mmmmi - University of Hawaii · 2015-06-02 · and yet not everyone-ua-a me oppor tunity;. In the...

... ; BAILS. . ffm Cm TrzmXsm -- y 1 Tcnjo.Maru, March 12 " .V VY Fer , San . ar.en-- e : '"i I i ; i Sierra, ilan'j IS. ,.; i I- - Frcm Vir.cottvcr; III- - IlAJtora.' March 24.".' For Vancwvtr: - 2 v ' , . Niagara. April 9 u : Erenfnff Dulletinr EL 18S2, No. 6108 ... RvOKJIQNOLULtii 12 PRICE FIVE CENT J Hawaiian 'Star.. VoL XXII, No. 714 '!.: i.1 ' - British Destroyer Ariel .' Runs ; : jDc'.va Teuton Under-se- a ; .RGhter Crew Will Not Be Given the Privileges of , inary War Prisoners German Auxiliary Arrives . at. ffewport. News, Virginia SAID TO HAVIESUNK ; ; AMERICAN SHIP AT SEA Daniels 1 0rders Investigation ...American Cotton Ctr-m-- cr. is, D ctain :d by C ; i tish Cru::;r Italian wwr.r:!iips Sail Toward Danjan::::s "War. Rumors are Redoubled - ' fA. P. by FVd. WIreloRsI , LUUUUti, rniand, Llzrch " 10. OfficiaL' Tks Geman culrrrins U-1- 2 has been sun!: . by tho Eritish'clcztroycr Ariel. Tho crcv; 1- -3 t::n saved but will 1 3 C : r r i vc d c cf civlir-ar- y prisoners cf war cn recount cf the attitud: Eritain has proclaimed toward the:: carrying 'c:i tl.3 Eatnia-rir.- 3 war cn coLiracrco. V"1 u;.y, vi::c V W 1 brir3 Cart. -- 1 - ... P, ..i - i. r - - - f u v (V - . 4" U. , th: i. k- - V t::c C:: 4V ; Lad t::2 la':::: c v U::;::I: !:a3 crd- - .:r.:ral c: th; rrici;: 1- -3 I:::: --v- ::X r.:-- : l: 'I: cn tho 4 5-i:- :: h -- an:, CCO men and 13 c: 1IEV7 YOHII, N. Y., I'arch 10. TLo American steamer Vijiliancia, frcm Cavannah fcr Ercraen, carrying cotton, hao heen tahcn .to llirhwalh Z: lar.d, by a Eritish craieer. CheT was formerly a Ward ITALIAN WAuSHIPS SAIL :tTi,,,i i V a, , 'i 10. A dc:ritcli irc-c- i Vi-n- ni zzyz th- -t rcvercil Ital ian y;ztz:-- z Lave sailed, pre-i;:- v lcr ti:o Uarciansllcs, rcJcuLUrj tli2 miners cf Italy's - participilion in the ' '' vrar. ':. ' Iron Fences Cates, Fountains, C.'Atr Runs. :' u. c. ltd : : : A'-k- ti Cts. :. . . : : ' ' mmmmi ML mm mm WW m CLUB ISTOL) Many Speakers Dwell on Need : for Civilian Organizatio- n- Admiral Moore, Governor ; Pinkham I and Cof. Jones : Point ; Out Needs - Jack London's Talk is Straight ! Frcm Shoulder Booses for Ad Club Work ; r r .. V ) - The needs and opportunities o( a naval mllltLi fcr Hawaii was the sub ject up for discussion at the Ad club today.. That this Is a live. topic has been shown by recent requests from the navy department that the ten I-- tory come Into line with a naval re serve and by a strong recommenda- tion In favor of such an organization by the governor in his recent message to the legislature. The Ad club roem bers showed themselves to be, fully awake to the advantages of having an crganfzaticn of - citizen-sailor- s here. and the get-behin- d spirit was much in evidence at the weekly luncheon. A bill providing for a naval militia will shortly be Introduced, and while its text 13 not definitely given out. It is understood that the scope of the territorial organized militia will - be enlarged, so as to - Include . three branches the. National Guard'cf Ha wail, the National fiusrd Reserves and the Naval Militia cf Hawaii. . Among the speakers tod"ay were Governor : Lncius n. Pinkham, Rear Admiral : Moore, naval command- ant in Hawaii; Col. J. W, Jones, adjutant- -general of the territory, and Jack London, whose close connection with the sea and its romance made what ho bad to say of special Interest. ' .: "yl;;,2 i . Li'.! ccrJcr..'!" that".war: ia -- CAy. "no l!.:rv.'I Inst tht vs " '. ' ".o f.v.i .the- - 'Very.' beet i -- ro' ko'.'Iuu,;-"aa""w- 1:1 wo 1 1.1 cf gnn-f.ghters,- '-' it "Whi y l,e to that these who r ' ly the-Fwrr- dia by the sword i: i3 u fact tl.-.- t nations which have r.ct risen by the sword, have not risen ct all they have s imply been wiped CUt." V . ; - "If I were to go Ir, to a" tough part cf yonr city and EO;;one should try to brain rr.e with a beef-bottle- I should r.cst certainly try to Lcat htm to It, cr.1 the more I knew. boat a beer Lottie ts an offensive wcapon( the tet- ter it would be for neCV ' Above ere a few samples of the EtralLt-froni'-the-Bhould- talk tint Jack London gave the Ad Club mem-Icrs- , whea he rose to speak on the subject of the day, the organization of a naval militia as r-- rt cf the deTenpe cf Hawaii. London had been cited by of the earlier speakers as a rep-r- t t , r.tative. of the Socialist party, which stood for peace, at any price. Ilo prefaced his remarks by saying that he did not sicak of war as the off rial representative of the Socialist ity, but the official representa- tive of himself. IJis talk rang. with sincerity, and echoed the sentiments of one who htfped for something bet- ter from humanity. In the future, but who bad no desire to see national life sacrleed on the altar of national Meals. ' r ' i- - ; O o ' '..' TO SE'JTEiXE CHAUFFEUR v fo;; diso:eyi;:g folice . G.hDEH FRIDAY, MORfJIfJG Thomas Hlackwcll, a negro chauf- feur charged with using profanity to Police Oihcer Alameida and refusing to fcbey the instructions of the police In operating an automobile near the .Mciliili baseball park during the carni- val pyrotechnics, will come, before DL-tri- ct Magistrate Monsarrat for sen- tence cn Friday morning. :' The colored driver was accused "by Dr. IC F. Lo cf failing to stop his ma. chine when ordered to do so' by the JX) I . CO I OfHcer Alameida testified 5 that niackwell has used vile language! when cautioned about forcing has car through & crowded thoroughfare. Ala- meida says that he received more profanity i from him when he warned him that he would be arrested. ? . - ' j Traffic Officer Holt practically. sub- - .stantiated the story told by Dr. U and Officer Alameida. Defore pro-- ; ncuncing sentence on Blackwell Judge' . Rcoring . the regulation : those responsible for it,, ' explosion on "a power yacht a small bay South Carolina killed five of those Information is civen out that - authorities of Constantlnonle have the Jf any person spreading war happenings. . BOYS OF HAVAI! Passage of Bill Compelling Such Training PracticaHy. is ;T ' Assured in; House ;; v? ;: MINOR' AMENDMENTSvfe i -- M m MAY BE PUTJFORTH Army : M en and Civilians '; Also Exprcss-The- ir Approval of Radical Measure : . That the Mil to provide elementary military Instruction for all male clti sens of the territory when they reach the age of 1 8, which" was introduced in the house, yesterday py:. Speaker Holstein,' will focus Ihe : attention'; ot every state In the Union on. nawaHf,'is the general opinion of those'- - whtf"have given the nuestlon national defense any serious study. ;Therfr is puclt It i or able comment on tne proposed taw, by both tlie mllltary-an- d civilian ele ment-fo- r by Its provisions,'".It i taint ed the youth of the territory would receive training at the cost of only a coii,4e of: hours a week In .time, that would - be invaluable ; to. him not only as a soldier but. a man.: .- -' MaJ.-ge- n. .Carter, the ??rmy .hoadm. Hawaii, Is Unqualifiedly Jn favor of th measure, as are other prominent army mem - If the bill . becomes a law . Ha waii will be accorded a leading place In. patriotic : endeavor.- ti? ; s "The bill Is drawn with a, 'view. 'not enly to Qualify voung men fo.ri.thei do fense of their country butlalso to p-- if better citizens and - better jne: .of them said CoL J; Jones,- - the. ad jutant-genera- l of Hawaii, this morning. The Jdea is to popularize the work as mu'eh as possible and while , the training .will be required aa part of the territorial .school J'wl believe. there will bo few who will,try.t5 evade U. wnta lo know to handle a: Tltla.J and yet not everyone-ua- a me oppor tunity; . In the proposed course, th pupils will be taught the jcare an.d use of tlie government rifle andvwlll get a:l opribrtunlty to fire with Service ammunition after a preliminary course with the " sub-targ- et ; rifle and in r the shooting gallery. ' ' l V . , "The is to make the sergeant instructors whd will have charge 5 ot the ; instruction friends and teachers, not military superiors. These instruc- tors will be specially picked for ability, nVaft'row finI 1m a s. 4oitMnr iiiai uiui vat r auu avuautv J iuviiiui acd a Btif f examination ' will ; be re- quired before a certificate Is givCm'Tii this way we whl get good men , who should be able to make the instruction course a pleasure rather than a task. h "Again the matter of practical per sonal hygiene opens Tip a big field for study. Everyone should know how to take care of himself in the field and there are a few rules that once learned will never be forgotten. , A man owes it not only to himself but hi3 comrades to observe the' rules of health and cleanliness. Instruction In first aid 1st alsf6 something which every young man should . be glad U secure, ? '; ; A- ;v v-'"- this bill becomes' a law. It will of course be impossible to put the ma- chinery of military education ln "mo- tion all at once. However, classes will be organized possible, vising armories, - halls and ; schools for-- ' the classrooms and . gradually - extending the field until' the whole . Islands are covered and everyone" Is 'given 'the op- portunity to better himself tit the ( Contln ued on - page xtwo) STIGEfflLD PIPERTY SOLD FOP. 320,000 Tho Stangenwald estate property on Nuuann avenue near School street was 6old today through ' the Trent Trust Company for J20.000. The nominal purchaser Is Irwin H. Beadle, trnstee. Beadle Is secretary of the Trent com par.y.. The name of the actual pur- - The property consists of 3.76 acres, with - two old houses. ; It; Is. intended to cut It into smaller lots, Mr. Beadle said. y-- : ; ? Future developments in the deal are held likely by' estate, men. It la ' by some there will be an- - other transfer: of the property.-an- the sale has.been made to Beadle a trustee 'to clinch it until the real purchaser can be brought around. Mcnsarrat said he wanted to go more cfcfeser is being withheld. carefully Into the existing traffic ordi-- 1 ?'aW deal for the, sale of this prop-nanc- o under ; which Blackwell ; had erty"' has r. been hanging fire 'for .a been prosecuted. Attorney Frank long time and " it is said there has Thompson, representing the defend-:.bee- n "some sharp skirmishing for the ant, took occasion to say the ordinance property among the real estate men, "is as Idiotic as it Is harmless. " It cov-- several of them being gradually shaken ers nothing." Thompson spent some or.t.1 . .f-- . . time in and drafting A in in on boards The the ordered execution; unauthorized reports cf i of OHt, as 'v how idea l4At simple to wherever ex up" real said that that mm cc:;:;:ii Tor.iiiL.zsr.; ii Husband 'of Plaintiff on Way V to Start ficw Battle in : OFFER fiEV fcOMPROMISE K ; FOR G U AR D I AN OFj CH ILD Kinney Suggesfs Grandmother Be Given BabM Wrth Permis-V$io- n to FMrlr td Visitlt - f The final afUdavif on the ?disqual!fi-callo- h feature of the ThelmX Parker Smart ' will cas"e waa filed in circuit court today. Ill Attorney- - W. A,;,Kln-ney- , leading cbnhsel: for Jlrs.- - Eliza beth J. Knight It UM Jepl to those filed In . the . laatfl w ilaya by - Attor- - neys F.HTThOmps- - !j:and J. Wj Cath-ar- d cart, of Henrjr Cai Sm art's. coun- - sel, and. advances' another proposition for a compromise of .the gn$raianship dispute over little Hichard Smart. ? .Sensational charges against Fred S. KBichC Mrs: Knight's husban(L wero made in- - Smart's recent answer'?1 filed at Kona, and lin ' tie'aflidavit of . At-- . torneyr.Thpmpoh filed ,Jiei'.'The lawyers lor wt, R.r gm announce to- day" that .KaIgUtr 1 ." ft San . Francisco yesterday on the' Uhelmina Presum- ably he - Is "coming to Honplulu. to an- swer, the charges. in person.. . ,. ' , , The probate? of the third will of Thelma - Parker ; Smart : was., ;set ;f or hearing before .Circuit Judge Whitney this r morning, hut after .considerable argument between Attdmeya Cathcart and Xl H. Olsopi the hearing was Con- tinued, by the court until next Tues- day, March mtut i9 -- o'clocfc. ? Mean time the hearing on-.Mr- s Knight's sug-- . gestion that'iJudge -- Whitney ii j&l&i qualified to sit In the case is scheduled for tomorrow morn ! n .and Olson's pe- - t.ty.n Viyi I A rTntir 1rIi. i f .,.Art.-.4n- ' f the child'is latter ndrt of tiext weeki k I irTermt by Mrs. : Knisht At vy Jn his aCidavit filed .todays Attorney Kinney says that If Mrs. Knight Is giv en the custody of Richard. Smart she will agree that the custodianship shall end when the boy is --16 years old and that 1L O. Smartrt the father, shall have"' the privilege . of i visiting ttlie vounsster at all rreasbnable times." I He declares this dOesnot meanf times - Knight: alone T. the sne protect hia' Chi- - neys reauy entertain iear inai flir. smari wm not oe anowea 10 see ana vjsit tne onen ne wants u airs. far. Jitl ao Vfc wwu.uv. ' - njent," in- - : the: Inter- - oa page ; mm DllRElEQi J:II!E Representative In" his ; labor and putting ; it ; through third reading today on a the offered ty Tavares and Crockett, barber ; from the 'of the ; ; i t v ' the , t m Rtn said : would V , ; on bill I , the M UUU&J U I COMMANDS GREAT AT GUANTANAM0 1 r , Frank T Fletcher, U, 8 commander-iixhle- f cf the At- - lantifi fleet. a SiM M OliV - . lA. pv w reitssj V SACR AM ENTO, Cal- -, Marchv 10. Johnson announced t'Vt1 nad movement for tna par. pi the Pacific atate.: The ahnouncemint lowed a - .Rudolph Spreckels C Wheeler, its ney. JAPANESE MERCHANTS PROTECTION S' AGAINST PICKETTING - r t wipTMfli. i - nese a re$ult of tne by the latter. says the boy cott naa h3i m,e actua, effect en the . - ' 4 LTS vYAR'HcAUo fA. , P. by Fed. Wireless! :Z ' V TOKIO,' Japan, March 10. The em today recived War Chief of Staff Hattgawa at his nter, "';; J LINER B! PLOVE DAS ?1 DOPE Si, 1UGGLER ; ; i customs' placed B. C. : a butfehet in the Ipain Mail liner under which Mrs,' may FRANClSCOCaL, March 10i as reasonable, but which Siaart Sagara, secretary' of Japan-- wen as may oeem sucn; aiuaBi;ete Association of America, today ap-asserti- his belief,"- - says Kiiiney,'peajed t0 tne p0-C- e to Japan-"tn- at neither Mr. Smart or attor-- . ege merchants from picketing by any cnuu as as tn child is-lef- t n tne custooy, or '- - rJapanese merchants K : - - .' ': f m . then makes caustic comment; riinrnnr) nr -- ! .. fc V connection Jwlth (Continued three) I! Makekan ' succeeded reviving anti-Sunda- y bill unanimous vote with amendments exempting shops and fishermen provisions the conference , CONSU States act. removed.- .Tavares introduced i- - rest last night, with house bill allowing barher. shops : ing 0 smuggle ashore a "quantity of to remain open on anywhere J. ': V .t- V In'the Territory except Honolulu , inspector H. Ohveira; stationed at and llilo. ; " r. ; ' 'r:v ? J Pier 7, stopped Reilly as he was lea consented to have the bar- - ing the. vessel. The man was searqh-be- r shop; amendment after' ed. . Three tins of prepared war his bill on those institutions found cleverly: concealed; under his had been Introduced and the debates Some of the was bid-theref- or ' about "Goodness den In his socks, the remainder being amendment to allow fishermen to piu: found under his coat.-,- "; -- .. V sue their; trade on Watkins j Reilly . yas Itaken to the police -- sta arose and asked if Crockett, who had' tion and thl3 morning was turned over asked Tor the ; of the amend- - 'to. the United marshals- Bail ment, would cause ."his, arrest If he, was not forthcoming when the Mongo-Watklh- s, were discovered fishing; on Ua for San.Trancisco .at 9 Sabbath. ''.:-u.::'- ' 'r "Qnra T ai!mlt flsnlnp on days, but I wouldn't like to be' arrest-- 1 ed," AVatklns.. "How you brought a. roar. of laughter.; -'- '. . The amendment exempting fisher-- . men was removed a rising vote. M 1s that 'there is".small introduced. to allow. Honolulu Darwrs aeep shops open .on " The opening'Is opposed by barbers here. IU1 Villi dJir: tf.VSJ-:r- HE f FLEET Admiral r'.v;.., Ffrt. fiowtrnar initiated 'ase .Western railroad fol- - with and S. attor ASK POLICE' va aa boycott declar- - ed Sagara O,-- ; Minister Oka residence..'; United inspectors ' Reilly, Mongolia. ar- - regard as,. so Kuight-- i Kinney IADAII charged attempt-ne- Sunday opium. J. removed opium dealing clothes. dru"gt centered Sunday. removal "States steamed It believed chance being behind tn MatlA triil..-,.-.!'- i' .; ;tTO'''f"' i J, The customs pincers say that Reil- - ly been the port7 Rear Admiral Juan Martin was' an-- - Dointed by eovernment of tina1 as President of the- - navatVcom-- ! mission In the' United Statesjv';v--'-l ;..v,r: ltor. trucks to cost about 0,000. Ml MANY CRUISERS: AND AUXILIARIES ALSO READY. FOR -- ACTIVE SERVICE MEXICAN RED ACROSS APPEALS - THROUGH AMERICA FOR FOOD FOR STARVJNG PEOPLE REPORTS CONTRADICT STORY THAT GEN. 0BREG0N MS EVACUATING CITY--::-;-- - : ; : . .: I Associated Presa Service by Federal TVIreless. ,; ; v WASHINGTON, D. C, Uarch. lO. With rcport3 frcm' Mexico City and other cities in graver and graver news of the the United States is assembling a record-breakin- g fleet V ready for active' service." .v-- v t;-- :: ' Secretary; Daniels said today: "Never in the hiatory cf onr navy has such a powerful fleet assembled fcr activa. ser- vice' as that "in command : of Admiral Trank F.; Fletcher at GuantanamoCubaLM- - i : ; ' ' , - - According' to the news at the navy departmenti the C: :t consists of -- 19 battleships, 23, torpedo boat destroyers,- - a C: j-sh- ip and a tender.. . N v ''i'fi?--';-;-- :.. '.'-- - '; . ; : ; Also Guantanamo are two armbrcd.cruicers, seven liht cruisers and gunboats, all ready for any service, acccmr aricd by repair, supply and fuel ships. t ; I :';,;At Key Wcct, Florida, there is a reserve of ten de:trpj:rz and & tender. ; v , . .. - : . . . v- - i At Pensacola. there are six craft and mine-layer- s. ? ' , - (Additional Associated Press :1 ri 11 Ll L Is- I Asciated Press! ' v BUCHAREST, Ramahia, Feb.' 2S. Rumania has four political parties, the Prime Minister Bratianu; the'Conser - 1 vatfVe, lately In power and led by ! Pe.tre Carp, former prime minister: ' the Conservative Democratic, headed - by Alexander, llarghiloman; and the National Party which is at present a - negligible factor but whose rather broad policies are in the main still ' advocated by Constantino Mille. pub - : Usher and political director of Ruma- nia's most prominent independent newspaper, pimlneatza and AdevemL Of these parties only one, the Con servative Democratic is avowedly pro- - Russian and anti-Germa- n: Its leader Take Jonescu Is. accused by his poli- ties! opponents as being more Rus sian that the Czar, and ,more Eng lish than Mr. Churchill. It cannot be said, however, that the Liberal Party is to any great degree pro-Germa- n. During the life of King Charles I, a Hohenzollern prince, such is said- - to have been the case. But since the death of that monarch no definite official expression on the at titude of Rumania towards the belllg-erent,nation- s has come from this part- y.- It is claimed, moreover, that the party Is none too strong, and that it has already Been obliged to look for the Conservatives for support. It is known, and Url Mirghlloman so stat- ed to The Associated Press correspon- dent, that Mr. Bratianu and he.worked In accord on the war question. One night, early In the - war, stud ents posted upon the doors of the Ro yal Palace In Bucharest a notice with the legend: "To Let" King Charles looked upon this act as an expression of rank ingritltude. To be thus serv- ed withnotice to Quit is said to have broken his heart, and the affair is now said to be slowly killing Queen Eliza beth, better known in United States as Carmen Sylva, who spends most of her time at the grave her husband. .'.V- i - ' Ministry is Firm. . T ..'i ... Marghlloman is iron-fiste- d, how ever, and this Quality, it is asserted, has : so far assisted - Prime Minister Bratianu In curbing a-- public sentiment overwhelming in favor of war against Austro-Hungar- y and Germany. At best the political parties of Ru mania are small affairs numerically. the four groups having a total mem- bership of about 2000. , The remainder of the population of about 7,000 M0 has no voice in political matters. None . c. . , hii- - iiui m v. servers .say, grown a condition which ; is largely responsible for the has been clamoring for war, urged on. It Is claimed, by a Press heavily subsi dlzed by .Rnssii. ; ! : - There seems to be no doubt that If 1 the present government nreralls Rn-- T I mania will the present stnrm .remain firm. In other quartern tho o'clock this morning. Relllv was leltUnf on m pnvnixi twiio.K!,i reel If you.caugntr me w ine.acii" iior tne, past ten years m racine iau. present predicament of the govern-"I- f I'm on my way to. church on a and Japanese liners. He is well.known ment. While Premier Bratianu has Sunday morning and 4f L should see to a host;pf waterfront and shipping: done everything to preserve the neu-yo- u fishing. I'll turn my face other; men. . . : ; ; - - Itralitj of the country, the population- - ..-- . : of any their the Sabbath. all, has passing- through ihe 'Argen- - ; . ; at 1 ' the of Mr. has weather the r?" the sonthern republic T situation south of the herder, submarines, four tend cn, ai V'I;. : ;; V Despatches on Pa;; Two.) irr- - vtL .i. 1 .1 ' fear wa3 expr- - .1 t' .t 'i;' ' .' ' 'outbreak of rhauvir.:. : ! . ; ; jmlht place t.e gover: t :.i t;.o i fire upon the mo'j. ; la t:. t c. 2 V:.i government wculd go U ;.:.t, it wj asserted.. What the ve';:.t cf Kir: Ferdinand's opinion well I.i t: : case Is not .knows. Tl s : i 1? J.-- .i befcome thoroughly Ru:-"!.:- r, t:.j I tharest public does not forr t that !.? Is a Hohenzollern. On the cth?r hi.-- . , the present queen 13 an Ur.r' and for that reason K'.r.z I' rJir.-r- . 1 might be Invited to TTiOv?. aj W23 l.:.i uncle, the late King Charles. A factor which ia m''Mhe po- sition of the governmer.t anything l,-- .t easier Is the strong'"-- ? in fav:r of war. of, Mr. Mille, pub:;.:.or of tha Dlmineatra and Adeverul. Need W?r Munitions. ' There Is a strong' probability that Rumania. ha3 so far ke; t or.t of tha war by a lack of materials needed for such an enterprise. Mr. :!ar.;hilon: n informed The Associated Pn 3? corrcj-penden- t that the country was net yet preyafed for-wa- r when the f.rst c of chauvinism occurred. Krc:.i other sources It has been learned that even today Rumania has net enous'i munitions n in the fieU longer than four months. "Where would Rumania be today If we had failed to curb the wai fever last September?" asked Mr. Marghc'.i. man. "There would be neither a shell nor a cartridge left. We hive no am- - . ' (Continued on page two) . ' 1EAP I PHP- "'- i uj GDI SITE FOI The . proposal ot Mayor Lane to erect city haJI building lies at rest, to be revived when the United States government decides on a site for tho new it.000.O0O. federal tmlJding. ;' Tr tho secretary oC the treasury chooses the Irwin site across from thvv Capitol building in Conformance with Governor Pinkbam's civic center plan. Mayor Lane said that the city will consider ; a proposition 'to purcha33 the Gore 'slte, on the makai-Kw- a cor-- . ner'cf Richard and King streets,' diag-- ; onally acrcss from the capitol ground and adjoining the office building .cf the Hawaiian Electric Company- - ,f, personally, am In favor of Ho- nolulu having a civic center ."of which we can be proud," said the clhef exe- cutive" today, -- "and for that reason should the government of the United . States decide on . the Irwin property will favor the location of the pro;.. etf.dty hall near the capitol ground', Lall. The Canadian government awarded, witnowt going to war. Dut even Mr. ; preierarbiy tne gcre site. 1 nui a' contract. tatbe-- Kelly-Springae- ld Marghlloman admitted there was na federal building site fc decided to f - Motor Truck Co.. of Detroit, for mo assurance that the government would ther p!an3 will tt. ;:.! fcr tv

Transcript of mmmmi - University of Hawaii · 2015-06-02 · and yet not everyone-ua-a me oppor tunity;. In the...

Page 1: mmmmi - University of Hawaii · 2015-06-02 · and yet not everyone-ua-a me oppor tunity;. In the proposed course, th pupils will be taught the jcare an.d use of tlie government rifle

... ;


ffm Cm TrzmXsm -- y 1

Tcnjo.Maru, March 12 " .V VYFer , San . ar.en-- e : '"i

Ii ; i

Sierra, ilan'j IS. ,.; iI-

-Frcm Vir.cottvcr; III- -IlAJtora.' March 24.".'

For Vancwvtr: -

2 v ' , .Niagara. April 9 u :

Erenfnff Dulletinr EL 18S2, No. 6108 ... RvOKJIQNOLULtii12 PRICE FIVE CENTJHawaiian 'Star.. VoL XXII, No. 714

'!.: i.1' -

British Destroyer Ariel .' Runs; : jDc'.va Teuton Under-se- a

; .RGhter Crew Will Not BeGiven the Privileges of

, inary War PrisonersGerman Auxiliary Arrives

. at. ffewport. News, Virginia


Daniels 1 0rders Investigation...American Cotton Ctr-m--


is, D ctain :d by C ; i tishCru::;r Italian wwr.r:!iipsSail Toward Danjan::::s

"War. Rumors are Redoubled

- ' fA. P. by FVd. WIreloRsI ,LUUUUti, rniand, Llzrch


10. OfficiaL' Tks Gemanculrrrins U-1- 2 has been sun!:

. by tho Eritish'clcztroycr Ariel.Tho crcv; 1--3 t::n saved butwill 1 3 C : r r ivc d c

cf civlir-ar- y prisoners cfwar cn recount cf the attitud:Eritain has proclaimed towardthe:: carrying 'c:i tl.3 Eatnia-rir.- 3

war cn coLiracrco.



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r.:-- : l: 'I: cn tho

4 5-i:- :: h -- an:, CCO men and13 c:

1IEV7 YOHII, N. Y., I'arch10. TLo American steamerVijiliancia, frcm Cavannahfcr Ercraen, carrying cotton,hao heen tahcn .to llirhwalhZ: lar.d, by a Eritish craieer.CheT was formerly a Ward


:tTi,,,ii V a, , 'i10. A dc:ritcli irc-c- i

Vi-n- ni zzyz th- -t rcvercil Italian y;ztz:-- z Lave sailed, pre-i;:- v

lcr ti:o Uarciansllcs,

rcJcuLUrj tli2 miners cfItaly's - participilion in the

' ''vrar. ':. '

Iron Cates, Fountains,

C.'Atr Runs. :'

u. c. ltd: : : A'-k- ti Cts.

:. . . :




mmmmiML mmmmWWm CLUB ISTOL)

Many Speakers Dwell on Need: for Civilian Organizatio- n-

Admiral Moore, Governor; Pinkham I and Cof. Jones: Point ; Out Needs - Jack

London's Talk is Straight! Frcm Shoulder Booses for

Ad Club Work ; r r.. V

) -The needs and opportunities o( a

naval mllltLi fcr Hawaii was the subject up for discussion at the Ad clubtoday.. That this Is a live. topic hasbeen shown by recent requests fromthe navy department that the ten I--

tory come Into line with a naval reserve and by a strong recommenda-tion In favor of such an organizationby the governor in his recent messageto the legislature. The Ad club roembers showed themselves to be, fullyawake to the advantages of having ancrganfzaticn of - citizen-sailor- s here.and the get-behin- d spirit was much inevidence at the weekly luncheon.

A bill providing for a naval militiawill shortly be Introduced, and whileits text 13 not definitely given out. Itis understood that the scope of theterritorial organized militia will - beenlarged, so as to - Include . threebranches the. National Guard'cf Hawail, the National fiusrd Reserves andthe Naval Militia cf Hawaii. .

Among the speakers tod"ay wereGovernor : Lncius n. Pinkham, RearAdmiral : Moore, naval command-ant in Hawaii; Col. J. W, Jones, adjutant-

-general of the territory, and JackLondon, whose close connection withthe sea and its romance made whatho bad to say of special Interest. ' .:

"yl;;,2 i . Li'.! ccrJcr..'!" that".war: ia-- CAy. "no l!.:rv.'I Inst tht vs

" '. ' ".o f.v.i .the-- 'Very.' beeti -- ro' ko'.'Iuu,;-"aa""w- 1:1 wo 1 1.1 cf gnn-f.ghters,- '-' it

"Whi y l,e to that these whor ' ly the-Fwrr- dia by the swordi: i3 u fact tl.-.- t nations which haver.ct risen by the sword, have not risenct all they have s imply been wipedCUt." V . ; -

"If I were to go Ir, to a" tough partcf yonr city and EO;;one should tryto brain rr.e with a beef-bottle- I shouldr.cst certainly try to Lcat htm to It,cr.1 the more I knew. boat a beerLottie ts an offensive wcapon( the tet-ter it would be for neCV '

Above ere a few samples of theEtralLt-froni'-the-Bhould- talk tintJack London gave the Ad Club mem-Icrs- ,

whea he rose to speak on thesubject of the day, the organization ofa naval militia as r-- rt cf the deTenpecf Hawaii. London had been cited by

of the earlier speakers as a rep-r- tt , r.tative. of the Socialist party,

which stood for peace, at any price.Ilo prefaced his remarks by sayingthat he did not sicak of war as theoff rial representative of the Socialist

ity, but the official representa-tive of himself. IJis talk rang. withsincerity, and echoed the sentimentsof one who htfped for something bet-ter from humanity. In the future, butwho bad no desire to see national lifesacrleed on the altar of nationalMeals. ' r ' i- - ;


fo;; diso:eyi;:g folice .


Thomas Hlackwcll, a negro chauf-feur charged with using profanity toPolice Oihcer Alameida and refusingto fcbey the instructions of the policeIn operating an automobile near the.Mciliili baseball park during the carni-val pyrotechnics, will come, beforeDL-tri- ct Magistrate Monsarrat for sen-tence cn Friday morning. :'

The colored driver was accused "byDr. IC F. Lo cf failing to stop his ma.chine when ordered to do so' by theJX) I . CO I

OfHcer Alameida testified 5 thatniackwell has used vile language!when cautioned about forcing has carthrough & crowded thoroughfare. Ala-meida says that he received moreprofanity i from him when he warnedhim that he would be arrested. ? . - '


Traffic Officer Holt practically. sub- -.stantiated the story told by Dr. Uand Officer Alameida. Defore pro-- ;ncuncing sentence on Blackwell Judge'

. Rcoring . the regulation :

those responsible for it,, 'explosion on "a power yacht

a small bay South Carolina killedfive of those

Information is civen out that- authorities of Constantlnonlehave the Jf anyperson spreading

war happenings. .


Passage of Bill CompellingSuch Training PracticaHy. is;T ' Assured in; House ;; v? ;:


Army : M en and Civilians '; AlsoExprcss-The- ir Approval of

Radical Measure : .

That the Mil to provide elementarymilitary Instruction for all male cltisens of the territory when they reachthe age of 1 8, which" was introducedin the house, yesterday py:. SpeakerHolstein,' will focus Ihe : attention'; otevery state In the Union on. nawaHf,'isthe general opinion of those'- - whtf"havegiven the nuestlon national defenseany serious study. ;Therfr is puclt Iti orable comment on tne proposed taw,by both tlie mllltary-an- d civilian element-fo- r by Its provisions,'".It i tainted the youth of the territory wouldreceive training at the cost of only acoii,4e of: hours a week In .time, thatwould - be invaluable ; to. him not onlyas a soldier but. a man.: .- -'

MaJ.-ge- n. .Carter, the ??rmy .hoadm.Hawaii, Is Unqualifiedly Jn favor of thmeasure, as are other prominent armymem - If the bill . becomes a law . Hawaii will be accorded a leading placeIn. patriotic : endeavor.- ti? ; s

"The bill Is drawn with a, 'view. 'notenly to Qualify voung men fo.ri.thei dofense of their country butlalso to p-- if

better citizens and - better jne: .ofthem said CoL J; Jones,- - the. adjutant-genera- l of Hawaii, this morning.The Jdea is to popularize the work

as mu'eh as possible and while , thetraining .will be required aa part of theterritorial .school J'wl believe. therewill bo few who will,try.t5 evade U.

wnta lo know to handle a: Tltla.Jand yet not everyone-ua- a me opportunity; . In the proposed course, thpupils will be taught the jcare an.duse of tlie government rifle andvwlllget a:l opribrtunlty to fire with Serviceammunition after a preliminary coursewith the "

sub-targ- et ; rifle and in r theshooting gallery. ' ' l V .

, "The is to make the sergeantinstructors whd will have charge 5 otthe ; instruction friends and teachers,not military superiors. These instruc-tors will be specially picked for ability,nVaft'row finI 1m a s. 4oitMnriiiai uiui vat r auu avuautv J iuviiiuiacd a Btiff examination ' will ; be re-quired before a certificate Is givCm'Tiithis way we whl get good men , whoshould be able to make the instructioncourse a pleasure rather than a task.

h "Again the matter of practical personal hygiene opens Tip a big field forstudy. Everyone should know how totake care of himself in the field andthere are a few rules that oncelearned will never be forgotten. , Aman owes it not only to himself but

hi3 comrades to observe the' rulesof health and cleanliness. InstructionIn first aid 1st alsf6 something whichevery young man should . be glad Usecure, ? '; ; A- ;v v-'"-

this bill becomes' a law. It willof course be impossible to put the ma-chinery of military education ln "mo-tion all at once. However, classes willbe organized possible, visingarmories, - halls and ; schools for-- ' theclassrooms and . gradually - extendingthe field until' the whole . Islands arecovered and everyone" Is 'given 'the op-portunity to better himself tit the

( Contln ued on - page xtwo)



FOP. 320,000

Tho Stangenwald estate property onNuuann avenue near School street was6old today through ' the Trent TrustCompany for J20.000. The nominalpurchaser Is Irwin H. Beadle, trnstee.Beadle Is secretary of the Trent compar.y.. The name of the actual pur- -

The property consists of 3.76 acres,with - two old houses. ; It; Is. intendedto cut It into smaller lots, Mr.Beadle said. y-- : ;

? Future developments in the deal areheld likely by' estate, men. It la

' by some there will be an--

other transfer: of the property.-an-

the sale has.been made to Beadlea trustee 'to clinch it until the realpurchaser can be brought around.

Mcnsarrat said he wanted to go more cfcfeser is being withheld.carefully Into the existing traffic ordi-- 1 ?'aW deal for the, sale of this prop-nanc- o

under ; which Blackwell ; had erty"' has r.been hanging fire 'for .abeen prosecuted. Attorney Frank long time and " it is said there hasThompson, representing the defend-:.bee- n "some sharp skirmishing for theant, took occasion to say the ordinance property among the real estate men,"is as Idiotic as it Is harmless. " It cov-- several of them being gradually shakeners nothing." Thompson spent some or.t.1 . .f-- . .time in and


A ininon boards


ordered execution;unauthorized reports

cf i



as 'v









realsaid that


mm cc:;:;:ii



Husband 'of Plaintiff on WayV to Start ficw Battle in :


Kinney Suggesfs GrandmotherBe Given BabM Wrth Permis-V$io- n

to FMrlr td Visitlt -

f The final afUdavif on the ?disqual!fi-callo- h

feature of the ThelmX ParkerSmart ' will cas"e waa filed in circuitcourt today. Ill Attorney- - W. A,;,Kln-ney-,

leading cbnhsel: for Jlrs.- - Elizabeth J. Knight It UM Jepl to thosefiled In . the .laatfl w ilaya by - Attor- -

neys F.HTThOmps- - !j:and J. Wj Cath-ar- d

cart, of Henrjr Cai Sm art's. coun--

sel, and. advances' another propositionfor a compromise of .the gn$raianshipdispute over little Hichard Smart. ?

.Sensational charges against Fred S.KBichC Mrs: Knight's husban(L weromade in-- Smart's recent answer'?1 filedat Kona, and lin ' tie'aflidavit of . At--.

torneyr.Thpmpoh filed ,Jiei'.'Thelawyers lor wt, R.r gm announce to-

day" that .KaIgUtr 1 ." ft San . Franciscoyesterday on the' Uhelmina Presum-ably he - Is "coming to Honplulu. to an-swer, the charges. in person.. . ,.

', ,

The probate? of the third will ofThelma - Parker ; Smart : was., ;set ;forhearing before .Circuit Judge Whitneythis r morning, hut after .considerableargument between Attdmeya Cathcartand Xl H. Olsopi the hearing was Con-

tinued, by the court until next Tues-day, March mtut i9 -- o'clocfc. ? Meantime the hearing on-.Mr- s Knight's sug-- .

gestion that'iJudge -- Whitney ii j&l&i

qualified to sit In the case is scheduledfor tomorrow morn ! n .and Olson's pe- -

t.ty.n Viyi I A rTntir 1rIi.i f .,.Art.-.4n- ' f

the child'is latterndrt of tiext weeki k I

irTermt by Mrs. : Knisht AtvyJn his aCidavit filed .todays Attorney

Kinney says that If Mrs. Knight Is given the custody of Richard. Smart shewill agree that the custodianship shallend when the boy is --16 years old andthat 1L O. Smartrt the father, shallhave"' the privilege . of i visiting ttlievounsster at all rreasbnable times." I

He declares this dOesnot meanf times -

Knight: aloneT. the


hia' Chi- -

neys reauy entertain iear inai flir.smari wm not oe anowea 10 see anavjsit tne onen ne wants u

airs. far.

Jitl ao Vfc wwu.uv. ' -

njent," in- - : the: Inter- -

oa page ;



RepresentativeIn" his ; laborand putting ; it ; through third readingtoday on a the

offered ty Tavares andCrockett, barber ;

from the 'of the

; ;i



'the ,

t m Rtn

said : would

V, ;on







r ,

Frank T Fletcher, U, 8commander-iixhle- f cf the At- -

lantifi fleet. a

SiM M OliV

- . lA. pv w reitssjV SACR AM ENTO, Cal- -, Marchv 10.

Johnson announced t'Vt1nad movement for tna par.

pi the Pacificatate.: The ahnouncemint

lowed a - .RudolphSpreckels C Wheeler, itsney.



- r t wipTMfli. i -

nese a re$ult of tneby the latter. says the boy

cott naa h3i m,e actua, effect en the

.-' 4


fA. , P. by Fed. Wireless! :Z '

V TOKIO,' Japan, March 10. The emtoday recived War

Chief of Staff Hattgawa at hisnter, "';; J




; ;

i customs'placed B. C. : a butfehet in the

Ipain Mail liner under

which Mrs,' may FRANClSCOCaL, March 10ias reasonable, but which Siaart Sagara, secretary' of Japan--wen as may oeem sucn; aiuaBi;ete Association of America, today ap-asserti-

his belief,"- - says Kiiiney,'peajed t0 tne p0-C-e to Japan-"tn- at

neither Mr. Smart or attor--. ege merchants from picketing byany

cnuu as astn child is-lef-

t n tne custooy, or'-

-rJapanese merchants K

: - - .' ': f m. then makes caustic comment; riinrnnr) nr --


.. fc V

connection Jwlth

(Continued three)


Makekan ' succeededreviving anti-Sunda- y bill

unanimous vote withamendments

exempting shops andfishermen provisions





act. removed.- .Tavares introduced i- - rest last night, withhouse bill allowing barher. shops : ing 0 smuggle ashore a "quantity of

to remain open on anywhere J. ': V .t- V

In'the Territory except Honolulu , inspector H. Ohveira; stationed atand llilo. ;

" r. ; ' 'r:v ? J Pier 7, stopped Reilly as he was leaconsented to have the bar- - ing the. vessel. The man was searqh-be- r

shop; amendment after' ed. . Three tins of prepared warhis bill on those institutions found cleverly: concealed; under hishad been Introduced and the debates Some of the was bid-theref- or

' about "Goodness den In his socks, the remainder beingamendment to allow fishermen to piu: found under his coat.-,- "; --.. V

sue their; trade on Watkins j Reilly . yas Itaken to the police -- staarose and asked if Crockett, who had' tion and thl3 morning was turned overasked Tor the ; of the amend- - 'to. the United marshals- Bailment, would cause ."his, arrest If he, was not forthcoming when the Mongo-Watklh- s,

were discovered fishing; on Ua for San.Trancisco .at 9Sabbath. ''.:-u.::'-'


"Qnra T ai!mlt flsnlnp ondays, but I wouldn't like to be' arrest-- 1

ed," AVatklns.. "How you

brought a. roar. of laughter.; -'- '. .

The amendment exempting fisher-- .men was removed a rising vote. M

1s that 'there is".smallintroduced.

to allow. Honolulu Darwrs aeepshops open .on " The

opening'Is opposed by barbershere.

IU1 Villi dJir: tf.VSJ-:r-

HE f





fiowtrnarinitiated'ase .Western railroad

fol- -

withand S. attor



aa boycott declar--

ed Sagara

O,-- ;

Minister Oka


United inspectors' Reilly,

Mongolia. ar- -


soKuight-- iKinney IADAII

charged attempt-ne-

Sunday opium.J.

removed opiumdealing

clothes. dru"gtcentered


removal "States


It believedchance being

behind tn MatlA triil..-,.-.!'- i' .; ;tTO'''f"' iJ, The customs pincers say that Reil- -ly been the port7

Rear Admiral Juan Martin was' an---Dointed by eovernment oftina1 as President of the- - navatVcom-- !mission In the' United Statesjv';v--'-l


ltor. trucks to cost about 0,000.



IAssociated Presa Service by Federal TVIreless. ,;; v WASHINGTON, D. C, Uarch. lO. With rcport3 frcm'

Mexico City and other cities ingraver and graver news of thethe United States is assembling a record-breakin- g fleet V readyfor active' service." .v-- v t;-- ::


Secretary;Daniels said today: "Never in the hiatory cfonr navy has such a powerful fleet assembled fcr activa. ser-vice' as that "in command : of Admiral Trank F.; Fletcher atGuantanamoCubaLM- -

i: ;




- According' to the news at the navy departmenti the C: :tconsists of --19 battleships, 23, torpedo boat destroyers,- - a C: j-sh- ip

and a tender.. . N v ''i'fi?--';-;-- :.. '.'-- - ';.


: ; Also Guantanamo are two armbrcd.cruicers, seven lihtcruisers and gunboats, all ready for any service, acccmr aricdby repair, supply and fuel ships.


I :';,;At Key Wcct, Florida, there is a reserve of ten de:trpj:rzand & tender. ; v , . .. - : . . .

v- -

i At Pensacola. there are sixcraft and mine-layer-

s.? '

, -

(Additional Associated Press

:1ri 11


L Is- IAsciated Press! ' v

BUCHAREST, Ramahia, Feb.' 2S.Rumania has four political parties, the

Prime Minister Bratianu; the'Conser- 1

vatfVe, lately In power and led by !

Pe.tre Carp, former prime minister: 'the Conservative Democratic, headed -

by Alexander, llarghiloman; and theNational Party which is at present a -

negligible factor but whose ratherbroad policies are in the main still 'advocated by Constantino Mille. pub - :Usher and political director of Ruma-nia's most prominent independentnewspaper, pimlneatza and AdevemL

Of these parties only one, the Conservative Democratic is avowedly pro- -

Russian and anti-Germa- n: Its leaderTake Jonescu Is. accused by his poli-ties! opponents as being more Russian that the Czar, and ,more English than Mr. Churchill.

It cannot be said, however, that theLiberal Party is to any great degreepro-Germa- n. During the life of KingCharles I, a Hohenzollern prince, suchis said-- to have been the case. Butsince the death of that monarch nodefinite official expression on the attitude of Rumania towards the belllg-erent,nation- s

has come from this part-y.- It is claimed, moreover, that theparty Is none too strong, and that ithas already Been obliged to look forthe Conservatives for support. It isknown, and Url Mirghlloman so stat-ed to The Associated Press correspon-dent, that Mr. Bratianu and he.workedIn accord on the war question.

One night, early In the - war, students posted upon the doors of the Royal Palace In Bucharest a notice withthe legend: "To Let" King Charleslooked upon this act as an expressionof rank ingritltude. To be thus serv-ed withnotice to Quit is said to havebroken his heart, and the affair is nowsaid to be slowly killing Queen Elizabeth, better known in UnitedStates as Carmen Sylva, who spendsmost of her time at the grave herhusband. .'.V- i -


Ministry is Firm. . T ..'i ...Marghlloman is iron-fiste- d, how

ever, and this Quality, it is asserted,has : so far assisted - Prime MinisterBratianu In curbing a-- public sentimentoverwhelming in favor of war againstAustro-Hungar- y and Germany.

At best the political parties of Rumania are small affairs numerically.the four groups having a total mem-bership of about 2000. , The remainderof the population of about 7,000 M0has no voice in political matters. None

. c. . ,hii- - iiui m v.

servers .say, grown a conditionwhich ; is largely responsible for the

has been clamoring for war, urged on.It Is claimed, by a Press heavily subsidlzed by .Rnssii. ; !

: -

There seems to be no doubt that If 1

the present government nreralls Rn-- T I

mania will the present stnrm

.remain firm. In other quartern tho

o'clock this morning. Relllv was leltUnf on m pnvnixi twiio.K!,i

reel If you.caugntr me w ine.acii" iior tne, past ten years m racine iau. present predicament of the govern-"I-f

I'm on my way on a and Japanese liners. He is well.known ment. While Premier Bratianu hasSunday morning and 4f L should see to a host;pf waterfront and shipping: done everything to preserve the neu-yo- u

fishing. I'll turn my face other; men. .. : ; ; - - Itralitj of the country, the population- -

..-- .


of any

their the Sabbath.all,

has passing- through

ihe 'Argen- -

; . ;











the sonthern republic T

situation south of the herder,

submarines, four tend cn, aiV'I;. :

;; V

Despatches on Pa;; Two.)

irr- -

vtL .i. 1 .1


fear wa3 expr- - .1 t' .t 'i;' ' .' '

'outbreak of rhauvir.:. : ! . ; ;

jmlht place t.e gover: t :.i t;.o i

fire upon the mo'j. ; la t:. t c. 2 V:.igovernment wculd go U ;.:.t, it wjasserted.. What the ve';:.t cf Kir:Ferdinand's opinion well I.i t: :case Is not .knows. Tl s : i 1? J.-- .i

befcome thoroughly Ru:-"!.:-r, t:.j I

tharest public does not forr t that !.?Is a Hohenzollern. On the cth?r hi.--. ,the present queen 13 an Ur.r'and for that reason K'.r.z I' rJir.-r- . 1

might be Invited to TTiOv?. aj W23 l.:.iuncle, the late King Charles.

A factor which ia m''Mhe po-

sition of the governmer.t anything l,-- .t

easier Is the strong'"-- ? in fav:rof war. of, Mr. Mille, pub:;.:.or of thaDlmineatra and Adeverul.Need W?r Munitions. '

There Is a strong' probability thatRumania. ha3 so far ke; t or.t of thawar by a lack of materials needed forsuch an enterprise. Mr. :!ar.;hilon: ninformed The Associated Pn 3? corrcj-penden- t

that the country was net yetpreyafed for-wa- r when the f.rst c

of chauvinism occurred. Krc:.iother sources It has been learned thateven today Rumania has net enous'imunitions n in the fieU longerthan four months.

"Where would Rumania be today Ifwe had failed to curb the wai feverlast September?" asked Mr. Marghc' "There would be neither a shellnor a cartridge left. We hive no am- -

.' (Continued on page two) . '

1EAP IPHP- "'-


The . proposal ot Mayor Lane toerect city haJI building lies at rest,to be revived when the United Statesgovernment decides on a site for thonew it.000.O0O. federal tmlJding. ;'

Tr tho secretary oC the treasurychooses the Irwin site across from thvv

Capitol building in Conformance withGovernor Pinkbam's civic center plan.Mayor Lane said that the city willconsider ; a proposition 'to purcha33the Gore 'slte, on the makai-Kw- a cor--.ner'cf Richard and King streets,' diag-- ;onally acrcss from the capitol groundand adjoining the office building .cfthe Hawaiian Electric Company- -,f, personally, am In favor of Ho-

nolulu having a civic center ."of whichwe can be proud," said the clhef exe-

cutive" today, -- "and for that reasonshould the government of the United .

States decide on . the Irwin propertywill favor the location of the pro;..

etf.dty hall near the capitol ground',


The Canadian government awarded, witnowt going to war. Dut even Mr. ; preierarbiy tne gcre site. 1 nuia' contract. tatbe-- Kelly-Springae- ld Marghlloman admitted there was na federal building site fc decided to f -Motor Truck Co.. of Detroit, for mo assurance that the government would ther p!an3 will tt. ;:.! fcr tv

Page 2: mmmmi - University of Hawaii · 2015-06-02 · and yet not everyone-ua-a me oppor tunity;. In the proposed course, th pupils will be taught the jcare an.d use of tlie government rifle


f i j




Franchise Conditional on License Board Control and

Prohibition Legislation

with .filn ii' toJJ..their merit tae amendments offered

l r Senator A. L. Castle to the brewerybin were auopiea unanimously Dywe

LLL PPrf 3 with

Dranca yesieraay arternoon, anatheir adoption the sneaaur pas

--4 ed second reading Tho tnr win be The T.'M.C. A win ronn a;U2en-- 5

i $ tip Tor third reading, today or tomor-- hfc committee with Lloyd RZ Kfllsmrow, and Judjdng from the chairman, which' will Include-rep-I- t

expressed by the different aolona will reaentatiTes from each of the racea.f" encounter too aerloua difneultjFtt gd--U wHI formulate plans of teaching


it t





ness. As it originated in the senateIt roust wr to the hous and receivefavorable consideration by that bodybefore passing Up to the governor forhis approving signature. . ,

The two principal new feature gtvven tire proposed franchise by th Caa--1 Jectarea win d pnaxea ana sem ou

M tie ameadmenU sre these malting the; tc the district which can not behrewenra aalet subject to by thewerk the first year.Itemf'df: ik Oahtf liquor licease coal--1 The response cn ' tho piir$ of. wmc&8 OT flees regulate tne wnoiesaiebusinessand making the brewery aubiort tf nrnhfhltfnn law- - ffAoMne' th

1 11

t ' The Utter meant that if prohibition' i Is enforced at anr; time In the terrt--

tory.' either br territorial or federalleslsHtlen, the1 brewery will --be euto--'

i inatlcairy estopped from selling ttapro-- t

tfnct ia -- IlawalL If uch law shouldI prohibit the manufacture as well aa' sale of intoxicating liquor the brew- -

n"a business - would come to anend; but if the statute should forbidcnlr the-sa-le of 'liquor the Honolulu

; rcncera cisht coatlcue a more er leasprofitable manufacturing industry,' de- -

pending on its ability to dispose of; iza product ia Aastmlasla or other dis

tnrt coiuitrles.. , ; ': ',;T.,e "amendment", as" 'recommended- ty the senate committee of the whole

tzS adopted were (r-'ct- ei in, the-- com-- "

niittee report ss follows: ' J

5 "Ar.icai section 1 by striking out oiline two the word and figures 'April

'u4 191S. an.d inserting in lieu thereofthe word the date of the approval

. liPreof.' and by adding a clause to saidtfctlon 1 commencing after the woTdT.' as fallows, 'except a herein

so thit said Bection: ascr.icr.dcd shall read as follows: .:

"'Section 1. That said ' license ofV:.e Il'nolulu ErewlRg " and .'MaltingCcmj-arr- lJ--!te- d. hereby extended t r. 1 c tir.rcd for a xctioa or r.r-aft-

Xrc n (..; frcra tr.d the ate( f t!.? r ' ; ua hereof alilje-c- t te tbe

, c: llt!ons, provisioas and...t r.c 1 ia f.a'J license", ex-- :

r '. 'rr-vld-

fd Hi' --

v .; i . . .r.t Ceciloa 2: Adda r.! ir:rai h to be known as Sec--3

follows: ', .

- : - ;.

2. Tl.ct all Eilea underbe cade subject to

1 :? rer-laticr- .s as thec i. Cc.r.!.:::cr:crs cf Cfc: i icat

within its

The l::-!atnr- e of thei:-w:- he ry reserves; c: -- d. al. car.ccl

: i tr.i hereby frr.r.:: 15 hcrc'.y erccir.cally:t j cry and rll lesi:'.t . rile : 1 or fedrref, eo

a . : llr the .reEtrictlcn- - cref tl? -- !e cf int:xlcat:-- g

ir. :cry cf IlawiiL"

i . J L ...-- L. i - ......

c cf 11.3 rCaticnal Guardr ; d:l t::.::ht Cart S'Jrcr

::;t:cn forlhe r :oI- -

.:! to select 'four mcat c

' ::. AH vz en la Ci d new thoes cr'tr.1- -

Y:. then at the arrory

i i ..a C tu ii. '

v . - . ;

in the tumaa 'body is similarto e ?cctrlcity in. 'a storage bat-trr- y.

It's the force that, Tmakes

Thi3 force in the bodyccrs frcrv the diestica andtr '."ilation of night' Food: the,kirid Nature recruires for build- -

Ir.g . and rrradntalatng healthytrala and nerve' cells, -

'' .


contains the - element Naturehas stored in wheat and ' bar-- ?

Icy, Including, the phosphate(grown in. the grains) absolute-- .ly necessary, ia." cozribiaatloa

albumens" of ; the cerpals. fcr' Bcrctal, cc!l-buildi- r- . tl' . You can krp d rvi.s Kner P to par cu Grrre-uts.- v




Y. M. C. A. Will Be nn


the'regula-freaehe- d

teiTltor7,.;v.-;v.:iiV.';-'-;'-- ';


Good'.'J'"Support in ; Its Plans fon aa groad.. Education f.

EducauoVofl the eVctorate. as thebest solution of the raca probVen. anda resolatlon turning the education- - ofprospective citizen over to IJteYZIt.c?. A. was th exnression of TO leadiarcitizens' of Hmohilu aftef';Uiteaitj5;toDr. snaiie.v iiamews, ur ' icneyu""l- - v- -. -

1 club last nighty ';J'-' Vp'

' izens, whether born cf alien parents' or Americaae Classes and" lectures

by leading" cUizenaVill b held at thecentra? association? the Japanese andChinese associations. atN some church--

and young people'a societies, t The

men asenV to BacV the" taKrvement.Dr. Gullck said Hawaii had vplendidopportunity ' to show the rest; of ' theworld how it ca deal with he que-- J

tion htch 1 felt stronger here thanon the mainland, 'duetto- the emailwhite pbpufatloB. Herw the ' Orientmeet the Occident and the flowingtogether cf racial groups m h dera-enstrat-ed

la Hawaii as nowherelelsIn the vrorld, he said.: $ t,

The-- Importance Cf the ; pyofeiem ':1aHawaii was emphasized by all thespeakers On the mainland J It i notdlfflcult to 'assTinilate the groups huthere the-- group ar o largr in--: pro-

portion . to Amerfcaa that! H 1 novvat least, impossible to bring' them allfa contact with th AmericaH influ-ence, It iraifc!atexl'ntr h::f9.; Dr. Mathews 6pke 'on' his mission

to Japan.' He declared the problemwithi Japaa wasnotrbne of 'bnmigra-tlcn- .'

as it la now harder to get out ofthat country' than into this but oneof Tcfc"dIscrin1nationwv-Tae- ' Japaneseaa nation feel insulted by the Indig-nity put trpcar then by barrtng theiroeoDle i while admitting- - -- Europeans.They base their relation wtth- - the

(CcntlausJ fron rr one)

rnunitloa-fictorl- ea ia endRussia must buy la, a neutral marketherself. Since then we have i beenable to install at least a few of themachines needed la the manufacture .oijuzmunitica. They are.poV in opera-tion as yet, however, j. In military 'circle at least cay stand -- then is' appreciated today. -,'

Humans' Arryk- - i.'.v '.V'-.-- i

.numania' ejmyia. a puny. thing Intl;i struggle of million of soldiersvThe tctal military establishment num-ter- s

ahout 6G0,v-me- n of whom 400-0O- O

are available" for service-'in:- , thefiring line would be ready Tor. servicetriist Hunrary after much delay ifLulsarla ccii be counted upon to staycut of the fray. .Although Rumaniatzr- what is probably the tronestriver . navy nonitcr : Keet 4a ; theworld, that arm alone couli' not- - becounted' upon to keep the DuLarlansia-chec- A force-- of at least 1G3.0C0wciiid be needed to prevent Eulariifrcni cccupyir.3 the Dobrodai districttr.d all Rumania south-c- f the Danube.This would-- leave aboat 'SCO.CO-me- a

fcr a car.ralja against the AustrcIIungarLiEs and Germans, who have airretdy teea-masse- along the Romact-t- a

tcrder- - ' ''' - '

- Eut it is saii that Bulgaria" armyi3 as etrong as that of Rumania, and

', as Marghilomcnr pointed- - out, the' sitnit'ea wcv!i then be merely- - thattwo new facivr3 teen introducedinto theEurc;.an war 'without advaa

-to either cf the present bell; ger- -

Itts. 'The strussla would thfea havetecome merely more general. Tnnma-- 'r.hv moreover, Cad herself be-tween two fires,1-- Austro-Hungarlin- s

and Germans- - la the north--and- - theEulars and. Turhs la the south. ; Theformer, it i3 thought, would descendea 'masse-- get possession of the

. Can:;ini oil fields-- aad'thu deprive: Rumania of the only fuel -- she has for. the operation cf her-nilroad- s.

Meanwhile the Rumanian army Is otunknown quality. The o?2cer presenta smart aresrance and'tht men arewell equipped so far- - as the material

;ea hand has permitted. What sort ofaccount this army-woul- d: give ot

'itself pitted against the well-season- ed

soldiers of Austro-Hungaryran- d Gertnarry and the veteran of Bulgaria, is

' problematical. yT"1 .' " --

1 The War parties fasist' that" Russia.France" and England could be reliedupon to. meet financW requirements.The coming of sunimer Would "teakeeasier lmi)crta Into Russia' and thenceto .Rumania, The great financial capacity &ft Franco aad'Eaglaad:WoVTd

-Ther- Delaware structural printing

compaty of New" Tdtt" was" fined ? 100;in police court' atr Springfield, Mass:,; for ;'empleylng'; 'woftien from outsidethe state When citizens of Massachn-eet- ts

were arguable.' "The company' appealed. -- A.-:. .' ,J V -

: Twelve new "case foot-an-d-

mouth disease, were discovered in thestock yards ; in" Philaderphra. The

'yard were fluarantlned.'r'rt

J5IscouJit the defxlency fa thfa Tespectwith the-'Btarce- s 'a -- rs ana, a -', '. 5













friendshlpf of "Americar - i.The1 problem was discussed frankly

with .Dr. Mathews by. the Japaneseleader who wiil decide. th matter forJapan, and a a result a better under-- ,stavdins wat gained: by. both sldea...

Tbe wlllingnes of tbe. Japanee tobe tatirahted,aaad become, citizens ofthe waited jBtsfea was brought, outZr the pentonar wperience' cr,aomeof the speaker. Dr. Scudder declared :

the mainland was watching bow a:

waif faced the problem and, , in -- menticnin the,'deire on-- the part cf theJapnaese to-b- e American-- citttens, saidthe new . cUliena t would show thatsame loyalty to the American flag asthe Hawaiian.

A. P. Griffltha noke upon th Ovf--

efttal .citizen and gave som Interesting statistic. Phlcb rovefthelnove- -

ment to be ttaely w view or tn-nu-m

ber to- - be elfgible-fo-r 'dtizenshilp withfa - f fewv rear. f

VT Rf Farringtoa' aldf tt1 fa neces-sary 'to educate, the electorate up toa. ncint where lreludlCB wiir not mfluenc the tife. ;H spoke" stronglyfcro 'sane understanding and the upholding or tne America nag. rwr .

Castle pteslded 'and calleff attentionto" the' Americajr duty to J4paa madedaw hr theeoort orDrtlatnew.:rAmonr itJeaker hp presentedthet;uject ia- - Yarying aspect werefl. ' A.' Ctettr Cfli urt '"81 R'3arne; Rev.Aafko Ak'ani anif F. C Atherton,' T)r.

Barhei todTiy-d- 4ttentiort6 a faet.VUtWWVW Wvvv J U w

that the federal court provide boolet of ;infoTmatl6rftoid lasftncttdr fbrprofenctivl ithen-- ' W

- Rev. Mf. Akana deciarect aiteuetii' the !sdoiar untTsafety of. the coming 'of good race aloekapougn nedep'fored'race-fusfn- g 'ahles;. it wereknown to ho ecientlncarry correct Kesaid that thprohlem-- should be facedWith: the-splri- t of4true"and hrbad'ChriS-tfanity- .'

l Hi'f atldres' though im-promptu .wai ' one of the' mosrmpre- -


stve ot tne evenmg.!. ; : ; : , - ..v P.C Atherton emphasixed the pointthat concrete action and. definite plansare necessary ' to carrr the spirit ofthe moremeht' mtd-- aeeompfishment.

Dr. Ma thews - left fcr the tdn islandon " the. Mongolia ' thr aiornln'tf.i Dr.Gulick wXU remafn here for sonw time:He win eccupy tne central union pu J-- '

,pit a week TromrSunfla j morning.

aiJ'ILOnEOAllmKAHULUIil The. offer of the i Kahulal; Railway fcompany to supply a boat Jor the harbormaster and pilot at Kahuml- - tem-poraril- y

for $71- - a month was acceptedby tne narbor commission, at us meet-ing- '

this - v.:. ...

The commission also undertook, annat.rvtewot several legislative

hataor Wut be pre-sented to 'the lawmakers- - ;One ofthese '1 a proposed amendment to-'ex--

fstlngJ statute that would create thenew'andvvastly remunerative tonnagetarl' ' ttf be assessed against an; car-goes 'loaded or discharged over territorial piers or landings.' . This 'has. notreached 4he legislature yet, hut probably-- will be. plaeed -- before.' jt. withinaVfew' dayi. ;:eVt,;: f) VZ'y

' " "i.:';' 5: DR. MATHEVVS BUSY.

Dr.' Shailer Mathews, president ofthe Federated Churches' ot Christ iaAmerica; is having a very strenuoustime during Ibla' stay here. YesterdaycwrnJag- - he. visited Takanogawa andspoke atthe Christian ; Theologicalschool and college on "The, Message ofthe Bible to Ycung Mea of Today" andin : the afternoon at Koishikaa; Bap-

tist Theological school he addressedthe pastors and students, on "Aspectsof Modern Tieliglouaf ; Movements inAmerica,'.- - tast night the-;TJsitc- r wasentertained at dinner, hy, Dr.. Nitobe' tomeet university professor and prom-inent literary men. Thie Tnernbrg-a- t

9 o'clock he will deliver aa address-a- t

ETti Pau', Episcopal school and Ih theafternoon at 3 he l will speak - al th eImperial' University,. .Tonight he" willaddress; the- - member; cf. the Tckio- - Y.M. C. A, : --"Caa; the Modem iUa he aChrl8tfctir Japai Advertiser.'-- tv::e .I-- ' ."?";


- That the woVld-famo- ui founder' ofHuH House "ther foremost citizen ofChicago-wa- s, a' a child, painfullyhandicapped by physical ' deformity,makes-'he-r career the more remark-able. ,I was an. ugly; 'piigeda-toe- d lit-tle girt with a crooked backv: Is. theunccmpromising" comment of the at:tractive Jane 'Addama of todsty.:;- -

v jThus hutdened from Wrth withTcuivvature of the spine and at times, witha peculiar cast ia one eye-oo- th theseconspicnou's defects,1y,the' way Snar-ly yielded ta medical .treatment thisshy child found perennial consolation'In her favorite fatry-tale- ; The - UglJDuckling.; Undoubtedly the" death; ofher mother' when Httte 1 Lauri : JaneAddams-.was'T)u- t tw6 years old ifl'evef-bpe- d'

a'supersentltrreness 'iout: herappearance that was smoothed by thisstcry whkh.stTangery ehotrgii,1 syni-honies- -1

her own ; transrormatiori , intotransceadent power; Though cot peg-lecte- d

ia her; half ; orphanage, " shedeeply osym-pathlle-

d ' with' the vngryduckling: whiehi a ! ihimbrtalized laiafaataekertturV, was evertasthigrvpecked at by other - memhers 'of ' hsuppcaedl family :'uatil one' day' itturaed into a beauafuf awaa and livedhappy hereafter.Berth'a 1

--DaiaariKaobe to Woman's 'World , f

- General xJuan Dozal, I Carranaistagovernor-gener- al 'ot Teplc wa exe-cuted at: Mazatlaa after h harf tHwftoescape to the Vaitetf" SutesT- -r Steamship traffic between Trene- - .

borg, Sweaehafld' 'Sassnifx. flikmnnvIsfoffpeC because of the ' danger


"-t-T " .,,4c.muu.:ul,,I,n, 7. ; -


y Though the trial of John T. Scullyand Henry B. Lewi on a charge offirst degree robbery has been In progress three day before a ury ia Cir- -

tare of the defense that the accusedtten wiff endeavor to establish has notbeen disclosed. '


' The' first witness for the prosecution. Chan Chun, the Chinese wboaver he wa robbed of by Scully,Lewis and 4twi others aofryet caughtby ? the vdttcB, finished his testimonyand, crcss-examinati- oa : this roorauix.Oae of hi . Oriental conpanlouv AhTim, wa-cine- to the witness standand th remainder of the y was taken in receiving h is vesiim of thefffir.;' - ; :

Attorney L'fi. .MeBride of counselfor Scully aad Lewis put Chan Chunthrough;, a long, close crbsaexainina-tion- ,

questioning 'him on every pointof the incident of the evening of Feb-ruary 3. Chaff admitted today thatLewi, not' Scully.went Into the otherroom in the- - house- - at ; Kalihl andbrought forth1 the packages containingthe tins of opium.' He said Scullyopened oae of , the packages and thatChan then saw ,U did not bear thegovernment stamp. .Chan said he didnot 'see many of the tins in the otherpackagesv as those were not opened,though Scully . had assured him theywere a Jl alike.1 The witness estimatedthat ia all--; there must huve- - been 30or 40 tins of the el size in thelotc He testified that Lewis had claimedthe house was hi own and at onepoint in. the crosa-elaminati-oa todayasserted that a Lewis came out. ofthe second room with the opium-- pack-ages la his arma Lewis : exclaimed :"Doa't take so much noise. You willwake up my wife and" thet children.' .

7 None of the, defense's qaestioumgseemed to indicate the kind of defense


It will make. " , r ;. ' '

mm pisERMXriY-REdREAT- d fv '

TOP PIN 0 D: JO FF IdAL 'M A I L.rTHE: HAGUE, ; Netherland, Wareh

t0.Thff Cermaa foretgrt orwe nasent formaf.expreK;on!,of regret, tMinister artOyke that 'the official manfcf the Arherjeaji , 'embassy- - betweenLuxembourg anf TWe jHigu ha beeeefused passage1: througit. the German

ctty 'of Treves, explairrng tWat; t'ftis

waa "duel "to "a misunderstanding ofth laflitary 'commandant 'at .Treve.

'reported british defeat , ;

by.turk;force;v-"-'-.:- -

l AMSTeRDAMHpttadd-- , Wareh. 10-- An

official --TwkliH' despatch, relayedthreiwh CtrlttC Saya that the? Britishhave bee 7 sisnafry vdfeared byTurk ' in a Battle a we head of tnePersian Gul L " A f British tandWi g pa4-ty- ,

after 430 hicf teen kilted; fled backtof Its ship fn disorder. rTh TurkishIdsseS trt' trtslgnlficant.


TOWARD PEACE? 'yr-- ' 'VV ?I'tLD N rpNrEnK March 4A'spatc'h- - to .theLDalfy TsfegrapH fromParis says tthat ita cornesponaeni, naslearned that the v German'' imperialCFhanceiforr' von" Bethmann Holfweg,miH a tatemnt In the ReiChStaalast Wednesday,, In WhTch ha set forththe term. uponiCwnlch Germany wlllbe wlllinflr to make peace. "

t , 'J," . " - . ' - ; "v -

GERMAN ARSENAL AT ; 7 .ANTWERP BLOVyN UP. ;,. 'vTho Central Nw Agency, from itsAmsterdam correspondent, has received ' report that x German arsenal inAntwerp ha blo-w- up, kilting 14 of

the jn4nt ea guard aaol. lluring 70V- - -- ..From Paria come a report mat the

moratorium, rHroon be .extended, bygovernment decree-ft- r a further, pe-

riod of' three month.., ;iJ--4


IN GERMAN CfTY. .:;y;.r ;

BEHLINJ Germany;, March 10-T- he

city of Wjlmeracforf ha voted. to Issuepotato tickets t the rsaident In thesame' way that 'tread trckets are is-

sued 1n other cltiei THe-- ItcketS willafloW aerations? 2? poind of pota--

toe er capita 'weekly, ; ; J..- - ' '


teamer : arriving : at'' an Italian, portyesterday' report "having passeoT iaFrench transports, headed for the Dar

GOUNARrS FORMS -- u' :.a::A'GREEK CABINET V; i . . : '

ROME, Italy, March 10. The situation In Greeceha clarified ome, Gou-hari- a

having succeeded Jn forming hiscabinet, the distribution or the portfolios haying toetri approved by KingConaantine.: In order to give the newministry an opportunity 4f strengthening itself before hiving to face theGreek deputies-an- d the oppoitron ofthaVtar ; party, the" King ha ianc-tlone- d

a 'month' . adiournmeTtr of th4chamber. il''""- -. M i f :

ir' I ibelDeved in : Athens that Ihepolicy-e- f neutrality to be carried butby Premier Gounarf "wifl" bemarkedby a favorahhy eflpoftloif, toward thecauo", of the' Serbians, 'the f A-

-f ormerallies of the Greek in the twe Balkan

'wart, --0 v --: r" " -t'' r

The poHce are investhxating a series of cane 4 fiflfescnarged to HenryWhite, a seven;year-ol- d part-Hawa- ii

an; boy. Aeeordmg 'to the story 'foldbv Chinese beloneine1 "to TTaiae nlaw- -

tation, the Boy ha confessed to 'set- -tinr-flr't- n n Filmiar "5 and

March 6,' Sing Chohg JtrOow the own- -cn, buj- - inac iney may nos prosecute.

rmnn mil it i mi -- 4 firi-proo-p

rAvu((i.iiLiiiii(( wmmuuiw ui tin i! fiifContinued from page, one)

pense of the territory. - The passageof the bill will do more than any otheract to shew the progressive patriotism t

of the Hawaiian eot)hPredictions" are .behig made freely ,

about the house cf representativethat the Holsteia eempulsory militaryservice hill will pass the house by a ,large majority," That th "bill will berfntar Kt ha Mrlffopv 'MTTnf 1 14- - v

to whom it probably will he referred .




a ; soon as- - printed and distributed, most thoroughly alive of modern In-wi- th

the that It' dustrfea. ' Any proven mechanical de-wi- th

mmor amendment nor effecting vie has an almost unlimited future,the mam body of the bill practically .The Marchant calculating machine isaa assured. one of the most aonderful practical1 "J. it . Coney, chairman of the house ; mventions of the age. It has

tmmMp vu outsDoken tfae minds of and of- -'

wheri Interviewed today, as also were 'fc workeri froax the bond of small,two other members cf the committee, tedious calculations, from the habit

"I haven't had time to digest thor- - u doing of those small operationoughly th contents of the bllL" Co- - which were necessarily done by stow-ne- y

remarked, "but i want to say that er mental and hand processes beforeI am strongly in'favor of a moderate the Marchant appeared. ; ;.

form of compulsory miliury educa ' the following' excerpt from ation and training. It is needed not letter frcra the United Ught and Pow.only as a protection to the United er Company Of San Francisco;States-- and the territory but" it Is "' "tt this particular company theneeded to affcrd some training and ; work by an operator ofdiscipline for our young men.'' The a : machine ill; one ; day could not , bebUL as I understand it, will work no J by'"tea 'Clerks hi twohardship on anvone. as it calls for two days. The machine ba proven eatire- -

ohurs a week for 11 months only andI have been informedt hat r wheneverpossible the drills wiU be held in the! ,;Thia letter and many others of terevening.'! 5 ; i - - 'tins merit sire available, tointerested

' t)AKMeM'it(ir a - ciiv VnnttoA parties': ' i? i .

member of the committee, voiced the I.

opinion that he believes in compul- -sory miliury Service for au AmericanMtiron "nnt mnrt iktsAlv -- allfprf and I

connecteflvith a race or-natio- with.hem the. United State9 may at some

future time go to war," aa ' he ex- - aemana. ror me maenme. -

pressed its He said that if those who It is the purpose, of this; advertisewcnld have charge of the enforcement ; meat to put our propositloa before reof the act would agree not to enforce ) sponsible parties who might bo inter-i- t

With rreards to those he" referred ! csted in aa Investment nv an. activeto tn. thft- - Abnvft dnctftttnn. h would ';- ' ivote recommendation cf passage., Representative - Kawewehl voicednearly the same1- sentiment a dasnvo'a h Kv Vni-r- i him am1i 1

members of the mil- - iitary committee refused to discusa the ;

bill outside of th commits matins, iCcney said that leading military leader and the governor would1 be Invitedto the hearing on the bill and to ex- -yress uieir views. . , , .... i

FOUR HUi.DHED lifl, Mt 4 -

V '.'i v i' , ft? - h ' t 1


" miTrs iTiTnrsrv "

Nearly 40 0" passenger, are on theway to San ; Francisco in. two: linerthat steamed ; from Honolulu today.Crowds thronged the piers front Whichdeparted the .' Pacific , .Mall : steamerMongolia and the Matsoa liner Matso- -

Jr;- - A ,v:.:vw captured


war(j th

wma. cvuuwvj.w m M

iuiu..wiuugo iar agency oi n. riaca- -

ieia. a smau amount oc general car-- ,go, and. Island products ,was forward

ia? w)svv uw, ia?ri ,Mongolia left the with a recordlist; of . passengers.' two- - score ; being. . . ' ' .urnea away, oecauseoi a ,iacaa oi


.'-- ; ''v-.- ' - :

; Departing from Pier 15 at 10 o'clockthe Matsonia carried 193 cabin' and 17steerage passengers. ??A A)A i

Hundreds of beautifully colored fishfound in waters adjacent the Hawai-ian: islands were' forwarded to the

exposition in the Matso-nia. In charge of Chief Engineer .man. tne risn were transported inseven specially constructed tanka The freceptacles are provided With tap for

while a desired quan--'

tity of oxygen will he added to thetank by. an ingenious method devisedby KlasmanJ JTha flshb will be a fea-ture - fn' the vexhibit at the Hawaiibuilding; Great care will .takento , insure their reaching the Coast Ingood condition 'A - shipmenttnVori hr fhA Xffltsrm' ru1tikt tn the!loss of less than ten fish out of a t6 -

? The'Matsonfa ' was loaded1 with'SOOtons of island cargo mainly ; consist-ing of sugar. Other products

to 110O tons' Included preservedpinea,. bananas and molasses la bulk. ij The Mongolia, and ; Malsonia were

each given outgoing mail. --. i : v


AMD.'- j.. f'. i ''..- - ';. .

' ': i



mVholesome . I



reccnimendstlcn pass

ilberat-mw- u'





carefully.-Oth- er


It is no exaggeration to atate thatthe office appliance busjiess lthe

ly satisfactory and we do nothesrute. to recommend 8ame.' i '

W axe offering the public a limitednumber of capital treasury, stock of

e ; vuarcaant v.axcuiaung . acuiuVOmpanr. : ine IUUU3 .uus securcuwiU be used to build andequtn a Iarger factory to meet the aow overwhelnv

growing coaeera now operaUng at ahandscme profit. Arrange for a demonstratioa of this wonderful machineany day or evening.

Gross fc Miller, Ine, agents. C. P.

hwro; ru8SI,ul& v. yv

V 4

1'ETiIBl . i'

? - - Honolulu, March 10, 1915.s Temperature 6 a.' ra., S; & a. m.,

72; 10 a. m.;v7; 12 noon, 75 . Mini-mum last nighty 84 1 barometer at 8 a.m4 30.08 ; relative humidity; 8 a. - m.,6L' -' '' "'.'' V1nd a, hi., NB 4 8 a. m., NE 1;

10 a. m., SB ;12 noon, SW 9. Movemint, past 24 hours 143; dew-poi- nt at8 a. m., 58; absolute humidity, 8 a. m.,5.190, .,;-- - ':. f-- -; :v-- -

I Total rainfall during past 24 hours,-none. '.- - ; ':


v Marcellino Seh; a Xllcan ' whotwo weeks ago escaped from a prison

Seh said that he had 'most ofliberty on the wind--

island. 'H4 was foundnear Wafalna. .'rwelvenDy the oBcers from field, laborers ledto the recapture of the prisoner. - Senoffered no resistance when corneredin his hldinir olace. - " '. : - '. '


".The American steamer Matanzas

sailed for Norfolt, Va, . for ; Bremenwith 6300 bales of t The vesselwas 'loaded., under, supervision ofBritish' inspectors : and the' batchessealed with the Brltisl stamp. " r

R08UI0, the Cuban aviator Who pro--tviHPd-t- n It :mer Ihe British cruiser0ff the harbor of Havana, and. dropnewspapers., was informed theBritish 'legation that he iwould befired on by the cruiser. - - J f


r,S" Jam Jor atenographeiand office assistant ; Reply givingexperience and salary wanted toP.-- O. box 30, Honolulu. ' 6108-3-1


Furnished or' unfurnished, 2 bedrooms,t eiectrie; lights, gas, orange, largev perch and, all mosquito proof, i 1418

Alapal; phone 1261. v ; 6108-t-f


FurnLshed5 cuttage aad;" light housekeeping' rooms; all; conveniences;electric lights; bath, running water;

; abort distance from Dostoffice; ra'od-- '; crate-Ca- n zel place, Fort and Viaeyarth Tef 1541 rr ClfrJ

... . NOTICE.

aloe Pbmtationr 'and Commercial.'.:.-'- .' Co.

A meeting of the shareholders ofHidalgo Plantation - and CommercialConrpany will ihe held at the; BishopTrust ' CoSx meetmg Toonr on "Bethelstreet' Thursday, ':lXarcb It. 1915, at'8

J o'clock p. m. ' Matter of great impor-jtanc- e

relative to recent oevelopraentsIwii be dJ&scuasedT and a. full attendancej Is urgently requested. '..

. - i '.'(Signed y PAUL ROSENBERG.

Cftatrniatt "Investigating Committee.?Ail t07-Ma- r; 9, 10, it- - - A ;

oTo wv : UiS" - by - a posse Including Hi gh

arff f.? i !M,e!SL2rf. Sherin WUliam Jarrett.night MfHa woods and Offleer Fred Belmont

glde of





Kins- -

ruaning water,









je- -.





';. Lanai Company, Limited.' . - . ; t '


At the adjourned annual meeting otthe stockholders cf the Lanal Conpaay. Ltd.." held at the office of thecompany, Hackfeld building' Honolu-lu, Ti on Monday. March's. 191Vth fbllowing directora and; auditorwere elected tcf serve for' the ensuoigyear:' '

.":-- ' r-- ' "; ;- -- -J. T. McCrosson, F. E. Thompson,

Ceo: Rcdiek. J. F. C Hagens, CecilBrown. A. Campbell. Rkiiard lver.directors; A. Haneberg. auditor. I -

At a subsequent meeting of thesedirector the following officers wereelected to serve for the ensuinr year' Cecil Brown , ;.. ." . President A

J. T: J.'cCrosson . .VlcePresiden t.GeovRodiek ..'...... Treasurer.J. F. C. Hagena... . Secretary..' J. F C HACKNS,

: : . Secretary. -6108-Ma- r. IQ.'ll. 12. - ;


At the aaaaal meetZn; of the stock-holders of the Kauai Fruit and LandCompany, Llr ited. heid'Mcnjtay, Mar.8. 1915 the following were elected of---fleers- - and directors to serve for the

ensuing year: ",

J. P. Cooke. . ; .President and "Director,ID. Pi R. Isenberg . . . . --v s . . .

f; .. and : Director,J. waternouse. Treasurer and Director.Jchn GhI Id.1, ..Secretary and Director.It, a"DniIaghara 'i..V.-:..;;- . Director.D. B. Murdoch-,;'...- . :..v. Auditor.... r JOHN GUILD,

'ZA Secretary. '


Til 2 iVery D 3ct B c ,

ianltcn .



and pro:npt : tzrvlzophena your crd:n to

C Q. Yce Ho c: Co.

Phone 3451

i Jo x.L i'.

We can furnish you" with detail; and estimates for ?ny ncr

..' "V - alt excursions. . ',' I"" "''

'.- :AA:- Phone 533$ . :

Honolulu;;; 'V A A T. H,

Heciric Lights and.: :: '





( i

iIJ( '


It I I ft .H T.

T.I 'C K C TIAlso Reservationsany point ea tha

V mainland. ".

'tee WEtLS-PAR-.

CO A CO, 77 S.King 8t Tel 1513


Page 3: mmmmi - University of Hawaii · 2015-06-02 · and yet not everyone-ua-a me oppor tunity;. In the proposed course, th pupils will be taught the jcare an.d use of tlie government rifle

.'. :.

Li - V ' ' T" 1 J IJL' 1 can laiuuu: Eggs

Sterilized Milk

Flavors ,yaryDaily

Kcnclda Dairymen'st Association

Phone 1542' '


Accuracy In ; correcting ; the defect.; ' "" Accuracy In selecting the proper

' frames. ;.;r-- : :.::::,::.. Accuracy In advice given. ;

.Accuracy in what' we promise and

... guarantee. ;;" ;'' ; V : - .:There Is no plaa where accuracy and

'skill are more- - at premium than withthe Optician. "We make a Bearchin gexamination and exorcise, the moatpainstaking care In the adjustment ofevery pair of glasses we sell.1 ' '

A. N: Sanford"5 "' 'OPTICIAN f

- "'i

Building , Fort StreetOver May t Co. .


THE von HAM CO,LTD Honolulu j ;

Asenta ' '.

' k,. u

p. h. cur.NCTTE ; '

Conmlssicner cf Deeas for CsIIfornlaand New York; NOTARY PUCLIC.Draws r.lortases, Deeds, Cllls oitilt. Leases, Wills, etc. Attorney forthe District Courts. .79 MERCHANTSTHCCT, HONOLULU. Phcne 1S48.

if you wiSH'io'AL.znTicr; in-

. NCv:rAPcr.3 -- m

Anywhere; at Ary Time, Call ca oi


124 C2r.::r:s ttrc:t .' Caii Francisco

ho;:glulu dy gcod3:co.- , cr.ArD two YcriK'3 '' '

. CALC NOW CN.;' v;

rr G. Hctel Ct. Onp. Cijou Theater

IIcnoMti Photo


L.v.rc'r.iur.i cf oriental" ;

... goods. ;

japanese dazaar,Fort CL,.Opp. Cathclla Churxh,

fpJ Latest Millinery ,

. r miss power1 .


v c rr. co s r: 3 --:-- :.,.,

-- Tort St. - ;

. n. J. CLAKE ,:'jriniifactur', Agent - ";'

CTcr .Hill's Curi" Store, Elshco.': v-jaad Iliac 'SUk r'-H;.- f':

.... Pfecne 2(4V:V:- - l- -


C Ql YEEHOP'f ,'CO.l

.. !'

m league yGil? CG;,ira

ml discuss mm. skit .


Proposed Laws Dealing, With

Social Welfare to BeTopicAt Meeting

Announcement was made today thatthe I Men's League of Central Unionchurch proposes to devote Its nextmeeting Monday evening, March 15,to the consideration of important meas-ures which have been or ' are to beintroduced in "the territorial legislature for enactment Into law.

The following bills will be presented:

"Abatement by Injunction, by Hon,Walter F. Freer. ; ,"

"Ltws ; Relating to juveniles,' byJudge Win. L. Whitney. '" ,

"Health Inspection of Schools,' . byHon. E. A. Mott-Smit-

There. will be opportunity for genera! discussion. - , ' , .

Each member is privileged to bringa guest V There will be an informal"get acquainted", gathering in : thechurch parlors for half an hour be-fore : 30, at which time supper willbe served in the parish house underthe. direction of a committee from, thewomen s society. . . ; , ,4

ATTORNEY LEON STRAUS is reported IU at Walalua: :'';;:,

V. a WILSON of Yokohama Is making a business trip to the mainlandin the Mongolia. : " ; .


; ALEX. MACKINTOSH was amongthe outgoing passengers In the steamer Matsonla today. - j - rr 1 -

MRS. BESSIE ABBOTT V HOWLAND, the singer; left on-th- e Mongolia today for the CoasC ' - i. C, W. CASE DEERING left for thecoast on va 'business trip today. He

. was a passenger In the Matson steam--er .: M atsonla. f.-r;- ' ,'.1 ? I f r ' i:

I MRS. J. IL NEU3TADT of Oakland.CaL, left for the Coast In the Mongo-lia today. Mr. Neustadt, who Islalsoa visitor, will Join her In a few weeks.

! --.W. A. TENER, general secretary ofthe Manila Y.vM. C. was a throughrassenger on the Mongolia yesterday.He visited; the local associatioi; whileashore. y. ' ' : ;,.vr

MRS. JULIETTE MV" ATHERTON,Miss Kate Atherton and Miss Flazmansailed by the Matsonla this morningfor the coast They expect to be gonetor several months. - ' Yk - - -

J. . H. M AGOON, Mrs: M agoon anddaughter left for an extended visit tothe coast in the Matsonla today.vTheytook an automobile In which they , willtour the Pacific slope. '-

: .j -

DR. PURLEY A." BAKER, nationalFUfc'rlMcftdent cf - the Anti-Saloo- n

Itr-tr- e cf; America,' left In the Matscnia this morning ; for - the coastMany friends bade him aloha at thewharf.,' -- ryy:: vv, -

DAVID GUNN, fbrme'rly cf: Honolulu,

and who was one of these who departed cn the steamer Clenror to Jointhe British army, Is tow at the" frontas a member of B Company, 9th Bat-talion, Seaforth Hignlandera,: according to a le.tter, received by friends InHonolulu. .' ' '- - ' i -

MISS CHARLOTTEthe monologist was a 'departing pas-senger on jthe Mongolia." She will goto her home in Los Angeles after vis-iting at the exposition. It is' probableshe will return to Hawaii later, asmany of those who have heard her areanxious for her to give a series ofrecitals here." . '.1 7" '

MR. AND MRS. "PAUL COWLES ofCbks r: sailed ' on the Mongolia ,todayartcra flyics visit to Hawaii on theirwedding trip. Mr. co.wles'Is In chargeof the central division of the Associat-ed Press, with Ineadauarters .at Chi-cago. v ,He visited Hawaii 20 years agoand during the past week has foundmany former, acquaintances still Jxere.

. BERTRAM . E. X1XON. son ofthelate United. States Senator XSeorgeS.'Nixon -- cf ?Cevada,Ms booked to leaveSan1 Francisco onrthe steamer Wil-helml- na

due. in Honolulu next Tuesday. "Mr.: JSilxonv who recently attained his majority. Is reputed tobone of ; the wealthiest young men InNevada, He visited Honolulu. severalyears ago and made a ; number- offriends ' here who will look forwardwith Interest toTals return..- - , f 1;


'Alleging' that he was wrongfullycommitted and detained at, the lepersettlement Oa Molokal tor ten "yearsand then "discharged andL being non- -

leprous,1 Jacob Sims has petitioned thelegislature to make amends ,by pro-vldln- g

compensatich. " The., petitionwa 8 introduced In the house today. !

Sims says he was committed , to thesettlement by - the board pf health InJuly of 1893 and that he was re-exa-

Ined In July of 1903 and declared freefrem the disease." He was ' then " re-leased. " i '

The. Peruvifin houc authorized a -

government loan of I.CS0.O0O, f v


(Continued from pageone) r

adiregUySiniaR-powet- 5 craft toprovide li--i'censa fees' was recommended

vlevs held between Mrs. Knight andSmart last) month. Mrs. - Knight ac-cused Smart of treating her : harshlyin his talk on those occasions. Smart'scounsel replied by affidavit, jhat hehad iieen "kind In his manner, and Inbis language" and had-treate- d her"with the upmost consideration..

"Affiant has carefully noted Mr.Smart's version of his interviews withMrs. Knight," says Kinney in his aff-idavit; ."that afnant ; believes VMr.Thompson when he asserts that Mr.Smart claims he was 'considerate ofMrs. Knight and kind in his mannerand In his language,' and further thathe treated Mrs. Knight with the ut-most consideration," In his said inter-views: v ,Slaps .at Smirt ''

, ''"Furthermore affiant affirms. ; that

said Smart apparently actually - believes and thinks that In the Interviewsaforesaid with Mrs. Knight . thathe. was "considerate of.. Mrs. Knightand kmd In his manner and tn hislanguage" and , that he treated her"with the ' utmost consideration," s butaffiant Asserts that this Is due as therecord herein will bear out; the factthat . Mr. Smart's conception of "kindand considerate treatment is abnor-mal and of an extremely low and per-verted type; .4 that the kindness andconsideration claimed by Mr Smart tohave .

been; shown . him to his latewife, Thelma, is of tne same type andorder as the "kindness aad considera-tion" shown Mrs. Knight: in their re-cent so-calle-d, compromise interviews,which also is as "affiant believes andalleges the same "character of kind-ness and. consideration Mr. Smart pro-poses to show towara Richard if allow-ed- ,

to retain . custody; ; of his ' person,and that the difference between Mrs.Knight's " version of her cdmpromls'einterviews with Mr Smart and the lat-ter'- s

version thereof can be1, reconciledto . some extent by recognizing ; thelimitations upon' Mr,"Smart's capacityfor distinguishing between! consider-ate and kind treatment and treatmentthat is .not"-- i VV .'1"t:-- j

denles in behalf of Mrs. KnLrht thatshe either directlysenteo: : to ' the truth of Mr, 4. Smart's

led' or intended; to' mislead Mr, Smarfiflf ttkihgidown in writing1 the condi- -

tldns imposed by Mr. Smart' In offering .Mrs. .Knight" the 'custody rot Rich-ard. Affiant states that Mr.tCathcartIs r correct irC his J affidavit i where, healleges that Tbe " was" never informedbyr affiant --of ther statement" 'made iyMf. Smart that he '.Was .prepared togive Richard; to Mrs. Knight thetime the last will of his deceased wifeThelma was read, nor had affiant inmind creating any such impression byhis ? first reply;; affidavit herein, 'butamant reaiflrmson oath 1 most posi-tively; that he was so. told by Mr.Thompson," his statement, being one ofextreme importance, and' one so, notedby' affiant from the moment the statement was made, particularly that pariorthe statement which fixed, the. daytnat the third will was opened andread as the time when Mr," Smart wasready to have given the child to MrsKnight if she had acted right" - ;




'.The 'following by "Dr.' BernhardDernberg, Jnnder f the ,: headltg; UoDouble: Censorship for, GfnriiAmerl-cans- ,

appears In The Father land :In the , new law of acquiring 'Ger

man cltixenshlp. that went Into effectJanuary. L, 1913, it is provide;! amongotherthlngs.that under certain circumstances 'German cititens are: allowedto retain their, Germaji allegiance evenwhen acquiring, citizenship of a foreign . state..: This is made .contingentupon receiving a ' SDecial s sennlsslonfrom th0 Chancellor .who ,1s to .beguided by the recommendations of theGerman consular .' authorities; I Thisprovision is inserted for the purposeof ascertaining whether, there ;: wouldoe. in case permission was granted,y acoallict of duties bet weel the Germancitizenship i and , foreign' - cltlien&hlp.Such permlssloa win nat be grantedwhere a conflict :of. dutfesT Artaes."

"The :. United:. States demanding anoath . of ; alleaiahce land : abjuration.such permission. Is out cf the Q iesudn.No German consul, ever recommeadedit . and , there is no American-- citizenexisting who. retains .German eltlzen- -

ahlD.. : --y'tTv.:'..

partly? because :sugardroppeitindmore because ' Investors' don't . wantstocks, the elump continued this rnorn-Ing- .'

There' was 'little1 trading. ; .Brokers won't ; buy unless special inducemeats' are' made and those with .'stockto sell in most cases" won't drop.thelrprlcea as Inducement', I V i

Between boards quotations held firmbut this xnoxnlng das' dropped Mc-Bry- de

M : Brewery. Is ;now selling at' ' v ; r

; Adolph! ' Kabuaze W6kl was electrocuted fin j the . New; Jersey, priaon"' atTrenton for the murder of Marr Bol- -inkien. - ;0 J-- - I ; i i

-f-t .. - - ' - - 5. . ..

Dji!i.Yji5j:msa5 1, ,"Lers- - go And - have a dish of ice

cream at the Sweet Shop!" - iRound the Island' In auto, 15.00.

Lewis Stables. ; Phone 2Ml.-Ad- v.

to order. Mrs.W. B. Ben. Xote Bldg Port Adv.i The 'new stylea and patterns n !

Palm Beach Suits; S10 and 110.50 atthe Ideal Clothing Co., LUL, 84 Hotel

, Take; home beautlfnl bouquet toher tonight from Mrs. Taylor's floS1st shop. Hotel street, ' opposite' theYoung.Cafe. , ; .

Wrapping paper, twine, cutters forroll paper ; - everything In i the paperline at the Hawaiian News Co.. Ltd.In the Yonng building. 4 - ' '

i Having completely recovered from fhis late luness Dr. F. SchnrmaX osteo-path, may be consulted at his' offices,Beretania street, cor Union. Adv -

Buyers, who have Inspected ' ourspring models marvel at the abundantrariety ' and exceptional beauty of thehats displayed. Milton & Parsons.Adv. '

'Establish closer connections withthe ; other . Islands by using MutualWlrelessfoperated by the ' MutualTelephone Co Ltd, office la Adamslane.. Phone 1574.

Rexall's; vegetable compound is Varemedy prepared, expressly for tired-ou-t

rundown women. ' It brings relief. Sold by Benson. Smith & Co, at LFort and Hotel 'streets. ".

h LEGISLATIVE NOTES 1; . The members pf the house will asemble ta. the. house chambers $.t 7o'clock tonight to go in a body to thegovernor's dinner.. - .'(.5 -' Brown off ered( a bill in ; the housethle. morning to establish a civil serv-ice department In every branch of theterritorial government . .

y - " - V..: ' ;

' On recommendation of' the -- flnahcecommittee, YielraV house bill to re-peal - the law ' relating to the territo-rlal- i

bank examiner, was tabled.

i The health comniUtee recommended(nHav In t hnnHA thit I.tirnn'i hfll

behaved territorial prisoners ?asa, "

The housQcommlttee on finance, recommenaea , payment ot claims aggre-gating ;55 02 ' against' 'the' Boys'.. Industrial jichqpl for new, buildings.'


for Pass--




the bouse this morning to appropriate$ai00 for- - & military' road from ; Puu--malle, Hawaii, to , the shooting rangeat South lD13,ifor the use of the na--

The meraf ra:of theJJiouaeiwlll bethejpies,ta ofp)e goYerno'at a dinnerw oe given ar ine residence oi ur. anqAirs.- - a. uoopeiviacBieia ana u)fnalllo ftreets, tonjght. The Hawaiianband w)U play.

rThe finance icothmittee'a recomhien-datto- n

In the bouse today that NormanLyman's . bllj to appropriate . : Slfi.OOQtor

.- homestead .. roads Hat Makawad.iMaui, be amended so thatJthe. amountbe reduced to'llO.OOO.waa adopted.

vima"msbJ:whoft taV: gained fhereputation of T&elng V strict 'follower I

oi me sail --711s oeuer xo oe eeu ana

riot heard,", arose tn the : nouse; todayand presented a bill tp.' do away withthe' smoke f"nuisance ?caused by locomotives and the"- - burning 5of InferiorfueL Sv '".V" '"';- - ' r

'.A resolution' i,Tequestfng the Horiolulu Rapid Transit and Land Companyto allow: smoking ; on 'the 4rear;platforms of Its cant Is in preparation andprobably-- , 'wilt beIntrpduce'd ln' thehouse of representatives this week.-I- tIs freely predicted that the ' companywill V grant 'the request"' for at; leastas long as the legislature- - itSBlfXITJ- The tiousefinanee irotf mitteei ; N6tman Watkins chairman; reported 'fav-orably, upon the. bill; to t exempt , laundresses from the law; compelling'; thepayment or - annual . license, fee. tothe .city of Honolulu with ,the amend-ment Inserted so that .Instead ; of fouremployes of a laundry Jbelng exemptedine piii win. exempt only women : whowork In their ;own" homes and whodo not employ hired; assistants, ' I

vl 4-:'?-- ;;; ': flW. H. Crawford's" measure to repeal

the statute ; prohibiting having opiumin one's possession came back ; fromthe health committee with the recom-mendation- that it pass. Represehta- -tiyes Cooke, Crockett, and watkins ob-jected : to ; adoption of the report ' onthe; grounds that; the territory "'shduldretain Its 'power 'to prosecute offend-ers even; although 'thernew federalstatute :has Just gone; mto effect Thebin. was referred 1 back .tor" the 'com-mittee. M i;iV'


. ucyi cacu wum toiir, uvrau I uiicuutoJtake any chances on?' either vthedepartment heads'or the4 finance) com-mittee slipping, in --any salary raises inthe' 1915-l- f territorial budget ' whichwlUbe, presented.In touslateIf 1 a resoluUon .he . presented-todayrl- s

to be taken as a jrterion; say severalrepresentatives. Aiu's resolution callsupon the department heads; to. specifyinvtheir budgets Ihe juhounfof salaryat present paid to their various Clerksand - deimtleit.YT r,

kraln and fixed stations were success--'

rnrfrvn mrmriniimhm rrbiH htMihDecember J 30 12, showsthat In these 33, days the British ormy

a total -- of 257 officers,-- - V

- - f:.

i V

;?Iiawailan"todge1jCo! 'Upf iid''i.if., special, second, degree.' tonight at7: JO o'clock. v T r

The. territorial grand jury will meetat 3 6'clock. tomorrow afternoon Inthe Judiciary building.

Honolulu" Eakles -- lodge meets thisevening In Pythian hall at 7:30 o'clock.Initiation of candidates.

Representative WT. lUwBns; willtalk on': "Swimming fStrokes" at theY. M. C AJ tomorrow1; evening. - v

. Attorney A. .D. Larnach gives theflrst'of his lectures on "Business Law"at the Y. M. C. A., at 7;S0 thU even- -


f.The. Hawaiian ;' band played , twosteamers off this morning the Mon-golia" at 9 o'clock, and the' Matsonlaat 10. : - -

There will be a regular monthlymeeting' of the Y. M. C. A. directorsin the association building tomorrowat 2:30 o'clock.

Classes in civil service subjects' arebeing planned by the Y. M. C. A. nightschool to prepare local applicants forgovernment positions.

r Children's playgrounds ; will vbel asubject presented to the supervisorstonight at' the: boara meeting by In-

terested men and women of the city..?. v.. ; f;

.GoveTOor Pinkham will be" host tonight to members of ' the territorialhouse' of representatives at his residence, LunaUIo and Hackfeld streets.

;r xi- -

9 ..'.. ji.;''1--The-;

men's iwimming' eiubs are In-

vited to hear Representative Rawlinstalk on the history , of the - popularswimming strokes tomorrow night atthe Y. M. a A.? , ; .:,

' Prof'. Vaughan , Macaughey of theCollege of Hawaii will speak on "Land-scape . Gardening with Reference toSmall 'Gardens' at g p nw Thursdaycf next week la the UbrAry. . ;;.

Twenty inore men were dischargedby City Engineer Whltehouse yester-day from the; road crews after; a, tourof 'tospection. The city engineer laidthey wouldn't work fast enough. ;

; A ' news despatch" last night: saidthat two; Rubens tela brothers; of Horolula have been summoned to Chica:go' as, 4 witnessed la a bigamy case.

pcthlng is knownere of the matter.r ' 'Vj'-t--


'iv''-Vr.-.- - t l J.


iter. Lfdao t. jret ui, jruwuyw i-

Votra ' vfh?nn -- 'will tdrSR'' tn midweek meeting": of 'the ' Central ; XJnloachurch tonight At 7:30 o'clock, Hissubject will be "Problems In China.'.:j r a'. T- V-j-

Attorney A. B.. Larnach will givia.h!sfirst lecture on - commercial lawito-f.- t

i . v. v i.r 'c a

The Lectures; numbering eni'WllI dealwith, the fundamental legal-principle- s

unaerijing uubiua , s .. . " .

- - - r rf Mayor ' Lane anri" John . Tj Croesonattempted to . inspect the Interior' of '

aWiahole tunnel yesterday and wereforced ' to dive and swim , in eight or ;

Uen feet of water. mayorprovedrhimself A real Hawaiian' aquaticter. ; . r - v 1

Prof. T. A Jaggar1 will deliver anillustrated lecture oo, "Kllauea andMauna Loa . la 19 H" At the secondmeeting of the, Hawaiian .Volcano Re-

search 'Association to be held In theLibrary cf Hawaii tonight it. t o'clock.No admission will bo charged. Thepublic is, invited.': 'H.t. 'i.--

,The right to'lcltizenshlp of Takao

Ozawav the "Japanese who applied fornaturalization some, time ago,' will hedecided' by Judge Dole la "the 7 federalCourt April 10. "" A4 'period of twomonths v was requested ' by Ozawa tnwhich- to obtain: mois Ihformation re- -

gardlng the' naturalization laws.

'e-Bar-A'Iatlci- a 'ct Hawaii willhold a meeting at the1 Board of Traderooms" . tomorrow ' afternoon . at '.' 4b'clockl It Is;4 understood": a1 numbercf legislative'' subjects are tobe dlcussed; particularly certain; proposalsto remedy present statutes affecting

The eighth jnnual . account pf theHawaiian Trust company, trustee un-

der the will of the Thomas Cufemlns, was filed In circuit court today.The trustee charges Itself on accountJcf. principal in the sum of f47vC58.9$and shows receipts on Income durtafthe year 1914 amounting to $5317.22."

" .. , .. - ; " . r v - v .;.. . -

Dr. Purl?y A. Baker,, national super-Ihtender- it

. of the .Ahti-Saloo- h League,and' J.vA. Metcalf of Ohio, were guestsat'a'Iaau yesterdaf 'afternoon at thehom&jof Mrs.' Emma' Metcalf. . In theevening ?Revv aha 7 Mrs. Wiestervelfwere hosts at the. " meeting; of theBuckeye, Club' at their WaikikI home.the-- , two Ohio :

visitors being, honoredv

Key Lyman; c reet;. wno is visitingbis college .friend,1 Hon. VG F.'; Frear,will : speak at the mid-wee- k, meetingIn Central Union parish house at 7:30o'clock tonight .His ' topic will, be."Problems In ; China.", ; Mr. : Peet Is

Fodchow. and Mrs Peet Who ".mmmpanied him; to also. m the faculty staffof! that institution. i - -

.. . f. v.- . y:r .. j;,- -.

;? The report of the clerk of th firstdivision; of ;the- - first jturcult1 court; forthe month of February shows that 31criminal cases' were j disposed " of ! In

guilty ; and received the court's sen- -Aence. .. , , W ft, I

fiSwrSiS; that period: Uevea Jurjr trials were.sfJtX resulting In five convictions,'

fulrand wUf lead, to the extension of t"1"!.:the road's wireless system. k - U e second same case.. Anitiekt'lta. defendants entered pleas of

and 'January w

lost r

',.-- -


-- :







j'.; . . ' Iy'; . F r: : -" The women's society, of Central Un-- t





AH-wo- ol suits

maroon, navy,grey, delft

f All button v onleft shoulder.Worn by ladiesas well as men.

$2 to $5 .


Ion church Invites aR members of thechurch and congregation and theirfriends to an informal reception to beheld at 8 o'clock : tomorrow night inthe Bible school rooms. , Mrsr L. . C.Abies, with a number of assistants. Islooking after; the catering for . theevening, --Miss Katherine "Voodford haschange . of the, decoration, Mrs: F. J.LoWret if tie feceDtion committee,and' Mrs 5C. Schmutzler'of the program.For the,nuslcal and (litefary programMrsKenfleth Barpes' will) render apiano composition, with explanatoryreading by Mrs.: Frank Atherton.MissLouise Churchill will sing, F. E. Mid-kiffjwi- ll

give one pf.hia popular read-ings; and Miss piara C. Pearson alsowin sing. J,;

- v ENQLES COPPER UP.'Engles copper stock Is now selling

for 65 cents a share, it was learnedtoday. ' The par value of the stock,fixeo at a reorganization a aort timeago, is' 25 cents. It is predicted Insome quarters that the stock will goto a dollar before long. " v

""s'T'r"--"" tT'm v


: 93 QU E E N STR E ET. -

mwm V


- .


;vl Si; -

. - .

Visit the

1150 Fort Street,

. V ' ;- j

'1-- 1 UV






i i



' y



r v


HOME FOR PBIMARi:,l ' '.,.1 1 7. t v. ; - ,

, A number of lawmakers will 1? r.their, seats in the house of repre:tatives and senate the next few d3,to return to their own homes. Co::- -'

elections are to be held on Haw .

Maul and Kanal and many of the 1;j lators frcra those Islands are anxic

to exercise their franchiseTbe Kauai committee in the ser.-- "

which 1 consists of Rice and" J Ilk:announced yesterday . that p gpc :

meeting of the committee woulJ 1

, held at the courthouse at'LIiue, Iuai, Saturday afternoon. Rice, tprobably--; Milueleiatend- - Iiav'.r. j I

and deslro to rKauai citizens Saturday tolegislative questions with thei.liar gatherings likely will take r:cn the two other Islands oa tLa e;;

'day. ; : : ; , '

BTAR-rntrT- n niTn --rr

wm s " i -


- p. o. rox r"

A ' S r 1 ' 1 - '' Vs '

arid Gurios51- j -


Blalsdell Hotel CU3.

'if- - .'

'' '.x -f r

:'Are . the modern' kitchen marvels. 1


: - V Hyalenic, sclerv ?

tiflc, economic ;

'v Cooki bake and .

y reazt anything.Eily to -- operate.

' Save 75 In

' f fuel- - Aluminumlinings. :i Prices

The House of I


ITunaim St.

Silk and CrepejGoodsKimonos




nclulu-tomorro- w


Jiact mciian AJuno' kzorc.We carry Canton Linen embreldered table covers, luncheon sets' bu-

reau .scarfs, etc Japanese silk and cotton crepe kimonos and Mandarin coata In' the latest styles Javanese gold embroidered si Ippers.

V. w'Jf

Page 4: mmmmi - University of Hawaii · 2015-06-02 · and yet not everyone-ua-a me oppor tunity;. In the proposed course, th pupils will be taught the jcare an.d use of tlie government rifle

St"" "i; " 3'.

; ; ' - .' '.



m. Lcadinjt Jewelers

' "'--' - - i -,

WEDNESDAY... Va, ; v. MAUCII10,191 5. ion the training of the individual along physical



(Hawa i i8 opiortuni ty to prove j is American

'ism' by. helping ina large measure to solve thei o-c- a ilea Japanese-America- n problem; was

in he nen ';i?ho met atthe University Club last night." There wereplanters and Jawrers, ministers: and teachers,1 hysicians, editors, men in. public office, menia a variety of private businesses. V- V-:-- '

.'These men, if individually they: will iake offt heir coats and do some of the work outlinedla V ttiglit canf gi ve Ifawair a tremendous ad-

vance in social betterment and inAmerican-i-iDg- .those of alien bloods ,;.CiV:v ;! j i"-- -

. An interested observer last'.high he whohas held i public office in Hawaii and held itrith distinct credit eaid after the meeting: "

"A lot of those chaps ; who applauded ther : ' n;crs ara men who probably 'don't registerrvote' at elections, avIio shirk jury duty, who'vMn'Lrun for public office under any eon- -

t 'That lcinni); hits" 011 the! head the; nail that

: :i:t be tlriv.-- deep.". $ v T' .'iVachinj tl.e ulica and tho aiienysrchil(lrcnV .institutions, and the, customs of America

ill do i much for the' Hawaii 'citizens the

LIQU02- -

newspaper Everett,Though


proposition TeenlatibnJlawaiian:





e. bv liv- - mos advanced promoition drunk--

' interested, wide-awak- e American conipieieiy;' r live taliini active part'in of Ilawaii;

t , ::::::u::ily's social and Apolitical'; life: i :: , t h e i ; ro hi c:r. - cf government: i) X ;: i

it's a matter cf educating only the alien! cur; clvc.. How toon will the inspiration

; 2 c: tunity given l;:?.t night 3e'!fo'rgoUeh.byr:c.Z- - tllo very m;n; who"--. applauded. mostiy?


v V


m u m m- -

.V.ii, t. HV Id not' to I:;!:cii on: thetl.j hcu j yc l.ici. ;-

- -- ftcr--u!

?rv milil. t ;tiou4 , i . I ft. 1 1 i 4 4

I1 J v C t C


t iV quite !!!;ily; to

V '::, .

1 1 j removed.

"! . .pi j...

c. rt::i::lv I:tmcfit; will

;; will 1 a Icu;: tlcp towardmiL!:.ry. prepar-- u


1 tl:un raw masses

- 4 4 . -

4 J 1

4-- V i


- -


. ( :

; : !cr t!.e



: .nd: t"



a::d .mcral im- -


la Itit i r: .t


tatiej4-- r ,


:alCf ;rv

1 in this till will

t!:s cf Hawaii are tivmcd with theme h'v ttev riu't f i.1. r.n,

v the. is f;o:::g. 10

r, t!:::i th-h- iil 'rill 7 : i::::m.: ur:th. 4 V 4 .. - 4 4 - i -

g i.i to hi f toV:in luiovr-umn- , xi:c:i tue univv.-ii- i

are be n:ea urcd very

i:: -- J meters.-- There re t upon

f th:









lae ds'cf

ad t:ars enly upon theorv militnrv cduea- -

- r:.



ml'tLiails in... 1 tic : ef the tcr


, 4Al V4i..Av.iC

:e cramory "scnooiublcscme aspects.11 be heard from.::d.i'to 'the state'sng military will be

o, we fcrceee that

and disciplinary-lines.- -



" i -



tllawaii 's liquor f license cmmissi6n)law- -

givehtwahn praise5 itr Ibf .

WashinfftJon. ; Washington has voted


"drv:' efforir ; ' ?c . - , m 01 trmy t the youni,' Fillblnos Honolulu

TrUitmi ' m"uon8 laws now .bust .with- H.traband.' bereU, Intended --:;v '''.the necessary sppropUtion insay: ;.;K. .v

(UVI V A C t,wy jrvkOvup Xk.uv owtv u&- -

ficieUtlv to be willing " to si sm we pfogtess. there ever-chanjrln- z

another in they be benefited by amendment: But arecan .in the systemVplan;should impress legislators the ,people morir, not have stretch hisfayorablr fr&toMbnttto1!'the hotel keenera the state.. For BCtmcnts the .1913 Ieial'tnrp. andthe liquor J Haianislana perplexity United .intention were being,:buttroVemmcntliAfterNr:a? .thatt local optioii ivrl tii tationswas pre ferablci since thtyadoptionof'thisplan , lavebeenf jas ' satisfactorytliroughrcsilation as have 'been in

::: As innch bo accomplished state andactive, t'nness-a- suppress

;!icnld an Under, the theov--


'.: i.ti'tiil,







of the territory appoints ; a com-

mission consisting of five.members' 'ifrpm ? eachcounty.4 In every cse ' up to - date these 'menhave been f a character representing the sen-

timent of tue. people oDLthc 'islans'jfrbm ! whicht hey : liavo. been appointed. ForNinstance theisland Kauai is; anti-saloonpa-


tnisb loners have absolute pber torefuse anyor all lipenses without appeal, they decided thatin Kauai ' there "should be' onlytwo wholesale,housesl which are -- allowed "i to seUHntdxicanis( by the bottle:. and in arei j loons periiiitted, Onthe otter hand in Ho-riolul- u,

the Sentiment isA;in- - avor : bf :

saloons:There the commissioners granted Hcensefor aJ mall number of saloonst .wliich are ; requiredto cli e at12 p. nf. and on 'Sundayg'v?I?he?pr6h'j :h tcr c ; a jialocii is held strictly, accountablel r fV cf his pqtrens,, and upon;com--I

' mlj if a in ah is discovered drunk ;in a sa-

loon) the proprietor vrarned.lPor .thejsecondc f fedso his license is suspended or.a'lperiod offrom to three monthsj. and for thef.third of-

fense it is revoked. M -; -- cff-i'-


'' War's injury to the business of ineutral ; na-tic:- :s

is touched upon iu: the weeklyletter ofHenry Clews, the New York banker whose ob

t are always worth, reading.'; "'He says:'.

' War Its dlsturlcil credTt'iand trade as to W-- " 'ra;r cc: ce, and no ires.! Improvement $ thelitter r::: :ct be cxrectsd. until the nrospectafcr ? I rcve. An er.rlr tcrmiritlon'cf the vary : u: lz : Or ; a rowerful Etlziulus Tor busi-- '- .

i.c vc.r It. il r tlr.Itc 1, Cttea. At. uresent --: ; - : O 1 :!- -t ccrctcd ca' restricted lines." - The (i..... :. t v.":: I l:f Is epasr:o2!c.'andvi

i r c' - i ta r." :!t avelor?nentS'

i.i f...:-a- . L.. s Prc;-a- : j i,ie;;rad3tfcr't-- e Lctitica cl Uz war 1 su;3 cn.the i:. i icr3 tv.!3 uravcliatly exerci-c- 3 au;ca IL3 crUre market. -

Of courso big; war orders - are pouring : int o

the. United States tremendous ;orders-an- c

they-ar- accompanied bycash But these Avill

not o7?ctitho great blowhtdwoild-busine- s

dealt by war. ,'. " V

of. the obvious things tojdoif'ngrcssri!.cs to relieve the people-fro- taxation and

at the Kuuio time to stimulate, trade; is'to.repeal,the law v.-hic- .place :ugar on the!fred:dist-nex- t

year: - Let tlie;cld duty Tje'reI ccpi'will jmy no more for sugai whilel thego vcrnm c n t w il 1 ge t more revenue.---Washin- g-i

ton Post . ,.' V : v .1 Z aZ:VJ:xZ 'ti

'"'SanTrarTciico's'big'afair is called the 'zonc'Vbut entirelyrout' 2 t!:e ."track .c f --ubnnrina warfare! 'J

Holding down a piortfolio lnthei Balkaps t ate must be about as . comfortablea 30b assitting cn'i, 'idiy-ycivcJ&tS- iJ

No w. that5 Congress7: is over 'Grandpa Wilsonwill be to see something of little Francis

;'vDelaware lias lost step ia procession fnf.-nrf-T mill cnTrnnvn i ,'i

Retrenchment is also , good business me European DattlcaeloViiv:

r J

(The BtM-Culiet- !a totltel ftw ant!frxnk dlscus&loa la column on allesltlsu t suit jecU ct current JntrLCoaxaoslcatlont are -- cotutujUy rreiTed to" whlcino slsaatar U UfrUclred. This paper wUl treat as eon-fldenti-

' ilrntturea to letters If thfrrtterg to :eatrtj r jSmt cannot, sire

TTT '-'--

; tn&f r argumeatnuwunt wws,' BUT MO Kt EN


Editorilonoftt4 StaBolletarSir:; v; In . r the1 eighth ; legislatare

or tne Territory of Hawaii ndw,ua me . ultimate Tesuits






-- 5:':"S!rr




these little





BOB.--- '



Ization, Ateal-er-a


cur T.

r --- v nVartery refuse

l V;kUled.

3 A. .,HUrtiia iuui 11tleaders wniie


The HUnf acrossr vm". Tours or are v.




tv a

w tvut uiv a ltlUcUS Ud( wo xaJ ai v o " a v uaa

nwuions peopletne their. ; Uaif


surpose for a moment that l trying ,The Filipino CarnWal : committee, sion v .

to thai further legis-IM- r. V. AI Ucnsbn; M. Peres. Mr. i was shortly walllatlve enactments As' Leo, Jesus, N.Corttreras canne down tbst a high wsli around


licruoffind tfat

and a--m to . memory

bv of. : of


inj the. ive-P'- 1.







rva ions









intohw ior eniorcemem eooiea

Let the people not Jose of theTact that' the enactment of a law haslittle or: nothing to ido with r Its enforcetnent in man Instances it seemsa case; of "nobody's baslness" to seeto It lhaf, the law is made useful, tothe" community. :, 'i- - '


t It Is certainly startling focontem?the mass of laws we wbuld hare

If many of them did not die a borning.But eren outside of that are gifenlaws' in; 160,000. bunchea that notdie, but at once seem to pasa Into' astate of fromwhieh 'theyat long Iritertals trotted . out for somespecial occasion VK h:I ."It will be a good guesser that cancall '. a" turn ; on . theV manyc brilliant'ideas' that 'will Into being; andenactment,' and then sweetly slumberaway tb.e summer.ndurs ; (for Ifa al-ways summer hereX .or be. prodded; Intodrowsy snd feeble actiojioccasionally.

act; ehallakef vcffectven-'lt- s

approval is all and should, notbe .considered as a Joke but: does'it.owns .nnr case? ; r. s jy. .j?i'


Editor Honolulu Star-Bulleti- n- f'ComDetltion .'k the' Hf:'f"high-bro- w "our

bit beau-- 5


6L the ..mainland Is handy: littleauto bus called a jitney. ;

sudden Of the Jitney In:.many pf ; the progresslre in theContinental is creating a furoreIn than'one: The regula-tion of of this ve-hicle is nOW"lvlng'thefpoTIce a' propo-sition to 1 wrestle with; the-- Jitneybusiness is Just In lta infancy. ' An

totint bf passing" a Cer-tain - In one $aii Francisco'sstreets la one mlnuteitotaledflve, andfrom cne can grasp: ideathe inajraltude' : ; the', beexercised over 'auto buseswhen the" business gets into full swing:

what cne can learn there is noschedule' followed,,

'It rur.3 t any and. andfrbra.'i the; devoted to thisform, of trans jortati6n: in the mainlandpapers, car Is , gaining Inpopularity f It after, the

cars have been housed fornight.., ? .. ... .f v- -; .;';.-- ,

this eartjr stage of the gameIt, is that the' car : mag-nate- s

wearing an anxious expres-Elon- ,

and it is more than probable thata 3 win bd launched ' In thgr. e a r-- fu ture in 1 inoreCtaan joae ' xnaln-lan- d

.' J r -r-- -:- z..Thtr?.' fa. no 'doubtlrtat; the autoasscr :.r service has-com- e to ''Stay.

That t is; been clearlyrte"t here in our own city, and it nowremains to be seen in Honolulu,Will be the first tot make a --jitney"plunge.' - .vr-.';'--- : '..-- .'

; .i ', z'y:: K-'-


v" -- "Honolulu- fij March i2.Honolulu SLaf.BuIletin. r

Ouardian rust

iTcpreientatlra ta the flllptiso;of Havalt ? la tbe same cf cur orais

the Filipino Y. M. C.were entrusted ty the CarniraVs.

to partldpa ton,; MrA.the man ho U cooperating,

i Honolulu's jcung" Filipinos, to--

tfeveiopthe'scope cf Jr. C.,JiiM us to jo.n .in rtne carniTju or


iMocuuottf hmoFilipino coicny 0f HawaiL - . rrw:"oa a, an a-- a out wusca&tf 1tAs thls W the flrsf sep?of Ha;"- Vhlch seen.ICr :r. he t-- rt' sV me 1 ;i4i

waiJvfiimWott' r nfl fhif Fill-- ' were aftenrwd tacJtlth -- a - biff-- . snd knocked him"

l people supjecls or tne v-.-w-. au.uere vaa trvlt.

States..we do express cur sincere grst minister of theklnterior.thackef .say anything' ttf 'anybody. 4 V'M. - v.ta jsennde to the of the Carnival ronS pupnopinicn, cut the : : m ?Of. tliemnd In thi huWlW k whh1.'ThroUfllw, wwb.w.. 1lixiWl,iMC U' - -R-IAU SIKCKT RES DENT.

strenuous fence surmounting was street, from the rice-fleM- a j -. . ine vvwion,


upijingi weir ana wlit. thamialvM vnnA nfehbors' '

vauovv mu& . w .Tl.-jmnv- or we friendship ror

effect Do not the ses--



conrey the Idea Mr. after the palaceare notneedeL4 de Mr., -

ad-- i





of' of to.







and aiyself. express their sincere ivawsisnao cnurcn grounas, which, hadto the club special com- - been used as breastworks Reform

mlttee; to Mr. A. E. Larimer, Mt Meti : sharrshooters In 1883 scrap waacalf and Mr. Guyv II.vTuttle for their' simUarly "reduced, f

in city bcautiXlcaUouCarnlTsl Queen, Mrs. Corner, f matters, it done,Tnnsui ir warmest ' snoreclatlon J f

for all...V' '. Y."'v-- ' 'I desire to thank our many

thropists and rs who,.hy their

to States brought

liquor- -


We have a bigger part for thenet-year's- ' event. '.4.1 remalnr very respectfully V

lVesident Filipino M. C. A.n-- ;

,01 Hawaii.


r; f.v ';

t ; l)enver Colo.;: Feb;1 23,"191S X

Editor Honolulu Star-Bulleti- n. ;i-- . Sir: I am in receipt of a " supple-ment copy of the Honolulu Star-Bulleti- n

which I was very glad to receiveand r appreciate1 it very Its ;

arrival was somewhat . a . mystery 10me I gazed upon the picture of ftvery dear old friend of mine.. Mr.C'.Beamer cf ; Hilar 'In otir boyhood .

days lived within 12 milea of eachother in Wabash county," Indiana.' Wedid not meet until in later years, about .

18971 believe, City. Colo."After,i that we were "together a gooddeal 3 of .the time and became verylos'e friends, : and batched together

for; some. time, at Idaho Springs,and la of. 1898. 1 en-- i

t : Llisted in thejst Colorado U. S. Vi and r

went the Philippine islands; rrorfte we were landed at. Honoluld andcamped .ther ' about seven weeks. I

.put near lJ' Diamond 'tradeV preached ap'se' During there we got a good-- 'in;th dim Past, sini Ut1ia!'prpbaMeichaicettoaee quite.a of thatthat he: was;rlghtj;rf WW fcountry; and enjoy ell-- ;

disturbing innuence"'fc ; many cltiea and where I "like to be jiow,:

iThe' advent

more, way's'traffic small,


point of

that some


the riewes yehi-tlZ- i


'little4runs' regular

trolleyi the'

very' stated"are


















Cold.,'the month

I have , received a number' of cardafrom Mr. P. C. Beamer, during his '.fe-ce- nt

trip , aroimd ? the " world," allwhich were .

- very ; Interesting.' - andwhich" f ' appreciate very "much. ''-- ',-

Mn conclusion I w!sb - to ; thank ym '

for the'eopy of the fctar-Bulleti- n, whichI have read with great.lnterest, owingto the fact of own experience and;knowledge' of your beautiful country; j

also wish to thank Mr.' P. C .Beamerpersonally for his kindness In havingthis copy sent to. me ' : .' ,

Respectfully ;your$.; :,

: j: , J.' EMKARNS, -

S35o Alobtt Denver, Colo.; r'


Rfl!tnr: ITnnnlnlii Star-Bulleti- n; wt' ;5 Sir: Speaker Holstein is somewhat,

off n nis reported, statement of thehistory - of ' the : executive s buildingrence. Originally the fence around Io-la- nl

palace grounds . .waa . a . concrete r

wall' eight feet high, fitted wit solid ,gates on the four sides. It made afcrt as well as a . screen. While . the ;

movement was brewing to force a lib.,eral constltutlcn cn King KalaTtaua inthe latter, part of 1886. the king hadalteraticna made'in the gateways- - sothat guna might be brought :into playthere azainst assault.That movement succeeded, '. largely

tliroueh the diplomatic, - aid - of the , .

; States minister and: theish,, commissioner, without. Woodshed,although there was at least one nightwbenthe town was :n the hands ofthe revolutionists with a sort t)t mar-

tial' law prevailing. A. new: 'constitu-tion -- was promulgated in a few'which took away the absolute powerthe. king had been exercising. It-mad- e

; Sir: 1. respectfully beg you to pub-- . the responsible to the legla-lis- h

theVe few words. w ,4 latureand changed the housef of no--

' Hawaii is the rendezvous, and cen-rbl- ea from appointive for life to elect-(ef'-- cf

Orientaiand. Occidental: Joy-,iv-e sUtus under a property franchise.seekersV; ' : v; v ;'- -

f V v: .' .1 .Thia digression from the subject of

looking back on the 1913 Cartilvfcl l the, "wall itself .is tq lead np to. thea great succrtI ; would Mee 'event that; caused the reduction of the

to mention cur participation In the wkll. s. "Robert W.v Wilcox, at the head f y,CarniYrtl, - which gave v consideraule . of; a react oflary uprising, seized tne

' 1165; 'Adams Lane 4 .bedrooms . . $ 40.002222 Kalia road, AVaiklki. .V.i....,... 2 bedrooms, a;;, 50.00Upper:Manoa-roadUwiiCi.;t.i- 1 2 bedrooms... 5.. 40.0?:jTantalus . i.a;..':;.'; 3 bedrooms. ;


. 114S Gnlick AveKalihi. t&u i.h bedrooms. ,i J35.00' ,. 1473 Thurston;' Ave .V.5. . :w;i.. , ..S bedrooms.'--; 40.00

r 1563iWiIder AveJwVif,wVi; 'LiiVXi.-- ; i.i.5.-J.- i bedroomsuii w;;40.()0! 122S . Kapiolanl iSLitxHi U w.? bedjcms.;fci4.00

1811a Kalia-road- , Weiliki i. ' 3 bedrooms.. .V. . 35.00"Ferdinand and Adolph Sta Manoa ; .Vt 2 bedrooms. ...i 45.00

VKunawal lane, off Liliha St.. I.-- r 3 bedrooms..;. 20.00Cottages 2 and S, Auld lane ;i.V .,..V..;;. 3 bedrooms .V vi 16.00

; 'Aloha lane, King SUi ;. ...v.. . i'.-."- : ; 3 bedrooms .'v. v 170

(Jo;i; Btangenwald BIdgi, Merchant St;


erX your stationery. by choosing a distinctivo mwr

v i

" -- pressea

'enu Soon.unnea uwDuu

f"1 , dldat,

fence, riwij.vj nuiuiuiairMioa Bucceea wot wy. r oeea u theins the-Thursto- n one. the t Itn of tire tnd ihri!Ti am .. -

IKA!rfln't Mt onvthfnr rlnn IhAneK ' vTWlderearin. a : noble elected dn -as -the. moxing

t0iam i It,











' Ad forthe

Vicente having?.y?:--

. philan


"at Central



believe Head.- -

eb 'stay

Its- -





United .Brit





Ufio&t. W



HISTORlCfj?;2 irdnolulu. March 5 1915.


ii"!'a tn nf

na 01







5 bit SHA1LKR MATHEWS;waira justiand'tal adjustment of ra-F'fri- et

cial will do truch' menpromoting Int'ernatk-'na- ) friendship between the United states ana urieniai


' Albert, machAdo: , t ,want todeny that i: gave out 'any facts rconcernina: the flcht I nad with Claudius

Hotel Street

?i 't


H'".T .:

11$ iu-'-n- -





:? i


- vmuwwuw iiiereon. incolor.




telations tdwaTdf


r ai; J .. ,t,

r t







of the dogs are unlicensed." it's Ume'ti 'lV;-- j

8orael)Ody took It up. This sort ot iithing) Is what leads to dog-poisonias- ,k

which everybody hates. . t . ;

JV. PRATT: It nearly ttiriU .bied. me t hear of John Xassidy's',.

square man, My relation with hlnishows how 'small the world ia. y Wewere born few miles Trocf each.-ethe- r

In New York, but didn't knoweach other there". the teventles we --


both drifted out to California, both ofUS' telephone workera taoush la oppoa'vtlon1 work. Then we botli came out .

here,he la 18S0 andrI in' 1SS4. and;f

here,, too we were In opposition teleiphone ..companies, he'ea the 'Cell and''I the Mutual. ' But we were . good.

and John was one cf tad bev : .

r have ever known. - : . ;

Joei-Terry- , charged with statutoryoffense; waived examination thla mr.rn'-- ,

lng to await'jury. vJisther


the fot'the; gnfndHolbron, held on aTik3

charge,' waived her examination a few'asro. t

- ...if - ,,,



' ".'



1",.' .... '

i f iv Hduscland I lotori; .Paljoa , Av-nc- ar" Uth - j

zz- : 5, 1 .: '5 I- - 'yf :z"Tyif' T. ntrntiV? '"".''rrlrtrTi 1 l.t nrD'' Imrtcrt ' - '

.y ;.'r :'' ;,'-- ; ; ,

. K ';r:''t4.;withVl)eautifur I

:,tv-''- " i.;-i'-:- i V"': V" l "'":" - 1

i;s.t;-iin- g shrubs ana trees; . You can avfi.inoacjuU".C T. J.

ll-buyi- n

,T. I",. , ; , : " T-- . ....... . s ' . '. ,s .

' t

I. -- 'Is guaranteed by the makeri' It' fa reliable; ' it rtsista wear, Tattcrus'isxe.uneicelll.' '

Looks; like sterling 'We tin. show r dIL'cr---

efat pattenis and quote you lowest prices. V ,. . ; :



' vV,




r I;



' ;' --3'

"' 2335 Oahu.Avev M anoa 'iVi bedrooms.;. ;.$ 65.1)0 "

i :1232 Ktaau S tc ; ; w: ;' .; ;.w.:3.-bedroo- s ; .r. .vrx 00 .',-- -r-

2568 -- Ilooke" st., Punnui : 4 .v. i.i 4 bedrooms ...... ;73 .C 5 '

: 5362. Jones SLV-Mano-a; v..'...; bedrooms.k ;;V'3.C ?-- ; - '

? Cor. Park and 14th Ave, Kaimukl2 bedrooms..... 41C0. i

Kinau and Makikir Sts.' 3 bedrooms. 'CO.OO .ft', i.





1' I

uiiFumnsnED ' ':t-;- :

: .. 1228 Kmau, St, .. .v......;.....; bedrooms;..-. 187T Kalakaua Aveu. ; 3 bedrooms. . 1





: ;; 4


r. ;'



133.00M. t-

,. ; . ...... . , . , oesroomf. .v.; . . 55.0" .1 ?

.Cor.:.Wilder,ATe an d Alex. SU'U 2 becrooms. . ... ,30.00 frw '3

;--:' 2015 Oahu.rAve-Manoa..- f ..j;. 2 beiroonia.;., 30.00 .

r ' r Kal'hl,i,;;yiA-.'.'.;j.-- 3 bedroomsj'.vr. 100 Jr 144 Thurston Aye......., vr. 2 beroonni?. 75

18 8 King St . . . ; . -- 2 bedrooms.;.... 30.W" '

iH '702;Wyllie St and Puun'ui Ave:. 4 bedrooinS.;r;;'60.00':


lZol winamo. bt. . . ; ..... 3. bedrooms ."' o v ,59- - :' ; t

; Ke walo . St: : U .V'. . ; . . ;V l.;Vi " i. bedrooms.'. . 0.00 & i1313 Makiki St V..v..;:Vv.v..3 bedrooms.... 30.00

;ivSll235 Matlock Ave."; i;;X.....ii. 2 bedrooms. ;..i?127l50i7:Dayton TrackvUliha- - St 3 beu rooms. ;20.0r

:t , Mendonca Tract Uliha : SU . i . bedrooms. 2j.W; 2130 . Kamehameha, Ave Manoa . . 1 bearcomsi'. 40.00.





it tiIt

-- ... .,.. .(

Cf. rcn ii4 Utrthast tta.;- .-


1 --

.' '.'


' ;

: K V -

--. v. i



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Page 5: mmmmi - University of Hawaii · 2015-06-02 · and yet not everyone-ua-a me oppor tunity;. In the proposed course, th pupils will be taught the jcare an.d use of tlie government rifle

4 Ic; CreamtU3 jer Cat) ;


v (12, Oetlvered) QFresh Honolulu


Phonelev4225 1

J " vCCACCAGE ; '' Honolulu Construction

( ) A. , Urtying ' Co, Ltd4 (5 Queen SL

Phont 45J1

CURIOS "i AND NOVELTIES,Pott Cards, Pennants, PillowTops ; mads " to; order; . . Art

' .' .' ' 6 tamps.


' 'L 1 1 W Alakea ttS




If you seek clearness. .'



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Hotel Ctr nr. Celhel CL!

5 ,0 and I13.E3

ic: CL' :TH!r,a co.:fCirc:t- -

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r Mrs. Taylor's- Florist Shop j

cpp. Ycunj Cafe jI

Car Crc; j'.-- :. ;'

.JCV.TLr.Y CO.i Ci:f-r;;:ir2.'- - -.2 in Pens

!1' C r.r, Pauoi i

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f - tnr,3 Lr.i ll-t- il Ctreeta

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ibroidcricsV.All i COUTHr.z -- cumc co.

IffltY-'DOlIEV- E

How Mrs. Hurley Vcs Ho--

tiered to Health by Lvdi

vesiJiesa. For two r,I 1 year I could not

ataod on my feetIon? at a time and I :

n.v- - .iiKn

Crawte2r pains down. ght aide wUca ,;;)uril,ff the. reign of Richard oeuV

Inoreaied .every,de jjcB.- - the ead Toreater., namedmonth. I tare been . UraE.forL iwjformed a service for hiaat that time purplein the face and would

wallc the flocr. I could not lie down orait still sometimes for a day and a nlfttat a tirae; 'I.wasf.crvous, and had verylittle appetity r.o t.T.bjtion, roelancholy;and often fbit as thoajh I bndnrt afriind In is, wnr!,! . Af T h4 tri-- 4 'most every ferrule remedy without sue--cess, mr raother-in-!a- w advised ma id I

take XVdli Ttlkham-- a Vegetable i

ccnrpocnn i c.j so and iraxned lactrerth every day! I have now no trouble in any way and highly praise yourrr.rcdre. lit advertises Itself," UrsS. T. ULTJnf-j;iJo- n, llissourl,; 4;. ..

rcraberiftfraedjt Fch; id.this wts Lydia E. Pinkham'a VegetableCcrr.pcual For sale everywhere. V

; It : fcaa . hefpc thousands ' of . womenwho have fcee troubled with displace-t--rnents,inf!cnmkUon, ulceration, tcmonvirregularities, p?ri:-i- c pains, backache,.that tesrirj down feeling, indigestion,and nervous prostration, after all othertnezna kzxt fcilei. ViT:y don't you tryIt ? IrZlz E. rizLhia lleildne Co..

mMb?i ... . .'.

TP- nmmIllustrating the stroug . hold that the

Ideal of peace has upon the Americanreople, the following concurrent peso- -

lutlon was acted upon by th XousrcssJust ended: '

. .'

. - ;' "Resolved11 byt'the Udue"."of .Repre-'sentative- s

- (the Senate , coacurrlas)that' the Presldentof . : the CnitedO - V Ji u I . . 1.unM .ucriui'j ne 13 uereuy, Tyqussi--tr J to invite .the .nations of the.worJdto ,cn1 delcgatri to a meeting to beI.C.4 at .Niagara FniV New Aork, Um- -

J.7 I-- 4ie terntljachc:'lV3 thf? Lur,op2?- waf--

iLe Prcsier4Mshereby authorized to appoint threedelegates to rcprfst- - thU -- rovcrn-

"The object c the mating shalV bethe ccnsl 'eration aai formation cf Nations which, in conjuncticn with The Ilasue conventions,shall create a binding and enforccafcieagreement amcr.s a.i nations IortbI r':v.:-.t::n cf " future wars and ;

rs.-.t:-- i: -- 3 cf unlvn saL peace, morece; ..cU"ly thicUoh-th- ccmpul3ory ar-titrat-

cf all international diapute3cr. J- - throush - the ccntributlcrii, by achration, ia due proportion, to a Hague .

f :nl ; ruc h .fi nd ehrll bea esu auin;aii;tciej uy ine 1

I..T"P tribunal, thereby, pn)vidlns effective povrr to enforce its decreesend rcn Jer future ,wan uiM.x-.F.siLle.-


c m -

- '"is r ' heJ" t ve '.mn.r 'nr..i - iho -

I "haven't vou lock" :Cf ! !

?v ereln pock. . .

' prcr.vt rci:ccnibraced

t you rleaee .it If





MetcaU sahum yesieraay was oea t)

tifuJy decerned ?, flo era J a63fern xf ..old Hawaii In . hcnoi ct. Dr;

Mra PurkyA. Baker and Jolin A.

aiUna,.; Darlnp;, Ue.laau Ir. Metcalf

-- ,.h(w nv :

kinc-wh- clianed his (the forester's)name to Ann strong. - One 'day whentlie king and his attendants were Inthe . forest tbey were attacked by ahuge wild 'VulL - The attendants,; look-lu- f

out for themselves, scattered. Theking was. overthrown and feu betweentwo logs. Not Icng after, Brassfort,?r,V,mtL?fc'Cfua.sma ,auiea : wiiu: airoae.

fni:n1n n Ills"rcn r unn,?r8e1

"rfrrTrtrrrJ"r r.;vr;rmum Hfiarui ij. lie. iimii aeeu am. iiiiii.Armstrcng's answer waat'f met a calfand killed him ThekIng borroweda swerd and waving It over-Armstro-

said,,'Arise, Sir Metcalf J And fii thename! Meicalf." ; ;.:' Th'eecretary to Orr Baker leav-ing the -- Islands very, reluctantly.expects,. hdwever, to "put one o(. hissons' .In business t here, and ; another,Robert Hetcalf, : prerfdent f IgmaNuf In Ann' Arbor, sMkhlgan bas beenoffered , ixsltlcn as mechanical en--glnefer-c- MauL . r . . r . ?i: Dr. Raker's tour .nas been : a3 verysuccessful .one, and he declares thathis tay.fn the Islands has-beefr- mds

Pleasants Dr.and. Mrs, Raker antl Jlr.Metcalf have been i"the guests of Dr.and Mrs.VW.vD.iWester.VfJL, MrsiNa-kulna- a

guests ior the day were .Dr.and Mrs.Apurley A. vBaker,JohnMetcalf, Mr. and Mra.iW..D. Wester-vel- L

. Mrs: .Harriet . Castle 1 Coleman,iss ; Ermine Cross, it f, and airs. A;

P. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. A. F.. CdOke.Mr. and Mrs, Edwin K Kea.'Mr.CandMrsF. W. and Mri ,W1I-11a- m

H .Hutcheson. ..Mrs.". ,Jamea;i.TStacker;; Mrs.-- 1 Katherlne, M; tates,'Mra. Mi' D, Brown Jf rsyvM-Montano-;

Mies HarrietDavison, Miss, .Ruth Stacker,. jjir.Jueorce t;s stie, :&mii jiutcneson, and C.u. iJicaey.

J r . mm

. A. number of the Academy Beftwerethe hcuse-gueat- s of John O'DoiMa atEwa ' lasi young Afolksspent their time danclngi playing ' ten-nis ' and fcwjmming.. Mr. 'O'Dowda's


SS; ImTS P n i.AV ooda.. Ruth? Reo'

ton; Eleanor. -- WaMrAn i llma-- W,

largaretvUawklFarrihgtcnRachel Woods,-and Messrs. 'Billle'Ma;

Jnhn ,rMi . Tt wT-f-it:

inur crowns Bowen.' Gray Zabtiske,opicora a us tin and iWUJIam Ecklund

Y; W. C. A; Lawn Party,'"The X: W. C. A. invites its friends

to a lawn; party ;to W given on thelawn of V tbe ; Homestead. Von VFrfdayevening at .8." So. reads a vnr Im- -

the.portant invitation. ; Th y:.w . f.. A

shiny ccat, as he fished a rolitf-- t n; crfire(1 Church, both ot' Punahcii nrepar--r

fi;1! .r"' vet. ,ro: ""'? tory school, celebrated their fifteenth( ...;o - Icy.. ri:e.r..s. jutt' pcue cui."t!rthJay on I Saturday, m. i delightful

ircr cf






entertainments are', famous.- - for: goodtimes, and Iarge crowd is expected.rhctcgrapher Baker Is to nresent hisfamous collection of lantern slides ofHawaiian Krena, ' TVila'. ! n nL.Jl.l- wv.uu. mus nuir 111 illopportunity. for thW members' to bringineir tourist frienria nrw. r-n- '

MfcJ. u' aa.chairman of the s6clai committee !hasthe affair In band and it. Is sure, tobe a very eniovablo rtn .

J jtlDo u- -! Clrthday Celebration.! '."ruHrr

ss M.argaret Hooers .and

Frear, Janet. Kilbourne,AnnanPratL

Hfr anri it mm..uti .i 1 o. k 11111 Anncinr. jr.jviiiiare on their honeymoon, leaving

.... .....viiuu ihjuuiuju wiu;,,v, .i . ...

r: :3 Is the third time 1 have called swimming-part- y tend ' supper was Sren-- tj

1 1," crowlrd the caller,' "and Joyed. Some of .the-guest- s presenttacli ti . have told me he has were Charlotte Ballou, Eliaabeth,-Wal-i : t ::.. cut." Whit, ia the explana-'-AnnaCock- e,: Jlarthi Ccoke, . Jessietl. 1?" "I don't know,", nnswered the, Gibbs. Marie Humphreys, .Edith" Rice,c--

IeeI 'i "but t rot have Juliet! Rice, Marjorie ' Guild,' 'Jessielft '

t'-a-r .;.; I Baldwin' Madaline . Chaoln.WIrcmla,

J : t' e.La; ; ; huland oI--A few .Murlci PeteVscn. Helane Morgan, Dar--::t:.s m-- 3 about leave home for bara Carter::-;-- -

v"--!!--- '' - hi3 wlfo placed! I j r : ,j;Vjc i '.r.'- -

u. : ; ; ' r :. .Harry, dear".' Newlyweda Honor&fr-.Zi- i F'A.eaiJ. a ;



i.c ....ccuonately tho

K He







M- -

0 you


- iui uiili nuiui lui.iar.13 sorrows and iov' 1

have it risht here In the pocket closest. hK'f T" 15e ftC6nTh'trn:y heart!- - "That's fine. Harry!?;

th..i!tn wifayt; ' ."r 1ertni"ef Thpm?v ter--


take and.





ryou can rnatca me some-pufi- s wtfaC. -- """un,; reu xiau

vc! t c'wn- - townr Phil&delrh'.a bIckn- A sh field S towe.r llall fR6weI Tf '

1 ' - - I and Kadolph Bertheau. Examiner r i'"-- ,- i












. . n.






cu;,;IIelen- - eTth55a- -

.4 .a aMuch to the regret of heT numerous

.friends, made - here," Miss --CharlottePcwers. sister 'It , II r. ' and ? T rs. k WillCameron, departed in Hbe' Matsotiiathis morning for Los. Angeles, rjllsaPowers made - many friends .throughner. clever work' here and 'she goeswayr from the ' islands. In hopes j of .

returning with a program cf some of ithe legends of JFTawaiL x Mrs.' BeieAbbott Howland , who played leadingroles 1 in several of the musical pro-oucuons nere, lert with Miss Powers, jThey? expect' to ' collaborate . in con-- ;certs ' to be given all over th 'states,For some time Mrs. Howland has beengathering up bits of the old Hawaiian jmusic, ' to . which she . will put fittingwords. The charming songstress willbe missed . throughout the islanda,where she leaves a. host, cf friends...

'"'v- ::?'i;-::- j ''.,-:!- ,'; h '

Miss Gwendolln- - Currey celebrateda birthday in popular fashion at:theOutrigger Canoe club c--n Saturday aft-ernoon.' The little girls enjoyed , aswim; and afterwards delightful' rev

rH I 'N , ,


aCALLINd : DAYS as:v;:r,:fOAaHQN0LMLU, a

a ; 1 MondayaPunahon, MkikC aa "Tuesdays WalkikL KapIoUni aa Parav : Kalmofcl, , Flrat aa Tnesaay t pn Kuser. 4 a, ; , ,a : WedneadayaNuuanu, FpunnV aa Padflc' Helghta.; First and .(bird aa WInedayC - ibov I-- Nouabu aa prldge; second and' fourtb ed; aB nesdaya; ' betow . bridge: ,"".'fourUi'aa Wednesday. FactAc Heights; first aa and third ' Wednesdays, Alewa . aa Helghta.-- -; : .C' v . -

a Thuradaya The Plains. I,-- , tta ' Fridays Hotels and . town, aa fourth Friday; Fort Ekaner, first aa Friday;" Manoa,; College; Hilla., aa first and third Friday, ; ; ; aa Saturdays 7-- KallhL' third and aa fourth Saturdays; Kamehameha ala schools, last Saturday;' r;:::);na ; Fort Shatter calling day er-- n

a t- Note The' telephone numbersa of the. Soctety' Kditor' tsTW;. aa Vr-- " :''.--;i;"-:'- vv ; aafl'tfag tt o n a ana nan tf

fre&hraenta.- under? theoot?pergolavSeme lcf BwendolinV?'frtertHweroj .

Kllzabeth Frailer, . Elizabeth Norris,Betty vsteere, Dorothys CurryV HelenIewi8, Rhoda.I-ewis- .' Margaret ?Can:pbelt Alargaref Phillips, f CerakllnePeck us, Mary Wea ver;..Ida (Wea ver,MargareL jThrnmand Elizabeth4 Rtn- -

f Miss Edith Horsmanjvwher. for: thepast" few weeks has been the house.guest 6f Mr. and Mrs. Ji FiC Hagens,waa listed among the . departing, pas-sengers in the Matsonla this morning.Miss Horsman . has been) one of themeat feted guests of the; season andthe fact that she made- - many friendsduring her short sojourn was clearlyshown this morning bjr She, crowd o.young .folks --gathered, onv; theto wislt her bon Toyage.""c5';

t;The College dub met yesterday "afernoon. in honct of .Dr.Florence' SScptt dead bC the Collet of AVbraenof OberlinXUnlversltyrt who5' departedthis morning uv theiJMatsonta.t ' TheOberlin membera of the' :cjub we'rehostesses. ; During her Hono-lulu DrrScctt has made many friends.

- The ' gymnaslurii classes of. theWV C. A. under the.'dltecfiori'df MissAndersen continue gr&ir. espeelallythe class in' aesthetic 'aa'ScJugJ-whic-

a fford ; a. spl en did' bp portnity? to; 5 t.)dy .;

ttisJ particular phase . .of physical

n The . Buckeye ,club ield. a. meetingat the homeoof Dr.?and-Mrsn.W- i lWestervelt last, night la bjonor pf .jpr.and,.1 Mrs; PiTrleys A.' aery. 'bo; de--,parted in' the Matsonla. this' rnornin'iX)r. Westeryelt shdwedvSome of, biJ,

1 The ronIgr ? Muslc ctub;,.hla,,nopen meeting' at: the boin' otfDfm ani.airs. , w. aj. vy esieryeii iouay:,, n e:tended program was cah;ifl.cuLj'Mr?t1Royal D; Meadi'pre'sident otlhe!dub.js 10, oe, congraiuiaiea on. ner.spienuia

Miss Grace Cooke was 4 departingpassenger in the MatscnTa f thfs niornfing. . Miss voe expects; 10. RemainJriv5a n . Francisco fdr. someltime : andthett..wilf go to BpBt6n.Yiiss".1C)okewill ;be 'gone- - about Blx months., ' V.

; The fusses Harrietts and Mary ; L.ucas were hdstessesl .,;)i;;yery enjoy-able dance at "their icouptry, hoiae on


1 1 Special fef OMresnondcncel ,WASHINGTON,; D;i CsFeb. .24,

M rs. Fra n klin. ICLane gave i her ; annual California tea toa February -- 20,having chosen the date of the openingof - the San Francfeco: exposition! forthe happy event; at which' SecretaryLane is representing President Wil-son. The California Hag and emblemhad conspicuous place, in . the Laneheme here and. the state colors,, goldand " blue.; were seen Jn the flowersand , fruits further 'adorning - lt-- . 0"anges and jonquils were arranged; inblue ribbon settings; csJ

, Mrs. John "B. WorksM rs. Nctwlandsand Mrs. Julius Kahn were at the teatable...:'-:-

: Other assistants ipcluded ..Mrs. Wil-liam Kent Mrs. .4John : w.. Roger, .Mrs!A Ml Teterson. sistercf-Representative- -

Curry";- - Jirs.Johtt Mrs:Jcseph R. Knowlahd. frs. Denver SvChdrcbr ?.If3rEverisVA.?Harts Mrs.Charles WeLsteYT3eU;;Mrffc-AVlllfan- f D.Stephens, Mrs. Wllllani Kettner,MIssPerkins Misi HayesVMisa Curry. Missluiowiand and JI iss Kent":'. : .

;.. J-f .v..-:i.:- . u'.:,- Capt TakeuchL naval attache of theJapanese embassy.; gave a dinner in

.honor .of .Admiral Saron ' ' Dewa atRauschef's, when tneosruests were Ad- -mirai Flske, Admiral - GDlmore,, CaptDcrn, Capt Oliver' Capt ACanehart.Capt Brittain, Commander i'Tfench,Commander Earle, IJeut-com- J Cronan.Lieut-corn- . GUmerUeut-com.- - Kurtz,Lieut-com- . Jackson. .LienL f BartletCapt Hoadiey and.Dr. Neuberger. allcf the United States .navy,-an- d CobItamy, Ccm, KobayashL Com.' Nomuraand Lieut-com- . Uyeda,

Rea .Admiral and Mrs;- - Scbroederwere in Detroit to . attend ther mar-riage of .their: son.: Mr. r WainwrightSchroeler, and Miss' KatherinrPagft,

' j


At t a. .:' ' m" .1 ill ilf ' wj f

avenue. Her. J. F. FItschcn, JrlIbfTicating


. .r m m m S1 ne . onae was aucnaea oy susses

Marian " ,5ItMath, '.Geneva Sullivan; ,

Patau Canlklfls, Elirtbctn Beden,! andWtnitreil yDodge ' of Detroit -- r Mr,Charlea,"P, JVhltney,' Jrvcf Etanston.

3., .r. I . :' 0 -


; .Tneapaese ambassadcn.and Vis-fount-es'

Catnda .will be henbr guestsat a reception to be given by ther Japa-nese Society; cf; New - York at the.A 8 tor bcteL' Amcng, the guests-wi- ll

be several offlcerg of the 'army, andnavyr who will be In nnlform. ) TheJapanese women' wUl appear in theirnative costumes. Admiral Barcjn Dewa,who Is to represent the Japanese nawat the Panama-Pacifi- c exposition, willbe among these . present , r 1 r: --? '


; Gen. and Mrs, Albert M ills enter;tained at dinner . when their - guestswere the Secretary of Commerce andMrs.. Redfleld,'Gen. aiid Mrs. JosephSanger, the commandant of, the navyyard and Mrs. Eberje Gen. and Mrs. 1

KingmanV. Mlsa Kfbbey ' and Ube'inlH- - s

tary attacne-o-r tnergentme .emoasf Coi. ..cduaraa auyoaua.

Siteaf Ovdriiirar and MrsI Fiske nter-- 'tained' ai dinner, ot thelrv apartmentin'Stcnelelih.cdurU'when tlieir guests''were ,ther. Japanese smnassador and I

Vlscbyntess Cli liula;T the-- commandan tr f h e1 yta rin e Corp s; a n d iM rs! GeorgeBarnett - Senator:,

r. Caot.Sort Pa pen, military attache of

the German embassyr; who has, ben inNew York,-- Is" now at the Shoreham,where he will spend some time He laacccmpanied by Mr. Q. Mahlow v

'Rear, Admiral and'Mrs.: Bradley A.Flske will entertain at dinner in honor ,of thd japaneSe. ambassador and Vis--

ccuntess lhinda a"nd Admiral 'Baron10CMJDewa will also be .their guest. . ;i f.

' ? Rear Admlrat andJlrs. ,Van Reypehhave" gone' to AUanticVCityand. ; willVei away: for several .daysf - ?; !:SEE'IF THE CHILD'S- - -


Uotherlf Doni heslLotet v'tf-'rros- s,

Vr feverish, ronstlpaicdv glte ""Coll--jv , fornl Syrup of Fl?s,. -;-

,-;, y-- i . ;

' Look at the tonguei- - mothetS If coatetL it i a' sure sign that your, littleones stomach,' liver a,n.d bowels 'need. &

gentle; thoroui'i' cianslns at cHcd1 : "When peevish cross, Iistlcss1; pals

doesn't ' sleep, doesn't eat or' act na-turally,.- or?is feverletL' stomac:a6ur.breath i bad ; K has . stomach-ache- ; i sore 1

throat, diarrhoea, lull or. cold, give ateaspoonful 'Of California : Syrup" ofFigs, and ifir'i It ew hours aU the. tquVconstipated .waste, undigested foodndour bile' feCntiy "mbves ibufof Its

little bowels, without griping, and youhave a well playful child agaln

' - Youneedn't coax children t& takethis ."harmless , fc.iruit Iaxative'j . 4heylove its delicious taste, and it alwaysinakes them fed splepdid. . ; ";

; Ask yout druggist, for a sdcent bot-trej- of

.rciliforfila : ' SyTup of Figs,"whicn has directions for babies, children of ail ages, and for. grown-up- s,

plainly on the bottle. , Beware of coun-terfeits sold here. To .be sure you getthe genuine, ask to see that it is madeby . Fig Syrup , Company.Refuse any omer Kind with contempt

iTbe' barracks. ofFort Standlsh on;Lovells Island in Boston harbor,--' susrtaine4' t2.QQQ, damages by fire. . j

. U r " 1 r 1 ii'"r. lrlvrcIV l li;lt i.a

? -- ,ymj -- ! : trt iizii ur.mi udts cr .tr

Idd'j dzmsnds pure blood.biitdniTSm extracts: and alcb--

Acc trJxte'raare useless. .


; Nourishment and sunshine axenature's blood makers 'and the richmedicinal oil-fo- od ia Coott'sEr.:zl'zx enlivens the blood toarrest the decline. It aids the

; appetite, strengthen.' Q nerres sad forties

lungs and entire system, 1rm tram Alct&ol er OpUta.

CfM SuMtitatts ior mmfCOTTl ."mmmmmm--'


... t - L



..A Chan; Scalp and. II::.'" ; Is:.:' V .i -- . . .

- . , v - -

Many of your f'rieddi nave icund that a luxuriant growth of hairL r-so-ft and glossyand a .scalp free

tne use oi t- ?,


from Jte T.U.f rorj

This is the procedure c.,-.- - - j -- - : - - :.'1 Wash the hair with warra wafer and a pore soap rinse thoroughly

rub the-scal- p with a stiff bmsh epply HIrsuloa-HM- & It- - la -- wir. .and dry the hair before combtagirr. . ir,'; ; vr t.f io-- i' Please understand that Hlrrutohe U boCmfchry rbW wasJf It4 O T

: ; baste rhl artiDvaoari$he3carJstiinulitcs - :;;, - v". r

t ' tha ' rooti of itbsif Y; :.:.

(aai fprcsBrvei




Nyal's II Irsutone should be on your dressing tablc,; . :., '. ,. C

It sells at 50 cents and t.00 the bottle. . : .

;r Whatever a good drug, store ought to have and many tbinga thatother drug, stores don't keep you'll find here. Cuuie to ua first and



youll get .what you wanL v

mf "L ' V r.

a - o is erlFort

Vt-v- . ; ' : ... i:U . ; :i'i-'-.?.-- t?.?-'-



,a U:,' 1

U II y ;LL U U U iitt L':f.' ; ' ' '', f' ''' L's '' i V

; ; J Tlic clioieciit



Tf j V" - Yv-'i- ' ' : A. ",y 14 vV.- -..--

-- -

i'i-- : iMj

'if i J U ,. v : . ' ' . .I-

'' ' ;'- " v ; 5--- ' - r'--

iTlic famous koa-woo- d "f ' ! "

new chiuaware, H, : I

? 1ii-rr"7- nu ' nnt ' '

- -- Jtt -- fy " I

' f ii 'turc made to order.L : : snopialtv. ; Cliiriese

. --: - curios. Cliolce old

TJ,t jrVf 7sLl J' lricsoiirt'i " nrl

, . . . Cliineso Taoestries.,

'" ,ti'W- - v , v - '.-- 'J.''..',


Il5!ruualitialJov(i I'auMuo-M-Wii- :

f r. .in----


.- v.-- ,' q ;p


Size : -

pyThree QuarterJ - -


iiil... ii Hi!;mm mm

Bishoji 'Street. . .

3 Saleis - going 'oti;

V'.iyFert Street'cpp. Catholic Church :

dandnj fXjwm

IlirsutoriD I1

hi5r- - removes 'c3

'tha natural' -


7W iOfStreet


Juiarkct. urhi- -'




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'i:-tt-:- .

collection on tha Iodal '

Ebony furn jtu re an:f ..

emliroideri nnd ' c

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5 J

; Inspection i nvi ted

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3 T7 A

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M i i 'mmmttm m w v , - . SmtW --r V J


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:at ;MWsIr;W'.


Page 6: mmmmi - University of Hawaii · 2015-06-02 · and yet not everyone-ua-a me oppor tunity;. In the proposed course, th pupils will be taught the jcare an.d use of tlie government rifle




Yoiir; Selection S 1- 1:

not be governed by tbe size of. the Com--- panyr ,me amount 01

the patronage of friends, "either is a vital ele-

ment of ', - - ',"," i

" ''

Insurance that Satisfies ft i'A Life Insurance-Policy- , is a CONTBACTbetween Yon and the Company. f ; f

the BestJ Send name; age 'andas to the Kew Policies of

EnglandLife Insurance

GastleFire, Marine, and

Accident Insurance Agents -

-- V moneyr earnf moneyr A

v.vl safe :,4i oercent ; annualearning isbetter than apromise o fmore.CANK OF HAWAII

" LTD." . Merchant

T;:-:-3 11. II. & K. Letter cf

Credit Travelers' . CheckstTtl'.jtla throughout the' worli

" r

. C it I --J w W

I C . .T "T, ncCLTJLT7 T. XX.

-- LL: t: c:":cri-gs- l Elrtctc-- :'-


.c. IL r.cur.TCO. i...... '


,V1" : rc '.ict and Uiicr- -H; IVEr.3 .....vSecrctiry

H A. n. r.CCo."i.."..".-;Tres.3urc- r

O. IL CAUTEIt...:.. DirectorC, II. CCCC.;....,.. Director

. J. IL o ALT. . . . . ... . . .DirectcrIL A. COOKE... DirectorA DirectcrD. G, MAY. ...... ... . . . Auditor

trir-- i r tPi

'--, the. .

B. Fi DiHir.'ihanCo;; . . , LI M IT I D j YV. T?:' '

General Agents for Hawili:'Atias Assurance Company " bf 4

London, New York. -- Underwriters'

Arincy; Providence Wash- -'

. !.-;.-:& " ti. 1

,- -: ;

s'.: ficcr Cti.-.;:.wa- id Culldlng.

TT- - .YCUC.A-'- CPECIZJ, '... CANK, Lr'.lTED;

- .' Ten."-- ;

raH c?.......20.000,:rve funa. .


r;2r-;nws- f4 Cli.

102, Merchant . tta e


Business . transacted, no r r


Contract :address for information


Mutual,. '


& Gobke, Ltd.Life, Automobile




Bzldam'ir Limited.1''- f

iend' Insurnc3 Agsnti

Aegnta for cHawaiian Commercial ft Sugar,

, CO. r x:::-i-: 7- --

Haiku Sugar Company. : ,:.

. Paia ,PlanUtloa;..-- ' :iV'V.;i f)Maui Agriculture! Company. ;


Hawaiian Sugar Company; ' ' j ;Kahukn plantation' Company, rMcBryde Sugar Co Ltd. j ;

Kahului Railroad Company. :

Kauai Railway Company. 1? rKauai Fruit ft Land Co, 'Ltd"

Honolua Ranch, r''--


Pay 4' yearly on Savings Oe-pcii-ta,

compounded twice';j-- t - Annua! Jy


Martin Grurief. REAL H3TATE!M ,


f : INSURANCE i yH Merchant St :: --J' Tel." 2350

C. G. COCKUS,r . :

Authsrired A;nt for Hawaii foririt Frtrsrred deck cr Faciilc ess& Llectris Cc.r.pany cf Cali.'srnla.

-- - .'v;,---:--vvFh:rs Z7Z. : P. O. Cox 542

C -- . f3 ftan-mwa- id C!Ji.

i:c:.:c insurance CO. cf havaiiLtJ, O'Ntll SS Ktis corner

Fit: 3 ccttase: in town;J j. screened ; electricity;, 122. ;,. r ". I

:,'ew house; screened, gas,e:cctricityr fine locality; $30. -


lienovated house; $30.A 215- -

r t IHeal Estate 's ,

Z '2 Kaahuma r j St. " Telephone 3831 f

T2300 Modern bungaloW,Mendonca tract, Liliha st Lot"6l3Ssq. feet --'.Original, cost 53250 v.

?C3 to XZ' 3 Few 1 etolce lots, Lana- -

. kila tract, ' above Insane AsylumJ

no prr mon.; no interest, j ;

tlCO Lota 50x100; 10th ave-- PaiOloJlift .rtftwn. 1J wr mn.?.nrt intril

waity i:;az. - - 74 s. King


v '"(' ' 'Carries Trust- -on a

A.- -i Dusfness in,' ail iDrancnes. 7. - j -

V-.:'- . - OSTEOPATH l:J75 Ceretafwator. Union. J

HcncJuJu Ctcclc Exnirfdaecdar, March, JO

IflHldANTILfi. ' BM.

C Braver ft Ca

Ew PlanUtkm; Co. . . .... 11 WHaiku Busar Co. .... U ?HW, Afrt. Co. ......... ....Hew. a L Bug. Ca . . . 34Haw. Sugar Co. 35 fHonoka Sugar Co. .... 56HoDomu Sugar Co. ...Hutchinson Bug. P. Co. .. '. .Kahuku Plantation Co .. .. . . rrt.. m iAeuus oqe. . jo. ....... A7a ....Koloa Sugar Co. ...... .V 130McBiyde Sugar Co, Ltd. - 64Oanu Sugar Co. .... 2lOlaa Sugar Co Ltd ... !4Onomea Sugar Co. . . . . . . 22 32HPaauhao 8. Plan. Co. . . . . . ; .Pacific Sugar Mill ...... . . 90Paia-Plantatio- n Co. UiVxPepeekeo' Sugar Co. .... ISO

Pioneer , Mill Co., 25 25Waialua Agrt. Co. ...... 99 X01

Walluku Cug. Co. ....... 145WaJnyuialo Sugar Ca ... .... ..Waimea Sugar Mill Co. . . . . ...

; MISCELLANEOV- S- . ,Haiku I. A P. Cd PM.-- . ..18Halkn F,' ft P. Co, Com. . ...Haw. E1m Co ICS

jHaw. !rr, Co' Ltd...;..Haw.' Pineapple Ca ... 33 34Hilo JL'BCo, Pfd...... .... . .

ID Hilo;,Rr Co, om.t.... ;.. 1r U Hon. B. ft M. Co-- Ltd.. 15 15

Hon: Oa Co: Pfd. 1WLVI IlAn. R ? Po. Hftm ..... too .;n

Iater-IaUn- d .S. Jf, Co.4- - . . V . . . . ; 5

Mutual Tel.: C6.;.;.... 1 , 18OalKi . By. ft Land. Co , 135 ; 140 :

Pabang. Rubber Ca . . . . .V.Tahjong Okl( Bnb. Co,.

HamalmaDItch .Ca ,1a.. ;Haw. a:6 Sugar Ca,5s.,IIaw-lrr- . Co. (Ca 'lL'Haw. Ter 4s, RetIl4W Ter 5v Pub. Imp..Haw. Ter. . Pub. loa' 4s, vHaw. Ter. i4s;;ti......flaw. Ter. ....:...Hilo R R. Co, 4 U. 01.. 70 i' ...UUo B.R.Ca. R.ftE.Con.$ 67Honokaa' Sug, Co. ,' 6s. .Hon. Gas Co,: Ltd. 5a: 100 - I ,v....


Hon.: R-- T. & lu So.! 6s . . 103Kauaf :Br.i Ca 8s..;.... 101.Rohsla'mtch 'Co. es.'i.'. "..McBryde "Sugar Co. 5s... .v. 100

Oahu R, ft Land Ca 6s.. 10J i :'lrtLte demanded.of $225 per day . wasOahu 6s;..Sugar Co. V..Olaa : Sugar Ca.-- 6s . , . S5 so:Pacific O. &;F,"Cor 68.'. -Paciflc Sugar; llill Cd: 6s .. tPiboeet: Mill cavss:,;.. 10r .

Ssn-.Carlo- i liraing;Cp. 6a 10O- - 5,

Waialua Agri, O9. 6s 100 v

Sales: Between :. Boards 100 Ewa21; 15 Waialua 100; 45, 5 Pioneer25 100 McBryde. 6 25. 40 H. B.

Session SalesSO. Oahu 6 ; 6 n; al


" "!c ' -'.Latest sugar cufitation:, $S degrees .

test, 4.675 cents, or 2$.l0 pr ton.

yf;y y . v t 2, 5

Members: Hent:u!a Cisck. fni ' Csr.i

ti-.l.Urcr.2r.- Ctrests;,

hi. coltd; v.-

,;i'cTCcit:cr;0KER3::jInformation Fumfxhed and Lcar.i ;

;.!titha5t trett: Ctir t";lldlr.3 ... Phcne .1372






American:Hawaiian fleet, th0 Isthmianand 'the Pennsylvahian,' have ! .beenchartered by private parties tof. thedelivery of nitrates from a Am- -

erican Dort'to New7 York according toadvfrsr .Whlclier received .herecay.

A? ctatandrnajndnst:: ;

M id-p- a qlfic ' Carnival. : tti, : mcst berreseme? lor pay mem perore waxen15, qr they passed tp the sua

ijj i,.J r:i . . . ...f;:t.. -

UVAltLT VU" UIIUAI1 UIVO.Resolution ttnanlclotiftly: at

;Ob 'and;after,ifarchl5X915,a --booking fe6 6t ? $15vwilh be, ... :.-- r

argcuaciLjsnger. ttv.wuuuyuu.ivuu .

signed,; to apply on all steamers; of 63AfatsrmKaviga'n

iASs llatsolTavigation.Maklkl -- HeJahts Poultry RaiWu

8. a Leghorns and si Orp-

ingtons. .Hatching v eggs; --"day-old

chicks; 'young and: laying stock;! Rec-ord of : breedersi v 180-24-3 eggs. :

trap-ne- st 'every, bird 'every 5ay..ln theyear. f Cockerels from 'hens with, over200gg ;.; records Strictly fresh tablseggs" and choice- - table poultry. A Visitour plant; "wrlt 'for 1UL '

i '.

TtU 314J, E. C. fWpann, p. a Boa

r: "jV'J-

T if

- A - t - ' , t t f - "V .111 . .


llCREASE 1ST : VISIT THIS F11RT ml HERE. ' ...' . : I' .. - ....J-.... I ' , - - . . . ... ' : I

ncnin again' taqtav



A scarcity of tonnage because of theCuropean war Is .expected to 'affectHonolulu as other parts. of the worldin .the. Importation of . coal and commodities. Steam freighters which ayear ago were abundant at Newcastle,N. 8. W, are in many instances engaged in the transportation.of troopand supplies from colonial portsGreat BriUin. A different type ofTeasel is now available to bring fuelto. the Hawaiian Islands. .

: The high price withoutparallel In maritime history.: hasbrought about a serious' situation forsome "of the" bis" shipping concernswho now find . it difficult to obtaincharters at any price. Numerous concerns' which operated fleets of foreignvessels .before the commencement ofthe war, have since been compelledto charter, American , Teasels to carefor" their, consignments. The situationis not so serious : to those, who operwated-- . British: steamers- - and Teaselswhich, are' stilt, free to'roam the seas.

The elimination of the- - vast fleet ofGermans ;has; made it' necessary tdhandle the cargoes of tha neutral nartloos: fa American British or othervessels flying the flags ; of countriesother jtban Germany and 'Austria., Theunusual .demand i combinea - witn tnesudden - activity 'A in the . movement ofcctton. frpm the southern ports to

has drained Ihe.Paciflc coast ofnearly - every available jteamer :andeven . of - vessels hresmall and not suited for the transportation of tbU commodity across? theAtbmHel

' The, American bwners or con-trolling local , vessels :,by , option orcharter are Remanding teyery possiblepenaj.for the nse of their ships, v Twoweeks of, 'the.. coasters wasplaced on tn charier ; markei and a

One week later wben one of the shiipers.; came ,prward and prepared.:.tocJosq , th.e :4&) on, this .basis,, he, wasinrgrmed-- . that, the rate had .beenraised ' to $t?5; per day. Before thewar annnd,er normal conditions Ihlsvessel cculd not command more than


r.ii:: ?VV VTiSMrs f.Neale and infant F. Talor, Mrs.l FjTayJorMrs. W. Thomp-sonrrWaU- et

Mr. - Cani old,Mr. Lawrence, Mr. Roth, C, poodrlch.

ILInneyAWolcottr Mfea Charlotte: Ly--

'nan. Miss , miss uyer, missnu r-- K vt. wMrht ' iti 'trin.pach. 'Sels W MrsTwurSt. Geithman, Mrs.C. S. Russet A. S.: Morrison, Mrs.Caas.VF.--Hofer-

, Mr. Shawn, W.i L.Davis, B. F. Bishop; Clark Browning,R. IL Brittani Mrs. H. B. Slaven, Chas.ElsenmtwC' W E. ; Hlldreth Mrs. Har-r- y

Lewis,. Mrs',N. B.r Falrweathar, F.T. Fuller, frsJ M. Hawthorne;: Mrs.Falre and child, Mia.: M.! L penfleld,Master Robert; Thompson, Mi." Foote,E. A. K. Tnillam, A. S. Height, Mrs.Roth; , Frank " .Warren, Mrs. : A. S.Haight. Mrs. E. tT. Winant, Miss N.LocklanC, Miss Margaret Lyman MissMargaret" McCarthy,' Miss Pierce, Mr.Wright, Mrs. Hlppach.'iH. G- - Hay; Mr.Specht, Otto Herrmann,,; Miss . . Mar-garet Uhl, Kelly Brown, Miss ' M. H.Lemony MrsT D. f, Kelly and daugh-ter,' H;? 'Miss r' JaneBooth; Myron A. Hofer, M,lss BnttjStDennis, , Mfs.W. u Davis, Mrs; II., M.

ptewart TaKCS vpmmana or aixcc... After. bein on phore duty for sev

eral weeks Captain Charles 1& Stewart, one 'of the" Pacific I Mail's starskippers; Will stretcn his sea legs onth.e brldgd'of the big freighter Aztec,which,, after oeins 3ald "up. fori sometime is, to be despatched, for Mexicanand Central Y"'Am'erican! v ports. ; TheAzteo was recently .'overhauled ft con-siderable expense and la now In first--class .condition. : Captain Stewart isno stranger :toi 'the big: treighterasbe. was formerly f attached to tbe vessel prior i to 'omnunds, on ;the Xhmaand Panama v.a. u ; v


BINDING :. : .T ,

! Tenders:; for rtot&g.'Cblndlng dpublishing the Session.Laws-an- d

tor' 'printing ."and ; furnishing " advancesheets ; thereof; will - be T received atthe office of the SecreUiT' of Hawaiitthtilr: e'clocarnoon of tbe '22d dayof vMareh 1915, when ; they, wfll beopened. 'i--.-

-"?'.:' V" i

K Specifications,; btankjfennil : of prdrtosals 'and other mation,Tnaybe .


had sald'office office

' The American-Hawaiia- n large fleet:" SStT--- . ,i-i- N. Slaves Nixon,of Mrs. : U;E.ndeth U P.varied traffic with tne opening

ranima-'cana- Two steamers 6f :the 1 P


to- -

biltf the










cerwieo ence in me iwvuiii u t..payable' at" sight to the. SecretaryHawaii : Vr t .g-- '

The'undersigne4 do not ".bind, them- -

selves accept the' lowest or any bid :

( ..The Paciflc Mail liner Nile, com. mandeered by the British admiralty-a- t

i the beginning of the European war as

iranspaciiic traoe in ine near ruture.'civy yesieraay in me steamer Lur

KiiCBiuu . uu qiwncriiuiier io, uieTeasel, who. today passed through Ho-- 'nolulu to San Francisco as a passenger.In the Mongolia. . I

The Nilft'has'fieured m a series of!picturesque experiences, says Allen,' camea me Lurline decks,wha while here, displayed a number. The stock reached port fine fettie.of interesting- - photographs taken by J AlL kinda of excitement developed be-h'- m

whn with the vessel in the trans-ror- e the four-foote- d passengers were


uauvu cviumiiiee





port The Nile completed to eave steamerthree voyages from i South China., and wharf. . They had things pret-th- e

Indian peninsula; to Great Britain mch heir , on Piersiid Continent, the would fte. wft V CDl

be recognized bT .Honplulans; Seven days crampedu ho were with Its trim' lines. Quarters afforded by , narrow box6n,i wait ifanv rhftii . stall brought all latent enereyes have taken place to accomrnojatethousands of. East Jadian troops sentto zone; . :. ": '

r--.- -i r - L.ii vacific MaU skipper,' hM.retamed.a)m.!Jlir"1mand the.vessel. Allen sayjs that a --r h,, InricuiSrTh-- i

of i,ther .steamship. mltliner, The Wile, is, reported to .have

"Set S ThTdeckS itrSSguns ana u is to au purposes aa

hiSaeLtaSwhSl SieaerfMSSSranS J,S LSXwaS voy- -



Per irin.H ;


Beth, Bl F. Mrs. Donald,

vfSl;?!!WMiSS SS!t a Atte7CrTS MriTiS


visitors recruitedCentral




service. finally .Inducedor,the










Atherton, WA.IAn-j"- - ;

derson, S.jW.,Blal8dea, 'B.V-W.- a Seattle.Baker. Baker; Bowes,- -; Kn'l'BalnR. 'fom f-J1- ?,

Bicknell.:Mlss:c.,Becke.- - Brauns,itu-'H,,- oi pines supplied Ltbby,

Miss C."Bethl, Miss Benjamin




Braun, irs.4v tfraun.wrs.EBakerr.Mlss Baker,' weeks pending thediacharge a car-Cottre- ll,

H..Corbett, Case Jumber and., supplies theMiss F coggesnaii, Mrs. uaaay,

Mrs, KP. Cutting, Clark, Mrs. J.Clark, Caroe, R., Caroe, C.

C. . Deerlng, F , Dickinson, ,W.





- U will . on


the theof

oi WChin


to the

were allthe at ant- -


' -




haa tbe

own way .15,the had

in the

out the.

the war






is, him-- . ta,rrancl willth

. bringing:.m i., of tbe

and. left'Sant

Francisco' to outtBe new Hill


to thehis his. ,

the 1

13 due

K. M. W"

JT. S. Brundage, Dr. P, A. tp

P. A..R. C. A. fel; ofO.

r,,- - mi u r by the-

jona .

W, P. ofX S. go cf for

- &

P. U-- W.. H. H;

A, to arrive Tuesday morning.J. G. De J. G. Be Prez;MIss was suppliedS.;VlI:. DlckiivBdn; . Jdr"M." Dickinson; 'for will de-Dg-ht

C. ":H.. Emes; H. 225 toss 350 tonsEmens, J. N. Mrslf,' Fields; Kahului, 250 tons at and 25

M. J. J. Fawcett, tons Kaanapall.vr ',;:-- ,

M. Fa tt; 8. Flaxman, C. IL ...

E. George, E. George, wife; C. ,V. Eullnger..Geisthardt.Mrs8. L. Oelsthardt. R. M. Demur, O. P. King

WG. Goulds puistUnlanL R. E. andS. Glfford, J. HoUoway, J. W. " P.: Bennett, Spitz andHolldway, Humburg, Master C. H. Babcock, J. M. Reudalltt-t- ... tt tr rrtnV n ' tn. rthel und, V. Horstmn;:Mrs. W.'J. Horst.

J. Homer, C. G," Helser, Jr.;P.1.

MISS f. r--, jyirn. c.' a. j-- R.

Hasson Edward Hayden, C. Harker, F. L.O. Hamilton, A. C. A. Ebner;VL A. Kieeraan, T, P-- Hamed and Mrs.E. Irvine, D P. F. S. and Ruther-I- L

, Jenckes. Mrsj ' F. H. Jenckes, :X von Weise, Wm.,N.J'ckson, J. Jackson, p. Kamarders; BL C

O. Jr, Wv J. Mrs S-- BiughJ. H. a IL , IL

B. ' R. L. E. P.y Larned, : Templeton, i - Vt Ostrom," E. . H.P Larned,f U L. strong, and . S.

M. Lehman. H. T. McCann,. Heyward," C. Andrews- - andT. and daughter,' Ar T. Dickens, Ida

MrvA. Macintosh, BG7-Moore- , M; Knowles.t F. W.R, G. J.-- Metaalf. F. Dierks, F. W

v nd --W.iMllne:.D, B. Muckle.- -

.R. A. Moody J

and w. IX McBryae. a. m. sicW. E. McTlghe, J. H--

nell. Mrs. McConneU, M rs.' E. M,W. D. McKiUop,

Muckleter, Alftp- -


King wUe.


Tbe largestislands many

took theylanded



have landed relievemaster

c.finrv iJinHrk.skipper .and:

best mostUhe has



Mall moreWest

ttpon- received present


HUcnianMataon steamer has

Seattle and

ton.Flint Pines

MraV CliffBarry. Mrs.



Dodds, Walter Doyle, Miss Davis, here nextMrs. vessel wlp 1400

aver Tort Allen.:Elder, Hilo

Miss Mrs.Miss

Mrs. Mrs. Miss CeliaTunis, Mrs.

Mrs. and. wife. Bristol wife. Mrs.Mrs. Jennie

Mrs. KeyLucv

man, Mrs.Mrs.:

Mrs.tieiser, sod,

Mrs. Miss bamr Miss"Hayden, Mrs. Emma WalterHey Mrs. Miss

Mrs. Dr. Emma, Missford.1 Saun- -

Mrs. Mr.KraR. Kem, Mrs.

Mrs. Kern, Mlsa Kate King. ChaW Ceo.- -LitUe, Llllie,

Mrs. Mrs. Paul CowlesMiss Mrs. wife

McCana. Mac- - child, Mrs. Riggs.Intosh. jjjgg Jessie Mrs.Mrs. "Mrs. Jocrs, Mies

MiiTm Infant. .Walton: Ja. MissMunro. R.A. Moody Mrs.

child,Bryde, McCon- -

J..H.Msgoon, Mrs. Miss



Mrs, M.MitcheU, L MSVristol U , , V: 1 'goon, Mrs. VJ, H-- : Msgoonand infant, YPet str." Mauna Kea'for Hilo andMrs. UcGourley'Mr,?; B. McFatrJck, way prts, March 10. Jim Hender-A- .

.E. Noreen, Wm. KopperA. J.Kor ,0' Harry Patten, Mrs. A.. Abbott.lan, ,W. B.Meon; Mrs. W. B pteson, Sam Parker, Jr,Mr. O'Brien. a, miss urace

... f Di. Ml.. V DMifsl lire I

Robinson, H. H., RobmsoiC Mrsw H;rH,Robinson,' R. Robinson, 'Mrs. -- R,' Rob-

inson, .W.T. Rhodes, El Reynolds. Mrs;Rej-noldsD- r, FA. ficptt, :W, Smith,

Misa Esther. Sommervllle; Miss HelenSommejnrille;. F. AlScott, ;Mrs I. P,Strong; (J. Strong. W U Searles,Mrs. W. . U'.Sarle;, M,;, SUverglade,Mrs. : IC SilvergJsdeMrs t E. Sev

niorvW.' Secor. Mra. uCftors,T.: A. Swainl ;Mrs, T, A.- - Swain.. Mrs.A. A. .Sedgwick," Mrs. : E;, M. Tyl?r, C.N. TutfleMJss, E.'M..TnckerMrs. a.

U. Li; siyae, uasx. r. van assell. Mrs E. ; .yon t Kobbe, J, H.WorTaiL Rev. W. iL.Wotten, Mlas S.w,ntcr' G. : Mrsl G. V.

Tns.iA. - r. a- - r.. vr ul r.H.E; Williamson,-Mis- s Williamson,Miss R. Young, H. Zimmerman.

.Per P. M. .5; S. Mongolia, for SanFrancisco. . March iO.Mrs; P. H. Neu- -

at dnrmg :nours.iyhitney a.k B.v Wood, ; Mrs. A. B.All bids must' be accompanied by a wood, W--J. '.aldingl Mrs. W. J. Ward- -




WADE WARREN.THAYER, ; v jsUdt, B. and. W. Top-- ,f--. v?.. . ; Secreury of HawaiL - j and wife, K. Fulton, J. T.- - Warner.CfARLES.FCHnXINGW.ORTtt,J E.J. E. Haywood,' E. W. $chv.r 1 :r ' of the- - Senate. J ,3en, Isaac Cobn, vV.. H. Dickson,

r?iCTi'vii6LSTF.iK.rr;'r.'':- -

' Speaker, House of representative Master Dlck3on. U." - Schulder, Mrs.'Tf. :Ay:A- C108-10- t - ; ' ; A

I Henry Lyon; Hartman and

require nersuasionof interests to

insure permanent residence

Oq w--

come, the:California Nevada.;

shipment mules forin

Hn; usually leisurely , It? hourtbefore safely

thequarantine. ; v

"v - -


host pf Captaiit. GeorgeLapraik this ULconsratulatet.


to. llanlfy'a i

ot threatenedNorthern rran.,!n aPacific Mall v

known navon Paciflc

for York, bringother Northern Pa- -

Mm anVw M

Lapralk receatly ,

the to a?

deta and

mnnn.ntrnAnt r -

MeNeU:.&;Ubby Flint


cn Way. : :, , The


Miss, v 'lMrs





J.Prez, The ",

tons' cargo Honolulu. ItDaniels, Mrs.., at

L..Fields, M. at

J, wee r .... :

J. J.s;L.

M; V;W. David

A. fu,n. wifo

J. Woodruff. F. Cobb, Mrs. C. J. J

Hughes, F. Richardson, Dr.-:l- f

li. lv airs, na iujiu,.u,Munua,

Rathban. Martinward," E. Heyward, wife;

Isenberg, MargaretChas.

X M. E.:Goldeck-nuwa- U

W. err Cora. ZeldaW. L Rogers, A.

: ILehman, wife, A.

v B.Hi s; L.

Moore. j

McKIUop, J. '

Mr8; cN. Spratt. L.



a,.: E.



A- -



; : W. 0.A.

Amy George, Mrs. 'Jas. - Muckle; Chas.v John J. Faitis, H. l. mcauis-Stanfor- d

Wright and wife. Miss- A ' Howland. . Miss Charl. A.

powers,' H. Bristol ad wfe, Mlss Dora

,WoiA - 1imlf v r? uw n Konpn--

f'eld. :Paui .Schmidt; Jas.' Ogg; W; T.Frost, ,Sid Spitzer,: Miss. C. S. Bond,Mrs. rB." D.4 3ond.- - C. R." Kent, R. C L

Cydecker Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Ander-son. Mrs. Johnson,f Mrs. Gibbs; AV.

Mrs, Grimsbaw, Rev. FrankSeudder, Rev.- - Sidney Gulick, . H. CBartletL :W. IL Eckbeft, - Fred C.Govers, Br. L. 9, ' Thompson; :' F. T.WUson.: F. M. Plgott. W. H; Zimmer-man, Mr and Mrs. Park, Chung Soo,Master p. C. Soo. W. H. Hindle, C F.MerrilL H. JLyman, Mrs. J. J. Ken-nedx,,- 1

M4ss ; janeA Kenned; Mr, andMirs DusenbuTy; J. Garcia, , Mrs: C R.Carvalhb an child, 'Mx;;and Mrs.'H.T ; Carpenter. Miss Calberlne Haroijr.Rv; A. Harlow, Miss Schrader, MrS J.H. Raymond, 3Hss Violet Makee. F F.Woodford, G EL Marshall. B, W, Cannon, J. D. Hannah W. Tin Chong, T.C -- Hee,1 F;' A.. Russell .Whitney, W. E.C. ; Miss Voot,' Mrs. 'Watt, J.F. Jordan, J. n. Maconachle, Miss M.E. Moir; Mlas Llly Kekuewa, Mr. andMrs. C, J. Dexter.' . "'T f

T. ' ' ' ' ' ' 1" -..9

4 f j - AV

Per U W;G. Hall Xrom KiUal H.ftass, "Mlas , 8. Choo. L. W. Mashika,M rs; J,-- Rath; U.V Johnstons;Johnstone and 25 deck passengers. i

' The Oceaafe attamer Sierra willtake a quantity of copra" brought idthe port semat mcotha ago in theucrman steamer fonuaem. v;.. v. i . ;

.'About 100 ons of cargo brought tothe port five months ago in the Or-ma-n

warbouad steamer Holsatla willbe forwarded to the Orient In the,Japanese. Bner. Tenyo Mara. T

The InterJsUnd steamer W. C. Hailwas an arrival from Kauai today wlUl5000 aacka. of sugar, 14 empties, sereral crates of eggs and 24 packageof sundries. The veaael met with findweather on the homeward trip; t


I The Cnited Sutes collier Hector, steaminjt from Honolulu for the

martnta AS and A5. in xrotft ta"Tfl,""",. Z ,h " inmainland for bunker coal

After an idleness o; some time, ssteral lumber carriers of the" coastwisefleet have resumed service, and theoutlook Is just a little brighter, ac-

cording to shipowners, although ratesand demand, for tonnage for theJum-be- r

trade are said to be far from satis--

The KIsen TCaisba liner TenyaMaru from San Franc!ac0wUl arriveearly . Friday morning, according to alate wireless received at the' agencycf Castle ft Cooke. The Tenyo MaraIs scheduled to steam for Japan andChina at 5 o'clock In the evening, yFrancis Hanify Has Big Cargo. - , 'Completing Its second trip to theHawaiian Islands, the Mataon Navlga- -Men chartered steamer Francis Han--"y waa berthei at p,er " at noon

.ddaUinacom.inauu iii uii iMHTinir rrnn nr irviKUter.which brought a large general cargo.Thu; vessel will deliver 11X2 tons ofcargo at Honolulu and n transit car'

559; tin, fti PoTt ATlen.lio t7nsfcr

.Kanaapali.. , . 20 ..tens for

!,Kahului ;,A-

said arrivalthe berth cf Great of gasoline and

.steamer Noftfiern Pacific, distillate.r the vestel 550

n: former u ,

.lm- -











rT.- -





hh0 tot San Francisco with a capacity7 .

cargo of sugar.: ..: '"''.'.: i

Kauai Sugar Report --;

.? ? ': Sugar awaiting shipment on.; Kauai

following, lots, accordins

f VmJ; --

PAS5Z.Crr.3 EOaiED I: Per stmr W. G. Hall,; ftf Kauaiports ; March ' 1 1 St. : C. Sayre, C.O'Neill, Prof. Jaggar; J. P. Cooke. .

1 Per stmr. Mauaa Loa. for Kona andKan ports March 12 J. M. Hind, MissE. H. TaHa, Miss B. E. Whitchouse.Mrs A. Green well, infant and maid.Rev. F. M. Merrill, W. DvMcKUIop. EL

A. Bach. F.' U. Greenweli; F. U Ho!f-ma- n.

J. Nakamuro, Mrs. R. B. Baker.Per stmr. Claudine, for Maul ports

March 12 Miss E. Maiahola. Mi33

Emma Solomon.; : ;

Per O. 8. S. Sierra, for San Fran-- ;Cisco March 13 Mr. and Mrs. FrankA. Cressey, Miss E. P. CLeney, MissAnnie' Humphreys, II. J. Shaad. MissShaad, Miss Catherine Gre?7. Mr. andMrs. S; CromwelL Mr. and llrs.D. IUDusenbury, Miss Carroll Eowio, Mr,and Mrs. .Morten:. IIlccx.Y. D. Bon-- .telL; M. Karpen,'.Miss B. .

Goldberg.Miss B. Young, U B. Goldberg, tf rsH..L.. Johnson, Miss " Irci Dierks,Theo. Dierks, .Mx." snd Mrs. C N.Steele, W. K. Ward, Clarence B. Hum-phreys,' Mrs. ' E. S. Dam. Mrs. A. J.McLeod. Mrs. N. E. West; Miss CGrayi W. M. Brlen. Mr. and Mra. C

- Cody;;A.' : S. Morris, Geo. : W . A.West, Miss Louise Schultz, Mrs. F. C.Schultz. F. A. Schultz, Mr. and Mrs.II; S, Plummer, C P.; Hogan. P. RobIns, Dr. and Mrs. Lytaaa Ware.-I-eo- n

HoinzBberger; Miss Eolith Ware, MlasH. Were, Mr. and Mrs. M. 51. Rinn,Mr, and Mrs.' D. C. Ashmore, W. R. .

Carroll, Mrs. C. Varam. Mrs. A. John,sen, Mrs. J. B. :DeFcrd. Mrs. J. MfCrane, Mrs. Lee Landla, II. O. Rein-har- t;

.Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Welsh, M. KMattes, J. P. Medelrcs, J. M. Chase,W. A.J Kelsey, Mr. and Mrs. M.' D.Shears, C.;V. Oslwrne Mr. and Mrs.W. R. Carroll, F. C. Govert. Jas. War-noc- k.

M. Christian. R. F. Wells. Mr.and Mrs. T. W. Jennings, O. R. Kent,B. W Given, Miss E. Boyer, Mrs, E.Moyer, MrS..W.:Milne and Infant, Mr.;and Mrs. Horace .Wrisbf, Mr. and Mrs.J, Wallen,- - Mr. and Mrs. Brown, Mrs.arid Mrs.' C W. Lassell. Mr. and Mrs.W. W. Wheeler, L. G. Rolley, HugherTheatrical company pf 20. ; ! .

? Per :M.v N.i S. 8 Lurline. for StnFrancisco March 16 Mrs. Wood. MrFrailer, M r. Tams, . W.. A. Grimshaw,snd .wIfe,Mr. , and Mrs.; Spitz, A. ILKennedy and wife. Perry Girtcn. Ci G.White, Master: Emlck, W. E. .Emlck.R. A. Tretheway and wife, J. R.Cas--ti- e.

Miss S. Folscn. Miss IX' Becker.Mrs,' R; J.r Becker, Mr. and Mrs. H.:T.Craven, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. UtUe andtwo daughters, Mr. and; MrsL -- R.. M.Johnson, ,


I (Speelai TTfrfles U Sertiaat1 .

.' ..v Eiehaajre;- - :

SAN -- FRANCISCO Sailed, March 10.v nocn. stmr. Wllhehnina.t for Hcnc-- "

SAN FRANCISCO Arrived March 10,

5 a. m, stmr Nippon Mam,' henceMarch s; schr. MarieL frotn HanaFebruary 10. :i 1 ,, ,

V-v- ,5,; RADIOGRAMS. i jStmr. Teny4 Martr arrive from Ban

Francisco Friday .1,81 ni and proceedsto Yokohama & m. same day i 372rviRitpnf ars all told. .."' .

U.-Tb- A. .T. enenaan rca , o p.9S3 mile from Honolulu, cxpectv

to arrive Saturday morning.

Page 7: mmmmi - University of Hawaii · 2015-06-02 · and yet not everyone-ua-a me oppor tunity;. In the proposed course, th pupils will be taught the jcare an.d use of tlie government rifle


IflPF 1IJIJ.ll


'i v , 4 i V L V 1 0

T'.V fA ff:?


nut by r:i- -5 AT ocr-- i

cow- - P-f- -L , i;

l-- rthji vfaoi

mere are

7vM! drill ofpeed cp

' tf.Y f r-jtt- s manual-'--

T the letirf .r.trr. Mai.

rf rr. I He drillcf V: ever

mVV.Jwvr The

? 4f.

uec-- 1 men jump lo-Au-




rl t'.ct Vhit-

crk .

f tte riflewasI

a feat f

.3 tncro-j- h

? r.en, 3 every setrill was

icrccrtlble tU"n-T.-i- 3

Lc'.r- .- tl.e iro-- i

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r) hec:


,i.ii-- .viir.iii . , . 4

7 . , I evM- - Mrs. Krn

ltiiU ; ?.S.d nor", ..latathe vs'V.:-- j

W the t OTWljs?"?." : w. ."r;j letter cuw"."- -

t v


- .. - i

..Viv. .

-I iiid recommer

t . m Said.A bis bit UepUnc. oT:ror. ir.i: .how: on Troop a.:wuiantft letter, .".'i Dofilfade. Vidian, soWlers, BentlSae, between- -


.i.JJ show n- -


meclal mention.Troop



favor-TOI.- r

...tirr.s.: creditable



L':''.y'tte rcr-Ia-r


battalionwt-- quite











that thisA



. - ,;i .t ott

.t, nr

of'. , .


ranch property

r-ri.-v. uerejnaDUYeri

'.L4. Jn'rfrl?6. "rri- - that.he.-th- t


betAg mui


copyTCinney;, berf

green norse. iu.-v--r- r iattlmbeen even louaer. v; fiant ine

"E. Signal Coris,le:a,. Jft laid buzier y.Mfr whatsoever bfJSe; from ttt.mritu; :'unicatlon with rqtndlah the saia rucnarr- -

..mfitlt'CCUn.0vA.nd deliverinsf nurstianf to.tne, L

ae to cTn; Cterintbe. Kmant theaaid ,W;

J i5SrCSj 3rd ; Ba he ould.not: considerEngineers.- - was the closing tbfc aelectioa orw - Oho

eVert ofthTpWimt company! tah of 14 , have

vv'.U havei:..-;rov-

lt i.ttef


tCUIUi. piesgrand- - 'and


Srin?er. defuse, while .the. OowaettIotdJwinding with a bayonet Tlie aiiianvwu

ShaSel last ' defend- - for a custodian andt Jsrifi' it --was blown hink suegested. . . .'cro:..rf--or-- ;

fn0uinff letterlPv,. pTent' the' program amCng thOseref erred to:

h;.v..: t:.c

1 c


a- -

:::h,,v v.


.r--- n




tnr of

Dvar.:. end

) 13 tjd r.V.

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rr;. wall Bcallns Hulu:T4lUFebrua

.;ril la r:



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cf .i:rs

ty t: ctt: t:.-- t




ci t:

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uaj- - i cotnwena: io .y.--. .

; - 1 Knlght the , acceptance :f:Naorydarjetterasrenin au-i'?"-::;.'!,- ;

. ii -- f 1 Wrt KPI1I a"'.

Uch-wlt- h Mr Knight

v ' .uv-- - - - , . other

! Mmuea6l!"r:"lill un.

u"."rr ii;- , t vtn-oo- n iiin.iie

- " yet aajuswu vci"" --l. r. V. ioia nnw upttledf a

u- -t :'rs. nit-jo- f views i-

rt E. Thonp- - The-soohe-r th jbole

:;.eva for iienry i the peur.iw i

i . i .. - . j - ...

vruij, - -It ar.a in a . i','o"ii(iisthat the . - ' v.-----:-.--r- - f . C :


.chef faith w; Xl KInnsy, Esiui; f'. v;.V;- - ;;, .... , ..f.,.: .,,.., .,, .....

Vr ' 5vTt is to Dear Sir: .1

vcz.., never .C U5-

; 1 t c herehy submit tha rf r s- - V ,t . ;

f . - h v"' t ,;f?,vv 5 ' . hv j r,v f?ti.lit,tn T". 'Whitnev. aV. .. .i I . V

.iter and that, child, Richard Sma. I .m( r certain rosea coiui ioc

1 r.vf.! hie as5 t ? c . r.t shej r '

. ; that aI .n Their r- -

- :.;t that e dh--:itic--i

' ; c r.t t v; s

? cf !lrs. V. hit.fa'th.Uudze

ccrcr.t and r.ctwould

ltei by Mrs.


ccnuA.v-- .!by

th-- t U.e , custodianh:r Parhcr ncr Dow-II- :

Us ecluive and

Esquire, ?




lours - jVriv




upen betweenVnnr.q truLv.

". " -- :,'( IsnedV F.IHonolulu,

Jl Thompson,- -

Dear Sir: Re S:r,onjI beg acknowl

1 U Whi.- -jkicdi

reply ishfe.thatccmrMcationa haphlca.lnmy judgment mi peasabie,

negotiations be.,.v.v:,r the suspended for

. i . wic'that Mrs.c cf t--


.1. ccunssl:

-- ht Is now tl- -


A orU









custodian oiin I


f t1 tof? to SanKnisht .plans

Francisco shortUes ,t(. 8es.the child before J; .;;

Youra truly, v

New Plan Kejea,,o C: rive all)" hTtofflnsoa' Ui

; cf t: 2 i-- is r,""-;"""- ' .71rx: Kinneyy had in

., : 'urely completed

; ' : r I and accepted f reiabefore'.:.:.;- r- earlier negotiations , 4 to J by Kinney

..rd a ccrarrcnu?e, aiiop- t cathcai"-.'i'- immediate- -i s d.-av- it Esys; . . I, . t gays,' Jhimself on

: ar.d cn the 2J day of VaIfof G. He closes.... tii- .- nasi..'.ittg amdavit V ca 1cr.--.wri- r:: t..e E- -d last--- v

24 Klnnel iat therekti.r cf Y.h Es-- .

.a3 n0 furtt,to ttay the- 1 rcr t..e cca r.uon proeesi both sidesI A. i.ncy, E;uire, hout(i feet r'ake.Miy le- -

hL..3 relative to the cis-- l x &ction th' nt;-,- -

' th3 e.late in the, event cf 1 ,i,m?atPioa the-24t- h

.II. tf tho t:'J miner before ar- - of Febli:daTrt ends,at Lh; raa;.i;ty- ar. 1. left' the attorney , 0l' ;

of-M- rs.

? cf s '1 rrc; :thr.S ty tha f -- id . Knight;. filed-- 1 bat Judge.E! su.i i r:. c..:cr.3 being :

vhitney.; Wd ' the., re-- ;f . "... : flA--- r v3 r? fed v3: ; foj. J the matteri Quest

from his Stuart. j:.

( ' : t: f )

ers f the r. 1 . f ty). r V ?M ' Z'fy I


a! v , V- - I W iiii.V-- ' ' M V 'The MoVtmukt wflli?y ;Vij-- j - deathcf. cive an;e H .dance,Vfn

V r - 1 3 T--aj ir-- the1 assemf U.iaokalani

I ' ' . .. v. ... . . L , '.. -- J crl nn 'faPlQCk. "Ad-"..'

. Berlrsz

Corner-"For- t and








to exactly t.word .toir4 it---i- ;..

suits over carUI1U vou

lere's no bet: ;

L;vohfeart!i. - c:mfcetnmsi:;::;;-i-y- ;


F IhetMRIt ' i (Bra mv-- i

M T8 , ,,


i ,

Conflrfrrorosl- - ifi'vVrtlcn4ItD;i- - XUtlSllYOWr



-- -

nifrnirffrnio uifc

5- -

BmCcrzicd Picture:. ; ;;;i;V ;

Tlia Expertsiinare as eaer as you are ;to get the mo3t

:" AH the Kodak Sundries an Stock.

; Fort Street' . .. .














-- y j

to tl



- ' ' ' ' -- -. v rl. .. .... .. '

. T il 1 J" ..;. T ',... -

Page 8: mmmmi - University of Hawaii · 2015-06-02 · and yet not everyone-ua-a me oppor tunity;. In the proposed course, th pupils will be taught the jcare an.d use of tlie government rifle


," C -

1. 1

.... v


'i ;,.-- ' - - .... ' '

. PIKST TIME EVER SHOWN- 3000 Teet Clear Film v ,

( . .... :.. ...SEE YOURSELF OTHERS SEElYOtJ v



,7:456 VERTURE. .


T 4






9:00-BROWA- NI LAWSOl !' X&IHMV. . .


: Prices: Vl6cr 20c, SOcReserved, -


7th T;

of of







Pri:::: .ICc, CDc, 30c, 50c; Ons Performance NightlX- -

:::vio;vcri 0 subjects

including variety ofsnaps of 1 each;: feature.;

": V :i. S''


Honolulu Photo Supply Co.tEVERYTHINCi , PHOTOGRAPHIC, i; r i

-- Fort Stree t : V v v.' . 7"


A v.

' 'V- r'

-- ' ,; " ..!

ctrom Llusic C6vCorner "Fort and .King Streets ;- -,


iniiK fflosEtWivEoicimmWiiSI OPPOIITW TO SEE VIMS'

. t

i U 4 ".U!.MV-- U . . 1 1 &We . fia Ad:

expressed bPrtafc Bismwck la re-- 'tvFm TKant to icintrafeift U used br Great J il!iff .toI ? f

la atorW loririll intrbducedNone of the lovable characters, and

Great-Crita- to was discussing with JSi SJ-iL-Wi

then at war with China, the!" f?. r. .f4,.question: of-th-

e HsM to declare Ti'jnr .fK. .mJ The treat is The Chimes." whichfore to be contraband.. the i Ktell1

nnii A thttfthis play , brings out one of

h German government for a statement ra,c?






Prince BIrmarck's was lan llfe is mPl He has a? sees life as it exists when richfellows: daughter and he has consented her and poor and decides the

answer I lt an nonest. pcor nave tne to marry as, well... . . . . . . 1vr.Hi r Tk I tha iKH arm f Twt AniYnn.TVor tne ist msxani. i repiy ue cnam-- 1 "r. vber of Commerce : that any", disadvan-- 1 P? during the luncheon hour,

I he was sitting on the steos . of asuffer the wealthy squire eating his and In addit;on "The Chimes the

ric a of does not the ; program the seventh:a measure which and; made , sport of simple "The Million Mystery"

it ha been fit In car- - He reams of the proposed marriage newon foreign, war. "

- Every ; wafr Is a V great " calamity. nuime MAFfcwhich, entails evil ilionly on the combatants but also on lUrilthe neutrals.' These evils may'easfl Ibe Increased by the 'of J- -. l jUCUU at vr n w acta iuo v tu v mivua tftird carries tne war, to we ais-- 1

advantage of the subjects of the inter-fering power, and by means Get--

man"' commercfl" be" weighted 1.

with far heavier losses than1 a 'trans-itory-, of the rice trade In




hihotrfll llll








OFMdllV?"T A W house rave a noisv and flow



contraband approachedduT'oppewmg

consequences Tiy.lIrlll:interference


"r"TriSralMlinifficStleVom . Alphta Musical It is expecteothat Charlton,

partially against la8t..IlIght;.NmoOe? 2rd3.wfM- - ... .. : , . , --. : the Charlton.,. wUt.

bestBARTLEY AGAIri fS letter,reclv?l9hn

. . c-- -j. J" 'vl'; Palmierl. hi counsel .it,v vvu.ujun .uvCTUIIf YHWI; a 11111X1. " "- - Sierra the, mainland.v J ;r f!amn





i f l


all lJl- v are over "

; the i?:i. s(... I

for- t I ih will

' I ... ... t . .tne Digges locat moving pic- -

? ' ' ' 4th, 191S ' tfeat hlh viEditor . Star-Bulleti- n.

rV ed Hdnolulansr wilK be tSe1 repro--

y- - Sir: herewith jplease ductlbn'of the of thethree hot all cryinr to appearat once, or eonsecntivelr. ift-'th- e Star- - t .u.At'Uw tii vi- - X


, ueu mjr v:- -

"In be the v

.: , .

of ex theIn tke TV.

aJso your at the 41a feQn ;

y - . ,TTr; V ' I ana ; tnen pkk oiit or. win lines iu yv a i -- It be-ea- sy the

J of 'the v . ,f..' -

r:; I ItN a fji i a amif-Mv- v ......

fish no u V-- ;SAir are .

tnA 'bif are--. straiU and em; ;

ancT quotas' La be

? .of

f5of v

" are tp bef- -

the sea :;V t Ml f

. tug . . ,

An newTo -



"', . .






trips7: f - for

, t v- uS.

In snOf

TisTV l ..






com- -







. J ..i l.t.U . .1..--

.i . . o...i.


.rfvJ .?

to. her. m-- r

I?of ftd

for be--

andItof; the

flfA cmtirxA

;;:;vof the

cSn at;place,

and h.o

Th kt


children: intoworld.?. jt--

ponders this reconprevious


dreams, andhtm

and answerthat,


terests may treatmentof potatoes will include epl- -

VmeaLthought take and Mary Pickford subject



rB the' ;Porter

chin. panT escaped Castle

the" bimput They


Cashier."RHn n)it!ir)ninl

Ittir hnHonoluluflad aU. big events






cuuuru iBliraj events yon,"wUl yourselfand fihn Note

frtend gat' during; Wt frhibit Panama-Pacia- o -i- ntar ftard. manen.:borne, fyker'the Wcycltf peace pagH1'--AprU Showefs'Ms'4 llve --8cliohildren8 exerctSieaUii erowd.v Will because,

aurea,ie. acefor- the5y; world haiaptonshlii- -

De..-.- . irT-v-;-

Stacker which" swimmer HnVniliTljTHE

llafall'n. circumstances. ..'V5different, taey ;C4her features alsa

straits separate Lpiendidly portrayeU and cameraKauai gave. their i,tt,AI.

different aUturter tnote Lye ffim vv'vv??their JackeUe dote lnown "the

AJsolaahSSJra prograhf WriilttfJjtkSwilXSSi Lawsoni.andthe',-Hele-ftna1'' 1t!c Leach-Walll- n Trio sbwin

Amont coral caVesto aUuuuj prisui.

HaWaSan flying blueiota whose "Aloha's?.

fad' stranger;


.rrrVt: .rr;- - have bpen arrangedZt-,?Ji?.-

L .r.rirr fthe Outdoor Promotion committee:thlsweek-end- .

From Jjit -- n'J-J?;.' lvWwnHawaiian


Visitors come





vr .

"Ttr. Tu. and for

Mn'nnt -- fV.T.







ls;iT;POET- -





uc.rS-Brown-and- ;




-- :riV;yr? --Ulmedy Keystone

ttere'irrSiiiSS, HONOLULU.SKATtNQ RINK.if!ril: swimming. thosedesirinr




othersc- -.


the' '

iTT. - Bookings for,these trips.are . - " -Manager.

anis ought blow l .ihr ' c.

patience overwrought-f-- ' MAYOR "

Will .- ,showers - - - . k

" V.LT i . i Mayor Lane will cenrer wither "."ri .

, man Ahia city aThi;.;Ar4v7', t':;';'rti'' commltteetodayTfor the'pur--

frontier's a arranging: " May-committeewiU April showers riS,Wa-..wiuii-'rf(.ii.n."jL- .i V teret3d : ??r hospital 'tor adjudication dlK-i-.V '' "t t




. 1

cultieaowlng : tasufff--'paitlentaPat

hospital; satisfactoryJ arrived! TiospitaS

Waikikl-su- ch. a heterogeneous Hrm'.HnVK'S rSSAmateur

' '--


I25. f


cient eare

?be! with thesaid; the.


ttii. 111

- ?- - f Madly to v4ask;-- :ST ten t0 dene: j

Jis Neptune s n4 gabble j recede to"ior uiews reaches, Of patted b the hand Iffw

avcrek peacnes 7 : 1 taot 'patted : by-- bloc'a, r- -iWhere, .where. so?; U I bluest ik:

ey rjef mne- - thews I The ; hwpmc.iT " i -- i -- vV: 1 .beats!ado, iney aeveiop . those

h wim: uuaes mere Toutngger "nigh!




. V . Tnruwt rHr;None so V ! 1 1 n .hk '

with the For: r the'AJ victor? breakers? lit:

and pompously it, in-

junction that "the poor have no rightmarry and bring the

, t"Trotty over and

siders his consent to hisdaughter's marriage: On Christmaseve. a little later, he Inhumble home when , he : iasleep the chimes a neighborins

He it a dr?arothat startles into itis a dream in which his own andthose close are - and itracks his honest and sout He

as Bls reallyto

In their right. oa Thanu

by tripewar when squire

of Dollarto in a



The of supervisors meettonight at 7:30 o'clock. ; Among othei

to read wilt be theof th,e purchasingdepartment report" wflf teir of

saving of county fthrough the commodf-tie- s

offered the city and sincethe' department " was the

; !rVw "


neutral: being'. recipient of be

Whirl" waiinfe siclans stUIW i a

I.-- . vi.


ciuieuu. see on , v?the Aqnarlum" will help .wftere ;the IlawaU swimming , WexpoaU thW nuita.W I aHtic, readers races;poent on tne.


,.v.,,i':. ffnish woman's ? s,;...,-(.- j ; -

--r in "locaF

no brotners A1jthe

OahutOf a.. nbt.eatch The wIUWhea on the" begiflrimg

fish f

globetrotter THIS

VI Three by

flsh-n- ao





the, health.





swift," nonethere--1 Jump





cut of






11 arid 13. . . .

lfgumni ftfta

Prices 50ct $1.00. 1

"tj--h 5"m:



--Tne suent Drama.Evening , (Two 6:45

and 8:3a o'clock. .Special TODAY

THE EVERLASTINGTwo-re- el drama: . . :.".'- -i

Seraphina'a Affairs ;;.v..v--

Comedy ,.M . EdisonThe' BabyV r ; ; ';

others--ni ' l.r,--...'.- , 'i"rainav

nei, Hawaii nei;


v ; Reduced v PricesSkating, and admission

leaving Promotion at Arternoon i& V rv I beinff re-i-v Evening--?-', to 10 I

HeVrflhw" WHITCOMseason i rtrriftrn'tif Is TQ; fJFER WTH 'J

April snap them? - - - c -

.& thet, ,

ltperce 0fII7 '

Hague T


to theI

If compromise l




rur-waer- JgJ S-- ffiCI ilifdispenses. him - X- - - tvf jp!

10 tne





LcS SSwick!: awounceTa reductTon of i LSifSkSX tbe-price-;

of;; eporr tinned-- V;!!,Waikikf,

W tibabble,!orgy They WMttBTmuWn:rT..n8 anr canoeists

sucn whttwould beoft appreciated hand?

j and'.

.on I Neptunlana

tne I


tllWailan, IStlVonbmniv

cpmpetes sttrfboardE'en --



sitting hjby


justify the


board "will

reports be reportrecently








MarchfTfpVpf Rarvlna










House efshows

- Program for

..C .LublnLove

.i n- .-


rooms 7:30tf 2vw --.i





;--v- -:-. 'f







n ?









7:30 P. II.--PA- THE WEEKLY7:45-BOSWO- RTH-'S the

tlVECTSTWO SHOWS-7:3- 0 AND 9:15

l?xCOiniIG SATTJRDAY rv txrOne of the World's Greatest Dramatic Star


' : aaould as much , the of woman Alims

womenrutt down, listless, tired-ou- t women should, use


remeay. prepared expresslyforhe 1.00 per

:b.;byv;r-- ;

E2ilpIlS:I fl M II : I

Fori-an(MIote-V Sts.

- Open Until 11:15 p. m. -

"... . ; .

v1 ' lUrf.--'if3 vi '




' li 11. l..w- - .r a . . r

mm&m': ;Fncea Reoronnbla v.'',;..:

Wtir H r tvl ill :

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. t r--'. MS2J CU xezt to Toaxa ir.'j.' "

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jr- -

aiMiiBv u . si - ' iiu ; w vui 2 a. w i.. uAiUiii .wa w& w w

5?!? feljrsIHtly- - shacks It all depends on.the pihtoutrivvau-.oatsTi- i v?.;i .

8aimoft.ii4:T: nwiBei---K- -: : r.rul!:r 6c iM s Jcira : zrl tczlmooht to the 'springboard,',' - i-- JWXiPUmW :SU -- 25;;CU c - -

v c; r durable ana Dreservahve .coab2?r: tbrv.h??i!f!tr!'.-.F- - v--r- Jv rv. rbeneath the brtar wavelets ;i ',t 7 - TV vV: w;w' TJ v " r - " v .

blana, im Iso 'grand! ;'.

It sammersaalt inttha my. I'.
















be. possession





a;'r-- i L-- f--r - 'v. ,

1 T ?






Page 9: mmmmi - University of Hawaii · 2015-06-02 · and yet not everyone-ua-a me oppor tunity;. In the proposed course, th pupils will be taught the jcare an.d use of tlie government rifle


BY Dli, GUM ;

Would Limit Number Admittedand Set U0 Government As- -

. simifoticn ,; Aceneies 14 --;- : - . ...

Dr. Sidney U Cuticle wjio.tas'spent;;2G years In Japan, and who it now mHonolulu, is the 'father4cf a new Im-

migration policy known. as the 5 efcent policy.'- This !s,aaM to be ac-- '

to-'tfc- e Japanese, being freefrom race discrimination. The policyvai outlined In en address deliveredbefore the 8enate Committee on I rami- - r

gration and Naturalization last Janu-ary, and at their request was writtenout in full. Copies of the lecture were :transmitted by Ambassador Chlnda to- -

.his government in Toklo. " I

Dr. Culick's scheme embodies the.idea that America should admit cnlyjthe number of aliens-a- s Immigrants)which she can assimilate. It providesthat all Immigration should be limited:

.to a 'definite pef cent (perhaps flve)from each land cf; those already as-

similated from that land.. That is. ifthere were 103,000 Japanese or Hal-- !

lans aireaay in ia.m country, me immi-gration thenceforth would be limitedto MOO Japanese or Italians a year.This rate would' not effect' northerni:;iroic, tut It would cut downtmmi-sratic-n

from southeastern Hurope. andwould allow cmy a sagni immigration,from Asia. .It wou:d thus remove thejdlfrrrfr.Ual treatment cf cations andla in equal harmony with all.

Provluca must be made, he says, forthe repld cesirr.ilatlun of all who come;(o America. Therefore, It would beimrnrtast to c ftat!I.-h- :

.- - '

A bureau cf rc -- Istration; all aliensto ho zvA to rcr.:!n registered untilthr-- Lcccme citizens, The annualnitration ff - should he, say $L). V

Ah :j a bureau c! education, to setF?:ir.:.-.rcl- s, rrr; :l.cM cxsrnutlc:.irrutrstlcn feevith every exzrr

Ah-o- a .l-rc- n!

C crt f a

,;i c:

C zV.c'( : .iu:y, c


I v cc "r ;

. vc:c.

e c!

:tr to

xt bocks, andcf tharge. The

M 1;j reduced

cf r"t :ralization.

".3 't f

' '. L

5 V



from the

z : : take the: r.:s on the

; t' re shouldL....ners.. and

;s izi respens- -

:t c;

i r..c :r



c!t!rcr.shlp:.:1ce should

' -- ;.!y eclve: 3 1:.3 ti;:- -

v :th Ih:ro- -

i. r. C -

t wtihrnrti.;

tlcur f hzre

3 V hh--h 13 tO

a tr.J the West

f I ... '. i r.z-- Et:;-,:-;- rd with

- u S t i - tit text, ao

- t3 :.',; it 1 Gray's rer&rt Tcr; f l rczTj 27.. It is

: ;. : -. : vir, that last J'eirl

' ' t !.: .:r"--r for sh!;-meu- t t:

' v .t to large exj-.-r- t ';.: . . ; i ".. . . J in the n?ar in- - t

; r : t! t C,;1 .:n t:. I ltawih-- a v

r '. ? .e t3 1.3 thca up hi the t- -...."; ; : . r.t 1 1 cf the Vr.iteJ

- I .; rr.--.-" f r.vs tho . rc; , rt.: ti 1 v ta 1 :y cn tho: , ; : ! HM t!.o l';.':: tr. . 3 t:.-- r;:.:a lcv;cr' thin

; '.; th3 wt:' hy rccelrts, thc-.:;-

c: rv? r. t yet sufficientt th: : . :j .r The litter

c: . . .'

! r :.3



a f - -- 1 cf

'. i

of the Ri of iof

.:'ivi-3- :X , "'-"-'rj- "H-- - ":. -;-- "'

i ; '. . I I - .

Oa the va cf the cpeninx of the exposiaott at San Fran-cisco ca Tea. 23 thla picture Is cf la Interest It shows one of the principalarches cf the great wonderland, It Is called the Arch of the, Rising SunThe Tlaw that Li presented to tbe reader shows the fronf side. crinuDnnteilty. the ttatrjary entitled Tbe Nations of, theEasticcz:L;iJ cf Crts end animals, with an elephant In the'center, representbiathe c;int cf the orient This beautiful arch Is one of the fea tores'. of tit x :

tunireds of thousands will adtalra lt-".- X'C'''b:

The tourists visiting Oahu have be-fu- n

to f.r.d out that the Kaneche coraland Kaneche Hale, conducted

by A. L. Macfcaye, former newspapern:-- n here. uroviJe net only a wender--

a sful view cf euhcarhne life but facili-:al- -

tlr Trr rpit r.nrt recreation unlcue 03Cc'. u. As a result during the lastfew days,.reports J'r. Mackaye, therehave mar.y; t:ore cf visitors .atL',3 rec rt acrc3 the Pali. ? .

; I"

On the members cf the ;"edi-terh- il

Eta.T cf the' Star-Bulleti- n spentthe i .y rt the IIa!e rr.d gardens witha vhlt to Cc roan at isl-n- d and a cruisein e r.llhcat, canoe and' glass-bottome- d

Ehl alcng the coral reefs. They re-turne-

enthusiastic over the possibili-ties cf this spot for outdoor recreationand particularly ever the facilities itaffords for a quick trip from Honoluluend return. The party left the city at9 o'clock and arrived at Kaneohe anhcur and. a half later. The return. wasr.:ads lite in the afternoon. In theruesr.tlme. the newspapermen, hadlecn enabled' to see a large part cfthe beautiful bays and shore-line- s andtd have a refreshing.-- swim,- a goodlunch, and a delightful, rest . in .the

" " 1afterron. :V

" ' .; 1 e retire a number of cot- -




: - : ' 5 h 3 N i h t3 stay r - rof : --s r-

- : : -- t'r.z, f.h-:r.-

..... ; n re c rtt I 3 1 . . :i but a few

: :.. t . ... t favor-no- t

. . t..:r:. ts l...t-v.'ith- townspebV

i .

13 fi - .n

over the death" of , hisv.ife a year a?o is fjven as the-co- n

tr:: :il7.z cau? f:f the action of Johnv; ty rc:.r :n ttat the do- - T. Ccr.ij,lell, fcmerly of this .city, whorc :':.'. r I e n contract has been ccn.ruitted suicide yesterday In Oak-:- y

'::-- : ta keep refiners be- - Ly inscrtir.. a gas-tube-- in 'his

' r ..r.ver:-- ? to jolbers." end inhaling the gas, accord- -

fir.-- r to an Associated Pres3 disptach..... cr.l." , U rrported Ca; ';:i, who was an . Oakland

t: e c::i--- laticus' cr the rjercn?ni was. a orcmer".: ". . it Is icccmr.endeiL'.cf A. J.. CarapbelL-o- f this city. ' He

ccr.siJei was educated at Punahou AcademyCn lcc. it is cori-- - and at. a Can lYarfcisco .school. " He

i 1 Urro us a sus- - left the i.'.ands about eUht years ago: and I.'. d l::n ncrried fcr ten years

' the t" .; I.:3 wife's death.. . He

" j was' a t . ... t!.:r I dr-rre- e nason ".and. a'nien:l r cf lodge.".;":.-,- .

Tieclly cf



la to


frwlr.j fatle, which 'is prob--! .1 origin, is not without Men

a tci:ch cl truth:'-.- . As a woman waswalking,; a n n looked at and.followed hcr,vrhy, she said, "do youfollow tcqV "Lccause,"- - he". replied,"I have fallen in love with yc-i.- "

ly sister, who 13 cc:

(with-m- e why you" back 'foranother woman?" Pathfinder.

A introduced in Penn-sylvania senate increasing $20,-00- 0

JSO.CCO appropriationin Washington of : a

statute to Ceorge Meade.


MY WIPE OUTArch sinSuni One' MM

--Ilany Features Big Expition. HIDALGO DEBT

4 '

! . i , .

--2i ."C

ricaba-PadS- c






!)i 02,343,395K.


Notwithstanding :the;. t5 depressioncaused by the low prices of sugir thefirst eight months and the setback toworld trade lastflve months of

1. commerce rand stereoptiecV pictures will usedfor the year declined 12,34393.government reports for the. year. show.

Shipments cf domestic merchandisefrom states to the territoryamountlng'.to $21,473,230 represent adecline'.cf $8.2S0.127frorn 1913. Do-

mestic merchandise from Hawaii Jn thestateswas, valued at HJ.182,0S2j jieingan Increase of 6,903,895. Of the1exports A ct domestie" , merchandisehence to the mainland, f47J)S6,271 con-

sisted of the products; Hawaii,, theIncrease, in which was ?5,942,318.

. Foreign - goods - shipped f from thestates -- these islands amounted to$303,420. being an -- increase of $175,-G- 7,

and foreign' goods sent, hence tothe states w ere $123,560, an ' IncreaseCf $57,870.;; ;; ,

. Sus;ar exports to the mainland were$39,52 3.911, a gain of $5,0778. , Pine-apples, inchidlng green 'and prepareo,were shipped to the value of $6,031,-56- 8,

a gala of $1,910,036. r, PineappleJuice shipments; $48S5,- - represent adecline $58,H5.'- - ,;.',.'. ;. .,-.'- ;

Direct' Imports from foreign coun-tries to llawairwfere $(J411,0CO, de-cline of $7Cfl,i?5tand.dfrect..6hipment3of ! eomestic merchandise to: foreignccuntries .$4SS.14, a decline of $451.,-- 1

1 C. Shipments of goods oforeign countr! 23 were $21.204,-bel- n

$10,5. la exc


- Xr"Walter Doyle, a local newspaper-man, departed -- from '.Honolulu-toda- y

cn Matsonia to commence newduties as publicity "agent the Ha-waiian building at the Panama-Pacifi- c

International Exposition.; Ue willhave headquarters in both' Hawai-ian building and in press buUd-Ing- ,

a structnre erected on. the groundsby the exposition officials the ac-commodation '

of '.Tlsltinff ; newsDSDer- -

poyle's" prlncipar duties will be tosupply: the, Bay City and other Coastnewspapers f, with news matter ; con-cerning both islands and the exhib-it Hawaii at the fair. He .11- - . ..t

after ne, is much handsomer than I " uua larougn tne pressan. Go and make love to her." The jrepresenutivey at the fair. ,3n-co-


man turned back and saw a. section, with his position as publicitywith cn iicIt face, and being creaUT I ,cent ..votf , represent the Star- -

. dls; leased, returned and said: "Whyj Bulletin, the Advertiser, the Hildller-- ,

should you me a falsehoodr The. aid and Hilo Tribune, the Is--;

woman answered: "Neither J land of Kauai, the Maui News- - andM.n ..,K. tr UfoMtia ranf Times ' ; ' " .

did look"

bill wa9 thefrom

to the forthe erecting

Cen. G.









the hisfor




telldid you

T The . Toledo News-Be- e was -- fined$7500. and -- the editor5, ft- D. Cochran,$200 . by Judge Killtis the UnitedStates district court there. The chargewas contempt growing out - of com-ments on Jtidze Kflltis conduct In a

1 case, t , f..- :..

i 1 h r I 1





, v. l


-- 1


Stockholders fConsider Proposition ta Take Up $1,500,000

Mortaaae for SI 60.000A proposal to take"ujr mortgage of ,

$1,150)00 i ow the prbpertjr of 1 ilheHidaJzo .Plantation - and Commercial -

company in Mexico for $lt0.000 tic gold '

will be tken un 'tomorrow ; night ata --meeting of the stockholders.' of thvcompany, in the offices of the "Bishop ?

Decaosa of present conditions in 4

Mexico exchange' rates are such that'the company's Indebtedness could bereduced on j a payment of approxi-mately 10 per cent of Its face. value,according to' a letter received ; ? fromE. R. Stackable. president And genera ;manager of the company. The presentrate of exchange, he says,' Is twelve ,cents gold..' .''.'.-..-- :

,The meeting of the. ctocknoiders hasbeen called by a committee appointed'some time ago to investigate me con-ditions of the company.; This committee consists -- of Paul Isenberg, Georg :

Rodlek end 'J. M, Riggs. ?, ;

In his letter Stackible lakes, up thequestion of what is being done to. con-- r

eerre the rubber and coffee propertiesduVlng the "present , dlsturhance;, ! He

"In reply to the first question I wish ,

toi state that on the 10th Inst, our rep--,

resentatlve arrived at the rubber plan-tation - and. Mr. Harrison has' turnedthe management ot the, robber, properties over to our representative, Mr,"Graham M. Ken From this on, we willhave the absolute management of theiToperlles, just.a complete as. though V

the transfer; of 6 the properties." lad 4

actually been: made. 'V,;, .

i He also . strongly urges ihfi v stoclivholders to take advantage of the pres-ent situation and wipe; out the com-pany's obligationsf at a saving of .anearly a, million dollars. - :.' "

; The 0utdo6r';1Cfrcle' has planned another event' for Its ' members and the.'general public in ? havtng arranged fora lecture by Prot . Vaughan ;Mac-- c

Caughey of the College, of HawaiiGardening jwith Reference ".

to Smair Cardens.''- - The lecture ; willbe given' March-1- 8 at 8 p. ci. at theLibrary of. Hawaii . Dr. Illlngworth ofthe' College' of Ifawali is cooperatingwith Prof. Mainghey. 'Wall charts

191 the total of ; Hawaii be



to. illustrate.' ."These lectures and talksarranged by thelCIfcle are Interestingand edncationaUand are stimulatingthe' desire to beautify the city, r t .;



': The suffragettes - re 'with tis.;iYetwe must here acknowledge the factthat only male Canaries tins. ' Inhereare no Tetrazzinis : among : the birds ;also, it Is true that only domesticatedmale '.canaries slns.v '

'r-- - r'

When male klverf and butter, andtutorage. r tlei pkrel and ara .knt SUCh as yieldsplendid health; they, energy, but da build tissue. The

Radiant to supply worn

the; memberU frt '.theOpera. .Comrast; : i-- r

Song is health Ih birds'as . well . as man. . Plumage tells thesame story,!: .Aybird In perfect: physi-cal condition , and feather is the onlykind v we ought, to have. . The Philardelphia Bird Food Company are mak-ers of a food that keeps blrdshealthjilinnv 'anil rlerer ' HfrH Ifannn 1 afood, a; stlmulantnd.a ton4c.,j .Thefamous canary breeders,, of the Saint s

Andreasberg, ane of ,the Jiant moun-- 1

tains in use and, recommend i

this preparation. . You can , buy.. BirdManns of your druggist or a package '

will be mailed to you. for il5 cents Uo

.vr. ,'.,-''-.. pi. A i

f Orange Food prodaced-b- y thePhiladelphia' Bird Food Company; Isindncive to that beautiful deep yellow jcolor the glory of Wealthy canaries.This i& a foodnot a drug..i It is ;

daring the moulting season and. whilethe; feathers are growing on young J

birds, v It Is 'put up in hot--

ties an.d sells at 25 cents, tTvr I -'-? I

Some valuable books are Issued bythis company, which ought to be Anthe possession - of i every bird-owne- r, i

The Bird Fanciers Handbook, a vol-ume of 120 pages, well illustrated,' willtell you all that: is necessary for the'care of your birds. This book' will bemailed. on,-riecei- of 15 cents.-Th-e

book and a package of Bird Mann twill be mailed for' 23 - . OrangeColor Food, Bird Manna, one 32-pag- e

and one 120-pag- e bird book wfil all, bemailed to you on receipt of 50 cent.. f

. Note:; Bird Manna is sold onlyiawhite metal caps with the trade-mark,-- P.

B. F Co. in red. ' Take no chanceswith your bird's .life: by giving ninidangerous f The "

Philadel-- 'phia Bird Food Company, 400 orth ;'

Third street Philadeipbia,' Pa. Adv.'" "- ' '''- mm j f


X : -- fCr atesfMaJll ; i ii' OTTAWA, OntW. F,- - Maclean ofSouth York: has given notice of af billto prohibit the export of nickel, nickelmatte and all compounds of nickeldaring the present war except In easeof shipments by the Dominion

to the imperial government formilitary and hiatal purposes; says :

special to the Toronton Mall Em-pire.? ; After the . war Jlhe bill providesthat the exports shall be regulated bythe governor in. council. v


' "' v.- ..... v s J- - ''. ,t

". z V ;". " ; "... '" ' ;

- - - , . ". ;

- : '.' t '.'

? .. .' . - ' ' :'i .- ' 'v. " v v ; 1 ' lt

11 Before : you build, make your ? j ;



, All the year your entire household vill spend several hours each

t; evening under artiGcial light From twiH hed-tim- e tho.eye- -

v3 . ? X ;?t3 AV IV--. ' V.- - - '

v.-- .' : ' " --"' ' ' '' " ; ' v'".; .-'- V .''

, 'heUhfTOur family :ts1at

Select You5 That is hy we urge you to make the fixtures a part of youroriginal Jlpme-Pla- n: They are just as important a3 Sanitary Plumb-

ing or the.ieaky-roo- f question. : " v:J':y:--If you expect to build or remodel Roon," let us 'talk the lighting

question over with you now. Our' design show Fixtures that!

will gisc you soft,- - ample light and iiild to. the beauty of every room, v

awananPhone 3431



v:;:cqSTS,ND;VALU ES.''

f it Is said that in a pound, cf roundsteak one buys one-thir-d pound ofnutritive material;; of oysters, . , oneninth; cheeseVuthreo.f curtfcatfi clprunes',! two-third- s. Now, the energywe use at rest or work or play comesfrom th!e food vwe eat All foods yieldenergy; and most of them comWae thevarious iooa pnueipies. rruiem, 01

cheese, a

; dearies I carbo-hy--

en In sugar1 become- ipigaty not. 1

midget Carusos. is just:, material





half-pi- nt



the or- - ; Itas a

as - as without , 'woman




structure, framework.cleansing

Electric Gompanyi0;King Street near Alakca

does; not expect to 'ask her .butcher J known as tlje dinner"

and "con lata

for'Trotefnr nor her- grocer,.liot ; carusuauy oi a . meai, . one cr wo vf i

bohydratelTlnhenbncntd coJTee'

to in tosecure both. : She , tea, if desired.learcs. the cheap and dearare '.eutiVe"tfu.-Ii-regar- d to, food

as they are in every other com-modity that 4is bought sold,

i ultimate aim of the housewifeIn to the food supply is, to pro

we get mdchin- - meat I vide at a reasonable diet adapt-an- d

. tissues 'Fats, fed to the needs ofber family, thatlare inch asroil

"drates and starch,

health body needs





bonyneeds water agent with-in well The

i:f4'-'.-- '

knw andbuy crder

that, terms



which costfltfur, alsdT builds

Kbdd shall have the necessary constituentsin due proportion In an attractive andvaried form. The family purse needsto be considered, and 'family needsmust decide the time of the meals anltheir character. The custom is quiteuniversal of having one meal contain

cr at night



The; lunch or srper consists usuallycf one bet 'dish,' dado h. a, fronthe meat frcm a previous dir.: r, cr acheese dish. Or some peo:;!)1 rrtfrrthe scup fitb this meal; thti tha or-

der is soup, cold imeat or sah J, an : 'sauce arid cake., ;

v Opinions and practice di.T.r great-ly as regards the breakfast and eachIndividual must find the course thatsuits best. The farmer who does anhour's wc4k before breakfast fadssomething like ham and rs andcreamed potatoes, with toast and cof--

ing a greater variety and quantity of ' fee and fruit greatly to hU' than the other two. This Is Isabel Bevier, in Woman s .qti.

Ill ' ' " ' J

.. '. i r ' y- -: :. , i , ..i .v :.:,-.-.- ;:..:.;.-- ,

- : :.

v ,

fuLV VtJih--i

i i ( ; ) I

I i i--Ja1 Jr"5''-''--- - J : i - s

--s::v luttr: jgz&teP&A :h, v .' i; a y'i!' -

. .-: v-- . ; -' v -'- vr- - '...-- . .' - ';:.:-i,'-- :, '.--

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.---.. r. v. s

' ; V . ; " . .' ;r J' i: .. . .. ' .. : ' ' ; . r - W. ' . , .

V ,!-- ' ''......-' V' c'-7 ;'.:. 's. ; 5, ... ".


.''i:'."J ' Y ' ,'..4T" ;.s;'''':i: - , :'?':. v'. ; - J c. ' - ' ' t' - . j . . .; -

IllSllttinllfultlassji ff! i iand f sizes, came on the l

lSlli'"Rratuckian' '---

anc! are now: I-t- -


r..-.r-. - v.jviv'-.t:.)--- ..,-'-.-

.- i.- w.; j ; ., :-.- '. f , v..

C!rfPu ' I ''.'J--A.- ( J'., , "v-:- ' ; -

V:-v.rv-- t r"""::' S .r : v'-.- . , ; v V ::'- - ; t ' ? ,.j7: - - c

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