Mobility Patient Engagement Redefined

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  • 7/27/2019 Mobility Patient Engagement Redefined


    2013 Boston Technology Corporation

    From passive recipient to ac ve par cipant

    Pa ent Engagement reDe ned

  • 7/27/2019 Mobility Patient Engagement Redefined


    2013 Boston Technology Corporation

    The healthcare industry today is witnessing an ideology shi , with more emphasis on pa ent -centered care . Government mandates andregula ons, along with rising pa ent expecta ons have led to hospitals increasing focus on pa ent engagement and sa sfac on.

    A growing amount of data too validates that when a pa ents role shi s to a more ac ve par cipant, the results are shared decision makingand informed choices.

    And the pervasion of mobile devices and the rising popularity of mobility solu ons have made smartphones and tablets the new go -to toolsof the healthcare industry for pa ent engagement and involvement.

    Mobile solu ons are helping pa ents monitor their health consistently, increase health awareness, and gain knowledge of spe ci c diseasesand treatments for self -care. Hospitals are enhancing the pa ent experience by leveraging mobility solu ons for mely and accuratediagnosis, follow -up, point of care services, pa ent engagement, and improved outcomes.

    Already, over 4 million free and 300,000 paid healthcare and tness apps are downloaded every day. 1

    Mobility also provides a range of tools to caregivers and administrators alike to involve, monitor and enhance pa ent experience. Interac vesurveys, demos, personalized content all aid the pa ent towards a deeper understanding of his/her treatment op ons and can posi velya ect outcome and sa sfac on.

    Introduc on

  • 7/27/2019 Mobility Patient Engagement Redefined


    2013 Boston Technology Corporation

    Pa ent Empowerment through Mobile AppsThe Value Addi on

    Enhancing the pa ent experience

    Raising the bar of healthcare delivery

    Driving wellness and healthier lifestyles

    Increasing pa ent sa sfac on

    At a glance..

    Did you know?

    75% of US adults used their mobile devices toaccess health informa on in 2012. 2

  • 7/27/2019 Mobility Patient Engagement Redefined


    2013 Boston Technology Corporation

    New gen pa ents expect the bene ts of mobility to lter down to their personal healthcare. They demand transparent access to their health

    records any me anywhere, be er understanding of their medical condi on and prognosis, and easy communica on with their consul ng

    doctors. At the other end, Meaningful Usage 2 objec ves are compelling providers to transform healthcare work ows to facilitate thischange.

    Mobile health solu ons are empowering pa ents by enabling

    Pa ent registra ons via mobile devices

    Access to electronic health records (EHR)

    Track appointments and follow ups, on the go

    Prescrip on renewal

    Rich, interac ve educa onal content

    Loca on -based services such as direc ons to the nearest hospital during emergencies or the closest pharmacy.

    At hospitals, mobile dashboards are being used by prac oners, nurses, laboratory technicians, and support sta to work cohesively foropera onal e ciency. Real me no ca ons and constant connec vity on ubiquitous mobile devices is helping healthcare providers serve

    pa ents in unique ways.

    Enhancing the pa ent experience

  • 7/27/2019 Mobility Patient Engagement Redefined


    2013 Boston Technology Corporation

    Hospitals are introducing point of care mobility solu ons to enhance pa ent engagement and improve healthcare outcomes.

    Medical simulators drive pa ents' understanding of their medical condi on.Mobile ePrescrip ons ensure mely approval of prescrip on renewals.Telemedicine solu ons enable remote care.

    Raising the bar of healthcare delivery

    Bedside mobility solu ons incorpora ng barcode technology ensure

    Accurate scanning of pa ent detailsCorrect medica on dosagesAccurate sample collec on for lab testsTimely follow -up of doctor's instruc ons.

    Mobile pa ent dashboards allow pa ents to access the doctor's post opera ve instruc ons any me and hasten their recovery.Mobile health monitoring devices help prac oners and pa ents monitor vital sta s cs of pa ents at home to prevent readmission.Mobile video collabora on with doctors enables remote healthcare delivery in emergencies.

  • 7/27/2019 Mobility Patient Engagement Redefined


    2013 Boston Technology Corporation

    Ubiquitous "always on" mobile devices support easy access and

    distribu on of health informa on to pa ents and general

    populace via:

    Mobile videos

    Health awareness campaigns

    Social media pla orms

    Games and other forms of digital content.

    Easy accessibility of mobile solu ons drives :

    Higher par cipa on in surveys, polls and ques onnaires formedical research and analysis.

    Driving wellness and a healthier lifestyle

  • 7/27/2019 Mobility Patient Engagement Redefined


    2013 Boston Technology Corporation

    Tradi onal healthcare does not always focus on the needs of the pa ent or take into account that they are ac ve par cipants in theircare . Pa ent complaints can range from doctors' abruptness to long wai ng periods in hospitals.

    Mobility is a strong step towards transforming healthcare for pa ent sa sfac on.

    The objec ve can be achieved through improved pa ent -doctor communica on, personalized support from care managers, enhancing thesocial skills of hospital sta , transparent access to billing and other hospital informa on, a ordable care, and be er he alth management

    few of the many goals of mHealth solu ons.

    Increasing pa ent sa sfac on

    " Mobile health devices can help pa ents feel connected totheir healthcare providers by enhancing the pa ent/

    provider rela onship and providing peace of mind throughongoing support."

    David Bjork, President of Telcare Inc.

  • 7/27/2019 Mobility Patient Engagement Redefined


    2013 Boston Technology Corporation


    mHealth solu ons can help providers transform their healthcare services from a "pay -for -service" model to the val-ue -based "pay -for -performance" model.

    Mobile solu ons within hospitals can enhance healthcare work ows for a superior pa ent experience.

    The ubiquity and personal ownership of mobile devices can help stakeholders engage pa ents meaningfully and

    personally, educate and inform them to be er manage their health and make healthier lifestyle choices.

    In conclusion

    Did you know?

    Hospitals with pa ent sa sfac on in the 90th

    percen le have a 33% increase in pa ent volume

  • 7/27/2019 Mobility Patient Engagement Redefined


    2013 Boston Technology Corporation

    BTC is a leading provider of Web and Mobility Development services. With over nine years in the industry, our adap ve approach, laserfocus on quality and adherence to budgets has made us the go to partner for our clients. Be it Na ve mobile apps or full - edged web andmobile applica ons, we have delivered user centric, scalable solu ons for clients ranging from startups to Fortune 500 Companies.

    Please visit us at to learn more.

    About Us

    Boston Technology Corpora on

    33 Boston Post Road West, STE 160

    Marlborough, MA -01752

    Phone:+ 1 781 -583 -1144

    E-mail: info@boston


    1. MedPage Today

    2 Pew Internet, Health Online 2013 , Jan 15, 2013

    3. Health Wildca ers, Mobile Health among the most promising trends in Healthcare Innova on , July 2, 2012