Mercury, Planet of Communication & Throat Chakra Activation Channelling.

Lord Kuthumi Mercury, Planet of Communication & Throat Chakra Activation Channelling. Channelled through Michelle Eloff© Johannesburg, 04 May 2006 I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the rays of love and wisdom to greet each of you at this time, and to bring to you the blessings of harmony, insight, power, and divine will; greetings beloved ones. It is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we may gather with each of you upon this day, as we hold you firmly within the heart of Christ and securely upon the hands of God. Beloved sisters, you are not only welcoming the presence of Mercury, you are also welcoming the presence of your divine mind. This powerful influence is one that brings a great deal of energy and heightens the awareness so as to facilitate the integration of the three sacred aspects of self. These three aspects of the self are the Spirit self, the Star self, and what we call the Spiritual self. These divine aspects create what is know as many levels of your quantum body, and facilitates the activation of your cosmic throat chakra. Aligning with Lord Mercury, also recognized as Lord Thoth, brings with it a divine activation and integration of the three sacred aspects of self. Your spirit self is very similar to your higher self, your star self is the aspect of self that is the star seed that embodies the vibrations of the star world, and your spiritual self is the divine aspect in physical incarnation following the spiritual pathway of ascension. These three aspects contribute to the very powerful ascension body into the quantum world. Your ascension body and quantum body will eventually become the same body, yet at this time they embody different vibrations,


Lord KuthumiMercury, Planet of Communication & Throat Chakra Activation Channelling.Channelled through Michelle Eloff©Johannesburg, 04 May 2006

Transcript of Mercury, Planet of Communication & Throat Chakra Activation Channelling.

Lord KuthumiMercury, Planet of Communication & Throat Chakra Activation Channelling.Channelled through Michelle EloffJohannesburg, 04 May 2006

I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the rays of love and wisdom to greet each of you at this time, and to bring to you the blessings of harmony, insight, power, and divine will; greetings beloved ones. It is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we may gather with each of you upon this day, as we hold you firmly within the heart of Christ and securely upon the hands of God.

Beloved sisters, you are not only welcoming the presence of Mercury, you are also welcoming the presence of your divine mind. This powerful influence is one that brings a great deal of energy and heightens the awareness so as to facilitate the integration of the three sacred aspects of self. These three aspects of the self are the Spirit self, the Star self, and what we call the Spiritual self. These divine aspects create what is know as many levels of your quantum body, and facilitates the activation of your cosmic throat chakra. Aligning with Lord Mercury, also recognized as Lord Thoth, brings with it a divine activation and integration of the three sacred aspects of self.

Your spirit self is very similar to your higher self, your star self is the aspect of self that is the star seed that embodies the vibrations of the star world, and your spiritual self is the divine aspect in physical incarnation following the spiritual pathway of ascension. These three aspects contribute to the very powerful ascension body into the quantum world. Your ascension body and quantum body will eventually become the same body, yet at this time they embody different vibrations, aligned with different aspects of the very facets of your fully Mastered and Christed self of the light.

This journey into the energy of Mercury, the planet of communication, facilitates a birth into a new cycle, one that will reveal to you the very, very profound importance of speaking your truth. Communicating ones truth is not about being honest with others, more so, it is about being honest with yourself. Denial is the greatest cause of disease and disharmony in your world; and Mercurys presence is activating the cosmic throat chakra for you as individuals as well as the collective consciousness of planet earth.

Greece will undergo immense transformation as a result of this cosmic alliance. There is a cosmic seed of holy communication that shall be anchored in Greece in the month of June (2006). This particular seed of consciousness activates a process of communicating authentic truth globally. At this time, Greece is a centre of immense release between the throat, the thyroid and the thymus on a planetary scale. Energetically, it is activating intensive processes of communication for the purpose of bringing the cosmic alignment internally and externally into being, for the purpose of manifesting harmony on earth.

Lord Thoth is working very closely with Lord Serapis Bey, who at this time is holding the (4th) Ray of Harmony through Conflict. This particular ray is usually more associated with the heart chakra, however, for this particular purpose in the time line of humanitys rehabilitation, this particular ray is being focused on the throat chakra and through the voice of truth, and harmony can be manifest in the midst of conflict and chaos. All of humanity, be it in government, business, or families, must now face truth unlike ever before and communication is what brings true communities together, so that the holy communion can take place; the sacred marriage of common units, vibrating in unison and alignment with the cosmic plan of light assigned to the common units within a common unity. This can only come into being with communication, common-unication.

For many years you have been taught to speak your truth, to walk your talk, to become self aware, so as to understand what lurks beneath the conditionings of the mind and the heart. The conditionings of the mind are under the spotlight of Lord Mercury at this time. For it is the focus on this mental energy that will bring your clarity regarding the patterns you follow that constantly re-create cycles in your life, be it in your career, your personal life with your family or socially; even the environment you choose to live in geographically are influenced by this.

Beloved sisters, the removing of the veils is fully active in your lives and you have truly reached the point of no return. The only way for you now is forward and this cosmic alignment brings to you an added force of energy, like a whirlwind through your mind to blow away the cobwebs of doubt and denial, leaving you with the vision of truth and it is this vision that becomes the template for communication. Those who insist on remaining within denial or who refuse to communicate their truth in any given moment, will find the intensity of the energy intensifying.

Your soul has now responded to the call of the Great White Brotherhood, to intensify the pressure upon their conscious human self and in a way forcing the conscious self into action so that truth is the template you create from. Many people believe the truth is simply about not fabricating stories or exaggerating in certain areas regarding relaying information. That is the miniscule aspect of the truth we refer to. Being truthful begins with yourself and no other. Therefore the tool of self-awareness is your greatest ally and embracing your inner courage to be truthful with yourself is your key to freedom.

I have no doubt all of you have, on some or other level, had to face this aspect already. The questions are in your mind and upon your heart. The only way you will get all the clarity you seek is by being completely truthful, open and honest with yourself, about what you feel, what you require, what you desire.

Now your autumn period is taking you through a very deep cycle of introspection and the butterfly comes to rest upon your throat chakra, bringing you the gift of transformation. This presence supports your time of introspection, so that it does not become a lull or hibernation with not much happening, it becomes an introspective time of activity or an active time of introspection, whichever you understand better. There is no getting away with anything at this time, especially when it comes to hiding from yourself. I am not referring to others in your outer world, I refer now only to you and this is about the relationship with self.

Relating truthfully to self facilitates the complete integration of the three sacred aspects of self; the spirit self, the star self and the spiritual self. The spiritual self is the aspect of self with you that anchors the ritual of spirit in a physical existence, uniting the material with the star and the spirit and the sacredness of these divine aspects is what creates the new quantum body. Is this understood thus far? Yes. Very well.

Let us now take you into the energy of Mercury, where we will align your energies with the various vibrations and activate you as a cosmic seed of alignment and align you with those vibrations that shall bring the whirlwind of change into your lives and literally blow your mind. So take a deep breath in through your nose, exhale through your mouth, stilling your mind and relaxing your body. (Pause) As you breathe in, visualize your body filling with light and as you exhale fully, imagine yourself letting go. (Pause). Call upon Lord Mercury, the winged messenger and his energy of Lord Thoth. (Pause). Ask to be aligned with your personal Mercury Cosmic Vibration and as you breathe, visualize your throat chakra opening to receive this vibration. (Pause) This cosmic vibration is in perfect harmony with the note of your Sacred Sound and the two support one another.

Imagine these two sounds becoming active; it doesnt matter if you know what it is. Just imagine the sounds activating in your throat chakra and the vibration releasing any growths of an energetic nature, or any blockages of an energetic nature and any core patterns stored within the throat chakra itself, that contribute to you experiencing any level of fear regarding speaking your truth. (Pause). While this occurs, welcome Lord Thoth into your presence. He comes right up close to you and places the palm of his right hand over your throat chakra and immediately you feel the warmth of his energy and how the energy facilitates the release you have intended. (Pause). Take note that your throat is capable of releasing this energy harmoniously and gracefully, painlessly, peacefully. (Pause).

Now see a magnificent turquoise light igniting in Lord Thoths throat chakra and this light begins to flow out from his throat chakra toward yours, penetrating his hand and moving into your throat. The turquoise vibration soothing the release you are currently undergoing and bringing with it a very high level vibration of sacred communication. (Pause) While this continues, Lord Mercury comes forward bringing with him a brilliant colour unique to you. Imagine this colour enveloping your body and Lord Thoths, creating a sacred ascension spiral all around you, and this particular colour serves the process of your cosmic alignment taking place, as well as the activation of your cosmic throat chakra and the support of the healing taking place. (Pause )

In your mind now, call upon your spirit self, (Pause), evoke the full presence of your star self (Pause) and acknowledge your spiritual self with the 'you' who you perceive as spiritual. (Pause). Stand with your spirit and star self, joining hands forming a triangle (pause). Continue to breathe in deeply, exhaling fully and I Kuthumi come forward and I place a golden pyramid in the centre of this triangle. (Pause). I take a golden wand and I tap the throat chakra of your spirit self, your star self and your spiritual self and this activates a powerful vortex opening from the core of the pyramid in the centre of the triangle you currently stand forming.

This vortex aligns with your throat chakra and facilitates the integration of the three sacred aspects of self. Breathe while this energy work is conducted. (Pause). Lord Thoth now places his left hand over your heart chakra on your back; the ascension spiral still spiraling around you and him (pause) and I now begin to walk a spiral around the triangle you are holding with your spirit and star self. This spiral is what will accelerate the process of your life at this current time, creating the space for you to live within the heart of your authentic self, voicing the authentic truth. This sacred spiral also creates an opportunity that shall be in divine alignment with your current contract of service, relating specifically to communication that shall maintain the vortex active in the core of your triangle; therefore anchoring the golden divinity of authenticity that shall maintain a strong connection to your authentic self, regardless of any conflictyou are faced with.

Continue to breathe in and out; the energy work is now intensifying. Some of you may feel a little uncomfortable breathe (pause). The vortex in the centre of the triangle now reaches its highest vibration, pulling the three aspects of your sacred self together. It explodes into a golden shower of light and this shower of light becomes the new aspect of your quantum self. This part of your quantum self is a vortex of energy, constantly drawing you in the direction of your truth; constantly motivating you to communicate your truth. Be still as all the energies align with your body and its systems are recalibrated, so that all operates harmoniously and in perfect synchronicity. (Pause)

You may now release the hands of your spirit and star self, as you stand fully in the presence of your spiritual self. This triangle is now a permanent connection between the three of you. The pyramid is a permanent feature in this triangle and the vortex is what shall maintain this quantum body as I have said. (Pause). Step back into the physical self you are in this moment in time (pause) and return your focus to what Lord Thoth is doing over your throat chakra. (Pause) You feel all the energies merge; all the energies you have just experienced become one. Lord Mercury activates an eight-fold plan of transformation for each of you. This shall unfold over the next sixteen days, in accordance with your divine plan of service and your souls blueprint.

This eight-fold plan is part of the accelerated process you have activated, that shall serve in bringing all the aspects of your authentic self that need to currently be in direct communication with the external world to the fore. Therefore, any aspect of your authentic self you are currently denying will push its way to the surface. Breathe in deeply, exhale fully.

Lord Thoth now moves his hands from your throat to your third eye and his other hand from the back of your heart chakra to the back of your head and he begins a mind cleanse; filtering quantum energy into your reptilian brain and your mammalian brain for the purpose of serving the release of the patterns that no longer serve your truth. This shall result in the divine release of thought patterns, conditioned attitudes and images that keep you in a state of denial and fearful motivated behaviour. (Pause)

Breathe as this energy moves through these two aspects of your brain. This creates a whirlwind of energy that shall release through your crown chakra and your third eye chakra. (Pause) I, Kuthumi now come forward and I place lavender oil on your crown chakra, facilitating the gentle release of all the old paradigm energies that have blocked your authentic systems of communication. The lavender oil I place upon your crown is of a very pure and high vibration and will assist you in strengthening the systems of communication between you and your guides, the universe, the world of spirit and any other system of life you wish to create a creative system of communication with. (Pause)

I now place the same lavender oil on your throat chakra and very gently rub it in, facilitating the same gentle release and instilling the ability to communicate to others the communications you have with the other worlds. (Pause). This cosmic alignment strengthens your ability as a communication channel. It opens the inner sanctuary of wisdom, the inner sanctuary of self knowledge and the inner sanctuary of divine will, truth and power. These three sanctuaries active inside of you become an additional source for you to tap into, so as to source clarity, direction, healing or any other quality you require at any given time. Take a moment to feel these energies, these sanctuaries within you, coming back to life on a conscious level within your conscious self and breathe. (Pause)

Lord Thoth now places two wings on your throat chakra, symbolizing the messenger quality, for you are a cosmic messenger. (Pause) Lord Mercury seals the ascension spiral of colour that was brought forth to you and this holds in place your mercury cosmic alignment and cosmic chakra alignment, activating all the sources of energy you require to maintain it. (Pause) I Kuthumi hand to you the golden wand utilized to activate the throat of your spirit self, your star self and your spiritual self. This becomes a tool of motivation for you.

Give thanks now for all that you have experienced. (Pause) Know that Lord Mercury, Lord Thoth and I Kuthumi, will remain very close to you for the duration of the upcoming sixteen days. Pose your questions to us at any time. Enter your inner sanctuary and trust the clarity will come through a pure source of communication. (Pause) The energy activation is now coming to completion. Continue to breathe in fully and exhale fully as you gently draw your consciousness back into your physical body, bringing all of the new energies with you. (Pause) The energies that have been placed within your reptilian and mammalian brains will remain there for the duration of the sixteen days we have spoken of, facilitating the accelerated release and unveiling of your authentic self.

Beloved ones, another great lesson with this Mercury cosmic alignment, is the importance of knowing that your mind is an ally. Many of you have made your mind your enemy. As you constantly toil with the fears and images of the old world, you bring your energy down. Use your mind as a tool of powerful manifestation and creation. Use it to focus on that which is authentic true and of the light. Do not clutter your mind with fearful visions of whats if. Take this time to expect only the best, to imagine success and the successful completion of all your old cycles.

Your throat is the bridge between your mind and your heart. It must be a strong and powerful source of energy to hold the bridging process for both levels of consciousness to work in divine harmony and divine synchronicity. Free your mind to become one with your divine spirit and be seeded by the cosmic world of star energy and wisdom. It shall become the source of life giving creative energy for your future.

Take one last deep breath in and as you exhale, draw yourself completely into your body. (Pause) Ground yourself by rotating your ankles, rotate your wrists, rotate your shoulders and your neck, both feet on the ground. (Pause) When you are ready open your eyes and focus on something in front of you that reminds you of your physicalness that acknowledges you being grounded in your body. (Pause).

Now sisters, are there any questions I can assist anyone with?

Lord Kuthumi can you please give me some insight into the pain I have been feeling in my right shoulder blade? It has been there for quite a while but it has been intensifying for the last few months?

Sister, this is related to core issues regarding responsibility perceived by you related to the external world. It is responsibilities your masculine self is currently shouldering that are not entirely yours to shoulder. The build up of the physical pain is a sign to you that whatever energies you are carrying that are not yours to carry any longer, shall come to the fore and what you have experienced today will contribute to this. For it shall show you the authentic communications the masculine aspect of yourself wishes to have with you, so that you can be relieved of that which is no longer yours to shoulder.

It has also been a process of you shouldering the emotions of certain people in your life who have used you as a shoulder to cry on, a pillar to lean on. It is a time of moving away from those burdens that are others, in other words that belong to others, that are no longer yours to carry. There is absolutely no thing wrong with being a shoulder to cry on, the problems arise when one takes on those emotions and carries them as ones own. Do you understand?

I do yes. Is there anything other than maybe writing that I should do to help facilitate the process?

Sister, you can encourage your masculine self to communicate with you through your writing and to direct you as to what you need to address, in what order, if any. Is this clear. Yes thank you very much. You are most welcome. Peace and blessings be with you. Thank you Master Kuthumi.

Lord Kuthumi, please could you name the three sanctuaries again and say a little bit more about them and how we can access them?

Beloved ones, these sanctuaries within the self embody different energies according to the individuals life path in this lifetime and past incarnations. They all embody the specific mastered abilities of past incarnations. By tapping into the inner sanctuaries there are many more but the ones that we have spoken of particularly will help you as an individual and you as individuals to use them as a source of guidance and a source of self to trust in and rely upon. Is this clear? Yes. Could you name them again please?

I will name them for you now sister. There is more information that I need to give all of you though. Each sanctuary within the self is aligned to a specific chakra as well. The inner sanctuary of self knowledge, for instance, would be connected to the base chakra as well as the heart chakra, for it is through these two chakras that one taps into many aspects of self that have been mastered, that one is not conscious of at this time that brings about deeper self awareness. The sanctuaries within the chakric system are related to various levels of ones development and growth. The inner sanctuary of wisdom, for instance, would be connected to the solar plexus and the third eye chakras, for it is through these chakras that the patterns of wisdom are held.

The third eye is the chakra holding ones grids of patterns for each lifetime, the solar plexus being the chakra of divine will and action. Therefore the wisdom mastered through lifetimes through those chakras, become the facility through which wisdom is channeled. Do you understand this so far?

When one embarks upon a journey of understanding the self, one must be prepared to work completely in the now and not loose oneself in either the past or the future. The inner sanctuaries hold many patterns of information that embody all the lessons learned including past and current timelines.

One does not want to become trapped in a past or future time line, for that deprives one of the here and now. The here and now is your greatest ally regarding anchoring the authentic self, for what you experience in every given moment determines the additional patterning of the inner sanctuary. Therefore, knowing the inner sanctuaries exist, tapping into the sources of eternal and unlimited potentials within the self, which is called the inner sanctuary, feeds the here and now. It strengthens your ability as a soul to make choices, to trust your intuition and to know what your heart tells you; and this is where the mind becomes a powerful ally. For the mind does not indulge in the game of self doubt and the game the ego plays of feeding fears based on what ifs regarding the past or the fear of the future. Your mind then becomes a tool focused on the here and now; living each day at a time, willing to address the power within the moment and guidingone forward from that point. If one focuses too much on the fears of the past or the fear of the future, one cannot fully experience the cosmic presence of the various levels of self present in every given moment. Do you all understand this?

Are there any further questions?

Lord Kuthumi, may I ask about my physical body? I am experiencing a lot of pain in it. In Mozambique, I had quite a bump on my breast and have been experiencing pain in the right side. I am also having a lot of pain in my lower back, going down to my left leg, my knee. The night before the first channelling in Namibia, I gave my shin a really bad knock, all my body is taking quite a lot of knocks at the moment. I am wondering if you could shed some light on this for me please.

Sister, all of these issues are related specifically to nurturing and support. Whats new! Yes? Because your body is feeling so much pain, in a way we could say it is a positive experience, because your body is feeling. So, for all these years of numbing off the pain and anger associated to your experience of there being a lack of support, the lack of nurturing from the mother as well as the external world. Because you are having to create such a powerful internal and external support system for yourself, based on what you truly want, based on your authentic divine blueprint; all of that which you have not been in touch with, which you have not felt is now being released and you are literally knocking it out of yourself. So, each knock is a release of energy. It is the activation of a pressure point that releases energy.

The shins are associated with guilt. Therefore, it is time to release whatever guilt you are harbouring relating to your mother and being there to support her. Do you understand? Yes, I do. Peace and blessings be with you. Beloved ones, I shall take two more questions and then end the transmission.

Beloved sisters as we bring this transmission to a close now, we affirm that it is vital that you allow yourself to be honest with yourself. Do not be afraid to feel your feelings. If you are unhappy, feel it, admit to yourself you are unhappy rather than trying to sweep it under the rug and force yourself to feel happy. By acknowledging your unhappiness, you are able to get to the cause of the unhappiness and then you are in the position of power to make the choices that shall result in the change, which shall guarantee you authentic happiness. This applies to every area in your life where you feel restless, where you are in doubt, where you are sad, grieving or unhappy in any way - any level of imbalance or uncertainty.

Mercury brings you the gift of communication as well as the gift of clarity, where your mind becomes your ally and instead of your mind playing games with you, feeding your fears, your mind now feeds your truth. Therefore, do not be afraid to be truthful with yourself. By denying yourself the truth, you guarantee yourself misery. Therefore, I leave you with this choice and I also bring you all that you need on every level to be brutally honest with yourself. We bring you the blessings of inner strength, courage and faith in yourself to take the steps necessary to set you free completely.

Trust in the many invisible arms that hold you and know that not ever do you walk alone, for we are all one and we are with you always in all ways. Trust in the light within you as being the light reflected back to you from the heart of Mother / Father God. You are always safe and you are always taken care of. I am Kuthumi, Chohan of the golden ray of love and wisdom and I greet and bless you in love. Adonai.