Name: Professor Joyce Liddle - Aix-Marseille University · CURRICULUM VITAE Name: Professor Joyce...

`Professor Joyce Liddle © 2010 1 CURRICULUM VITAE Name: Professor Joyce Liddle French address: IMPGT (The Institute of Public Management and Territorial Government) Aix-Marseille University 21, Rue Gaston de Saporta 13625, Aix en Provence Provence France Email: [email protected] Telephone (France) + 0033 (0) 4 42170551 Mobile (UK): +44 (0) 7775406073 Present Appointment: Professeur, Head of CERGAM (Strategy and Organisations) School/Department: IMPGT, Institute of Public Management and Territorial Government, Aix-Marseilles University, France Commencement Date of Present Appointment: 1st September 2013 Qualifications Fellow (formerly Academician), British Academy of Social Sciences Fellow of RSA (International Regional Studies Assoc) Visiting Professor, University of Plymouth Visiting Professor, University of East Finland Visiting Professor, Glasgow Caledonian Visiting Professor, Newcastle Business School, Northumbria) Visiting Professor, Edge Hill University PhD, University of Warwick, MA Politics, University of Durham, BA Combined Honours, University of Durham, CNAA Cert Ed (FE/HE), University of Durham, A Levels Sociology and Politics, New College Durham. Previous appointments Since 1989 (for the past 26 years) I have been researching and teaching in five very different Universities in the United Kingdom, as well as teaching and researching as a Visiting Professor in France, Brazil, Finland, China, Trinidad, Jamaica, Czech Republic-I have also been an invited Professor at many others

Transcript of Name: Professor Joyce Liddle - Aix-Marseille University · CURRICULUM VITAE Name: Professor Joyce...

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Name: Professor Joyce Liddle French address: IMPGT (The Institute of Public Management and Territorial Government) Aix-Marseille University 21, Rue Gaston de Saporta 13625, Aix en Provence Provence France Email: [email protected]

Telephone (France) + 0033 (0) 4 42170551

Mobile (UK): +44 (0) 7775406073

Present Appointment: Professeur, Head of CERGAM (Strategy and Organisations)

School/Department: IMPGT, Institute of Public Management and Territorial Government, Aix-Marseilles University, France

Commencement Date of Present Appointment: 1st September 2013


Fellow (formerly Academician), British Academy of Social Sciences Fellow of RSA (International Regional Studies Assoc) Visiting Professor, University of Plymouth Visiting Professor, University of East Finland Visiting Professor, Glasgow Caledonian Visiting Professor, Newcastle Business School, Northumbria) Visiting Professor, Edge Hill University PhD, University of Warwick, MA Politics, University of Durham, BA Combined Honours, University of Durham, CNAA Cert Ed (FE/HE), University of Durham, A Levels Sociology and Politics, New College Durham.

Previous appointments

Since 1989 (for the past 26 years) I have been researching and teaching in five very different Universities in the United Kingdom, as well as teaching and researching as a Visiting Professor in France, Brazil, Finland, China, Trinidad, Jamaica, Czech Republic-I have also been an invited Professor at many others

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2012-Sept 2013



Professor of Public Leadership and Head, Centre for Leadership and Strategy, Teesside Business School, Middlesbrough, TS13BA Professor of Public Management, Head of International Centre for PSM, Nottingham Business School Associate Professor of Public Policy, International Centre for Public and Social Policy, University of Nottingham

1999-2006 Lecturer in Strategy, Durham Business School, University of Durham, Director MA in Management, Admissions Tutor, MA in Management

2002- date Company Secretary, Cohda Design Limited, Newcastle (part time)

2001-date Principal Consultant (occasional), Anderson Grounds, London Regeneration Consultants

2001-Date Public sector expert, Enabling Development, York, UK 1991-1999 Business School, University of Sunderland Senior Lecturer

in Business Policy and Strategy MBA Director (Strategic Management & Corporate Strategy, Module Leader, Research Methods, Module Leader, Public Sector Management, Research Leader. Worked extensively in Slovakia, Amsterdam and Greece, teaching managers on MBA/MSc Quality Programmes)

1990-1991 Training Officer, Northern Training Trust (Responsible for developing and delivering management training for local business people, women returnees and foreign delegates, in collaboration with ILO, Paris).

1989-1990 Research Officer, Teesside Chamber of Commerce ( One year post surveying 200 senior managers in the Teesside Travel to Work area for labour market information (report incorporated into 1988 White Paper setting up Training Enterprise Councils TECs)

1989-1990 Research Assistant, Department of Economics, University of Durham Interviewing and data collection

1988-1990 New College, Durham (FE/HE) Part time lecturer. Duties: Teaching ('A' level politics and social studies HNC/HND Public Administration, Housing studies,BA (Hons) Criminal Justices Delivering external courses for local employers in public and private sectors)

1988-1989 Researcher, Social and Community Planning Research (SCPR), and University of Durham (Involved researching for government departments and research institutes. Mainly interviewing senior managers)

1976-1988 Company Director, Wear Optics, Bowburn Co Durham Family firm (8 employees). Duties associated with running a family Business

1973-1977 Executive Officer, Home Civil Service Managing a staff of fifteen people.

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Academic Service between 2008-2012 School responsibilities at Nottingham Business School between March 2008-January 2012 Head of International Centre for Public Services Management (ICPSM). Leading Public Management in Nottingham Business School, developing and raising its profile with public sector CEOs across East Midlands and beyond. Networking and developing links with all public agencies. Developed ICPSM Strategy, created and maintained ICPSM internal and external seminar series Delivered ICPSM seminars and delivered Research Workshops on 'How to get published 'Graduate School, BLISS seminar' Researching in Regeneration' Invited to take over from Professor David Mason on Graduate School Annual Research Student's Seminars Informal research mentoring (W Teng, M Jones, K Greenhalgh, P Murphy, R Edden, Gamal Ibrahim) and ESRC PhD Case Awards Liaison with Graduate School Member of University and Schools Professoriates Member of School Research Policy Group Contributor to Economics Division Annual Research Report Supervising PhD, DBAs, MPA, MScs and examines/acts as Independent Chair for PhD vivas School responsibilities at Nottingham University (2006-2008) Director MPA/MPP and Director of Executive MPA, Marketing and Admissions for MPA/MPP and Executive MPA Staff Development Officer. Developed Staff Induction Programme Admissions, marketing, inductions and other associated duties associated with programme directorship. Contributed to the Business School's MBA Executive Programme and had excellent feedback from the senior managers. Also asked to contribute to a World Bank course for Korean civil servants at Nottingham, but the funding was withdrawn at a late stage. Worked with International Office to develop MPA/MPP programmes by distance/blended learning for delivery in China, the Middle East and Kazakhstan.

Honours and Distinctions 1998-2015 2015 2015

2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2014 2014 2014

External on Professorial Appointments Committee, Manchester BS Invited as Visiting Professor at Newcastle BS and Edge Hill University Rapporteur/assessor of British Academy Awards Theme Leader, IRSPM, Shaping the future-reinvention or revolution, Research knowledge and utilisation in PSM Keynote at Social Entrepreneurship & Sustaianbaility Summer School, Universita degli studi d Milano Invited speaker, INET, Strasbourg, Management of HRM in PS across Europe Invited speaker, UFPT, Aix en Provence, Local reforms across Europe

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2014 2014

2014 2014 2014 2014

2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013

2013 2013 2013

2013 2013 2013

2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013

2013 2013

2012 2012 2012 2012



2012 2012 2012 2011

Chair of EAB, International Journal of PSM External examiner (DBA, NTU), (PhD, Plymouth) External Advisor, appointment of Professor and Associate Professor ,Appointment Committee, Ghana Business School External examiner, 2 X European PhDs, University of Tor Vergata, Italy External Validator on Singapore DBA (on behalf of Napier BS) Keynote address, COST PhD Training School, Rebuilding Trust in LG, University of Siena, Italy, 29th Sept-2nd Oct 2014 External reviewer for the appointment of the Dean of Ghana School of Policy and PA (Prof Osei) and for an SL post at same institution Steering Committee member, Euro MED Conference, Rome, October 2014 ASPAA/EGPA Co theme leader, Transatlantic Dialogue with Prof D Krane, Nebraska,USA, on Network Governance, Lugano, Switzerland IRSPM, Ottawa, Canada-SIG-joint theme leader for Academic-practitioner interaction theme IRSPM, Ottawa, Canada-SIG-joint theme leader on two themes-Collaborative Leadership theme and on theme on links between HEI and practice From 1st January, invited national Chair of UK Joint University Council Visit to 5 x Gulf States on behalf of IMPGT to investigate civil service training across the Gulf states Referee for D LItt at West of Scotland, and referee for 3 Professor and two Readers (various universities) National UK expert-keynote speaker at Act 3 de la decentralisation, Council of Europe, INET and IMPGT Conference for CEOs in Local Government Invited member, IJPS Performance Management (IJPSPM) journal, EAB Invited member , Local Economy, EAB Invited member, Teaching Public Administration, EAB Invited speaker at High Level MLG Conference; Northumbria Invited speaker at GCU Profs/Readers’ Forum on ‘Open Access Publishing’ External on Professorial Appointments Committee, GCU Invited keynote-Sunderland Business Launch of RISE research centre-‘How to get published and develop a research profile’ External expert, Napier University, REF sub mission (Business and Management) External expert, Northumbria University, REF submission (Business and Management) Invited speaker, INET Paris, Local Government Conference, Paris, January Invited to summarise PAC-Glasgow Caledonian University workshop on Multi Level Governance-February Organising European research on LG Performance Management (UK cases) for INET, Paris-research visits to 3 UK LGs, March

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2011 Theme Leader, RSA Europe Conference on Urban and regional leadership, Tampere, Finland, May Theme Leader HE-Practitioner links, IRSPM Conference Prague-April External expert-Aston University REF Submission (Public Policy and Sociology) Co-organiser and speaker-Rural Services Network-Regeneration and Rural Services (Teesside)-June Organiser Regeneration Management one day event, Darlington-July Academic convenor, Joint PAC-EGPA/IIAS Conference, Edinburgh-PAC Conference Convenor-September Invited speaker-MLG-the missing linkage, University of Northumbria-Professor Ongaro-October External expert evaluating University of Plymouth 2013 REF submission Invited to speak at Academy of Finland on global journal rankings and impact Appointed, Vice Chair Joint University Council Invited to U of Eastern Finland to speak about journal citations External expert-Plymouth University REF Submission (PA, Politics and HR) Organiser Annual Regeneration Management Research Network (Coventry)-Post Labour-The Regeneration Agenda Keynote speaker, University of Masaryk, Czech Republic- Public Sector- current trends in PS Research: The new challenges of PSM Theme Leader at IRSPM, Rome (HE and PSM) Appointed as Plymouth external examiner (BSc PSM and Business) External expert –Selection from 14 Chair applicants, University of Stockholm-Professor of Non-Profit and Public Sector Management Invited Visiting Professor, Paul Cezanne University, Aix En Provence, France Chair of Joint University Council Public Administration Committee, the Learned Society for UK Public Administration, from May 2011

Professorial Inaugural Lecture’ No more heroes’ University of Teesside

2011 Invited member ’Leadership of Place’ University of Newcastle International RSA

2011 Invited Roundtable member, PSA ‘The future of LG’, Novotel London

2011 Invited Roundtable member, Aston’ The future of the discipline of PA’

2011 Conference Organiser, Regeneration Management Research, University of Liverpool ‘The Big Society: One year on’

2011 Invited speaker at Solvay Business School, Brussels 2010 Invited speaker at Brazilian Academy of Public Management 2010 Nominated as Fellow of RSA 2010 Invited theme leader at International Regional Studies Association

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Annual Conference, Pecs, Budapest, Hungary, April 2010 2010 Academician, AcSS. Nominated by the International Regional

Studies Association 2010 Invited as a Visiting Professor, University of Teesside, and

Advisory Board Member, Social Futures Institute 2010 Speaker at ESRC event on ‘BME Communities, voice and agency’,

University of Bradford 2010 Expert panel member on ‘The Big Debate’ in Cardiff. Debate on

leading the public and private sectors in an ‘era of austerity’ 2009 Invited member of Nottingham Partnership Executive

Development Group, small group of City, County and District CEOs to strategically determine development and training needs of public sector members and officers in Nottinghamshire

2009 Invited keynote speaker at the first Caribbean Conference on Local Government, Arthur Lewis Centre, University of the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica, January 8-9th

2009 Invited keynote speaker at National School of Government organised event with the South African Minister for Local Government, and a group of SA Local Government CEOs, on UK Local Government changes, 11th February, 2009

2009 Invited speaker at NTU East Riding Yorkshire Council on Multi-spatial challenges in the UK, 12th February, 2009

2009 Invited speaker at NTU Third Sector Workshop, organised by Business, Creation and Innovation Unit., 18th February, 2009

2009 Invited keynote speaker at National School of Government event on Strategic Commissioning 26th February, 2009

2009 Invited keynote speaker at University of Birmingham School of Housing, seminar on 'skills needs for regeneration managers', 16th March

2009 Co-organiser and Chair of Third RSA International Workshop on 'Collective Leadership, Government Office SW, Bristol 20th March

2009 Invited Chair at JUC/PAC Seminar on Freedom of Information, University of Durham, April 2009

2009 Co-organiser of NBS-Stockholm University BS Research Symposium on ' Emerging Issues facing PS Managers in the 21st Century', May

2009 Co-Organiser of the 9th Regeneration Management Annual Research Network, 'Innovation and Regeneration Management' at Lancaster University Management School, 25th June

2009 Invited keynote speaker at European Sport Development Network Conference, Nottingham, 3-4th Sept 2009

2009 Invited steering group member and theme leader for International Conference on Tourism Management, Kos, Greece, 11-14th Sept 2009

Invited Scientific Steering Group member, World Summit on Public Management Training and Development, Corvinus University, Budapest, Hungary.

2009 June 2009 onwards Invited mentor to Dr Josie Kelly of Aston University

2008 December Invited member of the UK MPA accreditation

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committee, Liverpool (joint PAC/PMPA/CIFPA/NSG initiative) 2008 November Track Committee member of 3rd International

Conference on Digital Information Management, E Governance track, London, UK, 13-16th November 2008

2008 September Invited Round Table member, with Sir Gus O'Donnell, Cabinet Secretary and Head of the Home Civil Service, and National School of Government officials on 'skills needs for civil servants'.

2008 18th June Organiser of the 8th Regeneration Management Annual Research Network, 'Regeneration and the 3rd Sector' Nottingham Business School, Nottingham Trent, UK

2008 19th June Organiser of the RSA Research Network, Leading citizen- driven governance: Collective regional and sub-regional leadership in the UK and beyond, Nottingham Business School, Nottingham Trent, UK

2008 March Invited discussant at the Annual PSA Conference, Swansea, theme 'Exploring the trajectory of English Regionalism, 1-3rd April, 2008

2007-8 Invited to give seminars on regeneration management and leadership at the Universities of Hull and Liverpool Business Schools, University of Lincoln. Invited speaker at EM Urban Partnership Group (Oct 2007) and DNA Wales (Feb 2008)

2007 Gateway Convenor, Theme Regional Well Being, RSA International Conference, Lisbon, 2nd-5th April 2007

2007 Chaired session at the ESRC Seminar, 2007, Dynamics of Knowledge Production between academic research and the practice of Public Services Management, Kings Fund, London, 26th June 2007 (collaboration with Professors Currie, Starkey and Dingwall Nottingham Business School and Professor Benington and Hartley of Warwick Business School)

2007 Theme Leader and convenor at the 2007 Annual PAC Conference Something Old, New, Borrowed, Blue Where Next for Public Administration in the Devolved UK? Stormont Hotel, Belfast, Monday 3rd - 5th September 2007,Theme: Policy and Practice: The Challenge for Local Governance After the White Paper


Invited to take the chair of Intelligence East Midlands (IEM). This is the intelligence network for whole of the East Midlands and is part of Regeneration East Midlands, the Regional Observatory and East Midlands Development Agency (EMDA) Invited member of Shared Intelligence, the local information system for Nottinghamshire County Invited speaker at the East Midlands Urban Partnership Group, East Midlands Development Agency, October 2007, on 'The role of Business in Regional Regeneration'.

2006 Reviewer on the Scientific Committee of Barcelona, Spain, Conference on Public Private Partnership (University of Barcelona: organiser) in June 2006. Special advisor to the Guest Editors for a 2007 Special Edition of Local Government Studies, on Public Private Partnerships.

2006 Keynote speaker and session chair at The Caribbean's first Public Sector Management Conference, University of West Indies '

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Governance, Institutions and Networks', Trinidad and Tobago, October 2006

2006 Theme Chair at International Regional Studies Conferences in Aix en Provence, France (2005) and Leuven, Belgium (2006), Lisbon (2007)

2006 External expert on Welsh Assembly DNA Wales, Network, Research and Education Programme (from October 2006) Academic Group member, DNA Wales, Collaborative network of management researchers to support managers in public and private sectors, policy makers and practitioners in Wales.

2006-7 Chair of sessions at EFMD International Conferences in Nottingham (2005), Aix en Provence, France (2006) and Madrid (2007)

2006 Invited speaker at University of Osnabruk and Hans Bockler Foundation, Osnabruk, Germany on Regional Government, 2005


Scientific Committee member, European Foundation for Management, Development (EFMD) Public Sector Network. One of only two invited UK members on a committee of 12 European academics and senior public servants

2004 Regular, invited contributor to Regions' Newsletter, International Regional Studies Association (International readership). Have contributed numerous articles and special editions on International Perspectives on Managing Regeneration (single authored and joint authored). This is the leading learned society for Regional Studies in the world.

2004 Invited by ODPM to provide two seminars, (1) on Leadership within Regeneration for senior regeneration managers, and (2) on how young researchers can get published.

2004-6 Responsible for setting up a national Regeneration Management Research Forum, which is in its tenth year (alternating between Durham, Liverpool and Nottingham) and each year the outputs from the workshop have been published in either academic refereed journals or professional publications). 2004 outputs produced a Special Edition of a Journal and a publication that was distributed to all 350 CEOs of UK Local authorities, from CLES in Manchester. 2006 outputs were a Special Edition of PPM, and a book proposal to Policy Press.

2003-6 Chair of sessions at International Research Symposium on Public Management (IRSPM) at Edinburgh (2003) Budapest, Hungary (2004), Bocconi, Italy (2005), Glasgow (2006)

2002-5 Instigated and managed three national Regeneration one-day conferences (on partnerships, regionalism and devolution) and they were all well attended by practitioners and academics. Able to engage high profile speakers such as Joyce Quin, MP, Lord Haskins, advisor to Tony Blair, as well as representatives from IOD, CBI, FBS and the British Institute of Chambers of Commerce

Regular Invited to DTI (Department of Trade and Industry) as was, ODPM (Office of Deputy PM), as was, Government Office and Regional Development Agency seminars to contribute to the policy debate.


2000, 2001 (Twente, Holland), 2002 (Sheffield Hallam: organiser),

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International Regional Studies Annual Conference (Angers, France, 2002, Aix en Provence, France 2003 and Pisa, Italy 2004) , International Symposium on Public Management (Edinburgh, 2003, Budapest, 2004), Ethics in Public Management and Freedom of Information (University of Durham ,Durham Castle, 2005), as well EFMD Public Sector Network International Conference. At the 2005 EFMD PSN event in Nottingham, 2005, was invited to share the podium with the German Minister for the Interior and summarise the whole conference. Also chaired sessions at the 2006 EFMDPSN conference in Marseilles, France and 2007 EFMD PSN, Madrid). Member of the Scientific Committee of EFMD, PSN in Brussels, and selected papers for the Marseilles, France, Conference in June 2006 and Madrid Conference in 2007, Dublin Conference 2008..


Regularly invited to Chair International Conference themes, such as the International Conference on Public/Private Partnerships 1998, 1999 (Dublin, Ireland),

Other Esteem Indicators

2011 Consulting editor and EAB member of an Emerald Journal ‘Public

Leadership’- 2011 Invited theme leader at IRSPM Dublin 11-13th April, ‘Value,

Innovation and Partnerships’ Theme: HEI-Public managers engagement in an era of Austerity


Examined 52 PhDs and 5MPhil

2010 Academic Convenor of National Public Administration Committee Conference, NTU, 6-8th Sept

2010 Conference organiser Regeneration Management Research Workshop, Jaguar Centre University of Coventry, 30th June

2010 Special editor, Special Edition of International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy on ‘Third Sector’

2010 Special editor of CLES Publication on’ Innovation and Regeneration. Manchester

2009 Special editor, Local Government Studies on ‘Regeneration Management and Globalisation


Editor in Chief, International Journal of Public Sector Management Book Review editor International Journal of Public Sector Management

- International Editor for the Ege Academic Review Journal. - Editorial board member of Local Government Studies. - Research Advisory Member of the Journal of Place Management and

Development. - Editorial Advisory Board Member, International Management

Journals, International Journal of Neighbourhood Renewal.

- Invited member of editorial selection board of Editorial Board Member

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- EFMD Public Sector Network, Scientific Steering Committee member - World Summit on Public Sector Skills and Training, Scientific

Steering Committee member - Visiting Professor, University of Kuopio, Finland - Invited to be Visiting Professor , University of Teesside - Guest editor- As already shown at Special Editions - Keynote speaker (Brno, Czech Republic, Jamaica, Kuopio, Finland

and others such as South African Ministry of Local Government at National School of Government)

- Keynote speaker (Brno, Czech Republic, Jamaica, Kuopio, Finland and others such as South African Ministry of Local Government at National School of Government) Special advisor to DNA Wales, Welsh Assembly

- ESRC Panel member on Clusters and Business in regions (invited). Principal academic convenor: Dr Tassilo Herrschel, University of Westminster

- ESRC reviewer and rapporteur - Journal reviewer and book reviewer for all notable public

administration and policy journals and reputable publishers (too many to mention)

- Advising and mentoring Director of Change at Safer Nottingham Partnership

- Executive member: Nottinghamshire Partnership Development Group

- Chair of Intelligence East Midlands

Membership of other bodies/external positions held Academic and Professional Activities outside of the University Within REF period Acted as University of Nottingham, and still NTU representative on the UK-MPA network, Honorary Treasurer of the Joint University Council between 1st April 2005- 2011 (invited) and member of the national Public Administration Committee. Chair of JUC –PAC from 2011 Vice Chair of JUC from November 2011 Have spoken in China, Brazil, Brussels, Finland, Jamaica and Trinidad on UK policy changes and leadership in the public services Also invited speaker (University of Kuopio, Finland) and Visiting Professor 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012 and keynote speaker at numerous International Conferences (eg Brazil, Trinidad, Jamaica, Masaryk, Czech Rep) Visiting Professor at Teesside (2009-2012), Eastern Finland (currently) and Paul Cezanne, Marseille, France (between 2008-2013)

Prior to 2011 Acted as a mentor to the Commander of Police, Northumbria Force, member, East Durham LSP, County Durham Economic Regeneration Partnership, County Durham Strategic Partnership, County Durham Area Business Support Network (until April 2006) and a critical friend to CEO, City of Durham Council (until 2004), and Advisor to Megara Municipality, SW Greece (until 2003). Moreover I was a member of East Midlands Business Award Panel in April 2007. Worked with various regional and local agencies offering advice and carrying

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out research. Was seconded for five days to Nottingham City Council on a Customer Satisfaction project. Regular contributor to local and national media (eg Sunday Times, Journal newspaper, Chamber of Commerce News).Regular advisor to Critical Eye magazine on public management Provided references for senior Chair promotion panels at Edge Hill University (2006) and University of Surrey (2007), Ulster (2008) University of West Indies (2009) Tel Aviv(2010), Bocconi, Italy(2010),as well invited panel member for promotions/recruitment (North East Wales Institute of HE, Business School, Aston Business School, University of West of Scotland, Teesside) Advisor on public sector RAE submission to University of Ulster, October 2006 Locally and regionally Regularly invited to assess policy documents, write strategies and act as an expert witness. Examples were City of Durham Economic Development Strategy, external expert to Redcar and Cleveland's Scrutiny Committee (August, 2005), advisory role to Tees Valley Strategic Partnership's Action Plan, and Cleveland Police Chief Constable of Cleveland Police, and Police Authority prior to the decision to take the Home Secretary to a Judicial Review on Merging of UK Police Forces, 2005/6. Acted as mentor to Director of Change, Nottinghamshire Safety Board (2009) Internationally 2005, invited by the Hans Bocker Research Foundation and University of Osnabruk in Germany to present a paper at the International Conference on 'Good Regional Governance' and the paper will be a chapter of the book to be published early 2006 (see section on publications) 2004, Advisor to Megara Municipality in Greece and have recently been working with Greek and UK colleagues (academics and practitioners) to develop a research programme comparing Greek and UK local and regional governance changes. ENAE, the Greek Association of Municipalities has agreed to offer sponsorship, and made a personal visit to Athens in 2004 to negotiate sponsorship with Secretary General of ENAE. 1999-2005, Was present in India, Mexico and London at MA/MBA recruitment events, during my time at Durham as MA Director. While in India delivered a series of lectures at the British Council in Delhi on 'Research Methods' and on current research in regeneration to existing and prospective MA in Management students, and was responsible for holding workshops on 'Studying at the University of Durham'. In Mexico, interviewed students for entry onto the MBA Programme, and gave seminars on 'Studying at the University of Durham'.

Research Research supervision and examination I have examined 52 PhD/DBAs and MPhils since 2005 plus hundreds of Masters Research degrees (MPhil and Research by Masters) in UK and overseas, Finland, West Indies, France and others I also completed 10 internal examinations been an independent non-examining chair while at Teesside

In the past I have supervised nearly 30 Doctoral students to successful viva and graduation and literally hundreds of postgraduate dissertations (2 PhD students were ESRC Case Award winners with GOEM and DWP)

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Examples-too numerous to list all Successful PhDs/DBA s at Nottingham University and NTU

Property Repair and Maintenance Procurement (viva: May 2009) Business models and their application to the UK University sector (viva January 2010) Customer satisfaction in Job Centre Plus (viva-May 2011, with Professor B Stafford of Nottingham University) Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnerships and strategy (viva- November 2010)

Louise Geddes, Partnerships in CJS PhD/DBAs

Between March 2008-l January 2012 I supervised six PhD/DBA students, One a VC Bursary Award winner and the others self-financed (at NTU)

Turnaround strategies for LG (successful viva: November 2012) Institutions and Local Economic Development in Hungary

Partnership and stakeholder engagement as a precursor to building ‘Confidence’ in the Nottinghamshire Criminal Justice System

NHS and sustainability Corporate Governance on Irish PS Boards HEIs and measurement of student satisfaction Since January 2012 I continue to supervise 3 PhD s/DBA s at NTU

Turnaround strategies for LG (M Jones:successful viva: November 2012) Corporate Governance on Irish PS Boards (D Byrne) Performance Management in LG (P Murphy)

and 7 PhDs/ DBAs in Teesside, plus 2 PhDs + 2 Research masters in Eastern Finland and 4 in Aix-Marseille

David Irwin (Advocacy) David Goodchild (LA performance measurement in the UK) Emmanuel (LA performance measurement in Nigeria) Eliyama (with P Smith) (Leadership in Education) Alistair Bowden (Strategy and Community engagement)-VC Competitive Scholarship Jocelyn Tawtanwy (The legacy of the Olymics) Andy Allen (Academy Schools and Strategy) Jaana Huuri in Eastern Finland (Public Laboratories and Social Enterprises) Thomas Bozzo in Marseilles (Leadership in PS Transport) Nicolas Alfano (Resilience in Gendarmerie) Mohammed Armali-co-production of public services in Bahrein Morris Zombo–Local Water Service provision in Angola

Between 1999 and 2015 –supervised many hundreds of MPA/MPP/MPA China, MBA, MA Management, MSc student dissertations

Research Grants External income 2005-13 (Successful)

October 2012

£3000 Leading the RSA Network-Leadership and urban/regional development-International RSA, with colleagues from Tampere, Adelaide, Wanginen, Prague, Edge Hill

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October 2012

£5000 Digital City, Middlesbrough-Social Impact Evaluation

June 2010 HEIF Proposal

£25000 In collaboration with Dr Hunter of Social Sciences,NTU To research the public leadership, collaborative partnership development and policy orientated needs across the City and County of Nottinghamshire

June 2010

15,000 Euros Joint application to Visegrad Fund and Europe of Citizens Fund Evaluation of long-term impact of the Operational Programme Human resources and employment on target groups -with Dr Oto Potuka of the University of Economics Prague. Human Resources and Employment Operational programme 2007-2013 Priority Axes 1, 2 and 3, measures 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4

December 2009

£25,000 Continuance of UK Cabinet Office and IDeA/LGID. Office for Civic Society Commissioning workshops and research.

May 2009 £47,250 over three years Agreement from Nottinghamshire Local Criminal Justice Board and Nottingham Prison to support 3x year PhD Case Award on 'Public Confidence Agenda'


£17,000 UK Cabinet Office and IDeA. Office of the Third Sector Research, case study preparation (x20) and training workshops for Third Sector Commissioners


£3000 RSA Research Network, Leading citizen- driven governance: Collective regional and sub-regional leadership in the UK and beyond. 18 month project. (with Professor John Diamond, Edge Hill University).


£47,250 over three years ESRC collaborative PhD award with the Dept of Work and Pensions: "Customer satisfaction in Job Centre Plus". Student: Nicki Senior; supervision with Prof.Bruce Stafford, University of Nottingham


£47,250 over three years. ESRC collaborative PhD award with the Govt Office of the East Midlands: "An analysis of Collaborative Public Management? The implementation of the Prevent and Deter strand of the Prolific and Priority Offender programme".Student: Louise Geddes; supervision with Prof. David Smith, NTU.


£40,000 In collaboration with Nottingham Trent Business School Funder: Nottingham City Council Title : Analysis of customer

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satisfaction data with senior service heads 2006-07

£20,000 In collaboration with Professors Currie, Starkey, and Dingwall) Funder:Dean's Fund Award, University of Nottingham. Title: Dynamics of Knowledge Production between academic research and the practice of Public Services Management Co-investigator

2006 £20,000 In collaboration with Open University and Aston ESRC Seminar Series ‘Regional Management and multi-level governance’

2005 £35 000 Sole investigator Funder: Higher Education Innovation Fund (HEIF) Title : Short courses on Regeneration Management and Entrepreneurship for managers in NE regional agencies. Award:

Additional Member of ESRC Seminar series on BME Communities, with University of Manchester and Bradford, 2010 Key member of other ESRC Seminar series (invited as a core panel member or principal investigator).

- Member, ESRC Panel on local governance and community engagement (between 2002-4) (invited). Prinicipal academic convenor: Professor Stephen Osborne, Aston University

- Member ESRC Panel on Clusters and Business in regions (2005-7) (invited). Principal academic convenor: Dr Tassilo Herrschel, University of Westminster

- Member ESRC Panel on Political Parties, commenced 18th January 2007

‘ External income 2008-15 (Pending or unsuccessful)

2015 2015


Leverhulme International Bid-Towards a Smarter and Socially Inclusive Leadership of Place, with Univs of Birmingham, Middlesex, Tampere, Waningen (54,000 GBP) Pending Extension of RSA Research Network-Leadership and urban/regional development-International RSA, with colleagues from Tampere, Adelaide, Wanginen, Prague, Edge Hill (10,000 GBP) Pending ANR-DFG Franco-German Call in Humanities and Social Sciences, with colleagues from Aix-Marseille and

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2014 (May)




Late 2012



2012 -May

2012-April (unsuccessful)

Potsdam on ‘Reforming local public services in posy NPM era; Privatization & Re-Municipalisation from cross country perspectives, Bid for 293,887.20 Euros RSA Research Network on Urban and Regional Leadership, with colleagues from Birmingham, Tampere and others Bid for 10,000 sterling Project Leader-ESRC-The ‘Being Involved in Localism (BIL)’ Project Investigating the impacts of localism on public engagement: developing theory, informing practice (£2m-Teesside, Durham, Warwick, Birmingham)

Invited advisor on European project-COST-Reform of the local public sector-international comparisons (Directors G Bouckaert and S Kuhlmann-Germany)-working with Dr Emil Turc & Dr Marcel Guenon, Aix en Provence

Project Director of EU Project on social innovation-entrepreneurship- FP7-SSH-2013-2 with colleagues in Teesside, Poland, Gran Canaria and Aberdeen (pending)

Finnish Academy-Customer perceptions in health (pending) with University of Warwick, Eastern Finland, University of London (£4m) (pending)

ESRC KTP- Tees Valley Local Resiliency Forum-developing a Scenario Planning/Horizon Scanning Forum (abandonded as the chief officer moved on)

Urban Studies Seminar Competition ‘Sharing theories, concepts and methodologies for investigating urban and regional leadership’ (£20k)- unsuccessful

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EU Project on Public Procurement in Visegrad Countries (with Dr Jiri Hajek/Dr Lucie Vrova of Economics Univeristy, Prague) (pending)

ESRC KTP-ILG- Public Sector Reform and impacts on communities (£200K)-unsuccessful

External advisor-Exercise, Pregnancy and Health: a study to examine women’s exercise practices and perceptions of exercise and local authority service provision during various stages of pregnancy-Nuffield proposal-C Mackintosh, Dr Narko, NTU-£100k (unsuccessful)

Rural Issues-What Key Strategic approaches are used by CEOs of Local Authorities to engage in the sustainability agenda?-Esmee Fairbairn or Rowntree-£20k-Teess, NTU

Community Leadership in Housing CIH Bid £5k David Butler Bursary Award

ILG Public Services and Business School-Public Sector Restructuring, Austerity and the Future role of Business Schools-April 2012 £10k

ILG Social Enterprise £40k Proposal to develop a two-fold action research project for

(i) Assisting Durham CC in asset transfer of community

facilities for alternate/addition use or new social

enterprises, and(ii) Assisting Northumberland CC in

developing commissioning practices to encourage social

enterprise development in delivery of need-targeted public

services-11th May.TBS-Social Sciences

ILG Alcan £10kProposal to scope and define the

basis for longitudinal research into the economic, social,

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community and service delivery impacts attributable to the

closure of Alcan-12th April 2012-TBS-Social Siences

ESRC Small Grants Scheme £10000 Project Title: Trent "Bridge" capacity building and knowledge transfer project JES Reference Number: ES/J001619/1 (Liddle, Murphy, Johnson)

International Policy & research network on Territories of Social Responsibility 30th April 2011-03-28 3-5 year research project Profs J Liddle and R Gomes

2011 March

British Academy UK Latin American Link Programme £20,000 Performance Management, monitoring and measurement of public service delivery Prof J Liddle & Prof Ricardo Gomes-unsuccessful

February-March 2011

British Academy Small Grant £7,500 Revisiting the role of the street level bureaucrat in the 21st Century Prof J.Liddle & Prof K Cassidy, NTU

December 2010 (Unsuccessful)

£300k research bid on Public Health Research about ‘Developing young people’s social and emotional wellbeing (SEW)’. The research is in collaboration with Professor Jean Underwood and Dr Lucy Betts of the School of Psychology, NTU

September 2010 (Unsuccessful) 600.000 Euros (for period 2011-2015) New Global Challenge: Citizens’ Choices and Inefficient Welfare Service Delivery Managing finite resources and infinite demands on welfare services With Professor Vuori and Tritter (Kuopio and Warwick) University of East Finland Decision November 2010

May 2010 (Unsuccessful) £20000

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British Academy UK-Latin America Link Programme-e governance together-developing citizen governance in

In collaboration with Dr Orr, Hull, Dr Rodrigo Cordoba Pachon, Royal Holloway and Dr Ocha-Arias, Venezuala

May 2010 National Survey of Deans/Directors of Business Schools on Academic Structures- in collaboration with Professor J Wilson, University of Salford funding is being sought to develop the survey instrument

March 2010 (UK, Finland and Japan) (Unsuccessful)

150,000 Euros Developing a comparative methodology about citizens’ behaviour in a frame of welfare services in global settings (UK, Finland and Japan) The Japanese Foundation in Finland... In collaboration with Professor Vouri of Kuopio, Finland, Professor Tritter of Warwick and Professors in Japan and Taiwan

March 2010 Nottinghamshire Criminal Justice System In collaboration with Harry Barton

KTP £46,000 Developing a model of implementation and an evidence base on engagement and partnership working as requisites to drive the public confidence agenda Withdrawn: replaced by sponsored PhD from RAE monies

Knowledge, Culture and leadership change in Wales: Towards a sustainable future

-DNA Wales, and Welsh Research Unit for Governance and Leadership In collaboration with Dr Paul Thomas, Glamorgan Business School

June 2010 Leverhulme proposal with University of Birmingham

-Title: total Place- LAAs and Performance management and evaluation (issues of accountability, governance and stakeholder engagement) £1400,000 Under review: Decision pending

May 2010 Nottinghamshire Partnership

-Joint bid with Urban Leadership for Leadership research and training £70,000 Under review: Decision pending (October 2010)

March 2010 ESRC PhD Case studentship Vanessa Wilkes

£47,500 over 3 years Public Sector Commissioning and the Third Sector (in collaboration with Dr Don Harradine)- submitted March

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2010-decision pending

Nottingham University (2006-2008) Contribution to School's Research Strategy Member of ICPSP and developed significant national and international research collaborations to support the School Research Strategy. As well as supporting PhD students, I developed a strong record in research in local and regional regeneration policy and management. I was involved in a number of ERSC and other external grant applications.

Significant personal achievements in research and scholarship In Nottingham University RAE 2008 submission I was described as a 'pioneer' in research into regeneration management. I was the founder of a Regeneration Management Research Network, created eleven years ago at the University of Durham Business School, and every year since then, an annual event ( normally chaired by me) has attracted approximately 40-60 senior academics, politicians, policy makers and practitioners. It has also resulted in numerous publications and other outputs (of an academic, practice and policy related nature). I am regularly invited to speak and to advise in policy, practice and academic forums at international, European, regional and local levels of governance and am a member of numerous committees. I am one of only two invited UK representatives on the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) in Brussels. I was elected as an Academician of AcSS in 2010 for my contribution to social sciences, and as a Fellow of the International RSA for my contribution to regional studies. I took the Chair of JUC, PAC, the Learned Society for UK public administration during 2011.

Generally I am the editor and book editor of the International Journal of Public Sector Management and was awarded 'Emerald Literati Awards for Excellence, Leading Editor, 2005' Emerald Publishers, Bradford, UK. This was awarded by 140 Managing editors and Emerald Board of Directors for outstanding editorial duties. I am also the invited international editor of Ege Academic Review Journal, Ege, Bornova, Izmir, Turkey, as well as invited editorial board member of Local Government Studies, Teaching Public Administration, Research Advisory Member of the Journal of Place Management and Development, and Editorial Advisory Board Member, International Management Journals, (invited), International Journal of Neighbourhood Renewal (invited), www,

I am a regular reviewer for books, monographs, series and other publications with most prominent academic publishers (too many to list, but invited expert for an International Series on Public Management: Editor Professor Stephen Osborne of Edinburgh and on Norman Flynn's Public Management: International Perspectives, Sage). I was invited member of editorial selection board of a Special Edition of Public Administration Quarterly, 31(4), 2008, by Professor Shamsul Haque of Hong Kong University, Special Editor, and in 2006-7 acted as Review editor for Special Edition of Local Government Studies on Partnerships (2008). Professor Germa Bel, University of Barcelona (Editor) and review editor for a Special Edition of Local Government Studies on Community Leadership and

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Local Government (2007, Professor Steve Martin and Dr James Downe, University of Cardiff (Editors).

In the past ten years I have been drawn in as an advisor or external expert at numerous universities to assist in developing new undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in the field, and have also advised on the development of an MBA in Breda, Holland and a Chinese MPA at Nottingham Trent. Moreover, I have acted as an advisor to Megara Local Authority in Greece, was invited as a keynote speaker at the first ever Caribbean Public Sector Management Conference in October 2006 in Trinidad, and will be acting as the reviewer for an edited book resulting from that event. I act as the mentor to a Commander of Police and offer advice regularly to Chief Constables of Police, Senior Fire Officers, CEOs of local authorities and other local and regional agencies. I am asked to comment on regional and local strategies and have recently invited to take on the Chair of Intelligence East Midlands, as well as a member of Shared Intelligence and Urban Partnership Group

I deliver Leadership programmes at the Fire Services College, have provided courses for Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (as was) for senior regeneration practitioners and for new researchers on how to get published. I am regularly drawn into National School of Government, London and have delivered leadership sessions at the National Brazilian School of Government.

In the past ten years I have been an invited member on ESRC panels (ESRC Panel on local governance and community engagement between 2002-4), ESRC Panel on Clusters and Business in regions (2005-7), ESRC Panel on New Regional Management (2005-7), ESRC Panel on Political Parties (2007-2008), ESRC Panel on University Business Schools and Public Sector Leadership (2007), as well as being an invited member of Warwick/De Montfort network on International Urban Governance (invited)

Publications Special Editorials Special Edition co- editor (with Dr John Diamond) of Public Policy and Administration, volume 20, number 3, Autumn 2005. Special Issue: What are we learning from the Partnership experience? Diamond J and Liddle J (2005) Editorial: What are we learning from the partnership experience? Public Policy and Administration, 20 (3), Autumn 2005: 1-3 Special Edition co-editor (with Professor Martin Laffin) of International Journal of Public Sector Management, volume (19) 3, 2006, Special Edition on 'Partnerships' Laffin M and Liddle J (2006) New perspectives on partnerships, 19 (3) 2006: 224-227 Special Edition editor (with Professor Diamond) of Teaching Public Administration 'Learning in Regeneration', Autumn 2006, 26 (2) Special Edition editor (with Professor Diamond) of Public Money and Management on 'Regeneration, 27 (3), June 2007 (I was the main editor) Special Edition editor (with Professor Diamond) of Regions' Newsletter on Regeneration Management, forthcoming, 2007 (I was the main editor)

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Diamond J, Liddle J, Rowe M and Southern A (2007) Building castles in the Sky? in Building learning communities for regeneration management, Regions 265, Spring 2007: 7 (I was the main editor)

Liddle J (2008) Invited member of editorial selection board of the Special Edition of Public Administration Quarterly, 31 (3), 2008 .Invited by Professor Shamsul Haque of Hong Kong University Special Edition editor (with Dr Jon Coaffee and Professor Diamond) of Journal of Regeneration and Renewal, Summer 2008 Special Edition (with Professor J Diamond) Local Government Studies. Regeneration Management and Globalisation: Developing a synthesis, edition 3 of 2009 Special Edition (with Professor J Diamond) International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, Regeneration and the Third Sector: Challenges, opportunities, co-operation or co-option?, publication , edition 4 , 2009 Liddle J and Murphy P (2012) Public Management in an era of austerity, Public Money and Management, March 2012, 32 (2) Pugalis L, Liddle J (2013 and 2014) Special edition Journal of Regeneration and Renewal Austerity Era Regeneration: practical challenges and conceptual issues-publication mid 2013 – In two editions Vol 6 (4), Summer 2013, 2014 edition-details forthcoming Diamond J and Liddle J (2014) Special Edition Local Government Studies,- Post Labour-The Regeneration Agenda, papers accepted for publication-edition and pages to be advised

Edited Books Forthcoming 2016- Liddle J (ed) Public Entrepreneurship, series editor Professor Gerard McElwee, Emerald Series

Published Diamond J and Liddle J (eds) (series editors) (2015, Critical perspectives in Public Sector Management, Emerald Annual Book Series. Series 4)-Guest editor Professor Edoardo Ongaro, Multi -level governance-the missing linkages

2014-Liddle J and Diamond J (2014)European Public Leadership in Crisis, Critical perspectives in Public Sector Management, Emerald Annual Book Series. Series 2, publication 2014

2014-Pugalis L and Liddle J, Enterprising places, leadership and governance networks: Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship research. Emerald Publishing/ISBE Book Series in Entrepreneurship. Bingley ISBN 9781781908341

2013- Diamond J and Liddle J (eds) (2013, Looking for Consensus? Civil Society, Social Movements and Crises for Public Management, Critical perspectives in Public Sector Management, Emerald Annual Book Series. Series 2, 2013

Diamond J and Liddle J (eds) (2012, Critical perspectives in Public Sector Management, Emerald Annual Book Series. Series 1)

Sotarauta M, Horlings I and Liddle J (eds.) (2012) Leadership and Change in Sustainable Regional Development, Routledge, Abingdon Diamond J., J. Liddle, A. Southern and P. Osei (eds) (2009) Urban Regeneration: An International Perspective. Abingdon, Routledge.

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Described by reviewers as pioneering in regeneration management, and highly regarded by academics and practitioners. Diamond J, Liddle J, Southern A, Townsend A R (eds) (2006) Managing the City, Abingdon, Routledge -Excellent reviews Diamond J and Liddle J (2005) Management of Regeneration: Choices, challenges and Dilemmas, Abingdon, Routledge

Book chapters (published)

Book chapters Liddle J (2015) Bridging the gaps in MLG: New spaces of interactions and multiple accountabilities in English sub-national governance, Ongaro E (2015) (ed) Multi Level

Governance: The missing linkages, special edition of Critical perspectives in Public Sector Management, Emerald Annual Book Series. Series 4, publication 2015

Fouchet, R., Liddle, J., & Couston, A. (2014). Training senior civil ser-vants in Latin European countries. In Van Wart, M., Hondeghem, A., Schwella, E., Leadership and Culture: Comparative Models of Top Civil Servant Training. Londres, Royaume-Uni : Palgrave. Mackintosh C. And Liddle, J. (2014) PE and school sports development governance in England: Big Society, autonomy and decentralisation in new network relationships, (book chapter) in McGrath, R., and McCallister, L (eds) Sport Governance Routledge research series, Routledge, London. Pugalis L, Liddle J (2014) Introduction chapter, in Pugalis L, Liddle J in The (2014) (eds) Enterprising Places: Leadership and Governance Networks, Bingley, Emerald/ISBE publications Liddle,J. and Diamond,J. (2014)” Working Across Boundaries : Challenges and Opportunities for Community Safety in the UK” in Blackman,D., Halligan,J. and O’Flynn,J. (eds) (2013) Crossing Boundaries in Public Management and Policy: The International Experience London: Routledge

Liddle J (2012) Modern and current trends in the Public Sector Research, prologue, Masaryk University Press, Czech Republic Gomes R G and Liddle J (2012) Stakeholder engagement and performance in public policies: A contribution to social responsibility studies, in Ashley P A and Crowther D (2012) Territories of Social Responsibility: opening research and policy agendas, Farnham, Gower

Liddle J (2012) Sustaining collaborative leadership in city-regions: An examination of local enterprise partnerships in England, in Sotarauta M, Horlings I and Liddle J (eds.) Leadership and Change in Sustainable Regional Development, Routledge, Abingdon

Sotarauta M, Horlings I and Liddle J (eds.) Introduction chapter-Leadership and Change in Sustainable Regional Development, Routledge, Abingdon

Sotarauta M, Horlings I and Liddle J (eds.) Conclusion chapter-Leadership and Change in Sustainable Regional Development, Routledge, Abingdon Liddle J and Diamond J ( 2012) Business and Management Schools and Public Sector Management, in Diamond J and Liddle J (eds) (2012, Critical perspectives in Public Sector Management, Emerald Annual Book Series, Bingley? UK Diamond J and Liddle J (2012) Introduction- Diamond J and Liddle J (eds) (2012, Critical perspectives in Public Sector Management, Emerald Annual Book Series Diamond J and Liddle J (2012) Conclusion- Diamond J and Liddle J (eds) (2012, Critical perspectives in Public Sector Management, Emerald Annual Book Series

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Liddle J and Diamond J (2012) Community Safety in the UK: Partnership working across traditional boundaries, in O’Flynn, Blackman D, Halligan J (eds), Crossing Boundaries in Public Management and Policy: The International Experience, Abingdon, Routledge Liddle J (2012) Implementing the UK Government’s policy to enhance sustainable communities: From New Labour to a Coalition administration, continuity or change? in Bissessar A M (ed) Problems in the Implementation of Government policies in the West Indies: Essays on the challenges created by cross border jurisdictions, New York, Edwin Mellen Press Trueman M., M. Ali Baig, N.Cornelius N and J. Liddle (2010) Doing Good in A Post Industrial City: public policy communications and regeneration. Ashworth, G.J. and M. Kavaratzis (eds), Towards effective place brand management: branding European cities and regions, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, US: Edward Elgar. Liddle J and Oikonomopoulos I (2009) Regeneration in Greece, chapter Diamond J, Liddle J, Southern A and Osei P (2009) Urban Regeneration: An International Perspective, Abingdon, Routledge, Liddle J (2008) Leading citizen- driven governance: Collective regional and sub-regional leadership in the UK, Chapter in 'Regional Leadership in European Peripheries, Contesting Regional Peripheries through Leadership: Central European experience', Hungary University Press, Budapest Liddle J and Diamond J (2008) Neighbourhood Management in the UK: New forms of governance, institutions and networks, in Bissessar A M (2008) (ed) Government and Institutional Re-engineering, Cambridge, Cambridge Educational Scholars Liddle J (2006) Regional Governance und die Beteilgung der Zivilgesellschaft in Grobbritannien, in Kleinfeld R, Plamper H, Huber A (eds) Regional Governance: Steurung, Koordination und Kommunikation in regionalen Netwerken als neue Formen de Regierens, Veroffentlichung des Universitatsverlags, Osnabruk bei v&r Unipress in Gottingen, Mit Universit Atsverlag Osnabruk, : ISBN 10 3-89971-306-0, ISBN 13 978-3-89971306-0: 123-142 The only non-German invited contribution to the two volumes book Liddle J and Oikonomopoulos I (2007) Change processes in Megara Municipality, Greece, in Cristofoli D and Longo F (eds) (2007) Strategic Change Management in the Public Sector: A European Casebook, Belgium, European Foundation for Management Development, Public Sector Network.New York, John Wiley and Sons (page numbers to be advised) Publication Autumn 2007 Liddle J and Smith S (2007) Evaluating, or disconnecting the disenfranchised from those who would enfranchise them? in Diamond J, Liddle J, Southern A and Townsend AR (eds) (2007) Managing the City, Abingdon, Routledge: 116-130 Diamond J, Liddle J, Southern A, Townsend A T (2007) Context: marking the transition, in Diamond J, Liddle J, Southern A and Townsend AR (eds) (2007) Managing the City, Abingdon, Routledge: 9-15 Liddle J and Oikonomopoulous I (2002) The establishment and operation of a Local Development Company: the experiences in Megara, SW Greece, in Montanheiro L et al (2002). Public and Private Sector Partnerships: Exploring Co-operation, Sheffield Hallam Press, UK: 263-276 ISBN 0 86339 979 Liddle J (2001) Public-private partnerships for business development: A comparison of South West Greece and North East England, in Montanheiro L and Spiering M (2001) Public and Private Partnerships: The Enterprise Governance, Sheffield Hallam University Press: 353-376, ISBN 0 86339 973 Liddle J. (1998) Promoting partnerships and fostering enterprise in regional regeneration: the case of Visual Arts UK 1997, in Montanheiro, L. et al. (eds.) Public

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and Private Sector Partnerships: Fostering Enterprise, Sheffield Hallam University Press: 253-278. ISBN 0 86339 7883 Cockerill, T. Liddle, J. & Southern, A. (2000) Developing Sub-regional partnerships to deliver RDA strategies: the case of One North East, in Public Private partnerships - The Enabling Mix and in Montanheiro, L. et al. (eds.) (2000) Public and Private Partnerships: The Enabling Mix, Sheffield Hallam University Press: 155-172.ISBN 0 86339 895 2 (Contribution Liddle=90% Southern and Cockerill= 5% each) Liddle, J. and Overton, M. (1999) Partnerships, participation and power: evaluating inter-Authority Environmental Health partnerships in the NE of England (The Air Quality Management Initiative), in Montanheiro, L. et al. (eds.) Public and Private Partnerships: Furthering Development, Sheffield Hallam University Press: 315-334 ISBN 0 86339 865 0 Corcoran J and Liddle J (1997) Urban regime theory in practice. A regeneration regime in the NE? Inter-agency partnerships and the case of Siemens UK.Contemporary Political Studies, Vol 1, The Politics Studies Association of the UK: 198-219 (Contribution Liddle=90% Overton=10%) Liddle J and Martin S (1994) Managing enterprising local authorities: Approaches to the Europeanisation of UK local government, in Curwen P, Richardson B, Nwankwo and Montanheiro (1994) The Public Sector in transition: Case studies in the management of change, PAVIC Publications, Sheffield Hallam University: 153-162, ISBN 0 86339 4590 (Contribution Liddle= 70% Martin = 30%)

Book/Article and ESRC Reviews/Rapporteur I regularly review manuscripts and articles for Public Policy and Administration, International Journal of Public Sector Management, Public Management Review, Local Government Studies, Local Governance, European Urban and Regional Studies, Regional Studies, Gender, Work and Organisation, International Journal of Public Administration, Governance, HR Management, Policy and Politics. I also regularly review book proposals and book chapters for the main academic publishers, such as Sage, Routledge, John Wiley and others. I have acted as ESRC Rapporteur for a number of proposals

A selection of specific reviews 2x monographs for Routledge Publishers on Regeneration 2015 Participatory Policy in Southern Europe, Rowman and Littlefield 2014 Public Leadership & Values, Routledge 2013 Enterprise, deprivation and social inclusion: the role of small business in addressing social and economic inequalities, International Journal of Public Sector Management 2013 Innovation in the Public Sector: Linking capacity and Leadership, Public Administration 2012 Third Sector Strategy, for Routledge 2012 From Government to Governance, Ashgate Publishers, Public Administration 2011 Total Place: a beginner’s guide to shaping the things that matter in the place that matters, Earthscan Publishers 2011 Business and Government, W. Grant et al, Public Administration 2011 The New Public Leadership Challenge, Editors S Brookes and K Grint, IJPSM 2011 The New Public Leadership Challenge, Editors S Brookes and K Grint, Local Government Studies

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2010, Beyond techno-magic-managing as designing in public services, D Wastell 2009, Innovation and Public Services, S Osborne and K Brown 02 December 2009, Impressing for Success: A gendered analysis of a key social 'Women and Men in Management: Issues for the 21st Century Date 25th July 2007 ESRC Grant reviewer, Project title: Partnerships, communication and power: An inter-disciplinary study of sub-governance 23rd July 2007 , Rethinking the Reform Questions, edited by Dr Anne Marie Bissessar, of University of West Indies, for Cambridge Scholars Publishing Public Service Improvement. Policies, progress and prospects S Martin (2006) (ed)Abingdon, Routledge, Taylor and Francis IJPSM: Date 2007 Local Government in the United Kingdom, Fourth edition, Basingstoke, UK, Palgrave Macmillan David Wilson and Chris Game (2006), IJPSM, Date: 2007 Management: An Introduction 3rd Edition, by David Boddy. Date :02/05/2006 Leadership: Meeting the challenges of Public Services Management Joint authors: Eileen Milner and Paul Joyce, 2006, IJPSM, Date: 2006 Public Management: International Perspectives, Norman Flynn Date : 2006 Knowledge Vee, John Wiley, by Jon Simon, Sage, Date : 14.7.2005 New Strategies for the Public Sector by De Waal, Sage, Date: 14.9.2004 De Waal. The Done Thing: How a dissertation in Management/Business is really researched and written by Reva B Brown and Mark Saunders, Date: 2610.2003 Understanding the Dissertation Process [for business students]- Saving time, avoiding blind alleys and pitfalls. By Conor Horan and Geraldine Lavin, and Understanding the Business Research Project- Saving time, avoiding blind alleys and pitfalls. Date: 13.9.2005 Routledge Review of Book Series Proposal: The Routledge Masters Series in Public Management (eds Stephen Osborne, Walter Kickert and Owen Hughes).Date :20th November 2002 Bogason P (2000) Public Policy and Local Governance ( a contribution to the edited New Horizons in Public Policy Series by Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. International Journal of Public Private Partnerships Date: 17.10.2000 Priniciples of Environmental and Resource Economics, Edward Elgar. By Folmer H, Landis G, Opschoor H Date : 1995

Refereed Articles Under review

Liddle J (2015) Collective leadership on Local Enterprise Partnerships in

England: understanding accountability of formal and informal spaces,

special edition on ‘Rediscovering or creating collective leadership values’,

International Journal of Leadership in Public Services, page numbers to be


Huuri J, Vuori J, Liddle J , Allen P(2015) The impact of quasi markets on the

processes and costs of contracting? Policy Studies-under review

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Bowden A, Liddle J, Diamond J (2015) Communities leading, public sector enabling: Regional development in an era of austerity and ‘Big Society’ Special Edition of European Planning Studies, publication 2015, Eds Mabey and Nicolds Annibal I, Liddle J, McElwee G (2014) Village sustainability, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business-under review McElwee G, Annibal I, Liddle J (2013) Community to Community Learning (C2C) in rural environments : Implications for policy learning, Journal of Rural Studies-under review Liddle J (2013) Leadership in action: an examination of UK Local Enterprise Partnerships through the lens of Urban Regime Theory and Stakeholder Theory, in Gibney J and Sotaurata M (eds) Place Leadership, special edition of Regional Studies (invited contribution-under review) Annibal I, Liddle J, McElwee G (2013) Examining localised innovation cluster systems and a ‘bottom-up’ sustainable strategy in village settings, Local Economy-under review


Liddle J and Ormston C (2014) Legacy of Northern Way, Local Government Studies, special edition, Beider H. Diamond J, Francis J, Liddle J , Post Labour-The Regeneration Agenda, Local Government Studies-accepted-publication on early cite, Sept 2014, page numbers to be advised Hurri J, Vuori J, Liddle J (2014) Managing hidden costs of organising: A study in

Finnish Health Care laboratories Journal of Finance and Management in Public

Services¸13 (1), 4-22

Mackintosh, C. and Liddle, J. (2013) PE and school sports development governance in England: Big Society, autonomy and decentralisation in new network relationships, Education 3-13, International Journal of Primary, ,Elementary and Early Years, 1-20

Potluka O, Liddle J (2013) Managing EU Structural Funds - using a Multi-Level Governance Framework through the Partnership Principle, Regional Studies, 48 (8), 1434-1447 Annibal I, Liddle J McElwee G, (2013) Animating ‘bottom up’ sustainable strategies in village settings, International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 33 (11/12): 742-761

SPECIAL EDITOR FOR:- Pugalis L, Liddle J (2013 and 2014) Special edition Journal of Regeneration and Renewal Austerity Era Regeneration: practical challenges and conceptual issues-publication 2013 – In two editions Vol 6 (4), Summer 2013, 2014 edition, Vol 7 (2), Winter,2013-2014

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Pugalis L and Liddle J (2013) Austerity era regeneration: Conceptual issues and practical challenges, Special Edition, Part 1, Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal, 6 (4), 333-338 Pugalis L and Liddle J (2013) Austerity era regeneration: Conceptual issues and practical challenges, Special Edition, Part 2, Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal, 7 (2), 105-110 Pugalis L and Liddle J et al (numerous authors) (2014) Regeneration beyond austerity: A collective viewpoint, Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal, 7 (2), 188-197

Prabhakar G, Saran P, Liddle J (2012) The business of publishing in India-An interview with Tejeshwar Singh of Sage Publishers India, Journal of Management Inquiry, pages 1-7

Liddle J, McElwee G, Disney J (2012) Rural transport and social inclusion: The Dales Bus Initiative, Local Economy, 2(1): 3-18

Diamond J, Liddle J (2012) Reflections and speculations on teaching and learning in public administration, special edition of Public Policy and Administration, 27 (3) July 2012-Commissioned by the editors, Kelly J and Dobson A (2012) Critical perspectives on Public Administration, Public Policy and Administration, 27 (3) 265-277

Liddle J, Murphy P (2012) Public Administration in an ear of austerity-published, Public Money and Management, March 2012, 32 (2): 83-87

Liddle J (2010) 21ST Century Public Leadership: Some reflections, Policy and Politics, October 2010, 38 (4): 657-664

Gomes R C, Liddle J, Gomes L O M (2010) A Five-Sided Model Of Stakeholder Influence, Public Management Review, Vol. 12 Issue 5 :701–724

Liddle J and Jones M (2010, edition 6 or 7 of 2010) Implementing the UK Central Government's policy agenda for improved third sector engagement: Some early reflections on issues arising from third sector commissioning workshops, 24 (2) 157-171, Special Edition of International Journal of PSM,

Gomes, R.C. and J. Liddle (2010) Stakeholders Cross-Cultural Analysis –who are the stakeholders in municipal districts? the case of Brazil and England. Public Management Review, 12(1) 53-75

Liddle J (2009) Regeneration and economic development in Greece: De-industrialisation and uneven development, Local Government Studies, 35(3) June 2009, 335-354

Diamond J and Liddle J (2009) Regeneration Management and globalization: Developing a synthesis Local Government Studies, 35(3) June 2009, 293-298***

Liddle, J. (2009) The Northern Way: a pan-regional associational network. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 22 (3) 192-202.

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Liddle J (2009) Regeneration in Greece, in special edition, Diamond J and Liddle J (2009) Regeneration Management and Globalisation; Developing a Synthesis, Local Government Studies, edition 3 of 2009, 335-354

Gomes, R.C. and J. Liddle (2009) The balanced scorecard as a performance management tool for third sector organizations: The case of the Arthur Bernardes Foundation, Brazil, Brazilian Administration Review, 6 (4), December 2009, 354-366

Liddle J (2009, Autumn, edition 275) Leading Regeneration in an economic downturn, Regions' Newsletter, RSA International, Seaford, page numbers to be advised

Gomes, R.C., J. Liddle, R.M. Gomes and L. De O.M. Gomes (2009) Analisem exploratoria du percepcao de stakeholders acerca do desernpenho de servicos. Publicos, a caso de servicos de suade de urna prefitura de pequeno porte. Revista de Adminitracao Publica

Liddle J (2010) Partnerships for Sustainable Development in England, accepted for publication in International Administrative Development: Towards Excellence in Public Sector Performance, Saudi Arabia, mid 2010, Web based publication

Gomes R C and Liddle J (2009) The Balanced Scorecard as a Performance Management Tool for Third Sector Organisations: The case of the Arthur Bernardes Foundation, Brazil, Brazilian Administration Review, ANPAD, pages 1-13, 6 (4): 354-366

Gomes R C , Liddle J, and Gomes L de O M (2009) Using stakeholder's expectations for measuring public services performance: the case of Health Care Services, MECOSAN

Publications- up to 2007 Liddle J (2007) Reflections on regeneration management skills research, Public Money and Management, 27 (3): 189-192 Diamond J, Liddle J, Rowe and Southern A (2007) Regeneration Management Skills: Editorial, Public Money and Management, 27 (3): 167-168) Trueman M, Ali Baig M, Cornelius N, Liddle J (2007)"Doing Good in A Post Industrial City: Public Policy Communications and Regeneration" Paper 7/20, 2007, Bradford University Working Paper Series Hagen R and Liddle J (2007) Changing Strategic Direction for Executive Development in the Public Sector: Opportunities for Top Business Schools? International Journal of Public Sector Management, 20 (4), 2007:325-340 (Contribution 50-50%) Liddle J (2007, Winter) Challenges to democratic legitimacy, scrutiny and accountability in the UK National and Local State, (Special Issue) Theme: The State in Transition: New Challenges to Public Accountability. Public Administration Quarterly, volume 31 (4):397-428.

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Liddle J (2007) Leadership and Regional Well Being, International Regional Studies Association, Regions in Focus, University of Lisbon, Portugal, 2-5TH April 2007 ,ISBN 1 897721 31 5: 66 Liddle J (2007, Autumn) Report on The Changing Demography of the East Midlands, Regions; Newsletter, Regional Studies Association, Seaford, issue 267, Autumn 2007: 26-27 Thomas, P.T., Liddle, J. and Matthews, J. (2006) Managerialism: A Prescription for Health: Re-Thinking the Enhanced Role of the Professional Manager in the Public Sector Clinician in Management Journal, Final Edit Review, ISSN 0965-5751, E-ISSN 1475-9926, Radcliffe Publications, Oxford (Contribution Liddle=40%, Thomas=30%, Matthews=30%) Liddle J and Laffin M (2006) New Perspectives on Partnerships, International Journal of Public Sector Management, Special Issue. 19 (3), 2006:224-227, Editorial: 224-227(Contribution 50-50%) Liddle J (2006) Managing knowledge in regeneration, Regions' Newsletter, RSA, Sleaford, UK, ISSN 1367-3882: 4-5: Liddle J (2006) Knowledge management within regeneration, Teaching Public Administration, Autumn 2006, 26 (2):.1-3 Liddle J (2006) Choice, voice, and invigorating local democratic processes in a UK context: Worthy aspiration or flawed reality?, RSA 8-9TH June 2006, Shaping EU Regional Policy: Economic, Social and Political Pressures, Seaford, ISBN 1 897721 29 3: 38-39 Liddle J (2006) Synergising research with the immediacy of practitioner concerns: Bridging the knowledge gap, Regions' Newsletter, RSA ,Seaford, ISBN Liddle J and Diamond J (2006) Editorial, Teaching Public Administration, Autumn 2006, 26(2): 1-3 (Contribution 50-50%) Liddle J (2006) Managing knowledge within regeneration practice, Teaching Public Administration, Autumn 2006, 26 (2):.4-18 Liddle (2006) Managing Knowledge in regeneration, Regions' newsletter, April 2007, RSA, Seaford, ISSN 1367-3882: 4-5 Liddle J (2006) Choice, voice and invigorating local democratic processes in a UK context: Worthy aspirations or flawed reality? RSA International, Leuven, Belgium Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven, Belgium 8-9th June 2006, ISBN 1- 897721 29 3: 38-39 Diamond J and Liddle J (2005) Public Policy and Administration, Special Issue, What are we learning from the partnerships experience, 20 (3), Autumn 2005: 1-3, Editorial (Contribution 50-50%) Brown B and Liddle J (2005) Service Domains - The New Communities: A Case Study of Peterlee Sure Start, UK. Local Government Studies, 31(4), August 2005: 449-474 (Contribution Liddle= 75% Brown=25%) Chondroleou G, Elcock H, Liddle J and Oikonomopoulos I (2005) Reforming community leadership in Britain and Greece. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 18(2):114-127 (Contribution Liddle=40%, Elcock=40%, other authors 20% in total) Liddle J (2005) Democratic renewal and community engagement NE style? Seaford, RSA 24th November 2005. Sustainable regions: Making regions Liddle J (2005) Business networks in NE regional and local governance. Seaford, RSA, 24th November 2005 Sustainable regions: Making regions work Liddle J (2004) Culture, tourism and leisure services in the NE, UK, in Europe at the margins: EU Regional Policy, peripherality and rurality, 15-16 April, 2004,

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University of Angers, France, Seaford, RSA International: ISBN1 897721 24 2: 38-39 Liddle J, Townsend A and Tully J (2004) The challenging relationship between community strategies and local development frameworks: A case study of two district authorities, The Challenge of Localism, Seaford, RSA: 57, ISBN 1 897721 26 9 (Contribution Liddle= 80%, other authors= 20% in total) Liddle J (2004) Leisure Services as 'integrator and broker': Best Value as a stimulus to local regeneration? Northern Economic Review, Summer 2004:103-115 Liddle J (2004) The significance of culture, tourism and leisure services in social and economic development in NE England, Teaching Public Administration, 23(2), Autumn 2003: 34-47 Diamond J and Liddle J (2003) Regional Governance: Some resolved issues, Public Policy and Administration, 18, 2, Summer: 106-117(Contribution 50-50%) Liddle, J. and Townsend, A. (2003) Reflections on the development of Local Strategic Partnerships: key emerging issues, Local Governance, 29, 37-54 (Contribution Liddle= 90% Townsend= 10%) Liddle.J (2003) The Business Broker Initiative: The UK Business Broker Pilot Initiative. Engaging the business community in neighbourhood renewal and social inclusion: Early findings on the North East of England, Reinventing regions in the global economy, Seaford, RSA: 172-173, ISBN 897721 21 8 Liddle.J (2002) Local Strategic Partnerships: The UK experience of engaging stakeholders in identifying, implementing and evaluating community policies. Evaluation and EU Regional Policy: New Questions and New Challenges. Seaford, RSA: 52-53, ISBN No.1 897721 196 Liddle J and Lloyd M (2002) Building entrepreneurial capacity on County Durham: Do local authorities still have a legitimate role in acting on behalf of communities? Building entrepreneurial capacity in the regions, Seaford, RSA: 40-44, ISBN 1 897721 20 X (Contribution Liddle= 90% Lloyd 10%) Liddle, J. (2001) RDAs, Sub-Regional Partnerships and Local Regeneration, Local Economy, Vol. 16, No. 4: 312-323. Liddle J (2001) Synthesis, symbiosis or simply stimulating another sounding board? Issues and practical problems in bringing together academics and practitioners: The experience of virtuality the Durham Way, Regionalising the Knowledge Economy, Seaford, RSA, November: 65-69 ISBN 1 897721 18 8 Liddle, J. (2001) Public/private agencies for business development and support. A comparison of SW Greece and NE England. V11th International Conference on Public Private Partnerships - The Enterprise Governance, University of Twente, Holland, 6-9th June, and in Montanheiro, L. et al. (eds.) Public and Private Partnerships: The Enterprise Governance, Sheffield Hallam University Press: 353-375. Cockerill, T., Liddle, J. & Southern, A. (2000) Changes to the North East region: local dynamic: new forms of governance from traditional public sector structures? Public Policy and Administration, 15, 2, Summer: 110-126. (Contribution Liddle=80%, other authors= 20% in total) Liddle, J. and Overton, M. (2000) Partnerships, participation and power: evaluating inter-Authority Environmental Health partnerships in the NE of England (The Air Quality Management Initiative), International Journal of Public Private Partnerships, Vol. 2, No.1, January: 173-196.(Contribution Liddle=90% Overton=10%)

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Liddle, J. (2000) Educating public service managers in a changing local and regional governance framework. Teaching Public Administration. Vol. XX, No 2, Autumn: 14-26. Liddle, J. (2000) Newcastle versus Sunderland: competing, collaborating or simply reconciling city-wide and regional objectives? Two speed cities? Cities and urban development in the new Millennium, Seaford, RSA:34-39, ISBN 1 897721 14 5 Liddle, J. (1998) Developing Public Service Managers for a changed 'public/private sector world', Teaching Public Administration, Vol. XVIII, Autumn: 60-75

Conference Papers/Proceedings

Liddle J, Diamond J, Flynn C, Britton G (2015) Research and knowledge utilisation in PSM, Theme leaders at IRSPM? Shaping the future-reinvention or revolution, University of Birmingham, 30th March-2nd April Liddle J, Zombo M (2015) Social innovation and NPM in water and sanitation in Kikwit, DR of Congo, EGPA? Well performing PSO: Governance capacity and legitimacy, Toulouse, France, 26-28th August 2015 Liddle J (2015) Social enterprise in UK-Innovation in PS. Universita degli studi di Milano, invited speaker, 21-24th September Brookes S, Liddle J (2015) From old world leaders to global world leadership: Leadership, Management and governance across boundaries, ILA Conference, Barcelona, 14-17th October Bozzo T, Liddle J (2015) Globalised development projects in conflict with local considerations: The importance of territorial leadership, ILA Conference, Barcelona, 14-17th October

Liddle J (2014) Developing a multiple accountability framework for understanding collaborative leadership: aligning formal and informal mechanisms, IRSPM Ottawa, Canada, 9-11th April, 2014 Liddle J, Pugalis L. Ormston C (2014) Accountable regional leadership: new directions informing the development of a multi-dimensional accountability framework, paper presented at the RSA International regional leadership network, University of Birmingham, 5-6th Feb 2014 Bowden A, Liddle J, Diamond J (2014) Communities leading, public sector enabling: Regional development in an era of austerity and ‘Big Society’, paper presented at the RSA International regional leadership network, University of Birmingham, 5-6th Feb 2014 Liddle J (2014) Publishing in IJPSM, Seminaire sur le theme ‘How to publish in rank A journals, IAE, Puyricard, France, 26 th Mai 2014 Liddle J (2014) Session Pleniere, Public Sector Reform : Dialectics of the Anglo-Saxon model, Collogue AIRMAP, Semaine du Management 2014, Aix en Provence, France, 20-21 st Mai, 2014 Liddle J and Bowden A (2014) English local and regional governance: Is it incongruent with continental European models of re-municipalisation:reversal of privatisation, post NPM? European Group of Public Administration Annual Conference, Germany, 8th -12th Septembre, 2014 Liddle J (2014) Speaker at the ‘Meet the editor panel’, The Politics of Journal editing: Intellectual gatekeepers and strategic positioning, Policy and Politics Conference 2014, University of Bristol, 16-17th Septembre

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Liddle J (2014 ) Localism and the Big Society in England: Bridging the gap between local governance and civil society, presentation to the Re-building trust in Local Governments: Rethinking Politics, Management And Governance in the Post NPM era, Joint PhD Training School, University of Siena, EUROLOC/EURA Summer School and COST ACTION ISI207,LOCREF, Italy, 29th Sept-2nd Oct 2014 Liddle J (2014) Can collaborative leadership solve complex social problems & are new spaces of interaction driving economic growth in England? Identifying some issues and problems, MED 7 Conference, Tor Vergata, Rome, 7-10th Octobre 2014 Theme Leader of Collaborative Leadership theme, IRSPM Ottawa, Canada, 9-11th April, 2014 Co-organiser, RSA International regional leadership network, University of Birmingham, 5-6th Feb 2014 Co-organiser with Professor Dale Krane, University of Nebraska of workshop on ‘Networks in the social, welfare, cultural and emergency fields’ 5-7th June 2014, EGPA/IIAS TAD 10 Transatlantic Dialogue,Università Della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano, Switzerland Liddle J, Bowden A (2014) English local and regional governance: Is it incongruent with continental European models of re-municipalisation/reversal of privatisation, post NPM?, EGPA Speyer Germany, Sept 2014 Liddle J (2014) The need for innovation and design of public services, Glasgow Caledonian University, 26th Feb 2014 Liddle J (2014) The future of PS: An international perspective, CERGAM Atelier Public, 15th Jan 2014, IMPGT

Liddle J (2014) Developing a multiple accountability framework for understanding collaborative leadership: aligning formal and informal mechanisms, IRSPM Ottawa, Canada, 9-11th April, 2014 Liddle J, Pugalis L. Ormston C (2014) Accountable regional leadership: new directions informing the development of a multi-dimensional accountability framework, paper presented at the RSA International regional leadership network, University of Birmingham, 5-6th Feb 2014 Bowden A, Liddle J, Diamond J (2014) Communities leading, public sector enabling: Regional development in an era of austerity and ‘Big Society’, paper presented at the RSA International regional leadership network, University of Birmingham, 5-6th Feb 2014

Liddle J (2013) Bridging the gaps in MLG: Multiple accountability and the service dimension of new forms of UK sub-national governance, paper delivered at Multi-level governance-the missing linkages High level Conference, University of Northumbria,17-18th October 2013

Liddle J (2013)Le Rouyaume Uni: Laborataire de l’iinovation publique,apprendre à trier le bon grain de l’ivraie, UFPT Acte 3de la décentralisation, Aix en Provence, 26-27th Septembre

Liddle J (2013) Illustration concrète de ces impacts sur les collectivités en Grande-Bretagne, Quels services publics et quelle organisation territorial dans une European crise?INET Conference, Paris, January Liddle J (2013) Sense making in UK Emergency services:enhancing scenario planning and horizon scanning in collaboration, IRSPM Conference, Prague, Czech Republic

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Liddle J (2013) LEPs and leadership in the UK, European RSA Conference, Urban and Regional Leadership, Tampere, Finland, Liddle J (2013) Are LEPs creating sustainable rurals?, Rural Services Network, University of Teesside, Campus, May 2013 Liddle J (2013) UK LEPs and accountability issues within MLG, MLG-The missing linkages conference, University of Northumbria, Oct 2013 Huuri J, Vuori J, Liddle J (2012)The Isolated Transaction Costs of Contracting at the Quasi-markets of Laboratory Services, IRSPM, Rome,Contradictions in Public Management: Managing in Volatile Times, 11-13th April 2012. Mackintosh, C. and Liddle, J. (2012) PE and school sports development governance in England: Big Society, autonomy and decentralisation in new network relationships IRSPM, Rome, Contradictions in Public Management: Managing in Volatile Times, 11-13th April 2012. Liddle J and Ormston C (2012) Pragmatic Regional Leadership or a Coalition of the Willing?-A comparative analysis of two North East Local Enterprise Partnerships', RSA International research network on leadership, Tampere, Finland, April Liddle J (2012) Leadership and Change in Sustainable Regional Development, Current issues in leadership and Change Conference-Teesside 3rd May 2012 Prabhakar G, Liddle J (2012) CEOs in India: How Leadership and Management Philosophies drive Innovation, GIKA Conference, Valencia, July 2012 Liddle J and Diamond J (2012) Theme Leaders, IRSPM Rome, HE and PSM Liddle J (2012) Modern and current trends in PS research: The New challenges of leadership and sustainability of place, Keynote address Masaryk, Brno, Czech Republic Annibal I, Liddle J, McElwee G (2011) Untraded interdependencies at the local level of analysis: examining localised innovation cluster systems and a ‘bottom up’ sustainable strategy in village settings, ISBE,Sheffield University Liddle J (2011) The new economic development agenda, Ipswich Rural Network, Suffolk CC , Nov 2011 Liddle J (2011) LEPs, economic development in Lincolnshire, Rural Conference, NTU, June 2011 Liddle J (2011) Policy uniformity, administrative-policy logic or fragementation, diversity and enterprise logic? New forms of sub-national government in England after May 2010, 7th regionalisation RSA Conference, University of Westminster, London Liddle J (2011) The UK Coalition Government Policy: One Year on, invited speaker at University of Renmin, Beijing, China, 7-8th June 2011 Liddle J (2011) Round Table on Public Sector Leadership in 21st Century(Convenor Professor H Elcock); Are Business Schools equipped to prepare public leaders for the challenges ahead?, PAC Annual Conference, University of Birmingham, 6-8th Sept 2011 Liddle J (2011) The future of Public Administration teaching, Round Table PAC Annual Conference, University of Birmingham, 6-8th Sept 2011 Liddle J and Gorton S Public Sector Leadership, PAC Annual Conference, NTU, 6-8th Sept 2010 Liddle J (2011, May) The future of the discipline of Public Administration, Aston University, PAC Seminar Liddle J (2011) ) Leadership in action: an examination of UK Local Enterprise Partnerships through the lens of Urban Regime Theory and Stakeholder Theory,

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International Regional Studies Association Conference, University of Newcastle, theme: Place Leadership, April 2011 Liddle J (2011) Local Government Directions: Collaboration and Partnerships, Politics Studies Association Annual Conference, Novotel West London, April 2011 IRSPM Dublin (April 2011) Theme Leader HEIs and Public Sector Management, IRSPM, April Teesside Inaugural Professorial lecture (2011) No More heros: Public Sector Leadership Liddle J (2011) Organiser of Regeneration Management Research Network event ‘The Big Society’. University of Liverpool, 5th July

Liddle J (2010) Auxiliary leadership. Dismantling the regional architecture and the Big Society in the UK, RSA International Research Network, University of Birmingham, 23-24th November Liddle J (2010) Dismantling the Regional Architecture: the View from East Midlands, PAC Annual Conference,. Nottingham Trent 6-8th Sept Vuori J, Liddle J, Kylanen M (2010) Can we ever reach the age of dialog in health care? Overcoming the endless ‘battlefield’ of the paradigms in medicine and organization science with the help of Socrates himself, EURAM, Rome May 2010 Liddle J (12th February 2010) Social regeneration and social enterprise, Presentation to ESRC workshop, ESRC Seminar Series – BME Communities, Voice and Agency, University of Bradford 9in collaboration with Manchester BS) Liddle J (6-9TH April 2010) Working across boundaries: Partnership working across traditional boundaries, 14th Annual Conference of the International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM). Working across boundaries: Barriers, enablers, tensions and puzzles, Berne Switzerland Vouri J and Liddle J (6-9TH April 2010) New Public Management is orphan - who are the parents? The stricture against to the scientific roots of multiple “new” prefixes14th Annual Conference of the International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM). Working across boundaries: Barriers, enablers, tensions and puzzles, Berne Switzerland Liddle J (24th-26th May 2010) Collective Leadership in the East Midlands, International RSA Conference, Pecs, Hungary Liddle J and Thomas P (26-29TH July 2010) Knowledge, Culture and Change in Wales, UK: Towards a sustainable future? Tenth International Conference on Knowledge, Culture and Change in Organisations, HEC, Montreal, Canada Liddle J (2010) Co-production of knowledge, organisational interventions and improving ‘Public Value’: the role of 21st Century Business Schools in engaging with public, private and third sectors, 3rd World Universities Forum, Davos, Switzerland,9-11 January 2010 Murphy, P. Greenhalgh, K. Liddle, J and Buckley, J.(2009) Narrowing the gap -increasing the number of women in operational fire fighting roles: An early evaluation of an initiative by Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Services on behalf of the 5 East Midland services. PAC Conference Glamorgan 7th – 9th September 2009, Emergency Services Theme - Fire and Rescue Services Liddle J (2009) Global Changes to Public Management and the role of Sport in regional & local regeneration, Keynote speaker, ESDN Symposium, Sports Conference keynote, Bass Management Centre 3rd Sept 2009

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Liddle J (2009) Managing health and social and community care in the UK: The Mission Impossible European Nurse Directors’ Congress (ENDA) 9th Congress of ENDA 2009 Helsinki, Finland Liddle J (2009) Current and future trends in social and health care provision in the UK, University of Kuopi, Finland, 5th October 2009 Liddle J (2009) Partnerships for Sustainable Public Service Delivery in England: Choices, challenges, dilemmas and lessons learned. International Conference for Administrative Development: Towards Excellence in Public Sector Performance Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 1-4th November 2009 Liddle J (2009) Multi-spatial strategic partnerships in the UK: New forms of organisation and emerging issues. Local Government and inter-governmental relations in the Caribbean:: Examining the Past, Assessing the Present and Predicting the Future Keynote speaker, Conference Theme : Social and Economic Development and Strategic Partnerships in the UK at UWI, Mona, Jamaica, January 8-9th January 2009 “Performance appraisal of local government: Devising performance indicators based on the perceptions of key stakeholders”. Permanent Study Group 2: Performance in the Public Sector, EGPA Conference 2008, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands (with R.C. Gomes and R.C.L. Veloso). “Performance appraisal in Brazilian small scale municipalities: using the balanced score cars as a feasible tool”. ENAPG – Brazilian Academy of Management Conference, 2008 (with R.C. Gomes and R.C.L. Veloso). “Performance indicators based upon key stakeholders: can it be applied to local governments?” ENAPG – Brazilian Academy of Management Conference, 2008 (with R.C. Gomes). Liddle J (2010) The role of business schools and public sector (working title) Accepted at the World Unversities Forum, Davos, Switzerland, January 2010 Liddle J, Murphy , Greenhaulgh K, Buckley J (2009) Narrowing the Gap in the numbers of women in operational roles in the Fire and Rescue Service:An early evaluation of an initiative by Nottinghamshire FRS on behalf of the 5 East Midland F&RS, accepted at PAC Conference Glamorgan September 2009 Liddle J (2009) Global changes in PSM: The role of sport within regeneration(working title) ESDN, Nottingham Trent University ,Keynote speaker Liddle J (2009) Partnerships for Sustainable Public Service Delivery in England: Choices, challenges, dilemmas and lessons learned, accepted at the International Conference for Administrative Development: Towards Excellence in Public Sector Performance, Riyahd, Saudi Arabia, 1-4th November 2009 Liddle J (2009) Multi spatial strategic partnerships in the UK: New forms of organisation And emerging issues, Local Governmental relations in the Caribbean, Conference, 8-9th January 2009, Mona, Jamaica Liddle J and Mackintosh C (2009) An examination of the key leadership and management issues and challenges facing County Sports Partnerships (CSPs) in the East Midlands of England: Some early reflections.X111, IRSPSM Conference, Copenhagen, 2009 Gomes R C, Liddle J and Gomes L (2009) Exploring the determinant factors to superior performance in local government,: empirical evidence from a focus group investigation, X111, IRSPSM Conference, Copenhagen, 2009 Gomes R C, Liddle J, Veloso R C L (2008) Performance appraisal of local government : Devising performance indicators based on the perceptions of key

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stakeholders, Permanent Study Group 2: Performance in the Public Sector, EGPA Conference 2008 Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands Gomes R C, Liddle J, Veloso R C L (2008) Performance appraisal in Brazilian small scale municipalities: using the balanced score cars as a feasible tool, ENAPG- Brazilian Academy of Management Conference, 2008 Gomes R C and Liddle J, (2008) Performance indicators based upon key stakeholders : can it be applied to local governments?, ENAPG- Brazilian Academy of Management Conference, 2008 Liddle J (2008) NBS-Stockholm University Business School Research Symposium, Public Sector Management, Stockholm, 16-17th Sept 2008 Liddle J (2008) Current and future trends in social and health care provision in the UK, University of Kuopio, Finland, 11th Sept Liddle J (2008) Modernisation of the UK Public Sector for the 21st century, University of Masaryk, Brno, Czech Republic, 3rd October Liddle J (2008) Co-development and Co-delivery in citizen driven governance in the UK: Collective Leadership and the tools for engaging stakeholders in creating Public Value,2008 EFMD Conference, Empowering the Public: Management Development implications of further public service reform in personalising services and applying new management tools to create public value, THEME: Co-development and Co-delivery, Irish Management Institute, Dublin, Ireland, 29-30th May 2008 Liddle J (2008) Invited speaker on 'City regions in the NE and EM, UK', 'The 48th Congress of the European Regional Science Association, Culture, Cohesion and Competitiveness: Regional Perspectives. Liverpool on 27 - 31 August 2008. Liddle J and Teng W (2008) "Skilling civil servants for the governance challenges of the 21st century: An international comparative analysis of needs and methods of delivery", Annual PAC Conference, York, UK, 1-3rd Sept 2008 Liddle J (2008) Invited Keynote speaker to the first Caribbean Local Government Conference, Jamaica or Barbados, University of West Indies, 20th-24th November 2008-03-05

Other Publications Liddle J (2009) Regeneration Management and the economic downturn, RSA Regions’ Newsletter, Autumn 2009 Gomes, R.C., J. Liddle and L. De O.M. Gomes (2009) Using stakeholder’s expectations for measuring public services performance: the case of Health Care Services, MECOSAN. Liddle J (2008) Commissioning of services: regional and local dimensions Regions Newsletter, Summer 2008 Liddle J and Diamond J (2008) Regeneration Management Research Network: Nearly 10 years on, Regions Newsletter, Winter 2008 Liddle J (2008) Leading citizen- driven governance: Collective regional and sub-regional leadership in the UK, Seminar on Regional Leadership in European Peripheries, Contesting Regional Peripheries through Leadership: Central European experience, A Regional Studies Association Working Group, , International Seminar, Cornivus University, Budapest, Hungary, 22nd-23rd February 2008 Liddle J (2008) Partnership- then and now-30 Years on, Regeneration is 30 Conference, Lace Centre, Liverpool, 30th January 2008

Conference papers up to 2007

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Trueman M, Cornelius N, Liddle J (2007) City branding with hard to reach communities in a post industrial city. EUROGEO Conference Amsterdam, 20-23rd August 2007 (Contribution Liddle= 30% Trueman=40% Cornelius=30%) Liddle J and Brown B (2007)Evaluating the robustness of partnership as a delivery mechanism for delivering the New Labour's ideological and economic aspirations 7th Regeneration Management Research Network, University of Manchester, 27th June 2007 (Contribution Liddle= 60% Brown =20%) Liddle J (2007) Public Sector Skills, London, Queen Elizabeth 2nd Conference Centre Conference Publication. December 2007 Liddle J (2007) Making sense of modernisation and the skills deficit, Public Servant, Guardian Newspaper Publications, March 2007: 29 Liddle J (2007) Leading the Public Sector: The need for new skills? Nigel Wright Recruitment Consultants, Grey St, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Imagine, Summer 2007 Issue 4:20-21 Liddle J (2007) Leading in multi-sector contexts: the case of UK Neighourhood Management and Renewal, Leading the future of the Public Sector- The third transatlantic dialogue, ASPA/EGPA Transatlantic dialogue, American Society for Public Administration and European Group of Public Administration Conference, Delaware, USA ,31ST May-2nd June 2007 Liddle J (2007) The International Brigade Command Course (IBCC) for Fire and Rescue Services (FRS) : Is it Fit for Purpose in response to the complex and paradoxical environments of new public service delivery? agenda: a response 2007 EFMD Conference on Public Sector Management Development, 21-22 June 2007 EOI Business School, Madrid, Spain, The (new) talent management to complexity and paradox in public services Liddle J (2006) The future of local governance: Management or Governance? New Regional Management, ESRC London Conference, 22nd November 2006 Liddle J (2006) Neighbourhood Management in the UK: New forms of Government, Institutions and Networks, University of the West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago. Conference on Government, Institutions and Networks, 18-22nd October, 2006 Liddle J (2006) Knowledge, learning and skills: A framework for regeneration practice. British Academy of Management Annual Conference, 2006, University of Ulster &Queens University Belfast Building International Communities through Collaboration, Theme ,Public Management and Governance,12-14th September 2006. Published in Conference proceedings Hagen R and Liddle J (2006) Executive Education for the Public Sector: A mutually sustaining crisis. Time for a Radical rethink, IMD, International Conference on Executive Education, Lausanne, Switzerland, 3-4th July 2006 (Contribution 50-50%) Liddle J (2006) Shaping the future of Local Governance: An examination and assessment of 'Local Strategic Partnerships: Shaping their future. A consultation paper (December 2005) International Research Symposium on Public Management X, Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, UK10-12th April 2006 Liddle J, Anderson A, Drummond T, Anderson E, Jackling O and Smith B (2005) Dialogue and collaboration: Building sustainable communities, Centre for Theology, and Public Issues/CTPI Annual International Conference, University of Edinburgh, 4-7th September, 2005 (Contribution Liddle=50%, other authors 50% combined)

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Liddle J (2005) Regeneration and accountability: New enlarged spaces for collective action, International Research Symposium on Public Management IX, University of Bocconi, Italy, 6-8th April, 2005 NB Also chaired two themes at this conference Liddle J and Smith S (2004) Evaluating, or disconnecting the disenfranchised from those who would enfranchise them? IVth Annual Regeneration Management Research Workshop, University of Liverpool, 18th June 2004 (Contribution Liddle= 80% Smith=20%) Liddle J and Smith S (Autumn, 2004) How understanding complexity could aid regeneration- A practitioners' guide, Manchester, Centre for Local Economic Strategies Policy Briefing: 9-12 (Contribution Liddle= 80% Smith=20%) NB This document was distributed to all 400 CEO s of UK Local Authorities and all CEOs of 9 Regional Development Agencies Liddle J (2004) City of Durham Economic Development Strategy, City of Durham, UK Liddle J (2004) City of Durham Leisure Strategy, City of Durham, UK Liddle J (2004) City of Durham Environmental Health Strategy, City of Durham, UK Chondroleou G, Elcock H, Liddle J and Oikonomopoulos I (2004) What can we learn from comparing governments? Some issues in English and Greek local government, Annual Politics Studies Association Conference, University of Lincoln, April, 2004 (Contribution Liddle= 40%, Elcock=40%, other authors 20% combined) Liddle J (2004) Deliberate or emergent strategy: UK Local Strategic Partnerships and regeneration in a changed strategic context, International Research Symposium on Public Management VIII, University of Budapest, Department of Economics and Public Administration, 5-7th April, 2004. NB Also chaired two themes at this conference Chondroleou G, Elcock H, Liddle J and Oikonomopoulos I (2003) Reorganisation. Panacea or delusion? Local Government reform in England and Greece, European Group of Public Administration, Oerias, Portugal, September 2003 Annual Politics Studies Association Conference, University of Lincoln, April, 2004 (Contribution Liddle= 40%, Elcock=40%, other authors 20% combined) Liddle J (2003) "Regional Governance and eGovernment in the North East". Manchester Centre for Egovernment. Seminar series, Manchester Business School, University of Manchester. 8th May 2003 Liddle J (2003) "Local Strategic Partnerships as experimental forms of governance: key emerging issues". University of Staffordshire Economics Research Seminar. 20th February 2003 Liddle J (2003-8) Regions' Newsletters, (various, see specific entries), Seaford, RSA Liddle J (2002) Local Strategic Partnerships: reflections on the first year. Paper give to the Centre for Regional Development Research Seminar Series, University of Northumbria, Carlisle Campus, 11th December Liddle J (2002) Community Inclusion: Breaking the Barriers, invited speaker at CLES (Centre for Local Economic Strategies), Annual Conference Manchester, 17th September Liddle J (2002) Local Strategic Partnerships :One policy experiment too far? Empirical data on local regeneration in the NE of England, UK The European Group for Organisational Studies Conference, Barcelona, Spain.4-6th July 2002.

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Liddle, J (2002) Implementing and evaluating UK regional policies at the sub-regional and local levels: how joined-up is governance? International Research Symposium on Public Management VI, University of Edinburgh, Scotland 8-10 April 2002. Liddle J and Oikonomopoulos I (2002) The establishment and operation of Local Development Company: The experience of Megara, SW Greece, 8th International Conference on Public and Private Partnerships, Exploring Cooperation, Karlstad, Sweden(Contribution Liddle= 90% Oikonomopoulos=10%) Liddle J and Townsend A (2002) Reflections on the development of local Strategic Partnerships: key emerging issues British Academy of Management Conference (Regeneration theme) September, 2002 in London (Contribution Liddle= 90% Townsend=10%) Liddle J (2002) Women and Politics, invited speaker at Northern Labour Women's Forum, Newcastle 29th June 2002 Liddle. J (2002) Regional and local regeneration. Urban Environment Today. Issue 146, 2nd May 2002 Apostolakis, C. and Liddle, J. (2001) Assessing the development of sub-regional and local strategic partnerships: A comparison of Leicester, and Durham and Northumberland. Paper presented to Second Research Management Research Workshop, UDBS and the International Centre for Regional Regeneration and Development, Van Mildert, University of Durham, 7th November. (Contribution Liddle= 90% Apostolakis=10%) Liddle J (2001 and 2004) Research on Local Strategic Partnerships. Participant Observation, invited speaker at Durham Business School Doctoral Colloquium, August 2001and updated in 2004) Liddle, J. (2001) An analysis of the new competences required by public servants in a changing local and regional governance: the case of the North East of England. Public Administration Committee 31st Annual Conference, Civil Service College, Sunningdale. Liddle, J. (2001) Sub Regional Partnerships as a vehicle for delivering an Economic Strategy. Presentation to RTPI Northern Branch Seminar, Civic Centre, Sunderland.13th June 2001 Liddle, J. (2001) Public/private agencies for business development and support. A comparison of SW Greece and NE England. V11th International Conference on Public Private Partnerships - The Enterprise Governance, University of Twente, Holland, 6-9th June. Liddle, J. (2001) Synthesis, symbiosis or simply stimulating another sounding board? Issues and practical problems in bringing together academics and practitioners: the experience of virtuality the Durham way. Annual Regional Studies Conference: Regionalising the Knowledge Economy, London Voluntary Sector Resource Centre, Holloway, London, 21st November. Liddle, J. (2001) Sub Regional Partnerships as a vehicle for delivering an Economic Strategy. Presentation to RTPI Northern Branch Seminar, Civic Centre, Sunderland. Liddle, J. (2001) RDAs, SRPs and LSPs and regeneration in the NE. Presentation to University of Sunderland Research Seminar Series, St Peter's Campus, University of Sunderland Business School, 14th November. Liddle, J. and Stevens, C. (2000) Managing the North-South divide within a region: can the regeneration of sub-regions be achieved without a democratic settlement? A comparison of Tyneside and Teesside. Regeneration Management Research Workshop, sponsored by CIPFA and Joint Universities Council,

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University of Durham Business School, 15th November. (Contribution Liddle= 90% Stevens=10%) Cockerill, T., Liddle, J. & Southern, A. (2000) Changes to the North East region: local dynamic: new forms of governance from traditional public sector structures? Annual Public Administration Committee Conference, University of Durham, 4th-6th September.(Contribution Liddle=90% other authors=10%) Hill, R. and Liddle, J. (1999) Towards April 2000 and the need for collaborative responses to the changing youth justice agenda: the case of County Durham Probation Services and lesson drawing for Probation Services in England and Wales. Annual Public Administration Committee (Joint University Council) Conference, Civil Service College, Sunningdale, 4th-6th September. (Contribution Liddle=90% Hill=10%) Liddle, J. and Overton, M. (1999) Partnerships, participation and power: evaluating inter-Authority Environmental Health partnerships in the NE of England (The Air Quality Management Initiative). Vth International Conference of Public/Private Partnerships - Fostering Development, Cork Ireland (Contribution Liddle=90% Overton=10%) Liddle, J. and Simpson, G. (1999) The North East Constitutional Convention: grass roots reaction to the New Managerialism? The International Conference on Public Participation and Innovation in Community Governance, University of Gotenberg, Sweden and Luton, 24th-26th June (Contribution Liddle=90% Simpson=10%) Liddle, J. (1998) Is BPR an analytical straightjacket? Pushing the boundaries outwards and upwards to a regional level. Paper presented to the Institute of British Business Process Re-engineering Conference, Winchester Guildhall, 24th March. Liddle, J. (1998) Promoting partnerships and fostering enterprise in regional regeneration: the case of Visual Arts UK 1997. International Conference on Public/private partnerships, Lublijana, Slovenia, May Liddle, J., Dixon-Dawson, J., Maguire, J., Lennon, J., & Steel, G. (1998) From CCT to Best Value: A synthesis of markets and bureaucracy? Cardiff Business School Public Service Research Unit Annual Conference, 31st March. (Contribution Liddle=60% other authors =40%) Corcoran, J. & Liddle, J. (1997) Urban regime theory in practice. A regeneration regime in the NE? Inter-agency partnerships and the case of Siemens UK. Politics Studies Association Conference, University of Ulster in Jordanstown. (Contribution Liddle=95% Corcoran =5%) Liddle, J. (1997) Scenario Planning after 1997 General Election: the implications for Leisure Services in the North East (Local Government in the North East). Presentation to I.L.A.M. Conference 'Leisure and the Millennium, Riverside Park, Chester Le Street. Liddle, J. (1996) A regional regime in the North East? Presentation to P.P.S.G. Research Breviate, St Chads, University of Durham, 22nd October. Liddle, J. (1996) Researching in the Northern region and linkages to Cybernetics. Paper presented to Business Cybernetics Research Day. King Alfred's College of Higher Education, Winchester, 25 June. Liddle, J. (1996) Adapting urban regime theory to the Northern Region: Some reflections on regional regeneration. Paper presented to the 26th Annual Public Administration Annual Conference, University of Northumbria, 2-4th September. Liddle, J. (1988) Recruitment difficulties, skill shortages and training requirements in the Teesside travel to work area. Paper prepared for Teesside

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Chamber of Commerce and incorporated into the main report for submission to Manpower Services Commission as a prelude to the 1988 White Paper setting up Training Enterprise Councils (TECs).

Teaching and Learning At the Nottingham in April 2006 I took responsibility for three new modules and developed the Executive MPA (to commence in January 2008). I developed all materials for three completely new postgraduate modules and taught every class (lecture and seminar) for each module (Leadership, Strategy and Performance Management (20 and 10 credits), Public Management and Governance (20 and 10 credits), Regeneration Management and Policy(10 credits), and also contributed to Research Methods teaching, as well developing all materials and delivering lectures and seminars for a wholly new module Comparing Public Policy In addition I tutored 13 Postgraduate students and supervised 13 Postgraduate dissertations in 2007. I had also tutored and supervised 7 Postgraduate dissertations on 2006.

I was Director of the MPA/MPP, marketing the programmes, dealing with admissions enquiries and applications, setting up a data-base of 400 public sector agencies and carrying out visits to prominent agencies to raise the profile of the Centre and the School. I took the lead on creating a regional database that was used as a marketing tool for the Centre. This has also been achieved at the same time as developing and preparing for the introduction of an Executive MPA, as well as running a series of Centre Seminars

Teaching and Research Supervision at Nottingham Business School and Nottingham Trent 2008-date MPA China Programme: Supervision of 9 MPA dissertations PhD Supervision of 12 PhDs (Including 2x Case Awards) DBA Supervision of 8 x DBAs (two succesfully viva-ed) Various undergraduate and MSc dissertations

External Examining 2014-2015 2014-2017 2014 (August) 2012 2012

2012-16 PHD

Jury member-PhD Aix en Provence (T Bozzo) Ix PhD examiner-University of Plymouth 1 x DBA examiner, NTU Examiner for 2x European Union PhDs at Tor Vergata, Italy Visiting Prof Glasgow Cal, Northumbria, Plymouth, Edge Hill, Eastern Finland Validating Napier University, Singapore DBA in Singapore Plymouth University Plymouth’s PA, Politics, HR REF submission REF External adviser at Aston, Napier and Plymouth

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examinations and DLitt examinations 2013 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012


2011 2011 2011 2011


Bradford Business School Plymouth De Montfort Open University Portsmouth Edge Hill University of West of Scotland-DLitt Prof M Danson Aston Bradford Leeds Metropolitan University of Birmingham Plymouth University University of Liverpool Plymouth University Edge Hill Aston University Sheffield Hallam University of Glamorgan University of Birmingham University of Glamorgan

University of Bradford University of Strathclyde University of Teesside Northumbria UWI, Jamaica


AL University of Glasgow (Quality in the PS) University of Liverpool (Student Unions and Strategy) PhD s versus DBAs

2009 onwards

University of Hull University of Liverpool De Montfort University of Lincoln SOAS University of Sunderland University of Portsmouth (from Sept 2010) Open University (from Sept 2010)

MPA Consortium BA Business and Government Foundation degree BA Bus Mangt MBA Professional Drs MPA China National Rapportuer


PhDs x 7 MPhil x2

University of Ulster University of Hull University of edge Hill University of York University of Liverpool x2 University of Leeds University of Manchester

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University of Trinidad University of Sunderland University of Liverpool Arthur Lewis, Trinidad and Tobago

2008 University of Aston

University of Durham

2008 onwards

Validator: University of Liverpool INLOGOV University of East London Northumbria/Gateshead Breda/Northumbria Northumbria Nottingham Trent ESRC



2007 3x PhDs

MBA Strategy MSc Regeneration MPA Tailored Masters in Management MA in PSM Humberside

2007 Leeds Met

University of Coventry Open university Manchester BS

Improvement Partnership Tailored MPA Hong Kong MA PA MA Globalising Justice Dl Masters in PA BA Business Management

Previous Examining 2003-07

Leeds Met

MA Urban Policy

Teesside BS

Professional Drs

Glasgow Caledonian


Visiting Seminars/Lectures



Renmin University China Solvay BS, Brussels

UK Policy changes under the Coalition Government UK Coalition and Partnerships

2010 Brazilian Academy of PA

‘The Coalition Government: 6 months on

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2010 National School of Government

25 Senior GO civil servants ‘Changes to LG’

2010 National School of Government

Delegation from South African Ministry for LG


University of Kuopio, Finland

Changes to UK Governance

Humberside Improvement Partnership

Collective Leadership


Fire Service College International brigade Commanders Course and Commanders Course

Partnerships and Leadership


Bradford Business School Nottingham University BS NTU : NBS Teesside BS Office of the Deputy PM

Regeneration Management Regional Regeneration MPS China: Local Development MPA Leading Regeneration