Middlefield C.I. 6 E... · Expect the unexpected! Sincerely, A. Daniel, A. Gheewala, D. Heron, ......

Administration Team: Principal Vice-Principal Vice-Principal Vice-Principal A. Daniel A. Gheewala D. Heron S. Maharaj October 11, 2019 To the parents/guardians of «First_Name» «Last_Name», Attention all drivers in the MCI Community! We have had a number of dangerous situations arise recently where members of the MCI family have been injured by unsafe drivers in and around the school and community. We would like to remind you to adhere to the rules of the road and to keep the following in mind: Please follow the speed limits. Driving a little bit slower, especially in school zones, is a good way to practice safe driving habits! Please leave home early often times accidents happen when people are rushing. With the daylight savings time change soon approaching, roads will be darker so please pay extra close attention to pedestrians in the early hours of the day as well as late at night. Please follow the rules of the road the MCI parking lot has one dedicated entrance (west end of the parking lot) and one dedicated exit (east end of the parking lot). Put your phone away. Distracted driving is never a good idea…your texts can wait! Reduce all potential distractions and focus on the road at all times. Middlefield C.I.

Transcript of Middlefield C.I. 6 E... · Expect the unexpected! Sincerely, A. Daniel, A. Gheewala, D. Heron, ......

Administration Team:

Principal Vice-Principal Vice-Principal Vice-Principal A. Daniel A. Gheewala D. Heron S. Maharaj

October 11, 2019

To the parents/guardians of «First_Name» «Last_Name»,

Attention all drivers in the MCI Community! We have had a number of dangerous situations arise recently where members of the MCI family have been injured by unsafe drivers in and around the school and community. We would like to remind you to adhere to the rules of the road and to keep the following in mind:

Please follow the speed limits. Driving a little bit slower, especially in school zones, is a good way to practice safe driving habits!

Please leave home early – often times accidents happen when people are rushing.

With the daylight savings time change soon approaching, roads will be darker so please pay extra close attention to pedestrians in the early hours of the day as well as late at night.

Please follow the rules of the road – the MCI parking lot has one dedicated entrance (west end of the parking lot) and one dedicated exit (east end of the parking lot).

Put your phone away. Distracted driving is never a good idea…your texts can wait!

Reduce all potential distractions and focus on the road at all times.

Middlefield C.I.

Be extra cautious and always be prepared to make a sudden stop.

Be aware of school buses and other vehicles in pick up/drop off areas.

Take extra care when approaching stop signs, crosswalks, and traffic lights.

Roads will soon become slick with the cold weather only weeks away…ensure that your vehicle is ready for harsh winter climates!

Expect the unexpected!

Sincerely, A. Daniel, A. Gheewala, D. Heron, S. Maharaj

Character Matters Trait of the Month: Responsibility

“In dreams begin responsibility.” – WB Yeats Next week @ MCI…

October 14 Thanksgiving Day

October 16 Interim Reports Distributed

October 17 UN Day for the Eradication of Poverty

Looking Ahead:

October 21 PA Day

October 27 Diwali

October 31 Halloween


Non-Sanctioned Events

Dear MCI Parents/Guardians, It has come to our attention that there are semi-formal dances being organized in the community, which are not an MCI events. Examples include Soca on Lock Down in October and Venaam Machan Venam in November The administration and staff of Middlefield CI have not organized a semi-formal event this school year. If we do organize a dance, information will be communicated in our weekly e-bulletin. For events organized in the community, school staff have not been involved in the planning and will not be supervising or participating. Staff supervision will not take place at these events. It is strongly recommended by the school and Board that parents and guardians review with their child all aspects of these events when making a determination on attendance. This review should include pre- and post-activities, possession or use of alcohol and or illegal drugs, transportation to and from the event and appropriate behavior. Thank you, MCI Administration Team

YRDSB Student Suicide Intervention Protocol

OYAP Open House Information

Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (Accelerated OYAP) Information Session Hello parents/guardians and students, We invite you to the Accelerated OYAP information sessions outlined below to find out more information about the exciting apprenticeship opportunities available through YRDSB our college and training center partners. The skilled trades offer excellent employment opportunities, training in state of the art facilities and higher than average career satisfaction. We hope to see you there.

2019-2020 School Year Math Contest Dates

Happy Thanksgiving!

Attention Parents!



There is a positive relationship between regular attendance and success in school. Students at MCI are required to attend regularly, to be punctual, and to participate in all scheduled classes.

VALID ABSENCES include illness, bereavement or family emergency.

AUTHORIZED ABSENCES include dentist/doctor appointments, driver’s test, and court appearances.

EXCUSED ABSENCES refer to field trips and school sanctioned events. Students are still considered to be at school.

EXTENDED ABSENCES of four days or more require the completion of a “Special Leave” form at least one week in advance of the leave. This form may be obtained from the Main Office. A parent/guardian signature is required. It is the student’s responsibility to catch up on all work missed.

DO NOT plan absences or family vacations during culminating and exam periods as the evaluations CANNOT be rescheduled.

Type of Absence Parent/Guardian Responsibility Absent for a Full Day Phone the school with a valid reason the same day or send a note

upon return

Absent for One or More Classes Phone with valid reason indicating the time of absence or send a note with the student

Leaving Before the End of the Day Student signs out in attendance office with a note from the parent/guardian

In the Event of an Emergency Contact the office as soon as possible.

For safety reasons, students who have signed out must leave the building as they will not be directly supervised.

Dear parent/Guardian of «First_Name» «Last_Name»,

Please review the following attendance report. The report includes semester lates and absences from September 3rd, 2019 – October 10th, 2019, as well as Community Service Hours submitted to date.

Course Period Teacher Total Absences

Semester 1 Total Lates Semester 1

«Course_A» «Period_A» «Teacher_Last_A» «Absence_A» «Lates_A»

«Course_B» «Period_B» «Teacher_Last_B» «Absence_B» «Lates_B»

«Course_C» «Period_C» «Teacher_Last_C» «Absence_C» «Lates_C»

«Course_D» «Period_D» «Teacher_Last_D» «Absence_D» «Lates_D»

«Course_E» «Period_E» «Teacher_Last_E» «Absence_E» «Lates_E»

«Course_F» «Period_F» «Teacher_Last_F» «Absence_F» «Lates_F»

«Course_G» «Period_G» «Teacher_Last_G» «Absence_G» «Lates_G»

Totals «Total_Abs» «Total_Lates»

Community Service Hours Submitted to date for «First_Name» «Last_Name» «Community_Servi» This report lists the dates of each absence and the coding (ill, medical, truant).

Want more information about student attendance? Students under 18 and/or their parents can pick up a detailed attendance report from the main office.




Middlefield C.I. Webpage: http://www.yrdsb.ca/schools/middlefield.ci

York Region District School Board: http://www.yrdsb.ca/

Y.R.D.S.B. Guide to the 2019-2020 School Year: Guide to the School Year

SHSM: http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/morestudentsuccess/SHSM.html

Teacher's Name (Last Name, First Name)

VM # Teacher's Name (Last Name, First Name)

VM # Teacher's Name (Last Name, First Name)

VM #

Afsharnejad, Fatemah 4600 Harvey, Walter 4683 Murray, Stephen 4657

Arsenault, Michelle 4613 Heron, Deanna 159 Nasreen, Tahira 4666

Atcha, Saeed 4654 Ho, Sonia 4624 Ng'Ong'Ola, Neps 4667

Bakshi, Shirleen 4605 Hobbs, Andrew 4627 Nguyen, Vincent 4641

Balakumar, Vithyani 4607 Hoult, Sarah 4675 Okongwu, Ngozi 4669

Baldassini, Susanna 360 Hunte, Camille 4611 O'Neill, Jeremy 4703

Bell, Catherine 4656 Huryn, Karolina 4629 Patras, Sofia 4302

Blanchard, Dan 4608 Hytman, Barry 4640 Pawlicki, Barb 4628

Boy, Martina 4609 Istanbul, Martha 4631 Pownall, Alyson 4625

Boyd, Morgan 4653 Kapustina, Elena 4622 Prinsloo, Heather 4658

Brijmongal, Ganesh 4610 Khandaker, Shopan 4661 Puri, Tanu 4697

Brown, Tonya 4606 King-Sewell, Rockell 4701 Reid, Rebecca 4676

Chan, Laura 4614 Korres, Vasiliki 4612 Rosenberg, Eric 4634

Chang, Mary 4649 Kumar, Rita 4615 Rueckert, Jennifer 4645

Chiejina, Pat 4619 Ladas, Niki 4665 Rutherford, Claudette 4673

Dabas, Jogender 4616 Lane, Janine 4699 Sadacharan, Skanda 4677

Dadar, Mehdi 4693 Lawrence, Grace 4700 Sanchez, Rodolfo 4621

Daniel, Aline 158 Li Kam Cheung, Priscilla 4651 Stephenson, Paul 161

Del Rosario, Melissa 4648 Liau, Sandra 4662 Suganthan, Piraveena 4636

Derry, Joyce 4637 Lloyd, Jonathan 4650 Sukhera, Sabrina 4682

Dornai, Angie 4678 MacPherson, Alison 4685 Tamber, Kamal 4617

Duffy, Michael 4601 Maharaj, Susan 157 Tang, Iris 4626

Escoffery, Nigel 4624 Markandaier, Shiva 4644 Thakrar, Sandeep 4688

Falzarano, Janet 4633 Mavridis, Peter 4659 Thompson, Reginald 4689

Ferguson, Alexandra 4679 McLoughlin, Dawn 4639 Tsui, Ada 4643

Firsat, Heera 4680 McMullen, Dan 4642 Tyler, Pamela 4668

Gauthier, Melanie 4663 Mein, Andrew 4660 Van Den Kroonenberg, Anna 217

Geronikolos, Lazaros 4603 Mobilos, Cathy 4630 Wong, Jack 4694

Gheewala, Amol 156 Mogilevskaya, Vera 4638 Woo, Rajvinder 4684

Glass, Jamie 4632 Moore, Lara 4620 Zissopoulos, Dimitra 4686

Gordon, Jacqueline 4695 Morin, Mike 4664