Narrated By Anneliese Garrison, RN for the TOEFL iBT ... By Anneliese Garrison, RN for the TOEFL iBT...

Narrated By Anneliese Garrison, RN for the TOEFL iBT [Disclaimer: This is intended for the private use of my listening audience who has purchased the book BARRON’S TOEFL IBT 13TH EDITION BY PAMELA J. SHARPE, Ph. D all other use is unauthorized and used without the knowledge of ]

Transcript of Narrated By Anneliese Garrison, RN for the TOEFL iBT ... By Anneliese Garrison, RN for the TOEFL iBT...

Narrated By Anneliese Garrison, RN for the TOEFL iBT [Disclaimer: This is intended for theprivate use of my listening audience who has purchased the book BARRON’S TOEFL IBT13TH EDITION BY PAMELA J. SHARPE, Ph. D all other use is unauthorized and usedwithout the knowledge of ]