Media image analysis

This image of the band blink- 182 has quite high key lighting on their face, this could be linked with the band’s humorous persona suggesting that the image has a light hearted feel towards it. The band is giving direct address to the audience, therefore establishing a connection and making the image more personal to the audience. One of the main leads (Mark Hoppus) is situated in the centre of the image inbetween the drummer (Travis Barker) and the other lead singer (Tom Delonge) this could be to certify his leadership of the group and as they are all situated shoulder to shoulder it suggests a sense of unity between the band, however as Mark is positioned lower down, it could either identify him as possibly being of less importance than the other two members of the band or to identify him as the lead and most identifiable and personality of the group. The facial expressions of Travis Barker and Tom Delonge are quite serious; with Tom’s face angled downwards this could be to make him appear more menacing linking towards their maturation in their music. Tom’s hair covers half of his face which creates of mystery for the audience about his mysterious identity. Travis, who is situated on the far left, has a piercing on his lip which is a typical connotation of the rock genre, with the tattoos on his neck on show the audience can identify him as being a part of the rock genre. Mark who is situated in the centre is baring his teeth to the camera making him appear quite wild and almost animalistic, identifying the band as a part of their genre.

Transcript of Media image analysis

Page 1: Media image analysis

This image of the band blink-182 has quite high key lighting on their face, this could be linked with the band’s humorous persona suggesting that the image has a light hearted feel towards it. The band is giving direct address to the audience, therefore establishing a connection and making the image more personal to the audience. One of the main leads (Mark Hoppus) is situated in the centre of the image inbetween the drummer (Travis Barker) and the other lead singer (Tom Delonge) this could be to certify his leadership of the group and as they are all situated shoulder to shoulder it suggests a sense of unity between the band, however

as Mark is positioned lower down, it could either identify him as possibly being of less importance than the other two members of the band or to identify him as the lead and most identifiable and personality of the group. The facial expressions of Travis Barker and Tom Delonge are quite serious; with Tom’s face angled downwards this could be to make him appear more menacing linking towards their maturation in their music. Tom’s hair covers half of his face which creates of mystery for the audience about his mysterious identity. Travis, who is situated on the far left, has a piercing on his lip which is a typical connotation of the rock genre, with the tattoos on his neck on show the audience can identify him as being a part of the rock genre. Mark who is situated in the centre is baring his teeth to the camera making him appear quite wild and almost animalistic, identifying the band as a part of their genre.

This image of the Alternative band Green day contains high key lighting this could be to reflect their personalities as being a light-hearted and humorous band and therefore create a binary opposition towards their more serious music. The lead singer Billie Joe Armstrong is positioned in the centre of the image making him the main primary focus, but as he is angled away from the camera this could identify his personality as being quite rebellious against conforming with a more typical front facing posture. He has his middle

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finger up at the camera which also helps to identify his personality as rebellious which identifies their alternative genre, typically being non-conformist and rebellious against society. All of the band members are giving direct address towards the camera creating a more personal feel towards the audience and therefore making the band more identifiable. The band members are wearing clothes predominately black, black is typically associated with the rock genre, creating a dark and mysterious feel to band and their image.

This image of The Bloodhound Gang features high key lighting this could be used to reflect and be identifiable with their music which often has humorous and tongue in cheek lyrics. There is a ring of spotlight on them as a group, this helps to make the band the main focal point of the image as all attention is drawn towards them and could also suggest that they are well known and highly identifiable in the ‘spotlight’. The band members are all wearing black and white suits, this could be to create the idea of maturity and masculinity; however they’re all wearing converse, this contrasts with their more mature image which suggests that underneath their exterior they’re still a immature and tongue in cheek. They are all giving the camera direct address, creating a personal feel to the image and therefore creating a connection with the audience. The main lead of the group is positioned in the centre of the image this is to make him the main focal image and he is stood with his legs spread wide apart which could link with the fact that the band has branched out towards different genres.

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This image of Lana del Rey features high key lighting this is to show her image as good natured and quite innocent as she often sings about love and relationships. She is pictured holding her national flag behind her, this shows her as patriotic and that her country is a high influence in her music and life. She has classical 50’s style hair, suggesting that she and her music is timeless and so therefore relatable to many people, she is wearing a black high neck jumper, black is again a classical and timeless colour which again identifies her and her music as being timeless and constantly relatable. She seems to be looking ‘over’ the audience as though something else has her attention therefore creating the idea that she is distant, with a little of her face hidden away from view, this could suggest that she’s quite private about her life, however her music reflects her personality.

Page 4: Media image analysis

This image of the Kaiser Chiefs features high key lighting on all their faces, which could symbolise the nature and themes of their music which is often humorous with satirical images. The high key lighting also makes the band’s image appear more personal and so therefore more relatable to the target audience. The main lead singer is situated in the centre of the five piece, and is giving direct address towards the audience, this therefore connects the band with the audience. The lead singer is wearing a shirt with a tie, however his outfit is informal which could suggest that they often mock more serious type people, his hair is unkempt and messy and he’s leaning forwards towards the camera. There is symmetry in the image with two band members wearing sunglasses, suggesting unity within the band. Two band members are wearing check shirts, which is casual clothing and makes them all look like ordinary men.