Mennonite Church

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  • 8/14/2019 Mennonite Church



    Visual Identity


  • 8/14/2019 Mennonite Church


    Int roduct ion 1

    A Sym bol of Our Faith 2

    Type Signatures 4

    Logo Form ats 5

    Logo as Prim ary Ident if icat ion 6

    Logo as Secondary Ident if icat ion 7

    Logo and Address Inform at ion 8

    Logo and Address Applicat ions 9

    Logo Tolerances 1 0

    Typefaces 1 1

    Colour and M ateria ls 1 2

    Incorrect Use 1 4

    Stat ionery for Church Agencies 1 5

    Form s for Church Agencies 1 6

    Stat ionery for Congregat ions 1 7

    Publicat ion Form ats 1 8

    Signage 2 0

    Congregat ional Applicat ions 2 2

    Other Applicat ions 2 3

    W here To Go for Help 2 4


  • 8/14/2019 Mennonite Church


    M ennonite Church Visual Identity Guidelines 1


    We a re pleased to shar e with you this book let of visual identity guidelines for the n ew

    Menno nite Chur ch. The Joint Gener al Board Execu tive Comm ittee of the Menn onite

    Church, General Conference Mennonite Church and Conference of Mennonites in Canada

    approved this symbo l to re present the new chu rch in February 1999.The simple, green dra wing of a d ove ca rrying an olive br anch reflects Jesus

    baptism and his life and ministry; the Holy Spirit; biblical history; and the mission and

    values of the n ew Menno nite Chur ch.

    When the ne w visual ima ge was being con sidered by the Joint Gener al Board,

    former CMC general secretary Helmut Harder may have summed it up best when he said

    the image suggests to him the biblical pilgrimage, with re feren ces to pa st, present an d

    future. A strength of the im age is that it touche s do wn at a nu mb er o f places in o ur

    salvation history, he said.

    Designer Glenn Fretz, Waterloo, Ont., crea ted the ima ge with h elp from designers

    Judith Rempel Smucker, Akron, Pa., and Ron Tinsley, Philadelphia, Pa. Fretz said that

    crea ting a symbol an d visual identity system for the n ew Menno nite Chur ch was the mo st

    challenging assignment of his career. It is quite a privilege to be given the task of trying to

    represent the spiritual heart and soul of a people, he said.

    In January 1998, a communications task force of the Integration Committee

    identified two pro jects req uiring imm ediate attention con duc ting a constituen t

    survey and developing a visual identity system for the new church. The results of the

    Parkwood Constituent Survey provided the foundation for the new visual identity.Ruth Suter, IC liaison with the communications task force, said that objectives for

    the new visual image were established at the outset. The task force agreed that the im age

    should bring program s and people together, project the co re values of the n ew church , be

    easily adaptable, serve as a visible symbol, position the Mennonite Church as distinct within

    the larger Christian mo vem ent, fit Menn onite sensibilities, stand the test of time, an d m eet

    necessary technical requirements.

    We b elieve that as Men non ite Church Canad a an d Menn onite Chur ch USA

    continue to d evelop as par tner chur ch bo dies, this new image can serve to re mind u s of

    our o neness in Christ and en courage us in our desire to be a new Mennon ite Church

    faithful to Gods call for us.

    We h ope that you will find these guidelines clear and thoro ugh. As qu estions

    surface, please dire ct them to u s as indicated o n the final page o f this booklet.

    Ron BylerDave LinscheidAiden Schlichting Enns

    M ennonit eChurch

  • 8/14/2019 Mennonite Church


    2 M e nno nit e Chu rch Visual Identity Guidelines

    2 3


    A Symbo l of Our Faith

    Time after t ime, th e Spirit in the form of a do ve

    announ ces the com ing of God to us . As Mennon i tes ,

    we reco gnize the cen trality of Christ as pr oclaimed in

    Scripture, revealed through the Holy Spirit , and

    discerned in Christian community. The new symbol,

    which has been specially designed for the MennoniteChurch, reflects these basic tenets.

    The symbo l is graphically simp le so it will function in

    all media: electronic, print, on-screen and display. The

    design works in bo th la rge and smal l sca les .

    Proper use of the symbo l i s the cor ners tone of the

    visual identity system. By following the guidelinesoutlined in this booklet, the consistent application of

    the symbo l wi ll be en sured.

    Use only the appro ved a r twork for the symbol . Do not

    a t tempt to redraw or redes ign the symbol . Artwork i s

    available in both digital and photographic formats.

    Digital EPS files and reproduction proofs of the symbol

    can b e obta ined b y contac ting the Mennoni te Church .

    Specially designedvariat ions of the M Csymbol are avai lable forspecific applications.

    1. The sol id version ispreferred for mostapplications.

    2 . Fo r l arge s ign s, b an nersor cutouts, th is grid w i l lassist in d uplicating thesymbol.

    3. An out l ine version isavailable for stitching,qui l t patch and othercutout applications.

    4 . A b i t -map ped versio n isuseful for craftapplications such asneedlepoint and cross-stitch.


  • 8/14/2019 Mennonite Church


    M ennonite Church Visual Identity Guidelines 3

    For m ost appl icat ions, thesymbol should bereproduced only fromreproduction proofs orelectronic EPS filesavai lable from theM ennonite Church.

    A Reflection on theM ennonite Church Symbol

    A strength of the imagefor the new M ennoniteChurch is that it touchesd o wn at a n umb er o fplaces in our salvationhistory.

    I t brings to mind Genesis1 and creat ionthe f lood,and the dove returningwith the ol ive branch inother words, the bibl icalthemes of hope andcreation.

    I t brings to mind theprophets aspiration for akingdom of peace. I th inkof Isaiah and Micahsvisions.

    It brings to m ind Jesusb ap t ism, wh ere th e d o veappears with a voice fromGod aff i rming this is mybeloved Son.

    I t brings to mind theexperience of Pentecost,with the descent of theHoly Spir i t , bringing themessage of new l i fe.

    I t brings to mind theAnabaptist vision, with i tstheme of peace andrenewal in the 16thcentury.

    And, i t points us to Godand the Holy Spirit,extending to us aninvi tat ion to move forwardwith Christ and seek the

    kingdom, encouraging usto aspire to a new heavenan d n ew ear th . T he imag esuggests to me the biblicalpi lgrimage, enveloping uswith a reference to past ,present and future.

    He lm ut Ha rd er,No vemb er 1998

    M inimum size ofreproduction


  • 8/14/2019 Mennonite Church


    4 M e nno nit e Chu rch Visual Identity Guidelines

    M ennonite Church Canada

    For general identificationof the M ennonite Churchin Canada.

    M enno ni teChurch

    M enno ni teChurchCanada

    M enno ni teChurchU SA

    For independentlyidentified agencies of theM ennonite Church,conferences andcongregations.

    M ennonite Church USA

    For general identificationof the M ennonite Churchin the USA.

    I owa-NebraskaConferenceo f t h eM ennonit eChurch

    A congrega t i ono f t h eM ennonit eChurch

    Water l ooN o r t hM ennonit eChurch

    An agencyo f t h eM ennoniteChurch

    There are several groups that will use the Mennonite

    Church symbol. The binational and national

    organizations and their agencies need to be identified

    as well as conferences and congregations. These

    groups are identified by a unique type signature.

    To en sur e con sistency, i t is impo rtant that typesignatures be set in the same typeface with the same

    letterspacing and leading characteristics.

    Type signatures that need to be created for a specific

    agency or congrega t ion sho uld be d one o nly by a

    qua l i fied printe r or graphic des igner who h as access

    to a computer and the official typefaces.

    M ennonite ChurchBinational

    For general identificationof the M ennonite Churchin North America.

    Type Signature Settings:

    Type Size: 24 ptLead ing : 22 p tLetterspacing: +25 /1000 emTypefaces: Frutiger Cond.Weights:Bold and Light

    The words M ennoniteChurch must always be setin bold. Nat ional andagency references are set inlight.

    I f the name of a conferenceor congregation containsthe words MennoniteChurch, these words areset in bold and theremainder of the name isset in light.

    Agency names areseparated from MennoniteChurch or the nat ionalequivalents by an empt yline space.

    M enno ni teChurch

    Board o fM in i s t r i es

    M ennonite ChurchAgencies

    For specific Me nnoniteChurch agencyidentification in NorthAmerica. This format alsoappl ies to nat ionalident i t ies where theCan ada o r USAsignature is used.

    Frutiger CondensedBold

    Frutiger CondensedBold

    Frutiger CondensedLight

    Empty line space

    Type Signatures

  • 8/14/2019 Mennonite Church


    M ennonite Church Visual Identity Guidelines 5

    The logo is a combination of the Mennonite Church

    symbo l and one of the group type s igna tures c rea t ing a

    unique identifying mark. There are two official formats

    for the Mennon i te Church logo: pr imary (h orizonta l)

    and secon dary ( vert ica l) . The primary format should

    be used m ost often.

    Except in spec ia l c i rcumstances d esc ribed e lsewhere

    in this bookle t , the symbol should n ot appear without

    the Mennonite Church type signature.

    Two logo sizes are used for most applications: 1 and

    3/4. The size is based on the height of the symbol.

    Secondary Format

    This may be used wherehorizontal space is limited.

    Primary Format

    This is the preferredconfiguration for mostapplications.

    M ennon iteChurch

    M enno ni t e


    Logo Format s

    Logo sizes aredetermined by the

    height of the symbol .Sizes most often useda r e 1 a n d 3 / 4 .

    3 /4

    1 M ennoni teChurch

    M ennonit eChurch

  • 8/14/2019 Mennonite Church


    EgliseM ennonit eCanada

    IglesiaM enonit aUSA

    Foreign Language Logos

    In sett ings where thefirst language is notEngl ish, a f oreignlanguage logo may beemp lo yed . Refer to p ag e4 for detai led guidel ineson creat ing a foreignlanguage type signature.

    6 M e nno nit e Chu rch Visual Identity Guidelines

    M enno niteChurch

    M enno niteChurchCanada

    M ennoni teChurchU SA

    Binational Logofor North Ame ricawithout and with anagency description.

    This logo is used t oidentify agencies thatserve both Canada andUSA.

    National Logo forCanada without and withan agency description.

    This logo is used t oidentify agencies thatserve Canada only.

    National Logo forthe USA without andwith agency description.

    This logo is used t oidentify agencies thatserve USA only.

    M enno niteChurch

    Board o fM in is t r ies

    M enno niteChurchCanada

    LeadershipCommiss ion

    M enno niteChurchU SA

    Execut iveBoard

    Logo as Primary Ide ntification

    In add i tion to the b ina tiona l and na t iona l

    organizations, Mennonite Church agencies and

    ins ti tut ions a re en couraged to use the Mennoni te

    Church logo as their primary identification. A

    description of the agency is added to the logo as

    shown below. When developing an agency name, i t

    should be based on that particular agencys generic

    work ( e.g. Missions, Media Services, Urba n Ministries,

    etc.). To avoid repetit ion, dont use the word

    Mennoni te in these desc r ipt ions .

  • 8/14/2019 Mennonite Church


  • 8/14/2019 Mennonite Church


    8 M e nno nit e Chu rch Visual Identity Guidelines

    The postal address, telephone, fax, e-mail and web

    address are always positioned flush left with the words

    Mennonite Church. The typeface for this information

    is ITC Garamo nd Conden sed Book.

    1 Sy m b olwith address informationset in 8/9 ITC GaramondBook Condensed

    1 Sy m b olwith address informationset in 8/9 ITC GaramondBook Condensed

    1 Sy m b olwith address informationset in 8/9 ITC GaramondBook Condensed

    M ennon i teChurchUSA

    3456 West Street

    Anywhere , PR N2G 3O1T: 555-555-1212F: 555-555-1212E: men n @ao l .co mW:

    3456 West StreetAnywhere , PR N2G 3O1T: 555-555-1212F: 555-555-1212E: men n @ao l .co mW:

    M enno niteChurchCanada

    3456 West StreetAnywhere, ST 10001T: 555-555-1212F: 555-555-1212E: men n @ao l .co mW:

    3456 West StreetAnywhere, ST 10001T: 555-555-1212F: 555-555-1212E: men n @ao l .co mW:

    Logo and Address Inform ation

    M ennoni teChurch

    Board o f

    M in is t r ies

    ITC GaramondBook Condensed

    al ign

    3456 West StreetAnywhere, ST 10001T: 555-555-1212F: 555-555-1212E: men n @ao l .co m


    M enno niteChurch

  • 8/14/2019 Mennonite Church


    M ennonite Church Visual Identity Guidelines 9

    3456 West St reetAnywhere, PR N2G 3O1T: 555-555-1212F: 555-555-1212W:

    3456 West St reetAnywhere, ST 1000 1

    T: 555-555-1212F: 555-555-1212W:

    M ennoni teChurch

    Board o fM in is t r i e s

    An important role of any communications piece is to

    provide the reader wi th a l l the informat ion necessa ry

    to respond. There fore , the logo and add ress must

    appear on a l l publ ica t ions in a con sis tent and c lea r

    mann er. Shown be low a re exam ples of how this i s


    Large publication format(8.5x 11) usinghorizontal logo formatwith two addresses.

    Small publication format(8.5x 1 1 ) using vert icallogo format with oneaddress.

    Small publication format(8.5x 11) usinghorizontal logo formatwith two addresses.

    Small publication format

    (8.5x 1 1 ) using vert icallogo format with oneaddress.

    3456 West StreetAnywhere, PR V3W 1E3T: 555-555-1212F: 555-555-1212E: menn@ aol. comW:

    M ennoniteChurchU SA

    M ennoniteChurchCanada

    M ennoniteChurch

    3456 Wes t St r ee tAnywhere , ST 10 001T: 555-555-1212F: 555-555-1212E: menn@aol .comW:

    Logo and Ad dress Applications

    3456 West StreetAnywhere, ST 10001T: 555-555-1212F: 555-555-1212W:

    3456 West StreetAnywhere, PR N2G 3O1T: 555-555-1212F: 555-555-1212W:

    M ennoni teChurch

    The Mennonite Church is a fellowship of

    congrega t ions wi th many program s . A

    consistent, coordinated visual identity is

    essential for promoting the organization as a

    whole . Graphic s tandards mus t be deve loped so

    tha t communica t ions p ieces a re p roduced in a

    p lanned m anner . The cons i s ten t app l ica tion of a

    visual identity has many advantages. The most

    obvious o ne is identification/visibility in the

    p lanned m anner . The cons i s ten t app l ica t ion of

    obvious one is identification/visibility in the mind

    of the publ ic . fac tor and a bond of t rus t among

    the constituency will result from a coordinated

    and focused program . P lease con tac t me by

    phone : 555-666-1212m, fax : 555-666-1221 or

    e -mai l : d [email protected].

    and focused program. P lease con tac t me by phone :

    555-666-1212m, fax : 555-666-1221 or e -mai l :

    d l @ m c . c o m .

    and focused program. P lease con tac t me by phone :

    555-666-1212m, fax : 555-666-1221 or e -mai l :

    d l @ m c . c o m .

    essential for promoting the organization as a

    whole . Graphic s tandards mus t be deve loped so

    whole . Graphic s tandards mus t be deve loped so

    tha t communica t ions p ieces a re p roduced in a

    p lanned m anner . The cons i s ten t app l ica t ion o f a

    visual identity has many advantages.

  • 8/14/2019 Mennonite Church


    1 0 M e nno ni te Chu rch Visual Identity Guidelines

    To ensur e tha t the Mennon i te Church logo i s

    sufficiently pro minen t at any size, all typogr aph ic and

    other graph ic e lements should rem ain c lea r. When

    positioning the type signature n ext to the symb ol, a

    minimum dis tance mu st be mainta ined b e tween the

    e lements .

    In addi t ion, a rese rved space mu st be mainta ined

    aroun d the logo into which no other e lements may be


    Provide a minimumspace between the typesignature and symbolequal to the height ofthe low er-case let ters(x) .Al ign as shown.

    The height of thesymbol is 10 t imes theheight of the lowe r-case letters (x).

    Provide a minimumspace between theextremit ies of the logoand any other adjacentelements in the layout( type, i l lustrat ions,photos, etc. ).

    The space is equal tothe height of the lower-case letters (x).

    1 0 x align


    Logo Tolera nces

  • 8/14/2019 Mennonite Church


    M ennonite Church Visual Identity Guidelines 1 1

    The official typefaces for the Men non ite Chur ch ar e

    Frut ige r Condensed ( charac te r ized as a sans se r i f

    face ) and ITC Garamo nd Condensed ( a se r i f face ) .

    These faces were chosen because bo th a re h ighly

    legible and versatile . If you do nt have them in your

    type libr ary, they are available from Adob e Systems o ntheir website:

    For word-processing applications, alternatives such as

    Helvetica and Times o r Arial and English may be used.

    These a re inc luded in both PC and Macintosh

    comp ute r op era t ing sys tems.

    ABCDEFGHIJKLM N OPQRSTUVW XYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

    ABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVW XYZabcdefghi jk lmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890


    abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0





    Frutiger Condensed Light

    To be used for nationaldesignations (Canada,USA), agency and programidenti f icat ion in the typesignature.

    Frutiger Condensed Bold

    Use for the wordsM ennonite Church in thelogo. Use also for d isplayheads and subheads.

    ITC Garamond CondensedBook

    Use for address settingsand publ icat ion body text .

    Helvet ica or Arial

    Use as body text incorrespondence, memosand other word-processeddocuments.

    Times Roman o r English

    Use as a body text incorrespondence, memosand other word-processeddocuments.


  • 8/14/2019 Mennonite Church


    1 2 M e nno ni te Chu rch Visual Identity Guidelines

    M C Green symbol and typeon white background.

    White symbol and type onM C Green background.

    M ennoni t eChurch

    M ennoni t eChurch

    The official colour for the Mennonite Church identity

    pro gram is MC Green to m atch PANTONE* 354. The

    logo may appear in e i the r one or two colour s as

    shown be low and opposi te . The pr e fe rred form is two

    colou rs wher e the symbo l is MC Green an d all type is

    black. Acceptable variations of colour and materialusage a re a l so ou t lined on these pages .

    White symbol and blacktype on MC Greenbackground.

    M C Green symbol andblack type on whitebackground.

    This is the preferred colourarrangement.

    M ennoni t eChurch

    M ennoni t eChurch

    Colour and M aterials

  • 8/14/2019 Mennonite Church


    M ennonite Church Visual Identity Guidelines 1 3

    For selected printappl icat ions, the symbolcan be blind embossed.

    Symbol may be fabricatedin wood, plast ic or metal .

    Symbol crafted inneedlepoint or quiltappl ique. Patterns areavai lable on request .

    Black symbol and type onwhite background orwhite symbol and type ona black background.

    Symbol and type in asingle colour other thanM C Green or b lack on awhite background orwhite symbol and typeon a single colourbackground.

    * PANTONE and Pantonesreproduction codes areregistered trademarks ofPantone, Inc., Moorachie, NJ.

    M ennoni t eChurch

    M ennoni t eChurch

    M ennoni t eChurch

    M ennoni t eChurch

    MC Green

    Solid Colour PAN TON E* 35 4

    Fo ur Co lo ur Pr oce ss C 9 1 M 0 Y8 3 K0

  • 8/14/2019 Mennonite Church


    1 4 M e nno ni te Chu rch Visual Identity Guidelines

    The simple, green

    drawing of a dov

    carrying an olive

    branch reflect


    baptism, l

    and ministryHoly Spirit

    biblical hist

    and the mission an

    An important factor in creating and maintaining a

    visual identity is the co nsistent pr esentation o f the

    identity elemen ts. Therefore, the way the logo is

    displayed mu st be given car eful attention. Shown

    be low a re examples of incorr ec t or unaccep table uses

    of the Mennoni te Church logo.

    Do not w rap type closelyaround the symbol.

    Do not combine elementsof other logos with theM C symbol .

    Do not use tw o colourcombinat ions other t hanspecified in this manual.The logo should not bereproduced in a halftonescreen o f any colour.

    M enno nit eChurch

    Do not d istort , stretchor vary the proport ionsof the logo.

    Do not subst i tute othertypefaces or let terformsin the logo.

    Do not use a shape totightly surround orenclose the symbol.

    Do not change theorientat ion of thesymbol.

    Do not add any otherphrases to the logo.

    Do not apply a textureor pattern to the logo.



    M ennoniteChurch


    Incorrect U se

  • 8/14/2019 Mennonite Church


    M ennonite Church Visual Identity Guidelines 1 5

    Mennonite Church agencies subscribing to the visual

    identity program will use the standard stationery

    layouts shown below.

    The message portion of the letter is entered in a

    simple block arrangement using a readily availableword-pro cess ing typeface such as Times Roman or


    M ennoni t eChurch

    June 1, 1999

    J. D. Kauffman, Pastor

    Valleyview Mennonite Church

    Winnipeg, MB R3T 2C8

    Dear Brother Kauffman:

    Thank you for your questions regarding the Mennonite Church Sunday School materials.

    Enclosed is a brochure giving you further information. I would encourage you or a

    member of your congregation to visit the resource centre at 600 Shaftesbury Boulevard.

    Staff there will be happy to direct you to further educational materials.

    God bless you as you find the right resources for your Church congregation.


    Cheryl Bondar


    3456 Bea ringe r RoadAnywhere, PR W3B 1J7T: 555-555-1212F: 555-555-1212W:

    3456 West RoadAnywhere, ST 67103T: 555-555-1212

    F: 555-555-1212H: 555-555-1212


    M ennoniteChurch

    Commiss ionon OverseasMiss ion

    J. ThiessenExecutive Secretary

    3456 West RoadAnywhere, ST 67103T: 555-555-1212F: 555-555-1212H: 555-555-1212E: thie ssen@ mennchurch. com

    M ennoniteChurch

    Commiss ionon OverseasMiss ion

    3456 Bea ringe r RoadAnywhere, ST 35687

    M ennoni t eChurchCommiss ionon OverseasMiss ion

    J. D. Kauffman, Pastor

    Valleyview Mennonite Church

    Winnipeg, MBR3T 2C8

    M ennoniteChurch

    Commiss ionon Overseas

    Miss ion

    3456 Bea ringe r RoadAnywhere, ST 35687

    A ddre s s c or re c t i on re que s t e dF orw a rd i ng a nd re t u rn pos t a ge gua ra n t e e d

    1 1



    1 1


    1 .2 5 1.2 5


    1 1 .2 5



    Let terh ead: 8 .5x 11Symbol Size: 1Address: 8/9 ITCGaramond Book Cond flwith one e mpty l ine spacebetw een addresses

    Envelop e: No . 10 OSSymbol Size: 3/4Address: 8/9 ITCGaramond Book Cond fl

    Business card:2 x 3.5

    Symbol Size: 3/4Address and title:7 .5 /8 .5 IT C Garamo ndBook Cond flName: 8/9 Frut iger BoldCond fl

    Labels: 3x 4.5Symbol Size: 3/4Address: 8/9 ITCGaramond Book Cond flTag: 7/8 ITC GaramondBook Cond fl

    Stat ionery f or Church Agencies




    Business Card

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    1 6 M e nno ni te Chu rch Visual Identity Guidelines

    3456 Bea ringe r RoadAnywhere, PR W3B 1J7T: 555-555-1212F: 555-555-1212E: mennchurch@aol .com

    N e w s

    M ennoni t eChurchCanada

    February 19, 1999


    Symbol for new Mennonite Church communicates Jesus' life and ministry

    CHICAGO (GCMC/MC/CMC)--The Joint General Board Executive Committee of the

    Mennonite Church, General Conference Mennonite Church and Conference of

    Mennonites in Canada approved a visual symbol to represent the new Mennonite Church

    in it's meetings here Feb. 12-13.

    The simple, green drawing of a dove carrying an olive branch reflects Jesus' baptism, life

    and ministry; the Holy Spirit; biblical history; and the mission and values of the newMennonite Church.

    CMC general secretary Helmut Harder said the image suggests to him the biblical

    pilgrimage, with reference to past, present and future. "A strength of the image is that it

    'touches down' at a number of places in our salvation history," he said.

    The image brings to mind the biblical themes of hope and creation, the vision of the

    prophets for a peaceable kingdom, Jesus' baptism and Pentecost, and the Anabaptist

    vision of peace and renewal. It points us to God and the Holy Spirit, inviting us to move

    forward with Christ and encouraging us to aspire to a new heaven and new earth, Harder


    Designer Glenn Fretz, Waterloo, Ont., created the image with help from a team of

    designers, including Judith Rempel Smucker, Akron Pa., and Ron Tinsley, Philadelphia,


    Fretz said that creating a symbol and visual identity system for the new Mennonite

    Church was the most challenging assignment of his career. "It is quite a privilege to be

    given the task of trying to represent the spiritual heart and soul of a people," he said.

    In January 1998, the Integration Committee communications task force identified two

    projects requiring immediate attention: conducting a constituent survey and developing a

    visual identity system for the new church. Results of the Parkwood Constituent Survey

    were presented to the IC and General Boards last spring and have served as the

    foundation for the development of the new visual identity.


    3456 Bea ringe r RoadAnywhere, ST 10001T: 555-555-1212F: 555-555-1212E: mennchurch@aol .com

    Fa x

    Date: June 3, 1999

    To: Mennonite Church Agency Staff

    From: Dave Linscheid, Communications

    Subject: The Value of Graphics Standards

    The Mennonite Church is a fellowship of congregations with many programs. A

    consistent, coordinated visual identity is essential for promoting the organization as a

    whole. Graphic standards must be developed so that communications pieces are produced

    in a planned manner. The consistent application of a visual identity has many advantages.

    The most obvious one is identification/visibility in the mind of the public. A high

    recognition factor and a bond of trust among the constituency will result from a

    coordinated and focused program whereby printed materials reflect unity, simplicity and


    The purpose of this manual is to provide tools for such graphic consistency, while still

    3456 Bea ringe r RoadAnywhere, PR W3B 1J7T: 555-555-1212F: 555-555-1212E: mennchurch@aol .com

    M e m o

    Date: June 3, 1999

    To: Mennonite Church Agency Staff

    From: James Wright, Communications

    M ennon i teChurchUSA

    M ennoni t eChurch

    Memo, fax and news re lease form s can be p re -printed

    or se t up as an e lec tronic form o n a com pute r . The

    message por t ion o f the forms i s ente red in a s imple

    block a r rangement u s ing a typeface such as Times

    Roman or Engli sh readi ly ava i lable on comp ute r word -

    process ing appl ica tions .


    1 1 3/4


    1.51 1.5

    New s Release, Fax andM e m oSymbol Size: 1Address: 8/9 ITCGaramond Book Cond flFo rm Name: 24/24Frutiger Bold Cond fl

    Forms can be either pre-printed or set up as anelectronic document andfilled out on a computer.

    Form s for Church Agencies

  • 8/14/2019 Mennonite Church


    M ennonite Church Visual Identity Guidelines 1 7

    Congrega t ions a r e encou raged to ado pt the Mennoni te

    Church image for their stationery, l i terature and signs.

    Shown below is a typical application of a local church

    name with the MC identity.

    June 1, 1999

    J. D. Kauffman, Pastor

    Valleyview Mennonite Church

    Winnipeg, MB R3T 2C8

    Dear Brother Kauffman:

    If was good to meet with you at the regional conference in Chicago this week. Further to

    our conversation about urban mission strategy, I am enclosing a paper that I originally

    presented to the local steering committee. It should give you further insight into our

    thinking and program development. I would look forward to your comments and

    critiques of this material.



    James Thie


    Water looNo r t hM ennoniteChurch

    3456 Bea ringe r RoadAnywhere, PR W3B 1J71

    J. D. Kauffman, Pastor

    Valleyview Mennonite Church

    Winnipeg, MB

    R3T 2C8

    3456 Bea ringe r RoadAnywhere, PR W3B 1J7T: 555-555-1212F: 555-555-1212W:

    Water looNo r t hM ennoni t eChurch

    Water looNo r t hM ennonite


    J. ThiessenPastor

    3456 Bear inger RoadAnywhere, PR W3B 1J7T: 555-555-1212F: 555-555-1212H: 555-555-1212E: thie ssen@ mennchurch. com




    1.5 1.5

    1 1





    LetterheadSymbol Size: 1Address: 8/9 ITCGaramond Book Cond fl

    EnvelopeSymbol Size: 3/4Address: 8/9 ITCGaramond Book Cond fl

    Business cardSymbol Size: 3/4Address and title:

    7 .5 /8 .5 IT C Garamo ndBook Cond flName: 8/9 Frut iger BoldCond fl

    Stationery for Congregations



    Business Card

  • 8/14/2019 Mennonite Church


    1 8 M e nno ni te Chu rch Visual Identity Guidelines

    To assist with the consistent presentation of the

    Mennonite Church identity in print, two publication

    formats have been developed. The large format is a

    s tandard 8 .5x 11 s ize and m ay be used for

    newslet te rs and repor ts . The sm al l form at i s a s tandard

    3.75x 8.5 s ize and i s used for brochu res . I t i s mostoften derived from an 8.5x 11 sheet size and folded

    twice to create a typical brochure.

    Each form at employs a grid to he lp organize and

    define the space. These grids are shown below. Within

    the grid there is provision for a variety of column

    widths and layout po ssibilit ies. The thu mb nails

    indicate layout variations that are p ossible within each

    publication format grid.

    Large Format:8 .5x 11

    3 column format 2 column format

    6/3 column format

    1 column format

    1/2 column format

    6 column format

    Small Format:3 .75x 8 .5

    Publication Format s

    1/2 1/21-3 /16 1-3 /16 1-3 /16

    6 columns

    3 columns

    2 columns











    1/2 1/21-1 /4 1-1 /4

    1 /4


    2 columns

    1 columns


  • 8/14/2019 Mennonite Church


    M ennonite Church Visual Identity Guidelines 1 9

    This page shows examples of Mennoni te Church

    pub lications wh ich gener ally follow the guidelines set

    out in this booklet.

    M ennonit eChurch

    In Support of SundaySchool Teachers

    The Mennonite Church is a fellowship ofcongregations with many programs. A

    consistent, coordinated visual identity isessential for promoting the organization asa whole. Graphic standards must bedeveloped so that communications piecesare produced in a planned manner. Theconsistent application of a visual identityhas many advantages. The most obviousone is identification/visibility in the mind

    Graphic standards must be developed soc provide tools for such graphicconsistency, while still leaving room forcreativeness. Faithful use of these tools willhelp channel communication ideas in the

    midst of a media-saturated society.

    If you have any questions related to generalidentity isssues or specific applications,

    please contact me by phone: 555-666-1212m, fax: 555-666-1221 or e-mail:[email protected].

    The purpose of this manual is to providetools for such graphic consistency, whilestill leaving room for creativeness. Faithfuluse of these tools will help channelcommunication ideas in the midst of a

    media-saturated society.

    If you have any questions related togeneral identity isssues or specificapplications, please contact me by phone:555-666-1212m, fax: 555-666-1221 or e-mail: dl@mc.

    Graphic standards must be developed soc provide tools for such graphicconsistency, while still leaving room forcreativeness. Faithful use of these toolswill help channel communication ideas inthe midst of a media-saturated society.

    If you have any questions related togeneral identity isssues or specificapplications, please contact me by phone:555-666-1212m, fax: 555-666-1221 or e-mail: [email protected] standards must

    be developed so c provide tools forsuch graphic consistency, while stillleaving room for creativeness. Faithful useof these tools will help channelcommunication ideas in the midst of amedia-saturated society.

    If you have any questions related togeneral identity isssues or specificapplications, please contact me by phone:555-666-1212m, fax: 555-666-1221 or e-mail: [email protected]. are produced in a

    planned manner. The consistent applicationof a visual identity has many advantages.The most obvious one is

    NewsletterAbimonthlynewsletter forpastors and conference leaders

    September 1999




    I love;with

    Him Iam



    Matthew 3:17



    M ennoniteChurch

    Commissionon HomeMinistr ies

    Church connectionsfor urban Anabaptists

    inclusiveness& challenge

    M ennon i teChurch

    M ennoniteChurch

    th eservanthoodw ayof Jesus

    Witnessand Service

    in the FaithCommunity

    M ennoni teChurch

    Report Cover

    Newslet ter

    Bulletin Cover

    Mem o Pad


  • 8/14/2019 Mennonite Church


    2 0 M e nno ni te Chu rch Visual Identity Guidelines

    Signs can create a strong visual l ink with other print

    and media app l ica t ions . Even thou gh chur ch b ui ldings

    are physically differen t, by using th is system , a

    consis tent look an d fee l can be es tabli shed and

    mainta ined for Menno ni te churches and church offices

    throughout North Amer ica .

    If in do ubt abou t wha t is appr opria te , check wi th an

    archi tec t, graphic des igner o r the Mennoni te Church


    Single-line Layout

    For use on signsranging from mainbuilding identificationto directional and roomidentification.

    All signs are designed on amodular grid of squares.The first module containsthe symbol which is sizedand posit ioned within thesquare as shown.

    The symbol module mustalways be green andappear in the upper lef tcorner of the sign.

    The sign shape will bedetermined by ei ther:1. mult ip lying the moduleor2. superimposing themodule onto an exist ingsign.

    The green backgroundmay be extendedhorizontally or verticallyto create a feature asshown in the exam ples onthe opposite page. Whendeciding a sign shape,simple rat ios are best , e.g .1 :1 , 1 :2 , 1 : 4, e t c.

    M ultiple-line Layout

    For vertical andhorizontal signs ofvirtually any size anddimension.

    No te:I f the wordsM ennonite Churchare included in thename of thecongregat ion, they areset in bold whi le therest of the name is set

    in light.

    I f the wordsM ennonite Churchare not included in thename of thecongregat ion, thecomplete name is set inbold.

    First l ineSecond l ineM ennonit eChurch

    First l in eM enno nit eChurch

    First l in e M e nn

    5 x

    Symbol ModuleM odular Grid

    Frutiger Condensed Light

    Frutiger Condensed Bold


  • 8/14/2019 Mennonite Church


    M ennonite Church Visual Identity Guidelines 2 1

    M ennonit eChurchUSA

    Water looN o r t hM ennonit eChurch

    St i r l i ng AvenueM ennon iteChurch

    The Stranger in Our Midst

    Pastor: David Martin

    10 am Sunday Worship

    11 am Sunday School

    FirstM ennonit eChurcho fM idd lebu ry

    Pastor : M artha Sto lzfus

    First M en no nit e Church

    Typical sign construction materials include:

    a luminum, plexiglass , concre te , s tee l and wood.

    Signs m ay be intern ally i l lum inated, extern ally

    i llumina ted and non-i l lumina ted.


    These small signsattached to e xist ing lampposts or on their ownposts direct traffic frommajor routes to thechurch location.

    Check with localauthori t ies beforeproceeding w ith plans forthis type of sign.

    M ennonit eChurch

    FirstM ennonit eChurcho fM id d le b u r y

    1 2

    1 2

    1 2

    1 8

    S unda y S chool R ooms 1 0 1 - 1 0 5

    M ishler Audit orium

    Church Office

    W a s hrooms

    M ain Ident i f icat ion

    M ain Ident i f icat ion


    Wal l -mounted Ident i f icat ion

    Post-mounted Identificationwith changeable m essages

    Post-mounted Identification

  • 8/14/2019 Mennonite Church


    2 2 M e nno ni te Chu rch Visual Identity Guidelines

    There a re m any opportuni t ie s to em ploy the symbol

    and/or logo for d ecora t ive pur poses in congrega t iona l

    settings. Some suggestions include the use of fabrics

    for banner s , wood and meta l for cu t -outs , needlepoint ,

    quilt ing and cross-sti tch.

    MypeaceI give

    to yo u

    Three-dimensional woodcutout, fabric banners,cross-stitch and quiltapplique.

    Wood PlaqueHanging Banners

    Church Interior

    Congregational Applications

  • 8/14/2019 Mennonite Church


    M ennonite Church Visual Identity Guidelines 2 3

    The symbol can be applied by itself or as part of the

    com plete logo in a variety of i tems such as T-shirts,

    mugs , bu t tons , e tc .

    I t is impor tant to use appro ved a rtwork in the

    prod uc t ion of these i tems. Camera-ready repro duc t ionproofs and digital fi les are readily available from the

    Mennoni te Church .

    M ennoniteChurch

    M ennoni teChurch

    M ennoni teChurch

    T-shirts, butto ns and mugsare a few of the ways theidentity can be used.

    M ennoni t eChurchCanada



    M u g s

    Other Applications

  • 8/14/2019 Mennonite Church


    2 4 M e nno ni te Chu rch Visual Identity Guidelines

    Where To Go for Help

    M ennonit eChurch

    Symbol & Guidelines Design: Glenn Fretz LimitedAdvisors: Ruth Suter, Barth HaguePhotography: Carl HiebertProduction Coordination: Faith and Life Press

    Printing: Mennonite Press Inc.Special thanks to Irene Ruby, Doroth y Snyder & Harvey Snyderfor the craf t appl icat ions of the symbol .


    This manual will help you use the Mennonite

    Chur chs visual identity pro gram with ease a nd

    accur acy. Of cou rse, i t cant address every possible

    application. For help with a ny situation involving

    application o f the MC logo, con tact:

    M ennonite Church USA

    Dave Linscheid

    722 Main Street, P.O. Box 347

    Newton, KS 67 114 -034 7

    T: 3 1 6 - 28 3 - 5 10 0

    F: 3 1 6 - 28 3 - 0 45 4

    E: da ve l @ gc mc .o rg

    J. Ron Byler

    421 S. Second Street, Suite 600

    Elkhart , IN 4 6516 -3243

    T: 2 1 9 - 29 4 - 7 13 1

    F: 2 1 9 - 29 3 - 3 97 7

    E: rby le r@ j uno . c om

    Mennonite Church Canada

    Aiden Schlichting Enn s

    600 Shaftesbu ry Blvd.

    Winnipe g, MB R3P 0M4

    T: 204-888 -6781

    F: 204-831-5675

    E: [email protected]

  • 8/14/2019 Mennonite Church


  • 8/14/2019 Mennonite Church


    M ennonit eChurch