Meshing Methods (ANSYS Meshing) _ Everyone is Number One

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  • 8/10/2019 Meshing Methods (ANSYS Meshing) _ Everyone is Number One


  • 8/10/2019 Meshing Methods (ANSYS Meshing) _ Everyone is Number One


    Physics preference in ANSYS Meshing are :Mechanical, Electromagnetics, CFD and Explicit.

    Meshing methods available for 3D bodies :Automatic, Tetrahedrons, MultiZone, Hex Dominant, Sweep, CutCell.
  • 8/10/2019 Meshing Methods (ANSYS Meshing) _ Everyone is Number One


    Meshing methods available for 2D bodies : Automatic Method (Quad Dominant), Triangles, Uniform Quad/Tri,

    Uniform Quad.

    1.Automatic Meshing Method, If you select the automatic method control, the body will be swept if possible.

    Otherwise, Tetrahedrons (Patch Conforming) is used.
  • 8/10/2019 Meshing Methods (ANSYS Meshing) _ Everyone is Number One


    The global Element Midside Nodesoption allows you to control whether meshes are to be created with midside

    nodes (quadratic elements/second order) or without midside nodes (linear elements/first order). Reducing the

    number of midside nodes reduces the number of degrees of freedom. Choices for the global Element Midside

    Nodes option include Program Controlled, Dropped, and Kept.

  • 8/10/2019 Meshing Methods (ANSYS Meshing) _ Everyone is Number One


    Program Controlledis the default. For surface bodies and beam models, Program Controlledis identical to the

    Droppedoption described below. For solid bodies and 2-D models,Program Controlledis identical to the Kept

    option described below.

    The Droppedoption removes midside nodes on all elements. Examples shown below are for a solid body.

    The Keptoption retains midside nodes on elements created in the part or body. All elements will have midside

  • 8/10/2019 Meshing Methods (ANSYS Meshing) _ Everyone is Number One


    2. Tetrahedrod/Hybrid Meshing Method, where an all tetrahedral mesh is created. An algorithm setting is

    displayed allowing you to choose how the tetrahedral mesh is created based on your choice of one of the

    following options :

    a) Patch Conforming Algorithmfor Tetrahedrons Methods Control :

    Bottom up approach : Meshing process starts from edge, face and then body

    All faces and their boundaries are respected and meshed

    Good for clean CAD geometries
  • 8/10/2019 Meshing Methods (ANSYS Meshing) _ Everyone is Number One


    b) Patch Independent Algorithmfor Tetrahedrons Method Control :

    Top down approach : The volume mesh is generated first, and this is projected on to faces and edges to

    create the surface mesh

    The faces and their boundaries (edges and vertices) are not necessarily respected if they fall under a

    specified tolerance, unless there is a named selection, load, boundary condition or other object scoped to


    Good for gross de-featuring of dirty CAD geometries

    Patch Conforming Method. Faces, edges and proximities are respected and resolved.
  • 8/10/2019 Meshing Methods (ANSYS Meshing) _ Everyone is Number One


    Patch Independent Method. Defined name selections before grid generation process.

    3. Hex Dominant Meshing Method, where a free hex dominant mesh is created. This option is recommended

    for bodies that cannot be swept.
  • 8/10/2019 Meshing Methods (ANSYS Meshing) _ Everyone is Number One


    The mesh contains a combination of tet and pyramid cells with majority of cell being of hex type. Hex dominant

    meshing reduced element count.

    4. Sweep Meshing Method, a sweep mesh is forced on sweepable bodies (including axis-sweepable bodies,

    which are not displayed when you use the show sweepable bodies feature). The mesher will fail if a swept mesh

    cannot be generated on a body with a sweep method control.

  • 8/10/2019 Meshing Methods (ANSYS Meshing) _ Everyone is Number One


    ANSYS Meshing can find sweepable bodies in the geometry automatically.

    5. MultiZone Meshing Method, based on blocking approach used in ANSYS ICEM CFD Hexa. It automatically

    generates a pure haxehedral mesh where possible and then fills the more difficult to capture regions with

    unstructured mesh. The MultiZone mesh method and the Sweep mesh method operate similarly; however,

    MultiZone has capabilities that make it more suitable for a class of problems for which the Sweep method would

    not work without extensive geometry decomposition.

  • 8/10/2019 Meshing Methods (ANSYS Meshing) _ Everyone is Number One


    References :ANSYS Meshing Brochure ; ANSYS Meshing Users Guide ;

  • 8/10/2019 Meshing Methods (ANSYS Meshing) _ Everyone is Number One



    Thank You..Everyone is Number One

    Categories: Finite Element AnalysisTags: ANSYS Meshing, Automatic Meshing Method, Hex Dominant Meshing Method, MultiZone MeshingMethod, Patch Conforming Algorithm, Patch Independent Algorithm, Sweep Meshing Method, Tetrahedrod Meshing MethodComments (0) Trackbacks (0) Leave a commentTrackback

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