Mineo, Carmelo and Pierce, Stephen Gareth and Nicholson...

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  • Mineo, Carmelo and Pierce, Stephen Gareth and Nicholson, Pascual Ian

    and Cooper, Ian (2014) Robotic path planning for non-destructive testing

    of complex shaped surfaces. In: E-Book of Abstracts, 41st Annual

    Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation

    Conference. Center for Nondestructive Evaluation, Boise (USA). ,

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  • Robotic Path Planning for Non-Destructive Testing of

    Complex Shaped Surfaces

    Carmelo Mineo1, a)

    , Stephen Gareth Pierce1,

    Ben Wright2, Pascual Ian Nicholson2, Ian Cooper2

    1University of Strathclyde, Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, George Street,

    Glasgow, G1 1XW, UK 2TWI Technology Centre (Wales), Harbourside Business Park, Port Talbot, SA13 1SB, UK

    a)[email protected]

    Abstract. The requirement to increase inspection speeds for non-destructive testing (NDT) of composite aerospace parts

    is common to many manufacturers. The prevalence of complex curved surfaces in the industry provides significant

    motivation for the use of 6 axis robots for deployment of NDT probes in these inspections. A new system for robot

    deployed ultrasonic inspection of composite aerospace components is presented. The key novelty of the approach is

    through the accommodation of flexible robotic trajectory planning, coordinated with the NDT data acquisition. Using a

    flexible approach in MATLAB, the authors have developed a high level custom toolbox that utilizes external control of

    an industrial 6 axis manipulator to achieve complex path planning and provide synchronization of the employed

    ultrasonic phase array inspection system. The developed software maintains a high level approach to the robot

    programming, in order to ease the programming complexity for an NDT inspection operator. Crucially the approach

    provides a pathway for a conditional programming approach and the capability for multiple robot control (a significant

    limitation in many current off-line programming applications). Ultrasonic and experimental data has been collected for

    the validation of the inspection technique. The path trajectory generation for a large, curved carbon-fiber-reinforced

    polymer (CFRP) aerofoil component has been proven and is presented. The path error relative to a raster-scan tool-path,

    suitable for ultrasonic phased array inspection, has been measured to be within 2mm over the 1.6 m2 area of the

    component surface.


    In civil aerospace manufacturing, the increasing deployment of composite materials demands a high integrity

    and traceability of NDT measurements. Modern components increasingly present challenging shapes and geometries

    for inspection. Using traditional manual inspection approaches produces a time-consuming bottleneck in industrial

    production environments [1] and hence provides the fundamental motivation for increased automation.

    The combined use of Modern Computer-Aided Design (CAD) and Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) now

    allows large items to be produced easily from one piece of raw material (either through traditional subtractive

    approaches, or with more recent additive manufacturing processes [2]). As a result, large components with complex

    geometries are becoming very common in modern structures, and the aerospace industry is a typical field, where

    wide complex shaped parts are very frequently used. Moreover the use of composite materials, which are

    notoriously challenging to inspect [3], is becoming widespread in the construction of new generations of civilian

    aircraft. To cope with future demand projections for these operations, it is therefore essential to overcome the

    current NDT bottleneck.

    A fundamental issue with composites manufacturing compared to conventional light alloy materials lies in the

    process variability. Often parts that are designed as identical, will have significant deviations from CAD, and also

  • suffer from inherent but different part to part spring-back out of the mould. This presents a significant challenge for

    precision NDT measurement deployment which must be flexible to accommodate these manufacturing issues. For

    these reasons, NDT inspection is often performed manually by technicians who typically have to move appropriate

    probes over the contour of the sample surfaces. Manual scanning requires trained technicians and results in a very

    slow inspection process for large samples. The repeatability of a test can be challenging in structures where complex

    setups are necessary to perform the inspection (e.g. orientation of the probe, constant standoff, etc.) [4]. While

    manual scanning may remain a valid approach around the edges of a structure, or the edges of holes in a structure,

    developing reliable automated solutions has become an industry priority to drive down inspection times. The

    fundamental aim of automation within the inspection process is to minimize downtimes due to the higher achievable

    speed, and in parallel to carry out 100% inspection coverage of the sample, including all edge areas.

    Semi-automated inspection systems have been developed to overcome some of the shortcomings with manual

    inspection techniques, using both mobile and fixed robotic platforms. The use of linear manipulators and bridge

    designs has for a number of years provided the most stable conditions in terms of positioning accuracy [5, 6]. The use

    of these systems to inspect parts with noncomplex shapes (plates, cylinders or cones) is widespread; typically, they

    are specific machines which are used to inspect identically shaped and/or sized parts.

    More recently, many manufacturers of industrial robots have produced robotic manipulators with excellent

    positional accuracy and repeatability. In the spectrum of robot manipulators, some modern robots have suitable

    attributes to develop automated NDT systems and cope with the challenging situations sought by the aerospace

    industry [7]. They present precise mechanical systems, the possibility to accurately calibrate each joint, and the

    ability to export positional data at frequencies up to 500Hz.

    Some applications of 6-axis robotic arms in the NDT field have been published during the last few years and

    there is a growing interest in using such automation solutions with many manufacturers within the aerospace sector [1, 7-10]. Despite these previous efforts, there remain challenges to be addressed before fully automated NDT

    inspection of composite parts becomes commonplace. The key challenges include generation and in-process

    modification of the robot tool-path, high speed NDT data collection, integration of surface metrology measurements,

    and overall visualization of measurement results in a user friendly fashion. Collaborations driving this vision include

    the IntACom project, developed by TWI Technology Centre (Wales) on behalf of their sponsors over a period of 3

    years. The project objective has been to achieve a fourfold increase in the throughput of aerospace components [1].

    Additionally the UK RCNDE consortium conducts research into integration of metrology with NDT inspection [11, 12]. Both these consortia have identified the requirement for optimal tool path generation over complex curved

    surfaces. The current paper describes a novel approach to flexible robotic toolpath generation using a purposely

    developed MATLAB based path-planning software platform.


    Traditional Approach

    Six-axis robotic arms have traditionally been used in production lines to move the robot end-effector from one

    position to a new position for repetitive assembly and welding operations. In this scenario, where the exact trajectory

    between two points in the space is not too important, the teach pendant of a robot is used to manually move the end-

    effector to the desired position and orientation at each stage of the robot task. Relevant robot configurations are

    recorded by the robot controller and a robot program is then written to command the robot to move through the

    recorded end-effector postures. More recently, accurate mechanical joints and control units have made industrial

    robotic arms flexible and precise enough for finishing tasks in manufacturing operations [13]. Robotic manipulators

    are highly complex systems and the trajectory accuracy of a machining tool has a huge impact on the quality and

    tolerances of the finished surfaces. As a result, many software environments have been developed by non-robot

    manufacturers, academic researchers and also by the robot manufacturers themselves, in order to help technicians

    and engineers to program complex robot tasks [14]. The use of such software platforms to program robot movements

    is known as Off-Line Programming (OLP). It is based on the 3D virtual representation of the complete robot work

    cell, the robot end-effector and the samples to be manipulated or machined. OLP was first achieved within the

  • IntACom




    strong pot







    through a

    Ethernet c



    possible to

    1. Path-robot





    to so



    2. Signispecif



    not of

    start o


    m project using

    FastSurf [15], ba

    ure 1 shows the

    ion procedure.

    potential to give

    it was neces

    ents, through e

    ler. The IntACo

    ed in the C# p

    e was chosen

    tion algorithms

    a local TCP/IP

    t connection and


    FIGURE 1. I

    tSurf has suppo

    ment of the pro

    e to list a series o

    -planning for a

    ot programming

    nipulators to rep

    ult, many com

    orporating lots

    undance of funct

    some amendme

    blems are often

    chining and prod

    nificant complic

    cific NDT insp

    nsducers: one em

    ing the transmit

    t offer support fo

    rt or end points

    th, required for th

    ing commercial

    based on the De

    the IntACom ro

    Robot manipu

    ive a great deal

    essary to devel

    encoding the

    Com software h

    # programming

    n to write the

    that run in a re

    /IP connection.

    and to the UT in


    IntACom robot

    pported the dev

    roject objective

    es of limitations

    r automated ND

    ing draws its o

    replace the mor

    mmercial softw

    ts of unnecessa

    nctions, a tool-pa

    ments, before fu

    ten present in the

    roduction operat

    plications exist w

    nspection. The

    emitter and one

    itting probe. Cu

    t for co-operatin

    ts of complex p

    r the UTT techn

    ial robotic sim

    Delmia platform

    robot cell and t

    ipulators and m

    al of flexibility

    velop suitable s

    e ultrasound si

    has a fundame

    ng language, co

    he acquisition m

    a reliable manne

    on. The acquisit

    instrument with

    ot cell (a) and sch

    development of

    ives. However, i

    of current OL

    NDT inspection

    s origin from th

    ore traditional

    ftware applicati

    ssary functions

    path generated

    fulfilling all th

    the original path

    rations rather th

    st when two or m

    e Ultrasonic T

    ne receiver; the

    Currently, many

    ting robots. Fast

    x paths), using d


    imulation and p

    rm (Dassault Sys

    d the schematic

    modern Ultraso

    ity for fast and e

    software to in

    signals with th

    mental role with

    controls the GU

    module. Unlik

    ner. The main ap

    isition module c

    ith a TCP/IP con

    chematic represen

    of the IntACo

    r, it has been no

    LP software:

    ons is a very sp

    the need to u

    al and usual ma

    ations for off-

    ns for CAD/CA

    ed via a CAD/CA

    the requiremen

    ath, being gener

    than for NDT ta

    r more robotic a


    the receiver bein

    any commercial

    astSurf allows p

    g digital I/O sign

    d programming

    Systems) [16].

    tic representatio

    rasound Testing

    d effective NDT

    integrate the ro

    the positional

    ithin the inspec

    GUI and behav

    like C#, C++

    application rece

    e connects to th


    sentation of the ro

    Com robotic in

    noticed that ther

    specific task. M

    use the advan

    machining tools

    -line programm

    CAM purposes

    /CAM commerci

    ents for an effe

    nerated by softw


    ic arms need to

    nsmission (UTT

    eing placed on th

    ial pieces of soft

    s partial synchro

    signals, but not f

    ng software. Th

    tion of the orig

    ng (UT) acquisi

    DT inspections

    robot manipula

    al information

    ection procedur

    aves as a serve

    + is suitable to

    eceives data from

    the robot contr


    robotic inspection

    inspection sys

    here is still room

    . Much commer

    antageous flexib

    ols (milling mac

    mming of robo

    es and machinin

    rcial software us

    effective NDT i

    ftware functions

    to be synchroniz

    TT) technique,

    n the opposite si

    oftware (e.g. De

    hronization of ro

    ot full synchroni

    The chosen so

    riginally develo

    uisition instrume

    ns of large curve

    ulators and the

    n coming from

    ure. The main a

    rver application

    to develop rea

    rom the acquisit

    ntroller through

    tion procedure (b)

    system prototyp

    om for improve

    ercial software

    xibility of gene

    achines, lathes,

    obots are expen

    ining features. D

    usually has to b

    T inspection. A

    ns expressly de

    nized in order to

    ue, for example

    side of the com

    Delcam and Mas

    robotic moveme

    onisation over th

    software was

    eloped robotic

    ments have a

    rved samples.

    he ultrasound

    om the robot

    in application,

    ion. The C++

    real-time data

    isition module

    gh a UDP/IP


    type and the

    vements. It is

    re for off-line

    eneral robotic

    es, etc.). As a

    pensive tools,

    . Despite the

    o be subjected

    A number of

    developed for

    r to perform a

    ple, uses two

    omponent and

    astercam) do

    ments (e.g. at

    r the complete

  • 3. Curregener





    In sum



    position o

    whole ins

    encoders m

    some mill




    New M



    software i

    this task is

    through an


    piece of s

    control of

    planning a


    creating sp

    be sent to

    rrent OLP softw

    nerated for each

    wnloading a com

    rticular area of in

    is requirement p

    vision for condi

    ummary, OLP i

    nent. The result

    cers, and stored

    n of acquisition;

    inspection time

    rs monitoring th

    illiseconds. Th

    on time of each

    ly required to pr


    MATLAB bas

    ally address the

    mes the deficien

    e is being devel

    is the possibilit

    an Ethernet con

    k, it is clear that

    f software capa

    of robot movem

    g approach.

    ng the MATLAB

    g specific robot l

    t to the robot c

    ftware lacks fund

    ach toolpath, an

    complete new p

    f interest of a sa

    t places an addi

    nditional modific

    P is geared towa

    ult of an automa

    ed in convenien

    on; in other wor

    e in order to e

    the position of e

    The captured po

    ach piece of N

    process the robo


    ased path-plann

    the current nee

    iencies of exist

    veloped around

    ility to control in

    connection. If th

    hat a flexible and

    pable of off-line

    ements. Figure 2

    FIGURE 2. Im

    AB based path-

    ot language prog

    t controller. The

    undamental capa

    and changes t

    path to the rob

    sample in order

    dditional deman

    ification in respo

    wards manufact

    mated NDT ins

    ient ways. These

    ords, it is nece

    o encode the N

    of each joint; the

    positions can b

    NDT informati

    obot positional d

    ent of MATL

    nning software

    eeds of robotic

    isting off-line p

    d the specific n

    l industrial robo

    the same compu

    and adaptive app

    line path plannin

    re 2 shows the im

    Improved inspec

    -planning appl

    rograms and allo

    The previously

    pability in condi

    s to this path d

    robot controller

    er to carry out m

    and of a more a

    sponse to externa

    acturing applica

    inspection is a c

    ese data results

    ecessary to reco

    NDT data [6]. M

    they can inform

    be further inte

    ation. An exter

    l data and perfo

    TLAB Based

    (herewith refe

    tic NDT. The a

    e programming.

    c needs of NDT

    bots by an extern

    puter is used fo

    approach to path

    ning and of out

    improved inspe

    ection procedure e

    pplication instea

    llows the genera

    ly used one-way

    nditional program

    due to changi

    ler. NDT inspec

    t more detailed

    e adaptive appro

    rnally measured

    ications where th

    a collection of d

    lts are only mea

    cord the current

    . Modern indus

    rm about their po

    nterpolated to e

    ternal computer

    rform synchronis

    ed Path-Plann

    eferred to as Rob

    e aim is to obta

    . Unlike curre

    T inspections.

    ternal computer

    for controlling

    ath generation ca

    outputting comm

    spection procedu

    re enabled by Rob

    tead of commerc

    eration of packe

    ay UDP/IP com

    ramming. Typic

    nging operation

    pection often req

    ed investigation

    proach to the pa

    ed data.

    e the task is the

    f digital data co

    eaningful when

    ent position of

    dustrial robotic

    r position at regu

    extrapolate the

    ter (separate to

    nisation to the e

    lanning Softwa

    oboNDT) was d

    btain effective t

    rrent commerci

    s. The fundamen

    er communicatin

    g the robot path

    can be achieved

    mmand coordina

    edure enabled by

    oboNDT software

    ercial software

    kets of comman


    pically very spec

    ion conditions r

    requires re-insp

    on after an initia

    path planning t

    the production o

    coming from o

    en merged with

    of the robot thro

    ic arms are equ

    egular time inter

    he probes loca

    to the robot co

    e externally mea


    s developed from

    e tool-path gene

    rcial application

    ental key point

    ting to the robot

    ath and receiving

    ved. RoboNDT a

    inates suitable f

    by pursuing the


    re removes the n

    and coordinates

    on between the

    pecific code is

    s requires re-

    spection of a

    tial screening.

    g that has the

    of a specific

    one or more

    ith the precise

    hroughout the

    equipped with

    tervals lasting

    ocation at the

    controller) is

    easured NDT

    rom scratch to

    eneration that

    ions, the new

    int supporting

    bot controllers

    ing positional

    T aims to be a

    le for external

    the new path-

    e necessity of

    tes, suitable to

    he acquisition

  • module an



    way to the


    between m

    of the part



    user can i

    mounted t

    robot cells

    and the ro


    Figure 3 s

    The st

    software c


    aided man

    selected ro

    the part a


    The pa


    raster, seg


    and the robot

    ates, thus contr

    tion module man

    the integration o

    gful data for p

    n metrology sens

    art to inspect an

    oNDT software

    anning, evaluatio

    n import all the

    d to the robot m

    ells, complete w

    robot models. A

    nments Library

    3 shows screensh

    start-up modul

    e can import Sta

    ted by the major

    anufacturing. T

    d robot cell. The

    t and insert thei

    ates, reported by

    path-planning m

    ion tool-path for

    segment and sin

    ity and customiz

    ot manipulator i

    ntrolling the rob

    anages both the

    n of metrology.

    position error

    ensors and the ac

    nd the assessm

    are has been org

    ation and output

    he samples and

    t manipulator ca

    with environme

    s. Any changes

    are automatica

    nshots of each o


    dule of the soft

    Standard Tessell

    jority of the exis

    The start-up mo

    he calibration is

    heir positions by

    by the robot tea

    g module is the c

    for each given su

    single point scan

    ization accordin

    r is replaced by

    robot tool-path,

    the robot extern

    y. Metrology sen

    or monitoring a

    e acquisition soft

    sment of its posit

    organized accor

    put module. For

    d parts of intere

    can be set into

    ment parts and

    es made to the r

    tically transferred

    h one of the deve

    FIGURE 3. Scre

    oftware is respo

    ellation Languag

    xisting software

    module allows th

    n is an interactiv

    by jogging the

    teach pendant, ar

    e core of the sof

    surface of the p

    can. Each path t

    ding to the inspe

    by a two-way

    th, and reception

    ernal control and

    sensors can easi

    and/or real-tim

    oftware can prov

    osition within the

    cording to a mo

    For the sake of

    terest into the Sa

    to the Tools Lib

    nd robot manipu

    e robot models i

    rred to the assem

    eveloped librarie

    Screenshots of the

    sponsible for se

    uage (STL) CAD

    are packages; it

    s the calibration

    tive procedure;

    the robot Tool C

    , are transferred

    software. It cont

    e part of interest

    th type has seve

    spection needs (s

    y connection th

    tion of robot po

    and the reception

    asily be interface

    time path corre

    rovide a viable p

    the robot workin

    modular architec

    of flexibility, the

    Samples Librar

    Library. The Ro

    ipulators. Separa

    ls in the Robots

    embled robot ce


    e developed librar

    setting the sce

    AD files [17]. Th

    it is widely use

    on of the part of

    ; the operator

    l Centre Point (

    ed into the start-

    ntains the neces

    est. Three main t

    veral characteris

    (scanning step,

    that allows stre

    positional feedb

    tion of feedback

    aced with the so

    rrection. Moreo

    le pathway towar

    king envelope.

    tecture based on

    the software co

    rary. The probes

    Robot Cell Libr

    arate libraries ex

    ots Library or to

    cells defined in


    scene of the pa

    The STL format

    sed for rapid pr

    of interest withi

    can select up

    t (TCP) to the

    -up module.

    cessary algorithm

    in tool-path type

    eristic settings th

    ep, speed, offsets

    streaming of the

    dback. Since th

    ck coordinates,

    software platfor

    reover, the com

    ards automatic

    on four module

    contains five lib

    bes, sensors and

    ibrary can conta

    exist for the en

    to the environm

    in the Robot Ce

    path-planning p

    at was chosen b

    prototyping and

    thin the virtual m

    p to 10 referenc

    he real points. T

    thms to generate

    pes are being im

    s that allow a go

    sets, etc).

    the command

    the upgraded

    s, it paves the

    form to obtain


    tic recognition

    ules: start-up,

    libraries. The

    nd tools to be

    ntain multiple


    nments in the

    Cells Library.

    project. The

    n because it is

    and computer-

    l model of the

    ence points of

    . The relative

    ate the desired


    good level of

  • The ev

    other CAD

    robotic ar

    by the Un

    KCT. The

    point with



    three snap


    of 100 mm


    format are

    execute th


    each line

    control un


    The ne

    The insert

    behind mu

    from the





    It is us


    would be

    evaluation mod

    AD components

    arms had initial

    University of Sie

    he open-source

    ithin its worki

    ble for use in th

    tics function, ba

    napshots of the

    ion tool-path for

    mm/s. The toolp

    FIGURE 4. Sn

    ally, the output m

    are generated fo

    the generated t

    ch the starting po

    ne merely contai

    unit, shown by


    new path-plann

    sertion of multip

    multiple robot s

    he same externa

    m. The maxim

    lation cycle. Fo

    /s, the maximum

    rcial solutions th

    usual for NDT

    ns, generating s

    be time consum

    odule provides

    nts included in

    ially been based

    Siena (Italy) in

    ce code does no

    rking envelope

    the new softw

    based on a geom

    he recorded sim

    for a given datum

    lpath simulation

    Snapshots of the

    t module has be

    for each tool-

    d tool-path; the

    point of the insp

    tains 6 coordina

    by the schema g

    nning approach

    ltiple packets of

    t synchronizatio

    rnal server com

    imum misalignm

    For example, f

    um path mismat

    s that use digital

    T operators to d

    g specific tool-p

    uming and not v

    es a full simula

    in the robot cell

    ed on open-sour

    in 2011 [18]. How

    not allow the se

    e in 8 differen

    tware applicatio

    eometric approa

    simulation video

    tum surface. Th

    ion of RoboNDT

    the simulation vid

    of the

    been developed

    -path. The firs

    he second file co

    inspection and re

    inates (x, y, z, A

    a given in Figur

    ch paves the way

    of coordinates

    tion. Sending co

    omputer enable

    gnment would

    for robots run

    atch would be e

    tal I/O signals fo

    to double check

    paths for all t

    t very practical

    ulation capabilit

    ell. The implem

    ource MATLAB

    owever, a funda

    selection of the

    rent configuratio

    tion that has a

    roach, was there

    deo acquired fr

    The tool-path is

    DT allows accur

    video and of the re

    he example target

    ed to output the

    irst file contains

    contains the ne

    retract from the

    , A, B, C) to dr

    ure 2, imports b

    ay to supportin

    in each line o

    command coor

    bles the path sy

    d remain within

    running in a 12

    e equal to 1.2 m

    for synchroniza

    ck some suspect

    ll the areas of in

    cal. A MATLAB

    ility of the prog

    ementation of th

    B code, the KU

    damental proble

    the robot configu

    ations). This inc

    a target to be a

    erefore develope

    from the Robo

    is a raster scan

    curate time appro

    e real inspection to

    et surface.

    he results of the

    ins all comman

    necessary point

    the endpoint. Th

    drive the roboti

    ts both files and

    ting inspection t

    e of the first co

    ordinates simult


    thin the distanc

    12 millisecond

    mm. This wors

    ization purposes.

    ect areas of a pa

    f interest throug

    AB based path

    ogrammed robo

    f the full inverse

    KUKA Control T

    blem was observ

    figuration (a six


    e as flexible as

    ped and implem

    boNDT softwar

    n with 50 mm p

    proximation of s

    n tool-path, for the

    he computations

    and coordinates

    ints to set the in

    These two files

    otic arm to a sp

    nd sends the co

    n techniques tha

    command file c

    ultaneously to m

    tion mismatch t

    nce covered by

    nds interpolatio

    orst case scenari


    part, after an in

    ugh commercia

    th-planning mo

    bot path togethe

    rse kinematic m

    l Toolbox (KCT

    erved with the u

    ix-axis robot can

    made the KC

    possible. A n

    lemented. Figure

    are and of the

    pitch, executed

    of scanning time

    the datum surface

    ns. Two text file

    tes that the rob

    initial and fina

    es have very sim

    specific pose. T

    command data t

    that require mult

    e can become th

    o multiple robot

    h to be maintai

    by the robots

    tion cycle and

    ario is much imp

    initial inspectio

    cial path-plannin

    odule has been

    ther with any

    model of the

    CT) produced

    e usage of the

    can reach any

    KCT function

    new inverse

    ure 4 presents

    the real robot

    ted at a speed



    files in ASCII

    obot needs to

    inal motion to

    simple syntax;

    . The external

    ta to the robot

    ultiple robots.

    the principle

    bot controllers

    tained to the

    ts in a single

    nd moving at

    improved over

    tion. For such

    ning software

    een purposely

  • developed

    centre poi







    The I

    arms are p

    To eva


    distance m

    the acquis

    full surfac

    The la

    the sensor

    used trian

    ed to be integra

    point (TCP) data

    g to the point

    lated to generate

    ion of a raster s

    ling the robot ar

    tion module.

    FIGURE 5. Scre


    IntACom inspe

    presented in T

    evaluate the accu

    ement probe wa

    e measurement p

    uisition module

    face scan. The ca

    laser sensor wa

    sor span (accord

    iangulation to m

    grated into the

    ata, received fro

    int of interest a

    ate the desired t

    r sub-scan, befo

    arm via the UD

    Screenshot of the in


    spection system

    Table 1.




    Max. rea

    Max. spe





    ccuracy of gene

    was mounted on

    t probe was cho

    le. It was used t

    e capability to co

    was established

    ording to dimen

    measure distanc

    e main GUI. Th

    from the robot d

    t and executing

    d type of sub-sc

    efore execution.

    DP/IP Ethernet

    e integrated path-


    em comprises tw

    BLE 1. KUKA K


    imum total load

    . reach

    . speed

    ber of axes

    tion repeatabilit


    ection classificat

    nerated paths fr

    onto the end ef

    hosen [20]. The l

    d to continuousl

    control the laser

    ed as the robot to

    ensional specifi

    ance. It had a 10

    The path-planni

    t during the initi

    ing what is call

    scan tool-path:

    on. Therefore th

    net connection e

    -planning modul


    two KUKA KR

    KR16 L6-2 princ




    from the MATL

    effector of one

    e laser distance

    usly monitor the

    ser sensor via th

    t tool, setting its

    cifications of sen

    101.6mm detect

    nning software a

    nitial scan, in or

    alled a sub-sc

    th: raster, segme

    the execution o

    n established by

    dule during the sim


    KR16 L6-2 robo

    incipal specificati

    KR16 L6-

    6 kg

    36 kg

    1911 mm

    2 m/s


  • and a reso



    contour of

    of 1.6m2.

    constant s


    cycles of

    data samp

    The la

    Figure 6 s

    speeds. Th



    due to fi


    principal s

    A scan


    using ultra



    water jet n

    of the sam

    across the

    seen. The

    flaw has b

    esolution of 30.5

    cy was equal to

    ter scan paths w

    r of the main ski

    . Three separa

    t speeds of 100

    nd positions to

    of 12 millisecon

    mples for each ro

    laser sensor dat

    shows the reco

    The results show


    ing manufacture

    fibre deviation

    ctured compone

    al source of erro

    can image of a

    m prototype sys

    ltrasound pulse-

    ure 7 shows the

    ion system. The

    et nozzles that pr

    ample. The stan

    the C-scan and

    he sample conta

    s been sized to b

    0.5m. The mea

    to 1250Hz.

    s were generated

    skin of a carbon

    rate tool-paths

    100, 200 and 3

    to the robot con

    onds. The samp

    robot interpolat

    data was mapped

    ecorded maps of

    how that the dev

    RE 6. Maps show

    ure, as the comp

    ion, residual str

    nent can be sev

    rror of the experi

    a curved reinfo

    system and a su

    -echo phased a

    the Time of Fli

    he IntACom rob

    t provide suitabl

    tandoff between

    d equal to 0.6m

    ntains some tape

    o be 5mm wide a

    easurement lase

    ted through the

    on fibre compos

    ths were genera

    300mm/s, resp

    ontroller and rec

    pling rate of th

    lation cycle.

    ped to the surfac

    of difference be

    eviation of the m

    owing distance de

    mposite part is r

    stress and strai

    several millimetr



    nforced wing sk

    suitable tool-pa

    d array inspectio

    Flight (TOF) C

    robotic arms de

    able water colum

    en the water jet

    .6mm. The skin

    ape insert defects

    e and the bigges

    laser spot size w

    he MATLAB ba

    site material ae

    erated to travel

    espectively. The

    received actual

    the laser sensor

    rface scan by co

    between measu

    e measured dista

    deviation from th

    s removed from

    train [21]. The d

    etres for large c


    skin, manufactu

    path generated

    tion through a 5M

    C-Scan of the

    deploy end-effe

    umns to support

    et nozzle and the

    in thickness var

    ects, as indicated

    gest 15mm.

    was smaller tha

    based software

    l aerospace wing

    el along equally

    he C++ code o

    al TCP coordina

    sor was set to 25

    comparing with

    sured and theore

    istance from the

    theoretical TCP f

    m the mould, th

    e difference bet

    e composite sam


    ctured with intr

    ed by the Robo

    a 5MHz 64 ele

    he large curved

    ffectors carrying

    ort the ultrasonic

    the sample was

    varies across the

    ted by the black

    than 250m and

    are and used to

    inglet. The surfa

    ally spaced traje

    e of the acquisi

    inates over the

    250 Hz, resultin

    ith the interpolat

    oretical TCP for

    he theoretical TC

    P for different rob

    , the part can exh

    between the CA

    samples [22] and

    ntroduced flaws,

    boNDT software

    element probe (0

    ed surface obta

    ing ultrasonic tr

    nic beams from

    as set to 8mm.

    the sample and

    ck ovals in figur

    and the maximum

    to finely follow

    rface of interest

    ajectories (10mm

    isition module

    e Ethernet inter

    lting in an avera

    lated feedback c

    for the three diff

    TCP spans a ran

    robot speeds.

    exhibit a spring

    CAD dimensio

    nd this was foun

    ws, was obtaine

    are. The part w

    (0.6 mm pitch).

    btained with the

    transducers, m

    m the probes to

    . The resolution

    d the stiffeners

    gures 7 and 8. T

    um sampling

    w the curved

    st had an area

    mm pitch) at


    terface within

    erage of three

    k coordinates.

    different robot

    range between

    ng-back effect

    sions and the

    und to be the

    ined using the

    t was scanned


    the prototype

    mounted into

    to the surface

    ion is uniform

    ers are clearly

    . The smallest

  • Figure

    the collec

    the screen

    potential d

    In mod

    the inspec


    complex p

    present si




    ure 8 shows a cl

    lected data throu

    een; the A-Scan

    al defects.

    odern aerospac

    pection and ver

    re. Traditional N

    x part shapes em

    significant cha

    ingly demanding

    lves to bespoke

    FIGURE 7. C-Sc

    close up of the

    rough visualizati

    an section is at


    ace manufacturi

    verification proc

    l NDT methods

    employed in ae

    hallenges. Trad

    ng reduced cyc

    ke Cartesian or C

    Scan of the main

    he first group of

    ation of B-Scan

    at the bottom.

    FIGURE 8. Close


    turing, the increa

    rocedures requi

    ds such as ultra

    aerospace struct

    raditional manua

    cycle times for t

    r Cartesian plus

    ain skin surface of

    of defects. The

    ans and the A-S

    m. The B-Scan

    ose-up of one of th


    reasing use of co

    quired to ensure

    ltrasonic testing

    uctures, combin

    nually delivered

    r the inspection

    lus rotation stag

    of the aerospace

    he GUI of the In

    Scans. The B-

    n is very usefu

    f the defected reg


    f composite mate

    ure safe deploy

    ing are fundame

    ined with comp

    red NDT is tim

    ions undertaken.

    tage mechanical

    ce composite wing

    IntACom softw

    -Scan is given

    eful to size the


    aterials is introd

    loyment of com

    mental to such

    mplex material p

    time consuming

    en. Although so

    cal scanners, the


    ftware lets the u

    en on the right h

    e C-Scan featu

    roducing new ch

    omponents in t

    h inspection. H

    al properties of c

    ing and manufa

    some part geom

    there are many i

    e user analyze

    t hand side of

    atures and the

    challenges in

    the finished

    However the

    f composites,

    ufacturers are

    ometries lend

    y instances of

  • complex geometry that make the use of 6 axis robot positioners highly attractive. Most existing off line

    programming approaches are geared towards manufacturing processes, and lack the required flexibility for

    application to delivery of NDT measurements. In particular the lack of conditional programming capability has been

    identified as one of the key shortcomings in existing software. This is fundamentally important for 2 reasons. Firstly

    composites manufacturing has higher part variability and deviation from CAD than encountered with traditional

    materials. Secondly NDT processes often require local measurement refinement. These shortcomings have

    motivated the authors to develop new MATLAB based robotic programming software specifically geared towards

    NDT path planning applications.

    The new software has been tailored to the generation of raster scan paths for inspection of curved surfaces by 6-

    axis industrial robots, and in its current form represents the first iteration of a system designed to overcome the

    issues with current OLP packages. The software is intended to be flexible and extensible to future systems and robot

    developments. The output tool-path is not specific to robot programming language or hardware, so could be

    deployed across a range of platforms. It has been explained how the execution of the calculated path by a robotic

    arm, externally controlled through a C++ external control unit, can be beneficial for NDT inspections. The

    developed NDT robot toolbox will ultimately assist NDT technicians to move from a component CAD file to the

    actual physical inspection, without the need to use multiple pieces of software not optimized for robotic NDT

    inspections. The commercial driver for this work is the need to increase NDT inspection throughput. This has been

    identified clearly as a bottleneck in existing composite parts manufacture in aerospace industries. The new software

    will contain specific functions tailored to generate several types of tool-paths for raster scans, segment scans or

    single point inspections. The inclusion of an evaluation module, incorporating the inverse kinematics, allows the

    user to have a real-time preview of the calculated path for a successive safe execution in the real robotic


    Comparative metrology experiments have been undertaken to evaluate the real path accuracy of the toolbox

    when inspecting a curved 1.6 m2 surface using a KUKA KR16 L6-2 robot. The results obtained via a precision laser

    range meter have shown that the deviation of the distance between the theoretical TCP and a large aerofoil curved

    surface spans a range between 2mm; the dominant source of this error being the deviation of the part from the

    CAD model. For the current NDT application, this level of accuracy is sufficient as the intended NDT delivery is

    accomplished using a water jet coupling approach. However more demanding NDT inspection requiring higher path

    accuracy will demand individual component surface metrology measurement prior to NDT inspection.

    In the future a fully developed software solution will support different types of robotic arm and robotic

    environments. Additionally, the possibility to define custom robotic cells and equip the robotic end-effector with

    several different probes is the aim for a more versatile software platform for robot deployed NDT. The ultimate goal

    of the authors remains the simultaneous management of command coordinates, robot positional feedback and NDT

    data by an integrated server application running on an external computer. This paves the way for the introduction of

    intelligent novelty factors for the application of robotic NDT inspections. On-line monitoring and data visualization,

    real-time path correction and versatile path amending approaches are just some of the possible opportunities.


    This work was developed in partnership with TWI Technology Centre (Wales), University of Strathclyde

    (Glasgow), the Prince of Wales Innovation Scholarship Scheme (POWIS) and by IntACom, a project funded by

    Welsh Government, TWI, Rolls-Royce, Bombardier Aerospace and GKN Aerospace. Additional support was

    provided with assistance from UK Research Centre in NDE (EP/F017332/1) and EPSRC Equipment Grant New

    Imaging Systems for Advanced Non-Destructive Evaluation (EP/G038627/1).


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