Moms In Business News Magazine

Moms In Business Magazine • January, 2011 • PAGE 1 Magazine Bringing Out Genius Love Advice from the Real Housewives of New Jersey Why You Should NOT Make A New Year Resolution


Newsletter magazine for the National Association For Moms In Business

Transcript of Moms In Business News Magazine

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Bringing Out GeniusLove Advice from the Real Housewivesof New Jersey

Why You Should NOT

Make A New Year Resolution

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About Our Contributors

Allana Pratt, The Sexy Mom Expert

Allana Pratt, Family & Relationship Expert: Love, Dating, Marriage, Family, Divorce, Sexuality, Women’s Issues. Allana is a columnist for eHarmony and relationship expert on CBS, TLC, and FOX.

Allana Pratt is redefining relationships and sensuality from the inside out. People Magazine reported that Allana was the first person Leeza Gibbons called for coaching when she signed on with Dancing with the Stars. She’s interviewed everyone from Whoopi Goldberg to Dr. Christiane Northrup, who have revealed things to her that they haven’t even told themselves.

International author of, Allana is a sought after on-air talent who hosted her own #1 rated show How Mama Got Her Groove Back. Her vibrant heartfelt message empowers women and moms to cultivate their confidence and inner radiance at and men to be confident and noble at

Lynn BodeLynn Bode, is a certified personal trainer specializing in Internet-based fitness programs. Her company, W o r k o u t s F o r Yo u . c o m . Lynn can help you achieve your fitness and weight loss goals. Visit: for tips, sample workouts and more. Fitness professionals learn about our online personal trainer software, visit:

Moms MinutesImportant Tips and Briefs

Moms Vote Matters Keeping in touch with vital details for blah blah blah



from the Founder/CEO, Gina Robison-Billups

MEMBERSPollsCurrent Poll

Coming Soon:DiscountsBlog

FEATURESBringing Out Genius An Interview with Bobbi DePorter, CEO of SuperCamp

Love Advice from the Real Housewives of New JerseyDo you watch any of the Real Housewives reality shows?

Why You Should NOT Make A New Year Resolution It’s that time of year again!

Bobbi DePorter











Moms In Business magazine is accepting article submissions for publishing consideration. Must in-clude name, mailing address and phone number for contact. Please include website if applicable. Be sure to put “Article Submission” in subject line. All articles must have a title and be between 200 - 800 words. Please email to: [email protected]

Published by the National Association for Moms In,

On TheCover

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Gina Robison-Billups; NAFMIB Founder, CEO


Last month, I released the “transitional newsletter” to give everyone an idea of the direction our newsletter is going -- to eMagazine! I am so proud of this edition. It’s so much better than last month. It’s still “in process” and it’s not perfect, but it’s out there! Each month it will get better and more exciting to read.

I have to thank artist and magazine design/layout/editor, Eugenia Jarrett, for devoting a lot of skill, talent and patience to making this publication happen. She never once fired me during the process! Those of you who have had to fire clients know what I am talking about.

As the new year has started, it’s been going forward at lightning pace. The magazine is up. The website has gotten a new look. We have new programs developing and expanding. I’ve already done more public speaking this year than last year. I just recently spoke for a real estate association on “How To Double Your Income in 2011”. My co-author, Brenda Prinzavalli and I did the presentation. One of the things that we spoke about was “action” and I have to say that I forgot to tell that wonderful audience one key ingredient.

So many people are paralyzed by the need to have things perfect. If waiting for perfect is keeping you from taking action, then it will never be perfect enough for you -- so let it go and get on with it! We rarely regret the things we do, and we nearly always regret the things we never did and really wanted to. You will never “Double Your Income” or any other goal if you don’t let that baby walk and get the bumps, bruises and rejection we are so afraid of getting. If you know it’s not perfect, then it’s a lot easier to get rejection and work on making it better.

If you have big goals for 2011 -- whatever they are -- take imperfect action because a “fail forward” is still forward motion.

Have a happy and prosperous month!Gina

Stop Waiting For Perfect and

Be Okay with

Failing Forward

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According to, there seems to be a correlation between our reliance on technology and our interest in the organic. According to the latest trending data, “with more smart-phones and more 3-D gadgets come more terrariums, cork-handbags, and lumberjack plaid.” Wood seems to be the latest sign that people are seeking a balance and an increasing number of artists and designers are using wood in surprising new ways.

Enter the artist, Sighn (pronounced “sign” we guessed). Sighn is no stranger to working with lumber—he once made one million wooden

cut-outs of the phrase “It’s OK.” His latest woodworking initiative includes experimenting with the crowd-sourcing craze. Dubbed What Wood You Say, the project invites people to submit a sentence they would like to see rendered in wood. As he writes on the project’s web site, “All of us walk around with phrases, song lyrics, or deep-seated desires swimming around in our minds. If given the opportunity to ‘say anything’ […] we ask, ‘What Wood You Say’?” Submissions include maxims to live by like “Work smarter, not harder” and “Good times.” This is truly art that “speaks to you”.

NOW Moms Minutes

PayPal has offered a free application for the iPhone ever since the App Store launched in mid-2008, and keeps making upgrades. PayPal app now allows you to send a money request (a bill) to your contacts. You can also withdraw money out of your PayPal account and deposit it into your bank account. And there’s the Bump integration, which allows you to exchange money simply by tapping two iPhones together and entering the amount of the transaction — finally, an easy and instant way to collect money from last minute seminar attendees, split the bill at lunch, or just product sales for immediate delivery. In addition, there’s now an integrated tip calculator and bill splitter, a reminder function that alerts you when you need to send or withdraw money, and the application now integrates the ‘PayPal For Kids’ program, which allows kids and teenagers to access a PayPal sub-account that’s linked to their parent’s.

Balance: More Technology = More Tree Hugging

Coolest App for Moms In Business

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In October, two of the top bookstore chains launched services that allow authors to sell their work through e-bookstores. Borders’ program provides self-publishers with an ISBN and a distribution channel through leading e-book stores at prices set by the writer. Barnes & Noble’s PubIt! allows independent authors to distribute digitally through and Barnes & Noble’s eBookstore. Amazon’s Digital Text Platform, lets authors upload their texts for sale in the Kindle store. With self-published authors now sold through all the major booksellers and being read on the same devices as books published through publishing houses, the only thing separating the house-published authors and the self-published authors is money. However, that may not last long as as the number of self-published titles released last year was up 181% from the previous year. Currently, books written for niche audiences enjoy the greatest success with self-publishing, but mainstream business authors like Seth Godin turning to self-publishing

Moms Minutes

A recent NPR story discussed people’s growing obsession with extreme weather. Catering to this latest public passion for meteorology, new weather websites and apps are emerging to help you deal with the nagging moms who insist you where a sweater or to “bring your jacket”. My favorite has to be those planning vacations, weddings or conferences. You can click on which promises accurate weather forecasts one year in advance.

Barnes & Noble Targets Independent Authors

The Weather: America’s Newest Passion

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NOW Moms Vote Matters

I am honored to be named the first Public Policy Officer for the National Association for Moms in Business and the President of Moms Vote Matters, a program for Moms in business to learn, influence, communicate, and engage in community and national policies that affect their families and their businesses.

As Entrepreneurial, Executive, & CEO Moms, we are take-charge individuals. We make decisions for our business, we make decisions for our families, we make decisions for our lives. Current trends indicate government is becoming more involved in all of these areas. Somehow we seem to let government run its course. For better or

for worse, government seems to be dictating how all of these major facets of our lives will be managed, in some cases stripping us of the power and control we have worked so hard to establish and in other cases denying us rights and privileges afforded to our male counterparts (i.e., Paycheck Fairness Act and Give Me 5%, a WIPP Initiative)

Just shy of a century ago, when the Republicans were the progressives and the Democrats the conservatives, the suffragettes were making their final full court press to amend the constitution giving women the right to vote. At the time, women were not considered legitimate citizens. They were taxed without representation. Not being allowed to sit on jury’s, they were never tried by a jury of their peers. Most importantly, they were not allowed to make the laws, but expected to obey them. Like children, they were to be seen and not heard.

Have we come a long way since then? Sure we have. Instead of sweatshops; we now have safety and child labor laws. We can own businesses, own homes and have our own credit cards. We can hold public office and even had our first “legitimate” female presidential candidate.All of this is something we can be proud of; or is it? Women make up 51% of the population, with mothers making up 30% of total population. Yet our representation in Congress stands at only 17 percent. By now, a female presidential candidate shouldn’t be making history; it should be a common place occurrence.

In fact, articles have appeared regarding the first drop in the number of women in congress in over 30 years.

An Open Letter to Moms Whose Vote Mattersfrom Barbara Trznadel, Chief Public Policy Officer of the National Association For Moms In Business

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In a November 9 article entitled Number of Women in Congress Drops for First Time in 32 Years, David Wallenchinsky and Noel Brinkerholl wrote:

“The exact number of women in the new Congress is not known because three races involving women are still undecided. If current vote totals hold up, there will be 17 women in the Senate and 73 in the House of Representatives, for a total of 90 (61 Democrats and 29 Republicans). This would mean that women will make up only 16.8% of the members of Congress, leaving the United States tied with Turkmenistan for 73rd place in the world in terms of female legislative representation.”

In the similarly themed article, Number Of Women In Congress Set To Drop, Ending 30-Year Trend, Women’s Campaign Forum President Siobhan “Sam” Bennett, stated the United States has nothing to crow about — despite having 160 women on the ballot in races for spots in Congress and governors’ mansions. Bennett told CNN, “We’re ranked 90th in the world in the number of women in elected office. We trail behind Cuba and Afghanistan,” she said, citing data from the Inter-Parliamentary Union on the percentage of women in national parliaments.

These numbers may seem daunting and you may think that you are only one voice or one vote, so what’s the sense in trying. The National Association for Moms in Business understands and that is why we established Moms Vote Matters. United, the voices of the 15 million Entrepreneurial, Executive, & CEO Moms can make a powerful noise.

To make us even stronger, the National Association for Moms in Business has partnered with Women Impacting Public Policy (WIPP), a national bi-partisan public policy organization representing over half a million women and minorities in business.

In the months to come, Moms Vote Matters will be providing you with information on our Public Policy Platform, introducing you to powerful women in the public and private sector, and rolling out a major initiative on Moms In Congress. Although the number of women currently representing us is low, the majority of these women are Moms. Our goal is to work to get more Moms in positions of power, because we are the voice of our children in congress.

Don’t get discouraged. When suffragette Alice Paul felt like giving up in the movie “Iron Jawed Angels”, her mother intoned, “You put your hand to the plow; you finish the row.”

After a century, I think its time for us to finish the row, for until we have parity in percentages, we cannot have true equality.

It is a privilege for me to be forging ahead with all of you,

Barbara TrznadelChief Public Policy Officer

Moms Vote Matters

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NOW Events

National Association for

Register Now for Spark & Hustle

On 1/11/11, Julie and Jack Nadel, a leader in the global promotional products business, and the newly formed Jack and Julie Nadel Entrepreneurial Fellowship Program, generously funded to enable deserving women to join us at our first event of the year in Los Angeles next month, and now they are funding scholarships to all eight Spark & Hustle conferences.

That means that hundreds of current and aspiring women entrepreneurs from coast–to–coast will have the opportunity to learn the joys and benefits of being small business owners at our three–day conferences.

Women Told Us the Top 7 Reasons Why Women Are Registering for Spark & Hustle!

1. You’re tired of considering conferences that you can’t afford. Spark & Hustle is very affordable and teaches you to master the marketing and sales maze that most experts are content to leave a mystery.

2. You’re through with “experts” spouting advice that doesn’t work or you’ve already tried unsuccessfully. Every speaker, panelist and mentor we bring to Spark & Hustle is a profitable business owner with specific knowledge to share.

3. You’re sick of “secrets” and “blueprints.” We know what it takes to increase income, exposure and profit and won’t sugar coat any of it for you. It’s about the HUSTLE. I — and my team of experts — will show you how in terms you’ll understand.

4. You’ll explode if you invest in another multi–day conference — only to have a slew of coaches and consultants trying to sell you expensive programs, giving you just enough of the “solution” to convince you that you should hire them. Spark & Hustle is a comprehensive, jam–packed conference and nothing will be sold to you once you arrive. You came for a solution. That’s what you’ll get. (Well, maybe you’ll want to shop among the few fun vendors at our Friday night party where some of the attendees will display and sample their stuff.)

Moms In Business

5. You’re ready to see PROFIT in your business, not just potential. Maybe you’ve vowed to make your mark in 2011, to reach YOUR potential. If this is your goal, Spark & Hustle is for you.

6. You’re looking for a supportive network of driven women. Research says I’m in the top 3% of income earners for entrepreneurial women, which I’ve worked deliberately to achieve. The women I surround myself with to make Spark & Hustle possible are well on their way, too — if not there themselves — and so are the dynamic women registering to attend. Surround yourself with success. Find a mentor, a champion, an accountability partner, or support network. It’s all at Spark & Hustle.

7. You’re embarrassed by your business results. You know that you — and your business — are capable of much more. You have financial goals — replacing your fulltime income, allowing your husband to retire, creating a lifestyle of your dreams — but you’re nowhere close to meeting it. We have ONE focus for THREE days: teaching business owners the HUSTLE they need to implement to make MORE money now. If any or all of that rings a bell or fires you up, you belong at a Spark & Hustle event. Read the requirements carefully and apply for a scholarship if it’s truly needed. Otherwise, click on the city of your choice to register now.

I can’t wait to see you there.Let’s hustle.

Tory Johnson

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Moms In Business EventsFebruary 2011

Sunday Monday TueSday WedneSday ThurSday Friday SaTurday

1 2 3Los Angeles, CA– Spark & Hustle

4Los Angeles, CA– Spark & Hustle

5Los Angeles, CA– Spark & Hustle

6 7 8 9Disney’s Approach to Quality Service

10Tulsa, OK – Spark & Hustle

11Tulsa, OK – Spark & Hustle

12Tulsa, OK – Spark & Hustle

13 14 15 16 17 18 19

20 21 22 23 24 25 26

27Oscar Night Celebrity Party – 50% Discount for Moms In Business



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What’s the name of your company, your company’s website, and the number of years you’ve been in business?

I’m the president of Quantum Learning Network. I started it in 1982 when a partner and I launched SuperCamp, a learning and life skills summer camps for kids. Our websites are:, and My husband and I also started a non-profit organization, Learning Forum International in 1989, which has the website

How many children do you have?

I have a son and daughter and they attended the first SuperCamp in 1982! You could say they were a part of the experiment, wondering if the program would work. It was because of the results of that first program that I committed myself to working with youth. My children now have kids – my grandchildren – who have attended SuperCamp which is very gratifying for me.

What does your company do?

Quantum Learning Network is a worldwide leader in the areas of youth achievement, teacher training, and creating effective learning environments. SuperCamp helps students raise their grades, confidence and motivation through 7- and 10-day learning and life skills summer enrichment programs held on university campuses. We offer programs for students in middle school, high school and college. SuperCamp has expanded internationally throughout Asia and in parts of Latin America and Europe. Over 56,000 students have graduated from SuperCamp programs in our 29 years of operation.

Our Quantum Learning education division works with teachers, students and administrators. To date, we’ve trained more than 50,000 teachers and positively impacted five million students. We train teachers how to make lessons

more engaging, meaningful and joyful, while challenging students to do their best. In our Quantum Learning for Students programs, students learn how to learn and they gain a broad range of learning and life skills that help them in all subject areas and in their personal lives. Administrators learn instructional leadership strategies and how to build a safe and inspiring culture of learning.

Why did you go into this business?

I first began a business school for entrepreneurs with a partner in the late 1970’s. The school helped business people discover and bring out their genius by immersing them in a 24/7 atmosphere that supported their transformation.

Bringing Out GeniusAn Interview with Bobbi DePorter, CEO of SuperCamp

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A massive inspiration and turning point for me came when I met and trained with a Bulgarian professor, Dr. Georgi Lozanov, who is the father of accelerated learning. What I learned from him became the foundation of our teaching methods we use to this day throughout Quantum Learning Network.

About this time, an associate suggested we try a program for youth patterned after the business school. I began to wonder what life might be like for people if they could get to that transformational experience earlier in life. What if we could help make it happen for kids? That was my spark, my personal Aha. At that moment my own passion shifted and my focus became launching a program for kids. SuperCamp was born.

We held our first SuperCamp in July of 1982 at Kirkwood Meadows in the Lake Tahoe area. We had sixty-four campers and a long waiting list. This first SuperCamp went beyond expectations and seemed to gain a life of its own. SuperCamp snowballed from that first program. Our second year, we had four camps in different locations, and every year after that, it kept spreading. It wasn’t all smooth sailing, but my passion for it was so strong that I kept charging ahead.

What has been the single hardest part of being in business? How did you deal with that?

In the early years, I had many financial challenges, even before I was able to get SuperCamp off the ground. My dream, my life’s purpose, is to reach as many kids around the world as possible, so, at times, I have to temper my ambition given the economic realities of the day.

Even with the recent recession, my husband, who is my business partner, and I had to carefully manage our way through the downturn by reeling in our growth strategies for the short-term. Fortunately, we saw it coming and planned accordingly, so today Quantum Learning Network is stronger than ever and poised for dynamic growth in the coming years.

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I’ll admit it, I do tune in on occasion. And the other night I was watching Real Housewives of New York the other day and I cracked up when I heard one of the husbands say; “Happy wife, happy life.” How true!

Really, that’s all men want to do is to make us happy. But, as much as I hate to say it, it’s up to US to be happy. No one can me you happy except YOU! Don’t rely on your man to make you happy.

However, men also want to be happy and one of the biggest ways men say their wives can make them

happy are; to be happy themselves – which would lead to no nagging and no guilt-trips.

It all sounds so simple, but if you’re anything like me, some days I just can’t help it. I mean, here I am surrounded by what seems like a million loads of laundry, another school project to complete, carpool to

By Allana Pratt, The Sexy Mom Expert

Do you watch any of the

Real Housewives

reality shows?

Love Advice from the

Real Housewivesof

New Jersey

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drive, work to complete and a house that looks like a hurricane went through it. And I’m not supposed to ask for help? Yeah, right!

But really when it all comes down to it, are any of these things more important than making you and your man happy? I think not!

Now, you may read this next part and think I’m completely off my rocker, but go with me for a second. Take some time to open your heart to your husband and treat him like royalty. Give him a day of freedom, let him off the hook – and have a day all to himself – no guilt-trips allowed. Okay, keep reading, I promise there’s something in it for you too…

Next up, take the kids and drop them off at your parents, the babysitter, wherever – home is now a kids-free zone. Then it’s all about YOU! Go out and have some fun. Call a friend that make you laugh and go out to lunch, go to the spa for a relaxing massage, take a sexy fitness class like pole dancing. Do something good just for you to nourish your soul.

The point of this little exercise is to give both you and your man a day to fill up your tanks and re-energize so later on you can reconnect.

After you’ve picked up the kids and they are off to bed, it’s now time for some extra-special romance. This night is about true love and showering each other with your new found energy. This is no time for the run-of-the-mill obligation love-making, it’s time to let go, be free and enjoy one another. Your man won’t know what hit him!

Moms… if we wait for everyone else to make us happy, we’re guaranteed to have a lackluster life. If we fill up our tanks first… we create an inviting space for our men to contribute to our happiness. Men want a guarantee they can win at making us happy! The greatest gift you can give your man is a Happy YOU!

Your family’s worth it, your marriage it worth it and YOU my gorgeous moms, are worth it! Now go have some fun!

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MEMBERS Your Thoughts

Previous Poll Results

Considering all aspects of your life - What would be your ideal working situation?

85 total responses

Visit the Quick Poll page click here.

Current Poll

Which social network site do you most use to receive information?

None- I don’t use social media for informationTwitterOther - A site other than these three.Linked InFacebook

Post Your Answers - Visit the Quick Poll page click here.


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It’s that time of year again! The time when millions of people all around the world make a New Year Resolution! But, should you even bother?

Research shows that 97 percent of those that resolve to make change in the new year ultimately fail. Just one week past the promise’s inception and 25 percent have already packed their resolutions away like their holiday decorations, nicely stored and ready to be unpacked the next year to be used again.

Here’s why most resolutions end up in the trash or recycle bins.

1) Most individuals choose a goal that is not attainable. For example, resolving to drop 30 pounds in 30 days or trying to look like a super-model’s touched up

magazine cover. Choosing goals like this are about as productive as searching for the fountain of youth.

2) Year after year people pick a resolution that they have been unsuccessful at achieving in years gone by. If you continue to proclaim the same, unchanged resolution as soon as the clock strikes midnight on New Year’s Eve, you almost assure yourself of failure. Even just a small tweak to your resolution could make the difference between succeeding or falling short.

3) Jumping head first into a resolution is commonplace and does not assure success. Actually, it can result in the opposite. Highly successful coaches and executives both approach their “teams” with game plans. Individuals should take their lead and plan ahead.

Why You Should NOT Make A New Year Resolution By Lynn Bode

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4) Can a valid goal be met in one or two weeks? No! Yet, impatience creeps into most minds and sabotages their goals. Giving up before a goal can become a habit will result in disappointment and unfulfillment.

5) No man (or woman) is an island. Yet, most people try to go it alone when it comes to their resolutions. Support from family, friends and even professionals improve ones odds of success considerably.

6) The excitement of a new year and fresh start can be so exhilarating to some that they end up over promising. Their resolution sounds more like a proclamation to take on the world. Lose 20 pounds, stop smoking, workout every day, etc. With too many goals to focus on, none of them receive the attention needed and that results in failure of all.

If you’ve read through all the above negatives involved in setting a resolution and yet still feel as excited and determined as ever, congratulations! Good for you. You may be in the small percentage of humans who actually benefit from resolving to change. Use the list above to educate yourself on how not to make common mistakes.

About the author: Lynn Bode is a certified personal trainer specializing in Internet-based fitness programs. Her company,, can help you achieve your fitness and weight loss goals. Visit: for tips, sample workouts and more. Fitness professionals learn about our online personal trainer software, visit: