery in Disconnected Mobile Ad Hoc

Networks through Native Ferries

K. Muralidhar1 and Dr. N. Geethanjali2

1Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSE, ALITS, Anantapur. 2Associate Professor & Head, Dept. of

CST, SKU, Anantapur. [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: Message Ferrying may be a new approach developed to help

communication in Mobile ad hoc networks. Mobile ad hoc networks are usually

deployed with restricted infrastructure. Moreover, owing to numerous

conditions like restricted radio range, physical obstacles or inclement weather,

some nodes within the network won't be ready to communicate with others.

This might lead to a disconnected network. In such things, a typical network

protocol won't yield sensible results. Message Ferrying is an approach that

works around such issues. The message ferrying technique makes use of

mobile nodes, referred to as “ferries”, that are ready to collect and transport

data from one node to another node. There are two approaches to deliver a

message, Node-Initiated Message Ferrying (NIMF) and Ferry-Initiated Message

Ferrying (FIMF) approach. In NIMF approach a node can move towards known

route of ferry if it's data to transmit or receive. The node comes close in order

that ferry is going to be in normal range of node. In FIME approach the ferry

broadcast its location sporadically. Once a node needs to send or receive

messages via the ferry, it sends a service request message to the ferry

exploitation its long range radio. This message contains the data of node

location. In keeping with this information ferry can adjust their trajectory to

meet the node. After finishing the data transfer ferry (External Ferry) can come

back to its default route. This paper proposes a new modified version of FIMF,

where External Ferry makes no movement towards the node, instead it collects

data from a Native Ferry. The duty of a Native Ferry is to collect data from its

region and deliver to the External Ferry. Then the External Ferry carries the

data to some other disconnected networks. Through simulation experiments

it's tested that the proposed approach works higher than the FIMF.

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Keywords: MANETs, message ferrying, disconnected network, External Ferry,

Native Ferry.


E-Shape Patch Antenna for Millimeter Wave Communication

K. Nalini1, A. Sai Suneel2 and S. B. Sridevi3

1,2,3M.Tech., Assistant Professor, Dept. of ECE, SE&T, SPMVV, Tirupati. [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: This paper describes, E-shape patch antenna is proposed for

millimeter wave frequencies. Using this E-shape structure, the patch antenna

is designed for wide band operation at about 31GHz to 38GHz for millimeter

wave communication. Simulated and measured results for main parameters

such as return loss, impedance, bandwidth, radiation patterns and gain also

discussed in this paper. The development of models of such antennas, with

simplicity in designing and feeding, can well meet millimeter wave wireless

communication. The antenna is fabricated on double-sided FR-4(ϵr=4.4)

printed circuit board using etching technique, and the design has been tested

with the network analyzer. The comparison between current distribution

pattern and measurement results for return loss and radiation patterns will

discussed in this paper.

Keywords: E-shape patch antenna, Microstrip antenna, feed technique

ARM-14 Software Reliability Improvement using Empirical

Bayesian Method

D. Vivekananda Reddy1 and Dr. A. Ram Mohan Reddy2

1Sr. Assistant Professor, 2Professor & Head, Dept. of CSE, SVU College of Engineering, Tirupati.

Abstract: The main objective of any software testing is to improve

software reliability. Many of previous testing methods did not pay much

attention towards how to improve software testing strategy based on software

reliability improvement. The reason to it as the relationship between software

testing and software reliability is a very complex task and this is because due

to the complexity of software products and development processes involved in

it. However any testing strategy of software in order to improve reliability

must need to possess the ability to predict that reliability. For this purpose

an approach is used called Model predictive control, which provides a good

framework to improve that predictive effect .There is an main issue in model

predictive control is that how to estimate the concern parameter. In this case,

Empirical Bayesian method is used to estimate the concern parameter:

Reliability. This proposed Software reliability improvement using Empirical

Bayesian method can optimize test allocation scheme on line. In this the case

study shows that it is not definitely true for a software testing method that can

find more defects than others can get higher reliability. And the case study

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also shows that the proposed approach can get better result in the sense of

improving reliability than random testing.

Keywords: Software Testing, Software Reliability, Model Predictive Control, Empirical Bayesian Method.

ARM-15 Implementation of UART with Status Register using VHDL

S. Rohini1 and Prof. K. P. Veerendra2

1M.Tech. Scholar, 2Head, Dept. of ECE, SVPCET, Puttur.

Abstract: In parallel communication the cost as well as complexity of the

system increases due to simultaneous transmission of data bits on multiple

wires. Serial communication alleviates this drawback and emerges as effective

candidate in many applications for long distance communication as it reduces

the signal distortion because of its simple structure. This paper focuses on the

VHDL implementation of UART with status register which supports

asynchronous serial communication. The paper presents the architecture of

UART which indicates, during reception of data, parity error, framing error,

overrun error and break error using status register. The whole design is

functionally verified using Xilinx ISE Simulator.

Keywords: Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter, Status register, VHDL

implementation, ISE simulator, Asynchronous serial communication.

ARM-16 Authentication for Online Transactions using Tokens

via Mobile Phones

P. M. D. Ali Khan1, T. K. Lakshmi2 and P. J. Sarachandrika3

Asst. Professor, 1,3Dept. of CSE, 2Dept. of IT, SV College of Engineering, Tirupati. [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: As online transactions require new authentication methods, banks

are trying to introduce new approaches in order to prevent attacks being

successful and to increase security. Besides usual username/password (or

similar) approaches, additional tokens are applied for authentication in order

to make online-banking more secure. Online banking authentication plays an

important role in the field of online banking security. In past years, a number

of methods, including password token, short message password, and USB

token, have been developed for online banking authentication. The proposed

method guarantees that authenticating to services. We provide attack analysis

to illustrate the strength of the protocol. The generated digital certificate is

valid for only a short user defined period of time and is generated by factors

that are unique to both, the user and the mobile device itself. Additionally, an

SMS-based mechanism is implemented as both a backup mechanism for

retrieving the password and as a possible mean of synchronization.

Keywords: Online Banking, Authentication Protocol, Mobile Phone, Digital


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ARM-17 Robust UART IP Softcore with a DMA Controller

M. A. Eunice

M.Tech., Assistant Professor, Dept. of ECE, SE&T, SPMVV, Tirupati. [email protected]

Abstract: This paper describes the design of UART IP Soft core based on DMA

mode. The design parameters like high-performance, configurability, portability

besides high flexibility & practicality are met with less resources using high

speed. The implementation of this project makes CPU free from heavy work so

that the CPU can deal with other things while transmitting data, thus greatly

reducing the occupancy time of CPU and improving the performance of the

system. The Traditional implementation of UART uses on-chip UART IP hard

core which is poor at flexibility and transportability and is unable to meet the

high requirements of the customer. UART IP soft core plays an increasingly

important role in embedded system design depending on its high performance,

high flexibility, transportability and configuration. At present UART IP

(intellectual property) soft core supports only poll and interrupt modes which

will often interrupt the operation of CPU during the data transmission process

when large data is being transmitted. This consumes lot of CPU time and

greatly reduces the performance of the overall system and hence there is a

requirement to implement UART IP soft core based on DMA mode using the

characteristics of DMA.

Keywords: Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter, DMA Controller, Memory Module, FPGA kit, Verilog HDL.

ARM-18 Development of Natural language Interface to

Relational Database

Shaik Thahazeb Hussain1 and Dr. M. Sreenivasulu2

1M.Tech. Scholar, 2Professor & Head, Dept. of CSE, KSRM College of Engineering, Kadapa.

[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: Databases and database technology are having major impact on the

growing use of computers. Almost all organizations are storing and retrieving

information from databases. Retrieving information from database requires

knowledge of database query languages like SQL. There is an overwhelming

need for non-expert users to query relational databases in their natural

language. As a result intelligent natural language interfaces to databases to be

developed. In this paper, we propose a natural language interface to relational

database (NLIRDB), which accepts a query entered in natural language (i.e.,

English) for accessing database. The proposed method allows non-expert user

to access information from database.

Keywords: Database Query Generator, Morphological Analyzer, NLIRDB, Query Executor, SQL.

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ARM-19 Novel way to study the Data Clustering using

Topological Space Graph

Dr. L. Sreenivasulu Reddy

Dept. of Mathematics, S V University, Tirupati. [email protected]

Abstract: Topological Space Graph(TSG) is a new way of study aimed at

having applications in areas such as Data Mining, Data where housing,

Computer network analysis and Computer vision mainly. In Data Mining, the

Finding methods of Data Clustering is an important aspect. So, many

researchers have been doing to find their own methods to find it, like K-mean

and K-mode method, grid based method, partition based methods etc. Based

on the above fact, we are also going to propose a novel method to find the

Data clusters in the given data of a system. The Proposed method is based on

the principal of “set inclusion” and it is represented by using graph. That is,

suppose a data A is over lapped with data B then A, B are belongs to the same

cluster in such a way that these two have a link in a graph, is known as

Topological Space Graph.

Keywords: Topological Space Graph, Data Mining, Data Warehousing, Data


ARM-20 A Review on New Technology: Quantum Cryptography

Priyanka Koduru1 and N. Padmaja2

1Dept. of CSE, 2Dept. of IT, SE&T, SPMVV, Tirupati. [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: In recent days, Security plays a vital role for information transfer

which is exchanged all over the world using a computer networks. This

information may belong to various applications such as in military, academics,

education, research and etc. shared in both private and public network. But it

requires a restriction on access (authorization), modification, deletion and

insertion on some amounts of data. Security in communication is increasingly

important in the network. So, in order to achieve this, some types of encryption

and decryption is applied to the data to provide security at both the sender and

receiver. But, the current modern cryptosystems based on mathematical model

introduce certain security holes related to technological progress. Sometimes, it

is possible for an attacker to find a key that is used at the

encryption/decryption to recover the data. Certain efforts have been made for

the development of the new technological foundation that leads to the evolution

of Quantum Cryptography. Quantum cryptography is one of the solutions

improved significantly in the last decades that use property of polarization to

ensure that transmitted data is not trapped by eavesdropper.

Keywords: Cryptography, Quantum Physics, Mechanics, Encryption, Decryption,

Photon, Public Key, Private key, Secret key, Filter, LED, Polarization.

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ARM-21 Palliation of Factors that Severely affect the Processing of

Atmospheric Radar Signals through Segment Method

M. S. Sasidhar1, Dr. T. V. C. Sarma2 and V. Somesh3

1,3M.Tech., Faculty, Dept. of ECE, SE&T, SPMVV, Tirupati. 2Scientist/ Engineer- SF, National Atmospheric Research Laboratory (NARL), Dept. of Space,

Gadanki. [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: Atmospheric Radars are used for ground based remote sensing of

Earth’s atmosphere. They work on the principle that backscatter is received

from the radio refractive index fluctuations encountered by the transmitted

electromagnetic wave. The refractive index fluctuations are due to turbulent in

homogeneities produced due to varying temperature, pressure, humidity and

also due to air currents in the atmosphere. These changes are driven by solar

influence on the Earth.

Radar backscatter is received along the antenna beam directions which

are usually within 0o to 20o from the Zenith. The time domain signal output of

the receiver is converted into frequency domain to derive the line-of-sight mean

Doppler shift, signal strength and width of the signal spectrum. These

parameters are derived from the power spectrum after estimation and

subtraction of noise in the spectrum. The physical parameters related to these

spectral parameters are line-of-sight speed, turbulence radar cross-section and

turbulence intensity. The received signal spectrum consists of system and

background noise along with the signal. Also external and system generated

interference could contaminate the signal. The backscattered signal strength

depends on the number of scatterers in the radar beam resolution volume.

Received signal strength also has a seasonal variation.

In the present work different methods of computation of noise have been

investigated. Further the estimation of spectral parameters done. Strategies of

coping with interference and signal discontinuity worked out. Algorithms for

automated processing of several days of radar data under varying radar

operational parameters, interference and signal discontinuity have


Keywords: Radar Backscatter, Hildebrand & Sekhon and Segment Noise Level

Estimation, Interference and Signal Discontinuity, Moments estimation, SNR Computation.

ARM-22 Interfacing of Software Drivers on ARM9 Processor by

Porting with Linux using HMI

V. Somesh1 and M. S. Sasidhar2

1,2M.Tech., Faculty, Dept. of ECE, SE&T, SPMVV, Tirupati. [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: Software interface drivers for high speed embedded system using

ARM9 SBC porting on Linux. The components used in the project are SBC,

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PC104 interface module, 8254 programmable interval timer, 16-bit high speed

DAC and OPAMP544. Single board computer consists of VIA processor which

runs on 200MHz. This SBC operates with Ubuntu version. The VIA processor

operates the timer, DAC by interfacing with PC104 bus using LINUX

commands. LINUX starts its booting from kernel. After we had accessed to

Linux by entering username & password, a root is created and we can use

devices, generate interrupt to perform operations. Microprocessor based

phantom load device are free from the above constraints and serve the same

purpose. It shows that HMI (Human Machine Interface) view by which a human

can operate by giving the input’s through touch panel which is processed via

processor through DAC Board, so that it can generate noises free signals which

is used to test the CT/PT (Current Transformer/Potential Transformer) for a

given conditions. And separate control for each phase and different for Current

Transformer CT and Potential Transformer PT with Unity, Leading, Lagging

Power factor. It will work like a general Oscilloscope.

Keywords: PC104, 8254, OPAMP544, Microcontroller, ARM9 Processor.

ARM-23 Design of Lowpass FIR Filter using Adjustable Window

Methods for Speech Signal Processing Applications

V. Raja Rajeswari1 and Dr. B. Anuradha2

1Dept. of ECE, Teaching Assistant, SE&T, SPMVV, Tirupati. [email protected] 2Professor, Dept. of ECE, SVU College of Engineering, Tirupati.

Abstract: Digital filters are essential part in digital signal processing and

communication systems. Without digital filter we cannot think about proper

communication because noise occurs in channel. For removing noise or

cancellation of noise we use various digital filters. Hence, Digital filter design

techniques are widely used in so many applications includes speech

processing, telecommunications and signal processing etc.. In this paper, low-

pass FIR filter is implemented using adjustable window functions. The use of

adjustable window functions for designing FIR filters is reviewed. The windows

under consideration are the Blackman, Kaiser and Dolph-Chebyshev window.

For fixed length the bandwidth of mainlobe and side band amplitude can be

varied by changing the adjustable parameter. For higher side lobe attenuation

Blackman window is used but the Blackman window has wider side lobe width.

Kaiser window minimizes the energy in the sidelobes. Dolph-Chebyshev

window minimizes the peak sidelobe ripple of the frequency response.

Adjustable window functions can also be used for these types of applications

but the Blackman window has a wider main lobe width. Designed low-pass FIR

filter using adjustable window function is used in the speech signal processing

application. The original speech signal and filtered speech signal compared.

Results show that the high frequency component of speech signal has

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significantly removed by this FIR low-pass filter using adjustable window

functions. Adjustable windows are efficient than fixed windows.

Keywords: FIR filter, Low-pass filter, Speech Signal, Adjustable Window functions.

ARM-24 Feature Based Nonrigid Image Registration using Uniform

Spherical Region Descriptor

P. Subba lakshmi Academic Consultant, Dept. of ECE, SE&T, SPMVV, Tirupati.

Abstract: Nonrigid image registration plays an important role in medical image

analysis and processing. Image registration can be classified into three

categories: landmark, intensity and feature based registration methods.

Landmark base method is computationally efficient and includes prior

knowledge extracted from the selected landmarks. To obtain the accurate

registration results a lot of reliable landmarks are required and this can bring

additional computation burdens. Intensity based method alone cannot fully

characterize the anatomical differences between different tissues. Therefore, it

is necessary to design effective anatomical descriptor for defining signatures for

each voxel. In this paper, we proposed a new type feature based nonrigid image

registration method using Uniform Spherical Region Descriptor (USRD). The

USRD has two kinds of complementary features USSP and UGSP which encode

the first and second order voxel wise interaction information, respectively. The

Registration process is formulated as a feature matching problem. The USRD

feature is integrated with the MRF (Markow Random field) labeling Frame work

for driving the registration process in which energy function is defined. This

energy function is optimized by the α-expansion algorithm. In this proposed

method, five state of the art registration approaches are compared on both the

simulated and the real 3-D databases obtained from the brain web and internet

brain segmentation repository, respectively. From the experimental results, we

demonstrate that the proposed method can achieve high registration accuracy

and reliable robustness behavior among all the compared methods at different


Keywords: UGSP, USRD, Markow Random field, Nonrigid Image Registration.

ARM-25 Data Processing for Radar Wind Profiler using Wavelet

Based Methods

M. Krupa Swaroopa Rani1 and G. Kiran Kumar2

1Academic Consultant, Dept. of ECE, SE&T, SPMVV, Tirupati. 2Research Scholar, Dept. of

Physics, SV University, Tirupati. [email protected]

Abstract: Atmospheric signal processing has been one field of signal

processing where there is a lot of scope for development of new and efficient

tools for cleaning of the spectrum, detection and estimation of the desired

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parameters. Atmospheric signal processing deals with the processing of the

signals received from the atmosphere when manually stimulated using

atmospheric Radar (RAdio Detection And Ranging) and the Radar operates

typically in the HF ( 3 – 30 MHz ), VHF ( 30 - 300 MHz ), UHF ( 300 MHz – 3

GHz ) bands. The signals, which processed in the present work, have been

obtained from the lower atmospheric wind profiler (LAWP). National

Atmospheric Research Laboratory(NARL), Gadanki has developed 1.28 GHz

wind profiler. The antenna array consists of 256 microstrip patch antenna

elements arranged in 16x16 square matrix. This wind profiler works with

Doppler beam swinging technique.

The signals are received in the receiver are processed through offline data

processing by simulating atmospheric radar by using wavelet transform

technique. Finally the calculation of signal power, mean Doppler frequency and

signal to noise ratio (SNR) are done by atmospheric signal processing.

ARM-26 Dynamic Data Storage Publishing and Forwarding in

Cloud using Fusion Security Algorithms

Srinivasulu Asadi1, Dr. Ch. D. V. Subba Rao2 and A. Bhudevi3

1Dept of IT, 3Dept. of CSE, SVEC, Tirupati. 2Dept. of CSE, SVU College of Engineering, Tirupati. [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: A Cloud storage system consists of a collection of storage servers

provide long-term Services over the internet. Storing data in other’s Cloud

system causes serious concern over data confidentiality. Existing systems

protect data confidentiality, but also limit the functionality of the system.

Constructing a secure storage system that supports multiple functions is

challenging when the storage system is distributed. Proposed system consists

of proxy re-encryption scheme integrated with a decentralized erasure code

such that a secure storage system is constructed. Planned system not only

supports secure and robust data, but also let user forward data in the storage

system to another user without retrieving it back. Projected system fully

integrates encrypting, encoding and forwarding. Proposed system analyzes and

suggests suitable parameters for number of copies of messages delivered to

storage servers and number of storage servers queried by key server.

Keywords: Decentralized erasure code, proxy re-encryption, threshold cryptography, secure storage system.

ARM-27 Clustering on Different Datasets using Pre-Clustering


Srinivasulu Asadi1, Dr. Ch. D. V. Subba Rao2 and B. Reddy Sai3

1,3Dept. of IT, SVEC, Tirupati. 2Dept. of CSE, SVU College of Engineering, Tirupati. [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

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Abstract: Clustering is unsupervised learning that assigns labels to objects in

unlabeled data. One of the major problems in cluster analysis is the

determination of the number of clusters in unlabeled data prior to clustering.

In this project, we implement a new method for determining the number of

clusters called Extended Dark Block Extraction (EDBE), which is based on an

existing algorithm for Visual Assessment of Cluster Tendency (VAT) of a data

set. Its basic steps include 1) generating a VAT image of an input dissimilarity

matrix, 2) performing image segmentation on the VAT image to obtain a binary

image, followed by directional morphological filtering, 3) applying a distance

transform to the filtered binary image and projecting the pixel values onto the

main diagonal axis of the image to form a projection signal, 4) smoothing the

projection signal, computing its First-order derivative and then detecting major

peaks and valleys in the resulting signal to decide the number of clusters, and

5)The C-Means algorithm is applied to the major peaks. We also implement the

Extended Cluster Count Extraction (ECCE), which uses VAT and the combination

of several image processing techniques. In both the methods we use Reordered

Dissimilarity Image (RDI), which highlights potential clusters as a set of “Dark

blocks” along the diagonal of the image, corresponding to sets of objects with

low dissimilarity, which is implemented using VAT algorithm. This thesis

develops a new method for automatically estimating the number of dark blocks

in RDI’s unlabelled data sets and compares the three methods EDBE, ECCE

and Extended co-VAT for determining the number of clusters in unlabelled

data sets.

Keywords: Clustering, Cluster tendencies, reordered dissimilarly image, VAT, iVAT ECCE, EDBE, FFT, Reordered Dissimilarity Image (RDI), Extended co-VAT, k-

Means and C-Means Clustering.

ARM-28 Next Generation Pattern Mining Techniques

V. Sireesha

Assistant Professor, Dept. of MCA, Narayana Engineering College, Nellore. [email protected]

Abstract: Pattern mining is one of the most important topics in data mining.

The core idea is to extract relevant "nuggets" of knowledge describing parts of a

database. However, many traditional (frequent) pattern mining algorithms find

patterns in numbers too large to be of practical value: so many "nuggets" of

knowledge are found that they do not combine into a better global

understanding of the data. In fact, often the number of discovered patterns is

larger than the size of the original database!

To tackle this problem, many techniques have been developed in recent

years for finding not all, but useful sets of patterns. The aim of this paper is to

provide a general, comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art of mining

such high-quality sets of patterns. I provide an overview of these methods and

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results, generalizing over different data types and over multiple tasks (from

unsupervised to supervised). The main contributions of the tutorial include an

exploration of the relationships between classic machine learning and recent

pattern set mining algorithms, as well as an overview of the connections

between traditional pattern mining and modern pattern set discovery


Keywords: Frequent pattern mining, Association rules, Data mining, itemsets.

ARM-29 Classification of Deforestation Factors based on

Predictive Class Association rules

K. Saritha1, Dr. S. Jyothi2 and Dr. K. R. Manjula3

1Assistant Professor, KSRM College of Computer Studies, Kadapa. 2Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, SPMVV, Tirupati. 3Asst. Professor, Dept. of CSE, SASTRA University, Thanjavur.

[email protected], [email protected],[email protected]

Abstract: Forest plays an important in the human life. The problem of

knowledge acquisition and efficient knowledge exploitation is very important

about deforestation Shifting of cultivation, increase in population, demands for

agriculture land, urban development and mining are the proximate drivers for

deforestation. It is therefore, the primary concern to analyze deforestation

factors and associations among them. Data mining techniques can be used to

discover knowledge from GIS database and remote sensing data in order to

identify the deforestation factors.

Classification and association rule mining are the two important

techniques in data mining. However, the classification technique suffers

deficiency to provide associations, so in this paper we apply predictive class

association rules, which combines the advantages of both association and

classification techniques to analyze the deforestation factors and associations

among them. Moreover it generates more rules than general CAR with high


Keywords: Deforestation, Data mining, Classification, Association rule, Class

Association Rule, Predictive Association rules.

ARM-30 High Performance Computing Environment in Image

Processing for Agriculture Applications

N. Ramesh1 and A. Lasmika2

1Dept. of ECE, SE&T, SPMVV, Tirupati. 2Dept. of ECE, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Tirupati.

Abstract: The available literatures on image processing in agriculture

application under high performance computing (HPC) are limited and

sometimes are not discussed in details. This paper reviewed the steps of

image analysis done in some image processing focusing on agriculture

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application and also the details analysis of parallel and distributed image

processing. The memory architecture in parallel and distributed image

processing and some suitable application programming interface (API) in

parallel and distributed image processing are examined. In general, this study

provides basic understanding of parallel and distributed image processing for

agriculture application.

Keywords: Distributed Image Processing, High Performance Computing, Image Processing in Agriculture Application and Parallel Image Processing.

ARM-31 Real Time Paddy Crop Field Monitoring using Zigbee


M. A. Eunice Assistant Professor, Dept. of ECE, SE&T, SPMVV, Tirupati. [email protected]

Abstract: This paper explains about using sensors in the paddy crop field area

with the help of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), Zigbee network. The aim of

the project is monitoring the crop field area without man power or human

interaction. The fundamental concept is to provide a highly enabled monitoring

of crop field which focuses on the giving various sensing analysis about the

paddy crop field. The system architecture has several types of nodes deployed

in the crop field area. It captures the physical phenomenon such as

temperature, pressure, humidity and water level that can be monitored in a

paddy crop field. The data that is sensed from various places of crop field area

is transmitted to the central Global System of Mobile (GSM) node or

coordinator node which will send the data to the personal computer through

gateway. A server is connected to the database, which has minimum and

maximum threshold value of temperature, humidity and water level. If the

sensed data attains maximum or minimum threshold level stored in the data

base, the alarm unit produces an alarm sound so as to get the attention of the

farmer regarding the crop field.

In paddy crop field where the land has to be fully irrigated regardless of

ups and downs of the soil, there is a need to locate the places where irrigation

is needed. In this paper, zigbee wireless sensor network is used for monitoring

the crop field area by deploying water sensors in the land to detect the water

level so that the area that has to be irrigated can be selected. Humidity sensor

is used to sense the weather. By this the farmer gets an idea about the climate

regarding any chances of rainfall, so that he can conserve water as well as

power as he need not turn on the motors.

Keywords: Zigbee Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), GSM (Global System for

Mobile Communications), Sensors LCD (Liquid Crystal Display), ARM (Advanced RISC Machine) Controller, PC (Personal Computer).

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ARM-32 SOA and Cloud Computing Approaches to Distributed

Applications using WCF

Y. Kiran Kumar1, J. Murali2 and K. Tasleema Sulthana3

1,2,3Asst. Professor, Dept. of MCA, SVEC, A. Rangampet, Tirupati. [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: This paper aims to develop the distributed application system with

the help of SOA Architecture and Cloud Computing so that end user connect

and use the different systems which are distributed over different topographical

regions. Architecture-based approaches have been promoted as a means of

streamlining the complexity of system building and advancement. Thus, SOA

acts as an application topology in which the business logic of the application is

planned in modules (services) with clear uniqueness, principle and

programmatic access across boundaries. SOA offering that provides developers,

architects and IT professionals with the tools, technologies, framework and

guidance for building and maintaining SOA solutions, as well as the personal

productivity software that enables business users to streamline and optimize

business processes in a manner that increases productivity, lowers costs, and

promotes organizational agility. Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) is

Microsoft's unified framework for building reliable, secure, transacted, and

interoperable distributed applications. WCF represents a new step in

distributed programming for developers using the .NET Framework.

Cloud computing depict wide-ranging advancement towards the

operation of wide area networks, such as the Internet, to facilitate interface

between information technology service supplier and clients. Cloud computing

has a numeral profits and threats that should be looked at, by any higher-

ranking guidance group taking into account the relocation of its enterprise

computing IT portfolio. SOA and cloud computing are complementary activities

and both will play important roles in IT planning.

Keywords: Service Oriented Architecture, Cloud Computing, Distributed

Application, Windows Communication Foundation, Web Services, Model View Controller.

ARM-33 Video Coding by using Quantum Particle Swarm

Optimization Technique and DWT

Shaik Jumlesha1 and Dr. Ch. Satyanarayana2

1Research Scholar, JNTUH, Hyderabad. 2Associate Professor, C.E., JNTUK, Kakinada.

[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: Video compression plays an important role in video signal

processing, transmission and storage. Since the available bandwidth for

transmission is very limited, Multimedia Applications such as video

conferencing, video on demand, video telephony and remote sensing are not

possible without compression. A lot of video compression techniques have been

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developed and the video signal transmission has followed at data rates below

64kbps. But the efficiency of those techniques depends on the way in which it

estimates and compensates the object motions in the video sequence. QPSO

technique is used to reduce number of computations of video compression by

maintaining same or better quality of video. In the proposed technique, the

position equation of Standard Particle Swarm Optimization is modified and

used as step size equation to find best matching block in current frame. To

achieve adaptive step size, time varying inertia weight is used instead of

constant inertia weight for getting true motion vector dynamically. The time

varying inertia weight is based up on previous motion vectors. The QPSO

algorithm reduces the search points without the degradation of the image

quality. It provides accurate motion estimation with very low complexity in the

context of video estimation. This algorithm is capable of reducing the

computational complexity of block matching process. This algorithm should

maintain high estimation accuracy compared to the Full search method and

Diamond search algorithm. Here by using the QPSO algorithm could get a high

accuracy in the block-based motion estimation.

Keywords: Quantum Particle Swarm Optimization, Video Compression, Multi media application, DWT.

ARM-34 Spatial Clustering Techniques for GIS

A. Swarupa Rani1 and Dr. S. Jyothi2

1Research Scholar, 2Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, SPMVV, Tirupati.

[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: Now a day’s geospatial technology can play a vital role in inventory of

resources, planning monitoring and efficient implementation of activities. These

applications have moved beyond large area by using remote sensing data.

Spatial data is essentially needed for remote sensing, GIS and GPS for getting

optimized outcome. This paper discusses some of the key developments in the

areas of spatial data related to geographic information system (GIS).

The evolution of geographic information science owes much to

developments in GIS and in the field of spatial data analysis. Research into GIS

has advanced our technical ability to handle spatially referenced data. In

addition it has stimulated reflection on the relationship between what might be

loosely termed "geographic reality" and the conceptualization and

representation of that reality in finite digital forms, that is, as countable

numbers of points, lines and areas in two-dimensional space. Spatial data

analysis is concerned with that branch of data analysis where the geographical

referencing of objects contains important information. To deal real world and

variety of structures of datasets many universal clustering techniques are

available. While larger and larger amounts of data are collected and stored in

databases, there is increasing the need for efficient and effective analysis

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methods. Grouping or clustering measurements is the key element in this data

analysis procedures. This research aims to study non-spatial and spatial

clustering techniques, which can be used for different applications such as

forming regional politics, constructing statistical integrity or analyzing

distribution of funds in GIS environment and putting forward the facilitative

usage of GIS in regional and statistical studies. Different clustering software

namely SPSS, ArcGIS, CrimeStat and Matlab, Wekatool are applied according

to conclusion of clustering techniques research.

ARM-35 Security Issues in E-Commerce Web Applications

K. Samkeerthy1 and Dr. G. Sreedhar2

1Technical Asst., 2Asst. Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, RSVP, Tirupati.

[email protected]

Abstract: The rapid evolution of computing and communication technologies

and their standardizations have made the boom in e-commerce possible. E-

commerce has presented a new way of doing transactions all over the world

using internet. Lowering of the cost of operation, increase in the speed of

transactions, and easy global reach to customers and vendors have been the

reasons for the popularity of this new way of commerce. Implementing the E-

commerce applications that provide these benefits may be impossible without a

coherent, consistent approach to E-commerce security. Organizations have

changed their way of doing business from a traditional approach to embrace E-

commerce processes. As individuals and businesses increase information

sharing, a concern regarding the exchange of money securely and conveniently

over the internet increases. Security is a necessity in an E-commerce


Issues in E-Commerce Applications are Transaction Security, Credit

Card Fraud, Re-Selling of Intellectual Property, Spoofing and Spam Web Sites,

Poorly designed server and client software, Hacking and Cyber vandalism,

Phishing and Identity Theft, Nonrepudiation of Client Authentication, Client

Activity, Server Activity, Safety of Downloadable Content

Keywords: E-Commerce, Security Issues, Transactions.

ARM-36 Joint Histogram between Multi-resolution LBPs

for Content based Image Retrieval

P. Vijaya Bhaskar Reddy1 and Dr. A. Ram Mohan Reddy2

1Research Scholar, 2Professor & Head, Dept. of CSE, SVU College of Engineering, Tirupati. [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: A new algorithm meant for content based image retrieval (CBIR) is

presented in this paper. First RGB image is converted in to gray scale and then

multi-resolution texture decomposition and LBP calculation has been efficiently

used in the proposed method where multi-resolution texture images are

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computed using Gaussian filter for collection of LBPs from these particular

textures. LBP extracts the information based on distribution of edges in an

image. Finally, joint LBP histograms are constructed between the multi-

resolution LBPs for image retrieval. The experimentation has been carried out

for proving the worth of our algorithm. It is further mentioned that the

database considered for experiment is Corel 1000 database. The results after

being investigated show a significant improvement in terms of their evaluation

measures as compared to LBP.

Keywords: Histogram: Local Binary Patterns (LBP), Feature Extraction, Image Retrieval.

ARM-37 A Microcontroller Based Protection and Control of A Low

Voltage Motors by using Zigbee Technology

Rajasekhar Thota1, N. Sreerami Reddy2 and Roop Teja Neeluru M3

1,2,3M.Tech. Scholar, Quba Engineering & Technology, Nellore.

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: In this paper describes, a low voltage motors are critical assets in

today’s industrial applications. This paper reviews the applications of

microcontroller-based protection and control on low voltage motors less than

600V AC in industrial facilities. It will review the principles of low voltage motor

protection (thermal overload, ground fault and unbalance). Communications

plays key role in the starting and stopping of low voltage motors. This paper

will also discuss several different starting/stopping controls using

communication protocol i.e., ZIGBEE technology.

Keywords: Low Voltage Motors, ZIGBEE, RS232 and Communication Protocol, Keil uVision Software.

ARM-38 A Survey on Routing Protocols for Mobile

Ad Hoc Networks

N. Papanna1 and G. Radhika2

1Research Scholar, Dept. of CSE, JNTUH, Hyderabad. 2Academic Consultant, Dept. of CSE,

SE&T, SPMVV, Tirupati. [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: The advancement in the field of internet due to wireless networking

technologies. It gives rise to many new applications. In the past of few decades,

we have seen the advancement in wireless networks. The emerging capabilities

of mobile devices have given a new direction to the internet, which decreases

the cost and allow us to use infrastructure wireless networks and

infrastructure less wireless networks (i.e. Mobile Ad Hoc Wireless Network).

With so many applications that MANETs provides us, there are still some

challenges that have to overcome..The infrastructure less and the dynamic

nature of these networks demands new set of networking strategies to be

implemented in order to provide efficient end-to-end communication. MANETs

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employ the traditional TCP/IP structure to provide end-to-end communication

between nodes. One interesting research area in MANET is routing. Routing in

the MANETs is a challenging task and has received a tremendous amount of

attention from researches. Due to lack of a defined central authority,

securitizing the routing process becomes a challenging task thereby leaving

MANETs vulnerable to attacks, which results in deterioration in the

performance characteristics as well as raises a serious question mark about

the reliability of such networks.. In this paper, we provide the history of

MANET, challenges (issues) involve in MANET and its some applications and an

overview of a wide range of routing protocols proposed. We also provide a

performance comparison of all routing protocols and suggest which protocols

may perform best in large networks.

Keywords: Manet, Routing, Routing protocols, Security, Attacks.

ARM-39 QTS: Query based Text Summarization

D. J. Anusha1, D. J. Prathyusha2 and A. Supriya3

1,2,3Dept. of CSE, 1,3SPMVV, Tirupati. 2SVEC, A. Rangampet, Tirupati. 1djanusha.mtech@gmailcom, [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: Effective extraction of query relevant information present within the

web pages is a nontrivial task. QTS, task by filtering and aggregating

important query relevant sentences distributed across the web pages. This

system captures the contextual relationships among sentences of these web

pages and represents them as an “integrated graph”. These relationships are

exploited and several subgraphs of integrated graph which consist of sentences

that are highly relevant to the query and that are highly related to each other

are constructed. These subgraphs are ranked by the scoring model. The

subgraph with highest rank which is rich in query relevant information is

returned as a query specific summary. QTS is domain independent and

doesn’t use any linguistic processing, making it a flexible and general approach

that can be applied to unrestricted set of articles found on WWW. Experimental

results prove the strength of QTS. Very little work is reported on query specific

multiple document summarization. The quality of summaries generated by QTS

is better than MEAD(one of the popular summarizers).

ARM-40 License Plate Extraction and Recognition of Characters

of a Vehicle using Sliding Window Technique

S. Sudhanidhi1 and G. Sreenivasulu2

1,2Dept.of ECE, SVU College of Engineering, Tirupati. [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: This paper represents algorithm to detect license plate and character

recognition with various sizes of license plate and different distances between

camera and vehicle with different back grounds. Obtaining license number of a

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vehicle is an important task in many applications like automatic toll payment

and in security applications. In this vertical edges are detected and edge

density is calculated. Edge density and integral edge image are used to filter

out candidate region. License plate is recognized using character segmentation

and character recognition. The efficiency is improved by using integral edge


Keywords: Edge density, Integral edge image, Character segmentation, Character recognition.

ARM-41 Heterogeneous Wireless Networks: Performance

Analysis and Optimization of Handover Algorithms

D. J. Prathyusha1, D. J. Anusha2 and D. Harsha Vardhan Raju3

1,2,3Dept. of CSE, 2,3SPMVV, Tirupati. 1SVEC, A. Rangampet. Tirupati. 1smilestock.pratyusha@gmailcom, [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: In heterogeneous wireless networks, handover can be separated into

two parts: horizontal handover (HHO) and vertical handover (VHO). VHO plays

an important role to fulfill seamless data transfer when mobile nodes cross

wireless access networks with different link layer technologies. Current VHO

algorithms mainly focus on when to trigger VHO, but neglect the problem of

how to synthetically consider all currently available networks (homogeneous or

heterogeneous) and choose the optimal network for HHO or VHO from all the

available candidates. In this paper, we present an analytical framework to

evaluate VHO algorithms. Subsequently, we extend the traditional hysteresis

based and dwelling-timer based algorithms to support both VHO and HHO

decisions and apply them to complex heterogeneous wireless environments. We

refer to these enhanced algorithms as E-HY and E-DW, respectively. Based on

the proposed analytical model, we provide a formalization definition of the

handoff conditions in E-HY and E-DW and analyze their performance.

Subsequently, we propose a novel general handoff decision algorithm, GHO, to

trigger HHO and VHO in heterogeneous wireless networks. Analysis shows that

GHO can achieve better performance than E-HY and E-DW. Simulations

validate the analytical results and verify that GHO outperforms traditional

algorithms in terms of the matching ratio, TCP throughput and UDP


ARM-42 Tracing the Original Source by using Watermark Model

D. J. Anusha1, D. J. Prathyusha2 and A. Supriya3

1,3Dept. of CSE, 1,3SE&T, SPMVV, Tirupati. 2Dept. of CSE, SVEC, A.Rangampet. Tirupati. 1spreadsmiles.anu@gmailcom,[email protected],[email protected]

Abstract: Network-based intruders seldom attack their victims directly from

their own computer. Often, they stage their attacks through intermediate

“stepping stones” in order to conceal their identity and origin. To identify the

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source of the attack behind the stepping stone(s), it is necessary to correlate

the incoming and outgoing flows or connections of a stepping stone. To resist

attempts at correlation, the attacker may encrypt or otherwise manipulate the

connection traffic. Timing-based correlation approaches have been shown to be

quite effective in correlating encrypted connections. However, timing-based

correlation approaches are subject to timing perturbations that may be

deliberately introduced by the attacker at stepping stones. In this paper, we

propose a novel watermark based-correlation scheme that is designed

specifically to be robust against timing perturbations. Unlike most previous

timing-based correlation approaches, our watermark-based approach is

“active” in that it embeds a unique watermark into the encrypted flows by

slightly adjusting the timing of selected packets.

The unique watermark that is embedded in the encrypted flow gives us a

number of advantages over passive timing-based correlation in resisting timing

perturbations by the attacker. In contrast to the existing passive correlation

approaches, our active watermark-based correlation does not make any

limiting assumptions about the distribution or random processes of the original

inter packet timing of the packet flow. In theory, our watermark-based

correlation can achieve arbitrarily close to 100 percent correlation true positive

rate (TPR), and arbitrarily close to 0 percent false positive rate (FPR) at the

same time for sufficiently long flows, despite arbitrarily large (but bounded)

timing perturbations of any distribution by the attacker. Our paper is the first

that identifies 1) accurate quantitative tradeoffs between the achievable

correlation effectiveness and the defining characteristics of the timing

perturbation; and 2) a provable upper bound on the number of packets needed

to achieve desired correlation effectiveness, given the amount of timing

perturbation. Experimental results show that our active watermark-based

correlation performs better and requires fewer packets than existing, passive

timing-based correlation methods in the presence of random timing


ARM-43 Efficient Utilization of Spectrum Bandwidth using

Cognitive Radio to Improve Throughput in Wireless

Adhoc Networks

S. Srinivasulu1 and P. Pavan Kumar2

1Dept. of MCA, 2Dept. of IT, SVCE, Karakambadi, Tirupati. [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: This paper focuses on efficient utilization of spectrum bandwidth to

improve throughput in wireless adhoc networks. As the frequency spectrum is

a limited resource for wireless communications and as per the next generation

requirements the frequency spectrum becomes a scarce resource, and

consequently, its efficient use is of the ultimate importance. To meet with the

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growing demand, network design focused on increasing the spectral efficiency

by making use of advancement in Cognitive Radio technology. Cognitive Radio

can reduce the spectrum shortage problem by enabling unlicensed users

equipped with Cognitive Radios to reuse and share the licensed spectrum

bands. in this paper our work aims the comparing the techniques used for

enhancing the throughput in CR .

Keywords: Adhoc network, Spectrum Sensing, Spectrum Decision block, PU Aware policy, Throughput.

ARM-44 An Overview on Automatic Facial Expression Recognition

J. Suneetha1 and Dr. K. Sandhya Rani2

1Research Scholar, 2Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, SPMVV, Tirupati. [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: Recent rapid progress of communication technology and computer

science has made facial expression recognition acts as a vital role in human-

machine interface and advanced communication. In recent years much

research has been done on machine recognition of human facial expression.

Recognition technology of facial expression is imported in many application

fields. Many applications require efficient facial expression in order to achieve

desired results. In this paper an overview of facial expressions, characteristics

and its applications are presented. The various steps involved in facial

expression analysis and earlier works on facial expression recognition are also


Keywords: Facial Expression Recognition, human-machine interface.

ARM-45 Machine Learning and Data Mining

G. Prasanna1, Dr. K. Ramesh Reddy2 and Dr. R. J. Rama Sree3

1Academic consultant, 2Assistant Professor, 3Professor, Dept. of Computer Science,

RSVP, Tirupati. [email protected]

Abstract: Machine learning is a set of tools that, allow us to “teach” computers

how to perform tasks by providing examples of how they should be done.

Machine learning is programming computers to optimize criterion using

example data or past experience. It uses the theory of statistic in building

mathematical models. It draws on ideas from diverse set of disciplines,

including Artificial Intelligence, probability and statistics, computational

complexity, information theory, psychology and neurobiology, control theory

and philosophy. It helps us find solutions to many problems in data mining,

vision, speech recognition and robotics etc. WEKA is the product of the

University of Waikato (New Zealand). The software is written in the Java™

language and contains a GUI for interacting with data files and producing

visual results (think tables and curves). It also has a general API, so it can

embed WEKA, like any other library, in any applications to such things as

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automated server-side data-mining tasks. In this paper it is attempted to

perform data regression for health databases using WEKA.

Keywords: Data Mining, Machine Learning, WEKA.

ARM-46 POS Tagger for Sanskrit

R. Muni Prashanthi1, A.Vinaya simha2 and Dr. R. J. Rama Sree3

1UGC Project Fellow, 2LDC, 3Professor, Dept. Computer Science, RSVP, Tirupati.

[email protected]

Abstract: POS tagging is the process of assigning a tag like noun, verb,

pronoun, preposition, adverb, adjective or other lexical class marker to each

word in a given sentence, considering the role or function of the word in the

sentence. Assigning a POS tag to each word in the sentence is not a routine

task. Words can belong to different syntactic categories in different contexts.

For instance, the word "books” can have two readings- in the sentence “he

books tickets”, the word "books" is a third person singular verb, but in the

sentence “he reads books”, it is a plural noun. A POS tagger should segment a

word, determine its possible readings and assign the right reading in the given

context. POS Tagging is implemented in two phases viz, Training phase, Testing

phase. In training phase a parameter file is generated by using full form lexicon

and tagged corpus. In testing phase, tagger uses parameter file and annotates

the text with parts of speech. The present work is concerned with the

implementation of Tree Tagger for Sanskrit language. The implementation is

concerned with training of Sanskrit annotated texts and to test the new texts

for assigning suitable tags to each of the text.

Keywords: Sanskrit POS tagging, Annotating Sanskrit texts.

ARM-47 Load Balancing for Information Retrieved for

Question Answering

S. Ramaiah1, A. Bhaskhar2 and P. Venkateswara Rao3

1M.Tech. Scholar, 3Professor & Head, Dept. of CSE, ASIT, Gudur. 2Assistant Professor, ASCET,

Gudur. [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: The caching mechanism is used to develop the server load balancing

retrieval models. We are focusing on the user who can search through keyword

in search engine, and also the user how many times they accessed data will be

stored in cached information. The search engine follows some common

techniques, the collection of data to a set of data objects or data sets that are

stored by the machine, but in this method there is no data retrieving easily. So

we use the ESC information to deal with two important issues in cooperative

cache management. The placement algorithm controls where the information is

cached in the network clients and is driven by two principals. Information

should be cached in the nodes where it is most often accessed and it distrusted

into the several clients and information frequently accessed should be cached

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at least one node and also they will be having the log of the system. Through

this the server can do server load balancing and accurate search concepts will

be implemented.

Keywords: Distributed system, Cooperative cashing, Count boot filter, Evolution recent retrievals.

ARM-48 Detection of Emergent Pedestrian Crossings for

Driving Assistance Systems

M. S. Niranjani1 and H. D. Praveena2

1Asst. Prof, SISTK, Puttur. 2Asst.Prof, SVEC, A.Rangampet, Tirupati. [email protected]

Abstract: In this paper, we discuss the problem of detecting emergent

pedestrian crossings to assist drivers in avoiding accidents. This phenomenon

has two major requirements: to detect crossing pedestrians as early as possible

just as they enter the view of the car-mounted camera and to maintain a false

alarm rate as low as possible for practical purposes. Although many current

sliding-window-based structure using various approaches and classification

algorithms have been proposed for image based pedestrian detection, their

performance in terms of accuracy and processing speed falls far short of

practical application requirements. To address this problem, we propose a

three-level coarse to- fine video-based framework that detects partially visible

pedestrians just as they enter the camera view, with low false alarm rate and

high speed. The framework is tested on a new collection of high-resolution

videos captured from a moving vehicle and yields a performance better than

that of state-of-the-art pedestrian detection while running at a frame rate of 55


ARM-49 BIST Controller Design to Monitor Fault Detection

Activity with Hold Logic and a Signature Generation Element

R. Kalyan1, Vittalam D Kumar Reddy2, K. Manjunath3 and A. Sai Suneel4

1Research Scholar, Dept. of ECE, JNIAS, JNTUA, Anantapur. 2M.Tech. Scholar, Dept. of ECE,

Sreerama engineering college, Tirupati. 3M.Tech., Assistant Professor, Dept. of ECE, SWTS,

Tirupati. 4M.Tech., Assistant Professor, Dept. of ECE, SE&T, SPMVV, Tirupati. [email protected], [email protected],[email protected],

[email protected]

Abstract: Today Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are widely used in

many applications. These FPGAs are prone to different types of faults similar to

other complicated integrated circuit chips. Faults may occur due to many

reasons like environmental conditions or aging of the device. The rate of

occurrence of permanent faults can be quite high in emerging technologies,

and hence there is a need for periodic testing of such FPGAs. The Configurable

Logic Blocks (CLBs) are the main logic resources for implementing sequential

as well as combinatorial circuits. Built-in self-test (BIST) is a design technique

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that allows a circuit to test itself. It is a set of structured-test techniques for

combinational and sequential logic, memories, multipliers and other embedded

logic blocks. BIST controller coordinates the operations of different blocks of

the BIST. BIST controller is designed to work in different modes. Here, we

introduce a new approach for FPGA testing that exploits the reprogrammability

of an FPGA to create the BIST logic by configuring it only during off-line

testing. In this way, testability is achieved without any overhead, since the

BIST logic "disappears" when the circuit is reconfigured for its normal system

operation. We are implementing a restartable logic BIST controller for the

configurable logic blocks in FPGAs by using the resources of FPGA itself. We

have used XILINX ISE13.2 for simulation and synthesis.

Keywords: FPGA, SRAM, CLB, external Flash memory chip, SRAM configuration cells, Complex programmable logic devices, Antifuse-based FPGAs, BIST, Spartan3E.

ARM-50 Performance of Watershed Dissection Method for Fetal

Incongruities in Prenatal Stage from Sonogram Images

S. Karimulla1, G. Suresh2 and SK. Gayaz3

1,2,3Assistant Professor, Dept. of ECE, SVCE, Tirupati. [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: All parents aspiration is a healthy child who is free from

incongruities to be born. The frequency of major disfigurement in newborn is

about 3-5%. Ultra sonogram medical imaging modality plays a dominant role in

the provision of prenatal screening and diagnosis. Ultrasound has become an

integral component of obstetric care, with the enormous majority pregnancy.

Prenatal diagnosis of incongruity was routinely performed routinely normally in

18-22 weeks but now due to advancement in resolution in ultrasound the

diagnosis of structural incongruity can be done in the first trimester. The

timing of ultrasound checkup depends upon the gestational age at which the

organs are expected to develop.

With the rapid programs of radiology, huge quantities of medical image

enthused every day in hospitals. The main problem is the diagnostic

accurateness. Doctors only interest in focus field and do not care other fields.

But to objective method the medicos are not interest in which our interest

tees. Objective properties obtained from traditional parameters such as

Number of Voxels, Average voxel intensity, Standard deviation of voxel

intensity, Sum Intensities, Eccentricity (only 2D), Skewness of voxel intensity,

Kurtosis of voxel intensity. The traditional image quality appraisals only show

the difference of bits, but the difference to human vision and diagnostic

accuracy. Subjective rating is given by common person, clinic and radiology

doctors. The work is ardent to subjective/objective evaluation on medical

image quality by feature extraction. Different methods of feature extraction

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Sobel operator, Otsu’s method and Watershed segmentation methods are


Keywords: Histogram shape-based image thresholding, Neo-natal, ultrasound, Sonar, Segmentation, Edge detection algorithms.

ARM-51 Advanced Techniques for Hyperspectral Image Processing

G. Nagalakshmi1 and Dr. S. Jyothi2

1Associate Professor and Head, Dept. of CSE & IT, SISTK, Puttur. 2Professor & Director CC, Dept. of Computer Science, SPMVV, Tirupati.

[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: Remote sensing is a natural extension of the human need to explore

and understand its environment. An alternative to high-spectral-resolution,

large-aperture satellite imaging systems is Spectral imaging for remote sensing

of terrestrial features and objects. Early spectral imaging applications were

oriented towards mineral exploration, ground-cover classification and

agricultural assessment and infrared regions of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Today improved version of multispectral imaging sensors are continued in use.

In the field of remote sensing Hyperspectral, Multispectral and Multiband

imaging systems are the powerful tools. Hence these are the commercially

available sensors for airborne, spaceborne, and ground based applications.

The ability to extract information about our world and present it in ways that

our visual perception can comprehend is the ultimate goal of imaging science

in remote sensing. In this paper, we provide recent advanced techniques for

hyperspectral image processing. The two main methods for image classification

are supervised and unsupervised classifications. This paper, mainly focuses on

the designing technique of high dimensional nature of the data and to integrate

the spatial and spectral information. To satisfy time-critical constraints in

specific applications, we also consider efficient parallel implementations. This

paper provides an excellent snapshot of the state-of-the-art in those areas and

offers a thoughtful perspective on future potentials and emerging challenges in

the design of robust hyperspectral imaging algorithms.

ARM-52 An Analysis for the adaptation of Sobel and Canny Edge

Detectors for Prawn Image

V. Sucharita1, Dr. S. Jyothi2 and Dr. D. M. Mamatha3

1Dept. of CSE, Audisankara College of Engg. & Tech., Gudur. 2Professor, Director CC, Dept. of Computer Science, SPMVV, Tirupati. 3Professor, Dept. of

Sericulture, SPMVV, Tirupati. [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: In this paper we have investigated the Canny and sobel edge

detectors and proposed the better solution for the problem of edge detection

which can be efficiently used in identifying the species of prawn. The approach

of feature extraction is very important to extract the features of the prawn.

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Edge detection is the way to extract the important features from the prawn

image. The edge detection reduces the amount of the data and also filter the

useless information by protecting the important properties of the image. Sobel

and canny edge detectors are compared in this paper by taking an image of

prawn which is tested with both the methods. Both these methods are

implemented with the convolution masks. Quality of the edge is determined

using these masks. The edges areas will represent a strong intensity which is

darker or brighter. Also an analysis of the results obtained is considered for

identifying and adapting the optimized edge detector which produces the best


Keywords: Edge Detection, Sobel, Canny, Prawn, Species.

ARM-53 A Dynamic Solution for Association Rules Mining

P. Amaranatha Reddy1 and D. Harsha Vardhan Raju2 1,2Dept. of CSE, SE&T, SPMVV, Tirupati. [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: We consider the problem of discovering association rules between

items in a large database of sales transactions. We present a new algorithm for

solving the problem that is fundamentally different from the known algorithms.

This algorithm solves most of the major problems of well known association

rules mining algorithms like Apriori and FP-tree. In this algorithm we

generated mutually independent candidates as per our requirement in a single

scan. It is very flexible to use in interactive mining system. During the

interactive mining process, users may change the threshold of support

according to the rules. In our algorithm once candidates are generated we can

change the support without repeating the whole process. It is suitable for

incremental mining. Since as time goes on databases keep changing, new

datasets may be inserted into the database. In our algorithm insertion of these

datasets is possible without repeating of the whole process. We can generate

the candidates for required items and required itemsets in a single scan. This

makes effective memory utilization and improves the performance.

Keywords: Association Rules Mining, Frequent Itemsets, Support, Confidence, Mutually Independent Candidates.

ARM-54 A Machine Learning Interactive Open Source Tool

M. Rajendra Prasad1 and R. Lakshman Naik2

1Dept. of Computer Science, Alluri Institute of Management Sciences, Warangal. 2Dept. of Computer Science, Kakatiya University, Warangal.

[email protected] , [email protected]

Abstract: This paper pragmatically explores the concepts, techniques of data

mining. It is a promising and flourishing frontier in data and information

systems and their applications. In this context we introduce machine learning

interactive open source tool called WEKA, is an organized collection of machine

learning algorithms for solving data mining problems. It is mainly used for

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machine learning techniques, research and education. Weka has an excellent

and promising application interface to solve, setting up large-scale experiments

on distributed computing platforms. In this paper we are well composed to

understand the user interfaces like Simple CLI, Explorer, Experimenter and

Knowledge Flow. These interfaces are facilitating researchers and academicians

to practice, experiment data mining problems in an interactive environment.

Keywords: Machine Learning, Data Mining, Pre-processing, Explorer, Experimenter, Knowledge Flow.

ARM-55 A Comparative Study on Grid Computing Vs. Cloud


Dr. B. Manjula1 and M. Rajendra Prasad2 1Dept. of Computer Science, Kakatiya University, Warangal.

2Dept. of Computer Science, Alluri Institute of Management Sciences, Warangal. [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: Grid computing is the simplest way refers to cooperation of multiple

processors on multiple machines and its objective is to improve the

computational power in the fields which require high capacity of the CPU. In

grid computing multiple servers which use common operating system and

software have interactions with each other. Grid computing is hardware and

software infrastructure which offer a low-cost, distributable, coordinated and

reliable access to powerful computational capabilities. Cloud computing is a

prominent product of the combination of grid computing, distributed

computing, parallel computing, and ubiquitous computing. Cloud computing is

a rapidly developing and excellent promising technology. Cloud computing is

Internet-based computing, whereby shared resources, software, are provided to

terminals and portable devices on-demand, like energy grid. The paper

presents comparative study on grid computing with cloud computing from

various parameters like applications, middleware, and opens source tools, also

provides essential characteristics, challenges of both the computing.

Keywords: Grid computing, Cloud computing, Characteristics, Challenges.

ARM-56 Iris Biometrics

Kezia R Badhiti1 and Dr. T. Sudha2

1Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, Adikavi Nannaya University, Rajahmundry. 2Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, SPMVV, Tirupati. [email protected]

Abstract: Iris Biometrics can be considered as the most Reliable, Automated

Personal Authentication system. Now a day’s Technology has been increasing

very fast and at the same time security should be more when compared to

other measures. Security by means of ID cards and memorizing passwords are

less reliable and less authenticated since they can be stolen or forgotten. To

overcome these difficulties, Person’s Physiological or Behavioral Traits playing a

great role in authenticating himself/herself. Finger Print, Hand Geometry,

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Retina, Gait, Face recognition and Behavioral Traits like Voice, Signature and

Keystroke Dynamics are having there own significant drawbacks. Iris has some

peculiar features in which no two irises are same and alike, even the left iris is

different from the right iris of the same person. This paper explains about

different Biometric Traits and how Iris can be considered as the most

Authenticated, Reliable Biometric system. It is explained in four stages:1. Iris

Image Acquisition 2. Iris Liveness Detection 3.Iris Image Quality Assessment 4.

Iris Recognition. Iris Recognition is done at four stages: 1. Segmentation 2.

Normalization 3. Feature Extraction 4. Matching

Keywords: Biometrics, Reliable, Authentication, Physiological and Behavioral Traits, Iris Recognition, Liveness Detection, Image Quality Assessment, Feature

Extraction, Matching.

ARM-57 Optimization Techniques for Web Content Mining- A Survey

M. Lavanya1 and Dr. M. Usha Rani2

1Dept. of MCA, SVEC, A.Rangampet, Tirupati. 2Associate Professor, Dept. of Computer Science,

SPMVV Tirupati. [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: Web Mining is the method used to creep through various web

resources to automatically determine and dig out information from Web

documents and services. Web mining can assist marketing prototypes and

adapt market to bring good products and services to right customers. We have

studied various Sources to access data from Deep Web Pages, Web pages, etc.

In this paper we discuss many optimization techniques in promotion of

research in web content mining for accomplishment of required data from huge

web resources. We have a taxonomy of web content mining how the data can

be retrieved using various techniques from different web resources available.

As per the user required data which is available in various chunks of deep web

page or web pages have been retrieved by using different automatic wrappers

irrespective of locations in web pages or deep web pages. Many other types of

information are also making use of to improve the performances of the

wrappers. CTVS deals with the method of combining tags. We have studied a

novel and more useful process to extract chunks from web pages that contain a

set of horizontal and layered data records. We have discussed a optimized

technique about required relevant data extraction from irrelevant data regions

like navigational bars, images, etc,.

Keywords: Web resources, Web content Mining, Wrappers, Deep web Pages,

Dynamic content.

ARM-58 RDF/XML Issues in Semantic Web

Manasa Kommineni1, R. MD. Shafi2 and G. Jagadeesh Kumar3

1,2,3Dept. of MCA, SVEC, A. Rangampet, Tirupathi. [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

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Abstract: The Semantic Web will improve the meaningful content of the web

pages. It is not completely a new generation of web, but an extension of current

Web and further the Semantic Web applications can be considered as the

augmentation of web applications with ontological annotations. The Semantic

Web requires Web applications that are semantically annotated. In the

semantic web the Resource Description Framework (RDF) plays an important

role. RDF is a framework for representing information about resources in a

graph. For maintaining graphs it requires some mathematical notations,

predicate logics etc. Extensible Markup Language (XML), a popular and

dominant format for describing and exchanging structured data at the time,

has been chosen as the logical choice for the RDF syntax. However, RDF/XML

has evolved into a complex and unintuitive notation. Because of its high

expressivity, the same RDF graph can be serialized in many different ways,

making the usage of standard XML tools very difficult. To overcome problem,

we propose to do research for enhancing new RDF environment to semantic

web interaction. By implementing this environment the semantic web consist of

diverse web content and end user can access high quality information.

Keywords: Semantic web, Ontology, RDF/XML, RDF Statement, Data graph.

ARM-59 Fault Tolerance in Cloud Computing

S. Sudha Lakshmi System Operator, SE&T Computer Centre, SPMVV, Tirupati. [email protected]

Abstract: Cloud computing may be defined as management and provision of

resources, software, application and information as services over the cloud or

internet on demand. Most of the real time systems are also safety critical and

should be highly reliable. So there is an increased requirement for fault

tolerance to achieve reliability for the real time computing on cloud

infrastructure. In this paper, a fault tolerance in real time cloud computing

Environment is proposed. In the proposed model, the system tolerates the

faults and makes the decision on the basis of reliability of the processing

nodes, i.e. virtual machines. The proposed technique is based on the execution

of design diverse variants on multiple virtual machines, and assigning

reliability to the results produced by variants. The system provides both the

forward and backward recovery mechanism.

Keywords: Fault tolerance, Reliability, Cloud computing, Virutual Machines, Real-time.

ARM-60 Imputation Procedures for handling Incomplete Data

R. Rajani1 and Dr. T. Sudha2

1Narayana Engineering College, Dept. of MCA, Nellore. 2Professor, Dept. of Computer Science,

SPMVV, Tirupati. [email protected], [email protected]

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Abstract: The ability of handling incomplete data has become a significant

requirement for the classification of patterns, because the inappropriate

treatment of incomplete data may lead to large errors or false results on

classification. In our study, we focused on some techniques which can be used

for how to handle the missing data and pattern classification. Missing or

unknown data are a common drawback that pattern classification techniques

need to deal with when solving real-life classification tasks such as biometric

recognition, Document classification or medical diagnosis. The aim of this work

is to analyze, summarize and compare some of the well-known methods used

for handling missing data.

Keywords: Incomplete data, classification of patterns, missing data imputation,

model-based approaches.

ARM-61 Methodology for Discovering Domain Specific

Knowledge from Text

Niharika Jakka1 and B. Rupa Devi2

1M.Tech. Scholar, Dept. of CSE, AITS, Tirupati. 2Assistant Professor, Dept. of IT,

AITS, Tirupati. [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: In many knowledge intensive applications, it is necessary to have

extensive domain-specific knowledge in addition to general-purpose knowledge

bases. This paper presents a methodology for discovering domain-specific

concepts and relationships in an attempt to extend WordNet. The method

was tested on five seed concepts selected from the financial domain: interest

rate, stock market, inflation, economic growth, and employment.

Keywords: Financial domain, WordNet.

ARM-62 A Survey on Edge Detection for Image Segmentation using

Soft Computing

E. Murali1 and Dr. S. Jyothi2

1Assistant professor, Dept. of CSE&IT, SISTK, Puttur. 2Professor & Director, Dept. of Computer

Science, SPMVV, Tirupati. [email protected], [email protected].

Abstract: Soft Computing is an emerging field that consists of complementary

elements of fuzzy logic, neural computing and evolutionary computation. Soft

computing techniques have found wide applications. Image segmentation is

one of the fundamental approaches of digital image processing. In this one of

the most application is edge detection for image segmentation. Edge is a

boundary between two homogeneous regions. The edge detection process of

identifying and locating sharp discontinuities in an image. Several general-

purpose algorithms and techniques have been developed for image

segmentation. Image segmentation has received a great deal of attention for

soft computing applications because it significantly improves the

discrimination and the recognition capabilities compared with gray-level image

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segmentation methods. In this paper, the main aim is to survey the theory of

edge detection for image segmentation using soft computing approach based on

the Fuzzy logic, Genetic Algorithm and Neural Network.

ARM-63 Pattern Discovery for Effective Text Mining Using Data

Mining Techniques

V. Sudha1 and K. Sreenivasa Rao2

1M.Tech. Scholar, 2Associate Professor, Dept. of CSE, KSRM College of Engineering, Kadapa. [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: Data mining is the process of mining interesting patterns from

enormous data sets by integrating various methods of statistics with database

management. The topic data mining has become increasingly one of the

popular tools for transforming data into interesting patterns. Text mining is a

new era of computer science which promotes robust connections with natural

language processing (NLP), information retrieval and knowledge management.

The arena of text mining excerpt valuable information from text data through

identifying interesting patterns. Association rule mining is the data mining

technique which provides the frequent patterns, interesting patterns and their

associations. In this paper, our objective is to focus how effectively the

association rule mining discovers the frequent patterns in the field of text


Keywords: Data Mining, Association Rule, Text Mining, Pattern Discovery.

ARM-64 Reliable Adaptive Modulation aided by LRP for

SFH Channels

R. Kalyan1, Vittalam D Kumar Reddy2, S. Rakesh3 and A. Sai Suneel4

1Research Scholar, Dept. of ECE, JNIAS, JNTUA, Anantapur. 2M.Tech. Scholar, Dept. of ECE, Sreerama Engineering College, Tirupati.

3M.Tech. Assistant Professor, Dept. of EEE, SWTS, Tirupati. 4M.Tech., Assistant Professor, Dept.of ECE, SE&T, SPMVV, Tirupati.

[email protected], [email protected] [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: Due to correlated fading in frequency hopping (FH) wireless

communication systems, it is possible to predict the future channel state

information (CSI) for one frequency based on the channel observations of other

frequencies. As a result, the performance of slow FH systems can be improved

by utilizing adaptive transmission techniques. The optimal Minimum Mean

Square Error (MMSE) Long Range Prediction algorithm for slow FH systems

that employ coherent detection. Statistical model of the prediction accuracy is

developed and used in the design of the reliable adaptive transmission systems.

The performance of adaptive transmission for high speed data transmission in

Slow Frequency Hopping systems based on the proposed Long Range

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Prediction algorithm. For slow frequency hopping communications in the

presence of partial-band interference, adaptive transmitter frequency diversity

and adaptive modulation to mitigate the effects of partial-band interference and

fading. Both standard Jakes model and realistic physical model are used to

test the performance. Analysis and simulation results show that significant

performance gains can be achieved relative to non-adaptive methods.

Keywords: Multi-Path Fading Channel, Slow Frequency Hopping, Channel State Information, Long Range Prediction, Adaptive Transmission, Partial-band Interference, Diversity combining techniques.

ARM-65 Peer-to-Peer Locality Exploring in Multiple

Torrent Environment

Basi Reddy A.1, P. Namratha2 and T. K. Lakshmi3

1,3Assistant Professor, Dept. of IT, SVCE, Tirupati. 2Assistant Professor, Dept. of IT,

SVEW, Tirupati. [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected]

Abstract: The fast-growing traffic of Peer-to-Peer (P2P) applications, most

notably BitTorrent (BT), is putting unprecedented pressure to Internet

Service Providers (ISPs). P2P locality has, therefore, been widely

suggested to mitigate the costly inter-ISP traffic. In this paper, we for the

first time examine the existence and distribution of the locality through a

large-scale hybrid PlanetLab-Internet measurement. We find that even in

the most popular Autonomous Systems (ASes), very few individual

torrents are able to form large enough local clusters of peers, making

state-of-the-art locality mechanisms for individual torrents quite

inefficient. Inspired by peers’ multiple torrent behavior, we develop a novel

framework that traces and recovers the available contents at peers

across multiple torrents, and thus effectively amplifies the possibilities of

local sharing. We address the key design issues in this framework, in

particular, the detection of peer migration across the torrents. We

develop a smart detection mechanism with shared trackers, which

achieves 45 percent success rate without any tracker-level

communication overhead. We further demonstrate strong evidence that

the migrations are not random, but follow certain patterns with

correlations. This leads to torrent clustering, a practical enhancement

that can increase the detection rate to 75 percent, thus greatly

facilitating locality across multiple torrents. The simulation results

indicate that our framework can successfully reduce the cross-ISP traffic

and minimize the possible degradation of peers’ downloading


Keywords: BitTorrent, traffic locality, measurement.

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ARM-66 A Survey on Improvements of Prefixspan

Sequential Pattern Mining Algorithm

K. Suneetha1 and Dr. M. Usha Rani2

1Assistant Professor(SL), Dept. of MCA, SVEC, Tirupati. 2Associate Professor & Head, Dept. of

Computer Science, SPMVV, Tirupati. [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: Sequential pattern mining is a significant data-mining method for

determining time-related behavior in sequence databases. Discovering

sequential patterns is a well-studied area in data mining and has been found

in many diverse applications, such as customer purchase behavior analysis,

web-log analysis, medical treatments, natural disasters and so on. Most of

sequential pattern mining algorithms use a minimum support threshold to

prune the combinatorial search space. If the minimum support is low, many

spurious patterns having items with different support levels are found; if the

minimum support is high, meaningful sequential patterns with low support

levels may be missed. In this paper a systematic survey is made on improving

the efficiency of traditional sequential pattern mining algorithm called

prefixspan by incorporating various constraints effectively and efficiently into

sequential mining process to discover interesting and valuable sequential

patterns from sequential databases. At the end, performance analysis is done

on the basis of pseudo projection, memory space, number of sequential

patterns and execution time supported by various algorithms.

Keywords: Prefixspan, Sequential Pattern Mining, Constraint-based, Pattern-

growth approach, Pseudo projection.

ARM-67 Resource Allocation using Entropy based FIFO Method in

Mobile Cloud Computing

Praveena Akki1 and Y. Mohana Roopa2

1,2Dept. of Computer Science, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Tirupati. [email protected],[email protected]

Abstract: The cloud computing provides services to the users through the

internet. The mobile cloud is internet based data, applications and related

services accessed through smartphones, laptops and other portable devices.

The combination of cloud computing, wireless communication, portable

computing devices is called mobile cloud computing which allows users an

online access. But the mobile cloud computing have some issues like power

consumption, resource poverty and security. In this paper we propose an

entropy based FIFO method to allocate resources to the mobile devices.

Keywords: Resources, Entropy, FIFO, Threshold, time period.

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ARM-68 The Effectiveness of Monitoring the Intrusion

Detection in Manets

K. Lavanya1 and A. Nageswara Rao2

¹,2Dept. of Computer Science, SVCE, Tirupati.

¹[email protected], ²[email protected]

Abstract: Mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a collection of wireless devices

moving in seemingly random directions and communicating with one another

without the aid of an established infrastructure. To extend the reach ability of a

node, the other nodes in the network act as routers. Thus, the communication

may be via multiple intermediate nodes between source and destination. Since

MANETs can be set up easily and inexpensively, they have a wide range of

applications, especially in military operations. Here several monitoring-based

intrusion detection techniques rely on each node passively monitoring the data

forwarding by its next hop to mitigate packet dropping attacks by insider

nodes. Though monitoring-based intrusion detection is not likely to be accurate

for ad hoc networks due to varying noise levels, varying signal propagation

characteristics in different directions, in this paper we quantify false positives

and analyze their impact on the accuracy of monitoring-based intrusion

detection. Using a linear chain of three off-the-shelf wireless routers, which a

sender of data packets falsely suspects, based on the monitoring of

transmission activities in its radio range, its next hop of not forwarding its


Keywords: Mobile ad hoc network (MANET), Nodes, False positives, IDS.

ARM-69 A Study on Document Clustering

B. Maheshwari1, Dr. Ahmed Abdul Moiz Qyser2 and Dr. Subhash Chandra3

1Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, Alluri Institute of Management Sciences,

Warangal. 2Professor & Head, Dept. of CSE, MJCET, Hyderabad. 3Principal, HITS, Bogaram, Keesara, Hyderabad. [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: Information Retrieval (IR) is a large and growing field within Natural

Language Processing (NLP). The search engine is the most well-known (and

perhaps still the only really useful) application. Search engines like Google1

and AltaVista2 are used by many people on a daily basis. There are several

other applications within IR. Among them we consider text clustering in

particular. Document clustering (also referred to as Text clustering) is closely

related to concept of data clustering. Document clustering is a more specific

technique for unsupervised document organization, automatic topic extraction

and fast information retrieval or filtering. For example, a web search engine

often returns thousands of pages in response to a broad query, making it

difficult for users to browse or to identify relevant information. Clustering

methods can be used to automatically group the retrieved documents into a list

of meaningful categories, as is achieved by Enterprise Search engines such as

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Northern Light and Vivisimo. The main idea is to find which documents have

many words in common, and place the documents with the most words in

common into the same groups. It is done without using any predifined

categories. Text clustering can for instance be applied to the documents

retrieved by a search engine, so that they can be presented in groups according

to content.

Keywords: Document Clustering, Information Retrieval, Requirements of document clustering, data mining.

ARM-70 DC Power Supply System by using Inductive Filtering

Method for Industrial Application

C. MD. Shareef1 and Shaik. Hameed2

1M.Tech. Scholar, QUBA College of Engineering & Technology, Nellore. 2M.Tech., Associate Professor, Dept. of EEE, QCET, Nellore.

[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: This paper describes the effects of Harmonics in the Power System

and steps to reduce the effects of Harmonics. This paper will also explain how

Harmonic distortion is one of the most important problems associated with

power quality and creates several disturbances to the Power System. It

includes the Harmonic reduction techniques to improve the power quality and

it also includes the simulation for the same. In an inverter DC voltage is

converted into an AC output. During this transformation from DC to AC,

harmonics affect the power quality a lot. How harmonic reduction will improve

the power quality is explained in detail. The filter topology is chosen from

different possibilities listed in a literature survey and studied regarding

practical implementation issues. The operating mechanism of the new

inductive filtering method is analyzed, and then, the harmonic model and the

equivalent model are established. The research results show that the inductive

filtering method not only greatly reduces the harmonic magnetic flux in the

rectifier transformer but also prevents harmonic currents from flowing into the

primary (grid) winding of the rectifier transformer. It presents good filtering and

reactive power compensating performances to public networks and also

increases the operating efficiency of the industrial dc power supply system


Keywords: Inductive filtering method, Rectifier, Transformer, Direct current (dc) power supply system.

ARM-71 Fingerprint Matching using Hough Transform

and Latent Prints

C. Alekhya Yadav1 and G. Sreenivasulu

1M.Tech., SVU College of Engineering, Tirupati. [email protected]

Abstract: Fingerprint is considered as the greater part robust biometric in the

intellect that it could even be obtained without keen participation of the

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subjects. Fingerprints are single in the sense of location and direction of

minutiae points present.

Latents are partial fingerprints that are usually smudgy, with small area

and containing large distortion. Due to these characteristics, latents have a

significantly smaller number of minutiae points compared to full (rolled or

plain) fingerprints. The small number of minutiae and the noise characteristic

of latents make it extremely difficult to automatically match latents to their

mated full prints that are stored in law enforcement databases.

Keywords: Fingerprints, Hough transform, Latents, Local descriptors, Matching.

ARM-72 Mining Frequent Item Sets using Map Reduce Paradigm

R. C. Saritha1 and M. Sirish Kumar2

1Technical Officer, C-DAC Knowledge Park, Bangalore. 2M.Tech. Scholar, Dept. of CSE, Quba

College of Engineering and Technology, Nellore. [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: In Text categorization techniques like Text classification or

clustering, finding frequent item sets is an acquainted method in the current

research trends. Even though finding frequent item sets using Apriori

algorithm is a widespread method, later DHP, partitioning, sampling, DIC,

Eclat, FP-growth, H-mine algorithms were shown better performance than

Apriori in standalone systems. In real scenario, as the data over the internet is

expanding regularly, the unstructured data documents are scaling up and the

existing computing resources in a single machine may not be sufficient to

support the big data in text mining process. In order to handle big data, we

need to parallelize the execution of the text mining process. Recently, Hadoop

implements a computational paradigm named MapReduce, where the

application is divided into many small fragments of work, each of which may be

executed or re-executed on any node in the cluster. In addition, it provides a

distributed file system that stores data on the compute nodes, providing very

high aggregate bandwidth across the cluster and enables the applications to

work with thousands of computation-independent computers and petabytes of

data. In this paper, we present about the characteristics of map reduce

paradigm and shows the experimental results of finding frequent items using

map reduce paradigm.

Keywords: Text Mining, Big data, Frequent itemsets, Mapreduce paradigm,

Hadoop, HDFS.

ARM-73 Improving Security issues in Wireless Mesh Network

C. Roja Reddy1and P. Jahnavi2 1,2Academic Consultant, Dept. of CSE, SE&T, SPMVV, Tirupati. [email protected]

Abstract: Wireless Mesh Network is a promising technology for numerous

applications because of its ease of deployment, low cost and flexibility of use.

However, security issues inherent in WMNs need be considered before the

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deployment and proliferation of these networks, since it is unappealing to

subscribers to obtain services without security and privacy guarantees. Due to

the users awareness of their privacy now a days anonymity received increasing

attention literature. Anonymity provides protection for users to enjoy network

services without being traced. On the other hand, the network authority

requires conditional anonymity such that misbehaving entities in the network

remain traceable. A Security architecture to ensure unconditional anonymity

for honest users and traceability of misbehaving users for network authorities

in WMNs is proposed. The proposed architecture strives to resolve the conflicts

between the anonymity and traceability.

Keywords: Anonymity, Traceability, Pseudonym, misbehavior, revocation,

wireless mesh network (WMN).

ARM-74 Design of an Intelligent SMS Based Remote Electricity

Metering & Billing System

V. Gayatri1, C. Roja Reddy2 and M. Soumya Harika3

1,2,3Faculty, 1Dept. of ECE, 2,3Dept. of CSE, SE&T, SPMVV, Tirupati. 1v.gayatri88@gmailcom,[email protected],[email protected]

Abstract: The advantages of remote meter reading and spot billing are well

recognized by various electricity boards in the country today. Not only does

spot billing lead to much greater revenue-collection efficiency and better

decision systems, it also brings intangibles like transparency and better

customer service to the system. Though there exist various devices in the

market that aid in spot-meter billing, none has become either an industry

standard or widely prevalent. The reasons range from limited computing power

and lack of customizability to high price and absence of local technical


Remote electricity billing is a unique concept, in which the electricity

board can collect the consumed units’ data from customer on mobile phone

using GSM network. Each consumer is provided with a unique energy meter,

which is having a GSM modem, microcontroller unit and a display unit

internally. A SIM card is required for communication. Whenever this system

receives an SMS from electricity board, it calculates the number of units

consumed and billing amount on slab rate, displays on LCD for the user

interface. This system also sends the same message to the electricity board for information and database.

The unique feature of this system is, the electricity board can disconnect

and reconnect the connection from remote place through the mobile phone. As

this project works on GSM network, the system can be controlled from any part

of the world. This project uses regulated 5V, 500mA power supply.7805 three

terminal voltage regulator is used for voltage regulation. Bridge type full wave

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rectifier is used to rectify the ac output of secondary of 230/12V step down


ARM-75 Content Processing and Distribution by Cooperative

Intermediaries on an Efficient and Secure Approach

Supriya A.1, D. Harshavardhan Raju2 and D. J. Anusha3

1,2,3Dept. of CSE, SE&T, SPMVV, Tirupati. 1supriyahappys@gmailcom,[email protected],[email protected]

Abstract: Content services such as content filtering and Transcoding adapt

contents to meet system requirements, display capacities, or user preferences.

Data security in such a framework is an important problem and crucial for

many applications. In this paper, we propose an approach that addresses data

integrity and confidentiality in content adaptation and caching by

intermediaries. Our approach permits multiple intermediaries to

simultaneously perform content services on different portions of the data. Our

approach also assures data confidentiality during transmission. It highlights

load distribution through P-proxies to improve system performance and

supports parallel content services. Because no modification is required to

current content distribution systems in order to adopt our approach, our work

is easy to deploy for many applications. In addition, our approach is extensible;

if a new type of content service is required, our architecture can be easily

adapted to the new requirement. Our protocol supports decentralized proxy

and key management and flexible delegation of services. Our experimental

results show that our approach is efficient and minimizes the amount of data

transmitted across the network.

ARM-76 Multiple Channel Assignment Method for Traffic

Awareness in Wireless Networks

M. Abilash Kumar Reddy1 and Dr. N. Sudhakar Reddy2

1Head & Associate Professor, 2Principal, Dept. of CSE, SVCE, Tirupati.

Abstract: Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) have the potential for rising

network capability by using multiple radios and multiple channels (MRMC).

Several efforts are created to extend capability. Aggregate capability of

wireless mesh networks may be improved considerably by mobilisation every

node with multiple interfaces and by using multiple channel so as to cut

back the result of interfaces. A channel assignment scheme for multi-radio

WMNs (Wireless Mesh Networks) to produce high throughput ways particularly

for the extremely loaded node with the most effective property to the gateway is

provided during this paper. We tend to ascertained the flows on the links and

knowledge packets at every wireless access purpose in an existing wireless

mesh backbone from logs files of traffic flows generated at gateway level. When

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perceptive, we tend to estimate the traffic load for every network link using

load estimation rule. This paper focuses on the channel assignment

algorithm for multiinterface multichannel wireless mesh networks supported

the traffic flow of the link, that equitably distribute deed for the business

flow between nodes so the distribution through the link on the flow is equal.

The channel assignment improves network capability by setting the worth to

cut back interference with the general network interference.

Keywords: Wireless sensor, Networking, Security, Attacks.

ARM-77 DDoS Attacks in case of Encrypted Stepping Stone


P. Jahnavi1 and C. Roja Reddy2 1,2Academic Consultant, Dept. of CSE, SE&T, SPMVV, Tirupati. [email protected]

Abstract: Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks are a critical threat to

the Internet. However, the memory less feature of the Internet routing

mechanisms makes it extremely hard to trace back to the source of these

attacks. In existing traceback algorithm first identifies its upstream routers

where the attack flows came from, and then submits the trace back requests to

the related upstream routers. This procedure continues until the most far

away zombies are identified or when it reaches the discrimination limitation of

DDoS attack flows. However, it is even more challenging to identify attacking

commands sent indirectly to the victim through a chain of compromised hosts

acting as “stepping-stones.” In defending against such attacks, it is necessary

to detect stepping-stone connections at the compromised hosts. Simulations

using synthetic data are used to validate the theoretical analysis. Further

results using actual Internet traces are shown to demonstrate the performance

of the proposed algorithms.

Keywords: IP trace back, network security, Traffic analysis, DDoS

ARM-78 Curvelet Transform and Euclidean Distance for

Medical Image Retrieval System

V. Anusha1 and V. Usha Reddy2

1,2Dept. EEE, SVU College of Engineering, SVU, Tirupati. [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: The Content Based Image Retrieval System(CBIR) used for retrieving

relevant medical images based on their features. The existing system unable to

provide exact results to the users. To overcome this problem we introduce CBIR

method. In this method, we study about Discrete Curvelet Based Feature

Extraction technique to retrieve similar images and the similarity distance is

calculated by using the Euclidean Distance. Discrete Curvelet Based Feature

Extraction gives better precision and recall rate for data base of more than 200

MRI images.

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Keywords: Content Based Image Retrieval, Texture Retrieval, Discrete, Curvelet, Similarity, Matching, Euclidean Distance.

ARM-79 A Novel Effective Bandwidth Approach to CAC in

ATM Networks

K. Sailaja1 and Dr. M. Usha Rani2

1Research Scholar, 2Associate Professor & Head, Dept. of Computer Science, SPMVV, Tirupati. [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: In ATM networks, connection admission control can be regarded as

the most important of the preventive control functions which aim at restraining

congestion in the network nodes. In this paper, I presented the CAC scheme

which is based on the concept of effective bandwidth. Since this approach

takes the statistical multiplexing effect into account, it can lead to higher

resource utilisation. The use of effective bandwidth simplifies the CAC

procedure by estimating the total bandwidth of the aggregate traffic (including

the new connection). In this CAC scheme, the effective bandwidth of the

aggregate traffic is calculated directly rather than summing up individual

bandwidths, hence overcoming the drawback of conventional methods.

Simulation tests show that our approach is simple and results in higher

utilisation compared with conventional methods. in this section, I presented a

novel effective bandwidth approach to perform real-time CAC.

Keywords: ATM Networks, CAC scheme, Statistical Multiplexing, Novel Effective

bandwidth approach, Aggregate traffic.

ARM-80 Performance Analysis of Fuzzy Logic Controller


P. Archana1 and N. Prema Kumar2

1M.Tech. Scholar, 2Associate Professor, Dept. of EEE, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam. [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: Fuzzy logic is a branch of Artificial Intelligence. It is widely used in

Engineering, Biological and statistical non linear models where exact

mathematical expressions for the given models cannot be written. In this paper

the application of fuzzy logic technique is presented for control of a general

model of a second order system. The response of the system is studied for four

configurations of fuzzy model i.e. Pure fuzzy control, Parallel fuzzy control,

Fuzzy logic-refined control, Fuzzy logic-tuned control. The simulations are

carried out by Matlab programming.

Keywords: Fuzzy logic, Fuzzy controller, Matlab.

ARM-81 Dynamically Adjusting Network Topology for MANETS

by using DBET

V. Naresh yadav1, T. Damodar yadav2 and G. Jyoshna3

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1CSE, SIET, Puttoor. 2,3Assistant Professor, Dept. of ECE, CREC, Tirupati. [email protected],[email protected]

Abstract: In MANETS, network topology vary according to nodes, nodes are

usually powered by batteries. To prolong the network life, the energy

consumption of the routing task is crucial. In previous works, enormous

topology control methods were given to support the energy-efficient routing,

while the most of them are designed for static network. We proposed an Energy

efficient topology in Ad-hoc networks can be achieved mainly in two different

ways. In the first method, network maintains a small number of nodes to form

a connected backbone and the remaining nodes sleep to conserve energy. The

second method is achieved by power control technique. So, we propose a

Demand Based Energy efficient Topology (DBET) to reduce the energy

consumption for mobile ad hoc network, by dynamically adjusting the topology

for various network traffic conditions. We have simulated our proposed

protocol DBET by using AODV as routing protocol in network simulator ns2.34

and compared AOMDV The simulation studies revealed that the proposed

scheme perform better in terms of energy, delay, and delivery ratio.

Keywords: Energy efficient topology, Routing, MANET.

ARM-82 An Efficient Filtering Approaches for Recognizing and

Suppression of Duplicate Web Documents

K. Suneetha1, K. Munidhanalakshmi2 and C. Bhuvana3

1Assistant Professor(SL), Dept. of MCA, 2Assistant Professor, Dept. of MCA, 3Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSSE, SVEC, A. Rangampet, Tirupati.

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: With the increasing amount of data and the need to integrate data

from multiple data sources, a challenging issue is to find near duplicate

records efficiently. In this paper, we focus on efficient algorithms to find pairs

of records such that their similarities are above a given threshold. Several

existing algorithms rely on the prefix filtering principle to avoid computing

similarity values for all possible pairs of records. We discussed new filtering

techniques by exploiting the ordering information by integrating into the

existing methods and drastically reduce the candidate sizes, hence improve the

efficiency. In this paper, we discussed multi-level prefix-filter, which reduces

the number of similarity calculations more efficiently and maintains the

advantage of prefix-filter (no detection loss, no extra parameter) by applying

multiple different prefix-filters.

Keywords: Duplicate pages, Near Duplicates, Prefix Filtering, Positional Filtering, Suffix Filtering, Multi-Level Prefix-Filter.

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ARM-83 Insight of Top Cloud-Specific Culpabilities, Risks, Threats

C. Bhuvana1, K. Munidhanalakshmi2 and M. Mohan Lakshmi3

1Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSSE, 2Assistant Professor, Dept. of MCA, SVEC, A. Rangampet, Tirupati. 3Assistant Professor, Dept. of MCA, SKIIMS, Kapugunneri, Srikalahasti.

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: Even though cloud computing provides compelling benefits and cost

effective services to IT, new risks, threats, culpabilities are introduced in every

way. Risks, threats, culpabilities sound same meaning but they differ

technically in terms of security. Every day, a news item, a blog or an email

warns us about security risks of cloud computing. May not all the risks

specified come into accordance with cloud computing. Thus we define a new

strategy in defining a cloud specific risks, cloud specific threats, cloud specific

culpabilities. We also specify the top most in them which bothers security of

cloud in high. This paper describes what to worry and what not to worry in

specific to cloud security.

Keywords: Cloud computing, Cloud security, Cloud specific risks, Cloud specific threats, Cloud specific capabilities, Remedies.

ARM-84 A Survey on Effectiveness of Data Mining Techniques

on Cancer Data Sets

G. Sujatha1 and Dr. K. Usha Rani2

1Dept. of MCA, Rao & Naidu Engineering College, Ongole. 2Associate Professor, Dept. of

Computer Science, SPMVV, Tirupati. [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: Tumor is an abnormal cell growth that can be either Benign or

Malignant. Benign tumors are non invasive while Malignant tumors are

cancerous and spread to other part of the body. Early diagnosis and treatment

helps to prevent the spread of cancer. Breast Cancer is one of the leading

causes of death in women. The use of machine learning and data mining

techniques has revolutionized the whole process of cancer diagnosis. Many

researchers contributed for the effective and accurate diagnosis of the cancer

disease by using various data mining basic techniques and advanced

techniques. In this study a summary of various review and technical articles

on Tumor and Breast cancer data sets carried out by researchers with the help

of data mining techniques is presented which will be a ready reference for the

researchers who are initiate their research in the said field.

Keywords: Tumor Data set, Breast cancer Data set, Classification, Ensembling, Feature selection.

ARM-85 Threshold Cryptography in Mobile AdHoc Networks [Manet]

S. Sajida Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSE, KMM College of Science & Technology, Tirupati. [email protected]

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Abstract: In mobile ad hoc networks, the misbehaving nodes can cause

dysfunction in the network resulting in damage of other nodes. In order to

establish secure communication with the group members of a network, use of a

shared group key for confidentiality and authentication is required.

Distributing the shares of secret group key to the group members securely is

another challenging task in MANET. In this paper, we propose a Cluster Based

Misbehavior Detection and Authentication scheme using threshold

cryptography in MANET. For secure data transmission, when any node

requests a certificate from a cluster head (CH), it utilizes a threshold

cryptographic technique to issue the certificate to the requested node for

Authentication. The certificate of a node is renewed or rejected by CH, based on

its trust counter value. An acknowledgement scheme is also included to detect

and isolate the misbehaving nodes. By simulation results, we show that the

proposed approach reduces the overhead.

Keywords: Clustering Technique, Misbehaving Nodes, Trust Count, Threshold Cryptography, Key Share.

ARM-86 Multi View Point - Based Similarity Measure in Clustering

Annavazula Mrinalini1 and Dr. A. Rama Mohan Reddy2 1M.Tech. Scholar, 2Professor & Head, Dept. of CSE, SVU College of Engineering, Tirupati.

[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: The clustering methods will have some clustering relationship

between the objects. The relationship may be similarity /dissimilarity between

the objects defined explicitly or implicitly. In this paper, we introduce a method

called Multi View Point based method. The main difference between traditional

and Multi View Point is traditional will provide single view point, multi view

point will provide different viewpoints. Using, multi view point, more

information assessment of similarity could be achieved.

Keywords: Clustering, Text mining, Similarity measure.

ARM-87 Video Enhancement by the Bio-Vision System

Sudarshan E.1, Dr. CH Satyanarayana2 and Dr. C. Shoba Bindu3

1,3Dept. of CSE, JNTUA, Anantapuram. 2Dept. of CSE, JNTUK, Kakinada. [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: A set of frames (with a sequence) are framed a video by using a

technical system and is it framed how the way human eye and brain infer the

images and motions. Such aspects have resolution, colors, frame rates and

spatial and temporal compression techniques. On the contrary, the object

recognition algorithms are commonly used in the image analysis, such as the

extraction of a single video frame from a sequence. In that particular situation,

most of the object analysis algorithms are not well suited to the existing data.

In order to fulfill this gap we look into the temporal preconditioning of video

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data through a bio-logical vision system model based on multi-stage processing

similar to the vision systems. Such an approach can lead to enhance object

recognition through the enhancement of object perimeters and the melioration

of lighting and compression artifacts such as darkness and inkiness.

Keywords: Object Recognition, Human Vision System, Video Enhancement.

ARM-88 Energy Efficient Protocol for Cooperative Networks

G. Narendra1, N. Koteswara Rao2 and B. Sunil Kumar3

1M.Tech. Scholar, 2Head, 3Assistant Professor, ,Dept. of CSE, Narayana college of Engineering, Gudur, Nellore(dt)[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: In cooperative networks, transmitting and receiving nodes recruit

neighbouring nodes to assist in communication. In this paper, we model a

cooperative transmission link in wireless networks as a transmitter cluster and

a receiver cluster. We then propose a cooperative communication protocol for

establishment of these clusters and for cooperative transmission of data. The

proposed system reduces the energy consumption based on the

communication model, which considers only the communication but not the

parameters of the nodes in the cooperative networks. Further energy can be

minimized by using a multi-parameter optimization to minimize the overall

energy consumption. The total energy consumption can be considerably

reduced by adjusting the transmit power for intra-cluster and inter-cluster

transmission. Having more nodes in a cluster may be less energy efficient due

to the extra circuit energy consumed by relay nodes. In this paper, we analyse

the end-to-end robustness of the protocol to data-packet loss, along with the

trade-off between energy consumption.

Keywords: Cooperative networks energy-efficient protocols, Cooperative

transmission, Sensor networks, Clustering.

ARM-89 Data Mining Techniques for Time Series Data

T. Soni Madhulatha

Associate Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, Alluri Institute of Management Sciences, Warangal. [email protected]

Abstract: Data available in the present days are in the form of time series. In

last two decades there has been an explosion of interest in mining time series

data. Many techniques with new algorithms have been introduced for

classification, clustering, predicting future risk and detecting outliers in time

series. The common factor in all these techniques is high level representation of

data instead of original raw data. The paper gives the data reduction

techniques, indexing structures and transformation techniques of time series

data mining.

Keywords: Data reduction, Indexing, Data transformation.

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ARM–90 Role of Fuzzy Logic in Data Mining

M. Rekha1 and M. Swapna2

1,2M.Tech. Scholar, Dept. of CSE, SVU College of Engineering, Tirupati. [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: This paper focuses on real-world applications of fuzzy techniques for

data mining. It gives a presentation of the theoretical background

common to all applications, lying on two main elements: the concept of

similarity and the fuzzy machine learning framework. It then describes a panel

of real-world applications covering several domains namely medical,

educational, chemical and multimedia. There are two main types of uncertainty

in supervised learning: statistical and cognitive. Statistical uncertainty deals

with the random behavior of nature and all existing data mining techniques

can handle the uncertainty that arises (or is assumed to arise) in the natural

world from statistical variations or randomness. Cognitive uncertainty, on the

other hand, deals with human cognition.

Keywords: Data mining, Fuzzy logic, Fuzzy set theory.

ARM-91 Qualitative Measures for Website Design

Dr. G. Sreedhar Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, RSVP, Tirupati. [email protected]

Abstract: Over the last few years there has been a remarkable increase in use

of the World Wide Web (WWW) for a wide and variety of purposes. There was

also a fast growth in its applications. This led the Internet users to realize the

importance and the benefits gained from a globally interconnected hypermedia

system. The quality model must be able to assess the quality of each and every

aspect of the website and it should cover the process of all web engineering

activities. A set of guidelines are considered to establish the procedure for

Quality Assessment Process (QAP). A set of guidelines are considered to

establish the procedure for Quality Assessment Process (QAP). The qualitative

measures are identified in QAP are divided into Text Formatting Measures

(TFM), Graphics Element Measures (GEM), Page Formatting Measures

(PFM),Link Formatting Measures (LFM),Page Performance Measures (PPM).

Keywords: Website Content, QAP, TFM, PFM, GEM, LFM, PPM.

ARM-92 Implementation of Adder by using FPGA with Low

Power Consumption and Area

N. Sindhura1, U. Bhagya Lakshmi2, V. Keerthy Rai3 and M. Padmaja4

1,2M.Tech Scholar, 3Assistant Professor, 4Head, Dept of ECE, SITS, Tirupati [email protected] , [email protected],[email protected],

[email protected]

Abstract: Carry Select Adder (CSLA) is one of the fastest adders used in many

data-processing processors to perform fast arithmetic functions. From the

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structure of the CSLA, it is clear that there is scope for reducing the area and

power consumption in the CSLA. This work uses a simple and efficient gate-

level modification to significantly reduce the area and power of the CSLA.

Based on this modification 8-, 16-, 32-, and 64-b square-root CSLA (SQRT

CSLA) architecture have been developed and compared with the regular SQRT

CSLA architecture. The proposed design has reduced area and power as

compared with the regular SQRT CSLA with only a slight increase in the delay.

This work evaluates the performance of the proposed designs in terms of delay,

area, power, and their products by hand with logical effort and through custom

design. The results analysis shows that the proposed CSLA structure is better

than the regular SQRT CSLA.

Keywords: Carry select adder, Data processing processors, gate level

modification, custom design, square root CSLA.

ARM-93 Enhancing and Scalability in Big Data and Cloud

Computing: Future Opportunities and Security

N. Phani Kumar1, B. Ramakantha Reddy2 and P. A. Ramesh3

Assistant Professors, 1,2Dept. of Computer Science, 3Dept. of MCA, SVCE, Karakambadi,

Tirupati. [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: Scalable database management systems both for update intensive

application workloads as well as decision support systems for descriptive and

deep analytics—are a critical part of the cloud infrastructure and play an

important role in ensuring the smooth transition of applications from the

traditional enterprise infrastructures to next generation cloud infrastructures.

Though scalable data management has been a vision for more than three

decades and much research has focused on large scale data management in

traditional enterprise setting, cloud computing brings its own set of novel

challenges that must be addressed to ensure the success of data management

solutions in the cloud environment. This tutorial presents an organized picture

of the challenges faced by application developers and DBMS designers in

developing and deploying internet scale applications. Our background study

encompasses both classes of systems: (i) for supporting update heavy

applications, and (ii) for ad-hoc analytics and decision support. We then focus

on providing an in-depth analysis of systems for supporting update intensive

web-applications and provide a survey of the state-of-the-art in this domain. We

crystallize the design choices made by some successful systems large scale

database management systems, analyze the application demands and access

patterns, and enumerate the desiderata for a cloud-bound DBMS. Security and

privacy issues are magnified by velocity, and variety of big data, such as large-

scale cloud infrastructures, diversity of data sources and formats, streaming

nature of data acquisition, and high volume inter-cloud migration.

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ARM-94 An MEGMP in Multicasting over Mobile Ad Hoc

Networks to Improve QoS

G. B. Hima Bindu1 and Sai Bharath Kadati2

1,2Assistant Professor, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering & Technology, Chittoor. [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: By the development of new network technologies, multicasting has

become one of the important networking services. MANET a self-configuring

infrastructure less network of mobile devices connected by wireless links. But,

it is big challenge to implement the well-organized and scalable multicast in

MANET due to the difficulty in group membership scheme and multicast

packet forwarding over a dynamic topology. During recent years several

multicast protocols have also been designed specifically for MANETs like

ODMRP and MAODV. These protocols all follow the traditional multicast

approaches, i.e. distributed group membership management and distributed

multicast routing state maintenance. Efficient Geographic Multicast Protocol

(EGMP) uses a virtual-zone based structure to implement scalable and efficient

group membership scheme. In network, a zone based bi-directional tree is

constructed to achieve more efficient membership management and multicast

delivery. The position information is used to guide the zone structure building,

multicast tree construction, and multicast packet forwarding, which efficiently

reduces the overhead for route searching and tree structure maintenance.

These approaches, especially when applied for use with small and sparsely

distributed groups, may become even less efficient and more expensive to

function in MANETs due to bandwidth constraints, network topology dynamics,

and high channel access cost. Similarly, to reduce the topology maintenance

overhead and support more reliable multicasting, an option is to make use of

the position information to guide multicast routing. Several strategies have

been proposed to further improve the efficiency of the protocol. In this paper I

proposed a Modified Efficient Geographic Multicast Protocol (MEGMP) and is


Keywords: Geographic Routing, Wireless Networks, Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,

Multicasting, Protocol.

ARM-95 Ingenious Modelling Tools of Soft Computing

K. Vijaya Sri1 and Dr. K. Usha Rani2

1Assistant Professor, Dept. of MCA, DVR & Dr HS MIC College of Technology, Kanchikacherla. 2Associate Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, SPMVV, Tirupati.

[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: This paper presents an introduction to intelligence modelling that

start with the differences of hard computing and soft computing. It describes

the need to the fusion of interdisciplinary solving techniques to engineering

problems in a complementary manner. It also focuses on various

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computational engineering methods involved in solving imprecise and

uncertain problem domains. All these computations need to be made practical

with the help of some tools. In this paper we explored the use of three tools

MATLAB, R Tool and DTREG as they are a few ingenious modelling tools of soft

computing that are widely used and are good at capabilities that meet the

engineering design are listed. Also some application areas related to their wide

usage are also focused. Finally, observations of the study were mentioned that

are key to identify which tool is good for what kind of work. Also we have given

only a list of other tools that are available as open-source or related to business


Keywords: Soft Computing, Computational methods, Tools.

ARM-96 Comparison of TnT, Max.Ent, CRF Taggers for Urdu


M. Humera Khanam1, Prof. K. V. Madhumurthy2 and Md. A. Khudhus3

1,2Dept. of CSE, SVU College of Engineering, Tirupati. 3J.E, BSNL, Tirupati. [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: The development of statistical taggers for Urdu language is an

important milestone toward Urdu language processing. In this paper we look at

the efficient methods of computational linguistics. We did our Experiments

with some of the widely used POS Tagging approaches on Urdu language.

Part-of-Speech (POS) Tagging is a process that attaches each word in a

sentence with a suitable tag from a given Tag set. In this paper, three state-of-

art probabilistic taggers i.e. TnT tagger, Maximum Entropy tagger and CRF

(Conditional Random Field) taggers are applied to the Urdu language. A

training corpus of 100000 tokens is used to train the models. We compare all

the three taggers with same training data and finally we concluded that CRF

Tagger shows the better accuracy.

Keywords: Urdu Languages, Statistical POS taggers, Corpus, Tag set .

ARM-97 Automatic Wavelet-based Nonlinear Image

Enhancement Technique for Aerial Imagery

Y. Mahesh1, B. Suresh Babu2 and A. Siva Nageswarrao3

Dept. of ECE, 1CREC, Tirupati. 2SRIT, Anantapur. 3CVSE, Tirupati. [email protected] , [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: Recently we proposed a wavelet-based dynamic range compression

algorithm to improve the visual quality of digital images captured in the high

dynamic range scenes with nonuniform lighting conditions. The fast image

enhancement algorithm which provides dynamic range compression preserving

the local contrast and tonal rendition is a very good candidate in aerial imagery

applications such as image interpretation for defense and security tasks. This

algorithm can further be applied to video streaming for aviation safety. In this

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paper the latest version of the proposed algorithm which is able to enhance

aerial images so that the enhanced images are better then direct human

observation, is presented. The results obtained by applying the algorithm to

numerous aerial images show strong robustness and high image quality.

Keywords: Aerial imagery, Wavelet based enhancement, Low contrast.

ARM-98 Pattern Recognition System in Probability and Statistics

G. Balaji1 and K. Radha2

1,2Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mathematics, KKC Institute of Technology and Engineering,

Puttur. [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: The major goal of pattern recognition is supervised or unsupervised

classification. Among the various frameworks in which pattern recognition has

been traditionally formulated, the probability and statistical approach has been

most intensively studied and used in practice. More recently, neural network

techniques and methods imported from probability and statistical learning

theory have been receiving increasing attention. The design of a recognition

system requires careful attention to the following issues: definition of pattern

classes, sensing environment, pattern representation. In spite of past years of

research and development in this field, the general problem of recognizing

complex patterns with arbitrary orientation, location, and scale remains

unsolved. New and emerging applications, such as data mining, web searching,

retrieval of multimedia data, face recognition, and cursive handwriting

recognition, require robust and efficient pattern recognition techniques. The

main objective of this review paper is to summarize and compare some of the

well-known methods used in various stages of a pattern recognition system

and identify research topics and applications which are at the forefront of the

exciting and challenging field.

ARM-99 Quantum Dot Cellular Automata - The Endowment for

Modern computing

H. Umamahesvari1, D. Ajitha2 and Dr. V. Sumalatha3

1Dept. of Science and Humanities, 2Dept. of ECE, Sreenivasa Institute of Technology and

Management Studies, Chittoor. 3Associate Professor, Dept. of ECE, JNTUA, Anantapur.

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: Quantum-dot cellular automata (QCA) is an efficient technology to

create computing devices. QCA is a suitable candidate for the next generation

of digital systems. A quantum-dot cellular automaton (QCA) is a new

nanotechnology that can help us to reach low-power consumption, high device

density, and high clock frequency. QCA size is smaller than CMOS it can, even

be implemented in molecule or atom size. QCA power consumption is extremely

lower than CMOS because there are not any current in the circuit and output

capacity. The two important gates in QCA are three-input majority gate and

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inverter. This paper explains about the origin, construction and implantation of

logical gates by using QCA, the energy gain in QCA and its future applications.

Keywords: Quantum dot cellular Automata, power gain, device density, Quantum dots.

ARM-100 Status Quo of Text Document Clustering: A Review

S. Suneetha1, Dr. M. Usha Rani2 and S. Munilakshmi3

1Research Scholar, 2Associate Professor & Head, 3Academic Consultant, Dept. of Computer

Science, SPMVV, Tirupati. [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: Text Document Clustering has been a focused theme in Data Mining

research for over a decade. This task pioneered copious publications in data

mining conferences and journals. In spite of abundant literature and

tremendous progress made on document clustering, still there exists several

challenges for increasing clustering quality. Traditional document clustering

algorithms use bag-of-words approach and thus concentrate on the syntax in a

document, producing unsatisfactory clustering results. Semantic-based text

document clustering concentrates on the computational semantics of the

grammar in the document, rather. With about 3-4 years of substantial and

fruitful research in applying semantics to document clustering, the current

paper provides an overview of this flourishing field with an eye towards future

avenues i.e., what more to be done in order to turn this technology a

cornerstone approach in data mining text document applications.

Keywords: Document Clustering, Semantic Document Clustering, Semantic Similarity Measures.

ARM-101 Improving the Performance of Wireless Ad Hoc

Networks using SINR based model

M. Amarnadh1 and M. Janardhan Raju2

1,2Assistant Professor, Dept. of ECE, SIETK, Puttur. [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: The performance of the ALOHA and CSMA MAC protocols are

analysed in spatially distributed wireless networks. In our network model,

packets belonging to specific transmitters arrive randomly in space and time

according to a 3-D Poisson point process, and are then transmitted to their

intended destinations using a fully-distributed MAC protocol. A packet

transmission is considered successful if the received SINR is above a

predefined threshold for the duration of the packet. Accurate bounds on the

outage probabilities are derived as a function of the transmitter density, the

number of back offs and retransmissions, and in the case of CSMA, also the

sensing threshold. The analytical expressions are validated with simulation

results. For continuous-time transmissions, CSMA with receiver sensing is

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shown to yield the best performance. Moreover, the sensing threshold of CSMA

is optimized. It is shown that introducing sensing for lower densities (i.e., in

sparse networks) is not beneficial, while for higher densities (i.e., in dense

networks), using an optimized sensing threshold provides significant gain.

ARM-102 Footprint: Detecting Sybil Attacks in Urban

Vehicular Networks

Thota Kesavarao1 and C. Viswanath2

1Teaching Assistant, Dept of CSE, SE&T, SPMVV, Tirupati. 2Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSE, Sir Vishveshwaraiah Institute of Science & Technology,

Madanapalle. [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: In urban vehicular networks, where privacy, especially the location

privacy of anonymous vehicles is highly concerned, anonymous verification of

vehicles is indispensable. Consequently, an attacker who succeeds in forging

multiple hostile identifies can easily launch a Sybil attack, gaining a

disproportionately large influence. In this paper, we propose a novel Sybil

attack detection mechanism, Footprint, using the trajectories of vehicles for

identification while still preserving their location privacy. More specifically,

when a vehicle approaches a road-side unit (RSU), it actively demands an

authorized message from the RSU as the proof of the appearance time at this

RSU. We design a location-hidden authorized message generation scheme for

two objectives: first, RSU signatures on messages are signer ambiguous so that

the RSU location information is concealed from the resulted authorized

message; second, two authorized messages signed by the same RSU within the

same given period of time (temporarily linkable) are recognizable so that they

can be used for identification. With the temporal limitation on the likability of

two authorized messages, authorized messages used for long-term

identification are prohibited. With this scheme, vehicles can generate a

location-hidden trajectory for location-privacy-preserved identification by

collecting a consecutive series of authorized messages. Utilizing social

relationship among trajectories according to the similarity definition of two

trajectories, Footprint can recognize and therefore dismiss “communities” of

Sybil trajectories. Rigorous security analysis and extensive trace-driven

simulations demonstrate the efficacy of Footprint.

Keywords: Sybil attack, Location privacy, Signer-ambiguous signature, Urban vehicular networks, Location-hidden trajectory.

ARM-103 Data Mining : Exploring Big Data

M. Jayasree M.Tech. Scholar, Dept. of CSE, SVCE, Karakambadi, Tirupati. [email protected]

Abstract: Data mining is designed to inquire the data by concerning

methodical relationships among the variables and then by applying the

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detected patterns to the new subset of data, then findings can be validated. The

mechanism of data mining is to apply regular algorithms to the large sets of

data to extract the information from it. This large sets of data that is related to

business or market is known as “Big Data”. The theme of business intelligence

(BI) is to exchange the data that tends increased value to the enterprise. Rather

than collecting the information on what organizations are really doing, it is

better to understand how organizations view big data and to what extent they

are currently using it to benefit their business. Now organizations are begun to

understand and explore how to process and analyze this big data. The key is to

have a formal view of big data. Hence big data in business created a view with

not only increased opportunities but also the challenges to capturing, storing

and accessing the information. This series studies in Big Data (SBD) raises to

new developments and advances in various areas of big data quickly with a

good quality. It needs to refer to the analysis and understanding of large

complex and/or distributed data sets from sensors, marketing, advertising,

social networks, web applications and other. This analysis are needed to study

in areas related to computational intelligence including neural networks,

evolutionary computation, soft computing, fuzzy systems that will help us to

make the choices. To keep track of current state of business, advanced

analytical technique of big data such as predictive analysis, data mining,

statistics and natural language processing are to be examined. New techniques

of big data such as Hadoop and MapReduce also create alternatives to

traditional data warehousing.

Keywords: Data Mining, Big data, BI, SBD, Big Data analytics, Hadoop and

MapReduce technique.

ARM-104 Consistent Surveillance of Location Based Spatial Queries

in Wireless Broadcast ambiance Using Peer-To-Peer Sharing

T. Sirisha Madhuri1 and Dr. A. Rama Mohan Reddy2

1M.Tech. Scholar, 2Professor, Dept. of CSE, SVU College of Engineering, Tirupati. [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: Location based spatial queries (LBSQ’s) are the queries that are

totally dependent on the location of the probers. Wireless data broadcast is an

assuring approach for information airing that influences the computational

capacities of the Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) that tend to elevate the

scalability of the system. In this paper we present a contemporary query

processing like spatial query procedure that while retaining high scalability and

a high definiteness manages to lessen the latency regularly. Our mode is based

on peer-to-peer sharing which empower us to deal with queries without delay

at a PDA prober by using query outcomes cached in its adjoining mobile peers.

Keywords: Spatial Databases, Location based Spatial Queries, Peer-To-Peer

sharing, broadcast Channel, Air Indexes, Probers.

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ARM-105 A Novel Bayesian Approach against Phishing Attacks

based on Textual and Visual Content

D. Harshavardhan Raju1, P. Govardhan2 and D. Vishnu Vardhan Raju3

1,2,3Dept. of CSE, 1SE&T, SPMVV, Tirupati. 2,3SVCE, Chittoor. [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: Phishing attacks are a major concern for preserving internet users

privacy. By combining social engineering and website forgery techniques,

phishing attacks spoof the identity of a company (typically a bank or an

auction site), to trick internet users to reveal confidential information. The

perfect phishing attack creates a website very similar to the legitimate one by

using the same logos, images, structure, etc. However, if the user examines

attentively the URL displayed in the address bar of the web browser, he should

notice that the URL (especially the domain name) is not the usual one. The

pharming attacks – are much more complex to detect because both the visited

URL and the website are similar to the legitimate site. Pharming attacks aim to

corrupt DNS information to redirect users to a fraudulent website under the

control of the attacker. DNS vulnerabilities can be exploited at the client-side

by corrupting the user/company computer or the border router, but also in the

ISP network or at the server-side by intercepting, modifying or spoofing DNS

exchanges as well as using content injection code techniques. As DNSSec

protocol is not fully deployed today over the whole Internet infrastructure to

provide end-to-end secured DNS exchanges, we can hardly protect the user

from DNS corruptions, especially for the attacks that occur in his own network.

Keywords: Phishing, Visual cryptography, Image captcha, Shares, Security.

ARM-106 Comparison of Telugu Speech Recognition Accuracy

among the Male and Female Speech

N. Usha Rani

Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSE, SVU College of Engineering, Tirupati,

[email protected]

Abstract: Speech Recognition occupies an important role in the current

research areas. Applications of speech in the technological fields are increasing

rapidly in the present world. Speech Recognition is the process of converting

the recorded speech into sequence of words in text format. It is a complex job

to get the high accuracy rate. Many factors affect the performance of the

speech recognition system. Gender is one the factors which affect the accuracy

of the speech recognition system. Mismatches between training and testing

phases of speech recognition system lead to poor performance of the system.

The current work focus on the comparison of the speech recognition accuracy

obtained among the male and female speech data. In this work, Hidden

Markov Model based speech recognition system; SPHINX-3 is used for the

training and testing phases. In the Present work, female speech is tested on the

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male speech and vice versa. It has been observed from the experiments, that

the error rate is more when the female speech is tested on the male speech.

Keywords: Speech recognition, Hidden Markov Model, SPHINX-3, Accuracy of speech recognition system.

ARM-107 Comprehensive Analysis of Clustering Techniques on

Breast Cancer Dataset using weka tool

M. V. Anjana Devi1 and Dr. K. Usha Rani2

1Research Scholar, 2Associate Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, SPMVV, Tirupati. [email protected]

Abstract: Data clustering is a process of putting similar data into clusters.

Clustering algorithms partitions a dataset into a fixed number of clusters

supplied by the user. Here Data mining clustering algorithms are used to

compare the performance of major clustering algorithms on the aspect of

correctly class wise cluster building ability. In this paper an experiment was

conducted in WEKA environment by using three algorithms viz., k-means

clustering, Hierarchical clustering and Density based clustering on the Breast

Cancer Wisconsis(Original) dataset. The general reasons for selecting these

three algorithms are their popularity, flexibility, applicability and handling high

dimensionality. The K-means algorithm is one of the most popular clustering

algorithms because of its efficiency in clustering large data sets. Hierarchical

clustering is a correspondence tree, or a dendrogram, which shows how

samples are grouped together. DBSCAN is designed to discover arbitrary shape


Keywords: Clustering, K-means, Hierarchical, DBSCAN.

ARM-108 A Cryptographic Image Encryption Technique

T. Anuradha1 and Dr. K. Usha Rani2

1Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, J.K.C. College, Guntur.

2Associate Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, SPMVV, Tirupati. [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: Nowadays the protection of digital images become more important

since the communications of digital products over open network occur more

frequently. This paper proposes image encryption using transformation matrix.

The secret key is generated using random polynomial. The block matrix of size

3 x 3 is constructed using secret key. The zone of 6 x 6 is constructed by using

block matrix. The process is repeated until all zones are generated. A new

transformation matrix is formed by combining all zones. This transformation is

used for encryption purpose. The secret key is send to the receiver. After

receiving the secret key the receiver reconstruct the transformation matrix and

perform operation on encrypted image with transformation matrix to get the

original image. In the proposed method of Image encryption and decryption

algorithm the protection level is high.

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ARM-109 Business Process Enhancement using Data Mining

in Banking Sector

B. Muneendra Nayak¹, Dr. Naveen Kumar² and Dr. R. Mahammad Shafi³

¹Research Scholar, 2Professor, Dept. of CSE, University of Allahabad, Allahabad.

³Professor & Head, Dept. of MCA, SVEC, Tirupati.

Abstract: Significant shifts in the business environment, economic volatility,

changing customer and staff expectations, and the adoption of new technology

make it increasingly challenging for banks to navigate technology strategy

alternatives and prioritize technology investments. The banking industry

around the world has undergone a tremendous change in the way business is

conducted. Leading banks are using Data Mining tools for customer

segmentation and profitability, credit scoring and approval, predicting payment

default, marketing, detecting fraudulent transactions, etc. This paper provides

an overview of the concept of Data Mining and different frauds in Banking.

Keywords: Fraud, Banking, Data Mining, Risk Management, Customer

acquisition and management.

ARM-110 A Flexible Fault Tolerance for Distributed

Data Mining Services on the Grid

T. Hemalatha1 and Dr. Ch. D. V. Subbarao2

1M.Tech. Scholar, 2Professor & Head, Dept. of CSE, SVU College of Engineering, Tirupati. [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: Fault tolerance is an important issue in Grid computing, where

many and heterogeneous machines are used. In this paper we present a

flexible failure handling framework which extends a service-oriented

architecture for Distributed Data Mining previously proposed, addressing the

requirements for fault tolerance in the Grid. The framework allows users to

achieve failure recovery whenever a crash can occur on a Grid node

involved in the computation. The implemented framework has been evaluated

on a real Grid setting to assess its effectiveness and performance.

Keywords: Distributed Data Mining, Fault Tolerance, Grid computing.

ARM-111 A Novel Diagnostic Computer Aided Medical Tool for

Breast Cancer based on Neuro Fuzzy Logic

Bh. Nagarajasri1 and Dr. M. Padmavathamma2

1Research Scholar, 2Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, SV University, Tirupati.

[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: Breast cancer is a second leading cause of cancer deaths worldwide

and occurs in one of eight women. Diagnosis is a crucial step and is

prerequisite for giving proper treatment. Medical diagnosis is a pattern

classification dilemma to determine the disease. In this paper we present a

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novel medical diagnostic tool which has ability to grade BIRADS and acts as a

decision support system for radiologist. This tool is based on knowledge based

intelligent computing system. The grading of BIRADS can be done by taking a

set of characteristics like Mass Shape, Mass Margins, Mass density,

Calcification and calcific distribution) as input parameters. There is an

ambiguity in categorization of multiple occurrences of BIRADS. BIRADS can be

categorized accurately into BIRADS0 to BIRADS6 by taking each input

parameter individually and making decision according to the single and

multiple occurrences and both. This computer aided medical tool is a gifted

tool to overcome the limitations of present day/ current diagnostic system.

ARM-112 Color Image Retrieval using Mixed Binary Patterns

Dr. P. V. N. Reddy1, Dr. K. Satya Prasad2 and P. Krishna Murthy3

1Professor & Head, 3Assistant Professor, Dept. of ECE, G. Pullaiah College of Engineering and

Technology, Kurnool. 2Rector & Professor, Dept. of ECE, JNTUK, Kakinada.

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) system using Inter Space

Local Binary Patterns (ISLBP) based features with high retrieval rate and less

computational complexity is proposed in this paper. The property of LBP is it

extracts the information based on distribution of edges in an image. This

property made it a powerful tool for feature extraction of images in the data

base. First the image is separated into red(R), green(G), and blue(B) color

spaces, and these are used for inter space local binary patterns (ISLBP), which

are evaluated by taking into consideration of local difference between the center

pixel and its neighbors, by changing center pixels of one color plane with other

color planes. Improved results in terms of computational complexity and

retrieval efficiency are observed over recent work based on Local Binary Pattern

(LBP) based CBIR system. The d1distance is used as similarity measure in the

proposed CBIR system.

Keywords: Feature Extraction, CBIR, Inter Space Local Binary Patterns, Image


ARM-113 Robust DWT-SVD domain Digital Image Watermarking

Dr. T. Sudha1 and K. Sunitha2

1Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, SPMVV, Tirupati. 2Head, Dept. of Computer Science, Kasturba Gandhi College for Women, Hyderabad.

[email protected]

Abstract: Digital watermarking is an emerging copy right protection

technology. This paper presents a new hybrid watermarking technique based

on discrete wavelet transformation and singular value decomposition. The

watermark is inserted by significantly changing the selected DWT coefficients of

the block that has high intensity values, i.e. greater than the threshold value. It

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is shown that the proposed method is robust against several image processing

operations without significant degradation of image quality by simulation using

various test images .

Keywords: Digital Watermarking, Discrete wavelet transformations, Singular

value decomposition.

ARM-114 A Comparative Study on Size Invariant Visual

Cryptography Schemes

M. Nirupama Bhat1 and Dr. K. Usha Rani2

1Research Scholar, 2Associate Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, SPMVV, Tirupati.

[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: The security and privacy of information (personal or organizational)

must be maintained in the digital media. To securely maintain the information,

secret sharing schemes are used. In secret sharing schemes, the information is

divided as parts or shares and distributed among some people or placed at

different locations. This information can be recomputed back only by acquiring

the shares and doing some computations. Visual Secret Sharing Schemes

(VSS) or Visual Cryptography is a secured way of preserving data in the form of

images. The secret image is divided into a number of shares (transparencies)

and is kept at different locations in a distributed form. Recovery of the secret is

performed only by stacking all or few of the shares together. No computations

are required in this scheme. Many VSS schemes have been constructed. The

drawback of the Traditional Visual Cryptography is pixel expansion. This is

overcome by the size invariant schemes. This paper compares various size

invariant visual cryptography schemes and analyses the characteristics of the

recovered image.

Keywords: Visual Secret Sharing Schemes, Size Invariant Visual Cryptography Schemes.

ARM-115 Modifying the Distribution Update Rule for Adaboost to

update based on the Ensemble Decision

G. T. Prasanna Kumari1, K. Sekar2 and R. Poornima3

1,2Associate Professor, 3Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSE,

S. V. Engineering College for Women, Tirupati.

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: In the AdaBoost formulation from learning new data, if instances of

previously unseen instances are introduced. Actually AdaBoost do nothing.

AdaBoost should work for incremental learning, but it was made more efficient

by modifying the distribution update rule to make the update based on the

ensemble decision, not just the previous classifier. The ability of a classifier to

take on new information and classes by evolving the classifier without it having

to be fully retrained is known as incremental learning. Incremental learning

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has been successfully applied to many classification problems, where the data

is changing and is not all available at once.

Keywords: AdaBoost, Incremental learning, Distribution update rule.

ARM-116 Recent Advances in Computer Technology integrating

Computational Intelligence

S. Heera1, P. Srivyshnavi2 and M. Soumya Harika3

1,2,3Academic Consultant, SE&T, SPMVV, Tirupati. [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: ‘Computational Intelligence’ is a branch of computer science

studying problems for which there are no effective computational algorithms.

CI studies problems for which there are no effective algorithms, either because

it is not possible to formulate them or because they are not effective in real life

applications. It is instructive to think about the spectrum of CI problems and

various approximations needed to solve them. Recent advances in technology

are providing faster microprocessors and network communications, reducing

power dissipation in electronic systems, and producing higher-density, low-cost

data storage devices. In turn, these advances are creating a demand for new

multi-media applications and interfaces. The result will be a combined world-

wide network infrastructure that will service television, telephone, and

computer communications. We are presenting in this paper about the broad

new areas of future research integrating computational intelligence upon these


ARM-117 Multimodal Biometrics System Using Iris - Fingerprint:

An Overview

V. Sireesha1 and Dr. K. Sandhya Rani2

1Research Scholar, 2Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, SPMVV, Tirupati. [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: Security means restricting unauthorized persons from some data.

Biometric recognition is automated recognition of individual based on the

physiological and behavioral characteristics. Unimodal biometrics are facing

problems like noisy data, intra class variation, inter class variation, spoofing

attack etc. These limitations can be solved by using multimodal biometrics.

Comparing to unimodal, multimodal biometric systems are performing better.

A multimodal biometric system is a combination of two or more biometric traits

to increase the security. In this paper, two unimodal biometrics iris and

fingerprint are used as multimodal biometrics. Comparing to other biometrics,

iris recognition is having low false acceptance rate. We discuss various fusion

techniques of iris and fingerprint with advantages and limitations.

Keywords: Multimodal biometrics, sensor level, feature level, score level, rank

level, decision level.

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ARM-118 Efficient Distributed Packet–Buffers for Routers in High-

Speed Networks

D. Kiran Kumar Reddy1 and T. Sujeet2

1Dept. of CSE, Sree Venkatesa Perumal College of Engineering & Technology, Puttur. 2Dept. of CSE, Sri Venkateswara University,Tirupati

[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: Routers achieves high-speeds using well-designed packet

buffers that support multiple queues, provide large capacity and short

response times. Some researchers suggested combined SRAM/DRAM

hierarchical buffer architectures to meet these challenges. In this paper,

we present scalable, efficient, and novel distributed packet buffer

architecture. Some fundamental issues need to be addressed to make

this architecture feasible: minimizing the overhead of an individual packet

to design scalable packet buffers using independent buffer subsystems.

We address these issues by first designing an efficient compact buffer

that reduces the SRAM size requirement. Then, we introduce a feasible

way of coordinating multiple subsystems with a load-balancing algorithm

that maximizes the overall system performance. Both theoretical

analysis and experimental results demonstrate that our load-balancing

algorithm and the distributed packet buffer architecture can easily scale

to meet the buffering needs of high bandwidth links and satisfy the

requirements of scale and support for multiple queues.

Keywords: Router, packet forwarding, SRAM/DRAM, packet scheduling.

ARM-119 Privacy Preserving Association Rule Mining for

Horizontally Partitioned Database Model with Trusted Party

Using Arithmetic Progression Based Secure Sum Concept

Dr. N. V. Muthu Lakshmi1 and Dr. K. Sandhya Rani 2

1Associate Professor, Dept. of Computer Applications, MITS, Madanapalle. 2Professor, Dept of Computer Science, SPMVV, Tirupati.

[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: Recent days, knowledge is required to share between many

legitimate people in order to have good collaboration between them. But the

main problem is, no database owner is willing to access their sensitive data or

sensitive information to any collaborators because leakage of sensitive

data/information may cause adverse effects to the database owner where

others may take opportunity to lead. This makes the researchers to study to

discover efficient methods to represent privacy preserving data mining

techniques. As privacy is becoming a great threat to association rule mining,

many researchers found many methods to address privacy preserving

association rule mining but privacy goals varies from centralized database to

distributed database. In various real life applications, distributed databases

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are used successfully as it guarantees to provide reliability and availability to

the end users. In this paper, horizontally partitioned database model with

Trusted Party (TP) is considered and efficient methodology is proposed to

discover privacy preserving association rule mining. Here the main goal is

finding global frequent item sets without revealing anyone’s private

data/information to any other site or to TP. The global frequent item sets are

determined only when it gets support values of all local frequent item sets in all

sites but privacy constraints restrict to provide. So this privacy problem is

solved by incorporating cryptographic techniques such as encryption,

decryption, and new Arithmetic Progression (AP) based secure sum technique

in the proposed algorithm to convert the private information into disguised

form. As TP has special privileges and provides number (consisting of four

parameters) to each site to protect their private data/information by adding

(sum of n terms in AP) Sn to support value. Each number has starting number

(a0), difference(d), nth (n) term in the series along with a single digit decimal

number. This single digit number is nothing but decimal value of a three digit

binary number. After receiving number from TP, every site retains order of

inputs to compute Sn by looking binary value where the value of two one’s

indicates those order has been interchanged. For example ‘101’ indicates the

input send by the TP is (n, d, a0) so it should be rearranged as (a0,d,n) to get

Sn, whose value makes the private data in disguised form. So no site can find

any data or information of any one’s by adopting Arithmetic Progression (AP)

based secure sum technique. TP can not find information from any one’s

although he/she has special privileges to know total database size, decrypted

local frequents and number encompassing 4- parameters. The methodology is

more efficient in finding privacy preserving association rules at global level by

taking less number of data transfers as data are in bulk.

Keywords: Data Mining, Privacy Preserving Association Rule Mining, Global Frequent Item Sets, Horizontally Partitioned Database, Cryptographic Techniques.

ARM-120 Mobile Agent-Based Cloud Computing System In Internet

Dr. T. Sudha1 and Ms. K. Geetha

Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, SPMVV, Tirupati. Lecturer.

Abstract: Current cloud computing systems always focus on the high

bandwidth local area network environment, for example, an LAN of a

corporation. In this paper uses mobile agent to implement the software and

data service for cloud user in Internet environment, and make the cloud

computing system adaptable to work in Internet environment, such as an

international corporation with branches all over the world. The work in this

paper includes three parts: (1) introducing mobile agent into cloud computing

system and presenting the mobile agent based service for cloud computing

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system: Service as an Agent Service (SaaAS). The SaaAS uses mobile agents as

the underlying facility to offer the service for user; (2) presenting a high

performance code and data of service load mechanism based mobile agent for

SaaAS, which can effectively reduce the heavy communication overhead in

Internet; (3) presenting a novel data coherence mechanism for SaaAS: Divided-

Cloud and Convergent Coherence Mechanism (DCCM). The application of

mobile agent enables SaaAS to be more suitable to work in Internet

environment than conventional cloud computing system.

Keywords: Cloud user, SaaAS, coherence mechanism,DCCM, Internet, Cloud


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ST-1 NIRBHAYA - Fearless : New Mobile App for Women's Safety

K. Thulasi III Yr MCA, SPMVV, Tirupati. [email protected]

Abstract: The recent unforgettable incident in our country’s capital has raised

concerns about women's safety and what our government is doing to ensure a

safe and secure environment for women. Apart from all the initiatives taken up

by government and NGOs, SmartCloud team started thinking about what else

can we do to make sure that our women employees feel safe and secure when

they leave our office premises. That’s where the idea of a new mobile app –

“Nirbhaya -Fearless” was born. How this mobile application is developed and to

use this is discussed in this paper.

ST-02 Artificial Intelligence

G. Maheswari III Yr MCA, SPMVV, [email protected]

Abstract: This paper aims at presenting the concept of "Artificial Intelligence."

It is the branch of Computer Science concerned with making computers

behave like humans. It is the Science and Engineering of making intelligent

machines, especially intelligent computer programs. The term was coined in

1956 by John McCarthy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Artificial

Intelligence and the technology are one of side of the life that always interest

and surprise us with the new ideas, topics, innovations, products …etc. AI is

still not implemented as the films representing it(i.e. intelligent robots),

however there are many important tries to reach the level and to compete in

market, like sometimes the robots that they show in TV. Nevertheless, the

hidden projects and the development in industrial companies. At the end,

we’ve been in this research through the AI definitions, brief history,

applications of AI in military, ethics of AI, and the three rules of robotics. This

is not the end of AI, there is more to come from it, who knows what the AI, can

do for us in the future, maybe it will be a whole society of robots.

ST-03 Reducing Network Packet Routing Failures in Wireless


M. Hannah Grace Kamala and R. Sravanti

Dept. of MCA, Annamacharya PG College of Computer Studies, Rajampet, Kadapa.

[email protected]

Abstract: As the Internet takes an increasingly central role in our

communications infrastructure, the slow convergence of routing protocols after

a network failure becomes a growing problem. This paper also shows how an

estimate of the traffic demands in the network can be used to improve the

distribution of the recovered traffic, and thus reduce the chances of congestion

when MRC is used. To assure fast recovery from link and node failures in IP

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networks, we present a new recovery scheme called Multiple Routing

Configurations (MRC). It can be implemented with only minor changes to

existing solutions. We are presenting about MRC, its performance with respect

to scalability, backup path lengths, and load distribution after a failure. We are

also showing how an estimate of the traffic demands in the network can be

used to improve the distribution of the recovered traffic, and thus reduce the

chances of congestion when MRC is used.

ST-04 A Stegonography Method Based on Hiding Secrete Data in MPEG/Video Layer

A. Pothuluru and L. Chandra Sekhar Reddy

Dept. of MCA, Annamacharya PG College of Computer Studies, Rajampet, Kadapa.

[email protected]

Abstract: Steganography is a method for hidden information in such a way

that can only be detected by its intended recipient. Steganography in audio

becomes a challenging discipline, since the Human Auditory System (HAS) is

highly sensitive. One of the main obstacles of the data hiding in audio is to

develop a system which has the quality to include a big amount of data and

without affectively the quality of sound. In proposed system, a novel

information-hiding method to hide more information into audios media file

(MP3). The bits of information will be hidden between frames (BF) in MP3 file.

In the experimental results, we hide more characters into audios and extract

them correctly, The audios with secret information are indiscernible to the

human ears. The paper steganography provides implementation of various

algorithms to embed audio, video with any another document. The advantage

of the new technique ‘Steganography’ is that it can be used to secretly transmit

messages without the fact of the transmission being discovered. In this system

the data will be sending through the network as a video file. The user who

received the file will do the operations like de embedding, and decryption in

their level of hierarchy etc.

ST-05 An Efficient Self-Organized Authentication and Key

Management Scheme for Distributed Multihop

Relay based IEEE 802.16 Networks

A. Vijay Kumar and R. Sivaji

Dept. of MCA, Annamacharya PG College of Computer Studies, Rajampet, Kadapa. [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: Wireless internet services are rapidly expanding an improving, it is

important to provide users with not only high speed and high quality wireless

service but also secured. Security holes most of the time is trade off with

authentication and key management overheads. In order to operate securely,

communication must be scheduled either by a distributed, centralized or

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hybrid security control algorithms with less authentication and key

management overheads. In this paper, we propose a new fully self-organized

efficient authentication and key management scheme (SEAKS) for hop-by-hop

distributed and localized security control for Multi-hop non-transparent relay

based IEEE 802.16 networks which not only helps in security counter

measures but also reduce the authentication and key maintenance overheads.

ST-06 Airborne Internet

K. Nandini and O. Naga Prathyusha

Dept. of MCA, Annamacharya PG College of Computer Studies, Rajampet, Kadapa.

[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: Airborne Internet aims at providing communication link between

aircraft - ground, ground - ground and aircraft – aircraft. This is one of the

major achievements in the aviation history by NASA. It is undertaking the

development of the Small Aircraft Transportation System (SATS). This paper

addresses some of the trends and issues involved in developing Airborne

Internet. SATS is conceived to meet four major objectives: higher volume at

non-towered/non-radar airports, lower landing minimums at minimally

equipped landing facilities, increased single crew safety and mission reliability,

and integrated procedures and systems for integrated fleet operations. A

critical first step in attaining the desirable capabilities of an airborne Internet is

a well-conceived architecture. The principle behind the A.I. is to establish a

robust, reliable, and available digital data channel. An airborne Internet to

provide aircraft to ground, ground to ground and aircraft to aircraft

communications in support of air traffic management, fleet operations, and

passenger support services. A critical first step in attaining the desirable

capabilities of an airborne Internet is a well-conceived architecture. The

architecture must be robust enough to enable the concept of operations

envisioned for the 2025 timeframe yet flexible enough to support prototypes

using technology and systems available in the 2005 timeframe. This paper

addresses some of the trends and issues involved in developing an airborne

Internet capable of achieving this goal.

ST-07 Wave Secure – Mobile Security Applications

through Android Software

D. V. Siva Kumar and N. Sudharshan

Dept. of MCA, Annamacharya PG College of Computer Studies, Rajampet, Kadapa. 1venkata

[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: The unveiling of the Android platform on was announced with the

founding of the Open Handset Alliance, a consortium of 48 hardware, software,

and telecom companies devoted to advancing open standards for mobile

devices. Google has made most of the Android platform available under the

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Apache free-software and open source license. Android is a freely downloadable

open source software stack for mobile devices that includes an operating

system, middleware and key applications based on Linux and Java. Google

developed Android collaboratively as part of the Open Handset Alliance, a

group of more than 30 mobile and technology companies working to open up

the mobile handset environment. Android's development kit supports many of

the standard packages used by Jetty, and so, due to that fact and Jetty's

modularity and lightweight footprint, it was possible to port Jetty to it so that it

will be able to run on the Android platform. This paper on Android deals with

the history of the Android, architecture and features of it and main

applications that were developed in mobile platform.

ST-8 Biologically Inspired Intelligent Robots using Artificial


D. Surendra and D. P. Venkateswarlu

Dept. of MCA, Annamacharya PG College of Computer Studies, Rajampet, Kadapa.

[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: Artificial Intelligence is a branch of Science which deals with helping

machines finds solutions to complex problems in a more human-like fashion.

This generally involves borrowing characteristics from human intelligence, and

applying them as algorithms in a computer friendly way. A more or less flexible

or efficient approach can be taken depending on the requirements established,

which influences how artificial the intelligent behavior appears. Humans

throughout history have always sought to mimic the appearance, mobility,

functionality, intelligent operation, and thinking process of biological creatures.

This field of biologically inspired technology, having the moniker biometrics,

has evolved from making static copies of human and animals in the form of

statues to the emergence of robots that operate with realistic appearance and

behavior. This paper covers the current state-of-the-art and challenges to

making biometric robots using artificial muscles.

ST-9 MAGLEV - Magnetic Levitation

D. Manaswini and Y. Sowjanya III B.Tech. ECE, SE&T, SPMVV, Tirupati. [email protected]

Abstract: The term “Levitation” refers to a class of technologies that uses

magnetic levitation to propel vehicles with magnets rather than with wheels,

axles and bearings. Maglev (derived from magnetic levitation) uses magnetic

levitation to propel vehicles. Maglev is technology which uses magnetic forces

to suspend vehicles in air hence, eliminating friction. This allows vehicles to

achieve very high speeds which can revolutionize the ground transportation.

High-speed maglev trains promise dramatic improvements for human travel

widespread adoption occurs. Maglev trains move more smoothly and somewhat

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more quietly than wheeled mass transit systems. Their no reliance on friction

means that acceleration and deceleration can surpass that of wheeled

transports, and they are unaffected by weather. Although conventional wheeled

transportation can go very fast, maglev allows routine use of higher top speeds

than conventional rail, and this type holds the speed record for rail

transportation. Vacuum tube train systems might hypothetically allow maglev

trains to attain speeds in a different order of magnitude, but no such tracks

have ever been built. Compared to conventional wheeled trains, differences in

construction affect the economics of maglev trains.

ST-10 A Novel Method for Securing a Data in Cloud Storage System

M. Ramakrishnan

III Yr MCA, Christhuraj Institute of Computer Application, Tiruchirapalli(TN).

[email protected]

Abstract: Cloud computing being the hottest talk in the IT field, cloud storage

also becomes an important topic of discussion and research. Cloud Computing

moves the software and databases to data centres that are not trustworthy.

Cloud storage faces many new security challenges that need more concern. The

cloud manages and schedules the computing resources using the network,

Storage and retrieval of data faces the threat of intrusion. This paper proposes

a framework that suggests a novel technique that enhances data security in

the cloud storage system. It makes use of colours and private keys to develop a

new and simple method that ensure secure storage of data in the cloud.

ST-11 A Survey on 4G Technology on Mobile Communication

N. Madhu and K. Venkata Reddy

III yr MCA, Chadalawada Ramanamma Engg. College, Tirupati. [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: 4G – “connect anytime, anywhere, anyhow” promising ubiquitous

network access at high speed to the end users, has been a topic of great

interest especially for the wireless telecom industry. 4G seems to be the

solution for the growing user requirements of wireless broadband access and

the limitations of the existing wireless communication system. The purpose of

this paper is to provide an overview of the different aspects of 4G which

includes its features, its proposed architecture and key technological enablers.

It also elaborates on the roadblocks in its implementations. A special

consideration has been given to the security concerns of 4G by discussing a

security threat analysis model proposed by International Telecommunication

Union (ITU). By applying this model, a detailed analysis of threats to 4G and

the corresponding measures to counter them can be performed.

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ST-12 A Survey on 3G vs WiFi

Harikrishna and E. Thulasi Kumar

III yr MCA, Chadalawada Ramanamma Engg. College, Tirupati. [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: In this paper we are going to compare and contrast two technologies

for delivering broadband wireless Internet access services:”3G vs WiFi”. The

former 3G, refers to the collection of third generation mobile technologies that

are designed to allow mobile operators to offer integrated data and voice

services over mobile networks, and also we are going to the 802.11b wireless

Ethernet standard that was designed to support wireless LANs. Although the

two technologies reflect fundamentally different services, industry and

architectural design goals, origins and philosophies. Each has recently

attracted a lot of attention as candidates for the dominant platform for

providing broadband wireless access to the Internet. It remains an open

question as to the extent to which these two technologies are in competition or,

perhaps, may be complementary. If they are viewed as in competition, then the

triumph of one at the expense of the other would be likely to have profound

implications for the evolution of the wireless internet and structure of the

service provider industry. In this paper we conclude that the article offers a

qualitative comparison of two wireless technologies.

ST-13 Window Azure and Cloud Computing

K. Sreenath and K. Bhupal Reddy

III yr MCA, Chadalawada Ramanamma Engg. College, Tirupati. [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: This paper introduces the value of implementing cloud computing. It

defines clouds, explains the business benefits of cloud computing, and outlines

cloud architecture and its major components. It will discover how a business

can use cloud computing to foster innovation and reduce IT costs. It describes

both a platform and a type of application. Cloud applications are applications

that are extended to be accessible through the internet. These cloud

applications use large data centers and powerful servers that host web

applications and web services. It increases profitability by improving resource

utilization. This overview gives the basic concept, defines the terms used in the

industry, and outlines the general architecture and applications of Cloud

computing. It gives a summary of Cloud Computing and provides a good

foundation for understanding.

ST-14 Dynamic HCA Protocol for a Multi-Interface Wireless Mesh


S. Parthiba Rajan1, N. P. Dharani2 and N. Keerthi3

1IV B.Tech, 2,3Asst. Professor, Dept. of ECE, CREC, Tirupati.

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[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: Both multi-interface and dynamic channel adjustment are

prevailingly used to improve the capacity and the flexibility of wireless mesh

networks (WMNs). However, overheads that are generated by uncontrolled

interface switching adversely decrease the performance of WMNs. To find a

reasonable trade-off between flexibility and switching overheads, we propose a

hybrid channel-assignment protocol (HCAP) for multi-interface WMNs. The

HCAP adopts a static interface-assignment strategy for nodes that have the

heaviest loads to avoid frequent interface switching, whereas it adopts a hybrid

interface-assignment strategy for other nodes to improve the ability of adapting

to flow change. In our implementation, we present a slot-based coordination

policy. Extensive NS2 simulations demonstrate that the HCAP improves

network capacity, enhances flexibility, and guarantees interflow fairness.

Keywords: Channel assignment, Interface switching, Multiple interfaces, Wireless mesh network (WMN).

ST-15 Surface Computing

R. Hemalatha and G. Priyamvada III yr MCA, SPMVV, Tirupati.

Abstract: Surface computing is the term for the use of a specialized computer

GUI in which traditional GUI elements are replaced by intuitive, everyday

objects. Instead of a keyboard and mouse, the user interacts directly with a

touch-sensitive screen. It is a natural user interface. Surface computer was

created by Microsoft with surface. The Surface is a horizontal display on a

table-like form. A surface computer is computer that interacts with the user

through the surface of an ordinary object, rather than through a monitor and

keyboard. Surface computing is predicted to break down traditional barriers to

technology. The intuitive user interface works without a traditional mouse

or keyboard, allowing people to interact with content and information by using

their hands and natural movements. Surface computing features four key

attributes - Multi-touch contact, Multi-user experience, Object recognition. A

surface computer is able to recognize physical objects from a paintbrush to a

cell phone and allows hands-on, direct control of content such as photos,

music and maps. Surface turns an ordinary tabletop into a dynamic surface

that provides interaction with all forms of digital content through natural

gestures, touch and physical objects.

ST-16 Google Glass

B. Vijaya Lakshmi and N. Supriya III Yr MCA, SPMVV, Tirupati.

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Abstract: The emergence of Google Glass, a prototype for a transparent Heads-

Up Display (HUD) worn over one eye, is significant. It is the first

conceptualization of a mainstream augmented reality wearable eye display by a

large company. This paper argues that Glass’s birth is not only a marketing

phenomenon heralding a technical prototype, it also argues and speculates

that Glass’s popularization is an instigator for the adoption of a new paradigm

in human-computer interaction, the wearable eye display. Google Glass is

deliberately framed in media as the brainchild of Google co-founder Sergey

Brin. Glass’s process of adoption operates in the context of mainstream and

popular culture discourses, such as the Batman myth, a phenomenon that

warrants attention. Project Glass is a research and development program by

Google to develop an augmented reality Head-Mounted Display (HMD). The

intended purpose of Project Glass products would be the hands-free displaying

of information currently available to most smart phone users, and allowing for

interaction with the Internet via natural language voice commands. These

glasses will have the combined features of virtual reality and augmented

reality. Google glasses are basically wearable computers that will use the same

Android software that powers Android smart phones and tablets. Google Glass

is as futuristic a gadget we’ve seen in recent times. A useful technology for all

kinds of people including handicapped/disabled.

ST-17 Humanoids Robotics

M. Sowjanya and V. Latha III Yr MCA, SPMVV, Tirupati.

[email protected], [email protected],

Abstract: The field of humanoids robotics, widely recognized as the current

challenge for robotics research, is attracting the interest of many research

groups worldwide. Important efforts have been devoted to the objective of

developing humanoids and impressive results have been produced, from the

technological point of view, especially for the problem of biped walking. In

Japan , important humanoid projects, started in the last decade, have been

carried on by the Waseda University and by Honda Motor Co. The Humanoid

Project of the Waseda University, started in 1992, is a joint project of industry,

government and academia, aiming at developing robots which support humans

in the field of health care and industry during their life and that share with

human information and behavioral space, so that particular attention have

been posed to the problem of human-computer interaction. Within the

Humanoid Project, the Waseda University developed three humanoid robots, as

research platforms, namely Hadaly 2,Wabian and Wendy. Impressive results

have been also obtained by Honda Motor Co. Ltd with P2 and P3, self-

contained humanoid robots with two arms and two legs, able to walk, to turn

while walking, to climb up and down stairs. These laboratories on their

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humanoid robots carry on studies on human-robot interaction, on human-like

movements and behavior and on brain mechanics of human cognition and

sensory-motor learning.