Memphis daily appeal. (Memphis, Tennessee) 1883-08-08 [p ]. · 2017. 12. 17. · 409 to 413 Sheiby...

FT IS TO TOE MEREST OF EVERY ONE l sniaiaw U . TO TO CI.OSE OUT STOCXt BEFORE lSKMOY IMJ TO OLIS NEW H. COME AND SEE US. SUMMER 247 MD 249 MAIN STREET, VVHICHWILL BE IN A FEW DAYS H-LUn- UD L RSDnUO MAIVSHKL1. 29G -- NO AT J. W. 336 Main, Corner Vitlou. BOLD FILLINGS Average - .12 CO BILVBR AND TIN FILLING) 1 OU r-r- . '( IV .I With K,hfM Every Filling Rgi""-- d and Wan-nl-r- t. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. jour Ovmoi, Ja. C. N. Gbosvxmob. & AG ETUI'S AND , 264 ST., H E , Second and Court : : : : EAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND BOLD, TAXE9 R Paid, Rents coltfetea. etc.. on lyuinmiwu... THE 8T7MMHR MONTnS AT THE CR FOB HOUSE, cornar of Kecoud and street. Also, a few a rooma will t rented to leslraH'e punted, at low rates. STOLEX. A strawberry-roa- n Texts mare, flen and tall, white on the Inside of right hind hoof, about seven years old, 15 bands nigra, a long swan-lik- e neck. Will pay a reward of 110 on net recovery. W. B. H1L DEKBBAND, Horn Lake, Ml... ROOMS A3 RnnmR. , with board for gettlemen, Jt In a private family, at 132 Beoond atreet. JAMES HOUSE comer uccona ira ST Good lor lanullea and tran- - tlenta, at low ratea. Ti TJBN18HED room, with Board, lor gentleman JJ ana wile, in private mmny; reference. X. with board, XV At No. 110 Court street. T ABQE unfurnished front room, with board JLi private family; terms reasonable: 265 union Two desirable rooms at No. Ill Wash street; also use of parlor. Desirable furnished front roorp "tat 26 Marshall avonue. i leasant front room, with oard, lot '44 Second street. r'OK RENT. H OUSli-No- .ltf Court utrect extended. Apply 81 DENCE 129 Adams street Irom September R 1st. Appiy at 267 Matn street. ITOKKHOL'BK Corner of Front and union ) streets, in Magnolia Block, at preiem oconpieu by Kckerly A mono. Apply t WM. M. Madison at. Within two squares of Poabody Hotel, House, sultsble lor keeping boardora. Appiy at 6i Monroe street. RESIDENCES Near corner of Fifth and TWO streets, Chelsea, convenient to street railroad! Fifth st. Under Peabody Hotel from Storeroom southeast comer of Monroe and Second streets; Shop on soutu side Jefferson and on Gayoeo ttreit; Vacant Lots on Beoond, Madison, Court and elsewhere, lor lease lor a term of years. Apply to R. B. hnowden, or JAMKa L. UUU1J1.UIS, oo aiaoiaou s,iuet. TTnrwF m vnmrmin,. 16 Ex ehauRe street ex- il tended. House of live rooms on Bull Run and AlaOamasts. ApplyJOHW kmu, contractor. "DOOM Several slicping looms, gbtandalry, O.V corner Main ano uni'i!i J. w w r.i--- FOR SALE. a X-- months old and Baely developed entitltd to reHislratlan. Apply on premises, i mi:ei on Horn Xse road, souta of city. MKd. WM. L. VANCE. "DE3IDENCK Nice 2 story frame residence, 5 .Aaj rooms, staoio, seivauts rouius, uu iuhwiw. ana. cast of Lauderdale: lot 60 by 13, corner ol alley nice home. W. A. WHKATLEV, 281 Main TTITiKLU's UHADLIGUT OIL AND FLUJD, XX Stoves cheapent and best. '2S3 8ecnd street. AND LOT No. 1M Hernando street; nine rooms. Apply to C. K. Stewart, Bueiin a office, or to N. W. fcPEER3, No. 85 Vance street. -- r OT OF STOCK SHEEP IJ J. M. CURLIN. Corner Brtnkley avenue and Old Ra road, INK BUQUY Only becu run two ssositbs; will sell on time, witn good security. Ad- dreH B UY, this ortlce. "NATCH tZ" Say 801 feet 'eet beam, 9'A feel hud, tun food cabin, in good order, witn lasteuinga oousus- - extm he, p.naiiis. For lull oarticuiars Inquire of REFUGE OIL MILL CO., Vlcksburg. K NEW WAGONS And one acc- - U oud-ban- OMiNiuuB. TAYLOR J POWELL, 201 Front St. STORY FRAME, and lot 3'29 Jefferson exten'd, 2 Residence '271 Poplar, near High. Brick House, with lot, Dunlap, east end Court. W. A. Main. O. 41 ROHESON STREET Handsome Collage at a barnani and on easy Utrms. MiNTKR pa RK K!, 2M Main street WA5TS. COOK White woman preferred. Ad A. H., care No. 6, poaioUica, giving relerenuea and address. WHITE GIRLS Immediately, about 18 TWO old. Apply at Second street. rpo SELL Two old bouses, to be moved lmmed 1 X ately. Inquire al Yiuoumn Lumber Co. 's Mill FARM OI about 100 A acres of aicu land, wituin 75 to 150 miles of ino cliy, in a Mkii.THY looatiou, upon one ot the main line ol r.ilro.ds. Good, touiiorlabie dwell- ing, necessary outhouses, orchard ana good fences required. Addresa u. F No. 276 Front street, Memphis. Tenn. HCNDRED LABORERS To work on TWO and Vlcksburg Railroad, ten miles Irom Coucordla, Miss. Good water and ligtil work. Apply on wolk, or to Frank & Co., Concordia, Mlaa. P. F. LAMB, Contrscior. - AAA TONS RAGS, CAST AND WROUGHT lUvU Iron. Uij Bones; also Second-han- Ma- chinery bought and sold. AgU, 409 to 413 Sheiby street, Memphis. ADDLE and Harness Makers. Steady work. HAHUIaua Ky SALESMEN To sell a staple with their ieguir line. Lib-- a ml commission. Address s ureuser A Sou, Ciu-.O- . alARPETS A yards of good carpel, J Will trade a piano or or,iau. Apply al E. A. as ara sun s ai i '221 Main aireel, opposite Woraham House. For from five to twenty-fiv- e double Also to purchase irom one U titeen thousand head ol cattle. Apply at APPEAi, OFFICR. HANDS With homes In the city, to Colton in iu didureul brtnehea, at tne Pioneer coilon Mills; hall waea pai-- i while learning. Apply n the mills. For the only Pl'.low-soa- Holder both shams at once without folding. CLIMAX M'F'O CO., Jackson, Mich. GOLD WATcH-CASE- Chains, Jvwelry, lor Caa a. J.N. Muiiord a Co., 833 Mam. riCRSES AND MULES TO PAST U Rat Fine XI clever and good water; salted regular. "al referoitoe see J. H. Manor at tua livery aiable, op alU vKonhouaa, T. T. B iAN CH. 1 BDilLDING J I J. M. iYOOI. RTERS FOE THE BENEFIT OF THE The steamer ECKERT will give TWO tXCVC- - MOSS 9, Will leave promptly 7 and 10 o'clock p.m. ARNOLD'S BAND will furnish the music, and the excellent arrangement ol the boat will enable al l to en joy the trip- TAKES UP. lOW-O- ue Heifer and one year!ii),r Calf. Wm. Panaerlin, corner Prmlap una Hawiey w, FOR SALE OR KENT. r AND Eieh'.v-thre- e acres of eood and well im JLj proved land. Good resiuence, cabins an-- stables; onefourth mile from river and ooeand a ball Irom St. Francis rivor, In n al nutBeud. Leecountv. Arc. Inooire of JObKl'H FAfuaA.N, ZDS Aliln sr.. jiempws. "lOTTAQb' -- CHEAP Six rooms. No. 14 Allen J aveuue. Apply to R. ELLIOTT, wo. v ront street. miruis 1)11 k icr. Dally Cotloss-Bx- lt Rrporls from Bll- - routs ssiaisoua. Mkmpdis, Tinh.. Aagust 7, 1883. WHOLES! DRUGGISTS AND IMPO Maiu Street, Memphis, Teini. GOODS DEXTISTKY. NELSON, DENTIST, OVERTON GR0SVEN0R, Real Estate BROKERS, orriC SECOND MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE. SUMMER BOARD. Board Reduced MARK accommodations KOOMS KOOM gAhKlNU-TOa.l- t HOUSE MXKRUI!R,27 STOREROOM HOUSE WHARFBOAT WHatA'lLEY.381 GOOD SAStUELGABAY, WORK GREEN AGENTS OLD WHO WISH AMCSEMEJiTS. Moonlight Excursion! STRIKING Thursday Evening, Aug. EXCLUSIVE RETAILS Dealers TRAVELOG TELEGRAPHERS! TRKRVOWKTFR. I STATIONS. Rainfall. Maximum Idatmnm Memphis . 82 65 0 00 Nashville 81 62 0 00 Grand Junction i2 61 0 00 Corinth M C2 0.00 Tuscnmbls M ti 0 00 Decatur S5 ... 0.00 8cotUborO... 8C M 0 00 Batesville S9 0.00 Hernando 86 ... 0.00 Grenada 65 0.0;) Withe. 81 M 0.00 Brownsville Kl 5M 0 OU Milan m 66 0.00 Paris 81 77 0.00 Kriu 88 til 0.00 Clarlcsvlile 84 68 0.00 Bum total... 1312 8l8 0.00 Average ... 889 62.(1 0.00 D. T. FLANSERY. Observer, United Slates Signal Service. LOCAL NOTICISS. Attention is called in ihe Far Sale col- umn to (be sale of a fiae Jersey bail. JJSyDoN'T weardirgror faded Ihings whm the ten-ce- Diamond- - Dye wit) make them good aa new. Taev are pei f ct. JERSEY JAOKKTS. MENKEN'S. Just d, ONE HUNDRED DOZES Jerstjs Francnise, Elack, Giin-t- , Nivy, and all new MENKEN'S. Ttae Lnelsj Han Balrlaii Atta Get a lllK 1'rlae. In the drawing of the Louisiana State Lot- tery, June 12th, one-ten- th of the grand prize of $150,000 was wan by a Raleigi man, Mr. Gustave Rosenthal, who deserves every smile fortune may give. He sent tbrouzh tbe ex- press, and received the drafts on New York for the $15,000. The transaction was a prompt one. Mr. It. has long bseu recognized as one of tbe brightest of our business men. He was born in Germany,, and came to this Slate in 1859. In the fpring of 1861 he came to Kaleigb; has twice been a member of tbe Board of Aldermen, being chairman of tbe most important committee. He hag for years been secretary of the Fails of Keng Manu- facturing Company. Btleigh (N. C.) oN'etrs and Ooaerar, June 24th. UKEAT slcKll ICE R SHOES, AT VOESELt fc CO.'S,371 and 410 Main St. To make room for Fall Htoclt. Only n fell or t '1 ante Longer. The grand closiogsale at Risk's will con- tinue for only a short lime longer and all who want to take advantage of the slaughter in prices had better go at once. Prices mark- ed down lower than ever on cooking and heatiug stoves, lamps and kitchen eoods. Will keep open nnlil 9 o'clock pm. Satur- day. L. TIFF RI8K. 360 Main Street. John Walsh, Undertaker, GbCond a'rswsl. Advice lo Hollsorts. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing bvrup should al- ways be used when children are cutting teeth. It re- lieves the little sufferer at ouce; it produces natural, quiet sleep by relieving she child from pain, and the Utile cherub awakes as "bright as a button." It is very pleasant to taste. Ii soothes the child, softens the gums, aJ lava ail pain, rcl leves wind, regulates the uoweia, and la the best known remedy lor diarrhea, wnetcer a.riv-.u- e irem teeth lia or oia.rc.i1wa. Tw- - live n -- is M.I.1S jUurnetTH Cocoaioe Promotes a vigorous and healthy growlb of the hair. It has been Heed in tcousandB of cases wbere tbe hair was coming out, and has never failed to arrest its decay. Use Burnett's flavoring extracts the best. The only scientific iron medicine that does not produce headache, etc but gives to the eystem all the benefita of iron without its bad effects, is Brown's lion Bitters. THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL-WEDNESDA-Y, AUGUST 8, 1883. FUNNY FIGURES, Which Made the Wealth of the County Appear to be Greater Than Last Tear, But hliow the Talne or Its Kcaltj to be Less I'lH&cnt Points Abont Assessment''. ' The footioza of tbetax-book- a for 18S3 show the total valuation of Taxing-Distri- prop erty, real and personal, to be (259,000 greater than last year, ibe assreement oo person alty, however, exceeds last year ibtl.UW, making the aaseseeri value of real ertale Bctaallr over toOO.000 lees than for 18S2 this in apite of the fact that property is worth at least tweniy-fiv- per cent, more this year than last. From all that could be learned the fault lies not so much in Ihe as in the discovery several years agj that Shelby county, where lax sastssments were tben made upon toe actual value ol the property, PAID H of Ihe entire tax cf the State. The matter was investigated, and it was shown that prop erty in other counties worth 150 a foot, or an acre, was returned oo the tax-noo- al U or 25, while in Shelby county ihe taxes were paid oa the roll value. Thus when a State tax was, say, eighty cents, other ccunliea really paid bat forty cents. This led to a rather queer arrangement on the part of Ihe couaty officials and for self-pr- o tection. It is ntceaftsry to understacd in the first place, that while the State has the power to assess the. amount of its own tax, THE COUNTY COURT has the right to fix the amount at rugb. a ;are as will meet its own ides. Following out this idea, the county about nine years ago gave their assessors to under- stand, tub rota, that it would be best to fix a much lower value on property than it was really worth. Their ideas were carried out, and the amount of revenue derived by the State dropped at once, away down. The county did not suffer, however. It was ouly necessary to raise the amount ol the levy suf- ficiently to overcome the decrease in vslua-tio- n. ' That looks like a nice little scheme to beat the State," said a member of the Coun- ty Court yesterday, "but it was simple jus- tice. It was not right that we should be made to bear so larye apart of the Stale debt. We were willing to pay what other Counties in the JS:ate were pay-lug- but uut more." It is a notorious fact tbat all the largest property-owner- s are in favor of a LOW BATE OF VALUATION, and that they pretend to favor this on the ground that a higher rate of taxation will naturally follow. It is freely asserted that there is a quantity of vacant property abaut Ibe city which is held at a speculative va'ur, and those who own it are enabled to hold it because of the low Tale of taxation. The practice cf undervaluing property once be- gun it seems to be at impoNibility to draw the line of demarka'ion. The rule of put- ting the value at half the marketable pri'w nominally exists, but only nominally. In reality it is put down at a third or a fourth. or even leea. As long as the large holders spoken of are enabled to have their prop- erly assessed so low tbey wiil not sell, but aa auord to wait until the market is belter, There are hundreds of cases which could be cited by name and location where property is va'uid at $25 on the tax-boo- when the ownets have actually REFUSED TO SELL it for five or aix times that amount. Tbie fact is pointed to by ihe wise ones as an evil whose magnitude cannot be overestimated, as it retards immigration and prevents men from drawieg about them the comforts ot'a home. Tbrxa whose landed interests are large wield s power greater than might at first be supposed. Borne of them actually have their own assessors men who feel thai if tbey f;il to put a sufficiently low valua- tion on property that next year they will lose the appointment, and with it ceriam fees and emolumenls for which their souls hanker. This miid form of bribery is said to be practiced to a greater extent than in a few isolated cases. Others nrga another reason for the low rate of valuation which is tjiven for what it is wortb. It is that a number of the mem- bers of the County Court are assessors, urns ef them regalarly elected year after year, and liiat they are NOT OVER ZEALOUS abont making large tax returns becauee those whose property they assess are voters, and that to louch a voter' pocket toi heavily is probably lo lese bis ballot. The form of Ihe is also spoken of aa one (hit pleases t,he rich man and worka an iajuetice on the Printed blanka are distributed, and the latter fills them up conscientiously, giving ihe full value of his modest little burnt. 'Ihe large property-owne- r too often laughs at tbese little scruples, and pule it down at as low a figure as he thiok-- the assessor will and too often the assessor thinks of next election day and quietly lei b it slide. PERSONALS. Mies Lizzie Webb is visiting in Nash ville. Mrs. A. D. Gibson and children are rt Buffalo Lithia SpringB, Vs. ... Dr. Van Vleet, of G. W. Jones & Co., sailed for Europe August 4th. Master Ike Lowenhaupt left for Cot-ingto- Tenn., his home, yesterday. Mrs. L. McAkaixy and son and Mrs, Walker left yesterday for San Francisco. Mb. J. W. Hobbs, of Mobile, Ala., was a vis' lor at tbe Cotton Exchang! yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Mooes were not pres ent at the recent ball at Baiicy Springs, as stated. Mrs. A. Karr and daughter leave via '.ha Memphis and Charles on railroad, for v ncinnati. Me. Thos Hardeman left yesterday, tit th-- i Mempni- and Charleston railroad, for Waukeans, wis. Mrs. E L. Wriqbt, accompanied by her diuKDter, Mrs. Co ares A. Moore, has gone to ot. Jonnr, ill. Mrs. Napoleon Hill aad Miss Olivia left yesterday, via the Memphis and Charles- ton raiiroWi, for Waukesha, Wis. Mr F. K. Sannoneb left yeHeroNy for bill L,ake ana me raciac com', tia Little Rack, Hot 8 Jringa and 6'. Loui-- . Col. R D Goodwtn, aocompanii d by his two I07ety daughters. Airs. j. A. rlaard, -- ., and Mies Aonie Uoodwyo; also bis son, W.o. Good ay n, has ;on- - lo,Loait- - viue and other places cl interest. . LOCAL riUAUAAPUS. The Chancery Court was busy yis.erday passing on decrees. There will be an election before long, and a suburban residmce, outside the lim.ts, is ior eaie. President Hadden is making an effort to raise a subscription of flo'.'O lo pave Riy- - ourn avenu. A mass-meeti- to lake action on tbe waterworks is under discussion by tbe Citi- - a na uommutee. An incipient fire in a small frame dwell- ing on Charleston , Hill, y.aterday morninr, .1 :.. a- was eaiauguiBueu wita inning loe?. "reparations for the entertainment for the ben. til of the Library are being earn ally made by Mrs. Rose P. Thomp son. Large numbers of persons pass through tne city aauv en route to the LiOUivitle hi- - posilion. Tickets have been extended to thirty diys. The last gap of fourteen miles in the Kansas City, bprincbrld and Memphis rail road this side of St. Francis river will soon be completed. The pole of tbe hook and ladder truci was broken at tbe corner of Main and Adams streets, by a collision with a lumber wagon, yesieraay morning. For disturbing public worship at Withe Depot Jasper Wylie waa sentenced by Justice Mercer to fzO hne, and pnt in the work bouse to serve it oat. A decree was en .erea By tnaaeeHur M Dowell jesterdiy cocfirming the report of the committee appointed to examine the books cf Back Lax-Re- st iyer Meriwether. Causey atreet is lo bave a top dressing of lishomicgo gravel over the layer of brick bats already placed there. The work will be finished this week at a cost of $300. A party of gentlemen made arrange ments yesterday to sperd to-d-ay in an in- spection! ths railroad bed to Raleigh. The work of getting up Ihe hotel is rapidly pro gressing. Justice .lliolt yesterday boned over Rachel and Ella May and Mahaly Mitchell to keep tbe peace for aix months, and fined Jane Ward o ft r assaulting Edmonia Cohen with an ax. A petition was sent in yesterday by nu merous merchants on Front street asking that ihe smouldering fire on that street be pat entirely oa', s ii was greatly annoying to tbeni. CbUf Cleary put a force cf men at work at once. A message was delivered to Chief Davis yesterday evening to the effect tbat a man on Front street wanud to see him about the noise of stefm whi-tlc- p. ' I've been lo see one crack this evening," said the chief, "and that's enough." Yesterday, for the first time, a Mem-pbia- n was foucd with so little of the epirit of enterprise in him tbat he mustered up coursge to complain that material for a handsome brick building adjoining his place cf business was in his way, aai he wanted the police to have it r moved. : A memb?r of the late Tax Committee cf the County C'jurt was heard to remark, in a very knowing Way, yesterday, that there were people who insisted then, when taxes were due, tbat the value if certain stock they poseeased was only 11-5- , but those self- same people now declare it ""to be a well-kno- fact that the s'oc'i wis worth 159 and hard to eet at tba." The number of applicants for small dwel!inhousee is all together oot of propor- tion with the number of house. Nearly all Ihe desirable collages are rented and the re f mainder are held at a good round price. The old ramsbackla plc-- are being n paired in many instances and rent as soon as the last coal of paint is dry to good ten ants, luere is no greater demand for any thing than for small dwellings, and if the knowing ones are to be believed tbere wss never a bttfr opportunity for inveetmenu of Ihe fcicd tbaa now. BCLLDOZKltmtOWN And Ills dyrallasa Willi Hawkblll Kalfe-Olli- er Police fretiinesa. When his bcKMhip closed court yiHterdav morninz be aadly murmured: leo dollars is all this court pans out this morninr. Mr. Sackett waa given five day a longer in which to hx his sidewalk. Mike Msrkey, white, cauzht takine hay from cirs on the Memphis and Little Rock railway, was heed Jo lor trespass. Henry Cooper, a visitor from Mississippi, got siaking to the lull capacity ot bis bide, and had to be cared for, the expense be ing 2. Anthony McCarthy struck his friend Charley lolrr a couple ol licks by mistake, for wbicb he was charged $3, 'Vein' as how Toler did not respond in kind." Alary Jones and Jennie Jtiawlins wera charged $2 each for allowing Ibeir sjwera to b com? choked, and fcr throwing melon rind and other stuff into the street. W. H. S:bipp, colored, who cut another man prttty badly with a knife some time ago, is out on condition that he report to the court tvery uiornio-- ; notil the cut parry can De louod to give evidence as to how it was cone and what it was about. "I ihink a few warrants would stir up the property-holde- rs ofl Becjrld utro taarard a more active movement in sidewalk repairs, Aad I wact the police instructed particular ly as to tbe character of work done no half way work must be received. The work mutt he done first-clas- s from cne end of that atrett lo tUa other." Henderson Mays, the colored nuieance who has for years frequented tbe vicinity of Aladison and second streets, sounding every njRer-D- y mat would listen lo mm lor a con tritution of soma character, became a too friqaent visitor lo Ihe Mercantile Bank, and could not be got rid of except through the medium ot the polic?man on tbe beat, it was plead that he was sobjict to epileptic his, upon which Ihe Court discharged bim witn a warning to stay at home or go lo work. Willis Mitchell, colored,, gave the most thrilling account of how Capl. R. T. Brown. aliio colored, connived to get a whack at his corporcstty with a hawk-bi- ll knife, which was listened to by tbe frequenters of Ihe Police Court-roo- bat he failed to tell anything about the section cf brick pave ment he was threatening Brown with. The tta.imooy by other w licensee confirmed the story about the knife, but there was a con spicuous absence cf tbe tbrill with which Mitchell had clotbed his narrative. It was pretly well established, however, that Browa drew a knifa and threatened to slay Mitchell with it, having previously threatened to "blow him across the street with a navy-eix.- " It was all about a fish Mitchell had io!d to Brown's wif', valued at sixty cents, on which browa paid bity cents and Mr. Brown twenty centr, thus coilec iog ten cents more than the original price of the fisb. Mitchell and brown conducted their own cases, and each charged tbe other with all sons cf meanness, thrown was fined to lor m'ede-mean- and (25 and bound over to the Crim- inal Court on the charge of assault with a knife. Mitchtll was also fioed 125. PUELI51IAAKY C1DCUJLAU or tbe American PnDlle Ileal I tt Asso ciation Meat nesaton lo be Ueld at Isetrolt. The American Public Health Aasociation. of which Ibe Hod. D. P. Hadden is a mem ber, his is?aed from Boston a preliminary circular, as follow?: 1 be American Public rienltb Association will; bold ils eleventh annual ses-io- at Di-Iro- it, Mich., commencing Tuesday, Novem- ber! 13, 1883, ni erdirjg Fr,d ay,' November 16th. The subl ets which have been chcsn for special consideration at (hat tim9 are: 1. Malaria. I'setiolozr and tbe melhods f ir its prevention in localises or in pirsons; Its American history; its specific particles; its origin; ihe conJilioos of its pervasion; its laws f extension, etc. 2 Food.. Their adiilter.ttiom; hesllhj or deleterious mods of preservation and tbe function of legislation in regard to thtm. Ascertained f ic s as to adulterations in this country. Fads as to canned goods, cm-de- cs d milk, artificial builer and cheese, pre- pared nieale, etc. 3. Vital Methods and rrsuU ; defects apparen'. How far foreign modes ot tabuiatiou ere lo be followed. Systems of and elf Biificalion. Race vitality and the care of population as indicated by statistics. 4. The Control and Removal ef all Material from Households. The mechanical iawc, constructions and appli ances relative tnereto. The construction of all inside pipes and their connection., their Irspi and eyphonage, flushing, ventilation. How they f hall be connected with oat door reospttnles, and yet be free from ill t tract. ' Tne Executive Committee by tUia outline desires to avoid general dissertations on these subjects, and to secure facts ani opin- ions as to practical methods of dealing with the iuterest of public health. R ;asons lor the views entertained, tbe results ot experi ence and the best judgment rs to preventive and leitric'.ive measures are especially sought. Methods and systems of physical educa tion, drill, etc , feasible in ttie school-room- , will be d s:ufsed. While papers ot merit on otber topics re by no mean excluded, it as believed wise to concentrate the preparation of pipers aud discussion upon these topic. The special Committees on Cmpulsory Vacciuatioc, the Management of Epidemics, and ou Liseaes ot Animals, will, before tne completion of tbeir reports, be glad to receive communications from any who have facts or optnioos bearing on these sum Active sn-- associate members have the same cocsid- - ration in tbe presentation ol pa-- pets, and in di'cussion. Ueutiemen wbo pro-pos- to present papers are respectfully re' quested to notify the secretary by September lit, end to give ihe titles if tbeir proposed papers. Ibe iLXrCUhve Committee insists that a synopsis of the papers to be oilercd, and statement ol time required lor reading, be sent to the secretary or October 15'h, and that the paper complete bs in the bands of tbe secretary at least three days before the meeting, having been sent by mail or express either lob'.s omc at U:sloo, or care ot Ut, William Brodie, Delroi, Mich., after Novem-btrO.h- . The Executive Committee feels warranted in saying tbat the meeting promises to be one eminently inviting and profitable, and nrges the attendance and of physi cians, engineers, architects, teachers and all ihose interested in tbe advancement of public health and physical well-bein- g. Inquiries uf a lecal character may be ad dressed lo Wm. Brodie, M.D chairman lo cal committee, Detroit, Mich. A later circular, giving such detailed in formation as to local point?, programme, n, etc., as may be available, will be issued indue season before the meeting. The first Mew Bale at Sraravepoi-l- . SuREVEPORT, La August 7. The first bale of new coilon was reoBavett d.y. It was raieed in Bcsner parish, classed as strict niddliag and sold for fourteen cents per pound. "For four tears I tuffertd aqony from tkin disease. Jjr. Bcnson't Skin Curt cured me." C B. McDonald, Plantersville, Als. $1 at druggists. Hew Tele-ajrap- Una. New York. Abb net 7. Certificate of in corporation of tne New England Telegraph Com oanv baa been fi.ed. The lines will run from ibis cilv through various cities and towns lo Bangor, Me. Htnfsni't Acid Ffcoaaskmte MAKES A COOLING DRINK. Iolo half a tumbler of water put a tea- - spoonful of Acid fbosphate; add sugar to tne taste. THE STRIKE. Another Operator at Work is the Loral W Office, bnt the fcitoatioa Other- wise 1 C Unchanged. M K J C SM W G Western Union Wires Alleged, to Have W Stis Been Cat at New York and H Ticinlty. t: H H J The local aitnation remain unchanged", with the exception of the acquisition on the for part of tbe company of Mr. Dvid Ftanoery, ate superintendent ol the Western cn:cn Company. Mr. Flannery occupies now the J W portion ol night chief operator, he, irom P aomocauae. havioz drooped from a superin- - P tency of a district to this pcsilion. Ia this V H connection it might be well lo say that Mr. ianerv is one ot the oldest irlegrapnera in me country. Alter naving occupiea oae oi tbe most resuon-ibl- e positions in tbe sift of the company, tbe late emp'oyea think it strange that be should accept service at tie H bands of the company as an operator, and t A eould seem that the company are reduced lo J J desperate straits to eccept his services in this J capacity. T A special (olbs appeal irom r.zymono, II B Miss., yesterday, was delayed from tbed y H previous, and Manager Howard explains H that it was caused by Ihe failure of other T P lines beyond Jackscn to deliver it at that R point before noon yesterday. M ihe picnic given at axuvai neuea me Brotherhood (100, and was on the whole en joyable. ADVICES received by the Brotherhood of TeRgrxpners to-d- y from Milwaukee. Detroit, Boston, Nsahvilie, Cincinnati. Laouiaville, U;deo, Utah, Omaha, Little Rock, and St. Lou s, report the Brotherhood solid to a man and waiting patiently for instructions. The Brotherhood feet elated over their ad- vices from Chicago. The 2'ribvne, which No heretofore ha been rather the advocate of the Western Uoioo Company, has turned its 5 iofluence in behalf of the strikers. This in itself, in connection with the strength shown there by tbe Brotherhood, is considered by them an evidence of weakness on the part cf the company. OrUtlal Bulletins. Nasuvillk, linn., August 7, 1S83. In E. Howard, Manager: Three s rikers in Atlmta, Ga., and one in J Kichmood, Va, resumed work to day. Q. W. TRABUE, General Superintendent. New York. August 7, 18S3. Manager Howard: The Times' editorial th's morning says it a is likely to weaken tbe to call out tbe railroad operators. To call them oat now would savor of compulsion; that it is clear they are not inolined to leave Ibeir instruments. The New York Sun ear- - "Tbe Brotherhood's action iu calling oat the railroad operators ia wroog and unjust. Tbe fact that they have ordered them out amounts to a declaration that the telegraph strike has tailed. somerville. THE STRIKE ELSEWHERE. Serlooa Cbararea by Ibe Western Cnlon. New York, August 7. Tbe following has jus', been issued: Executive Opyies Westeb Union CoMfANV, HEW YORK, August 7, 1883. It bas come to our knowledge that in con- nection with the strike of the operators and linemen an organised plan of cutting and crossing the wires of the Western Union and oicer companies in new lore Vsiiy ana vi cinity has been agreed upon ana is now bet- g earned oa'. In pursuance ol such plan large numbrr of our wires have baen cut I during the past week, and fifty-nin- e were cut last night in JNew xots. and vicinity,-th- work showing all tbe marks of having been done br skilled hands. Ode thousand dol lars reward will bs piid by this company for Ibe arrest and conviction of each and every person willlully displaci nr. mpiring or de stroking any part of Ihe company's telegraph lines or appurtenances. THOS. r. ECKERT, Acting President In relation to the matter the officials of the company say the cable box at the com- pany's quad was destroyed last n gut, and the cables cut; tnat twenty-tu- x out oi twenty-nin- e Mutual Union wires were rendered use less at Scarsdale, and tbat tbe American Union and Atlantic and Pacific routes to Boston were lnterrup'ed with the evident in tention of prevention Ihe iioaton papem from getiiDg lu 1 reports of the Sullivan-Slad- e alt sir at Madison bquare Garden. Pa.s Bitrlsto at Clnelnnail. Cincinnati, August 7. No strike among railroad operators on any roads leading into tbiscily reported up lo 1:00 o clock this afarrnoos. Oae-- 1 bird ol nt Pltlabnra;. PlTTSBUBO. August 7. Superintendent Kinz. of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, retorts at 2 o'clock that about one-lhi- rd of the operators working on the Pittsburg divis ion quit work, and are now oul. Nolnlnc Stew at Bt. l.onts. St. Louis, August 7. Nothing new lo cally this morning reearding the telegra phers' strike. A t lz.i'j o'clock p.m. no with drawals had been reported on tie Iron Mountain linen, and there were no indica tions of a strike. (Superintendent Hammond, of tbe Gou'd system, reports tbat of the 227 oper ators on tbe iron iuounlain lines, covering about JU milas ot railroad, tne paltry num ber of fourteen abandoned their keys to day under the order cf Ihe Lrotherbocd. ibeir places were immediately filled, and trains moved and business progres4ed wiihout a particle of delay or interruption. It is not thongbt tbat any more withdrawn Is will take place along tbe lioeot lot road. talemrni of tt. and O. Oflleera. Baltimore, August 7. Tne "facials at the main office ot tha Baltimore and Uhio Telegraph Company make the fol- - lomcg sla'emen': All tbe operators at Uamdeo button quit work not ooe remained. Tbey bave hearJ from nearly every station along the lioes of the road,and tbe nnmbar of thoas striking an 1 leaving their posts doas not exeunt n.if a dox;n, and tbeir places have b eo suppiiel. The strike a. Uitnden btsuoii, they say is not of a serioua nature, is lbs mainolhceat Bit- timore and Calvert streets can be used for all the work ef C tmden Station. Hy mpal Is jr fur tbo striker. Chicago. August 7. Ths City Council last night paesed a rnolation of sympalby with the sir king telegraphtra, and boldiog the strike should bs brought to an end speed ily oi account ol tbe damage to business re sulting from its continuance. Jjater. irom the best advtcis obtainable. it appears that very few operators have lelt the employ of the Wab .sli, and Chicago aad Alton roads. It was expected the full effect of the strike would be lelt at nooa to-l- on. those roads, but, according to the version, tf the cffitials io this city, not to exceed ten are reported to have quit their posts on bath these roads. ajanaea fan Inconvenience. Richmond, August 7. Traa strike of oper- - ratcrs on tbe Chesapeake and uj:orailwiy causes no mcinvenience to tne company, onlv a small proportion ol tbe men bavin; . , . , , ,t w t. : ... QUll Worn. Ala VIICIHIIHB ww 11 mto Sulphur Springs remain at tbeir posts. Tbe places of tbe strikers between Charlottesville and wane outpour springs were easily filled.- - There was no interruption to tbe movement of train. Everything is working smoothly. None of tbe operators on the eastern division of tbe road left their places. The business of the Ws.ern Union c faces ia moviBg along smoothly. Ooe operator who remained ii the omce a waek after tbe auike begun, and tben quit work, returned y. aLoeotnotlve Engineers and Ihe Strikers. Cleveland, O., Augu'. 7. The Leader rjnblisues an interview, in wnicb tr. Al. Ar thur, chief ef the Brotherhood cf Locomo- tive Engineers, sarei "Oiir Brotherhood has no connection with any other labor move- ment. We have paddled our canoe for twenty years, and I hope we ihall always continue to do so. The statement that we are ready to strike wis made without au thority, and has no foundation in fact. Ws have no grievance and no notion of quitting our postr. 11 tbe railroad operators should go out, it would make no difference to us. Trains were run before the telegraph was used aad, if necessary, it eould be done again. It there was Sanger of collision, or other accidents, the railroad authorities would not permit trains to ruo, hence it would col be ntcessary for ns fo refuse to go. Knowing, as we do, that our employers would not order os to do so, we are satia-ne- with our own condition, and tbe strikes of other organisations do not affect us. Greet pressure has been brought to bear to get os to connect ourselves wilb other labor organi- sations, but we bave alwaya refused lo have anything todo with tbem, and therein lie. the secret of onr iikcs-.-" Bargains toTravelers l'BDNKS, VALISES, ETC r AM BELOW. COST. 87 MAIN STREET, OPItV SAMPLE-ROO- Mew Menken Block. melaavj isl.Xruvavt saaaaaia aaVs7Ati kl fi HOTEL, ABB IT A JUS. Feabadv Holel. C B. GALLOWAY CO PacntirroBB. Bates ST . 3 and II per (lay. according to size and location of room. Table Board po per month. T Slrk. Cincinnati L Cans, pa Neely, Ky W B.sxi, Ark BSettnger, Ark 8 J Ms-k- . Ciotinnatl Lesser, Ark ' W M Kcger. Ark 6013 Ian. Ark Geo Bent, Chicapo M Simpson. CiMinnatl Jnhn R.ple. Lonitvdie Kapler, Ky M L&tker. Kaslivl lc H Muiford, NY C F FosytUe, NY S Obear, NT AM Cinuingban!. Ky c Martin, Ky - E Edmond Aw M.-- j Mullen, Grenada S Lawrence, Misi P McDonald, Ky EL Esp w. Icon RevE Wicknd, Palestine M W Mill, Wi H Noize, NO W M Clark, Mus R Murray. St Louis SR Dixon. Mo H Malk-ck- Ky W O Htmine way. Mo H James, Ky BBC Foster, U-f- Mew Clarendon Hotel. Rates ti, tl 50 and S3 per day. Sample rooms commercial travelers n eroana uoor. No elevation: no delay. Tardea always set. L. 1. HUNT Masiexa. M .Vlexan-ier- Tex Mrs W Pierce Ad. Ohio K Walker. Ky Wm w u aver. Ohio E C aik, Ky LL Johnson. Miss K Northern &w. Ark Mrs M J Wood, Ark M Mortidic, Ohio A Wise, Ky Orvil Winston, Ky AS Berry, Ky. ssaaloa'a Hotel. European plan. Kuta.-ged- , and refurnished. according to suo auu locatl-o- ol roorcs. W. H.BINiUAM M as assa. IT Atkinson, Ark nil Martin. Ky Villtrlm. Ky WL Howard. Aik A Word, Ark Hugo Schiller, ArK C Jsmes, Ark J H Singleton, In n Perry 4.1. o Miss Simpson. Miss E Austin, Ark J L Miss Ark T K Hoskins 41, Ark J i.ea, Tenn Wm H Kirkwood, Mo F Jordan, Miss R D Jones, Ark C Montgomery, Mis, K Martin. Mi s P Anderson fci Ala T 1 cooper, Ala The Ptigett. NC Louis J Brooks, Tenn W Tenn W J Gatten. Tenn H aobias, Ohio Geo C Wrgnt, fct. Louis 'lhos M Kemp, Miea. ADDITIONAL KlYEli NEWS. Wheeling. Aneust 7. Niebt Eiver feet 9 incbes.snd falling. Weather dear and warm EvANtviLLE, Auffnst 7. Nicht River 10 0 feet, and stationary, n earner c ear ana cooi; thermometer to so so- -. Cincinnati. Aoeust 7 Night River 12 feet 6 Inches, and ftllliic weather lair ana cooi arrivals or deparures. St. Louis. Aucust 7. Night River fallen lDi bes, and stands is leet it lucnes oy tne gauge. Weather clear and pleasant, ueparteu: araaiuu. City, Vickaburg. New Orleans, August 7. Night Ar rived: Annie P. Silver, St. Louis. She returns to- morrow. The Gold-- Rule, liom Cincinnati, la due morning. Louisville. Au2ut 7. Niabt Tbe river continues to fall, with 7 feet in the canal and 4 feet the chute ou the tails. earner clear auu pleasant. No arrivals or departures. Cairo, Auguit 4. Nisht R:ver 21 feet inchea and fl;ing. Weather fair: thermometer Td. Arrived: W. P. Halliday, New Oileauf, i p.rri Departea: w. r. iiauiaay, es. ijouw, t p.ui. VicKsmiRO. Autrust 7. Nisht Departed: warning, Cincinnati, 2 a.m.; Cilyof Providence, St Louis. 11 am.; Golden Rule. New Orleans, 5 m. Arrived: Cltvof :irn, St. Loui. 8 p.m. BAtrrr wuscra. MENKEN BROTUEKS.Agts N MtaS Lvery Coract is vrarraatt.d sat -- ' factory to its wearer in aver, ira, or tbe money wiil be rrms-te- if tfco person Imm it sv4B bctw.' i Th. ontv f Toreet br our leAiltnir steJlMftS, .at I.JurlAU. to li.o iiwi atinrHU or tlw - sjst ovnu'ortaljl. tuid peifccl rluing C" Mde," Y SUCKS, By 31 nil, fatal sviilUlPrraeryliBs)10. Akaamlaal (exiiaheeTy) S2-- . anlasr. It Hraltb PeeterrtnB (Csw raaL'H e.09. l'srarr. S1..A afaa-M- Iv soamatc Kctatt lu.i ...j ss.iiaMs sioitshyr CO.. yoTicE to contractors. NOTHJli TO CONTRACTORS. Q EALKD proposals will be received at the office s? or tu Directors, Boom io. l, over rirat na tional Ranat,atuoxvule, ieon., nil in la August 13, 1SS3, far the ereptinn of an Insave Asvlam for the East ern Division of Tennessee, at Lyons View, near Enoxvllle. For ana graaing; lor lay- ing about 1,00,000 brick ia cement and mortar, at m i - r ... i : 11 i it i vj u anui ..w.iwu uiius iu llnsaand nndmorlar at S Der 1U00. Talcknece Of walls, 12 inches. 16 inches and 20 inches; wings nt thn nuuaines tnree stones men. ana censer portion four storlei h gh. All ozpoted walls to be ol pressed brick; Inside wallu to be (aod. Hard hrlr-k- . Plana and specifications can be seen at the office of the Directors on aud after Aoeust id, 1S83. or at tho office ol W. H. Cusack, Arcbite-- t. Nashville, Teun. The Directors reserve the right to rejt :t anyoraiihiu. '. C. FLANDKRa, Directors. C. POWELL, I M. CaMPBlij,. Superintending Physician. Notice to Contractors Orncl or CHirr Ehgikieb Boaan or s Leva. CoatanasioNEns, ) CJEALSD l'ROPOAL9 will be received at the sJ7 ofloe oi the Heard of Mississippi Levee fcem- mUsionera, at (SilKESVlLLE, Waaalngtan coun ty, Misa, np to z o ciock p.m.. Monday, September 3, 1333, for construct. nst and enUiylns tbe folloinK levcoa. iajraeiin mommy, in cawso. APPROXIMATK KSTIMATE3. AImtr RosetlAle(cul.v ffement trout :op) o.dw coo. JtlM nCiri' en'atfrement.H....H.WMar r.ub. jJa Choctaw Ilet.a onUrKement m 2000 cab. jCr Jklillci'4 Ceni enlr;eiDeai front ftiop3..MM..n MM w hi.wj cuo. yas laOnewcMxi new eTecM.......2U0.tJ cub. vdt Blow Ua Lomoncl toppuig ... 1,500 cab. yxU PUns. pTO0!ei ftrni sneci flcatlorw of the above work can be seen, and other information teat a mar dtjsire. obt ined at tail office. Gc.od aad uaicient be rtquired for tbe proper eecuuen oi tne wars, aua naiacs oi eecu-rHi- a u ached to tbe biia. A forfeit oi 3 per cent, will be renal red. Bids must be addressed to W. A. Evzhvajt, Sec- retary a: d Treasurer, aad indorsed " to ConsLract LeTees." Tbe right to rtject any and all bids will to re-- eerrea. Br order cf the Bard. KIDNEY WORT. FOR THE PERMANENT CURE Of 3 CONSTIPATION. Wo oiher is ro prevalent in thia ooan-i&- i try OonHtipuou. mn& no remedy 3 everj Mtiafsllad tbe celebrated Kidney Vs ort aa m ctrrti. WnateTtar tno cause. However oMtiaitai tbs niK, thlB Tcaetl y ovorcomo it. Qtt 0 ElfG TH1B tiistrcsaiiiij eoia-- l r 1 lltvlasnwj-- i plavint Is very ut to be! ooanTlioaVtatl riiooiajyiUori. Kidnarr-Wo- rt tatrtaTllleras, tbo Tcr.kenetl parts tuad juialUrl SFcxjrm U kiixd of Piiea even wixea phyal-jia- Aaa tc sXUCknoe uanve oe'.or tAaaieax. a. tfTli ytm biave eitner cf thme tronble-- i us: E I Orutrzistt. ale!!, DISTKIBCTlOJi COMl'AJiT. $30,090 FOR $2 POPULAR MONTHLY DRAWING L- a . - L.'E ' l ' ' In tbe City of laoalariiie. ou FBIDAT, AlGlSr 81. Thtm Drawing oecnr on the lat day of eact montii (SandaTi pxnepted). Kerttd adudioa tion by Federal and State Court bare placed tcl Company beyond tbe controTersy of the law. To blafJompAny belong tbe sole toaor ot baTtna lu- - osraraied tbe only plan by whtcb tbeir & prv'en nontai aou iwi cruai's vvk N.B. THE COKPANY HAS VOwVOZS iXiUJn MP.UI CAPITAL A MB BgriEftVa tWTl. as? 41 OAEEECLi-- THE I.IHT OF VttiZWX SUU r a Wria. Bin 1 Prise - a9.3 1 fnis 10 Pna flOOO eah . ltMKil W Prlaaa too each.. ...... . lO.WCO tral Prlaaa lOtleaCh 10.1 Ml Prlaan Meaoh 10.008 630 Prise. 30 each 12,000 1X0 Pxtaea 10 each . 10,ta. APPBOXIBLATIOK. FBJZEa. a Ma aauueach . Z.7C0 Prlaaa 300 each . - . 1.W0 Priaes lOOoaca J0 1960 Prises TiVl.W I If air Tteket, al, 27 Tickets, bml Sioo. Bern it Money or Bank larart in lietier. orsnd ti Exnre. DO.V'T PESO B 1 KE jlSTEREJs I.ETT ti OR Pfsa rOFFICE OED5R. Crdora of 8o and ors ward, by Jtxpreat, can be sent at otr expect J. Address ail orders Is A at. BOABiM b', turffc Iraimaa BnHdanc, Louis-vlile- , Ken tacky, or !io. sat UasmaMS, aaaaasa. a anas. . ILEADQUA11TERS FOR PEICES KEDUCED. OBGILL BROTHERS & OO, lULRDWAKEJ, M ACII VS Hos. 310 and 312 Tront Street. GO TO SOL UNDER THE TELRACE, Finet E'taVi-hm.- in the U'li'ed StstM. PIiANTERB' INSURANCE CO. D. T. PORTER, President. JOHN OVERTON, OXeTUIaY 1, 18S3, NOT From Orajanization to that T. 3. CS- - AH AM. SEWERaPIPE: FIRE BEIGE, TILES, CLAY CEMENT, LIME, PLASTER BUILD1NO MATERIAL, d3 and 45 South Court ickasaw MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE.' JOHN E. BANUIaK A CO PROPRIETORS. GENERAL FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS, Haaafaeiirora asoil nalet-- a In E.tUra arcblletlural, farm sua llantallon Hsehioery Bpeelalllaa. WecarryltLargcsl toe at of Engines and Uollera 10 Ihs loaotl ar Hend far Special ASDKEW BTEWiKT, New Orleans. StewartGwvnne&Co J. Wholesale Grocers. Cotton Factors, NO. 357 FRONT .STREET, AID STEWART, BROTHERS & CO., Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants, NEW ORLE1X8, L.OCISIANA. mi i mraup r.n Colton FaetorH & THdBJSIOJ 1onl fiieoii ane stpctt and JSTo. 414: 52ain street,.- - McCADDKSwlIl give 'Jolton Coatiamed and la to I sds.-l-P- a on Masa.-wa- US K1FLKS ETC a. 1. vixnwa. i. A. J. VIENNA & CO. IMPORTERS AND DIALERS lit Guns, Bifles, Ammunition XSD FiSHlXO TACkLt, So. 315 Main Mreet, Bfeiapblr. largest ani best assortment in the eiiy. THK trade snnpUrd at lowest prices LOTTERY. LIITLE KAVAKA OB SUPPLEMENT TO A la HAVANA liaQ. Takes Place Satoriaj, Anr. 11, 1883. Sets Sefceme, J.000 Tickets. Ml Frlaea. Frlaio .810,000 Wliailes, 93 iilen, 2. LIST OF PRIZES: 1 Capital Pr-s- . nc tat 1 Capital Prise l capital rr so . . S Grind Prixn. of 1300 eact Grand Fnatact IMtUitk.. 20 Grand JO each. ie 6 1 (irand Priaee of 10 ectt. ,sie 30 Grand of 5 each L1M ATiOA 9 Prtacs of I OU each to flO.oou too 9 entes tli each approximate to tie t JOs Prise 67S 2 rnte. oi t. 0 eaci ..ooroximaio bo th. V 0 Priie - MO 913 Prises IV. 8. Currency) . tJS.lS full, oa the arrival tne official lists from Havana, Cribs. Fur lull Information address Mtara IMtsa CO.. General Arenta, Kew Haven. Conn or Ko. V ( iian wi t . , UISSOLCTIOX. DISSOLUTEQ FIRM O" GOODB A R at COMPAJ posed c: J. af . Hnodbar i. L. L:aa4- - bar and A. . laoodtaar. la thia dav d'.vaa'vcd kv uisiwuw. j. m. ts'UBia 1. iipJL.nASL July 2, a. B. GOOiiBAa. WE. J. M. GOOUBaE and A. B GOODBAS, thla da botight ihe entire iuu-ros- t ol L Goodbsr in a:l tne o'. eer? kind bo loiigti to the late Drm of boodbu 4 Coiopany. includiuy bis prortia iiitcreat io all ibe trie late firm of J. W. L.n mr m t'n- - mud we as aurae all itabdiue aciinst ania-- r of a, id firms. ana iu continue tte nun uuuer lave aaane nr.a came ana style as beretr-.'ore- From Kit date J. H. u- - rKltar and W. U Ciark are aamittea to an iDtereai io r businesa. i. M. OOOUEAR. Memphis, July 2. t. a. at. HOOUHn a. EPKBRIN'J to tne notice of du.!u',k-- 11 1 c rclaily e- - v ra to me patronage of my ft?i.i:. ad tue irarte cettt-raily-. a. a v . B the j ST. A dies .1 at TIN W ABE, aay pils f ERY, Latin its : t Memphis Tenneaee, OOLEMAN'b For and 1 FOR YOUR CIGAl.1 tkiyCH or aeol inr WboLsaV Prica 1 - Ja, Vlos-Pres- 't O. D. RA1NK, Bec'y. to A DISPUTE I TaOSSs Date. Over IfalT a Million. No. TASES AND DRAIX TILE, . Ntreet, Momiilils, Tenn. Iro n Works F. a as4 Botlera, tim NeeondbaB In tne MonihwealJ Enema 'lreolar.-- M AMDKKW I. UWTali, Ifcnaptala. MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, Wholesale Grocer J. W. FUlnttlB orntonbo. Memphis, tpw. Cotton Factors, - Jleuiphli., Tennessee. DRAtmu. The PutMieUree uetuacnrauut to nonet lie ana owe enlarged ichemt lo bt drosns Monthly. arClPITAL PKIZE, 7S.OVO.- - Tlekela only dlsarea In airoararllon. WTJa" Louisiana State Lottery Comp'y Wtdn herriM eertifr that tse swierta! the arrnnoe- - meu tor oil the omd irawtss o fAe Loaitiaao State IMlerf Cosipaav, and t per-to- n manage and eonlrot the aVrtsrtno. Utessaelees, aas thai Hit aiaw are conducted vitk honattt, fatmem, ant a food faith tomrrtt alt partut, and tse aatAortse the Company loute ihtt etmticau, ru ol oar Hgnahact aUached, ia Ut aattnuemcnu." Cosatmlaslonera. Inmrnorated in lgcg for twenty-fiv- e years by the Legislature lor Eiucaiional aud Charitable pur- poseswith a capital of 1,000.00 lo wailcra fund of over 1660,000 bat since been aded. By an overwhelming popular vote iu rrancnise was made a pan Die present State Constitution adopted Decern oer A A.U. 187a. The only Lottery ever toted ot aad indorsed et Ms peopte or any emit. It a'aiss or Feoltn.. I In sarana K 1 mm let-- atu tar Vranrlatra taste plna-- e ra.ainlr. a Uittfc. Eluilill UKAND DRAWlNa CLAIM II. AT KEW ORLEANS. TUESDAY, ABgasill, laas lnaiu Monthly urawiaj. CAPlTJIa riilZK, 97S.OOO, lOO.OOO TICKETS AT PTVE DOLLAKs EACH. fEACTlOd, 11 rin ll.i. in ratruataiuji! i .tw i va- - r ataa, as. 1 Capital Prlt.... m.oxe 1 capital rn aS.WO 1 Capital Pnie 10.m 1 Prise, of 12.000 Prise, of 10,000 10 Fnae. of loOO US Prise, of 600 11.01-- 100 Prlaaa of 200. ... to.ouo 3t Prizes ef 100..... iu.CbC euOFrixaaof liXju Priaes ol .. . ,0U0 ArraoxiaaTioat raixas. 9 Approxlinatlon Prtata of S70U..... a.Tso f A pproxlmation Pliaes of 600 . t.vai t Approttrn.ttlrm Priaes of 2jC 19f7 Pnaea. amounticr to ...t.s too ADClicaiion lor rate, to dub. should t only to tbe office of tna Company la New Orle-ns- . ror rnrtner information, write dearly, riving full address. Address P. (. Mouey Oroer or Be latere-- l !etu-rst- si.w uaii.a.-- s aa its L Alajsta", A'aar Orlasar, a.a. Cruinsry )e'.leni.y Mall or Expree. to set. a. aAI Kietv Orleans, I. a., or M. a. 111 r7 letaikatr.ri, Wa-ito- lt . 1. 4Jor Baas, a taaat rs.n aa . as st,a. a JtlSCELLA.XLOLS. Chelsea O. ltanHAl.T:tt a SOU, Tavunera avnd Cnrriera. Highest Cash Paid tor H idea. Atltnluiatrator'n .e(Ut3. r kTIERS of were this day A- -J s rail ted lo me upon ILe estate ol Wac W. Moon, deceased, by ih-- s piob.te Court of nhelby county, leon. Muopai., Ataruat 1, lsis. HAlias ar. awuiiwuBwii PoMon A PtaHon, Aitoraej. . SiJft-SS- S STraaat St., SSempliia, Tenn. KILL FONTAINE & GO, Cotton Factors, Commission fflerch'fo 116 Hotith Ulaln troet, St. Cotton Factors, Wholesale Grocers frowt P. M OADDBI & CO, Grocers srp. hta pcraorrat attention ti all lo tha Arm, prer-ai-e- make bel C0?.?AhY, EOT LOITEBI, OlaABM Oaavaltaal o! Pnzt-- aprtciAisf approximate the Prlte of PriariST-avabiel-f of I,!H-Uttoreoot- n L. Memphis, oust sucrav and of Taiiiierf, adosinistra'loa EDUCATIONAL. Br.lsT. 144 Kfaolaan ., Hew . Ht.'ililER BOARDING; Desirable Rooms. Mod- erate chanrea, nnusually axckLLiNT TSBta. Diversity of Virginia ttns cm tne 1st or uctodct. aaa earn ESSiC1 bk ' moniba Apply (or caiakataes to tlnucsasnv Ne Faculty. P. O. UuivemiT of Secretary rt v. county, Vlralnla. Virginia, Albemirr Ctialrman of the Faculty. as. r. u 4snrT SCHOOL MARY'S nnnla, Tenn. na. aai Poplar sl JPv 1 for Toang I a. Falect Boardlnc and Day or tne Hitters and Cblldren, nnder las Foas Nomberof U.ra nf ih. FhltMinsI ChBT.?f Hue pa- - pa; lis umneuiouuo nuu,,r. iiiuhi to Iwculy-flve- . Seven thoroughly k .h, naM, tiililnn In XM. and Drawluc, and books. a)Mss te aw in. For full lulormaiion, anpiy w S1STKK IN charge; BULLEVUE HIGH SCHOOL, BEDFORD CO, VIRGlalA. Bora and Tonng Men. Preoana lor BnWneat. Oolieveor University. Thoroughly and Ivaiidsame- - lyeqllippeo. r u ll corps Ol iqrucon. healthy location, for latalutjuea. sdieat v. K, a DlKl r. aseneru. w. f. VIIIGINIA Female Institute, 8TACSTO.V, VA. ra. .. - M. iiTIJAatr, rrBK next sraslon of Nine Months open Septe ber lain, wnn : ki. .nni-A-- p iui.viim Tsrmi reswusu - j - - - . nnn annlicalion to the Pn net pal. NO I KK DA3E OF HAUILAMJ. rllealaia InH"" er Tttai IJsaiea. . .miSiHiSK (rom Baiiltaore, Md. This lattl- - onductod by ihe Bisters ol NoU THRk- - . rably lonated. 'ihe systaos ol Dame, Is most . oesianco so ueveiop ina education pu'vuea . .ol powers ol the pupils. menial, moral ana pay -- sl rettuad tastraana make them naf tu w M l&ra send for cal- - cultivad mannera. For parlle. . . . alogue. Mme.Fre din's French & Eny. familt axd day school. 15 Morris atr:et, Iden Park, Cincinnati, Ohio. Fall term begins t.leisssr IVIta. Circulars sent on application. Mieeandoan Academy, Wiackeater, Ya XTINrrrEKNTHTEAai. Prepares for Cnlyartlty, IN Army. Navy or Baslntta. , J, la. Ii, MtilVJn, H.'slVHIT. a, 1. DEW HI K DNOU COIaLCGE ttiaaTBaao a.ts.i flvTMIN ART I tVjLLEGK FOR YOUNG LADIES. 1 FOR VOUNli MEN. Preparatory a Primary Preparatcry Business 8cholt Inr Toung lrls i c ools lor Young Hoys. FALL 1 KKaa urtfle bstid.." DUil net Courses of tlindyand Governtneoi. 1WP- - arate Bulldixgs. One MansgemenC roe luu lu- lormaiion address RV. A. aa. J&LiIjX. u.u.t rresaaens, New Winder, Md". Slate Female Colleoe, (lesDBhls, Will Sent. aa. BERTHA K. GORDON. liieipai oi ins a MliS Department, assisted by Mlsalatara Wite. These ladles are graduates of one of the bo t Normal acnooia oi new ion. uu aienrdanca with tbe most approved modern methods. All depsrtmenla satisfactorily Bltoa. amnio .mnmmodatlont for boarding. LooaUon nnaurpassed for health or beauty. For further In- formation apply 10 ..asx as an. Km. " - - STUDIES WILL BE RESUMED ON BIOS U AY, SEPT. 3, !! i'lnaalcal, HeleatlAe, CtMaimerclal, I'reparatory, And Primary Corses. . For Board, Tuition, Mnslc. ete.. addreia BROl HKft MAtlKEUIAIS, Hur.tsville Female Seminary, IIUSTSTILLK, ALABAMA. rTTHIS Bcbool for Yonnf Ladles J. aftordt In Ic4on: ,n c".,? In Its freedom from misns,. s" . to maiarlona districts, in its taor..ui(U.,- - and la the emctenoy of iu teachers. Tha next aeaaloa begins Monaay, .tvr"""" parUcuars apply to i. H. 1.ECKBY. PrtnoipaL DK. WAlf ITS SEMiar ABY, aw TEai m. The lanrost school for' ilrls in the "" an moat complete In IU ureas, iaail- -. M 5f and I reneb V - --- naaltailoni mMtTlmfra.Meinlis buhdlnas and bwation; In lu aciiva, l?!2i iS. sectarian Idea.; most .Die and a -- L,nh teacnlng loroe. pupils tuu yea . -- - VsM.r hsaV Meat year. Bea.a. . Ivor sietv Catalogue, address la. W. K. Washington and Xeo UNIVJSK8ITY, laHXINOTOiV, RUCTION in tbe usual acedamle stadles P8T in lb. profeauonal Kboola ol Law aal Engineering. Location healthful: expeuaas mod- erate. Next session opens Kept, atuiis. foroau-- . siogue address "Clerk of tbe Faculty." rUUHaosfU MH0I,, Balllmoro.. Id. BOARDINU and DAY BUHOObi luun, LADllUand L'HILDRKW. The twenty-flnr- t School yearbtgina Thursday, September JOlh. CJrcnlais sent on application to the Principal. ' Mho. H. tr. LrSSVSSi w. ra..M w.. Hnltlaaora. asrt. MLfrao Institute, 4 ML Venion Place. HrcayBardiBand Day Mhool lor Young ladies. Founded lbo9 Mrs. si. J. JttMEi aud Mr.. M AIT LAND, assisted bT,bln Professnrm, Beanllluily allualed, IrouUiif wmk- - luKloo Monument rlquar- -. Langtusl'a' PncuwIT taught. Circulars on application. aUedloaU I3ora,artaxa,aaa.' orraa lIVaKKSHY OF L.OUISIA Riats. MW OBLKtSSJ is the only institution ol tbe kind In Utr. THIS HUsor. in which all ths students sro taught dally br ths pr feasors at TBS anwiaa ol: tbe sick In U.e wtrdiof a lanre boapitaL Th. Charity Uusplial 700 beds, aud rooslvas. annually mol. than Six Thousand Pattella. Foi Circularaddrwt T. H. RICHARU-O- M P.. Dean. Union Female College,, mtn. 23th Tear Begins Tneoovv, sept. 4, 188. TARETadeslrinesuperioradraotaaiaa for tbelt caushtrrs In one ot tha moat euliurad com- - munltlea and hallhle-.- t locallues In tbe rtotitu, at vaar aaaaosaai--t aaTsa, will tend for Catlot sal to I. S. HOWARD. Pnwt UOKU'riMl'!l G'OLLEUatJ, VEOaurroWaT, KKSTtTf'MT, Cincinnati Southern B.R Located la ia. ON and beanUlul " Bio. Grass " region of Kentucky. 66thaeaaloa opens September I, lags. Instruction In all branches of a eoiteaje education. Experienoed Profesaora. Thadcgrae. oi no., a... and A.M. conferred, useful oouras ior tooso can spend only one or two years in college. Teraaa low for the advantages orreruo. ror uiaaofaa launniara. anurias aariv ia K. M. ULlJl.f!.T, CECILIAM MALE COLLEGE. Board, etc., per BO weeks, only a)ios. Jot caulogue. address H. a. t ill-- . Ceeiilan, ay GEORGETOWN COLLEGE, D. C, Founded in 17SS. Kit ItVPa A IHmiN HI. FtniDUT. A adi. wia-aa- a i tsnrifl hiioia open on Ihurs-laj- , u, ism. awara, luiison, tie., two per annum. Por particular, address PaxaivtsT oaoaaaroww olltbb D. C. THK kCHOaL r MKUIt lSIB open, on Monday, napt. 4. Terms tor use inn coats of Le tune. tiOO. Address J W II. LovBJOt, M.D.. Ditao. SOD 12th t . N. W.. Waahinttuo. D. C. TaaK lll f Lt opens on Tboraday. Oct. 4. lass, course of tiuoiea etu.-nae- ana f -- arraat-ed. Paealty: Hon. is. T. Mernck, ifoa. Jure M. Wilson, Judge W. A. KichaMsoB (U. a. Court of Claims), Marllo P. Morris, LL.U. and J. J. Darlington, PV. c. W. MormaB, LL.D.. Dean. Terms, lav per annum. Address Han't M. YgATMAB. Eaq.. Secretary, UJb S. X. tTSUIM. N. W., Washington. D C. H'AVti:LtY (ESIIXAKT, 157 rmt ml, at. . Wasklail.., a. V. EDJNG and Day Bcbool fir Teang Ladis'. BOA oorDtol profeaawn and teaebwa. Thot. ough luatrucuun lu maineroatiuai, literary ao4 ornameiitai department., and In lb. languagaa. Climate especially suite l tosoaiaeru ana nostans nn-.l- .s tali opeoa HttbUsmber 2U1SI. J Of catal'-gu-- apply to Miss LiracotiB. PriaoipaL I'll El UNIVERSITY UF MISSISSIPPI, AT OXFORD. Sext Seasioa Opens September Z7, 1883. TUITIOX FREE TO EVEBYBOD X Mat lal aindenls. sPKW TO BOTH 8 EX Ed ALIKE Th. Cbeape-i- t Coivertity In this country. All thai DeDtrt-na-U- are lu tuci-eaa!- operailoa. Law. Lurrv, HV ienuac and Preparatory Depart-aaen- u conducted a. beielof'-ra- . Fur CaIaI'jcu-.- . free, an1 informalloo, apply I Seneral A. P. btbwabv, cbauoellor. lapeciai ludncauirtiu ti rw to young aaoa an-- nomaua poor and itch alia.. 11. M. 8CLUVAM. Oweury Board of Trustee.. AUGUSTA FEMALE SEMINARY STAlima, iKdlaia, all.. Marx Maid n In, rnnelasal. SEPTEMBER sra CLOSES JCST K, 18k'. OPKJH lu lu looUoo: la It, tHiildlna. and grounda; In its generai app iuuaents and aauilary ananrematiui: iu full corps of wiper let and experieooed teachers: lu ouR.aiad advai.l-atn- n Music, Modern Langoaces, Elocution, III. . aria prtyaiisal cuiltire aud instruct kin io tbe T baorr aua Pi actios of uaeaoeora. ful .Juris tnada to hcatllb, comfort and k. piaaa; iu oppoaltaoa lo extravagsfsro; iu stasd-a-- a ri aoi id scitoUrablD. Por lull lauiacuiar. at latll

Transcript of Memphis daily appeal. (Memphis, Tennessee) 1883-08-08 [p ]. · 2017. 12. 17. · 409 to 413 Sheiby...

Page 1: Memphis daily appeal. (Memphis, Tennessee) 1883-08-08 [p ]. · 2017. 12. 17. · 409 to 413 Sheiby street, Memphis. ADDLE and Harness Makers. Steady work. HAHUIaua Ky SALESMEN To



sniaiaw U

. TO











29G-- NO AT

J. W.336 Main, Corner Vitlou.

BOLD FILLINGS Average - .12 CO


r-r- . '( I V .I With K,hfMEvery Filling Rgi""-- d and Wan-nl-r- t.


jour Ovmoi, Ja. C. N. Gbosvxmob.



H E , Second and Court: : : :

EAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND BOLD, TAXE9R Paid, Rents coltfetea. etc.. on lyuinmiwu...

THE 8T7MMHR MONTnS AT THE CRFOB HOUSE, cornar of Kecoud and

street. Also, a few a rooma willt rented to leslraH'e punted, at low rates.

STOLEX.A strawberry-roa- n Texts mare, flen

and tall, white on the Inside of righthind hoof, about seven years old, 15 bands nigra, along swan-lik- e neck. Will pay a reward of 110 onnet recovery. W. B. H1L DEKBBAND,

Horn Lake, Ml...

ROOMS A3RnnmR., with board for gettlemen,

Jt In a private family, at 132 Beoond atreet.

JAMES HOUSE comer uccona iraST Good lor lanullea and tran- -

tlenta, at low ratea.

Ti TJBN18HED room, with Board, lor gentlemanJJ ana wile, in private mmny; reference. X.

with board,XV At No. 110 Court street.

T ABQE unfurnished front room, with boardJLi private family; terms reasonable: 265 union

Two desirable rooms at No. Ill Washstreet; also use of parlor. Desirable

furnished front roorp "tat 26 Marshall avonue.

i leasant front room, with oard, lot'44 Second street.


HOUSli-No- .ltf Court utrect extended. Apply

81 DENCE 129 Adams street Irom SeptemberR 1st. Appiy at 267 Matn street.ITOKKHOL'BK Corner of Front and union) streets, in Magnolia Block, at preiem oconpieu

by Kckerly A mono. Apply tWM. M. Madison at.

Within two squares of Poabody Hotel,House, sultsble lor keeping

boardora. Appiy at 6i Monroe street.

RESIDENCES Near corner of Fifth andTWO streets, Chelsea, convenient to streetrailroad! Fifth st.

Under Peabody Hotel fromStoreroom southeast comer of

Monroe and Second streets; Shop on soutu sideJefferson and on Gayoeo ttreit; Vacant Lots onBeoond, Madison, Court and elsewhere, lor leaselor a term of years. Apply to R. B. hnowden, or

JAMKa L. UUU1J1.UIS, oo aiaoiaou s,iuet.

TTnrwF m vnmrmin,. 16 Ex ehauRe street ex-

il tended. House of live rooms on Bull Runand AlaOamasts. ApplyJOHW kmu, contractor.

"DOOM Several slicping looms, gbtandalry,O.V corner Main ano uni'i!i J. w w r.i---


X-- months old and Baely developed entitltd toreHislratlan. Apply on premises, i mi:ei on HornXse road, souta of city. MKd. WM. L. VANCE.

"DE3IDENCK Nice 2 story frame residence, 5

.Aaj rooms, staoio, seivauts rouius, uu iuhwiw.ana. cast of Lauderdale: lot 60 by 13, corner olalley nice home. W. A. WHKATLEV, 281 Main


XX Stoves cheapent and best. '2S3 8ecnd street.

AND LOT No. 1M Hernando street;nine rooms. Apply to C. K. Stewart,

Bueiin a office, or toN. W. fcPEER3, No. 85 Vance street.


Corner Brtnkley avenue and Old Ra road,

INK BUQUY Only becu run two ssositbs;will sell on time, witn good security. Ad-

dreH B UY, this ortlce.

"NATCH tZ" Say 801 feet'eet beam, 9'A feel hud, tun

food cabin, in good order, witn lasteuinga oousus- -

extm he, p.naiiis. For lull oarticuiarsInquire of REFUGE OIL MILL CO., Vlcksburg.

K NEW WAGONS And one acc- -

U oud-ban- OMiNiuuB.TAYLOR J POWELL, 201 Front St.

STORY FRAME, and lot 3'29 Jefferson exten'd,2 Residence '271 Poplar, near High.Brick House, with lot, Dunlap, east end Court.

W. A. Main.O. 41 ROHESON STREET Handsome Collage

at a barnani and on easy Utrms.MiNTKR pa RK K!, 2M Main street


COOK White woman preferred. AdA. H., care No. 6, poaioUica, giving

relerenuea and address.WHITE GIRLS Immediately, about 18TWO old. Apply at Second street.

rpo SELL Two old bouses, to be moved lmmed 1

X ately. Inquire al Yiuoumn Lumber Co. 's MillFARM OI about 100A acres of aicu land, wituin 75 to 150 miles of

ino cliy, in a Mkii.THY looatiou, upon one ot themain line ol r.ilro.ds. Good, touiiorlabie dwell-ing, necessary outhouses, orchard ana good fencesrequired. Addresa u. F

No. 276 Front street, Memphis. Tenn.HCNDRED LABORERS To work onTWO and Vlcksburg Railroad, ten miles

Irom Coucordla, Miss. Good water and ligtil work.Apply on wolk, or to Frank & Co., Concordia,Mlaa. P. F. LAMB, Contrscior.- AAA TONS RAGS, CAST AND WROUGHTlUvU Iron. Uij Bones; also Second-han- Ma-chinery bought and sold. AgU,

409 to 413 Sheiby street, Memphis.ADDLE and Harness Makers. Steady work.

HAHUIaua KySALESMEN To sell a staple

with their ieguir line. Lib-- a

ml commission. Address s ureuser A Sou, Ciu-.O- .

alARPETS A yards of good carpel,J Will trade a piano or or,iau. Apply al E. A.

as ara sun s ai i '221 Main aireel, oppositeWoraham House.

For from five to twenty-fiv- e doubleAlso to purchase irom one U

titeen thousand head ol cattle. Apply atAPPEAi, OFFICR.

HANDS With homes In the city, toColton in iu didureul

brtnehea, at tne Pioneer coilon Mills; hall waeapai-- i while learning. Apply n the mills.

For the only Pl'.low-soa- Holderboth shams at once without folding.

CLIMAX M'F'O CO., Jackson, Mich.GOLD WATcH-CASE- Chains, Jvwelry,lor Caa a. J.N. Muiiord a Co., 833 Mam.

riCRSES AND MULES TO PAST U Rat FineXI clever and good water; salted regular. "alreferoitoe see J. H. Manor at tua livery aiable, op

alU vKonhouaa, T. T. B iAN CH.




J. M. iYOOI.



The steamer ECKERT will give TWO tXCVC- -MOSS

9,Will leave promptly 7 and 10 o'clock p.m.

ARNOLD'S BAND will furnish the music, and theexcellent arrangement ol the boat will enableal l to en joy the trip-

TAKES UP.lOW-O- ue Heifer and one year!ii),r Calf. Wm.

Panaerlin, corner Prmlap una Hawiey w,


r AND Eieh'.v-thre- e acres of eood and well imJLj proved land. Good resiuence, cabins an--

stables; onefourth mile from riverand ooeand a ball Irom St. Francis rivor, In n alnutBeud. Leecountv. Arc. Inooire of

JObKl'H FAfuaA.N, ZDS Aliln sr.. jiempws."lOTTAQb' -- CHEAP Six rooms. No. 14 AllenJ aveuue. Apply to R. ELLIOTT,

wo. v ront street.

miruis 1)11 k icr.Dally Cotloss-Bx- lt Rrporls from Bll- -

routs ssiaisoua.Mkmpdis, Tinh.. Aagust 7, 1883.


DRUGGISTS AND IMPOMaiu Street, Memphis, Teini.





Real EstateBROKERS,




Board Reduced





gAhKlNU-TOa.l- t















Moonlight Excursion!


Thursday Evening, Aug.







STATIONS. Rainfall.Maximum Idatmnm

Memphis . 82 65 0 00Nashville 81 62 0 00Grand Junction i2 61 0 00Corinth M C2 0.00Tuscnmbls M ti 0 00Decatur S5 ... 0.008cotUborO... 8C M 0 00Batesville S9 0.00Hernando 86 ... 0.00Grenada 65 0.0;)Withe. 81 M 0.00Brownsville Kl 5M 0 OU

Milan m 66 0.00Paris 81 77 0.00Kriu 88 til 0.00Clarlcsvlile 84 68 0.00

Bum total... 1312 8l8 0.00Average ... 889 62.(1 0.00

D. T. FLANSERY.Observer, United Slates Signal Service.


Attention is called in ihe Far Sale col-

umn to (be sale of a fiae Jersey bail.JJSyDoN'T weardirgror faded Ihings whm

the ten-ce- Diamond- - Dye wit) make themgood aa new. Taev are pei f ct.



Just d,


Jerstjs Francnise,

Elack, Giin-t- , Nivy, and all new


Ttae Lnelsj Han Balrlaii Atta Get alllK 1'rlae.

In the drawing of the Louisiana State Lot-tery, June 12th, one-ten- th of the grand prizeof $150,000 was wan by a Raleigi man, Mr.Gustave Rosenthal, who deserves every smilefortune may give. He sent tbrouzh tbe ex-press, and received the drafts on New Yorkfor the $15,000. The transaction was aprompt one. Mr. It. has long bseu recognizedas one of tbe brightest of our business men.He was born in Germany,, and came to thisSlate in 1859. In the fpring of 1861 he cameto Kaleigb; has twice been a member of tbeBoard of Aldermen, being chairman of tbemost important committee. He hag for yearsbeen secretary of the Fails of Keng Manu-facturing Company. Btleigh (N. C.) oN'etrs

and Ooaerar, June 24th.




VOESELt fc CO.'S,371 and 410 Main St.To make room for Fall Htoclt.

Only n fell or t '1 ante Longer.The grand closiogsale at Risk's will con-

tinue for only a short lime longer and allwho want to take advantage of the slaughterin prices had better go at once. Prices mark-ed down lower than ever on cooking andheatiug stoves, lamps and kitchen eoods.Will keep open nnlil 9 o'clock pm. Satur-day.

L. TIFF RI8K. 360 Main Street.

John Walsh, Undertaker,GbCond a'rswsl.

Advice lo Hollsorts.Mrs. Winslow's Soothing bvrup should al-

ways be used when children are cutting teeth. It re-lieves the little sufferer at ouce; it producesnatural, quiet sleep by relieving she child frompain, and the Utile cherub awakes as "bright as abutton." It is very pleasant to taste. Ii soothesthe child, softens the gums, aJ lava ail pain, rcl leveswind, regulates the uoweia, and la the best knownremedy lor diarrhea, wnetcer a.riv-.u- e irem teethlia or oia.rc.i1wa. Tw- - live n -- is M.I.1S

jUurnetTH CocoaioePromotes a vigorous and healthy growlb ofthe hair. It has been Heed in tcousandB ofcases wbere tbe hair was coming out, and hasnever failed to arrest its decay.

Use Burnett's flavoring extracts the best.

The only scientific iron medicine thatdoes not produce headache, etc but gives tothe eystem all the benefita of iron without itsbad effects, is Brown's lion Bitters.


Which Made the Wealth of the County

Appear to be Greater ThanLast Tear,

But hliow the Talne or Its Kcaltj tobe Less I'lH&cnt Points Abont


The footioza of tbetax-book- a for 18S3 showthe total valuation of Taxing-Distri- property, real and personal, to be (259,000 greaterthan last year, ibe assreement oo personalty, however, exceeds last year ibtl.UW,making the aaseseeri value of real ertaleBctaallr over toOO.000 lees than for 18S2this in apite of the fact that property is worthat least tweniy-fiv- per cent, more this yearthan last.

From all that could be learned the faultlies not so much in Ihe as in thediscovery several years agj that Shelbycounty, where lax sastssments were tbenmade upon toe actual value ol the property,


of Ihe entire tax cf the State. The matterwas investigated, and it was shown that property in other counties worth 150 a foot, or anacre, was returned oo the tax-noo- al U or

25, while in Shelby county ihe taxes werepaid oa the roll value. Thus when a Statetax was, say, eighty cents, other ccunlieareally paid bat forty cents. This led to arather queer arrangement on the part of Ihecouaty officials and for self-pr- o

tection.It is ntceaftsry to understacd in the first

place, that while the State has the power toassess the. amount of its own tax,


has the right to fix the amount at rugb. a;are as will meet its own ides.Following out this idea, the county about

nine years ago gave their assessors to under-stand, tub rota, that it would be best to fix amuch lower value on property than it wasreally worth. Their ideas were carried out,and the amount of revenue derived by theState dropped at once, away down. Thecounty did not suffer, however. It was oulynecessary to raise the amount ol the levy suf-ficiently to overcome the decrease in vslua-tio- n.

' That looks like a nice little scheme tobeat the State," said a member of the Coun-ty Court yesterday, "but it was simple jus-tice. It was not right that we should bemade to bear so larye apart of the Staledebt. We were willing to pay what otherCounties in the JS:ate were pay-lug- but uutmore."

It is a notorious fact tbat all the largestproperty-owner- s are in favor of a


and that they pretend to favor this on theground that a higher rate of taxation willnaturally follow. It is freely asserted thatthere is a quantity of vacant property abautIbe city which is held at a speculative va'ur,and those who own it are enabled to hold itbecause of the low Tale of taxation. Thepractice cf undervaluing property once be-

gun it seems to be at impoNibility to drawthe line of demarka'ion. The rule of put-ting the value at half the marketable pri'wnominally exists, but only nominally. Inreality it is put down at a third or a fourth.or even leea. As long as the large holdersspoken of are enabled to have their prop-

erly assessed so low tbey wiil not sell, butaa auord to wait until the market is belter,

There are hundreds of cases which could becited by name and location where propertyis va'uid at $25 on the tax-boo- when theownets have actually


it for five or aix times that amount. Tbiefact is pointed to by ihe wise ones as an evilwhose magnitude cannot be overestimated, asit retards immigration and prevents menfrom drawieg about them the comforts ot'ahome. Tbrxa whose landed interests arelarge wield s power greater than might atfirst be supposed. Borne of them actuallyhave their own assessors men who feel thaiif tbey f;il to put a sufficiently low valua-tion on property that next year they willlose the appointment, and with it ceriamfees and emolumenls for which their soulshanker. This miid form of bribery is saidto be practiced to a greater extent than in afew isolated cases.

Others nrga another reason for the lowrate of valuation which is tjiven for what itis wortb. It is that a number of the mem-bers of the County Court are assessors, urnsef them regalarly elected year after year,and liiat they are


abont making large tax returns becauee thosewhose property they assess are voters, andthat to louch a voter' pocket toi heavily isprobably lo lese bis ballot.

The form of Ihe is also spokenof aa one (hit pleases t,he rich man andworka an iajuetice on the Printedblanka are distributed, and the latter fillsthem up conscientiously, giving ihe fullvalue of his modest little burnt. 'Ihe largeproperty-owne- r too often laughs at tbeselittle scruples, and pule it down at as low afigure as he thiok-- the assessor will andtoo often the assessor thinks of next electionday and quietly lei b it slide.

PERSONALS.Mies Lizzie Webb is visiting in Nash

ville.Mrs. A. D. Gibson and children are rt

Buffalo Lithia SpringB, Vs.... Dr. Van Vleet, of G. W. Jones & Co.,sailed for Europe August 4th.

Master Ike Lowenhaupt left for Cot-ingto-

Tenn., his home, yesterday.Mrs. L. McAkaixy and son and Mrs,

Walker left yesterday for San Francisco.Mb. J. W. Hobbs, of Mobile, Ala., was a

vis' lor at tbe Cotton Exchang! yesterday.Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Mooes were not pres

ent at the recent ball at Baiicy Springs, asstated.

Mrs. A. Karr and daughter leavevia '.ha Memphis and Charles on railroad, forv ncinnati.

Me. Thos Hardeman left yesterday, titth-- i Mempni- and Charleston railroad, forWaukeans, wis.

Mrs. E L. Wriqbt, accompanied by herdiuKDter, Mrs. Co ares A. Moore, has goneto ot. Jonnr, ill.

Mrs. Napoleon Hill aad Miss Olivialeft yesterday, via the Memphis and Charles-ton raiiroWi, for Waukesha, Wis.

Mr F. K. Sannoneb left yeHeroNy forbill L,ake ana me raciac com', tiaLittle Rack, Hot 8 Jringa and 6'. Loui-- .

Col. R D Goodwtn, aocompanii d by histwo I07ety daughters. Airs. j. A. rlaard, --.,and Mies Aonie Uoodwyo; also bis son, W.o.Good ay n, has ;on- - lo,Loait- -viue and other places cl interest.

. LOCAL riUAUAAPUS.The Chancery Court was busy yis.erday

passing on decrees.There will be an election before long,

and a suburban residmce, outside the lim.ts,is ior eaie.

President Hadden is making an effort toraise a subscription of flo'.'O lo pave Riy- -ourn avenu.

A mass-meeti- to lake action on tbewaterworks is under discussion by tbe Citi- -a na uommutee.

An incipient fire in a small frame dwell-ing on Charleston, Hill, y.aterday morninr,

.1 :.. a-was eaiauguiBueu wita inning loe?."reparations for the entertainment for

the ben. til of the Library arebeing earn ally made by Mrs. Rose P. Thompson.

Large numbers of persons pass throughtne city aauv en route to the LiOUivitle hi- -

posilion. Tickets have been extended tothirty diys.

The last gap of fourteen miles in theKansas City, bprincbrld and Memphis railroad this side of St. Francis river will soonbe completed.

The pole of tbe hook and ladder truciwas broken at tbe corner of Main and Adamsstreets, by a collision with a lumber wagon,yesieraay morning.

For disturbing public worship at WitheDepot Jasper Wylie waa sentenced by JusticeMercer to fzO hne, and pnt in the workbouse to serve it oat.

A decree was en .erea By tnaaeeHur MDowell jesterdiy cocfirming the report ofthe committee appointed to examine thebooks cf Back Lax-Re- st iyer Meriwether.

Causey atreet is lo bave a top dressing oflishomicgo gravel over the layer of brickbats already placed there. The work willbe finished this week at a cost of $300.

A party of gentlemen made arrangements yesterday to sperd to-d-ay in an in-spection! ths railroad bed to Raleigh. Thework of getting up Ihe hotel is rapidly progressing.

Justice .lliolt yesterday boned overRachel and Ella May and Mahaly Mitchellto keep tbe peace for aix months, and finedJane Ward o ft r assaulting Edmonia Cohenwith an ax.

A petition was sent in yesterday by numerous merchants on Front street asking thatihe smouldering fire on that street be pat

entirely oa', s ii was greatly annoying totbeni. CbUf Cleary put a force cf men atwork at once.

A message was delivered to Chief Davisyesterday evening to the effect tbat a man onFront street wanud to see him about thenoise of stefm whi-tlc- p. ' I've been lo seeone crack this evening," said the chief, "andthat's enough."

Yesterday, for the first time, a Mem-pbia- n

was foucd with so little of the epiritof enterprise in him tbat he mustered upcoursge to complain that material for ahandsome brick building adjoining his placecf business was in his way, aai he wantedthe police to have it r moved.

: A memb?r of the late Tax Committee cfthe County C'jurt was heard to remark, in avery knowing Way, yesterday, that therewere people who insisted then, when taxeswere due, tbat the value if certain stockthey poseeased was only 11-5- , but those self-same people now declare it ""to be a well-kno-

fact that the s'oc'i wis worth 159 andhard to eet at tba."

The number of applicants for smalldwel!inhousee is all together oot of propor-tion with the number of house. Nearly allIhe desirable collages are rented and the re fmainder are held at a good round price.The old ramsbackla plc-- are being npaired in many instances and rent as soonas the last coal of paint is dry to good tenants, luere is no greater demand for anything than for small dwellings, and if theknowing ones are to be believed tbere wssnever a bttfr opportunity for inveetmenuof Ihe fcicd tbaa now.


And Ills dyrallasa Willi HawkblllKalfe-Olli- er Police fretiinesa.

When his bcKMhip closed court yiHterdavmorninz be aadly murmured:

leo dollars is all this court pans out thismorninr.

Mr. Sackett waa given five day a longer inwhich to hx his sidewalk.

Mike Msrkey, white, cauzht takine hayfrom cirs on the Memphis and Little Rockrailway, was heed Jo lor trespass.

Henry Cooper, a visitor from Mississippi,got siaking to the lull capacity ot bis bide,and had to be cared for, the expense being 2.

Anthony McCarthy struck his friend Charleylolrr a couple ol licks by mistake, for wbicbhe was charged $3, 'Vein' as how Toler didnot respond in kind."

Alary Jones and Jennie Jtiawlins weracharged $2 each for allowing Ibeir sjwera tob com? choked, and fcr throwing melonrind and other stuff into the street.

W. H. S:bipp, colored, who cut anotherman prttty badly with a knife some timeago, is out on condition that he report to thecourt tvery uiornio-- ; notil the cut parry canDe louod to give evidence as to how it wascone and what it was about.

"I ihink a few warrants would stir up theproperty-holde- rs ofl Becjrld utro taarard amore active movement in sidewalk repairs,Aad I wact the police instructed particularly as to tbe character of work done no halfway work must be received. The work mutthe done first-clas- s from cne end of that atrettlo tUa other."

Henderson Mays, the colored nuieancewho has for years frequented tbe vicinity ofAladison and second streets, sounding everynjRer-D- y mat would listen lo mm lor a contritution of soma character, became a toofriqaent visitor lo Ihe Mercantile Bank, andcould not be got rid of except through themedium ot the polic?man on tbe beat, itwas plead that he was sobjict to epileptichis, upon which Ihe Court discharged bimwitn a warning to stay at home or go lo work.

Willis Mitchell, colored,, gave the mostthrilling account of how Capl. R. T. Brown.aliio colored, connived to get a whack at hiscorporcstty with a hawk-bi- ll knife, whichwas listened to by tbe frequenters of IhePolice Court-roo- bat he failed to tellanything about the section cf brick pavement he was threatening Brown with. Thetta.imooy by other w licensee confirmed thestory about the knife, but there was a conspicuous absence cf tbe tbrill with whichMitchell had clotbed his narrative. It waspretly well established, however, that Browadrew a knifa and threatened to slay Mitchellwith it, having previously threatened to "blowhim across the street with a navy-eix.- " Itwas all about a fish Mitchell had io!d toBrown's wif', valued at sixty cents, on whichbrowa paid bity cents and Mr. Browntwenty centr, thus coilec iog ten cents morethan the original price of the fisb. Mitchelland brown conducted their own cases, andeach charged tbe other with all sons cfmeanness, thrown was fined to lor m'ede-mean-

and (25 and bound over to the Crim-inal Court on the charge of assault with aknife. Mitchtll was also fioed 125.


or tbe American PnDlle Ileal I tt Association Meat nesaton lo be

Ueld at Isetrolt.

The American Public Health Aasociation.of which Ibe Hod. D. P. Hadden is a member, his is?aed from Boston a preliminarycircular, as follow?:

1 be American Public rienltb Associationwill; bold ils eleventh annual ses-io- at Di-Iro- it,

Mich., commencing Tuesday, Novem-ber! 13, 1883, ni erdirjg Fr,d ay,' November16th.

The subl ets which have been chcsn forspecial consideration at (hat tim9 are:

1. Malaria. I'setiolozr and tbe melhodsf ir its prevention in localises or in pirsons;Its American history; its specific particles;its origin; ihe conJilioos of its pervasion;its laws f extension, etc.

2 Food.. Their adiilter.ttiom; hesllhjor deleterious mods of preservation and tbefunction of legislation in regard to thtm.Ascertained f ic s as to adulterations in thiscountry. Fads as to canned goods, cm-de- cs

d milk, artificial builer and cheese, pre-pared nieale, etc.

3. Vital Methods and rrsuU ;

defects apparen'. How far foreign modes ottabuiatiou ere lo be followed. Systems and elf Biificalion. Race vitalityand the care of population as indicated bystatistics.

4. The Control and Removal ef allMaterial from Households. The

mechanical iawc, constructions and appliances relative tnereto. The construction ofall inside pipes and their connection., theirIrspi and eyphonage, flushing, ventilation.How they fhall be connected with oat doorreospttnles, and yet be free from ill t tract. '

Tne Executive Committee by tUia outlinedesires to avoid general dissertations onthese subjects, and to secure facts ani opin-ions as to practical methods of dealing withthe iuterest of public health. R ;asons lorthe views entertained, tbe results ot experience and the best judgment rs to preventiveand leitric'.ive measures are especiallysought.

Methods and systems of physical education, drill, etc , feasible in ttie school-room- ,

will be d s:ufsed. While papers ot merit onotber topics re by no mean excluded, it asbelieved wise to concentrate the preparationof pipers aud discussion upon these topic.

The special Committees on CmpulsoryVacciuatioc, the Management of Epidemics,and ou Liseaes ot Animals, will, before tnecompletion of tbeir reports, be glad to receivecommunications from any who have facts oroptnioos bearing on these sum

Active sn-- associate members have thesame cocsid- - ration in tbe presentation ol pa--pets, and in di'cussion. Ueutiemen wbo pro-pos-

to present papers are respectfully re'quested to notify the secretary by Septemberlit, end to give ihe titles if tbeir proposedpapers.

Ibe iLXrCUhve Committee insists that asynopsis of the papers to be oilercd, andstatement ol time required lor reading, besent to the secretary or October 15'h, andthat the paper complete bs in the bands oftbe secretary at least three days before themeeting, having been sent by mail or expresseither lob'.s omc at U:sloo, or care ot Ut,William Brodie, Delroi, Mich., after Novem-btrO.h- .

The Executive Committee feels warrantedin saying tbat the meeting promises to be oneeminently inviting and profitable, and nrgesthe attendance and of physicians, engineers, architects, teachers and allihose interested in tbe advancement of publichealth and physical well-bein- g.

Inquiries uf a lecal character may be addressed lo Wm. Brodie, M.D chairman local committee, Detroit, Mich.

A later circular, giving such detailed information as to local point?, programme,

n, etc., as may be available, willbe issued indue season before the meeting.

The first Mew Bale at Sraravepoi-l- .

SuREVEPORT, La August 7. The firstbale of new coilon was reoBavett d.y. Itwas raieed in Bcsner parish, classed as strictniddliag and sold for fourteen cents perpound.

"For four tears I tuffertd aqony fromtkin disease. Jjr. Bcnson't Skin Curt cured me."C B. McDonald, Plantersville, Als. $1 atdruggists.

Hew Tele-ajrap- Una.New York. Abb net 7. Certificate of in

corporation of tne New England TelegraphCom oanv baa been fi.ed. The lines will runfrom ibis cilv through various cities andtowns lo Bangor, Me.

Htnfsni't Acid FfcoaaskmteMAKES A COOLING DRINK.

Iolo half a tumbler of water put a tea- -spoonful of Acid fbosphate; add sugar to tnetaste.


Another Operator at Work is the LoralW

Office, bnt the fcitoatioa Other-wise

1 C

Unchanged. MK JCS MWG

Western Union Wires Alleged, to Have WStis

Been Cat at New York and H

Ticinlty. t:HHJ

The local aitnation remain unchanged",with the exception of the acquisition on the forpart of tbe company of Mr. Dvid Ftanoery,ate superintendent ol the Western cn:cn

Company. Mr. Flannery occupies now the JW

portion ol night chief operator, he, irom Paomocauae. havioz drooped from a superin- - Ptency of a district to this pcsilion. Ia this V

Hconnection it might be well lo say that Mr.

ianerv is one ot the oldest irlegrapnera inme country. Alter naving occupiea oae oitbe most resuon-ibl- e positions in tbe sift ofthe company, tbe late emp'oyea think itstrange that be should accept service at tie Hbands of the company as an operator, and t A

eould seem that the company are reduced lo JJdesperate straits to eccept his services in this J

capacity. TA special (olbs appeal irom r.zymono, II

BMiss., yesterday, was delayed from tbed y Hprevious, and Manager Howard explains Hthat it was caused by Ihe failure of other T

Plines beyond Jackscn to deliver it at that Rpoint before noon yesterday. M

ihe picnic given at axuvai neuea meBrotherhood (100, and was on the whole enjoyable.


received by the Brotherhood of TeRgrxpnersto-d- y from Milwaukee. Detroit, Boston,Nsahvilie, Cincinnati. Laouiaville, U;deo,Utah, Omaha, Little Rock, and St. Lou s,report the Brotherhood solid to a man andwaiting patiently for instructions.

The Brotherhood feet elated over their ad-

vices from Chicago. The 2'ribvne, which No

heretofore ha been rather the advocate ofthe Western Uoioo Company, has turned its 5

iofluence in behalf of the strikers. This initself, in connection with the strength shownthere by tbe Brotherhood, is considered bythem an evidence of weakness on the part cfthe company.

OrUtlal Bulletins.Nasuvillk, linn., August 7, 1S83. In

E. Howard, Manager:Three s rikers in Atlmta, Ga., and one in

JKichmood, Va, resumed work to day.

Q. W. TRABUE, General Superintendent.

New York. August 7, 18S3.Manager Howard:

The Times' editorial th's morning says it ais likely to weaken tbe to callout tbe railroad operators. To call themoat now would savor of compulsion; that itis clear they are not inolined to leave Ibeirinstruments. The New York Sun ear- -

"Tbe Brotherhood's action iu calling oat therailroad operators ia wroog and unjust. Tbefact that they have ordered them outamounts to a declaration that the telegraphstrike has tailed. somerville.


Serlooa Cbararea by Ibe Western Cnlon.New York, August 7. Tbe following has

jus', been issued:Executive Opyies

Westeb Union CoMfANV,HEW YORK, August 7, 1883.

It bas come to our knowledge that in con-

nection with the strike of the operators andlinemen an organised plan of cutting andcrossing the wires of the Western Union andoicer companies in new lore Vsiiy ana vicinity has been agreed upon ana is now bet- gearned oa'. In pursuance ol such planlarge numbrr of our wires have baen cut I

during the past week, and fifty-nin- e were cutlast night in JNew xots. and vicinity,-th-

work showing all tbe marks of having beendone br skilled hands. Ode thousand dollars reward will bs piid by this company forIbe arrest and conviction of each and everyperson willlully displaci nr. mpiring or destroking any part of Ihe company's telegraphlines or appurtenances.

THOS. r. ECKERT, Acting PresidentIn relation to the matter the officials of

the company say the cable box at the com-pany's quad was destroyed last n gut, and thecables cut; tnat twenty-tu- x out oi twenty-nin- e

Mutual Union wires were rendered useless at Scarsdale, and tbat tbe AmericanUnion and Atlantic and Pacific routes toBoston were lnterrup'ed with the evident intention of prevention Ihe iioaton papem fromgetiiDg lu 1 reports of the Sullivan-Slad- e

alt sir at Madison bquare Garden.Pa.s Bitrlsto at Clnelnnail.

Cincinnati, August 7. No strike amongrailroad operators on any roads leading intotbiscily reported up lo 1:00 o clock thisafarrnoos.

Oae--1 bird ol nt Pltlabnra;.PlTTSBUBO. August 7. Superintendent

Kinz. of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad,retorts at 2 o'clock that about one-lhi- rd ofthe operators working on the Pittsburg division quit work, and are now oul.

Nolnlnc Stew at Bt. l.onts.St. Louis, August 7. Nothing new lo

cally this morning reearding the telegraphers' strike. A t lz.i'j o'clock p.m. no withdrawals had been reported on tie IronMountain linen, and there were no indications of a strike.

(Superintendent Hammond, of tbe Gou'dsystem, reports tbat of the 227 operators on tbe iron iuounlain lines, coveringabout JU milas ot railroad, tne paltry number of fourteen abandoned their keys to dayunder the order cf Ihe Lrotherbocd. ibeirplaces were immediately filled, and trainsmoved and business progres4ed wiihout aparticle of delay or interruption. It is notthongbt tbat any more withdrawn Is will takeplace along tbe lioeot lot road.

talemrni of tt. and O. Oflleera.Baltimore, August 7. Tne "facials at

the main office ot tha Baltimore andUhio Telegraph Company make the fol- -

lomcg sla'emen': All tbe operatorsat Uamdeo button quit worknot ooe remained. Tbey bave hearJ fromnearly every station along the lioes of theroad,and tbe nnmbar of thoas striking an 1

leaving their posts doas not exeunt n.if adox;n, and tbeir places have b eo suppiiel.The strike a. Uitnden btsuoii, they say is notof a serioua nature, is lbs mainolhceat Bit-timore and Calvert streets can be used forall the work ef C tmden Station.

Hy mpal Is jr fur tbo striker.Chicago. August 7. Ths City Council

last night paesed a rnolation of sympalbywith the sir king telegraphtra, and boldiogthe strike should bs brought to an end speedily oi account ol tbe damage to business resulting from its continuance.

Jjater. irom the best advtcis appears that very few operators have leltthe employ of the Wab .sli, and Chicago aadAlton roads. It was expected the full effectof the strike would be lelt at nooa to-l- on.those roads, but, according to the version, tfthe cffitials io this city, not to exceed ten arereported to have quit their posts on baththese roads.

ajanaea fan Inconvenience.Richmond, August 7. Traa strike of oper- -

ratcrs on tbe Chesapeake and uj:orailwiycauses no mcinvenience to tne company,onlv a small proportion ol tbe men bavin;

. , . , , ,t w t. : ...QUll Worn. Ala VIICIHIIHB ww 11 mtoSulphur Springs remain at tbeir posts. Tbeplaces of tbe strikers between Charlottesvilleand wane outpour springs were easilyfilled.- - There was no interruption to tbemovement of train. Everything is workingsmoothly. None of tbe operators on theeastern division of tbe road left their places.The business of the Ws.ern Union c facesia moviBg along smoothly. Ooe operatorwho remained ii the omce a waek after tbeauike begun, and tben quit work, returned


aLoeotnotlve Engineers and Ihe Strikers.Cleveland, O., Augu'. 7. The Leader

rjnblisues an interview, in wnicb tr. Al. Arthur, chief ef the Brotherhood cf Locomo-tive Engineers, sarei "Oiir Brotherhood hasno connection with any other labor move-ment. We have paddled our canoe fortwenty years, and I hope we ihall alwayscontinue to do so. The statement that weare ready to strike wis made without authority, and has no foundation in fact. Wshave no grievance and no notion of quittingour postr. 11 tbe railroad operators shouldgo out, it would make no difference to us.Trains were run before the telegraph wasused aad, if necessary, it eould be doneagain. It there was Sanger of collision, orother accidents, the railroad authoritieswould not permit trains to ruo, hence itwould col be ntcessary for ns fo refuse to go.Knowing, as we do, that our employerswould not order os to do so, we are satia-ne-

with our own condition, and tbe strikes ofother organisations do not affect us. Greetpressure has been brought to bear to get osto connect ourselves wilb other labor organi-sations, but we bave alwaya refused lo haveanything todo with tbem, and therein lie.the secret of onr iikcs-.-"

Bargains toTravelersl'BDNKS, VALISES, ETC


SAMPLE-ROO- Mew Menken Block.melaavj isl.Xruvavt saaaaaia aaVs7Ati kl fi


Feabadv Holel.C B. GALLOWAY CO PacntirroBB.

Bates ST . 3 and II per (lay. according tosize and location of room.

Table Board po per month.T Slrk. Cincinnati L Cans, paNeely, Ky W B.sxi, Ark

BSettnger, Ark 8 J Ms-k- . CiotinnatlLesser, Ark ' W M Kcger. Ark

6013 Ian. Ark Geo Bent, ChicapoM Simpson. CiMinnatl Jnhn R.ple. Lonitvdie

Kapler, Ky M L&tker. Kaslivl lcH Muiford, NY C F FosytUe, NY

S Obear, NT AM Cinuingban!. Kyc Martin, Ky - E Edmond Aw M.-- j

Mullen, Grenada S Lawrence, MisiP McDonald, Ky EL Esp w. Icon

RevE Wicknd, Palestine M W Mill, WiH Noize, NO W M Clark, MusR Murray. St Louis S R Dixon. MoH Malk-ck- Ky W O Htmine way. Mo

H James, Ky BBC Foster, U-f-

Mew Clarendon Hotel.Rates ti, tl 50 and S3 per day. Sample rooms

commercial travelers n eroana uoor. Noelevation: no delay. Tardea always set.

L. 1. HUNT Masiexa.M .Vlexan-ier- Tex Mrs W Pierce Ad. Ohio

K Walker. Ky Wm w u aver. OhioE C aik, Ky L L Johnson. MissK Northern &w. Ark Mrs M J Wood, ArkM Mortidic, OhioA Wise, Ky Orvil Winston, Ky

A S Berry, Ky.

ssaaloa'a Hotel.European plan. Kuta.-ged- , and refurnished.

according to suo auu locatl-o- ol roorcs.W. H.BINiUAM M as assa.

IT Atkinson, Ark nil Martin. KyVilltrlm. Ky W L Howard. Aik

A Word, Ark Hugo Schiller, ArKC Jsmes, Ark J H Singleton, Inn Perry 4.1. o Miss Simpson. MissE Austin, Ark J L Miss

Ark T K Hoskins 41, ArkJ i.ea, Tenn Wm H Kirkwood, MoF Jordan, Miss R D Jones, ArkC Montgomery, Mis, K Martin. Mi s

P Anderson fci Ala T 1 cooper, Ala ThePtigett. N C Louis J Brooks, Tenn

W Tenn W J Gatten. TennH aobias, Ohio Geo C Wrgnt, fct. Louis

'lhos M Kemp, Miea.


Wheeling. Aneust 7. Niebt Eiverfeet 9 incbes.snd falling. Weather dear and warm

EvANtviLLE, Auffnst 7. Nicht River 100 feet, and stationary, n earner c ear ana cooi;

thermometer to so so- -.

Cincinnati. Aoeust 7 Night River 12feet 6 Inches, and ftllliic weather lair ana cooi

arrivals or deparures.St. Louis. Aucust 7. Night River fallen

lDi bes, and stands is leet it lucnes oy tne gauge.Weather clear and pleasant, ueparteu: araaiuu.City, Vickaburg.

New Orleans, August 7. Night Arrived: Annie P. Silver, St. Louis. She returns to-

morrow. The Gold-- Rule, liom Cincinnati, ladue morning.

Louisville. Au2ut 7. Niabt Tbe rivercontinues to fall, with 7 feet in the canal and 4 feet

the chute ou the tails. earner clear auupleasant. No arrivals or departures.

Cairo, Auguit 4. Nisht R:ver 21 feetinchea and fl;ing. Weather fair: thermometer

Td. Arrived: W. P. Halliday, New Oileauf, i p.rriDepartea: w. r. iiauiaay, es. ijouw, t p.ui.

VicKsmiRO. Autrust 7. Nisht Departed:warning, Cincinnati, 2 a.m.; Cilyof Providence,St Louis. 11 am.; Golden Rule. New Orleans, 5

m. Arrived: Cltvof :irn, St. Loui. 8 p.m.

BAtrrr wuscra.MENKEN BROTUEKS.Agts


MtaSLvery Coract is vrarraatt.d sat -- '

factory to its wearer in aver, ira,or tbe money wiil be rrms-te- i ftfco person Imm it sv4B bctw.' i

Th. ontv f Toreet br our leAiltnir steJlMftS,.at I.JurlAU. to li.o iiwi atinrHU ortlw - sjst ovnu'ortaljl. tuid peifccl rluing C"Mde,"

Y SUCKS, By 31 nil, fatalsviilUlPrraeryliBs)10.Akaamlaal (exiiaheeTy) S2--. anlasr. ItHraltb PeeterrtnB (Csw raaL'H e.09. l'srarr.

S1..Aafaa-M- Iv soamatc Kctatt lu.i ...jss.iiaMs sioitshyr CO..

yoTicE to contractors.NOTHJli

TO CONTRACTORS.Q EALKD proposals will be received at the offices? or tu Directors, Boom io. l, over rirat national Ranat,atuoxvule, ieon., nil in la

August 13, 1SS3,far the ereptinn of an Insave Asvlam for the Eastern Division of Tennessee, at Lyons View, nearEnoxvllle. For ana graaing; lor lay-ing about 1,00,000 brick ia cement and mortar, atm i - r ... i : 11 i it i vj u anui ..w.iwu uiius iullnsaand nndmorlar at S Der 1U00. TalckneceOf walls, 12 inches. 16 inches and 20 inches; wingsnt thn nuuaines tnree stones men. ana censerportion four storlei h gh. All ozpoted walls to beol pressed brick; Inside wallu to be (aod. Hardhrlr-k- .

Plana and specifications can be seen at the officeof the Directors on aud after Aoeust id, 1S83. or attho office ol W. H. Cusack, Arcbite-- t. Nashville,Teun. The Directors reserve the right to rejt :tanyoraiihiu.

'. C. FLANDKRa, Directors.C. POWELL, I

M. CaMPBlij,. Superintending Physician.

Notice to ContractorsOrncl or CHirr Ehgikieb

Boaan or s Leva. CoatanasioNEns, )CJEALSD l'ROPOAL9 will be received at thesJ7 ofloe oi the Heard of Mississippi Levee fcem-mUsionera, at (SilKESVlLLE, Waaalngtan county, Misa, np to z o ciock p.m..

Monday, September 3, 1333,for construct. nst and enUiylns tbe folloinKlevcoa. iajraeiin mommy, in cawso.

APPROXIMATK KSTIMATE3.AImtr RosetlAle(cul.v ffement trout

:op) o.dw coo. JtlMnCiri' en'atfrement.H....H.WMar r.ub. jJaChoctaw Ilet.a onUrKement m 2000 cab. jCrJklillci'4 Ceni enlr;eiDeai front

ftiop3..MM..n MM w hi.wj cuo. yaslaOnewcMxi new eTecM.......2U0.tJ cub. vdtBlow Ua Lomoncl toppuig ... 1,500 cab. yxU

PUns. pTO0!ei ftrni sneci flcatlorw of the abovework can be seen, and other information teat a

mar dtjsire. obt ined at tail office. Gc.odaad uaicient be rtquired for tbeproper eecuuen oi tne wars, aua naiacs oi eecu-rHi-

au ached to tbe biia. A forfeit oi 3 per cent,will be renal red.

Bids must be addressed to W. A. Evzhvajt, Sec-retary a: d Treasurer, aad indorsed " toConsLract LeTees."

Tbe right to rtject any and all bids will to re--eerrea.

Br order cf the Bard.



3 CONSTIPATION.Wo oiher is ro prevalent in thia ooan-i&- i

try OonHtipuou. mn& no remedy 3 everjMtiafsllad tbe celebrated Kidney Vs ort aa m

ctrrti. WnateTtar tno cause. However oMtiaitaitbs niK, thlB Tcaetl y ovorcomo it.

Qtt 0 ElfG TH1B tiistrcsaiiiij eoia-- lr 1 lltvlasnwj-- i plavint Is very ut to be!ooanTlioaVtatl riiooiajyiUori. Kidnarr-Wo- rt

tatrtaTllleras, tbo Tcr.kenetl parts tuad juialUrlSFcxjrm U kiixd of Piiea even wixea phyal-jia-

Aaa tc sXUCknoe uanve oe'.or tAaaieax.

a. tfTli ytm biave eitner cf thme tronble-- ius:E I Orutrzistt. ale!!,


$30,090 FOR $2


L- a

. - L.'E ' l ' '

In tbe City of laoalariiie. ouFBIDAT, AlGlSr 81.

Thtm Drawing oecnr on the lat day of eactmontii (SandaTi pxnepted). Kerttd adudioation by Federal and State Court bare placed tclCompany beyond tbe controTersy of the law. ToblafJompAny belong tbe sole toaor ot baTtna lu- -

osraraied tbe only plan by whtcb tbeir& prv'en nontai aou iwi cruai's vvkN.B. THE COKPANY HAS VOwVOZS iXiUJn


a Wria. Bin1 Prise - a9.31 fnis

10 Pna flOOO eah . ltMKilW Prlaaa too each.. ...... . lO.WCO

tral Prlaaa lOtleaCh 10.1

Ml Prlaan Meaoh 10.008630 Prise. 30 each 12,000

1X0 Pxtaea 10 each . 10,ta.APPBOXIBLATIOK. FBJZEa.

a Ma aauueach . Z.7C0

Prlaaa 300 each . - . 1.W0Priaes lOOoaca J0

1960 Prises I If air Tteket, al,

27 Tickets, bml Sioo.Bern it Money or Bank larart in lietier. orsnd ti

Exnre. DO.V'T PESO B 1 KE jlSTEREJs I.ETT tiOR Pfsa rOFFICE OED5R. Crdora of 8o and orsward, by Jtxpreat, can be sent at otr expect J.Address ail orders Is A at. BOABiM b', turffcIraimaa BnHdanc, Louis-vlile-

, Ken tacky, or !io.sat UasmaMS, aaaaasa. a anas. .




Hos. 310 and 312 Tront Street.


UNDER THE TELRACE,Finet E'taVi-hm.- in the U'li'ed StstM.


OXeTUIaY 1, 18S3, NOT

From Orajanization to that



d3 and 45 South Court



GENERAL FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS,Haaafaeiirora asoil nalet--a In E.tUraarcblletlural, farm sua llantallon Hsehioery Bpeelalllaa. WecarryltLargcsl

toe at of Engines and Uollera 10 Ihs loaotlar Hend far Special

ASDKEW BTEWiKT, New Orleans.



Wholesale Grocers. Cotton Factors,NO. 357 FRONT .STREET,



Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants,NEW ORLE1X8, L.OCISIANA.

mi i mraup r.n

Colton FaetorH &



fiieoiiane stpctt

andJSTo. 414: 52ain street,.- -

McCADDKSwlIl give 'Jolton Coatiamed and lato I sds.-l-P- a on Masa.-wa-

US K1FLKS ETCa. 1. vixnwa. i.


Guns, Bifles, AmmunitionXSD FiSHlXO TACkLt,

So. 315 Main Mreet, Bfeiapblr.largest ani best assortment in the eiiy.

THK trade snnpUrd at lowest prices



A la HAVANAliaQ.

Takes Place Satoriaj, Anr. 11, 1883.

Sets Sefceme, J.000 Tickets. Ml Frlaea.

Frlaio .810,000Wliailes, 93 iilen, 2.

LIST OF PRIZES:1 Capital Pr-s- . nc tat1 Capital Prisel capital rr so . .

S Grind Prixn. of 1300 eactGrand Fnatact IMtUitk..

20 Grand JO each. ie6 1 (irand Priaee of 10 ectt. ,sie

30 Grand of 5 each L1MATiOA

9 Prtacs of I OU each toflO.oou too

9 entes tli each approximate to tietJOs Prise 67S

2 rnte. oi t. 0 eaci ..ooroximaio bo th.V 0 Priie - MO

913 Prises IV. 8. Currency) . tJS.lSfull, oa the

arrival tne official lists from Havana, Cribs.Fur lull Information address Mtara IMtsa

CO.. General Arenta, Kew Haven. Conn or Ko.V ( iian wi t . ,



posed c: J. af . Hnodbar i. L. L:aa4- -bar and A. . laoodtaar. la thia dav d'.vaa'vcd kvuisiwuw. j. m. ts'UBia1. iipJL.nASL

July 2, a. B. GOOiiBAa.

WE. J. M. GOOUBaE and A. B GOODBAS, thla da botight ihe entire iuu-ros- t ol

L Goodbsr in a:l tne o'. eer? kind boloiigti to the late Drm of boodbu 4 Coiopany.includiuy bis prortia iiitcreat io all ibetrie late firm of J. W. L.n mr m t'n- - mud we asaurae all itabdiue aciinst ania-- r of a, id firms.ana iu continue tte nun uuuer lave aaanenr.a came ana style as beretr-.'ore-

From Kit date J. H. u- - rKltar and W. U Ciarkare aamittea to an iDtereai io r businesa.

i. M. OOOUEAR.Memphis, July 2. t. a. at. HOOUHn a.

EPKBRIN'J to tne notice of du.!u',k--11 1 c rclaily e- - v ra to mepatronage of my ft?i.i:. ad tue irarte cettt-raily-.

a. a v .




dies.1 at

TINWABE, aaypilsf

ERY, Latinits

: t Memphis Tenneaee,




FOR YOUR CIGAl.1tkiyCH or aeol inr WboLsaV Prica 1 -

Ja, Vlos-Pres- 't O. D. RA1NK, Bec'y.toA DISPUTE I TaOSSs

Date. Over IfalT a Million.No.


Ntreet, Momiilils, Tenn.

Iro n WorksF.


as4 Botlera, tim NeeondbaB

In tne MonihwealJEnema 'lreolar.-- M

AMDKKW I. UWTali, Ifcnaptala.


Wholesale Grocer

J. W. FUlnttlB

orntonbo.Memphis, tpw.

Cotton Factors,- Jleuiphli., Tennessee.

DRAtmu.The PutMieUree uetuacnrauut to nonet lie ana owe

enlarged ichemt lo bt drosns Monthly.

arClPITAL PKIZE, 7S.OVO.- -Tlekela only dlsarea In airoararllon.


Louisiana State Lottery Comp'yWtdn herriM eertifr that tse swierta! the arrnnoe- -

meu tor oil the omd irawtsso fAe Loaitiaao State IMlerf Cosipaav, and t per-to- n

manage and eonlrot the aVrtsrtno. Utessaelees, aasthai Hit aiaw are conducted vitk honattt, fatmem, anta food faith tomrrtt alt partut, and tse aatAortse the

Company loute ihtt etmticau, ru ol oarHgnahact aUached, ia Ut aattnuemcnu."

Cosatmlaslonera.Inmrnorated in lgcg for twenty-fiv- e years by the

Legislature lor Eiucaiional aud Charitable pur-poseswith a capital of 1,000.00 lo wailcra

fund of over 1660,000 bat since been aded.By an overwhelming popular vote iu rrancnisewas made a pan Die present State Constitutionadopted Decern oer A A.U. 187a.

The only Lottery ever toted ot aad indorsed et Mspeopte or any emit.

It a'aiss or Feoltn..I In sarana K 1 mm let-- atu tar Vranrlatra

taste plna--e ra.ainlr.a Uittfc. Eluilill UKAND DRAWlNaCLAIM II. AT KEW ORLEANS. TUESDAY,ABgasill, laas lnaiu Monthly urawiaj.


fEACTlOd, 11 rin ll.i. in ratruataiuji!i .tw i va-- r ataa, as.

1 Capital Prlt.... m.oxe1 capital rn aS.WO1 Capital Pnie 10.m1 Prise, of 12.000

Prise, of 10,00010 Fnae. of loOO Prise, of 600 11.01--

100 Prlaaa of 200. ... to.ouo3t Prizes ef 100..... iu.CbCeuOFrixaaof

liXju Priaes ol .. . ,0U0ArraoxiaaTioat raixas.

9 Approxlinatlon Prtata of S70U..... a.Tsof A pproxlmation Pliaes of 600 . t.vait Approttrn.ttlrm Priaes of 2jC

19f7 Pnaea. amounticr to ...t.s tooADClicaiion lor rate, to dub. should t

only to tbe office of tna Company la New Orle-ns- .

ror rnrtner information, write dearly, rivingfull address. Address P. (. Mouey Oroer or Belatere-- l !etu-rst- si.w uaii.a.--s a a its L

Alajsta", A'aar Orlasar, a.a. Cruinsry)e'.leni.y Mall or Expree. to set. a. aAIKietv Orleans, I.a., or M. a. 111

r7 letaikatr.ri, Wa-ito- lt . 1. 4JorBaas, a taaat rs.n aa . as st,a. a


ChelseaO. ltanHAl.T:tt a SOU,

Tavunera avnd Cnrriera.Highest Cash Paid tor H idea.

Atltnluiatrator'n .e(Ut3.r kTIERS of were this day

A--J s rail ted lo me upon ILe estate ol Wac W.

Moon, deceased, by ih-- s piob.te Court of nhelbycounty, leon. Muopai., Ataruat 1, lsis.

HAlias ar. awuiiwuBwiiPoMon A PtaHon, Aitoraej. .

SiJft-SS-S STraaat St., SSempliia, Tenn.


Cotton Factors, Commission fflerch'fo116 Hotith Ulaln troet, St.

Cotton Factors, Wholesale Grocersfrowt

P.M OADDBI & CO,Grocers

srp. hta pcraorrat attention ti all lo tha Arm,prer-ai-e- make bel






approximate thePrlte




I,!H-Uttoreoot- n









Br.lsT. 144 Kfaolaan ., Hew .Ht.'ililER BOARDING; Desirable Rooms. Mod-

erate chanrea, nnusually axckLLiNT TSBta.

Diversity of Virginiattns cm tne 1st or uctodct. aaa earn

ESSiC1 bk ' moniba Apply (or caiakataes totlnucsasnv Ne Faculty. P. O. UuivemiT ofSecretary rt v. county, Vlralnla.

Virginia, Albemirr Ctialrman of the r. u 4snrT SCHOOLMARY'S nnnla, aai Poplar sl JPv 1 for Toang I a.

Falect Boardlnc and Day or tne Hittersand Cblldren, nnder las Foas Nomberof

U.ra nf ih. FhltMinsI ChBT.?f Hue pa- -pa; lis umneuiouuo nuu,,r. iiiuhito Iwculy-flve- . Seven thoroughly k .h,naM, tiililnn In XM.

and Drawluc, and books. a)Mss te aw

in. For full lulormaiion, anpiy w


BEDFORD CO, VIRGlalA.Bora and Tonng Men. Preoana lor BnWneat.

Oolieveor University. Thoroughly and Ivaiidsame- -

lyeqllippeo. r u ll corps Ol iqrucon.healthy location, for latalutjuea. sdieat

v. K, a DlKl r. aseneru. w. f.

VIIIGINIAFemale Institute,

8TACSTO.V, VA.ra. .. - M. iiTIJAatr,

rrBK next sraslon of Nine Months open Septeber lain, wnn: ki. .nni-A-- p iui.viimTsrmi reswusu - j - - -

. nnn annlicalion to the Pn net pal.

NO I KK DA3E OF HAUILAMJ.rllealaia InH"" er Tttai IJsaiea.. .miSiHiSK

(rom Baiiltaore, Md. This lattl- -onductod by ihe Bisters ol NoU

THRk- -. rably lonated. 'ihe systaos ol

Dame, Is most . oesianco so ueveiop inaeducation pu'vuea . .ol powers ol the pupils.menial, moral ana pay -- sl rettuad tastraana

make them naf tu w M l&ra send for cal--cultivad mannera. For parlle. . . .alogue.

Mme.Fre din's French & Eny.

familt axd day school.15 Morris atr:et, Iden Park, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Fall term begins t.leisssr IVIta.Circulars sent on application.

Mieeandoan Academy, Wiackeater, YaXTINrrrEKNTHTEAai. Prepares for Cnlyartlty,IN Army. Navy or Baslntta. ,

J, la. Ii, MtilVJn, H.'slVHIT. a, 1.

DEW HI K DNOU COIaLCGEttiaaTBaao a.ts.i


FOR YOUNG LADIES. 1 FOR VOUNli MEN.Preparatory a Primary Preparatcry Business8cholt Inr Toung lrls i c ools lor Young Hoys.

FALL 1 KKaa urtfle bstid.."DUil net Courses of tlindyand Governtneoi. 1WP--arate Bulldixgs. One MansgemenC roe luu lu-

lormaiion addressRV. A. aa. J&LiIjX. u.u.t rresaaens,

New Winder, Md".

SlateFemale Colleoe,(lesDBhls, Will Sent. aa.

BERTHA K. GORDON. liieipai oi ins a

MliS Department, assisted by MlsalataraWite. These ladles are graduates of one of

the bo t Normal acnooia oi new ion. uuaienrdanca with tbe most approved modern

methods. All depsrtmenla satisfactorily Bltoa.amnio .mnmmodatlont for boarding. LooaUonnnaurpassed for health or beauty. For further In-

formation apply 10 ..asxas an. Km. " - -


ON BIOS U AY, SEPT. 3, !!i'lnaalcal, HeleatlAe,

CtMaimerclal, I'reparatory,And Primary Corses. .

For Board, Tuition, Mnslc. ete.. addreiaBROl HKft MAtlKEUIAIS,

Hur.tsville Female Seminary,IIUSTSTILLK, ALABAMA.

rTTHIS Bcbool for Yonnf LadlesJ. aftordt In Ic4on: ,n c".,?In Its freedom from misns,. s" .to maiarlona districts, in its taor..ui(U.,--and la the emctenoy of iu teachers. Tha nextaeaaloa begins Monaay, .tvr""""parUcuars apply to i. H. 1.ECKBY. PrtnoipaL

DK. WAlf ITS SEMiar ABY,aw TEai m.

The lanrost school for' ilrls in the "" anmoat complete In IU ureas, iaail- -. M 5fand I reneb V - ---

naaltailoni mMtTlmfra.Meinlis buhdlnasand bwation; In lu aciiva, l?!2i iS.sectarian Idea.; most .Die and a -- L,nhteacnlng loroe. pupils tuu yea . ---VsM.r hsaV Meat year. Bea.a. . Ivor sietvCatalogue, address la. W. K.

Washington and XeoUNIVJSK8ITY,

laHXINOTOiV,RUCTION in tbe usual acedamle stadlesP8T in lb. profeauonal Kboola ol Law aal

Engineering. Location healthful: expeuaas mod-erate. Next session opens Kept, atuiis. foroau-- .

siogue address "Clerk of tbe Faculty."

rUUHaosfU MH0I,, Balllmoro..Id. BOARDINU and DAY BUHOObi luun,

LADllUand L'HILDRKW. The twenty-flnr- t Schoolyearbtgina Thursday, September JOlh. CJrcnlaissent on application to the Principal. '

Mho. H. tr. LrSSVSSi w. ra..M w..

Hnltlaaora. asrt. MLfrao Institute, 4ML Venion Place. HrcayBardiBand Day Mhoollor Young ladies. Founded lbo9 Mrs. si. J.JttMEi aud Mr.. M AIT LAND, assisted bT,blnProfessnrm, Beanllluily allualed, IrouUiif wmk- -luKloo Monument rlquar- -. Langtusl'a' PncuwITtaught. Circulars on application.

aUedloaU I3ora,artaxa,aaa.'orraa


MW OBLKtSSJis the only institution ol tbe kind In Utr.THIS HUsor. in which all ths students sro

taught dally br ths pr feasors at TBS anwiaa ol:tbe sick In U.e wtrdiof a lanre boapitaL Th.Charity Uusplial 700 beds, aud rooslvas.annually mol. than Six Thousand Pattella. FoiCircularaddrwt T. H. RICHARU-O- M P.. Dean.

Union Female College,, mtn.

23th Tear Begins Tneoovv, sept. 4, 188.TARETadeslrinesuperioradraotaaiaa for tbelt

caushtrrs In one ot tha moat euliurad com- -

munltlea and hallhle-.- t locallues In tbe rtotitu, atvaar aaaaosaai--t aaTsa, will tend for Catlot salto I. S. HOWARD. Pnwt

UOKU'riMl'!l G'OLLEUatJ,VEOaurroWaT, KKSTtTf'MT,Cincinnati Southern B.R Located la ia.ON and beanUlul " Bio. Grass " region

of Kentucky. 66thaeaaloa opens September I, lags.Instruction In all branches of a eoiteaje education.Experienoed Profesaora. Thadcgrae. oi no., a...and A.M. conferred, useful oouras ior toosocan spend only one or two years in college. Teraaalow for the advantages orreruo. ror uiaaofaalaunniara. anurias aariv ia

K. M. ULlJl.f!.T,

CECILIAM MALE COLLEGE.Board, etc., per BO weeks, only a)ios. Jot

caulogue. address H. a. t ill-- . Ceeiilan, ay


Kit ItVPa A IHmiN HI. FtniDUT.A adi. wia-aa- a i tsnrifl hiioia

open on Ihurs-laj- , u, ism. awara, luiison,tie., two per annum. Por particular, addressPaxaivtsT oaoaaaroww olltbb D. C.

THK kCHOaL r MKUIt lSIB open, onMonday, napt. 4. Terms tor use inn coatsof Le tune. tiOO. Address J W II. LovBJOt,M.D.. Ditao. SOD 12th t . N. W.. Waahinttuo. D. C.

TaaK lll f Lt opens on Tboraday.Oct. 4. lass, course of tiuoiea etu.-nae- ana f --

arraat-ed. Paealty: Hon. is. T. Mernck, ifoa.Jure M. Wilson, Judge W. A. KichaMsoB (U. a.Court of Claims), Marllo P. Morris, LL.U. and J.J. Darlington, PV. c. W. MormaB, LL.D..Dean. Terms, lav per annum. Address Han'tM. YgATMAB. Eaq.. Secretary, UJb S. X. tTSUIM.N. W., Washington. D C.

H'AVti:LtY (ESIIXAKT,157 rmt ml, at. . Wasklail.., a. V.

EDJNG and Day Bcbool fir Teang Ladis'.BOA oorDtol profeaawn and teaebwa. Thot.ough luatrucuun lu maineroatiuai, literary ao4ornameiitai department., and In lb. languagaa.Climate especially suite l tosoaiaeru ana nostansnn-.l- .s tali opeoa HttbUsmber 2U1SI. J Ofcatal'-gu-- apply to Miss LiracotiB. PriaoipaL



Sext Seasioa Opens September Z7, 1883.


Mat lal aindenls.sPKW TO BOTH 8 EX Ed ALIKE

Th. Cbeape-i- t Coivertity In this country.All thai DeDtrt-na-U- are lu tuci-eaa!- operailoa.

Law. Lurrv, HV ienuac and Preparatory Depart-aaen- u

conducted a. beielof'-ra- .

Fur CaIaI'jcu-.- . free, an1 informalloo, apply I

Seneral A. P. btbwabv, cbauoellor.lapeciai ludncauirtiu ti rw to young aaoa an--

nomaua poor and itch alia..11. M. 8CLUVAM.

Oweury Board of Trustee..


all.. Marx Maid n In, rnnelasal.SEPTEMBER sra CLOSES JCST K, 18k'.OPKJH lu lu looUoo: la It, tHiildlna.

and grounda; In its generai app iuuaents andaauilary ananrematiui: iu full corps of wiper letand experieooed teachers: lu ouR.aiad advai.l-atn- n

Music, Modern Langoaces, Elocution, III. .aria prtyaiisal cuiltire aud instruct kin io tbeT baorr aua Pi actios of uaeaoeora.ful .Juris tnada to hcatllb, comfort and k.piaaa; iu oppoaltaoa lo extravagsfsro; iu stasd-a-- a

ri aoi id scitoUrablD. Por lull lauiacuiar. atlatll