My Property Review 31

FRIDAY, MARCH 20 2009 ISSUE 31 WATER, WATTS AND WASTE Just how green are we? The report card is in and our grades are slipping. FREE – YOURS TO KEEP PROPERTIES FOR SALE | COMMERCIAL | HOUSE & LAND | CLASSIFIEDS & MORE...


Issue 31 March 20, 2009

Transcript of My Property Review 31

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WATER, WATTSAND WASTEJust how green are we? The report card is in and our grades are slipping.



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My Property Review | March 20, 2009 3

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I was a little shocked this week to learn that the demand for electricity in South-East Queensland has risen by 50 to 70 per cent in the past decade. Excuse the pun, but I thought we were a little brighter than that. Is the growing awareness of reducing carbon footprints not rubbing off on us? It appears not. In fact, our insatiable desire for big-screen plasmas and plush temperature-controlled living are giving South-East Queenslanders a pretty dismal report card when it comes to power consumption, and as our cover story points out, we could pick up our ‘green’ game when it comes to waste and water, too. Organisers are endeavouring to continually educate with programs such as Earth Hour, which is approaching on March 28. For one hour, more than 50 million people around the globe are expected to switch off their lights in a bid to combat global warming. Let’s hope we’re keen to fl ick the switch here, too. Aft er all, just like the old adage, when it comes to electricity consumption in SEQ, it would seem the lights are all on but nobody is really home.

Contributors – Allison Grant, Jemma Pearson, Dorothy Drane

My Property Review is locally owned and published by Sunshine Coast Alliance Publishing Ltd. ABN 13 124 476 142Distribution Enquiries: 1300 367 352 General & Sales Enquiries: (07) 5443 8866PO Box 6362, Maroochydore BC Qld 4558Editorial: [email protected]: [email protected]: [email protected]

Jade Harrison

RE/MAXFirst NationalKen GuyHenzellsInsite RealtyMy MooloolabaEldersPRD Realtywaterfront & coastal propertyJean HamerBrown Realty BuderimRealwayPam CourtProperty TodayMooloolaba Real EstateGo GeckoKings Beach RealtyVic MurphyHarcourtsSunshine Coast RealtyRay WhiteRE/MAX AcclaimedMaleny & Hinterland RELeading EdgeDay & GrimesVictor RealtyFirst National

7131725303132 3334363738394040414243434646464647484954

44 Cover Story

Lift ing our green game

6 My Feature Securing your home from theft

11 My WorldTwo hot properties from overseas

12 My People & PlacesDavid Hart’s painting place

16 My ColumnSetting the baby boomer standard

43 Auction ActionResults and forthcoming auctions

43 Market TrackerTh e latest property sales at a glance

46 HinterlandA tree-change success story

50 Classifi edsProperty listings and rentals

52 DirectoryProperty-related products & services

54 CommercialActivity in the commercial arena

55 New Home & LandTh e latest projects to call home

cover story




Publishers Anarr HigginsDarryl OlsonMichael Kramer Noel Olson

Editor Jade Harrison

Sub Editor Jemma Pearson

Art Director Noel Harris

Production Co-ordinatorKara Taylor

Graphic DesignerStephanie Kesper

Editorial AssistantJarna Baudinette



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cover story

Everyone wants to be green, but as the old saying goes, it’s not easy. Government, green groups and even our electricity providers have lately

been encouraging us to switch off lights, recycle and turn down the air-con. But are Sunshine Coast home owners listening? Is the Coast winning the race to save the planet, or is our region letting the green team down? MPR fi nds out by looking at the three big environmental foes – wattage, water use and waste.

Wattage:Despite a growing awareness of the huge impact fossil-fuel-burning electricity has on the planet, South-East Queensland residents have increased their demand for electricity by 38 per cent over the past fi ve years. And this one cannot be blamed on population growth alone. Th e demand is exceeding growth and the responsibility lies with power-hungry appliances like air-conditioners.

Sunshine Coast Regional Councillor Keryn Jones says, “Demand for power on the Coast has increased by 50 to 70 per cent in the past decade and it’s time we ‘pulled the plug’ on our energy demands and our greenhouse gas emissions.”

It’s time to make a change, says Keryn. “Individuals, families, neighbourhoods and business all need to make everyday changes in the way they use electricity to achieve better environmental outcomes.”

Kath Ryan, spokesperson for Energex has also seen an increase in electricity consumption on the Sunshine

Coast. “We’re encouraging people to slow down energy consumption,” Kath says. “Really simple things like set the air-conditioner to 24 degrees. Wash your clothes in cold water and then hang them on the line to dry rather than using the drier. Move to CFL light bulbs. Stand-by power is a big one, so turn appliances off at the wall and unplug them.” Stand-by power – such as keeping the TV and microwave plugged in when you’re not using them

– uses as much as 10 per cent of a household’s total power consumption. And of course, Kath adds, when purchasing new appliances, check the star ratings to fi nd the most energy-effi cient one you can aff ord.

Despite all the advice, Queenslanders are not using their energy wisely. Keryn says, “Because of the rapid growth in the region and an increase in power-hungry items such as air-conditioning units and plasma TVs, the Sunshine Coast is set to increase power usage by around 40 per cent over the next six years.”

Th at rate of consumption is simply not sustainable, and Keryn is one of many who are encouraging residents to power down in March to help fi ght climate change. Most electricity sources in the state come from fossil fuels (coal and gas), which are major greenhouse gas producers. Power stations also require a lot of land and water to keep running, placing a huge strain on the planet.

The Sunshine Coast Regional Council reports that each Australian family produces enough rubbish in a

year to fi ll a three-bedroom house

“ “

We deliver the Coast’s fi rst report card on saving the planet by investigating the big three W’s – water, wattage and waste. And while the grades look good in some subjects, it appears we are sadly failing in others.

by Jemma Pearson

Water, Watts & Waste

4 My Property Review | March 20, 2009

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But even if you can’t say goodbye to the wide-screen TV, you can make a diff erence. Home owners can greatly reduce their carbon footprint by choosing green sources of energy. According to the South East Queensland State of the Region Technical Report 2008, “Th e number of domestic and commercial customers making purchases of renewable energy in Queensland has risen from 52,253 in the December quarter 2004 to 156,744 in the December quarter 2007, an increase of 200 per cent.”

Renewable energy produces no greenhouse gas emissions and is generated from sources like wind power. Customers can purchase renewable energy through their normal electricity providers.

Water: In a country as dry as Australia, and with a population increasing the demand for this most precious resource, water restrictions are inevitable. Residents in the southern states have had them for years, and now water restrictions will become part of life on the Sunshine Coast too (see panel on right). Whether you think the restrictions are fair or not, households on the Coast will have to change the way they use water.

Under the Target 200 water restrictions, residents are asked to use a maximum of 200 litres per person per day. Th at equates to a four-minute shower (about 60 litres), a load in the dishwasher (about 40 litres), several fl ushes of the toilet (about 60 litres) and some cooking and cleaning (which uses about 10 litres per minute). Th e

Flick the switchDon’t have plans for the evening of March 28? Well you do now. Between 8.30pm and 9.30pm, businesses and households are being encouraged to turn off the lights in support of Earth Hour. Started just two years ago in Sydney, where 2.2 million homes and businesses switched off their lights, last year 50 million people from San Francisco to Rome fl icked the switch in support of the planet. While it does save on electricity, Earth Hour is an important message to governments that the people are serious about the problem of global warming. This year the Earth Hour organisers hope one billion people around the world will take part, so do your bit and power down for just one hour. For more information visit

Get water wiseResidents who rely solely on town water take note: from July 1, Medium Level (Target 200) water restrictions come into effect. The restrictions apply to how and when residents can water gardens, how they wash their cars and fi ll their pools, even how they can clean out wheelie bins and barbecues. The Queensland Water Commission advises that residents will still be able to water gardens, top up pools and wash the car, but within times set out in the water restriction guidelines. The QWC has a fact sheet that spells out the hows and whens of water restrictions that apply to you. It can be downloaded from

Queensland Water Commission (QWC) reports that waterconsumption on the Sunshine Coast is on average around 208 litres per day, so 200 litres shouldn’t be too much of a stretch for most residents.

Th e QWC reports that water restrictions in other parts of South-East Queensland are improving the region’s ability to cope with population growth and climate change, so the restrictions are making a diff erence to supply. “Water restrictions form part of a smarter, more sustainable way of managing water as a shared regional resource to provide greater security of supply,” says QWC CEO John Bradley.

Th e QWC has advice for home owners wanting to reduce consumption, such as installing effi cient irrigation systems in the garden, planting drought-tolerant plants and fi tting pool covers to reduce evaporation. Inside the house, those old chestnuts of taking four-minute showers and turning off the water when brushing teeth and shaving make a diff erence. Using your dishwasher and washing machine only when there’s a full load is a simple but eff ective measure, too.

Rainwater tanks greatly cut down on water use and help the environment. Before installing a tank, check with council to fi nd out what approvals are required.

Under the QWC’s Residential Excessive Water Users Compliance program, from January 2010, water use will be monitored and households that exceed 1000 liters per day will be asked to explain their excessive water use. So residents have nine months to review their water usage and start making some changes. How eff ective the restrictions are remains to be seen.

Waste: Th e Sunshine Coast Regional Council website reports that each Australian family produces enough rubbish in a year to fi ll a three-bedroom house. And according to the South East Queensland State of the Region Technical Report 2008, South-East Queensland councils deposited about 996,000 tonnes of domestic waste in 2006-07, an increase from 875,000 in 2004-05. Th at’s a 14 per cent rise in pizza boxes, rotten apples and milk cartons.

Population growth and related construction of homes and businesses is, of course, going to generate more waste on the Coast, but it’s surprising how much the average Sunshine Coaster pops in the home wheelie bin and what a big impact this has on the numbers.

Before the Sunshine Coast gets bogged down under the weight of its resident’s rubbish, home owners must embrace recycling. In the 2007/2008 fi nancial year, the SCRC diverted 26,500 tonnes of recyclables from landfi ll. But council can do this only with the co-operation of residents. It’s no good having recycling bins if residents don’t use them. Th e Technical Report says, “Th e bulk (84 per cent) of the domestic waste received by councils in South-East Queensland was landfi lled. Much of this co-mingled domestic waste could be composted if collected separately.”

Th e SCRC says kitchen scraps and garden waste account for as much as 37 per cent of domestic rubbish. Th at’s a lot of unnecessary landfi ll. By embracing composting and investing in a worm farm, residents could eff ectively reduce the amount of rubbish that goes to landfi ll by a third.

Composting organic waste, being vigilant about separating recyclables and recycling clothes and furniture by giving, and buying from, charity shops will greatly ease the landfi ll strain. Th ere are only so many places on our Coast we can keep burying our rubbish.



on town water




Buy in bulkThe Sunshine Coast Environment Council is looking to sign up moreresidents to its Solar Bulk Purchase scheme. SCEC is encouraging residents who meet the criteria (their household income must be less than $100,000 and they must have the right type of roof), to take part in this scheme before July. That way they will be able to take advantage of the federal government’s Solar Home and Communities Plan, which offers a rebate of about $9000 (the fi gure will drop to about $5000 after June) to install solar power, thus reducing your electricity bill and carbon footprint. To fi nd out more visit

nt re

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6 My Property Review | March 20, 2009

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It sounds obvious, but it’s important to keep your doors, windows and the garage locked at all times, even when you’re home. Th ieves are opportunistic and many break in through unlocked or open doors and windows.

If you’re building a new home, talk to your builder or architect about designing to prevent crime. Ask your builder to install solid doors, get an electrician to illuminate dark spots, add locks on all windows and consider installing an alarm system.

Th e safest doors are of solid-core construction and feature dead bolts. Safety hinges will prevent the door being pulled from its hinge. If you have French doors, instal lever push-bolts or key-operated locks. Th e addition of a security door will keep intruders out and let the breeze in without compromising your safety. Make sure it complies with Australian Standards and features a heavy-duty frame, three hinges, a deadlock, and seven-millimetre mesh (if aluminium) or 10- to 12-millimetre steel bars (if steel).

Th ere are many kinds of locks on the market, but most insurers recommend the installation of, at a minimum, key-operated, two-cylinder deadlocks fi tted to all external hinged doors, and key-operated locks or patio bolts fi tted to external sliding doors. In addition to these door locks, ensure your windows are secured by either a key-operated, single-cylinder window lock or a security grill or screen. Th ese are available from most hardware stores.

Resist the temptation to leave a spare key hidden somewhere outside, just in case you lock yourself out of the house. Seasoned burglars know where to look for keys. Leave a spare one with a trusted neighbour.

A home alarm or security system is a great deterrent for intruders. Th e most comprehensive package is a home security system that is monitored 24 hours by a security company. Non-monitored systems and alarm packages are also available. Do your research and speak to the most reputable providers before signing up.

Th ieves look out for the telltale signs of an empty home, so if you’re going away, plan ahead. Cancel the milk and papers, ask a neighbour to collect your mail and pick up your copy of My Property Review, turn down the phone, lock your wheelie bins away and ask someone to keep an eye on your property.

Installing timers on lights and a radio will help deter would-be burglars as it gives the impression that someone is home. Th is is especially important when you’re away on holidays.

Sensor lights around your property should do the job of deterring any would-be intruder as they will instantly be bathed in light once they step on to your property. Th ere are many good sensor lights available on the market that are easy to install yourself. Consider these lights a ‘must have’ for your home security. If you go out at night, make sure you leave key internal lights on as well, to give the illusion that someone is home.

Make sure you adequately hide away your valuables, preferably in a lockable safe. Th is goes for outdoor items such as bikes as well – if a burglar can’t see something they would like to steal they are less likely to break in to your home.

Lock it up

Build it in

The door to safety

What’s in a lock?

Don’t leave a key

Install an alarm

Plan your holidaysTime it

Let there be light

Hide valuables away

Safe & soundHouse break-ins are one of the most common crimes in

Queensland, but most are preventable. Follow our 10 tips for protecting your home, your family and your possessions.

adio will t gives

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My Property Review | March 20, 2009 7

BUDERIM 5445 672239 Main Street

CALOUNDRA 5438 522279 Bulcock Street

MOOLOOLABA 5452 4555103 Brisbane Road

COOLUM 5455 16005/21-37 Birtwill StreetExceed Expectations - Everybody Wins


INSPECT :: Sat 11-11.45am & Wed 6-7pm

PRICE :: $995,000

WEB :: ID# 1247228

CONTACT :: David Hedley-Ward 0406 011 123 or 5456 0244



INSPECT :: Saturday 1-1.30pm

PRICE :: $795,000

WEB :: ID# 1255629

CONTACT :: Michael Kettle 0419 728 807 or


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BUDERIM 5445 672239 Main Street

CALOUNDRA 5438 522279 Bulcock Street

MOOLOOLABA 5452 4555103 Brisbane Road

COOLUM 5455 16005/21-37 Birtwill StreetExceed Expectations - Everybody Wins


INSPECT :: Saturday 1-1.30pm

PRICE :: $698,000

WEB :: ID# 1234220

CONTACT :: Vicki Flint 0438 451 410


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8 My Property Review | March 20, 2009

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My Property Review | March 20, 2009 9

BUDERIM 5445 672239 Main Street

CALOUNDRA 5438 522279 Bulcock Street

MOOLOOLABA 5452 4555103 Brisbane Road

COOLUM 5455 16005/21-37 Birtwill StreetExceed Expectations - Everybody Wins


INSPECT :: Saturday 1-1.45pm

PRICE :: $585,000

WEB :: ID# 1253341

CONTACT :: Peter Hill 0418 879 885



INSPECT :: Saturday 1-1.45pm

AUCTION :: On Site Saturday, April 4 at 11am

WEB :: ID# 1247236

CONTACT :: David Hedley-Ward 0406 011 123 or 5456 0244



INSPECT :: Saturday 2-2.45pm

AUCTION :: On Site Saturday, April 4 at 1.30pm

WEB :: ID# 1254848

CONTACT :: Darren Rix 0416 188 259

DOONAN 5 4 3


April 4

at 1.


SERIOUS SELLER SAYS … “BRING ME AN OFFER!”INSPECT :: Sat 1-1.45pm & Sun 12-12.45pm

PRICE :: Offers over $540,000

WEB :: ID# 1245401

CONTACT :: Fiona Louie 0401 222 150 or 5452 4501



AUCTION :: On Site Wednesday March 25 at 5.30pm

WEB :: ID# 1252050

CONTACT :: Michael Kettle 5438 5213 or



April 4

at 11




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BUDERIM 5445 672239 Main Street

CALOUNDRA 5438 522279 Bulcock Street

MOOLOOLABA 5452 4555103 Brisbane Road

COOLUM 5455 16005/21-37 Birtwill StreetExceed Expectations - Everybody Wins

BUDERIM 4 Native Bird Place 4+Office/Study 2 2

WAS $829,950 – NOW OFFERS OVER $750,000INSPECT :: Saturday 11-11.45am


WEB :: ID# 1246420

CONTACT :: Rohan Saunders (07) 5456 0228 or 0423 55 99 33

BUDERIM 17 Placid Place 4 2 2


or by appointment

PRICE :: All Offers Considered

WEB :: ID# 1256692

CONTACT :: Rohan Saunders (07) 5456 0228 or 0423 55 99 33



INSPECT :: Saturday 11-11.45am

PRICE :: $499,000

WEB :: ID# 1255055

CONTACT :: Vicki Flint 0438 451 410


or by appointment

PRICE :: $649,000

WEB :: ID# 1253870

CONTACT :: Jan & Andrew Withers 0403 737 790 or 0413 002 330

BUDERIM 3+ 2 2


or by appointment

PRICE :: $730,000

WEB :: ID# 1241586

CONTACT :: Jan & Andrew Withers 0403 737 790 or 0413 002 330

BUDERIM 4+ 2 2

10 My Property Review | March 20, 2009

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My Property Review | March 20, 2009 11

BUDERIM 5445 672239 Main Street

CALOUNDRA 5438 522279 Bulcock Street

MOOLOOLABA 5452 4555103 Brisbane Road

COOLUM 5455 16005/21-37 Birtwill StreetExceed Expectations - Everybody Wins


INSPECT :: Saturday 1-1.45pm

PRICE :: $429,000

WEB :: ID# 1254504

CONTACT :: Fiona Browne 0416 151 204



INSPECT :: Saturday 11-11.45am

PRICE :: Now Offers Over $600,000

WEB :: ID# 1238861

CONTACT :: Bevan Horsnell 0412 512 257


Buderim27 Edwin Road SATURDAY 11 - 11.45AM

Bevan Horsnell 0412 512 25749 Monarch Place SAT 11 - 11.45AM WED 6 - 7PM

David Hedley Ward 0406 011 1234 Native Bird Place SATURDAY 11 - 11.45AM

Rohan Saunders 0423 55 99 3363 Gloucester Road SATURDAY 11 - 11.45AM

Vicki Flint 0438 451 41019 Ballinger Road SATURDAY 12 - 12.45PM

Bevan Horsnell 0412 512 2576 Cooba Close SATURDAY 12 - 12.30PM

Russell Dell 0400 409 00035 Settlers Ridge SATURDAY 12 - 12.45PM

Jan & Andrew Withers 0403 737 7903 Paluma Terrace SATURDAY 1 - 1.45PM

Bevan Horsnell 0412 512 257

21 Vista Park Drive SAT & SUN 1 - 1.45PM

Jan & Andrew Withers 0403 737 79017 Placid Place SATURDAY 1 - 1.45PM

Rohan Saunders 0423 55 99 3314 Atherton Close, Rainforest Sanctuary SAT 1 - 1.45PM & SUN 12 - 12.45PM

Fiona Louie 0401 222 1504 Illawong Street SATURDAY 1 - 1.45PM

David Hedley Ward 0406 011 12327 Tulip Lane SATURDAY 2 - 2.45PM

Bevan Horsnell 0412 512 25724 Mayfair Lane SATURDAY 2 - 2.45PM

Vicki Flint 0438 451 41023 William Street SAT & SUN 2 - 2.45PM

Jan & Andrew Withers 0403 737 790

Caloundra3 Bower Street SATURDAY 3 - 3.30PM

Michael Kettle 0419 728 807

Dicky Beach19 Beerburrum Street SATURDAY 1 - 1.30PM

Keven & Debra Hyde 0413 259 35317 Beerburrum Street SATURDAY 2 - 2.30PM

Michael Kettle 0419 728 807 / 07 5438 5213

Doonan2 Noakes Road SATURDAY 2 - 2.45PM

Darren Rix 0416 188 259

Little Mountain45 Koala Court SATURDAY 12 - 12.30PM

Michael Kettle 0419 728 807 / 07 5438 52137 Manor Court SATURDAY 1 - 1.30PM

Michael Kettle 0419 728 807

Mooloolaba37 Balyarta Crescent SATURDAY 1 - 1.30PM

Vicki Flint 0438 451 410

Mountain Creek55 Escolar Drive SATURDAY 1 - 1.30PM

Russell Dell 0400 409 000

Ninderry2 to 12 Old Coach Way SAT & SUN 12 - 12.45PM

Steve G Pery 0448 884 09366 Old Coach Way SAT & SUN 12 - 12.45PM

Jan & Andrew Withers 0403 737 790

Woombye18 Egret Avenue SATURDAY 1 - 1.45PM

Fiona Browne 0416 151 204

Golden Beach2/45 Kennedy Parade SATURDAY 11 - 11.30AM

Michael Kettle 0419 728 807 / 07 5438 5213

Twin WatersUnit 50/80 Northshore Road SATURDAY 1 - 1.45PM

Peter Hill 0418 879 885


An English B&B and African marine park feature in this week’s lust-have properties.

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$1.3 million

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12 My Property Review | March 20, 2009

Art from the Hart

Artist David Hart’s Tanawha property is more than the family home. It’s the centre of his business, the location of his studio and a showcase for his and his father’s work.

Approach the gates of artist David Hart’s home, and you know you’re in the right place, thanks to the bronze dragonfl ies that adorn the entrance.

Dragonfl ies are one of David’s trademarks, along with bright fl owers, outback scenes and abstract works.

David, wife Christine and their three children Harrison, Chloe and Jacob have lived on the lush 1.5-acre Tanawha property for seven years, completing signifi cant renovations on the small original house two years ago. Th e result is a spectacular, modern family home that boasts fi ve bedrooms, a stunning outdoor area and pool, and plenty of spectacular artwork inside.

Behind those impressive gates, the property also houses David Hart Galleries’ head offi ce and warehouse, and David’s studio. Th e business is doing well, despite the challenging fi nancial times, thanks to forward-planning and preparation on David’s part. “Twelve months ago I realised that we had to be more innovative in how we go about our business if we were to survive and continue to grow,” he explains. “We sell luxury items so you tend to see the downturn sooner as luxury items are the fi rst thing people cut back on.

“We have put a number of new systems in place and looked at what we can do ourselves, rather than outsourcing. We are also promoting the business Australia-wide and have developed smarter products that enhance what we do and don’t devalue our other products like signed digital reproductions, sketch books, journals and kitchen products like linen tea towels.”

With so many business pressures associated with running the two galleries in Noosa and Mooloolaba, it’s a wonder he has time to paint. “Th e business is doing very well but having the two galleries is enough for me

right now,” David says. “All I want to do is paint and you can get caught up in the other stuff .”

Luckily for him, he has nine staff to help him realise his vision, so he can indeed concentrate on his art and his family. “On an average day, I’ll take the kids to school then come home and go straight to the studio,” David says. “Sometimes I’ll read for a while as I get inspiration from reading. I’ll get the canvasses ready and decide what I want to work on for the day and paint

until about 3pm. I’ll then catch up with staff , check my emails and look at new products. I’m pretty structured.”

David’s painting space has a number of diff erent pieces ‘under construction’. Th e walls feature positive, loving messages painted for him by his three children.

“I just paint and I don’t tend to worry about timelines,” Daivd says. “I don’t get too stressed. Th e best thing is that now I can paint what I want to paint. When you start out you have to paint what people want to buy. I do look at what sells though.

“Th e kids will come in and have a go. My daughter is working on a few abstract pieces at the moment,” he says, showing off the

impressive canvasses. But it was a diff erent story for David growing up with

his famous father, artist Pro Hart. “Dad used to get annoyed if I came in [while he was painting]. He came off the land – he was tough and grumpy at times, and he was always so busy. But he would sometimes throw some paints on the table for me. I only ever really painted with

by Alli Grant

David’s family home is also his studio and gallery

It’s a great yard as there’s plenty of space for the kids.

It does require bit of work but I like to do it myself

“ “

him once in my twenties. Pro always had diff erent stuff around – pottery and scrap steel for sculptures, so we’d be able to have a crack at diff erent things.”

David’s focus is a historical series two years in the making called Th e Arrivals, about the arrival of the First Fleet, as seen through the eyes of the indigenous people. When he fi nishes the series it will feature 55 pieces.

“I started off wanting to paint Captain Cook and the arrival of the First Fleet. Part of the way through I decided to get input from some of the traditional owners and thanks to input from an incredible lady called Anita Heiss, I realised that I was painting completely from a white man’s perspective, so I decided to ditch half of what was painted and start again.”

David has also taken to picture framing and photography, recently purchasing a set of impressive studio lights. And he is master of the family’s impressive garden. “It’s a great yard as there’s plenty of space for the kids. It does require bit of work but I like to do it myself,” David explains as he walks over the perfectly manicured lawn from his studio to the house. He strolls past the stunning pool and expansive entertainment area, complete with outdoor kitchen and barbecue, and wanders into the house where Christine, is busy on the phone running the business.

Th e Hart house is a gallery itself, as the walls are adorned with many of David and his father’s works.

In the pool room is one of Pro’s famous Gold Coast beach scenes. Directly opposite is the same scene, as interpreted by David. “I wanted to have a go at painting the same scene as dad and see how it turned out,” he says. While their styles are diff erent, it’s clear that David has been blessed with his father’s same gift – of beautiful storytelling through art.


os: b


fi llip


people & places



t impresThe Hart home in Tanawha

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Beerwah Caloundra Cooroy Maroochydore Mooloolaba Nambour Pacific Paradise Palmwoods 5494 6444 5499 5600 5447 6888 5479 6600 5444 3455 5441 1344 5448 8088 5445 9666

Council plans pre approved – Circumstances force sale!!Here is a great opportunity to take advantage of all the hard work done. Pre-approved plan includes a 450m2 home. Three bedrooms, ensuite plus study, inground pool and detached 2 bedroom granny flat. Situated on a large 2020m2 block at Buderim Escape and surrounded by quality homes.

Reluctant Seller Slashes Land!

Address: 97 Whites Road, BuderimInspect: AnytimeView: /1021988Price: $259,000Contact: Troy Scott 0400 556 292Maroochydore First National 5409 9917

Situated in the sought after Cotton Tree location, achieving uninterrupted ocean & river views, resides this luxurious apartment. The owners instructions are clear, “This apartment will be sold on Auction



Unrivalled Views- Beachfront Location

Address: Unit 58 Elouera Towers, 81 Sixth Avenue, Maroochydore

Contact: Adam Bond 0404 211 281Maroochydore First National 5409 9918

Ideally located on Picnic Point Esplanade, directly opposite the picturesque Maroochydore River, this apartment provides the new owner the perfect lifestyle opportunity. The current owners have packed their bags and made their decision final ”We want our apartment sold on or before Auction

Maroochy River Lifestyle Apartment

Address: Unit 2 The Esplanade, Picnic Point, 20-22 Picnic Point Espl, Maroochydore

Contact: Adam Bond 0404 211 281Maroochydore First National 5409 9918

Situated directly on the Maroochydore Waterfront in a professionally managed complex, resides this


Outstanding Townhouse Waterfront Location

Address: Unit 22 Palm Cove Maroochy, 18 Maroochy Waters Dr, M’dore


Contact: Adam Bond 0404 211 281Maroochydore First National 5409 9918

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Beerwah Caloundra Cooroy Maroochydore Mooloolaba Nambour Pacific Paradise Palmwoods 5494 6444 5499 5600 5447 6888 5479 6600 5444 3455 5441 1344 5448 8088 5445 9666

Situated in Cotton Tree this property will suit the 1st home owner or investor.


Cotton Tree Apartment – Quiet Location

Maroochydore First National 5409 9916


Alex Headland Beach Front Apartment

Maroochydore First National 5409 9910



Affordable Three Brm Townhouse – Triplex

Maroochydore First National 5409 9916


Excellent Value Beach Home

Maroochydore First National 5409 9910


Large Family Home in Kuluin

Maroochydore First National 5409 9910


Cotton Tree Townhouse

Maroochydore First National 5409 9910


Aroona – ‘Builder Liquidates Assets’

Webbers First National 5499 5600

Perfect Home or Weekender

Carolans First National 5441 1344

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Beerwah Caloundra Cooroy Maroochydore Mooloolaba Nambour Pacific Paradise Palmwoods 5494 6444 5499 5600 5447 6888 5479 6600 5444 3455 5441 1344 5448 8088 5445 9666

“Shandelle”, so tightly held, where position is paramount. Directly opposite the famous Alex beach, natures beauty only a stones throw from your apartment on the 2nd top floor. An opportunity to create a stunning interior to compliment the properties unique architecture and location for future capital growth! We invite your inspection this Saturday from 2-3pm.


Alex Beachfront – First Time Offered

Address: Unit 20 ‘Shandelle’ 4 Juan Street, Alexandra Headland

Inspect: Saturday & Sunday 1-2pmView:

282048 Contact: Mark Elston 0409 441 200Mooloolaba First National 5444 3455

bathroom downstairs

appliances and dishwasher


Trendy Beach House – Mudjimba

Inspect: Sat & Sun 12.30-1pmAuction: On-Site Sat 28th March at 12.30pm

Peter Kennedy First National 5448 8088


Picturesque Mudjimba Beach

Auction: On Site Saturday 11th April 2009 at 1pm


Peter Kennedy First National 5448 8088

Address: Unit 121 ‘Varsity Apartments’ 4 Varsityview Court, Sippy Downs


Mooloolaba First National 5444 3455

Varsity Apartments

MooloolabaInspect: Sat & Sun 11.30-12.30pm

Mooloolaba First National 5444 3455

Townhouse living at its best. Tucked away from the hustle & bustle, set in rainforest surroundings. This two storey townhouse consists of: 3 bedrooms + ensuite, private courtyard, double remote garage, pool & tennis court in complex, plus it’s pet friendly.

Sunny – Spacious – Secure

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Here I am, all my life, thinking I am outrageously individual, and now I have been cut down in my prime with the discovery that it is unlikely that

I have ever had an original thought.Th at, my friends, is the danger of being born a

baby boomer.Anything I have ever thought has probably already

been thought a thousand times over, by the many others among us who were born within this period of roughly a decade following the Second World War.

Basically, everything I have ever done has already been done or is about to be done. I have had a bit of a hunch about this for a while, but it was all confi rmed recently in a couple of interviews.

Th e demographer Bernard Salt, whose job it is to observe and document these people trends, was quite blunt about it actually.

“Don’t think that your wish to move from the family home and downsize to an apartment is any diff erent to anyone else. Th ey’re all doing it,” he says.

And then he went on and listed all the reasons why “they’re all doing it’’. Not that he needed to, because as it turned out, I knew them already – no longer a slave to cleaning the house, central location where you don’t need a car, somewhere that can be locked up and left for a few weeks without dramas, fewer rooms to worry about and so on, all basically adding up to more time for living life.

In fact, until that moment, I had thought that these were all my very own personal reasons, and not part of a wider trend.

Research confi rms that the baby boomers end up thinking the same way, which is a bit of a scary way to have your life mapped out before you.

We led the way with backpacking trips to London in the ’70s, a time when Bazza McKenzie turned Earls Court into Kangaroo Valley. We came home and embraced the great Australian dream – we worked

hard, bought a house, had babies, strived for the ideal nuclear family, invested, lost our parents and now we are moving into smaller places and ditching all the things we worked so hard to accumulate.

Some of us had babies in our early twenties, others delayed it to the late twenties, but very few thought about it aft er 30. Th at would have been just way too old.

So, here I am, one of this great group that has been giving market researchers a dream run since 1946.

Th is total lack of individual thought on my part was brought home when I interviewed a complete stranger who had also downsized. We had so much in common we could have been talking in stereo.

She and her partner had not only downsized from the home to an apartment, but had sold up pretty

much everything along the way, choosing to start their new life completely afresh.

It is a nice story. Her decisions evolved and she took it all just one step at a time.

As she pointed out, if you say you have to sell the motorbike, sell the car, sell the house, sell the furniture, get rid of everything that you have accumulated for more than 20 years, then it sounds like an awful lot to do and so daunting you probably would never quite get around to doing it at all.

But when it is just one step at a time, the dream gradually unfolds.

She and her partner even found their dream apartment by accident aft er taking a wrong turn and ending up in a dead-end street where they were confronted by a for sale sign. Th ey signed up without even looking any further, as you do when you are making a great life change and following your heart.

Th ey then went back to their house in the suburbs and spent the next six months putting an old life in order and preparing for the new. She had been in her job for 15 years, gave six months’ notice and set about training new staff . Her partner was self-employed and decided to retire, so simply informed his customers that it was all over.

Th ey not only sold their house, but everything in it with “the biggest garage sale ever’’. Even the crockery and cutlery went.

Furniture they had carefully commissioned to be built for special corners of their home were sold along with the house. Gone were the genuine timbers and the country kitchen, as they welcomed a clean black and white kitchen with a splash of red.

Th ey also downsized to one car, exchanging the other for a scooter, two bikes and two new pairs of runners.

Signing up for a new apartment is signing up on a new lease on life.

Th ere is no room for sentimentality as we baby boomers are discovering that we want to get out and enjoy what remains of our life – and if I thought that was an original thought I was wrong about that too.

He wears a T-shirt that says, “Growing old is compulsory. Growing up is optional.” I also like the one I saw on a woman lounging in a Cotton Tree coff ee shop that read simply “recycled teenager’’. Yep, that’s me all right.

MPR columnist and baby boomer Dorothy Drane is shocked to learn that while she thought she was one of a kind, she is actually one of many.

Real estate industry expert advocates an extension to First Home Owner Boost.

by Dorothy Drane

All together now

First and foremost


This lack of individual thought was brought home when I interviewed a stranger who had downsized. We had so much in common we could have been talking in stereo

“ “

The Real Estate Institute of Queensland is pushing for the Federal Government to extend the First Home Owner Grant, which is due to expire on June

30 this year. According to the REIQ’s managing director Dan Molloy, fi rst-home owners are imperative to the overall health of the state’s property market.

“I cannot stress how important fi rst-home buyers are to the overall health of the property market as well as to their local economies,” Dan says. “Th ey really are the oil that keeps the wheels of the property market moving and without them – as happened early last year when interest rates were high – everything grinds to a halt.”

He adds that fi rst-home owners inject funds into

their local economies through buying ancillary products and using local tradesmen. “Without fi rst-home buyers, the property market Australia-wide would really be in dire straits and many jobs would be lost – not just in the real estate industry but in a number of other industries as well. Th e Federal Government needs to seriously consider extending the First Home Owner Boost beyond the current June 30 deadline,” Dan says.

According to the REIQ, the latest Australian Bureau of Statistics fi gures show the proportion of Queensland fi rst-home buyers increased to 25.9 per cent in January compared with 24.7 per cent the month before, to now become the highest proportion since January 2002.

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TANAWHA ACREAGE – HIGH $300,000s/EARLY $400,000s176-178 Tanawha Road, Tanawha

Situated on nearly an acre (3861m²) in trendy Tanawha, this is entry level buying. With a wide street frontage and possible development potential – this is a cracker! The 3 bedroom home is immaculate with polished timber floors – live in it as it is. Offers between high $300,000’s and low $400,000’s must be submitted on or before 25th March.

Inspect: Saturday 2-2.45pm. Contact: Minka Jenkins 0488 550 063, Gaby McEwan 0401 781 116. Ken Guy Maroochydore 1300 KEN GUY. Internet Code: MCHY829


This one ticks all the boxes for the astute investor, first home buyer or someone looking for a neat package.Located close to schools, university and Chancellor Park shopping centre. Conveniently positioned for fastaccess to everything with good motorway infrastructure near by. Four spacious bedrooms with ensuite off master,second bathroom for the rest of the family, double lock up garage with internal access providing peace of mindand security. A good sized fully fenced yard with covered outdoor entertaining area. First to see will buy.

Price: Low $400,000s. Inspect: Saturday 11-11.45am. Contact: Alvia Turney 0414 675 050. Ken Guy Maroochydore 1300 KEN GUY. Internet Code: MCHY904


Beautifully landscaped in an easy-care 3/4 acre hideaway, this home offers you everything that you could possibly want! A brand new swimming pool with Balinese gazebo, a lovely courtyard and other entertainment areas make this home perfect for all seasons! Five very spacious bedrooms and three bathrooms, an office area, large living areas overlooking both entertainment areas and an ultra stylish kitchen make this home EXCEPTIONAL in every way.

Price: Offers in the Mid to High $600,000s. Inspect: Saturday 1-1.45pm. Contact: Minka Jenkins 0488 550 063, Gaby McEwan 0401 781 116. Ken Guy Maroochydore 1300 KEN GUY. Internet Code: MCHY900

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Perfectly positioned between Chevallum and Palmwoods in the heart of the best horse acreage on the Sunshine Coast, this is affordable genuine horse land (61/2 acres of it). With four immaculate paddocks (with underground irrigation from a bore), 2 spacious stables, loose-boxes and a tack room, your show ponies will feel right at home. So will you in the well-presented home which has recently been renovated throughout with a neutral palette and a workable kitchen. A large alfresco entertaining area will see you enjoying cocktails around the gorgeous landscaped pool area. A large self-contained granny flat is perfect to stable a teenager or long-term guests. Come and see Minka on the pony!

Price: Offers in the $800,000’s. Inspect: 5-5.45pm Contact: Gaby McEwan 0401 781 116, Minka Jenkins 0488 550 063. Ken Guy Maroochydore 1300 KEN GUY. Internet Code: MCHY863


‘Greenacres’ offers a beautiful blank canvas where you can design your own lifestyle on this cleared and useable acreage property. This could be an equestrian centre (this is awesome for horses!), a hobby farm, a health retreat, a nursery or simply a beautiful place to live in a sought after location. Consisting of approximately 20 cleared acres (around 9 in the magnificent rainforest), three dams, a shed and an external office. The solid double brick home with four bedrooms, two bathrooms and large open plan living areas offers lovely views to the ranges. This is so close to Buderim and the coast! God only created a certain amount of land - and it’s only going to get harder to find as future demand continues...!

Price: $1,390,000. Inspect: Saturday 3-3.45pmContact: Gaby McEwan 0401 781 116, Minka Jenkins 0488 550 063. Ken Guy Maroochydore 1300 KEN GUY. Internet Code: MCHY764

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CHARMING AND ENCHANTING ON 6398M²8 Bellbird Court, Buderim

Surround yourself with an abundance of natural beauty with this stunning north-facing designer home. Located just a short walk to Matthew Flinders school and tucked away among the trees at the end of a long winding driveway, this is a property where lifestyle and privacy reign supreme. Polished timber floors spread throughout the four-bedroom, two-bathroom home, which also features a study, open-plan living areas and air-conditioning. The gourmet kitchen boasts sleek stone benches and 2-pac cabinets and looks out over the dining room and patio, making it ideal for entertaining family and friends. A massive timber deck and entertaining area overlooks the tranquil in-ground pool – alfresco dine and entertain all year round. Complete with a large shed and 6398m2 of land, this is something unique and special.

Auction: Saturday 28th March at 3pm. Inspect: Saturday 2-2.45pm. Contact: Damien Michael 0413 024 124. Ken Guy Maroochydore 1300 KEN GUY. Internet Code: MCHY901


As if the architectural features of this home are not enough to endear you to the property, it also boasts 33m of sandy beach, main river frontage. The jetty and pontoon accommodates the largest of vessels and you have direct ocean access. The home welcomes you warmly into open plan living zones all with floor to ceiling glass showcasing the river views, beyond the pool. There’s four bedrooms, three bathrooms plus a separate bar and study area to give you plenty of space. You can have it all!

Price: Expressions of interest closing Fri 27th March at 5pm (offers considered prior to). Inspect: Sat 4-4.45pm. Contact: Jodie McDonell 0419 762 309. Ken Guy Maroochydore 1300 KEN GUY. Internet Code: MCHY883


This home combines quality family living with impeccable style and attention to detail. Five bedrooms and an office are cleverly dispersed around this functional design which provides a large family with multiple separated living zones. Indoor and outdoor living areas merge as a large entertaining area sprawls out to a resort-style pool and lush lawns. Plus there’s a fully self-contained, detached one-bedroom guest house with separate entry – the ultimate income-producing accommodation.

Auction: Saturday 28th March at 1pm. Inspect: Saturday 11-11.45am. Contact: Damien Michael 0413 024 124.

Ken Guy Maroochydore 1300 KEN GUY. Internet Code: MCHY899

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YOUR TIMING IS IMPECCABLE6 Tandara Street, Buderim

This is the opportunity you have been waiting for. Now is the perfect time to secure one of the most prestigiously positioned properties on the Sunshine Coast as the vendors bags are packed and they are ready to go. Northerly ocean, river and mountain views are showcased by the outstanding design features of this modern home in a most desirable location. The stunning design ensures the breathtaking views are the focal point of every room. Both levels are virtually self-contained and make it ideal for a couple with frequent guests or a large family. Offering top-of-the-range fittings and fixtures and featuring 4 generous bedrooms plus office, 2½ luxury bathrooms, entertainers kitchen, separate dining, living and media rooms, workshop and a 12.5-metre pool.

Price: Expressions of Interest closing Thursday 2nd April at 5pm. Inspect: Saturday 11-11.45am. Contact: Loren Wimhurst 0415 380 222. Ken Guy Maroochydore 1300 KEN GUY. Internet Code: MCHY859

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CENTRAL FAMILY LIVING – 975SQM BLOCK97 Elkhorn Street, Kuluin

If you want affordable family living in a central and quiet location – this is it. This family home is on a large 975sqm block, tucked away yet close to schools and shops. This north-facing four-bedroom, two-bathroom home is perfect for a growing family with plenty of large grassed areas for the kids to play, a heated in-ground pool with a spa bench, outdoor entertaining area and a fenced yard with a garden shed and side access. When it comes to affordable family living – what more could you want?

Price: Mid $400,000s. Inspect: Saturday 1-1.45pm. Contact: Chris Pace 0417 196 600, Rebecca Smeeton 0404 866 358. Ken Guy Maroochydore 1300 KEN GUY. Internet Code: MCHY872

A MUST FOR INVESTORS AND FIRST HOME BUYERSThese brand new, chic townhouses are exceptional value for money and located within walking distance to all public facilities – Nambour Hospital, shops, schools, train line and bus services. There is only 6 available, pet friendly, 2 bedroom plus media, 2 bathrooms townhouses, with single lock up garages and internal access. Enjoy the well designed floor plans, with courtyards and terraces and excellent fittings and fixtures throughout. First home buyers – secure current government grants. Investors: $300 to $320 plus rental return.

Price: $329,000. Contact: John Skerlak 0413 441 834, Bree Charles 0416 435 391. Ken Guy Maroochydore 1300 KEN GUY. Internet Code: MCHY873


Enjoy a spectacular, bird’s eye view over the Coast from this prestigious residence on the NE escarpment of Buderim mountain. This breathtaking residence boasts 180-degree views from Mount Ninderry in the hinterland, to the Pacific Ocean at Caloundra. Diverse sights of the river, the ocean, farmland, mountains and treetops can be enjoyed from each of the five balconies, every level and almost every room in the house through floor-to-ceiling glass and bi-folding doors. Spread over three levels of architectural brilliance, this four-bedroom, three-bathroom home boasts everything you could ever wish for, including a home office, multiple living zones and a gourmet granite kitchen. The lower level has separate entry, a living room, bathroom and bedroom and could easily become guest quarters/teenage retreat. This spectacular property is in a league of its own.

Inspect: Saturday 12.30-1.30pm & Thursday 26th March 5.30-6.30pm. Contact: Rebecca Smeeton 0404 866 358. Ken Guy Maroochydore 1300 KEN GUY. Internet Code: MCHY904

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Ken Guy Real EstateCelebrating 35 years on the Sunshine Coast

Gaby McEwan0401 781 116

Chris Pace 0417 196 600

Hilary Seagrave 0414 513 687

Anthony Gorman0417 587 758

Daniel Barrios0414 486 989

Jodie McDonell0419 762 309

Minka Jekins0488 550 063

Damien Michael0413 024 124

Richard Scrivener 0416 799 188

Alvia Turney0414 675 050

Bree Charles0416 435 391

John Skerlak0413 441 834

Matt O’Grady0414 317 375

Rebecca Smeeton0404 866 358

Trish Simpson 0411 644 822

Vicki Russell0429 729 047

In the 10 years that Loren Wimhurst has been with the Ken Guy Group, she has sold in excess of a staggering half a billion dollars worth of property. Now the owner of Ken Guy Maroochydore and Noosa, Loren is dedicated to instilling that same winning formula within her highly experienced and specialist team of consultants.

“As specialists, we know our local market and we specialise in the Coast’s best properties. For thirty ve years, Ken Guy has been the trusted name in Sunshine Coast real estate and since 1973 we’ve been helping locals make the right property decision. Today more than ever, you need a team with strength and experience on your side. We’re at your service and here to help you get the best possible price for your property.”

So whether you’re buying or selling, call Ken Guy today on 1300 KEN GUY

for the local advantage.

With specialists in all areas and every price range,

you can be con dent of exceptional results.

Kim Barrios0411 195 949



Loren Wimhurst0415 380 222

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Susan Musgrove 0414 253 783Inspect: Saturday 2-2.45pmAddress: 22 Seaview Terrace, Moffat BeachAuction: Friday March 27th onsite at 2pm, inspect prior from 1.15pm

HENZELLSPRESTIGE Contemporary designed four bedroom home over three levels Stunning kitchen, granite bench-tops, commercial gas cooking Great investment, sought after for holiday letting and use yourself Superb entertaining level with wet bar facilities, opens onto pool area Morning swim/surf, hot breakfast on the way home, dip in the pool Beachside lifestyles like this are a rare find…don't say we should have!

SEVEN DAYS AND THIS BEACHHOUSE COULD BE YOURS…The ultimate Moffat Beach location, just 130 metres to famous surf and 55 metres to alfresco dining and shopping…

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• The builders want to clear this home to commence their next big project

• Located in arguably the best address in Pelican Waters

• Main living areas gaze out over the stunning inground pool and the wide Pelican Waters waterway

• Covering an expansive 4 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, triple garage over 486m²• The expansive master retreat has multiple shutters that allow cooling

breezes but provide privacy• The home has its own beach and media room (all AV equipment included)• Builder will vacate immediately or lease back till August at 7% return

PELICAN WATERS – Here’s your opportunity to buy “builders best display home” at cost price!

Price: $1,210,000Inspect: Saturday 11-11.45am

Address: 9 Columba Place, Pelican property code: colu9

Agent: Mclean Henzell 0438 620 007

The epitome of Adenbrook Homes superior design and a lifetime of building coastal homes

Proudly marketed by Mclean

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• This home is brand new and only newly completed

• Build your private pontoon outback to enjoy the deepwater ocean access

• The kitchen overlooks the expansive open planned living areas which spill out to a private pool side entertainment area with views over the resort style pool, wide canal and Golden Beach

• The master boasts an ensuite with spa, massive dressing room and a private balcony with panoramic views

• The property offers 5 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms including a quest room downstairs complete with ensuite, media room, study and another two additional sitting rooms…it’s got everything!

PELICAN WATERS – This property has it all….serious seller here…Auction next Friday onsite!

Auction: Friday March 27th onsite at 3pm

Inspect: Saturday & Sunday 2-2.45pmAddress: 32 Westholme Cct, Pelican Waters property code: WEST32Agent: Doug Wilson 0417 734 592

The owner wants this property sold and is asking to see all offers. Position, style, quality and most of all for the absolute best value for money buy in Pelican Waters…...

• Calling all investors or first home buyers looking for that special purchase in Little Mountain

• Four bedrooms, three bathrooms• Views of Caloundra, ocean breezes• Double lock-up garage, large backyard• Great potential on offer• Motivated vendors – priced to sell in today’s market!

LITTLE MOUNTAIN – Here it is! Stop looking!

Price: by negotiationInspect: Saturday 11-11.30amAddress: 20 St Helena Street,

Little property code: STHE20

Agent: Rod Burton 0412 968 999

• This quality home is on the must sell list

• Four bedrooms, ensuite with double shower

• North-facing, covered, outdoor entertaining area

• 700sqm block, fully landscaped and fenced

• Chose to shops, schools, beaches and fishing

• Offers prior to auction welcomed!

PELICAN WATERS – Owners committed to sale

Auction: Friday 3rd April onsite at 3pm Inspect: Sat 2-2.45pm & Wed 5.30-6.00pm

Address: 31 Investigator Place, Pelican property code: INVE31

Agent: Rod Burton 0412 968 999

• Prestigious master-built residence, air-conditioned

• Excellent side access, room for boat or van

• Four queen sized bedrooms, ensuite to master

• Tranquil location, only minutes to shops

• Many extras already included, just move in

• Motivated seller committed elsewhere

PELICAN WATERS – Faultless presentation and designPrice: $669,000 negotiable

Inspect: Sat & Sun 12-12.45pmor call Agent for more details

Address: 35 Sovereign Circuit, Pelican Waters property code: SOVE35Agent: Stuart Cordingley 0419 769 894

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Proudly marketed by

Steve Turner & Geoff

• Boasting four built in bedrooms• Two modern and stylish bathrooms• Ample living areas bring the outdoors inside• Plunge pool• Two car accommodation with substantial storage• Well positioned on a 585sqm block in a quiet cul-de-sac• Don’t delay as it must be sold!

KAWANA ISLAND – Architectural ambienceAuction: Saturday 28th March

onsite at 10amInspect: Saturday 21st March 11.30-12.30pm

Address: 24 Magnetic Street Kawana property code: PLA732H

Agent: Steve Turner 0412 679 488Agent: Geoff Ohmsen 0412 103 147

• 1607sqm of prime waterfront land

• 33.6m waterfront

• Views to the golf course and wide stretches of water

• Canoe, boat and fish in this ideal location

• There may be an opportunity to sub divide subject to Sunshine Coast Council Approval

• Make your move today and own one of the last blocks away from the hustle and bustle

PELICAN WATERS – Premier address - reluctantly must be sold!!

Auction: Friday 17th April On Site at 3pmInspect: Anytime

Address: 10 Silky Oak Place, Pelican property code: PLA737L

Agent: Geoff Ohmsen 0412 103 147Agent: Steve Turner 0412 679 488

If you ever wanted your own private piece of paradise then here it is…


AROONA8.30-9am Saturday Lot 14 Byee Crt - AUCTION 9am Today Steve Turner 0412 679 488 Western end of Miranda St Geoff Ohmsen 0412 103 147

BOKARINA1-1.45pm Saturday 26 Magnolia Drive - It’s a Bokarina Beauty Steve Turner 0412 679 488 Geoff Ohmsen 0412 103 147

GOLDEN BEACH10-10.45am Saturday 149 Golden Beach Esp - Golden Opportunity Steve Turner 0412 679 488 Geoff Ohmsen 0412 103 147

KAWANA ISLAND12-12.45pm Saturday 8 Fitzroy Crt - Family Bargain Ian Howcroft 0402 246 791 Bill Howcroft 0431 354 07611.30am-12.30pm Sat 24 Magnetic Street - Must Be Sold Steve Turner 0412 679 488 Geoff Ohmsen 0412 103 1472-2.45pm Saturday 11 Saba - Impressive Design Ian Howcroft 0402 246 791

WURTULLA11.30am-12.30pm Sat 11 Mizzen Close - Renovated Waterfront Steve Turner 0412 679 488 Geoff Ohmsen 0412 103 147

You must see this home to believe it as it has everything you could possibly want in one of the most sort after street on the Sunshine Coast.

4 bedrooms all with built-ins, 3 living areas, fully air conditioned & side access for that boat or caravan.

Also includes home office.

BUDDINA – Committments require urgent sale

Price: Offers over $600,000Inspect: Saturday 11-11.45am

Address: 3 Sunbird Chase, property code: PLA744H

Agent: Greg Collis 0432 639 689

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“When you need it SOLD” Mark Sawyer 0408 656 126

• 5 oversize bedrooms – master with WIR and ensuite

• 5 large living areas including a media room

• Massive open games area with bar flowing onto pool and decked and covered entertaining area

• 3.5-car garage with super high ceilings

• Tri-level high ceilings throughout and reserve at rear

KAWANA ISLAND – Architecturally designed residence

Price: Buyers in the $800,000sInspect: Saturday 1-1.45pm

Address: 5 Komodo Court, Kawana property code: PLA707H

Agent: Ian Howcroft 0402 246 791Agent: Bill Howcroft 0431 354 076

• 4 bedrooms + office – master with ensuite and WIR

• 3-car accommodation + separate workshop

• Formal lounge, dining & family room + casual dining

• Air-con and ceiling fans + gas cooking/heating

• Pool with undercover entertaining area and slipway with electric winch. Minutes from open ocean.

BUDDINA – North-East waterfront – absolute best buy

Price: Buyers from $900,000Inspect: Phone to arrange inspection time

Address: 9 Adelong Crescent, property code: PLA736H

Agent: Ian Howcroft 0402 246 791Agent: Bill Howcroft 0431 354 076

Mark Sawyer is a proven performer for selling property in the Mooloolaba, Alexandra Headland, and Mountain Creek areas.

With a career spanning 20 years and nearly half of that in this region, Mark’s intimate knowledge of the market sets him apart from the rest.

Mark prides himself on putting the sellers needs fi rst and foremost without making any false promises.

Let his knowledge, passion and ability be your advantage when it comes to selling your most signifi cant asset.

to represent you and your property



Mooloolaba Alex Mountain Creek

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30 My Property Review | March 20, 2009

1300 651

Buderim Chancellor Park Sippy Downs

OPEN HOMESSATURDAY 10-10.45AM 13 Sinatra Street, Chancellor Park

SATURDAY 11-11.45AM 11 Peppermint Crescent, Bellflower Estate

SATURDAY 12.30-1.15PM 5 Merval Court, Mons

SATURDAY 2-2.30PM 41 Marra Court, Mountain Creek

SATURDAY 3-3.45PM 2 Bellbird Court, Buderim

SUNDAY 10-1PM Lot 456 Silvereye Street, Chancellor Park

WEDNESDAY 25TH 10-12NOON Lot 456 Silvereye Street, Chancellor Park

PRICE: HIGH $300,000’s

41 Marra Court, MOUNTAIN CREEK

CONTACT: Eva Parker 0400 137 803

LOVE TO GO FISHING? This property is unbeat-able value and is backing onto the Mooloolah River! Located only minutes away from Mooloolaba Beach, local schools this is the ideal family home.




PRICE: $455,000

Lot 456 Silvereye Street, SIPPY DOWNS

CONTACT: Mike Yeatman 0415 645 323

THIS HOME HAS BEEN REDUCED IN PRICE & NEEDS TO BE SOLD! Brand new 4 bedroom home, master with ensuite & WIR. Quailty fixtures & fittings throughout, modern kitchen with gas cooking.



13 Sinatra Street, SIPPY DOWNS

CONTACT: Simon Poole 0418 180 212

Quality 4 bdrm home on 600m2 block. Ideal for family living, large undercover patio opening out from the dining room with north east aspect. Featuring air-con, ceiling fans &well landscaped gardens



10-1pmOPEN SAT


Perfect Buderim charmerAddress: Price: Agent: Contact:

20 Mayfi eld Street, BuderimHigh $500,000sBrown Realty BuderimMike Paten 0412 070 833Pam Paten 0412 957 403

3 2

2 0

Th is is a charming, immaculately presented home on a level block of land located a short stroll from Buderim village. It features three bedrooms, two bathrooms and an open-plan kitchen and living areas with undercover verandahs front and back. Th ere is nothing to spend on this well-presented home that sits on a perfectly located 827 square metres.

Th is stunning three-bedroom home has high ceilings and off ers plenty of natural light. Positioned opposite a reserve on a low-maintenance block in a quiet street, other features include a kitchen with stainless steel appliances and granite benchtops, and two outdoor living areas. Th e master bedroom has an ensuite and walk-in robe.

Minutes to beach in CaloundraAddress: Price: Agent: Contact:

3/66 Lower Gay Terrace, Caloundra$329,000Webbers First NationalJames Reynolds 0413 413 720Peter Morrison 0400 023 169

2 1

1 0

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My Property Review | March 20, 2009 31

Shop 21 Mooloolaba International, 121 Mooloolaba Esplanade, Mooloolaba

p. 5444 0800 [email protected]

Come and experience this Cotton Tree masterpiece. Words can’t describe this unique apartment with its 110m² private terrace.

PRICE $725,000 INSPECT Friday 5-5.45pm, Saturday 10-10.45am & 3.30-4pm & Sunday 10-10.30am ADDRESS Unit 102, 5 Melrose Parade, Maroochydore CONTACT Sharmayne 0408 708 377

Don’t Trust Me: See For Yourself

Get your hands dirty on this one. A slap of paint and a clean up in the yard is all it needs to be returned to its former glory. REMEMBER – beach-side is best!

PRICE Online Auction Closes 11 April 2009 at 4pm INSPECT By appointment ADDRESS 2 Mulgani Street, Warana CONTACT Sharmayne 0408 708 377

Attention First Homers / InvestorsLaze on the extensive decking and skinny dip in your own private pool. This multi-level home with cathedral ceilings just oozes character.Features

PRICE Online Auction Closes 14 April 2009 at 3pm INSPECT Saturday 11-11.30am ADDRESS 11 Cooinda Crescent, Cotton Tree CONTACT Sharmayne 0408 798 377

Maroochy Waters Bargain

The owners have made the tough decision to quit this fantastic waterfront apartment. Beautiful views overlooking the marina, direct deep water boating access, large entertainers balcony , sunny north easterly aspect, pool, sauna and gymnasium. It has the lot including a low reserve price!!!

PRICE Online Auction Closes 11 April 2009 at 3pm INSPECT Saturday 1-1.45pm ADDRESS Unit 212, 13 Nicklin Way, Minyama CONTACT Paul 0438 468 378

Urgent Sale – All Offers Considered!

This brand new, superbly appointed, apartment should be on top of your list for quality and value in today’s market. Only one street back from the Mooloolaba Esplanade, This 4th floor end positioned apartment is light, bright, airy and well designed to catch the summer shade and winter sun. If you have always wanted to own a quality unit in a quiet street in Mooloolaba then don’t let this chance slip by. Owner may consider a range of purchase options including discount or free stamp duty or rental guarantee.

PRICE $500,000+ buyers INSPECT Wednesday to Saturday 2.30-3pm ADDRESS Unit 405, 79-83 First Avenue, Mooloolaba CONTACT Paul 0438 468 378 Sharmayne 0408 798 377

Better Than All The Rest

Michelle Elle Angie

Email or Phone us for a FreeRental Management Prospectus,

Rental Appraisal or advice.

[email protected] (07) 5444 0800

2 2 1

3 1 2 3 2 3

2 2 1




European appliances. Generous master with elegant ensuite. Guest bathroom plus powder room.

PRICE $800,000 plus buyers INSPECT Saturday 21st 2-2.45pm & Wednesday 25th 2-2.45pm ADDRESS U3 “First Avenue” 39 First Ave Mooloolaba CONTACT Suzanne 0411 106 791

Stylish Residential Apartment Only 100m From Beach

3 2 2 GYM

2 2 2

Ideal Cotton Tree starterAddress: Price: Agent: Contact:

1/75 Memorial Avenue, Cotton Tree$295,000Vic Murphy Real EstateGlennis Schindler 0412 737 324

2 1

1 0

Situated in the heart of Cotton Tree, only metres to Maroochy River and a short walk to the beach and restaurants, this unit is in a sought-aft er position. Th e two-bedroom home has a new kitchen, and fresh paint and carpets. Situated in a small complex of four, it is ideal for the fi rst-home buyer or astute investor.

Th is apartment features three bedrooms – master with ensuite – and an open-plan design with 112 square metres of internal living space. North-facing, this ground-fl oor unit with a courtyard is just minutes from local cafes, restaurants and shopping. Th ere is a pool and spa within the complex and a single underground security car space.

Riverside Maroochydore unitAddress:

Price: Agent: Contact:

2 ‘The Esplanade’, 20-22 Picnic Point Esplanade, MaroochydoreAuction on site April 4 @ 11 amMaroochydore First NationalAdam Bond 0404 211 281

3 2

1 0

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Elders Palmwoods | 5 Margaret Street | 5478 9122





32 My Property Review | March 20, 2009

Space to grow in MalenyAddress: Price: Agent:


558 Mountain View Road, Maleny$650,000Maleny and Hinterland Real Estate 5494 3022Julie Reimers 0417 465 536

3 2

2 0

Th is 1975 classic has three large bedrooms with hardwood fl oors, separate living room with fi replace and formal dining area. Th ere is heaps of garaging and workshop space while the rolling hills and Glass House Mountains can be seen from front and back decks and the level ground is great for strolling or gardening. Th is is a prized position of 2000 square metres of land.

Th is six-month-old family home is set on a large block at the end of a cul-de-sac. It has four spacious bedrooms, including a master with ensuite, ducted air-conditioning and triple garage with drive-through.In the yard there is plenty of room for a pool for those hot summer months.

Pelican Waters family homeAddress: Price: Agent: Contact:

10 Carr Place, Pelican WatersExpressions of interestHenzells AgencyDebbie Shellshear 0402 116 110

4 2

3 0

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My Property Review | March 20, 2009 33

Grand Family Residence with Striking Waterfront PositionSellers have made one thing crystal clear: “Our home must be sold on or before auction day”! You decide what this stunning waterfront property is worth.

A sleek and stylish renovation has transformed this bold family home into a contemporary masterpiece with focus on space, style, outdoor entertaining and of course its magnificent position on the water. Packed with the perfect mix of life’s essential pleasures, the home features: • Quiet, central location, 10 minutes walk to Buddina Beach, shopping centre, hotel and primary school • Prime water frontage with uninterrupted, expansive views over Double Bay and parkland • Ducted air-conditioning, heating and Vaccumaid • 3 separate living areas plus games room • 4 large bedrooms and home office • Master bedroom with ensuite, walk in robe and private balcony with water views • Elevated all-weather outdoor entertaining area complete brand new built-in deluxe barbecue /alfresco cooking facilities • Separate Balinese inspired entertaining area with thatched hut and pool lounge • Infinity – edge saltwater pool and landscaped tropical gardens • Pontoon – deep ocean access • Sizeable grassed yard for kids and pets and double garage.

The ultimate home for family-friendly waterfront living and this affordable dream is within reach. A must to inspect, you may never buy better again!

Rachel Kong0417 198 330PRDnationwide Kawana Waters

44 Sunbird Chase, ParrearraView the Property: Saturday 12-12.45pmAuction: On Site Saturday 18th of April 2009 at 3.00pm

Property by Elite

property reviews

Buderim hideawayTh is beautiful home is on a beautifully landscaped three quarter-acre hideaway. Outside is a new pool with Balinese-style gazebo, a lovely courtyard and other entertainment areas. Th e home has had an extensive renovation throughout with fi ve spacious bedrooms, three bathrooms and an offi ce. Th e fi ft h bedroom is in the guest area with adjacent living/media room and the large living areas overlook the outdoor entertainment areas. Electric gates, a security system, porcelain fl oor tiles, air-conditioning and water features are some of the extras that are rarely, if ever, found in this price range.

Pelican Waters stunnerTh is brand-new home is surrounded by multimillion-dollar waterfront mansions. Th e showcase kitchen overlooks the expansive open-plan living areas, which spill out to a private poolside entertainment area with views over the resort-style pool and wide canal. Th e master suite boasts an ensuite, massive dressing room and balcony. Th ere is a media room, two separate sitting rooms and the main dining and living areas. Th e property off ers fi ve bedrooms and four bathrooms including a separate guest room downstairs complete with ensuite.

Cotton Tree apartmentImagine enjoying the outdoor lifestyle on your private terrace listening to the sounds of the ocean and birds in a peaceful location so close to Maroochydore. Th is apartment’s two king-sized ensuited bedrooms and the open-plan living spill out onto the terrace. It’s an entertainer’s delight with plenty of room to host the biggest party. Th e media room also doubles as a third bedroom for guests. Th ere is a massive walk-in storage area plus more storage in the basement, along with two secure car spaces. Th e complex boasts a lap and plunge pool, spa, steam room and gym.

Address: Price: Agent: Contact:

344 Lindsay Road, BuderimMid to high $600,000sKen Guy Maroochydore 5443 2222Gaby McEwan 0401 781 116Minka Jenkins 0488 550 063

5 3

2 1


Price: Agent: Contact:

Unit 102 ‘Silver Sea on Sixth’, 106 Sixth Avenue, Cotton Tree$725,000My Mooloolaba 5444 0800Sharmayne Krenske 0408 708 377

2 2.5

2 1

Address: Price:

Agent: Contact:

32 Westholme Cct, Pelican WatersAuction on site Friday March 27 @ 3pmHenzells Agency 5436 8031Doug Wilson 0417 734 592

5 4

3 0

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Something Special for the Whole Family!19 Paraka Court, "Hideaway Waters", Mountain Creek

4 3 4

Step inside and discover this impressive North facing waterfront family

home capturing magical water views and nestled in nature on the

Mooloolah River. Spacious, inviting open plan design with neutral tonings

featuring a central kitchen, preparation and bar facilities, and massive

formal and informal living areas flowing out to a fully screened casual

alfresco dining area. Spend balmy evenings poolside in the Bali style

gazebo and enjoy expanding views that will soothe your soul.

Act now to secure this fantastic waterfront lifestyle!

Boasting 4 double-sized bedrooms and office

Master complimented by large walk-in robe, luxurious ensuite with spa and generous balcony

Huge garaging, side access and covered workshop

Fully fenced, private and serene, 1188m² block

Lagoon style pool, own sandy beach, pontoon

37m frontage with safe, direct ocean access

Auction Saturday 4th April at 1pmTrevor & Glenys Martin 0400 818 777

Inspect Sat


Office, Heated Saltwater Pool, Pontoon & Boat Ramp

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Strike While The Iron is Hot57 Boolagi Drive, Wurtulla Waters

4 2 2

4 + Study 2 2 + Heated Pool

A north-easterly waterfront setting soaking up the sun and the expansive water views..... fishing, boating and canoeing at your doorstep.This substantial 20-year-old brick veneer home features vaulted airy ceilings.Conveniently set within minutes to village shopping, parkland, schools, transport and Wurtulla beachfront.Motivated seller is keen to downsize and move into a Retirement Resort........ don't delay your inspection.

Auction Saturday 28th March at 11am if not sold prior

Ian Baker 0409 570 231 & Nigel Baker 0409 511 622

Inspect Sat


Discover the Magic of Baronga Broadwater!14 Culbara Street, Mooloolaba

Make the most of a holiday lifestyle on this beautiful Broadwater. This idyllic harbour offers relaxed, easy living with great fishing and boating, so you can play and sail from your doorstep or just laze around and watch the world sail by. The home is humble but solid double brick with a sunroom, large double garage with workshop and ripe for renovating or would be comfortable with tenants until you build your dream home. Direct deepwater access with a private jetty, pontoon and large boat ramp. Walking distance to Mooloolaba's beachfront with patrolled beaches, cafes and restaurants. Invest in your lifestyle today!Auction Sat 4th April at 3pm, unless SOLD prior!

Trevor & Glenys Martin 0400 818 777

Inspect Sat


ILL HEALTH FORCES IMMEDIATE SALE!18 Corella Drive, Parrearra/Buddina

Prestigiously addressed in The Quays, Parrearra where you get so much more value for your waterfront dollar, this superb Reitsma designed 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom master-built home boasts a great outdoor living area to relax and entertain your guests, impressive living and dining areas, large separate study with plenty of storage, huge double lock-up garage and heated saltwater pool.

2 landscaped allotment with bore water and space for caravan

$1,250,000Trevor & Glenys Martin 0400 818 777

Inspect Sat


+ Jetty, Pontoon & Boat Ramp3 + Sunroom 2 2.5

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36 My Property Review | March 20, 19 Brisbane Road, Mooloolaba (07) 5444 5000


Property ID: 1036090Price: Offers high $700,000sAddress: U12 ‘Pandanus’ 21 Smith St, MooloolabaInspect: By Appointment

Contact:Jill Wright

0431 343 715


Property ID: 1026598Auction: Auction – 28/03/2009 @ 11amAddress: 1/48 Lawrence Street, MooloolabaInspect: Sat 2-2.45pm & Wed 5-5.30pm

Contact:Maree Best

0409 423 063

property reviews

Maroochy Waters family homeLooking for waterfront living for the family with an aff ordable price tag? Th is spacious home in a quiet riverside cul-de-sac has fi ve huge bedrooms – master with walk-in robe, ensuite and water views – well-appointed kitchen, formal and informal living areas, a kids retreat, covered outdoor entertaining area, inground pool and a double lock-up garage with storage. Th is home is central to the river and CBD yet tucked away in a quiet cul-de-sac in a well-established neighbourhood.

Convenience in Pelican WatersTh is family home is all about convenience with its central location and low-maintenance design. Th e kitchen at the heart of the home makes entertaining easy and boasts a large under-roof outdoor entertaining area. Centrally located within walking distance of the shops, schools and beaches, this home also has large tiles throughout the traffi c areas and air-conditioning. Other benefi ts include a massive gated side access for the boat or van and low-maintenance gardens that won’t consume your whole weekend.

Waterfront in MooloolabaIn this home, great fi shing and boating is at your doorstep or you can just laze around and watch the world sail by. Th e home is humble but solid double brick with a sunroom, large double garage with a workshop and is ripe for renovating or would be comfortable with tenants until you build your dream home. It off ers direct deepwater access with a private jetty, pontoon and large boat ramp. It is positioned within easy walking distance of the Mooloolaba beachfront with patrolled beaches, cafes and restaurants.


Price: Agent: Contact:

10 Waterford Court, Maroochy Waters$899,000Property TodayJamie Holbrook 0418 500 081

5 3

2 0

Address: Price: Agent:


14 Culbara Street, MooloolabaAuction on site April 4 @ 3pmWaterfront & Coastal Property 5444 6400Trevor & Glenys Martin 0400 818 777

3 2

2.5 0

Address: Price: Agent: Contact:

26 Investigator Place, Pelican Waters$569,000Henzells AgencyStuart Cordingley 0419 769 894

4 2

3 0

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[email protected]

Ph : 5445 614456 Burnett Street, Buderim QLD 4556

we love it! we live in it!we specialise in it!

$610,000 Open Sat 12-12.45pm

Built over 3 split levels this modern home offers happy summer entertaining with the sparkling pool, expansive decking LARGE FAMILIES WILL LOVE THIS!

BUDERIM 73 Hobbs Road 5 3 2 Pool

$399,000 Open Sat 2-2.45pm


BUDERIM 29 Turnipwood Drive



BUDERIM 72 Sam White Drive

$549,000 Open Sat 1-1.45pm


BUDERIM 22 Edenvale Court

$599,000 Open Sat 12-12.45pm


BUDERIM 10 Kent Court

$459,000 Open Sat 11-11.45am

Solid, Sound, Views


BUDERIM 52 Kerenjon Avenue 3 2 2 Study


Open Sat 1-1.45pm



BUDERIM 7 Middleton Crescent 5 2 2 Study

Low $600,000sOpen Sat 11-11.45am & 2-2.45pm


and with a gated entry, the home offers privacy and

BUDERIM 9 Quambi Place 4 2 2 Pool

Pam Paten

Mike Paten

My Property Review | March 20, 2009 37

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38 My Property Review | March 20, 2009


SATURDAY 1:00 TO 1:45PMLow $500,000sJarrad McCarthy 0410052219 Internet Ref No.: 105577042

Positioned in a quiet street, just a few seconds walk to Kuluin Village sits this massive family home on a 1023sqm block. First time on the market, the owners have designed this property for entertaining with its enormous

Riverbreeze Way is one of the best streets in Kuluin, inspect today.


SATURDAY & SUNDAY 1:00 TO 1:45PM$639,000Jodie Buchholz 0400 590 201 Internet Ref No.: 105609857

ensuite. 3 living areas, 2 dining areas and a large study ensures space for everyone. A modern kitchen overlooks

with stunning bush backdrop this home is sure to impress.

property reviews

Solid home in BuderimLeave the car at home as local school, shops and restaurants are just a short stroll away. Th is beautifully maintained brick and tile home has three bedrooms, two bathrooms, kitchen/dining and separate lounge. A covered outdoor entertaining area overlooks the beautiful gardens that are now well established and very low in maintenance. A single lock-up garage and separate carport provide plenty of car space and there is even a workshop at the rear of the home. It is an ideal property for retirees, fi rst-home buyers or investors with future development potential on the 812-square metre block.

Kawana Island stunnerBe the envy of your friends with this stunning four-bedroom, two-storey home. Th e home consists of three bedrooms and two bathrooms downstairs and a large spacious master bedroom with ensuite and parents retreat upstairs. Th e lounge and dining area opens up to the extensive waterside alfresco area and lap pool. Th e property boasts an impressive 32-metre frontage and ocean access. Th e home has a north-east aspect and is set on a 777-square metre allotment.

Home with views in TanawhaCatch the magnifi cent coastal views from this high-set home. Set on a massive 4129-square metre block, the property off ers the potential of a granny fl at, home offi ce or wine cellar downstairs. Big enough for the family, it has fi ve bedrooms, two bathrooms and space for two cars. Sit on the deck adjacent to the pool with a glass of bubbly and your favourite book while enjoying the views and cool breeze.

Address: Price: Agent:


63 Gloucester Road, Buderim$499,000RE/MAX Property Associates BuderimVicki Flint 0438 451 410

3 2

2 0

Address: Price: Agent: Contact:

17 Forest Oak Court, Tanawha$995,000Pam Court Realty 5456 1599Rod Bennett 0416 724 244

5 2

2 0

Address: Price: Agent: Contact:

6 Antigua Court, Kawana IslandOffers invited Raine & Horne Kawana WatersJulie Coffey 0416 141 065Steve Kealey 0437 935 369

4 3

2 0

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Mountain Creek: 5477 7600 Sippy Downs: 5456 1599

pam courtrealty Pam

0412 708 313Bob

0412 714 326 Debbie

0411 832 325 Attila

0414 959 900 Rod

0416 724 244

• Immaculate throughout, nothing to spend

• Four bedrooms, two bathrooms

• Separate living areas

• Air-conditioned family room

• Large modern well-appointed kitchen

• Low maintenance level yard

• Side access for trailer or small boat

JUST LIKE NEW!$435,000

SIPPY DOWNS20 Riveroak Way

4 2 2

Open Saturday


• Side access leading to the 6x3 shed

• Four double bedrooms, main with ensuite

• Open plan living at its best

• Fully air-conditioned

• Huge undercover entertainment patio

• Designer pool to suit the property

• Quiet location with quiet neighbours


BUDERIM27 Kristen Close

4 2 3

Open Saturday


• Four double sized bedrooms

• Tastefully renovated ensuite and main bathroom

• Family room adjoining the kitchen

• Formal lounge and separate dining

• Solar heated inground salt water pool

• Large elevated 822m² block

• Located in a leafy cul-de-sac

"IT'S TOO GOOD TO MISS"...$499,000

BUDERIM10 Corryong Close

4 2 2

Open Saturday

1- 1.45pm

• A true Buderim Meadows beauty

• Situated at the end of a quiet cul-de-sac

• Two levels with the living on the ground floor

• Timber kitchen adjoining the family room

• Combined formal lounge dining

• Double lock-up garage

• 705m² private block


BUDERIM MEADOWS12 Barkston Court

4 2 2

View byappointment

• Great presentation

• Four bedrooms, two bathrooms

• Open plan living area

• Room for a pool in level yard

• Great location walk to schools

and university


SIPPY DOWNS16 Bernheid Crescent

4 2 2

Open Saturday 1-1.45pm

• 2 separate open plan living areas

• 3 bedrooms main with ensuite

• Quiet cul-de-sac living

• Large side access room for a pool

• Great investment or first home

• Outdoor undercover entertaining area

• Walking distance to shops, schools and university

CHEAP AS CHIPS!!$415,000

SIPPY DOWNS11 Bronte Court

3 2 2

Open Saturday 2-2.45pm

• Open plan kitchen, dining and living area

• Relax outdoors poolside, enjoy living here

• 3 separate living areas

• Fully refurbished modern kitchen

• Possible lease back available if needed

• University, shops and schools close by

• 10 minutes to the beach, make your move


SIPPY DOWNS56 Sippy Downs Drive

4 2 2

Open Saturday


• A value-packed comfortable home

• L-shaped formal lounge and dining area

• Separate casual dining off the kitchen

• Galley style kitchen will plenty of cupboard space

• Well-maintained gardens

• Double lock-up garage

• Walking distance to the park and river


MOUNTAIN CREEK30 Satinwood Place

3 2 2

Open Saturday


My Property Review | March 20, 2009 39

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40 My Property Review | March 20, 2009p: 07 5412 1600 e: [email protected] ‘Holbrook House’ 48-50 Sugar Road, Maroochydorep: 07 5412 1600 e: [email protected] ‘Holbrook House’ 48-50 Sugar Road, Maroochydore

$300,000+ Buyers106 Buderim Street, Currimundi

Entry level buyers should rush to inspect this beachside property. All in all, this 3 bedroom home with separate living areas needs a little TLC and the sellers are willing to build this into a very realistic reserve price at the auction. Don’t hesitate, this will sell!Auction 4/4/09 if not sold prior Jamie Holbrook 0418 500 081

3 1 2 Carports






Ask your real estate agent for details.

property reviews

Little Mountain masterpieceTh is exquisite four-bedroom, three-bathroom home is perched high above in Little Mountain with intercom gated entry, manicured lawns, captivating views, saltwater pool, entertaining terrace and large gazebo. Rosewood balustrades, pressed cornices and polished porcelain tiles are evidence of the scrupulous attention to detail. Th e large rumpus room is an entertainer’s dream with a wet bar and pool table, while the master suite is huge – the ensuite alone is the size of an average bedroom. Th is deluxe home on a huge block is the ultimate in Sunshine Coast living.

Huge Kuluin entertainerPositioned in a quiet street, this massive family home sits on a 1023-square metre block. Th e home is designed for entertaining with its enormous undercover pergola, accessible from the living areas and large kitchen. Th e huge backyard has room for a pool, which would be overlooked from the pergola and kitchen. Four generous bedrooms, two bathrooms, double lock-up garage, two living areas, split-system air-conditioning and security fl y screens also feature. Th e home has easy access to Sunshine Motorway, Bruce Highway, Maroochydore and Buderim.

Enchanting Buderim homeTh is stunning north-facing designer home is tucked away among the trees at the end of a long winding driveway. Polished timber fl oors spread throughout the four-bedroom, two-bathroom home, which also features a study, open-plan living areas and air-conditioning. Th e gourmet kitchen boasts sleek stone benches and looks out over the dining room and patio, making it ideal for entertaining family and friends. A massive timber deck and entertaining area overlooks the tranquil pool – entertain all year round. Complete with a large shed and 6398 square metres of land, this is something special.

Address: Price: Agent: Contact:

7 Manor Court, Little Mountain$795,000RE/MAX CaloundraMichael Kettle 0419 728 807

4 3

4 1

Address: Price:

Agent: Contact:

8 Bellbird Court, BuderimAuction on site Saturday March 28@ 3pmKen Guy Maroochydore 5443 2222Damien Michael 0413 024 124

4 2

4 1

Address: Price: Agent: Contact:

12 Riverbreeze Way, KuluinLow $500,000sRealway Buderim 5445 2777Jarrad McCarthy 0410 052 219

4 2

2 0

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Page 41: My Property Review 31 Office: Shop 5, 9 Bulcock Street, Caloundr

Kawana Island, 5 Sable Court $719,000

Caloundra 5499 7859 / 0431 635 3394 2 2


Open H


Sat 12



Currimundi, $390,000

Caloundra 5499 7859 / 0431 635 3393 1 5


Open H


Sat 10



Golden Beach,

Caloundra 5499 7859 / 0431 635 3395 2 1


Open H


Sat 1.1



Little Mountain, $499,000

Inspect: By appointmentCaloundra 5499 7859 / 0413 583 063

4 2 2


Buderim, $655,000

Caloundra 5499 7859 / 0431 635 3394 2.5 2


Open H


Sat 11



No Up Front FeesNo Hidden Costs

Caloundra, $399,000

Caloundra 5499 78593 1 1


Open H


Sat 12



mCurrimundi, $435,000

Caloundra 5499 78594 2 2


Open H


Sat 11



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p. e.

INSPECT Saturday 1-1.45pm CONTACT: Carola 0417 608 466

This air-conditioned great size as new 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom apartment is situated within minutes to beautiful Kings Beach,

has ceiling fans throughout, a large wrap-around balcony, ocean views and is in a very well-maintained and small complex of

only 6 units. The apartment has a single lock-up garage and there is a pool in the complex.

MALLORY PLACE @ KINGS BEACH $425,000KINGS BEACH 3/11 Saltair Street, “Mallory Place” 3 2 1

INSPECT Saturday 12-12.45pmCONTACT David 0417 292 870

AROONA 8 Harrier Street


3 3 2

INSPECT Saturday & Sunday 12-12.45amCONTACT Roz 0422 836 332

KINGS BEACH 6/32 Saltair Street, “Skygardens”


3 2 2

INSPECT Call AgentCONTACT Carola 0417 608 466

CALOUNDRA28/38 Bulcock Beach Esp, “Grand Pacific”


2 2 1

area, gazebo

INSPECT Call AgentCONTACT Carola 0417 608 466

KINGS BEACH 11/18 Mahia Terrace, “Kings Bay”


3 2 2





right ingredients of a successful business.

CONTACT: John 0438 710 981 for more info or email [email protected] INSPECT By AppointmentCONTACT Roz 0422 836 332


BOUTIQUE CAFE $150,000 + Stock

INSPECT Saturday & Sunday 11-11.45amCONTACT Carola 0417 608 466

KINGS BEACH 5/25B Burgess Street, “Kooringal”


2 1 1


KINGS BEACH 23/11 Mahia Terrace, “Salt on Kings”


3 2 2

property reviews

Sitting on a sizeable east-facing 577-square metre parcel of land, this home off ers a three-bedroom unit downstairs and separate two-bedroom granny fl at upstairs. Send the kids to acres of waterfront parkland opposite the property and watch the boat traffi c in to Pumicestone Passage from the privacy of your own home. Conveniently located near major shopping and boutique stores, you can renovate or detonate, or use as a weekender or family home. Th is is an exceptionally good time to enter the beachfront market.

Address: Price: Agent: Contact:

149 Golden Beach Esp, Golden BeachInformal tender closes May 4 @ 5pmHenzells Platinum 5437 8806Steve Turner 0412 679 488Geoff Ohmsen 0412 103 147

5 3

1 0

Golden opportunity at Golden Beach

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My Property Review | March 20, 2009 43MAROOCHY SANDS BUILDING, SIXTH AVENUE MAROOCHYDORE (07) 5443 2433

Cotton Tree – 1/75 Memorial Avenue – $295,000. Position, position. 2 bedroom unit in complex of 4. New kitchen and paint. Great buy.VIEW SATURDAY 12-12:30PM

Alexandra Heads – 24/1 Pacific Terrace – $245,000. Trendy 1 bedroom unit, ocean glimpses, opposite patrolled beach. VIEW SATURDAY 1-1:30PM

Maroochydore – “JUST LISTED” 52 Centenary Crescent – Low $400,000. Brick 3 bedroom renovator, single garage + large shed, great position.VIEW SATURDAY 2-2:30PM

Buderim – 10 Ferguson Avenue – “reasonable offers”. Totally renovated 3 bedroom + study PLUS separate 1 bedroom “granny flat”, large workshop, 814m² block on prestigious address.VIEW SATURDAY 3-3:30PM


Glennis Schindler0412 737 324

Greg Mills0407 750 603

LOOK NO FURTHER – THIS IS IT!!!KUREELPA 39 Shamley Heath RoadDo you want an all useable acreage with an immaculately presented home plus

Tony Mason and Kate BothamM: 0424 925 925 Tony, 0401 22 33 62 KateE: [email protected], E: [email protected] Harcourts P: 5441 3933

23 2 4

PRICE: $670,000OPEN HOME: Saturday 12-12.30pmVIEW AT: ID: QNB090308



Features:Auction date:Result:

Agency:Sales agent:

56 Tepequar Drive3 bed, 2 bath, 2 carMarch 14Passed in. Post-auction negotiations continuingProperty TodayJamie Holbrook 0418 500 081

Features:Auction date:Result:

Agency:Sales agent:

45 Paynters Pocket Avenue4 bed, 2 bath, 2 carMarch 15Passed in. Post-auction negotiations continuing.Elders PalmwoodsTom Curtis 0400 600 464

Auctions in ActionHere’s a sneak peek at hot auctions taking place on the Sunshine Coast in the next seven days.

Lot 14 Byee Circuit, AroonaAuction details: On site Saturday March 21 @ 9amAgency: Henzells Platinum Contact: Steve Turner 0412 679 488 or Geoff Ohmsen 0412 103 147

3 Spindrift Court, BokarinaAuction details: On site Friday March 20 @ 4pmAgency: Henzells Platinum Contact: Steve Turner 0412 679 488 or Geoff Ohmsen 0412 103 147

122 & 128 Ferny Glen Road, BuderimAuction details: On site Saturday March 21 @ 1pmAgency: Ken Guy MaroochydoreContact: Damien Michael 0413 024 124

288 Sippy Creek Road, TanawhaAuction details: On site Sunday March 22 @ 11amAgency: Elders Palmwoods Contact: Mike Burns 0418 991 702

15 Cutter Street, WurtullaAuction details: On site Friday March 20 @ 3pmAgency: Henzells Platinum Contact: Steve Turner 0412 679 488 or Geoff Ohmsen 0412 103 147

Features:Auction date: Agency:Sales agent:

16 Undara Avenue, Buddina3 bed, 1 bath, 1 carMarch 14Mooloolaba First NationalRosalind Nemme 0419 619 451

The easiest way to check out the latest auction results

auction action


Sold under the hammer

We had a phenomenal crowd there – you couldn’t move in the street. There were fi ve registered bidders with three participating in the auction, and the property sold under the hammer for $470,000.

The buyers are locals from Mooloolaba who loved the property because of the

fabulous location

market tracker

A list of what’s recently sold on the Coast4 Atkinson Road, Bli BliPrice: $480,000Features: 5 bed, 3 bath, 2 carAgency: Property TodaySales Agent: Jamie Holbrook

9 Wamara Street, BuddinaPrice: $453,000Features: 3 bed, 1 bath, 1 carAgency: Property todaySales Agent: Serg Gubecka

232 Mons School Road, BuderimPrice: $540,000Features: 4 bed, 2 bath, 2 carAgency: RE/MAX BuderimSales Agents: Jan & Andrew Withers

66 Coes Creek Road, BurnsidePrice: $295,000Features: 3 bed, 1 bath, 1 carAgency: Keyline Realty

10 Kings Place, BurnsidePrice: $328,000Features: 3 bed, 1 bath, 1 carAgency: Keyline Realty

1 Antigua Court, Kawana IslandPrice: $520,000Features: 4 bed, 2 bath, 2 carAgency: Property todaySales Agent: Serg Gubecka

27 Cypress Street, KuluinPrice: Low $400,000sFeatures: 3 bed, 2 bath, 2 carAgency: LJ Hooker M’doreSales Agent: Russell Parsons-Young

32 Allambie Street, MaroochydorePrice: $395,000Features: 3 bed, 2 bathAgency: Ken Guy MaroochydoreSales Agents: Minka Jenkins & Gaby McEwan

10/77 Bradman Avenue, MaroochydorePrice: Low $300,000sFeatures: 2 bed, 1 bath, 1 carAgency: LJ Hooker M’doreSales Agent: Leisa Parsons-Young

5 Chiswell Place, Maroochy WatersPrice: $800,000Features: 4 bed, 2 bath, 2 carAgency: Property TodaySales Agent: Jamie Holbrook

12/9 Denna Street, MaroochydorePrice: Mid to high $200,000sFeatures: 2 bed, 1 bath, 1 carAgency: LJ Hooker M’doreSales Agent: Geoffrey Makara

5/20 Anchorage Circuit, Twin WatersPrice: $565,000Features: 3 bed, 2 bath, 2 carAgency: LJ Hooker Twin WatersSales Agent: Grant Ormrod

36 Prestwick Drive, Twin WatersPrice: $550,000Features: 4 bed, 2 bath, 2 carAgency: LJ Hooker Twin WatersSales Agent: Doug Finlay

7 Kindal Court, PalmwoodsPrice: $490,000Features: 4 bed, 2 bath, 2 carAgency: RE/MAX BuderimSales Agent: Andrew Kirby

6 Rock Fig Court, PalmwoodsPrice: $505,000Features: 5 bed, 2 bath, 2 carAgency: RE/MAX BuderimSales Agent: Andrew Kirby

*As supplied by contributing real estate agencies

Rosalind Nemme

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44 My Property Review | March 20, 2009

DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL OR GREAT LIFESTYLENAMBOUR 144 Windsor RoadFamily Home + Magnifi cent Land. This 19,040sqm property is located on the edge of Nambour adjoining high quality established residential property. Subject to council approval the land could be sub-divided residential building blocks

Daphne & Bob Smith M: 0415 466 970 / 0412 884 163E: [email protected]; [email protected] P: 5441 3933

14 1 1

OPEN HOME: By AppointmentVIEW AT: ID: QNB090203


Bob & Daphne SmithM: 0412 884 163 Bob, 0415 466 970 DaphneE: [email protected] [email protected] P: 5441 3933

35 3 3

PRICE: $529,000OPEN HOME: Sat 21st 11-11.45amVIEW AT: ID: QNB090205



Trish Kelly & Beverley KelleyM: 0400 344 314 / 0412 205 040E: [email protected] P: 5476 7822

3 1 3 1

PRICE: $450,000-$495,000 rangeOPEN HOME: Saturday 1-1.45pmVIEW AT: ID: QBD090223


Trish Kelly & Beverley KelleyM: 0400 344 314 / 0412 205 040E: [email protected] P: 5476 7822

3 2 2 1

PRICE: Offers over $495,000OPEN HOME: Saturday 12-12.45pmVIEW AT: ID: QBD090218


Trish Kelly & Beverley KelleyM: 0400 344 314 / 0412 205 040E: [email protected] P: 5476 7822

4 2 2 2

PRICE: $575,000OPEN HOME: Saturday 11-11.45amVIEW AT: ID: QBD090302

OPEN FOR INSPECTION – SATURDAYWARANA1-1.45pm 36 Saleng Crescent $450-$495,000 rangeMOUNTAIN CREEK11-11.30am 3 Pimelea Court $400,000+BuyersKAWANA ISLAND11-11.45am 138 Grand Parade $575,00012-12.30pm Villa 58, Island Villas, 2 Grand Parade $340,00012-12.45pm 2 Molokai Lane Offers over $495,0001-1.30pm Villa 54, Island Point Villas, 239 Kawana Way2-2.45pm 12 Maldives Court $850,000

Trish Kelly & Beverley Kelley M: 0400 344 314/0412 205 040 E: [email protected] Harcourts P: 5476 7822

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My Property Review | March 20, 2009 45


HARCOURTS HINTERLAND MULTI-AUCTION NIGHTThursday, 26th March. Bidding registration commences at 5pm

The Edge Restaurant, 127-133 Main Street, MontvilleDetails: or phone 5478 5990

INSTRUCTIONS ARE CLEAR .. MUST BE SOLDMAPLETON 28 Ringwood LanePresiding over a beautiful amphitheatre of established trees and a stunning coastal panorama, this lovely near new home provides incomparable indoor/

kitchen; high ceilings; open plan living; beautiful timber fl oors; wide verandahs; 2

Chris HallM: 0405 509 976E: [email protected] P: 5478 5990

24 2 3

AUCTION: The Edge Restaurant, Main Street, MONTVILLE Thursday 26 March at 5pm

OPEN HOME: Wed 6-6.30pmSat & Sun 12-12.30pm



2 block; absolute privacy with

Chris HallM: 0405 509 976E: [email protected] P: 5478 5990

33 3 3

AUCTION: The Edge Restaurant, Main Street, MONTVILLE Thursday 26 March at 5pm

OPEN HOME: Wed 5-5.30pmSat & Sun 1-1.30pm





2 picturesque block; lake frontage

Chris HallM: 0405 509 976E: [email protected] P: 5478 5990

35 2 2

AUCTION: The Edge Restaurant, Main Street, MONTVILLE Thursday 26 March at 5pm

OPEN HOME: Tues 6-6.30pmSat & Sun 2-2.30pm


PROPERTY MUST BE SOLD - ALL OFFERS CONSIDEREDMOOLOOLAH 27 Brandenburg RoadThis charming chalet is situated on a possible sub-dividable block.

Brian DickfosM: 0405 053 273E: [email protected] P: 5478 5990

12 1 2

AUCTION: The Edge Restaurant, Main Street, MONTVILLE Thursday 26 March at 5pm

OPEN HOME: Wed 4-4.45pmSat & Sun 2-2.45pm



Chris HallM: 0405 509 976E: [email protected] P: 5478 5990

35 2 3

AUCTION: The Edge Restaurant, Main Street, MONTVILLE Thursday 26 March at 5pm

OPEN HOME: Tues 5-5.30pmSat & Sun 11-11.30am




Chris HallM: 0405 509 976E: [email protected] P: 5478 5990

AUCTION: The Edge Restaurant, Main Street, MONTVILLE Thursday 26 March at 5pm

OPEN HOME: By Appointment






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46 My Property Review | March 20, 2009


Magnificent 5.5 hectare park like estate. Now on the open market for the first time in 25 years, just a short distance from Montville Village lies “Tathra”. Mature gardens set amid tall trees and lush lawns. A long tree lined driveway leads to a French farmhouse style retreat with high ceilings, spacious light filled rooms, loads of charm and character. Discover for yourself this Saturday and Sunday.



Contact David Gamble0419 720 575 or 5494 3022 Ref. 1056 03176

Contact Ian Strachen0438 685 449 or 5441 5442 Ref. 367690



SAT & SUN 1 to 2 pm

15 Negus Road, Montville


1/4 Maple Street, MalenyPHONE 5494 3022

Architectural excellence with added dimensions to opulent living, this remarkable residence features spacious formal & casual areas. Gourmet kitchen and family room open to an enticing saltwater pool & resort style kabana with built in barbecue area. There’s a gym, office, den/media room, high ceilings, 6 car garaging, gate house, manicured landscaped gardens, ample water and much much more.

View at

Ref. 1055 73430


To inspect contact Exclusive AgentDavid Gamble 0419 720 575 or 5494 3022

Phone: 5441 7008 Cnr Currie & Howard Streets NambourExceed Expectations - Everybody Wins


COES CREEK 21 Pease Blossom

INSPECT: Saturday 1-1.30pm

PRICE: $379,000

CONTACT: Nev Mayfield 0418 713 932

BEERWAH5439 0500

COUNTRY OASISPour yourself a glass of wine, make yourself comfortable on the large covered veranda, and then enjoy your expansive views whilst you unwind from a busy day at work.

Matthew Guillemet 0437 230 011Ben Guillemet 0414 807 821

$599,000 Nambour

Nambour 11 Smith Street

SaleViewColin Braithwaite 0419 662


Tree changer Marie Blanch has left the big city hassles behind with her new home on the range, and this baby boomer couldn’t be happier with her cottage in Maleny.

by Dorothy Drane

Cottage easeEmpty nesters are discovering that

there’s life in them thar hills, and Marie Blanch is one of them.

One of Maleny’s newer residents, she is also one of its biggest fans, having joined the wave of city dwellers who don’t mind a drive to work in the city, but no longer want to live there.

Like many tree changers, Marie is a baby boomer and a member of the social group that demographer Bernard Salt says is “hitting the tripwire”. It may be impending retirement, the death of a parent, a divorce, children leaving home or a health scare, that triggers this group to make a move.

“Th is group, now aged 47 to 61 years, has common values and thinking,” Salt says. “It is a clearly defi ned demographic and as they hit the tripwire, they are making serious lifestyle decisions. Th ey are cleaning out and streamlining.”

In Marie’s case, the tripwire was a combination of empty nest and divorce that led her to look at streamlining her lifestyle and to focus on how she wanted to live as she headed towards retirement.

“My ex-husband and I had raised our daughter, and then accommodated her, her partner and new baby, in a three-bedroom house in Salisbury in Brisbane’s south. While the house wasn’t that much bigger than the house I bought in Maleny, it had a lot of bells and whistles such as air-conditioning, a pool and a dishwasher,” she says.

“I felt that not only was it unnecessary to have all those features just for me, but environmentally damaging and expensive to maintain. It made sense to fi nd a smaller, more ecologically friendly house.

“And that’s exactly what I found in my two-bedroom, big-deck cottage.”

Marie moved to the Tobermory Downs estate almost a year ago. She still returns to Brisbane for part of the week to work, but she loves living in Maleny.

Tobermory Downs has been released in stages over almost a decade, but is now moving quickly as housing marches up and over a hill to the west, where it joins another land release. Houses are still going up in the area.

“My relocation to Maleny was a deliberate move to get out of the family home and into something more suitable for a single woman,” Marie says. “I was struggling with the maintenance on my suburban ‘post-war charmer’ in Brisbane, and wanted something smaller and newer, without a swimming pool.”

She had no wish to move to the beach, but was keen to get out of the city. She also had a dog, which ruled out apartment living. “I spent three weeks

searching far and wide in Brisbane and, as this was February 2008 and the peak of the market, whenever I saw anything that I could aff ord in real estate windows, it was no longer for sale by the time I walked in the door,” she says.

“I considered buying in Toowoomba or the Moreton Bay islands, fi guring my boundary was about 100 kilometres or an hour’s travel from Brisbane. Th en I decided that if I was going further afi eld, I wanted it to be to the north, as I work on that side of Brisbane and it made sense from a commuting point of view.”

She spent her annual leave looking for inspiration and then, returning to work aft er a fruitless search, one of her colleagues mentioned Maleny. She had never even been to the Blackall Range before, and decided to check it out.

“Th e house I fell in love withcontinued page 48 >

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andin the

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was the fi rst to come up on a Google search I did of the town,” Marie said. “I jumped in the car and was there within a few hours of speaking to the agent. I put in an off er to buy before I left .

Th e home’s attraction was its proximity to Brisbane, the low level of maintenance and the price, as well, of course, as its aesthetic appeal – a wooden cottage with wide verandahs beside a lagoon slicked with water lilies and populated with bird life, a pleasant walk from the centre of a vibrant yet peaceful country town.

Marie bought for $5000 more than she sold, but then built a fence around her new house. “Th e house I sold was due for a new kitchen, so I fi gure I came out about even,” she says.

Marie was eager to get away from the city’s increasing traffi c, a factor which also drew her to the range ahead of the coast. “I like the access to the beach from Maleny. I fi nd the coast itself is too busy. Th e idea was to get away from traffi c, not swap one jam for another,” she says.

“I love the hinterland. It is peaceful and green. I enjoy the cold in winter. Th e people are lovely and a bit ‘alternative’ and it off ers a wonderful sense of leaving your big-city problems behind when you are driving up the mountains.”

Doesn’t sound like she has any regrets? “Absolutely none. I love Maleny and my house is gorgeous.”

< from page 46

Nambour home built to lastSet on a private 1677-square metre allotment, this well-built brick home is ideal for the family who wants space and comfort. Th e home has three large bedrooms with walk-in robe and ensuite off master, the fourth bedroom with a separate entrance, sumptuous formal lounge room, spacious dining off the large kitchen, outdoor entertaining area, downstairs rumpus/family room, inground pool in tropical setting, double garage with dual access and two-street frontage.

Address: Price: Agent: Contact:

161 Coes Creek Road, Nambour$459,000Victor Realty 5476 0050Craig Heppell or Toni Bielby

4 3

2 1

Quality Burnside project homeTh is brand-new quality home is close to schools, Nambour TAFE, child-care facilities and shops. Th is beautiful property features four bedrooms – the fourth could become a study – two bathrooms, light and airy lounge room, kitchen with stainless steel appliances, and spacious living area that opens onto an undercover patio and fully landscaped and fenced yard. Th is home is ready for a family to move in now and is located in a friendly neighbourhood with a relaxed outlook.

Address: Price: Agent: Contact:

47 Robertson Drive, Burnside$413,000Carolans First National 5441 1344Deb Aldous 0438 985 336

4 2

2 0

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My Property Review | March 20, 2009


5476 0050Craig Heppell 0400 180 515Toni Bielby 0417 640 585Karen Heppell 0400 330 485 Victor Realty

Brand New Designer Home Nambour $469,000

7 Heslop Place Open Saturday 12.45-1.15pm ID# 1036297

Impressive 4 bed home• Study + formal lounge• Open plan living•

High ceilings, air-con• Large outdoor area• DLUG, fenced 800+sqm block•

Temptingly Affordable Nambour $420,000

30 Kings Place Open Saturday 1.30-2pm ID# 1017707

Modern 4 bed, 2 bath home• Fenced 1174sqm block• O/door entertaining area & spa•

Air-conditioned, new kitchen• Double garage • Vehicle access to block•

Within The Budget Nambour $309,000

13 David Street Open Saturday 12-12.30pm ID# 1017907

Solid 3 bed home• Private 800+sqm block• Double garage•

Spacious living, air-cond• Generous front deck• Quiet location + bush outlook•

Outstanding Views Nambour/Coes Creek $595,000

203b Coes Creek Road Open Saturday 12-12.30pm ID# 967015

Impressive home on ½ acre• Outstanding easterly views• 5 bed, 2 bath, 6 car accom•

Modern kitchen, formal dining• Covered decks, ig pool• Polished timber floors, air-con•

Spacious Modern Family Home Nambour $429,000

39 Kentia Street Open Saturday 1.30-2pm ID# 1012343

4 bed 2 bath brick family home• Formal lounge, air-con• Spacious kit, mod appliances•

Covered ent deck, i/g pool• Dlug, space for van or boat• Fenced 891sqm block•

Spacious Family Home Nambour $349,500

2 Jane Court Open Saturday 11-11.45am ID# 927231

• Priced to Sell Now!• 4 bed, 2 bath (ensuite)• Generous family & formal living

• Private and fenced yard• Two car space under home• Quiet location. North outlook

Just Move In Nambour $417,500

13 Wentworth Court Open Saturday 2.15-2.45pm ID# 1007384

Quality 12 mth old brick home• 4 Bed, 2 bath (ensuite)• Formal lounge, air-con•

Large open plan living• Level fenced yard, side access• Prime Burnside location•

An Exciting Prospect Nambour $429,000

40 Robertson Drive Open Saturday 2.15-2.45pm ID# 1013947

6 month old quality home• 4 Bed, 2 bath, • DLUGHuge living areas•

Games room• Flat, fenced block• Popular location•

Real Space, Real Value Nambour Low $400,000’s

6 Presentation Blvd Open Saturday 12.45-1.15pm ID# 1026374

New 4 bed, 2 bath home• Formal lounge, outdoor area• Spac open plan living/dining/fam•

2.7m ceiling height• Security screens throughout• DLUG, fenced 650sqm Block•

Bli Bli bliss on acreage

massive living area opens out through timber concertina doors onto large entertaining decks, saltwater pool with spa seat. Th e home off ers sweeping views and the grounds include self-maintaining gardens and lush green lawns.

Th is property is 30 acres of gently undulating, fl ood-free prime pasture with full fencing on its perimeter. Two dams are supplied by an underground spring and the land backs onto State Forest. Th e four-year-old home is

architecturally designed and master built. Th e four bedrooms are generously proportioned, the master with a huge ensuite, walk-in robe and its own deck. A second bedroom is also ensuited, making for perfect guest accommodation. Th e

Address: Price: Agent:


82 Gallery Drive, Bli Bli $2.5 millionLeading Edge Real Estate5441 4899Eric Annett 0412 728 808

4 3

2 1


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Houses for Sale

Houses for Sale

Houses for Sale

Houses for Sale

Houses for Sale

Houses for Sale

classif edsOpen for Inspection


Terry Hinds Real Estate73 Hillcrest Ave, Nambour. Ph: 5441 4616 Fax: 5441 7766

[email protected]

Nambour Budget Unit $239,000Ground fl oor rendered unit in block of four, 2 bedrooms, tiled living area, handy schools, tafe and hospital, covered single car accom.

Palmwoods - move in now $399,000Ideal for home offi ce or tradesperson, refurbished 3 bedroom with ensuite, kitchen-dining combined, separate living areas inside and out, childrens playfort in fenced backyard. Tiled living and new carpets in all bedroom, fans throughout. Big 9m X 5m titan shed on landscaped 795m2.Open Saturday @ 5 Aminga Court10.30-11.15am

Stretch out in privacy $419,0001500m2 of delightful park like gardens nestled away in quiet cul de sac. Elevated position, 500m to schools & tafe, low set brick and tile home, 3 bedrooms+ ensuite, separate lounge, multi car accom plus covered room for caravan and boat. It’s all here.Inspection by appointment

John McGowan 0417 004 117

With plenty of fi rst home buyers about,we have a distinct lack of properties

in the $300k to $360K range. Call today for an obligation free appraisal.

REALTY5441 2511

Cnr Howard & Queen Sts, NambourThis business is independently owned and operated by Glamoren Pty Ltd A.B.N. 93 679 422 703

We have been here nearly 30 years and have helped over 10,000 people buy and sell.

Local SellersYANDINA $247,000TOWNHOUSE CENTRAL TO EVERYTHING: In a small level complex with its own private shady courtyard: 2 bedrooms upstairs living as well as garage with internal access downstairs. Minutes walk to town and markets.WOOMBYE $315,000Extremely charming three bedroom home on large level land just a leisurely stroll into Woombye. Quiet street with reserve across the road. Don’t miss this opportunity to buy in Woombye. Great fi rst home or investment.NAMBOUR $331,000Lowset character timber home to suit the larger family. Modern kitchen, dishwasher, lockup garage. Secluded and elevated bushy location. Even a fi shpond! Newly roofed.NAMBOUR $369,000THIS IS SPECIAL! Character laden Queenslander with magnifi cent views to Mt Ninderry. Three bedrooms, separate living areas and in-ground pool. Very private. You will lose your heart to this home.BURNSIDE $405,000FAMILY HOME OVERLOOKING PARK Fabulous house, fantastic position. 4 bedroom home plus study, internal stairs, quality fi ttings. Could suit granny fl at downstairs. Superb presentation. 7x8m shed. Enjoy the northerly views from the great deck.


KULANGOOR $458,000TRADESMAN OR TRUCKIES ALERT: all on one and a half acres, 4 bedrooms and study or 5 bedroom home, 2 bathrooms, double carport, great rural views, 70 irrigated fruit trees, town and tank water, 2 sheds (one 20m x 13.5m), 3 phase power, pit for servicing trucks, oil disposal system.ROSEMOUNT $580,000GREAT VIEWS! Nestled amongst the trees in Rosemount, this 9 year old designer label home has rumpus downstairs and is set back on a remarkable acreage with expansive views towards Montville. This home has town water, large shed, amenities and the school bus is nearby.DULONG $890,000Near new builders own dream quality home. 3 to 4 brm huge rumpus under. Ensuite plus 3 toilets. Polished beech fl oors, 150m2 of wide verandahs all round. Liveable 10x12m shed with 3 bays & 4 rooms. 6 tanks, bore & dam. Security screened, intercom, 9ft ceilings & air-conditioning, fenced for horses or livestock, 360° rural views.

Properties on this page are just a sample!For the largest range of exclusively listed

properties in Nambour and district check out

REALTY5441 2511

AL! Character ladeAL! Character ladeent views to Mt Ninderry. Tent views to Mt Ninderry. Tg areas and in-groung areas and in-grounour heart our heart SOLD


Ph: 5441 1344



86 Mossy Bank Road, EUDLO Sat 10-10.30amAuction 28th March 11.30am On SiteRaised post war Queenslander, fairly modern kitchen with separate toilet, 5 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, large rumpus area, 4337sqm block in rural setting, TLC required. ID#1020258

47 Robertson Drive, BURNSIDE$413,000 Sat 12-12.30pmBrand new quality home, 600sqm block, DLUG, fully landscaped, 3 bedrooms + study, 2 bathrooms, modern kitchen, 5000L tank with town water backup system. ID#1007166

47 Robertson Drive, BURNSIDE$413,000 Sat 12-12.30pmLocated in the developing Heritage Heights Estate, recreation areas - access to schools, TAFE and shops.

53 Spring Myrtle Ave, NAMBOUROffers over $370,000 Sat 1-1.30pmNew kitchen & bathroom, three bedrooms + study nook, Colorbond shed with boat or caravan access, freshly refurbished.

15 Campese Tce, NAMBOUR$345,000 Sat 2-2.30pmQuality three bedroom house with charm, style and comfort. Placed on an elevated block surrounded by tropical palms and ferns. Close to Nambours shops, Schools and Hospital. ID#953854

72 Petrie Creek Road, ROSEMOUNT$327,500 Sun 10-10.30amThree bedrooms + study, One bathroom, rumpus, entertainment decks, rendered exterior, timber fl oors, modern kitchen with stainless steel appliances. ID#942951

29A Kerrs Lane, COES CREEKOffers mid $400,000 Sun 11-11.30amBrick and tile home with two bedrooms, one bathroom, spacious living area and kitchen with an inground pool and extensive shed space out the back. 2356sqm block


Deb Aldous 0438 985 336


20 Heights Drive,Gympie

Telephone 5482

Good as Gold• 381sqm of master built living, 781 sqm land• 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms

(1 central & 2 ensuites)• 2 living areas plus media room• Gourmet kitchen, stainless steel appliances• Ducted air conditioning throughout

Rather than simply reading about it, come and check it out. You won’t be disappointed!

Contact Indra Boss 0417 380 417

Auction March 28th, 2009 @ 12.30pm On Site

Open Sat March 21st, 11.45-12.45pm,Sunday 22nd March, 11-12noon,

Thursday 26th March, 5-6pm

2/18 Blackall StreetWOOMBYE

5442 1888

Lee Andrews 0402 216 809 Ken Pitcher 0412 587 467 Gary De Paoli 0408 731 412 David Menck 0408 713 834


OPEN HOMEBURNSIDE 29 ROBERTSON DRIVE SAT 12-12.45Large new home, 4 brms, ens, wir, o/plan, sep media room, gas cooking, air cond, covered patio, double l/up garage $465,000

WOOMBYE 14 PINEGROVE ROAD SAT 1-1.45RENOVATE or DETONATE! 3 brms+study, 9ft ceilings, polished timber fl oors, large deck with views. 1341m2 block $379,000

WOOMBYE GROVE (Off Davey Drive) SAT 2-2.45Larger than average, fully serviced blocks. Walk to Woombye. Views to the ranges. Prestige location! WANTS OFFERS! From ... $179,000

BEST BUYSBURNSIDE Brand new, high quality brick home, views over park, ensuite,3 living areas, covered rear patio. Builder adds all the little extra touches! $413,000

BURNSIDE New, 3 brm + study, master with wir balcony, open plant, alfresco area, views to ranges, dlug & storage $419,000


Now Selling

Range Brook EstateLand priced from $174,000

(fl at & sloping lots available)

House & Land Packages from $442,000Display Home For Sale $485,000

On Site Sales Offi ce OpenSat - Wed 10am - 5pm

5442 3879Off Cobbs Rd, Woombye.

UBD SC66 Ref

[email protected]


Leaseback available

50 My Property Review | March 20, 2009

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classifiedTo Let

To Let

LandTo Let our website for current rentals

1 3 0 0 K E N G U Y1 3 0 0 5 3 6 4 8 9

Kelly O’Brien 0414 409 624HOUSES

Maroochydore - 3 brms, 1 bthrm, single carport $280 pw

Buddina - 3 brms, 1 bathroom, single garage $295 pw

Buddina - 3 brms, 1 bathroom, double garage $340 pw

Wurtulla - 4 bedrooms, combined living, double lock up garage $360 pw

Buddina - 4 bedrooms, ensuite, two separate living areas, ocean views $700 pw

Kawana Island - 3 bedrooms, study, ensuite, double garage, pool $1000 pw


Cotton Tree - 3 brm, 2 bthroom, single garage $355 pw

Maroochydore - 2 brm, 1 bthrm, single gar, $310 pw

Mooloolaba - 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, single garage, complex with pool $380 pw

Maroochydore - 3 brm, 2 bthrm, single gar. $380 pw

Coolum - 3 bedroom furnished unit, 2 bathroom, double lock up garage, ocean views $440 pw

Maroochydore - 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom, river and ocean views $480 pw

Maroochydore - 3 brm, 2 bthroom, river view $700 pw

Cotton Tree - Luxury split level Penthouse, panoramic ocean views, polished timber fl oors, large open plan living, gourmet kitchen with stainless steel appliances and inbuilt refrigerator and bar fridge. Media room or offi ce $990 pw

Open for InspectionsSaturday 21st March

23 Northbrook Street, Bellvista - $415pwModern 4 bedroom home with immaculate gardens, fans throughout, crimsafe screens & huge undercover area. 2 min walk to the local school & proposed shopping village & just a 7 min drive to Caloundra’s beaches. Water usage plus lawn & garden care included.Viewing time: 12.30pm

23 Gairdner Street, Caloundra West - $380pwDesigned for today’s needs, this delightful home offers 4 bedrooms, master with ensuite, open plan living, latest of kitchens with stainless steel appliances, large laundry & double garage. Outside pets on application.Viewing time: 12.50pm

VACANT RENTAL PROPERTIESCaloundra - Various 2 & 3 bedroom properties for $300 - $445 p/w, with magnificent views & beautiful breezes. Only a short distance to schools, beaches & town centre.Moffat Beach - Spacious 3 & 4 bedroom homes for $350 – $500 p/w. Close to schools, shops, cafes & beaches. Dicky Beach - Freshly painted, new carpets and blinds throughout, 2 bedroom, one bathroom unit for only $240 p/w. Very handy to schools, shopping centres, parks & beaches. Available now!Wurtulla - 3 bedroom, one bathroom, character home for only $350 p/w. Perfectly positioned, within minutes of shops, beaches & public transport. Outside pet allowed.Buddina - Recently renovated 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom home for $580 p/w with lap pool. Handy to Kawana Shopping Centre & schools. Available now!Golden Beach - Well presented 2 bedroom fully furnished unit for $280 p/w & lovely 3 bedroom brick home for $370 p/w. Close to Golden Beach shops & beaches. Pelican Waters - Very modern 2, 3 & 4 bedroom properties. Two positioned on the canal & one within the Crown Plaza. Rent from $435 - $850 p/w. Kings Beach - Two, 3 bedroom units with great views & sea breezes. One fully furnished. Rent from $335 - $450 p/w.

Please contact Henzells Permanent Rentals Department5491 2000 or [email protected]

for more information regarding all of our available rental properties

Red rentals managing over 90 suburbsin Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast

4.5% management fee and no hidden costsPeregian Beach house $500pw3+ study, loads of storage, pool, private yard, petsconsidered.Alexandra Headland from $470pwKarmasea, fully furnished apartments from $470 pw, 2 brm + study nook, 2 car spaces, spec views, resort facilitiesKawana Island $500pwBrand new 4 bedroom + media room home, spacious living areas.Maroochydore $300pw3 bedroom townhouse, close to everything.Maroochydore $1200pwLuxurious fully furnished 3 level penthouse, 3 bedrooms, media, bar + offi ce and massive rooftop area.

Ph 5451 0038 F 5451 0078E [email protected]


ILKLEYPrivate 19Ha (49.2 acres) bush/rainforest, sandy bottom seasonal creeks with natural rock features. Cleared / surveyed homesite in the centre of the block overlooking huge dam. Liveable shed with 3 phase power, 12,000 gallon tanks. 6 mins to Chancellor Park.

$895,000 Ph 0438 184 228

Houses for Sale

Designed To InspireOpen Sat 21 March 11.30-12noon

9 Woodgrove Blvd, Beerwah4 Bedrooms, ensuite, gourmet kitchen, 2

living areas, outdoor ent. area.Set sale: closes 31 March unless sold priorBuyer Inquiry Range $348,500 to $451,000

Value at $410,000Aaron Peckitt 0434 401 101

A Winner For A Beginner!Open Sat 21 March 12-12.30pm

16 Woodgrove Blvd, Beerwah4 Bedrooms, ensuite, gourmet kitchen,open plan, fully landscaped & fenced.

Set sale: closes 31 March unless sold priorBuyer Inquiry Range $310,250 to $401,500

Value at $365,000Aaron Peckitt 0434 401 101




Deadline: Tuesday 12.00 [email protected]

My Property Review | March 20, 2009 51

Th is original Queenslander has had some renovation and is fi lled with charm and character. Massive ceiling heights and expansive views to the north and north-east open up the home. Th ere are three living areas and loads of room for extended family or teenagers. Th is four-bedroom, two-bathroom home is on a large 827-square metre block.

Palmwoods QueenslanderAddress: Price: Agent: Contact:

11 Kindal Court, PalmwoodsAuction on site March 29 @ 12pmElders Palmwoods 5478 9122Mike Burns 0418 991 702

4 2

2 0

Feel the sea breezes from this home, only a fi ve-minute stroll to Mooloolaba Beach. Th e house has an outdoor entertaining area and inground pool. Th e high vaulted ceilings and wooden exposed beams give this property a homely fee. Th e owner has paid thousands to have plans drawn up, which are available to the new owners. Live in it, rent it out or renovate.

Mooloolaba beach houseAddress: Price: Agent: Contact:

31 Toorumbee Drive, MooloolabaOffers in the high $400,000sCroc PropertyRuss & Maria Longland 0404 500 449

4 1

1 0

Th is 9257-square metre allotment has ocean and rural views. Raised and gently sloping, the land has a desirable north-easterly aspect with unlimited potential to build the perfect home. A unique parcel of land located in an established area surrounded by impressive homes, it is just nine minutes to Coolum’s beaches and within easy access of the Bruce Highway.

Maroochy River landAddress:

Price: Agent: Contact:

38-44 Ocean Vista Drive, Maroochy RiverAuction on site April 4 @ 11amRE/MAX Coolum 5455 1600Samantha Leworthy 0415 113 092

0 0

0 0

Th e bedrooms are generous and the fl oor plan is practical in this Nambour home. Th e property’s pool and yard are fully fenced and there is a covered paved area leading from the kitchen that doubles as entertaining or play area for children. Located in a cul-de-sac, it is close to Nambour Heights shops, schools and transport. Th e property features vaulted ceilings and hardwood fl oors throughout.

Perfect starter in NambourAddress: Price: Agent: Contact:

9 Conrad Court, Nambour$358,500Harcourts Nambour 5441 3933Daphne & Bob Smith0415 466 970 or 0412 884 163

3 2

3 1

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Page 52: My Property Review 31

home directory

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52 My Property Review | March 20, 2009

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My Property Review | March 20, 2009 53

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54 My Property Review | March 20, 2009

4 Otranto Avenue, Caloundra Qld 4551 5499 5699


New tilt slab Industrial Buildings in Sunshine Coast’s NEWEST Industrial Park.

Built with additional height and multiple roller doors to be cooler in summer.

SHED 2 – 327m2

Address: Unit 2/4 Lysaght Street, Coolum

Inspect: By Appointment

Price: $1907 p/m + GST+ Outgoings


Robert Webber0412 713 457

[email protected] BUILDING – YOUR BLANK CANVAS!


$70 p.s.m.conditions apply

commercial property

Top property

This fi ve-year-old building has main street exposure, and is nestled between McDonald’s and KFC, just

250 metres to Caloundra Hospital and 200 metres to Stockland Shopping Centre. Th e waterways of Pumicestone Passage are just 440 metres away.

All leases are current and with approved medical use, tenancies include doctors, diagnostic imaging or medical-related business. Returning in excess of $530,000 per annum net, solid leases are in place between eight tenancies ranging from 60 to 563 square metres.

With interest rates at record lows, this quality property boasts 3715 square metres zoned commercial, so there is fantastic potential with excellent income. Figures and an information memorandum are available to serious enquirers.

Address: Cnr 75 Bowman Road and 18 Mayes Avenue, CaloundraPrice: For Sale by tender closing March 18 @ 5pmAgent: Commercialfn.comContact: Robert Webber 0412 713 457

Ready to Rumba

With world-class resorts come quality dining and shopping experiences and Rumba Resort

in Bulcock Beach is no exception. Off ering direct access to the resort

facilities, Rumba Resort’s Esplanade piazza comprises four premium waterfront restaurants ranging from alfresco fi ne dining to casual eateries plus a range of carefully selected specialty shops.

Rumba Resort will off er sophistication as well as a casual dining experiences as each restaurant will be uniquely themed to provide the public with a variety of diff erent dining experiences.

Henzells Agency’s commercial division is off ering four prime Rumba Resort restaurants of varying sizes. Each restaurant will feature outdoor timber decking with an exclusive-use area.

Five selected speciality shops and a day spa that overlooks the tranquil

waters of the Pumicestone Passage are also features of the property.

Th e development of Rumba’s restaurant piazza has become the catalyst for change on Bulcock Beach Esplanade. Along with recently constructed boardwalks and bicycle paths, the council’s plans to revitalise the Bulcock Beach streetscape will make this CBD promenade a drawcard for Caloundra’s locals and tourists.

Th is opportunity off ers great commercial investment for a privileged few.

Address: Rumba Resort, Th e Esplanade, Caloundra Price: For leaseFeatures: Rumba Resort – beachfront restaurants/shops availableAgent: Henzells Agency – Commercial Contact: Len Greedy 0401 691 807 Alan Gray 0414 894 084

There are opportunities for lease at Bulcock Beach.

Shed for sale

This huge tilt-slab shed in Enterprise Street, Caloundra West is the largest in a secure, modern

complex of eight. With 570 square metres of fully useable fl oor area, you won’t be short of room. Take advantage of the lowest interest rates in a generation and snap up a bargain.

Address: Shed 7, 23 Enterprise Street, Caloundra WestPrice: For sale by tender closing March 18 @ 5pmAgent: Commercialfn.comContact: Robert Webber 0412 713 457

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My Property Review | March 20, 2009 55

Visit the Sales Centre at 99 Garnet Street,

Cooroy or call 5442 5833 today! Conditions apply: Purchase land at Greenwood Grove before June 30th 2009 and receive $10,000 rebate upon settlement of your contract. † Price after $10,000 stimulus package rebate. P








new home & land

Pelican Waters sites selling

Woombye estate sales on the Rise

Home buyers take note: The Beaches development at Pelican Waters has waterfront home sites up for grabs.

Stage three now selling at Woombye’s Plantation Rise.

New roads linking Maroochydore, Kawana and Caloundra directly to the highway are making

destinations such as Woombye in the hinterland a lot more accessible – especially for those looking for a bit of land.

Woombye has already been identifi ed as a growth area and much of the infrastructure is already in place with major roads, schools and shops all within easy reach.

Plantation Rise Estate off ers aff ordable, large home sites and is located off Taintons Road on what was previously a pineapple farm.

It’s just across the road from the Woombye State School with the Nambour Christian College a short walk over the Nambour Connection Road overpass.

What diff erentiates Plantation Rise Estate is the lot sizes, which range from 862 to more than 1850 square metres (averaging 1195 square metres). To make the

building process even easier, each lot has a building pad already constructed on it, most of which are in excess of 420 square metre.

In the construction of the house pad, the natural undulating landscape has not been compromised so that elevation and views that characterise Woombye still remain.

Stage one is sold out, stage two is almost sold out and now stage three has commenced with an initial release of 16 lots. Building covenants ensure no zero building alignments, so residents will have privacy, even from the closest neighbours.

Land prices start from $282,000 and house and land packages from approximately $550,000. With settlement not due until June 2009, residents also have the benefi t of paying only a fi ve per cent deposit and plenty of time to plan that dream house.

For more information on Plantation Rise Estate phone 5442 3362 or visit

Pelican Waters is set to release its latest stage in the development called Th e Beaches.

Th is exclusive release comprises seven exclusive large water-view home sites and three residential home sites. Th e lucky residents who secure a place in the development can relax at home in the aft ernoon, enjoying views along the wide waterways that are accentuated by the sun setting behind the majestic Glass House Mountains.

Th is is the fi rst and only water-view release in Th e Beaches and will be priced to meet the market.

Inspect and register your interest before the public release on March 28 for your best chance to secure one of these seven magnifi cent water-view home sites.

To fi nd out more, visit the Pelican Waters waterfront display offi ce at Columba Place or phone 5492 3055.

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The uniquely positioned Vantage community offers the only opportunity to purchase golf-frontage land at Hyatt Coolum.

Act now and you will be able to build your dream home overlooking the Australian PGA Championship golf course.

With limited golf-frontage allotments available, only a select few will be able to secure land and take advantage of the five-star resort facilities such as the golf course, restaurants, spa, gym and tennis courts. And pristine beaches are just minutes away.

So don’t miss your chance to tee off on an amazing new lifestyle. Visit the Property Sales Centre, David Low Way Yaroomba, call 1800 688 530 or email [email protected]


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