MIM Academy Presentation


Transcript of MIM Academy Presentation

Page 1: MIM Academy Presentation
Page 2: MIM Academy Presentation

A. About MIM

B. MIM Academy Program Framework

C. MIM Academy Examination

D. MIM Academy Tutorial Syllabus

E. Investment Fee


Page 3: MIM Academy Presentation

A. About MIM

B. MIM Academy Program Framework

C. MIM Academy Examination

D. MIM Academy Tutorial Syllabus

E. Investment Fee

Page 4: MIM Academy Presentation

The Journey Of MarkPlus. Inc

1989 1994 1999 2004 2009 2014 2019

Surabaya Jakarta Indonesia ASEAN Asia World

First 15 Years Next 15 Years

Founded in 1989 by Hermawan Kartajaya, MarkPlus. Inc has now emerged as a leading knowledge-based organization in Indonesia

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Kuala Lumpur


Ho Chi Minh City


MIM Presence & Activities In Indonesia And ASEAN




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MarkPlus Institute Of Marketing (MIM) is the Marketing Education arm of MarkPlus Inc

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MIM Value Proposition – Pragmatic Approach

Page 8: MIM Academy Presentation

MIM campus is an integral and deeply rewarding part of the experience not found in any other training provider




Kuala Lumpur

Page 9: MIM Academy Presentation

A. About MIM

B. MIM Academy Program Framework

C. MIM Academy Examination

D. MIM Academy Tutorial Syllabus

E. Investment Fee & Schedule 2009

Page 10: MIM Academy Presentation


Operation Level

Graduate Certificate in

Marketing Operation -


Graduate Diploma in Marketing


Graduate Advanced

Diploma in Marketing

Strategy - MIM

Certificate In Sales Operation - MIM

Diploma In Sales Management - MIM

Advanced Diploma In Sales Strategy - MIM

Certificate In Service Operation - MIM

Diploma In Service Management - MIM

Advanced Diploma In Service Strategy - MIM

Certificate In Brand Operation - MIM

Diploma In Brand Management - MIM

Advanced Diploma In Brand Strategy - MIM

MIMContinuing Development Program

SA 3Sales Strategy

SA 2Sales Management

SA 1Sales Operation

SE 3Service Strategy

SE 2Service Management

SE 1Service Operation

BR 3Brand Strategy

BR 2Brand Management

BR1Brand Operation

Management Level

Strategy Level

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Professional and Academic Collaboration

Page 12: MIM Academy Presentation

Candidate RequirementCandidate Requirement

*Tutorial Class tergantung level ujian yang diikutii

1 YearExperience

No Experience

Tutorial Class*

Operation Level

Management Level

Strategy Level 5 Years Experience

5 Years Experience

2 Years Experience

2 Years Experience

Page 13: MIM Academy Presentation

Benefit for MIM Academy Certificate Graduates

1. Waive / Pengecualian bagi beberapa mata kuliah S2 di beberapa Universitas*2. Sertifikat yang diakui secara luas dalam dunia profesional.3. Bergabung dalam komunitas marketer handal se-Indonesia (nama yang lulus akan

dicantumkan dalam majalah markeeters – MIM Academy Certificate Graduates).

Setiap peserta yang mendaftar ujian sertifikasi akan mendapatkan

* Khusus universitas yang telah berkerja sama dengan MIM.

Benefit for MIM Academy Certificate Candidate

1. Akses on-line ke Marketeers.2. Dicantumkan namanya di www.the-marketeers.com

Page 14: MIM Academy Presentation

A. About MIM

B. MIM Academy Program Framework

C. MIM Academy Examination

D. MIM Academy Tutorial Syllabus

E. Investment Fee & Schedule 2009

Page 15: MIM Academy Presentation

Pre-study and examination Tutorial Examination

Peserta dapat langsung ke tahap III

Page 16: MIM Academy Presentation

Jenis UjianDurasi UjianMini Case Multiple

ChoiceMini Case Essay Descriptive Essay

70 soal 30 soal 150 menit

50 soal 25 soal 25 soal 210 menit

80 soal 20 soal 240 menit

Examination Grading:

• OS = Outstanding (90,01 – 100,00)

• HC = Highly Competent (80,01 –


• CO = Competent (70,01 – 80,00)

• F = Undifferentiated Fail (<70,01)

Page 17: MIM Academy Presentation

Level Subject Syllabus topic

SA 3Sales


SA 2Sales


SA 1Sales


A. Formulating Sales Forecast & Targets 20%B. Sizing & Structuring Sales Force 20%C. Designing Compensation System 20%D. Developing CRM for Sales 20%E. Evaluating Sales Organization Performance 20%

A. Creating Sales Plan 10%B. Managing Time and Territory 20%C. Recruiting Sales Force 25%D. Training & Developing Sales Force 10%E. Setting Incentive Plan 35%

A. Mastering selling skill 10%B. Enhancing Sales Communication Techniques 20%C. Managing Account 30%D. Developing Account Planning 10%E. Comprehending Selling Models(The Safari) 20%F. New Wave Selling : Commercialization 10%


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Level Subject

SE 3Service


SE 2Service


SE 1Service


Syllabus topic

A. Creating Branded Service 20%B. Designing Service Blueprint 30%C. Creating Service Culture 20%D. Designing CRM for Service 20%E. Measuring Service Productivity 10%

A. Managing Service based Organization 20%B. Managing Service People 20%C. Managing Moment of Truth 20%D. Managing Service Recovery 20%E. Managing Customer Loyalty 20%

A. Delivering Service Excellence 20%B. Building Positive Attitude & Professional Grooming 10%C. Developing Communication Skill 20%D. Handling Moment of Truth 20%E. Handling Customer Complaint 20%F. New Wave Service : CARE 10%

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Level Subject Syllabus topic

BR 2Brand


BR 1Brand


A. Repositioning The Brand At Changing Landscape 20%B. Internal Branding 25%C. Designing Brand Portfolio Strategy 25%D. Calculating Brand Valuation & Profitability 30%

A. Aligning The Brand With Marketing Mix 20%B. PDB-Driven Product Management 20%C. PDB-Driven Price Management 20%D. PDB-Driven Communication Management 20%E. PDB-Driven Channel Management 20%

A. Building Strong Brand 20%B. Understanding Brand Equity 25%C. Conducting Research on Brand 20%D. Developing Communication Plan & Executing 25%E. New Wave Brand: CHARACTER 10%

BR 3Brand


Page 20: MIM Academy Presentation


Pemeriksaan Persyaratan

Konfirmasi Keikutsertaan

Pelaksanaan Ujian

Pengumuman Hasil Ujian

Proses Mengikuti Ujian MIM Academy

1. Calon peserta mendownload atau mengambil formulir pendaftaran yang disediakan oleh MarkPlus.

2. Calon peserta mengisi formulir pendaftaran.

3. Calon peserta melengkapi dokumen-dokumen yang diperlukan untuk mengikuti ujian.

4. Calon peserta menyerahkan formulir beserta dokumen-dokumen penunjang yang diperlukan.

1. Markplus akan memeriksa kelengkapan dan syarat-syarat yang harus dipenuhi untuk dapat mengikuti ujian.

2. Markplus akan mengirimkan email atau surat mengenai diterima atau tidaknya calon peserta untuk mengikuti ujian.

3. Apabila persyaratan masih kurang maka calon peserta akan diberikan tenggang waktu untuk melengkapi data-data yang


1. Calon peserta mengkonfirmasi keikutsertaan dalam ujian apabila telah memenuhi syarat untuk mengikuti ujian.

2. Calon peserta melunasi pembayaran sesuai dengan harga yang telah ditetapkan.

3. Markplus akan mengeluarkan kartu peserta ujian yang harus dibawa oleh peserta ketika mengikuti ujian.

1. Peserta ujian harus mengikuti ujian pada hari yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya.

2. Peserta ujian harus berada di lokasi ujian tepat waktu, keterlambatan ditoleransi 15 menit dan apabila terlambat tidak ada

tambahan waktu ujian.

3. Peserta tidak diperbolehkan menggunakan HP selama ujian berlangsung.

4. Peserta ujian tidak diperbolehkan bekerja sama dengan peserta ujian lain, sanksi tegas akan diberlakukan bagi yang

melanggar peraturan ini.

1. Peserta dinyatakan lulus apabila memenuhi persyaratan nilai yang telah ditentukan.

2. Hasil Ujian akan diinformasikan melalui email atau surat yang dikirimkan langsung kepada peserta ujian.

3. Apabila peserta gagal dalam ujian maka diperbolehkan mengikuti ujian ulangan maksimal 1 kali dan bebas biaya dan apabila masih

tidak lulus maka disarankan untuk ikut tutorial terlebih dahulu sebelum mengikuti ujian kembali pada waktu yang telah ditentukan.

Page 21: MIM Academy Presentation

A. About MIM

B. MIM Academy Program Framework

C. MIM Academy Examination

D. MIM Academy Tutorial Syllabus

E. Investment Fee & Schedule 2009

Page 22: MIM Academy Presentation

Operation Level

Management LevelModule Competency


Module Framework

Strategy Level

Marketing Strategy9 Core Elements


Certificate In Sales Operation - MIM

Diploma In Sales Management - MIM

Advanced Diploma In Sales Strategy - MIM

Certificate In Service Operation - MIM

Diploma In Service Management - MIM

Advanced Diploma In Service Strategy -MIM

Advanced Diploma In Brand Strategy -MIM

SA 3Sales Strategy

SA 2Sales Management

SA 1Sales Operation

SE 3Service Strategy

SE 2Service Management

SE 1Service Operation

BR 3Brand Strategy

BR 2Brand Management

BR1Brand Operation

Marketing-Oriented Corporate Strategy4C + ST + PDB

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Marketing Strategy9 Core Elements

Marketing-Oriented Corporate Strategy4C + ST + PDB

Module Framework

- Sales-

Sales force investment

Sales force activity

Sales Forceresult

• Sales people• Support


Customer Attraction &

Retention Process

• Sales• Profit• Market share

People & Culture




IT Support





Career Path


Need Identification




Objection Handling

Territorial Management

Account Planning

Call Tracking

Account Evaluation

Target Setting

Performance Evaluation

Performance Improvement

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MarkPlus Basics

Mastering Selling Skills

Managing Account

Developing Account Plan

Enhancing Sales Communication


Understanding New Wave Selling:


Comprehending Selling Models

(The Safari)

Mastering Selling Skills

11 22 33 44 55 66

Mastering Selling Skills

Recruiting Sales Force

Training & Developing Sales


Managing Time &


Setting Incentive Plan

Creating Sales Plan

11 22 33 44 55

Mastering Selling Skills

Designing Compensation


Developing CRM for Sales

Evaluating Sales Organization Performance

Formulating Sales Forecast

& Targets

11 22 33 44 55

Marketing Strategy9 Core Elements

Marketing-Oriented Corporate Strategy4C + STPDB

Module Framework

- Sales-

Sizing & Structuring Sales


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SA 3Sales


SA 2Sales


SA 1Sales


0 1 2 3 4 5 6• Aligning Corporate

and Marketing Strategy

• Analyzing Business Landscape

• TOWS Examination & Strategic Intent

• Strategy: How to Win the Mind Share?

• Tactic: How to Win the Market Share

• Value: How to Win the Heart Share?

• Sales Forecasting Method

• Sales Forecasting Process

• Target Setting

• Sizing the Sales Force• Structuring the Sales

Force• Designing Territory

• CRM Design and Implementation

• Sales Compensation Assessment & design

• Sales Productivity Measurement

• Sales Productivity Improvement

• Aligning Corporate and Marketing Strategy

• Analyzing Business Landscape

• TOWS Examination & Strategic Intent

• Strategy: How to Win the Mind Share?

• Tactic: How to Win the Market Share

• Value: How to Win the Heart Share?

• Target Breakdown• Sales Process• 30-60-90 Report• Sales Funnels

• Time Management• Territory

Management• Routing and


• Man Power Planning• Recruitment Source

and Job Analysis• Selection Techniques• Acceptance,

Probation & Orientation

• Training Needs Assessment

• Training Program Plan & Implementation

• Coaching and Counseling

• Incentive Plan Communication

• Performance Appraisal

• Aligning Corporate and Marketing Strategy

• Analyzing Business Landscape

• TOWS Examination & Strategic Intent

• Strategy: How to Win the Mind Share?

• Tactic: How to Win the Market Share

• Value: How to Win the Heart Share?

• Prospecting & Approaching

• Personal Daily Plan• Probing the

Customers• Consulting for

Solution• Handling Objections• Closing the Sales• After Sales Service

• Communication Style in Selling

• Basic Negotiation Skill• Basic Presentation

Skill• Selling by Phone

• Introduction to Account Management

• Account Relationship

• Introduction to account planning

• Account planning process (what-how much-when)

• SPIN Selling• Strategic Selling• Customer-focused


• Introduction to New Wave Marketing

• New Wave Selling

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Marketing-Oriented Corporate Strategy4C + ST + PDB

Marketing Strategy9 Core Elements

Service Investment

Internal Service Quality and Operating System

External Service Delivery System

• Managing Customer-centered Organization

• Service Blueprint• Designing CRM• Branded Service

Service Activity

External Service Value

• Delivering Service Excellence• Positive Attitude & Personal

Grooming• Communication Skill• Handling Moment of truth• Managing Moment of Truth• New Wave Service: CARE

Service Delivery Process

Service Result



Revenue Growth & Profitability

• Managing Customer Satisfaction & Loyalty

• Measuring & Improving Service Performance

Module Framework- Service -

People &


• Managing Service People• Service Culture

• Handling Customer Complaint

• Service Recovery

Service Delivery System

Adapted From Heskett and Sasser. The Service Profit Chain

Service Delivery Measurement & Improvement

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MarkPlus Basics

Developing Communication


Handling Moment of Truth

Building Positive Attitude &

Professional Grooming

New Wave Service: CARE

Handling Customer Complaint

Delivering Service


11 22 33 44 55 66

Mastering Selling Skills

11 22 33 44 55

Mastering Selling Skills

11 22 33 44 55

Marketing Strategy9 Core Elements

Marketing-Oriented Corporate Strategy4C + STPDB

Managing Moment of


Designing Service


Creating Service Culture



CreatingBranded Service

Managing Customer-Centered


Managing Service


ManagingService People

Designing CRM for Service

ManagingCustomer Loyalty

Module Framework- Service -

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SE 3Service


SE 2Service


SE 1Service


0 1 2 3 4 5 6

• Aligning Corporate and Marketing Strategy

• Analyzing Business Landscape

• TOWS Examination & Strategic Intent

• Strategy: How to Win the Mind Share?

• Tactic: How to Win the Market Share

• Value: How to Win the Heart Share?

• Introduction to Branded Service

• Creating Branded Service

• Introduction to Service Blueprint

• Understanding Service Encounter

• Mapping Customer Experience

• Identifying Critical Point• Designing Service Blueprint• Setting Service Standard

• Developing and Creating Service Culture

• Implementing Internal Service Culture

• Building Service Foundation

• Introduction to CRM• CRM Strategy• Designing CRM


• Analyzing Quality, Satisfaction. Loyalty and Profit Data

• Aligning Corporate and Marketing Strategy

• Analyzing Business Landscape

• TOWS Examination & Strategic Intent

• Strategy: How to Win the Mind Share?

• Tactic: How to Win the Market Share

• Value: How to Win the Heart Share?

• Introduction to Customer Centered Organization

• Work Place Design• Job Design

• Hiring & Training Service People

• Developing Service People• Reward and Recognition

• Managing Service Cycle

• Creating Impressions• Managing Moment of


• Importance of Service Recovery

• Recovery Process• Getting Customer


• Customer Expectation

• Measuring customer satisfaction

• Building Loyalty

• Aligning Corporate and Marketing Strategy

• Analyzing Business Landscape

• TOWS Examination & Strategic Intent

• Strategy: How to Win the Mind Share?

• Tactic: How to Win the Market Share

• Value: How to Win the Heart Share?

• Introduction to Service Excellence

• Know yourself & Know Your Job

• Positive Attitude• Professional Grooming

• Know Your Customer• Verbal & non Verbal

Communication• Effective


• Introduction to Service Cycle

• Understanding Moment of Truth

• First & Last Impressions

• Introduction to Complaint Handling

• Handling Complaint Process

• Handling Difficult Customer

• Introduction to New Wave Marketing

• New Wave Service: CARE

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Marketing Strategy9 Core Elements

Marketing-Oriented Corporate Strategy4C + ST + PDB

Module Framework

- Brand -

Brand Investment

Brand Strategy & Policy

BrandBuilding Process

Brand Execution


Brand Equity

Revenue & Profitability

• Awareness, • Association, • Perceived quality, • Loyalty • Other Proprietary Assets

• Product Mgt: Portfolio & Development

• Price Mgt: Decision & Dynamics• Place Mgt: Map & Compensation• Promotion Mgt: Plan & Execution• New Wave Brand: Character

• Corporate Branding• Segmentation and Targeting • Positioning-Differentiation-Brand• Brand Portfolio Strategy

• Research on Brand• Brand Valuation & Profitability

Adapted From Keller. Strategic Brand Management

People &


• Internal Branding • Understanding brand equity

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MarkPlus Basics

Mastering Selling Skills

11 22 33 44 55

Mastering Selling Skills

11 22 33 44

Marketing Strategy9 Core Elements

Marketing-Oriented Corporate Strategy4C + STPDB




Designing Brand Portfolio Strategy

Repositioning The Brand

At ChangingLandscape

Aligning The BrandWith

Marketing Mix

PDB-Driven Communication


PDB-Driven Product


Calculating Brand Valuation


PDB-Driven Channel


Mastering Selling Skills

11 22 33 44 55Conducting

Research on Brand

BuildingStrong Brand

Developing CommunicationPlan & Executing

Understanding Brand Equity

New Wave Brand:


Module Framework

- Brand -

Page 31: MIM Academy Presentation


0 1 2 3 4 5• Aligning Corporate and

Marketing Strategy• Analyzing Business

Landscape• Strategy: How to Win

the Mind Share?• Tactic: How to Win the

Market Share?• Value: How to Win the

Heart Share?• Marketing Strategy


• Strategic Segmentation and Targeting

• Developing Strong Positioning-Differentiation-Brand

• Brand Reinforcement and Revitalization

• Corporate Branding• Building a Brand-based

Culture• Selling the Brand Inside

• Brand Portfolio Strategy• Brand Relationship

Spectrum• Managing Brand

Portfolio• Brand Portfolio Audit

• Understanding Brand as Assets

• Brand Valuation Method

• Brand Profitability

• Aligning Corporate and Marketing Strategy

• Analyzing Business Landscape

• Strategy: How to Win the Mind Share?

• Tactic: How to Win the Market Share?

• Value: How to Win the Heart Share?

• Marketing Strategy Approaches

• Aligning the Brand with Marketing Mix

• Marketing Mix Analysis and Models

• Understanding PDB-driven Product Management

• Developing Product Strategy

• New Product Development Process

• Understanding PDB-driven Price Management

• Developing Pricing Strategy

• Setting Price to Build Brand Equity

• Understanding PDB-driven Integrated Communication Management

• Communication Strategy & Tactic

• Developing Integrated Marketing Communication Program

• Understanding PDB-driven Channel Management

• Developing Channel Strategy

• Channel Management• Developing Channel


• Aligning Corporate and Marketing Strategy

• Analyzing Business Landscape

• Strategy: How to Win the Mind Share?

• Tactic: How to Win the Market Share?

• Value: How to Win the Heart Share?

• Marketing Strategy Approaches

• Introduction to Segmentation Targeting & Positioning-Differentiation-Brand (Tactic)

• Formulating & Communicating Brand Positioning

• Formulating & Communicating Brand Differentiation

• Brand Identity System

• Understanding Brand Equity

• Brand Equity Attributes• Building, Managing and

Leveraging Brand Equity• Organizing for Brand


• Planning the Research• Measuring Sources of

Brand Equity• Measuring Outcomes of

Brand Equity• Measuring Brand Equity

System• Data Analysis and


• Planning the Communication Strategy

• Developing Campaign Strategy

• Budgeting for Communication Campaign

• Executing Communication Campaign Delivery

• Introduction to New Wave Marketing

• New Wave Brand: Character

BR 2Brand


BR 1Brand


BR 3Brand


Page 32: MIM Academy Presentation

A. About MIM

B. MIM Academy Program Framework

C. MIM Academy Examination

D. MIM Academy Tutorial Syllabus

E. Investment Fee & Schedule 2009

Page 33: MIM Academy Presentation

Strategic Level

• SalesTutorial : Rp 8.000.000,-Exam : Rp 2.000.000,-

• Service and ProcessTutorial : Rp 8.000.000,-Exam : Rp 2.000.000,-

• BrandTutorial : Rp 8.000.000,-Exam : Rp 3.000.000,-

Management Level

• SalesTutorial : Rp 6.000.000,-Exam : Rp 1.500.000,-

• Service and ProcessTutorial : Rp 6.000.000,-Exam : Rp 1.500.000,-

• BrandTutorial : Rp 6.000.000,-Exam : Rp 2.000.000,-

Operation Level

• SalesTutorial : Rp 1.500.000,-Exam : Rp 500.000,-

• Service and ProcessTutorial : Rp 1.500.000,-Exam : Rp 500.000,-

• BrandTutorial : Rp 1.800.000,-Exam : Rp 750.000,-

Investment Fee

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Irfan R. NugrahaBusiness ExecutiveMarkPlus Institute of MarketingJl. Ters. Dr. Ir. Sutami Kav. 7-8Bandung 40164

Telephone : +62 22 200 5335Facsimile : +62 22 200 5337Mobile : +62 818 428 999Email : [email protected]