Mount Vernon signal.. (Mt. Vernon, Ky.) 1909-07-09 [p...

< Jj L p I I W i W ublished Every I Friday r t t 1nuna IVOL ME XXII MT ROCKCASTLE COUNTY KY FRIDAY JULY 9 1909 NUMBER 42 1 E33- ANNOIINCEMENT 1 L I wish to to my customers and v friends that I am now in the Cox Bros building showing a complete anduptodate j I line of FURNITURE every description Carpets Rugs Mattings Curtains Etc j > iw In fact I propose to be able to furnishevery j t thing needed or wanted to decorate your home j 1 We appreciate the patronage re- ceived during the few months we were in I j business preceding the fire of Nov 2 1st L which destroyed our entire stock we apprel 1 ciste every dollars worth of business given J z us and we trust our treatment toward you will warrant a renewal of that happy rela- tion f in the future 1 g We are now ready to show you Drop j in and see us in Cox Bros building oppo 1 site House CC coX < k 1ViT VERNQN KY f r r It is otten stated with much emI r phasis that Kentucky does for public schools than any other t State save three or four This is k held up to the people of the State t as the whole truth but the state ¬ t ment is only a part the truth and as a whole is very false From the t State Treasurer she does more than t anv other State except three or fourr but from all sources the f I amount she gives is far down in the list Massachusetts has about J Zthe same population as Kentucky As a State from the State Treasur ry Kentucky gives far more to her schools than does Massachusetts but from all sources Massachusetts ° gives far more than Kentucky For every dollar that Kentucky pays her public schools Massachusetts 617 and upon the same basis Ohio pays 592 from all sources These statitics are from the latest o report from the Bureau of Educa v tion at Washington The United States is importing fish into Panama canalzone now to eat up musquitoes JlA NIGHT RIDERS RAID The worst night riders are calomel croton oil or aloes pills They raid your bed to rob you of rest Not so with Dr Kings New Life Pills They never distress or inconvebience but always cleanse the system curing Colds Head ¬ ache Constipation Malaria 25c at Chas C Davis COVE School began here Monday with good full attendance eFarmersi- n this section are badly behind with their crops on account of the continued rains The little daughter of Greenberry Cotton is very sick wjth measles Mrs Cot ton having recovered onlv recently Rev lames Riddle preached at the school house last Sunday The Bible class at this place is moving along nicely Willis Johnson who has the contract for covering the school house is to fbe SaturdayGeterI 14 items are as scarce as hens teeth or gold dollars A special session of the Alabama Legislature has been called for July 27 to consider legfslation to strengthen the liquor laws since the Supreme Court has decided laws against locker clubs uncon stitutionalI TORTURED ON A HORSE uFor ten vears couldnt ride horse without being in torture from pileswrites L S Napier of Rugless Ky when all doctors and other remedies failed Buck lens Arnica Salve cured me Infallible for Piles Burns Scalds Cuts Boils FeverSores Eczema Salt Rheum Corns 25C Guar- anteed by Chas C Davis OJ When You Think Of the paia which many women experience with every month it makes the gentleness and kindness always associ Fated with womanhood seem to be almost a miracle While ia no womaa rebels against what she re wouldt Dr Pierces Favorite Prescriptloa mates 0 weak women stroai and sick wome tell and tires them freedom from pals It establishes regularity subdues Islam xatlen heals ulceratlou aad cures te p male weakness as Y M p je II I p a I ¬ I I I I ¬ I a ¬ ¬ + Sickwomea and invited to consult Dr Pierce by letterP free AU correspondence strictly private and sacredly confidential Write without fear and without fee to Worlds Dispensary Med- ical Association RV Pierce M D President Buffalo N Y r t erer a i v exlyand he will send you a free copy of his great thousandpage illustrated Sense Medical Adviser revised uptodate edition in paper covert In handsome clothbinding 31 stampso Itf q i f SI > j- b T COUNTY CLAIMS allowi ¬ the Fiscal year beginning July 11908 and ending June 30 1909 U S Berry for caring for and maintaining Th mas Berry a pauper X75 00 W S Robins for taking care of Effie Mullins 5 oo I JD Ham for summoning witness at inquest over the body of Clell Smith 6 75 G T Johnson allowed for school books inrnished indigent children 78 10 Taylor Mul ins allowed for making coffin for Sallie Dot son 5oo Henry Gabbard allowed for making coffin for Manson Miller a pauper 5 00 Mason Anglin allowed for caring- for Mary Pennington a pauper 40 bo J W Todd for waiting on small pox patients 13 34 W H Stephens allowed for waiting on small pox patients 6 oo A T Abney allowed fornaking coffin for Martha King a pauper 5oo L A Davis allowed waitingt on and caring for Chas Hold man 20 00 Chas C Davis for medicine furnished paupers 68 25 Squire Burdine allowed for pro ¬ vision furnished Mat Cash a lunatic 750 WH Burton allowed for con- king ¬ Mat Cash a lunatic to Mt Vernon 2 WH Jones allowed fqr burial clothes furnished William Wyrick a pauper 4 48 Henry Gabbard allowed for making coffin for William Wyrlck a pauper 3 00 J H Donelson allowed for services rendered Andrew Vaughn a pauper 90 00 J Jt Wood allowed for merchan ¬ disc furnished paupers 5180 Dr SDavis allowed for mFdicineTuraished paupers 10 73 TJ Niceley allowed for rental for house to hold election for years 1906 190 and 1908 9 50 Dr R G Webb allowed for medical services rendered paupers 3000 Dr RH Lewis allowed for medical services rendered F au pers 25 00 Dr W D Laswell allowed for medical service rendered paupers 100 00 Dr A G Lovell allowed for medical services rendered pau ¬ pers 15 00 Dr D B Southard for medical services rendered paupers 75 00 Dr J F Baugh allowed for medical services rendered pau ¬ pers 15 00 Dr T J Price for medical services rendered paupers 5 oo Dr Walker Owens for goods furnished andI medicalservices rendered paupers 29 40 Drs Lewis and LaswellallowE d for services rendered pau ¬ pers 28 oo DrWJ Childress allowed for medical services rendered pau- pers 38 tio W M Poynter allowed for merchandise furnished Roc castle county 15 08 JohnC Taylor Corner for holding inquest over the bodies of Bert Price and Buck Thacker 12 oo F L Thompson and M J Miller pauper committee allowed pauper expense 1340 68 R L McFerron for making ballot boxes for holding school election 40 oo W M Bullock allowed for merchandise furnished pan pers 5 00 Dr D B Southard for medical- s rvi es rendered Charles Fu beck 14 75 R H Hamm for merchandise furnished paupers 57 68 Dr W F Caner for medical services rendered paupers 15 oo Dr WlD Grayeley allowed for medical services rendered pan pers 24 00 WA CoxR K Powell A J Fish and W A B Davis allowed 200 each as officers of election in East Mt Vernon precinct 8oo WH Jphnes and IrA Bowman 280 each and U S Berry and T J J Hayes2ooas officers of Round L Continued on second page LIT1NGSTOJS Miss Annie M Walton and Miss Nettie Rice arevisiting in Stanford I this weekT Jo Pennington has I sold his restaurant to Elmer Lechleiter Price I not learned The Masonic Order has purchased the store house and lot belonging to James Adams Price paid n 1000 00 they will erect a fine ball Thi Junior Picnic was a grand success We had fine order no one drunk and we wish to compli ¬ ment the Mtv Vernon brass band We wish to say for themwe are more than satisfied with their musicMiss Nora Paiett of Mt Vernon is visiting her grandparents Mr end Mrs A Pennington this week Mrs Charley Bryant is very low with feverJ H Mullins of Lafbllett is with us this week W A Shelton and J H Dickerson has retarned from Louisville There is going to be a wedding soon Isnt thatso DaveTheo Graves who has been very sick is some better at this writing Mrs Dee Bryant and children of Lebanon Junction are visiting Mrs Charley Rice this week Mrs G W Griffin and Mrs W D Griffin of Jellicp were here on a short visit lastweek Later On returning home Mrs WD Griffin was taken ver sick and the last report was justealiveWe have just received a litter from George Pennington of Haines Oregon a son of A Pennington Mr Pennington is a farmer in that State on the large scale He writes that he is married but failed to give the dame of his bride The writer was in Mt Vernon Sun ¬ day and while there had the pleasure of meeting quite a number of my old associates Farmers are about done their crops here and considering the rain that we have had corn looks wellDrW J Childress reports Robert Bustle veryJow with fever Miss Sallie Thomas of Level Green will teach the Sand Hill schoolMrs Nora Jenkins and children are in Jellico this week Miss Bettie Pennington will teach the French schoolMrs J E Woodall and Mrs C E Rice are visiting relatives at Brodhead There will be a union Sunday school picnic here in a short time The day has not been set yet Those that attended the Mont ¬ gomery trial from here were Judge Sambrooks W H Burton Dr W J Childress Bill Ward Bill Graves W H Bowman and R H Whitehead Miss Ora Brown of Level Green was the pleasant guest of Miss Bettie Penn ington Friday and Saturday Miss Lu cinda Hellard who was very sick last week is some betterMiss Eliza Payne of the Wabd section visited Mrs S J Kinley last week Little Nellie and Mayme Carter are in Lebanon Junction this week There was a lively game of ball here Saturday between Livingston end Hazel Patch with the score in favor of Livingston Mrs W T Merimee of Lebanon Junction is visiting Mrs George Pope this weekMrand Mrs J W Mullins were in Mt Vernon Wednesday in the Montgomery case John Preston who has been visiting in Big Glades returned to Livingston Monday very sick but is better nowMr and Mrs J C Stanley are visiting their son at StanfordElmer Lechleiter was here pn business MondayMessrs Andy and Billy Kinserspept Sun ¬ day with Ella Stanley and hul- aCentersH Di Magee was in Mt Vernon Wednesday SEES MOTHER GROW YOUNG It would be hard to overstate the wonderful change in my mother since she began to use Electric Bitters writes Mrs W L Gilpatnc of Danforth Me II Althougn past 70 she seems really to begrowjpgYPHnga ain She suffered untold misery from dyspep- sia ¬ for 20 years At last she could neither eat drinknorsleep Doctors gave her up and all remedies failed till Electric Bitters worked such wonders For her health They vitalY organs cure Liver and Jqdn y troubles induce sleep impart and appetite Only 500 at Chtsdv Davisr l BKODHEAD Cleve Wilmot of Knoxville isI spending a few days here Wheat threshing is the order of the day in the country near this placeHo ¬ mer Wallin and A C Kidwell were callers in town latter part of last weekMiss Clyde and Mat tie Wilmot have returned after an extended visit to Williamsburg and Knoxville Lester Hilton and wife ot Rowland were guests of Mr J R Cass and family Sat- urday ¬ until MondayThe Brod ¬ head 2nd B B team defeated the Mt Vernon 2nd at this place Sat urday last Score 9 to 4Miss Al- ma ¬ McAfee has returned to her home at Salvisa Ky after a months stay with her sister Mrs IJ W Hutchison at this place Mr and Mrs F C Durham of Elizabethtown are with their many friends and relatives here this week A number from this place and the surrounding countr y attended childrens day exercises at Freedom Sunday last and report a nice day and feel amply paid for their visit Mrs Dr Southard of Mt Ver- non ¬ is visiting her mother Mrs Barnes of this placeThe Baptist Sunday school at this place and the panic school at Livingston seems to have a racing contest as to at ¬ tendance and collection Brodhead- is ahead in attendance while Liv ¬ ingston excels in finance The at ¬ tendance last Sunday we learn was 92 Brodhead and 85 Livingston Mr Orville Collier and wife and Miss Nannie Vest of Covington r Ky are visiting the family of John Robblns Rev Masters preached here Monday and Tuesday night Miss Ella and Master Bain Car- s ¬ n hay returned from Princeton College for vacationMrs Edd Woodall and Mrs C E Rice of Livingston are visiting the family of G E Painter in the county near hereThe Pie supper here Saturday night last was a nice su- ccessRev ¬ Goldsmith of George town College will fill the pulpit at the Baptist church here Saturday and SundayRev Campbell will preach a discourse on the sub ¬ JectThe ultimate result of sin on Monday night after the 3rd Sunday at the Christian church hereGreat preparations are be ¬ ing made for the Fair at this place which no doubt will be the best ever held State of Ohio City of Toledo ss Lucas county j Frank J Cheney makes oath that hs is senior partner of the firm of F J Cheney Co doing business in the City of Toledo County and State aforesaid and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case ot Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Halls Catarrh Cure FRANK J CHENEY Sworn to before me and sub scribed in my presence this 6th day of December A D 1886I SEAL A W GLEASQN Notary Public Halls Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Send for testimonials freeF J CHENEY Co Toledo O Sold by all Druggist 75 C Take Halls Family tills for constipation The Senate adopted the joint resolution providing for the sub ¬ mission to the States of an amend ¬ ment to the Constitution authoriz ¬ ing the levy of a tax en incomes There were no votes against the resolution Old Fort Ticonderoga whose famous ruins are in progress of res- toration ¬ formed the setting of yes ¬ terdays ceremonies in connection with the Lake Champlain terccn tenary celebration Added imPort- ance ¬ was given to todays ceremo ¬ nies by the arrival of President Talt and a party of distinguished guests late in the afternoon With the crumbling ruins of Fort Amherst and Frederick form- ing ¬ a historic setting the first of a series ot events celebrating the three hundredth anniversary of the discovery of Lake Champlain by the famous French explorer navi ¬ gator and colonizer Samuel de Champlain took place Monday at Crown Point where Champlain with his Canadian and Indian allies ofthe Algonquin tribes first met the troquois battle E 4 pf I w < t 1 7fx6py Established fj 1887 M r VERNON announce liberal Court t Y I 11 f The Old Reliable fIll f KLMost i fifiTHE f Cheapest Drug Store in the county DAVIS IIII j fSouth Side Main Street jn RN ON KY d = = JL w 7t4 JjYj PHONE YOUR WANTS TO No 89 If you need medicines of any kinds call 39 When you want prompt service in case of accident call 89 If you want the Doctor call S3 When you are ready to paint your house call QQ If you want ice cream call 89 In fact make 89 your servant you will always find ready and willing service at our endof the line An Phones lead to CHAS I L DAVIS f Leading Druggist f PHONE YOUR WANTS TO- Y No 89 Ifa body need a body call S3 w Get your Hammocks no- wel3e to 300 Get your Croquet Sets now 125 up Get your Base Ball Goods now Young ladies nowis the time to buy your toiletgoods of all kinds Please call in and let us show you Dont forget the number fe 8g DAVISLeadinM Druggist bd 89A 1 29 A Profitable Invitation i i This invitation js presented with the hope that itX JIll may be of some service to our patrons There is noth X ing that offers such a twofold opportunity to the individ j- deposit time to better your condition to start you in business < s to build a home to invest profitblYt hundred and JK one things that systematic saving puts within easyreach sJ of any person At the same time that money saved is into circulation the medium ot the bank itK jft K NYe offer our depositors every service and conven- ience X in transacting business Our bank is here to fur w- j ther your interests and the interests of the community to ft the best of its abilityR ft Come in and ask questions If you do not have an C- lw account withus open one no matter how small We > t- will ri give it the same attention and vnn thf sinifi courtesies ij r that we accord the man whose business runs into many thousands of dollars We will take the same pleasure f in the growth of your account that you do yourself PEOPLES BANK ttttttttttttttttttt1ftt1J1t11ttttt1ttttttttttt1t flT VERNON D KET GEl PRACTICALUNDERTAKERS 3 3 FUNERAL DIRECTORS = 2 AND 3 EMBALMERS = Mt Vernon Ky rrs COUCH METALIC CASKETS 3 5 Coffins and Robes = E Licened Embalmer will have charge of that line of = E work for the company = EOrders by wire promptly tilled Hearse sent to all points 3 AB FURNISH WH KRUECER w EPnone = 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111J111111111111111 Z 11111111111111IS V UMD5BTAKEB I Our line of Couch tasketsU is unexcelled U Handmade Qoffinsfarnished U Hearse sent to all parts of III l CountyU i wRAcox Filledll Phone 945 MT VERNON KY I

Transcript of Mount Vernon signal.. (Mt. Vernon, Ky.) 1909-07-09 [p...

Page 1: Mount Vernon signal.. (Mt. Vernon, Ky.) 1909-07-09 [p ] Write without fear and without fee to Worlds Dispensary Med-trerer ical




I I W i W

ublished EveryI Friday









I wish to to my customers andv friends that I am now in the Cox Bros

building showing a complete anduptodate j

I line of FURNITURE every description

Carpets Rugs Mattings Curtains Etc j>

iw In fact Ipropose to be able to furnishevery j

tthing needed or wanted to decorate your

home j1

We appreciate the patronage re-

ceived during the few months we were in I

j business preceding the fire of Nov 21stL which destroyed our entire stock we apprel1 ciste every dollars worth of business given J

z us and we trust our treatment toward you

will warrant a renewal of that happy rela-

tionf in the future1

g We are now ready to show you Drop

j in and see us in Cox Bros building oppo 1

site House

C C coX<



rr It is otten stated with much

emIr phasis that Kentucky does

for public schools than any other

t State save three or four This isk held up to the people of the Statet as the whole truth but the state ¬

t ment is only a part the truth and

as a whole is very false From thet State Treasurer she does more thant anv other State except three or

fourr but from all sources thef I

amount she gives is far down inthe list Massachusetts has about

J Zthe same population as KentuckyAs a State from the State Treasurry Kentucky gives far more to herschools than does Massachusettsbut from all sources Massachusetts

° gives far more than Kentucky Forevery dollar that Kentucky paysher public schools Massachusetts

617 and upon the same basisOhio pays 592 from all sourcesThese statitics are from the latest

o report from the Bureau of Educav tion at Washington

The United States is importingfish into Panama canalzone nowto eat up musquitoes

JlA NIGHT RIDERS RAIDThe worst night riders are

calomel croton oil or aloes pillsThey raid your bed to rob you ofrest Not so with Dr Kings NewLife Pills They never distress orinconvebience but always cleansethe system curing Colds Head ¬

ache Constipation Malaria 25cat Chas C Davis


School began here Monday withgood full attendanceeFarmersi-

n this section are badly behindwith their crops on account of thecontinued rains The littledaughter of Greenberry Cotton isvery sick wjth measles Mrs Cotton having recovered onlv recently

Rev lames Riddle preached atthe school house last SundayThe Bible class at this place ismoving along nicely WillisJohnson who has the contract forcovering the school house is to fbe


items are as scarce as hens teethor gold dollars

A special session of the AlabamaLegislature has been called forJuly 27 to consider legfslation tostrengthen the liquor laws sincethe Supreme Court has decidedlaws against locker clubs uncon


uFor ten vears couldnt ridehorse without being in torture frompileswrites L S Napier ofRugless Ky when all doctorsand other remedies failed Bucklens Arnica Salve cured meInfallible for Piles Burns ScaldsCuts Boils FeverSores EczemaSalt Rheum Corns 25C Guar-anteed by Chas C Davis

OJ When You ThinkOf the paia which many women experience with everymonth it makes the gentleness and kindness always associ

Fated with womanhood seem to be almost a miracleWhile ia no womaa rebels against what she rewouldtDr Pierces Favorite Prescriptloa mates

0 weak women stroai and sick wometell and tires them freedom from palsIt establishes regularity subdues Islamxatlen heals ulceratlou aad cures tepmale weakness



p jeII











I a




Sickwomea and invited to consult Dr Pierce by letterPfree AU correspondence strictly private and sacredlyconfidential Write without fear and without fee to Worlds Dispensary Med-ical Association R V Pierce M D President Buffalo N Yrterera

i v exlyand he will send you a free copy of his great thousandpage illustratedSense Medical Adviser revised uptodate edition in paper covert

In handsome clothbinding 31 stampsoItfq i f SI






allowi ¬

theFiscal year beginning July 11908and ending June 30 1909

U S Berry for caring for andmaintaining Th mas Berry apauper X75 00

W S Robins for taking care ofEffie Mullins 5 oo

I JD Ham for summoningwitness at inquest over the bodyof Clell Smith 6 75

G T Johnson allowed forschool books inrnished indigentchildren 78 10

Taylor Mul ins allowed formaking coffin for Sallie Dotson 5oo

Henry Gabbard allowed formaking coffin for Manson Miller

a pauper 5 00Mason Anglin allowed for caring-

for Mary Pennington a pauper 40 boJ W Todd for waiting on

small pox patients 13 34W H Stephens allowed for

waiting on small pox patients 6 ooA T Abney allowed fornaking

coffin for Martha King apauper 5oo

L A Davis allowed waitington and caring for Chas Holdman 20 00

Chas C Davis for medicinefurnished paupers 68 25

Squire Burdine allowed for pro ¬

vision furnished Mat Cash alunatic 750

W H Burton allowed for con-


Mat Cash a lunatic to MtVernon 2

W H Jones allowed fqr burialclothes furnished William Wyricka pauper 4 48

Henry Gabbard allowed formaking coffin for William Wyrlcka pauper 3 00

J H Donelson allowed forservices rendered Andrew Vaughna pauper 90 00

J Jt Wood allowed for merchan ¬

disc furnished paupers 5180Dr SDavis allowed for

mFdicineTuraished paupers 10 73T J Niceley allowed for rental

for house to hold election for years1906 190 and 1908 9 50

Dr R G Webb allowed formedical services renderedpaupers 3000

Dr RH Lewis allowed formedical services rendered F aupers 25 00

Dr W D Laswell allowed formedical service renderedpaupers 100 00

Dr A G Lovell allowed formedical services rendered pau ¬

pers 15 00Dr D B Southard for medical

services rendered paupers 75 00Dr J F Baugh allowed for

medical services rendered pau ¬

pers 15 00Dr T J Price for medical

services rendered paupers 5 ooDr Walker Owens for goods

furnished andI medicalservicesrendered paupers 29 40

Drs Lewis and LaswellallowE dfor services rendered pau ¬

pers 28 oo

DrWJ Childress allowed formedical services rendered pau-pers 38 tio

W M Poynter allowed formerchandise furnished Roc castlecounty 15 08

JohnC Taylor Corner forholding inquest over the bodies ofBert Price and Buck Thacker 12 oo

F L Thompson and M JMiller pauper committee allowedpauper expense 1340 68

R L McFerron for makingballot boxes for holding schoolelection 40 oo

W M Bullock allowed formerchandise furnished panpers 5 00

Dr D B Southard for medical-s rvi es rendered Charles Fubeck 14 75

R H Hamm for merchandisefurnished paupers 57 68

Dr W F Caner for medicalservices rendered paupers 15 oo

Dr WlD Grayeley allowed formedical services rendered panpers 24 00

WA CoxR K Powell A JFish and W A B Davis allowed200 each as officers of election in

East Mt Vernon precinct 8ooWH Jphnes and IrA Bowman

280 each and U S Berry and TJ J Hayes2ooas officers of Round

L Continued on second page


Miss Annie M Walton and MissNettie Rice arevisiting in Stanford I

this weekT Jo Pennington has I

sold his restaurant to ElmerLechleiter Price I not learnedThe Masonic Order has purchasedthe store house and lot belongingto James Adams Price paid

n 1000 00 they will erect a fine ballThi Junior Picnic was a grand

success We had fine order noone drunk and we wish to compli ¬

ment the Mtv Vernon brass bandWe wish to say for themwe aremore than satisfied with their

musicMissNora Paiett of Mt Vernon

is visiting her grandparents Mrend Mrs A Pennington this week

Mrs Charley Bryant is very lowwith feverJ H Mullins of

Lafbllett is with us this weekW A Shelton and J H Dickersonhas retarned from LouisvilleThere is going to be a weddingsoon Isnt thatso DaveTheoGraves who has been very sick issome better at this writing MrsDee Bryant and children ofLebanon Junction are visitingMrs Charley Rice this weekMrs G W Griffin and Mrs WD Griffin of Jellicp were here ona short visit lastweek Later Onreturning home Mrs WD Griffinwas taken ver sick and the lastreport was justealiveWe havejust received a litter from GeorgePennington of Haines Oregon ason of A Pennington MrPennington is a farmer in thatState on the large scale Hewrites that he is married but failedto give the dame of his brideThe writer was in Mt Vernon Sun ¬

day and while there had the pleasureof meeting quite a number of myold associates

Farmers are about done theircrops here and considering therain that we have had corn looks

wellDrW J Childress reportsRobert Bustle veryJow with fever

Miss Sallie Thomas of LevelGreen will teach the Sand HillschoolMrs Nora Jenkins andchildren are in Jellico this week

Miss Bettie Pennington willteach the French schoolMrs JE Woodall and Mrs C E Riceare visiting relatives at Brodhead

There will be a union Sundayschool picnic here in a short timeThe day has not been set yetThose that attended the Mont ¬

gomery trial from here were JudgeSambrooks W H Burton DrW J Childress Bill Ward BillGraves W H Bowman and RH Whitehead Miss Ora Brownof Level Green was the pleasantguest of Miss Bettie Penn ingtonFriday and Saturday Miss Lucinda Hellard who was very sicklast week is some betterMissEliza Payne of the Wabd sectionvisited Mrs S J Kinley last week

Little Nellie and Mayme Carterare in Lebanon Junction this week

There was a lively game of ballhere Saturday between Livingstonend Hazel Patch with the score infavor of Livingston

Mrs W T Merimee ofLebanonJunction is visiting Mrs GeorgePope this weekMrand MrsJ W Mullins were in Mt VernonWednesday in the Montgomerycase John Preston who has beenvisiting in Big Glades returned toLivingston Monday very sick butis better nowMr and Mrs J CStanley are visiting their son atStanfordElmer Lechleiter washere pn business MondayMessrsAndy and Billy Kinserspept Sun ¬

day with Ella Stanley and hul-aCentersH Di Magee was in MtVernon Wednesday


It would be hard to overstatethe wonderful change in mymother since she began to useElectric Bitters writes Mrs WL Gilpatnc of Danforth MeII Althougn past 70 she seems reallyto begrowjpgYPHnga ain Shesuffered untold misery from dyspep-sia


for 20 years At last she couldneither eat drinknorsleepDoctors gave her up and allremedies failed till Electric Bittersworked such wonders For herhealth TheyvitalYorgans cure Liver and Jqdn ytroubles induce sleep impart

and appetite Only 500 atChtsdv Davisr l

BKODHEADCleve Wilmot of Knoxville isI

spending a few days here Wheatthreshing is the order of the day inthe country near this placeHo ¬

mer Wallin and A C Kidwellwere callers in town latter part of

last weekMiss Clyde and Mat

tie Wilmot have returned after an

extended visit to Williamsburg andKnoxville Lester Hilton andwife ot Rowland were guests ofMr J R Cass and family Sat-


until MondayThe Brod ¬

head 2nd B B team defeated theMt Vernon 2nd at this place Saturday last Score 9 to 4Miss Al-



McAfee has returned to herhome at Salvisa Ky after amonths stay with her sister Mrs

IJ W Hutchison at this placeMr and Mrs F C Durham ofElizabethtown are with their manyfriends and relatives here this week

A number from this place andthe surrounding countr y attendedchildrens day exercises at FreedomSunday last and report a nice day

and feel amply paid for their visitMrs Dr Southard of Mt Ver-



is visiting her mother MrsBarnes of this placeThe BaptistSunday school at this place and thepanic school at Livingston seemsto have a racing contest as to at ¬

tendance and collection Brodhead-is ahead in attendance while Liv¬

ingston excels in finance The at ¬

tendance last Sunday we learnwas 92 Brodhead and 85 Livingston

Mr Orville Collier and wife andMiss Nannie Vest of Covington r

Ky are visiting the family of JohnRobblns Rev Masters preachedhere Monday and Tuesday night

Miss Ella and Master Bain Car-

n hay returned from PrincetonCollege for vacationMrs EddWoodall and Mrs C E Rice ofLivingston are visiting the familyof G E Painter in the countynear hereThe Pie supper hereSaturday night last was a nice su-ccessRev


Goldsmith of Georgetown College will fill the pulpit atthe Baptist church here Saturdayand SundayRev Campbellwill preach a discourse on the sub ¬

JectThe ultimate result of sinon Monday night after the 3rdSunday at the Christian churchhereGreat preparations are be ¬

ing made for the Fair at this placewhich no doubt will be the bestever held

State of Ohio City of Toledo ssLucas county j

Frank J Cheney makes oaththat hs is senior partner of the firmof F J Cheney Co doingbusiness in the City of ToledoCounty and State aforesaid andthat said firm will pay the sum ofONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for eachand every case ot Catarrh thatcannot be cured by the use of HallsCatarrh Cure FRANK J CHENEY

Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence this 6thday of December A D 1886I


Notary PublicHalls Catarrh Cure is taken

internally and acts directly on theblood and mucous surfaces of thesystem Send for testimonialsfreeF

J CHENEY Co Toledo OSold by all Druggist 75 C TakeHalls Family tills for constipation

The Senate adopted the jointresolution providing for the sub ¬

mission to the States of an amend ¬

ment to the Constitution authoriz ¬

ing the levy of a tax en incomesThere were no votes against theresolution

Old Fort Ticonderoga whosefamous ruins are in progress of res-


formed the setting of yes¬

terdays ceremonies in connectionwith the Lake Champlain terccntenary celebration Added imPort-ance


was given to todays ceremo ¬

nies by the arrival of PresidentTalt and a party of distinguishedguests late in the afternoon

With the crumbling ruins of

Fort Amherst and Frederick form-


a historic setting the first of aseries ot events celebrating thethree hundredth anniversary of thediscovery of Lake Champlain bythe famous French explorer navi ¬

gator and colonizer Samuel deChamplain took place Monday atCrown Point where Champlainwith his Canadian and Indian alliesoftheAlgonquin tribes first metthe troquois battle





w < t 17fx6pyEstablished fj











f The Old Reliable fIll

f KLMostififiTHE f

Cheapest Drug Store in the county


jfSouth Side Main Street

jnR N ON KY d


JL w7t4 JjYj


No 89If you need medicines of anykinds call 39When you want prompt servicein case of accident call 89If you want the Doctor call S3When you are ready to paintyour house call QQ

If you want ice cream call 89In fact make 89 your servantyou will always find ready andwilling service at our endofthe line

An Phones lead to



Leading Druggist


YNo 89Ifa body need a body call S3


Get your Hammocks no-wel3e to 300

Get your Croquet Sets now

125 upGet your Base Ball Goods now

Young ladies nowis the time tobuy your toiletgoods of all kinds

Please call in and let us show you

Dont forget the number fe

8g DAVISLeadinM




1 29

A Profitable Invitation ii

This invitationjs presented with the hope that itX JIll

may be of some service to our patrons There is noth Xing that offers such a twofold opportunity to the individ j-deposittime to better your condition to start you in business <

s to build a home to invest profitblYt hundred and JK

one things that systematic saving puts within easyreachsJ of any person At the same time that money saved is

into circulation the medium ot the bank itKjftK

NYe offer our depositors every service and conven-ienceX in transacting business Our bank is here to fur w-

j ther your interests and the interests of the community to ftthe best of itsabilityRft Come in and ask questions If you do not have an C-

lw account withus open one no matter how small We > t-

willri give it the same attention and vnn thf sinifi courtesies ijr that we accord the man whose business runs into many

thousands of dollars We will take the same pleasuref in the growth of your account that you do yourself


ttttttttttttttttttt1ftt1J1t11ttttt1ttttttttttt1tflT VERNON D KET GEl



EMBALMERS =Mt Vernon Ky rrs

COUCH METALIC CASKETS 35 Coffins and Robes =E Licened Embalmer will have charge of that line of =E work for the company =EOrders by wire promptly tilled Hearse sent to all points 3


EPnone =111111111111111111111111111111111111111111J111111111111111 Z 11111111111111IS



Our line of Couch tasketsUis unexcelled U

Handmade Qoffinsfarnished U

Hearse sent to all parts ofIII

lCountyUi wRAcox Filledll