Memphis daily appeal. (Memphis, Tennessee) 1885 …...Hygoia Hotel, Sltnatfd 100 Yards freni tort...

RAILWAY RECORD. ARRIVAL AND DKPAMIV&E 01 TRAINS, aUaslsalppi Valley Heme 1, n. O. T. Urn .fleet Sunday, May M, 1885). Bo. 1, Goim South Leaving Memphia 8:30 arriving at Arkansas City 6 a.m: Vicks-ergSe.- arriving at N.w Orleans 7:05 p.m. This train leaving Memphis at 8:30 o'clock p.m. will wive at Greenville at W :15 a.m. No. 2, (joint North Leaving Now Orleaai 8:36; arriving at Vickaburg 7:15 p.m.: Memphis 7:10 a.m Train leavi. g Arkansas City at 8;0 p,m. eonnecte witfi this train. No. 3, tioing Soulh- -. Leaving Memphis at 2:00 p.m. ; arriving at VicJuburc 11:55 p.m.; Now Or- am 9:15 a-- No. 4, Going North Le.ring N.w Orleans o rOO P.m.; Vt.cksourg at 3:15a.m.; arriving at Mem- phis 1 p.m. No. 1 sleeper to Vickaburg only; No. S, through alooper to New Orleans. A. J. KJn Pt, li. P. A.. Memphis, Tenn. JAS. M. ROWAH.VS. V. P. A 6. H: Memphis. H. BUHK.K. Gen'l Sap't. MimIspiIppi and Tennewaee. &ail train Iwm at 4:45 p.m. t arrives at k.'u. Freight train leaves d.ily exoepl eundarVat 8:35 p.m.x arrives daily except bundeyiat 8 :30 a.m. Chisnge&e, eaio assia sv.simn-trai- n. hot - oliows: No. 8 (fast line daily) leave, at 8:15 a.m. No. 2 leave, at 11:40 p.m. tally. Kipley accommodation leaves at 4 p.m. daily (except Sunday). No. 7 (fast line iily ar rivee at 1: JO p.m. Mail add express arrives daily elAsaG a.m. Kipley aooom 'aodation arrives daily texeept Sunday) at 8 :58 a.m. Hemp tie (no Uctle KMt Trains icot J loi!o (Antral atsndud tii.c) : No. 1 leaves tally at$io p.m.: arrives at 10 :5 p.m.: No. 3 reaves .'.:5ua.;a. ; ixrivej at 8.50 a.m.; No. 6 li'reib' itavoi ds.tl7, except Sunday, eto'Vaia.m.: arrive t:f?) afeaapsal ua ajfjnerieotom Trains mors as fullovn: Throart express Ieavea daily at 10:35 p.m. HaH end express leaves dally at 9:12 s.ea Soinorvill. accommodation leave, daily, except SnnZr. at 515 p.m. Through express rrives ' y at 10:40 a.m. Mail and express errtvee ally at 6:00 p.m. riomorviUe tti arrives xoeot Sunday 4.t8-t-- . lansfui City. Sprtmfllell ni(l Meaaplii, Tr !otveM. udl.deotM folio wi: No. 4, anail and -- xprwa ..-- daily at 11:00 a.m.; No. S, mail and express airirtM at .10 m. ; No. 6 , Bt Louit xirK ieTOfl dail y at 2:30 p.m.; No 96, St. Louis express arriTes at 12:40 p.m. LsUavf And ttfostxvllle 'rraiQ mora as tollo.; Fantmail arrives daily at 4:36 a.m. t iaveat 0 ) $ m.: mat) loaves daily at 9 00 a.m. 1awhstii1 ooomnivdatioa laaTs daily, exrert Sindar, at 5:00 p.m.; mail arrives daily st 6ff0 p.m. BrownJriUf accommodation arrives except Sunday, at fe:4u a.m. UUndard Htempkla, ftMms. and Brontwlfk-Hol- ly Spring Riinti Train move aa follows: No. 1 iearea Memphis da.ilv t 4:2 p.m., arrives at Spring at : p.m.; No. 2 leaves Holly 8firinjs daily at 8 &.m., arrives at Memphis at t:lUa.m.; No. 3 leaves Memphis daily (except tSnnday) at 6:30 p.m., arrives at lloliy Bprings at Oz'M p.m. ; No. 4 leaves Holly t3prins:s daily at 5 a.m.. arrives at Memphis daily texoeit Sunday) at & a.m. initio! ntrnl (via Wollr Aprlnsr.). Ooino Noth Illinois k entral train No. 4 arrives at Holly upriTiyTH, 7:n0 o'clock a m. Memphis,. tSelma and Itrunwick train leaves Holly Springs 8 a.m., arriving nt Memphis at 10:10 a.m. Goiro Sui'Tn Memphis, Selma and Brunswick train leaves Memphis :20 o'clock p.m ,arrivins: at Holly Si r n at 6:') p.m. illinois Central train No. 3 learvea Holly Springs, 6:42 p.m. SCHUER RESORTS. "144- - .DI0!l AVENCKJJffcW Tr,:.i Unuraallv exoellent board: l&tiaerate prioos. Many Southern refereeoei. Summer TriBeeLino rpo thoe snmm.r iannts t tha nniia fk iw'nce Kivr, Niagara Pallt, Saratona, 0.,ontaias and all mounrain and seafide mm',r r,,oru in New York and New England, dee Line, Lae Shore tnil New Vo'k Central uers the mt complete tbronh Heepins lrlor and El'itel Car service, tbe tfTeft'ert numtx-- oi throunh trails a dnv and the schelales overlw eaty cnrvfft and perfect track It is pes'tivcry the only line running sleeping-s?- l lrnsi Oirrmaai to Boston and in time an'i into tbe city of New York w thout rapftr r rerri-we- . Tii lets will be mdegood via Ninrtir. Falls nd 'or boat trip? on the tcenic Hud. an no extr:ichArRe on Limited ttxpress. ii- - .stet tr&in in America, 'or urther information, sler ping-ca- r tc., address J. t.; KEriVKS, Uen a' x.mttiara Agar, "w wMt Pnurth street, Cincinnati. BILOXI, MISS. OPE KIHHIU M W1HTEB, THIS dolichlful Seaside Reort f. r Toorim 1'irn: class Acoommodations. Hotel it Ataated directly on the hach of the Gu't and nffords fine UwAllnig. FlMblnsr. inaiiK nni Wrivtssa. The accessiWlity, giureairand freedom from malaria, Bilox' ne of the ojl desirable SDi.t on Vue Oulf shore avsrllntel First elas hau Vessonable. Aiplieutin for ro:,, fcuy maU or tslecraph, srul receive prompt tt.'ntior.. Pi. MONTROSS. Prpr.ri,fr. Bonita Springs I ROCK, AV.K , on Kansas City Kord, and 96 ""' tr" Memphis. Ev.rythins pew and eora-- Vh. splendid w.itar and good Koand-tri- p tn SjrnrA, (Mi. M. . WlwiS. Proprietor, Formerly et Mntvale and 1 ate Springs. Old Pc.nt Comfort, Ya. Hygoia Hotel, Sltnatfd 100 Yards freni tort Monroe. OPKN all the year. Aeommodateslono guests, to any htl in tha United burroundings picturesque and historic A table and service unexcelled, fcatb-In- g, boaunx, fishing and drivins specially at- tractive. Terras less for equal accommodations than an resort in tbe country. Fn.' ocem a.r, tfr froiii malaria and conducive to refreshing Heap. LSend for descriptive t. II. MHtltrrlt'-l- . PronroT. rr,,trt Ptare. now at tL tTtjlmrtv tvjtaeaiH ud qualiflod phTiklma and tilt 'aoait luocttWful, his pmctivo will proro. Cnrw U forma of PRIVATE, ASS. bperm&torr1lea and Ixnpoienoy, the rvt at (!tl)rat la 7 "). exaal 1b trixv n. ar 'r a nd prtwiciDf momf of U10 'eroniiiV,i, lv rtainal K ml 4.1.10. ('a-h- t erri tlTii). Dmvu of V'tf Uir Minirr. Pty. fa. rirni'W on ri, n Sodt-t- t f Feraai' nr"- - a of Iilfu, tf Bcui P"rr. ivDttrHat linpcor or t;oh.t r.f IborrjugjLlT att4 pmitv-y.u- W. J5YPHILIS cijw uut t"iri,ej Tr; Gonorrhea. GLET Sinctore, Urciuu., flctaU. tor U.uyuu; l J a 11. l .U.- private di 4fuK'kIy rard li la that (tefrnD hr tysspfr1tlitto4 to k wrLxan ol dta4w. gui I treatia tfatvnMDri. aryartm f Ttt UiO. kuuin ihis fact rvronititT" ' prrsoaa ra my earv. H ttett U itvoniwtiitil t ih cttT fc- - fryaunmi. taedi tnsfj cm ttaacn. ud aafoi toy - r xprM. aywtir. Oxxtm Oaaranteed ia all Coses Cttmt-C-t- ii rrwt.MlrT AT hw VttW frw mA ttTTttad rbarr Ias02t0i gaiaii OommpotkiKOau AtncUj PRIVATE COUNSELOR Of S0Crc, wfol to My Vn.miiii, Mld, fbr thir 13n cnt. hol.1 1m KM e. aiL Mdmi mbor Orrw boura fntn a. M. too P. M. Bufijlaf , S to . V. B. THAYER J JEWELER and OPTICIAN 1 Finest ninniotulsWotches, Jew- elry and Spectacles. All goods iraaranteed as Represented. 205 Main St, Opp. Court Square, l " i. 5 .'. , .s'.t'W9-Ci- laoVrr I :,!ei,i'",',iff1 v ir .r PATENT MIOE a DUST PKOOF iTYLERDESK Bockrases.T&blia, Chairs. Letter IVesses, Fine CaVmeta, 4e. .JZL-'- - CO. 5 ... FonrIht..8T. Loct oend for pp. Catalogo fcTiTK OrTsSNXKSXX, pHgLBT CoCSTY, Orrirt covstt Uoi'gr clxrk, Mkhphis. Tkji!.., July 1V Too. M. Adminiiitrator sntat. or Falliam, deceased: HAVlNii suiraosted the insolvency of tbe Klijnh Palltsm, deceased, you are hereby ordered t giro notice, by advertisement in some newspsiier rnhliehed within th. said and tso at tbe courtboo?e doorof Shclhyeounty, for ail person having sgnint said estat. to appear and file the same, authenticated in the manner prescribed by law. en or befor. the 15lb Uay of October. ls, and any claim not filed en or before said iry, or before an appropriation of the funds of ?.-.- eate is made, shall b. forever barred, bote, tn law and equity. Willie., my hand, at this 14th day si July. if,. II. B. CI L LEW, Clerk. Bl f. L. McDonald, 1 eputy Clerk. "Kotiea it hereby fiven order. Oifica DESK Alup, Slate, claims iitDce, required fcy the oy O. M. ALSl'P. tVAMTm AOEST. Men and Women, to Introduction by Bey. J II Vincent, D.l. One event ha aold MS in a ton of 674 P'ople: one7.t in a rillaire of 7VH: one new aire lit 85 in 10 day: one 23 in iaceea,.iye week: one 4l n A daya at two dtOerent limes. Kxnerience not neceaaary Addreaa C SSr;L.l, X i'0. (Vt'd). 40 Dearhorn rt. frt.l.o. A CAItl. Staves and TimDer for Export. MORION LlIXBttt AND STATE CO. Manufacturers, Dealer and Exporter of Lumber, Timber nntl btave. ITCH pee if V Fita. lni Notice. 1 THE 4c 14, iew eaLuas, aD Vurt Street, MfMPHlSFXTf. VMM Mm .E a h e aa K BrKaW ITR, Ik. V. UT a rv ko Bkmn Trkatmint, ft carantr for .irtria. lnitne-- f rr m eurJKii.a HenvJarh. Narrou ion, fiusil by th m of alcohol or to- - T of th Brain, rmultinc in imutnitv and l&d- - 10 misery, uecay aDd dent ft: i'reruatar Old 1. birrraneM. kMm of Powr in ithr mv : l&volantary Lowes nnd 8 iter mat rrhea, caa.d by or-xr- ti o of thf brat a. or tTer- - i&dutcnc. tvoh b. contains on month traattucnt. fl box. o lix boxaa for IS. mui b ail prepaid, oa ra.,etrt4f prira. Wi cuarantaa "4 r u tor tix bnxvii. acihuid w.t s. ilt MBtl tha DarehatvMir tar written avaraataa torpfana th bobii if lha trttaktanast rirrtl not ue?- - a nra. 4aaraBt9 ifsuj only by a KKFRT k CO.. lrnririt, MempKi. HAOAJTS Magnolia Balm is a secret aid to beaotr. Many a lady owes herfresh- - ness to it, who would rather I not tell, and you cant telL FINANCE AND TRADE Nothinew repotted by the bankers. except the growing prenure for loans, which they ata promptly meeting. The cotton market closed qaiet, with middling quoted at 9, and sales of 50 bales to spinners. Receipts were 10 bales ; shipments, 1475 bales. Stock, 2151 bales. York spots closed dull, middling qn'.ed at 10 616c; fatnres closed easy. August quoted at 10.1810.20c, and other months 2 to 6 points lower. New Orleans spots closed qaiet, quoted at 9 916c; fat- nres closed quiet, August quoted at 9.30(3) 9.37c. and other months 3 to S points lower. Liverpool closed firm, with light demand; spot quoted at 5 6 l; fatnres closed firm; August, 5 28 641, sellers, at Livernool, August 21st, 648,000 bales, against 777,000 bales same date last yea'. Receipts at all United States ports yesterday 637 bales. All departments of general trade are quiet, and previous quotations ruling. Receipts and shipment IMPOSTS. Four brls apples, 169 rolls bagging, 83 tea bacon and hams, 200 fcks bran, 14 pkgs eggs, 230 brls flour, 1 car hay, 9 hd horses and males. 187 pkgs lard, 22,500 ft lum- ber, 54 brio molasses 1 car balk pork and 5 brls sugar. ax POETS. Thirty-si- x brls apples, 2698 rolls bagging, 44 tea bacon and hams, 74 Bks bran, 181 pkga boots and shoes, 2896 bu com, 4 pkgs cheese, 184 ska coffee, 6 hd cattle, 119 pkg dry goods, 642 brls flour, 82 bales hay, 6 hd horses and mules, 2416 bdla iron ties, 174 pkgs lard, 10,000 ft lurrber, 20 pkgs liquors, 621 brls meal, 19 brls molasses, 192 kg nails, 2148 bu oats. S2 brls potatoes, 2 cars bulk pork, 14 brls packed pork, 152 brls sugar and 196 pkgs tobacco. Ijall riXATCE. The discount rats for money at the banks is 8 per cent. The Clearing-Hoos- e report is as follows: Clearances yesterday, $113,686 86; total this week, $571,879 22 ; tital laet week, $ 42,590 10; same week laet ytsar, J441,-83- 7 i3 ; same week in J.8S3, 644,058 25. Balances yesterday, $08,524 56; total this wek, $235,496 35 ; same time last week, $161,557 27; same Week last year, 129,-53- 7 2i; same week in 1883, $154,460 69k EXCHANGE. New Tort,..,.,.., ,,in iir94 prem New Kniand demands... . parf . " England sigM.iv.u ..H dis iXew Cnea.riiu ....HH........'4 disl par ii v 1 cTrmrc j. U .'1 wavauj. rank of Commerce Urs-- t National..- - Uorman Bank- - State Nat ional. .............,.... . . Union A Planters..-.....- .. ., Mercantile-.......'---- .. iXSfcltANCE STOCKS, It-r- n e - 111 u II City ....... f ri! 68 ... Planters..... Phoini.. Memphis City.. V anderbiit... liernando r'inxton. ...... . Factors.. .-- RAIfiWA7 STOCKS. Memphis and Cnarloston M iai-i- pri ald Tennessee.. Li eieville and Nashville .... .. Mobile and Ohio . vemphis City RAILWAY BONDd. Memphis and Charleston consols. ... UiV( 1 .tfr ,.....114 142 . ,. 55.9 75 .iavj 91 ...,.....Wv:T)5 f 3 Meuiohis and Little Rock lat mnrt Ri, Inft M ssissipp' and Tennessee consols A......H n Mississippi and Tennessee consots B.... 85 G MISCELLANEOUS. Taxing-Distri- compromise bonds. TH-I- 76 Memphis storage Compress Co ...... 92 to 95 Memphis Gas Company stock 81) (3 83 mempnis was nonds. .. . lua Memph s Water Co. bonds, accrued int . Memphis Water Company sto,.,.......- -. 9) V.rnphisCity bonds, iid.... S Memphis City Compromise benr, sU npei 1;,.vv.v.. . 80 Mp:,,ni City connem from old hnnita 4ft ut.mphis Ci- ,p. from eomp. bonds 80 .T.einpTir- - v..y leager oaiances Memphis City judg. on coup ot bonds. .nemunis uitv Davin. InRhU, nw. 3. XX3 6!i s Phelbyoounty (M. A 0. R.R.) longos.VOiS'"!" Shelby county warrants ..,.-..'.-....- . vo noneer motion jams (9 lv Telegraph. New Vorc, August 22. Money on call eiiy f t 1 i per cent. Prime mercantile pa- per, 45. Foreign exnhanire dull at 484i for 00 days, and 483j lor demand-- . Botds liovernment bns are dull and Ktjte honrta tiaVe betn dull but atrontr. TfceVe was a better business in railway bonds to day. The sales amounted ti 12,650,000, of which Krie seconds con- tributed (797,000 and West Shore f 52,000. Prices are pretty evenly divided between advances and decline. Erie sec- ond consols opened at 68, rapidly declined nntil thev sMd at 6-- and then BTaduallv 8: Id to 07 J, and clcsed with a not logs of I percent, at t7g. West Shore firsts are urehaDjted. Total Ba:ee bonds f the week were ,'. i2,C0O. Bank Statement Tbe weekly bank statement, shows the changes: Loans, increase, specie, increase, $1,358,40 J; legal tenders, decrease, 1,681,400; deposits, ir crease, 13,505,400; circulation, decrease, $il00; reserve, decrease, $1,214,403. The bauk-- t now hold $58,311,473 eacees of the per cent rule. Stclcs There was a very sharp reaction at the Stock Exchange this morning, the transactions were rather limit- ed. Prices opened tritt !e h;gher than tney closed last evening, but room traders soon sold and support seemed lacking. In the first half-hou- r prices fell off lrom J to 2 per cent., the leaders the decline being Lake Shore, Lackawanna, St. Paul, Louis- ville and Nashville and Noithern Pacific preferred. The decline laBted nnt'l about ll:30when the 1st began to rally, and soon became strong and grew ttronger and stronger until the close, when the majority of Btocks were 1 to 2$ percent, high- er they cloeed last night. The ex- treme advance the lowest prices were : Delaware and Hudson, 2 ; Western Union and New York Central, erfch 1 ; Lake Shore, 1 1 Morihwt and St. Pant, each 1; Jersey Ceotrai, 2; Lacka wana, 11; Ltuisviile and Nashville, 1J; Miseiiarr, Kansas and Texas, 1 ; Manitoba, ! ; Head- ing, ' j ; Uiiicago, Burlington and Quincy, j; Minneapolis and St. Loniscommnn 1, id t, e prcferr d 2. At. the c ote Pac;fij tail ana Erie w-r- lowe , Omaha pre-ifrrt- s and the Nortbern Pacific . All i' her stocks on the actve list wre or hieher. The shameRt ad- - vtuicee from last evening's closing figures were Delaware and Hudson, lj; Jersey 'ilitral, 2J; Manhattan Conaoliuated, 1. Riding, : Chicago, Burlington and Qiincy, 21: Central PaciSa 14. and Manitoba 1J. The ehter advances ere generally for sta!l fractions. The traders who were the sellers in, the moin- - i were tne buvera in the aitsmcon rhere ere but few rumors to-d- ay affect- ing prices and the extreme fluctuations appear to be tbe work noon trade is j incipally. Jersey Central made a Bhnrp ' vance of per cent., and tho old rimors of some party control of tSe Droofrtv revivet, but nothing official could he obtained. The Omahas were qtret to day iiior.jjn tne rumors wiin !N th Western were reported. A sta'ement Uat there were legal obstacles in the wav it tucn consul idation was denied by Sena- tor Sherman, formally general counsel for the Omaha Company, the meeting of tbe -- i -- .inwestern executive comm ttee will oe held Saratoga Wednesday, when it is sam the Umaba matter wtU be conaid- - red. The total eales for tbe week were 1.h,28 snares. 1 rices this evening are ip nerally higher than a week ago, .Lacks and Unlrago, iiuriington and lincy showing gains 3$, Delaware and Hudson 3, Union Pacific 2, while Omaha common is np and the preferred 10 percent. The other stacks np frac-- K'liai amounts. Lake bhore and northern raoitic, however, are 1 per lower, i. utsvilleand Nashville i and Missouri Kansas and Texas i the total ealee stocks to-d- were 221,- - U2 shares, lnclnding Delaware, Lacka wanna and Westtrn. 33,740: trie. 3280 ke Shore. 1(1,620; Louisville ani Nash ville, S075; Northwest tn, 11,710: New Jersey Central, 8150; New York Centra' l.Tli; Keading, lU.tHX); I'aul. 13.&UO St. Paul and Omaha. 8375; Texas Pacific, 3295; Union Pacific, 11,295; Western L nton, JwO; .Northern 1'acino, preferred, 8175: Oregon Transcontinental, 11,015. Cluing quotations ooTaawHavra. u. s. v. iravi. n- 4s. l22Ti. New 113. Pacile 6 ot Is aoxDs. 0. P. flrsU.113. T. P. land cranU Erie aeeonda. BTi. T. P.. Kio diy Uhi.Bl Wllke... 9S. 17. firata. 113U. .oaiaiana conaoia. &U. r. aranu. maaourtoa, liit-- . t . v. una. mna, w St. lojcnh.ll1.. Virginia 6t. 40. !t.P. A s. t. 121.. eon., ex-- 48'i, tenn. oa, oia, a. eonaoia, ptd, lu. lenn. ba, new. n. Atiri. Trr. 144. Morria A K. offd. 125S4. Alletheny Central, . Naahyille C, 4 . ,1U'U a 1 err. a.. Jl. A. 4 t Ild. 7. merioan Exrreaa, 97. B. . C. R. 4N..H. Canada Pacific, 44. anada Southern . ST.. Central Pacific X, k heaoeake and o..7. 0 4 0. 1st rM, 1SH. M O. 2d rid. 8. f'hicago A Alton, C. Jt A. ifj, 14S. C II. 4 Q . 1S2. C.St. L ,4 N O.. . O . t. !,.?. mi C, St. L. 4 P. pld,24H. v., a. 4 u.. . 4 . 4H'.. Del. ft Hnd.,8AS-Del- . L. 4 W . It1. iea. Kio 11 , Krie. ITS. tiriep d 3SS- - Kaat Tenn., AS. Kat Tenn old. K Tt Wayne. lo7. Hannibal 4 St. Jo, . H. A St. Jo pfd, . Harlem, l!8 . tlou.-to-a 4 T , 31V Illinois t'.ntr.l. 1XJ. ndB. Kaaiaa at T, H '.. Lerie R 4 W., tt'e. ' t .h.HSre TS. Lo.ak.,4r.. Loa. 4N.A.S4V . M. 4 V., let Pill,. .1C.H old. . Mem. 4 Char., aroraia. Micaigan tentrai. otv. Min. tt. L. W-a- M. 4 bt. Ia. pfd, a. Miaaonri facifie, VX 130 lJOa 135 66 1011 ....... 7ii 9l . .. 3m 40 35? .100 05 36 . 36 3! 25 WHO 120 90 9io- o- So C4 9 vi 3 50 firm. ' up of jr $ in 25 a cf from than from ig of 21 in ci ot a' next oi PI are cent, oi bt. 8.126. U. P. tr. lana ttrata, Va. 4.h. H. C. 3. W.J. Central, 504, Norfolk 4 W. pfd, 25. Northern Paeific. ?'-i- . Northern P. pfd. 4S. Chicaao 4 N. W.,llrU.. N. Y. Central. I- -' Ohio Central. 1U. Ohio 4 Miaaiisippi. 23" onto at wira. pia, in. Ontario 4 Weat , 15i. Ore ton NaT., 81 Oreron Trana.. 217i. Oregon Imp.. 2ft. Paoifie Mail, . Peoria. D 4 K.. 13'. Pitt ban. 141M. Pullman Pal Car, 1281,. naaaina;. zs. Rock l.iand, 119S- St. L. 4 S. F , St. L. 4 S. F. ptd. Wi. St.L.4 .F. lstptrt.8.. C. M. 4 St. P.. Sn1.. C. M. 4 St P Pld. I'SH- - ru r.. .n at m.. ii'. St. P. 4 Omaha. !r St. P. 4 0. pfd.W4V Texa Paeifie, Pacite, SPa. IT. 6. bipreee iS W.. St. L. 4 P..a. W.. St I.. 4 P. f d. 14, U.Ielerap6.70. v OlorKlo Bomeatake, IX, iroa Mlver. Ontario, t'S. Oaicfeaifyar. 5 juiok- - . 4- 2- . .16. coal. monua aum. , - ' KwOw.N8,La , Antrnat 22. Sight ex- change on New York, $2i 2 60 per $1000, oremium; bankers' aterling, nominal. London, Amrnat 22. The Bank of Eng- land gained 79,000 bullion on balance to- day. Paris, Auguat 22. Three per cent renUa 811 10c for tbe account. THE COTTOX MARKETS. The local market opened tnd closed quiet, with quotation! unchanged; uli of 50 bales to spinners, close were; Quotations EXCHANGE QUOTATIONS. Yesterday Day Before Ordinary Norn. N'otn. rOTTTl """""r tf- -t Low Middling W, iiiddling : 974 Middling Middling Fair.. Ht'i lo!4 rtirr - ora. - nom. btaina, aKo: tinges, COTTON STATEMENT. Miihir. An4vnt22. 1885. Biocx. oeptemoer i, iw, ... Received to-d-ay Koccived previously Shipped cibiDoed previously ..... Burnt, etc Home consumption to date... Stock, running account Import: Thus far this week ... Thns far last week . Since September 1st Wagons and other sources. Total Export. Thns far this Thus far last week Sinoe September 1st at the Good lu4 week &.M6 10 249 1,343 Chesapeake, Ohio and W. Railroad.. steamers for'a... 425,558 430.1M 433,414 433,263 2,151 429,868 '1,475 431,671 784 Total . 1,4-- 5 New York spots opened steady, and cloeed dull; quotations unchanged, and sales of 206 bales. Receipts were bales ; etock, 112,934 bales. Qaotations yesterday were follows: Yesterday. Day Before. Ordinary k .. s 8 Uood ordinary 9 6 9 Low Middling Middling Good middling 11-- 6 Middling fair Fair 6 6 Sew York futures opened firm and cloeed easy, with eales 51,600 bales. The closing quotations were follows, compared with the previous day : Y rHftv. Tnv Tt.fnr.. January... v.wn February .., March...... . April . .My Juie July Antrum.. .. fc"opteicer ... O.tober .... November.... December. ., . . 9 9.93 4 .4 10.131410. 15 lll.lS 0 19 9 9.5de 9 9.51 9.61 10 18 691 as 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 of as as 72 77 56 9.95 9.81 New spct ened with qaotatiteB higher, and sales 450 hales. Receipts were 1? bales: stock, 12,036 bales. Quo- tations yesterday were follows, as com- pared with the previous day : Yesterday. Day Before. 8V 3- -l Good 9'-- Low ..9B &i Good 0 1,5-- 9,S New fu'-ur- e cotton opened qu the ia with tha day, and sales cf January. March Jrtre August ...... October November 9.71(3 9.82ft4 !0.V;0.2-- 9.76-- 9.5ft!! 9.53(9 Day ... 43 i Se .... ..'....'I (a.6j 7i(ft.8l .V2irtt.!d 9.2r".a) 23 t D.AlaB.ill : MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL-STO- D AUGUST 885. 10 10 10 V M 9 64 9.1i4 9 75 9.Klta 10.23r10.24 10.24'9l0.15 9.6:5'9 9 5. The Orleans market o, quiet tnd clssed quiet, ot as Ordinary 8 ordinary 9 -- 16 middling. 9 Middling 9 middling The Oi'eins market barely steady and closed with closing quotations lollows as compared previous 23,SJ0 ba.!e&. February April May.......,v July September December.. l3elore. .M1) 9 '".'.'.8. 30"9.37 5.3.V"9 34 C J.W 9.71C 73 M 9.M.tsl.97 6 9. & at O.Sll'av.n 6.239.2.) ins Cinaiiions oi oiner domett c uwr-ktt- s at the cke ytsterday were sS fol- lows! Cialveeton, ares'dy at Cicj receipts, 237 bates; 19 .? bales. Mobile, receipts, 11 bales; stock, 1383 bales. Savancan, fi'm at 93c; receipts. 827 bales; ttock, 1528 bi Charlestonidall S! ; receipts, 45 bales; stock, fat bales. Wilmington, qnie a: i receipts, 1 bale ; stock, 299 bub f. Norfolk, qaiet at 10c; '. t i ts. S bnl; stock, 922 bale. . baltimore, fxtfi at 10, j; receipts, 23 Dales; stuck, 14 Jo bale?. Coston, qu'et at 10c; receipts, 6 bales; stock, 6310 bales. Pniladelphia, quiet at 10jc; receipts, bales; stock, 4177 bales. St. Louis, nominal at tJo; receipts, balest stock, 2156 bales. Augusta, quut at lOcJ ; receipts, 2S bales; stock, bales. Receipts at tbe ports, S37 bales, against 468 bales same day last year, and 3113 bales the year before. Receipts at the porta 1 day this week, 537 bales, againet 396 bales eame last week, and 2861 bales same week last year. Exporta, to Orest f Hta;h, bales, againBt n5? bales same time last week, and sbbx bales same week last year. 9.59SJ time Stocks at all United States ports veater- - day, 114,170 hales, against 104,804 bales same time last week, and 144,6i7 bales same week last year. Total receipts at ports tnus far this season, 4,?5,90 bales, against 4,77S.6o7 bales same time last Eeaeon, and 5.595,845 bales in liS3. Decrease in receipts, 5J.267 bales. Total foreign exnorts. 3 840.530 bales. against 3,S13,83o bules same time last sea- son and 4,680,832 bales in 1883. Liverpool foots f.t coon were a noted detnnnd tight, eales of 40CO hales, of which 3000 we;o American. Receipts. 4C03 bales, of which nine were American, At -': Uplands, d 16d; u. I sans, OJd. future at noon were o uit t at advance ; Aagttst-Septcmbe- 52 64(5 G4J; Septf m; er October., 23 615 264d ; Ojtober-NoVembe- r, fi '.''; 1 : N rernher- - Uecember 5 19 64'tf5 20-64- i0 nber- - January, 5 21 t Jai.uiy-Feb- - ruary, t ; eeoruiry-.viarcli,'- ! V4 64d. 1 p.m.: August-beptembe- r, 5 28 6U. selleis; September-Octoh- r. 5 26 6d sell ers ; October-Novembe- r, i" 22 64 J, buvers: November-Decembe- r 59 641,6 l.ers; 5 ), sellers; Jan- - nary February, 5-- 3 64d value; Februarv- - Marcb, o 2rj-t4- valae; March-Apri- l, 5 28- - 64d, buyers. Futures clrf General trade. BBEtOATEFra. THE AY,' Corn White, ffc; Elided, o2e, from store t froaj Isvee or depot, white, 48c m xed, 4bc. Hay btnct'y choice, from ftore, I; 9."U0C 90i (oj prime, 10(2-- prairie, 5 c: rmwl lots lrom levee or depot, rhmce, $14(i; prime. prairie. fiWT 0. Uatb vvhttei. t mixed. '3c. lrom store. B jnor. Jrom levee or track. wti'tth tsaiked. : mixed, sacked. 30fi Bbah From etjre. 85(r93c cwt round from levee, $i4tov4 60 ton. UoRNMKAti btapdard, SaBUXoy-V- O poarl, $3 75 fiom etore; 5s cbtAper lrom mil), levee or track. . . . . . . , ' , . , . Beans Navy, 75; medioin. SI Oatmeal la half barrels, $4 from s'ore, CSaI eed Wheat In half barrels. $4 from store. Flour From etore, triple extra, $4; fanny, $4 60(2)4 75; choiire, $5; fancy, toi5; exLra fanc , $5 505 75; patents, i61o!aja&t); round lota lrom levee or track. 10c cheaper. (Si 9.SIK 9.60 9.54 9.56 .5VO e.4o the rm, onl 27. tjid ri. c; 1; :oi3 51C. per lota per SI 50. St) Hominy and (jrits t torn store, 7o Kict lxmmlana, titabic ; jaroima, i ts 7ic 9.85 9.U6 jB.'a U backers boaa, extra, c; scan, aou. ble extra, 44c; cream, extra, 0c; cream double extra, 7c; assoited jumbles, triple extra, Ite; ginger snaps, extra, o Louisville, Kv., August 22. Grain ouiet. Wheat A3. 2 lonuberry. 93s; No. a red, aic uorn o. z mixeu, 4c; sxo. 2 white, 4'c. Oats new, No. 3 mix'd, 10 (Si7c. Kaksa CitV, Mo., August 22. Wheat l.)er: casbi (21c: September, 21c; Uc- tuber. 751c Corn tteadv : cash. 34c ; Set' tember, S3 jcbid, S4c askf d ; year, 26z bid, Ojts nominal, zlijc bid, us aaed. 9.S3M.9 Cincinnati, O., August 22 Flour quiet and unchanged; family, $4 054 30; fancy, SI 40(i4 6.). Wheat dull an J lower; no. 2, red, snucd't'ic; receipts, il'.coo du ; snip-ment- s. lti'O bn. Corn stronger; No. 2, mixed, 4tijc. Oats farm; No. 2, mixed, 251c. Rve etronetr;No. 2, ES.wc. Bar ley nominal. New Obi.eans. La . August 22 Flour choice, 4 25; fancy, 14 ft)(3. 60; extra fancv. S4 90: Minnesota patent process. 55 40: winter wheat pa'ent'. $5 40. Corn dull aud drooping; No. 3 yellow, mixed, 54j; vellow. 5?( '6j; white, 54c. Oats easier: choice Wratern. in sacke. cM: no, 2 Texas, tn sacks, 32c. Cornmeal, 2 35 2 40. Hay prime, $I617; choice, J18(2 10. Rice ordinary ti good, 45 ajoic St. Louis, Mo., August 22. Flour dull, Whea. largely lower; opened c off, and then gradually ploughed off under de- moralizing icduencea from elsewhere and a strong pressure to sell, and finally cloeed 2 j3c nner yef terday ; No. 2 red, cash, sates at 9091, but was worth oniv 891c at th clnae; August, 891c bid; September, S9Jf3,923c, closing at 89c; October, 91 i94 ic, cl'fling 91c Corn dull and lower, with light trading; No. 2 mixed, cafh. 41i(5i42i3: November, 37Sc; year, 331c. Oats lower and slow; cash, 22(22J-- ; August, 22c; September, 2 (3, 2 a; October. 24s. Rye dull, 5555lc bid. Flux aned lower at $1 14 Hay prrnne, JS9; Timothy,Srfl3 50. Bran, oStirtSO.:. Kceipts t lour, 30 O oris wheat, 116,000 bn ; corn. 75,000 bn ; oats, 50 000 ho: rya. 2tW hn: barlev. none. 'hipments Fir-nr- , 5000 brls; wheat, 60C0 bn; corn, 52,000 bu; oats, 1L00 Da; rye, none; bailey, none. Chicago, III, August 22. The wheat inar et developed a panicky condition of affa ra for a time y, and cash wheat was once more driven under 80j fo t first time since Anril of the present Tear. Prices were f,tadv at the openinc, and there was considerable buying ol October wheat at b4c, but reports 01 an easier BtaCa Tet downward, end Vs down to . dxine Sic nnder . Ic nnder 'he closing fignreg oi one week ago and 10.3 under tbe closing prices o two weeks no. The oi wheat report il out of condition was lo,- - 000 bushels. Liverpool advices quoted spat wheat weak end cargoes to arrive tirm. me receipts oi Dera lor trie week were 202,000 boahela, against 1,112,-00- 0 bnahels lur a similar period one year ago. Trading was active in corn, bat the free nrriva's and decline in wheat had a deiSesdinir effect, torices ior the near de liveries declining l(a He bat cloned a little steadier. Oats ruled very dull, with a marked tallina off in the demand ior August deliv- ery. The closed c lower. Flour the frelinsr was weakbut prices show no material ebAPg. Wheat wm active but de- - moralized. The posting oi 15,030 bushels of hot wheat at New York turned prices downward, and prices quickly declined 2Jc from the outddeana cleifed 2;c lower than yesterday, oales ranged: August, 79;Solie, closed at79Je; September, 79 M825e, closed at 80c; October, 82J84c, closed at 82Jc; November, 8ia86c, clcsed at 84ic; No. S spaing, 79179ic; No. 3 red, ?ljc. Com active but lower, owing to large receipts and the depression in wheat; prices declined lljc tor near and ic for long futures, closing about isot inside cash, 44 44cr Anaust. 44 j 45jc, c'oeed at 44c; September, 44 J45 jc, cloeed at 44 Jc; Octo- ber, 42f43fi, closed at 42c; November, 391(53910, closed at 3?c Cats ruled dull and a shade easier; cash, 26Jc; August. 2626Jc, closed at 26c; Peptember, 24j24Jc, closed at 24jc; October, 24J(a 21 Jc, closed at 24 Jc Rye steady; S). 2, f.6c. Flax-we- d easier; No. l,fl 19 Eeceipt? Flour. 7000 brls; wheat, 28,003 bn; com, 273,000 bu; oats, 139,000 bu; rye, 12,000 bu; barley, 6X0 bu Shipments Flour, 6000 brls; wheat. 217,000 bu; corn, 419,000 bu; oats, 147,000 bu ; rye, 1000 bn ; bariey, none. Creamery, 2022c; fancy, 25c; dai ry, lSaiSc ; butterine, 1415c ; countiy, 1218c, according to condition. Cheese Prime flats, 67c; N.-- fac- tory, 8c; full cream, 1213c; Y. A., 1313c Mess Pork $11 2"U 50 per barrel; sugar-cure- d hams, packed, 10113; breakfast bacon, 9J10ic; clear rib ba- con, 6i7c Bulk Pork Clear oidea, 6,6Jc; clear rib sides, 6j6o; shoulders, 4l4ic Lard Tierces, 7J7J;c: half-barrel-s, 77Jc; kegs, 787o; buckets, 7f7Jc; half-bucke- 8iri8Jc; 201b tins. 77Jc; 10-l- b tins, 7i7ie; b tins, 7J71c; b tins, 7f8c; choice kettle, 8lS8tc. St. Louis, Mo., August 22. Provisions dull and only a job trade done at previous quotations. Butter and eggs unchanged. Louisville, Ky., August 22. Provisions dull. Bacon clear rib sides, 6ic; clear sides, 6.6 Jc; Ehonlders, 4jc Balk meats clear rib sides, 5j;; clear sides, 6Jc; shoul- ders, 4c. Mess pork, $11. Hams Fugir-cure- d, 10llc Lard choice leaf, 8Jc. Cincinnati, O., August 22. Pork dull and nominil, $9 15. Lard dull, 6 05 b.OTjc. Bulk meats in light demand; shoulders, 3jc; short rib, 6.45b. Bacon easy; shoulders, 4Jc; short rib, 6c; ahor: clear, 6 Jo Butter firm. Eggs firm and higher, llUJc. Cheese quiet. New Obleans, Li , Auiiust 22. Pork dn'l, weak and lonrer at $9 75. Lard re- fined tierce, 6.50c. Bulk meats shoul- ders, 4jc ; long clear. 6Jc; clear rib, 5c Bacon shoulders, 4c; lorg clear, 6.40c; clear rib, 6.f 5c; choice sugar-care- d can vas" ed ham'?, 19C. Chicago. III.. August 22. Mess pork rutai weak and declined 15(320c. and clcsed steady. Lard exhibitctCvery little charga.!,essjtork-tra,'in- g as only fair: pricoa rulea W6lr, declined ioiyoj, ana closed Ftady ; cssh, $8 60 8 65; tseptem- - " ffo eTIo Ml 1 Asa 1' nfr, 10 i iwo 1 1 f, unwu at"': .,, v.f.a ntl Oi-- t ihe- -, 58 05 85, cToseii at S8 66 8 671 : N .vember. J8 66tas 80. clospd at $8 65(33 67J. Lard vry little doing; ca.-- h, (i iatr6 lj September, ?B 12i 6 17J closHdatJO 15; Ojtober, iO Hi 6 20. B'xfd rria's steady ; dry salteit ehon'd- - rs, short rib Bides, $5 SO 5 3t; shrn clear sides, $5 80(S,o 85. Ou tne Produce Ex hange butter ruled a rhaiie creamery, 1619c; dairy, li16c. EaVfi 10J:sllc. SMOCEKIEM. Coftes Comhion. 8i(SS9o: ordinary. 9 9Jc; prime Rio, 10llc; choice, 11 i3c; old government, 2t)5j. rJuoAB fure white. 71c: off white 7c; yellow clarifl-- d, fc; open kelt'e 6?c; reftned A, 7c; granulated, 7c; powuored, 8c; cut loaf, be. Molasses Louisiana, common to fair 30(a37c ; prime to choice, 43(31530 : svrun. 25(5J30c; centrifugal, fancy, 45c; common to lair, zfnJ33c; prime to fair, iioQ?K0.5. Candies sticks, all siees. in boxes. pails and barrels, Sjc. Baoginq and Ties bagging, late, 94(s 114c; flax, 1010ic, according to weight. Ties, $1 5. boAP dKojejc per pound. Candles Full weight, 12jc. Tobacco Common. 25(3i35c: other grades and etyies, 35-6- c. Hnnff Garret's, $11 per case; Ralph's, $10 25 per case ; railroad, $9 25. Balt Fer car-loa- 5133 per barrel; $1 60 in Rack; pockets, bleached, j7c; coarse, $1 15; car-loa- from levee or de- pot, 510c cheaptr. Canned (joods. JiTC Prices per dozen ; Pineapples. $1 50(1 60: peaches. 2 lb. standard, SI 50; seconds, $1 20: tomatoes, 2--lb standard, $1; $1 251 35; straw berries, $1 5so(2l 60; raspberries, $1 15( 1 25; blackberries, $1 101 25; green gages, $1 25(a)! 50; pears. No. 2, $1 50, plums, $1 50; asparagus, $4(4 50; green corn, $1(2)1 40; green peas, 1 7o; cove oysters, full weight, b, $1 15; cove oya: ters, mil weight. 1 90; cove oysters, light weight, b, 65c; cote oyfiters, light weighti . $1 2t5 : coudeneed milk Crown, ia; Eagle, $3; Swiss, $6. New York, August 22. Caffee spot fair; Rio firm, 8lc; options moderately act ive ; sales, 14 500 hags ; August, 6 :: Sep tember, tin; uctoban lilj; November, 0 8!ct Deci-rabe- ji 85(?(j',6.90c; Febru- ary, tt 95c i March, 7c. Kutar nrmer and quiet; rif.oed stendy; mould A, 6ji; standard A, ujs; powdered, ejiiOic. Mc- - latbes qiiet and unchanged. HUCSEUOLD SjfjppuEs. Vbgetables Onions, vellow. new. $3 5 3 75 per barrel. Potatoes Irish, new northern, $1 25(51 60 packed. Bt. Louis cabbage, $1 oOtJi 5 per crate. Garlic, 40(ai60c per 100. APPLK3 Ureen apples, loose. Sl(al zo. Dried apples, 2)3c per pound from store. Dried peaches', cvH-i- store. , medium barrel, $77 50; half barrel, M4 50; pint jars, $1 25 per dor m ; quart jars, $1 752 per dozen. Poultry O d hens, $2 50Cfc2 75; roang and niixerl.. 1 ). I fcu.H MiATa Beef Good Kansas City stfers, heavy, 7JmJ8r; lgt, be; cns and t'eifers, 6J7c; muttori, 7ic; mutton saddles, 9c: lambs. 10c; pork, 8c. Fruit Oraneea, sotirto 50 per 4iox. Lenions,S7-pe- r box. Banana-,$- ! 2 SO per bunch. C 'Connnts, $5 per 100 Pra aa's Virginia, $67c; Tonese, firm-er'- s etock, 2Jc; leclwmnd, 3i4;rovtwi, 2c higher; stielled, 10. Aim jnda, 18 a 26o. Chestnuts ceen, 12jc; dry, 15c. Txas pecane, 1015c Araansns, 46c. Kuclifh wa nu's, li!c; rfapler", i6c. Fil- - berie; l ie Brzjl nuts, 8c Raisina, Lon on $2 75f5 3: Imperial. 3 7o4. Brandy cherrits, $33 2-- 5 p- - r d!ZD. (Jideb Miseouri, S7 'Orer Parrel am' $1 50 nor bait-bart- e s; Kentucky barrels. .6 507: Kentucky half-barrel-a, ft. Vine gar. lzJinUc per gallon. MsH Macfceral, 19 10 kit sso. j. wc No. 2. 70.v. 15-l- b. No, 3, 60c Dry her- - rircB, family, 35c per box. 14jldC CUTTUX-SEEIV- . Cotton-See- d Oil In car-lia- d lots, prime crude C. 8. oil. 30c: off crude, 26)28c: prime summer yellow, 34i35c; off summer yellow, 335 34c; Miner's, 3435c; choice cooking summer yeinw, JCKajjoc. Less than car-loa- d lots: Jfrime summer vellow. 30(5l37c: micet's summer yellow, 3(c ; choice cooking summer ye low, 3G oc: choice winter vellow. 40(1,400. Cation-See- d Meal Prime, f. o. b., 19 ner ton, CoTtciw-SsF- n Cotton-see- railroad sacked,! 12 per t Jit, delivered ; wagon seed, delivered. Jl'ipr ton: river seed, on Dan, $10 per ton. R tes established by Mem-- puis U itton-see- a tjiearing-rionse- . PEIBOLBCS MARKET, Coal-Oi- l Prime white, wholesale lob?, 13c per gallon. Cleveland. O., August 22. Petroleum Crm; .w.llO,7J. Bbadpord. Pa. August 22. Opened at K41; closed at 102J; highest, 104J; low eat, 1024. PiTTSBCBO, Pa., August 22. Petroleum elcited but n t much trading; National Transit certificates opened at 104 and c'.oefd at 102S; highest price, 105; lowest, 102j. Oi;SE-Bl-L- MATERIALS, Framing-Lumb- er Yard prices Bough, $15 per 10O0 feet ; dressed, $30 ; yellow pine noonng, T- -i , suingiea, w; ii iiiur Donlar. a 7o: cypress. z rer iouo lama. Extra prices for extra lengths above 20 feet. Lime and Cement Pure Alaoama lime, 75&S5c in bulk delivered ; 9095c per bar- rel in store; Louisville cement, $1 50 1 75 per barrel; Rosedale cement, 2 2fHt) 50 ner barrel: Portland. 4(4 oO; Ro man, $5 ; plaster of Paris, $2 50 ; hair. 5c per pound ; 40c per Dusnei. jmails oj per Keg. HORSES 4HO "tftE. Messrs. F. A. Jones & Co., live-stoc- k and commission merchants. street furnish the following quotations of the horse and mule market: Horses Good driving. $125t250: good saddle, $140(3300; plugs, $3o80; good marm. 9Hnft 140. Mclks 141 ti 15, $110130; 15 to 15, $125140; 15 to lb. If !4U(aio. ouppiy tmad; demand moderate. i.CBIBER MARKET. The following are the wholesale prices rvf lnmher in this market Poplar 1 in , 1st and 3d clear, $18(21 ; 11 and 2 in, 1st and 2d clear, $2224; common board, $10 12 50; Biding etnpa, llxtJ. face meaanie, 1st and 2d clear, $22; . . a r 1 arv j eeiline. lxts in.. 1st ana -- a. uressea, 1, H and 2 ia, 1st and 2d, 2S30; eons-i- on drecsed, 1 in., $1415. M , -- TlXBSB fojilar. 3tl; tvpress otaiw; I mnrkot an.? r Of the Trot- - 1 Cft'y Clf.-Taw- V LHm, FVS &U: OaaT, O JF at JNew 1 or I ; asO, txa ; aamus :vaoj. -, amonnt wteat the market futures prices; Bcttbb easier; from Monroe V. . . !. a 1 in lrtanil a Bu.iiuw a u.jb . . - - 2d, $1024; dres-e- d, $30; fiooriw, 6 and 6 in.. Sa. llxinnz. 3 ana 4 in- - -- t ou; fl joring $22 50; heart step lumber, $35 40; t wiling, $25; ceiling, $22 50; i ceit-ino- -. 520. r - ... i cjottonwood l to a in. mm run, cuiia out, $1011. i.ith zztcvDreee. i ou. Rr .rv Wimdt-1- st and 2d. 1. 11 and 2 In.. ftio(2io; common, outfflw ; cuub, Uii 1 to in., ist ana za, tTJi2)- -i ; common, 1 and 2 in., $S12. Kkd tio-2- da, $18(i$ia; common, ?s SHiaaLae No. 1, sawed or shaved, 4 25 : aawed or shaved sane. S3. ash 1st and 2d clear, i to 3 in., $20 51; common. Sllffl.13 80. Otpabbs 1. li sad 2 In., 1st and 2d dear, $2325 ; common, $15 ; fencing, 1x6, 16ft., $1. . VHISKT. t.TC. Whisky Straight Bourbon, $1 508; rye, $1 507. Wises Imported port, $1 S0Q8; sher- ry, $1 506; champagne American ex- tra, $78; Piper HeidsCk, $2027; Mumm's extra dry. $29(B31 ; Roederer, $29 31 ; Ve. Cliquot, $31a33; claret, $3 75 13 per box; Catawba, $45 per cane. Chicago, III., August 22. Whisky quiet, $1 15. St. Louis, Mo, August 22. Whisky steady, $1 13. Cincinnati, O., August 22. Whisky in good demand, nominally $1 13. New Orleans, La., August 22. Whisky dull and nominal; Western rectified, $1 051 25. The Situation at Cincinnati. Cincinnati, O , August 22. The situa- tion in the whiBky market remains about the same, the pool price of $1 13 being still the nominal quotation. The break made by one firm has had the effect of prevent- ing sales. mors AMD PKLTST. Wool Choice washed, 28c per lb ; un- washed, 10r"3c;. encashed burry, 10 16c; clear burry, lGgc. Market weak. Hides Dry flint No. 1, 16c; No. 2. 131c Dry salted, 10llc Green salted, 618Jc. Tallow, 661c Beeswax, 22 26c Market firm. LIVC-ilo- K ajAHSn. The Union Stock-Yard- s and Fertilizer Company reports the following for the week ending August 22, 1885: Cattle Tnere has been a fair demand for better grades of butchers' Etock, with market fairly supplied; smooth, fat, well-bre- d butchers' ttock will bring outside quota- tions; the demand limited for grafting cat tie, with fair inquiry; slim steers, $6 50 8 for feeders. Sheep The market kept well supplied with mutton sheep, without change in prices; common 8'ock sheep, $1 1 50 per head. Lambs Extra heavy in fair demand. Hogs The market pooily supplied ; demand only for light and in a retail way. Cat ile Good to choice butchers' tteers, $3 754 25; heifers, $3 6C4; med um steers, 3.3 50; medium heifers, $2 75(3, 3 25; common steers, S22 50; mixed lots scalawag, $1 502 25. Shesp Good ma, ton, $33 25; com- mon, ill 50 per head. Lamb Good fct, 4J5c; common, mixed, 75cil 25 per head. Hoos 100 to 140 pounds, $i 25$4 0. Cincinnati, O, August 29 Hogs quiet; common and light, $3 80(,4 75 ; packing and butchers', $4 254 7o. Raceipts, 819 head ; shipments, none. St. Louis, Mo., August 22. Cattle re- ceipts, 100 head; shipments, 1 CO head: supply too small to make a market and oUy a small retail trade was doue. Hogs receipts, 000 head; shipments, 14C0 bead; market nominally lower; pack- ing, $44 25; bntehers', $4 40 i 4 60; Yorker 4 n SnBft-rece- int 400 heid; BbimenU, 200; supply very scarce aud on'y k cai sales made at previous prices. Kansas (Iity, Mo., August '22. The Aiw S.'0k l,dicatcr repoit-i- : Oaitle receif ti 1116 heed; Bhipmeatn, 1483 head; mar-aoo- steady; npnrteis.o $5 20g(iii5 40 .ood to cho'i-- etiii', 49 &o 15; tommon to mi'dimi,4 50(i4 85; etockere and feeders, 43 30 a 4 30; couwinr. 2 50 (o 3 40; grass Tens tteers, $33 80 Hogs receipts, S428 head; shipments, 34', 6 bead; assorted and light, 10c higher; heavy and mix-d- . 5c higher; assorted and light $4 304 40; heavy and mixed, H 104 25. Sueep receipt?, 301 head , no . sniprrvtrft; steady; fair to good muttons, $2 50(a3; common to medium, f 1 50(5)2 25. Chicago, III., August 22. The Drover! Journal reports: Cattle receipts. 2200 head; shipments, 800 head; natives ruled ftiady; shipping steers, $4 25 6 00; stackers and feederp, $2 75f$4 00; cows, bu'ls and mixed, $2 754 00; through Texas cattle, 10c lower, $ 50 C4 00; Western rangers slow; natives and $4 004 75. Hogs receipts, 6500 head; shipments, 500 head; mar- ket strong and 610c higher; rough and mixed, $4 00 20; packing and ship- ping, $4 204C0; light weights, $4 30 4 90; Bkip?, j2 75!3 80. Sheep receipts, 400 head; BhipmentB, 1500 head; mark-- t weak ; natives: J360'.rK4; TeXans, $1 lambs per head, 75ca.$3. HEW TOIE IIRI eoOOS MARKET. New York, August 22. For the half day the demand at jobbing hands has been very good, while the surface move- ment of goods has been very large. Theie is no abatement in the bettered feeling that prevails, while the tone of the mar- ket ia very strong, the tendency of prices upward, and choice stocks of staple cot- tons atd desirab'e seasonable specialties runniui very low and many of them ex- hausted. Agents have advanced the price of Economy checks s per yard. - STEAM UjATS. FOn CAT ISIiAWD. Until further no'-ic- the fteamlir will extend her tripi to Cat Island, leaviDKaftm-ih'- u 5 o'clock p 111. B. R. TTTOMAS, Aircnt. FOR CAIRO AND ST. LOUIS. Bt. Iionlw nnl Nw Orleana 4nrkor E,ine B. a. Mail FOB, CAIRO AND ST. LOUIS. City of Bayou Sara W. W. BaVer.maatar. Will loire from the iterator M0S1AY, Am. at 0 p.m. ror treic&t or apinr to C. L. Hu,i.. Paa. Act. AD STORM. Snp't. 'OK VICKHBUEW. Bt. :lnln nl Kew ttrleana AarborUaa li. S. Hall FOR VICKSBIIRO. Arkansas City, lLTt- - Brolaki...master. fesaseSaa. Will laare lrom tba KlaTaaVar MONliAi. Ail. 21th, t 6 p.m. Fur freight or puasage apply to L. 111!.!., frua. ActJ 11 11' IK l. gnpl. KOK SEVv OKLBAS- .- Ht. antiil New tarher IJaje li. H. Moll FOKNfcW ORLEAiSS. flitv riit'at BT.rflaaSaa jeJDtBa Dan Able maater. rrr?Qfci5,r Will leave from the tkievator TUkbDA 1 . Aug 25. h, at 10 a.'ji. r.r weight or paaaawe apply to !ii'-,l'a'j- a.rt l I ' . np't rOK TifiOJN VtL-Lfc,- . For Oireolb, Hales Point Carutharsville, Uayoao and Iiptonviiie s he new paaaangar atamer W. P. Hall xaMtmr I J. D. Fuller ciark, will lev aftubove, anuttu way jroiuti, n. v itv MONDAY and TUUKS1AT at a p.m. tri Wtll'lt KlViiK. For Indian Bar. St. Charles, Clarendon, Derail! iilan, Uea Arc Ana;aata, Jaoaaonporl, baaro. ALliEllTA, AO 3, Albert B. Bmiih. maarer. Willleare Memphia every Mninralay at 5 o'olock p.m. IBrouun Kataa to au point. rTeignt to Aiberca No. 3, aiamiinia or lerrena, will be promptly torwarnea. K. . uniincunsis. Alt-- , Corner Ma l,aon and Front atreta. KOR ST. JTRANClh R1V.EK The ht Francis Kiver 1 monportaUon Co'i Tine U. 8. Mall 6torcer Ed. i oster. O. K. Joolin rnaater. WILL A.aVa,VK nK.tifHIa) aavME lEUIDAT. at 5 o'clock, for Marianna, the Cst-O- lf, and inter mediate landmera on bt. iranola river, i ce eai tain reaervea the rio-h- t to naaa all landicca 1 deems onaafe. JAB. LEE, Ja., nprintende&t. Otuce, o. 4 .lladiaon atroet. 9mpiiis &. White River Pkt Go STH. CHICSASAW,j& K. C. Postal masur I c. J. fcew. -- oler. row CIarTt4an, Dowsaia atlnar, Dea Are, An. sraata, Jekonipor t end Htuwrtsr. LEAVES MEMPIU3 KVKRY WEDNK9DA7 at 5 p.m. Ihrougu rate to all points. Freight ooaaigned to "Memphis and WMtt River Packet Co." will be forwarded promptly. H. i; ' ".'.on n LEB LINE 8TEAMES8. Heaiplilt,, Kr!ora rclni aim 3aeiiim. ana Osoeols Pnettct Company. For Helena. Olendale. Friars Point and all Way l,aniing8 cteamor COAHOJLA, - S. T, Clagot- t- master I Piatt Khodst cleri Willleave as above oa every MOSUAY.WEDK ii- - UAx and ifivlUA I . at ao oiocg p.m. ffor 11 in dolrh, Fulton Osceola andWayLartdtng, Ifcan Adams, J. B. Cooper, maater J. . rfmithera ciera Leaves as above .very MONDAY, WEDNES DAY and FRIDAY: at b p.m. ino eoau oi tills line ruerre the right to Ptis au landings IB. cap tain may deem unsafe. Out?., Ko. 4 Madison St. Memphis and Yicksbnrg Packet Com pan j U.a. aaii Line. For Helena, Concordia, Terrene and Arkansas City Th. n.w ana elegant passenger steamer KATE AAMS,Si5 M. K. Cheek master I W. C. Blanker olerk, tieaves juempnu EVERY M05DAT and THTTRSDAT,at5 p.m. Th. Wll.I.M HVS will enter th. Saturday. October 3d. and leave every Ba'urday thereafter For aeneral informatioa arplv at office. No. 286 Front atreet. E. WALWORTH, Agent. .H.IHN CIHK, rassengor Arent. Arkansas River Packet Comp'y - United States Mall Line. For Pine Blnfrand all Way Landings on Arkan sag Kiver loe bow and eleg'.! .esamar K. ! COBB, ieffi 4. Sowland.-maate- r. Leaves aa above g..i nr m.BMaar ait S Vt KM. For general information apply at office, Ke. 28 Front .tract. H. fT. LOW K. Agent. PRATT &1 CO saiLEY,snmi&.co lOO to 10 Poplar St. MEMPHIS, s : s : : TEXS. Manufacturers of ' Pratt EerolTlsg-Hes- d Cotton 61ns, Self Feeders and Condensers, ein Repairing. Etu, Ktr. Jt oafl th. attention of Cotton Ca Buyers the HeyolTiosi Hex V to the yalus of Mr filaa. stock cf utee oa Orders aonta Zarais liberal. ansa. x RIVElVNEWSi BTKAHKaaS LtaViMb MONDAY, TUESDAY AND Vf EDNH8DAY; Arkanaaa City Kafi Adams; Monday, S p.m. F tiara Point .Coaaoaa, Monday. S p.m. ?aeaola.. .Dll Aoiaa, Monday, S p.m. Gitoaa. Monday; S p.m. Vicktbnn ...AacairtaS CiTT, Motdajr, 6 p.m St. Louis . C't Bitoc Saaa, Monday, 6 p.m Naw Orleana Cm St. Lovis. Tneaday, 10 a.m. St.Francij Rirer.Ks Fosna, Tuesday, S p.m. Arkanaaa Eirar.R. L.Cuaa. Wednaaday, 5 p.m. WhiU River. :.CbicKasaw; Wadneaday, 6 p.m. jadwEWEHis AT IHI LETEE. Arrival. City of Natchez, Kew Or- leans. . Departure. City of Natchez, St. Louis; Alberta No. 3, White river. Boat in Port Hi Foater. Boat Due Down. Gayoso, Dean Adams, City 'of Providence and City of Baton Rouge. Boat Due Up. Kate Adams, Coahoma, City oi Cairo, R. L. Cobb and Chickasaw. rCTUBE MOVEMENTS. The C. Schnl'x goes oat Tuesday even- ing for St. Franci-- river. Thr Chickasaw, Capt B. C. Postal, is the Wednesday packet for White river. ' TMK Ed Foster, Capt. 0. fc. Joplin, is the packet Tuesday evening for Bt. Fran-d- a river. The K. L. Cobb, Cap t Ed Nowland, is the Wednesday packet for all points on Arkansas river. Tn City of St Louis, Capt Dan Able, is the Anchor line packet Tuesday morn- ing for New Orleans. The Dean Adams, Capt Henry Cooper, is the packet Monday evening at 5 o'clock for Osceola and the upper becds. Wo. Smither is in her office, Tbb Coahoma, Capt Thos. Claggett, is the packet Monday evening at 5 o'clock for Helena, Friars Point and all way land- ings. Pjitt Rhoades is her clerk. The Arkansas City, Capt. H.W. Brolaski, is the Anchor line pack-- Monday even- ing at 5 o'clock for Vicksburg and the bends. Chas. Queenel is her clerk. Thk City of Bayou Sara, Capt Wm, Ba- ker, ia the Anchor Line packet Monday evening at 5 o'clock for Cairo and St Louis. J. E. Massengale is her clerk. Tab Gayoso, Capt W. P. Hall, is the packet Monday evening at 5 o'clock for HaiUs Point, Tiptonville, and all way landings. CoL T. D. Fuller has charge of her office. Tbb Kate Adams, Capt Mark R. Cheek, ia the United States mail packet Monday evening at 5 o'clock for Helena, Arkansas City and all way landings. W. C. Blanker bas charge of her office, assisted by Lew Price and Will Shelby. SE9ERAI. BKW8). BrsiMKsa drUl; , No cotton received by river yesterday. The D. C. Fogel and barges departed for Burlington, Ia. The Ed Foeter was the only packet in poit last evening at dark. Tbb City of Natchez pass- - d np at 2 o'clocs a m. yesteiday for St. Lou's. Tbb Henry Lowrey and barges passed up yesterday morning for S:. Louis. Tils Alberta Nn; 3 cleare on time last eveoicft for White nver with a fair trip. THE river here la 12 feet 4 inches on tbe eanve, a fail of 8 inches in the last i;4 hflTOS. Tbb eternwheel sfeftflUST Led by U B. Scctt & Co.. of Portland. Ore , and plving on the Portland-Astori- a route, recently;; mace the run from Port, laud to St. Helena; a diane of twenty-- ; ii'Lt miles, in one hour and sixteen minutes. The Paducah Artu' of Friday says: "An ordinance passed by the City Conncil at s meeting last nignt prohibits steamers from blowing their whistles when nearer than within a half mile of the wharf boats. it becomes a law alter dnecm.ial publica- - on. tjommanders B&ould be on the look out." The St. Lou;8 of Friday says: Uommcdora Jr. r. Man ion left last night for Cincinnati to look after the hew proposed Cincinnati and Sew Orleans steamboat line. He has the public confi dence arid the ability, and also the money, to make the new enterprise as brilliant a success as the St. Louis Anchor Line. New Orlkass Picaiiune Alexandria special SO A: The steamer Peninah has just arrived. She reports six fet,i of water at the mouth now, and considering that the Mississippi is sixteen feet above low water, when it does get down to that point there will be quite a bank instead of an outlet. The (Government should certainly commence work at once, as such a large extent ot country is dependent upon the month being kept open for supplies, and at the same time it is an impediment to the trade of New Orleans. The Peninah had no more trouble as to low water, but the current at the ihouth of Black river was so swift as to force her to lay a line to stem it. The New Orleans Picavune'i Shreveport special of the 20lh says: Pursuant to ad- journment, the planters residing on t'e Uaduo side, interest! u in building levees from the bluff below Shreveport to Tone's bayou, met at the court-hous- e y. Uwners otyland repreeeot ng 12,000 acres reported that they would with tbe planters at the last meeting in build- - iEg ieveei. After reviewing the situation the meeting concluded to adjourn, to as- semble at the Red River Convection, to be held on the second Saturday in Sep- tember. If no general plan for relief ib then adopted, by which they will be en- abled to build their levees, they will accept Peter Tre Levant's proposition to build their Ieveea with convict labor. WEATHER A!b RITEKS. Omn Siowil Sitavica. u. 8. A., I Memphis, Tens., Auguat 22, 1886, 1 p.m. J Th following observations are takn at all atationa namdat75 meridian time, which ia Mm., imw mag jiginpuia lime: i.airo Chattanooga, Ciuoinnati .. D.venport.' Dubuque....j Fort eui:th., Helena .! Keokuk ! La i.rosse...., Le'veuw lb. . Little Rock. Louiaviile..M', afmakla .! Huhville .... ewvrle ns linaha- - Pituburg Khreveoort.. St. Louis t. Paul vickaburg .Abov. low water. tBalow high-wa- mark. 1ST. Chaana. EvANBVtLL. Ansnat 22. Noon Kiver 8 feet 2 inches, and stationary. Wheeling. W. Va.. u 22. Noo- n- River S and rising. Weather cloudy and warm. PitTsfltjRG. nt 23. Noon Kiver 2 feet 9 inches, and falling. Weather cloudy Cincinisati, AoROBt 22 Noon EiTerl2 feet 6 inches, ana tailing. eiouay. Thermometer bo New Orleans, Angus. 22. Noon Departed: ilayea ana barges, imis, rived: of St. Louis, Bt. Louis; G Crown, Cincinnati! 9 inches, rived J parted : Belle Me Kongo, J I i . : lOths Feet lOiha lOths Am feet, An and warm. Feet eatner City river ia riatna witn o teet o incnea in iue ci an A A r..i . inchn. on the fall, lluaineas lair. Weather warm. Locals on time. Night River rising with 0 teet v incnes in tne oanai ana , teet ti Inches on the falls. Business good. Weather cloudy and raining, while it is sultry and warm, fWEMEHTS OF OtEAS BTEAHERS. New York. Aoenst 22 Arrived : Steam er. VMm and Genera Warder, from Bremen: Uritannio, trom larerpooi ; .uarina, irom vtoiien- - bnrg. PROPOSALS FOR Shelby County Bonds BIDS will be received byth. nnder SKALKD Com misslosere nntil TDKSDAT, 8ep-i.- l.t. .est. at X n.m.. for an v part of Sixty Thousand Dollars (,0C0) Bhelby Courty pot eent. Bonds, laaneo in payment oi oatsianaing jadamentsana noaung aeoi nnaer mo oi io. Said bonds mature aa iollows : JL2.001 in 18W; i2 000 in Septan) be , ltttt; in loon. 112.010 in Bentamber. 1905: I H.- - 000 in Septemi er, 1910. Tbey are in denomina tions of 00 each, and the inter eat is payable in March and beptemb-tr- Hl.i. n ha addreaaerl to any nt the nnder- - f.nnd Prnnmiaaioners. indora- - d Bids for Sbeloy Couniy Bonds." The Board reserves the right to reject any bid. nnvoi.nui) EDWARD OOLDsMIXH, JOitUiN. Board Fending Commissioners Bhelby County, lennesse. Memphis, Tenn., Angnst 188. COTTON-SEE- D SHIPPERS SEPTEMBER looted Hera Front a o 1 1 C. S. ll Tl. ot of 3, T O 1, 1885. th. o&oe ef the I. will be at 230 tree, ova now ooewpiwi Cotton-S-- -l HOPE MfLL. Anrsst It BMIIH, - f!a. ia by the U, 18W. OIL P. M. S AN Is EYj FUNERAL DIRECTOR, u Street. Afeaapkis, Teas. FULL stack of Wooden and Metallic Cass A ad keu. Burial Rob... attenaeq'- - 2COTICS. mna r PRTVPK Mt FARN8W0RTH Was 1 d,. .olved on the 34th day of Ju'y, 1885, by the death of the senior partner," Mr. W. A. Prince. Tk. uinnivia, bartnar. will llOUl' ate tn. nroa ii;i u. of cott buying and brwa.rage at th. old rtaad. No 3U4 Front street. Meatphis,, BSSa the nisa name of C-- V r riBv.wnilTII araewori n a i eoariutioDU Ui. n.nri baaaa al i?f pis MHi F.ct rejonu T sEmvtlnv. trr tmAem- - tr obeeo. Ak you dm- - arial nr Cor a - kf re. I WOMEN Ketek rcW traBtk, or vkt amfcr ftw mlr to Utr fx tkmmkA try U U LJ BEST TONIC Thtettwdid Iran tnnioai, aod is inTsJombae far !. pawiihar to vw BBiviie aauu buj wbu mwi Btniraurj iitwr. bx rtrbr and rnriflr tbt Blood, Nllmalatea w JiuBTiiirf .liiTDiinvni van iTibum icrBj mhi rvo in fact, ttoroochlj JtiTlcorvtM. CWre tins oompcAxioa. aved mvk the akin BTmooth. It does not bUrkeo tbm tmvtix, mom hMdacha, or prodnos eoBMtiyniaa mil ()- - irw mtcdiamm d. Una. Puzabith Baikd, 74 TaxwrnU At., Milwu- - kee. Wis,. Mym, vnder date of Dm. ttth.l8M4: "1 hTs ntwd Btovrn'i Iron Bitton, and tl has beeo mot than a doctor to ro havinc tmrod me of tha weakness lad las bate hi life. Aim cured vis of Lit-e- r Complaint, and now my eanplexicm Is clear and food. Has been beneficial to my children." Genuine has above trade mark and cr named ied lines on wrapacav TsJie bo oenrr. Made only by BROWN THKMICAL CO..D A WLT I MQatE. MD IaDxn Hams Book efl and auraoUre, hat of pneoe for reripen, infrarmattm aboot coina. iriren away by all oamlere in medkane, ot mailed to any addreea on receipt of So. stamp. "mm i BETTER than "Coal-Oil- " or any other burn- ing IS oil. Can be naed in any lamp. For tale bj John Roaa, oorner of Clay and Hernando road. Charlea Kinald. 149 Poplar treat. Fred Morti, Shelby etreet. Wm. Ruaaart, terminoa of Vane treat, oorner of Linden. E. C. tireen, 673 Main tret. J. J. Daffy tt Co., 238 Main a treat. W. C. Oriawold.423 Main atreet. Otto Clausen, 13S Poplar street. John Cnmmina. 218 Pooler atreet. Misa Mary Richards, 4M Poplar atreet. Wm. Cunningham A Sons, 7 Beale street. J. 1. Wa ah A Bro.,50 Main atreet. Geo. Mahan. oorner Vance and Lauderdale tt. C. R Ryan k Co., S42 Main street. E. Wright A Co., 414 Main atreet. A. Kohlbry A Co., 166 Poplar atreet. F. Franklin A Bro., 3D9 V ance etreet. E. ii. Campbell A Co.. 466 Main atreet. 8. Behr, 131 Union street. Joseph Nixon, 75 Charleston avenue. H W. K. Butt, oorner of Broadway and Hernando treeta. A. Schmidt, 99 Seventh atreet. Fort Pickering. Charlea Denman, South (iate, Eluwood Ceme- tery. Read A Co., 143 Main atreet. R. M. Hilton A Co., 71 Fifth street, Chelaea. Graham A Penick, 46 and 46 third street, Chelaea. J. J. Duff A Co., 238 Main street. Mrs. C. Wagner, oorner Fifth and Mill streets. J. N. Sutherland, 46 North Court street. L. D. Bonfanti, 456 Main street. John McMahon, Sixth street, Chelaea. M H. Reilly, 57 Auotion atreet, and 2 eeond. John T. Dennegan, Grocer, 105 winoheater av. Bert White, Agut, eor.. Broadway and Ninth. Patrick McOanghran, 643 Shelby atreet. Mrs. Roaa Werner, oor recond and Chelsea sts. H. Roeoo, grocer, 264 and 266 Hernando atreet. Partiea whose namea are not in the above liat are not handling tint-Pro- Oil. and will be prosecuted for intriagement on our trade-mar- k br representing or selling other nils aa Fire- proof Oil. CHESS-CARL- X COM P AN Y. Proprietors. saaii DP AIR -- SaOaS-- rftt SLH 'Ids wouilarlul The reat I HE inviiEoraujr ana Snuiurii. torn part Health, Strenrth and Vigor to Mind and Body- - The Ideal JferTe Tonle and KnteUetul Hev- - erafrt, hi tflily endorsed by the elite ot the 4ltiicl n; for the cure and prevention of Mental ana Physical Exhaustion, Chronic and wasung Lnaeasea, Djspeuiia, Kidney and Liver Affections.. Heart Dis- ease. Headarha, Throat and Lung AffecUons, Tired Feelirsrs, etc. This marvelous Tonic acts like a charm. For Convalescents and Invalids this dHiphtful Inviwrorant is Ui? The Invivbratinc nd 8trengah-rcsUri- prop- erties of French Wine Coca are truly wciiOyrfuf and excel all other Tonics and Stimulants. One it l will charm and excite your enthusiasm. For sni? b Dn.fC- - 8cnd for Book on Coca, and Pemb 's Wioo Sltits. Fiioe, 1. OOpr bottle. I. S. rcMDcHlUN VU Bifl vnemint. mimnu.usv Trnstee'i T2T virtue of a trust deed made to moon tne i fflth dv of Marcn. lfeoi, ana reooruea in book 135. page 48, Register's office of Shelby county, 'lenn., to secure o nam inuooieuDo.a therein menrioaed, T w 11 sell for cash, at public outcry, at tbe aoutbweet corner ot Main at.d Madiaon streets, city of Memphis, atl. o'clock noon. Sale. lenn., Seitnritar. September 13, 1883. the property deanribed In said deed of trust, as follows, Situated, lying aud bsirg in the county of Shelby, and State of Tennessee, being the eiuth half ot block K, fronting on Ga'nea atrc , between Second and Third streets, in Fort And, alao, lot 3s in Park's subdi- - vlolnn aa th. nnrthv.,1 nnrner of Carr and Davie avenues, fronting 100 teet on Carr avenue and 248 teet on Davie avenue. For a more particular reference is made to said deed in nf runnril ivlnma.irl Eiiuity of radenption barred; title belived to be good, but I sell sno convey as trofte-nui- y. TJ. W. Mi ler, attornf y. trTs 'I'H V. BOWELS CHILDREN TEETH1NE REM EOi SOUTHERN ft hi for the bowel" It la one of the moat pUaarii w cfnoanioue remedica for al laummer complalur-- At a aeasou wnen vioien "rVJL",, M bea niv. so frequent, some speedy The wearied mother, lostuB sleep in uiirsjng th- - "ttleone toethinc. should use i" ' "giisa, eta. a bottle. Send 2c. stamp ;to W alter A. Atlanta, Ga., tor Kiaaie no. Tnvlnr'K (lirrokee Remedy of S' earn sinfl Nnllein will cure and O nniption. Price gic. and tl a Trustee's alf virtue of a deed of trut made to us aa BT o" the 13th day of Auguat, 18H', nj record in b"ok 155, page 550. to S'cure to Cloth A rLelimnn ce'raiu inaeoiwuiiep., .hi .w i" caah, to th. highest and best bidder, about 12 o olock noon, on Tuesday, September IS. USB, tn IW,.I IK. nn,,rl hnnM illMIF. DS Main Street u.mnhii T.nn . the fnliowinr described real estate. B'tuated in the eity of M mphi, Sbelby county, Tenn., and deaonbed as follows: Vegin nit, nn tee wear eia. 01 uauaev Bbreet. in vue Tazing-THstri- of said county, at a point two hun 1red and sixty (2o0f feet souih of le f treet. running thenc. south with Causey street flf j (.W ful , H . n u wa . , nnM nn.nnn ana .IBIIIMn , lap f .t- - the .m north fifty (Ml) fact to D. Blair's I south line thence east with Blair's line one - dred and eighteen Ulol eet io tne piece oi oegiu-nin- g, being a pait of lot No. 2, block 38, and being tbe same lot by A. n camonoi to R. Woods and Salen, June 10, 1870. nquity oi reuempuou, uumr "u ' are all waived. Title believed to be good, but we sell and convey on y aa irusteee. Memphis, lenn.. August ii, i'w , U 1 1 IT I t0I lll'lAsk7al liBJBJ MALTUUn ERTON'S WORLDS Nerve TONIC COCA IKLEBEP1 LABIAL Vi,Jn,l,V, jUVJ Lit? nr.iLHA.ii C. W. MKTCALF, nd Gin to 4 days. ly address $l.BO Mfmi Tax.. Jalv 24. 188S. lia r.t f nr .xitire between X T. A. Wright Martin Cohen, under the firm nam. of T. A. Kiuui x w., ia :ni u dissolved by muiuu eon.eni, irea v ur tiring) assuming all tbe liabilities laU . . '.,..),. M.;.n., t - Kninn.aa. at the old stand, nnder the firm ftyle of WKItiHT UKUS., wno aioco are auvniiaeu 1",' accounts duo th.laU firm. T A. WKIO HT. NEwTlRM. WRIGHT BROS. bontTht thm entire XTAVINO IntereBt or wartin Cohen in the old irm or a. A. n ngni vo.. XX nnHnrsianed. compneing tn. new um ui tuorniiT a3Ui.i . vitl Km 2 for and IA U A ... friends, at the old stand, 'nim sirrri, which w. shall make headquarters for all the A.ii-- . nfihaiMiAii. Parties indebted to th. old firm will please call and settle at onoo, as w wish to wind up its oia "sinosa l . A. W RICHARD WrllQHT. DR. D.S. JOHNSON'S PRIVATE Medical Dispensary No. 17 Jeftemn Sts i i if safja Fromt, af emi rSSTABIJSHKD IS 18S0.1 r, .ftnvvnv ,.ul...lMlnJ avail narTM D interaiteJ as by tar tha Koatsaooaaafal h- - ficiaa in of prlvat. or seerwauia. sum. Quae. Peraaaa.a nn. , "''j"1?-,- , "i.vTTtv ry. . involuntary loaaoj r"'" rr.Y. 'viSimT'oT e.lf-bui.- .and o.'v. rV. mffoHw from and loa. power, spaediiy and porma. aiJSyTniod. farticalir attenUon paid ioth. Ihaaaaes ot Woman, and ear guaranteed PI eg enrod wiinou tu. jt ".knlPafSai ooMtUtntions .ic-l- j edentijt MedieinM sent by siwen a Workirt-me- n enrol at half t. snal or o'olock S- -J. .MBar. from ni? ST . T. TNTOTIOE. withdraws from th. rm ol HATraarocnUy A Co., I am happy to aa-,- ., acquaintances and old th uih. that 1 have aawiated tv wall knows and solid nrm oi yr- - FUI Brother,-Co- .. Hardware. 6to-e- si and T.n-- li and Frost street. -r.. corner of Monroe J. H. LOWUXi x, HomeopataiJsta .HMviwaira. ovs-- K C-- S1S aMnlo !.. easpsiis, xeoav. OBes Hour- s- 11 a m.. 2 to 4 and 7 to $ p.m. Telephone DB.H.W.PU11NELL TSo. 279 Main Strewt, '. toretlleyd's). . . The Iootor may k's aoniultad at his M troaU-ias.s..- of tra Tt la tha aweataet flmvor- - ad, the pnreet and moat delleiool IHSBH8 4,1- - in the world. Pro moting digeetion, eoect- - lvely and permanently removing ocenriTO imell from tbe areata at. a teeth, it atimalatea a wanlht appetiu, and renders a spirit, other-via- a iieilita'ad, buoy- - 3 1 1 KO-K- O T LTL U Konegenuln. withoBtinvtura. m e)relrr le yoiar Camlrciesir,er ie BfaaiBiraetairor, RraaipBila, XLL. t OnOX IXSUBED. N. J. . Late of Wharfboat Co., Cairo, Iil. ihilaratlna, njormont, materials, alteration elaanline xerclaed packing mankind, arScaid Wkelaaale SACKS FfJRSlSlIED. RE'S COTTON-GI- N! Wos. Vnnce Street. SPEERS, PROPRIETOR. The LARGEST and ONLY COMPLETE QIS the city. The Best Saniole and Yield Guaranteed. stes. Doan & Co. 7holesale Grocers and Cotton Factors, Wo. 13 Union atreet, TfTemphlw, Tenn. PHILLIP, Halliday-Philllp- s MPEED, Lata John Speed Co., Memphia (BareesMrs JOHH K. BPKKD CO.) General Forwarding Commission Merchants, BT Proprietors Memphis Mills and1 filevator, Memphis; WBarfboat Warehonse, West Men Kiver and Aronu i.anin a rowaer company i ayior York, uenuine and varioua branda Standard Jute and -- Liberal ''aih Advnncca on cnsienmenta of Hram and TTTK HAVE TH'S DAY PURCHASED THE INTEREST OF M. V of p. a. to all ant la addition to periam-e- r breath, and gie ing a exquiait its of it, uiano ia ,klai i"1i' dnear mr a boon to W. ia. of K. and City and utiie. unio Michigan oall. lor nana Bagging. Aw Arrow-lie- made IN THE f ALOIIIJ, Vllvn .LiU CL V. , . . m. u will cvuuuu. u u. , u.fli m .u.o, name style, oolletting all ouUtanding and assuming all liabilities. ston e! w. ckoweLl. Memphis, August 12. 1S5. o 11. H. MAt KV. AV retiring above, I would respectfully ask from my friends a continuation to the firm of their liberal Datronare aa extended heretofore. Memphia, Auguat 12, 1865. ALSTOH, Dranlaf, Teaiai. Prodoc m. CBOWEU, Transit abaolut, larity uned faatara Jr in JWHN COOPER FIRM u.i.wivii T. COOPER. HACBT. ALSTON, GROWELL & CO. lad Commbusioii Merchant. Hay, Corn Oats, Braa, Chop Feed, J, Lime. Cement, riafltcr, Building ud Fire Br.cs, Etc. Cor. Front and Union, No. 1 ttoward's How. Mpfnyhis. J. O. OATES fc GO., GENERAL AGEJfTS FOR THfi Sli0.0 COTIOX-HF.Ka- a HUU o.l-mll- HFLLKR aod Ht W 1IOM rnblle l?si-r- a and Floatation ' Fd nd THK COMIlIJfATIOX SO a rJI Jf? (l.iarr, and ahet'elelir.ted IA sOilb tOKai I.. MACHINERY AG ENTd AND LUMBER COMMISSION MKRCHANTS. io 210 FltOXT WTBF.ET, r i t 8 iTll'lll!). ir.Ti. MEW COTTON GIN, Nos. 201 and 203 Madison Street, Memphis, Tenn. LITEST IlffPBOVJBIs HILLEK OINS. and Sample finsirawtel BISTTornoot ile in and at win, "Fatrnt I "loaaer" and unload wagon oottoa. W. W. ar and ua senaa and it A T. (us and as M. H. II. B, for TA for uan. TO ST .r Kit " Ood weights, and remittancea fromiHly made. Sacks furnished on application. iiive os a trial. K. 11. IvKrSKl.KV A- - A. VAOOARO & OO. WHOLESAL E LIQUOR STrtKBT r ot It r m vuv '4. DEALERS ANDREW BTEWAKT, titv Urieani. I ANDREW D. QWTNNE, Memphis stew, mm & co., WrholesaleGrocers,GottonFactois SO. S56 AND S5S FBOIiT BT1512ET, BEXPHIS, TEISIS ASTO STEWART BROTHERS & COMPANY COTTON FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, TSTRXw OUTFAITH. R. L. COCHRAN & CO, UW AID riNI2l3-KIIX- , 000RS, SASH, BLINDS, F30LDING.LUr.1BER Lath and Shingles, Flooring, Ceiling and Cedar Posts. MPHI. - - TENNESSEE J. T. LaPR ABE fe Co aSAStirACTTJBKKFI Saddles, Harness and Collars Nos. 301 and 303 Main Street, Memphis, Tenn. Wills st foil stoelt of FBESH. SEW OOOOS, ws are prepars to flll oraers ror cvcryttalDC 1st oar Hoe ot prices that will compare favorably wills any market 1st tbe roanlry. w e Beep roniwnnj rFUI.1. IsIltfE OF CITY PRAY IffAItyKSS.. HCHOKK, President; KAWT'TAJU. SAUsSE 'i I II A LEB, OF THK ia uae C. KOEHLKR, Sec and 1re. Tennessee Brewing Co. XAsTfJFaCTUBERfl Celebrated Pilsener Beer in Kegs ii Bottles OSLY PCBE CRYSTAL WELL YTATEB USED FOB BBEWIKG PCBPOSES. S. W. Corner Butler nnil Tennesiee SlreelH, rETO' D.T.POBTEB, MEMPHIS, Tlooolvorf Aftsr Tnne "Xm. n U. W. to m CO 200 t . rj -- TUB- HACBAK. Smecetaors P0BTEP-- , 'iirtlOB CJottoid Factors FHOOT STREET. MEMPHT8- - LivermoreFoundry& Machine Co 160 to 174 Adam Street, Memphia, Tenn ACCEPTED THE AGENCY FOB THE CELEBRATED pg-AY- Atlas Tim cyjJOL&9 ..ufactaratlnais... COTTON PBESSES, K011SE POWEllS, GIN GEABING AND EVEhx VAbUKTX ur - Plantation Work, IwUdlnr OrerhaoUn; and Bepafrlng EajlaM and Machinery OHPFR3 POtirTTFT). 'nfc-FBTTI- T7HOT.r-SAT.T- B GROCERS, COTTON FACTORS And Commission Herchants, COO and 03 3?ront Street, 3Iemplil, Tew. EnUCATIOIIAL. HlSej BIGBCRW Hans and Daj heol for Olrla, Topp Plare, Bea'e street, Memphis, Tens. CLASSED RESUMED OCT. 6. lttfri. Building Pleeaur. grounds eitenaiv. and beautiful. Special att.ntion paid to health and enmiori of pupils. i mnaalicaierciaea daily. Cour-- a of atud; eminent' praetieal. Pupil aided to hecome self support ng. Teachere ail trained apecialia'a ot high a tending. Schol of Modern LMngu.ree ander aatlv tewbera. Cnnveraatlonal methmfe. of Muair in charge of gradaatea of th. Cincinnati and N.w England Co .e f Muaio. Art Sohoet under a trained teacher fr"tn the School of Deein. Cincinnati Univeralty. Wood Carving taaaht. Elocution br a diatinaniahed graduata ol thai National Seh- ol of Elocntion. Enrollment laat 245. Owing to extgenciea of day eehnol, but few board ng pupila can be accommodated. Pleeea muat he secured early. Address Principal at Mooreatown, N. J., nntil September 1st. ST. AGNES ACADEMY, Board Int? and Day School. Tha Thirty Sixth Year BTlM First Manday eT RepteMer. PABKVTS and rnwdtBi whobara dauvbUr toed neat are rnpe?tfully invtiad to eona1'er tb merits of thii Institute Pupil of all relijrioasdeoomiiiatioii" 'eejivad. Tb course of Mudy t thonmrh and xtaniirti, Whila the tolid itudtes are rejraried f the pmI important, mo eh cttention ii given to tbeev vraceful sacwtmidtshmentt wbich oontribate) ts refine ana elevate To promote emulation, premlnmt.ffotd medali, eto., are awarded at tbe annual eommenenent. The rronndv, comprisins: ten acres. ahadVd bs rrand forest trees are beautifully la.d out, mak toe out-do- or exerclre delirhtful. Pupils maw here enjoy tbe refinements' of a eity location and at the same time all tbe quiet of a rural retreat. Few families exercise the same iftilanoe orer tbe health of their children aa ia riren here. Th library is well supplied with standard works, aad every inducement ia offered to itUivmta a taatw for cnoice readinc. Addre-- s MoTUER SUPERIOR. Pt. Agnen Academy, Memphis. Ten. m Clara Conway Institute, S59 FopIr Street, KMPBfl, i t I TKHBKaaetM Mnth Tear 0ps Oct. 6, 1885. MISS CLiKi CONWAr, I rrIcIpL, A SCHOOL for hone-- t and thorough elt, fas' eultuieand for theaUala-meot- aif womanly fore, and character. A daily gymnastic drill for gaining a fro.. Imt atep. a gracelui carriage, and a strong, wall-d- e veloiiad lorm. Special advantagea for the study of Muaie, Laa-ruag- Drawing, Paintirg and The only echool in Mempbia in which th. baaau-f- ul Delaarte system of Elocution is taught. New and bandaome buildings, lighted, heated and ventilated in accordance with laU ecientino investigation. Large Home department, itiiil anmlrat. Circulars containing a rut of the new building ,y be had at tbe too a storee. issued early in tvitcraher. be dress Miss CLARA N.Y.I or Memphis. Catalogues will then, ad Vnti Mrs iiisbai Saratoga bpringe. . P. MORTuN, Adams street. EDUCATE TOCR PACOinTR AT w SG'EHGE HILL,?J 153 CU ' !choo1 for ;lr1a In the eiontb. V T. 1 VY.N TEK, It. IX. VOCAL CDLTDRE. BJVPROr. StOllHlE H. BOWN'.MraiCaVlr Director of the Mosart Society, and Prin-- . eipal of th. Conservatory of Music, will, on his return from New York, July lMh, open a apeclal eoura.of aig weeka inatruotion for those who In tend to teach. Office hnuve from 9 to 1. and trom 2 to 5, daily. Addreea MORSE S. DOWNS Cnnaova'nry of Muaie, Monroe and P. pond 6u Memphia. Tenn. . Lauderdale InstUute- - A Classical School for Both Sexes. A or,. Library, a large ADVANTA0F8: an .vteneiv. Ma- s' um of hcicntio Spcia.en and tnnoaitiea, healthful nd a ce.;ible Ivcation at RIPLKY. TEN'N., SOmilcs no-t- h of Memphis, on the 0. O. and S. W. R H. The next aeasion will oaan Ao,.ll,lM, . H, tl.' nmuw. DtSlII.EH FEBALE INSTITUTE A Hoardinc aad sayr Bcbeiol. Tiiur'TTMnf a. ar.a. Annual Seaaion of this school will THKTwelfih Sei tember 2, 1. Th. .veral dcpaitnienta ! aiamemauca, uiiiiwi the Naturit Soencea. Music, Art in all iu branchea, elocution, Penmanahlp, Caliathenioe. etc. will be in charae of enierienced and accom- pli bed teachere. Tub principal ia date mined that ttaia institution ah all be aecond to none In euu'pme-i- t and educational faeilmea. Terms' h suit the tiinoa. For oataioguo conUinmg fait particular.. A, M Pr.rid..t. K.ire tJrammnr Srhonl, Mfmphls ifnn. RUl.l'K B. A., Principal. Instruction, RM. Latin, Ureek, Mathematics, Natural Sciences and L- -i aian- - Rii.ra, B. A. (Yale), Prot-aa- or of Ureek and instructor ii Latin, Muthematice and hngli-h- . T. 11. Koov. II. A. (Harvar ). ina ructor in (ierman, French. Rh.torin, Koali-- h CoiopwitioB and hloeittion. Fall term oina Stpt W. lwn, at howler Urove. on Marabsllavcnue. Beaiitiful grounda ; academy built fur the purpose. Diaciidine eiacted, Boya lrom oight to claic grade admitted, upon dvic. of Co inittee 1". K. s. Hammond, Dr. D. U. Saunder. and Luk. mRoLFK. Principal. . 5SytMira2Ji rTHIS Inatitutuin auorda ample means iot a A. thorough Claaalral. HrlenUMe anil aminerelal g.liai-ltaiaa- . Studies will be resumed Tueaday, Sept. 1, MAS. Kor Hoard ami Tuition, 11KO, .tt,'V to M At HKHAN, President. UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI, AT OXFOIIl. on the Illlt iris Central Kauroaa, tw L0CATEI of Memnhia. Thelooation la healthy, and famed tur Its churches an" schools. Liauor is not allowed to be auld within live miles of tie place. Both tej.a admitted. Jhedepert- - menU ol rt, Literature, p.mciito - oien. twelve aipfnguineu mni.r', ri' endowment, lult'on Ires to all out law aiuu.n Apply to the t hano.llor. t.n. A. r. oi.wari, cataloguea and inloruiat'on. II. ..I o i,"''.".', gecrelarv Board Trnatooa fog PANTFS ACADEttY NEAU rilARl.OTTESVILLK, V. for Ilosa Maul Vuu e. Send for cata- logue. JtHIN R. S'MPr-US- , a.M .Principal. H v JE no a h Vt'uooH, Ph. l . Associate l'.inci pal. lloitliliiNilllc lllitU Kt'Iiool. limited achnol for boys and young ASELKPT, cour.e of atndy embreeee the uaual English Branchea, togetner with Latin, Ureek, Herman, lliiher athetnetica and nook keeping. The instruction ia thoro'igh and tbe diaoipline strict. The lhirte-nt- acholsat e year will begin Honda), ana. si. !. Terma per aeaainn ot 40 weeka: Tuition, foil; Tuition and board, ud ng washing, fuel, luhta and furniahed room. For forth. r information, address J. o. r'EKKKLL, llopkinavllle. Ky. . The State Female College. OPEN PEPTEMBER 14x, with a full W1XL of eilierlenceil teachers. Yot in'or-mati- on aud circulars call on or address the Prin- cipals, liertha K. Gordon and Laura O. White. S'ate Female College, Memphis. Tenn. EJg&vHMfA FoaTdinff Day School atDTroassiI'SUleaaMl LKIIeOlrla, Mrs. M. P. LEKEBVRE, Principal. No. M Frank- lin atreet. Baltimore. Md. The a4lhehopl will healn on TIIPKKIM I, rir.rr. 17. NOTRE DAME OF MARYLAND. Collegiate InatituteforTeintieT and School for I.IHIe tilrla, llovanatowa, mi lea from Baltimore, mo. (nduoed by the ril.ters of Notr. Dam., rend for catalog.. IShoiiHiitloali Ynllry Ardeuy Wloelsealer, Virginia, for Unlveraitv, Army, Navy ef PREPARES For catalogue, eddrese C. L. V. WINDM. M.A. ( Va.) LL P. piTtpiu'o iMstriTrrr. Klmoott Ortr Mo. The 62d Annual rwaslon will b. rwunwel Bimaaii, 1NH5, with a full and etflcient oorpe ot Professors and Teachers In .very department. Miaa A. MaTCHarr, Prine' Mlas Roberta 11. Archer, Circulars at 3.W asaeH-so- n avenue, I'altiinor.. Md., until Inly 1st. - MEMPHISNinr TJTE Wbarlon a). Jean, Principal, exp'ri.nced aaalatanti la all WITH will bfgin ita hfih yar on bepUsa bo- 14, ln, at No. 174 Bernando atreet, tor mar ly ttrac Church, iroya j .reparea , ior ness or Ui ll.ce. uicipi n. eiricv, in ... Uon ana mootra ;n meuiuu.. -- Languagea a epeoial leatur. F;.r tariic'l.ra aa torma.aodr-a- a WHaKTON b. J'J-V-- l.m iiernanoo airei.1, i..m'n., " Mrs. BoTtlob' School for Itojs and Girls, Elliott Place, So. 135 Adsmssirrel, .netstpaie, a .. advantage Is offered for a thoroaga 1rVFRY CourM. atuntina will be given to the Primary naaaea wn iU.uujw... ewurins ti pupils tht rough training In - gts whi-- h are tn. lounu.tion oi au...- - study, t omfortaile s udv-h"- wiin picewu. Pl.y ground-- . The cl.aaea In Modern Lengt'.gea will be in rharse of a native realdrnt facber. urawing and Muaie in tneir variou. ;.p-w- ill rccrive care ul atuntion. lleferenceu. M Fogg, John Overton. Dr. J. B. Inda.ey, W. N. Wilker.on.S. Y. Caldwell, Le.n Irouadalo. ST. MARK'S SCHOOL, 352 and 35 Poiilar SI., Memphis. boarding and dav school for young AFELECT little girls under the ebarse ol te fiaiera of tt Mary of the Episcopal Church. Ihorougnly luel'ded Ustruclors in .very eP"- - ant. ir-- ihirieenih year begin. September .. im.t For :rcular-Tan- funln.o.on- - HANOVER ACADEMY, V'KUISIA. Tnyloravllle P. . HILARY P. JONES, M. A.. rT'Oclpsl. COL .o bios eei. and .nils Joaio mll. Catal sn.a sent on ai plie- - tion merrni (Pa.) ACAOtST flu for Buanea J- - or College. Specai drill lor back war J boys. Si gleordool.)-r.,.i- m A'l tudenta board l k principal HWITHIN C. 8HOKIUDQB tUar-V- a d A. . and AMI t..s1 giasfas IS ssmaa. E0YAL HAVANA L0TTESY a ooTsinauiT inrrrrrmosi,) DRAWN AT HAVANA. CUBA, Every IO to 14 Uaym. TICKETS IH FIFTHS. Wholes. 3 rracUoaa, pro ' 9oclo A Co. is os the tleSjt. ESismta !o" n..nip.l..ti.n J'""' the partios in interest, it le uuns i. eaiatenoe. ttfoV.nfm.M. and IToliwS?.: flvv Ueneral, 1. A CO., "''". Ten.. fMtv. or Ke 1BE NOTION. . Virginia and Oeorria I Comi any . .7. . r'." . " . .. the otRo- - ol sis'tiana. rnelr a JI vo. ork. the i rinaiael hat date of the East Tenaoeaea "S :.i SjM "P" bonds, oss bonis will Bterttarr.

Transcript of Memphis daily appeal. (Memphis, Tennessee) 1885 …...Hygoia Hotel, Sltnatfd 100 Yards freni tort...

Page 1: Memphis daily appeal. (Memphis, Tennessee) 1885 …...Hygoia Hotel, Sltnatfd 100 Yards freni tort Monroe. OPKN all the year. Aeommodateslono guests, to any htl in tha United


aUaslsalppi Valley Heme 1, n. O. T.Urn .fleet Sunday, May M, 1885).

Bo. 1, Goim South Leaving Memphia 8:30arriving at Arkansas City 6 a.m: Vicks-ergSe.-

arriving at N.w Orleans 7:05 p.m.This train leaving Memphis at 8:30 o'clock p.m.will wive at Greenville at W :15 a.m.

No. 2, (joint North Leaving Now Orleaai; arriving at Vickaburg 7:15 p.m.: Memphis7:10 a.m Train leavi. g Arkansas City at 8;0p,m. eonnecte witfi this train.

No. 3, tioing Soulh- -. Leaving Memphis at 2:00p.m. ; arriving at VicJuburc 11:55 p.m.; Now Or-

am 9:15 a--

No. 4, Going North Le.ring N.w Orleans o rOO

P.m.; Vt.cksourg at 3:15a.m.; arriving at Mem-phis 1 p.m. No. 1 sleeper to Vickaburg only;No. S, through alooper to New Orleans.

A. J. KJn Pt, li. P. A.. Memphis, Tenn.JAS. M. ROWAH.VS. V. P. A 6. H: Memphis.H. BUHK.K. Gen'l Sap't.

MimIspiIppi and Tennewaee. &ail trainIwm at 4:45 p.m. t arrives at k.'u. Freighttrain leaves d.ily exoepl eundarVat 8:35 p.m.xarrives daily except bundeyiat 8 :30 a.m.

Chisnge&e, eaio assia sv.simn-trai- - oliows: No. 8 (fast line daily)

leave, at 8:15 a.m. No. 2 leave, at 11:40 p.m.tally. Kipley accommodation leaves at 4 p.m.daily (except Sunday). No. 7 (fast line iily arrivee at 1: JO p.m. Mail add express arrives dailyelAsaG a.m. Kipley aooom 'aodation arrives dailytexeept Sunday) at 8 :58 a.m.

Hemp tie (no Uctle KMt Trains icotJ loi!o (Antral atsndud tii.c) : No. 1 leavestally at$io p.m.: arrives at 10 :5 p.m.: No. 3reaves .'.:5ua.;a. ; ixrivej at 8.50 a.m.; No. 6

li'reib' itavoi ds.tl7, except Sunday,eto'Vaia.m.: arrive t:f?)

afeaapsal ua ajfjnerieotom Trains morsas fullovn: Throart express Ieavea daily at10:35 p.m. HaH end express leaves dally at 9:12s.ea Soinorvill. accommodation leave, daily,

except SnnZr. at 515 p.m. Through expressrrives ' y at 10:40 a.m. Mail and express

errtvee ally at 6:00 p.m. riomorviUetti arrives xoeot Sunday 4.t8-t--

. lansfui City. Sprtmfllell ni(l Meaaplii,Tr !otveM. udl.deotM folio wi: No. 4,anail and -- xprwa ..-- daily at 11:00 a.m.; No.S, mail and express airirtM at .10 m. ; No. 6 ,Bt Louit xirK ieTOfl dail y at 2:30 p.m.; No96, St. Louis express arriTes at 12:40 p.m.

LsUavf And ttfostxvllle 'rraiQ mora astollo.; Fantmail arrives daily at 4:36 a.m. tiaveat 0 ) $ m.: mat) loaves daily at 9 00a.m. 1awhstii1 ooomnivdatioa laaTs daily,exrert Sindar, at 5:00 p.m.; mail arrives dailyst 6ff0 p.m. BrownJriUf accommodation arrives

except Sunday, at fe:4u a.m. UUndard

Htempkla, ftMms. and Brontwlfk-Hol- lySpring Riinti Train move aa follows: No. 1

iearea Memphis da.ilv t 4:2 p.m., arrives atSpring at : p.m.; No. 2 leaves Holly

8firinjs daily at 8 &.m., arrives at Memphis att:lUa.m.; No. 3 leaves Memphis daily (except

tSnnday) at 6:30 p.m., arrives at lloliy Bprings atOz'M p.m. ; No. 4 leaves Holly t3prins:s daily

at 5 a.m.. arrives at Memphis dailytexoeit Sunday) at & a.m.

initio! ntrnl (via Wollr Aprlnsr.).Ooino Noth Illinois k entral train No. 4 arrivesat Holly upriTiyTH, 7:n0 o'clock a m. Memphis,.tSelma and Itrunwick train leaves Holly Springs8 a.m., arriving nt Memphis at 10:10 a.m.

Goiro Sui'Tn Memphis, Selma and Brunswicktrain leaves Memphis :20 o'clock p.m ,arrivins:at Holly Si r n at 6:') p.m. illinois Centraltrain No. 3 learvea Holly Springs, 6:42 p.m.


"144- - .DI0!l AVENCKJJffcW Tr,:.iUnuraallv exoellent board: l&tiaerateprioos. Many Southern refereeoei.

Summer TriBeeLinorpo thoe snmm.r iannts t thanniiafk iw'nce Kivr, Niagara Pallt, Saratona,0.,ontaias and all mounrain and seafidemm',r r,,oru in New York and New England,

dee Line, Lae Shore tnil New Vo'k Centraluers the mt complete tbronh Heepins lrlorand El'itel Car service, tbe tfTeft'ert numtx-- oi

throunh trails a dnv and the schelalesoverlw eaty cnrvfft and perfect trackIt is pes'tivcry the only line running sleeping-s?- llrnsi Oirrmaai to Boston and in timean'i into tbe city of New York w thoutrapftr r rerri-we- . Tii lets will be mdegood

via Ninrtir. Falls nd 'or boat trip? on the tcenicHud. an no extr:ichArRe on Limited ttxpress.ii- - .stet tr&in in America,

'or urther information, sler ping-ca- rtc., address J. t.; KEriVKS,

Uen a' x.mttiara Agar, "w wMt Pnurth street,Cincinnati.


THIS dolichlful Seaside Reort f. r Toorim1'irn: class Acoommodations. Hotel itAtaated directly on the hach of the Gu'tand nffords fine UwAllnig. FlMblnsr.inaiiK nni Wrivtssa. The accessiWlity,

giureairand freedom from malaria, Bilox'ne of the ojl desirable SDi.t on Vue Oulf shoreavsrllntel First elas hau Vessonable.Aiplieutin for ro:,, fcuy maU or tslecraph,srul receive prompt tt.'ntior..Pi. MONTROSS. Prpr.ri,fr.

Bonita Springs I

ROCK, AV.K , on Kansas City Kord, and 96""' tr" Memphis. Ev.rythins pew and eora--

Vh. splendid w.itar and goodKoand-tri- p tn SjrnrA, (Mi.

M. . WlwiS. Proprietor,Formerly et Mntvale and 1 ate Springs.

Old Pc.nt Comfort, Ya.Hygoia Hotel,

Sltnatfd 100 Yards freni tort Monroe.OPKN all the year. Aeommodateslono guests,

to any htl in tha United picturesque and historic Atable and service unexcelled, fcatb-In- g,

boaunx, fishing and drivins specially at-tractive. Terras less for equal accommodationsthan an resort in tbe country. Fn.' ocem a.r,tfr froiii malaria and conducive to refreshingHeap. LSend for descriptive t.

II. MHtltrrlt'-l- . PronroT.

rr,,trt Ptare. now at

tL tTtjlmrtv tvjtaeaiH ud qualiflod phTiklma and tilt'aoait luocttWful, his pmctivo will proro.

Cnrw U forma of PRIVATE,ASS.bperm&torr1lea and Ixnpoienoy,the rvt at (!tl)rat la 7 "). exaal 1b trixv

n. ar 'r a nd prtwiciDf momf of U10

'eroniiiV,i, lv rtainal K ml 4.1.10. ('a-h- t erritlTii). Dmvu of V'tf Uir Minirr. Pty.fa. rirni'W on ri, n Sodt-t- t f Feraai'nr"- - a of Iilfu, tf Bcui P"rr. ivDttrHat

linpcor or t;oh.t r.f IborrjugjLlT att4 pmitv-y.u-

W. J5YPHILIS cijw uutt"iri,ej Tr; Gonorrhea.GLET Sinctore, Urciuu., flctaU. tor U.uyuu;l J a 11. l .U.- private di 4fuK'kIy rardli la that (tefrnD hr tysspfr1tlitto4to k wrLxan ol dta4w. gui I treatia tfatvnMDri.

aryartm f Ttt UiO. kuuin ihis factrvronititT" ' prrsoaa ra my earv. H ttett U itvoniwtiitil t

ih cttT fc- - fryaunmi. taedi tnsfj cm ttaacn.ud aafoi toy - r xprM. aywtir.

Oxxtm Oaaranteed ia all CosesCttmt-C-t- ii rrwt.MlrT AT hw VttW frw mA ttTTttad

rbarr Ias02t0i gaiaii OommpotkiKOau AtncUj

PRIVATE COUNSELOROf S0Crc, wfol to My Vn.miiii, Mld, fbr thir13n cnt. hol.1 1m KM e. aiL Mdmi mborOrrw boura fntn a. M. too P. M. Bufijlaf , S to .



Finest ninniotulsWotches, Jew-elry and Spectacles. All goodsiraaranteed as Represented.

205 Main St, Opp. Court Square,

l " i. 5 .'. ,.s'.t'W9-Ci-

laoVrr I






iTYLERDESKBockrases.T&blia,Chairs. Letter IVesses,

Fine CaVmeta, 4e..JZL-'- - CO.5 ... FonrIht..8T. Loctoend for pp. Catalogo

fcTiTK OrTsSNXKSXX, pHgLBT CoCSTY,Orrirt covstt Uoi'gr clxrk,

Mkhphis. Tkji!.., July 1VToo. M. Adminiiitrator sntat. or

Falliam, deceased:HAVlNii suiraosted the insolvency of tbe

Klijnh Palltsm, deceased, you arehereby ordered t giro notice, by advertisement insome newspsiier rnhliehed within th. saidand tso at tbe courtboo?e doorof Shclhyeounty,for ail person having sgnint said appear and file the same, authenticated in themanner prescribed by law. en or befor. the 15lbUay of October. ls, and any claim not filed enor before said iry, or before an appropriation ofthe funds of ?.-.- eate is made, shall b. foreverbarred, bote, tn law and equity.

Willie., my hand, at this 14th day siJuly. if,. II. B. CI L LEW, Clerk.

Bl f. L. McDonald, 1 eputy Clerk.

"Kotiea it hereby fivenorder.







required fcy the oyO. M. ALSl'P.

tVAMTm AOEST. Men and Women, to

Introduction by Bey. J II Vincent, D.l. Oneevent ha aold MS in a ton of 674 P'ople: one7.tin a rillaire of 7VH: one new aire lit 85 in 10 day:one 23 in iaceea,.iye week: one 4l n A daya attwo dtOerent limes. Kxnerience not neceaaaryAddreaa C SSr;L.l, X i'0. (Vt'd).

40 Dearhorn rt. frt.l.o.A CAItl.

Staves and TimDer for Export.MORION LlIXBttt AND STATE CO.

Manufacturers, Dealer and Exporter of

Lumber, Timber nntl btave.

ITCHpee if V








iew eaLuas,aD

Vurt Street, MfMPHlSFXTf.VMM Mm .E a h e aa

K BrKaW ITR, Ik. V. UT a

rv ko Bkmn Trkatmint, ft carantrfor .irtria. lnitne-- f

rr m eurJKii.a HenvJarh. Narrouion, fiusil by th m of alcohol or to--

T of th Brain, rmultinc in imutnitv and l&d- -10 misery, uecay aDd dent ft: i'reruatar Old1. birrraneM. kMm of Powr in ithr mv :

l&volantary Lowes nnd 8 itermat rrhea, caa.dby or-xr- ti o of thf brat a. or tTer- -i&dutcnc. tvoh b. contains on monthtraattucnt. fl box. o lix boxaa for IS. mui b

ail prepaid, oa ra.,etrt4f prira. Wi cuarantaa

"4 r u tor tix bnxvii. acihuid w.t s.ilt MBtl tha DarehatvMir tar written avaraataa

torpfana th bobii if lha trttaktanast rirrtl notue?- - a nra. 4aaraBt9 ifsuj only by aKKFRT k CO.. lrnririt, MempKi.


Magnolia Balmis a secret aid to beaotr.Many a lady owes herfresh- -ness to it, who would rather

I not tell, and you cant telL

FINANCE AND TRADENothinew repotted by the bankers.

except the growing prenure for loans,which they ata promptly meeting.

The cotton market closed qaiet, withmiddling quoted at 9, and sales of 50bales to spinners. Receipts were 10 bales ;

shipments, 1475 bales. Stock, 2151 bales.York spots closed dull, middling

qn'.ed at 10 616c; fatnres closed easy.August quoted at 10.1810.20c, and othermonths 2 to 6 points lower. New Orleansspots closed qaiet, quoted at 9 916c; fat-

nres closed quiet, August quoted at 9.30(3)

9.37c. and other months 3 to S pointslower. Liverpool closed firm, with lightdemand; spot quoted at 5 6 l;fatnres closed firm; August, 5 28 641,sellers, at Livernool, August 21st,648,000 bales, against 777,000 bales samedate last yea'. Receipts at all UnitedStates ports yesterday 637 bales.

All departments of general trade arequiet, and previous quotations ruling.Receipts and shipment


Four brls apples, 169 rolls bagging, 83tea bacon and hams, 200 fcks bran, 14 pkgseggs, 230 brls flour, 1 car hay, 9 hd horsesand males. 187 pkgs lard, 22,500 ft lum-ber, 54 brio molasses 1 car balk pork and5 brls sugar.

ax POETS.Thirty-si-x brls apples, 2698 rolls bagging,

44 tea bacon and hams, 74 Bks bran, 181pkga boots and shoes, 2896 bu com, 4 pkgscheese, 184 ska coffee, 6 hd cattle, 119 pkgdry goods, 642 brls flour, 82 bales hay, 6hd horses and mules, 2416 bdla iron ties,174 pkgs lard, 10,000 ft lurrber, 20 pkgsliquors, 621 brls meal, 19 brls molasses, 192kg nails, 2148 bu oats. S2 brls potatoes, 2cars bulk pork, 14 brls packed pork, 152brls sugar and 196 pkgs tobacco.


riXATCE.The discount rats for money at the banks

is 8 per cent. The Clearing-Hoos- e report isas follows:

Clearances yesterday, $113,686 86; totalthis week, $571,879 22 ; tital laet week,$ 42,590 10; same week laet ytsar, J441,-83- 7

i3 ; same week in J.8S3, 644,058 25.Balances yesterday, $08,524 56; total

this wek, $235,496 35 ; same time last week,$161,557 27; same Week last year, 129,-53- 7

2i; same week in 1883, $154,460 69k

EXCHANGE.New Tort,..,.,.., ,,in iir94 premNew Kniand demands... . parf .

" England sigM.iv.u ..H disiXew Cnea.riiu ....HH........'4 disl par

ii v 1 cTrmrcj. U .'1 wavauj.rank of CommerceUrs-- t National..- -Uorman Bank- -State Nat ional. .............,.... . .Union A Planters..-.....- .. .,Mercantile-.......'---- ..

iXSfcltANCE STOCKS,It-r- n e -111 u II City .......f ri! 68 ...Planters.....Phoini..Memphis City..V anderbiit...liernando

r'inxton. ...... .Factors..


RAIfiWA7 STOCKS.Memphis and CnarlostonM iai-i- pri ald Tennessee..Li eieville and Nashville .... ..Mobile and Ohio .

vemphis CityRAILWAY BONDd.

Memphis and Charleston consols. ...

UiV( 1


142 .

,. 55.9





Meuiohis and Little Rock lat mnrt Ri, InftM ssissipp' and Tennessee consols A......H nMississippi and Tennessee consots B.... 85 G

MISCELLANEOUS.Taxing-Distri- compromise bonds. TH-I- 76Memphis storage Compress Co ...... 92 to 95Memphis Gas Company stock 81) (3 83mempnis was nonds. .. . luaMemph s Water Co. bonds, accrued int .Memphis Water Company sto,.,.......- -. 9)V.rnphisCity bonds, iid.... SMemphis City Compromise benr,sU npei 1;,.vv.v.. . 80Mp:,,ni City connem from old hnnita 4ftut.mphis Ci- ,p. from eomp. bonds 80.T.einpTir- - v..y leager oaiancesMemphis City judg. on coup ot bonds..nemunis uitv Davin. InRhU, nw. 3.




Phelbyoounty (M. A 0. R.R.) longos.VOiS'"!"Shelby county warrants ..,.-..'.-....-

. vononeer motion jams (9

lv Telegraph.New Vorc, August 22. Money on call

eiiy f t 1 i per cent. Prime mercantile pa-per, 45. Foreign exnhanire dull at 484ifor 00 days, and 483j lor demand-- .

Botds liovernment bns are dull andKtjte honrta tiaVe betn dull but

atrontr. TfceVe was a better business inrailway bonds to day. The sales amountedti 12,650,000, of which Krie seconds con-tributed (797,000 and West Shoref52,000. Prices are pretty evenly dividedbetween advances and decline. Erie sec-ond consols opened at 68, rapidly declinednntil thev sMd at 6-- and then BTaduallv8: Id to 07 J, and clcsed with a not logs ofI percent, at t7g. West Shore firsts areurehaDjted. Total Ba:ee bonds f theweek were ,'. i2,C0O.

Bank Statement Tbe weekly bankstatement, shows the

changes: Loans, increase,specie, increase, $1,358,40 J; legal

tenders, decrease, 1,681,400; deposits,ir crease, 13,505,400; circulation, decrease,$il00; reserve, decrease, $1,214,403. Thebauk-- t now hold $58,311,473 eacees ofthe per cent rule.

Stclcs There was a very sharp reactionat the Stock Exchange this morning,

the transactions were rather limit-ed. Prices opened tritt !e h;gher than tneyclosed last evening, but room traders soonsold and support seemed lacking. In thefirst half-hou- r prices fell off lrom J to 2per cent., the leaders the decline beingLake Shore, Lackawanna, St. Paul, Louis-ville and Nashville and Noithern Pacificpreferred. The decline laBted nnt'l aboutll:30when the 1st began to rally, andsoon became strong and grew ttronger andstronger until the close, when the majorityof Btocks were 1 to 2$ percent, high-er they cloeed last night. The ex-treme advance the lowest priceswere : Delaware and Hudson, 2 ; WesternUnion and New York Central, erfch 1 ;Lake Shore, 1 1 Morihwt and St. Pant,each 1 ; Jersey Ceotrai, 2; Lacka wana, 1 1 ;Ltuisviile and Nashville, 1J; Miseiiarr,Kansas and Texas, 1 ; Manitoba, ! ; Head-ing, ' j ; Uiiicago, Burlington and Quincy,j; Minneapolis and St. Loniscommnn 1,id t, e prcferr d 2. At. the c ote Pac;fijtail ana Erie w-r- lowe , Omaha pre-ifrrt-

s and the Nortbern Pacific . Alli' her stocks on the actve list wre

or hieher. The shameRt ad- -vtuicee from last evening's closing figureswere Delaware and Hudson, lj; Jersey'ilitral, 2J; Manhattan Conaoliuated, 1.Riding, : Chicago, Burlington and

Qiincy, 21: Central PaciSa 14.and Manitoba 1J. The ehter advances

ere generally for sta!l fractions. Thetraders who were the sellers in, the moin- -i were tne buvera in the aitsmconrhere ere but few rumors to-d- ay affect-ing prices and the extreme fluctuationsappear to be tbe work noon trade isj incipally. Jersey Central made a Bhnrp

' vance of per cent., and tho old rimorsof some party control of tSe Droofrtv

revivet, but nothing official could heobtained. The Omahas were qtret to day

iiior.jjn tne rumors wiin!N th Western were reported. A sta'ementUat there were legal obstacles in the wavit tucn consul idation was denied by Sena-tor Sherman, formally general counsel forthe Omaha Company, the meeting of tbe--i -- .inwestern executive comm ttee will oeheld Saratoga Wednesday, when itis sam the Umaba matter wtU be conaid- -

red. The total eales for tbe week were1.h,28 snares. 1 rices this evening are

ip nerally higher than a week ago, and Unlrago, iiuriington andlincy showing gains 3$, Delaware and

Hudson 3, Union Pacific 2, while Omahacommon is np and the preferred 10percent. The other stacks np frac--K'liai amounts. Lake bhore and northern

raoitic, however, are 1 per lower,i. utsvilleand Nashville i and MissouriKansas and Texas i

the total ealee stocks to-d- were 221,- -

U2 shares, lnclnding Delaware, Lackawanna and Westtrn. 33,740: trie. 3280

ke Shore. 1(1,620; Louisville ani Nashville, S075; Northwest tn, 11,710: NewJersey Central, 8150; New York Centra'l.Tli; Keading, lU.tHX); I'aul. 13.&UO

St. Paul and Omaha. 8375; Texas Pacific,3295; Union Pacific, 11,295; WesternL nton, JwO; .Northern 1'acino, preferred,8175: Oregon Transcontinental, 11,015.Cluing quotations

ooTaawHavra.u. s. v. iravi. n- 4s. l22Ti.New 113. Pacile 6 ot Is

aoxDs.0. P. flrsU.113. T. P. land cranUErie aeeonda. BTi. T. P.. Kio diyUhi.Bl Wllke... 9S. 17. firata. 113U..oaiaiana conaoia. &U. r. aranu.

maaourtoa, liit-- . t . v. una. mna, wSt. lojcnh.ll1.. Virginia 6t. 40.!t.P. A s. t. 121.. eon., ex-- 48'i,tenn. oa, oia, a. eonaoia, ptd, lu.lenn. ba, new. n.

Atiri. Trr. 144. Morria A K. offd. 125S4.Alletheny Central, . Naahyille C, 4 .,1U'U a 1 err. a.. Jl.

A. 4 t Ild. 7.merioan Exrreaa, 97.

B. . C. R. 4N..H.Canada Pacific, 44.

anada Southern . ST..Central Pacific X,k heaoeake and o..7.0 4 0. 1st rM, 1SH.

M O. 2d rid. 8.f'hicago A Alton,C. Jt A. ifj, 14S.

C II. 4 Q . 1S2.C.St. L ,4 N O.. .O . t. !,.?. miC, St. L. 4 P. pld,24H.v., a. 4 u.. .

4 . 4H'..Del. ft Hnd.,8AS-Del- .

L. 4 W . It1.iea. Kio 11 ,Krie. ITS.tiriep d 3SS- -

Kaat Tenn., AS.Kat Tenn old.K Tt Wayne. lo7.Hannibal 4 St. Jo, .H. A St. Jo pfd, .Harlem, l!8 .tlou.-to-a 4 T , 31VIllinois t'.ntr.l. 1XJ.ndB.

Kaaiaa at T, H '..Lerie R 4 W., tt'e. 't .h.HSre TS.

Lo.ak.,4r..Loa. 4N.A.S4V .M. 4 V., let Pill,..1C.H old. .Mem. 4 Char.,


Micaigan tentrai. otv.Min. tt. L. W-a-

M. 4 bt. Ia. pfd, a.Miaaonri facifie, VX


lJOa 135


....... 7ii9l

... 3m 40



36. 36




9io- o-So



vi 350



of jr











a' next








tr. lana

ttrata, Va.4.h.




W.J. Central, 504,Norfolk 4 W. pfd, 25.Northern Paeific. ?'-i- .

Northern P. pfd. 4S.Chicaao 4 N. W.,llrU..N. Y. Central. I- -'

Ohio Central. 1U.Ohio 4 Miaaiisippi. 23"onto at wira. pia, in.Ontario 4 Weat , 15i.Ore ton NaT., 81Oreron Trana.. 217i.Oregon Imp.. 2ft.Paoifie Mail,

.Peoria. D 4 K.. 13'.Pitt ban. 141M.Pullman Pal Car, 1281,.naaaina;. zs.Rock l.iand, 119S-St. L. 4 S. F ,St. L. 4 S. F. ptd. Wi.St.L.4 .F. lstptrt.8..C. M. 4 St. P.. Sn1..C. M. 4 St P Pld. I'SH- -

ru r.. .n at m.. ii'.St. P. 4 Omaha. !rSt. P. 4 0. pfd.W4V

Texa Paeifie,Pacite, SPa.

IT. 6. bipreee iSW.. St. L. 4 P..a.W.. St I.. 4 P. f d. 14,

U.Ielerap6.70.v OlorKloBomeatake, IX,

iroa Mlver.Ontario, t'S.Oaicfeaifyar. 5juiok- -




monua aum. , - 'KwOw.N8,La , Antrnat 22. Sight ex-

change on New York, $2i 2 60 per $1000,oremium; bankers' aterling, nominal.

London, Amrnat 22. The Bank of Eng-land gained 79,000 bullion on balance to-day.

Paris, Auguat 22. Three per cent renUa811 10c for tbe account.

THE COTTOX MARKETS.The local market opened tnd closed

quiet, with quotation! unchanged; uli

of 50 bales to spinners,close were;



Ordinary Norn. N'otn.rOTTTl """""r tf- -t

Low Middling W,iiiddling : 974

MiddlingMiddling Fair.. Ht'i lo!4rtirr - ora. - nom.

btaina, aKo: tinges,COTTON STATEMENT.

Miihir. An4vnt22. 1885.Biocx. oeptemoer i, iw, ...Received to-d-ay

Koccived previously

ShippedcibiDoed previously .....Burnt, etcHome consumption to date...Stock, running account

Import:Thus far this week ...Thns far last week .

Since September 1st

Wagons and other sources.


Thns far thisThus far last weekSinoe September 1st

at the

Good lu4




Chesapeake, Ohio and W. Railroad..steamers for'a...










Total . 1,4--5

New York spots opened steady, andcloeed dull; quotations unchanged, andsales of 206 bales. Receipts were bales ;etock, 112,934 bales. Qaotations yesterdaywere follows:

Yesterday. Day Before.Ordinary k .. s 8Uood ordinary 9 6 9Low MiddlingMiddlingGood middling 11-- 6Middling fairFair 6 6

Sew York futures opened firm andcloeed easy, with eales 51,600 bales.The closing quotations were follows,compared with the previous day :

Y rHftv. Tnv Tt.fnr..January... v.wn v.kzFebruary ..,March...... .April ..MyJuieJulyAntrum.. ..fc"opteicer ...O.tober ....November....December.



. 9

9.93 4 .410.131410. 15

lll.lS 0 199

9.5de 99.519.61




1010 1010 1011 1111 11

ofas as





New spct enedwith qaotatiteB

higher, and sales 450 hales. Receiptswere 1? bales: stock, 12,036 bales. Quo-tations yesterday were follows, as com-pared with the previous day :

Yesterday. Day Before.8V 3- -l

Good 9'--

Low ..9B&i

Good 0 1,5-- 9,S

New fu'-ur-e cottonopened qu

the iawith tha day, and

sales cf


JrtreAugust ......OctoberNovember






... 43i Se

.... ..'....'I (a.6j7i(ft.8l








V M 9 649.1i4 9 759.Klta


9.6:5'99 5.

The Orleans market o,quiet tnd clssed quiet,



Ordinary 8ordinary 9 -- 16

middling. 9Middling 9

middlingThe Oi'eins market

barely steady and closedwith closing quotations lollows ascompared previous

23,SJ0 ba.!e&.




December.. l3elore.



'".'.'.8. 30"9.37

5.3.V"9 34

C J.W9.71C 73



9. & atO.Sll'av.n6.239.2.)

ins Cinaiiions oi oiner domett c uwr-ktt- s

at the cke ytsterday were sS fol-lows!

Cialveeton, ares'dy at Cicj receipts, 237bates; 19 .? bales.

Mobile, receipts, 11 bales;stock, 1383 bales.

Savancan, fi'm at 93c; receipts. 827bales; ttock, 1528 bi

Charlestonidall S! ; receipts, 45 bales;stock, fat bales.

Wilmington, qnie a: i receipts, 1bale ; stock, 299 bub f.

Norfolk, qaiet at 10c; '. t i ts. S bnl;stock, 922 bale. .

baltimore, fxtfi at 10, j; receipts,


Dales; stuck, 14 Jo bale?.Coston, qu'et at 10c; receipts, 6 bales;

stock, 6310 bales.Pniladelphia, quiet at 10jc; receipts,

bales; stock, 4177 bales.St. Louis, nominal at tJo; receipts,

balest stock, 2156 bales.Augusta, quut at lOcJ ; receipts, 2S bales;

stock, bales.Receipts at tbe ports, S37 bales, against

468 bales same day last year, and 3113bales the year before.

Receipts at the porta 1 day this week,537 bales, againet 396 bales eamelast week, and 2861 bales same week lastyear.

Exporta, to Orest fHta;h, bales,againBt n5? bales same time last week, andsbbx bales same week last year.



Stocks at all United States ports veater- -day, 114,170 hales, against 104,804 balessame time last week, and 144,6i7 balessame week last year.

Total receipts at ports tnus far thisseason, 4,?5,90 bales, against 4,77S.6o7bales same time last Eeaeon, and 5.595,845bales in liS3. Decrease in receipts, 5J.267bales.

Total foreign exnorts. 3 840.530 bales.against 3,S13,83o bules same time last sea-son and 4,680,832 bales in 1883.

Liverpool foots f.t coon were a noteddetnnnd tight, eales of 40CO hales, of

which 3000 we;o American. Receipts.4C03 bales, of which nine were American,

At -': Uplands, d 16d; u. I sans, OJd.future at noon were o uit t at

advance ; Aagttst-Septcmbe- 52 64(5G4J; Septf m; er October., 23 615 264d ;Ojtober-NoVembe- r, fi '.''; 1 : N rernher- -Uecember 5 19 64'tf5 20-64- i0 nber- -January, 5 21 t Jai.uiy-Feb- -ruary, t ; eeoruiry-.viarcli,'- ! V4 64d.

1 p.m.: August-beptembe- r, 5 28 6U.selleis; September-Octoh- r. 5 26 6d sellers ; October-Novembe- r, i" 22 64 J, buvers:November-Decembe- r 5 9 641,6 l.ers;

5 ), sellers; Jan- -nary February, 5-- 3 64d value; Februarv- -Marcb, o 2rj-t4- valae; March-Apri- l, 5 28- -

64d, buyers. Futures clrf

General trade.BBEtOATEFra.


Corn White, ffc; Elided, o2e, fromstore t froaj Isvee or depot, white, 48cm xed, 4bc.

Hay btnct'y choice, from ftore,I;


90i (oj

prime, 10(2-- prairie, 5 c: rmwllots lrom levee or depot, rhmce, $14(i;prime. prairie. fiWT 0.

Uatb vvhttei. t mixed. '3c. lromstore. B jnor. Jrom levee or track.wti'tth tsaiked. : mixed, sacked. 30fi

Bbah From etjre. 85(r93c cwtround from levee, $i4tov4 60 ton.

UoRNMKAti btapdard, SaBUXoy-V- O poarl,$3 75 fiom etore; 5s cbtAper lrom mil),levee or track. . .








. ,


Beans Navy, 75; medioin. SIOatmeal la half barrels, $4 from s'ore,CSaI eed Wheat In half barrels. $4

from store.Flour From etore, triple extra, $4;

fanny, $4 60(2)4 75; choiire, $5; fancy,toi5; exLra fanc , $5 505 75; patents,i61o!aja&t); round lota lrom levee ortrack. 10c cheaper.













lota per

SI 50.


Hominy and (jrits t torn store, 7o

Kict lxmmlana, titabic ; jaroima, i ts7ic



U backers boaa, extra, c; scan, aou.ble extra, 44c; cream, extra, 0c; creamdouble extra, 7c; assoited jumbles, tripleextra, Ite; ginger snaps, extra, o

Louisville, Kv., August 22. Grainouiet. Wheat A3. 2 lonuberry. 93s; No.a red, aic uorn o. z mixeu, 4c; sxo.2 white, 4'c. Oats new, No. 3 mix'd, 10(Si7c.

Kaksa CitV, Mo., August 22. Wheatl.)er: casbi (21c: September, 21c; Uc-

tuber. 751c Corn tteadv : cash. 34c ; Set'tember, S3 jcbid, S4c askf d ; year, 26z bid,Ojts nominal, zlijc bid, us aaed.


Cincinnati, O., August 22 Flour quietand unchanged; family, $4 054 30; fancy,SI 40(i4 6.). Wheat dull an J lower; no.2, red, snucd't'ic; receipts, il'.coo du ; snip-ment- s.

lti'O bn. Corn stronger; No. 2,mixed, 4tijc. Oats farm; No. 2, mixed,251c. Rve etronetr;No. 2, ES.wc. Barley nominal.

New Obi.eans. La . August 22 Flourchoice, 4 25; fancy, 14 ft)(3. 60; extra

fancv. S4 90: Minnesota patent process.55 40: winter wheat pa'ent'. $5 40. Corndull aud drooping; No. 3 yellow, mixed,54j; vellow. 5?( '6j; white, 54c. Oatseasier: choice Wratern. in sacke. cM: no,2 Texas, tn sacks, 32c. Cornmeal, 2 352 40. Hay prime, $I617; choice, J18(210. Rice ordinary ti good, 45 ajoic

St. Louis, Mo., August 22. Flour dull,Whea. largely lower; opened c off, andthen gradually ploughed off under de-

moralizing icduencea from elsewhere anda strong pressure to sell, and finallycloeed 2j3c nner yef terday ; No. 2 red,cash, sates at 9091, but was worthoniv 891c at th clnae; August, 891c bid;September, S9Jf3,923c, closing at 89c;October, 91 i94 ic, cl'fling 91c Corndull and lower, with light trading; No. 2mixed, cafh. 41i(5i42i3: November, 37Sc;year, 331c. Oats lower and slow; cash,22(22J-- ; August, 22c; September, 2 (3,

2 a; October. 24s. Rye dull, 5555lcbid. Flux aned lower at $1 14 Hayprrnne, JS9; Timothy,Srfl3 50. Bran,oStirtSO.:. Kceipts t lour, 30 O oriswheat, 116,000 bn ; corn. 75,000 bn ; oats,50 000 ho: rya. 2tW hn: barlev. none.'hipments Fir-nr- , 5000 brls; wheat, 60C0bn; corn, 52,000 bu; oats, 1L00 Da; rye,none; bailey, none.

Chicago, III, August 22. The wheatinar et developed a panicky condition ofaffa ra for a time y, and cash wheatwas once more driven under 80j fo tfirst time since Anril of the present Tear.Prices were f,tadv at the openinc, andthere was considerable buying ol Octoberwheat at b4c, but reports 01 an easier

BtaCaTet downward, endVs down to

. dxine Sic nnder. Ic nnder 'he closing fignreg oi

one week ago and 10.3 under tbe closingprices o two weeks no. The oiwheat report il out of condition was lo,- -000 bushels. Liverpool advices quotedspat wheat weak end cargoes to arrivetirm. me receipts oi Dera lor trieweek were 202,000 boahela, against 1,112,-00- 0

bnahels lur a similar period one yearago. Trading was active in corn, bat thefree nrriva's and decline in wheat hada deiSesdinir effect, torices ior the near deliveries declining l(a He bat cloned a littlesteadier. Oats ruled very dull, with a markedtallina off in the demand ior August deliv-ery. The closed c lower. Flourthe frelinsr was weakbut prices show nomaterial ebAPg. Wheat wm active but de- -

moralized. The posting oi 15,030 bushelsof hot wheat at New York turned pricesdownward, and prices quickly declined 2Jcfrom the outddeana cleifed 2;c lowerthan yesterday, oales ranged: August,79;Solie, closed at79Je; September, 79M825e, closed at 80c; October, 82J84c,closed at 82Jc; November, 8ia86c,clcsed at 84ic; No. S spaing, 79179ic;No. 3 red, ?ljc. Com active but lower,owing to large receipts and the depressionin wheat; prices declined lljc tor near

and ic for long futures, closingabout isot inside cash, 4444cr Anaust. 44 j 45jc, c'oeed at 44c;September, 44 J45 jc, cloeed at 44 Jc; Octo-ber, 42f43fi, closed at 42c; November,391(53910, closed at 3?c Cats ruled dulland a shade easier; cash, 26Jc;August. 2626Jc, closed at 26c;Peptember, 24j24Jc, closed at 24jc;October, 24J(a 21 Jc, closed at 24 JcRye steady; S). 2, f.6c. Flax-we- d

easier; No. l,fl 19 Eeceipt? Flour. 7000brls; wheat, 28,003 bn; com, 273,000 bu;oats, 139,000 bu; rye, 12,000 bu; barley,6X0 bu Shipments Flour, 6000 brls;wheat. 217,000 bu; corn, 419,000 bu; oats,147,000 bu ; rye, 1000 bn ; bariey, none.

Creamery, 2022c; fancy, 25c;dai ry, lSaiSc ; butterine, 1415c ; countiy,1218c, according to condition.

Cheese Prime flats, 67c; N.-- fac-tory, 8c; full cream, 1213c; Y. A.,1313c

Mess Pork $11 2"U 50 per barrel;sugar-cure- d hams, packed, 10113;breakfast bacon, 9J10ic; clear rib ba-con, 6i7cBulk Pork Clear oidea, 6,6Jc; clearrib sides, 6j6o; shoulders, 4l4icLard Tierces, 7J7J;c: half-barrel-s,

77Jc; kegs, 787o; buckets, 7f7Jc;half-bucke- 8iri8Jc; 201b tins. 77Jc;10-l- b tins, 7i7ie; b tins, 7J71c; b

tins, 7f8c; choice kettle, 8lS8tc.St. Louis, Mo., August 22. Provisions

dull and only a job trade done at previousquotations. Butter and eggs unchanged.

Louisville, Ky., August 22. Provisionsdull. Bacon clear rib sides, 6ic; clearsides, 6.6 Jc; Ehonlders, 4jc Balk meatsclear rib sides, 5j;; clear sides, 6Jc; shoul-ders, 4c. Mess pork, $11. Hams Fugir-cure- d,

10llc Lard choice leaf, 8Jc.Cincinnati, O., August 22. Pork dull

and nominil, $9 15. Lard dull, 6 05b.OTjc. Bulk meats in light demand;shoulders, 3jc; short rib, 6.45b. Baconeasy; shoulders, 4Jc; short rib, 6c; ahor:clear, 6 Jo Butter firm. Eggs firm andhigher, llUJc. Cheese quiet.

New Obleans, Li , Auiiust 22. Porkdn'l, weak and lonrer at $9 75. Lard re-fined tierce, 6.50c. Bulk meats shoul-ders, 4jc ; long clear. 6Jc; clear rib, 5cBacon shoulders, 4c; lorg clear, 6.40c;clear rib, 6.f 5c; choice sugar-care- d canvas" ed ham'?, 19C.

Chicago. III.. August 22. Mess porkrutai weak and declined 15(320c. andclcsed steady. Lard exhibitctCvery littlecharga.!,essjtork-tra,'in- g as only fair:pricoa rulea W6lr, declined ioiyoj, anaclosed Ftady ; cssh, $8 60 8 65; tseptem- -

"ffo eTIo Ml 1 Asa 1'

nfr, 10 i iwo 1 1 f, unwu at"': .,, v.f.a ntlOi-- t ihe- -, 58 05 85, cToseii at S8 668 671 : N .vember. J8 66tas 80. clospd at$8 65(33 67J. Lard vry little doing;ca.--h, (i iatr6 lj September, ?B 12i6 17J closHdatJO 15; Ojtober, iO Hi6 20. B'xfd rria's steady ; dry salteitehon'd- - rs, short rib Bides, $5 SO

5 3t; shrn clear sides, $5 80(S,o 85. Outne Produce Ex hange butter ruled a rhaiie

creamery, 1619c; dairy, li16c.EaVfi 10J:sllc.

SMOCEKIEM.Coftes Comhion. 8i(SS9o: ordinary. 99Jc; prime Rio, 10llc; choice, 11i3c; old government, 2t)5j.rJuoAB fure white. 71c: off white

7c; yellow clarifl-- d, fc; open kelt'e6?c; reftned A, 7c; granulated, 7c;powuored, 8c; cut loaf, be.

Molasses Louisiana, common to fair30(a37c ; prime to choice, 43(31530 : svrun.25(5J30c; centrifugal, fancy, 45c; commonto lair, zfnJ33c; prime to fair, iioQ?K0.5.

Candies sticks, all siees. in boxes.pails and barrels, Sjc.

Baoginq and Ties bagging, late, 94(s114c; flax, 1010ic, according to weight.Ties, $1 5.

boAP dKojejc per pound.Candles Full weight, 12jc.Tobacco Common. 25(3i35c:

other grades and etyies, 35-6- c. HnnffGarret's, $11 per case; Ralph's, $10 25 percase ; railroad, $9 25.

Balt Fer car-loa- 5133 per barrel;$1 60 in Rack; pockets, bleached, j7c;coarse, $1 15; car-loa- from levee or de-pot, 510c cheaptr.

Canned (joods. JiTC Prices per dozen ;Pineapples. $1 50(1 60: peaches. 2 lb.standard, SI 50; seconds, $1 20: tomatoes,2--lb standard, $1; $1 251 35; strawberries, $1 5so(2l 60; raspberries, $1 15(1 25; blackberries, $1 101 25; greengages, $1 25(a)! 50; pears. No. 2, $1 50,plums, $1 50; asparagus, $4(4 50; greencorn, $1(2)1 40; green peas, 1 7o; coveoysters, full weight, b, $1 15; cove oya:ters, mil weight. 1 90; cove oysters,light weight, b, 65c; cote oyfiters, lightweighti . $1 2t5 : coudeneed milkCrown, ia; Eagle, $3; Swiss, $6.

New York, August 22. Caffee spotfair; Rio firm, 8lc; options moderately active ; sales, 14 500 hags ; August, 6 :: September, tin; uctoban lilj; November,0 8!ct Deci-rabe- ji 85(?(j',6.90c; Febru-ary, tt 95c i March, 7c. Kutar nrmer andquiet; rif.oed stendy; mould A, 6ji;standard A, ujs; powdered, ejiiOic. Mc- -latbes qiiet and unchanged.

HUCSEUOLD SjfjppuEs.Vbgetables Onions, vellow. new. $3 53 75 per barrel. Potatoes Irish, new

northern, $1 25(51 60 packed. Bt. Louiscabbage, $1 oOtJi 5 per crate. Garlic,40(ai60c per 100.

APPLK3 Ureen apples, loose. Sl(al zo.Dried apples, 2)3c per pound fromstore. Dried peaches', cvH-i- store.

, medium barrel, $77 50; halfbarrel, M4 50; pint jars, $1 25 perdor m ; quart jars, $1 752 per dozen.

Poultry O d hens, $2 50Cfc2 75; roangand niixerl.. 1 ).

I fcu.H MiATa Beef Good Kansas Citystfers, heavy, 7JmJ8r; lgt, be; cnsand t'eifers, 6J7c; muttori, 7ic; muttonsaddles, 9c: lambs. 10c; pork, 8c.

Fruit Oraneea, sotirto 50 per 4iox.Lenions,S7-pe- r box. Banana-,$-! 2 SOper bunch. C 'Connnts, $5 per 100 Praaa's Virginia, $67c; Tonese, firm-er'- s

etock, 2Jc; leclwmnd, 3i4;rovtwi,2c higher; stielled, 10. Aim jnda, 18 a26o. Chestnuts ceen, 12jc; dry, 15c.Txas pecane, 1015c Araansns, 46c.Kuclifh wa nu's, li!c; rfapler", i6c. Fil- -berie; l ie Brzjl nuts, 8c Raisina, Lon

on $2 75f5 3: Imperial. 3 7o4.Brandy cherrits, $33 2--5 p- - r d!ZD.

(Jideb Miseouri, S7 'Orer Parrel am'$1 50 nor bait-bart- e s; Kentucky barrels..6 507: Kentucky half-barrel-a, ft. Vinegar. lzJinUc per gallon.

MsH Macfceral, 19 10 kit sso. j. wcNo. 2. 70.v. 15-l- b. No, 3, 60c Dry her- -rircB, family, 35c per box.


Cotton-See- d Oil In car-lia- d lots, primecrude C. 8. oil. 30c: off crude, 26)28c:prime summer yellow, 34i35c; offsummer yellow, 335 34c; Miner's, 3435c;choice cooking summer yeinw, JCKajjoc.

Less than car-loa- d lots: Jfrime summervellow. 30(5l37c: micet's summer yellow,3(c ; choice cooking summer ye low, 3G

oc: choice winter vellow. 40(1,400.Cation-See- d Meal Prime, f. o. b., 19

ner ton,CoTtciw-SsF- n Cotton-see- railroad

sacked,! 12 per t Jit, delivered ; wagon seed,delivered. Jl'ipr ton: river seed, on Dan,$10 per ton. R tes established by Mem--

puis U itton-see- a tjiearing-rionse- .

PEIBOLBCS MARKET,Coal-Oi-l Prime white, wholesale lob?,

13c per gallon.Cleveland. O., August 22. Petroleum

Crm; .w.llO,7J.Bbadpord. Pa. August 22. Opened

at K41; closed at 102J; highest, 104J; loweat, 1024.

PiTTSBCBO, Pa., August 22. Petroleumelcited but n t much trading; NationalTransit certificates opened at 104 andc'.oefd at 102S; highest price, 105; lowest,102j.

Oi;SE-Bl-L- MATERIALS,Framing-Lumb- er Yard prices Bough,

$15 per 10O0 feet ; dressed, $30 ; yellow pinenoonng, T--i , suingiea, w; ii iiiurDonlar. a 7o: cypress. z rer iouo lama.Extra prices for extra lengths above 20feet.

Lime and Cement Pure Alaoama lime,75&S5c in bulk delivered ; 9095c per bar-rel in store; Louisville cement, $1 501 75 per barrel; Rosedale cement, 2 2fHt)

50 ner barrel: Portland. 4(4 oO; Roman, $5 ; plaster of Paris, $2 50 ; hair. 5cper pound ; 40c per Dusnei.

jmails oj per Keg.

HORSES 4HO "tftE.Messrs. F. A. Jones & Co., live-stoc- k

and commission merchants. streetfurnish the following quotations of thehorse and mule market:

Horses Good driving. $125t250: goodsaddle, $140(3300; plugs, $3o80; goodmarm. 9Hnft 140.

Mclks 141 ti 15, $110130; 15 to 15,$125140; 15 to lb. If !4U(aio. ouppiytmad; demand moderate.

i.CBIBER MARKET.The following are the wholesale prices

rvf lnmher in this marketPoplar 1 in , 1st and 3d clear, $18(21 ;

11 and 2 in, 1st and 2d clear, $2224;common board, $10 12 50; Biding etnpa,llxtJ. face meaanie, 1st and 2d clear, $22;

. .a r 1 arv jeeiline. lxts in.. 1st ana -- a. uressea, 1,

H and 2 ia, 1st and 2d, 2S30; eons-i-on

drecsed, 1 in., $1415. M, --

TlXBSB fojilar. 3tl; tvpress otaiw;I mnrkot an.? r Of the Trot- - 1 Cft'y Clf.-Taw- V LHm, FVS &U: OaaT, O

JF at JNew 1 or I ; asO, txa ; aamus :vaoj.-,










V. . . !. a 1 in lrtanila Bu.iiuw a u.jb . . - -

2d, $1024; dres-e- d, $30; fiooriw, 6 and 6in.. Sa. llxinnz. 3 ana 4 in- - -- t ou;fl joring $22 50; heart step lumber, $3540; t wiling, $25; ceiling, $22 50; i ceit-ino- -.

520.r - ... icjottonwood l to a in. mm run, cuiia

out, $1011.i.ith zztcvDreee. i ou.Rr .rv Wimdt-1- st and 2d. 1. 11 and 2

In.. ftio(2io; common, outfflw ; cuub,

Uii 1 to in., ist ana za, tTJi2)- -i ;

common, 1 and 2 in., $S12.Kkd tio-2- da, $18(i$ia; common, ?s

SHiaaLae No. 1, sawed or shaved,4 25 : aawed or shaved sane. S3.ash 1st and 2d clear, i to 3 in., $20

51; common. Sllffl.13 80.Otpabbs 1. li sad 2 In., 1st and 2d

dear, $2325 ; common, $15 ; fencing, 1x6,16ft., $1. .

VHISKT. t.TC.Whisky Straight Bourbon, $1 508;

rye, $1 507.Wises Imported port, $1 S0Q8; sher-

ry, $1 506; champagne American ex-tra, $78; Piper HeidsCk, $2027;Mumm's extra dry. $29(B31 ; Roederer, $29

31 ; Ve. Cliquot, $31a33; claret, $3 7513 per box; Catawba, $45 per cane.

Chicago, III., August 22. Whiskyquiet, $1 15.

St. Louis, Mo, August 22. Whiskysteady, $1 13.

Cincinnati, O., August 22. Whiskyin good demand, nominally $1 13.

New Orleans, La., August 22. Whiskydull and nominal; Western rectified, $1051 25.

The Situation at Cincinnati.Cincinnati, O , August 22. The situa-

tion in the whiBky market remains aboutthe same, the pool price of $1 13 being stillthe nominal quotation. The break madeby one firm has had the effect of prevent-ing sales.

mors AMD PKLTST.Wool Choice washed, 28c per lb ; un-

washed, 10r"3c;. encashed burry, 1016c; clear burry, lGgc. Market weak.

Hides Dry flint No. 1, 16c; No. 2.131c Dry salted, 10llc Green salted,618Jc. Tallow, 661c Beeswax, 2226c Market firm.

LIVC-ilo- K ajAHSn.The Union Stock-Yard- s and Fertilizer

Company reports the following for theweek ending August 22, 1885: CattleTnere has been a fair demand for bettergrades of butchers' Etock, with marketfairly supplied; smooth, fat, well-bre-d

butchers' ttock will bring outside quota-tions; the demand limited for grafting cattie, with fair inquiry; slim steers, $6 508 for feeders. Sheep The market keptwell supplied with mutton sheep, withoutchange in prices; common 8'ock sheep, $1

1 50 per head. Lambs Extra heavy infair demand. Hogs The market pooilysupplied ; demand only for light and in aretail way.

Cat ile Good to choice butchers' tteers,$3 754 25; heifers, $3 6C4; med umsteers, 3.3 50; medium heifers, $2 75(3,3 25; common steers, S22 50; mixed lotsscalawag, $1 502 25.

Shesp Good ma, ton, $33 25; com-mon, ill 50 per head.

Lamb Good fct, 4J5c; common,mixed, 75cil 25 per head.

Hoos 100 to 140 pounds, $i 25$4 0.Cincinnati, O , August 29 Hogs quiet;

common and light, $3 80(,4 75 ; packingand butchers', $4 254 7o. Raceipts, 819head ; shipments, none.

St. Louis, Mo., August 22. Cattle re-ceipts, 100 head; shipments, 1 CO head:supply too small to make a market andoUy a small retail trade was doue. Hogsreceipts, 000 head; shipments, 14C0bead; market nominally lower; pack-ing, $44 25; bntehers', $4 40 i 4 60;Yorker 4 n

SnBft-rece- int

400 heid; BbimenU, 200; supply veryscarce aud on'y k cai sales made at previousprices.

Kansas (Iity, Mo., August '22. The AiwS.'0k l,dicatcr repoit-i- : Oaitle receif ti1116 heed; Bhipmeatn, 1483 head; mar-aoo-

steady; npnrteis.o $5 20g(iii5 40.ood to cho'i-- etiii', 4 9 &o 15;tommon to mi'dimi,4 50(i4 85; etockereand feeders, 43 30 a 4 30; couwinr. 2 50(o 3 40; grass Tens tteers, $33 80Hogs receipts, S428 head; shipments,34', 6 bead; assorted and light, 10c higher;heavy and mix-d- . 5c higher; assortedand light $4 304 40; heavy and mixed,H 104 25. Sueep receipt?, 301 head ,no . sniprrvtrft; steady; fair to goodmuttons, $2 50(a3; common to medium,f 1 50(5)2 25.

Chicago, III., August 22. The Drover!Journal reports: Cattle receipts. 2200head; shipments, 800 head; nativesruled ftiady; shipping steers, $4 25

6 00; stackers and feederp, $2 75f$4 00;cows, bu'ls and mixed, $2 754 00;through Texas cattle, 10c lower, $ 50C4 00; Western rangers slow; natives and

$4 004 75. Hogs receipts,6500 head; shipments, 500 head; mar-ket strong and 610c higher; rough andmixed, $4 00 20; packing and ship-ping, $4 204C0; light weights, $4 304 90; Bkip?, j2 75!3 80. Sheep receipts,400 head; BhipmentB, 1500 head; mark-- tweak ; natives: J360'.rK4; TeXans, $1lambs per head, 75ca.$3.

HEW TOIE IIRI eoOOS MARKET.New York, August 22. For the half

day the demand at jobbing hands hasbeen very good, while the surface move-ment of goods has been very large. Theieis no abatement in the bettered feelingthat prevails, while the tone of the mar-ket ia very strong, the tendency of pricesupward, and choice stocks of staple cot-tons atd desirab'e seasonable specialtiesrunniui very low and many of them ex-hausted. Agents have advanced theprice of Economy checks s per yard. -


FOn CAT ISIiAWD.Until further no'-ic- the fteamlir

will extend her tripi to Cat Island, leaviDKaftm-ih'- u 5 o'clock p 111.B. R. TTTOMAS, Aircnt.

FOR CAIRO AND ST. LOUIS.Bt. Iionlw nnl Nw Orleana 4nrkor E,ine


City of Bayou SaraW. W. BaVer.maatar.

Will loire from the iterator M0S1AY, 0 p.m. ror treic&t or apinr to

C. L. Hu,i.. Paa. Act. AD STORM. Snp't.

'OK VICKHBUEW.Bt. :lnln nl Kew ttrleana AarborUaali. S. Hall FOR VICKSBIIRO.

Arkansas City, lLTt- -Brolaki...master. fesaseSaa.

Will laare lrom tba KlaTaaVar MONliAi. Ail.21th, t 6 p.m. Fur freight or puasage apply to

L. 111!.!., frua. ActJ 11 11' IK l. gnpl.KOK SEVv OKLBAS- .-

Ht. antiil New tarher IJajeli. H. Moll FOKNfcW ORLEAiSS.flitv riit'at BT.rflaaSaa jeJDtBa

Dan Able maater. rrr?Qfci5,rWill leave from the tkievator TUkbDA 1 . Aug25. h, at 10 a.'ji. r.r weight or paaaawe apply to

!ii'-,l'a'j- a.rt l I ' . np't

rOK TifiOJN VtL-Lfc,- .

For Oireolb, Hales Point Carutharsville, Uayoaoand Iiptonviiie s he new paaaangar atamer

W. P. Hall xaMtmr I J. D. Fuller ciark,will lev aftubove, anuttu way jroiuti, n. v itv

MONDAY and TUUKS1AT at a p.m.

tri Wtll'lt KlViiK.For Indian Bar. St. Charles, Clarendon, Derail!

iilan, Uea Arc Ana;aata, Jaoaaonporl, baaro.ALliEllTA, AO 3,

Albert B. Bmiih. maarer.Willleare Memphia every Mninralay at 5 o'olockp.m. IBrouun Kataa to au point. rTeignt

to Aiberca No. 3, aiamiinia or lerrena,will be promptly torwarnea.

K. . uniincunsis. Alt-- ,Corner Ma l,aon and Front atreta.

KOR ST. JTRANClh R1V.EKThe ht Francis Kiver 1 monportaUon Co'i

Tine U. 8. Mall 6torcerEd. i oster.

O. K. Joolin rnaater.WILL A.aVa,VK nK.tifHIa) aavME 5 o'clock, for Marianna, the Cst-O- lf, and intermediate landmera on bt. iranola river, i ce eaitain reaervea the rio-h- t to naaa all landicca 1

deems onaafe. JAB. LEE, Ja., nprintende&t.Otuce, o. 4 .lladiaon atroet.

9mpiiis &. White River Pkt Go

STH. CHICSASAW,j&K. C. Postal masur I c. J. fcew. --oler.

rowCIarTt4an, Dowsaia atlnar, Dea Are, An.

sraata, Jekonipor t end Htuwrtsr.LEAVES MEMPIU3 KVKRY WEDNK9DA7

at 5 p.m. Ihrougu rate to all points.Freight ooaaigned to "Memphis and WMtt

River Packet Co." will be forwarded promptly.H . i; ' ".'.on n

LEB LINE 8TEAMES8.Heaiplilt,, Kr!ora rclni aim 3aeiiim.ana Osoeols Pnettct Company.For Helena. Olendale. Friars Point and all Way

l,aniing8 cteamorCOAHOJLA, -

S. T, Clagot- t- master I Piatt Khodst cleriWillleave as above oa every MOSUAY.WEDK ii--

UAx and ifivlUA I . at a o oiocg p.m.ffor 11 indolrh, Fulton Osceola andWayLartdtng,

Ifcan Adams,J. B. Cooper, maater J. . rfmithera cieraLeaves as above .very MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY: at b p.m. ino eoau oi tillsline ruerre the right to Ptis au landings IB. captain may deem unsafe. Out?., Ko. 4 Madison St.

Memphis and Yicksbnrg Packet Com pan jU.a. aaii Line.

For Helena, Concordia, Terrene and ArkansasCity Th. n.w ana elegant passenger steamer

KATE AAMS,Si5M. K. Cheek master I W. C. Blanker olerk,

tieaves juempnuEVERY M05DAT and THTTRSDAT,at5 p.m.

Th. Wll.I.M HVS will enter th.Saturday. October

3d. and leave every Ba'urday thereafter Foraeneral informatioa arplv at office. No. 286 Frontatreet. E. WALWORTH, Agent.

.H.IHN CIHK, rassengor Arent.

Arkansas River Packet Comp'y- United States Mall Line.

For Pine Blnfrand all Way Landings on Arkansag Kiver loe bow and eleg'.! .esamar

K. ! COBB, ieffi4. Sowland.-maate- r.

Leaves aa aboveg..i nr m.BMaar ait S Vt KM.

For general information apply at office, Ke. 28

Front .tract. H. fT. LOW K. Agent.


saiLEY,snmi&.colOO to 10 Poplar St.

MEMPHIS, s : s : : TEXS.Manufacturers of '

Pratt EerolTlsg-Hes-d Cotton 61ns,Self Feeders and Condensers,

ein Repairing. Etu, Ktr.

Jt oafl th. attention of Cotton Ca Buyersthe HeyolTiosi HexV to the yalus of

Mr filaa. stock cf utee oaOrders aonta Zarais liberal.




MONDAY, TUESDAY AND Vf EDNH8DAY;Arkanaaa City Kafi Adams; Monday, S p.m.F tiara Point .Coaaoaa, Monday. S p.m.?aeaola.. .Dll Aoiaa, Monday, S p.m.

Gitoaa. Monday; S p.m.Vicktbnn ...AacairtaS CiTT, Motdajr, 6 p.mSt. Louis . C't Bitoc Saaa, Monday, 6 p.mNaw Orleana Cm St. Lovis. Tneaday, 10 a.m.St.Francij Rirer.Ks Fosna, Tuesday, S p.m.Arkanaaa Eirar.R. L.Cuaa. Wednaaday, 5 p.m.WhiU River. :.CbicKasaw; Wadneaday, 6 p.m.

jadwEWEHis AT IHI LETEE.Arrival. City of Natchez, Kew Or-

leans. .

Departure. City of Natchez, St. Louis;Alberta No. 3, White river.

Boat in Port Hi Foater.Boat Due Down. Gayoso, Dean Adams,

City 'of Providence and City of BatonRouge.

Boat Due Up. Kate Adams, Coahoma,City oi Cairo, R. L. Cobb and Chickasaw.

rCTUBE MOVEMENTS.The C. Schnl'x goes oat Tuesday even-

ing for St. Franci-- river.Thr Chickasaw, Capt B. C. Postal, is

the Wednesday packet for White river. 'TMK Ed Foster, Capt. 0. fc. Joplin, is

the packet Tuesday evening for Bt. Fran-d- a

river.The K. L. Cobb, Cap t Ed Nowland, is

the Wednesday packet for all points onArkansas river.

Tn City of St Louis, Capt Dan Able,is the Anchor line packet Tuesday morn-ing for New Orleans.

The Dean Adams, Capt Henry Cooper,is the packet Monday evening at 5 o'clockfor Osceola and the upper becds. Wo.Smither is in her office,

Tbb Coahoma, Capt Thos. Claggett, isthe packet Monday evening at 5 o'clockfor Helena, Friars Point and all way land-ings. Pjitt Rhoades is her clerk.

The Arkansas City, Capt. H.W. Brolaski,is the Anchor line pack-- Monday even-ing at 5 o'clock for Vicksburg and thebends. Chas. Queenel is her clerk.

Thk City of Bayou Sara, Capt Wm, Ba-ker, ia the Anchor Line packet Mondayevening at 5 o'clock for Cairo and StLouis. J. E. Massengale is her clerk.

Tab Gayoso, Capt W. P. Hall, is thepacket Monday evening at 5 o'clock forHaiUs Point, Tiptonville, and all waylandings. CoL T. D. Fuller has charge ofher office.

Tbb Kate Adams, Capt Mark R. Cheek,ia the United States mail packet Mondayevening at 5 o'clock for Helena, ArkansasCity and all way landings. W. C. Blankerbas charge of her office, assisted by LewPrice and Will Shelby.

SE9ERAI. BKW8).BrsiMKsa drUl;


No cotton received by river yesterday.The D. C. Fogel and barges departed for

Burlington, Ia.The Ed Foeter was the only packet in

poit last evening at dark.Tbb City of Natchez pass- - d np at 2

o'clocs a m. yesteiday for St. Lou's.Tbb Henry Lowrey and barges passed

up yesterday morning for S:. Louis.Tils Alberta Nn; 3 cleare on time last

eveoicft for White nver with a fair trip.THE river here la 12 feet 4 inches on tbe

eanve, a fail of 8 inches in the last i;4hflTOS.

Tbb eternwheel sfeftflUST

Led by U B. Scctt & Co.. of Portland.Ore , and plving on the Portland-Astori- a

route, recently;; mace the run from Port,laud to St. Helena; a diane of twenty-- ;

ii'Lt miles, in one hour and sixteenminutes.

The Paducah Artu' of Friday says: "Anordinance passed by the City Conncil at

s meeting last nignt prohibits steamersfrom blowing their whistles when nearerthan within a half mile of the wharf becomes a law alter dnecm.ial publica--

on. tjommanders B&ould be on the lookout."

The St. Lou;8 of Fridaysays: Uommcdora Jr. r. Man ion left lastnight for Cincinnati to look after the hewproposed Cincinnati and Sew Orleanssteamboat line. He has the public confidence arid the ability, and also the money,to make the new enterprise as brilliant asuccess as the St. Louis Anchor Line.

New Orlkass Picaiiune Alexandriaspecial SO A: The steamer Peninah hasjust arrived. She reports six fet,i of waterat the mouth now, and considering thatthe Mississippi is sixteen feet above lowwater, when it does get down to that pointthere will be quite a bank instead of anoutlet. The (Government should certainlycommence work at once, as such a largeextent ot country is dependent upon themonth being kept open for supplies, andat the same time it is an impediment tothe trade of New Orleans. The Peninahhad no more trouble as to low water, butthe current at the ihouth of Black riverwas so swift as to force her to lay a line tostem it.

The New Orleans Picavune'i Shreveportspecial of the 20lh says: Pursuant to ad-

journment, the planters residing on t'eUaduo side, interest! u in building leveesfrom the bluff below Shreveport to Tone'sbayou, met at the court-hous- e y.

Uwners otyland repreeeot ng 12,000 acresreported that they would withtbe planters at the last meeting in build- -iEg ieveei. After reviewing the situationthe meeting concluded to adjourn, to as-semble at the Red River Convection, tobe held on the second Saturday in Sep-tember. If no general plan for relief ibthen adopted, by which they will be en-abled to build their levees, they will acceptPeter Tre Levant's proposition to buildtheir Ieveea with convict labor.

WEATHER A!b RITEKS.Omn Siowil Sitavica. u. 8. A., IMemphis, Tens., Auguat 22, 1886, 1 p.m. J

Th following observations are takn atall atationa namdat75 meridian time, which ia

Mm., imw mag jiginpuia lime:

i.airoChattanooga,Ciuoinnati ..D.venport.'Dubuque....jFort eui:th.,Helena .!Keokuk !

La i.rosse....,Le'veuw lb. .Little Rock.Louiaviile..M',afmakla .!Huhville ....

ewvrle nslinaha- -

PituburgKhreveoort..St. Louis

t. Paulvickaburg

.Abov.low water.

tBalow high-wa- mark. 1ST.


EvANBVtLL. Ansnat 22. Noon Kiver8 feet 2 inches, and stationary.

Wheeling. W. Va.. u 22. Noo- n-River S and rising. Weather cloudy andwarm.

PitTsfltjRG. nt 23. Noon Kiver2 feet 9 inches, and falling. Weather cloudy

Cincinisati, AoROBt 22 Noon EiTerl2feet 6 inches, ana tailing. eiouay.Thermometer bo

New Orleans, Angus. 22. NoonDeparted: ilayea ana barges, imis,rived: of St. Louis, Bt. Louis; G

Crown, Cincinnati!

9 inches,rived J

parted :Belle MeKongo, J





lOths Feet lOiha lOths







river ia riatna witn o teet o incnea in iue cian A A r..i . inchn. on the fall, lluaineas lair.Weather warm. Locals on time. Night Riverrising with 0 teet v incnes in tne oanai ana , teetti Inches on the falls. Business good. Weathercloudy and raining, while it is sultry and warm,

fWEMEHTS OF OtEAS BTEAHERS.New York. Aoenst 22 Arrived : Steam

er. VMm and Genera Warder, from Bremen:Uritannio, trom larerpooi ; .uarina, irom vtoiien- -bnrg.


Shelby County BondsBIDS will be received byth. nnderSKALKDCom misslosere nntil TDKSDAT, 8ep-i.-

l.t. .est. at X n.m.. for an v part of SixtyThousand Dollars (,0C0) Bhelby Courty poteent. Bonds, laaneo in payment oi oatsianaingjadamentsana noaung aeoi nnaer mo oi io.Said bonds mature aa iollows : JL2.001 in

18W; i2 000 in Septan) be , ltttt; loon. 112.010 in Bentamber. 1905: I H.- -000 in Septemi er, 1910. Tbey are in denominations of 00 each, and the intereat is payable inMarch and beptemb-tr-

Hl.i. n ha addreaaerl to any nt the nnder--f.nnd Prnnmiaaioners. indora- - d Bids for Sbeloy

Couniy Bonds." The Board reserves the right toreject any bid.


JOitUiN.Board Fending Commissioners Bhelby

County, lennesse.Memphis, Tenn., Angnst 188.



o 1 1

C. S.ll Tl.ot of



1, 1885. th. o&oe ef theI. will be at 230

tree, ovanow ooewpiwi Cotton-S-- -l

HOPE MfLL.Anrsst



- f!a. iaby the

U, 18W. OIL

P. M. S A N Is EYj

FUNERAL DIRECTOR,u Street. Afeaapkis, Teas.

FULL stack of Wooden and Metallic CassA ad keu. Burial Rob...

attenaeq'- -

2COTICS.mna r PRTVPK Mt FARN8W0RTH Was1 d,. .olved on the 34th day of Ju'y, 1885, by the

death of the senior partner," Mr. W. A. Prince.Tk. uinnivia, bartnar. will llOUl'

ate tn. nroa ii;i u.of cott buying and brwa.rage at th.

old rtaad. No 3U4 Front street. Meatphis,,BSSa the nisa name of C-- V rriBv.wnilTIIaraewori n a i


Ui. n.nri baaaaal i?f pis MHi




sEmvtlnv. trr tmAem- -

tr obeeo. Ak you dm- -arial nr Cor



kf re. I

WOMENKetek rcW traBtk, or vkt amfcr ftw

mlr to Utr fx tkmmkA try

U ULJ BEST TONICThtettwdid Iran

tnnioai, aod is inTsJombae far !. pawiihar tovw BBiviie aauu buj wbu mwi Btniraurj iitwr. bx

rtrbr and rnriflr tbt Blood, Nllmalateaw JiuBTiiirf .liiTDiinvni van iTibum icrBj mhirvo in fact, ttoroochlj JtiTlcorvtM.CWre tins oompcAxioa. aved mvk the akin BTmooth.It does not bUrkeo tbm tmvtix, mom hMdacha, or

prodnos eoBMtiyniaa mil ()- - irw mtcdiamm d.Una. Puzabith Baikd, 74 TaxwrnU At., Milwu- -

kee. Wis,. Mym, vnder date of Dm. ttth.l8M4:"1 hTs ntwd Btovrn'i Iron Bitton, and tl has beeo

mot than a doctor to ro havinc tmrod me of thaweakness lad las bate hi life. Aim cured vis of Lit-e- r

Complaint, and now my eanplexicm Is clear andfood. Has been beneficial to my children."

Genuine has above trade mark and cr named ied lineson wrapacav TsJie bo oenrr. Made only byBROWN THKMICAL CO..D A WLT IMQatE. MD

IaDxn Hams Book efl and auraoUre,hat of pneoe for reripen, infrarmattm aboot

coina. iriren away by all oamlere in medkane, otmailed to any addreea on receipt of So. stamp.

"mm i

BETTER than "Coal-Oil- " or any other burn-ingIS oil. Can be naed in any lamp. For tale bj

John Roaa, oorner of Clay and Hernando road.Charlea Kinald. 149 Poplar treat.Fred Morti, Shelby etreet.Wm. Ruaaart, terminoa of Vane treat, oorner

of Linden.E. C. tireen, 673 Main tret.J. J. Daffy tt Co., 238 Main a treat.W. C. Oriawold.423 Main atreet.Otto Clausen, 13S Poplar street.John Cnmmina. 218 Pooler atreet.Misa Mary Richards, 4M Poplar atreet.Wm. Cunningham A Sons, 7 Beale street.J. 1. Wa ah A Bro.,50 Main atreet.Geo. Mahan. oorner Vance and Lauderdale tt.C. R Ryan k Co., S42 Main street.E. Wright A Co., 414 Main atreet.A. Kohlbry A Co., 166 Poplar atreet.F. Franklin A Bro., 3D9 V ance etreet.E. ii. Campbell A Co.. 466 Main atreet.8. Behr, 131 Union street.Joseph Nixon, 75 Charleston avenue.

H W. K. Butt, oorner of Broadway and Hernandotreeta.A. Schmidt, 99 Seventh atreet. Fort Pickering.Charlea Denman, South (iate, Eluwood Ceme-

tery.Read A Co., 143 Main atreet.R. M. Hilton A Co., 71 Fifth street, Chelaea.Graham A Penick, 46 and 46 third street,

Chelaea.J. J. Duff A Co., 238 Main street.Mrs. C. Wagner, oorner Fifth and Mill streets.J. N. Sutherland, 46 North Court street.L. D. Bonfanti, 456 Main street.John McMahon, Sixth street, Chelaea.M H. Reilly, 57 Auotion atreet, and 2 eeond.John T. Dennegan, Grocer, 105 winoheater av.Bert White, Agut, eor.. Broadway and Ninth.Patrick McOanghran, 643 Shelby atreet.Mrs. Roaa Werner, oor recond and Chelsea sts.H. Roeoo, grocer, 264 and 266 Hernando atreet.Partiea whose namea are not in the above liat

are not handling tint-Pro- Oil. and will beprosecuted for intriagement on our trade-mar- k

br representing or selling other nils aa Fire-proof Oil. CHESS-CARL- X COM P AN Y.



DP AIR-- SaOaS--

rftt SLH'Ids wouilarlul



I HEinviiEoraujr ana Snuiurii. torn

part Health, Strenrth and Vigor to Mind and Body- -

The Ideal JferTe Tonle and KnteUetul Hev- -erafrt, hi tflily endorsed by the elite ot the 4ltiicl n;

for the cure and prevention of Mental anaPhysical Exhaustion, Chronic and wasung Lnaeasea,Djspeuiia, Kidney and Liver Affections.. Heart Dis-

ease. Headarha,Throat and Lung AffecUons, Tired Feelirsrs, etc. Thismarvelous Tonic acts like a charm. For Convalescentsand Invalids this dHiphtful Inviwrorant is Ui?

The Invivbratinc nd 8trengah-rcsUri- prop-erties of French Wine Coca are truly wciiOyrfuf andexcel all other Tonics and Stimulants. One it l willcharm and excite your enthusiasm. For sni? b Dn.fC- -

8cnd for Book on Coca, and Pemb 's WiooSltits. Fiioe, 1. OOpr bottle.I. S. rcMDcHlUN VU Bifl vnemint. mimnu.usv

Trnstee'iT2T virtue of a trust deed made to moon tne

i fflth dv of Marcn. lfeoi, ana reooruea inbook 135. page 48, Register's office of Shelbycounty, 'lenn., to secure o nam inuooieuDo.atherein menrioaed, T w 11 sell for cash, at publicoutcry, at tbe aoutbweet corner ot Main at.dMadiaon streets, city of Memphis, atl.o'clock noon.



Seitnritar. September 13, 1883.the property deanribed In said deed of trust, asfollows, Situated, lying aud bsirg in thecounty of Shelby, and State of Tennessee, beingthe eiuth half ot block K, fronting on Ga'neaatrc , between Second and Third streets, in Fort

And, alao, lot 3s in Park's subdi- -vlolnn aa th. nnrthv.,1 nnrner of Carr and Davieavenues, fronting 100 teet on Carr avenue and 248

teet on Davie avenue. For a more particularreference is made to said deed in

nf runnril ivlnma.irlEiiuity of radenption barred; title belived to

be good, but I sell sno convey as trofte-nui- y.

TJ. W. Mi ler, attornfy.

trTs 'I'H V.


for the bowel" It la one of the moat pUaarii wcfnoanioue remedica for al laummer complalur--At a aeasou wnen vioien "rVJL",, M bea frequent, some speedyThe wearied mother, lostuB sleep in uiirsjng th- -

"ttleone toethinc. should use i" ' "giisa,eta. a bottle. Send 2c. stamp;to W alter A.Atlanta, Ga., tor Kiaaie no.

Tnvlnr'K (lirrokee Remedy of S'earn sinfl Nnllein will cureand O nniption. Price gic. and tl a

Trustee's alfvirtue of a deed of trut made to us aaBT o" the 13th day of Auguat, 18H', nj

record in b"ok 155, page 550. to S'cure to Cloth ArLelimnn ce'raiu inaeoiwuiiep., .hi .w i"caah, to th. highest and best bidder, about 12o olock noon, on

Tuesday, September IS. USB,tn IW,.I IK. nn,,rl hnnM illMIF. DS Main Streetu.mnhii T.nn . the fnliowinr described realestate. B'tuated in the eity of M mphi, Sbelbycounty, Tenn., and deaonbed as follows: Veginnit, nn tee wear eia. 01 uauaev Bbreet. in vueTazing-THstri- of said county, at a point twohun 1red and sixty (2o0f feet souih of le f treet.running thenc. south with Causey street flf j (.Wful , H .nu wa ., nnM nn.nnn ana .IBIIIMn , lapf .t- - the .m north fifty (Ml) fact to D. Blair's I

south line thence east with Blair's line one and eighteen Ulol eet io tne piece oi oegiu-nin- g,

being a pait of lot No. 2, block 38, andbeing tbe same lot by A. n camonoito R. Woods and Salen, June 10, 1870.

nquity oi reuempuou, uumr "u 'are all waived. Title believed to be good, butwe sell and convey on y aa irusteee.

Memphis, lenn.. August ii, i'w ,

U 1 1 IT It0I lll'lAsk7al








jUVJ Lit? nr.iLHA.iiC. W. MKTCALF,

nd Gin to 4 days.

ly address $

Mfmi Tax.. Jalv 24. 188S. lia r.t fnr .xitire betweenX T. A. Wright Martin Cohen, under the

firm nam. of T. A. Kiuui x w., ia :ni udissolved by muiuu eon.eni, irea v urtiring) assuming all tbe liabilities laU. . '.,..),. M.;.n., t - the old stand, nnder the firm ftyle of WKItiHTUKUS., wno aioco are auvniiaeu 1",'accounts duo th.laU firm. T A. WKIO HT.


bontTht thm entireXTAVINO IntereBt or wartinCohen in the old irm or a. A. n ngni vo..XXnnHnrsianed. compneing tn. new u m ui

tuorniiT a3Ui.i . vitl Km




IA U A ...friends, at the old stand, 'nim sirrri,which w. shall make headquarters for all the

A.ii-- . nfihaiMiAii. Parties indebted to th.old firm will please call and settle at onoo, as w

wish to wind up its oia "sinosal . A. W



Medical DispensaryNo. 17 Jeftemn Sts i i

if safja Fromt, afemirSSTABIJSHKD IS 18S0.1

r, .ftnvvnv ,.ul...lMlnJ avail narTMD interaiteJ as by tar tha Koatsaooaaafal h- -

ficiaa in of prlvat. or seerwauia.sum. Quae. Peraaaa.a nn., "''j"1?-,- , "i.vTTtv

ry. . involuntary loaaoj r"'"rr.Y. 'viSimT'oT e.lf-bui.- .and o.'v.rV. mffoHw from and loa.

power, spaediiy and porma.aiJSyTniod. farticalir attenUon paid ioth.Ihaaaaes ot Woman, and ear guaranteed PI eg

enrod wiinou tu. jt".knlPafSai ooMtUtntions .ic-l- j edentijtMedieinM sent by siwen

a Workirt-me-n enrol at half t. snal oro'olock S- -J..MBar. from ni? ST . T.

TNTOTIOE.withdraws from th. rm olHATraarocnUy A Co., I am happy to aa-,- .,

acquaintances and oldth uih. that 1 have aawiated

tv wall knows and solid nrm oi yr--FUI Brother,-Co-

..Hardware. 6to-e- si and T.n-- li

and Frost street.-r.. corner of Monroe

J. H. LOWUXi x,HomeopataiJsta


ovs--K C-- S1S aMnlo !.. easpsiis, xeoav.

OBes Hour- s- 11 a m.. 2 to 4 and 7 to $ p.m.Telephone

DB.H.W.PU11NELLTSo. 279 Main Strewt,'. toretlleyd's). . .

The Iootor may k's aoniultad at his MtroaU-ias.s..- of tra

Tt la tha aweataet flmvor- -ad, the pnreet and moatdelleiool IHSBH84,1-- in the world. Promoting digeetion, eoect- -lvely and permanentlyremoving ocenriTO imellfrom tbe areata at. ateeth, it atimalatea awanlht appetiu, andrenders a spirit, other-via- a

iieilita'ad, buoy- -

3 1 1


T LTL UKonegenuln. withoBtinvtura.

m e)relrr le yoiarCamlrciesir,er ie

BfaaiBiraetairor, RraaipBila,



J. .

Late of Wharfboat Co., Cairo, Iil.




xerclaed packing


arScaid Wkelaaale




The LARGEST and ONLY COMPLETE QIS the city.The Best Saniole and Yield Guaranteed.

stes. Doan & Co.7holesale Grocers and Cotton Factors,

Wo. 13 Union atreet, TfTemphlw, Tenn.PHILLIP,


Lata John Speed Co., Memphia

(BareesMrs JOHH K. BPKKD CO.)

General Forwarding Commission Merchants,

BT Proprietors Memphis Mills and1 filevator, Memphis; WBarfboat Warehonse, West MenKiver and Aronu i.anin a rowaer company i ayior

York, uenuine and varioua branda Standard Jute and-- Liberal ''aih Advnncca on cnsienmenta of Hram and


p. a.



antla addition to periam-e- r

breath, and gieing a exquiait

itsof it,



i"1i'dnear mr

a boon to


ia.of K.


City andutiie. unio Michigan oall. lor nana

Bagging.Aw Arrow-lie-


IN THEf ALOIIIJ, Vllvn .LiU CL V. , . . m. u will cvuuuu. u u. , u.fli m .u.o,

name style, oolletting all ouUtanding and assuming all liabilities. stone! w. ckoweLl.Memphis, August 12. 1S5. o 11. H. MAt KV.

AV retiring above, I would respectfully ask from my friends a continuation to the firm of theirliberal Datronare aa extended heretofore.

Memphia, Auguat 12, 1865.











COOPER FIRMu.i.wivii




lad Commbusioii Merchant. Hay, Corn Oats, Braa, Chop Feed, J, Lime.Cement, riafltcr, Building ud Fire Br.cs, Etc.

Cor. Front and Union, No. 1 ttoward's How. Mpfnyhis.


Sli0.0 COTIOX-HF.Ka- a HUU o.l-mll- HFLLKR aod Ht W 1IOMrnblle l?si-r- a and Floatation

' Fd ndTHK COMIlIJfATIOX SO a rJI Jf?(l.iarr, and ahet'elelir.ted IA sOilb tOKai I..


io 210 FltOXT WTBF.ET, r i t 8 iTll'lll!). ir.Ti.

MEW COTTON GIN,Nos. 201 and 203 Madison Street, Memphis, Tenn.

LITEST IlffPBOVJBIs HILLEK OINS.and Sample finsirawtelBISTTornoot ile in and at win,

"Fatrnt I "loaaer" and unload wagon oottoa.












H. II.

B, for TAfor uan.

TO ST .r Kit "

Ood weights, and remittancea fromiHly made.Sacks furnished on application.iiive os a trial.

K. 11. IvKrSKl.KV A--






r m vuv




stew, mm & co.,

WrholesaleGrocers,GottonFactoisSO. S56 AND S5S FBOIiT BT1512ET, BEXPHIS, TEISIS





UW AID riNI2l3-KIIX- ,

000RS, SASH, BLINDS, F30LDING.LUr.1BERLath and Shingles, Flooring, Ceiling and Cedar Posts.



Saddles, Harness and CollarsNos. 301 and 303 Main Street, Memphis, Tenn.

Wills st foil stoelt of FBESH. SEW OOOOS, ws are prepars to flll oraers rorcvcryttalDC 1st oar Hoe ot prices that will compare favorably wills any market

1st tbe roanlry. w e Beep roniwnnj








C. KOEHLKR,Sec and 1re.

Tennessee Brewing Co.XAsTfJFaCTUBERfl


S. W. Corner Butler nnil Tennesiee SlreelH,rETO'


MEMPHIS,Tlooolvorf Aftsr Tnne "Xm. n

U. W.

to m CO

200 t . rj



Smecetaors P0BTEP--, 'iirtlOB

CJottoid FactorsFHOOT STREET. MEMPHT8- -

LivermoreFoundry& Machine Co160 to 174 Adam Street, Memphia, Tenn


Atlas Tim cyjJOL&9..ufactaratlnais...


Plantation Work, IwUdlnr OrerhaoUn; and Bepafrlng EajlaM and MachineryOHPFR3 POtirTTFT).




And Commission Herchants,COO and 03 3?ront Street, 3Iemplil, Tew.


HlSej BIGBCRWHans and Daj heol for Olrla,

Topp Plare, Bea'e street, Memphis, Tens.CLASSED RESUMED OCT. 6. lttfri. Building

Pleeaur. grounds eitenaiv.and beautiful. Special att.ntion paid to healthand enmiori of pupils. i mnaalicaierciaea daily.

Cour-- a of atud; eminent' praetieal. Pupilaided to hecome self support ng. Teachere ailtrained apecialia'a ot high a tending.

Schol of Modern LMngu.ree ander aatlvtewbera. Cnnveraatlonal methmfe. ofMuair in charge of gradaatea of th. Cincinnatiand N.w England Co .e f Muaio. Art Sohoetunder a trained teacher fr"tn the School of Deein.Cincinnati Univeralty. Wood Carving taaaht.Elocution br a diatinaniahed graduata ol thaiNational Seh- ol of Elocntion.

Enrollment laat 245.Owing to extgenciea of day eehnol, but few

board ng pupila can be accommodated. Pleeeamuat he secured early.

Address Principal at Mooreatown, N. J., nntilSeptember 1st.

ST. AGNES ACADEMY,Board Int? and Day School.

Tha Thirty Sixth YearBTlM First Manday eT RepteMer.

PABKVTS and rnwdtBi whobara dauvbUrtoed neat are rnpe?tfully invtiad

to eona1'er tb merits of thii Institute Pupilof all relijrioasdeoomiiiatioii" 'eejivad. Tbcourse of Mudy t thonmrh and xtaniirti,Whila the tolid itudtes are rejraried f the pmIimportant, mo eh cttention ii given to tbeevvraceful sacwtmidtshmentt wbich oontribate) tsrefine ana elevate

To promote emulation, premlnmt.ffotd medali,eto., are awarded at tbe annual eommenenent.

The rronndv, comprisins: ten acres. ahadVd bsrrand forest trees are beautifully la.d out, maktoe out-do- or exerclre delirhtful. Pupils mawhere enjoy tbe refinements' of a eity location andat the same time all tbe quiet of a rural retreat.

Few families exercise the same iftilanoe orertbe health of their children aa ia riren here. Thlibrary is well supplied with standard works, aadevery inducement ia offered to itUivmta a taatwfor cnoice readinc. Addre-- s

MoTUER SUPERIOR.Pt. Agnen Academy, Memphis. Ten. m

Clara Conway Institute,S59 FopIr Street,

KMPBfl, i t I TKHBKaaetM

Mnth Tear 0ps Oct. 6, 1885.MISS CLiKi CONWAr, I rrIcIpL,

A SCHOOL for hone-- t and thorough elt, fas'eultuieand for theaUala-meot- aif

womanly fore, and character.A daily gymnastic drill for gaining a fro.. Imt

atep. a gracelui carriage, and a strong, wall-d- e

veloiiad lorm.Special advantagea for the study of Muaie, Laa-ruag-

Drawing, Paintirg andThe only echool in Mempbia in which th. baaau-f- ul

Delaarte system of Elocution is taught.New and bandaome buildings, lighted, heated

and ventilated in accordance with laU ecientinoinvestigation. Large

Home department, itiiil anmlrat.Circulars containing a rut of the new building

,y be had at tbe too a storee.issued early in

dress Miss CLARAN.Y.I orMemphis.

Catalogues willthen, adVnti

Mrs iiisbai Saratoga bpringe.. P. MORTuN, Adams street.


153 CU ' !choo1 for ;lr1a In the eiontb.V T. 1 VY.N TEK, It. IX.

VOCAL CDLTDRE.BJVPROr. StOllHlE H. BOWN'.MraiCaVlrDirector of the Mosart Society, and Prin-- .

eipal of th. Conservatory of Music, will, on hisreturn from New York, July lMh, open a apeclaleoura.of aig weeka inatruotion for those who Intend to teach. Office hnuve from 9 to 1. and trom2 to 5, daily. Addreea MORSE S. DOWNS

Cnnaova'nry of Muaie,Monroe and P.pond 6u Memphia. Tenn. .

Lauderdale InstUute- -

A Classical School for Both Sexes.A or,. Library, a large

ADVANTA0F8: an .vteneiv. Ma-

s' um of hcicntio Spcia.en and tnnoaitiea,healthful nd a ce.;ible Ivcation at RIPLKY.TEN'N., SOmilcs no-t- h of Memphis, on the 0. O.and S. W. R H. The next aeasion will oaanAo,.ll,lM, .


A Hoardinc aad sayr Bcbeiol.Tiiur'TTMnf a. ar.a.

Annual Seaaion of this school willTHKTwelfih Sei tember 2, 1. Th..veral dcpaitnienta ! aiamemauca, uiiiiwi

the Naturit Soencea. Music, Art in all iubranchea, elocution, Penmanahlp, Caliathenioe.etc. will be in charae of enierienced and accom-pli bed teachere. Tub principal ia date minedthat ttaia institution ah all be aecond to none Ineuu'pme-i- t and educational faeilmea. Terms'hsuit the tiinoa. For oataioguo conUinmg faitparticular.. A, M Pr.rid..t.K.ire tJrammnr Srhonl, Mfmphls ifnn.

RUl.l'K B. A., Principal. Instruction,RM. Latin, Ureek, Mathematics, NaturalSciences and L- -i aian- - Rii.ra,B. A. (Yale), Prot-aa- or of Ureek and instructor iiLatin, Muthematice and hngli-h- . T. 11. Koov.II. A. (Harvar ). ina ructor in (ierman, French.Rh.torin, Koali-- h CoiopwitioB and hloeittion.Fall term oina Stpt W. lwn, at howler Urove.on Marabsllavcnue. Beaiitiful grounda ; academybuilt fur the purpose. Diaciidine eiacted, Boya

lrom oight to claic grade admitted, upon dvic.of Co inittee 1". K. s. Hammond, Dr. D. U.Saunder. and Luk. mRoLFK. Principal. .


rTHIS Inatitutuin auorda ample means iot aA. thorough

Claaalral. HrlenUMe anil aminerelalg.liai-ltaiaa- .

Studies will be resumed Tueaday, Sept. 1, MAS.Kor Hoard ami Tuition,

11KO,.tt,'V to

M At HKHAN, President.

UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI,AT OXFOIIl.on the Illlt iris Central Kauroaa, tw

L0CATEI of Memnhia. Thelooation lahealthy, and famed tur Its churches an" schools.Liauor is not allowed to be auld within live milesof tie place. Both tej.a admitted. Jhedepert- -menU ol rt, Literature, p.mciito -oien. twelve aipfnguineu mni.r', ri'endowment, lult'on Ires to all out law aiuu.nApply to the t hano.llor. t.n. A. r. oi.wari,cataloguea and inloruiat'on.

II. ..I o i,"''.".',gecrelarv Board Trnatooa



for Ilosa Maul Vuu e. Send for cata-logue. JtHIN R. S'MPr-US- , a.M .Principal.H v JE no a h Vt'uooH, Ph. l . Associate l'.inci pal.

lloitliliiNilllc lllitU Kt' achnol for boys and young

ASELKPT, cour.e of atndy embreeee the uaualEnglish Branchea, togetner with Latin, Ureek,Herman, lliiher athetnetica and nook keeping.The instruction ia thoro'igh and tbe diaoiplinestrict. The lhirte-nt- acholsat e year will beginHonda), ana. si. !. Terma per aeaainn ot40 weeka: Tuition, foil; Tuition and board, ud

ng washing, fuel, luhta and furniahedroom. For forth. r information, address

J. o. r'EKKKLL, llopkinavllle. Ky. .

The State Female College.OPEN PEPTEMBER 14x, with a fullW1XL of eilierlenceil teachers. Yot in'or-mati- on

aud circulars call on or address the Prin-cipals, liertha K. Gordon and Laura O.White. S'ate Female College, Memphis. Tenn.

EJg&vHMfA FoaTdinff Day SchoolatDTroassiI'SUleaaMl LKIIeOlrla,

Mrs. M. P. LEKEBVRE, Principal. No. M Frank-lin atreet. Baltimore. Md. The a4lhehoplwill healn on TIIPKKIM I, rir.rr. 17.

NOTRE DAME OF MARYLAND.Collegiate InatituteforTeintieT and

School for I.IHIe tilrla, llovanatowa,mi lea from Baltimore, mo. (nduoed by

the ril.ters of Notr. Dam., rend for catalog..

IShoiiHiitloali Ynllry ArdeuyWloelsealer, Virginia,

for Unlveraitv, Army, Navy efPREPARES For catalogue, eddreseC. L. V. WINDM. M.A. ( Va.) L L P.

piTtpiu'o iMstriTrrr. Klmoott OrtrMo. The 62d Annual rwaslon will b. rwunwelBimaaii, 1NH5, with a full and etflcient oorpe otProfessors and Teachers In .very department.Miaa A. MaTCHarr, Prine' Mlas Roberta 11.Archer, Circulars at 3.W asaeH-so- n

avenue, I'altiinor.. Md., until Inly 1st.-

MEMPHISNinr TJTEWbarlon a). Jean, Principal,

exp'ri.nced aaalatanti la allWITH will bfgin ita hfih yar on bepUsabo- 14, ln, at No. 174 Bernando atreet, tor mar ly

ttrac Church, iroya j .reparea , iorness or Ui ll.ce. uicipi n. eiricv, in ...Uon ana mootra ;n meuiuu.. --

Languagea a epeoial leatur. F;.r tariic'l.ra aatorma.aodr-a- a WHaKTON b. J'J-V--

l.m iiernanoo airei.1, i..m'n., "

Mrs. BoTtlob' School for Itojs and Girls,Elliott Place,

So. 135 Adsmssirrel, .netstpaie, a ..advantage Is offered for a thoroaga

1rVFRY CourM. atuntina willbe given to the Primary naaaea wn iU.uujw...ewurins ti pupils tht rough training In -

gts whi-- h are tn. lounu.tion oi au...- -study, t omfortaile s udv-h"- wiin picewu.Pl.y ground-- . The cl.aaea In Modern Lengt'.geawill be in rharse of a native realdrnt facber.urawing and Muaie in tneir variou. ;.p-w- ill

rccrive care ul atuntion. lleferenceu.M Fogg, John Overton. Dr. J. B. Inda.ey, W.N. Wilker.on.S. Y. Caldwell, Le.n Irouadalo.

ST. MARK'S SCHOOL,352 and 35 Poiilar SI., Memphis.

boarding and dav school for youngAFELECT little girls under the ebarse olte fiaiera of tt Mary of the Episcopal Church.Ihorougnly luel'ded Ustruclors in .very eP"--

ant. ir-- ihirieenih year begin. September For :rcular-Tan- funln.o.on- -


HILARY P. JONES, M. A.. rT'Oclpsl.COL .o bios eei. and .nils Joaiomll. Catal sn.a sent on ai plie-- tion

merrni (Pa.) ACAOtST flu for BuaneaJ- - or College. Specai drill lor back war J boys.Si gleordool.)-r.,.i- m A'l tudenta board l kprincipal HWITHIN C. 8HOKIUDQB tUar-V- a

d A. . and AMI

t..s1 giasfasIS ssmaa.

E0YAL HAVANA L0TTESYa ooTsinauiT inrrrrrmosi,)

DRAWN AT HAVANA. CUBA,Every IO to 14 Uaym.

TICKETS IH FIFTHS.Wholes. 3 rracUoaa, pro '9oclo A Co. is os the tleSjt.

ESismta !o" n..nip.l..ti.n J'""'the partios in interest, it le uuns

i. eaiatenoe.ttfoV.nfm.M. and IToliwS?.:flvv Ueneral, 1.A CO., "''". Ten..fMtv. or Ke

1BENOTION.. Virginia and Oeorria

I Comi any . .7. . r'.". " . .. the otRo-- ol sis'tiana. rnelr a JI vo.ork. the i rinaiael

hat date of the East Tenaoeaea"S:.i SjM "P" bonds, oss

bonis willBterttarr.