Motion 507(b)(>>(A), dm* hffe ....

.Form 990-PF Return of Private Foundation or Section 4817(a)(7) Nonexempt Charitable Trust Treated as a Rivets Foundation 2002 nnmas, charge I I Name chaim A Employer fication number oa-s3seoss B Telephone nariEC (r pqe 1D d ih cam) C tt a¢mqM epptrstlm a pmdcq, Cck hae 1 D 1 Faelgpacme, N10o+c nee Faeignau memg me ssx E n pmafe foundeJon stahs~kmm~ed . p wider Motion 507(b)(>>(A), dm* hffe F M the rounCalm is m e 60-rrvdh tamirineon umer seuv~ so7(exi)fe) a*ok nee I Fair market vahs of a0 esseb et J AomumthNrneltnA a Cash Rg Accrual end of year (ftom Part I [] Other (specify) d ""LUEMM =sala trustees, etc n b AocamtNg Strnt 1 n subbed lens ze from line 12 a Exws of revenue war expenses & disbursements b Net inrvestrrent ircame (d negative, enter -0-) DONtHUECF OSI142003 7 55 PM ~tlon Use Cue Qty rmne ar ag Donahue Charitable Foundation ~ ManEC Mid ebeel (v P O 6mc nine ! mail s M deJnaed M med 80&M) RmName print or type. 2919 Somerset Drive see specific s. ply a tww4 dEde. No Zip Dodo Charlotte NC 28209-1433 x made type of organization U seams sm (o)(3 omna vrirda faadatbn Section 4947(aXI)norwai chaim bust I I Other q" foundation Analysis m rcevenue ano acpenses o he total d mmrtds m ml (b). (U, 8 (d) mey not neoasaNy 7 WNOidivn. BEh. BrmVS, aft, reined (~cn eam&le) Check Do, 0 d the faicditbon w not re9Lwed fn &L SUB B 2 DsfibuLms from spfil-ii Orlest trusts 9 Interest on sermps 8 temporary rash irneatnnda t DNIAerd+erd '. ft from securities N 6a Grow rents ~R b (Net rental Income a (loss) ) Ba NA gain u (lose) from eels of a .,Aa not at Me 70 b Gmn take Prbe for all mew m line e ea n 7 CopRd gain net irc (tens Pert N, him 2) 8 Net NvI-0enn capital pain Z B Income modficallons Q 70e Gmea sales less relurtn end e0~o r' b Les9 Cost of go0d5 Sold LL (~ a Gross profit a (Ioss) (sit schedule) 71 Other mama (eOfaCh schedule) (+) and I (E) Net vnmbnrnl I (c) MOusOed net hmro trcare Ooolm id) oabinsererft for Charftble MPollsS e -thf; r4P4 .P~~~T+' (en em ) 8 T~s (OX Wt) (e0e pp 13 d the vstr ) Jt1Rt 2 t 1 19 Depreciation (ad sch ) gdepleikin n v 20 Occupancy 0 ° 27 Treed, cmfcmnes, and rteetmps a E 22 PrtMig an0 pitil a " 23 ohm geses (aa~n ) S tmt 3 e 24 Total operating arid administrative expenses n Add Bnes 73 ttnagh 23 8 25 Contributions. 9~~ Wants paid

Transcript of Motion 507(b)(>>(A), dm* hffe ....

Page 1: Motion 507(b)(>>(A), dm* hffe .… · .Form 990-PF Return of Private Foundation or Section 4817(a)(7) Nonexempt Charitable

.Form 990-PF Return of Private Foundation or Section 4817(a)(7) Nonexempt Charitable Trust

Treated as a Rivets Foundation 2002

nnmas, charge I I Name chaim A Employer fication number

oa-s3seoss B Telephone nariEC (r pqe 1D d ih cam)

C tt a¢mqM epptrstlm a pmdcq, Cck hae 1

D 1 Faelgpacme, N10o+c nee Faeignau memg me ssx

E n pmafe foundeJon stahs~kmm~ed . p wider Motion 507(b)(>>(A), dm* hffe F M the rounCalm is m e 60-rrvdh tamirineon

umer seuv~ so7(exi)fe) a*ok nee I Fair market vahs of a0 esseb et J AomumthNrneltnA a Cash Rg Accrual

end of year (ftom Part I [] Other (specify)

d ""LUEMM =sala trustees, etc


b AocamtNg Strnt 1

n subbed lens ze from line 12 a Exws of revenue war expenses & disbursements b Net inrvestrrent ircame (d negative, enter -0-)

DONtHUECF OSI142003 7 55 PM

~tlon Use Cue Qty

rmne ar ag

Donahue Charitable Foundation ~ ManEC Mid ebeel (v P O 6mc nine ! mail s M deJnaed M med 80&M) RmName


or type. 2919 Somerset Drive see specific s. ply a tww4 dEde. No Zip Dodo

Charlotte NC 28209-1433 x made type of organization U seams sm (o)(3 omna vrirda faadatbn

Section 4947(aXI)norwai chaim bust I I Other q" foundation

Analysis m rcevenue ano acpenses o he total d mmrtds m ml (b). (U, 8 (d) mey not neoasaNy

7 WNOidivn. BEh. BrmVS, aft, reined (~cn eam&le)

Check Do, 0 d the faicditbon w not re9Lwed fn &L SUB B

2 DsfibuLms from spfil-ii Orlest trusts

9 Interest on sermps 8 temporary rash irneatnnda

t DNIAerd+erd ' . ft from securities

N 6a Grow rents

~R b (Net rental Income a (loss) )

Ba NA gain u (lose) from eels of a.,Aa not at Me 70 b Gmn take Prbe for all mew m line

e ea n 7 CopRd gain net irc (tens Pert N, him 2)

8 Net NvI-0enn capital pain

Z B Income modficallons

Q 70e Gmea sales less relurtn end e0~o

r' b Les9 Cost of go0d5 Sold LL

(~ a Gross profit a (Ioss) (sit schedule)

71 Other mama (eOfaCh schedule)

(+) and

I (E) Net vnmbnrnl I (c) MOusOed net hmro trcare Ooolm

id) oabinsererft for Charftble MPollsS

e -thf; r4P4.P~~~T+' (en em )

8 T~s (OX Wt) (e0e pp 13 d the vstr ) Jt1Rt 2 t

1 19 Depreciation (ad sch ) gdepleikin n v 20 Occupancy 0 ° 27 Treed, cmfcmnes, and rteetmps a E 22 PrtMig an0 pitil a " 23 ohm geses (aa~n ) S tmt 3 e 24 Total operating arid administrative expenses n Add Bnes 73 ttnagh 23 8 25 Contributions. 9~~ Wants paid

Page 2: Motion 507(b)(>>(A), dm* hffe .… · .Form 990-PF Return of Private Foundation or Section 4817(a)(7) Nonexempt Charitable

Balance Sheets iounn shed be for aw.a-rte ~as o~+rr t~) t cinterest-beaAng 2 Savings 0M 1Mtp0nary cash Imiestme nts 9 IlcoauCS raoerahle

Less eibxmrce for dotitlhd aowcds 01 a Fledpes receivable

Less allowance( (a daftM eaamb 6 Graft receivable 8 ReceMdbMs due from oflken . duectors . trustees, and atM1

dlsqatlfied persons (attach schedule) (ace page 15 01 the 6stnidrve)

7 Other notes & bans receivable Leas albvrance for GaddfW xcaads 01

B Inventories for Bale or one e Prepaid operr.,es and deferred dwges 10a imesmwd,-li s and stoma gMameiv mlgatvs (sit ademae) e IMTstmenlsmrpmlla seoac (attach acneade) e I-mrpmate bonds (attach sdfedule)

71 IOW, DAdugs, 8 Erin Leis acotanulated depreciation

12 Imp-mortgap 10108 73 InveaUia (~fach scheEWe) is lmw, badUge, mid eqLMxnwd basis

Less a==wkftd depreciation 15 Other esvele (describe " ) 18 Tote assets (to be mrnple0ed by ell fdcs-see page 16 of

Stint 4

Orpamselloro Uut )oiler SF0.S 717, cheek here and complete lines 24 through 26 and limos 30 and 31

u Umestrkted 25 Temporarily restricted 26 Pernanerdfy restricted

Organizations that do root follow WAS 117 . check here and complete lines 27 through 31

27 Capital sOodS east principal . « ewrait nods 20 Pa" a capital siaphs, a land, bldg , and e*upment hind 29 Rephied . ecaanWatm trioare . gndowiytent,a aUw fimds 90 Total net assets or fund batanoea (see page 78 of the

Instructions) 31 Total Iiabllltles and net asaeWud balances (see page 16 of

" a

1 Total rot assets or fund balances al two.dnB of yew-Part II . column (a), One 30 (must spree with enacli^eu r6Lae repartee m prior years reMn)

Z Era artmuA ham Part I, One 27a s Other' aa~v ant blobdea m line 2 (agnize) t

Add lines 7, 2, end 3 6 Decreases not Inchded m fine 2 (dmiae)

OONM, 4ECF 05H 411003 7 55 PM

s e t s

1 e b I I

t 1 a


A t

a t

0 r F u e

17 AtcaaYS payable and acen expenses 78 Grinds payable 18 Deferred revenue 20 Loam from officers, directors, trustees, and other distliuilified persons 21 hbrtgages and other notes payable (alt sch ) 22 Other DRUM" ( so.

Part 111 Analysis of Changes in Net Assets or Fund Balances

Page 3: Motion 507(b)(>>(A), dm* hffe .… · .Form 990-PF Return of Private Foundation or Section 4817(a)(7) Nonexempt Charitable


(0 Cave (Col (n) Bmn rmnua

oa (k). biA not Ins &m -0-) or

m (k) Emesealml () UI

(I) FMV aYOf17ld7/69

Was the aganizarion Oabb for the section 4842 tax on the disfibumbk mmutd of any year In ft base perW? Yes No If 'Yes .' the aGaltzhon does not auatiN under sabm 4.940(e) Do not carmlete thts part

(c) Nrl vane d rondwYnCl~ eseda


7 Add fires 5 and 6

8 Enter qiaGlymp dIstrIGNwn from Part XII, One 4 ~ 8 I 5 . 1 S'J II One 8 b equal to or greater than One 7, check tM box m Pert VI, &m 1 b, and arnple0e did part us" a 796 lax rate See the Part VI trstruc4ae on papa 17


(a R~ ions , aamimm ~ouc 2~ao"6In' Y~LC )

(e) Gam Sales Primi in Deprecation 1157wed


(0) Cod a utw Ease

(c) Oafs ec~maE I (d) Date sold (ma. day. Yr) I (M . day. 1T

(h) Gain or Qm)


Z Capital gam net mcmie or (net capCel loss) It gym, also enter m Pert I . one 7 H (loss), enter 4)- m Part I. One 7

9 Net MMamn capital galn a (loss) as def4~ad in sections 7222(5) end (8) If gain, also enter In Part I, One B, cahmm (c) (see pages 72 and 17 of Ux uMnxUmss)

(For ophooW use by dorr~estYC private favdatlons subfxl to the section 4940(a) tax on net trrvestmcd Income )

If section 4940(d)(2) applies. Imo Ws part blank


2 Total of fine 7 , eohunn (d) 7 Average dsbbidqn ra6o far the 5-year bass pamo~ the trial m We 2 by 5, u by

th e mnnbv of yearn the foundation has been in ndstence H laws than 5 years

4 Enter the not rahre of nvidwfmbb+se mseta for 7!102 from Part )1% fine 5

6 MuQply time 4 by fine 3

8 Enter 176 of net hnestrnart ucmie (1 % of Part I, Ihie 27b)

Page 4: Motion 507(b)(>>(A), dm* hffe .… · .Form 990-PF Return of Private Foundation or Section 4817(a)(7) Nonexempt Charitable

to as wir Wii«u omome VAMWsw oamOaus awing m. tax vw? If-r..; " en e .ah bsmq u,etr rtarrm a cam io x 11 Did the u9 comply with the public Inspection requirements la its annual returns and ooanpLan applYealbni 77 X

Web site mmrs t 1s mebooks eremcare of " Michele Dudley 7deptionero " 70G-338-1790

i.oeaoedm " Charlotte, NC 28209-1433 ZIP+4 1111 19 Section 4947(s)(1), orrooenW dwnlabla trusb fig Form 99aPF In lieu o! Form 1047 -Check hero

and enter n* amourd of tax-exempt Interest received or accrued durft the year . is

oayHUEcF osnwmM 7 ss w

7a Exempt operating foundations described In section 4&10(d)(2), ehsk tie 1 U ant enter' WA' m Me 1

Date Of ruling lefte (attach copy of ruling letter 1f fllOlifify-sM IfRhItti0I16)

b Dartxsbe Crat Mod the section 4.970(e) requirements in Part V, al~Jc here 1 Qe~mc t % of Pmt 1, line Tfi

e An other mrestc a9wxw6ors man zx a rule zro Exmnpl laden awnzwnro saner ax d Pen I. Io-ie t2 . m (D)

2 Tax under section 511 (domestic sethan 4947(a)(1) 6u9H and ft-dB foundations only Others enter 4) .)

3 Add lines 1 and 2 1 Suhtdk A (mcane) tat (domnbe sedlm 49A7(aK1) busts and foundatiow only Others enter S Tax based m Imeshrent Income. Subtract line 4 from fine 3 11 zero a less, enter -.0- 6 CraasIPayrtierds e 2002 estimated tax paymmds and 20D7 Overpayment ailed to 2002 Ba b Emrmt faelpn ooro4ac wChIrJd at aerate 6b e Tax pad with application for aft 5iui of time M Me (Form 8888) tic e Backup ~roldlg groneoury wChheld 7 Trial aedds ant payments Add Wrs 6a through 6d 7

8 Enter any penalty for underpayment of aNna~ tax Check here ~ A Forth ?220 b e~faehad 8 - . 8 Tax due H the total of lines 5 and 8 s mare it= Nne 7, enter arnount owed 1 8

10 Overpayment If fee 7 s more than the Oolal of lines 5 arid 8, enter the amount overpaid " 70

Enter the amount of line 10 to be Credited to 2003 estimated tax Refunded 11 I Part V" Statements Regarding Activities to Durtrg aye fa year. and tM orn aft. t w influence arty national . state, or local legislation or did

it participate or Intervene In any political campaign? e Did a spend more mom, $1ao during the you (per directly « rdnctr) for vDrdJca naves (see pop

19 of the tristru0bons, for definition)? If the mum Is 'Year to 7a Or 7D, ~faCh a detailed! desuipfm of the ediwtle9 and copb4 Of pry rtRtclals published or distributed by the organizatm in connection with the activities oan,erue Form 1120420L for this yew?

d Enter lie amount (11 any) of tat on political expenditures (section 4WA during the year (7) on the agadrabn 1 $ (2) On 10, $

e Enter the rehndasemrla Cd any) paid by the «+ during the yew for Poftbca expenditure tax imposed m organization managers 11~ $

2 Has the organization erqaged in any actvdks that have not previously been repoi to the IRS? if -yes," mad, e data, kd moor. a the activities

9 Has the organization made enY chnrqes, not previously repoAed fn the IRS . In its governing instrument . of incorporation, or bytawa, or other similar Instruments? If -Yes .' attach s conromied copy of the changes

4a Did tM argantcalWi have urveWtad bus mesv gross Income d $1,000 or more during the year? b If 'Yes,' Ins a fUed a tax return on Form 990.7 for ftft year? N/A 6 Wet Mere a Ilqiddatbn, tartdratkin, dissolution. or substantial contraction dunng the year?

If -Yes,- eCach 7he sfatemerd required by General Instruction T 8 Are tM reqtWenefts of secfvnFAB(e) (relahr6lo see6ari 4947 thoUph 4945) satsfied either'

By larguage In the govmdng tru a By side legislation Mat effectively emaMS the governing Instrument so that no rnandalory direction

that conflict with the state law rarer into povanvg ushurtierM9 7 ua me arpartiatm hmm bWss~ooo H ess~ at "U11118 mamA me yew? n 'ro: mnpee van u, oa (c), mid Part xv

Be Enter Cie shat" to wlurh the fatsdabm reyorts W wqh WRdch it is ragFStered (seepage 19 of the

hwjuctwro) " None If the ansiw Is Yes' to line 7, has the apantratqn furnished a copy of Form 990.PF to the Attorney General (err designate) w eel state m required try Genial Instruction G? If 'No," OIL explanation N/A Is the otgaNmtlon dahnv~p stabn as a private opva1, ip fnmdahon within the meaning of section 4942Q(3) or 4942(x5) !a cakndar yea 2002 or the fmmde yea baEyudrg In 2002 (see wfirlYons for Part XIV m nape as)? u-ra; compere Part wv

Page 5: Motion 507(b)(>>(A), dm* hffe .… · .Form 990-PF Return of Private Foundation or Section 4817(a)(7) Nonexempt Charitable

b II my answer is 'Yea' fn 19(1)-(6), did any of the ads fml to qiaGly under the sEeptionis bad in Regulations sedlon 53 4941 (d)-3 « m a current mace regarding disaster assistance (see page 19 of the instructions)? N/A 11 OreJyLg m a current notce regarding deader assistance Gxck hue 10. 7

e Did the arganuahon engage m a prior year m airy of th e act described m 1 a, other then ewsplad acts, dud wee not conaue before the rust day or the tax yea oegu,rw~ m earn N/A u

2 Texas m falMe W distribute mtana (section 4942) (does riot amply for years the organs was a prate operating foundation definred m section 49426)(3) or 4942G)(5))

a At the and of tax year 2002, dd tM organscarion have any undistributed hxure (Wim 6d and Se, Part )(111) for tax year(s) beginning before 2002? Yes No If -Yes,' W the years " 20 , an . 1s . 1s Am mere any years Gsma in 23 for which the organO3bon is not applying the provisions, of section 4942(a)(2) (relatrig to trico . ed rahuallon of assets) m the years undistributed mcarte4 (II applying sec6mi 4942(e)(4) to all yearn Listed, 8n6~hm'No' and eCach sbbcrent-Bee pope 19 Of the Instructions ) n the provisions or section asaz(e)(z) are being a~H ed to any a the yams use m 28', list the years here 111 20 , 20 , 19 , 79 Did the organ~tlon hold mere then a 2% direct or ndffect interest in any business







N/A ~ 2e

aRerWse at any taro during the yeah a Yes J@ No 11 ' H Yes: did R have excess business holdings in 2002 as a result of (7) any purchase by the organ or disquililled persons after May 28, 1969, (2) the Weis of the 5-year Period (or longer period approved by the CAmrtussnner under section 4943(e)(7)) to dtspOSe of holdings acquired by gift or beq or (3) the bqe of the 10, 15, a 20.year first phase holding period? (Use Schedule C. Form 4720, to determine n the organtzalwo had excess business holdings in 2002 ) Dld the oRpntratbn invest dialog the yew any amount in a manner dud would jeopardize He charitable purposes? DW the organization melts any investment in a prior year (hut alter December 31 . 1969) tfat could Jeopardize ds dmnta6le purpose that had rot been rmiorad flan Jeopardy before the first day of the tint fear beginning m 20027 During the year did the organtaittiont pay or incur any amount to


. ; s


sb X

980-PF rzooz)

(5) Provide for my purpose other the religious, charitable, sdenhfiq Literary . or educational piaposes. a for the prevention of cruelty m children a aNmab7 El Yes ~ No

b H my answer n 'Yes' to Sail }M, did any Of the treruxtmrn fail fn qualify under the eons dqcibed In RegupGa,s sedron 59 eau « m e curreru roots regmamg daas0er anstanoe (see papa an or the trutruapns)4 N/A OWncoabona relying on a current I mgwcft d assistance check here . p

e H the answer n -Yes" to ques4an 5a(4), does the aclatrn exemption hero the tax oxa, ce rt rramlaucea expenditure reaponwwwy for to grant? N/A Yes Fdo H Yes; Mach it* statement requ6ed by Reg, section S3 4945-5(d)

Be DH the agarimatbn, during the yea, retinue any haida, directly or inchrectty, to pay

e Did the organization , during the rte, pay nemaims, directly or indirectly, on a personal benefi contract? It you wed "Yes' W 6b also file Form 8870


ECF 05MM2003 ,uPM

File Form 47201f my item is chewed m the -Yes" column, unless an exception apples. 1a Durhp Me year dd tM atgardmtnn (ether deed y or trdheay)

(1) E~Bage In the sale a amhmge . or' mam9 d IoM tYwith e ffiecl person? D Yes ~ No (2) ea,oN money from, Wd money to, or otherwise extend aeon to (or accept It from)

a disqualffled person? Yes No (S) Furnish ponds, services, a taalbes to (a ~ them from) a dlsqefifled person? Yep No (<) Pay omipema6m w, or pay Q revndase the expenses of . a disqualified person? Yes NO (5) Transfer any mcarne or ~ to a disqualified person (a males any of either available

for aw mrera or use a e etsyuanred perism )? ~ Yea ~ No (6) Agree m pay money or property W e guverriment official? (Exception Check -No'

R u,e agatitlra6on arm m malQ e sera to a oo employ the official for a pence after terrn:riatkin of government service, if teffrdnaMV within 90 days) D Yes ~


11 1,

(1) Carry a^ Pte, or otherwise sttsnpt to influence log . . .a~ (sectla~ 4945(e))9 Q Yes ~ No

(2) Innuence the ouecortre o1 any speafc public ekabn (eras section x955), or to carry on, dtraclh or Indirectly, any voter reGM-Am drive? Yes NO

(3) Provide a grant to an tridiviclual for travel, stucly, or other similar p, ? Yes No (t) Provide a graN ho an arpan¢eAbn other than a charitable, eEC , organization described

m section 509(aN1), (2) . a (3), m section 4940(d)(2)'! D Yes N No

Page 6: Motion 507(b)(>>(A), dm* hffe .… · .Form 990-PF Return of Private Foundation or Section 4817(a)(7) Nonexempt Charitable

Form aaaaF(zoo¢) Donahue Charitable Foundation 04-3368096 Page s

part ~ Information About Officers, Directors, Trustees, Foundation Managers, Highly Paid Employees, and Contractors

ja) nrmne and eemm

Edward C. Manager

2 Compenwhon o1 fiw higheatyaM ertVoyees (other am those included m Ilrm 7-am papa m of the IruWetrons}

(b) tuua~~e~ek~ (a ~ e~loyeeEerrSd (e) Eve+~seac~aml n dewaoea ~'v a~ I Icl I p~ I am c auo.arioand deftned



Part IX Summary of Direct Charitable Activities Lm me ramamvre tour prp~t mea aerrtade ft:hvm suing me roc year trawe rpJeara aural hvamatnn such a the number


Hogar Teresa de los Andes - Orphanage in Bolivia

z Forest Hill Church - Children's Building

s Missionaries of Charity - Orphanage in Romania

4 Charlotte Pregnancy Care - Criers Pregnancy Intervention

DOPWiUECF OSfI <R003 7'55 PM


12) rmne mm samm d oam W0oyee papa mm than SWADD

9 Five hVest-paid Independent contractors for proTesslmal services{see page M d the Instnutlona) 11 none, enter

Page 7: Motion 507(b)(>>(A), dm* hffe .… · .Form 990-PF Return of Private Foundation or Section 4817(a)(7) Nonexempt Charitable

this part Foreign foundations, Minimum Investment Return (All domestic foundations must


a b e d e

2 3 4


Fao- malt rave a woods not used (or held (or use) duedly m rartybq out charitable . etc

purposes Average nntd7dy W rio value of securities average of . . Km imy ash balances Fetr matlwt value of a0 alhef rivals (see page 22 of the Instructions) Total (add Woes I a. b, mid c) Reduction demied far blockage a her fedora rt~ate0 m fines 1 a and 1c (aWCh delaIbd a#mmbai) 1e Acquisition Indebtedness 9ppOca0le M line 1 aseb Subbed tire 2 tram rme +a Cash derlnad held for GwAe61e activities Eider 7 1276 of Ime 3 (for greater artnamt am page ?2 of the I n structions) Net valor of rmneharihble-uae ease4 Sub6act Wle 4 ham Win 3 Enter here and on Pact V . line 4


rt X11 Qualifying Distributions (see page 23 of the instructions)

t Amounts paid (UCp+dme adrtmdstratve epcnee.+) to mcanpdsh eharlmde, elc . Po e Eq, mnefdmons, sins. vc dal mom Part 1, column (d), we 2s Ia 5 , 159 b Programrehated Inva4nerdaTdal from Part U(-B 7b 2 Nrowds pad to acquire assets iced (n held for use) dvectly in carrying out cha~6le, efe ,

Purposes 2 s nniamts set aside tar spedlle d,afmbla pukUs Uwd satisfy the a SLt3hddy fist (prior IRS approval requked) so b Cash dim test (aCach the required adiech ) Sb 4 ouamyirp ai.mwmone Add lines I a nv«gn 3n sneer sera ma on Part v, wee e, and Part wu, Line a a 5 , 159 s ors arca qualify under eemon aeao(e) for am reduced rate a tax a, not o,veshraa

moorre Enter t % of Part 1, line z/n (see page za a? ma 6slnuGmrm) s 9 s Adjusted vuadftrq distributions Subbed fire s from fins a ~ s1 97150

Note The mnaud on fvie 8 Will ha wed N Part V, oohmm (D), m Subsequent fears when calculating wM11ri the faada4an qualities to the section 441O(e) reduction of tax in those rears




M atrl pograrn+dated rneamMS. See page 21 a the nOnrme


~ Distributable Amount (see page 23 of the Instructions) (Section 4942(3) and 0)(5) private operating

I Mv*mrn m rrt return from Part X . him 6 ze rex ontrivesartara incor. e ror zooz eom ame vI, imp s D Income tac (or 2002 (TIM does nol uxhi0e the tit Irom Pert \I ) c Add Itrres Za ant 2b 7 Dfstnd~bb mnmunt before adptstrnenb Sub6uc1 Ime 2e from fine 1 Oa Recoveries of snwuib limited as qualifying dlsfibiAlons b tntome &Stibitionn from eectpn 4,947W(e)l21 trusts c Add lives 4a and 4b 6 Add Ones 3 and 4c 8 Deduction from dtshibtASble amount (see page 23 of the Instructions) 7 Dlatnbutehle amount as edpete~ Subtract Gna 8 him line 5 Erg hem end on Part XIII,

Page 8: Motion 507(b)(>>(A), dm* hffe .… · .Form 990-PF Return of Private Foundation or Section 4817(a)(7) Nonexempt Charitable

DOPlAFC1ECF OS114(2009 7 55 PM

Form esaaFC2anz) Donahue Charitable Foundation 04-3368096 Pace e

aA XIII Undistributed Income (see page 24 of the instructions)

(+) lel k1 (a) t Dl4rmulaEle emouod for 200¢ from Pert XI,

W07 Z Undistributed income . d any, a5 of the ad of 2007 a Enter mad for 2001 only b Total for prior years 20_ . 19_ . 19

9 Excess distributions carryover . R any. to 2002 e From 1997 b From 7988 c From 1999 d From 2000 e From 2001 f Total of Dries 3a through a

t OWWyhig distributions for 2002 ham Part )ai, rme a DOs 5,159

e Applied m toot, but not more then Ime 2a b Applied to wdeitribmad mcoma of Pnor years

(Elecbm required-see page 24 of the hmfistlas) c Treats as distributions out of corpus (Election

reqwedeee page 24 of Cm instructions) d Applied to 2002 dfstribRads amount e RertmWnp amount distift out of corpus

6 Excess distr3utvs cmrywa eppGed to 2002 (N en amount appears m column (d), the same amount must be shown in colurrm (a)

8 Enter the rot total of each column as IMleaEad belay

a Corpus Add fines 31.4c, and 4e Subtract fme 5 b Prior yearif undistributed brim . Subbed

Kne 4b from hire 2b c Enter the arnowrt o1 poor yams' undistributed lame (or which a refloe of Aeifaency has barn issued, a an which the section 4942(a) tax has been pMaisly as~ssed

d Subtract fift 60 from fins 6b Taxable mrotvdaee page 24 01 the Uistruetrorn

e Urdistrlbuded 4xane for 2D01 Shad Ore 4a ham Um ?a Taxable emamtaee page 24 01 the Instrudions

f UrdistrftiOed income far 2002 Subtract Imes 4d and 5 km Ime 7 This amount must be dsUIbWed m 2003

7 Amounts frayed as dislifixAbnv aid of oorpm to satisfy M*WWWft .. . by mown 17oNH1HE) a asa2(9)(3) (sea yoga 24 of the instructions)

8 Excess distributions; carryover from 1997 ant epphed on tire 5 or fine 7 (we pogo 75 of me try)

9 Excess distributions carryover b 2003 suetrad rma 7 ana 8 from fine 6a

10 Ariallisis of line 9, a E~¢ess from 1998 b Excess from 1889 e F~ess from 2DDO d Excess from 20D1

310 --

"_ 12 , 048


. �

3 , 50

Page 9: Motion 507(b)(>>(A), dm* hffe .… · .Form 990-PF Return of Private Foundation or Section 4817(a)(7) Nonexempt Charitable

e AM subrmsslon deadlines N/A

d Any restrictions a On B3bne an axmds, such m by gmgraphlral areas, datable fidds. lands of Institutions, or other factoo

DONAFIUECF 05114/1003 7 55 FM

1a If the foundation has received a ndmp a detvndnatWn letter that d to a I AArate aperettrg foundation. and the rwmp m errewve for 2002 . viler nee date of me nillnp t

b Chock box fn tr~cafn whether the organ 2& Erder the lesser or the a* net

income from Pmt I a to ., dntrman mu rmurnrrom aen x ro. tea, yea rya

b 8596 0l Gro ?s ouarrriy dmtribrtiDna, from Part YJI, ore a for each year fisted

a amm.,m mdueea m mno zc rut urea aoeey ror emmmwucl (l ~mq ecLwce

e Qte6lyllg disirthibons . . directly for attlue oaMwt of omnpt acUw Ihea Subtract Une 2d from We 2r

9 CaepleSe 3n, b, a c for the afterrobne lest rimed won

e 'Assets' alternative Oesttrrtc (1) Vatue of am assets (2) VaWe of wmek qtaGlyog undo

section 4942QX3)(8)(0 b 'Endowmerd' alternative test-Enter

?ld of min onestrnm rt return drum m Part )C We 6 (or each year Osted

c 'SLWaA' afternative test-enter (1) Ta?al support dlw 1hEn moss

tr14ncavne (mtaeat, divldcds, rents, an securities

papnerds loans (section

572(exS)), a rvyaQes) (2) Support horn general pubfic

end 5 a more omml apemaustuns ea Drwided In se . ;«+ asezU)(3)(B)(W)

(9) LarDest amount of support from an omr~pl agmnaz3brn

l Pa[t XVJ Supplementary Information (Complete this part only if the organization had $5,000 or more in assets at any tune during the year-see page 25 of the instructions)

7 Inbrmetmn Regarding Foundatton Managers a Llst any rtmfapme of the fduda6on who have contributed rtqra then 2% Of the WW cattridAione received by the foundabon

nerve aye awe or mgr tax yew (but only if their rye contributed more mm, (See era, sm(d)m

n usl any manages a On roudabon who own 10% « moro a me stock or e corporation (or an equally urge vamn or use ownership of a partnership or ether m6ly) of which the foundation has a 70% a grefftertrdaest

Z hdomutlm Regarding CanWhrtroR Grant, Gi4 Loan. Scholarshl0. ate. . Programs Chock here " (] d the agenma6ai only rtelws Gbns OD p~.cfm charitable orpa~Uan end does not xcept unsolicited request (v hinds If the orpno3ban rtwkes 9Ab, 9renb, ek (see pupa 25 of the Instructions) fc vWIvMuals a organ2atbrn under other conditions, complete Ilans 2a . b, o. and d

a The rwne, address. aril telephone number of the person b when sppOCatma sMdd 6e eddresseC N/A

D The form in which oppGcabars slnWd be submitted end mfumatlon and rtmtclals tMy sfiddd hrhde

Page 10: Motion 507(b)(>>(A), dm* hffe .… · .Form 990-PF Return of Private Foundation or Section 4817(a)(7) Nonexempt Charitable

P°pm`OWm~e~~° ° I Am"


D Approved for fuhae payrtmnt N/A

F~ 990-PF (2oo2)

DONAHL)ECF 05M4n= 7'55 PM

rc re~ce m an r&'Iduak Reapierrt d~ any rew"WV to

Name and address (home or business a Paid dunng Me yew Charlotte Pregnancy Care None Charlotte, NC 28203 Charitable

Missionaries of Charity None Bronx, NY 10451 Charitable

Forest Hill Church None Charlotte, NC 28210 Charitable

Hogar Teresa de las Andes None Bolivia Charitable

Faumulo~, redpim








Page 11: Motion 507(b)(>>(A), dm* hffe .… · .Form 990-PF Return of Private Foundation or Section 4817(a)(7) Nonexempt Charitable

512 513 or574 Petaled or ex" nvC1m gimme

Affmmt (See pope 28 d (M 'b'IaR

e b e d e f p Fees and contracts from govemrrErtt agencies

2 Membership dues and , 9 Irderest an savings gird tsnpmary rash h 4 Dividends and vdcest from Securities; 6 Net rental hncmro a (loss) from real esta0a

a Debt-financed property b Wdebt-finm property

8 Net radsl marre a (km)ftm per= property 7 Other hrveStrrent mcortis 8 Gam a (lose) from sales of other Um inventM 8 Net mcane or (Imss) from events 10 Gross profit or (Ices) from sales of Inventory 71 Other revenue e

b e a e

+Z l AAd coftunns ro>, (d), and (a) O i 0 ! 900 1s Total Am line 12, conmma (n), (d), end (e) " 1s 900

Explain below how each ectMdy (or which Inomre a repaEad N eohmm (e) of Part XVI,A cmNftded hnportanUy Oo the acmrrplishrtrent of the agarzatlon's aamW purposes (otherthan h' Pv+bbB funds for each purposes) (See

DONMQIECF 06114/A03 7 55 PM

Enter gross BrtanM urdes3 otherwise Indicated LkIre

al, 1. Omle

PIO(F8rt1 6P1V6E8 fQYCI1110 1

Page 12: Motion 507(b)(>>(A), dm* hffe .… · .Form 990-PF Return of Private Foundation or Section 4817(a)(7) Nonexempt Charitable

Form ssaaF(2noz) Donahue Charitable Foundation 04-3368096 Page 12 Part IJ Information Regarding Transfers To and Transactions and Relationships With Noncharitable

-Did the organPatbn dm* or mdiredy engage in airy of the foAowng wM any other mgentratan descnbed in section Yes I NC sw (o) or the coda (onrer man lemon sot (o)(3) argardatbm) or m section 527, relating to I organizations?

a Transfers from the reporting agan¢aGon W e nonclrantable exempt wgarazatron d (t) cash 1a(1) X (2) Other assets la(2)

b Oliver Trans3cbons (1) Salrs of assets W e nonehaNe6le exempt organ¢stmn 1 1 X (2) Purchases of asset from a nandaritable exempt apanbahon 7 2 X (3) Rental of fac11Ak9, equipment, a other assets 1 9 X (4) Reimbursement arrangements t s X (6) Loans « ban guarantees s X (B) Performance of services v memberrhip a NMrastng sdlatatlons l b(6)

c Sharing of taahhes, equipment, mailing Isfs, other assets, a pad emp"eev x X d If the answer to any M the above s "Yes; complete the fdbwmg schedule Column (b) should always show the tan mantel

value of the goods, other assets . a services 91wn by the RPortl^8 orpan¢stron It the organostim received less then fair market value N arty transaction a sharing arrangement. show m cdumn (A) the value of the goods, other assel9, a services

28 b the organization directly a Indvecily affiliated with . a related to. one m mom tax-exempt organizations desalted in sect= 501(c) of the Code (other than secfmn SOt (o)Cd1) a In section 5277 E] Yes 0 No

Under PMMe6 U pCNlY I GEfJCIB V1HI I I1w0 00RIIfILb this 1lSIL(~ IfIfJIICI

mNm d prepuc (other Mw m .4 m'Wg

MM= I 1 pii

y s rxtuieddr « trustee U A P


H P P e arepuer. e ~ a O tine r d r n Furls rwne t« vow e Donahue and A e ; I _r_qo~,eearess,' 299 Concord A

s Y ~71P~ CambridaP_ MA

ppNAMJECF OytM20(13 7 55 PM

Page 13: Motion 507(b)(>>(A), dm* hffe .… · .Form 990-PF Return of Private Foundation or Section 4817(a)(7) Nonexempt Charitable

Statement 3 - Forth 990-PF, Part I, Line 23 - Other Expenses

Net Adjusted Charitable DescnpUOn Total Investment Net Purpose

S S S S Expenses

Legal Notice 73 73 Sundry 35 35 Total $ 108 $ 0 $ 0 $ 108

'DONAHUECF Donahue Charitable Foundation 511412003 7 55 PM Federal Statements

FYE 12/31/2002

Statement 1 - Form 930-PF, Part 1. Line 16b - Accounting Fees

Net Adjusted Charitable Descnphon Total Investment Net Purpose

Accounting Fees $ 700 $ $ $ Total $ 700 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0

Statement 2 - Forth 990-PF. Part I. Line 18 - Taxes

Net Adjusted Charttable Description Total inveshnent Net Purpose

MA Fee $ 35 $ $ $ 35 Fedl Tax 16 16

Total $ 51 $ 0 $ 0 $ 51

Page 14: Motion 507(b)(>>(A), dm* hffe .… · .Form 990-PF Return of Private Foundation or Section 4817(a)(7) Nonexempt Charitable

Statement 4 - Forth 990-PF. Part II, Lime 10b - Corporate Stock Investments

Beginning End of Basis of Fair Mantel of Year Year Valuation Value

$ 16,728 $ 16,728 Cost $ 12,915 8,320 8,320 Cost 5,250 10,185 10,185 Cost 19

25,058 Cost 37,360 60,750 Cost 55,530

$ 35,233 $ 121,091 $ 111,069

Description Cass Commercial Translux Genuity TXU Corp ING Russia


DONAHUECF Donahue Charitable Foundation 5/14!2003 7.55 PM o4-asssoss Federal Statements FYE 12131rz002