mobileYouth trends download: Droidettes - will teens drive Android?

mobileYouth – youth mobile culture since 2001 Droidettes: Will Teens Drive Android? Are youth key in the development of Android applications? We already know that youth were the first to adopt and develop SMS. Both Facebook and Napster were invented by 19 year olds. Youth also scoped and developed BBM as a usable service. Now brands like Google are hoping to harness this creativity to youthsource future applications. Key Points Youth are key drivers of innovation but need companies to provide the right tools, environment and platform to achieve their potential Youth innovation is driven by social rather than corporate need. Innovation, therefore, is more attuned to the need of the market rather than the technology. Companies can use product development and innovation as a key marketing tool to develop lines of influence.


mobileYouth looks at the rising phenomenon of youthsourced applications for mobile

Transcript of mobileYouth trends download: Droidettes - will teens drive Android?

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**Are*youth*key*in*the*development*of*Android*applications?***We! already! know! that! youth! were! the! first! to! adopt! and! develop! SMS.! Both!Facebook! and! Napster! were! invented! by! 19! year! olds.! Youth! also! scoped! and!developed! BBM! as! a! usable! service.! Now! brands! like! Google! are! hoping! to!harness!this!creativity!to!youthsource!future!applications.!!Key!Points!

• Youth! are! key!drivers! of! innovation!but! need! companies! to! provide! the!right!tools,!environment!and!platform!to!achieve!their!potential!

• Youth! innovation! is! driven! by! social! rather! than! corporate! need.!Innovation,! therefore,! is!more! attuned! to! the!need!of! the!market! rather!than!the!technology.!

• Companies! can! use! product! development! and! innovation! as! a! key!marketing!tool!to!develop!lines!of!influence.!

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In!Google's!New!York!offices,!a!group!of!high!school!girls!are!learning!to!develop!Android!apps!and!start! their!own!businesses! thanks! to! the! first!East! Coast! Technovation! Challenge.! The! 12Qweek! program! pairs! high!school! girls! from! New! York! public! schools! with! volunteer! mentors! to!introduce! them! to! highQtech! entrepreneurship.! Participants! learn! the!basics!of!programming,!design!a!user! interface,!develop!a!prototype!app!and!business!model,!and!cap!it!off!with!a!presentation!to!a!panel!of!judges!and!venture!capitalists.!The!winning!team’s!concept!will!be!developed!by!pros!with! input! from!the!girls!and!released! in! the!Android!Marketplace.!Through! this! process,! the!mentors! are! teaching! the! students! to! become!creators!rather!than!just!consumers!of!technology.!!Though!most! of! the! girls! have! no! prior! experience! with! code,! Google’s!App! Inventor! tool! allows! them! to! make! real! programs! using! a! simple!visual! interface! while! learning! the! basic! concepts! of! programming.!Spanning! from! one! overachieving! 8th! grader! up! to! high! school! seniors,!and! with! notable! ethnic! diversity! among! them! compared! to! the! oftenQhomogeneous!tech!industry,!95%!of!them!are!participating!through!needQbased! scholarships.! Each! group! of! five! girls! is! paired! with! at! least! two!mentors!to!closely!guide!them!through!the!process.!!


Team!Computer!Chicks!said!they!had!decided!on!UpdateMe,!an!RSS!feed!app.!Electric!Hearts!was!discussing!an!“immigrant!app”!to!help!acclimate!new!U.S.!arrivals!to!American!language,!food,!and!culture.!The!Droidettes!had!conceived!of!an!aggregator!for!fashion!designer’s!seasonal!look!books!to!allow!the!user!to!browse!trends.!Finally,!one!of!the!girls!in!Daredevils!passionately! explained! Ecobud,! their! recycling! app,! showing! off! their!paper!prototype!of!a!program!designed!to!help!answer!“what!do!I!do!with!my!trash?”!!!!

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Top*Down*vs*Bottom*Up*Innovation!*Google’s! Technovation! challenge! is! BottomQUp! Innovation.! Traditional!innovation! based! on! “design! thinking”! or! engaging! create! agencies! focuses! on!topQdown! methodologies! that! push! innovation! onto! the! market.! mobileYouth!believes!future!innovation!will!come!from!the!youth!segment!–!Youthsourcing.!!


*Innovation*is*a*function*of*company*culture*not*strategy**Innovation! is! a! social! process! and! real! ideas! come! from! the! grassroots! not!necessarily! from! those! with! innovation! in! their! job! title.! In! the! mobileYouth!report!we! highlight! how! operators! can! source! innovation! from! youth.! Hotlink!Malaysia!Youthsourced!product!ideas!by!coQcreating!with!students.!Not!only!did!it! develop! robust! products! the! product! development! process! itself! became!marketing!leading!to!a!50%!increase!in!market!recommendation!for!their!brand.!




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youth marketing insights for handset brands,

MOBILEYOUTHyouth marketing mobile culture since 2001


content providers and operators

features:29 reports

400+ pagesdata, charts, cases

mobileYouth: tracking youth & mobile culture since 2001